#sour tour outfits
oliviarodrigostan · 2 years
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amarawisbey · 29 days
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im so curious what about the new 1989 costumes makes you hate them???
they're ugly 😂
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bouyantblog · 2 months
Olivia Rodrigo Outfit Inspo
If you were lucky enough to get tickets you’ll have to start thinking about your concert outfit! Whether it's something simple or loud you need to go all out for something as important as this!
You could go for a pleated skirt from her SOUR Tour paired with either a T-shirt from her tour merch or a baby tee with a snarky quote (bonus points if it’s an Olivia Rodrigo quote!
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 Or you could wear a sparkly two-piece or bodysuit for something more festive and loud! If all fails look for something sparkly, something purple or something cute! 
By: Soya (all photos are from Pinterest)
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shopkillerlookz · 9 months
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Logical Inspired Outfits 🤍 from killerlookz.com
Goodluck on your GUTS tour tickets!!
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littlefreak63 · 1 year
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It's been a year since sour tour has started.... WE NEED NEW MUSIC MS.OLIVIA
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myfictionaldreams · 8 months
Day 12: Orgasm Delay/Denial - Lloyd Hansen
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Summary: He was a maniac. All it took was one guy to look at you for a second too long and now you’re being mercifully edged with no joy in sight
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, dubious content, misogynistic, controlling behaviour, violence, coercion, possessive/obsessive, Stockholm syndrome!, manipulation, sex toys (nipple suckers, rabbit vibrator, wand vibrator, anal plug), overstimulation, dacryphilia, restraints, masturbation, degradation, squirting, orgasm delay/denial, pain/pleasure - lol get ready for this one
masterlist 📚 
kinktober masterlist😈 
AO3 Link 
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Lloyd was pissed off. More than pissed off, he was livid if the vein bulging in his temple was a sign to go by. He was near psychotic, unreasonable, verging on masochistic, and he enjoyed every single second, even though he had thoroughly ruined date night.
It was a beautiful evening that you would remember for years to come. What had made it even better was the elated, joyous mood Lloyd had been in at the start of the date. To begin with, he surprised you with an eye-watering expensive dress that exposed a lot of your skin but extenuate it to perfect. Next, he took his personal helicopter to tour around the city, watching the sunset with his arm tightly wrapped around your waist, delicate kisses along your bare shoulder as he whispered words of affirmation into the shell of your ear.
To finish the perfect date, he found a beautiful bar that overlooked the city as it came to life overnight. The most expensive wine was ordered as he looked at no one but you. His thick fingers would gently caress your thighs along your delicate shoulders and discuss how your lives had changed for the better over the last few years. You were in love, and evidently, so was he.
Of course, all nice things come to an end when Lloyd is involved. Some days, he would be obsessively infatuated with you, the sweetest man you’d ever met, better than anyone you’d ever been with. Then there was the side of Lloyd that you still loved, but it was sadistic, crazed and unpredictable. Maybe you were just as psychotic as him for loving this side of him, but it did make you feel well protected, even if his methods were extreme.
Lloyd made the mistake of taking his eyes off you as he dared to look over your shoulder at the man staring up and down at your outfit.
“Why is he looking at you like that?” Lloyd's voice was chipper despite his eyes blazing with venom towards the stranger. Turning your head in the man's direction, you watched as he quickly looked away towards the city, having obviously been staring at you and now been caught.
Shivering at the uncomfortable feeling of someone looking at you, you turned back to Lloyd whilst shrugging your shoulders, attempting to move on. “I don't know. Anyway, you were talking about Italy. When can we go?”
Something ticks in his tense jaw, the only signal that something had switched in him. The blue of his eyes darkened as he lowered his face to harden his gaze. Lloyd just fixes his stare on the man and doesn’t look away for even a second, not even to blink, as he lets go of your body to clench his fists.
“Why the fuck is he looking at my girl?” Even though Lloyd's words were possessive and sour, his face displayed a shit-eating grin as he absolutely loved the thrill of his aggression.
Still attempting to hold onto hope that the date wouldn’t be ruined, you gently cupped his cheeks and turned his head to face you, but his eyes still looked towards the offending stranger. “Lloyd, please don’t do this; we were having such a nice night. Come on, let’s return to the hotel and have some drinks.” Your fingers gently brushed against his shaved cheeks, grazing over the edge of his moustache, hoping the touch would be comforting.
Finally, after a couple of seconds of anticipation, Lloyd flicked his eyes to you, the gaze softening only fractionally as he exclaimed, “Why the fuck would we do that when we are just about to have so much fun here”.
Without another word, he stands and straightens his maroon-coloured polo shirt and begins to walk away from your table. All hope you’d been holding on to was lost, knowing there was nothing you could do as all hell broke loose.
Somehow, as his hands had been off you, he’d been able to call for help on his phone under the table, so the next moment, the rooftop was covered with Llloyds men, weapons in hand and causing chaos.
As per Lloyds protection and instructions, you were swiftly moved out of the restaurant and into a black SUV to wait in anticipation for whatever mood Lloyd would be returning in. Looking out the window, you admired the peace and calm of the street, not a single person in sight, compared to the horrors that were probably occurring all those floors up with Lloyd and his team. The food you’d eaten seemed to be sitting uncomfortably in your stomach, skin crawling with nerves that wouldn’t settle as time slowly ticked by.
This wasn’t the first time your boyfriend had done something like this, but it all stemmed from one past mistake. Lloyd was always quick to react, eliminating people just because he could, but after too many people had been killed because they had talked or even looked at you, you demanded that he not do it for you anymore; you couldn’t take the guilt. Then, the next time you were out, a guy came over to you in a club to chat you up as Lloyd went to the toilet. He later informed you that he’d noticed the guy staring but was trying to stick to his promise not to kill everyone he thought necessary. This was the one time you needed him, though, as the guy didn’t take no for an answer and had grabbed your arm to the point of bruising, calling you a slut and saying you were going to do whatever he wanted. Thankfully, this was when your boyfriend returned with a sadistic grin and lethal weapons that eradicated the horrible man. Since then, he had sworn to continue his protection plan; as fucked up and deranged as it was, he hated people looking at what was his.
The driver clambering into the car was the first thing to snap you out of your daydream. Next was Lloyd, who climbed in next to you, casual as ever, even though his expensive clothes and handsome face were coated in sprays of blood. “Back to the hotel, please, Michael”, came his surprisingly calm voice.
After your brief look over for any injuries, you don’t look back at Lloyd, instead opting to look out of the window so you don’t have to look at all the blood that covered him. However, you could still smell the distinct metallic scent wafting in the air and the burning through the back of your head as Lloyd’s eyes stared at you.
“Oh, so what? You’re annoyed at me now? I just killed that guy for you, Sunshine, you can’t go ignoring me”.
You don’t say anything as he continues to goad and ridicule you for ignoring him until he grips your cheeks with his blood-stained hands and forces your face towards him. “I have given you everything, Pumpkin. You can’t ignore me now. Only I’m allowed to look at you; do I make myself clear? That asshole had it coming to him. You’re mine, understand? You just make me do crazy things sometimes. Now come here, kiss me; we were having such a nice date before he interrupted us”.
