#south park trans kyle hc
pilabutsp · 8 months
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Reference of my T4T Kyndyl!
They are so in love.
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adweirdod · 1 year
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A lil trans kyle comic cus im bored and this HC has been spreading like fire
TW:cringe asf
Text if you cant read:
1. Kyle’s mom:
-Kayla u are my beatiful girl
2. X
3. Kyle:
-Hi…i’m Kyle
4. X
-Kayla? What have you done my daug-
Kyle:your son.
Kyles mom:
My son. Kyle.
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fennecfiree · 10 months
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All the characters with my pride headcanons!!
Well I don't really headcanon butters as trans, but I think it's a cute headcanon so I just put it in
Cartman wasn't invited to their lgbtq meet up
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ladykennymccormick · 1 year
I have to be real and speak my truth for all the south parkers tonite. The cis one w the least amount of gender fuckery is Kyle. I know I love him and I hear the rabble but some of you are mistaking cartman, an antisemite, doing the antisemitic thing of taking away Kyle’s masculinity because he is Jewish and equating it to Kyle himself being a gender fuckup of his own accord.
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wonder-tvveek · 1 year
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quietmtntown · 2 years
lesten trans kyle is fine headcanon away/ have fun/ but im beggging people dont use cartman bullying him as evidence for it.. its used to degrade Kyle, cause erics a sexist asshole and with the rise of antisemitisim it just feels icky to do.. there are better ways to go with him being trans than using cartmans bullying as evidence.. is all im saying..
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cringelordofchaos · 3 months
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south park trans headcanons
For Wendy and Kyle they're mostly based off of TFBW, otherwise I'm not sure if Im too convinced in the hcs myself
Same for Tolkien but I actually like the hc
For Stan it's mostly based off of the cissy when he's confused abt his gender, which way is be trans ? He doesn't know either lmao
For Kenny it's obvious, Kenny's whole "they didn't accept me for I wasn't assigned a princess at birth" arc is pretty cool
Not to vent but I decided to make this instead of crying about my terf mom lmaooo
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caughtonwebcam · 1 year
sp hcs <3
- In his 20s, Cartman used to sneak out to bars and try to seduce men while crossdressing. He thought it was a secret, but Kyle, Stan and Kenny all knew, they just didn’t say anything but joked about it in private. (This was before he became homeless. He got kicked out of college.)
- Craig goes everywhere looking like he rolled out of bed. Like just throws on a hoodie that was on his floor and sweats.
- After post-covid, Stan ends up marrying Wendy, but the marriage ends in divorce.
- In middle school, Butters becomes a bit of a bully. After constantly being grounded throughout elementary school, be becomes rebellious and starts to hang out with Cartman more. However, when around Kenny, he feels as though he can be his true self. He was also veeeerrryyyy deep in the closet about his gender identity at this time, and tried very hard to project his masculinity as obnoxious as possible. Kenny was the only one who knew about Marjorine being trans and helped keep the secret for her up until high school. She started hrt and publicly came out her senior year.
- Tweek always wears mismatched socks.
- In high school, Butters got the courage to call cps for his parent’s abuse, after doing so being put into foster care. He was adopted by the Tweeks and became Tweak’s adopted brother/sister.
- Scott Tenorman lives in a mental hospital.
- Stan played with Crimson Dawn throughout middle school and high school. The band became kinda cultish within South Park. When they broke up before everyone went to college, Stan tried to start a solo career and got a couple gigs. He still plays with the former members occasionally, though.
- Stan smells like axe. Kyle thinks it’s disgusting.
- Kyle can’t go a day without showering. He also wears cologne a lot.
- Kyle is a neat freak (he has ocd.)
- Kyle hid his hair under his hat up until junior year, being heavily insecure about it. In college, he started to embrace his hair and let it grow out.
- Since dating Cartman, Heidi suffers from bulimia and anorexia, because she still sees herself as a clone of Cartman.
- Bebe is one of those girls who sprays bath and bodyworks warm vanilla sugar perfume all over the locker room.
