#south park undead park
stevetwisp · 1 month
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some of my fav comms from the last couple of months!
> if you would like to commission me check out my price sheet<
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more under cut
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muttsterion · 4 months
Do you think after the events of "Pink Eye" Kenny developed an aversion from Worscestershire Sauce? Though I guess maybe not since Princess Kenny was so willing to drink the zombie goo knowing it'd turn her into a zombie....maybe deep down Kenny liked being a zombie? XD
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kaisdrumsticks · 1 year
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made a post on insta insulting a ig account bc of their content and this mf really told me to "unbreath myself" 💀💀
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gothsloth707 · 2 years
These Kenny kin playlists on Spotify have songs not like him/he wouldn’t listen to, he’s poor so he would listen to Eminem and Hollywood Undead~~sincerely a poor kid
My Kenny playlist:
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Where Will All The Martyrs Go [Chapter 2: I’m The Son Of Rage And Love]
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Series summary: In the midst of the zombie apocalypse, both you and Aemond (and your respective travel companions) find yourselves headed for the West Coast. It’s the 2024 version of the Oregon Trail, but with less dysentery and more undead antagonists. Watch out for snakes! 😉🐍
Series warnings: Language, sexual content (18+ readers only), violence, bodily injury, med school Aemond, character deaths, nature, drinking, smoking, drugs, Adventures With Aegon, pregnancy and childbirth, the U.S. Navy, road trip vibes, Jace is here unfortunately.
Series title is a lyric from: “Letterbomb” by Green Day.
Chapter title is a lyric from: “Jesus Of Suburbia” by Green Day.
Word count: 6.2k
💜 All my writing can be found HERE! 💜
Let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist 🥰
On the shores of the Susquehanna River, just north of Harrisburg, you find a Wawa with no gas: bags on all the pumps, cars with their fuel caps unscrewed and dangling. This is a common courtesy adopted en masse, like rationing during the World Wars or flying American flags after 9/11. It signals that a car has already been siphoned, no gasoline to be found here, no transparent flammable gold made of eons-past decomposition. You wonder if in a few million years, some unfathomable new apex species will be drilling your liquefied remains from the lightless layers of the earth to power their spaceships.
“Then we got sent to Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling,” Rio continues, gnawing on a piece of beef jerky, Jack Link’s in a red bag, teriyaki. Mercifully, whoever took the gas left some of the food. You are sitting in the parking lot, a quaint zombie apocalypse picnic, trail mix and Rice Krispies Treats, Herr’s potato chips and Tastykakes, warm soda sipped from plastic bottles. Luke and Rhaena are on the roof of the Tahoe. Jace is tearing the convenience store apart; he is convinced the employees must have kept a gun somewhere in case of robberies. You know he’s fine. You can hear him banging around and swearing in there.
“Then we built some schools and a hospital in Djibouti,” you say.
Aegon is baffled yet intrigued. “Djibouti…?”
“It’s on the Horn of Africa, near Ethiopia and Somalia.”
Luke snorts. “It’s nice of you to assume he knows where Africa is.”
“Huh.” Aegon tosses a green M&M into his mouth. “Djibouti is horny.”
Rio says: “And after that we spent like six months in Key West, and then we got shipped to Corpus Christi, where Chips very narrowly avoided getting impregnated by, marrying, and inevitably acrimoniously divorcing a Marine.”
Everyone laughs except Aemond, who gives you a teasing smirk. “Did you really?”
“Uh, no. He asked me out, I ghosted him, that’s as far as it went.”
“Why’d you ghost him?” Baela says, crunching on Utz Cheese Balls.
Aegon turns to Rio. “You want a Honey Bun?”
“You’re my Honey Bun,” Rio replies. Aegon smiles, his sunburn flushing darker.
You shrug, eat a handful of candied almonds, tell a half-truth. “I just didn’t like him enough.”
Rhaena yelps and points: a snake, black and maybe five feet long, is slithering across the parking lot. It passes beneath the shade of the Tahoe and then continues towards the bushes. A moderate amount of panic erupts.
Helaena glances up from her notebook. “Rat snake. Not venomous.”
Rhaena shudders. “Well, I still don’t like it.”
“Where were you stationed next?” Daeron asks Rio.
“Chinhae, South Korea. Wicked cool place. The people love Americans, the food is incredible. We were there to rebuild a pier that got wrecked in a typhoon. They have these cute dolphin-looking things, they’d swim right up to the edge of the water with fish in their mouths to try to give to us. Like cats bringing home mice for their owners.”
“Finless porpoises,” you say.
“Yeah, those. And after Korea, it was Diego Garcia.”
“Diego…what?” Rhaena says.
Aegon turns to Luke. “Try to act like I’m stupid for not knowing where that is.”
“Diego Garcia is a tiny little island in the middle of the Indian Ocean,” you say, a bit wistfully. “It’s technically owned by the British, but we share a base there, we use it for airfields and to refuel submarines, things like that. We were renovating the housing facilities for Camp Thunder Cove. At night we’d go to the beach, have a few beers, look out into the ocean and it was just…nothing. Wide open dark nothingness for as far as you could imagine.”
“That’s what we need now,” Helaena murmurs as she makes elegant cursive annotations in her notebook, the cover picturing different species of spiders, a pinktoe tarantula, a green lynx spider, a black widow. “Someplace to go where no one will find us.”
“So you’ve known each other since basic training.” Aemond’s remaining blue eye shifts between you and Rio, like he’s still trying to puzzle it out. There’s really no mystery. You’re friends, and you’ve always been friends, and you’ve never been more than friends, despite many of your fellow seamen’s jokes to the contrary.
You tear open a Slim Jim. Aemond rebandaged your hands this morning, though they barely hurt anymore; he touches you with a clinical, focused restraint. “Not quite that long. Rio enlisted a few months before I did, so we weren’t at Great Lakes together, and then carpenters do technical school in Gulfport, Mississippi near Biloxi, and electricians train at Sheppard Air Force Base in Texas. We met after we were both assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 1.”
“The First and The Finest,” Rio quotes the motto, grinning. “The original Seabees, founded during World War II. People called our battalion the Pioneers, which…is kind of ironic now.”
Aegon says, munching noisily on trail mix: “It’ll be so appropriate when you end up dying of a broken leg or the flu or in some other totally preventable way.”
“It’s so crazy, people died of anything back then,” Luke marvels gravely. “Tuberculosis, pneumonia, infections, starving, freezing, poisoning, getting kicked by a horse, giving birth…”
Rhaena shoots him a fearsome look and Luke shuts up, but of course he can’t take it back. There is a long uncomfortable silence punctuated only by birdsong and Jace’s muffled outbursts from inside the Wawa. Everyone looks at Baela, concerned, pitying, entirely unable to do anything to improve her situation. She is still eating Cheese Balls with one orange-stained hand, but the other rests on her belly.
“Clearly, the timing is less than ideal,” Baela says after a while, and if she’s terrified she doesn’t sound like it. “It wasn’t planned to begin with, but I was determined to make the best of things. I figured that I could still finish up my master’s degree with a baby, and Rhaena and our parents could help, and Jace would be done with law school soon, and it might be stressful for a while but we’d all get through it. And now…” She shrugs wryly. “Now all those plans are gone. Just gone.”
“You’re going to be okay,” Aemond says; a fierce low determination, a promise, a vow.
Baela smiles at Rio. “How old is your baby?”
He is caught off-guard, clears his throat, averts his gaze. Aegon looks over at him, alarmed. “Oh, she, uh…she’s little. Really little. She…” And Rio, so rarely at a loss for words, can’t continue. He eats his beef jerky instead.
You explain for him. “Sophie’s due date was right around the time the phones and internet went down. The last we heard, she was headed to Odessa to stay with Rio’s parents.” Aemond and his companions nod and don’t say what they’re thinking, but it’s swimming in their eyes: Sophie could have died, the baby could have died, they both could have died, you and Rio might be risking your lives to cross the continental United States for nothing. “Rio’s parents live in this…well, I joke around and call it a doomsday prepper cult, but that’s not really what it is, it’s just a farming community out in the middle of nowhere. People who have their own chickens and gardens, churn their own butter, don’t wear deodorant, make medicine out of tree bark…and a lot of them have kind of a survivalist mentality, they stock pantries and collect guns. So we figure we can reunite Rio with his family and then carve out lives for ourselves in relative peace.”
