#space australia stories
A human explaining the joke of “space Australia” and how everything in Australia wants to kill you.
The ship had just finished a routine resupply, and with it, came the shuffling of many crew members. Some were taking leave, some were being reassigned, some were coming, some were going.
Qithar was not up for reassignment, and so went on with his normal duties, as old crewmembers left new faces took their places. This particular ship was relatively diverse - hosting crew from many different species, including humans, who had only recently joined the Federation.
Qithar was only just starting to understand their strange behavior. They were far-and-above the most outgoing species he’d ever encountered, and they integrated into most crews with little to no hassle. But once you started learning of their home planet, called “Earth” and how the humans lived, they suddenly didn’t seem so friendly.
It was common for humans to live in places with climates or regularly occurring natural phenomena that would render them inhabitable to Qithar’s own species, not to mention the other lifeforms that inhabited their planet.
As he was completing an inspection in the cargo bay, Qithar overheard several of his human crewmates conversing and laughing. From the conversation, one of them appeared to be telling some newcomers about life on the ship and other species they may see aboard.
“I think it’s sort of easy to forget that humans and our way of life aren’t the norm out here,” the seasoned crewmember was saying. “I think a lot of non-humans think we’re crazy, or insanely resilient.”
The others laughed. “How so?” one of them asked.
The first crewmate hummed. “Well, there was that one time we had a spider infestation in the kitchen. Weird space spiders with like, twenty legs and one really long, goofy-looking antenna. They were like, maybe the size of a housefly, and pretty harmless, all things considered, but all the non-humans were deathly afraid of them for some reason.”
Qithar remembered the infestation. He had been nearly brought to hysterics when he found one crawling on his morning rations. The ship had never had a pest infestation before. What if they carried some unknown disease? Just one bite, and the ship could say goodbye to all of it’s living crew. He remembered being horrified at the human’s reactions.
The human crewmembers had offered to study the spiders (for science) and then dispose of them, since everyone else seemed so reluctant. At the end of the study, they explained their conclusions so nonchalantly, to the horrified reactions of everyone else. Apparently, the spiders were relatively harmless, though they did bite (using their strange antenna), and could feed off blood or other bodily fluids from many different species. The humans explained that the only side effects were small itchy bumps, causing temporary discomfort.
It didn’t stop the rest of the crewmembers from being cautious. Really, it made them question the sanity of the humans on board. Why would they deliberately get close to something that feeds on your blood, and wounds you in the process?
Qithar remembers the humans laughing, and one of them saying that there were bigger and meaner ones in “Australia” (where ever that is). He figured it was another human-occupied planet, and vowed never to go there.
Pulled out of his thoughts, Qithar noticed the human crewmember was finishing his story. “If you think about it, to everyone else, Earth is to the rest of the Federation what Australia is to us.”
“Space Australia,” laughed another crewmember.
This marks the second time Qithar had heard of this planet. In morbid fascination, he wondered what horrors might exist on this “Australia” that would make humans consider it dangerous. Seeing as there were several humans right there, he felt inclined to ask, if only so his nightmares didn’t come up with something worse.
“Excuse me,” he called to them, catching their attention. “I’ve heard it mentioned before, but what is this ‘Australia’ that you’re talking about?”
The first crew member smiled at him, in that uniquely human way. “Oh, it’s just a little joke we like to share,” he explained. “Australia is a continent on Earth with the stereotype of having lots of really deadly creatures that always seem like their out to get you. From experience, most non-humans view Earth that same way.” He shrugged. “Hence the joke that Earth is Space Australia.”
“There are things on Australia that try to kill you?” Qithar asked, latching onto those words.
“Eh, not directly. They’re just animals defending themselves, and humans are the ones getting all up in their business anyways.”
“You mean humans actually go to Australia? Knowing the dangers?”
The human crewmates all shared an amused look, the first one with a look on his face that said ‘See?’
“Yeah,” he replied. “People live there permanently. It’s actually pretty populated.”
Qithar could feel himself getting lightheaded at just the thought. Actual people living in a place that so frequently tried to harm its inhabitants that they’ve made a joke about it. He thought the rest of Earth was terrifying.
“Thank you,” he managed to croak weakly. He turned away from the humans and went back to his work, but he couldn’t get the conversation out of his head.
That night, he dreamt he was chased by a massive space spider, with twenty legs and a long antenna, and prayed he would never be reassigned to Earth.
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notpostingjustperusing · 10 months
I think what attracts people to humans are space orcs stories is not the inherent idea that humans are evolutionarily aberrant in the universe. Rather, it is the solution to the existential crisis of what if we are not alone in the universe. If we are alone in the universe, we are unique and able to make our mark on the universe unhindered. 
But if we are not alone, if there are countless other species, each identically unique, what is there to set humanity apart? How do we make the universe remember us after we have gone extinct. If all species are exactly like us, have things that make them unique and memorable, each grew up on a deathworld, each views themselves as a space orc, each has attributes about them but are multifaceted species, what difference does the existence of humanity make on the universe? Earth having evolved life will matter for the surrounding star systems and any individuals that come in contact with earthlings, but in a million years, will anyone care? Will we make a mark upon the universe, do anything to make the cosmos take notice of us?
And so in a universe of space orcs, what is it that humanity can do to separate ourselves? Space orc is not a prophecy, it is a promise to the stars. The only fear we have is not that we are not alone, it is that we are not unique.
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quantumfeat72 · 2 years
ok i just had a humans-are-space-orcs thought
i grew up in bear country. like, the “you can’t leave food in your car because the bears will break your car and eat it” kind of bear country. so up there people make sure to teach their kids how to avoid getting eaten by bears. and you know the number one thing you do to avoid encountering a bear in the first place?
you make sure it hears you coming
if you’re hiking with a friend, you talk loudly the whole time. if you don’t want to do that, or you’re alone, you wear bells or something else that makes noise. because bears aren’t stupid, they know humans are trouble, and they don’t wanna fuck with you any more than you wanna fuck with them
like. think about that. bears are walking tanks. they can cave in the door to a house or move around a 500 pound dumpster like its nothing. you can shoot a bear with a gun and not do much more than piss it off. a bear could absolutely pick off one lone human on a hike for a free meal. but bears never hunt humans, and they rarely attack humans
like imagine an alien visiting earth and their human friend hands them a bell and says “when we go through here we gotta make sure the local apex predators know exactly where we are at all times”
and they’re like “...oh, yes, of course. the other predators on earth must have learned that they can’t kill a human, and it’s better to avoid a fight if you can”
and the human says “no, if a bear attacked us we’d die”
and they’re like, wait, what?? you want to give our exact location to something that could easily kill us? do you have a death wish??? and their friend is like, no, look, bears don’t fuck with humans if they can help it
not because they can’t, but because they know better
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Day 4
I do not believe in luck. It is not something my species is familiar with. We believe in science and logic. I was not even aware of the concept of luck or faith until I left the planet my species populates. So I do not  believe that it was a coincidence when during this cycle, the human was assigned to work with me. I did not see the Terran during my cyclic meal intake, and was immediately called into the main machinery room without a sight of it.
The Vitrichl appeared shortly after with the human in tow. Vitrichl eludicated that the human had proved to be a skillful worker and was now officially assigned to my unit unless the Vitrichl explicitly stated otherwise.Vitrichl left to attend his other duties, leaving me with the human.
I turned to the control panels covering the walls, and speaking into a small microphone, I introduced the Terran to the machine. "This is human Quinn. It is officially part of my unit and will assist me." 
"It‘s 'she', mate.", the human corrected. "Excuse me?", I asked, careful not to be impolite. "She. My prounous are 'she‘, not 'it'.", she explained. "I apologize. I did not mean to upset you." "It‘s alright, mate. I‘m not upset, just correcting you for future reference.“ "Thank you", I decided on the safest route.
"So, a mechanic as well? Cool.", she folded her fingers into her hand and extended it to me. I was not confident how I was supposed to respond to this gesture, so I once again, did nothing. Eventually, she retracted her hand and let it disappear into a fold in her clothing which appeared to be a pocket. 
Clothing, I noted. Not many members of the crew of the SIIR Noxos wore clothing on a regular basis, apart from their space suits. This obviously raised even more questions: Why did she wear clothing? Was it out of religious or cultural reasons? Out of personal comfort? Did all Terrans wear clothes or was she a special case? Did specific clothing symbolise specific things? These are all questions I hope I will be able to find out the answer to one day.
"Soo, like…what am I supposed to do around here? Do I have like, a specific task or…? Cap didn‘t mention anything." Cap. That was a word the translating device wasn‘t able to translate. "Cap?", I questioned further. Her face muscles contracted in a manner that made the patches of hair above her visual organs move closer to each other and the skin above them fold.
"The captain?", she said. "Of course, I apologize. The translating device did not recognize that word. I call him Vitrichl."
"Oh, is that his name? He didn‘t say anything." "No", I reassured. "It is simply the word "Captain" in my species‘ language." "Ah okay…", she said. "Well, what about my task?" "Of course.", I assigned her a simple task, showing her where to work and what to do. We then continued to work in silence. I did not object, because it gave me plenty of time to observe the human.
Humans, or at least this one, seemed to have rather random patches of hair on their head. Attached to the protective skin over their eyes, in a line above the eyes and on the top of the head. In human Quinn‘s case, it grew down, barely reaching her chest and was of a deep brown colour, just like her eyes. 
The muscles in her face never seemed to stay still, always contracting or smoothing while she worked. It was probable that facial expressions played a big part in human communication.
She still stood on two legs, upright and used both of her arms to work. For some inexplicable reason, she usually held a piece of technology or something similar in only one hand, but seemed to keep switching sides in a rather random matter.
I‘d have to ask her about it, but it did not seem like an appropriate time.
After working for some time and me continuously observing her, she set down her equipment and spoke: "Y’know, you‘re probably not aware of this, but humans consider staring rude." She turned around on her feet and faced me, seemingly watching me process this information. I quickly responded, careful not to irritate her further after having done something so insensitive. "I apologize. I was not aware of humans‘ stance on this behaviour and it was not my intention to be rude or make you uncomfortable. If I may ask, though, I have been watching you for some time now and I did not notice you ever turn around to face me until now. How were you aware I was watching you?" 
