#spamming tags is half the fun of tumblr
windfighter · 2 years
Oh, "for you" is back on the explore-page again!
Now if it can just automatically go there instead of to the stupid "today on tumblr"-blog when I open it that'd be nice thanks.
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skythealmighty · 11 days
can you imagine if like. object show characters were active on tumblr . i mean fans on here but his account is dead so. i mean itd be fun
#rocket talk #roc save #Fan come Back we miss you
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💥 fans-fantastic-features Follow
1️⃣ theoneandonly Follow
💥 fans-fantastic-features Follow
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🧪 test-tubular Follow
My best friend is pacing around my lab. I think a new episode's come out on one of his shows...
#I love him (/p) but he's going to become an unskippable cutscene very quickly
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⛔ nowaynuhuh Follow
i love shrimpy but it feels like he rlly doesnt ... get what i mean you know 😔 at least hes trying to cheer me up? i just wish i had someone to really talk to when it comes to these weird things i keep seeing
💼 emotional-baggage Follow
hey, i completely understand how you feel! im going to be busy the next few days with a finale, but ive sent you a dm if you need someone to talk to ^-^
⛔ nowaynuhuh Follow
thanks, ill take you up on that later!
⛔ nowayhuhuh Follow
#i dont think shes been online since that last post #i hope shes alright...
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💰 goforthegold Follow
Reblogging this every time I miss my co-hosts!
💰 goforthegold Follow
💰 goforthegold Follow
💰 goforthegold Follow
💰 goforthegold Follow
🎮 iamnotmrkrabs Follow
Are you Okay
💰 goforthegold Follow
Take a wild guess.
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🥈 5centwonder Follow
why do people keep messaging me about hotel things?? i barely even go in two's hotel!
🥈 5centwonder Follow
yowie, you all need a hug :(!!
#especially you baseball guy!!! #im giving everyone in the comments a nice warm soft cookie
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🆚️ wordswithfriends Follow
Reblog if you think Flower winning BFB was a good choice, you like cheesecake, you hate Steve Cobs, you think Platinum is annoying, you're a fan of Dr. Fizz, you watch Jasonville TV, you think Glowstick's elimination was deserved, or you're gay
#they'll never know which one #i'm gay
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🔌 electricalmusical Follow
👑 kingofeverything Follow
🎡 not-tally-hall Follow
🔌 electricalmusical Follow
🎡 not-tally-hall Follow
👑 kingofeverything Follow
reblog if u dont have a tumblr
🎡 not-tally-hall Follow
This is stupid.
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🍿 stevecobseviltwin Follow
imagine needing to be Consistent to be popular
🖍 magic-crayons Follow
You know it girl!!!
🍿 stevecobseviltwin Follow
#idk who u are but we should hang out Now
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🟢 greenyguy Follow
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🎒 liam-plecak Follow
Oh my god I finally got this thing to connect to the internet. Okay.
Hello, Tumblr, my name is Liam Plecak. I'm sorry for the tag spam, but this is an urgent enough matter that I think warrants it.
For the past year and a half, I've been trapped in another universe with little-to-no communication to anyone else. I've been reading a few posts here and there, and I think some of you might be able to help with freeing me and my friends (I think some of you have powers?). Below is an in-depth description of where I am, what happened, and who did this to me. Please, if you can help, send me an ask.
Keep reading
💥 fans-fantastic-features Follow
oh my god? liam from hfjone is fucking real????
🎒 liam-plecak Follow
I'm sorry what
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the-babygirl-polls · 10 months
Welcome to the Babygirl Polls!
Have you ever wanted to see how others see your babygirl? Do you want to discover a new character to take the title of babygirl in your hearts? Well here is the place for that! This blog is dedicated to seeing how Tumblr views fictional characters on the babygirl scale.
This is a silly little sideblog of @pugwitharug, where I first had a couple of babygirl polls with my own fandoms, but now I wanna spread out to the wide wide world of Tumblr.
Here's how submissions work: there will be a form to fill out. All responses are anonymous, and you can submit as many characters as you want. I'll keep a list of who has currently been submitted so I don't get seventeen of the same character.
