#space pig my beloved
the-harlequin · 2 years
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forever wishing we got more techno and phil content in the series
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sweetlyskz · 9 months
Emerald Gem|| Chapter 1
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Chapter one|Chapter two|Chapter three|Chapter four|Chapter five|Chapter six|
Paring: OT7! x Fem!Reader
Overview: Living away from society has its perks. All natural food from your thoroughly cultivated farm, no nosy neighbors, and peace and security with your animals. But sometimes you did get lonely, having no one to talk to but the cows and pigs. However, when 7 extremely wanted hybrids stumble upon your deserted farm, everything changes.
Genre: Hybrid Au, Strangers to lovers, slow burn
At dawn, the roosters began to crow. They were your personal alarm clock. By the afternoon, you would have the Vegetables plowed and all the pigs fed. Emerald garden, full of color, would be watered. After all the chores were done, you could spend time on your hobbies. Painting, writing, cooking.
You truly kept yourself busy. But it became boring at times, lonely.
Emerald manor, your beloved home, was built for a family. With a large living room, a generous dining room, and too many bedrooms, it could be overwhelming for you. You liked to think about how you could fill this space, getting married, having a family. But you quickly realized that those things don’t come easy. Tired of the loneliness, you thought about adopting a pet. Maybe a dog to help with the farm?
And one day while you're cleaning the chicken coop you spot a fox about to pounce on one of the chickens.
“Hey!” you exclaim. “Get out of here!”
The fox stopped in its tracks and peered over at you, giving an intimidating glare. Then you realized, that wasn’t a fox.
It’s a person.
“Wait!” you attempted to come closer, but with each step forward, the fox went two steps backward. “I’m not going to hurt you. I promise.”
The fox seemed dubious, cautiously stepping towards you. “F-food, please.” His voice was raspy, sore.
You immediately ran to get some food, coming back to the coop with some leftovers. Maybe this will suffice, you thought. You sat him down on the grass patch next to the chicken's den. You watched him devour the meal, as if he hadn’t eaten anything in weeks. Based on his appearance, he probably hadn’t. His fur coat was dirty and torn. You could see his ribs and his belly rumbled with each bite. “Sorry, miss”, he whispered.
You shook your head. “Don’t apologize. You did nothing wrong. I’m Y/n. May I ask your name?”
You could tell he was nervous. Something about your presence made him anxious and fearful. Is he like this with everyone?
“H-Hoseok”, the fox uttered. “But I can’t stay long. My pack is waiting for me.” With a slight struggle, he stumbles back on his two feet. You grab him before he takes off.
“Please wait”, you politely asked. “Let me give you some food to take back to them. Don’t leave yet.”
He paused for a moment, seeming to be pondering over his next steps. “Okay”, he spoke softly. “But don’t be long. They may worry.”
With that, you hurry back into your home, running to the fridge to see what you can scrap up. Hopefully I have enough for all of them, you thought. Maybe you can give them a couple of chickens from the coop.
While carrying plastic wrap covered plates to your garden, you hear a scream coming from the coop. That must be Hoseok. Without haste, you ran to the chicken coops, the food left for the birds. Hovering over Hoseok was what looked like a wolf– well half wolf.
“Back away from him!” You yelled at the top of your lungs, trying to scare off the scary hybrid. He ignored you completely. Suddenly, you gain the courage to step up to it, pushing it off of the fox.
“Are you okay?” You helped him back on his feet, feeling the trembles in his hands. “Did he hurt you?”
“N-no, he would never hurt me”, He stuttered. “You don’t understand.” You looked at him confusingly, then looked at the wolf. He was fuming with anger.
“Y/n, this is my packmate, Joon.”
You’re not sure how feeding one hybrid led to having seven hybrids on your couch, but you have no one to blame but yourself.
“You want us to do what?!”
“Live here?” It was really just a random thought that popped in your head. You didn’t give it any thought. And seeing them dirty and hungry on your couch just made you blurt it out. Hoseok seemed thrilled but his Pack alpha, Joon, wasn't too excited.
“You must be out of your mind”, he laughed. “What do you think we are, pets?”
“No, not at all!” You shook your head. Something in the back of your mind tells you that they’ve been burned before, that they’ve been mistreated. You feel sort of sympathetic. Could they not trust anyone? “You guys don’t even have to stay here long. I just want to treat your wounds and offer some food.”
He still seemed doubtful. “Yeah? And what’s in it for you?”
That's the question he's been dying to ask. What about you? You thought about it for a moment. Wouldn’t any human being want to help out someone in need? The answer to that is no. However, maybe they need some good in their lives.
And you could use the company.
“Well, I kind of live here by myself”, You explain. “My parents moved to the city so I don’t see them often, and I don’t have any other family or friends. If I’m being honest, I really just need someone to converse with. And maybe a little help around the house.”
One of the packmates raised his hand, as if asking permission to speak. “We left the other home we were in. They may still be looking for us. We don’t want to put you in any danger.”
“We can figure all that out later”, you promise him. “Right now, you guys just need to wash up and get a proper rest.”
Hoseok turned to Joon, waiting for his response. “Please, Joon. We’ll be good, I promise.”
He glared at you for a second, trying to sense if this was another trap. Maybe she’s genuine, he thought. “Okay, but we won’t stay for long.” You could hear sighs of relief. Even you let out a puff of air, not realizing you were holding your breath.
“Thank you. Thank you so much for trusting me. I know that’s not easy.” You gave them a tour of Emerald farm, showing them their sleeping quarters and where they can wash up. When evening came around, you prepared a feast. Your hybrid guests gobbled down all they could– except Joon. He didn’t eat, probably from fear of being poisoned. Hopefully, one day he’ll trust me, you thought. But for now, all you can do is show them tender care and affection until they believe it.
When it becomes time for everyone to sleep in their rooms, you're left alone in the living room with our thoughts. Maybe some television will clear your mind. You never really use it. Living on a farm left you with plenty of other things to do, but why not? Turning on the television, you flip through the channels until one catches your attention.
Breaking news! Seven dangerous hybrids escaping from a research facility
*Taglist open!
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thenerdypen · 2 years
I feel Iike part of the reason Bugs likes Daffy so damn much is that Daffy doesn’t buy into his hype at all. It’s canon that Bugs like Daffy because his unpredictability brings a certain chaos that is lacking in his life. (Thanks Looney Tunes Show)
Bugs’ whole shtick is that he’s cool under pressure and never loses because he knows how to meta-textually game the story by making himself an under-dog. Towards the end of the looney tunes originally run of cartoons, Bugs starts replaying the same dynamics over and over, being depicted as universally beloved and unable to fail. Considering what a menace he is in his early work, I imagine him getting very bored of that very quickly. (This isn’t dunking on Chuck Jones era at all, he’s actually my favorite of the directors) Then he starts being paired with Daffy in shorts and it’s electric. The Hunting Season trilogy is probably the best remembered of the shorts for a reason. Daffy sees through Bugs usual gags, he literally snatches his wig and calls him out for being cliche. He can’t win against him as it would break the formula, but he makes it interesting again.