"Well, I could just kind of…feel it. I sensed your gaze in my back. Kind of like a sixth sense, you could probably say." I blinked. Sensed my gaze? Sixth sense? What were the other five then? 
I voiced these questions: "What do you mean you sensed it?" 
"Well, I just kind of had this feeling of someone watching me. Don‘t you ever get that feeling?" Flabbergasted, I said no.
She raised and lowered the part where her arms and chest joined once again, similar to the gesture she offered on the second day. "Well, I guess it just must be a human thing." "I suppose", I agreed, and with that, she turned back to the control panel she was commanding and we continued to work in silence, although now I was keenly aware of my every move and careful not to let my gaze linger on the Terran for too long.
She left before I did, apparently to take in another of her daily meals (something that was not necessary for my species). Soon, the cycle was already over before I encountered the human again.
I have made great progress during this cycle and I believe that if the human continues to work in my environment, it will be easier for me to discover more information about humans. 
Perhaps that is why the Vitrichl put the human into my section. Perhaps this was his plan all along. But I do not draw conclusions. I simply propose theories.
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niqhtlord01 · 1 year
Updated Story List
Contained here are a wide selection of Humans are Weird stories. 
Ever wonder what an interstellar war with humanity would look like? Or how about debating ethics and political ideals with an alien empire? 
Or maybe all you wonder is how frustrating it would be to try and explain Minecraft is and why a Bionic Commando had his wife made into his new arm. 
Whatever your flavor I’m sure you’ll find a story here that you will like :) 
Stories with recuring characters are organized together, while stories that follow certain themes.
The list now includes 80+ new stories since the last update. 
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)    
Earl Von Morgan & Tilith
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/186229837551/humans-are-weird-threatening-a-human-does-not-end
Part 2 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/186510502391/humans-are-weird-we-can-play-the-game-and-play
Part 3 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/627842764293505025/humans-are-weird-the-little-details-a-morgan-and
Part 4 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/669573395946635264/humans-are-weird-sewing-chaos-an-earl-von-morgan
Part 5 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/682888171713904640/humans-are-weird-night-of-bloody-velvet-a-earl
Part 6 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/728537223971078144/humans-are-weird-hearts-of-steel-and-lightning?source=share
Part 7 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/731708095976357888/humans-are-weird-the-price-of-history?source=share
  Elizabeth and Mara
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/186292345701/humans-are-weird-absorbing-culture
Part 2 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/186419007951/human-augmentation-a-mara-and-elizabeth-story
Part 3 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/188601444856/humans-are-weird-artificial-intelligence-a-mara
    Jimmy: Crime lord of Karkoga
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/186624536246/humans-are-weird-professional-criminals
Part 2 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/186834153316/humans-are-weird-criminal-organizations
Part 3 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/612097642990829568/humans-are-weird-criminals-part-3
Part 4 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/650532478495375360/humans-are-weird-criminal-organizations
Part 5: https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/682210526535761920/humans-are-weird-criminal-organizations-suffer
Part 6 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/706986518295789568/humans-are-weird-criminal-organizations-the-end?source=share
  Admiral Amara
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/185604083511/humans-are-weird-war-is-the-death-of-honor
Part 1.1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/186007897816/humans-are-weird-war-is-the-death-of-honor
Part 2 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/611245167401451520/humans-are-weird-funeralsgraveyards
Part 3 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/654957728339509248/humans-are-weird-war-crimes
    Yuri: The Unseen hand
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/613447872933920768/humans-are-weird-calling-out-stupid
Part 2 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/620344951235133440/humans-are-weird-cruelty-of-man
Part 3 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/660650053735743488/humans-are-weird-the-meaning-of-victory
Part 4 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/668927797173059584/humans-are-weird-combat-drugs-a-yuri-story
Part 5 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/670803783760183296/humans-are-weird-a-game-of-daggers
Part 6 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/677155082489479168/humans-are-weird-shattering-revolutions-a-yuri
Part 7 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/708250366526013440/humans-are-weird-buyer-beware-a-yuri-story?source=share
Part 8 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/710157303504109568/yuri-the-unseen-hand-a-portrait-of-the-character?source=share
Part 9 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/720304733805510656/humans-are-weird-freedom-for-a-price-please?source=share
Part 10 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/724733793023475712/humans-are-weird-missing-your-mark-a-yuri?source=share
Part 11 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/724733793023475712/humans-are-weird-missing-your-mark-a-yuri?source=share
    Mr. B + Lizzy
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/185661752991/humans-are-weird-we-can-be-useful-in-so-many
Part 2 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/644214938898972672/in-the-distant-future-friends-are-hard-to-come-by
Part 3 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/655570853188222976/humans-are-weird-the-hand-of-andromeda-ch-1
Part 4 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/655571025349738496/humans-are-weird-the-hand-of-andromeda-ch-2
    Assassin by trade, Tailor by day
Part 1: https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/649236626288017408/humans-are-weird-assassins
Part 2: https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/681581266713313280/humans-are-weird-assassin-part-ii
Part 3: https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/683528289979154432/humans-are-weird-assassins-part-iii
Part 4 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/711426367670124544/mr-robinson-the-tailor-assassin-name-mr?source=share
    Strength of Humanity: Military Focused Stories
  Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/185448191721/humans-are-weird-size-doesnt-scare-us-the
Part 2 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/185972973186/humans-are-weird-even-in-defeat-we-make-the
Part 3 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/185266054216/humans-are-weird-we-are-giants-in-the-bodies-of
Part 4 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/186108119921/humans-are-weird-resistance-fighters
Part 5 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187390035806/humans-are-weird-flamethrowers
Part 6 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187436915146/humans-are-weird-man-of-the-line-the-navys
  Part 7 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187528803481/humans-are-weird-overkill
Part 8 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/189143564946/humans-are-weird-overkill-part-2
  Part 9 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187571226936/humans-are-weird-super-weapons
Part 10 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/188010812016/humans-are-weird-rules-of-war-vary-between
Part 12 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/188143823276/humans-are-weird-rules-of-war-vary-between
Part 13 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/188542738466/humans-are-weird-our-understanding-of-warfare
Part 14 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/188619598146/humans-are-weird-sacrifice
Part 15 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/189206106511/humans-are-weird-machines-of-war
Part 16 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/189766022546/humans-are-weird-fight-or-flight
Part 17 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/189784377106/humans-are-weird-snipers
Part 18 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/611189888202817536/humans-are-weird-artillery
Part 19 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/613186295535108096/humans-are-weird-fighter-jets
Part 20 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/614727199092817920/humans-are-weird-final-stand
Part 21 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/614817926346899456/humans-are-weird-last-stand-glorification
Part 22 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/615461390232305664/humans-are-weird-logistics-of-war
Part 23 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/618482864530571264/humans-are-weird-super-dreadnought
Part 24 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/623586197256716288/humans-are-weird-planetary-assaults
Part 25 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/626408427862769664/humans-are-weird-mech-suits
Part 26 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/629304288151240704/humans-are-weird-close-quarters-fighting
Part 27 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/629479430240206848/humans-are-weird-cyber-warfare
Part 28 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/636601673199091712/humans-are-weird-orbital-strikes-part-1
Part 29 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/638504411850768384/humans-are-weird-orbital-drop-assault
Part 30 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/641032401641947136/humans-are-weird-tanks
Part 31 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/647340475221721088/humans-are-weird-boarding-enemy-ships
Part 32 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/658114334712561664/humans-are-weird-shock-troops-part-i
Part 33 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/659386142386487296/humans-are-weird-shock-troops-part-ii-the-drop
Part 34 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/667637632784793600/humans-are-weird-defensive-pacts
Part 35 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/667637720218288128/humans-are-weird-the-unseen-war
Part 36 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/672706105326075904/humans-are-weird-the-venshi-war
Part 37 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/677782237025058816/humans-are-weird-retired-soldiers-and-old-wounds
Part 38 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/678465033548759040/humans-are-weird-march-of-the-iron-children
Part 39 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/679089977650528256/humans-are-weird-ambush
Part 40 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/684199760446488577/humans-are-weird-dueling
Part 41 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/684802296945754112/humans-are-weird-treachery
Part 42 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/686693501651517440/humans-are-weird-all-war-is-deception
Part 43 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/687334444155191296/humans-are-weird-siege-warfare
Part 44 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/688556882164629504/humans-are-weird-retreat
Part 45 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/695574923609063424/humans-are-weird-do-your-duty
Part 46 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/696836542170382336/humans-are-weird-bring-your-pet-to-war-day
Part 47 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/697482060971032576/humans-are-weird-military-parades
Part 48 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/706986173189554176/humans-are-weird-the-difference-in-power?source=share
Part 49 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/710156611981869056/humans-are-weird-in-the-line-of-duty?source=share
Part 50 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/710156780432490496/humans-are-weird-the-coming-storm?source=share
Part 51 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/710791266599845888/humans-are-weird-the-lone-road-the-transport-hit?source=share
Part 52 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/710791350188195840/humans-are-weird-the-impossibility-of-man?source=share
Part 53 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/713328357231804416/humans-are-weird-reckoning-conquest-log-archive?source=share
Part 54 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/714593114385514496/humans-are-weird-purple-to-the-rescue-please?source=share
Part 55 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/717140786889768960/humans-are-weird-uldren-war-part-1-the-flesh-of?source=share
Part 56 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/719659160717983744/humans-are-weird-a-ship-without-a-name?source=share
Part 57 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/722840329530851328/humans-are-weird-the-spacers-creed-please?source=share
Part 58 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/724120283269775360/humans-are-weird-the-hammer-and-the-anvil?source=share
Part 59 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/727272808996061184/humans-are-weird-aesthetic-vs-function?source=share