Rio reaches over to bump his fist against your shoulder. He is grateful. You punch him back, fairly forcefully; it’s like hitting a brick wall. Rio is as tall as Aemond but probably outweighs him by a hundred pounds.
You ask Aemond: “What’s in the Bay Area?”
“Our parents have a beach house. It’s up on a cliff by itself, pretty isolated, and surrounded by state parks. That’s where they were when everything shut down. I assume they’re still there.”
“Beach house?” Rio raises his eyebrows. “On a cliff?”
Rich kids. REALLY rich kids. “Your parents couldn’t just fly you to California in a private jet or something?” you say.
“Our pilots stole the jets,” Aemond replies, not realizing you were joking.
“Jace and Luke’s parents were home in London, so getting there isn’t really an option, and then Baela and Rhaena…”
“Mum and Dad were on a business trip to Moscow,” Baela says. “I’d like to think they weren’t eaten, but…they were probably eaten.”
“I am so sorry,” you manage awkwardly.
A single zombie goes shuffling past the Wawa on the main street, a woman in a floral church dress, hair falling out of its curls, one pink high heel that clicks on the pavement, blood all over her mouth and chin. She notices the nine of you and begins to hiss, lurching closer. Daeron shoots her down and then trots over to retrieve his arrows, yanking them out of her cheek and eye socket. Rhaena winces. Aemond, distracted, bites into a Nature Valley granola bar. Aegon opens a can of Pringles, pizza-flavored.
Luke is peering through his binoculars, looking south towards Harrisburg. Faintly, you can see sunlight glinting off the gilded statue of a woman—the Spirit of the Commonwealth—that tops the green clay tile dome of the state capitol building. “What is that?”
“The sculpture?” you say.
“No. Farther away. Those big concrete towers, right on the water.”
Now you know exactly what he means…and you’d forgotten all about it. It’s an oversight you hope doesn’t cost too much. “That’s Three Mile Island. And we should leave so we can put more space between it and us.”
“Oh, fuck me…” Rio mutters.
Now everyone else is squinting to see the facility, barely visible from the Wawa. “Why?” Aemond asks you.
“Because it’s a nuclear power plant. And since the electricity is out everywhere, as soon as its backup generators fail, it will melt down and the whole area around it will become radioactive.”
Aegon puts two Pringles into his mouth so they look like a duck bill. “How do you know?”
“Did no one else go through a Chernobyl obsession phase in high school?”
“The professor mentioned it in one of my chemistry classes,” Aemond says, but he sounds doubtful; this must have been years ago, when he was consumed by med school prerequisites and had no space left in his brain for mere curiosity.
“Okay, listen up.” Rio knows the key points; he’s had to study different sources of electrical power. He demonstrates with dramatic hand gestures. “You have super radioactive reactor fuel, usually uranium or plutonium. You have a pool of water around it that circulates continuously. The heat of the fuel evaporates the water, which makes steam, which spins turbines, thus creating power. But if the external electricity fails, the water stops circulating, and the heat vaporizes all of it, and when there’s no more water the reactor fuel overheats and melts through the floor and poisons the earth, air, and groundwater. Any questions?”
There is a chorus of distressed chattering as people swiftly rise to their feet, clutching armfuls of snacks for the road. Jace comes trudging out of the Wawa, conspicuously not in possession of a firearm.
“No luck?” Daeron asks.
“Obviously not.” Then Jace snaps at Aemond: “Why were you stomping around all pissed off in the medicine aisle earlier? What were you looking for?”
“Nothing,” Aemond says quickly.
“Seriously, dude, what was it?”
“Damn, Plankton, calm down.” Jace shields his face from the sun, following Luke’s nervous eyeline towards the concrete cooling towers to the south. “What’s that?”
“Three Mile Island,” you say. “And we’re leaving now.”
Aegon yawns loudly. “I’m so full! Rio, can you carry me to the car?” And before anyone can tell Aegon to shut up, Rio has crouched down to let him scramble onto his back. Aegon cackles and waves his can of Pringles around as Rio sprints to the Tahoe. Now there are a few more zombies stumbling up the street, but you don’t waste arrows or bullets on them. Baela runs them down as she swerves out of the parking lot and drives northwest, heading towards Clarks Ferry Bridge where you will cross the Susquehanna River in a less populated area and commence the long slog to the Ohio border. She turns up the volume on the CD player: London Bridge by Fergie. Immediately, Rio, Aegon, Daeron, Rhaena, and Luke are singing along.
Baela checks the fuel gauge and looks at Aemond in the rearview mirror. “We have half a tank left.”
“We’ll find gas somewhere.”
“Aemond, it’ll be alright. Don’t worry about me.”
“You’re not going to be able to walk to California.”
Baela can’t think of a response. He’s right. Outside, the miles roll by in a blur of radiant, reptilian, early-summer green.
Each time the interstate is blocked by a snarl of crashed vehicles or a backup too thick to navigate through—both common occurrences—Aegon digs the folded map out of his shorts and charts a new course for Baela to follow. This particular divergence might prove fortunate. The Tahoe has rolled into Distant, Pennsylvania, an Appalachian speck of a town, churches, coal mines, dilapidated old sheds. On the outskirts, perched on a hill and surrounded by oak trees, you find a small single-story brick house with a myriad of banners on the flagpole: an American flag, a Confederate flag, a black POW/MIA flag, Don’t Tread On Me, Trump 2024.
“Yeah,” Aegon says, scratching his scruffy chin as he peers up through the windshield. “I feel like they probably owned guns.”
“How do we know they’re not still home?” Baela asks warily.
“No car in the driveway,” Aemond observes. “No windows boarded up. They probably ran into trouble while they were out somewhere and never made it back.” Then he waits, the question upspoken. Are we going to risk it?
“We’re down,” Rio says after exchanging a glance with you.
Aemond turns to Jace. Jace—curly dark hair down to his shoulders, eyes on the house, chewing his full bottom lip apprehensively—doesn’t reply at first.
“You said you wanted a gun, Jace. All the Walmarts are cleaned out. This is what shopping looks like now.”
“Fine. Okay. Let’s go.”
Baela parks the Tahoe in the gravel driveway and tells Rhaena and Luke to stay inside with Helaena until the property has been cleared. The rest of you climb out, afternoon sun and mountain wind, dandelions crushed under your shoes. There’s a barn behind the house, you see now, gaps between the wooden boards and flaking red paint.
Luke is standing up through the open sunroof, inspecting the scene with his binoculars. “No movement.”
“We’ll take the house, if you want,” Rio tells Aemond. You’re clutching your borrowed baseball bat with bandaged hands, though it still feels unnatural; your M9 is in its holster in case of emergencies. Jace, Baela, and Daeron start plodding across the yard towards the barn. The grass is tall and mostly shaded, the oak trees decades old, massive, weaving a patchwork canopy of leaves.
Aegon trots over and slaps Aemond on his left shoulder, his blind side. Aemond says without looking at him: “I’ll go with them. You wait out here.”
Aegon drives an imaginary ball with his golf club. “I’m very sensitive to rejection, you know.”
“You’ll survive.” Then Aemond follows you and Rio to the house.
Rio tries the knob, locked. He doesn’t waste a bullet by trying to shoot the lock off the door, something that is far less reliable than movies would have you believe. He kicks it open instead, three tries and then the screws that secure the latch give way and the door swings ajar. You wait, counting seconds in your head, listening for growls or footsteps. There are no sounds except the breeze sighing through the trees, the warbles and wing flaps of birds. You steal a glimpse of the barn. Jace, Baela, and Daeron have unhooked the rusted iron latch and are venturing inside, Daeron last and glancing around watchfully, his compound bow already drawn. Rio steps into the house.
It’s hot, stifling, all the windows shut. But this has its advantages. You inhale deeply: no trace of decomposition, no black swampy nauseating rot, just dust and lemon Pledge and old-people staleness.
“Smells fine,” Rio says. And then, loudly: “Anyone home? We’re just looking for supplies. We don’t want to hurt you. If anybody is here, just let us know and we’d be happy to leave. And, uh, sorry about the door.”