You wanted to shout at him, tell him how manipulative he was being, something that he was trying to improve for your sake, but you knew he was in a headspace that shouldn’t be pushed anymore. Pouting your lips, you closed your eyes to try and forget that he was covered in blood as he leaned in and surprised even himself with how gently his lips pressed against yours.
Sitting back to look at your mouth, Lloyd frowned, “you’re angry at me”, he stated, an obvious fact. You didn’t answer but continued to look at him with an emotionless expression. The muscular thug shrugged and leaned in again for a firmer kiss, but this time, it was interrupted by the clink and coolness around your wrist as he attached a handcuff to your wrist that had been resting in your lap.
“Lloyd? What the fuck are you doing? Take this off of me”, you demand with a frown, pulling on the metal cuff, knowing that it wasn’t going to go off, and this one simple move from your boyfriend determined how the rest of the night would go. His large hand cupped around yours, lifting your fingers to his lips, then nuzzling it into his cheek, the coolness of the handcuff biting into his skin and smearing the blood further.
“You know how I get when I’m in one of these moods”, he says so softly it has your heart cracking to move closer to him but soon snapping out of it when you remember your current predicament. Your heart began to beat faster with the inclining of fear that now pulsed through you, mixed with the excitement pooling in your core.
You knew what he was referring to. When he was in these possessive moods, he liked to remind you that you were his in every way possible. So you didn’t fight him and allowed him to cuff your other wrist, and then both waited patiently for the remainder of the drive to finish.
Lloyd carried you over his broad shoulder once back to the hotel. Not one of the staff stopped him, even though he and the rest of the crew were covered in drying blood. In the safety of the elevator, it was only the two of you as the box ascended to the highest floor. Kicking your feet slightly, you reminded him, “I can walk, you know. You don’t have to make me look like a victim with me thrown over your shoulder”.
Lloyd could hear the jest in your tone, so the spank to your arse only caused you to jump slightly; it didn’t hurt at all. His expensive shoes clicked on the marble floor as you both arrived at your penthouse room, lavish and costly and entirely a way for him to show off further to you.
He walked straight to the bedroom, dropping you inelegantly onto the bouncing mattress. Looking down at your once beautiful dress, you felt disheartened to see it was now stained with blood from the now presumed dead man. Due to your wrists still being cuffed, you had to lie back rather than rest on your elbows, so Lloywd had to crawl over you, hovering close as he asked slowly, “Are you going to be good for me? Do everything that I tell you without fighting?”
Your eyes flicked from his perfect lips, specifically his moustache that had always been your favourite, up to his bemused crystal-blue eyes. “Of course”, you answered sweetly, trying to butter him up with the hopes that he wouldn’t be as mean as you knew he was planning to be. Nodding his head and causing the longer hair on the top of his head to fall into his face, he moved you further up the bed, removing the handcuff from one wrist but only so he could attach it to either side of the bed posts.
After that, both of your feet were naked as he removed your stilettos, and then your ankles were strapped to the opposite corners until you were starfished in the middle of the plush sheets. Next, he's waving his trusty knife up for you to see before he teased it along your collarbone and nicked the top of your dress between your breasts.
With a simple grip of his hands, the beautiful dress tore into two pieces until you were left in just your black lacy lingerie. This wasn’t even saved as he cut off your underwear entirely, and the chill of the air caused a deep shiver to purr through your body.
Lloyd admired the way your nipples hardened under his gaze, but he didn’t stay for long as he began to walk away into where you remembered the bathroom to be. You’re cold without his burning gaze, and the anticipation was killing you, especially as you knew how long this night was going to be, just wanting it to start already so he could finally touch you, even though it wasn’t going to be all positive.
When the heavy footsteps returned, you were half asleep, head dozing and eyes shut. Your arms, shoulders and legs were beginning to ache from being held in the same position; even though you were unsure of the time, it felt to have been nearing half an hour. Blinking your eyes, you found your boyfriend standing at the base of the bed. Thankfully, having showered all the blood away, he now stood in only a towel. You watched a specific drip of water fall from the wet strands on the top of his head, drip onto his muscular shoulder, down his peck, over the well-defined abs and absorbed into his towel.
Licking your lips, you wish you could have trailed the path of the water with your tongue. However, all thoughts disappeared from your mind as Lloyd removed his towel, standing there proud and arrogant in al all his glory.
This horny hunger again disintegrated from your thoughts as you watched him walk to a black bag that was resting on the floor next to the wall. Your mouth dried, pulling with desperation on the restraints to see if they could come free, not that there was anywhere for you to go, but this was the thing you’d been dreading and hoping maybe luck was on your side, and Lloyd wouldn’t go through with it.
The bag was nicknamed his ‘best friend’. It had everything he could possibly need to torment and tease you into submission. Everywhere he travelled, that bag came, just in case, he would say to force fear into your heart. Tonight was going to be a long night indeed.
Returning to the bed, he had an assortment of sex toys. Every single one was enough to pleasure you to the point of orgasm, so to have them all for him to use was your worst nightmare. There was one thing that Lloyd was: a tease, loving nothing more than pleasuring you to that beautiful peak, just to allow it to flutter away without any fulfilment. Sometimes he liked to edge you with his cock, fingers or mouth and then, others, he would choose from his bag of goodies. It was his ultimate show of control, to not only know your body as well as he does but to be able only to allow you to cum whenever he wanted.
“Lloyd, please, can we do something else? I just want to cuddle with my baby.” You tried to put on a sickly sweet voice to convince him otherwise, but he ignored you, organising the toys on the sheets between your legs.
His eyes lit up as he decided what he would start with first. Crawling up your body, he avoided looking into your eyes as he zoned in on your still-perked nipples. Without so much as a warning, he’s licking and sucking one of your nipples into his warm mouth. Your head fell back onto the pillow as you moaned lowly at the gentle touch.
However, you yelped as your nipple was vacuumed into the nipple sucker, one of the toys he’d found in his bag. Looking down your body, you could see your nipple and part of your areoles were puffy and sucked into the pump, which was transparent and had a purple bulb at the top to press to increase the suction. Lloyd repeated this with the other nipple until both were contained and sucked into the toys; any little movement, including breathing, sent deep pulses of tingles between your legs, verging on painful with how powerful the toys were.
“Perfect! What next? Um, oh yes, this will be great”. Lloyd was muttering to himself as he contemplated what to play with next and decided on the small vibrating butt plug, lubing the tip before moving it towards your hole.
With your nipples constantly stimulated, you were keening towards the plug, relaxing your body and blowing out air through your mouth to prepare yourself. You’d had this pretty pink plug many times before, and it was so small that it didn’t cause discomfort as he slowly pushed it in, stretching your asshole until it reached the plug's base until it slipped right in.
It didn’t help when he wiggled the toy until it was comfortable and deep within your ass. You were trying not to react, knowing what was to come would be so significantly more intense that you needed to save your energy.
Another purple device was waved at you from where he sat between your legs, still naked and cock standing proud between his legs but going neglected as he continued to place toys throughout your body. The purple toy he had now was one of your favourites, a rabbit vibrator.
Two of his thick fingers were suddenly poking at your folds, parting them to find your entrance and discovering the wetness that had gathered there.
“Oh naughty girl”, he grins, and then just as slowly as with the plug, he pushed the length of the rabbit vibrator into your cunt until the little ears of the device rested against your clit.