Part 60 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/731708006748798976/humans-are-weird-flight-of-silver-wings-part-1?source=share
    Humans are weird: Project Crow
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/188251556966/humans-are-weird-super-soldiers
Part 2 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/651775452842721280/humans-are-weird-psychological-warfare-a
    Humans are weird: The Black Fleet
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/670803719541211136/humans-are-weird-the-black-fleet-part-i
Part 2 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/672069680401416192/humans-are-weird-the-black-fleet-part-ii
Part 3 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/674611489459634176/humans-are-weird-the-black-fleet-part-3
Part 4 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/684802230366388224/humans-are-weird-black-fleet-part-iv
Part 5 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/700025243394260992/humans-are-weird-black-fleet-finale-part-i
Part 6 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/703812497572020224/humans-are-weird-black-fleet-finale-part-2
    Philosophy of Man
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/185517609516/humans-are-weird-what-is-a-god-to-a-man
Part 2 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/185285541821/humans-are-weird-we-choose-who-leads-us-whoever
Part 3 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/186135495031/humans-are-weird-we-fight-way-too-much
Part 4 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/186951498461/humans-are-weird-the-concept-of-surrender
Part 5 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187277763636/humans-are-weird-friends-today-enemies-tomorrow
Part 6 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187391279301/humans-are-weird-indoctrination
Part 7 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187772645431/humans-are-weird-desensitization
Part 8 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/188231214686/humans-are-weird-vendetta
Part 9 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/188423251521/humans-are-weird-repaying-kindness-tenfold
Part 10 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/189099129046/humans-are-weird-patience-has-its-limits
Part 11 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/189624462676/humans-are-weird-prep-work
Part 12 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/189953786061/humans-are-weird-xenophobia
Part 13 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/190938986506/humans-are-weird-death-of-an-empire-is-the-birth
Part 14 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/611819933149675520/humans-are-weird-creatures-of-fear
Part 15 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/612636664417894400/humans-are-weird-childlike-wonder
Part 15 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/617867290316275712/humans-are-weird-greed-or-something-more
Part 16 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/619785788493791232/humans-are-weird-to-stubborn-to-fear
Part 17 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/624693594146701312/humans-are-weird-never-enough-time
Part 18 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/634070521612550144/humans-are-weird-space-borders
Part 19 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/635338142532157440/humans-are-weird-multiple-human-governments
Part 20 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/639011293783851008/humans-are-weird-speech-writers
Part 21 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/641032506233274368/humans-are-weird-rationalize-anything
Part 22 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/669573346071117824/humans-are-weird-their-own-worst-enemy
Part 23 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/676514407685275648/humans-are-weird-a-wandering-mind-and-a
Part 24 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/678465092461920256/humans-are-weird-changing-of-the-guard
Part 25 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/679724673487044608/humans-are-weird-salvage-rights
Part 26 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/680943610625196032/humans-are-weird-theological-debates-part-2
Part 27 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/684125391814852608/humans-are-weird-debating-emotions
Part 28 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/685417381707792384/humans-are-weird-dangers-of-genetic-modification
Part 29 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/689853893283299328/humans-are-weird-the-weakness-of-peace
Part 30 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/691143435007246336/humans-are-weird-the-virtue-of-patience
Part 31 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/696200382185144320/humans-are-weird-the-nature-of-free-will
Part 32 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/700025317622005760/humans-are-weird-the-conventional-approach
Part 33 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/710157428479655936/humans-are-weird-the-weeds-of-the-universe?source=share
Part 34 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/711426219756994560/humans-are-weird-new-edenism-extract-from?source=share
Part 35 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/713962297331154944/humans-are-weird-human-politics-session-is?source=share
Part 36 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/730438589625909249/humans-are-weird-the-game-of-politics?source=share
Part 37 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/730438705479811072/humans-are-weird-we-have-the-means?source=share
    Humans are weird: Dark stories
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/190455720946/humans-are-weird-torture
Part 2 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/622076825699598336/humans-are-weird-executions
Part 3 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/622616451806871553/humans-are-weird-humans-lacking-humanity
Part 4 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/625965799495073792/humans-are-weird-bio-terrorism
Part 5 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/631038135300685824/humans-are-weird-serial-killers
Part 6 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/631748256531152896/humans-are-weird-perspective
Part 7 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/637832653411958784/humans-are-weird-war-crimes
Part 8 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/639011387004403712/humans-are-weird-ptsd
Part 9 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/677155146827988992/humans-are-weird-salt-the-earth
Part 10 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/679724551797702656/humans-are-weird-quest-for-immortality
Part 11 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/682210463135776768/humans-are-weird-interrogation-gone-wrong
Part 12 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/684125343714623488/humans-are-weird-suicide
Part 13 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/687971337834250240/humans-are-weird-ghost-stories
Part 14 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/689853654524690432/humans-are-weird-wmd
Part 15 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/690473828341661696/humans-are-weird-black-market
Part 16 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/692409244262219776/humans-are-weird-let-chaos-reign
Pat 17 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/695574862751727616/humans-are-weird-fanatics
Part 18 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/699367647016550400/humans-are-weird-behind-the-curtain
Part 19 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/700669039368880128/humans-are-weird-this-land-is-my-land
Part 20 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/701276664004542464/humans-are-weird-the-fixer
Part 21 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/702552731733393409/humans-are-weird-prison-complexes
Part 22 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/708250230902095872/humans-are-weird-gun-on-the-table?source=share
Part 23 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/708250298511147008/humans-are-weird-the-price-of-faith?source=share
Part 24 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/711426478798258176/humans-are-weird-interview-with-the-devils-right?source=share
Part 25 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/712065901798768640/humans-are-weird-the-place-humans-dare-not-tread?source=share
Part 26 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/713328473691832320/humans-are-weird-space-werewolf?source=share
Part 27 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/713328549038374912/humans-are-weird-playing-god-alien-i-only-have?source=share
Part 28  https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/715228456691122176/humans-are-weird-i-did-nothing-wrong?source=share
Part 29 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/715228571656978432/humans-are-weird-the-story-of-the-living-moons?source=share
Part 30 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/715877960686698496/humans-are-weird-beating-the-odds?source=share
Part 31 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/719658995710918656/humans-are-weird-we-came-in-peace-please?source=share
Part 32 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/721575102989385728/humans-are-weird-the-wish-of-the-butcher-dont?source=share
Part 33 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/722224039072006144/humans-are-weird-urban-legends-part-1-what-lurks?source=share
Part 34 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/723465061208817664/humans-are-weird-space-vampires-a-continuation?source=share
Part 35 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/726658019869556736/humans-are-weird-the-silver-star-heist?source=share
Part 36 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/730438482155257856/humans-are-weird-beast-of-the-octagon?source=share
    Humans are weird: Inspirational
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/189428050861/humans-are-weird-rallying-speeches
Part 2 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/621159106616688640/humans-are-weird-a-being-of-one-made-of-trillions
Part 3 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/635958807572430848/humans-are-weird-hope-for-the-future
Part 4 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/637231913015361536/humans-are-weird-honoring-the-dead
Part 5 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/645432064693452800/humans-are-weird-the-nightmare-of-the-universe
Part 6 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/646071605301297152/humans-are-weird-theological-debates
Part 7 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/647340426781655040/humans-are-weird-how-to-make-a-traitor
Part 8 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/676514625017315328/humans-are-weird-criminal-detectives
Part 9 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/686031240642576384/humans-are-weird-medics
Part 10 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/686693778904465408/humans-are-weird-the-man-who-bested-gods
Part 11 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/687971549418045440/humans-are-weird-reflecting-on-life
Part 12 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/687971621915557888/humans-are-weird-galvanizing-the-human-spirit
Part 13 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/699367776895352833/humans-are-weird-will-to-survive
Part 14 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/700669112881479680/humans-are-weird-belief-in-ones-self
Part 15 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/705728603640446976/humans-are-weird-what-is-art?source=share
Part 16 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/714593475631480832/humans-are-weird-the-thing-that-lives-in-flames?source=share
Part 17 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/716502760274722816/humans-are-weird-strange-sense-of-beauty-zinth?source=share
Part 18 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/725406021496045568/humans-are-weird-scars?source=share
Part 19 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/726001927666778112/humans-are-weird-what-comes-after?source=share
Part 20 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/728537107709165568/humans-are-weird-friendships-everlasting?source=share
      Humans are weird: D&D
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/634658118208487424/humans-are-weird-dnd
Part 2 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/645432021554954240/humans-are-weird-dnd-part-2
Part 3 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/656847073479737344/humans-are-weird-dd-part-3
Part 4 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/669573248814546944/humans-are-weird-dd-part-4
Part 5 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/675252601348112385/humans-are-weird-dd-part-4
Part 6 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/680943362606579712/humans-are-weird-dd-part-5
Part 7 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/689230074121256960/humans-are-weird-dnd-part-v
Part 8 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/705084790098051072/humans-are-weird-dd-part-6?source=share
Part 9 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/710157068303269888/dd-villain-the-herd-master-dd-villain-the-herd?source=share
Part 10 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/710157181909090304/dream-demons-lore-demons-are-constantly-seeking?source=share
Part 11 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/723464842828234752/dungeons-and-dragons-wrath-of-the-oak-father?source=share
    Humans are weird: What is an emperor?