You stay close to Rio as he sweeps through the living room—floral couch, television turned off, crosses on the walls—and then the kitchen, where bananas are turning black on the counter. Aemond is to your right; he’s placed you on his blind side. He trusts me, you think. When did that happen? You haven’t heard anything from Aegon or the barn. That must be going well.
In the bedroom, Aemond pulls the curtains open to let some light in. You search the drawers, the closet, under the bed. No weapons. The bathroom has 1950s-style pink porcelain, the dining room table is set for a meal that never happened. There is a deer head mounted on the wall, ten points, not bad.
“I can’t believe these fuckers didn’t have guns,” Rio says. “But where the hell are they?!”
You have always watched more than you’ve spoken. That’s why you’re good at shooting things, and why you’re still alive. Rio talks and you listen; Rio acts and you reflect. “Wait.” You turn to Aemond. “Did you see a cellar outside?”
“A what?” He is perplexed. “Like…a wine cellar…?”
“No. A regular cellar.” You walk back into the midday heat and circle the house, Aemond and Rio hurrying to keep up. Over by the barn, everyone else is stretched out across the grass, joking, relaxing, Baela with her hammer on the ground and her hands laced over her belly, Helaena cradling a praying mantis in her palms and showing it to Rhaena. Aegon is teaching Luke how to smoke with a pack of Marlboro Golds he found at the Wawa. Luke, game yet somewhat anxious, takes a puff and then immediately coughs until he starts retching.
“I want to try too,” Daeron says.
Aegon shakes his head, taking a nonchalant drag off his own cigarette. “Nope. Not for you. Illegal. You’re under eighteen.”
“I want to try!”
“Shut up, you can’t even vote.”
“Nobody can vote, the government has collapsed!”
You find it at the back of the house: a pair of large metal doors leading down into the underground cellar. The weeds have begun to encroach on them, wild violets and black nightshade.
“Awesome!” Rio says, lifting the doors open one at a time, the hinges shrieking. They’re heavy, but they cause him no trouble. Underneath is a staircase and a room dark with shadows; you can see a light switch that won’t work, the electricity long gone. Rio unclips the flashlight from his  belt—taken from Saratoga Springs, waterproof with a 90-degree head so it doesn’t roll, known as a Moonbeam—and ducks down into the cellar. It’s a small room, easy to clear, and then you can start inventorying your findings. Rio is laughing, ecstatic. There is a workbench, a coil of thick rope, an array of tools—screwdrivers, wrenches, hammers, saws—some homemade leather wallets and holsters, cans of Brillo color spray…and then a treasure trove of weapons mounted on the walls.
You scan the collection. “We got Marlin .22s, we got Ruger Magnums, we got Remington 12 gauges, we got hunting knives…and one Glock 20.”
“A lot of ammo under here, Chips,” Rio says, yanking boxes out from beneath the workbench and stacking them on the floor, organized by caliber.
“No scopes?”
“Not that I’ve seen yet.”
You lift one of the Remingtons off its hooks and examine it: dusty, unloaded, vines of rust on the receiver. “We’ll have to go through and sight all of them. I don’t think they’ve been used in a while.”
“That’ll be a lot of noise. But here’s the place to do it, I guess. Low population, and we’re not staying.”
“Sight them for close range, like ten yards?”
“Yeah, that should work.”
Aemond says, eyebrow raised: “I didn’t know the Navy used shotguns.”
“Everyone hunts where I’m from.” You put the Remington down on the workbench then pick up the Glock, a box of 10mm ammo, and a can of Brillo. “Come on. Grab one of those hammers. I’ll show you how to shoot.”
You bound up the cellar steps and out into the shade of the oak trees, not stopping until you are at the edge of the property. Across the backyard where he lounges on the grass, Aegon gestures to the barn and asks Luke: “What’s in there anyway?”
“Nothing. Saddles and a few dead horses.”
“Oh, dynamite, I gotta see the dead horses.”
Jace says: “Aegon, man, what is your diagnosis?”
You use the can of Brillo to spray a large chocolate-colored circle onto a tree trunk, then make another two feet above that. You count your steps as you walk back towards Aemond: approximately ten yards. You load a single bullet in the Glock, aim for the bottom circle, and fire. A hole appears at the very edge of the circle. You take the hammer from Aemond and give the rear sight a few knocks. “This isn’t recommended, but it usually works.”
Aemond is smiling. “Okay.”
You load the full magazine and try again. The bullet hits closer to the middle this time. “Here. Both hands.”
Aemond takes the Glock but hesitates. “Is…my eye…?”
“It shouldn’t be a problem. A lot of people close one eye anyway when they’re aiming. I always do.”
He is relieved. “Oh. Good.”
You tap the underside of the Glock. Aemond obediently lifts it. “The line of sight is slightly higher than the barrel, so you have to account for that. And then gravity will pull the bullet lower, and the longer the range of the shot, the more it will drop. So when you fire, the barrel should be angled upwards just the tiniest bit, not horizontal.”
“Like throwing a football.”
“Yeah, exactly. It’s an arc, not a straight line. At first it’ll feel like you’re trying to do all these calculations in your head, and it will be overwhelming, but then it becomes muscle memory and you don’t even have to think about it.” Jace, Baela, and Daeron are now eagerly crossing the yard to help Rio carry the guns out of the cellar and receive their own lessons. “Alright, we’re going to start with a really terrifying enemy. I want you to shoot that tree.”
“What a formidable tree.”
“Aim for the top circle. And if you hit it, then you can practice on Jace.”
Aemond laughs, butter-yellow sunlight filtering down through the trees, the shadows of leaves flickering over his skin, a mosaic of flesh and earth. You ghost your open hand down the length of his arm as if adjusting the angle. Really, you just want to touch him, to feel his warmth and his stillness, the tension of his muscles, the rhythm of his pulse. He’s watching you, lips parted, goosebumps rising beneath your fingertips. Birds are chirping, sparrows and blue jays. High above, squirrels leap and scrabble through the branches. You pull your hand away.
“Look through the sights. The rear sight at the back of the barrel is shaped like a U, and the one at the front is an I. Is the I in the middle of the U?”
“I have no idea.” A pause as he reconsiders. “Yes.”
“Right, it is, and the bullet should go exactly where you want it to because I already sighted that Glock. I’ll show you how to do it later. Now shoot the tree.”
Aemond aims but doesn’t pull the trigger. He’s nervous; he doesn’t want to seem incompetent, pathetic. You imagine it is rare that he isn’t the one with the solutions.
“Hey,” you say softly, and he looks over at you. “You don’t judge me for not knowing how to cure people. I won’t judge you for not knowing how to kill them. Deal?”
Now he’s smiling again. “Deal.” He returns his attention to the tree, lets a few more seconds tick by, and fires. He hits one of the branches. “Oh, that is…embarrassing.”
“It’s not that bad. You hit something. Try again.”
More seconds, more birdsong, more wind through the grass and the leaves. Aemond’s second bullet pierces the trunk about six inches above the top circle. “Yes!” he cheers, boyish triumph on his scarred face.
You resist touching him. It is startlingly difficult. “That was really good.”
He lowers the Glock, and you click the safety on for him. “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” you say.
“Why’d you ghost that Marine at Corpus Christi?”
“I told you. I didn’t like him enough.”
“Okay, sure, but actually. What was wrong with him?”
“I’ve known you for like twenty-four hours. You think you’ve earned all my secrets?”
“Well, not all of them,” Aemond says, grinning. Rio is showing Jace, Baela, and Daeron how to load the .22s. Aegon is swinging his golf club in circles as he follows Luke into the barn. Helaena and Rhaena are giggling as butterflies land on their outstretched fingers. “But our time together could be very finite. It seems unwise to waste it by trying to preserve some amount of mystery.”
“You’ve convinced me.” You want to be known by him, you want to be understood. That is a frightening thing to realize. It’s like handing a stranger the keys to your home. Will they visit graciously, or will they rob you, ruin you, burn you down? “I haven’t seen many examples of love working out for people. I’ve seen couples who hated each other, and couples who split up, and a lot of women having to raise kids all on their own and turning into these…bitter, exhausted, hollowed-out versions of themselves. I never wanted that to be me. And for as long as I can remember, I’ve felt like that was just one wrong choice away from becoming my life. I don’t want men to disappoint me. So I don’t give them the chance.”