With one last look up to your face, Lloyd turned the rabbit to its gentlest setting so you could feel the rotation of the length within and the vibrations against your throbbing clit. He then turned on the vibrating plug, which was shifting inside you due to the rabbit vibrator. Both of these toys, along with your nipples being sucked on, had your entire body warming, no longer chilled from being naked.
Lloyd admires you briefly, from how your breath continued to hitch, the shiver that would burst through you every few seconds, to the apparent display of arousal on your face. He was mesmerised, and his pulsing cock began to ache from being ignored for all of this time, so he quickly moved to straddle your waist.
You stared at his big frame from the toned thighs that held his body above your middle, up over his hips and well-defined abs. He was a handsome artwork that you could happily stare at all day. Lloyd knew this. He knew just how much you were attracted to him, just as he was to you, so he added this to his torment. With his eyes only on you, he began to cup his balls, squeezing them before slowly running his gripped hand up and down his shaft.
You couldn’t help the moan from tumbling out of your trembling lips at seeing him pleasure himself, especially as you knew he was this turned on because he was looking down at you. You had to watch and not touch even though this was all you wanted to do right now was feel his velvety shaft, play with his balls and taste his salty juices.
His scent came over you, a mix of his fresh body wash and the undertone of his cock that additionally was your downfall as you lifted your head to try and get closer to him, but he just adjusted his position so that your mouth couldn't reach. 
“Lloyd, please!” you finally succumb to your little whimpers and beg for him to move forward, needing to taste him to please him and yourself.
“Whattttt?” he says sarcastically, smiling down evilly at you whilst continuing to squeeze his cock and thrust into his hips, which only caused his beautiful body to become more defined in its sculpture.
Your mouth was salivating to have a taste of him, and the deep vibrations between your legs were driving you slowly insane, already feeling like you were approaching the orgasm you knew Lloyd wouldn’t allow you to have.
“Please, Lloyd”.
He lowered his body slightly so you could feel the hair covering his thighs and arse on your stomach. “What do you want? Tell me Pumpkin. What do you want from me? Because I’ve just killed a guy for you, and so far, all I’ve got from you is being ignored and disrespected, so whatever it is that you want, I don’t really think you deserve it”. He then boasted about his pleasure but gently thrust into his hand repeatedly, making sure to caress the head of his cock with his rough fingers.
You were rolling your hips in time with his like it was his cock that was slowly pulsing inside of your cunt, even though the rabbit was smaller than his girth. “Please, Lloyd, let me suck you off!”
“Hmm, no”, he declared dramatically before leaning back and turning up the rabbit vibrator so that it was both moving inside of you faster and vibrating more intensely. Your moans increase with more volume as your head falls back onto the pillow once more as you try and keep yourself grounded, even though it was becoming increasingly more difficult as you couldn't even rub your legs together for comfort.
As your wet cunt walls tighten with your arousal and impending orgasm, the toy begins to slip out. Your boyfriend notices, but only because your whimpers become more desperate. Pushing the device back in, he holds it there as he continues to jerk himself off.
It seemed he was closer than you were because just as you were about to declare how close you were, he was cumming, thick white streaks of seed spurting out of his cock and over your chest. You watch, mesmerised by his groans, almost pornographic movements of his hips thrust forward, and eyes rolling with pleasure.
This was the exact moment where your body began to buck and clench in preparation to orgasm; just a couple more seconds, and you’d find some relief. However, as you began to shift, your handcuffs rattled, and Lloyd returned to the moment. The rabbit dildo was suddenly removed from your pussy which was left to pulse, and the orgasm disappeared without finding its peak.
“No! Lloyd, please, let me cum, I’ll do anything, please!” Your begs were ignored by the man now waving the wet sex toy around in the air, giving it an obscene lick to taste your juices.
“Taste so fucking good when you're turned on like this Sunshine”, Lloyd declared before scooping up some of his cum from your chest and smearing it on your cheek in a degrading way. “There’s no way you’re cumming tonight, Princess. You don’t deserve it, I’m afraid”.
The nipple suckers and butt plug remained in place, but due to the edging process, they were never enough to bring you completely over the edge; they just continued to keep you highly aroused. Lloyd decided to try and different method, wanting to be close to the action as he led on his stomach between your legs and began to finger fuck you with his long fingers, curling right into your gummy walls.
Each time you were edged, he moved on to a different method. The time following his fingers, his mouth then circled your clit, sucking and flicking, his moustache adding extra stimulation until you were close to tears. Each time he edged you, it took less time to get you to the point of euphoria. Your clit was throbbing and swollen to the point it was nearly painful, and your burning hole from all of the stimulation, your labia puffy from being spread so many times. The tops of your thighs and sheets beneath were drenched with all of your juices seeping out; even your asshole was feeling sensitive with the plug still within, but the batteries had thankfully died a while back to give you some relief.
Until Lloyd realised this and reinserted the rabbit vibrator again, turning it on and finding a vibrating wand that was powerful enough on its own, let alone with all the other toys. For a brief second, you contemplated shouting your safe word as the wand pressed on your already overstimulated clit. You were crying, pleading until your throat ached to cum.
On the other hand, Lloyd was having a great time, seeing just how far he could take this before you truly broke. “Maybe I should have kept him alone, brought him back here with us just to show you off a bit. Let him sit back and watch how I get to decide when you’re orgasming because you’re mind, isn’t that right, princess?”
“Yes! I belong to you and only you, please, Lloyd I can’t keep going; I need to cum!”
Just as his plump mouth opens, probably to degrade you a bit more, his phone begins to buzz. You assume he would have ignored it, but he does the opposite, “You’ve got to be quiet for me, Sunshine”. He keeps the vibrator held onto your clit, but with the other hand, he slides across the screen and puts the call onto speaker, then rests the phone on your stomach.
“Hello?” he answers obnoxiously, turning up the control on the vibrator.
“Lloyd? You there? It sounds like you’re near construction. Do you want me to call you back?” came the unrecognisable voice on the other end of the call.
“No, sorry, just a little busy, but I can talk. What’s up?”
You had to hold your breath to try and not make any moaning or crying noises. It was an effort to stop from cumming, let alone not wither around and cause his phone to fall off. Everything was becoming entirely too overwhelming for you, and just as you were about to whisper your safe word, the phone call ended.
“Aww, Princess are you crying? Do you wanna cum that bad? You do look a little sore, and you were so good for me on the phone”. You couldn’t form any words, so you nodded hard enough to become dizzy, needing that orgasm more than air right now. “Ok, you can orgasm for me, honey”. The vibrator presses harder against your body as hearing those magic words; you were pretty sure you would have came even without the stimulation.
Your entire body tensed as you finally orgasmed. Your wrists and ankles ached from being pulled on so tightly, your abdomen muscles were hurting from the amount of tensing and your nipples and between your legs were burning and throbbing with how overstimulated they all were. You orgasmed so hard that you were sure you blacked out for a couple of seconds as squirt sprayed Lloyd’s chest.
The pulsing of your cunt didn’t stop even as your orgasm began to subside. Lloyd couldn’t take his eyes off of your pussy, even as he began to remove all of the toys. Eventually, he had to, though, as he needed to inspect that there wasn’t any lasting damage, trying to determine what kind of aftercare you needed.
