#why aren’t there more tags wtf
posionhaze · 2 months
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❥ summary: having to work with an old flame doesn’t exactly go to plan
pairing: finnick odair x fem! victor reader
warnings: brief mentions of prostitution | dark themes | slight toxic-obsessive behavior | some fluff!!
genre: I don’t even know
❥ words: 2k
please read at the end of the fic for more information 🫶
It hadn’t always been so tense between you and Finnick.
You were friends before his games- and before yours. You would have been the youngest victor, just a year younger than him- but of course he got to it first.
After he came back he was different, you expected that- but he had put up a front.
He had never told you what actually happened. What happened with Snow. You found out later- you witnessed it.
With that being said, you were reaped. Mags and Finnick himself mentored you.
Finnick never told you but he wished that you would’ve died in that arena. He knew your fate would be the same as his. Even at the age of 15 during your games, he knew.
He knew how sick Snow was.
You had made it out, purely based on hiding and stealth. You did it.
It took days, 28 to be exact.
They both thought you would’ve died off either by starvation or hypothermia.
You didn’t- you almost did.
You could recall the snow surrounding you, really almost choking you.
The arena was an iceland- cold and white, nothing to it.
You remember after your victory tour Snow wanted to meet with you.
You wished you had died in that arena.
Finnick remembers when you came back to the victors village- you hadn’t spoken to him or even looked at him.
That day you were never the same- like someone took your soul, and in a sense- Snow did. He did much more than that.
Three years passed, you and Finnick had brief interactions when needed.
He was the Capitols Darling and you the Capitols Doll.
Your eyes widened- why was Finnick here?
You were at a Capitol clients party as his side piece for the night- rather his doll. He was actually a regular, he wasn’t that bad considering the extent of the situation.
You didn’t understand why Finnick was there, he could only have been invited by your client…
“Oh! And I’m sure you know Y/n!” Your client says with a wide smile, arm wrapped around your waist.
You were wearing an extremely uncomfortable dress, not that it was bulky or unnecessary- no it was quite the opposite.
Thin and revealing, a baby pink mixed with seafoam green, clients request.
Finnick had a lady at his side, wearing an equally revealing and stupid outfit.
“Of course..she’s a doll..” Finnick replies with his charming grin- you knew it was simply an act. He reaches for your hand, pressing a kiss to it.
You saw the flash of realization in his eyes- you both had the same fate, the one he tried to hide you from.
You give him a sweet smile, letting out a giggle at his words, “You flatter me Finnick!”. Those words never felt more sour coming out of your mouth.
After that night you both grew close again.
You were often in his arms at night, both wanting a sense of normalcy, just for a few hours.
And for a bit it did feel normal, and at some point it felt real.
It was real, you both loved each other. You couldn’t pinpoint when it had happened but you guys ended up in something more than a friendship but never said it out loud.
Now of course you couldn’t tell anyone- not even Mags.
But somehow Snow found out, you weren’t sure how but he did.
Two years of peace disturbed.
Now you figured Snow had only talked to you- only threatened you.
He would’ve killed Finnick if you didn’t comply.
You begged him not to hurt Finnick. For Finnick you sacrificed what was left of you.
When you had gotten back to victor's village, you had ended it with Finnick. That day you broke his heart. Yours was already broken by Snow- much of you was.
You and Finnick stopped talking. Well you did, he didn’t stop.
He was insufferable, petty, pathetic but most of all someone you still loved.
That’s what you hated. That you couldn’t move on.
So it was a year of no contact for you, not playing into whatever game he was playing.
Not until the 73rd hunger games. Yourself 21, Finnick 22.
You both were chosen to mentor district 4. You didn’t know why- well you had a guess.
You and Finnick had two great tributes, a boy named Bay and a girl named Alana.
Bay was shy, a soft spoken teenager who just wanted to go home- while Alana knew what she was up against, she was more insightful- observant.
Alana and Bay knew each other, not very well but close enough to not hate each other.
“Y’know..you can’t spend all this time ignoring me, doll” Finnick says, looking at you from across the table.
It was the second day at the penthouse, you hadn’t spoken to Finnick since the reaping or during the train ride, you didn’t bother.
“Yes I can” You state simply, briefly glancing up at his beautiful sea green eyes. But you quickly avert your eyes, suddenly taking an interest in the glass of scotch you had been “nursing”.
“Really now?” He says with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, “And do you think that’s how an actual conversation works?” His voice is still playful, but he can’t help his curiosity.
Why were you ignoring his presence, why was it so easy for you to do after everything?
You wish you could tell him, let him in again, but you couldn’t. It would have pushed you over the edge, the one you were so close to falling off of.
It was painful having to keep up your capitol act, but you had to. Over and over again, night after night, party after party.
It was that- or have Finnick killed.
“Yeah- I do” You say with a tight lipped smile, focusing on the ice slowly melting in the liquor you barely touched.
“Y/n, you can at least attempt to hide the disdain, the fake smile, and the eyes that are screaming to run straight for the hills.”
Finnick can’t help but notice how you seem to act as if you never loved him, never cared. In that moment his face softens, a rare sight.
“Oh and, let’s not forget the drinks you hardly drink!” He teases a bit, leaning back in his seat. There was the Finnick you knew- the one who would pick and prod until nothing was left.
“You are such a pain” You say with a roll of your eyes, fighting back the urge to punch him in the face- really you would never do that, but it would feel nice to, at least in this moment.
“Yeah well it’s my speciality!” He smiles, leaning over the table as he takes the glass out of your hand- he finishes what is left in one gulp, putting the glass down before leaning back in the chair.
He’s still looking at you, clearly amused by how you act- you can’t help but wonder if it all is an act.
“Will you stop staring?” You grumble out, irritation clear on your face and tone.
“Only when you look at me.” He replies, leaning on his elbows, propping his chin up on fist.
He’s staring you down, he wants that reaction. It’ll tell him everything he needs to know.
And eventually you look at him, your eyes look dull and tired. Your mouth is a straight line.
You notice how his smile has disappeared- he studies you closely, like you did all those years ago- wondering what’s actually behind your eyes.
For the first time in a while you take in his features, his golden-bronze hair, and those sea green eyes.
Oh how you love those eyes.
You let out an awkward cough, breaking eye contact after a moment, “Bay and Alana seem good..I think Alana has a good chance of making it out..” You say, trying to distract Finnick.
“You think so?” Finnick says almost in a hum of approval, a smirk etched on his face.
Your distraction was futile, Finnick is stubborn- he’d get the truth out of you tonight.
He nods, “Bay, I can tell he’s a sweetie, a quiet one- but I think he’ll surprise us. Alanna though! Oh I’m putting my money on her- we’ll see her in that arena.” Finnick takes his eyes off of you for a moment, “You should help them with the training more, doll.”
“Stop Finnick- stop whatever it is you’re doing” You say, the tone of his voice- it disgusted you.
That look, his tone, why does he keep using it on you?
“Aw am I hurting your feelings? I’m so very sorry, doll.” There’s that damn smirk again, how did he not see the look on your face.
It was as if he was teasing you, enjoying the slight torture he was bringing on.
“I just want you to tell me those secrets you’ve been hiding..”
Your eyes flick up to meet his, “Drop it Finnick”
“No.” He replies, his voice sharp and stern- he wasn’t going to let you brush him off.
He reaches for your hand, your skin so soft under his fingers, your hand so perfect under his.
He brings it up to his mouth, and kisses one of your knuckles, “Just talk to me…please…”
But you could still feel his smirk.
You’re quick to pull your hand from his grasp, a sick feeling forming in your stomach.
“I’m going to sleep” You mutter out, leaving your seat and the table, going to your room in the penthouse.
“Damn it..” He mumbles, leaning back into his chair.
He couldn’t leave it alone, he just couldn’t.
He wouldn’t let himself rest either, getting up and walking towards your room- he knew you wouldn’t appreciate it.
He stands outside your door for a minute, trying to gather his thoughts.
Before eventually opening the door and inviting himself in.
“Go away Finnick..” You mutter out, not even having to turn and look to see who it is.
“No.” He says in a stern voice, but there’s hesitation in it.
“I’m not leaving until we talk.” His voice softens as he takes a step forward, “Doll, don’t do this…”
“Finnick..” You say, pausing momentarily. Maybe it was time to let him in again?
“I can’t- I can’t do this right now..” You finish.
“Do what, Y/n?” He steps forward again, closing the distance between you and him- his hands rest on the sides of your hips, chest against your back.
You can feel his breath against your neck, your muscles tense up but he just waits for your reply.
“Just talk to me, please. Let me in, doll.”
“Snow had found out about us..” You say blankly, “He talked to me, threatened your life..he didn’t want us together..because we were so- so useful to him..”
“I didn’t want to hurt you, I thought it would be better to just end it” You add on.
Your words didn’t come to a surprise, he knew Snow would find out eventually.
He’s silent for a moment, before his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you close against him- he doesn’t care how tired you are.
You could feel the anger and rage building inside of him, towards Snow.
Finnick moves you in his arms, kissing your forehead before looking right in your eyes, “I still don’t understand why you never just talked to me about it…”
“I was scared he’d do something to you Finn..” You mutter out softly.
“I’m not that fragile, doll.” His lips brush against your temple, he can tell that you’re tired.
“I would’ve been fine, you know that right…”
You honestly didn’t know what to say, what could you?
“I’m sorry Finnick- I’m tired..I- I need sleep..” You say, pulling away from him. You wouldn’t let yourself go back, why wouldn’t you?
“This isn’t a good time....” You add on, averting your eyes again from him.
His grip tightens on your hips slightly- he can tell you’re pulling away from him yet again- and it’s driving him mad.
You’re refusing to let him in completely, refusing to let him love you.
“And I’m telling you- we’ll talk about this now.” He’s persistent, unwilling to be denied.
“Finnick..we’ll talk after the games, after this is done” You say, voice soft yet stern.
Your eyes meet his, both of you don’t say anything for a moment.
❥ notes: hi!! so this is my first fic on this blog- I want to say I’ve written fan fiction before, so I’m not new- but I’m not the greatest either! I’m new to the hg fandom, so bear with me if my work isn’t accurate or the best! I will be making a masterlist of who I will write for soon!!
❥ uploads certainly won’t be frequent or consistent- I’m sorry to say. I do have an old blog, which I won’t be mentioning. that blog negatively impacted my mental health so I wanted a fresh start with a new fandom and blog :))
❥ once again- I am new so sorry if this isn’t accurate or not the best!! I’d love for any comments or suggestions! I was scared to post this, mostly because of backlash but I hope this was good!! ☺️
second part
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man does anyone else just constantly forget neji died?? i was rewatching the war arc and got to it like HUH OH YEAH like i remember shikaku and inoichi more than him because i just didn’t like the writing for his and repressed it too much so now whenever i see any reference to it my brain blue screens for like 20 seconds straight
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cryptidwizard · 25 days
i feel the turtle fixation creeping back up
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matchaverse · 2 months
obsessed | LS2
pairing: logan sergeant x fem! motoGP driver/kimi räikkönens’ child.
summary: logan becomes so infatuated with Räilkönens’ child some would say he’s obsessed.
type: social media AU
no face claim
part two
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[instagram] yourusername:
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-liked by logansargeant, sebastianvettel, and 567,893 others
~tagged/ @kimiraikkonen
yourusername | when your dad shows up to Gran Premio Estrella after the race because you ignored his calls.
username: kimi is so unintentionally funny 
sebastianvettel: mans was stressing on the plane ride over
yourusername: NO CLUE WHY! IM FINE
username: says the person who FLEW AND FLIPPED off their bike.
username: to have a father like kimi 😫
logansargeant: i would also fly out to check on you
username: logan??
usernam: ayo??
oscarpiastri: bro is not beating the allegations.
charlesleclerc: glad you’re okay!!
liked by author
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[instagram] yourusername:
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liked by logansargeant, charleslecler, and 836,628 others
yourusername | DNF last race but first this race!
username: congratulation!! you did so good!
yourusername: thank you!! ❤️
username: y/n is so talent, they totally deserved this win
username: the racing gene kimi gave them is insane
logansargeant: what a race! congratulations!!
yourusername: ahh thanks logie bear!
username: logie bear?!
username: is something happening between yall??
oscarpiastri: now you both aren’t beating the allegations
logansargeant: what allegations?
username: yall see logan’s story?? HE WAS THERE!