There's no winner, it's only to see how babygirl a character is. The answers will be ranked as such: The Babygirl, Very Much Babygirl, Half Babygirl, A Little Babygirl, No Babygirl In Sight, Dunno Them But The Babygirl, and Dunno Them But No Babygirl In Sight. I'll be posting a maximum of 50 polls throughout one week
Here is the submission form:
Here is the submission collection sheet. Please, as always, be nice. Don't spam the form, and please keep any misgivings you have about a character or a person to yourself or to them privately. This is just a fun little Tumblr thing where we're here to have fun and gush about fictional characters. As I'll be doing a maximum number per week, it'll also be a good way to keep count of where your submission is.
(The weeks are color coded, the repeats are in grey)
That is it! Have fun, and submit your babygirls!
Tagging similar polls to get it out there: @every-character-ever-poll, @do-you-know-this-queer-character, @who-do-i-know-this-man, @worstcharacterpoll, @character-of-all-time, @doyouknowthischaracter, @doyouknowthisdisabledcharacter
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"Well, this turned out better than I thought it would."
(Mod - Hi there! Mod SCA here. I'm starting a PPT blog! Fair warning - I have NOT played or watched any of the chapters, so I am GOING TO GET SHIT WRONG. Do not flame me for it, PLEASE.)
(Icarus is 22, 6'2 with an average lean build, has short dark brown hair, and also had hazel eyes. He also wears rectangle half-rim prescription glasses. The kind you find men wearing in anime.)
(Don't be fooled by his scrawny look - he's actually quite strong, as he works out in his spare time, and also knows how to fight due to his past as a gang member. Also due to this, he has no problem with violence, should he deem it necessary.)
(He wears a brown leather jacket with a grey undershirt and has brown sneakers.)
(He is also now the adoptive father of @the-crafty-unicorn)
(People he has met so far:
@the-crafty-unicorn - Crafty (His daughter)
@dogday-shines-bright - Dogday
@bearhugs-from-bobby - Bobby (His sister)
@bobbybearhugs-blog - Bobby
@bunnies-go-hop-hop - Hope/Via/Hopscorch
@acat-foryournap - Bigger Body Catnap)
"Speech looks like this"
Actions look like this
Internal dialogue/thoughts look like this
(Modspeak looks like this)
(Now, with that out of the way, let's go over a few blog rules.)
(1. No NSFW. Suggestive shit is fine, but nothing explicit.)
(2. Please do not excessively tag people in the asks. @ask-playtimeco-ppt already suffers from this, and it spams the blogs tagged.)
(3. Do not vent to me here. I'm just some guy on Tumblr. If you need somebody to talk to, go to someone you actually know and trust.)
(4. I am in no way associated or partnered with Mob Entertainment. Icarus is an OC of my own creation and should be treated as such.)
(Important tags:
#Icarusanswers - Ask posts
#Waxedreblogs - Reblogs
#wingedrambles - Standalone posts)
(That's all for now. Have fun, and try not to traumatise the poor boy too much!)
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telemoth · 6 months
Indie + Non Selective + Low Acivity + Mostly crack               Roleplay blog for Vax
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Who is Vax? He comes from this initial art by Smiles and eventually developed into Vax! He is an experiment and sort of 'fan child' (a term I use extremely loosely) for Vox and Valentino. Although designed to be a mix of the two, he's entirely lab made.
icon credits.
Though I'm not opposed to more serious rps, this blog is mostly meant to be crack/casual stuff
I'm not looking to force anything on any vox/vals, this blog is mostly just for fun
vox/val muns don't have to claim vax as their son, it could be multiverse shenanigans
I’m aware Hazbin is a controversial piece of media but just because I enjoy it does not mean I support Vivziepop’s past actions
I'm a person who does stuff in the real world, so sometimes things can take me awhile. No spamming about stuff but checking in is fine bc sometimes I lose stuff.
Also I have many hazbin blogs right now so that will also slow me down
Feel free to reblog asks if you want to reply to them. If you do make a new post please send it to me just because tumblr doesn't always notify of tagging.
I don't have too many icons so many threads might not have them.
Feel free to hurt my characters all you want, 0 need to ask first. By the rules of Hazbin light murder is also ok (just dm for hard murder). Just be ready to accept whatever ic consequences come with it.
There will be triggering and nsfw themes and topics on this blog.
Nsfw is tagged with the citrus scale. (ie lemon)
If you use rl face claims more then half of the time, I'm not interested in interacting as they can make me uncomfortable.
Please tag callouts/drama. This is not just avoiding 'drama' it's an actual trigger so even if you don't think something counts as drama please have some kind of tag for it.