Your nipples were permanently plumped and a darker shade from being sucked on for so long, and you needed some sort of cream between your legs. As well as the rest of your body that needed a warm bath to help your muscles not hurt as much tomorrow and clean the juices away.
Even though you were half-conscious, you were aware that you’d be untied and were currently being carried somewhere else, but you didn’t care, only just managing to calm your shakes enough that you were trembling slightly instead.
Lloyd tried to calm you down the only way he knew best: condescension and gaslighting.
“Aww, Sunshine, you did so well for me. I guess I couldn’t really blame that guy for staring at you. You looked so beautiful tonight; maybe I should have been flattered instead to have a girl like you on my arm”.
You couldn’t answer, mainly because the thought of trying to think of a coherent sentence seemed like a mammoth task, so you just stayed quiet, clinging to his neck as your life depended on it. Your boyfriend stepped the two of you into the deep bathtub before filling it with warm water that lapped at your body, convincing it to relax.
Finally, you felt defeated, and even Lloyd didn’t have any words to say as you cuddled in the water. “I love you”, you say, meaning in completely because despite how fucked up he was, he was still yours.
“I love you too, Sunshine”.
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posionhaze · 2 months
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❥ summary: having to work with an old flame doesn’t exactly go to plan
pairing: finnick odair x fem! victor reader
warnings: brief mentions of prostitution | dark themes | slight toxic-obsessive behavior | some fluff!!
genre: I don’t even know
❥ words: 2k
please read at the end of the fic for more information 🫶
It hadn’t always been so tense between you and Finnick.
You were friends before his games- and before yours. You would have been the youngest victor, just a year younger than him- but of course he got to it first.
After he came back he was different, you expected that- but he had put up a front.
He had never told you what actually happened. What happened with Snow. You found out later- you witnessed it.
With that being said, you were reaped. Mags and Finnick himself mentored you.
Finnick never told you but he wished that you would’ve died in that arena. He knew your fate would be the same as his. Even at the age of 15 during your games, he knew.
He knew how sick Snow was.
You had made it out, purely based on hiding and stealth. You did it.
It took days, 28 to be exact.
They both thought you would’ve died off either by starvation or hypothermia.
You didn’t- you almost did.
You could recall the snow surrounding you, really almost choking you.
The arena was an iceland- cold and white, nothing to it.
You remember after your victory tour Snow wanted to meet with you.
You wished you had died in that arena.
Finnick remembers when you came back to the victors village- you hadn’t spoken to him or even looked at him.
That day you were never the same- like someone took your soul, and in a sense- Snow did. He did much more than that.
Three years passed, you and Finnick had brief interactions when needed.
He was the Capitols Darling and you the Capitols Doll.
Your eyes widened- why was Finnick here?
You were at a Capitol clients party as his side piece for the night- rather his doll. He was actually a regular, he wasn’t that bad considering the extent of the situation.
You didn’t understand why Finnick was there, he could only have been invited by your client…
“Oh! And I’m sure you know Y/n!” Your client says with a wide smile, arm wrapped around your waist.
You were wearing an extremely uncomfortable dress, not that it was bulky or unnecessary- no it was quite the opposite.
Thin and revealing, a baby pink mixed with seafoam green, clients request.
Finnick had a lady at his side, wearing an equally revealing and stupid outfit.
“Of course..she’s a doll..” Finnick replies with his charming grin- you knew it was simply an act. He reaches for your hand, pressing a kiss to it.
You saw the flash of realization in his eyes- you both had the same fate, the one he tried to hide you from.
You give him a sweet smile, letting out a giggle at his words, “You flatter me Finnick!”. Those words never felt more sour coming out of your mouth.
After that night you both grew close again.
You were often in his arms at night, both wanting a sense of normalcy, just for a few hours.
And for a bit it did feel normal, and at some point it felt real.
It was real, you both loved each other. You couldn’t pinpoint when it had happened but you guys ended up in something more than a friendship but never said it out loud.
Now of course you couldn’t tell anyone- not even Mags.
But somehow Snow found out, you weren’t sure how but he did.
Two years of peace disturbed.
Now you figured Snow had only talked to you- only threatened you.
He would’ve killed Finnick if you didn’t comply.
You begged him not to hurt Finnick. For Finnick you sacrificed what was left of you.
When you had gotten back to victor's village, you had ended it with Finnick. That day you broke his heart. Yours was already broken by Snow- much of you was.
You and Finnick stopped talking. Well you did, he didn’t stop.
He was insufferable, petty, pathetic but most of all someone you still loved.
That’s what you hated. That you couldn’t move on.
So it was a year of no contact for you, not playing into whatever game he was playing.
Not until the 73rd hunger games. Yourself 21, Finnick 22.
You both were chosen to mentor district 4. You didn’t know why- well you had a guess.
You and Finnick had two great tributes, a boy named Bay and a girl named Alana.
Bay was shy, a soft spoken teenager who just wanted to go home- while Alana knew what she was up against, she was more insightful- observant.
Alana and Bay knew each other, not very well but close enough to not hate each other.
“Y’know..you can’t spend all this time ignoring me, doll” Finnick says, looking at you from across the table.
It was the second day at the penthouse, you hadn’t spoken to Finnick since the reaping or during the train ride, you didn’t bother.
“Yes I can” You state simply, briefly glancing up at his beautiful sea green eyes. But you quickly avert your eyes, suddenly taking an interest in the glass of scotch you had been “nursing”.
“Really now?” He says with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, “And do you think that’s how an actual conversation works?” His voice is still playful, but he can’t help his curiosity.
Why were you ignoring his presence, why was it so easy for you to do after everything?
You wish you could tell him, let him in again, but you couldn’t. It would have pushed you over the edge, the one you were so close to falling off of.
It was painful having to keep up your capitol act, but you had to. Over and over again, night after night, party after party.
It was that- or have Finnick killed.
“Yeah- I do” You say with a tight lipped smile, focusing on the ice slowly melting in the liquor you barely touched.
“Y/n, you can at least attempt to hide the disdain, the fake smile, and the eyes that are screaming to run straight for the hills.”
Finnick can’t help but notice how you seem to act as if you never loved him, never cared. In that moment his face softens, a rare sight.
“Oh and, let’s not forget the drinks you hardly drink!” He teases a bit, leaning back in his seat. There was the Finnick you knew- the one who would pick and prod until nothing was left.
“You are such a pain” You say with a roll of your eyes, fighting back the urge to punch him in the face- really you would never do that, but it would feel nice to, at least in this moment.
“Yeah well it’s my speciality!” He smiles, leaning over the table as he takes the glass out of your hand- he finishes what is left in one gulp, putting the glass down before leaning back in the chair.
He’s still looking at you, clearly amused by how you act- you can’t help but wonder if it all is an act.
“Will you stop staring?” You grumble out, irritation clear on your face and tone.
“Only when you look at me.” He replies, leaning on his elbows, propping his chin up on fist.
He’s staring you down, he wants that reaction. It’ll tell him everything he needs to know.
And eventually you look at him, your eyes look dull and tired. Your mouth is a straight line.
You notice how his smile has disappeared- he studies you closely, like you did all those years ago- wondering what’s actually behind your eyes.
For the first time in a while you take in his features, his golden-bronze hair, and those sea green eyes.
Oh how you love those eyes.
