obsessedbyneon · 8 months
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SOZA - Ministry of Social Affairs (ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid (SZW)), designed by Herman Hertzberger. With 24 diferent columnhead variations, the goals was to create 'Unity in diversity'. Located in The Hague, the Netherlands, photos from 1991.
This building is currently under threat of demolition.
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rabbitlaces · 2 years
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I drew mine and my friends Starwars ocs!
(Mine- Haren (Togruta), @futurama - Soza (Dathomirian), @robothell - Neev (Twi’lek))
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futurama · 2 years
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the galaxys very own little sweetheart 
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lostsozai · 2 years
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corvidscreams · 3 months
Star Wars Pride Parade (Fallen Order/Survivor edition), going by percent, what order do they march. Highest vote count leads, lowest brings up the rear.
For that characters that can't fit, add a comment and I'll count those votes manually.
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masonscig · 1 year
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★ infamous fashion edits ★ (5/?)
“Benita Soza, known as ‘Benni’ to her fans – prides herself in being a influential contributor to the new wave of Riot grrrl bands. Unapologetically punk and eager to push back against constricting societal norms, UPPERCUNT has blasted onto the scene with no intention of backing down. Paying homage to the Riot grrrls that came before her, Benni constantly alludes to her favorite groups in every song – whether it be in the lyrics or the sound, she owes it all to them. “I’m a walking love letter to my idols,” she says. Style isn’t her biggest concern – performing is. That’s why she opts for loose tops and jeans, usually faded colors, her go-to attire whatever she’d managed to thrift within her budget. “I’ll splurge on a weird hat, though,” she laughs.”
➥ Excerpt from the Spring 2023 issue of The Beat Magazine
play @infamous-if !!!!!!!!!
also, mini lore dump, the reason there’s an umbrella up there is because benni wants to give true punk performances but she’s broke so... for a long time instead of smashing a guitar she’d smash cheap umbrellas she bought at thrift stores and yard sales LMAO that’s one of her biggest stage tricks! that and having a wild tradition of starting the gig with a bleached buzzcut and letting a fan come onstage and dye it whatever colors they want <3
transparent credits: devilfeed, png-magician, pngdaddy, babedotcom, dollunderworld-pngs, losergirl999, kindofa-bitch, 666pngs, liltingaway, nichepngs, moodboardpngs, fukutumb1r, azukisgf, enki-ankarian, oceantoyz, sauce-central, lesbianrobin, pinktrailerprincess, luvpngs, adjpngs, bleedingthroughteeth, vulturoid, snailspng, dielfs
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fullbattleregalia · 2 months
I love Zygg and Wini.
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I met them in the swamp and was like, “Their dynamic is so cute. I ship it. Too bad the game won’t.”
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Then I chatted them again at the cantina and-
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They’ve gotten together! I thought it was just an implied statement, but the Databank just flat out confirmed. ❤️
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mariourza · 2 years
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Here's a another character from my Pokémon Mystery Dungeon / Magic: the Gathering AU. She is Tayhana. She is a green and white aligned kitsune shaman warrior planeswalker from Kamigawa with a fierce devotion to justice.
Felling guilty of her past actions and criminal record on other planes, she joined the Royal Explorers' Guild to hopefully gain a just and fulfilling purpose.
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footballfanficwriter · 10 months
He doesn't deserve it I do
Summary:where Kylian is annoyed after the ballon d'or ceremony
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I'm about to go to bed when I hear the door Slam
I don't even need to ask what's going on because I saw the whole thing on TV
"You need to calm down" I say
"Calm down?, for 3 years in a row I've had  to go to that ceremony and come back home empty handed, every year I make a fool of myself by leaving empty handed, Messi just won the ballon d'or and Erling just won the best striker award, he doesn't deserve it I do, i work hard day and night and only for me to come up third on the podium, what the hell even is that
"Kylian you need to control your anger, it's not going to help"
"I can't calm Down and I also can't control my feelings, did you even see the podium?"