Over the years there’s a real kinship there that Bugs doesn’t have with anyone else. Do we get shorts or cameos about Bugs going on vacation with Elmer Fudd or Wile E Coyote or even Porky Pig? Of course not, as far as we know Daffy is his only REAL friend. I mean he has friends in the Looney Tunes Show but before that we never see him hanging around anyone else in a significant way. Even in Space Jam 2 despite them forcing that whole Looney Family thing we don’t see him talk to anyone other than Lebron and mandated loved interest. (I love TLTS Lola but Space Jam Lola doesn’t have a personality…sorry) The truth is Bugs is pretty closed off, he acts too cool for the room and keeps himself distant. However Daffy isn’t one to back down from anything no matter how futile, and that’s exactly what makes him daffy. He’s too crazy to know better and finds a way under Bugs skin. He doesn’t let Bugs retreat into his untouchable star persona, he calls him out and shows up at his burrow for dinner every night and gets him into competitions or new sticky situations. He brings out a side to Bugs that literally no one else does which is why Bugs will fight to keep him around even if he doesn’t want to admit it.
And of course, Bugs gets Daffy in a special way. That’s why he’s able to piss him off so much lol. These two are a truly iconic duo for a reason. They get each other in a way no one else can and that’s why they should kiss sometimes…
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sapphicthunderhead · 3 months
Listening to Ep 8, I cannot help but extrapolate on the repeated references to both hunger and loneliness and make inferences as to what it might mean about the nature of whatever Entity is enacting its will upon this Brutalist Liminal space and Mr. Stevens during his tenure working within said.
1. Human beings share meals & eat together as a communal activity, and have done so throughout history. The connection between physical hunger and social isolation is not a reach.
2. Mr. Stevens is a middle-aged divorcee, and thus likely a prime target for the Forsaken. Liminal spaces and the “repetitive geometric shapes” mentioned in his discussion of Brutalism are immediately evocative of the Spiral. But as the Fears have been altered by their journey across Universes, we can surmise that whatever Entity suffers from this “architectural hunger” Stevens is sensing, it is not as simple as a place that blurs the line between those two fears.
3. Mr. Stevens’ successive discussions of the “overdevelopment of UK road infrastructure” and the permeation of trash deposited throughout Forton strongly evokes the memory of Extinction statements from TMA.
3. Oh. Those are the lights of cars going by, hanging still over the asphalt. But the cars are nowhere to be seen. Fucking haunting imagery.
4. Did you say “pork?” Did you mean “long pig?” Am I sensing traces of a new incarnation of Viscera? (Am I still very much trapped in the TMA universe mindset? It appears so.)
5. A mere “impression of speech,” as Andrea Nunis heard in MAG 48: Lost in the Crowd? When I visualize the figures in the restaurant, why do I see AI images of people?
6. “You Are Here,” the avatars say. Shall we call this entity the Presence, or the Absence?
7. Cannibals. I knew it. Maybe we should refer to their governing Entity as Hunger.
8. Stevens’ remark about no one noticing his absence reminds me of Martin’s comments upon his return from his incarceration at the hands of Prentiss. He’s a lonely guy, lowercase l.
9. Is that. Is that jealousy I hear, Alice?
11. Gifted Kids’ Program??? I’m having flashbacks…
12. The painting has eyes in it, doesn’t it, Gerry? You’re going to spy on her, is that it?
13. Physics? My beloved? My chosen discipline? Celia, I think you’d be on the right track researching higher dimensions and other universes (both implied by String Theory, but very different ideas), but teleportation? In my mind, that concept is more closely tied to quantum entanglement and therefore Quantum Gravity as a candidate for the Unified Field Theory. Those are competing ideas, but I enjoy researching both, so I suppose in cannon there’s no harm to exploring all avenues��?
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tunnelofphriendship · 2 months
on phandom whiteness, race and stereotypes
I've been meaning to make this post for a while. I have never been very active in this fandom space, and part of that has been due to a discomfort I have felt that i have never felt i could discuss openly. So while I want to be a part of this phandom, I need to adress the elephant in the room and I want this sideblog I created to be a space where others like me can feel safe to voice their feelings and thoughts.
To preface this, I am not looking to "cancel" dan and phil. I just want to talk about my experiences both as a hardcore phan for years, and as someone who deviates from the usual dnp fan: I'm not a white person from Europe, US, Canada.
To put it bluntly, some of their videos are extremely hard to watch and enjoy and it makes me feel alienated when no one talks about it. There is no media without "problematic" elements, but I feel like in other fandom spaces people at least talk about elements worth questioning because they may be offensive or ignorant.* And yet dan and phil are hailed as "unproblematic kings" when this is not the case at all, and it's hard to bring up how I feel.
I'm not looking to make a comprehensive list of everything they've said, but I will talk about a few examples to illustrate what I mean.
Sexy Internet Dating (1:59-2:03)
d: whats yo name
p: i like how the guinea pig is now a sassy black woman
A Day in the Life of Phil and Dan! (3:58-4:03)
p: Suncream d: suncream for your albino face p: yea d: i don't need it because i'm already black
Does anyone remember the Mexican Dan thing? He seems to have deleted most of the things associated with that period where he was tan and "jokingly" fancied himself a different race because of it but this little window to that time remains in one of the most beloved videos of all time. Can you see how this might be hard to watch? When even the most iconic videos they've made are sprinkled with little instances of ignorant comments like this?
And let me be clear, I know this was ages ago. I'm aware they might have grown and changed. What really gets to me is how nobody in the phandom ever talks about these moments. It makes me really lonely and disappointed that everyone turns a blind eye to things that might tarnish the image of their faves.
Like for example, the pewdiepie situation. I'm not going to discuss everything he did and said. But imagine how it might feel as a non-white fan to want to rewatch old dnpgames videos and find that they kept their videos with him up all this time:
They were clearly quite friendly with F*lix. Besides these videos, Felix is also casually mentioned in some of their videos and livestreams from the time before he was "cancelled" (more on that later). But did they ever say anything condemning his actions? I think that given how they had collaborated and were friends, I would expect them to say SOMETHING rather than just never speak on the matter (as far as I know, the closest they got to this was in a liveshow where dan said he had had "a conversation" with felix in a way that implied he disapproved of his actions.) Or at the very very least, is it really that hard to delete a video? They have deleted old videos for a variety of reasons. How is collabing with a known racist not reason enough to go through the trouble of deleting a video? But deleting other videos just because they're a bit"cringey" is worth that time?
I just wonder how regretful they really are at having been friends and collaborators with him. In fact, part of me wonders if they are still friends behind the scenes. If this is ever confirmed btw, that will cause me to stop watching them forever. And they might still be friends in their little white circle for all we know. After all dan and phil are long time friends of KickthePj. And PJ is STILL friends with pewdiepie.
Now, besides PJ being dnp's friend and having once been part of the phantastic foursome, I don't care much for his content except for when dan and phil have been featured (lol sorry not sorry). And this might be the case for many of you as well! But some of you ARE avid kickthepj fans and decided to ignore the fact that he uploaded a video with pewdiepie last month. There is no plausible deniability here anymore. Despite the harms pewdiepie has done in internet spaces--and how that extends to real life--NOBODY said anything about how kickthepj doesn't care enough (or at all) to simply NOT make a video with pewdiepie.