You think Aemond is going to say something cheap, flirtatious, awful: Give me a chance, baby. I won’t disappoint you. Instead he says: “I haven’t known many happy couples either. I mean…Luke and Rhaena would be the closest, I guess. But they’re so young. I’m not sure if they count.”
“Rio and Sophie seem happy. But they’ve also barely seen each other in five years.”
“It does things to you, when you start to believe love might be doomed to end or tear you apart or turn to hatred. If it’s just an evolutionary mirage to trick us into reproducing, what’s the point of giving someone that power over you?”
“I feel like one of us should be trying to talk the other out of being so fatalistically cynical.”
“Yeah, totally. Okay. You talk me out of it.”
He chuckles. “No, I don’t think I can. You talk me out of it.”
You’re watching Aemond, realizing you like everything about him—his smirk, his height, his hands, the clear direct blue of his eye—and wondering what the hell you’re going to do about it. Then there is a scream from the barn.
What?? Who??
“Luke!” Aemond shouts, and takes off across the yard. Now you’re all running, even Rhaena and Helaena who don’t have anything to fight with. Everyone is yelling, their lungs heaving in wild June air, their shoes pounding against the earth.
Inside the barn, on a wooden floor strewn with hay, Luke is shrieking as he tries to push a zombie off of him with his bare hands. She’s an older woman, grey hair in rollers, yellow nightgown stained with gore. Something has happened to her feet. Both of her legs end in exposed tibias and flapping strips of purplish, rotting skin. Aegon is beating her with his golf club, but he can’t get a good shot at her head. If he accidentally hits Luke, he could make it worse, he could stun him or even knock him out, and he’ll be bitten in the few seconds it takes anyone to remove his undead assailant. Rio lunges to grab the zombie. She snaps at him with bared teeth and he retreats, drawing his M9.
“Don’t shoot!” Jace is saying. The air is putrid: dead horses, dead people. “You’ll hit Luke!”
Your own M9 is suddenly in your hands, the safety clicked off, one eye closed. “Luke, don’t move.”
“Kill it, kill it!” he pleads hysterically, pushing the zombie as far from him as he can, his palms sinking into the decomposing bruise-colored tissue of her chest and throat.
“Don’t shoot!” Jace orders, but you ignore him. He fades into the background with all the other frenzied voices. Your finger on the trigger, a boom like thunder, bits of bone and brains against the wall. Luke shoves the corpse away, trembling, sobbing. Rhaena flies to him.
Aegon spots the fresh blood on Luke’s right hand and panics. “Is that a bite?!”
Luke notices the wound for the first time. “I don’t know!”
“What do you mean you don’t know?!”
“I don’t know!” Luke wails, tears flooding down his pink face.
“I thought you cleared the barn!” Aemond roars at Aegon.
“It fell out of the loft, we didn’t think anything was up there!”
Luke is blubbering: “I hit my hand against one of the stalls, I think that’s how I cut myself, I was just…I was pushing it away…I didn’t think it bit me…oh my God, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t want to die…”
“It only takes once, kid,” Rio says grimly, fidgeting with his M9, looking at Aemond as if for permission.
“Don’t touch him!” Jace hisses, stepping in front of his brother and clutching his bat. “No one is going to hurt him, it’s not a bite, you can’t prove it’s a bite!”
You reach for Luke’s bleeding hand. “Can I see—?”
“Get away from him!” Jace swings his bat. The tip of it connects with your skull, just a graze fortunately, but still enough to rattle you. Rio charges Jace, tackles him to the floor, starts throwing punches. Baela has apparently forgotten she’s heavily pregnant and is trying to pull them apart. You join her.
He’s going to demolish Jace. He’s going to break his nose or jaw or something. “Rio stop, I’m fine, stop!”
There is another gunshot, a cataclysmic earth-shaking explosion that makes the pain in your head surge from a ripple to a wave. Aemond is aiming his Glock skywards; a hole has appeared in the roof of the barn. “Stand up!” he commands. Rio and Jace reluctantly comply. You help Baela to her feet.
“Aemond,” Jace says. “You have to stop them, they’re going to kill Luke—”
“No one is killing anybody.” Aemond lowers his Glock. “Maybe he’s been bitten. Maybe he hasn’t been. And even if we knew for sure that he was going to turn, we don’t just execute people like this, threatening them when they’re terrified. We have humanity. We have compassion.”
There is a silence that strikes you as heavy, laden, holding meaning that escapes you. Aegon points at Luke. “So what the fuck are we going to do about him?”
“We’ll tie him up,” Aemond decides.
“What?!” Luke exclaims.
“There’s rope in the cellar. We’ll tie his arms and legs so he can’t do anything and keep him like that for a few days until either his hand heals up or he turns into a zombie. Someone will always have to be with him to help him eat and take a piss and also…you know. Deal with it if he turns.”
“I’ll stay with him,” Rhaena says immediately.
Aemond’s voice is now gentle, sympathetic. “I don’t think you want this.”
“If Luke has to die, I should be the person with him.”
“You’ve never had to put someone down before.” And in this statement lives another: Aemond knows what that feels like. Aemond has had to kill someone when they turned.
“I’ll stay with him,” Rhaena says again, this frail harmless doe-eyed girl, and you see a steeliness in her that you hadn’t thought existed.
“Okay,” Aemond relents. “When you’re asleep, Jace or I will take over.”
“It’s not a bite,” Jace murmurs, like he’s trying to convince himself.
“We’ll all find out soon enough,” Rio says, casting him a glare, then goes to fetch the coil of rope from the cellar.
Aemond cleans and bandages the wound on Luke’s hand. Then the weapons, ammo, and newly immobilized Luke are loaded into the Tahoe. Aemond asks you once everyone else is inside: “How’s your head?”
“Fine, I think.”
“Just a little.”
“Dizzy? Double vision?”
“No, nothing like that.”
He takes a quick look, parting your hair with his fingertips, feeling gingerly for blood and swelling. And this is becoming a serious problem: every time he touches you, you want more.
“Aemond…who did you have to kill?”
He doesn’t answer. For another moment his hand lingers by your temple, then Aemond turns away and climbs into the Tahoe. This time, no one sings along to the next song on the mixtape. Heads rest on windows, eyes are vacant and misty. Baela steers the Tahoe westbound on Route 1004, the Chainsmokers drifting through the speakers: All We Know.
“Pick a card, any card,” Aegon says when he’s done shuffling. He fans out the entire Uno deck face-down and offers it to Rio, Aemond, and Jace. They each select a card, then Aegon picks one for himself. Finally, he holds out the deck to Luke, who stares up incredulously from where he’s still bound with rope and sitting on a curb in the parking lot of a Burger King just outside of Yarnell, Pennsylvania.
“Are you serious?”
“You’re an adult male, aren’t you? You think being in the middle of transforming into an undead murder machine exempts you from gasoline siphoning duty?”
“I’m fine!” Luke insists.
“Great. Then pick a card.”
“I can’t move my hands, you idiot.”
“Pick it with your mouth.”
“I hate you.” Luke bites his card of choice and waits with it clasped between his teeth, glowering.
“I want to pick a card,” Daeron says cheerfully.
Aegon refuses. “No. Too young. A baby.”
“Aegon, I’m seventeen!”
“Can’t enlist, can’t do jury duty, can’t buy lottery tickets, can’t sign up to drink gasoline. Okay, everybody show their cards.”
“I got a three,” Jace says, then yanks Luke’s card out of his mouth and reads it. “He got a skip.”
Aemond’s card is a nine, Rio’s a five, Aegon’s a reverse. “That means you lose, Jace,” Aegon announces, admittedly rather gleeful. “You had the lowest number.”
“This is bullshit, I had to siphon last time!”
“Then stop picking bad cards.”
“Jace, I can do it,” Aemond says.
“And get to be the martyr, as usual? No thanks. Give me the damn hose.”
Aegon roots around under the Tahoe seats and produces a long, semitransparent siphoning hose. “All the ones with the little pump attachments were sold out everywhere by the time we thought that might be useful,” he explains to you and Rio.
“That sucks, Jace,” Rio says. “I mean, literally, it sucks.”
“Next time we cross a bridge, I’m pushing you off it.” Jace takes the hose from Aegon, pops open the gas cap of the Dodge Ram 3500 you’ve found, and threads the hose down into the tank. He sucks on the other end and then shoves it into the Tahoe once the gasoline starts flowing. The fuel gauge was hovering just above E. Hopefully you can get at least a few gallons out of the Ram, another fifty or a hundred miles, maybe even two hundred, enough to get you across the Ohio border.