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/702552853003354112/humans-are-weird-what-is-an-emperor-part-1
Part 2 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/721575043559292928/humans-are-weird-what-is-an-emperor-part-2?source=share
  Humans are weird: Soul of Humanity
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/185145214386/the-soul-is-humanities-greatest-weapon
  Humans are weird: Terror CampaignPart 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/675252667088617472/humans-are-weird-terror-campaign-part-1-shadow
Part 2 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/703812125292986368/humans-are-weird-terror-campaign-part-2-hunters
  Humans are Clever
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/185194304161/humans-are-weird-the-clever-man-is-the-most
Part 2 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/185081220326/humans-horror-movies-nightmare-fuel-for
Part 3 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/185571019271/humans-are-weird-politics-is-the-warfare-of-minds
Part 4 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187008726646/humans-are-weird-sniffing-out-impostors
Part 5 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/189539133836/humans-are-weird-retaliation
Part 6 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/190627083861/humans-are-weird-direct-approach-not-needed
Part 7 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/628769953901854720/humans-are-weird-political-maneuvering
Part 8 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/643582910058971136/humans-are-weird-false-flag
Part 9 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/644836922434469888/humans-are-weird-the-long-game
Part 10 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/680943468372262912/humans-are-weird-adaptability
Part 11 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/683528344911937536/humans-are-weird-diplomatic-negotiations
Part 12 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/689230026619699200/humans-are-weird-calm-under-pressure
Part 13 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/693670926653505537/humans-are-weird-miscommunication
Part 14 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/693671008496926720/humans-are-weird-tricks-and-treachery
Part 15 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/693671071136825344/humans-are-weird-windows-required
Part 16 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/716502684717481985/humans-are-weird-the-sign-says-closed-part-1?source=share
    Humans are weird: SCP foundataion
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/611994932205502464/humans-are-weird-scp-foundation-Pentries-part-1
Part 2 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/618488701063954432/humans-are-weird-scp-list-part-2
Part 3 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/629795140163272704/humans-are-weird-scp-part-2
Part 4 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/639778251595710464/humans-are-weird-scp-list-part-3
Part 5 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/650549178176520192/humans-are-weird-scp-list-part-4
Part 6 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/724120168065875968/scp-4271-the-wandering-sign-classification?source=share
  Humans are weird: Brackhill Keep
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/632879244528254976/humans-are-weird-sports-part-2
  Humans are weird: The mixed species 17th Engineer Battalion
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/651132984410456064/humans-are-weird-merging-multiple-species-into
Part 2 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/715878019887235072/humans-are-weird-plant-the-flag-a-story-from-the?source=share
    Human Space Pirates
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/186882167701/humans-are-weird-space-pirates
Part 2 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/186975300276/humans-are-weird-space-pirates
Part 3 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187093035051/humans-are-weird-space-pirates
Part 4 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/719658874001571840/humans-are-weird-privateers-for-hire-part-1?source=share
Part 5 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/721574910617649152/humans-are-weird-humans-are-weird-privateers-for?source=share
Part 6 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/726658198863560704/humans-are-weird-privateers-for-hire-part-3?source=share
    Humans are weird: Super Villains
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/188188469391/humans-are-weird-super-villains
  Humans are weird: Soldier Without a War
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/656846994206326784/humans-are-weird-soldier-without-a-war-part-i
Part 2 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/717140707072229376/humans-are-weird-soldier-without-a-war-part-2?source=share
    Humans are weird: Smugglers
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/694323951440216064/humans-are-weird-smugglers-part-1
  Humans are Funny
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/186724488531/humans-are-weird-teleporter-shenanigans
Part 2 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/186904975101/humans-are-weird-board-gamescard-games
Part 3 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187030967181/humans-are-weird-sports
Part 4 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187066952786/humans-are-weird-video-games
Part 5 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187137595796/humans-are-weird-horror-movies
Part 6 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187251495421/human-are-weird-bullshitting-through-situations
Part 7 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187390735256/humans-are-weird-video-games-part-2
Part 8 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/185503077766/humans-are-weird-common-sayings-are-confusing
Part 9 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187409489211/humans-are-weird-movies
Part 10 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187453279066/humans-are-weird-shipping
Part 11 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187483162011/humans-are-weird-spam-mail
Part 12 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187504895866/humans-are-weird-redemption
Part 13 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187616453846/humans-are-weird-video-games-part-3
Part 14 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187638320406/humans-are-weird-horror-movies-part-2
Part 15 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187724174836/humans-are-weird-religion
Part 16 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187896056576/humans-are-weird-movies-part-2
Part 17 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187896659956/humans-are-weird-zombie-movies
Part 18 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187974675041/humans-are-weird-rule-34
Part 19 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/188017867586/humans-are-weird-using-teleporters-improperly
Part 20 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/188209053926/humans-are-weird-movies-part-3
Part 21 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/188475717461/humans-are-weird-we-come-in-different-shapes-and
Part 22 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/190250447576/humans-are-weird-hobbies
Part 23 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/190267573046/humans-are-weird-video-games-part-4
Part 24 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/190389794881/humans-are-weird-scifi-culture-spaceships
Part 25 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/190576984551/humans-are-weird-candy
Part 26 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/190819638496/humans-are-weird-video-games-part-5
Part 27 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/190943622826/humans-are-weird-horror-movies-part-3
Part 28 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/614265469319397376/humans-are-weird-horror-movies-part-4
Part 29 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/623239824462200832/humans-are-weird-video-games-part-6
Part 30 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/624964132114956288/humans-are-weird-mythical-creatures-beings
Part 31 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/627403833320128512/humans-are-weird-historical-figures
Part 32 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/627569335531192320/humans-are-weird-super-hero-movies
Part 33 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/627846757228986368/humans-are-weird-aliens-reacting-to-south-park
Part 34 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/628445235889979392/humans-are-weird-video-game-logic
Part 35 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/630744872107868160/humans-are-weird-weather-patterns
Part 36 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/631212408164188160/humans-are-weird-super-hero-movies-part-2
Part 37 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/632336140118228992/humans-are-weird-warhammer-40k-board-game
Part 38 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/632879244528254976/humans-are-weird-sports-part-2
Part 39 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/635958738050842624/humans-are-weird-holidays
Part 40 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/638504293563072512/humans-are-weird-scifi-entertainment
Part 41 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/639766255357788160/humans-are-weird-wise-cracks-and-randomness
Part 42 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/641625227379474432/humans-are-weird-habits
Part 43 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/641625278458871808/humans-are-weird-anime
Part 44 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/648002597958156289/humans-are-weird-different-modes-of-transport
Part 45 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/649236570023559168/humans-are-weird-religion-part-2
Part 46 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/655570921080455168/humans-are-weird-libraries
Part 47 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/658742278882459648/humans-are-weird-video-games-part-8
Part 48 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/659392175021375488/humans-are-weird-world-of-warcraft
Part 49 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/668261251250601984/humans-are-weird-video-games-part-9
Part 50 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/670170137937264640/humans-are-weird-weddings
Part 51 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/671520423323779072/humans-are-weird-fast-food
Part 52 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/673971457172422656/humans-are-weird-birthday-parties
Part 53 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/676514532549640192/humans-are-weird-extreme-medicine
Part 54 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/679089935024799744/humans-are-weird-nerf-wars
Part 55 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/682888101092343808/humans-are-weird-gambling
Part 56 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/685417555952812032/humans-are-weird-strange-books
Part 57 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/691778970234109952/humans-are-weird-alien-tourists-on-earth
Part 58 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/691779055907930112/humans-are-weird-drinking-contest
Part 59 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/692409178289061888/humans-are-weird-thrift-stores
Part 60 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/695574762723966976/humans-are-weird-4chan
Part 61 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/697482120440971264/humans-are-weird-pets
Part 62 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/701276735594020864/humans-are-weird-weaponize-anything
Part 63 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/710156561049370624/humans-are-weird-intervention?source=share
Part 64 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/715228728771362816/please-come-see-me-on-my-new-patreon-and-support?source=share
Part 65 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/715877900829753344/humans-are-weird-facing-fear-alien-appears-as?source=share
Part 66 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/716502820556292096/humans-are-weird-not-having-it-death-alien-shape?source=share
Part 67 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/718409264100687872/humans-are-weird-renaissance-faire?source=share
Part 68 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/720304793951830016/humans-are-weird-video-games-part-10?source=share
Part 69 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/722840468944306176/humans-are-weird-an-important-mission-please?source=share
Part 70 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/725406075908767744/humans-are-weird-ghosts?source=share
Part 71 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/727273148201959424/humans-are-weird-mmos?source=share
Part 72 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/728537154526035968/humans-are-weird-birthday-parties-part-2?source=share
Part 73 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/728537682849021952/humans-are-weird-not-what-i-expected-human?source=share
Part 74 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/729172028406611968/the-war-of-blackened-winters-im-going-to-tell-you?source=share
Part 75 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/730438650924613632/humans-are-weird-escape-rooms?source=share
Part 76 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/731707337311682561/humans-are-weird-cats?source=share
  Humans are weird: ET Stay Home
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/702552940992413696/humans-are-weird-et-stay-home
Part 2 https://at.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/humans-are-weird-et-stay-home-human-perspective/4p5y3wwu8o6p
  Humans are weird: Ace Pilot
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/668261435486470144/humans-are-weird-ace-pilot-part-1
    Humans are weird: Mad Scientist
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/699367531293671424/humans-are-weird-mad-scientist-part-1
  Humans are weird: Odd Behaviors
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187183225611/humans-are-weird-braces
Part 2 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187751015616/humans-are-weird-tiny-creatures-are-the-deadliest
Part 3 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187854782756/humans-are-weird-sleep-paralysis
Part 4 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187892948311/humans-are-weird-donating-bloodorgans
Part 5 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/188329297086/humans-are-weird-space-stations
Part 6 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/188875292181/humans-are-weird-sabotage
  Part 7 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/188760010341/humans-are-weird-bar-fight
Part 8 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/188962610466/humans-are-weird-the-power-of-words
  Part 9 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/190054091261/humans-are-weird-anything-can-be-our-pet
Part 10 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/190378247146/humans-are-weird-food-fight
Part 11 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/190529942816/humans-are-weird-multiple-personality-disorder
Part 12 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/190689726856/humans-are-weird-power-of-cheering
Part 13 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/611237517369425920/humans-are-weird-sleeping-habits
Part 14 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/619787583741935616/humans-are-weird-gaming-communities
Part 15 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/620740460199149568/humans-are-weird-human-general-weirdness
Part 16 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/624045008444702720/humans-are-weird-desire-to-copulate-with-anything
Part 17 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/628124118538125312/humans-are-weird-revolution
Part 18 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/632287873697251328/humans-are-weird-karma
Part 19 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/633416518025216000/humans-are-weird-cults
Part 20 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/633416608922091520/humans-are-weird-mutiny
Part 21 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/634070460487876608/humans-are-weird-loyalty
Part 22 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/634658221295075328/humans-are-weird-a-line-not-to-be-crossed
Part 23 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/637231825379590144/humans-are-weird-languages
Part 24 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/640366070453174272/humans-are-weird-confidence-to-inspire-fear
Part 25 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/641143896541364224/humans-are-weird-space-shantys
Part 26 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/642302248435761152/humans-are-weird-space-australia-20
Part 27 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/643598826193747968/humans-are-weird-pack-mentality
Part 28 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/646728149131018240/humans-are-weird-fearsphobias
Part 29 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/658113989121916929/humans-are-weird-tips-for-having-human
Part 30 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/670170067523207168/humans-are-weird-city-planning
Part 31 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/674611558046957568/humans-are-weird-bounties
Part 32 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/682887841513144320/humans-are-weird-social-media
Part 33 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/686031314741248000/humans-are-weird-here-there-be-fire-monsters
Part 34 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/691778904914051072/humans-are-weird-need-for-sleep
Part 35 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/694324017975410688/humans-are-weird-clothing-and-fashion
Part 36 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/696200606319362048/humans-are-weird-the-human-test-aka-paranoia
Part 37 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/698109555101597696/humans-are-weird-need-for-speed
Part 38 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/702552666064175104/humans-are-weird-news-broadcasts
Part 39 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/705728662673276928/humans-are-weird-withdrawal?source=share
Part 40 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/706986419425542144/humans-are-weird-horror-vr?source=share
Part 41 https://www.tumblr.com/niqhtlord01/727272970491428864/humans-are-weird-depression?source=share
  Humans are weird: Insurgency
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/642893632181010432/humans-are-weird-insurgency-part-1
  Humans are weird: Planetary Defenses
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187112050596/humans-are-weird-planetary-defenses
Part 2 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187322410421/humans-are-weird-planetary-defenses-the-guns-of
Part 3 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187834446786/humans-are-weird-planetary-defenses-the-battle
Part 4 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/672706432506937344/humans-are-weird-planetary-defenses-siege-of
Part 5 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/673971382567174144/humans-are-weird-planetary-defenses-siege-of
  Humans are weird: Outdoor activities
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/673971297850654720/humans-are-weird-extreme-outdoor-activities
  Humans are weird: Outdoor activities
Part 1 https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/673971297850654720/humans-are-weird-extreme-outdoor-activities
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Oops, I got writers block. Have a random snippet
Approaching the settlement the next morning, Kaikro felt small. It was huge. While it lacked the technology to be a proper city by Kaikro’s standards, he was still awed by the designs. Tall towering buildings that seemed too fragile to exist on a death world reached for the sky mingled with wide, black roads and monuments. It was busy, it was hectic, and it was more alive than Kaikro could’ve ever imagined! The humans rode in strange vehicles with wheels or walked on narrower white roads. It was a strange sight.