You let out an awkward cough, breaking eye contact after a moment, “Bay and Alana seem good..I think Alana has a good chance of making it out..” You say, trying to distract Finnick.
“You think so?” Finnick says almost in a hum of approval, a smirk etched on his face.
Your distraction was futile, Finnick is stubborn- he’d get the truth out of you tonight.
He nods, “Bay, I can tell he’s a sweetie, a quiet one- but I think he’ll surprise us. Alanna though! Oh I’m putting my money on her- we’ll see her in that arena.” Finnick takes his eyes off of you for a moment, “You should help them with the training more, doll.”
“Stop Finnick- stop whatever it is you’re doing” You say, the tone of his voice- it disgusted you.
That look, his tone, why does he keep using it on you?
“Aw am I hurting your feelings? I’m so very sorry, doll.” There’s that damn smirk again, how did he not see the look on your face.
It was as if he was teasing you, enjoying the slight torture he was bringing on.
“I just want you to tell me those secrets you’ve been hiding..”
Your eyes flick up to meet his, “Drop it Finnick”
“No.” He replies, his voice sharp and stern- he wasn’t going to let you brush him off.
He reaches for your hand, your skin so soft under his fingers, your hand so perfect under his.
He brings it up to his mouth, and kisses one of your knuckles, “Just talk to me…please…”
But you could still feel his smirk.
You’re quick to pull your hand from his grasp, a sick feeling forming in your stomach.
“I’m going to sleep” You mutter out, leaving your seat and the table, going to your room in the penthouse.
“Damn it..” He mumbles, leaning back into his chair.
He couldn’t leave it alone, he just couldn’t.
He wouldn’t let himself rest either, getting up and walking towards your room- he knew you wouldn’t appreciate it.
He stands outside your door for a minute, trying to gather his thoughts.
Before eventually opening the door and inviting himself in.
“Go away Finnick..” You mutter out, not even having to turn and look to see who it is.
“No.” He says in a stern voice, but there’s hesitation in it.
“I’m not leaving until we talk.” His voice softens as he takes a step forward, “Doll, don’t do this…”
“Finnick..” You say, pausing momentarily. Maybe it was time to let him in again?
“I can’t- I can’t do this right now..” You finish.
“Do what, Y/n?” He steps forward again, closing the distance between you and him- his hands rest on the sides of your hips, chest against your back.
You can feel his breath against your neck, your muscles tense up but he just waits for your reply.
“Just talk to me, please. Let me in, doll.”
“Snow had found out about us..” You say blankly, “He talked to me, threatened your life..he didn’t want us together..because we were so- so useful to him..”
“I didn’t want to hurt you, I thought it would be better to just end it” You add on.
Your words didn’t come to a surprise, he knew Snow would find out eventually.
He’s silent for a moment, before his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you close against him- he doesn’t care how tired you are.
You could feel the anger and rage building inside of him, towards Snow.
Finnick moves you in his arms, kissing your forehead before looking right in your eyes, “I still don’t understand why you never just talked to me about it…”
“I was scared he’d do something to you Finn..” You mutter out softly.
“I’m not that fragile, doll.” His lips brush against your temple, he can tell that you’re tired.
“I would’ve been fine, you know that right…”
You honestly didn’t know what to say, what could you?
“I’m sorry Finnick- I’m tired..I- I need sleep..” You say, pulling away from him. You wouldn’t let yourself go back, why wouldn’t you?
“This isn’t a good time....” You add on, averting your eyes again from him.
His grip tightens on your hips slightly- he can tell you’re pulling away from him yet again- and it’s driving him mad.
You’re refusing to let him in completely, refusing to let him love you.
“And I’m telling you- we’ll talk about this now.” He’s persistent, unwilling to be denied.
“Finnick..we’ll talk after the games, after this is done” You say, voice soft yet stern.
Your eyes meet his, both of you don’t say anything for a moment.
❥ notes: hi!! so this is my first fic on this blog- I want to say I’ve written fan fiction before, so I’m not new- but I’m not the greatest either! I’m new to the hg fandom, so bear with me if my work isn’t accurate or the best! I will be making a masterlist of who I will write for soon!!
❥ uploads certainly won’t be frequent or consistent- I’m sorry to say. I do have an old blog, which I won’t be mentioning. that blog negatively impacted my mental health so I wanted a fresh start with a new fandom and blog :))
❥ once again- I am new so sorry if this isn’t accurate or not the best!! I’d love for any comments or suggestions! I was scared to post this, mostly because of backlash but I hope this was good!! ☺️
second part
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cindylcuwho · 2 months
“someone to kiss ★ “
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— ꒰ 🍒 𝗌𝗎𝗆𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗒 ꒱ 𝖺𝗍 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝖽𝗎𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗒/𝗇𝗌 𝗍𝗈𝗎𝗋, 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝖺 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾𝗌 𝖺 ’𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌 𝖼𝖺𝗆’ 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗐𝗁𝗈𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗈 𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌. 𝖽𝗎𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖫.𝖠. 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗁𝗈𝗐𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋, 𝗒/𝗇 𝗌𝖺𝗒𝗌 𝖺 𝗍𝖾𝖺𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗃𝗈𝗄𝖾 𝖽𝗂𝗋𝖾𝖼𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗈𝗐𝖺𝗋𝖽𝗌 𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝖻𝗈𝗒𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖼𝗋𝗈𝗐𝖽.
— ꒰ 🐁 𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌 ꒱ mentions of kissing / a short makeout session, 𝗉𝗅𝖺𝗒𝖿𝗎𝗅 𝗍𝖾𝖺𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝖾𝗌𝗍𝖺𝖻𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗁𝖾𝖽 𝗋𝖾𝗅𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉, 𝖻𝖺𝗌𝖾𝖽 𝗈𝖿𝖿 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌 𝖼𝖺𝗆 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗀𝗎𝗍𝗌 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝗅𝖽 𝗍𝗈𝗎𝗋, 𝖼𝗋𝗈𝗐𝖽 𝖼𝗁𝖾𝖾𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝖺 𝗅𝗈𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖼𝗎𝗍𝖾𝗇𝖾𝗌𝗌 ! 995 words.
— ꒰ 🗯️ 𝗆𝖺𝖽𝖽𝗌 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾 ꒱ yk i had to make this a fic after seeing a clips of olivia saying “wish i had someone to kiss rn” & “i love kissing” like cmon
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you took a breath, trying to calm down from the long rush of hyperness of jumping all around the stage, “how we feelin’ tonight, L.A?” you yelled in her mic. the large arena crowd cheered back at your voice, a mix of consistent nonsensical yells and sobs soured the air as you skipped down the platform, stopping mid-way in the middle.
you held a huge smile at their reactions, running a hand through your now newly-tangled hair, “i had such a good feeling about tonight’s crowd– you guys are so loud!” you congratulated. the crowd let out another loud cheer as the singer still soaked it all in.