[instagram] logansargeant
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, and 273,748 others
logansargeant | march dump 🦅
username: soft launch??
username: is that y/n?!
username: no way, y/n doesn’t have red hair
username: maybe they dyed it??
yourusername: you’re so american 🦅
logansargeant: because i am??
yourusername: WTF IS A KILOMETER!!
username: we’re you two together??
oscarpiastri: 🫥
[instagram] yourusename
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liked by logansargeant, sebastianvettel, and 837,628 others
yourusername | so i went red (white and blue)
username: omg??? you look so pretty!!
liked by arthur
username: oh so you both soft launching!!
username: more like hardcore launching!
username: no for real!!
username: wait but the flowers!!
username: please tell me it’s logan!!
username: it has to be!! i mean look at the caption!
logansargeant: woah 😫
yourusername: 🤭🤭
username: now this confirms my suspicions
logansargeant posted a story:
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caption: dreams do come true 🥲
oscarpiastri: told you you were smitten.
logansargeant: kys ❤️
yourusername: i love you
logansargeant: i love you MORE!
[instagram] yourusername
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri, and 873,628 others
tagged | @logansargeant
yourusername | from an american boy to my american boy ❤️
logansargeant: i love you so much!
yourusername: i love you more!
oscarpiastri: gross (so happy you two are together)
username: omg!!!
username: ahhhh!! yall are so cute!!
username: couple goals
liked by arthur
username: logan wins in life
loganargeant: MY PARTNER MY PARTNER!! 😫
1K notes · View notes
algae-tm · 3 days
Charles Leclerc x Reader
You and Charles fall in love in St.Lucia (one shot)
Warnings: none?
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liked by yourbffuser, and 124 others
youruser: you think you just fell out of a coconut tree???🥥
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yourbffuser: HELLO??!! Who is the man????
- youruser: what man?
- yourbffuser: now i KNOW you aren’t serious. in the second pic!!!!
- youruser: oh him… that’s pookie 😋🤭
- yourbffuser: count your motherfuckin days
yoursisteruser: you collect white men like pokemon smh
- youruser: gotta catch ‘em all!! 😏😤
-yoursisteruser: sigh
charles_leclerc just posted
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liked by pierregasly, arthur_leclerc and 1,234,432 others
charles_leclerc: St. Lucia 🌊☀️
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user1: why is he so boyfriend coded in the 2nd pic?
- user2: don’t be alarmed bestie but it might have something to do with the literal girl he’s holding hands with in the 3rd pic…
landonorris: is this what the youth call a soft launch?
-charles_leclerc: you are the youth
carlossainz55: ay who’s the girl?
— charles_leclerc: No one and everyone
— user1: wtf does this mean 😭 😭
— user5: why is this simultaneously the dumbest yet most romantic thing I’ve ever read, and I have a boyfriend 😭
— user6: girl- tell your boyfriend to step up or leave him… the bar is in literal hell. — user7: bro releases a couple songs and thinks he’s cool and mysterious
youruser just posted
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liked by yourbffuser, and 129 others
youruser: cute solo travel idea- get a man to take you places
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yourbffuser: two posts with the same guy? I fear we’ve lost her
- youruser: NOOOO I’m still a bad bitch, I’m licensed and everything!!
- yoursisteruser: heartbreaker turns into lover girl… story for the ages
yoursisteruser: who is he???? Your fans want to know!!
—youruser: just a cute monegasque
—yoursisteruser: is that a cheese or something?
— youruser: a place apparently… he gets stroppy when I call him French 🤷🏾‍♀️
charles_leclerc just posted
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liked by carlossainz55, pierregasly and 1,456,789 others
charles_leclerc: summer lovin’ happened so fast
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user4: two posts with what I’m guessing is the same girl… please twitter users starts sleuthing!!
— user5: or, hear me out, bit of a wild suggestion, just let them be?
— user3: do you think they were together b4, or he found her on holiday??
— user4: wait holdup I didn’t even think of the possibility that this could be just a vacation romance you’re so right @user3
— user5: why do I even bother with these people
pierregasly: day 67895 of asking you to tell me who she is!!
— user53: lmao Pierre is one of us confirmed
— user43: close! He actually knows Charles personally so no he isn’t one of you
— user53: now what did I do to you? 😭
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youruser just posted
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liked by yourbffuser, yoursisteruser and 150 others
youruser: bye bye bye you were bigger than the whole sky…
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yourbffuser: oh pooks
yoursisteruser: glad to know you have a heart
— youruser: bite me
— yourbffuser: time and place, bestie @yoursisteruser
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charles_leclerc just posted
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liked by lewishamilton, arthur_leclerc and 5,234,432 others
charles_leclerc: mine mine mine mine mine mine mine
(tagged youruser)
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lewishamilton: nice to see it brother! You know what they say
— youruser: once you go black!
— lewishamilton: I was gunna say the course of true love never did run smooth…
— youruser: mine works better!!
— user4: lmao she’s hilarious
— user5: and just as chaotic as Charles 😭 they’re made for eachother
—user6: idk I think he needs someone more introverted… she’s attention seeking (this user was blocked by charles_leclerc)
—charles_leclerc: blocked 🤭😙
—youruser: my man, my man, my man!
landonorris: she’s gorgeous
— charles_leclerc: why do you live to cause me distress??
georgerussell63: blimey, was only yesterday you told us you never got her number
— maxverstappen1: very stupid
— danielricciardo: Max be nice
— maxverstappen1: sorry
carlossainz55: well done cabron!
youruser: mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine
arthur_leclerc: she’s lovely
— charles_leclerc: isn’t she just
486 notes · View notes
diorsluv · 4 months
feather , part 32
“ you miss me? ”
series m. list previous chapter next chapter
( socialmedia!au )
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liked by lhughes_06, jackhughes, _quinnhughes, and 237,966 others
yourusername hughes appreciation post has come! (they wouldn’t leave me alone until i swore i would do it)
tagged: jackhughes, lhughes_06, _quinnhughes
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mackie.samo when did luke let you put flowers in his hair??
→ yourusername senior year 🙏🙏
→ lhughes_06 IT WAS FOR PROM OKAY
→ mackie.samo awww were you each others’ prom date??
→ yourusername yes 🙄
→ edwards.73 YOU OWE ME $50 mackie.samo
→ lhughes_06 you guys bet on us going to prom together??? a year after prom??
→ markestapa yes
username44 luke’s second pic 🥰
username98 OH MY GOD QUINNN
→ yourusername THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYING
markestapa that pasta was fire esp with the cheese on top
→ yourusername mark.. we don’t have cheese
→ trevorzegras LMFAOOOO
→ jackhughes I DON’T HAVE DANDRUFF
→ colecaufield explain the “cheese” 🤨 jackhughes
→ jackhughes no further comment.
_quinnhughes hey wait my pics aren’t bad
→ yourusername EXACTLY I’M NOT THAT MEAN
→ yourusername i mean i still like the canadiens better but I’M NOT MEAN 🙏
→ _quinnhughes oh 😒
→ colecaufield WOOOOO
→ yourusername GO HABS 😈😈
rutgermcgroarty i’m surprised jack was able to carry you
→ jackhughes are you calling me weak
→ yourusername are you calling me hard to carry
→ rutgermcgroarty wait no i was just saying yk bc i had to carry you and i was struggling but only a bit and not because you’re hard to carry or anything 😰😰
→ adamfantilli bro can’t stop yapping
→ jackhughes maybe you’re just weak
→ yourusername maybe you’re the one that just can’t carry me
→ rutgermcgroarty stop teaming up on me 😕
lhughes_06 i’m looking pretty cute here
→ dylanduke25 yes you are 😘
→ markestapa cutest hughes brother 🙌
→ mackie.samo such a pretty princess 🥰
→ edwards.73 my little cutie patootie 😻
→ lhughes_06 oh mackie.samo edwards.73
→ yourusername even tho ur my bsf i’m gonna have to say my bf is cuter
→ lhughes_06 sad to say you’re not wrong 😔
username31 girl i need to know and i need to know now
_alexturcotte now that i think about it you only have quinn and jack’s jerseys
→ yourusername i have luke’s michigan jersey 😔
→ lhughes_06 WHAT i thought i sent you mine already
→ yourusername it’s okay lukey you’re fine if i just wear quinn’s right 😁
→ trevorzegras damn lil drizz i see you (you’re not slick i know what you’re doing)
→ lhughes_06 i wanna see my name and number on your back yourusername
→ yourusername i mean.. technically it is your name and number on my back 🤗🤗
→ lhughes_06 stfu 🙄🙄
→ yourusername shutting the fuck up 😕
→ lhughes_06 i better see you wearing a DEVILS jersey with my name before the next game
→ yourusername yes sir 🫡
→ _alexturcotte what the hell did i just do 😨
luca.fantilli fantilli appreciation post??
→ yourusername OH MY GOD LEAVE ME ALONE
→ adamfantilli do you not appreciate us ☹️
→ yourusername yes i appreciate you adam
→ luca.fantilli how much
→ yourusername very much
→ luca.fantilli enough to dedicate a whole post to us?
→ yourusername enough for you to not need a post that tells you how much i appreciate you 🙄
→ jackhughes stop stealing the spotlight guys
→ lhughes_06 fr she never appreciates us
→ _quinnhughes exactly
→ mackie.samo could never be us 🥱
→ maddy.samo say it louder for the people in the back 🗣️🗣️
→ msamoskevich she loves us more than all of you
→ colecaufield why are 3 families fighting over her
→ dylanduke25 CAN WE JOIN
→ tyler___duke5 IM READY TO FIGHT
→ trevorzegras dude come here griffinzegras
→ yourusername what the actual fuck
username74 all of them won the gene race wtf
colecaufield jack isn’t really doing it for me in that 2nd photo…
→ yourusername when is he ever doing it for you
→ colecaufield you’re right
→ jackhughes HEY this is supposed to be an appreciation post not a “let’s bully jack” post
→ _alexturcotte let’s bully jack
username90 pretty prettier and prettiest
username55 i have a hunch she’s doing this to throw us off even more
→ username36 i have a hunch she’s been doing this for way longer
trevorzegras why is luke’s kind of…
→ yourusername right 🤭
→ trevorzegras i meant in a bad way
→ yourusername oh
→ lhughes_06 how did you manage to turn this post into a weapon against us 😡
→ adamfantilli someone help luke’s talking like a fanfiction writer again
→ lhughes_06 I AM NOT
adamfantilli drysdale siblings try not to neglect us challenge go!
→ yourusername WHAT i don’t neglect you
→ luca.fantilli YES YOU DO
→ jamie.drysdale why did you have to rope me into this 😒
username11 fun fact guys it’s luke 😍😍
→ username79 wbk
→ username60 tell us something we don’t know
username23 they all look so ethereal
dylanduke25 won’t your bf be jealous that you keep posting these hotties
→ yourusername no bc they’re not hotties 🥰
→ _quinnhughes rude yourusername
→ lhughes_06 exactly i can’t believe he hasn’t gone insane yet
→ jackhughes we’re too 🔥
mackie.samo i heard from a little birdie that you’re not slick ‼️
→ yourusername i’m the slickest wym
→ yourusername they can’t sniff me out 🗣️🗣️
→ mackie.samo stfu ur so obvious
→ markestapa like you’re really obvious it’s embarrassing
→ dylanduke25 fr
→ edwards.73 stop lying to yourself
→ adamfantilli we could tell wayyyyy before you even started dating
→ yourusername 😔
username35 what are they saying in mackie’s replies 🤯
username47 i could bet anyone 1k IN CASH that they’re dating and i know i would win
username81 waiting for the day she posts bad luke pics
→ yourusername not possible!
username1 yall i swear to god i saw her on a date with him yesterday
jamie.drysdale i can’t believe you appreciate them more than you appreciate me
→ yourusername NOT TRUE
→ jamie.drysdale YES TRUE
→ jamie.drysdale THAT’S NOT ENOUGH
→ yourusername you’re so needy 😒
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liked by _quinnhughes, jackhughes, colecaufield, and 200,219 others
yourusername HELLO KITTY ☺️
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rutgermcgroarty i thought you were done with all your food posts
→ yourusername would you rather have me post my “lovesick” posts again
→ rutgermcgroarty i mean technically he’s still in the post
→ yourusername uh huh keep talking i dare you
→ yourusername mhm 🤨
username25 THE PIZZA???