Stranger than the busy, seemingly disorganized nature of the city and the odd vehicles was how no one reacted to the chill in the air or the rumbling sounds coming from the sky other than an occasional glance upwards. Kaikro wrapped his tail around him as some of the scientists looked at their datapads with concern.
“Temperature is dropping. We should retreat for now. By my calculations, we’ll soon be in the danger zone.”
“Barometric pressure is falling as well. I am not sure what this indicates on this world. I do not like it.”
As a unit, the researchers quickly packed up what little equipment they had begun to set up and headed back to the ship. As they hurried back to the safety of the ship, precipitation began to fall burning any exposed skin it touched. Kaikro’s eyes widened in horror and fascination before he commed back to the rest of the crew. “Kaikro to Med Bay, we have six researchers with corrosive burns from the planet’s precipitation. We are on our way back to the ship now, approximately two kilometers away. Over.”
“Xerinn to Kaikro, heard. We will be ready and waiting. Over.”
“Quickly,” Kaikro said through gritted teeth as he urged his crewmates forward. “We need to reach the ship and get medical attention.” With a nervous glance, he assessed the five others. All were injured and the precipitation burns were getting worse as it poured down in river falls. Goddess, please, I beg of you, protect my crew from this.
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corvidvampiricus · 8 months
Just want to say sorry I’m on hiatus as college classes picked up again
To the people who reas my stories I love you! And don’t worry I’m still brainstorming ideas
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aliens-and-shiz · 9 months
Master post 7
Book 1 in entirety.
Parts 1-72
Part 73
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xy-nox · 1 year
Apparent Defamation
(Some context. Can be read without though.)
—————————————— {
UI.Text.text “Access granted to: Luke Vuray to…”;
ProgramName = Transcript of interview with West Lance from NeoDWES News Broadcast;
Debug.Log “Begin”;
West_L: “I regret nothing from that day. I punched that Iter’cov after xe punched one of my best friend’s brother. I don’t care how it reflects on my music, I did what was right. Nobody hurts family.”
Interviewer: “Many people are saying that you’ve become increasingly irritable after the incident. Do you care to comment?”
West_L: “Well, for the folks at Commission who’re gonna censor this because the first amendment doesn’t exist up here, [Redacted for Defamation; 5 paragraphs of dialogue cut from program]”
Interviewer: “Well.. Is that all?”
West_L: “No, this one’s for the people at home. If what I’ve done and said has angered you, implore you to look at what Brian is saying. He’s the one being [Redacted for details of a classified and ongoing legal suit.] It’s gonna take work to sue Commission but good guys like him have been getting punished unproportionately to their so called ‘crime.’ We have to stick together, lest Commission come for us next..”
If Program = Played
Debug.Log “End transcription”;
Two Weeks Later..
“A defamation charge?!”
“No,” Whisky said, taking his reading glasses off and rubbing the bridge of his nose. “And I must insist you keep your voice down. You’re dealing with a cease and desist. You tried to get your interview with NeoDWES uncensored for the public. You, quote unquote, ‘slandered’ the Commission by talking about the situation with Brian.”
    Brian tried to speak around the muzzle around his mouth. “Yeah, talk about me like I’m not in the room. Go ‘head.” Whisky rolled his eyes and lit more incense. His place always smelled like a damn candle shop. “Don’t talk Bri, it makes your jaw hurt.”
    West talked over him before he could even rebut. “You talk a hell of a lot for someone who can barely move their mouth.” He stared at him for a solid five seconds before turning back to Whisky. “And so what? I talked down to the Commission, I didn’t even lie about anything..”
“Hence why the more I’m looking at, the less this is about suing Commission and the more it is about stopping the Commission. They’re hiding a lot from us.”
    “Do you mean us as in everyone involved with Brian?”
    “No. I mean us as in everyone from the Radiance space station. Haven’t you wondered why the Iter’covs are the only new species we’ve met since getting in contact? Why we’ve only met others after they were hostile first? Commission is keeping us away from others. I refuse to believe there are so few intelligent life forms out there.”
“We only met the Iter’covs because they forced our hand in meeting them. They kidnapped Allen.” Brian sighed. They all knew the weight the Iter’covs brought with their presence.. “If they hadn’t we wouldn’t ‘ave known they existed would we?”
“I’m going to keep looking into this Brian, I promise this isn’t the end of your case but I’m afraid I need a break. I haven’t had a day off in two weeks..”
    Muzzle very obviously disallowing him form offering a smile, he shot Whisky finger guns “Do what you need to do Whisky.”
    “My name is Luke..”
“I’ll call you that af’r you prove me wrong on that bet.”
Silence prevailed for a solid minute before Whisky got up to get more tea. “… Whisky it is..”
[[Excuse the sucky code at the beginning. It was fun to write with my little knowledge of C# and I didn’t have the heart to remove it. More parts (maybe) coming soon]]
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measlycrow · 2 years
Sorry not the best at writing but this idea has been stuck in my mind.(loosely based on a few other post's as well)
Imagine humans have been in space for a bit and are a well recognized specie's.
One of are most interesting things is that we look almost identical to another species who looks very similar to humans younglings. It's also known that this similar species struggling with being able to actually get pregnant or give birth. So younglings are very few in-between and fiercely protected and loved by they're entire race.
Just to also add more to this.
This species is a lot bigger and heavier then humans.
But here's the actual scenario. There's a crew in space and two of the look a likes and a teenage human start to bond over time. And the reason why the teenage human is in space because there parents didn't care and the look a likes start to develop a almost parental bond with the human.
And one day the look a likes see a class about humans and decide to take it to learn more about there human crewmate. And are horrified to learn that there companion even in humans terms are still considered a child. And after the class rush to find the human and ask if the class is true and are even more horrified to learn it is.
And so the look a likes decide to take over the parental roles for there human youngling. The human is oblivious at first but eventually catch on and honestly is over joyed to learn this.
I just think it'd make a really neat found family story :]
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bloomlily101 · 1 year
"John Evans, don't you want to go home?"
It was one of many unforgettable days on Europa. I had just finished another round of testing. For now, it seemed as though my mission wasn't going to end any time soon. Looking over at the pink mermaid who stared at me with saucer eyes, staying longer did not seem like a bad idea.
"When I came here, I knew it would be a long time before I returned so yes, I want to go home but at the same time..."
"At the same time?"
"I don't miss it."
"Really? Why?" Her question sounded like a high pitch squeak, almost like a dolphin's. It was adorable.
"Compared to Earth, this planet... this kingdom that you're ruling... is amazing. I prefer it here honestly."
I prefer being here next to you.
"I'm glad you like it here but... don't you have someone waiting for you on Earth? I never hear you speak about them."
It was a common discussion among space colonizers to talk about their family, to show pictures of their newborn, their kid graduating or maybe to show off how attractive their mate was. In a way, it kept us tethered to reality. It was those invisible bonds that kept us sane while working a thankless and dangerous job.
"To be honest, not really."
Joining MEARTH and the Space Corps was just like the military; there were many reasons why people would join. Some do it for science, some are zealous patriots, others do it to make their families proud and most do it as a last-ditch option. I will not be elaborating on my reason but it definitely was not entirely because it was my dream.
"That must be terribly lonesome "
"Not really. I got to meet you."
On Earth, there were few who understood me and even fewer who loved me. Yet somehow, just planets away, there was someone who did. It's baffling. Baffling yet so tantalizing. She was always so close but always so far. As I leaned into the kiss, she leaned back with a teasing smile.