Jace is bent over and vomiting gasoline onto the pavement. Rhaena and Baela sit with Luke as Aemond feels his forehead and peers into his eyes. Daeron accompanies Helaena as she goes to scavenge inside the Burger King, her burlap messenger bag slung over one shoulder. Rio is now holding the siphoning hose and watching the liquid gold pour into the Tahoe, his smile growing with each passing second. Your eyes fall on Aemond and stay there, his careful hands, his brow knitted with concentration.
A whisper from behind you: “We could fake date to make him jealous.”
You whirl to see Aegon, mischievous smirk, neon green plastic sunglasses. “That is a super generous offer and I appreciate the thought you put into it, but no.”
“Why not?”
“It’s dishonest. It’s manipulative. If something is going to happen with Aemond, I want it to be real.”
Aegon sighs. “No, you’re right, it was a dumb idea. I just figured I have a lot of experience.”
“Experience with what?”
“People pretending to love me.” He flashes a strange, sad smile, then follows Daeron and Helaena into the Burger King.
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dr3culaz · 2 months
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Love At First Bite ( Hangul : 첫입에 반하다) is a fictional six-member co-ed group formed by E:CLIPSE Media. They released their debut single album, “Immortal Wish”, on October 31, 2014, without any teasers or promotions.
Love At First Bite seemed to come out of nowhere, the first artists under an unknown company and none had fame prior to the group, yet they took the kpop industry by storm with their dark and vampire-like concepts with a majority of their music charting next to groups from big companies. Along with being a full group, they release music in sub-units. Bloody Mary is a sub-unit consisting of their female members: Clara, Angel, & Juliette. RED ROSES is a sub-unit consisting of their male members: Nico, Valentine, & NOIR. They are also a self-produced group, with NOIR and Clara producing a majority of their stuff.
The thing that drags fans into the group has to be their extensive lore, all the members taking the role of vampires from the late 1800s - early 1900s, trying to blend into human society and navigate different human experiences. The members of the group are said to give off vampire vibes even off stage, and many fans wonder if they could actually be vampires. Love At First Bite is named the most successful co-ed group in Kpop and one of the best groups to come out of 3rd Gen.
NAME : Love At First Bite ( 첫입에 반하다 )
DEBUT DATE : October 31, 2014
CONCEPT : Vampire, Dark, Mature
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Chae “NICO” Hyunsu ( 1993 ) *leader
Seong “CLARA” Subin ( 1994 )
Park “ANGEL” Goeun ( 1994 )
Jang “VALENTINE” Jihwan ( 1995 )
“NOIR” ( 1995 ) *hidden member
Akane “JULIETTE” Rina ( 1996 ) *maknae
SWEET BITE : The First Tour ( Oct. 2016 - Apr. 2017 ) *Asia
A LITTLE DEATH ( Jul. 2018 - Dec. 2018 ) *South Korea
LAST DANCE ( Aug. 2021 - Jun. 2022 ) *World Tour
BITE ME ( Feb. 2023 - Dec. 2023 ) *World Tour
BITE ME : ENCORE ( Apr. 2024 - Oct. 2024 ) *World Tour
IMMORTAL WISH : debut single album ( 2014 )
IMMORTAL LOVE : mini album ( 2015 )
SWEET BITE : mini album ( 2015 )
BITTERSWEET : single album ( 2015 )
RED LIGHTS : mini album ( 2016 )
MIDNIGHT : pre-release single ( 2016 )
DEJA VU : pre-release single ( 2016 )
FEAR THE UNDEAD : full album ( 2017 )
NO ESCAPE : single album ( 2018 )
LOVE AT FIRST BITE : full album ( 2021 )
BIRTH : mini album ( 2021 )
DEATH : full album ( 2022 )
NOT BY THE MOON : single album ( 2022 )
LIMBO : mini album ( 2022 )
TOGETHER : digital single ( 2023 )
RE:BIRTH : full album ( 2023 )
IMMORTAL BITE : mini album ( 2023 )
A GIVEN : mini album ( 2024 )
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borealopelta · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thanks for the tag, @seasidesandstarscapes !! 💖
How many works do you have on AO3? 40 :)
What's your total AO3 word count? 137,805
What fandoms do you write for? my active ones right now are the boys in the boat and gloryhammer, but i consider myself a terror/the north water writer despite barely touching any of my fics in yearsssss. i love boat media what can i say !
Top five fics by kudos? i was something made for god to label fragile (now i'm stuck) - 1149 (OFMD) out of time, eternal heatstroke - 641 (OFMD) sure as the sun come up from the south - 380 (OFMD) steppin' around in a desert of joy - 311 (Ted Lasso) I'm a stitch away from making it (and a scar away from falling apart) - 279 (IT Chapter 2)
Do you respond to comments? yes!!! sometimes uhhh years late but that's only because i forget that i only replied in my head. i think even the smallest comment deserves a thank you :) <- tiny fandom rarepair enjoyer mindset
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? amazing question i could list like 6 immediately with vastly different vibes but i'm gonna pick it always leads to you in my hometown (The Boys in the Boat) because i looove the ending. those men are not having a good time with their emotions and marital status.
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? i HAVE to go with hustling for the good life (never thought i'd meet you here) (Bullet Train) it's one of my fave fics ever and i love the ending so much 🥺🥺 need those guys to be happy (AND ALIVE!) forever and ever
Do you get hate on fics? oh i used to get death threats yeah!! deeply whatever 2 me though i'm writing for me and the 5 freaks who live in my pocket
Do you write smut? less and less lately but yeah :)
Craziest crossover? i don't write crossovers :)
Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i know of, thankfully!
Have you ever had a fic translated? no, and i'm not sure i'd be into it!! i wouldn't want a translation in a language i don't know because i wouldn't be able to ensure that things are worded the way i want them to be. i've translated my own writing before and i know that's a struggle even when i'm the original writer so you know.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? also no, once again i'm very very controlling about how i want my writing to look and feel and taste. i couldn't write together with someone else without ruining our relationship i think
All time favorite ship i will always always always come back to eddie carr/doc thorne from the second jurassic park novel. they're so crazymaking i'm forever obsessed with them.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? a so far unnamed continuation of call to rise (Gloryhammer) that lives as a long ass outline and several disjointed scenes in my wip folder. i haven't forgotten about her but i have also not made any progress :(
What are your writing strengths? NOT narration/dialogue balance that's for sure!! i'll get so carried away with my beloved descriptions and fun narration that i'll forget to write a single line of dialogue until i'm 600 words in
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? it's one of my big fic icks to be frank 😭 i simply don't think switching back and forth between two different languages does either one justice. the rhythm is different! the vibe is different! it's always always jarring and a lot of times not done well at all. i avoid it when i'm reading and i don't write it
First fandom you wrote in? everyone can judge me for this. it was hollywood undead rpf
Favorite fic you've written? posssssibly let me under your skin (The Terror) i just like the vibe so so much. absolutely miserable depressing yet tender small town armitozer. beloved!!!! but i have so many unpublished ones i absolutely adore, it would be hard to pick. also i didn't feel like linking my other fav fic which is the dead doviest dead dove i've ever written. it fucks though
If you were forced to write only one genre for the rest of your life (like James Patterson lol) what would you want it to be? keeping this makeshift 20th question by seasides because i like it :) my preferred genres would be either period fiction (not specifying when because i want the wiggle room) or nonfiction. i would LOVE to write nonfiction. who's got the time though
i'm gonna tag @duesternis @derry-rain @smolsleepyfox and @zonkutonshorrifyingpeenie if you guys feel like it :))
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headmates-for-you · 2 months
if you feel up for it i would love to see the kenny you have in mind also /nf
And another, very fun to use this new template.