_quinnhughes i was really hoping your hello kitty obsession fully died down
→ yourusername NEVERRR
jackhughes you haven’t posted ONE post without a picture of your bf since you got together
→ yourusername YES I HAVE
→ colecaufield no tf you haven’t
→ yourusername i’m sorry i love him too much 😞
→ luca.fantilli ick yourusername
→ markestapa DUKER STOP
→ lhughes_06 aw that’s cute yourusername
username77 if jack said she hasn’t posted without a pic of her bf and last post ONLY had him and his brothers…….
→ username68 waiting for the day y’all stop acting like we all don’t know it’s lukey pooks
dylanduke25 when did he learn how to braid
→ yourusername when we were younger and i forced him to learn how to do my hair 🤗🤗
→ dylanduke25 AND I JUST FOUND THIS OUT?
→ _alexturcotte you’re late bro
→ jackhughes i’ve walked into his room one too many times and seen him braiding her hair
→ _quinnhughes you’re not helping his case 😭
edwards.73 your hair is so greasy
→ yourusername no it’s not yours is
→ edwards.73 if you stepped out into the sun rn you would be able to hear your hair sizzling
→ yourusername i could cook a whole five course meal from the amount of grease in your hair
→ yourusername he can’t think of a better comeback 🥱🥱
liked by yourusername
username91 hello kitty x dominos collab when 😱
username4 my foodie twinnem
lhughes_06 did you buy the pizzas?
→ yourusername no i baked them with my boyfriend 🥰
→ lhughes_06 he must be a REALLY good cook then
→ yourusername no actually he sucks ass and he almost burnt the kitchen down ‼️‼️
→ lhughes_06 oh 😐
colecaufield donuts 🤤🤤
→ yourusername is that all you got from this post
→ colecaufield DONUTS 🙂
_alexturcotte pizza 🤤🤤
→ yourusername did you two copy and paste your comments
→ _alexturcotte PIZZA 🙂
trevorzegras luke 🤤🤤
this comment has been deleted
trevorzegras your bf 🤤🤤
→ yourusername ZEGRAS I SWEAR
→ trevorzegras YOUR BF 🙂
→ yourusername next time i see you it’s on sight
luca.fantilli tell your little boyfriend that he needs to stop letting you steal him from us when you’re around
→ yourusername let’s be so honest i’ve always stolen him from you when i was around 🙄🙄
→ luca.fantilli EXACTLY SO TELL HIM
→ yourusername tell him yourself 🤬
→ lhughes_06 luca if i didn’t know any better i’d say you’re jealous
→ luca.fantilli i take it all back
jamie.drysdale you said you stopped liking hello kitty when you were 9 😐😐
→ jamie.drysdale you know when.
→ yourusername no i don’t?????
→ jamie.drysdale YES YOU DO
username41 we’ve been stuck in soft launch era for TOO LONG
username26 girl i love you but PLEASE JUST GIVE US CONFIRMATION
→ yourusername mark babe there’s a lot of shirts
→ yourusername NO??
→ markestapa IT’S SO FUNNY
→ yourusername you’re the type of guy to laugh at a hello titty shirt 😐
maddysamo i miss you 😞
→ mackie.samo BACK TF UP
→ yourusername I MISS YOU MORE
→ jackhughes oh my god get away
→ lhughes_06 you’re so defensive jack
→ dylanduke25 you’re one to talk lhughes_06
adamfantilli the frosting on the donuts kind of look like glue
→ yourusername throwback to your glue eating era ⁉️
→ yourusername high school sophomore eating liquid glue 😱😱
→ adamfantilli LITERALLY SHUT UP
→ lhughes_06 LMAOOO
→ yourusername don’t act like you didn’t eat glue all of your elementary school career luke
→ lhughes_06 oh 🙃
username21 hard launch when 🙁🙁
→ username59 apparently fucking never
username77 by the time they hard launch they’ll already be married with three kids and another one in the oven
liked by yourusername
→ username44 OMG SHE LIKED IT??
mackie.samo TECHNICALLY he forgot to braid and i taught him how to do it again
→ yourusername no go ahead take all the credit 🙄
→ lhughes_06 🫤🫤
→ rutgermcgroarty 🤓
→ markestapa ACKSHUALLY
→ edwards.73 nerd alerttttt 🚨🚨🚨
→ mackie.samo okay hate on me then 😒
next chapter notes ) i’ve gotten to the point where i’m posting once in a blue moon but at the same time i’ve literally been procastinating in every aspect of my life (i just spent 3 hours on one class’ assignments) anyways THE HARD LAUNCH IS COMING SOON 🫢🫢 not proofread ‼️
tags: @aliaology @hockeyboysarehot @absolutelyhugh3s @jackquinnswife @freds-slut @love4ldr @blueeyedbesson @43hughes @v1olentdelights @dancerbailey3 @random-human02 @ho3forfakeguys@loveforaugust@cstads-blog@h0e4fictionalme-n
407 notes · View notes
flynnriderishot · 6 months
screw up pt.2 - n.d
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it had been a few days since yours and larray’s party and people were still posting pictures of the event.
you were lounging in your apartment, having just finished cleaning the entire place, when your phone started going off like crazy.
you had a ridiculous amount of people tagging you in something that nathan, the triplets friend, posted.
you didn’t get the opportunity to speak to the boy very much as chris was just too thrilled that his best friend was in LA and wanted him to meet literally everyone. you had spoken briefly with him after running into each other a second time, but that conversation was cut short.
you weren’t too upset about it, but you definitely wished you could’ve spoken more than just a few words with him.
you smiled at the post of you and nate that was no doubt taken by either chris or larray. you had an idea that if nick or matt took the photo, it definitely would have come out a little better.
your curiosity got the better of you, your thumb clicking the comments before you had the chance to stop yourself.
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(if you aren’t white, i apologize. i’m not white either but it’s so much easier to find pics)
ynswife omg! they met ?!
sturniolosbae nathan knows yn? @/nicolassturniolo wtf?
>>> nicholassturniolo what’d i do?
mattswifey cool?? did he just call the yn ln cool? oh he’s def in love
>>> christophersturniolo 🤫
>>> nathandoe8 seriously?
matthew.sturniolo i’m cooler tho, right?
>>> nathandoe8 idk bro. she’s pretty cool
>>> matthew.sturniolo pretty or cool? 🙄🤨
ynslovely lmaoooo not them exposing him 😭
you hummed thoughtfully. quickly commenting a simple white heart under the post before exiting the app completely.
just as you were about to get lost in the dangerous world of your mind, a text message from nick startled you.
nicolas 🤓:
nate wants your number
nathan wants your number. are you hung over or can you just not read?
no need to be rude 😔
i was just confused.
why are you telling me?
it’s called ✨consent✨
do you just want me going around giving your personal information to anyone that asks?
id appreciate it if you didn’t 😘
but nathan’s your friend and i trust that you trust him, yk?
i don’t 😐
but if that means you’re ok with me giving him your number then ok.
okay :)
does that mean you’re ok with me giving him your number?
yes, nick.
while through text you could pretend you weren’t completely freaking out, on the outside, you were completely freaking out.
nathan was gorgeous, that much was obvious. so what the hell did he want your number for?
you weren’t given much time to respond to your own question before an unknown number messaged you.
hey, it’s nate
nick gave me your number. but i’m sure you know that already cause he refused to text me back until he got your approval.
lmao 😭
hi, nathan
hi :)
a word so simple, yet your heart fluttered as you imagined what it would sound like coming from his mouth.
im in LA for a few more days…
do you maybe wanna hang out before i go?
just us, right?
if that’s okay with you?
i didn’t wanna sound weird 💀
it’s perfectly okay with me. what’d you wanna do?
i’m okay with anything
an indecisive person meeting another indecisive person
i’m from boston 😭 idk whats around here.
jesus, nate 🤦‍♀️
i’m sorry 😔✌️
it’s completely up to you. i’m willing to do whatever crosses your mind.
really? okay then…
we’ll go ✨thrifting✨
from the triplets couch, nate’s head fell back when chris read over his shoulder and gave him a supportive pat on the shoulder.
“good luck, bro. the thrifting world is crazy.”
221 notes · View notes
existslikepristin · 5 months
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Okay, so I've done a couple of rewrites now, and I don't think I'm going to ever be fully happy with this, so let's just fuckin post this bad bitch
Tags: NSFW, TheLounge, Sounds, Dreamcatcher, Itzy, Gahyeon, Yuna, first times, but let’s be real virginity is a social construct that means nothing about someone’s physical state of being, #LearnHowTheHymenWorks, cunnilingin' n' fingrin', nervousness, not even the normal kind of brattiness, Yuna’s just an insufferable idiot, no anal in this one wtf am i thinking?
Off to a Slow Start
Gahyeon rubbed the stress out of her eyes. Or at least she tried to. The skinny, shivering girl draped over her lap was turning out to be a pain in Gahyeon’s ass (instead of the other way around, as it should have been). 
“How about we do something else?” Gahyeon asked with a tone somewhere between hopeful and commanding.
“W-what? Why? I’m f-fine. This is s-so hot,” Yuna peeped. Sort of. It was more like she sobbed it like an emotionally damaged puppy might.
It was quite the shocking change in attitude after only two warm up spanks. Yuna’s butt wasn’t even pink.
Downstairs, when she first stomped up to Gahyeon, Yuna had been acting like she was hot shit. She put her hand on Gahyeon’s thigh, played footsie under the table, talked out of her throat like some kind of pornstar wannabe. It came as no surprise, then, when Yuna suggested that Gahyeon accompany her upstairs and "teach [her] a lesson." The part that was actually a surprise was when Gahyeon realized: when Yuna said “teach [her] a lesson,” she might have meant that very literally, because it was pretty obvious she didn’t know what she was getting herself into.
Gahyeon caught Yuna’s glistening eye in a decorative mirror on the wall and raised her hand as if to strike again. Never before had Gahyeon seen someone flinch away so hard from a simple slap on the ass, or grimace like they were expecting an executioner to flip the switch on an electric chair. She lowered her hand and very, very gently patted Yuna’s thigh. "You know what would be fun? Let's make out!”
Yuna pushed herself up on her elbows. Her bare stomach peeled away from Gahyeon’s thighs. Probably because she’d been sweating so darn much from her nerves. She gave Gahyeon a poor excuse for a defiant glare and sniffed away the lump in her throat. “Make… make out? But I’m here for… I thought you were supposed to be a good dominatrix.”
Gahyeon looked up at the dimmed light fixture and exhaled quietly. “Hey, I know you said something kind of like this earlier, but can you remind me what your safe word is, Yuna?” The question sounded a little more condescending than Gahyeon had meant it to.
“I don’t need woa-aaah!”
Crooking her elbow under Yuna’s waist, Gahyeon picked her up, suplexed her onto the bed, climbed on top of her, and got face-to-face. “First of all, ‘dominatrix’ is improper terminology for this situation. Second, if we don’t negotiate a safe word, I’m out of here.”
"Ummm. I, uh. Um."
"Tell me the first word that comes to mind."
Gahyeon rolled her eyes. “Okay, bye.”
“Huh? Wait!”
Gahyeon was already halfway to the door by the time Yuna scrambled off the bed, but turned back to give her an uncaring glare. On her feet, Yuna was a hell of a sight. Tall, skinny, but curvaceous, like the kind of doll that would be sold to make young girls self-conscious about their bodies. Long, dark red hair and black pools for eyes, and she'd put on far more makeup than reasonable for an average coffee run. Gahyeon didn’t want to leave, but Yuna wasn’t making staying the easy decision.
"Wait for what?" Gahyeon asked.
"For… to… so you can make me…"
"I can't make you finish a sentence."
Yuna's supermodel bearing was taken down a peg by her disappointed slouch and concerned grimace. "You know what I mean… like, dominate me."
"Aren’t you horny?"
Gahyeon glanced at Yuna's tits. "No more than usual."
"What? But I…"
"You sure did."
"I-I was going to say—"
"I know."
"N-no you don't!"