- Tweek and Craig like to bond over movies and tv shows, like Adventure Time or Star Wars. Their current favorite is Steven Universe (Tweek’s favorite character is Peridot and Craig’s is Garnet <3)
- Cartman still sleeps with his stuffed animals/dolls, but denies it.
- Mars becomes a cheerleader.
- When watching a horror movie with friends, if Clyde knows there’s a jumpscare coming, he will leave the room and yell “Is it over yet?” when he wants to come back in.
- Kenny makes his money when living alone by being hired for kids birthday parties. He will go as either Mysterion or Princess Kenny.
- When Stan starts to question his sexuality during his preteen years, Wendy helps him out by telling him she’s omnisexual herself and introduces him to bisexuality.
- Red and Wendy date for two weeks in middle school.
- In middle school, Stan nearly drops all his friends again, hitting his lowest point with his mental health and alcoholism. He starts to recover in high school.
- Stan HATES weed. However, he still smokes it as a stress reliever despite himself, having been surrounded by it since 4th grade. Occasionally, he’ll smoke some with Kenny.
- Stan has ache, meanwhile Kyle has a perfect skincare routine.
- Craig, Clyde, Bebe, Heidi, and Wendy all have braces.
- Mars loves y2k, early 2000’s and Japanese Harajuku fashion.
- Kenny owns one of those stupid “virginity rocks” and “I ❤️ hot milfs” t-shirts.
- Nicole and Tolkien are married and Tweak and Craig are engaged.
- Stan is still jealous of Kyle and Tolkien’s tiktoks. In response, Kenny and Stan make their own tiktok account to rival them.
- Kenny’s phone is a hand-me-down iPhone 6 that is so cracked it’s a shock how it even still works.
- Wendy takes muay thai lessons.
- Kyle is a huge book worm, enjoying classic literature. Stan makes fun of him for it, thinking it’s boring.
- Stan carries tote bags everywhere.
- Stan loves motorcycles.
- Stan avoids red meat in his diet. He still eats chicken and fish, though, since he’s not a total pussy.
- Tweek likes musicals. Craig, on the other hand, thinks they’re silly.
- Stan is a fnaf kid.
- Kyle is a coffee addict. Not Tweek level ofc but he can’t go without it.
- Kyle is an insomniac.
- Kyle enjoys writing, specifically poetry. In middle school, he wrote a lot of cringey poems that he is embarrassed of, which his mother kept as keepsakes.
- Cartman writes yaoi fanfiction of Tweak and Craig that he hides under his bed.
- Kyle went through a “I’m not like other boys” phase in middle school. Years later, Kyle had to scribble out his old yearbook photos cuz he hated them so much. He had a pair of round glasses that he thought looked so good for about a year, then saw his photos and never wore them again.
- Butters started sneaking out in high school to go to Kenny’s house. Marjorine became a really good liar.
- Tweek likes physical touch but feels uncomfortable giving it or having it be displayed, while Craig hates being touched but loves getting into everyone’s personal space.
- Tweek is taller than Craig.
- Marjorine has a huge growth spurt in high school, making her the tallest out of the boys.
- Tweek has a huge fear of blood. If he gets something as minor as a scrape or a paper cut he will literally pass out.
- Stan and Kyle will stay up very late playing roblox together on school nights.
- Clyde is afraid of loud noises, specifically thunderstorms. He also has a fear of clowns.
- Clyde and Kyle both sleep with a nightlight.
- Kyle is a straight-A student. If he gets a B he will beg the teacher for extra credit to make it up. Stan’s grades are pretty average, mostly B’s with a couple A’s and like one C. Kenny has abysmal grades. Mostly F’s and D’s and one B. Cartman is mostly C’s and D’s with one F.
- One of Mars’ favorite hobbies is to go thrifting. She often goes with Kenny and they pick outfits out for each other.
- Mars and Kenny also like to bond over online games, specifically Hello Kitty Island Adventure (among other things like webkinz or animal jam)
- Mars and Kenny love singing karaoke together. They also like painting each others nails for fun.