Name(s): Kenneth
Nickname(s): Kenny, Ken, Princess
Last Name(s): McCormick
Age(s): 17-18
Pronouns: he/him, they/them, she/her, is fine with it/its
Height: 5’9
Zodiac: Capricorn
Source(s): South Park
~~~~~ ~~~~~ 01101110 01100101 01111000 01110100 ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Gender(s): genderfluid masc
Orientation(s): pan, hypersexual
TransID(s): transfem, permaeyebags, transalcoholic, transprincess, translisp, trissmoker, transautism, transOCD, transdepression, transolderbrother, transendo, transgodcomplex
CisID(s): androgynous masc, blonde, mullet, tooth gap, facial piercings (eyebrow, septum, tongue), smoker, painted nails, ADHD, extrovert, middle child, epic gamer, partier, depression
~~~~~ ~~~~~ 01101110 01100101 01111000 01110100 ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Misc. Information
Paras: angelophilia, demonophilia, autagonistophilia, transvestic fetishism
Positive Trigger(s): his playlist, dressing up
Other Trigger(s): unwanted interactions (social/sexual)
Role(s): social alter, sexual protector
Typing quirk: doesnt bother to spell things right, types too fast
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Emoji Signoff: 😇😈 or ❓👗 or 💜💚
~~~~~ ~~~~~ 01101110 01100101 01111000 01110100 ~~~~~ ~~~~~
toxic - d3r, 6arelyhuman, Pröz
party addict - kets4eki, Nosgov, kojo
Turbulent - Warerparks
Haunted - Laura Les
World War Me - Hollywood Undead
Whore - Get Scared
Witness - Mindless Self Indulgence
Guys Dont Like Me - It Boys!
Person in the Mirror - Naethan Apollo
Can I Get A Witness - SonReal
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Even More Headcannons
Exactly what it sounds like
They are the house that hands out full-sized candy bars on Halloween
Mac always makes them dress up in a theme
They've done the Teletubbies, the Wizard of Oz (Duke was the Wicked Witch, she was not happy about the green makeup), The Golden Girls, the I'm In Love with the Villainess girls and her personal favorite, the South Park kids
She was Kenny, Duke was Kyle, Veronica was Stan and Chandler was Cartman
Sometimes Betty and Martha will join in on the theme
They tried to get one of them to be Noo-Noo the year they did Teletubbies but they both refused
JD swallowed his pride and went as Noo-Noo
JD hides in their bushes and scares the kids
Mac and Duke always eat too much candy and get stomachaches
Duke's snake is named Cornelius (if you get this reference you're awesome)
Chandler's cat is named Heather
She thought it would be funny (Heather Cat-ler, get it?)
Heather the cat sits atop her cat tower and hisses if anyone gets too close
But whenever Mac walks in she jumps down and starts purring
Basically she's just Chandler in cat form
Mac's Rabbit is named something cutesy like Munchkin
Catler hates the rabbit
She's just jelly that Mac isn't giving her attention
Whenever Duke annoys Veronica she'll pick her up and won't put her down
Duke is like 5'3 while Veronica is 5'11
Chandler is 5'5 and Mac is 5'9
Most people think Chandler is the tallest but its bc she always wears heels
Chandler is actually a huge scaredy-cat
She's afraid of rides at amusement parks, snakes, spiders/bugs, dogs, heights, blood, ghosts/the undead/zombies/etc., the youtube videos Veronica watches at 3am, and of course being abandoned and left alone forever but that last one is more bc of trauma than anything
She's really insecure about her fears, she's supposed to be the strong one who stares down her competition
Elaborating on the dog thing, if a dog ever comes close to her she'll scream and climb on whoever is close
JD totally has a dog but its like a golden retriever with a heart of gold named Spot and he uses it to scare Chandler
JD and Duke do chaos gremlin things together sometimes
One time they all got together and played UNO
They took all the +4 cards from the deck and hid them in their pockets and made Chandler sit between them
They would only use the +4 cards on her and she got so fucking mad
(She sat in the middle so even if things got reversed one of them could always +4 her)
Chandler may or may not have set the deck on fire
Veronica started watching One Piece and she was pretty much dead to the world for like 10 days or however long it takes to watch it all the way through
She was completely unresponsive to anything the Heathers did and it scared the hell out of them
Mac loves Pokemon and has like 10,000 plushes
Her favorites are the eeveelutions
Chandler and JD are slushy buddies and will often go to 7/11 and just talk about their trauma and shit
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hext00ns · 10 months
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Some mains for an au I had in mind that I think I’m gonna call Dead Park! In this au Kenny is an Angel of Death who works under Death Itself. His main job is to keep balance and peace. Balance and peace between the alive, the dead, and the undead. Balance and peace between heaven and hell, good and evil. And all the crazy shit in between. Because he resides in South Park on earth, the small mountain town has become a hub for ghosts, goblins, ghouls, and anything also that bumps around in the night. The humans in South Park also are aware of this strange aspect of the town and Kenny’s life. All of them making sure to keep the secrets close and safe to help.
Kyle and his family move to South Park where he is thrust into this world of strange secrets and oddities. Not only getting mixed up in the middle of it all but finding out that his own family has a few secrets.
I have a good few characters figured out for this and a couple story ideas for the funsies :] not sure what i wanna do with the story yet but! I have ideas! lol
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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Gangnam Zombie will be released on Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital on September 26 via Well Go USA. The 2023 horror-comedy hails from South Korea.
Lee Su-seong directs from a script by Choe Seung. Ji Il-ju, Park Ji-yeon, and Cho Kyung-hoon star.
Gangnam Zombie is presented with Korean DTS-HD Master Audio and English subtitles. No special features are included. Watch the trailer below.
Soon after previously normal people begin viciously attacking other citizens in Seoul’s wealthy Gangnam district, the zombie population grows exponentially and spreads throughout the region. Now, long after injuries forced him to quit the national taekwondo team, an elite former athlete is given one more opportunity to use his talent on behalf of his country as he takes on one final match—this time, against terrifying hordes of the undead.
Pre-order Gangnam Zombie.
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darkpeacemusic · 1 year
Rules for my asks/requests
Plz read before asking for requests
Fandoms and characters I will accept (so far):
Stranger Things (Mike, Dustin, Will, Lucas, Max, Eleven, Nancy, Steve, Jonathan)
Slashers (Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Candyman, pennywise (1990), Ghostface (Stu and Billy), Billy Lenz, Carrie, Chucky, Tiffany, Michael Myers, Bubba Sawyer, Jennifer Check, Norman Bates, Sinclair Brothers, Harry Warden)
Five Nights at Freddy’s (both games and movie) (Michael Afton, Mike Schmidt, Vanessa A., Vanessa Shelley, any animatronics except BB and JJ, Gregory (platonic only), Cassie (platonic only), Abby Schmidt (platonic only), Henry Emily)
Beetlejuice (Lydia Deetz, Beetlejuice)
Final Girls/Guy (Nancy Thompson, Sidney Prescott, Gale Weathers, Ash Williams)
Fullmetal Alchemist (Edward, Al)
Pirates of the Caribbean (Jack Sparrow, Hector Barbossa)
South Park (Kenny, Kyle, Butters)
Creepypasta/Slenderverse (Ben Drowned (platonic only), Jeff, Liu, Sully, Jane, Ticci Toby, Masky/Tim, Hoodie/Brian, Kate the Chaser, Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack, Slender brothers (platonic only), Sally (platonic only), Dr Smiley, Nurse Ann, Nina, Candy Pop, Jason the Toymaker, The Puppeteer, Clockwork, Rouge, Wilson, Zalgo (platonic only), Nathan, Bloody Painter, Kagekao, Jill, Sadie, Hobo Heart, Cat Hunter, Chris the Revenant, X-Virus, Dollmaker, Frankie the Undead, Judge Angels, Lifeless Lucy (platonic only), Lost Silver (platonic only), Glitchy Red, Dr. Locklear, Lulu (platonic only), Killing Kate, Evan, Lauren, Jeff (from EMH), Jay Merrick, Alex Kralie, Amy, Jessica Locke, Seth Wilson, Will Grossman)
DCEU (Bruce Wayne)
MHA (Deku, Bakugo, Tokoyami, Kirishima, Denki, Jirou, Iida, Todoroki, Awaiza (platonic only), Mina, Tyusu, Momo)
MCU (Tony Stark (platonic only), Steve Rogers (platonic only) Peter Parker, Natasha Romanoff, Thor, Loki, Bruce Banner)
Harry Potter (Harry, Ron, Hermione, Snape, Dumbledore (platonic only), Nevel, Remus, the Weasley twins (Fred and George), Luna, Ginny, Draco)
Boyfriend to Death 1 + 2 (Strade, Ren, Lawrence, Sano, Vincent, Akira, Cain, Damien)
Till Death Do Us Part (Chris, Marcus, Aria, Jack, Ellen)
Alice Madness Returns (Alice)
What I will write
General headcanons
X reader headcanons
Canon x canon headcanons (as long as it's appropriate)
Gender neutral reader
Child reader (plantonic)
Poly (only if the characters are the same age and are not related to each other)
S/Os with certain mental illnesses (eg anxiety, OCD, depression)
What I will not accept
Any specific gender reader (Cuz I don’t want to offend anyone by accident)
Parent S/O
Trans S/O (again trying not offend anyone by accident)
Pregnant S/O
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msbutterfly5294 · 3 months
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30 Day Writing Challenge - With Ms. Butterfly 🦋
Day One : Describe My Personality
🦋 Truthfully , my personality centers on emotion . I am a very animated and emotional human . So , if I’m feeling happy , there will be laughter ; if there is feelings of sadness , there will be many tears . Whatever my emotions present will become my personality , more or less. . . But , if I had to look outside of myself to view my personality , I am : Thoughtful , Impulsive , Caring , Agreeable , Aggressive , Creative , Passionate , Open , Delicate / Sensitive , Imaginative , Dramatic , Pessimistic and - or Optimistic , Stubborn , and Moody .