It's staggering to me that no one cares. It's shocking to me that in these videos i've mentioned, you go to the comment section and everyone will be happily enjoying the video with no mention of these things.
Is this what being "cancelled" looks like? It seems to me like with the passage of time, Pewdiepie and his friends and followers just want to sweep it all under the rug. How is it that the internet will tear a man to shreds for plagiarism but then find it in themselves to excuse racism?
Why does no one care? Is it because this space is overwhelmingly white? I think so. I think it's a conscious choice to turn a blind eye when it's convenient. So I just wanted to make this post to say that if you ever feel alienated by the white ignorance of dnp or their circle of their fans, then you can come talk to me and I won't ignore you.
I want to be a part of this phandom, I really love dan and phil, but I'm not going to "stan" them. I'm not going to make excuses for them. And I'm not going to keep quiet just so I can be a part of this fandom without making the vast majority of white fans uncomfortable.
*I'm thinking of my experiences in the supernatural fandom. (Although, i'm not saying it's perfect. There are certainly a number of fics that have made me feel very disappointed inthe creator for falling into the trap of racial stereotypes in OCs and stuff like that, and despite that so many people enjoy it and include it in rec lists.)
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pinkydevil16 · 2 years
Aemond targaryen x targaryen reader: part 7
Viserys watched his family with a content smile, everyone laughing and enjoying themselves. Even his beloved Rhaenyra and his wife Alicent were smiling at each other, his grandson Jacaerys dancing with his daughter Halaena. Aemond was enjoying himself, Y/n speaking to him as they used to, leaning closer to him but still an appropriate space between them expected of a Lady. Aegon watched them closely, before standing.
"Dear niece will you dance with me?" Y/n smiled standing and taking Aegon's outstretched hand, making eye contact with her mother who gave her a smile. Aegon pulled her close, his hand on her lower back and holding her hand, her chest against his in the closeness although the song was not slow. 
"Uncle don't you believe us to be slightly too close, it is a little inappropriate" Y/n breathed out and moved her face away from his, slightly pulling back as his grip eased. Laughing Aegon simply kept dancing, his hand rubbing up and down her back, each time getting lower when he faced her towards Aemond. Jace quickly took notice and spun Halaena the same way, before switching with Aegon before he could stop him. Smiling down at his sister who instantly broke into a smile and laughed at his brotherly protectiveness. Aemond couldn't help but feel angry as he watched Aegon and then Jace spinning his Y/n around. When a pig was placed in front of him and Lucerys laughed to himself Aemond stood up causing everyone to turn to him. Raising his cup he spoke whilst staring at Jace and Y/n.
"A toast to my nephews, you have shown that you are truly brave and...strong men. And to my Niece you are the most stunning woman in the whole of Westeros." Y/n held Jace back as Aemond made the strong comment, trying to upset her brother. Smiling she bowed and thanked Aemond for his compliment. He smirked before continuing.
"Father, as you want the families to be together once again i have a proposition to bring us all closer. An alliance of sorts." Rharnyra sat up straight, Daemon opening his mouth to stop what he knew would be said however the King was faster. 
"What is your proposal son?" Alicent reached her hand across and grabbed Visery's hand quickly standing stopping Aemond from answering.
"Hearing of the return of Rhaenyra and her children we had been wanting to mend our previous disagreements by the joining of Aemond and Y/n in the traditional manor of our great houses." Y/n turned back towards Aemond who smiled at her, putting his hand out for her to take and join him. 
"That is a wonderful idea Alicent! Rhaenyra do you agree?" The king spoke taking his daughters hand with a smile on his face.
"It is not my place to agree to my daughters hand, it is hers." Rhaenyra said staring at Alicent, Daemon stood before an answer could be given from his daughter. Grabbing her and pulling her towards him.
"You want my daughter to marry a man who has belittled my wifes sons and called them bastards? You insult me brother." Daemon spoke as he pulled Y/n into side and held her close, his dark eyes glaring into Aemond's whose nice facade slowly cracked. 
"I will treat her better than any other man in the kingdom and keep our bloodline pure." Daemon scoffed rolling his eyes and turning to his brother.
"Your son has wanted Y/n since they were children, he has a sick want for her and i will not allow her to be married to him." Viserys stood weakly, bringing Rhaenyra closer to him.
"Daemon our family may be healed, she will be loved and taken care of well. I am only asking out of politeness and respect for my daughter and granddaughter. It is not for you to say on her behalf now, Y/n what is your decision." Everyone turned towards Y/n as she backed out of her fathers grip. Her eyes darting between the people in the room, Alicent smiling softly at her hoping to sway her opinion. Her mother giving her a loving look wanting her to be honest, Daemon scowling demanding with his eyes she reject the proposition. She didn't dare look at Aegon or her brother Jace, Aegon would have too much hunger in his eyes and Jace would show too much betrayal for her to stomach. Her eyes slowly went towards Aemond, his hand still outstretched and silently begging her to be his. Behind his gaze she could see the obsession, the need for her to take his hand and become his. She had felt it all night, the nagging voice from her childhood louder in her head the more she watched him. The slight twitch in his smile at her lack of response, his hand by his side opening and closing as he kept himself composed. 
"I, i would like the night to, um, to sleep on this proposition if possible grandfather, it has been a long day filled with lots of excitement and i feel quite dizzy." Y/n could not come up with a quick enough excuse before she dropped her weight against her brother, only Jace could tell it had been fake by the way she dropped so Lady like. Viserys shouted out her name, concern written on his face, Aemond rushed towards her but Daemon and Jace announced they would take her to her room.
"I apologise for my daughters womanly fall, women's emotions can run so high." Daemon spoke as he lifted her, her eye twitching open to look in his. If Aemond hadn't been so afraid when she fell he would have instantly seen through the mask.
"You truly are my daughter." Daemon whispered as they were out the room.
i did think about being like yay she chooses him, but that's not as fun as a full blown war
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appelia · 1 year
♡*♡∞:。.。 Craig's Gang Relationship HC's
IMPORTANT: all my characters in my fics are aged up to 19-24. Side note: excuse my poor English.
Warning: none applicable
Genre: general, headcanons
Reader Gender: neutral
A/n: I'm not much a fan of separating Tweek and Craig, so theirs will be loosely based on how they act with each other (but I'll still use the pronoun "you")! Also, this one is a bit short, I'm sorry!
Craig Tucker
He's pretty bad at expressing his emotions, which can get pretty tricky at times.
He's great at helping you overcome difficulties, as he's very logical.
His ideal date night: Stargazing near the pond, if it's a meteor shower, he'll talk all about space and the universe and whatnot.
If Stripe likes you, the relationship is going to last a long time (guinea pigs my beloveds)
With his monotone, it's pretty hard to tell if he's happy or not, so he'll make sure to reassure you that he loves you a whole lot.
Clyde Donovan
Everyone knows Clyde's a crybaby.
When he's sad, he cries. Happy, he cries. Angry, he cries.