Gahyeon groaned, "Maybe I don't care then. No big deal. Take your pick. I don’t like brats. I only tolerate them during Kinktober."
Yuna blushed and looked down, wiggling her knees in discomfort. Gahyeon wasn't going to deny that Yuna was fantastically fuckable, but she was also responsible enough to know when someone was in over their head. "Well, Yuna? What are you trying to do?"
Yuna muttered "I want to get laid" under her breath. With no other noise in the room to mask it, Gahyeon heard it, and yet a vague muttering wasn't what she wanted to hear.
"What's that? I couldn't hear you."
"I wanna get laid,” Yuna whined, fully out loud, “Okay?"
Gahyeon leaned back against the doorframe. "You a virgin?"
Yuna's blush extended down to her shoulders.
"Well that's a yes."
"B-but! I'm—No, I'm not!"
"And you would say that even if I said calling someone a virgin is just a bad social construct and that being a so-called ‘virgin’ is no better or worse than the alternative?"
"Uh…" Yuna scrunched her nose as she used all of her brain power to process the question. "Yes? Or, wait, no?"
"Nevermind.” Gahyeon waved it off. “Just tell me the truth. Have you had sex before or not? Anything with hands or mouths counts."
There was a pause while Yuna weighed her options. "No…”
Gahyeon was actually a little bit shocked. Yuna was among the hottest of idols, so even this level of awkwardness didn’t seem like it should be too much of a hindrance. Gahyeon had fucked or at least fucked around with a dozen idols with subpar social skills in the prior couple of months.
“But I've been trying!” Yuna shouted after the briefest silence, “Nobody will fuck me though! Not even men!”
“The fuck do you mean, ‘Not even men?’”
“Boys are supposed to be horny all the time. But even if I show them my pussy, they keep rejecting me.”
Gahyeon sighed, “Is that proceeding or preceding a conversation?”
“Of course I say ‘Hi.’ I try asking them if they work out too.”
“Is that it? Because idols have to work out. It’s in the job description.”
Yuna groaned and plopped onto the bed, curving her back like a clothes mannequin, apparently subconsciously. “I've tried all the stuff boys are supposed to like! I touch them, I guide their hands to my boobs, I tell them they smell sexy. All that stuff! And don't get me started on girls. I see them going around and getting laid all the time! And it's like, they'll be sluts for anybody except for me, and—”
“Let me stop you there before you make more of a fool of yourself,” Gahyeon snapped. Yuna froze. “A few things. One: We only use words like ‘slut’ in an endearing manner around here. Two: Some people might just not want to fuck you, ever. Can’t control it. And three: Are you just expecting sex from people? Like me?”
Yuna shifted uncomfortably. “No… I'm doing what I'm supposed to do first.”
“And what is that?”
“You know.” Yuna waved her hands around, pantomiming nothing in particular. “I ask politely. I let them know I'm available. I make myself up for them.”
“And…” Gahyeon mimicked Yuna’s pointless pantomimes. “They should obviously be throwing themselves at you, yet somehow nobody is approaching you?”
“I’ve been approached, I guess, but not from anyone in my league.”
“Pretty sure you’re still in the little leagues, my dude.”
Yuna whined, “Why should I be?! Every fan and their mom wants me.”
“Gross power dynamic, but okay. So I should have just known what you wanted when you walked up to me? And I should have wanted to fuck you? No conversation required?”
“Well… No, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that if I do all that stuff—and more, by the way—and they're horny, why shouldn’t they want to fuck me? I'm not even demanding anything from them. I'm offering! Like, blowjobs. I'd be doing all the work!”
Gahyeon stepped away from the door frame and paced the room. “Here's the thing, Yuna. It sounds like people might be picking up on an attitude problem.”
“Attitu—but, no! I'm literally offering a good time, and usually I offer just to make them feel good! I'm not asking for anything in return! What's the big deal?”
“Nothing you've said yet strikes you as ‘bad attitude?’ Because it sounds to me like you're not affording people the courtesy of assuming they have a full breadth of human emotion and think they're good for nothing but sex.”
Yuna blinked. “I-I am, though!”
“Not, or aren't?”
“Ugh!” Yuna grabbed a handful of her hair. “No, I'm saying… You know what? Forget it! I'll just never—”
Looking her up and down for a moment (and not really listening), Gahyeon wondered if her behavior was ever anything like Yuna's. Probably not. She was practically domming her members ever since they met, and it turned sexual almost as soon as Gahyeon was old enough. Relating to Yuna was clearly out of the question.
Even so, Gahyeon felt a sympathetic pulse in her veins. Yuna's troubles, self-imposed or not and ultimately, definitely not anything close to a big deal, were still troubles to Yuna, and they were eating her up, it seemed.
Gahyeon weighed her options. Doing as Yuna demanded would enforce negative opinions. Refusing would make things more awkward for the next person Yuna tried to seduce. But Gahyeon did still like the idea of Yuna… She cracked her knuckles.
“—so I guess I'll just die alone,” Yuna continued to bitch on, “stuffing myself with bigger and bigger—”
Gahyeon cut Yuna off with a hand over her mouth. “Yuna? One word answer. Do you still want to get laid right now?”
Yuna’s eyes, glistening with tears at the edges, widened in something between fear and awe. And yet, she didn’t answer.
Half expecting her to come up with some kind of painfully awkward excuse for saying no, Gahyeon kicked things up a notch. She pulled up her shirt with one hand, catching her bra along the way, and flashed Yuna, full-boobed. She took her hand off Yuna's mouth to gesture at her bare chest, and raised an eyebrow.
“Yes,” Yuna said almost as if she was in a trance.
“Then turn around.”
Yuna scrambled to her feet without standing up fully, spun a hundred and eighty degrees, and fell forward, catching herself on her elbows. Her knees followed her up and with that her ass was presented.
“Good,” Gahyeon said as she took her shirt and bra off entirely, “Now what exactly would you like me to do?”
“Finger you? Tease you?” Gahyeon dropped her pants, climbing out of them and onto the bed behind Yuna. “I can let you take charge. Maybe I shouldn't have told you to turn around?”
Yuna shook her head. “N-no, nope, it would be better with you in charge.”
“Just give me a little bit of guidance then. I could have sworn you were asking for this.”
Gahyeon slid her hands up Yuna’s back, nails first, leaving white lines that quickly faded back into the approximation of porcelain that this new canvas was made of. Over and over again, Gahyeon reminded herself that Yuna was very pretty, and tried to use that to make herself forget the annoying parts. The fact that she was still thinking about them as she gripped Yuna’s tits didn’t bode well, but many three-plus-somes with Sua and Yoohyeon taught her the virtue of perseverance through annoying sex partners. Yuna was a very pretty canvas that needed to learn some manners.
In-depth lessons would come later though, after Gahyeon showed Yuna what her reward had the potential to be. “Well?”
Yuna's breaths got heavy as Gahyeon’s hands continued to wander, shifting between teasing touches and firm pressure. “I… I, um.”
"You want this?"
Yuna shook all over. She bit her lip and nodded.
Gahyeon breathed across Yuna’s ear, sending a deep shiver down her spine. “Tell me, then.”
“I d-don’t know what to say,” Yuna whined, groping blindly behind herself for Gahyeon’s arms.
Gahyeon pressed her chest against Yuna’s back and grabbed her hands, twirling their fingers together in a cruel, teasing dance. “Tell me where you want me to touch you, for starters.”
“It’s… hard to say.” Yuna arched her back, pushing her ass into Gahyeon’s hips. Her breath spiked over and over.
Gahyeon let her arms go mostly slack. “Then guide me there.”
With no small amount of hesitation, Yuna pulled Gahyeon’s hands tighter around herself and onto her ribs, moving them in a slow, jerking way down until they were between her legs. “Here.”
“I see. So you want me to touch your pussy? Your clit?”
Yuna whined even harder. She pushed insistently on Gahyeon’s limp fingers. “Both.”
“Both? That’s not how I phrased the question. It’s your pussy.” Gahyeon pressed one finger against Yuna’s entrance, earning a gasp. “Or your clit.” She pressed Yuna’s button with another finger, which all but made Yuna double over. Only then did Gahyeon wonder if she was technically providing incorrect information by distinguishing the body parts as separate.
“Oooh my g—My clit! Touch my clit…”
In a flash, Gahyeon took her hand back, licked her middle finger, and put it back, steadily swirling around Yuna’s clitoris. Yuna had to reach back and hang on to Gahyeon’s thighs to keep herself from falling. Her twitches, jerks, and shaky breathing were fun, and exactly what Gahyeon needed to get over her annoyance, at least for a while.
“I’m going to do the same thing with my tongue now, okay?”
Yuna shot up onto her hands. “Your t-tongue?”
Gahyeon circled Yuna’s clit with her finger, making her moan and tense up. She lowered her face so her mouth would be obscured, and the air from her every word would brush across Yuna’s pussy. “I might accidentally touch you with my lips too, if you’re okay with that. I promise I’ll be soft and gentle.”
Figuring that Yuna wouldn’t be giving her any more confident a response than that, Gahyeon leaned in further, gathering up extra spit as she went. She pressed the end of her tongue to Yuna’s clit, not hard, but somewhat firmly.
“O-oh," Yuna cooed and took a deep breath, "that’s pretty much just like your finge—”
Gahyeon swirled her tongue around Yuna’s hood, and the girl squirmed back and up out of range with a comically loud gasp. Gahyeon smiled internally. She knew what that was about. The shock of a good time could occasionally make one run away.
"Oh no," she said sarcastically, "You didn't like it. I'm sorry."
Yuna scrambled to get back in place, nearly kicking Gahyeon in the face. "No! I-I liked… please do it again?" There was desperation oozing out of her puppy dog eyes.
"Fine. Just be sure to tell me how you’re feeling, yeah?" She really wanted to hear Yuna try to describe being eaten out with her limited sexual vocabulary.
"I'll try…"
"Yes, just be as descriptive as you can, okay? I’ll adjust as needed."
Yuna nodded quickly. It was pretty clear that she just wanted Gahyeon to start again, so Gahyeon did, very, very, very slowly. She wet her tongue and barely touched it to Yuna's clit.
Again, Yuna flinched. This time Gahyeon was sure it was in anticipation. She looked up through the mild cleavage to give Yuna a reminder.
"Uh! Good! It felt good!"
Gahyeon touched again, but snaked her arms around Yuna’s legs to keep her in place. Another twitch, but smaller. Yuna was trying to contain herself. Gahyeon dragged her tongue slowly left and right. Trying to hold back wasn’t easy.
"It's… good."
Yuna's body language said much more than "good" though. She wanted more. Her eyes were fixed on Gahyeon. Her toes curled and uncurled against Gahyeon’s hips. Her knuckles were white, gripping the blanket. Her lungs shuddered with each brand new sensation that popped its way through her nerves. Goosebumps rose and fell and rose and rose and fell and rose. She had to be putting immense effort into holding still.
Upping the ante, Gahyeon swirled again, catching the underside of Yuna's hood. Yuna twitched hard, and for a brief moment her eyes rolled up. Her breath was stuck, but it came unstuck with a second swirl, and exited Yuna's mouth in the form of a pained whimper. That was what Gahyeon was looking for.
"You like?"
"Good! It was so good! Please do it again!" Yuna’s inhibition was faltering.
"Tell me more." Gahyeon didn't pretend to hesitate again. She pressed her tongue under Yuna's hood and down against her clit, wiggling back and forth while keeping herself planted.
"Mmm! I… I don't know what to—OH! AUGH!”
Yuna’s last exclamation was a bit of a surprise, both to Gahyeon and Yuna herself, it seemed, as she quickly covered her mouth, eyes wide.
“Was that a good sound?” Gahyeon asked, already knowing the answer.
Yuna nodded.
“Uncover your mouth, then, and keep it up.”
There was some hesitation in how Yuna followed the instructions as Gahyeon got back to playing with her clit, but she did a little better than simply following. She grasped Gahyeon’s hands, alternated between hitched breaths and primal moans, and tucked her chin toward her chest. 
Every word Yuna tried to say morphed into one of those noises until she came. One long, vulgar scream faded into mewling whimpers.
Gahyeon crawled up Yuna’s body, pecking her along the way and giving her a much longer, wetter kiss on the mouth. Yuna giggled through it all, a little cum-drunk. “So,” Gahyeon said, “that’s one of the basics.”