< NOTE : I Missed A Day So Day Two And Three Will Be Added In One Session >
Day Two : Things That Make Me Happy
🦋 Butterflies , Rain , Gloomy / Dark Weather , My Darling Love , My Reasons , Fandoms , Lore , Storytelling , Story / Character / World Development , Psychology , Sociology , Spirituality , Tarot Cards , Writing / Journaling , Drawing / Art , The Science Of Cannabis And Various Substances , Comedy , Purple & Silver , My Darling Love's Giant Red Hoodie , Hugs From Specific People , Emotion Wheel Chart , Music ( Hollywood Undead , The Used , Falling In Reverse , Avenged Sevenfold , Sueco The Child , NateWantsToBattle , EDM , Dubstep , Rock , Heavy Metal , Emo Rap , etc. . . ) , Minecraft , Kidcore , Culture ( My Own + Others ) , Flowers And Plants , Universe / Galaxy / Space / Stars / Supernovas , Notes And Art From People ( I Keep Them All , Even From Potential Friends ) , Daz Games , Markiplier , Boze vs THE WORLD , MatPat , Pastel Colors , Age Regression , Being Included , Nature / Hiking , Stargazing , Dancing , Emotional Vulnerability , Patience , Gentle But Assertive Honesty , Being Checked Up On , And Many , Many , Many More. . .
Day Three : A Memory
The air was fresh and crisp , a subtle breeze zipping past every now and again . It was a perfect day .
I and my best friend , My Darling , were walking away from the school . The school hours have passed and now it was time to head home . He didn’t want me walking home alone because some bullies of mine lurked every now and again when I headed home , so he joined me on a short walk . He needed to head home soon though , so he said he would walk me as far as he could .
The whole world seemed to be vibrant in color and light . The walk was full of bounce in our steps , laughter , and giggles lifted the air . West of the school was an open field with a small park to the south , and the grass was a bright neon green that shimmered with light dew on them . The mountains in the distance stood tall and protected the land , they too were as playful as our hearts , even if standing still . 
We were both walking on the soft , wet grass , when he pulled me into an unexpected hug and dragged me down to the ground . We landed with a soft thump , my heart sang and echoed through my voice pipes , coming out as laughter . My Darling and I stared at the sky , still in a tight embrace , when he asked , “ What are we ? ”
“ Greedy humans . ” I responded , thinking that he was referring to society as a whole . But he had something different in mind. . .
“ No. . . Like , us . What are we ? ”
“ Oh. . . ” My cheeks flushed and my jaw tightened . I liked My Darling more than a friend , but I didn’t know if he felt the same way . I kept my mouth shut and said , “ Bestest friends , of course ! ”
He then sat up , pulling me up with him . His hands were big and soft , and feeling them , touching him , sent a shock of adrenaline and giddiness through my whole body . I wanted to hold on to him and never let go . He sheepishly smiled and said , “ Would you like to be boyfriend - girlfriend ? ”
My eyes widened , my heart started beating faster , and the rush pushed through my veins and I basically bounced up and down . “ Yes ! Of course , I would ! ”
His sky blue eyes illuminated the world around us , his smile grew , almost like there was love on the tips of his lips . He grabbed my hands , caressing them gently before putting them down on his knees as he laid his head against my heart , and listened to the pulse sing with uplifting melodious tunes .
I ran my hands through My Darling's golden hair , feeling his scalp as I lightly scratched and massaged it . There was no one in this world but him and me . Even though the sky was kindled with light and a few white fluffy clouds , I could see the moon and stars . Everything was twinkling and fulfilling .
This is the perfect day. . .
The perfect day to fall in love .
And this was my first time falling in love .
Day Four : Places I Want To Visit
🦋 China , Lake Powell ( Utah ) , and Las Vegas ( Nevada )
🦋 Truthfully , I don't want to visit many places .
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wickedsrest-rp · 1 year
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Name: Devi Chopra Species: Siren (Phoenix) Occupation: Freelance Security (Often at The Grit Pit) Age: 30 Years Old Played By: Dee Face Claim: Naomi Scott
“That life's behind me. You should've stayed behind, too.”
As far as Devi Chopra knows, this isn’t her first life. The earliest life she could remember was surviving as a gang member of a drug cartel in Mexico with her late father. She can still remember setting ablaze their enemies, including law enforcement officers and even some supernatural rivals, as well as joining and even instigating anti-urban riots to ensure their bosses’ hold over the populace. When her old man died, however, Devi tried to quit the cartel and leave Mexico, but that did not end well. Fearful that she would expose them, the cartel exposed her first…to the fire that engulfed her and her shitty apartment.
Another life she remembers involved fighting rich people’s battles across South and West Asia, including the times she had to team up with faceless hunters against the fae and the undead as well as play guardian to some princess poised to become prey to her wealthy father’s predators. This life, too, did not end well: It ended with her best friend dying in her arms, with her miraculous tears unable to save such a wonderful life.
What do they say about living by the sword? You die by it, too? Well, when Devi realized that, she also realized that the cycle of violence was maybe not for her. After all, it never ended well for her. Might as well try something different. So, in this new life, she vowed to leave her bloody past behind. All those times she had pursued the path of violence ended with her own brutal demise. Surely, that was an omen, a warning, for her to stop. Unfortunately, some of those she crossed, those who survived her deadly flames, may not want to do the same. Worse? Some of those vengeful survivors may even remember the past better than she can. Some may live even longer than she ever can.
Because of that, Devi moved to a small town where she could hide from her past and live differently, the town where her late father had lived peacefully as a park ranger before turning bad. Unfortunately for her, that town was Wicked’s Rest. Her father had apparently befriended some guy named James Pursefield, and even though that friendship existed another lifetime ago, Mr. Pursefield still tries to help Devi find stability in a less violent life through the additional, occasional jobs he offers her as security for the Wicked’s Rest National Park. It’s an unnecessary but decently paying gig, meant only to stave back the guilt of not having been there for a friend while not actually taking on any actual burden to once and for all take care of all that guilt. Although Devi always enjoys her time in the park, the fire within her never feels satiated with such passive peace.
Instead, Devi gets more excited whenever she gets a job from Corrina Rose as security at the Grit Pit. Watching the fights up close seems to remind her of the good parts of her former lives, though the bad parts still linger in her mind enough to keep her from actually agreeing to a full-time contract. It’s not like Ms. Rose would offer her one, though, at least not in the foreseeable future: Devi is much better playing at security than actually fighting in the Pit. Still, things may change in the future, Devi could become a better Pit fighter and get offered that expensive contract, one that she may not be able to decline. Worse? The guy on the opposite end may actually want the fight to avenge their past and make it her last.
Character Facts:
Personality: Abrasive, athletic, brutal, charming, dedicated, felicific, fiery, playful, pugnacious, vindictive
Among Devi's remembered past lives are (a) being a gang member of a Mexican drug cartel with her father, (b) being a mercenary in South and West Asia, including teaming up with a warden and a slayer to take down some fae and vampires, and (c) adventuring throughout the world. That last part may just be her daydreaming about being part of The Mummy franchise, but who truly knows?