"I have to go, John Evans. I have duties to fulfil."
"Then this place again, tomorrow?" I asked her. She nodded, smiling as usual, eyes closed with her corners barely tilting upwards.
Meeting you is the only thing keeping me sane on this planet but it was driving me up walls I didn't know possible.
With that, she slipped into the water and disappeared into the dark ammonium depths. Was she playing a game? Was she baiting me? I could never really tell with her. My feelings are genuine and she knows as much but recently I've heard conflicting stories.
Many praise me for having such a close relationship with such a closed off and distant monarch. They say that they cannot understand her. No one truly ever knows what she's thinking. In a species known as a happy one, she rarely smiles.
I would not believe they were talking about Rise but in way, they were right. It is difficult to get a read on her but that didn't make her antisocial... just different. Our cultures were different but it never became a conversation stopper for us. Maybe, all we needed was more time for our species to understand each other.
Swimming below, past the cliffs, there was an orange siren waiting for her. This siren had as many fins as tattoos. Her hair was as fiery as the lava in a vulcanes, her skin much the same too. She was intimidating though it never seemed to bother her. It was the reason why Rose picked her.
"Why do you waste your time with this human, Your Highness?"
She stopped in her tracks and looked back at her loyal steed with a smile, "Because understanding your enemy is the only way to protect yourself from them," Her face turned dark, the light leaving her eyes as a scowl worked its way to her mouth, "I don't trust these humans. They're too emotional... too inquisitive... too greedy. It's only a matter of time before they show their true colours."
"Then you should've gotten rid of them when you had the chance."
Rose shook her head with a smile, "They came in peace, I cannot betray our own beliefs, Nahla."
The conversation came to standstill as they entered open waters. It stayed so until the hazy lights of their city to view. It was now dusk. Soon it'd be time for the evening service.
"I'll do anything to protect this city. To protect my people. What about you?" Rose asked her companion, looking back at her. Nahla could not read the expression on her face. This, however, was usual but what wasn't was the solemn atmosphere she had created.
"My will and purpose are to live and die for you, My Priestess.  There'd be no greater honour." Nahla recited like a prayer.
Rose smiled, tilting the soldier's face upward to meet her scheming smile, "Then let's set our plan in motion."
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shanemcretro · 4 months
New Year, New Something That Rhymes with Year
Tumblr media
Technically I’m still the same, but my hammock is weirdly outdoors. For the first time in years I have an outdoor area. I’m no longer trapped in a box. I hate apartments. At the same time, urban sprawl isn’t good from an environmental standpoint either. Maybe the answer lies in population reduction? I’m doing my part!
We’ve got cicadas out here in the wastelands. The floury baker cicadas are still about, the one above was intercepted from a noisy miner (Manorina melanocephala) but had catastrophic wing damage at the joint. He was laid to rest that same afternoon. Just because something can suffer, doesn’t mean it should. Rest easy little one.
We’ve also held our first barbecue without incident. My diet remains mostly vegan, thanks to reduced pressure on rent. The only big exception is salmon which will probably be replaced eventually again.
The garden though, and being able to have plants outdoors in the sunlight. What a game changer. I’ve made an active decision to let dandelions take over the buffalo grass. They mow down quite well.
Looks better than any buffalo grass I’ve ever seen. Function over form I say. When they are at full growth, they provide pollen for the bees (native and European), harbour lots of little bug jumpers, which in turn feed the lizards that roam the grass. A little sad when a common blackbird (Turdus merula) snaps up a few, but as long as I can keep the bugs plentiful the lizards should thrive.
Not everything has been rosy though. My first plant casualty, lavender. I had high hopes for it, but since I don’t really know what I am doing it kind of died. Farewell lavender.
My native beehives have been doing well, attracting a few different species of native masked bee (Genus Hylaneus) as well as native wasps (possibly Genus Pison). Both are ridiculously tiny and harmless to us.
Then you’ve got the other bugs, like the pictured assassin bug nymph, Pristhesancus plagipennis. It’s ready to drink the brains of the next honeybee that lands nearby.
And now I’m back on the Apple Watch train with my shiny new Apple Watch SE 2. This time around I’ve picked out the smaller of the two and went with the 40mm. And I have to say, I do not miss the bulk of the 44mm. The Apple Watch is a great motivator to stay on track with new year health goals.
Wait that’s not the image I was looking for… that’s more dandelions!
Whoops, that’s another floury baker cicada. I think the several that were in this tree were eaten by the local bat population as they’ve been silent for a while now.
And that’s Stumpie. Tail growth is coming along well. If I find him running about while I’m mowing the lawn I’ll move him into a lizard hotel plastic tub until I’m done.
Don’t look at me like that Stumpie. We don’t want any repeats of how you got the name Stumpie after all!
Then we’ve got this little guy still rocking about, a bar-sided skink (Concinnia tenuis). After being trapped by a redback spider (Latrodectus hasselti). Luckily for the lizard I noticed…
And here’s the data I wanted to show. Weight loss is beginning again. You might notice a drop almost immediately after becoming unemployed, then a spike to >100 kg when I ran out of money thanks to Sydney’s rental market being unaffordable for a single person – let alone an unemployed single person.
Sure, I could have killed myself easily enough but chose to do the paradigm shift thing. Is it enough of a shift? That’s still an unknown at this point. At least for now, there are real life distractions everywhere which seems to leave very little time for uploading videos. Not such a bad thing I guess. That’s not to say I haven’t been recording new footage.
Better go and check the garden is still there and get my 30 minutes of exercise in. Target weight is set at 75 kg this time around. Roughly 20 kg of weight loss to go, and while transitioning. Should be one heck of a ride. 🤷‍♀️
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bob-frank451 · 10 months
Hey guys, I recently wrote a short story set in my humans are wierd universe. Enjoy
    Archivists note to the reader: It seems you are viewing this item in the human language English. For this reason names have been transliterated, units have been converted, and the content has been ontologically translated. Apologies for any inconsistencies.
    Proles is perfect. Like all terraformed worlds, it is the ideal host for life, carbon based life, in this case. As one descends from orbit there is of course the usual white-orange of re-entry , and then an expanse of vivid and colourful plant life. If one's arrival happens at night one can observe a vast network of twinkling lights. Proles’ space ports were built into the planet, a fact one might hear during the remote-operated landing sequence as trained professionals guide your craft in.
     As one descends through the opening in the lush canopy the first glimpses of civilization appear.
    Ziet is a volatus. In the larger stage of the GA, volati are common. In fact, they are one of the founding species, and are held in favour. On Proles, however, they are far fewer. 
    Ziet works as a logistics-technician for Space Port #3.It is dull work for most. There are not many people in the logistics wing, and the few there are do not tend to be very social. Even the word “logistics” is boring, not as boring as “math”, but far less interesting than “Repair Expert”, ”Biologist”, “Guard” , “Direction”, “Analyst”, ”Translator”, or "Thaumaturgist". She likes her job, however.
    Volati are voracious learners. Their brains absorb knowledge like a sponge, and they retain knowledge like the Gome horde shiny trinkets. While volatus love learning, what they love far above everything else is flying.
    All flight works through the action-reaction principle. A bird's wing beats the air, pushing the bird up, and the air down. In fact, of all flight in the universe, almost all of it functions this way, pushing against a “reaction medium”.
    Not volati, however. The entire universe is permeated with a thaumaturgic field, it is this field that a volati’s wings beat against
    Perhaps the word wing is a misnomer. Volati don’t have wings. If you were to meet a volatus, possibly in the street, or in a dwelling, your first impression would be of several dozen fuzzy tendrils. What a stranger would never guess is that it is these tendrils that link together to form their wings for flight.
    Ziet was flying. She loved flying. Flying was freedom. Earlier that evening she had arrived on site and received permission for a diagnostic fly-over. Now, with the air flowing across her face, and the full night ahead of her, the paperwork and bureaucracy felt worth her effort.
    She hung in the air, watching, milk-white eyes carefully analysing each path and system. She retrieved a lens, and peered through it. Below the canopy, blobs of heat moved back and forth. She turned her gaze towards the launch mechanism. System 30-06 was a little too warm. The fact easily slid into her photographic memory.  The system would need a checkup before the launch in a quarter cycle.
    She slipped the lens back into its holder and relaxed. Planetary launch systems were old tech. They had been perfected millenia before this planet was even conceived as a homeworld. It had failed only once since she was born, and that failure would have almost certainly been trivial to avoid. Her diagnostic flight was a safety net among a cloud of safety nets.
    The sun touched the horizon, and for a beautiful minute the world glowed. Sunset in the sky is the very best way to start the day, Ziet decided, sunset, and an early evening flight. Night shifts paid well in this part of Proles, too few nocturnal races.
There would be more volati, but the Administrators didn’t like new volati. They were always reminding Prolesian about the war, and new volati could disturb the narrative.
    Ziet grimmaced. There was a time when she was a firm supporter of the Administrators, and their choices. Her family fled Cyclum when she was barely able to speak, and at the time the Administrators had taken them in.
    As time progressed, she became less and less confident with their choices, and now there was this attack on an infant race, to keep them from joining the enemy, in the name of the greater good…
She shut her eyes, feeling the thousands of people stretching hundreds of kilometres all around her, life thrumming… Ziet forced her eyes open, and let the anger trickle away. A warm night, a deep red sunset, a clear night.
    Ziet slowly drifted down toward the canopy. Of the imported vegetation on-world, nearly 500 species were chosen from the Volati homeworld, including their national favourite, the domus, known for its amorphous canopy, and tufted stalks.
    Once she was less than a foot above the canopy, she allowed herself to drop into a tuft, latching onto the branched stalk inside, and settling down to watch the launch. Something inside her cloak vibrated. She shut her eyes, and located the glowing dot, before selecting accept. The voice she heard is largely reported as hard to describe or remember. Tonight it was cheery.
     “Hello Ziet”
     “Hello… hello… oh. Hello Duister, very funny. My race doesn’t do humour, you know that.”
    “I know, just thought I would try. You know we have a launch in a moment, right?”