“The b-basics?”
“Yeah.” Gahyeon twirled onto her back, slipping an arm beneath Yuna to pull her in close.
“Wow…” Yuna muttered.
The two basked in each other’s warmth for a while without a word. Gahyeon shifted a couple of times to try to optimize her comfort, but still mentally bemoaned Yuna’s lack of experience. She would not have minded a bit of reciprocation. A plan to pick up one or two of her usual subs on the way home began to formulate in her head. Jane would certainly be up for a bit of fun.
“Um, Gahyeon?”
Gahyeon stroked Yuna’s hair, around her ear, down her jaw, and to her chin. Yuna smiled and purred a little. Gahyeon returned that smile. “Hm?”
“Thank you for, um… not making fun of me.”
“Don’t thank me for that.” Gahyeon traced half of Yuna’s lower lip. “I made fun of you a little bit when we started. And quite a bit more later, I believe.”
Yuna cautiously placed a hand on Gahyeon’s breast, but got a little bolder and lightly squeezed when Gahyeon smiled. “I just mean most of the time.”
“I guess. I’ll keep in mind that you appreciate that.” Gahyeon giggled as Yuna nuzzled her stomach with her cheek. “Just be clear with people about what you do and don’t like, and you’ll have a… great time.”
Gahyeon’s last words were drawn out over the sound of a buzzing phone. Yuna’s, to be precise. She stretched to get it from the nightstand and saw “RAW” was calling.
“Raw?” Gahyeon asked.
Yuna reluctantly removed her hand from Gahyeon’s boob to take the phone. “That’s Ryujin… sorry. One sec.”
Though it was quiet, the lack of ambient noise made it easy for Gahyeon to hear Ryujin’s loud voice. “Where the hell are you, Yuna? We checked the bathroom.”
“I’m… upstairs.”
“Upstairs? The fuck are you doing upstairs for a whole hour?”
Yuna’s eyes traveled up and down Gahyeon’s body. “Cuddling?”
“Cuddling? For an hour? Yeah right.”
Huge puppy dog eyes met Gahyeon’s, trying to ask for permission. Gahyeon shrugged.
“I’m cuddling with Gahyeon because we just had sex,” Yuna said, and then immediately snapped her mouth shut and stared into space.
“What?! No you didn’t, you fuckin baby child! You couldn’t handle her!”
Gahyeon watched for a few seconds as Yuna’s shoulders shrunk into her neck while Ryujin berated her.
“... and you’d come running back down the stairs crying—”
“Actually, Ryujin,” Gahyeon spoke loudly, “she’s not bad. You should let her practice on you sometime.”
Gahyeon swore she heard the sound of a pair of spit takes through the phone before it suddenly beeped twice and went silent. She decided not to wait too long for Yuna’s embarrassment to take over, and laid a hand on Yuna’s back. “Care to learn anything else today? If you want to prove what you can do to Ryujin and Yeji, you may need to do to them what I just did to you.”
Thankfully, Yuna’s blush didn’t get too far. “I-I don’t know if I can do any more right now.”
Gahyeon smiled. “As in it’s time to head out or you just want more snuggles?”
Yuna pushed herself up onto her hands and knees and crawled forward, kissing Gahyeon’s lips a few times in rapid succession. “If I say I have to go, can I have your number?”
Gahyeon ran her fingers through Yuna’s hair. “Sure… but the first thing you're going to text me is a safeword for next time.”
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box— Sissy’s Birthday Edition
i thought sissy and jack having the same birthday would be cute lmk if you agree <3
ps i had to make collages for all the posts to work so that’s why it looks weird!
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liked by trevorzegras, _alexturcotte, and 10,644 others
yourusername sissy popped off for her taylor swift birthday🎂🎉 thank ya boys for an amazing birthday party!! even though i had to share it with jacky boy, it was still the best one yet <3
and to the z-liebers, your lovely posts and stories made my day! love ya lots xxx
tagged trevorzegras, jackhughes, _quinnhughes, colecaufield, lhughes_06, _alexturcotte, jamie.drysdale, edwards.73, and dylanduke25
view all 122 comments
trevorzegras you really did pop off tonight😍🥵
jackhughes go home, you’re drunk
trevorzegras i’m staying the night?
jackhughes drive safe
yourusername @/jackhughes stfu i’ll steal your presents! @/trevorzegras S I M P
user48 delete that! we aren’t supposed to call her that!
yourusername i’ll let it slide to say thank you!
trevorzegras @/yourusername wtf???
user33 I GOT A Y/N NOTICE😭
_quinnhughes you deserve a medal for not puking. (happy birthday!)
yourusername my drinking games to ducks games has boosted my tollerance (thank ya, quintin<3)
jamie.drysdale that is a fact
_quinnhughes @/jamie.drysdale a scary one! stop letting her play!
yourusername @_quinnhughes he would never betray me like that
jamie.drysdale @_quinnhughes i stand with my ex wife
edwards.73 happy birthday mom! i hope you enjoyed my birthday hug! i love you!
yourusername it was my favorite gift and i’m cherishing the picture forever! i love you, too!
user21 happy birthday! you’re my favorite! don’t tell z!
dylanduke25 mama was poppin, the party was poppin, my knee was poppin from dancing, what a night! happy birthday, y/n, i love you! glad i could make it!
yourusername me too, baby boop! i love you!
lhughes_06 never call her mama again
yourusername @/lhughes_06 stfu i love it
dylanduke25 @/lhughes_06 stfu she loves it
tterry19 happy birthday, y/n! we miss you!
yourusername thank you, dad😭 i miss you, too! i can’t wait to meet grey!
user45 THAT CAKE OMFG😭 happy birthday!!
colemcward happy birthday, mom! i’ll ft you tomorrow!
yourusername thank you, favorite child! and you better! <3
_eliaspettersson happy birthday! i love and miss you!
yourusername thank you!! i love and miss you more than anyone else in this world! loving your travel pics too!!!
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liked by jamie.drysdale, tterry19, and 96,707 others
trevorzegras happy birthday to the love of my life, and soon to be wife, y/n “sissy” soon to be zegras! no other person has ever made me feel the way that you do, and i wake up every day amazed that i get to call you mine.
our song lately has been “what my world spins around” by jordan davis, which is funny because when i first met you, you had a boyfriend. his song “singles you up” was popular back then, and all i could think about was how much i wanted you. he did single you up, and now you’re mine, and you’re what my world spins around.
i love you more and more each day, y/n. you taught me what love is. i thought i knew before, but you give a whole new definition to the word. i’m forever grateful that the hughes family took you in, because they brought you to me.
happy birthday, my sweet (derranged) girl🧡 i love you, forever!
tagged yourusername
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yourusername fuck i’m crying! i love you, always🧡
trevorzegras you better!
yourusername soon it’ll be legally binding! i pinky promise to keep you until then <3
user55 i’m crying over how cute you two are omg! happy birthday, y/n!
_quinnhughes i’m always thrown off when you two are openly simping for each other
yourusername i’m always thrown off when you’re nice sooo
_quinnhughes @/yourusername i’m always nice you!
yourusername i meant to z
_quinnhughes @/yourusername that’s fair
trevorzegras love you, too, quintin!
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras careful. we’re sleeping in the same house.
anaheimducks happy birthday @/yourusername 🎉
yourusername thank you admin bestie!!
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liked by lhughes_06, yourusername, and 112,983 others
jackhughes happy our birthday to the worst person i’ve ever met❤️ i will never let the fact that i’m 4 hours and 36 minutes older than you go, and will continue to torment you with it.
as sissy says, i’m about to get sappy (because huggy bear made me) you’re actually one of my favorite people and it is an honor to share a birthday with you. you are forever my soulmate, and forever my sissy. i love you!
tagged yourusername
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yourusername awww, jacky boy! you do know how to be nice! i love you, too❤️ happy our birthday!
jackhughes psa to everyone: i’m flipping her off rn
dylanduke25 psa to everyone: y/n tackled him
nicohischier happy birthday @/yourusername ! and you jack!
jackhughes i’m a little offended i wasn’t first but thank you!
yourusername @/jackhughes i’m the most important
nicohischier i love you too! @/yourusername
user6 happy birthday jack!!
njdevils happy birthday lil jizzy and lil sissy! (?)
yourusername thank you admin bestie! (sure)
trevorzegras @/yourusername this is getting ridiculous i think it’s just to spite me at this point
yourusername @/trevorzegras sorry my phone died
dawson1417 happy birthday you two! @.yourusername i’ve loved having you around!
yourusername thank you, favorite person in the world!
jackhughes @/yourusername i was a sap in my post and this is the thanks i get?
yourusername @/dawson1417 it’s his birthday, would you mind being my second favorite?
dawson1417 @/yourusername i’m okay with that
john.marino97 happy birthday jack and my favorite hughes!
yourusername THANK YOU JOHNNY M❤️
jackhughes thank you, but i’m offended
lhughes_06 me too
john.marino97 @/jackhughes @/lhughes_06 you two are tied for second!
_quinnhughes does that make me third?
yourusername @_quinnhughes no that’s mom
john.marino97 @/yourusername are you making my ranking for me?
jackhughes @/john.marino97 it’s like you don’t know her at all
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liked by jackhughes, yourusername, and 41,388 others
_quinnhughes happy birthday to my best friend, my little sister, and my favorite nap buddy for sixteen years. sissy, i love you more than words. i’m so proud of you for making it to twenty-two. i’m so proud that you’re going to school and becoming who you want to be, and i’m so glad i got to see you grow up to become the person you are now.
i’ll always be protective of you, and that’s never going to change, but ever since that day you packed everything up to move across the country with z, i knew you’d be okay. i knew that it would change you for the better, and i was half right. it didn’t change you at all. instead, it gave you the opportunity to grow into who you are. who i see you as.
you’re wonder woman. you’re there when anyone needs you, and you often go out of your way to be there. you are everything your middle school self said you wanted to be, and i know she’s happy that you made it here.
i love you, sissy❤️ happy birthday
edit: i’ve been told i failed to mention our child, @.colemcward , and how good of a mother she is! you’re doing amazing, sweaty!
tagged @/yourusername
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yourusername quinny you’re gonna make me cry! fuck i love you so much it’s not even funny❤️ thank you bubba
_quinnhughes always
trevorzegras update: she’s crying and under quinner’s shirt
kuzya_096 happy birthday y/n!🎉🎂
yourusername thank you, kuzy! i miss and love you!
kuzya_096 i miss and love you too!
canucks happy birthday to our favorite hughes!
yourusername i’m in tears! i really needed that. thank you admin bestie!💙
user27 quinn is gonna make me cry with middle school stories i-😭 happy birthday y/n!!
bboeser happy birthday girly huggy! i better see you against the glass next year!
yourusername thank you!!! if i get my way, i’ll be near the bench in warm ups!
bboeser i’ll see what i can do to help that ;)
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liked by yourusername, trevorzegras, and 12,664 others
jamie.drysdale happy birthday to one of my best friends, my ex wife, and overall a top notch (and deranged) human being, y/n (soon-to-be) rowden (soon-to-be) zegras! i have loved living with you the last couple of years, i have loved all of our living room sleepovers, and i somehow love how often you force us to watch the hunger games series.
before i met you, trevor told me “it’s y/n’s world and we’re all just living in it” and i could not tell if he was joking or not. he was definitely not joking, but i have loved living in your world and i hope you’ll let me stay in it forever!
i love you more than words ex wifey❤️ happy birthday!
tagged yourusername and trevorzegras
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yourusername you’re my favorite ex husband❤️ thank you jamie baby! i love you! i hope you enjoy the hunger games movies tonight!
jamie.drysdale i enjoyed the first two! not ready for you to cry!
yourusername lame
jackhughes @/yourusername b i t c h
yourusername @_quinnhughes rip his teeth out! oh wait…
jamie.drysdale update: they’re fighting on the floor again. trevor has stopped y/n’s head from hitting the table twice
_quinnhughes update: jack lost
shattdeuces happy birthday, kid! @/yourusername
yourusername AHH THANK YOU MOM!!
trevorzegras i’m glad you accepted that it’s y/n’s world
jamie.drysdale i’m still not convinced i had a choice
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale you didn’t🧡
user50 i want what y/n and jamie have awe! happy birthday!!
masonmctavish23 happy birthday @.yourusername ! miss you!! (stromer told me to tell you happy birthday too)
yourusername MAC- T!!!! thank you! AND STROMER! MY HERO! also thank you <3 mwah!