- Mars and Kenny aren’t dating, just really close friends. A lot of people think they are due to their joke flirting (they both know it’s not serious but they think it’s funny. Sometimes they’ll do it just to confuse people.) Mars is dating Red and Kenny just sleeps around, but is open to a committed relationship(s), both monogamous or polyamorous.
-In college, Kenny worked at a tattoo shop. He gave himself his own piercings. He has a lot of them.
-Kenny likes wearing skirts and dresses occasionally. Not like Cartman does, but in a “fuck gender norms I can wear what I want” kind of way, being cis.
-Cartman used to talk to his plushies and believe that they were alive and had feelings (he watched toy story and totally thought it was real). He used to cram all his plushies onto his bed and sleep with them because he didn’t want them to be lonely.
-Cartman is very embarrassed about his genderfluidity, with lots of internalized homo/transphobia (if u asked him what his pronouns were, he’d probably say “I have a dick and balls, make of that what you will.” Otherwise, he’d go by he/she) If he found out that the other guys knew, he would die. - Wendy and Stan, since middle school, are constantly in an on-again-off-again relationship. Stan’s personal issues in middle school led him to treat Wendy horribly, even if he didn’t mean it. Heidi used to comfort Wendy about this, sharing her experiences, and they became close. In high school, as Wendy became more popular and Stan started to recover, he started to chase her while Wendy was colder. However, they hooked up occasionally and dated periodically. While Stan was getting better, he still lacked good communication skills, and in senior year, Wendy finally broke up with him for good. They rarely saw each other in college, but after that they reconnected and became friends. Read the first headcanon. - Kenny doesn’t give a fuck about his health because he knows he can just come back. He’s constantly living life on the edge and doing dangerous shit, but is always quick to protect anybody who he feels is at harm and would never try to drag them into anything crazy he does. - Kenny will get high off of anything. Anything. He doesn’t cheese anymore but he likes huffing and taking LSD. - Mars and Kyle enjoy writing.
- Wendy is wasian (korean and white)
- Stan is wasian and Latino (Japanese, Mexican and white)
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victimized-martyr · 2 years
I love all your kyman hc's so much!!!!😭❤ I just need to hear more, so here are my questions: if kyman got married how would they act around each other? And do you think they'd adopt kids and if yes: what would they name them? And would they raise them jewish or christian or both?
Aaahhh I know there are too many questions I'm sorry 😭😭
Don’t apologize, I love talking about kyman :D
Regardless of context, the core of their dynamic is: Cartman is the instigator, Kyle reacts, a little back and forth, escalate the issue to Nth degrees of insanity, Kyle lands the final blow. Though sometimes, depending on the issue, Kyle lands the last punch thinking he’s won, only for Cartman to win the war last minute. Another way the show’s mixed things up, is that Kyle’s victory is undermined either by South Park itself, or Cartman. I see their marriage as an opportunity to expand their unique dynamic and introduce new plotlines/ jokes that couldn’t be done if they were still kids.
I see Cartman taking Randy’s place as the adult that’s always up to no good, the fixture of South Park’s weirdness. self serving hijinks flare up just about every week. Meanwhile, the Sharon (or straight man) to offset that cannot be anyone else but Kyle. This time however, unlike the marshes, and perhaps most couples in South Park, the Brofloski’s are truly in love. That’s kinda the joke. The couple that started out insulting each other and trying to kill each other on multiple occasions end up in the happiest relationship. I see them fitting nicely among the pantheon of sitcom couples— Mitchel and Cameron, Marge and Homer, Ralph and Alice, Gomez and Morticia. Their relationship, in Trey fashion, pays homage to and in the same breath, mocks those classic couples.
TLDR, Their dynamic is in tact, it’s just evolved to a new label. Instead of sort of friends-ish, they’re a couple. They’re still loud, obsessed with each other, fight over issues, hang out and share similar tastes. Only this time they got rings on their fingers. And if they don’t fistfight, how do they deal with their classic arguments? Well, like any sensible american couple, of course! they fuck each other’s brains out! ( just kidding. I have this vision of Cartman doing the most outrageous shit and Kyle chasing him offscreen in anger, Cartman shouting “domestic abuse domestic abuse!”)