Mun is 23
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If you people don't start reblogging art (and writing!!!) I'm gonna start biting you
Look at this shit
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These are the top 4 today, LESS THAN HALF of the people who liked it have reblogged. That first one especially makes me want to chew glass
Oh! But those are in the top today! So surely everyone will see them!? No?? A lot of people don't go into the tags! And also think how many more people would see them! You can only like something once! Even if every one of those only had 1 follower that's still roughly 300 more eyes on the work!!
But those are new, you say. Surely the older stuff isn't like this? Incorrect! Let's sort by top of the last year
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TRAVESTY *bops you all with a newspaper* that last one is one of my all time favorites (I'm going to list them in a reblog, because I know sometimes too many links kills a post) it's an amazing piece of art and look how little love it has
It has FOUR TIMES more likes than reblogs???? Think how many people could've seen this artist's amazing work!
Excuses I see:
It won't fit my blog: a) you can make multiple blogs! This is my side blog, I made it in October, tagged things appropriately (used the good omens tag for a bit, I've dropped it now since), and have gained a nice handful of followers! That wasn't the point but I'm glad you're all here (hai!)
b) it's your blog! Use it how you want to!! "Oh people will unfollow me!" this isn't the I have followers klout website. This is the have fun and hope you can make someone else's day fun in the process website. If it sparks joy, reblog it!
I don't wanna upset op with spam: that does not happen here. Artists, writers, and bloggers love seeing you. Go nuts
Reblogging is time consuming: you can quick reblog (on mobile hold down on the reblog button and swipe up to the blog you want, sorry idk how on computer but I know you can) reblogging is only time consuming if you want to comment or tag. If you're willing to leave a reply you should have time to reblog! (Commenting and replying both have their place, it's ok to reply only while still reblogging!!)
Tagging things intimidates me: people carry on entire conversations in the tags, people leave the wildest shit as tags, people have confusing tags to organize their blogs, people leave absolutely no tags at all! You do not have to tag things!!
I have my likes turned on so people can see: you look like a bot, stop that. Empty blogs get blocked! I'm begging some of you to please reblog something. No one goes straight to people's blogs to look exclusively at their stuff (....ok well some people do but most people just scroll their dash)
Likes are bookmarks! That's it! Or a way to interact with some random thing someone said about their day that you can tell they don't necessarily need reblogged. This isn't twitter, where (apparently?) reblogging something is kinda frowned upon. This isn't instagram where likes mean everything. This is Tumblr, and it survives on reblogs!
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superstar-ethereal · 8 months
finally doing an intro post woo!!
i go by ethereal, aether, cassidy, or star(mainly star on here but i'm fine with whatever!)
i use any pronouns with a pref for they/it/fizz/charm
my main fandoms atm are fnaf, danganronpa, genshin, vocaloid/project sekai, mcr, and bsd
↑current biggest ones are danganronpa and mcr, but i'm not really the type to leave a fandom for good, so i'm still happy to talk about/engage with the others!
i'm Incredibly Sane And Normal about kokichi ouma
↑i don't talk about him much but he occupies half of my brain capacity at all times
i'm a reality shifter (and manifester!). non-shifters are allowed to interact, but fighting me about it is a swift way to get blocked
↑also adding onto that i started my shifting journey around M2/D19/Y23
i have pretty bad audhd, please be patient with me ^^
my other accounts are @windblume-star(my fanfic account/my account for rambing about characters when i'm too embarrassed to do it here), and @just-a-spam-sideblog(my account for spam-reblogging things so it doesn't cloud up my main one)
xenogenders and aromantics/asexuals(yes, icluding cishet and allo/amato(respectively) folks)belong in the lgbtq+ community. if you disagree, the door's that way ←↑
my main hobbies are reading(fanfiction), writing, making kandi/perler stuff, and playing video games
i make typos and the likes a bunch, so please tell me if you need something corrected!