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername why is stromer your hero?
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale why is he not yours?
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername because you’re my hero
yourusername @/masonmctavish23 tell stromer to suck it <3
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liked by jackhughes, yourusername, and 73,408 others
colecaufield happy birthday, best friend number two! my life changed for the better when you came into it, and i’m very happy that you’re legally obligated to stay in it!
you’re the biggest supporter around. i remember how proud you were when you made your own ntdp hoodie to wear at games that had mine, jack’s, trevor’s, and alex’s name and number on the back because you refused to just support one of us. you’ve caught endless planes to watch any of us play, especially when it’s against each other. you got on a plane to be there after my surgery this year. you make sure no one is ever alone, which is something truly rare.
i love you, sissy! (using my free pass) happy birthday!
tagged yourusername
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yourusername i still have that hoodie! i love you with my whole butt, best friend number two❤️ thank you!
trevorzegras @/colecaufield take a lap. think about what you just said. and then never say it again
colecaufield @/trevorzegras no <3
yourusername @/trevorzegras @/colecaufield get your own phrases????
trevorzegras @/yourusername no <3
_quinnhughes i get to say sissy all i want so ha!
yourusername ooo you got him!!
_quinnhughes @/yourusername i can physically feel your sarcasm
colecaufield @_quinnhughes gross
colecaufield she was so shy about it at first it was precious
jackhughes until her good big brother came along and hyped her up!!
yourusername @/jackhughes FOUR HOURS
jackhughes @/yourusername and 36 minutes!!
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liked yourusername, _quinnhughes, and 26,544 others
lhughes_06 happy birthday, sissy! growing up with you was a ride, and i wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. realizing you actually weren’t legally and by blood my sister was the biggest shock of my life. but when i grew up, i realized you are my actual sister, and these last five years have proved that even more.
everybody deserves a sissy. you flying out to florida to watch frozen four was amazing, but you staying after i left to be with the team and support them just because eddy asked you to was even more amazing. you didn’t have to be there for them, hell you didn’t have to be there for me, but you were anyways. don’t tackle duker for telling me about the sleepover party, because i just want to thank you for it. you met my friends and immediately decided that you were going to be their “mom,” and you have more than done that. you didn’t have to do the sleepovers like you do for me, but you did, and then made your way to jersey to watch me sign my contract. like quinny said, you’re wonder woman.
i love you with my whole butt! happy birthday!🩷
tagged yourusername
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yourusername lukey moosey, i am in TEARS! i love you with my whole butt, thank you <3
lhughes_06 you’re so welcome
jackhughes hey remember when sissy tripped in the snow and was so overly dramatic about it she made you carry her up the hill inside and she just had a bruise?
yourusername and i’ll do it again
lhughes_06 @/yourusername you have!
yourusername @/lhughes_06 i’m true to my word
user77 i’m so luke omfg😭 happy birthday!!
yourusername thank you!! i miss you too! i’ll see you at the draft🧡
anaheimducks 👀
dylanduke25 ty for not murdering me <3 @.yourusername
yourusername jokes on you, i wanted to be praised
user51 this is so pure🥹
seamuscasey26 that group sleepover was the best thing ever! happy birthday, team mom! @.yourusername
yourusername thank you! you give top notch cuddles!
trevorzegras did you all just take turns cuddling her???
seamuscasey @/trevorzegras yes
adamfantilli @/trevorzegras yes
edwards.73 @/trevorzegras yes
trevorzegras I GET THE PICTURE
mackie.same @/trevorzegras yes
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liked by yourusername, colecaufield, and 12,566 others
_alexturcotte happy birthday to my favorite person(?) in the entire world! you’re the most loving, caring, inspiring, supportive person i’ve ever met.
like lukey said, everyone deserves a sissy (y/n to me🙄). she’ll drop everything if you need to talk, or cuddle, or come over. and she gives you star stickers when you do something good! and she gets you a trophy for your first goals of the season!
congratulations on making it to 22, girly hughes! i’m so proud of you. i love you loads!
tagged yourusername
view all 138 comments
yourusername i enjoy that we’re bringing back girly hughes! thank you, turcs! i love you more!
_alexturcotte some devil said it and i got war flashback
trevorzegras @_alextrucotte war???
_alexturcotte @/trevorzegras you remember hs right? she was more unhinged than she is now
yourusername sell me out, why don’t you?
jackhughes @/yourusername if i knew selling you was an option i would’ve done it years ago
yourusername @/jackhughes have you heard of idioms?
user14 we never see the relationship between you two aww i love it! happy birthday!!!
_quinnhughes not pictured: sissy dropping turc shortly after that picture
yourusername that bruise was gnarly
_alexturcotte @/yourusername why are you like this
yourusername @/jackhughes
jackhughes @_alexturcotte it’s our birthday and only we can be mean to each other
_alexturcotte @/jackhughes ah shit my bad g
jackhughes @_alexturcotte say that to sissy
_alexturcotte @/yourusername ah shit my bad g
user20 my new favorite duo!!
trevorzegras that twister night was a mess
_alexturcotte i like to call it “an experience”
yourusername i like to call it “drunken hell”
_quinnhughes i like to call it a migraine
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toruro · 1 year
arguing w soonyoung but he decides to push you against the wall and see you flustered while he slowly starts fingering you, like “what? why are you so shy, hm?”
↳ pairing. k. soonyoung x reader ↳ tags. smut (18+) ↳ a/n. the way i literally can’t think after reading this wtf okay sorry this might just be completely word vomit helpp
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“you aren’t listening to me,” soonyoung groans out, leaning back against the kitchen counter. your eyes are on the brink of tears but you furiously blink them away, refusing to relent.
“you aren’t listening to me,” you retort, bringing up two fingers to pinch the bridge of your nose. you aren’t sure what you two even started arguing about, but now it’s cumulated into a bunch of little tiny things that has you both going back and forth.
you’re sure there isn’t any meaning to his words, honestly, but you can’t help but grow intimidated and increasingly upset about the whole situation. nothing is quite making sense to you when he’s spewing out his next list of words, but this time it all goes in one ear and out the other.
you hardly even comprehend the words that are coming out of your own response, but whatever it is it must be pretty fucking intense because it has soonyoung’s eyes darkening.
this entire time, there’s been a good amount of space between you two, but now he’s marching over to you and pushing you into the wall. his touch, while slightly rough, is oddly gentle, and there’s hardly any force in the way he basically manhandles you.
“soonyoung, what are you—” your voice is hoarse as you glance down at his arm that’s secured at your waist. there’s a little bit of an idea of where this is going in your mind, but you aren’t sure if soonyoung is willing to make it go in the direction.
of course, he is.
your cheeks burn with heat as he roughly rubs his hand against your clothed core, palm dragging against your clot while his fat fingers push against the folds of your cunt. “s-soonyoung—” you try to mutter, but your voice comes out wobbly and soonyoung smirks.
you can’t deny the growing wetness that’s forming between your thighs, and you can only hope that he doesn’t catch on to the way soonyoung and anger make for a very hot duo.
“what, baby?” soonyoung coos as you stutter out his name. sneaking a hand down the waistband of your shorts and panties, a smirk makes his way onto his face when he feels your warm, wet core. “you were just saying something earlier…what was it again?”
he watches your face contort into pleasure—albeit your attempts to subdue it—and the his eyes literally sparkle at the way he has you at his mercy.
“you were just saying how i’m not listenin’ to you,” soonyoung murmurs, bringing his head down to place a kiss on your neck, not giving any warning before sinking one finger into your drooling pussy. your body jerks at the familiar sensation of soonyoung’s deft finger rubbing against your warm, gummy walls.
you let out a small, involuntary moan when he slips in a second finger, and by this point you can’t even remember why you were even mad at soonyoung in the first place.
was it the dishes in the sink?
did he keep forgetting to turn off the lights?
what does it matter if he’s fucking you with his fingers so good that it has you blanking out, thoughts consumed with only him: soonyoung, soonyoung, soonyoung—fuck.
you cry out when soonyoung curls his fingers in a way that has you writhing under his touch, and he takes this has his chance to gently bite down on your neck. your soft moans have turning into louder ones, your high pitched squeaks echoing through the room.
soonyoung pulls his swollen, puffy lips away from the crook of your neck to look down at you with lustful, loving eyes. “i’m not listening to you, huh?” he murmurs, speeding up his fingers when he hears you whine out his name. “seems like i’m hearing you pretty well.” soonyoung leans in once more, his lips brushing against your earlobe. “and it seems like you want a whole lot more.”
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a/n: please let me know if u liked it and likecommentreblog for a kiss &lt;;33
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spoonsock · 11 months
Starbucks love
Gwen Stacy x reader
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Synopsis: Ever wondered what would the one and only Spider Gwen order from Starbucks? Me neither but take this anyway.
Warnings: Idk none I think. Not proofread. Writing this at 2am no joke what is wrong with me. Also DUDE. This is kinda similar to Intruder like wtf am I really that not creative. 😭
Also, fun fact, I’ve never been to Starbucks so if I got something wrong pls lemme know.
You didn’t really mind having a part time job at Starbucks. It wasn’t that bad. All you had to do was take orders, make them, write names on cups with your best handwriting. Sometimes kick customers out. Sometimes maybe serve Spider-woman.
Yup that’s right. It all started yesterday.
It was supposed to be a normal day. You clocked in early and mentally prepared yourself for what awaits you ‘cause you never know what might happen. God, what a good decision it was to say a few positive words before the day started.
Around 10 AM, the shop is not even that filled with people yet, three guys barge in, all of them with a gun in their hands. One of them points the gun at you and then at the register, while the other two guys walk around the people sitting at their tables.
“You empty that thing right now or Imma blow your brains out”. The guy says pointing a gun at your face and you freeze. You don’t move an inch, just stare right at him. Your eyes are not wide, you are not hyperventilating or anything. You are panicking, but not showing any signs of it.
The more you stare at the guy, the more impatient he grows. “What are you? Deaf? I’ll fucking kill you if you don’t take the damn money out this fucking moment”.
As soon as he finishes his sentence, the door of the shop slams open and (literally) twirling in comes, the one and only, Spider-woman. The armed men immediately turn to her and point their guns, but she slouches and puts her hands on her hips, looking at them unfazed.
“Seriously, you guys aren’t gonna make this easy for me, are you?”, Gwen asks and receives no answer. “…Alright then”
Before you can even blink, she hits one of the guys in the face, grabbing his gun and throwing it at the other guy. You watch as the the third guy tries to throw a punch at her face but narrowly misses and she succeeds to grab his arm and twist it, before kicking him in the stomach. She easily webs all three of the unconscious men up and the people from the shop clap. She bows jokingly and makes her way over to you.
“Hey, you okay? They didn’t take any money, did they?”, she asks but you are unable to answer. When the masked guy pointed the gun at your face, it triggered something in you. Pushed an “off” button in your brain and turned everything into blurry stop-motion pictures.
For the record, you’ve never been held at gunpoint. Well, until that day, but you hoped it was the first and last time. You didn’t know why it caused you to act like that. To just freeze and zone out. I mean any normal person would start sweating and fearing for their life, visibly shaking or something but you? It turned you off.
Whatever. Whatever it was, you zoned back into reality when you saw a white hand move in front of your face.
“Helloooo? Earth to..”, Gwen stopped and squinted to read from your name tag. “Y/N? Earth to Y/N! You there?”
You quickly took in your surroundings before pulling yourself together and nodding. “Yeah yeah, I’m. I’m fine. Everything is fine. Thank you. For helping. And for asking. I’m fine”, you stumbled across your words and even behind her mask, you could see Spider-woman hesitantly furrowing her brows at you. She didn’t believe you, obviously. You were a terrible liar.
“Riiiighht, well I’m gonna go then”, she stretched out her words before slowly turning around, picking the masked, armed guys off of the floor and exiting the shop.
Honestly, you thought that was going to be your last encounter, but oh boy, you were wrong.
Because she came back in the very next day.
“Oh, hello?”