"Yeah I did"
"I came 3rd, 3rd place, how? I don't know, this is Erling's first time attending and he gets an award and i leave empty handed, I've been attending this stupid ceremony ever since 2018 and I've only ever won once"
"Amour, stop, you need to calm down you're frustrated which is understandable, but you need to control your emotions" I say making him bury his head inside my neck
He sighs
"I know, It's just angering, you know how hard i've worked"
"I know my love" I say wiping the tear that's escaped his eye
"C'mon go take a shower, I'll be here waiting for you" I say and kiss his forehead
"Ok" he pulls away then walks upstairs
In the mean time I make pasta for him since he loves it so much and I'm trying to cheer him up after the night he had
After 30 minutes Kylian is out the shower and the pasta is ready I dish it up for the both of us and add mozzarella cheese just the way he likes it
"What's this?"
"You made me pasta?"
"With mozzarella cheese"
"Just the way I like it"
"Merci Beaucoup Amour"
"De rein"
We eat the pasta in comfortable silence and he takes my hand and interlocks our hands while smiling and I mirror his smile
After eating I wash the dishes and grab the car keys from the key holder
"C'mon let's go"
I grab his hand and walk to the door and we leave the house
I get into the driver's seat and and Kylian in the passenger
"Cheri nous va oú" ( where are we going)
"Je veux une glace" ( I want Ice cream)
Kylian connects his phone to the car and starts playing music
Soza Tiakola comes on and we start singing it like our lives depend on it
We arrive at the ice cream parlour and we order our ice creams I get cookies and cream and he gets vanilla with sprinkles
"You're such a baby" I say
"No I'm not" he says as we get back into the car
"Yes you are"
"Your ice cream for instance"
"What about it" he asks as his about to take his first spoon of icecream
"Kylian, you got vanilla and sprinkles because the last time you said you like how the sprinkles decorate the white icecream"
"But it's true though"
"Big baby"
"Let's drive" he says
As we continue to drive we are still listening to Tiakola and some other French artists that Kylian and I like listening to
We drive until we pull up to an open field
We exit the car and I go to the boot to grab a blanket then we find our spot to lay down
Kylian and I come here when we have issues and problems that we need to think about and also when we need a break from the busy city
I actually found the place when things got tough one day and I wanted to end it all but I was so drawn to this place that I had to stop my car and see it, Kylian found me here when he saw my car and he held me and cried with me
Then one day after Kylian had found out that his grandfather had past he left the hospital and didn't tell anyone, everyone was looking for him then I thought I should check the place where he found me the last time and I found him there crying on his own , I held him and I cried with him
Then after some time it just became a thing, a place to go when you need to clear your head
It's become like a routine now, if anyone of us have had a bad day we go to the icecream parlour first then drive here and talk about our issues
"Ok mon Amour c'est moi et toi , parle avec moi ( ok my love it me and you, talk to me)
"Je fatigue, je pa pa, C'est Impossible"
"Everything I do, that the world does not approve of is bad, I can't continue like this, I'm constantly being watched and I feel like I'm walking on egg shells one wrong move and I'm hated by everybody, people talk about how greedy I am, how I think I'm better than anyone but that's who I have to be especially because of the occupation I've decided to choose"
"Kylian, I see you, I as your wife see how hard you work and how much effort and energy you put into your work, no award in this world should be what defines you as a player sure it's nice to get recognized and have the acknowledgements but at the end of the day your awards and prizes don't define you as a player they only represent what you are made of and what you achieved in your life, only a representation Amour, and u know how you wanted to win those awards but you need to understand that they are not everything, ok?"