    “I am aware, in fact, I am watching it right now.”
    Her communicator vibrated, and an image appeared. In it the whole launch site was visible, brilliantly lit up by a ring of floodlights. Above their angle the entire canopy of the surrounding vegetation was shrouded in shadow, merging with the sky in darkness. Something caught Ziet’s attention. In the image one of the domus stalks was drooping, and just above the tuft there was a pair of glowing white eyes.
    Ziet squeaked and ducked.
    “Rude! Delete it!”
    “Already did, you reaction was hilarious”
    “Why did you even choose to call me in the first place?”
    “I knew you were flying for diagnostics, and wanted to double check before I pressed the button.”
    “It is not a button, it is an icon, on a display”
    “It’s a button”
    “Then press it then.”
    “Is it a button?”
    “PRESS IT!”
    “Ok, ok, I pressed it.”
    There was a dull groan, and a slight rumble, and then four deafening siren squawks, before the entire launch site became very quiet.” 
    It started gradually at first, a barely perceptible whine. The whine grew louder and louder, and higher and higher, climbing through the octaves, climbing out of the hearing ranges of the races on site, leaving them behind, one by one.
    Ziet perched and listened, following the climbing pitch. Deep below the earth an RPM sensor watched a massive flywheel. It passed its threshold, engaging a kinetic-thaumaturgic converter, and pumping tens of millions of enriched volts into a thaumaturgic laser.
    The entire site lit up as a brilliant pillar of light pierced into the sky. Suspended in the beam a tiny speck of steel and titanium was whisked up into the night. Any air that strayed too close to the pillar was carried up with it, creating a deafening whistle.
Moments after it appeared, the beam disappeared. Far above the atmosphere a little dot left the plume of gas it was shrouded in, and sped off into the night. 
    The entire site was suddenly quiet. Aside from a faint hiss of coolant, and the even fainter hum of machinery, it was as if there had never been any spacecraft.
    The system was winding down, that was wrong, were there not several spacecraft landing today? 
    “Duister, why is the machinery not winding up to receive the drop pods?”
    “Haven’t you heard. It’s delayed by nearly fourteen cycles.”
    “‘Haven’t you heard’ is a question, Duister, not a statement.”
    “If you say so. Anyways, they managed to capture two people from the attack, dragged them up into our ship, and had them secured onboard in a supply room, cause of course they didn’t have any proper rooms for prisoners.”
    “That does not sound plausible. If they were not prepared for prisoners, why did they capture them and bring them up?”
    “How am I supposed to know, they must know what they are doing”
    “That is also a question”
    “A rhetorical question, which is basically a statement. Anyways, they can’t use the OK drives with prisoners on board, so they will have to take the slow way back and they especially can’t use the drives with these particular prisoners, because the planet they just attacked is populated by deathworlders, AND the crazy thing is that these deathworlders aren’t even the same species, in fact they didn’t even find another one of the unique deathworlder on the planet, SO they think they may have swiped the ambassador for the only other recent deathworlder race within several trillion lightyears.”
    “Nice grammar”
    “Whatever. This entire situation is so cool.”
    “Wait, you said they captured deathworlders?”
    “You also said they are bringing them here?”
    “That is good to know. I need to start my post-launch check, goodbye.”
    Ziet terminated the call, and catapulted herself from the domus stalk, soaring high into the air. Far below her a fog welled up from the launch site as nearly twenty tons of water started to condense. Above her the beautiful blue moon had just left its hiding below the horizon, and was making its way across the sky.
    Deathworlders! What were they thinking, bringing deathworlders to Proles? They were violent, they were dangerous. They couldn’t be reasoned with or talked to. Common knowledge said that deathworlders would kill you as soon as look at you. Why would anybody bring such dangerous monsters here?
So this story is actually a chapter introducing a character in my book, so if you want to follow the growing story, or just want some context, you can find it here on ao3:
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Day 2
Since the Vitrichl tasked me with observing the "human", it was not surprising that I was assigned with waking the "human“ from its recharging time session. The quarters of the human were at a, for my species, tolerable pressure, so I was not required to wear a pressure regulating suit while entering.
I found the human to already be up in its cell. Its cell did not vary much from the other‘s quarters. In one corner, there was a metal cylinder with padding inside, so it was certain to assume that "humans" were one of the species that recharged by going unconscious for a certain amount of time.
 The human looked up as I entered its quarters. It did not move at first, seemingly scanning me with what could possibly be their sight organs (two white spheres set in the skull, with a small brown ring in the middle, facing my general position). I could not be certain. The moment did not last long before the human raised itself to its full height. Four limbs. Bipedal, it seems.
I, urging to not offend the Terran, decided on simply asking "How was your recharging session?", something that would not usually be seen as a threat. I seemed to be correct, as the Terran opened one of the holes on its face, revealing a horrifying amount of what seemed to be teeth. But then it spoke. The translator in my internal auditory organ made a crackling sound, before immediately translating what was said. "Oh, uhm, it was alright, I just couldn’t find the light switch, so it was…kinda bright. But still, it was way better, I‘m not complaining or anything! On the prison planet, you could barely sleep because it was so loud. Everything‘s better than there. Hell, I‘d rather sleep on the cold hard ground here than go back there." 
I blinked with four of my six eyes. "I am afraid I do not understand."
The human, seemingly mirroring my motion, blinked back with both of its two eyes. "Well…humans usually require it to be dark in order to get a restful sleep. Or, not require, but most prefer it."
"I see. I will look into the issue." I would have expected this offer to bring the human joy, promising to change something that was bothering it, but apparently, I was wrong.
It stepped forward, and its face suddenly warped into a horrifying grimace. Its mouth, in fact, seemed to contract in a what looked awfully painful movement, reforming its shape so that the corners seemed to point upwards. I stepped back a step, finding myself in the doorway. 
But it did not attack. Instead, it raised one of its upper limbs and extended it into my direction. The ends of its limbs each had five small junctions, possibly fingers, if this species was in any way similar to any other species I have ever met. I was unsure what it wanted me to do with its extended limb, and I was careful not to act impolite towards it. Eventually, it let its limb fall to its side again. I was afraid I might have angered it, but it did not seem irritated.
"Not a shaker? Yeah, me neither, really. I‘m Quinn, by the way." It spoke again. I could not fathom what a "shaker" was supposed to be, so I decided to try a distraction method.
"A part of the crew is taking in one of their cyclic meals in the meal hall right now. I am unfamiliar with your species‘ eating habits, so I apologize if this is an insensitive request, but would you like to dine as well?" 
"Oh. Sure, food sounds good." It raised and lowered the part of its body where its limbs were attached to its upper body, a gesture that I could not fathom, but I did not question it.
I went back to the meal hall, the human following me, and I showed them what to eat. The only food we regularly carry on the SIIR Noxos are different vitamin components, which, when mixed together form a not very delectable looking but nutritious gruel. This way, we can assure the nourishment of all the crew members without having to go to ridiculous lengths to get what their bodies need to keep on working.
The human seemed to share my opinion about the looks of our cyclic diet, contracting its face muscles into what seemed to be a grimace of distaste.
Nonetheless, it consumed it without further complaint, but for an odd reason it did not sit down, but rather kept standing next to the supply depot. It finished its meal rather quick, and then we parted ways, as Vitrichl required its presence.
I did not encounter the human again for the rest of the cycle, as my species usually only consume one meal per cycle, and there was a leak in one of the machinery rooms, which I had to assistance in repairing.
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niqhtlord01 · 1 year
Humans are weird: ET Stay Home
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)  
Subject: Species 543-71-D9 Observing Xenologists: Flipip Nu and apprentice team.
Observation Day 1:
We have encountered another primitive species in our travels across the stars. We are still some days away from direct observation but our scanners have detected multiple signal waves emanating from their world which we were easily able to tap into.
Their planet circles a red sun in the green zone providing ample areas for life to develop. The dominant species appears to have developed rudimentary space faring technology but for some reason remain centered on their homeworld.
Reasons for the lack of interstellar exploration remain a point of debate among my fellow researchers. It is possible that we have begun observations at a point of cultural divergence with this technology and the confines of existing sociology norms seeking to hinder it, or that the technology is still in an experimental state and not ready for wide spread production.
While their shuttle craft appear limited we have detected that the species have deployed a number of orbital satellites both positioned around their planet and circling their inner and outer system.
Based off the readings from our current sensors these satellites appear a mixture of signal transference and outward observation. There is a belief among my team that these may act as an early warning system to alert the species to any inbound travelers. As such I have ordered all scrambling jammers activated and set a course that should avoid the majority of them. -------------
Observation Day 13:
The previously plotted course indeed took us past many of the satellites and we have now obtained a stable orbit above the world for closer observations. Our cloak is currently active leaving us protected from all but the most advanced observation equipment; technology at this time we agree is far beyond the means of our current subjects.
Initially we had taken up a position in low orbit just skimming the planet’s atmosphere, but it was quickly discovered that the majority of signals being sent from the satellites were being rebounded back towards the planet’s surface. This proved problematic as our scramblers were still active and began blocking signals in an area roughly half the size of the smallest continent on the surface.
Seeing this would no doubt prompt swift investigation from the planets inhabitants I moved us to high anchor above the planet and reduced the range of our scramblers to the smallest bubble they could achieve and still guarantee our safety. ------------
Day 20:
It has been several days since we moved orbit positions and we have seen no indications that our presence was discovered. This is fortunate for a number of reasons as we have made several surprising discoveries without having to set foot on the world.
With minimal effort from my technical apprentice, we were able to tap into the information network and begin observing the data first hand. I have found it almost beyond belief that the majority of the signals being transmitted back and forth between these satellites are unencrypted and so easily accessible. In a matter of hours we were able to formulate a picture of the species we are dealing with which would normally have taken us weeks of painful close observations from remote drones and limited on site expeditions. The only hindrance as of yet is the sheer volume of data being fed on a daily basis amongst the planets dominant species. We have had to dedicate the majority of our ships computation systems to sifting through the information for critical details.