“I didn’t really see any thieves or villains in our shop today, but uh, how may I help you?”, you ask, unsure of what was she here for, kinda scared that something bad might happen soon and she’s just there to try to prevent it.
“Uhhh actually I came to see you. A-and to get a vanilla latte. And a chocolate chip cookie. But I’m mostly here to see you”, you felt your cheeks heat up at her words. The famous friendly neighbourhood superhero, Spider-woman, came in Starbucks in which you worked just to see you. Strange.
“Um. Okay.”, you didn’t really know what to say to that. What do you even say in a situation like that??
“Soo, hi. Are you okay? You uh didn’t really look the best yesterday? I-I mean you can’t really look the best after being held at gunpoint anyway. Not that you look bad! You don’t! It’s just that, it must have been traumatic, obviously. Not just for you, I guess for everyone in the shop but-“
“I’m okay”, you decided to stop her rambling. “Thanks for checking”, you gave her a shy smile and she smiled back, you guess, but didn’t say anything. You two just stood there, in comfortable silence, until someone coughed behind the masked superhero and tapped their foot on the ground impatiently.
“O-oh um you uh are you going to order orrrrr….?”, you asked, remembering suddenly that you were at work. Where you are supposed to do your work.
“Oh ah yeah I-I’ll have uuuuuuuuhhh a short vanilla latte and a chocolate chip cookie. Please.”
“You’re seriously going to order the most basic white girl drink?”, you chuckled before you’re eyes widened. “NO. Please tell me I didn’t say that out loud”, you thought. But judging by the silence you were met with and the “o_0 expression” (if you could call it that) your friendly neighbor super hero held, you were wrong. “Oh fudge”, you furrowed your eyebrows before giving her the most sympathetic look you could make.
“I did not mean to say that I am SO sorry. I mean I didn’t even mean to think that it just kinda came outta nowhere, I’ve never said anything like that out loud ever. Or not out loud. I’ve never even thought something like that, honest! I seriously don’t have any idea where this came from I mean I would never ever guess your race- it’s none of my business! And it’s not like race has anything to do with the goddarn drink. It’s a drink! Anyone can order it! I have no say in that and I am SOO-“
“IT’S OKAY”, this time, Gwen interrupted your rambling (finally, it seemed like you could go on and on), “you can uhhh make up for it by, I dunno, maybe, givingmeyournumber?”, she was nervous, but you were oblivious unfortunately.
“Oh. OH YEAH I can do that..I’ll just go get your drink. And you cookie”, your ass has never left a place so fast. “SPIDER WOMAN. WANTS. MY NUMBER”, you squealed in your head while preparing her order.
You returned to her in a few minutes, a cup in one hand and a cookie in the other. “For here or do you want me to put it in a bag?”
“Can you put just the cookie in the bag?”, Gwen asked shyly and you nodded packing the cookie in the paper bag. Taking a sharpie that stood on your side of the counter, you wrote on her cup of latte “For Spidey ♡ by Y/N”, scribbling your phone number underneath and handing the bag and the cup to her.
“Thank you for your visit. Enjoy!”, you said what you always say to your customers and she jokingly gave you a two finger salute, turning around and exiting the shop.
The whole day after her visit, you’d check your phone every two seconds waiting for her text. At this point, you were already at home, watching a movie you picked out randomly to distract you from constantly glancing at your phone. Unfortunately, you were a person who constantly keeps their sound off and the movie actually intrigued you to the point you somehow forgot about the happenings of yesterday and today, at least until the movie ended.
And then it hit you.
You opened your phone to see four new notifications from unknown. FROM AN HOUR AGO.
You could barely contain your excitement. Spider woman. Asked you. For your number. She had your number. And she texted you. You have Spider woman’s number. And you’re about to answer to her texts. Holy quack.
Today 20:14
hey, this is spider woman
wow that felt weird to write hahah
anyway thank you for the drink
and your number
You smiled at your phone. Who would’ve thought that she would be so awkward while texting.
Unbeknownst to you, an hour ago, Gwen was panicking hard. At first she didn’t know what to say. She spent 10 minutes just writing and then deleting and writing and deleting words. Eventually, she decided to muster up the courage and send whatever first came to mind.
The moment she clicked on the “send” button, she regretted it. Then she sent another message, to try to fix the situation she put herself in. Only to realize she is just digging her grave deeper. Before she knew it, she sent you four messages, then threw her phone as far away as possible without damaging it too much, to stop herself from sending another text in attempt to “fix the previous”. She grabbed her mask and pulled it over her head, hiding her face from no one in particular.
After a few minutes, she heard a ding from across the room and scrambled from her bed quickly, tangling herself in the covers, getting her leg stuck in them and managing to fall face first on the floor.
Groaning, she reached for her phone from the very position she fell into, expecting to see a text back from you.
“Iphone storage full” was the only notification she received. Gwen placed the phone to where it was, continuing to lay on her bedroom floor with her Spider mask on.
“This is going to be a long night”
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purfectstormzz · 11 months
End game | Elijah Hewson x reader (social media au)
Summary: in which Mercedes driver y/n y/l/n is seen with a unknown man and everyone wants to know who the mystery man is.
Pairing: Elijah Hewson x Fem!f1!reader
A/n: I’ve had this idea for a while so I decided to just write it + there aren’t enough Elijah Hewson fanfics on this app
(PS: Picture credits to whoever took them)
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Liked by Charlesleclerc, elijahhewson and 30000 others
Yourusername: Life lately
Username: i need to know who this is!!
Danielricciardo: when do I get to meet your mystery man
>yourusername: who says you haven’t?😏
> Danielricciardo: excuse me ☝🏼???
Charlesleclerc: 🖤
Liked by yourusername
Username: so nobody is talking about Charles his comment?
> username: he doesn’t look like Charles tbh
>username: guys I think that’s Elijah Hewson
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Liked by Lewishamilton, inhalerdublin and 17000 others
Yourusername: about last weekend (feat the boss man)
Tagged: Mercedes, Lewishamilton, GeorgeRussel
Danielricciardo: guess your wonder boy needs to be at more of your races😉!
Liked by yourusername
Danielricciardo: I’m so proud of you🖤
>yourusername: 🖤🖤
Charlesleclerc: extremely proud of you!!
Liked by yourusername
CarlosSainzjr: P1 baby!!!
> yourusername: p2 for you baby!!!
> username: OMG ITS CARLOS!!
>username: dude no!!
Susiewolff: please I need that last photo!!
> yourusername: check your dms🙃
ElijahHewson: I’m so proud of u! <3
>yourusername: <3
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Liked by ElijahHewson,CarlosSainzjr and 14000 others
Yourusername: Secrets out I guess. Elijah Bob Patricius Guggi Q Hewson and I have actually been dating since we were 17. He has been my number one supporter since the beginning and has secretly been at most of the races but we just kept him hidden🫣. Thank you my love for standing by me this whole time. I’m so proud of what you yourself have accomplished and I love you so much <3
Tagged: ElijahHewson
Danielricciardo: dude how much did your parents hate you to give you that full name??
Bobbyskeetz: not the full name💀
ElijahHewson: i love you too baby, I will always be your number one supporter<3
Liked by yourusername
Username: so they hid this guy the whole time? WTF!
CarlosSainzjr: Best kept secret on the paddock!
> Landonorris: dude you don’t know how stressful this has been!
> Charlesleclerc: @yourusername he deserves a present for keeping this a secret this whole time.
> yourusername: I’ll bring him a juice box next race🙃🙃
> Landonorris: I would actually like that tbh..
Username: they’ve been dating for 6 YEARS!!!!!!
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Liked by yourusername, Bobbyskeetz and 1300 others
ElijahHewson: Am I officially a wag now?? Y/n Y/l/n I love you so damm much and I’m so proud of you. Thank you for always sticking by my side. <3
Yourusername: I love you too my love<3 (btw u can’t be a wag)
> elijahhewson: why not??
>username: Cuzz you’re a man dumbass
>username: wait so does that make him a hab?
Danielricciardo: our favorite wag☺️
A/N: I hope you guys liked this. This was the first fic I’ve ever made.
I was thinking of writing a story on how Eli and y/n realised that they liked each other.
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togament · 8 days
Hi Bibi, i just want to say you’re doing amazing and your post are literally ADDICTING. I was a little worried because I didn’t know if Wind Breaker would get a lot of attention on Tumblr yk? (Just because it’s new) AND YOU CAME AND SAVED ME. I love you, your brain, and your page. Please keep going and I WOULD LOVE to hear your thoughts on new episodes/chapters (only if you want). Thank you for feeding my delulu brain. Hugs 🫂
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thank you for the kind words dhdjkd i don’t know if i’m worthy of such praise too like—everyone leaving cute (and unhinged ofc) stuff in the tags and in my inbox gets me all giddy and blushy and!!!!!! Seeing you guys enjoying my stupid ramblings means the absolute world to me (i see you guys in the tags and i read every single one. Love you you freaks 😏) fun fact, I only started writing fics on this account and only for windbreaker so all the interactions and thirsty feedback I get genuinely, genuinely makes my heart do the boom boom. So smooches to every one of you!!!!!! (only if you want them. you could exchange it for a headpat if you want ig)
ok enough of the sappy stuff. WINDBREAKER TIME!
windbreaker blowing up on tumblr is so so so well deserved. i was genuinely shocked because it took a little bit for the hype to catch on???? the seiyuus are literal legends (in my eyes hehe), the animation’s SO FUCKING GOOD LIKE HELLO!??, the op and ending song aren’t ass??????? I’m super excited for what’s to come for our fandom and the anime. ALSO fun fact, I have the fattest crush on Umehara Yuichiro so him voicing Togame literally brought me to my god damn knees, bro. I’m expecting Eguchi Takuya to secure a character too bc ofjfkdkd his voice would be perfect for a villain.
also may or may not have picked windbreaker up bc I saw a character named Kiryu and an eyepatched character and I 😮👈😮👈 YAKUZA REFERENCE!!!!! (probably not but the coincidence is silly to me)
I’m not super caught up on the anime (on episode 7 atm!) I wanna savor every episode and binge them back to back (also bc my hubby’s got so much screentime I wanna savor that him EVEN MORE YUM YUM YUMMY). Caught up on the manga though and I Have Thoughts.
(spoilers under the cut)
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the endo fight’s scaring me, man. also super fucking worried about ume bc WE HAVEN’T SEEN HIM FOR SO LONG??? the chair throw spooked me. also worried about ume’s vegetable garden. I know it’s getting trampled to shit. also very worried about sakura. he’s getting all banged up by endo, his nose is probably broken now wtf he was bleeding SO MUCH.
chika’s scary too. both him and endo. i honestly don’t know what’s gonna happen next like, they’re both so unpredictable and unhinged that my butthole’s clenching in sheer terror.
I’m also very concerned about suo. WHY HAVE WE NOT SEEN HIM EATING (or maybe I’ve missed a panel lol) but with every food offer he’s ever been given, he turns them down. also the fact that we only know him on a surface’s surface level even when he’s one of the main boys is scaring me. we’re 140+ chapters deep and not one single suo morsel for us to nibble on. I don’t want a betrayal thing happening ok lol that would be my tipping point i fear.
if you guys want me to yap about a chapter or an episode or potential seiyuus for other characters or if you just want my thoughts on things (i am a Certified Yapper), i am directing you to the askbox! This was super fun!! Extremely forgetful too so this could help me remember all the stuff that’s happened so far.
thank you so much again for sending over an askkskfnnxnx heaven knows i needed a little pick me up today. you delivered and made my entire day, sweetheart!!!!! Ily!!!!!!! 🥹
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hazybisou · 1 year
21 BABY!
insta edit
faceclaim: cierra ramirez
mexican!reader x trevor zegras
summary: y/n turns 21 and the day just so happens to be chaos
a/n: first post!! the spanish might be shitty but i don’t give a fuck bc i used google translate instead of channeling my inner preschool self who was waaayy too fluent in spanish for a 4 year old!! ok? ok
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trevorzegras, jackhughes, jen.01, and 32,980 others liked this post
y/n.username 21 y la vida no podría ser mejor (ifykyk)
tagged: jen.01 (photo creds)
trevorzegras 21 and you still act like a child!! love ya babe 🫶🫶🥰
↳ y/n.username me!!?? you stole chocolate milk from a 10 yr old
↳ trevorzegras in my defense i was thirsty thank you very much
jackhughes we boutta get lit tonight 🔥🔥
↳ y/n.username well duh 🙄
↳ jackhughes @trevorzegras your girl keeps giving me attitude
↳ trevorzegras @jackhughes deal with it 🤷 sorry bud
↳ jackhughes @trevorzegras wtf
griffinzegras happy 21st y/n 🥳🎉
↳ y/n.username thank you griff you and ava will always be my favorite zegras’
↳ griffinzegras ya hear that trev??! IM HER FAVORITE
↳ avazegras i’m her fave as well
↳ y/n.username @avazegras dw ava i love you more than your two idiotic brothers
↳ griffinzegras rude
↳ trevorzegras js for that you aren’t getting kisses for a week
↳ y/n.username ok
↳ trevorzegras that’s it really?