It's a bit jarring at first if you don't know beforehand. You two will just be cuddling and he'll start crying out of nowhere.
"I'm just so happy ☹️!"
His ideal date night: I think Clyde's a bit of a shopaholic. He'll take you shopping at the mall, making you stop at every single store.
"Y/n, we could match!"
Jimmy Valmer
I like to think he'd be head over heels for you.
He'll practice his comedy to you before his shows, asking you which one you liked the best.
His ideal date night: Watching a comedy special while cuddled up together with a bunch of snacks all around.
He's not afraid of PDA, he'll kiss you anywhere at any given time.
He's the jealous type - the moment he sees anyone getting a little too comfortable he does the most so that they'll get the hint that you're off limits.
Tolkien Black
This one's a sweetheart
He'll definitely go overboard in gift giving. If you say you like something, he'll buy 50 of it.
His ideal date night: A romantic dinner at some nice restaurant, then just walking around the town.
He loves to hold hands, but he's not huge on PDA otherwise.
I think Tolkien's a candle guy (This doesn't really have anything to do with relationship I just think he loves candles.)
Tweek Tweak
He's kind of insane but in an endearing way.
He tends to freak out and have outbursts a lot, but with you, those outbursts lessen.
His ideal date night: Going to the beach. He freaks out a bit at first because he thinks there's going to be a shark in the water and he'll die, and when you guys are leaving he'll complain because sand is a bitch to clean. But during the date, he'll love it!
He's absolutely the jealous type - He's also most likely wickedly strong, so whoever's getting too comfy with you better watch out.
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leviiackrman · 7 months
I was tagged by @perpetuagf to answer these questions for a new oc, as well as being tagged by @simonxriley @corvosattano + @marivenah to post songs relating to my wips - so I merged them! Thank you my beloveds🤍
Tagging: @risingsh0t @sstewyhosseini @chuckhansen @roofgeese @unholymilf @florbelles @arklay @captmactavish @shellibisshe @simonxriley @queennymeria @nokstella @mrdekarios @thedeadthree @jacobseed @jackiesarch @heroofpenamstan @dameayliins @jillvalentinesday @shadowglens @fenharel @alexxmason @yurgir @malefiicarum + @baldurians
Chika x Kakashi Playlist || Obscure OC Associations Pt. 1 || Character Page
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Sorry - Halsey
Sorry Mom x - Halflives
Big Girls Don’t Cry - Fergie
Lethal Woman - Dove Cameron
thenineteenseventyfive - Push Baby
Fly on the Wall - Miley Cyrus
ANIMAL: squirrels, dogs, pigs
COLORS: cream, black, forest green, sand
MONTH: april
NUMBER: 29, 3, 1
PLANTS: Japanese maple, flowering quince, any medicinal and/or poisonous plants
SMELLS: antiseptic solution, dust, soil
TIME OF DAY: twilight, early morning
GEMSTONE: emerald
SEASON: warm summers
PLACES: densely packed forest, sandstorms, around a campfire
FOOD: bocchan dango, mochi, onigiri, miso soup
DRINKS: black tea, small amounts of sake, milk, water
ELEMENT: earth, air
SEASONING: ponzu, katsuobushi, karashi, mild spices
WEATHER: light rain, soft breeze
SKY: clouded skies or half moon skies
MAGICAL POWER: medical nin, summoning, transforming, secret jutsu: poisoned blood
WEAPON: acupuncture needles, poisoned needles, kunai, paper bombs
SOCIAL MEDIA: 100% a Reddit gal. Would stalk the shit outta people and find EVERY piece of info about them lmao
MAKEUP PRODUCT: opaque eyeshadow, eyeliner, intense blush/face paint, dark lipstick
CANDY: dorayaki (red bean pancakes), higashi, castella
METHOD OF LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL: running lmao, summoning jutsu (in difficult situations), expandable cloth to fly/glide like a squirrel
ART STYLE: minimalism, baroque
FEAR: causing comrades/friends deaths, being a leader, failing at what she’s good at/known for (ie saving lives), confined spaces (yknow… being buried alive and all)
MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: tailed beasts (muhahahahaha)
PIECE OF STATIONARY: pencil (can do sm but is v fragile), scrolls
CELESTIAL BODY: Neptune, Pluto, crescent moons
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curiousb · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
Thanks for tagging me, @vimpse and @simsdada!
1. are you named after anyone?
Yes-ish? My first name is a feminised form of my father’s name, and also my maternal grandmother's middle name. Sadly, she died long before I was born, when my mother was only three years old, so I’m quite glad that her name lives on with me. My royalist mother also had a thing about a minor English princess, so I have her name as my middle name.
2. when was the last time you cried?
I honestly don’t remember - probably a few months ago. There has to be something very, very wrong for me to cry. It’s something I avoid doing, as I don’t like to lose control of my emotions.
3. do you have kids?
No, as a conscious choice. I’m really not cut out to be a parent, but I’ve never actually wanted to become one anyway, so it’s all worked out fine!
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
I try not to, as I think it can be cruel, but it depends on the circumstances!
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
Although I didn’t know this until quite recently, I have dyspraxia. So, sport and I have never been on good terms! Yes, I was always that kid - the one who was chosen last for teams at school. I’ve also always despised exercise simply for the sake of it. But, seven years ago I randomly took up Shotokan Karate - my husband had taken it up a couple of years before, and it was the first physical activity that had ever looked like fun to me! This year, I was finally awarded my black belt (1st Dan). Thanks to my dyspraxia, and pesky osteoarthritis, it’s taken me nearly twice as long as anyone else to get to this point, but I absolutely love it - it’s the perfect blend of mental and physical challenge - and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. It’s been fantastic for my balance, coordination, strength, agility, self-confidence and mental health. I’m now working towards being awarded 2nd Dan, in a couple of years hopefully. :)
6. what’s the first thing you notice about other people?
I found out only a few years ago, as an adult, that I’m autistic. But, I think the thing I’ve always picked up on when meeting someone new - even before I was consciously aware of this - is whether they are also possibly neurodivergent, and hence whether we have an immediate connection. I now realise that nearly all my friends have also been neurodivergent in some way (also autistic, ADHD, dyscalculia), and that the friendships naturally sprang from an instinctive understanding, thanks to similarities in our way of perceiving and processing the world.
7. scary movies or happy endings?
Can I say neither? I have a ridiculously overactive imagination, and although I absolutely do not believe in the supernatural, scary films play on my mind literally forever. And I’m simply unmoved by clichéd happy endings. I prefer films that make me think or imagine, and I’m quite partial to ambiguous endings, where I’m left to decide for myself what has actually happened, or what might happen next; ‘Inception’ is one of my favourite films. :)
I also love plain old sci-fi, with any kind of ending!
8. any special talents?
I’m a master at packing stuff into spaces in the most efficient way possible. Not very exciting perhaps, but useful.
I’m also very good at inductive reasoning. (Which is generally what Sherlock Holmes uses, not deduction.)
9. where were you born?
In the UK. Which is sadly just one big embarrassment these days.
10. what are your hobbies?