I’m not sure what they’d name their kids. Does it matter? I do know what personalities I’d like them to have though— the 1st, their oldest, is outgoing, entitled, bossy, manipulative, a performative people pleaser, makes everyone’s problems their responsibility, and is quick witted. (A 2w3) Much like Eric, they are exceptionally charismatic and love being in the limelight. And like Kyle, they love getting involved in the lives of others, seen as helpful. The 2nd child is less outspoken, prefers to keep opinions to themselves, a dispassionate observer. ( poster child for 8w9) Like Eric, they’re materialistic, and prone to laziness. Still, they are an intellectual like Kyle, and far more principled in comparison to their sibling/Eric. They’re probably the most capable and dangerous in the family. They don’t shoot themselves in the foot like Cartman, and they don’t fight against the currents of South Park like Kyle. If they wanted to, they could take over the world and succeed where the Brofloskis failed. They just don’t care though lol.
I could never, ever see them as a two religion household. Yeah, Cartman has been portrayed as a bigoted Christian (or in his words, “[used] Christianity as an excuse to be a piece of shit”), but carrying that extremity to adulthood isn’t as funny. I don’t know how to articulate that other than, many extreme right wingers on twitter weren’t able to read Cartman’s bigotry in Cupid Ye as hyperbolic and instead took it as fact, and praised the stuff he whispered into Tolkien’s ears. His actions in Cissy were recently trending and was seen as heroic and like, justification why trans ppl can’t use whatever bathrooms they want. You can’t escalate the crazy stuff from real life anymore— it’s become reality. So the funniest thing to do, is either personify it as something else or, run in the opposite direction. If anything, PC has shown us that it’s funnier that the very same kid who once belittled Judaism in fact, became devoutly Jewish and proceeded to rub it in everyone’s faces rather than him ending up as some evil businessman. You rob bigots the chance to idolize Cartman, but give Cartman the freedom to hone his brand of idiocy on other things. So! Kyle slaps the antisemitism outta him, they get married, bam. They are a Jewish family.
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pilabutsp · 8 months
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I still have an obsession of drawing Kyndyl kissing!!!🗣🗣
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moved2fshfish · 1 year
Hii pookie it's me again who wants to draw the band things im super ooper sorry for how many questions i've been asking and i completely understand if these annoy you 😭❤️
What style of clothes would kyle wear?
Is it correct that Kyle is a lesbian and Stan is Bi?
Are they trans or just girls in the world?
What colour are their eyes? (Kyle and Stans)
What kind of relationship(s) do they have with each other and with the other members of the band?
Im so sorry if these are annoying or just weird questions, i just want to make sure i'm doing this right and that im not messing up any ideas you have ❤️ sorry for the long message
AHWJDHSJ HI AGAIN!!! no worries i Loveyo answer things about the band...favourite thing ever...🌟
Kyle usually wears jeans (or a longish skirt on warmer days) with a big ice skating ..like.. varsity jacket I think its called?
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like these things but with "south park" on them and other...ice skating logos (?)and its black & white with greenish blue
in the au she does figure skating because shes based on the book spinning by tillie walden :3 and i thought it would be cool!!!
but yeah for usual style of clothes its very casual ..maybe some bracelets or whatever.. AND SHE HAS GLASSES!!! like matt stone
kyle isusually the neater one though lmfao😭stan comes to band practice in pjs consisntently
idont really know about the trans girls thing!!! they can be if you want to hc that and marjorine is!!!! but it wouldnt be super important to the story either way ,i may add in that they are or arent later but fr now idk
stan has a kind of parasocial rivalry with craig, craig and kyle arent close at the beginning but they get closer bc she joins the band, kyle and stan are crushing on each other, marjorine is friendly with everyone and everyone trussts her! and kenny(objectively the only one really musically gifted in the band) is sort of their spokesperson .And friends with everyone, headover heels for marj
(only adding kenjorine for myfriend shout out count fagula 🌟🌟🌟)
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cricketburger · 2 years
Kinda related to the other thing I was talking about:
The fact that I can’t differentiate canon and fanon like where’d my media literacy go
I’ll start it now off with some anecdotes that a lot of people can relate to probably and then get more obscure as we get on okay??