"Je t'aime"
"Je t'aime aussi"
He kissed my forehead  and pulls away slowly, then looms me in my eyes then my lips
"Arrête, just kiss me"
He kisses me with passion and love and I can't help but blush because of the effect he has on me
We separate then lay down on the blanket and watch the stars and talk about random topics like, would you rather be a big or a rat
After some of that I tell Kylian I'll be right back and go to the car, I get the ball out the car and walk to him
"C'mon get up"
"No last time you cheated and said I let it touch the floor when u didn't"
"Don't be a sour loser"
Right now we're playing don't let it touch the ground
Where we pass the ball but it's not allowed to touch the ground, loser has to do as and what the winner tells them for a day
Last time he lost and I made him go around the house shirtless,  don't blame me if I wanted to see his abs
We start playing for a little bit and none of us are losing as yet, but that's until Kylian Blasts me by my leg
"Ouch, Kylian"
"That diet count by the way so out that smile away"
"But that's not fair"
"Kylian you blasted my leg"
"Fine let's call it a tie"
"Ok fine"
"C'mon let's go home now"
I try  walk but almost fall, I'm joking obviously I can walk just fine, but doesn't know that
"Ouch" I say
He looks at me and gives me a really look
"I can't walk looks like you're gonna have to carry me"
He sighs and walks over to me the gives me a piggyback
"My hero"
"Yeah yeah whatever"
He picks the ball and the blanket up, dusts it then walks to the car
He put me in the passenger  seat then opens the boot to put the ball and the blanket away then he gets into the car and starts driving us back home
When we arrive at the house Kylian still has me o his back and walks upstairs to our room, then he gently places me on the bed
"Oh Kylian, my leg is in so much pain do can you please massage it"
He brings tissue oil and lotion then put a movie on, takes his shirt and pants off, while I take my hoodie and pants off revealing Kylian's shirt that is a dress on me, he claims into bed and starts massaging my leg while watching a movie
30 minutes later
Kylian is asleep with his hands still on my legs
I get out of bed, close the tissue oil and Lotion fix Kylian's side of the comforter, switch off the TV then get into bed myself
I feel Kylian shift closer to me and wrap his arms around my waist and he whispers
"Thank you for cheering me up amour"
"You're welcome"
"I love you"
"I love you too"
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I know no one follows this blog because I haven’t been here in fully two years but —
A dark Avatar AU where Zuko finds Aang in the iceberg instead of Katata and Sokka, so none of the events of the show’s main timeline take place. Zuko takes Aang home to the Fire Nation and gets everything he thought he wanted long before Iroh had much effect on him. And the Fire Nation disposed of the Avatar. So over the following fifteen years, both the world and Zuko get much worse than they were in canon.
At one point, Azula and Zuko conspire to murder and overthrow Ozai, a thing Zuko fully expects (being very angry and confused) will make him feel better, but instead it makes him feel much worse, though he denies this to himself and others.
The story begins when Zuko is 30, and his royal doctor tells him he’s dying of alcoholic organ failure. The Fire Nation has just dealt the resistance a devastating blow in a battle that was widely considered the resistance’s best chance. So Zuko decided he has one last great act in him before he kicks the bucket: He will end the war. Since he’s had so much luck hunting symbols before, he decides he will hunt down and kill the symbols of the resistance, Toph the Builder and the Turncoat General Iroh. With their heroes dead, the resistance will crumble, and Zuko can die at peace knowing he made the Fire Nation’s supremacy enduring and complete. (What he doesn’t realize is that he is very much mistaken about the causes of his lack of inner peace.)
There’s just one problem: Azula knows Zuko is a drunk, even if he is also a capable military commander, so she sends a trusted aid of unknown origin but unquestionable loyalty along with Zuko: The intelligent, sarcastic Soza. They dislike being on this mission together immediately, and things don’t get any better when they come across a man and a woman in the forest outside the Fire Nation stronghold in Ba Sing Se. The woman is someone who Soza fears will recognize him—resistance spymaster Katara. She’s just busted out this man, who claims he’s an escaped mental patient who used to believe he’s the Avatar—and who Zuko alone knows *is* the Avatar, which means Azula has been hiding important things from Zuko all these years.
So with a little luck and a little skill, Zuko convinces this strange crew to help him find his uncle—lying to them that he just wants to see the man again. The rest of them would love to find Iroh’s hidden encampment, since the fractured nature of the resistance means they don’t always know where he is. So they set out together, Zuko absolutely filled to the brim with betrayals waiting to happen, Soza working very hard to not go within six feet of Katara, and Aang battling the deeply ingrained belief that he cannot trust his own mind for anything.