From what we have gathered so far we have learned that the dominant species is called “Humanity”. A species that has gone through several hundred evolutionary changes to their current standing which has allowed them to establish themselves as said dominant species.
They are proving to be quite perplexing however when it comes to further classification of their social behaviors. Rather than being united as a single species, these “humans” appear to have subdivided themselves into several dozen different castes based around either national lines or genetic origins. Further confounding is their need to then further divide these by genetic traits such as hair, skin, body structure, etc.
Further observation is required. -------------
Day 37:
Earlier today several of my team came to me with a petition to begin first on planet observations from the surface. Their proposal was in response to the continuing conflicting nature of information being transmitted which is causing problems with the legitimacy of the data.
Conflicts are reported by one group of humans while being denied from ever happening by another despite clear evidence. Sub classes of humans are having their genetic heritage questioned without proof and based solely on physical differences that can be observed through sight. Even the origins of their people have been called into question by what appear to be numerous religious beliefs that are shared worldwide.
I admitted that while at first the information being gathered was proving more useful than any field work observation, the continual stream of conflicting information was beginning to show that simply observing the information networks would not be a viable option for further study.
They gave me a detailed plan to land a small landing craft near one of the smaller and more isolated communities dotting the planet and begin observations from there. I told them that I would go over their plan and have a decision for them in the morning.
In truth I am concerned about sending any detachment of my team down to the surface, though I did not openly share my reasons with the others.
While going over the information one night I discovered several dozen entries scattered throughout the human historical records of previous visitors to their world from other planets. Many of these encounters were often harmless glances in the night sky or seeing shadowy figures off in the distance, but a number also were more descriptive and detailed abductions of individuals to be taken and experimented on.
This showed that while technologically inferior to our people, these humans were all too aware that they were not alone in the universe and would most certainly have plans in place for any future encounters. ---------------
Day 38:
I agreed to the proposal of a landing party and the team departed a short while ago.
Despite my still apprehensions we needed a fresh source of data to analyze and having an on the ground team would provide that raw information we needed.
The team will be setting down on the island continent in the southern hemisphere. Orbital scans showed the land to be largely inhabited around the coastline of the continent while the interior was sparsely populated save for small communities.
From the landing site they will observe the local populations from a distance and then relay their findings back to the ship while also gathering samples of not only the planet but of humanity as well.
It’s risky, but the plan seems airtight. I wish them the best of luck. -----------------
Day 39:
I was awoken early in the morning to the panicked distress signals coming from the away team and rushed to the command deck.
Nuk’le, leader of the team, had been injured and their shuttle was heading back to the ship for medical attention. What was worse was that a human was also onboard who had been the one to injure Nuk’le and had been knocked unconscious by one of the other team members before they took off.
It is hard to describe the full spectrum of emotions I was feeling as I stood on the command deck and watched the shuttle’s signal get closer by the minute.
Anger, sorrow, concern, disdain, confusion; all these things swirled within me like a raging maelstrom with no outlet to disperse.
Zu’ru was now in command of the team and I demanded a full report as to what had happened in the few hours I had been away from the command deck. She told me that the team had safely landed at the predetermined landing site without issue and began making their way to the human community several miles away. They had setup their observation post along a ridgeline that overlooked the community and were able to gather many visual data captures and scanning samples of both the humans and the ecosystem when the first indications of a problem began.
The climate shifted without warning and a mighty wind began blowing in from the west. All around them the loose sand of the ground was soon picked up by the wind and the team found themselves in the midst of an intense sandstorm. Nuk’le did not wish the equipment to be damaged by the storm and so ordered the team to retreat back to the shuttle to ride out the storm in safety. Along the way the team had encountered their second problem.
The team had been making their way through the thick sandstorm back to their shuttle when they quite literally stumbled upon a human heading in the opposite direction to the town. They wore a long cloak and scarf that billowed in the wind while their eyes were protected by a pair of crude goggles. On their back was a long metal rod with a wooden handle that Zu’ru recognized as a tool used by hunters of the human culture and deduced that this human must have been on the hunt before the storm hit and was likewise returning home before heading out again.
They simply emerged from the sandstorm clouds like a wraith and came head to head with the team causing Nuk’le to panic and fire off a burst from his stun pistol. The shot went wide and hit the ground in front of the human who in response swung their hunting tool off their shoulder in a smooth motion and fired back at Nuk’le striking him in the shoulder. The crude hunting projectile punctured his suit and embedded itself in his flesh sending him into shock from the pain.
As the human turned their hunting tool on the rest of the party Zu’ru was able to get a second shot off with her own stun pistol and hit the human in the chest. Their hunting device fell from their hands and they collapsed to the ground as well while the team began tending to Nuk’le.
With the team leader seriously injured and the secrecy of the mission now compromised Zu’ru made a judgement decision to take both Nuk’le and the human hunter back to the ship. Some of the team wished to merely kill the human, but Zu’ru stated that the human had acted in self-defense and that it was Nuk’le who was at fault. Furthermore, there was no telling what would happen if the human did not return to the community. They had no idea what social standing they had or who they even were and the risk could endanger any future missions to the planet; so they would take him back to the ship, inject him with a memory altering drug, then return him the following day and hope that the community would believe that the human had just become lost in the sandstorm.
While I commended Zu’ru for her dedication as a scientist, I also criticized her and the rest for being so careless.
The damage had been done though and at this point I can only hope we can mitigate how far it spreads. -------------
Day 39 B:
The ship is in full quarantine lock down. All crew save for security personnel are confined to quarters until further notice.
No sooner had the shuttle landed in the hangar bay did the human wake up. For whatever reason the stun setting on our pistols did not affect the human as long as it should have and they regained their motor functionality as the landing ramp lowered and the science team began filing out of the shuttle.
One of the team had moved the human to a portable table and was preparing them to be moved to the medical wing when the human pulled a metallic blade of some sort from their clothing and slashed out at them. The blade cut deep and the team member recoiled as a deep gash opened up along their arm.
Before anyone could react the human was up and sprinting down the ramp. Confused by the sudden appearance of the human and the cries of pain from the newly injured team member, the rest of the landing party panicked and scattered around the hangar bay in their attempts to put distance between themselves and the human. Zu’ru was the only one to react and pulled out her stun pistol to again incapacitate the human.
I can only assume that the human recognized the weapon from before as no sooner did Zu’ru draw the weapon did the human quickly dodge the first shot by flattening themselves against the floor. They then proceeded to dodge all subsequent shots by rolling along the decking until they bumped into one of the fleeing landing party members.
Placing the knife directly at the crew members throat the human used the crew member as a living shield, blocking any shots Zu’ru would fire for fear of hitting her own comrade.
I rushed down to the hangar bay with a security detail and several medical staff to tend to the wounded and we stormed into the hangar from the access portals opposite the shuttle. This turned out to be a terrible move as no sooner had the corridor doors opened to let us in did the human push their hostage at Zu’ru thus knocking her over and then breaking into the corridor.
It was then I came face to face with the human for the first time. Their face was still covered with the previous trappings Zu’ru had reported, but for a moment I caught a glimpse of something behind those goggles as the light reflected off them.
It was a primal fear that was understood by every living species, regardless of where they came from.
The human was terrified and running on pure instinct.
They shoved me back as they entered the corridor, knocking back several of the medical and security personnel that had accompanied me. One of the security detail had been smart and had positioned themselves to the side of the door rather than in front of it. They brought their weapon down hard in an attempt to physically knock out the human as soon as they stepped into the corridor.
Stopping their forward momentum with a heavy footfall the human jerked their head back at the last second leaving the security officer unbalanced. They then brought up their crude knife and stabbed directly through the exposed section of their security armor around the neck leaving a bright stream of purple blood as the blade cut through flesh and embedded itself in their skull.
The human made to retrieve it but the other members of the security detail began firing wildly and so the human instead left the blade and sprinted down the opposite end of the corridor soon to be followed by the rest of the security team.
I stayed with the medical team as they cared for the injured and began enacting quarantine procedures via my comlink to the command deck.
Not only was there now a rogue alien aboard the ship, they seemed very keen on the ways of dealing out death. ---------------
Day 40:
It has been several hours since quarantine was enacted and yet still the human runs loose.
What’s worse is that they have avoided the security detail and are now at large inside the ship.
I have no idea how they managed it with quarantine procedures in effect but just as the security detail had them cornered the human simply vanished into thin air.
Security is now going through a deck by deck sweep of the ship to find the human while internal scanners go over every corridor and room searching for their life signs.
I’ve given up sleep for now and have taken up my position in the command deck to better help coordinate the search. Though my body is running on fumes I still find ways to keep myself awake and alert. One such method being focusing on the annoying guttering sound now coming from the air vents above the command deck.  It was not there when I was last on the command deck but now it’s ever present sound is helping me stay awake.
Once the human was captured I will need to detail a work crew to get up there and repair those vents for peace of mind. They claim it is too small for them and that we should use robots instead but I know that there is enough room for…for……
Oh no.
*Garbled metallic sound in the background as something metal falls heavily to the ground*
*Several voices all shouting at once sound off followed shortly by weapons fire*
*Audio log ends*
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internutter · 3 months
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Challenge #04082-K064: Everything You Wanted to Know
Fripp begins to sell Christmas Beetles as "Mostly Havernworlder Safe Pets" with a little help from the N'Ozzies who are MORE than happy at seeing these rather stupid, but beautifully colorful, harmless beetles.
As far as the somewhat noxious plants needed for the insects environments? Genetic engineering ensured the plants no longer produced strong fumes yet the beetles could, and did, eat them, and that the plants couldn't spread, they had to be lab-grown.
https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-02936-h013-a-buggy-plan -- Anon Guest
They came with environmental requirements. They came with travel terrariums. They came with complete information regarding their life cycle and keeping them healthy throughout. Most importantly, they came with specially gengineered food plants.
All the nutrition they needed, but none of the noxious compounds that could give any Havenworlder problems.
They were marketed as Jewel Beetles, a Deathworlder pet that was mostly Havenworlder safe[1]. Both Frip and Arn were available to answer any queries not already on the FAQ. Some would soon join the FAQ.
[Check the source for the rest of the story]
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