Devi's clientele includes Corrina Rose at the Grit Pit and James Pursefield at Wicked's Rest National Park. Rose often hires Devi to "handle" audience members and sometimes even fighters who get too rowdy for her liking while James just knew Devi's dad and tries to entice her with a better, less violent life.
Devi hasn't gotten "fired up" (read as: set herself on fire to hurt others) since her last life, but the threat that she can pretty much reduce someone to ash works to her advantage in her line of, well, work. These days, she usually just incapacitates people with non-lethal, knockout blows.
Despite her desire to commit to her less violent life, she still gets the urge to let loose every now and then. It's an internal struggle she usually wins but not easily.
A lot of people, especially the impressionable ones, from Worm Row look up to Devi, considering her a good role model, as she frequently disavows violence in public by quickly "knocking out" the source of conflict. More importantly, she gets them gigs with her.
Devi is a regular at the Wormhole. Strangely, whenever she comes over, the first letter "O" of its lit-up sign seems to always get burnt out. She's been trying to replace Wings Wednesdays with Meatball Mondays because she loves meatballs, especially Moroccan meatballs, but with zero success.
Devi also has a thing for make-up, which she spends a lot of her earnings on, and cats.
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My Bio
Age: In my early twenties
Name: Can’t tell you
Birth Date: December 14, 2002
Favorite Adult Animation Shows: Solar Opposites, Robotomy, Rick and Morty, Adventure Time, South Park, Regular Show, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Triptank, Lucy, Disenchantment, Futurama, The Simpsons, The Brak Show, Metalpacolypse, Soace Ghost Ciast to Coast, Central Park, Bob’s Burgers, American Dad, Clerks, Duncanville, Great North, Housebroken
Favorite Superhero Shows: Invincible, Villains of Valley View, Koala Man, Miraculous, Lab Rats, PPG ‘98, Hamster and Gretel, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Danny Phantom, Super Friends, Justice League ‘01, DC Super Girls ‘18, Static Shock, Horrorbots, Spider-Man ‘17, Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Kim Possible
Favorite Cartoon Network Shows: Amazing World of Gumball, Camp Lazlo, Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Cow and Chicken, Johnny Bravo, Dexter’s Laboratory, Time Squad
Favorite Nickelodeon Shows: SpongeBob SquarePants, Santo Bugito, Invader Zim, My Life as a Teenage Robot, El Tigre, Wonder Park, Modern Life, ICarly, Victorious, Kenan and Kel, All That
Favorite Disney Shows: Amphibia, Owl House, Ghost and Molly McGee, Hailey’s On It, Kiff, Star Darlings, Phineas and Ferb, Milo Murphy’s Law, Hannah Montana, Good Luck Charlie, Kickin It, Lab Rats
Favorite Discovery Family Shows: MLP ‘10, Aquabats Super Show
Favorite Streaming Shows: Centuarworld, Glitter Force Doki Doki
Favorite Food: Steak, Fries, Burgers, Chicken fingers, doughnuts, pancakes, bacon, fruit pastries, French toasts, fried chicken, turkey, duck, baked potatoes, hash browns, tacos, burritos, quesadillas, enchiladas, pork chops, ribs, Korean BBQ, Japanese chicken, steak fillet, Doritos, Ruffles, Cheetos, CC’s Chips, banana bread, Cheez-It’s Snaps, Goldfish
Favorite Sweets: Ice Cream, Hershey’s Chocolate, Reese’s, KitKat, Toffee, Cake, Cupcakes, Ice Cream Cakes, Skittles, Starburst, Cookies, Crumble, Cookie sandwiches, ice cream sandwiches, ice cream pops, animation character ice cream pops, sundaes, Nestle’s chocolate, Oreos
Favorite Fruits and Veggies: Asparagus, Carrots, broccoli, potatoes, strawberry, raspberry, lemon, like, grapes, apples, lettuce, cherry, bananas, coconut
Favorite drinks: Mountain Dew, Water, milk, root beer, coca-cola, tab’s, Mr. Pibbs, Pepsi, Dole’s juice brand, Fanta, Crush, Dr. Pepper, soda floats, Nesquick, smoothies
Favorite Actors: Patton Oswalt, Dan Stevens, Thomas Middleditch, John Gemberling, Will Forte, Charlie Day, Mike Sinterniklaass, Roger Craig Smith, Dan Mintz, Josh Gad, Dee Bradley Baker, Rob Schrab, Nate Corddry, Rob Corddry, Chris Pratt, Jack Black, Brian O’Halloran, Justin Feilbinger, John DiMaggio, Billy West, Oded Fehr, Michael Cusack, Zach Hadel, Phil LaMarr, Robbie Daymond, Kevin Smith, Jason Mewes, Matthew Lillard, Kevin Michael Richardson, John Mulaney, Antanio Banderas, Richard Steven Horvitz, Brandon Rogers, Sam Riegel, Jon Heder, Andy Daly, Zeno Robinson, James Marsden, Dana Snyder, Fred Tatasciore, Rob Paulsen
Favorite Actresses: Felicia Day, Mary Mack, Lacey Chabert, Brenda Song, Stephanie Sheh, Kate MiCucci, Riki Lindhome, Kari Wahlgren, Grey DeLisle, Jenny McCarthy, Melissa Fahn, Cristina Vee, Lana Condor, Sandra Oh, Odette Anaboe, Edie Mirman, Cathy Cavadini, Tara Strong, EG Daily, Olivia Olsen, Hynden Walch, Christina Hendricks, Libe Barer, Marieve Harrington, Sarah Nicole Robles, Kimberly Brooks, Dove Cameron, Sofia Carson, Vannessa Hudgens, Tika Sumpter, Reba Buhr, Erica Lindbeck, Vivian Nixon
Favorite Music Genres: Rock, Classic, Pop, orchestra, country, funk, techno, dubstep, heavy metal, Christian
Favorite Band: Ice Nine Kills, Adelitas Way, Bowling For Soup, Hansen, Disturbed, Slipknot, System of a Down, Hollywood Undead, Kiss, Queen, A Day to Remember, Thousand Foot Krunch, Nightwish, Evanescence, Seether, Imagine Dragons, Skillet, Newsboys, Simple Plan, Play, Nickelback, BTS, Blackpink, aespa, Black Eyes Peas
Favorite Singer: Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, P!nk, Katy Perry, David Quetta, Jennifer Lopez, Sia, Halsey, Kelsey Belleriny, AJ Michalka, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, China Ann McClain, Ashley Tisdale, Avicci, Kelly Prickler, Aloe Blaccc, Lil Naxx, Post Malone, Eminem, Kelli Monologue, Paul Simon
Favorite Tv Genres: Animation Drama, dramedy, slapstick, comedy, animation, sci-if, romance, buddy, superhero animation, manga, anime
Favorite Movies: Hulk ‘03, Sky High, Kim Possible: So The Drama, Clerks, Incredibles, Ruby Gillman, Boy Who Cried Werewolf, Ratatouille, Alvin and the Chipmunk ‘07, Muppets in Space, Kickass, Belle, Elemental, Madagascar, Rugrats Go Wild, Wild Thorn Berrys Movie, Peanuts Franchise, Turning Red, Encanto, Emoji Movie, Ice Age Franchise (but not the Buck Wild one), G-Force, PPG Movie, Ben 10 2008 movie live action, South Park The Movie, PeeWee’s Big Adventure, Captain Underpants, Napoleon Dynamite, Jay and Silent Bob, Mallrats, Finding Nemo, Frozen, Super Mario Bros. Movie, Mitchells vs. Machines, Veggietales, Cars, 102 Dalmations, Romeo + Juliet, Small Soldiers, Godzilla vs King Kong, Godzilla: World of Monsters, Van Helsing, Hotel Transylvania, Secret Life of Pets, Sing 2
Favorite Wen Series: Annoying Orange, SMG4, Sunset Paradise, Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, Meta Runner, Amazing Digital Circus, Eddsworld, Murder Drones, Most Popular Girls in School, Summer Camp, Summer Camp Island, Villanos
My Skills: Typing
My Weakness: I can’t draw
Favorite Monsters: Aliens, Kaijus, wereanimals, Kaijus weremonsters, robots, werewolves, vampires, mutants, giant beasts
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