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theworstbastardhere · 21 days
Is there any favorite it fan faction for any FF games ?!
Weirdly I don't really read fanfics for Final Fantasy. Particularly FFX, my view of the characters is so entrenched in my headcanon that I hardly know what to think of other people's. I have on OC kid of Yuna and Tidus, searching Sozas might get something, and the fanfic I wrote about him is like 100k long but I don't know if I ever intended to publish it and I don't think I'll finish it. I had an FFIX OC, but I don't know if I ever posted images of them.
I have a lot of fanart I love, but a lot of it is artists I don't know how to find.
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elrinconderovica · 3 months
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Un Proceso Difícil...
No soy perfecta, ni pretendo serlo, tengo miles de defectos y suelo tener inseguridades, pero soy real y auténtica. Soy una persona de emociones fuertes, que ama mucho, ríe demasiado y llora de más, básicamente, siento mucho. Soy esa brisa que se necesita para tener un mejor día o simplemente sentirse mejor. Me estreso cuando siempre quiero tener todo bajo mi control, pero la vida me va enseñando que no siempre podré tener el control de todo, muchas veces las cosas se soltarán de mis manos y no podré hacer nada al respecto.
Soy muy persistente y lucho por lo que quiero, aunque eso me llegue a doler. Solía poner el bienestar de los demás por sobre el mío, pero un día comprendí que estaba mal. Que primero estoy yo y luego están los demás, porque cuando necesito a alguien a las tres de la madrugada por alguna razón, solamente me tengo a mí y siempre me tendré a mí.
Estoy en un proceso difícil, pero no imposible. Un proceso, de aprender a aceptar cosas y soltar algunas. Proceso nada facil de aceptar que la vida puede dar un giro y cambiar tus planes de futuro, en un segundo. Un proceso de aprender a aceptarme así tal cuál, con mi carácter a veces rebelde, mis palabras a la hora de enfadarme y lo sensible que soy cuando se trata de cualquier cosa, ya sea un libro, una película, canción o alguna situación inesperada.
Estoy aprendiendo a sobrellevar mi proceso, mi duelo. Aprendiendo a comprender que no necesito ser igual que alguien más, porque soy única. Todos los días intento mejorar, cambiar cosas para mí y para los demás. Y aunque en el proceso me derrumbe a veces, lo importante es que no me quedo en el suelo y lo sigo intentando, sigo insistiendo, sigo luchando. Y en algún momento lo lograré. Estaré bien, me amaré, y amaré de nuevo la vida, me comprenderé y todo, absolutamente todo, lo que estoy pasando se acomodará y mejorará...Sigue leyendo aquí https://www.elrinconderovica.com/un-proceso-dificil/
Valery Soza.
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Queer Star Wars Characters (Round 2): General Bracket Match 5
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Wini Eres | Identity: wlw | Media: Jedi Survivor
Wini Eres was an interior designer from Coruscant who traveled to Koboh to gain new inspiration, where their datapad was stolen. There she met Zygg Soza, and after Cal Kestis confirmed her datapad was destroyed she moved into Rambler’s Reach Outpost.
There she worked with Zygg to help fix up Pylon’s Saloon and fell in love with the other woman. Softspoken and formal, she found life on Koboh more authentic than upper class Coruscant. After Wini moves to the Outpost, the player character can follow her developing relationship with Zygg through a series of optional conversations.
Yana Ro | Identity: wlw | Media: The High Republic Phase II
Yana Ro, a member of the stigmatized Everni species, grew up in the Path of the Open Hand cult with her cousin, Marda Ro. Able to remember their family’s life before the cult, she never became a true believer like her sister. She fell in love with the daughter of the Path’s Herald, Kor Plouth. Yana was a member of the Children, a group the Mother tasked with “liberating” Force artifacts. After she was the only survivor of a trap the Mother set to kill all the Children, including Kor, she swore vengeance on the Mother. 