“so, i don’t know if you know this,” you began, your eyes scanned through the sea of people in the crowd as you talked. “but as the tour progressed and we fot a little sillier, we’ve kind of made a little tradition..”
you walked further down the stage, tapping a playful finger against your chin, “hm,” you continued tapping your chin, eyes landing on the the section her friends were found in, “you know, L.A, i kinda wish i had someone to kiss right now..”
the crowd burst out in screams at your playful words. whilst giggling at the reaction, you finally locked eyes with the only person you truly cared about impressing.
matt was wearing a green top with sweats, pairing it with a cheetah print beanie. he wasn’t trying to hide himself, in fact he indulged in your crazy lifestyle even if it meant knowing such an intimate moment is on display for thousands of others.
just as you brought the microphone back up to you lipstick covered lips the crowd began cheering again, excited for whatever you were about to say. the huge projection screen behind your backside showed people from the crowd as the people holding cameras searched for fans willing to comply with the bit.
you gave a quick explanation for what they were doing, saying that there was a thought that it’d be fun to include a ‘kiss cam’ for the crowd – the people working the cameras soon landed on an innocent couple.
“kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!” you chanted into the mic, the crowd copying you. the guy grabbed his girlfriend but the cheek, pulling her in for a long passionate kiss that was displayed on the screen.
you gasped along with the crowd with a faux shock and continued to happily skipping around the stage. when the couple was finally done and pulled away with red lips, the cameras were back on you, showing the way your overly hyper body moved. “i love kissing.” you sighed out the confession, leaning your head back in the air.
the crowd was still letting out loud cheers for your words as you left to the backstage to change into the last outfit of the night.
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“thank you guys so much for coming, hope you had a wonderful night, i love you!” you ran backstage when she finished, in the need of an urgent shower and comfier clothes.
you could hear almost all the muffled noises of people talking as you carefully stepped out the shower, throwing on the black matching freshlove set.
there was a knock on the door, but just basing on how soft it it wasn’t hard to tell who it was. “come in!” you called out, running a brush through her wet hair.
the door swung up, revealing matt standing there with a wired up smile and his beanie held in his hands to let his messy hair hang loose. “hey.” he whispered. he admired you from the mirror, watching how delicately you dealt with yourself.
“hi.” you giggled, making eye contact with him. you turned from your reflection once you were done, giving matt the signal to approach you.
his hands squeezed against your hips as you hanged onto him by his neck, your own hands playing with the backing of the horse necklace he was wearing.
he kissed all over your face, whispering praises about how well you did tonight, saying he and every one of your friends that attended loved every second and couldn’t take their eyes off you, specifically him though.
“matt, stop stalling!” you whined. matt avoided placing his lips against yours, instead choosing to kiss the outer corners of them instead.
“why?” he cocked his head to the side, “still wishin’ you someone to kiss, pretty girl?” he questioned, knowing the answer. his voice sounded like verbal candy, the words were sweet but the raspiness in his tone made it sound venomous.
you let out a small 'mhm' staring at his lips before he finally gave in, wetting them before leaning in to sync with yours. the kiss was sweet, you could taste the faint memory of his root beer that still lingered throughout his mouth.
matts tongue kindly licked against your bottom lip, asking for access into your mouth that he was always given. you sighed on his lips, not wanting this feeling of ecstasy to end.
but with your luck, the sweet-almost-turned-hot moment was cut off by a knock on the door. "hey, we wanna get some panda express so hurry up." the voice belonged to matts older triplet brother, nick.
you could feel matts eyelashes move against your eyelids as he rolled his eyes, breaking the kiss to quietly groan.
“you ready?” you could hear him say, but you were too focused on how his lips already looked sore from your playful biting. your thumb pulled on the skin, bringing it down before letting go and letting it plop back in its original position.
“yeah.” you whisper. matt leaned his head down, giving you one last kiss, before walking out the door with your hands interlocked.
“so.. did you find someone to kiss yet?” nick joked with a scoff as he watched you walk out with his brother, making matt roll his eyes for the millionth time that week.
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— ꒰ 🗯️ 𝗆𝖺𝖽𝖽𝗌 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾 pt 2 ꒱ calling nick “matts older triplet brother” is crazy i don’t wanna do it again
— ꒰ ☀️ 𝗍𝖺𝗀𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍 ꒱ @mattscoquette , @itzdarling , @freshloveee
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sweetstars-posts · 3 months
matt sturniolo x fem!singer!reader
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(lowercase intended!)
summary — matt, chris, and nick go see you perform for your second tour!
the triplets being excited to see you preform was an understatement. they have been your best friends since you were little. you and matt got together around 2 years ago
they saw you preform for your first tour, sour, but the guts tour is bigger and better.
you have recently released your second studio album , GUTS , and now you were on tour.
the triplets took their spot at the end of the pit in a small secluded area, but still that people could see.
the moment the guts intro showed up on the big background screen, the crowd went wild.
there you were, center stage. white sparkly two piece set, with a little skirt, and your signature black doc marten’s.
nick was recording everything, ready to make a wednesday vlog, his obnoxious voice screaming along in the back.
chris was jumping up and down, waving his arm like a lunatic.
matt. he was mesmerized.
he was holding his cup between his teeth while taking pictures of you.
throughout every song, every outfit change, every short little speech you had, matt was there smiling through his teeth and taking it all in.
you jumped, you sang, you beamed with sunshine.
the stage was yours
it was now the last song, GET HIM BACK.
the show ended after around an hour and 40 minutes. the triplets were waiting backstage for you.
you ran out from backstage. you were wearing sparkly little shorts, a white tank top with a red bralette underneath, some star tights, and the doc martens.
matt engulfed you in a big tight hug.
you standing on your tip toes, arms around his neck. his arms were placed around your waist tightly. you guys stood there, rocking side to side.
“you did awesome, y/n/n” matt’s voice was muffled by your hair.
nick was cheering and ripped you away from matt.
“it was so good, like you literally stole the crowd!!” nick stated hugging her.
chris was holding the camera, so he couldn’t do much.
“it was great y/n!” chris cheered along with nick.
*y/n posted on instagram*
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A/N — the matt holding the cup between his teeth was heavily based on louis at olivias concert 🤞🤞
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ink4blotches · 1 year
Pavitr x reader angst please 🙏🙏
Everyone Loves Heroes(Pavitr Prabhakar x Reader)
I gotchu anon ;))
Got a little confused halfway with this one, so it's a bit confusing to read but bear with me because it's 1am and I'm running on Coca Cola and sour straws :D
Synopsis/Feels: Basically Y/N is this worlds Gwen Stacey, famous for a bit at the end because idk, imagine that press scene from ITSV when MJ was talking to the city after Blond Peter died, reader dies(obv), angst y ag but that's what they wanted, reader is a girl, yeah yeah you get it.
Word Ct.: 885
It was just a normal day. Fighting thugs, feeding stray dogs, eating vada pav, hanging out with the rare, the elusive, the literally famous, singer Y/N Singh, yknow. The norm for Spider-Man: India.
Everything was going normally. A little boring, but normally. Nobody was in a huge amount of danger, and Y/N had worn a lovely outfit, which showed she was in a good mood.
He wanted to spend the entire day with her, to not leave her side. But alas, his duties as Spider-Man prevented him from doing so.
He should've been more careful. He should've stopped and wondered why his Spidey-Sense had been going crazy all day.
But no, he made what seemed to be a tiny mistake leaving her alone.
5 hours later, he's saving a bus from falling off the bridge connecting two cities, after it unfortunately collapsed. Struggling and he can only balance one thing, since even Spider-Man can't balance a bus with one hand.
He thought everyone had gotten away. That everyone on the bridge was safe.
"Hey, look out!"