Common hcs that I forget aren’t real
- Thomas is bisexual (idk where this one even came from but everyone just accepted it)
- Abe listens to weezer (look at him!!)
- Craig isn’t Peruvian (white Craig fanart always throws me off)
- Kenny doesn’t have freckles or scars (he’d fit freckles and also I hc he’d get a scar every time he dies like a bullet shaped one or one on his head from the chainsaw)
- Mike isn’t trans??? (Genuinely everyone I’ve seen agrees with that one)
Okay now the more obscure ones and Mandela effects I’ve forced upon myself (might as well divide them into fandoms):
The owl house:
These are all hunter ones because I like him the most
- Hunter texts like an old man and posts really blurry photos on penstagram
This one comes from a Headcanon I have relating to Melly that she’s the really tech savvy one and creates new slang in ever text and hunter is like a literal caveman like bro probably didn’t even know about electricity until he was 14
Lke melly prbly txts like ths 2 save time n all her txts
AN.d H un T3r TexTs.likethis be,aues hes nevER USEDA0hone be froe
- he also gives really heartfelt apologies for really silly things like
‘Dearest Luz, I am deeply apologetic towards you for my use of the phrase ‘Fatherless Behaviour’ towards you this morning. I was informed by Gus that it was a funny phrase used by humans towards people who are fans of the popular Minecraft Youtuber, Dreamwastaken, which you have mentioned to me that you enjoy. Thus, I found using the phrase to be appropriate for the situation. I was unaware that it had bad undertones however, as I had not been informed about the passing of your father. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. - Hunter.’
- Also all 3 of the blights ratio him on literally everything like he’ll tweet about what happened to Flapjack and they’ll have successfully ratioed him 1931029:1 in 30 seconds
South park:
Okay let me tell you there’s a lot of these so buckle in:
For context, most of these (all) come from a crack episode me and my sister thought up last year about a costume day, so they’re all really stupid and ooc ones (even more so than hunter’s)
- Craig is a huge Hamilton Stan
He absolutely went through a phase from 2016-18, this alongside Bmc and Heathers made him realise he was gay (he probably kinned Laurens and Michael and then realised why like 3 years later and was definitely into JD) his favourite song is what’d I miss and had to buy more storage because of the amount of Hamilton memes on his phone
- On the other hand, Mr Mackey despises LMM with a burning passion
This one started out as a joke where he threatens to expel Craig for liking Hamilton (‘if you come into my office talking about Lin Manuel Miranda I will expel you) but next time it was brought up it was misremembered as Kill so then it snowballed into this weed of a man threatening nuclear genocide on the universe at the mention of this man?? But he does gen seem like the kinda guy who doesn’t like Hamilton (principal Victoria would love it though she’d be super enthusiastic about the inclusion and stuff (not a pc principal level though))
- Principal Victoria is the worlds most performative activist
I drew fanart of her standing next to Craig in a hospital bed holding a pride flag like ‘get well soon!! Please don’t tell your parents about this!! I’m an ally!!’ (Context: she nearly accidentally killed him)
- Kyle and Stan don’t have really high pitched voices, Clyde doesn’t sound like a Chad, and Cartman doesn’t sound like a grater
Context: nobody involved in the voice cast of RotBC can voice act
Bonus, which isn’t from RotBC: Mysterion and Pip aren’t actually best friends and Kenny actually hates him as much as anyone else
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elizabethnightingale4 · 8 months
About the "Kyle has sand in his vagina" thing: Cartman says emasculating stuff like that about Kyle because that's part of an antisemitic belief that Jewish men aren't men. It's fine to hc Kyle as trans but Cartman's antisemitic comments shouldn't really be considered proof of it. Not trying to hate on your hc, just trying to spread awareness that's the reason why Cartman says stuff like that in the show.