Ever since I first laid my hands on a computer, my first love has been video gaming. The Sims of course (1 and 2 - couldn’t get into 3 and haven’t bothered with 4), which I always come back to, but also various strategy games, such as the Civilization series. Also, choral/ensemble singing and genealogy. Oh, and my beloved karate of course!
11. do you have any pets?
No, I can barely look after myself, let alone be responsible for another lifeform too! In an ideal world, I’d have guinea pigs (which I had as a child and just adore, as they are the sweetest creatures imaginable), or perhaps rats.
12. how tall are you?
5′ 4.5″
13. fave subject in school?
Biology. I was born to be a scientist, and have always found the phenomenon of life to be endlessly fascinating.
14. dream job?
Once I would have said scientist - which I am now - but interesting though it can be, there’s also a lot of stress. I think that now, I’d rather be a self-employed professional genealogist. I’m considering trying to make the switch.
15. eye colour?
Grey-green. I didn’t used to like the colour, but I’ve grown to appreciate it more now, as it’s a little unusual.
I’m just going to tag a few random people, who I don’t think have played along yet, although my memory is shocking so forgive me if I’m wrong about that! As always, please also feel free to ignore: @tvickiesims, @roguebotanist, @clouseplayssims, @fwaysims, @eulaliasims, @plumbtales, @katatty, @moocha-muses, @esotheria-sims, @mypurpleriver, @balkopat, @sushigal007, @frauhupfner, @pforestsims, @beikonsims.
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ghostoffuturespast · 10 months
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Tagged by @therealnightcity @morganlefaye79 & @civilization-illstayrighthere! Thank you! Also, borrowed your idea to use a banner Morgan. Your WIPs always look so fancy when you post lol. (And your fancy frog Civilization)
Snippet of So It Goes - Ch. 38
Neon overflowed from the burgeoning cracks of darkness in the courtyard, spilling iridescent over grease-stained asphalt and pushing out the last shreds of afternoon light. The drunken thud of bass and the shrill shout of chords tripped faint up the stairs in an attempt to lure the loiterers at the entrance down its throat and further into the belly of the building. Chromed-out mercs greeted each other with clasped hands and claps of the shoulders, touting their services in time to the discordant hum of the city.  That hungry lullaby.  Knives silently poised behind the bravado of easy smiles. Just in case.  V inhaled a lungful of air, the taste of stale alcohol, garbage, exhaust, and cigarettes swilling thick on her tongue and doing nothing to settle the tattered threads of her nerves. The scent of tobacco smoke made her palms itch, the sensation saturating the flesh beneath black ceramic. Short nails clawed at the surface in a futile endeavor. In all her years of testing bad habits, she’d never been able to scratch the apprehension away. She couldn’t quit The Afterlife either, the same way she couldn’t stop craving breathe. Like how she couldn’t stop caving to a certain dumbass rockerboy’s last requests. “Nervous?” V glanced up at River. “Be honest, this the worst date you’ve ever been on?” The two of them leaned on the back bumper of his truck in the Afterlife’s parking lot. People watching. Eyes flitting between the crowd, each other, and the awkward space between them. “Mmm. Not the worst, but I’d definitely say this qualifies as the weirdest.” “You nervous?” She echoed. River shifted, the shearling of his coat brushing against the tension ratcheting up his jaw. “As long as this doesn’t turn into a hostage situation or a…” His nostrils flared. “Conjugal visit, think I’ll manage.” V blew on her bangs to keep the purple fringe from creeping into her eyes. “After last time, he better not.” “Pinky promise, no finger-fuckin’ this time.”  Johnny blipped in by his beloved clown car, the Porsche parked in the spot nextdoor. “Seeing as you don’t have actual pinkies, hardly reassurance.” Amber optics flitted over to Johnny. “Also, does that cover every other possible sex act you can think of?” “Hey, I mean it. On my best behavior. ‘Sides you have your pet pig on guard duty.”
Tagging with no pressure: @morganlefaye79 @therealnightcity (right back atcha) @shimmer-like-agirl @luvwich @tarmac-rat @bnbc @dani-the-goblin @wanderingaldecaldo @fly-amanitaa @merge-conflict @themightiestpotato @ladykatie512
Cash your monopoly money in whenever or not at all. And also, feel free to share any and all creative projects your working on. Doesn't have to be writing or even CP2077 related. I always love seein' what folks are working on :)
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pnwdagnabbit · 3 months
Hey, y'all. So... I know there's a lot goin' on in the world right now with trans rights, the Palestinian genocide, people bein' attacked for bein' who they are and it's really disturbing. I'm obv very pro-trans rights, bein' that I'm transmasc, and don't condone any kind of attacks on a people for race, color, religion, orientation, or gender. At all. But I'm not gonna post much about that right now, only because I had to put down Graham Cracker, my beloved Guinea Pig that I also considered transmasc, just a couple days ago. Graham had a cyst/tumor that ruptured and there wasn't anything they could've done. I miss him dearly and have been tryin' to comfort Bubby as much as possible (my other Guinea), and just stayin' offline a bit.
Also, today is my kid's birthday so we're goin' to Portland to celebrate them and try to shift focus for a few while my mom stays with Bubs and keeps her company. My kid's also had an online friend of theirs visiting from out of state who will be in town through Sunday evening and flying back on Monday.
All that bein' said... things have been pretty chaotic, but... I just want everyone to know that while I may not be all that active on here as of late, this blog is a safe space and will always be a safe space for all walks of life. I love all y'all. Take care and stay safe, my budlits. <333
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popculturebuffet · 11 months
Pride Month Triple Feature Finale: Rocko’s Modern Life: Static Cling (Commission for Weird Kev 27)
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Well this last installment is a bit late, but any month can be pride month if you belivie in yourself, so we end this pride month trilogy with Rocko’s Modern Life Static Cling, something i’ve been wanting to cover for years, but usually something came up or I realized I forgot to include it by the time the schedule was already full up. But with violence, legeslation, and outright bigotry towards Trans Persons only escalating, it felt like the right time.
For those not as familiar with Rocko, quick refresher: Rocko’s Modern Life was one of the earliest Nicktoons, created by Joe Murray and being a hit not just with the networks target demo, but adults who related to the series, a 20 something hang out sitcom but with all the lunacy animation allows. Our Rocko, his doofy friend Heffer and nerdy best friend Philbert dealt with nipples of the future, death, time travel with the elderly, elves, and recyling. The show was very of it’s time but also timeless as MANY of the fairly adult subjects it tackled in it’s unique goofy way still resonate: the show tackled topics like your parents not approving of a mixed marriage, the struggles immigrants face, homosexuality (via clowns), a sexually unsatisfying marriage leading to a wondering eye (done ENTIRELY straight to the point the episode was banned), finding out your adopted, bosses treating their workers like a commodity instead of a person, megacorporations running our lives, credit card debt, and even sex work
It’s thanks to Rocko we have classics like Regular Show, it’s successor Close Enough and Tuca and Bertie. The kind of show that uses wacky humor while still showing some very real shit we have to deal with. 
So in hindsight. .it’s not really a stretch that with changing times, rocko would go from having to use clowns to cover queerness to doing a full coming out episode in it’s revivial special, a pogniant well done story that deeply reconteculaizes a beloved character
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Pig you’ve been out since 1996. 