That's when his heart absolutely shattered. He'd recognize that voice from a billion miles away. It was Y/N Singh. HIS Y/N Singh.
And she was there.
He could barely keep the bus up as he tried desperately to get a look at where his love was.
"It's okay...here, I'll carry you." He watched helplessly, his arms aching from holding a bus up alone, and his eyes stinging from the wind blowing through his cracked lens.
As Y/N grabbed the kid's hand, she seemed to notice the same thing Pav did.
She didn't have enough time to carry that kid away.
So she turned, giving Pavitr a quick glance. And despite not knowing the Spider hero, she put her faith in him to save the kid.
And so, a split second before the bridge collapsed, Y/N Singh tossed the kid, then falling the the streets below.
And Pav was helpless to do anything.
Pavitr tapped one of the microphones once, then a second time, causing the feedback to ring throughout the ginormous speakers set up around town hall.
"Sorry- I've never done anything like this before. And I don't have anything prepared to say..." Pav trails off, glancing at all of the cameras and eyes on him.
Mumbattan had just lost it's most beloved singer, who was well known to be dating Pavitr Prabhakar. It was an absolute bomb dropped on the poor city.
So right now, they needed someone to tell them it was gonna be okay. That, with time, everything would go back to normal. And they would rely on her boyfriend to tell them that.
But alas, Pavitr had also lost a piece of himself. He wanted to go home and cry, maybe even beat himself up for failing to save her.
The only reason he's here is because Gayatri and Inspector Singh expressly asked him to be. So he took a big breath before just...speaking his mind.
"I'll be honest. Y/N and I have been dating for 4 years, as most of you know. And in those 4 years, I found myself more than I had in my entire life before I knew her. I was lucky to know her on such a personal level, and it's...hard. Knowing she's gone. At times she would go on tour for months, but I knew she'd be back. Now...she's gone. Forever." Pavitr paused, sniffing in to stop his nose from running.
"Y/N was an amazing person. She was an inspiration to many, a light in the darkness to some, a friend to all, as well as a daughter to Mr.Singh, and sister to Gayatri Singh. And, at the end of her life, she was a hero.."
Pav thought for a moment. He shouldn't say the next part, he really shouldn't.
But he did.
"But she was also my girlfriend. And I hate that the world took her away from me so soon. As much as it pains me to say it, I can't lie. I hate that she had to be the hero that saved that boy. We all love heroes, and we're all sad when they pass away. And that sadness passes in a few weeks for most. But to me, Gayatri, and Inspector Singh, we can't just turn off the channel and pretend it didn't happen."
Pav knew he should've just stopped there, and everyone else did too.
But in a way he was talking to Y/N as well, hoping that his message would get to her no matter where she was.
"In the end, everyone loves heroes. Until they're the people close to them. Then it's a completely different story."
Pav knew he was condescending himself. He knew he wasn't making any sense. He saw poor Gayatri burst into tears less than 10 feet away from him.
But he had to keep going.
"I just wish Y/N could've been selfish for once in her life. Prioritized herself over a kid she didn't even know so she could stay with me. But she couldn't. It wasn't like her."
Pav took a deep breath, leaning closer into the microphone for his final word.
"And that's what I loved about her."
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oliviarodrigostan · 2 years
sour tour outfits via livieshq on insta💜
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brittle-doughie · 1 year
What if a Y/N cookie who are famous decides to take a tour to take a few days off, this place is very special for them since it was there where they grew up but before leaving Y/N decide to take a cookie with them to accompany them (any cookie you choose) and make a Video Vlog together with that cookie showing nature and its typical foods from that place but also doing dumb things in the video laughing together.
This of course will make the other cookies feel jealous but once Y/N arrive at their house they promise to take them to visit too.
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From Afar
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You thought it was no big deal when you decided to let Chocolate Bonbon Cookie come with you on this vacation to your former childhood home, it was the least you could do after she spent the last couple months working hard on your outfits. She swears that your patronage was just fine, but you insisted after all her work for you.
Catching you off guard was her arriving in her A.C.I.D. outfit, something that she catches onto and reiterates that she wouldn’t normally wear this to outings, but since this was a special occasion (and you called her pretty in it before) she’ll wear it to this occasion!
So here was the two of you at the Dessert Paradise Resort, you took care of everything for the two of you. Bonbon did try to chip in often, but you’ve stopped her each time. She’s helped you, so now it was your turn to help out a lovely lady like her. She couldn’t help but get all red with your compliments, of which she returned with kisses on the cheek.
You took a lot of photos of your travels across your former home with her, some including Bonbon being physically affectionate with you like hugging your side or resting her head on your shoulder. There’s even a video vlog of the two of you together, having a nice time at a outside bar, sharing drinks together. The juice did make Bonbon a little bold, she couldn’t keep her hands off of you as she giggled. You chuckled with her as she went for a kiss on your cheek!
When you returned home, you uploaded some of your photographed memories of the vacation to your Creamstagram, the reception being positive with commentators happy for the both of you having a good vacation together.
Some comments did have some objections, you could probably tell who some of them were.
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Croissant got paranoid when she sees how affectionate Bonbon was with you in these photos/blog, you had to handle messages from her often. Reassuring her that Bonbon didn’t mean anything by it, she was just an affectionate cookie with you. Croissant buys it, but has you promise to take her next time!
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Sour Belt you knew would be the comment section, she feels her relationship with you is threatened with all these photos! If you wanted outfits, you could’ve came to her and she would’ve totally worked on them for you! She doesn’t blame you, Bonbon probably wooed you over with her classical outfits. So be it, two can play at that game!
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You could practically feel Lime pouting at the screen with her comment. Yeah, these photos and video were nice and all, but wouldn’t they have been better if you brought along her and Orange? You would definitely have a lot more fun at the resort if you brought them along, no offense to Bonbon though!
You had to reply to these envious cookies that you’ll take them on the next trip! In DMs, of course. You didn’t want another war in the comment section.
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scrfiice · 3 months
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HANDWRITTEN CONFESSIONS is the third mini album by the band BONES&ALL, released by MyDol Entertainment on March 14th, 2024. The album consists of six tracks all written and produced by the members themselves. They would go to promote the title track "Love Bug" for a month and a half, performing on music shows as well as doing sets in bars and in small venues.
Love Bug would win two music show awards and sell over 50,000 copies, a new record for the group. Due to the success of the release, it was announced the group would be going on a tour of Asia.
𖥻 𓂃 ࣪˖ 𖦹 ۫     TRACKLIST.
𖥻 𓂃 ࣪˖ 𖦹 ۫     OUTFITS.
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𖥻 𓂃 ࣪˖ 𖦹 ۫     EXTRAS.
You know...it couldve been worse!
Music-wise, they were stars! radio waves could not get away from Love Bug or Sour Face, which were the most streamed songs on the album. public opinion wise? rough.
Twitter was a battleground. Instagram was a hellscape. YouTube comment sections were raided. constellations, Venus stans, would not let this group breathe. luckily, most of the harassment stayed online and nothing happened at their shows.
Speaking of shows! There were a lof of familiar faces in the crowd! Venus members Jung Yoonah, Chloe Lee, Klara Blix, Lunarix members Taerin, Evie, Yoomi, Siyeon, Twilight members Sammy, Ambrose, Doha, and London would be regular faces in the crowd, leading to a lot of viral interactions.