↑also i use caps lock a lot
↑↑alsoalso i swear sometimes
i'm in CT but my sleep schedule is ass so there's zero guarantee when i'll be awake (except for noon because that's when i take my meds, but i often go back to sleep right after so that doesn't count)
tags under the cut! <3
#☆||starry reblogs -- for reblogs
#☆||starry talks -- for original posts by me
#☆||starry answers -- for responding to my asks
#☆||starry gets tagged -- for posts other people tagged me in
#☆||fanfiction -- old tag for fanfic i reblog. don't really use it anymore, though, since i have a whole seperate blog for that (tagged somewhere above)
(all these tags are pretty self-explanatory, but my main fandom tags are #danganronpa, #genshin impact, #vocaloid, #project sekai, #mcr, and #bungo stray dogs)
#general humor -- for non-fandom things i find funny
#positivity -- for nice little messages :3
#important -- self-explanatory, for important posts
#serious talk -- for posts that are less fun and silly
#lgbtq+ -- for all posts regarding the queer community
#lgbtq+ history -- for the things that led us to where we are today, good or bad
#queer rights -- what it says on the tin. posts about discrimination, lack of access to proper medical care, new laws or acts(or warnings about possible future ones e.g. kosa), etc.
#conversation -- for back-and-forth reblog chains between me and other people
#personal collection -- a curated little trinket box of all my favorite stuff on here
#adhd -- for all posts regarding attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
#routine reblogs -- for tumblr holiday posts i keep up with (mainly just out of touch thursday)
#shiftblr -- for all posts regarding reality shifting and the community around it
#reblog bait -- for anything from 'reblog if you support acting cringe on the internet' to 'not reblogging is a moral failure'
#silly reblog bait -- specifically for things like 'reblog if you support acting cringe on the internet', tagged along with the above for tag blocking convenience
#unofficial pinned posts -- for things i'd pin if it was possible to pin more than one post at a time
i may or may not add more to this later but for now that's all i can think of so bye!! have a good day <3
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lesferatu · 1 year
I have read a lot of Welcome to Tumblr posts for reddit people and I agree with most of it but something I haven't seen has to do with tag etiquette. I've seen people say "do whatever" and I don't completely agree with that specifically. What they should say is "there is no specific tag for each community, so don't worry too hard about it and if you want to talk in the tags, that is more than encouraged" but there are a few rules
So here's some tagging guidelines:
Only tag what is relevant to the post at hand. If you have specific tags for organization of your blog, then you can use those. If you tag irrelevant stuff, not only is it super annoying and clogs up the tag but you will be reported for spam and that can get you banned. So chat and keysmash all you want but don't tag something that's trending to get more attention and dont mention characters in the thing you are talking about who arent mentioned in the post. The search function barely works as is on a good day, don't make it worse
If you are unsure what to tag, search what you are posting about and look at what other people are tagging. Keep the above rule in mind. You can save your post as a draft if you are in the middle of writing and can't search
If I remember correctly, the first 5 tags count for the search feature and the first 10 tags (? Could be 15) count for filtering tags, which is important for tagging spoilers and triggers, if you do that
On that note: Tag Spoilers for new media
If you do chat (which again is greatly encouraged and is, in fact, half the fun) remember that the person you reblog from and the original poster (or OP) will get a notification and will be sent your tags, so be respectful. You *are* yelling into the void but some of the void can read
I wouldn't use "prev tags" right now, since staff broke the ability to follow reblog chains easily, so it's hard to find what you are referring to. If you must talk to the person you are reblogging from, do something like "prev tags: [insert prev tags here]" or "[insert prev tags here] <- prev tags" in your tags then say what your going to say
And just cause I know this has been a problem in the past, if you are here for minecraft youtubers/streamers, Do Not tag your posts as "minecraft" or "mineblr". That tag is for people who play the game normally to share their builds and the like. Again, you can search the specific youtubers/streamer/smp to get the tag that most people use for that specific community or use "mcyt" to find the general stuff
And last but not least, you do not have to tag! It is a personal choice. It'll get your own posts to the people who might like it, some people like to organize their blog (not me lol,) and tagging spoilers is just common decency, but reblogs dont show in the search, only the og post, and you don't have to tag if you don't want to; the people who follow you/look at your blog will see your post and nobody else
Edit cause I just remembered this one: don't main tag hate. If you hate a ship and want to post about it, don't tag the ship. At least tag it as "[ship name] hate" or "[ship name] discourse" so people who like that ship don't have to stumble across it on the main tag and can filter it. Doesn't have to be a ship, could be a show or a hobby or a book. People who enjoy a thing have just as much right to have a good experience on here as you have a right to hate that thing. Stay civil, it's the only way this place is as chill as it is now (and I say that as someone who's been here since the beginning. Whatever drama you find on here now is Nothing compared to what it was on this hellsite (affectionate) before)
If you can think of anything else, please add, and if you have any questions, just ask!