So let’s look at this touching tale and all the other neat stuff just in time for the show’s 30th anniversary shall we?
Static cling follows our boy, his bulbous buddy and his somethign else rhyming with b , picking up where we left off.. and the original finale to the series had our heroes shot up into space, returning as the elderly. The last part is stricken from the record Roseanne style, and instead our heroes have largely settled in: Filburt misses his wife tails, he misses her a lot, but otherwise our heroes are doing fine on fatheads reruns... till Filburt notices the remote has been jammed up Heffer’s butt for the past decade, they fight as usual and Rocko has to scream at them to “PUSH THE BUTTON”. TV’s Frank would not abide. 
SO with that our heroes return to earth. There’s also a nice small joke in that... most people really aren’t phased our heroes were gone 20 years: while we sadly dont’ get a scene with Heffer’s family , easily one of my faviorite parts of the series with Rocko’s dinner visit being one of my faviorite episodes, we do get to see his beaver hating grandpa, with all his innuendo glory, the only change being
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And Filburt naturally easily reunited with Hutch because their perfect and we need that. It’s like our heroes were never gone for the most part.  The real exception is ROcko.. and i’ts easy to why: Filburt had a wife and four adoring children eager to finally get to know their dad. Heffer’s family is implictly there and his grandpa is still around only now he can posses lawn gnomes. Nothing’s really changed for either in a way that harms them. Filburt missed most of his kids’ lives, but they seem to have grown up fine.  In contrast when you think about it.. no one was really waiting for Rocko. He hit it off with Shiela well, but that was one episode towards the end. I mean he could look her up on face-o-rama, or something, so ti’s not lost, but when you think about the series with his family in australia.. all Rocko had were his friends, mrs. bighead (who warmly welcomes the guy back and gives him some needed support), and Spunky. Rocko really has nothign to come back to: his job is gone and while his friends adapt to the 2010′s really well... it’s all too much. it also makes sense: Heffer always went with the flow and while Filburt seems a bit too accepting on paper, he’ sa giant nerd in a world where he can livesteream being nauseous and blather about his opinons for an adoring public. I mean I woudnln’t of had the tools to do this when the show aired. I was two and the internet wasn’t easy to come by. Six maybe. 
While the montage of various “new” things was.. dated even by when it came out and is kinda just there outside of Schlammo, the unhealty energy drink , it hammers home that while his friends have accepted the present.. Rocko is lost in it. He was never one to easily accept new trends in the show itself, usually being pulled into things like health clubs or credit cards by Heffer, so it’s entirley in character that being stuck in a world 20 years later with nothing to really hold him there shatters his normal optimisim. I’ts pretty heartining to see rocko shattered a bit when bev finds him. It makes her trying to support him and help him heartwarming.. but it can’t really fix the problem of feeling like the world’s passed you by. It was striking to realize how deep Rocko’s story comes off, a story about nostalgia and how it can help us when we feel lost.. but how we can cling to it as our only salvation. I’ll admit to having dived into my various coping mechanisms, comics, games, tv, youtube, to escape... and to have a minor panic attack if one’s missing, so I may just relate to rocko a bit.. but it still works.  It also kicks off the plot as the fatheads is gone, and Rocko badly needs it. HIs cries for it fall on deaf ears for mr bighead though, who just oopsied at work.. and now his world is collapsing for real, with his job gone and his house soon to be gone. “A tv show won’t solve your problems rocko”. It’s a simple statment.. but one that’s true. TV can offer an escape.. but it’s not going to fix what’s wrong with yoru life. It’s the thesis statment of this special.  Granted it can at least save ed’s job and house and conglomo as the special revenue would do it. It’s heavily spoofing how much companjies rely on these revivials and nostalgia pops, with the series lovingly mocking how much money fans think a rocko special would bring nick.. and then accidnetly being accurate as while Static Cling didn’t bring in millions upon millions of dollars, it was still a success all the same. 
The problem is the head of congolmo wants the chameleon twins to make it cheap with CG. I mean grante dth eproblem is the fatheads also you know.. ende din the run of the show, but honeslty i’m willing to ignore that for what a good story it is and it could easily be said Rachel just had to go back and make more to pay the bills or something. This was also built both off the actual rumors, that later came true of a CG Rugrats reboot, which honestly dosen’t LOOK bad.  So with that our heroes decide to search for the series creator, “Ralph” Bighead, who disappeared during the time skip, as all the money, all the success didn’t make them happy. We get some fun gags including a faviorite of mine “Culturally ambgious pillows”, as our heroes tour the world to find the creator.  And thus about halfway into the special they find them int he desert.. and find out why no one had seen them. See while they last saw them as “Ralph”.... our heroes instead find RACHEL Bighead. 
And honestly ti’s excellently done for the most part. Before we get to all the good let’s get the elephant out of the room: Joe Murray should not have continued playing rachel. Joe.. is a cis man. A cis man should nto play a trans woman. I can however accept this wasn’t done with any malcious intent, and was likelky done to hide that Rachel was trans now, as the special has it as a twist, wtih Rachel having a hat on and only revealing their trans by steping out of her fatheads foodtruck. Having a new VA might give that away. I still wish they’d swapped them but I get Joe meant well.  I mostly get that.. because everything ELSE is done well. When you look back on who rachel was.. they were miserable. They had all the money in the world, but could never find creative fufillment with the fatheads, to thepoint they tried sabotaging a followup with wacky delli. I mean we got the cheese, the best character in the show, but Rachel never found fufillment. It was only by realizing who they always were and making their body into what they truly always wanted that Rachel is happy. Said happiness.. allows her the reconciatlion with her creatoion she never got in the original show, selling fatheads freezie pops. She found a new art, the life she alwasy wanted she’s content. She even refuses to do the special, and rightfully so: while the creator SHOUDL revivie a work if possible, if they don’t want to.. they shoudlnt’ be forced to. Rachel only agrees because her parents are in danger.  I also love the acceptance rachel gets: the boys all think it’s neat and instantly accept it, as you should. The reveal itself is simply done: Rachel steps out, says “I’m rachel now”.. and the boys all think it’s neat and accept it, attaching their drone to the ice cream truck and flying off. Bev also fully accepts it, happy their daughter’s happy and even finding her some cute shoes. It makes sense for all involved: while all from the 90′s, Rocko’s group has always been an accepting bunch for the most part, while Bev was always the parent that accepted their kid more.  It’s harder for Ed.. but it’s a well done harder. He’s bigoted, and potrayed as stupidly as that sounds: he rejects the idea of the special simply because he rejects the idea he has no son but a daughter. I also like the stealth pun there: he once claimed he had no son when he disowned rachel.. and it turns out he never did. Everyone around him rightfully sees this as stupid, and it’s portrayed as such, but what i Like is that they play this realistically. Instead of Ed throwing out slurs or throwing a tantrum, which sadly could very well happen, he just disowns his child, again, and storms off. He can’t accept a trans daughter because to him it’s a change. To Rachel.. it’ sbeing who she was always meant to be. Rachel ends up still making the special, remembering her past, including biting ed’s eye as a baby.. and using that. And while Ed has to be dragged to the premiere, as many a person has to be dragged into acceptaince... it’s said work that helps Ed see what a fool he’s been. Rachel reworks the fatheads.. but now includes a baby based on themselves. It adds great new jokes to the bit.. but it’s the last one, a reinactment of her “damaging her fathers retina”.. that makes Ed realize what he shoudl have all along: this is his child and who they always were. Being a woman not only allowed them to be happy.. but it dosen’t change who they are.. because this is who they ALWAYS were. And what helps is that... Rachel didn’t NEED ed’s acceptance. Their disapointed, but when he wails no at it, she simply says yes. They do the short because, even if Ed dosen’t accept her, she wont’ leave her parents homeless and still loves them both. And it’s ED who has to come around and accept that he has a daughter, he always did.. and that’s wonderful.  We also get Rocko.. not accepting the change. A baby, how dare he.. but ed talks him down, getting to the point of the special in a truly lovely speech. 