VIRAL MOMENT #OO1: "My son is here!" Jiho shouts from his drum set with a beaming smile, pointing a drumstick into the crowd. "That's my kid!" Jiho shouts again as the camera whips to get Sammy in frame, the boy laughing behind his palm as he lifts his hand to wave. The crowd cheers for the Cicada interaction, causing Sammy to make a heart with his arms, making the crowd cheer.
VIRAL MOMENT #OO2: "I wrote this song for my girlfriend...My...Love bug-" Roxie interrupts Juwon with a loud "Boo!" causing him and the crowd burst out laughing. The camera pans to the right to reveal a laughing Yoonah.
VIRAL MOMENT #OO3: "Does that sign say mother?" Cherry laughs into her microphone during the performance of Cologne. The clip cuts before the sign is revealed but the sign on neon pink poster board did, in fact, say MOTHER CHERRY on it.
The outfits were very debatable on Twitter, mainly because the guys were really coordinating while the girls were wearing clothes.
"I look like a grandma, oh my goddd—" Roxie could be heard complaining in the background of a vlog that went viral among fans.
Despite having one of the closer relationships in the group, Juwon and Wei seemed distant from each other in this era. In fact, Wei seemed very withdrawn even when interacting with other members.
The group's overall vibe seemed more distant that usual, but since there was no major fallout, fans dismissed the claims and actively fight with anyone who would assume the group were having issues.
It wasn't awful—it could've been better—but it wasn't horrible, and that was enough for them!
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taeminsung · 2 years
pairing: jeongin x reader
summary: a grumpy jeongin misses you while on tour, and cannot be bothered to smile until him members give a much needed distraction.
a/n: my dear anon - thank you for your request! please enjoy ♡  
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Jeongin knew, he really knew, he shouldn’t be in the mood that he was in, yet here he was, tired, annoyed, and grumpy. Touring and seeing Stay was supposed to make him happy, but the thought of having to go do a rehearsal caused a quick sharp intake of breath, followed by a very long exhale that he knew attracted the attention of at least two of his hyungs. He felt bad but didn’t know what to do. Letting his head drop back to the back of the couch, he pulled out his phone again, scrolling through his various apps before opening his notes app to continue working on the lyrics he started the last time he saw you.
Thumbs hovered over the keys as his thoughts drifted back to that day. He promised you a day filled with fun before you had to leave again, but instead the two of you ended up in the studio for hours on end so that he could record the guides for the new comeback songs. Those hours turned into you quietly sleeping on Chan’s couch, not only breaking Jeongin’s heart but also inspiring him to write a new song. He rarely got time with you due to the distance of your relationship, and he hated that after traveling all the way to him, he had to work for most of it. If he was truly honest with him, that day was the beginning of the decline in his mood as he quickly turned around to go on tour.
Rehearsals started before he could get any lyrics written, souring his attitude a bit more. He again knew it was himself that he was frustrated with and not anyone else, but when he saw Changbin and Han messing around, something in him snapped, and the scoff was heard around the empty stadium. All eyes turned to him, and he simply turned and moved to get into position for the next song, trying his best to ignore the stares and whispers of concern around him. Rolling his eyes, he mentally started counting the hours until Chan cornered him into talking about what was going on with him. His fingers moved slowly to his neck, where the necklace you gifted him laid. He just wanted to talk with you before he said something to his members that he really didn’t mean.
Time passed quickly backstage and with only an hour left before the concert, Jeongin tried calling you repeatedly since you weren’t picking up. After the fourth or fifth time, he gave up tossing his phone on the couch, moving to get changed. However, he didn’t miss the way that a staff member said something low to Minho, who quickly moved to whisper something to Felix. The actions rubbed him the wrong way as he assumed they were talking about him and his actions. With a huff he left the room to get changed into his first outfit and hopefully calm down before touching the stage, as he didn’t want Stay to see him like this. His thoughts drifted back to your warm smile and the way you giggled and hide behind him whenever the boys poked fun at the two of you. He desperately missed your smile today.
Entering the room again, he noted the way that every single member stopped talking as soon as he was in view. Snatching up his phone, he again tried phoning you and was only met with the sound of your voice on your message system. Intently listening to the entire thing just to hear your lovely voice, he quietly left a message, I miss you… a lot today, before hanging up and turning to see Hyunjin and Minho close by getting hyped up to get on stage. With one last longing stare at his phone, hoping to see your name light up the screen, he allowed himself to turn to his members and begin to get in the right head space for the show. Throughout the show, he found his hands wandering to that necklace, lingering a few moments before moving back to the dance moves or his side.
When the show was over, and everyone returned backstage, Jeongin started to feel like his world may crash down around him, as again the feeling of grumpiness settled into his bones. In truth, he really didn’t want to sleep alone, but he also didn’t want to be that annoying youngest member was always asking to share a bed on the road. Releasing a shaky breath, he headed toward the other room to change out of his stage cloths, noticing again how everyone started whispering. After a quick scan of the room, he also noted that Chan was no where to be found. Slowly, he left the room and changed into his other cloths, looking at his phone again to see that you hadn’t even tried to reply to him in the house since he called you. The feeling of hollowness entered his chest, and he took a deep breath going back to his members.
Dragging his feet, he returned to the other room, staring at the floor wondering what member would be the most receptive to sharing a room with him. As he was coming to his decision of who to ask, he heard the melody of a voice that he loved so much dance across the room. His eyes snapped up to see you half standing behind Chan explaining to him and Felix how amazing it was to finally see the concert from the audience and how the experience was so much different than being backstage. A smile tugged gingerly at the corners of his mouth as he quickly floated through the room, wrapping his arms around your waist, and spinning you around a few times.
The relief flooded through his body as the sensation of happiness immediately took over him. He felt as though his heart was skipping beats all over the places and he tucked you into his side, planting a long kiss into your hair. Coming back his senses, he turned to see all the members surrounding you both, smiling and greeting you in the ways you had grown close with each of them. Thank you again for getting me the tickets, he heard you sincerely thank everyone in the room, it was such a treat to see this guy on stage from the audience, you finished as he felt your hip bump into him. At the words, he again buried his face into your hair, a blush creeping across his face.
We felt like you needed to have her by your side for the remaining part of the tour Innie, Chan explained with a wide grin on his face. The words sunk into him, and his actions earlier forced his eyes to the ground as he knew that he really did owe a lot to his hyungs and this only added to that very long list. Honestly, we were just over you bring grumpy all the time, Minho shrugged with a small smirk on his lips before going to change out of his stage cloths. Laughter filled the room, as he found you looking up at him with a puzzled look on your face. Jeongin turned pulling you into another crushing hug as he knew that he deserved those words after today. Your arms wrapped around his waist as you melted into him, he relaxed at the light tough of your fingers on his lower back. Later, he mumbled before pressing his lips to yours quickly, before pulling back and looking at your face. Another kiss was planted on your lips before dragging you over to the couch, to cuddle while everyone changed before going back to the hotel. Holding the girl he loved, he let your presence heal the parts of him that needed it.
♡ ── thank you for reading! requests are open.  
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shopkillerlookz · 9 months
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Olivia Rodrigo All American, Bitch Inspired Outfits 💜
I forgive and I forget 🎟️
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