Cartman says antisemitic stuff constantly sure, the thing that actual makes me think this hc is true is because Kyle literally says “there’s no sand in my vagina” also I’ve watched every single episode of South Park I hate Cartman I think he’s a racist and a bigot I’m not siding with him or anything like that but I don’t personally think this specific instance was connected directly to his antisemitism.
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paninimaker-artblog · 3 years
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trans kyle should be canon
anyway, imma talk about some trans kyle lore bc, as a trans guy, i know what he’d have to do to transition before 9
so, he probably told his parents he wasn’t a girl before 5, but his parents were like ‘well, we’ll see how it goes’. They told the schools, and other parents, that ‘hey, our kids a guy and he’s called Kyle now’. Kyle kept that same sentiment of ‘i’m a guy’ for 3 years (when he was 8)
his parents, probably sheila let’s be real, was like ‘yeah ok, let’s put him on hormone blockers before he even gets close to puberty to be safe’. they told everyone that didn’t know he’s trans that he was born a guy, including the synagogue, so everyone who didn’t know him before just assumed that he was cis, hence the bris episode
Kyle knew that other guys went ‘like him’, but he just didn’t meantion it because he assumed it wasn’t important, so no one knew apart from his parents, and maybe his friends that he was friends with pre-transition. None of his friends remember him as not a guy, bc they were under 5, and if they do they just assume it’s a fever dream
anyway, there, that’s what would happen if kyle was canonically trans 👍
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cringelordofchaos · 3 months
Disability + Queer headcanons for some South Park characters i like
(warning: u might not agree w everything i have to say !!! :shocked emoji:)
(also sorry if im inconsistent w some characters pronouns ill probably refer to a character with their canon pronouns in the show and then when i remember trans hcs of said characterr suddenly ill refer to the w different pronouns)
Craig Tucker
- gay (no fucking shit sherlock)
- level 1 autistic, low empathy, difficulties communicating and understanding emotions, yada yada u get the gist
- some form of anxiety? idk probs not to a disordered amount but its there.
Kenny McCormick
- Chronic pain (everywhere)
- Epilepsy
- dude LITERALLY got a seizure from simply playing a video game (in thepokemon episode) this dudes physical health is so bad prolly cuz his constant deaths still leave an impact on him even after he gets revived?
- autism !? (idk im not 100% sure just yet)
- selectively mute
- probably some form of (complex?) PTSD from the constant traumatizing deaths he endures though again like im not sure
- but yyeah ok i just remembered thispost is about disability AND queer hcs so uhm kenny. I like the genderqueer hcs but he could also just be really gnc and i love that for him too. either way likes women a lot and i cant exactly imagine him liking a dude? like idk maybe but nah i dont see it
Tweek Tweak
- im sorry but i personally dont view him as having adhd cuz his parents tell others hes hyperactive bc of it but really its because they keep drugging the fucking eight year old so idk. like idk he could possibly have it but i cant decipher cuz we dont know what tweek would be like if he wasnt drugged and a coffee addict at such a young age. and causes of symptoms matter
- but yeah he def has GAD and panic disorder bc of the drugged coffee
- oh also gay
eric cartman
- NPD (i know hes a really stereotypical and harmful portrayal of it and there should be better representation of it but theres no way he doesnt have it im sorry)
- sexuality and gender are whatever benefits him at the moment
(ok but if ur actually wondering abt my hc hes probably gay)(in extreme denial obviously though)
Butters Stotch
- has some form of disorder related to trauma and if he doesnt hell get one when he grows up because like dudes been through SOME FUCKING SHIT. (and he canonically falls asleep to and wakes up to the sounds of his own screams so like. uhm)
- seems like hes straight? like could be bi though idk. he DID have a crush on princess kenny though? take it as you will lmao
- SHIT i forgot about marjorine. yeah just like w kenny either genderqueer or gnc, love both hcs
- may i suggest aroace butters though
- or no sexuality butters (he doesnt have a sexuality :broke heart:)(dont aks me how that works it jst does)
Stan Marsh
- Major depressive disorder
- literal alcoholic at age 10 thats bound to mess him up for life one way or another
- canonically diagnosed with asperger's syndrome but it was his obvious depression being misdiagnosed
- bi but like only gay for specific chars. but yeah confused abt sexuality
- gender questioning too and its pretty canon as shown in 'the cissy'. though then again stans really empathetic so u could say stans confused feelings of gender identity were just being influenced by cartman and wendy recently telling the school theyre trans. idk WHICH way stans trans though and neither do they
- emo
kyle broflovski
- im gonna hes say asexual cuz of human kite's character chart thingy and also bc why not
- have got zero clue as to what his sexuality is like. im a style shipper (big surprise ik) so u might think i think he likes dudes but idk. ive never seen anyone hc him as aroace before but i think it could fit him. he does seem like he could just be cishet too. or maybe bi? ive also seen gay hcs of him. idk man i think multiple fit depending on how u interpret his character?