After Kor’s death, she “haunted” Yana, ambiguously a manifestation of her own trauma and survivor’s guilt or her actual spirit not fully joined with the Force. She joined the Herald in his attempted coup, but it failed and she was left for dead. After rescuing the Herald, they traveled to Dalna and ended up helping the Jedi Matty Cathay and Olivah Zeveron to expose the Mother, who was militarizing the Path. In the chaos of the Night of Sorrow, she let go of Kor’s spirit. She set off with the Rod of Daybreak to begin her new life as a hauler with another disillusioned member of the Path and Kor’s dying mother. 
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futurama · 2 years
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do you think a jedi and a sith could like like each other (with RUDYS oc)
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attackfish · 2 years
Gender swapped Ozai and Ursa? I was thinking just the two of them swapped just to see how this would impact Zuko and Azula differently (with Zuko having Ursulo (?) as an already positive/loving father and so may be more or less inclined to accept Iroh, while Azula and Ozia could be seen as more reflective to him). There's also how this corresponds to gender politics in the FN.
I asked by pm if I could put this in my existing Fire Nation Royal Family gender swap AU, and the answer was yes, so continued from: [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], and [Link].
1. The last post was about Oza and Ursulon's marriage and what an utter nightmare it was, so for this post, I want to go a little further back, and talk about Oza's childhood, and about her and her sister's relationship with their mother. Because there never really was a time that Oza had a good relationship with her mother, or ever a time when Ilah was around to notice.
2. Firelord Azula married General Iroh when he was only a captain, and already famed for his brilliant and daring military maneuvers. The young Firelord was gaining a similar reputation of her own, and she liked his style, so she had him assigned to her own personal regiment. Strategic compatibility soon led to genuine regard and friendship, and then to passionate love, and they traveled home at the end of a campaign, to a wedding in the Fire Nation with all the pomp and ceremony a royal wedding can offer. Soon after the wedding, Azula found herself pregnant, and they had a baby girl they named Ilah, after her father. They had expected to have more children, but either Azula didn't concieve again, or she miscarried so early she never knew she was pregnant, and Ilah, perfect little Ilah, remained their only child, and her parents' pride and joy.
3. Now Iroh was a famed military commander, and married to the Firelord or no, he continued to lead his troops in the conquest of the Earth Kingdom, just as his wife did. He was off on campaign when Azula noticed her body changing. Her doctors had assured her this was coming, and she knew she was well past childbearing. And many women gained weight at this time in their lives. But then she felt movement, and she knew. Her doctors felt the movement and nodded amongst themselves, and concurred. She was indeed pregnant.
4. It wasn't long before she was due to give birth that word came that Iroh, Firelord's consort and famed war hero, had fallen in battle, dead in the northern Earth Kingdom. It might have been the baby's time anyway, or it might have been the shock, but either way, Azula went into labor. Calling it a long, difficult labor undersells it. Azula labored for nearly two days. Her doctors whispered amongst themselves how fortunate they were that Ilah was a grown woman, capable of ruling, because surely her mother would die. They whispered about how before the war, they might have brought in a waterbending healer, but of course they couldn't do that now. At long last, they had to cut into her to widen the birth canal, and Oza was born gasping and crying into the world, as if she had been the one to suffer.
5. Azula's body was never the same after. She took months to heal as much as she did, months spent mourning her husband, unable to even look at her new daughter, months when the child lingered without a name. She slept only to dream of Iroh. A better person would have understood that this wasn't her daughter's fault, and learned to love her child, or at least learned to let go and let someone else love her child, to stop hurting her child, but Azula daughter of Soza has never been a better person. And neither was Oza. The bitterest irony of them all is that Oza will never understand that she treated Zura exactly as her mother treated her.
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corvidscreams · 10 months
Who's the best at snowball fights?
Winner will compete with the winner of the Mantis crew for the title HERE.
Not Included: Monk - Too busy making warm beverages Bhima and Tuli Mu - Too busy taking combat notes Tulakt - Watching on, sipping a warm drink and making cryptic comments. Gido and Gulu - Watching and Mocking Dhoma - ~~Gossiping~~ Discussing the fight with Tulakt
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