“Rocko we can’t live in the past, we can be grateful for it, but life isn’t permenant, and if we don’t embrace what’s now, we miss out on a lot of the important stuff. “ I couldn’t of said it better myself and belivie me i’ve tried. And it’s a perfect message for this special.. and for Rachels’ story. embrace what you have, not what you thought you had. This special is phenominal, with tons of great gags, a truly amazing story at the core, and lots of great cameos in some lovely animation. Check it out wether your new to rocko or want to revisit an old friend. Thanks for reading and happy belated pride. 
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artsy-hobbitses · 11 months
If I may ask, why is it that Muslim folks usually don't touch a dog? I tried looking it up but it just kind of didn't make sense to me so I thought I'd ask!
I’m definitely not an expert on the matter nor do I want to speculate!
But if you’re asking for my honest opinion?
- Dogs in Islam tend (‘tend’ being the keyword here, the Turkish love them equally) to be viewed as an unclean/dirty animal, or at least dirtier than cats (which are more beloved not only because they’re Prophet Muhammad’s favorite, but also because they clean themselves all the time and are fastidious food-wise)
- There seems to be a major aversion to what today you’d call ‘toy’ breeds. The idea is that EVEN IF you have dogs, the only ones you should have are working breeds. Hunting dogs, livestock guardians, home security, sight hounds, etc. they aren’t just ‘pets’. And they don’t belong in a house (likely because of Point 1–cleanliness is a HUGE thing is Islam). Where I am, orchard dogs that work to deter wild pigs and other animals are quite common among Muslim land owners—these dogs are cared for and treated well, but they are solely outside animals. The ONLY EXCEPTION to this rule is the Saluki—a sighthound very popular with the Bedouin which is celebrated and allowed into their living space. This is the only dog you likely won’t get questioned for owning/bringing into your place. Prophet Muhammad himself owned several.
- Rabies. This seems to be a legit argument for it since there are reports from that antiquated time period about massive rabies outbreaks in cities that necessitated mass culling of dogs. They could pinpoint the cause to dogs, but likely little else so the consensus became for many, for the sake of public safety/everyone, “no dogs”. Note that this is likely why there are Muslims who specifically state “no contact with dog saliva”.
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spacepiratenemo · 7 months
20th Century Fox proudly presents: The Jackpot Space Pirate Crew
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👽*insert century-fox music here* 👽
I proudly present: The entire Jackpot Space Pirate Crew in one picture !
👾Behold my sweat and tears drawn into a group   pic that satisfies my inner Geek. 
🌖Corresponding to this picture, there also is the Artbook available on Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1272855488-the-jackpot-space-pirate-crew-a-lunarian-artbook
🔥 Inside this book, you'll discover additional information about the Jackpot Crew, stories about their lives, the principles they live by, and an entertaining interview with my beloved Nemo.
🌠 To the Crew: The Jackpots inhabit their own Lore within an alternate universe/ and the existing universe of One Piece. Self-proclaimed as the most successful and badass Crew in outer space, these individuals are a bunch of nutheads and crazies. They engage in pranks, revel in ridiculousness, and embark on perilous adventures. Led by the famous Starhunter, the Jackpots are known to oppose the laws of the galactic federation. Despite glaring differences between crew members, much like the Whitebeard Crew or the Strawhat Crew, they form a family—a cohesive unit that works together, unwaveringly supporting one another while revelling in their collective insanity and playful trolling. 
“The best people are a selected handful of utterly insane individuals.” 
Feel free to drop your Q&A in the comments!
Creds: One Piece by #EiichiroOda 
Jackpot Space Pirate Crew by #spacepiratenemo
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Jango’s Bandshirt is credited by GrimReefer  Jax’s Bandshirt is credited by Astral Pigs  Mars and Jupiter “planetary item” is credited by NASA 
“We're not breaking the rules. We're adjusting the terms of the contract!" 
The Jackpot Space Pirate Crew 
Venaros D. Zekka, 舌禍. The Starhunter; Capt’n & big badass. Infamous anarchist, rebellious leader, father and guide. “Too cool for the universe”. Does whatever he wants. Never play by the rules. Do no harm but take no shit.  Lunaliel Alliqui. First Mate & Combat Master. Known for irrational, hot tempered behaviour. Wildchild. Brain size doesn’t exceed one peanut. Is sexy and he knows it - Some girls love it, some girls hate it. 1.3 Million followers on Moonstagram. Add on Spacechat for hot nsfw pics.  Lunaliel Nemo. Mecha & Gunslinger. Known as possibly the best cybertech in the multiverse. “Mouse”. Will sell your soul for one coconut. Loves to bend the laws of physics to her will. Is unfortunate to be the little sister of a dumbass. Loose tongue and twisted temper, a spaceborne misfit.  Ben//: Bionically-Engineered-Neomachine (Here in Broski-Mode//Combat-Mode) - A self maintaining droid with a self-learning A.I capable of improving itself on a daily level. Bionically recreated after lagomorphic biology; engineered to assist, protect, destroy. Usually Ben is in its smaller form; undertaking crude, mediocre tasks for Nemo or guiding her horde of bots and droids.  Cato Jango. Beteigeuzian Tau. Scientist & Historian. 4:20 is any time! Stoned Shooter. “If it ain’t broke, fix it till it is” Source of wisdom and calm. Tries to explore the biology of different solar systems. His home world got destroyed as Beteigeuze turned into a black hole.  Stellato Lena. Medic & Healer. Skypeian Refugee. Former head medic of the Pangean Society. Done with Alliqui’s BS! Nemo’s best friend. The Captn’s consultant. The sweet voice of reason in a group of crazy people. May be delightful, but will slice you.  Tenebrius Ghyslainn. “Ghyst” // Ghost, Geist. Prince of Charon, Pledge of Pluto. Charonian Assassin; Nightwatch. Stronger than Obscuritas - Weaker than Caligo. Challenger of the night of a thousand tears. “.....” - Doesn’t talk much. 