Tolkien Black
- his roleplay character chart thingy said ther character was gender neutral so im going w that hc
- likes girls (canon as shown in cartman finds love)
Bradly/Bradley (the one from the conversion therapy episode)
- canon wheelchair user (whats the term again i forgor) and also intellectually disabled (but also there was one point where it was revealed he was actually a genius i think?? so maybe hes not intellectually disabled but rather he lacks the capacity to express or communicate his inner world? idk)
- timmy
thas all i got for now im too lazy to continue but yeah pls dont kill me for these
EDIT 11/JUNE/2024: forgot to say this but also kenny has more physical disabilities than listed and also Cartman is dyslexic in my hc
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caughtonwebcam · 1 year
Unpopular (?) sp/sp fanon opinions
Tweek is taller than Craig
Kenny and Wendy aren’t genderfluid
Towlie is annoying and I can’t stand PC principal.
Mr. Garrison used to be really funny, but now he’s just kinda eh.
Cartman needs to be “human chili” and “I’m gonna give Kyle AIDS” evil again. It’s so entertaining
I’m sad that Stan and Kyle aren’t as close as they used to be :(
Pip and Scott Malkinson are cute, but are very one dimensional and bland.
I really like Heidi as a character and I wish they used her more.
I miss when Butters was the innocent one. He’s still less crass than the other boys but he doesn’t stand out as much.
I really wish Stan’s alcoholic and gender identity arc were expanded on more. Could’ve made for some really good episodes.
South Park isn’t transphobic. While I do somewhat disagree with some of their stances (like Gerald wanting to become a dolphin is not the same as being trans and the infamous “Board Girls” episode (which I PARTICALLY get),) I thought “The Cissy” handled the topic of trans issues really well.
Tweek and Craig need more episodes together
Stan and Wendy need to break up for good already. The on again off again is getting really old.
Newer Randy is funny, but has been so flanderized compared to earlier seasons it’s kinda ridiculous.
We need more goth kids
Kyman gets way too much hate than it deserves.
Shelia Broflovski is so incredibly unlikable that she isn’t even fun to watch. I want to smack the shit out of that bitch idk why.
Why does everyone think Kenny is pan? He’s clearly straight. I say that as I hc the other characters with lgbt hcs but honestly someone like Stan is so bisexual it might as well be canon (and yes, I am bi myself so I can say that) I also feel Kyle is ace coded soooo... but Kenny has never shown a possible interest in guys.
While I enjoy the irony, Cartman becoming Jewish just feels so out of character and hard to take seriously. I know that was the point and was meant to highlight Kyle’s emotions towards him, but it’s so cartoonish he might as well have been fucking with him. Like, who the fuck names their kid Menorah? I still like the concept, tho.
Stan was unnecessarily hostile towards Kyle in Post-COVID. Surely, you would have moved past your differences after forty years.
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