↳ y/n.username yes
user1 she looks 17 wtf?!!
↳ user2 right!!!?
y/n.username liked this comment
anaheimducks happy b-day to our favorite admin!!
↳ y/n.username thank you 😊
jamie.drysdale happy 21st you’re such a better roommate then trevor ever will be
↳ y/n.username my child!!! thank you! 🫶🫶
↳ trevorzegras i’m not that bad
↳ jamie.drysdale …
↳ y/n.username …
↳ jackhughes …
↳ _quinnhughes…
↳ _alexturcotte no comment
↳ trevorzegras who invited you all to this conversation!?
jen.01 wife 🫶🫶
↳ y/n.username wife 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
elblue6 happy birthday darling! you look beautiful
y/n.username liked this comment
↳ y/n.username thank you mama e!! i’ll come visit soon i promise
tterry19 the second baby of the ducks turns 21!! WHOOP WHOOP 🎉🎉
y/n.username liked this comment
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y/n.username, colecaufield, trevorzegras and 10,384 others liked this
jen.01 tip: don’t host your best friends 21st rager/birthday you’re kitchen island will end up looking like this
tagged: y/n.username
y/n.username you volunteered to throw AND host it
↳ jen.01 we don’t talk abt that
jackhughes don’t complain you loved it
↳ y/n.username yea cuz you two had a full on make out sesh
↳ jen.01 @y/n.username no need to expose me like that
trevorzegras that’s what happens when you invite over 30 hockey players to your house
↳ jen.01 shut up trev you stole my wife from me
↳ trevorzegras she’s my wife too yknow
↳ y/n.username 😳😳
↳ colecaufield soooo when’s the baby’s due date
load more comments…
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y/n.username, lhughes_06, jamie.drysdale and 96,382 others liked this
trevorzegras feliz cumpleaños a mi bebé preciosa!!!!!!!!🥰💖💖another year with you my love and many more to go! i love you and promise to always love you even if it means we have to deal with jamie and his horrible guitar skills but at least we go through it together! you’re finally 21 meaning we can go out and go to clubs and bars (without you having to use a fake id) legally and get as drunk as we’d fucking like!! words cannot explain my love for you and that attitude of yours but you know i love you!! te amo querida, cariño, bebé, hermosa, bella, amor de mi vida 🫶 all of the above
p.s. my gf so smexyyy my god 😻😻😻
tagged: y/n.username
y/n.username literally wtf??! why are making me cry!! 😢 and on my birthday too??!
↳ lhughes_06 can confirm she is indeed bawling her eyes out in the corner 🫡
↳ y/n.username @lhughes_06 you suck 🖕🖕
y/n.username i love you so so so much trev i’d marry you rn if i could 🫶🫶💋
↳ trevorzegras who’s to say we can’t get married??! 😏😉
↳ colecaufield y’all seeing this or am i tripping??
↳ jackhughes mr and mrs zegras 2024????
↳ jen.01 now he’s rlly trying to steal you from me @y/n.username😔😔
↳ _quinnhughes did he js propose in his ig comments or…
griffinzegras trevor when he’s whipped <<<
↳ y/n.username you only like it when you get to tease him about it so fuck off
jackhughes who tf taught this man spanish?????!!
↳ trevorzegras my beautiful amazing incredible gf/wife @y/n.username
↳ y/n.username @jackhughes he is now able to understand what i say and write certain words in spanish 🫡🫡
↳ trevorzegras the stuff she says…is very very interesting
↳ jamiedrysdale she’s talks abt us doesn’t she?
↳ y/n.username no te preocupes de eso jamie 😄😁
masonmctavish23 what😮did😮he😮say
↳ y/n.username you’ll learn eventually
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this was so fucking bad but then again it was written at 3 in the morning so…and like i had a flight to catch at six and the whole things a mess
21 y la vida no podría ser mejor - 21 and life could not get better
feliz cumpleaños a mi bebé preciosa - happy birthday to my precious baby
te amo - i love you
querida - dear
cariño - darling
bebé - baby
hermosa - beautiful
bella - beauty
amor de mi vida - love of my life
no te preocupes de eso - don’t worry about that
171 notes · View notes
Wtf were you thinking with that poll? Actors and musicians sue people all the time for writing fanfic about them. It's one of the few rare things BANNED on Ao3. AND it's how fanfic net got purged of all smut. Also it's just like, supper fucking creepy and stalkerish? Like restraining orders needed? Seriously wtf.
about this poll
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I love how you seem so mad at me like the poll is to justify writing fanfics about real people when I’ve made my intention clear that it was a genuine question because I’d seen a lot of people debate about it so many times and would love to hear more of people’s opinions regarding the topic in deeper details as to why they think it was okay or why it made them uncomfortable. but if you must know, I personally voted against it. for the reason stated in the option. and I completely understand why people would take legal action against fanfics being written about them without permission / consent.
that being said, I didn’t know AO3 banned it because they literally have tags where people posted fanfics about real people. I don’t read or engage with them, but a quick tag search shows there are, as of now, 128,739 works for Actor RPF (real person fiction). and even without filtering the tag, I’ve come across fanfics about real people on AO3 all the time.
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again, I don’t read them and I don’t engage with them. but unless I miss something, I don’t think they’re banned on AO3. and before you try to put words in my mouth with your implication and your assumption of my belief again, my saying “I don’t think fanfics about real people are banned on AO3” does not mean I agree with people posting fics about real people nor does it mean I encourage fanfics about real people, just my thoughts that I don’t think AO3 did anything to remove those works and that I believe AO3 actually allow those works in their platform, unless a legal action is taken against any specific work.
for what it’s worth, your thoughts on this subject are literally the same as mine, but I mean I can’t stop people from doing what they’re doing. do I think fanfics about real people are an invasion of privacy and do I think it’s crossing boundaries? yes. do I go out of my way to harass anyone who writes or reads them? no, because chances are, my words aren’t going to stop them from doing it anyway, not with harassment, at least. so I just don’t engage with them.
people are going to do what they’re going to do. I can’t stop them. if they get sued for it then that’s the consequences of their actions.
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mellybouboulove · 8 days
My guardian angel🤍𓆩♡𓆪☁️
Chapter 2
Hi here's chapter 2!
Plot summary: Drug Dealer Ellie Williams X OFC slowburn fic, out of universe and takes place in college, set in the 2000s. Smut content to come.
Chapter 1, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapitre 5, Chapter 6
Tags: #wlw #sapphic #drugdealer!ellie #modern!ellie #tlou #slowburn #smut #fluff #tlouau #au #modernau #drugs
Let me know your thoughts on this and enjoy ^_^
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I woke up with the sounds of the machines all working around me. I opened my eyes, blinded by the hospital’s bright light on the ceiling. I felt so confused, I couldn't recall anything of the accident but I knew something bad happened. A doctor entered, gave me a check up and asked me if I remembered my name and what my last memory was. I would have rather lost my mind. He then proceeded to explain what happened last night : I caused a car crash. I felt my heart tighten in my chest, the pictures slowly making their way back to my brain. Emily was severely injured, left unable to walk properly for the next few weeks; she probably won’t be able to play soccer anymore and Jonathan was in a coma. 
Unfortunately, I was luckier than them and only got three broken ribs and a broken arm. The doctor said I should get better in a couple months however, they have to keep me until the end of the week to make sure there’s nothing more than that.
I spent most of the days crying in bed, the guilt eating me alive. I almost killed my two best friends and myself. Thankfully, the medical treatment I was prescribed numbed me enough to make the burden easier to carry. This week felt like it never ended, I couldn't wait to go back home and leave this awful hospital bed. 
The medicines I had to take made me feel better. So much better, that I started to take bigger doses instead of decreasing it as time went by. When the doctor stopped my prescription, I realized I couldn’t continue without the treatment. Without the medicines all I could do was think about that day and the lives I ruined. I was going back to school after a couple weeks of staying home. I tried to stick to the rhythm again but I struggled to focus on anything else. I eavesdropped and heard people talking about a party in an abandoned place tonight; I thought about it for a second and linked the dots: I must be able to find what I need at this party.
As soon as I got home I opened my wardrobe and put on a short tight black dress with ripped thighs. I did my makeup and got ready to leave. I could hear the loud music from down the street; I arrived at the place and had to walk over people’s bodies laying on the floor. Everyone was high and the atmosphere was very odd but all I cared about was my drug.
I saw a bunch of people assembled in a corner and took a look. The plug was just behind that wall. I waited for my turn and walked towards the drug dealer. I was really surprised when I saw Ellie Williams, the girl I met during the Halloween Party. She looked just as surprised as me when she recognized me.
-Maya? I barely recognized you. So this is how you normally dress, huh? I knew Wendy Terrance’s style was not your normal style but… -I don’t really have time to talk, do you have Opiates ? I said cutting her. -Maya you’re shaking you’re ok?  -Just give it to me please, how much is it? -No I’m not giving you anything look at you, I don’t want you to kill yourself.  -Why do you even care ? Aren’t you just looking for new clients at parties ? You have a new client now. -Hey, look at everyone around you here, I know that you’re not a junkie and I don’t want you to become one. You shouldn’t even be here wtf are you doing here anyway?
I didn’t know what to say and avoided eye contact with her the whole time. I realized I started to get crazy and I felt so ashamed that she was witnessing all of this. She was so kind and I was acting like a pathetic drug addict.
-Maya, what's happening? Do you need help?
I felt my throat tightening as I answered. 
-Yes. -Ok, take my keys and wait inside my car. I’m gonna come in a few minutes. 
I took her keys and did what she said. About 10 minutes later, she came and joined me, she turned the car on and drove off. I didn’t say nor asked anything about  where we’re going. After a short while she pulled into a fast food’s  parking lot. We stayed in the car as I began to tell her everything that happened in my life since the last time we talked. She was very caring and reassuring. She proposed to get us some food at the drive. We talked about many random things, I saw that she tried her best to make me think about something else. 
After spending 2 hours talking we were both feeling tired. She drove to my place to drop me off but seeing my street and my house brought me back to reality. I didn’t feel strong enough to face another day without opiates. I knew I would just get crazy in my room. Having her around me made it feel a little easier so I asked her if she wanted to crash at my house tonight and keep me company. I noticed a hesitating look on her face but eventually she accepted. 
We went inside my house, it was such a mess. I tried my best to clean and make things look better but the truth is I haven’t been able to clean for the past week. My life totally went downhill and everything was so dirty but she didn’t seem to care, I guess she’s used to this type of place.
I installed her on the couch, I thanked her, said good night and went to bed. Everytime I fell asleep I was having the same nightmares with flashing memories of the accident and Emily and Jonathan dying. I couldn’t bring myself to sleep. I went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and saw that Ellie was still wide awake. 
-Are you not tired ? I asked interrupting her from staring at the ceiling -Not really. Aren’t you? -No, I can’t sleep. Wanna watch a movie or something ?  -Sure! She answered with a shy smile, I felt so happy to find an excuse to spend more time with her. -Maybe it’s time for you to watch this classic. I said taking out The Shining from my pile of DVDs. 
She made space for me on the couch next to her and I pressed start. During the movie I felt her arm get behind my shoulder acting like nothing. I was starting to feel sleepy and laid my head on her shoulder as she began to play with my hair. She moved position to make us both lay down on the couch and grabbed the blanket to cover us. I felt safe and finally managed to sleep without nightmares.
------------------- To Be Continued..
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