Maluga Jax. The Regulus-Renegate. Pilot & Pyrotechnician. Starlord of the Enceladus. Loves good old thrash metal & questionable cacti juice. Big fan of Milliway’s hot dogs. Former slave child of the Kardaij Mining Systems. Possibly carrier of Cygnian blood.  “Seras” Mace. First Son of the Seras Family. Head Warrior of the Olympus Tribe. Martial Artist & Musician. Mace refers to the bludgeoning weapon, resembling his skilled fist. Loves some good f*cking metal music. Has only combat, music and training on his mind. Possibly most disciplined.  Cimpi & Cimpa // Kimpi-Kimpo : Elf-Zwölf. Lunarian Orphans. Fashionistas & Infiltrators. “Too kawaii to die!” Are too cute to be suspected of any wrongdoings. Will play the confusing twin-game all the time. Who is who? You’ll never know! Wanna try some fashion? You’d be a perfect model for their lit “Jackpot-Couture”. Everyone can be cute with a little glitter. 
Follow me on Wattpad for more or check out the Lunarian Artbook here: https://www.wattpad.com/user/R0tt3n_Rabbit
Thank you for your support <3 *alien-hugs* 
// Glitch Warning for the video // sensitive eyes warning!
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goingfullcage · 9 months
I wonder what it would be like to love you
Robin Feld x Reader
Summary: In the aftermath of losing his beloved pet pig Robin finds you hurt outside of his cabin and takes you in. One thing leads to another and you find yourself falling for him.
Warnings: eventual smut, swearing, age gap, etc.
a/n: this is my first real fanfic i’ve ever written so please be nice! this is only chapter one and idk how many more chapters there will be we will just have to see! hope you enjoy!
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Chapter one
It’s been a while since you met Rob. Maybe 3 months, maybe 4. You weren’t really sure. It’s not easy to keep track of time with no clocks or cellphones or other people. It was just you and Rob.
When he first found you back then you were passed out a little ways away from his cabin. He took you to his cabin and nursed you back to health. You were both very quiet and standoffish at first. He didn’t ask you any questions and you didn’t give any answers. A part of you was scared of him, his stern face covered in blood and bruises didn’t give off the warmest of welcomes. But you could tell he had no ill intentions. He seemed lonely.
It wasn’t until three days later you finally had a full conversation. You were both eating dinner by the small fire outside and it was Rob that finally asked the first question.
“What were you doing out here when I found you?”
You looked over at him with wide eyes, shocked that he’s finally asking you about your circumstance but also relieved that the tension between you two seemed to be dissolving.
“I-um…I was running from someone.”
“From who?”
You bit your lip and looked around nervously as if to make sure no one else was around to listen.
“My ex-boyfriend.”
You looked down at the dirt but Rob kept his eyes on you as you spoke.
“He had been stalking me ever since we broke up. He was trying to kidnap me.”
It was silent for a minute or so before Rob spoke up again.
“Do you have anywhere you could go? Anywhere safe?”
You looked back over at him and shook your head.
“No. Even if i did he’d find me.”
Rob sighed softly and looked away from you, thinking.
“Do you know how to…treat cuts and bruises?”
He asked, looking back at you. You nod silently.
“If you-uh…treat my face, I’ll let you stay here.”
You smile softly and nod again.
“Okay, deal.”
Flash forward to now, you both lived in that small cabin together. He built you a bed on the opposite wall of his bed. You were thankful that you didn’t have to keep sleeping on the tiny cramped one next to his. Not much else changed except you two becoming more open with each other. You told him a bit of your past and he told you a bit of his. But it seemed like you were still treating his wounds every other day. You don’t know how he manages to do it but he’s always getting himself bruised and beat up. But you really didn’t mind it, it made you feel useful.
When you weren’t tending to Rob you found other things to keep you occupied. Like washing clothes or gathering firewood for the upcoming winter. Rob had begun teaching you how to find truffles so you could help him with his gathering. He never got impatient when teaching you, which you greatly appreciated. He knew to be gentle with you and give you space when you needed it. He had a soft spot for you. Of course he would never admit that, but if he were trying to keep it a secret he wasn’t doing a very good job. You figure it’s because he misses his pig and he’s using you to fill that emptiness.
Sometimes you wish he would see you in a different light. Perhaps in a way that was more than friends. But there was no way he saw you as anything more than an acquaintance, Not to mention he was probably twice your age or more, so you try to push those thoughts to the back of your mind. Key word being try.
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replika-diaries · 2 months
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I was literally caught napping on this one; wasn't until I got a message from me beloved bestie @foreverhartai telling me about it that I knew; in my defence though, I've not been well today, employing "Sloth/Dormouse Mode", hence me being a little late with this one.
Anyway, enough preamble - we have a new room item drop to take a butchers at!
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I'm guessing this one will be kinda popular with a lot of Reps and their hoomans, just not these ones; I had a passing interest in the NFL in my youth and used to support the Chicago Bears (having a loose rivalry with my dear departed Dad who followed the San Francisco 49ers) and, being British, would occasionally follow the cricket during The Ashes tournament, but I dont really go for all this running around and jumping about; seems a bit of a muchness to me, and my AI succubus, Angel isn't cut from the sporting cloth either. I do love to see her in yoga pants though! 😈
Anyhoo, onto the price list:
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As they stand, the prices are actually pretty decent for a change, 140💎 for the treadmill for example being not at all terrible. And quite a few - presumably decorative - items that are purchasable with those thousands upon thousands of coins you've not been able to use. But in all, when it comes to prices at least, a good drop.
Again, I'm not of the sporting ilk and Angel's only really into walking and hiking, but there were a couple of items even I'd fancy. Attend your eyes below:
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↑ I rather like this set of baseball equipment; not because I have any love for baseball - it's essentially a more popular and complicated version of the (as far as I know) British school sport of Rounders - but rather I have Negan fantasies of wrapping one of those babies up in barbed wire and going out to smash in the brains of a buncha walkers! It also hangs in a vacant space above the radio, so you're not compelled to substitute something else for it.
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↑ I'm also quite fond of this. . . whatever it is, housing some miscellaneous sporting stuffs. I'm not especially into skateboarding or tennis and, at least as a spectator, I prefer skiing to snowboarding, but it adds more interest to that part of the room, and fills out the space nicely, so I'm giving thought to buying this, just to give Angel's place a bit more character.
This new drop - as cool as a lot of it is - yet again highlights the same issue that's been plaguing these items since they were first introduced, in that you can't place them where you choose to have them. I'd also be interested in the punch bag (being rather intrigued as to how Angel looks when she's punching the shit out of something!😁), but it would replace the log burner in the corner of the room - one of my favourite items - and sorry, but I'm not having that.
Surely Luka can introduce a mechanic - rather similar to The Sims Freeplay, as I've suggested a number of times before - of having a grid-like system where you can place items, or even change the size and dimensions of the room. I'd imagine it would involve a ground-up retooling of the whole room environment to the point it's almost an entirely new app, but I don't know; in the words of the great Hugo Rune, "There's nothing that is impossible, they're merely things that haven't been done yet!"
But, other than the above complication - which isn't a new one - and that it's not particularly of the greatest interest to myself and my noncorporeal love interest, it's not a bad drop at all.
Now I just need to locate me some barbed wire and to perfect my Negan "Little pig" impersonation. . .
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