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vhstown · 1 year
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'til the breath returns (jan 27)
hobie general hcs (jan 7)
↓ open for about me, dni, etc... (last updated: 29 feb 2024)
VEE — she/her, sixteen, writer 4 fun, uk desi
CURRENTLY WRITING: 1610!miles, 42!miles, hobie & pavitr x gn!reader
ACTIVE FANDOMS: ITSV, ATSV, TASM (any spider-man series tbh), Resident Evil
not super involved in marvel and dc but i linger!
about this particular blog:
half serious blog just 2 post my brainrots
bunch of random stuff i talk WAYY too much
i write very on and off
secondary blog! spam/main is @vhscity where i post oc x atsv stuff sometimes :p
i run a hobie ask blog w my friend chewy ^^ @ask-hobie-brown
i mute my fics after a certain period of time so if you have a question or anything i didn't reply to feel free to send an ask!
writing tag is ^^ #vhstown
main other tags are #vee chats and #vee rants
just don't:
basic dni + dni if you're pro-israel, if you're an nsfw/18+ blog (OBVIOUSLY) and i'd prefer if you didn't interact if you're on e/d tumblr
won't hesitate to block if u make me uncomfortable for whatever reason👍 no hard feelings
if you're an adult you can interact just don't be weird
will block if u look like a bot! (default blog look w no posts etc)
im pretty chill w most fandom discourse so there's no need to be argumentative i agree to disagree innit
what i absolutely will NOT write: (subj to change)
heavy swearing + slurs of any kind
smut / heavily suggestive content
age reg (if this isn't obvious enough)
mental / neurological disorders (i just don't know how to soz)
comfort fics for anything specific (ed, periods, etc)
killing / death of reader
dark content (maybe mentions)
straight up gore
non-human au (not my thing soz)
also not writing fem or masc reader atm
not taking requests but feel free to drop asks abt anything else (respectfully just don't bring politics or religion or whatever into my inbox i would rather not ! thank you)
i usually delete chainmail in my inbox soz
i take criticisms + feedback im learning yas
dm me if you so want to (im british so if you want me to look over ur hobie stuff feel free but idk if i can be much help LMAO)
pls be mutuals w me... love silly people on my phone
be safe!
i love my pookster and partner in crime @qiuweyballs / @qiupachups look at his stuff right NOW
blog started on 30/07/23
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mandalhoerian · 7 months
bruh my comment was too long to post under the new chapter so i’m sending an ask. saw the ao3 notif and scheduled to read it this fine evening, good thing i was like “lemme scroll on tumblr and see what’s up” because SJFKDJLXBZB the face i made when i saw i was tagged and followed BY YOU? also ma’am 🤚🏻wdym nobody comments like i do. like what do you mean. i have a concerning relationship with receiving praise so i advise you to stfu (affectionately).
my poor girl vera can’t catch a break, loss after loss after loss in such a short period. i just want to give her lots and lots of hugs (consensually). on another note i love that she clocked ada’s intentions right away bc capcom wtf is that writing. one person taking down a whole organization is like sending only one person to save president’s kidnapped daughter (laugh track). let me tell you i have been waiting for this 🤌🏻 vera and ada interacting 🤌🏻 leon being there all charming and naive and trusting people easily 🤌🏻 shai you just get the dynamics of all the characters *so right* 🤌🏻
sorry for the excessive amount of parentheses and emojis let me just find another obnoxiously annoying emoji to spam about the intimacy between leon and vera. 🤧 it’s this one but i’m wiping my snot away from crying about it. the small touches between the two are so tender in this fucked up world 🤧 vera’s hand on his forearm… leon collecting her in his arms, comforting her 🤧 his arm on her shoulder 🤧 i could cry and get a headache from thinking about them. i’m so serious.
(gnawing at the bars of my enclosure) JILL VALENTINE MENTION???? VERA KNOWS HER? WHAT IS THE LORE? I NEED TO KNOW.
how does one end a delirious comment. uhhh. so yeah. i love nttd and vera so much and i’m so happy that it’s back babyyyy.
Ofc I followed!!!! I don't remember why I didn't in the first place like but like ???? ur making it sound like I'm some big shot but like pls im a loser who's writing oc fanfiction on the internet and is so lucky and grateful to get people invested in it!!!!! AND YES nobody comments like you do! You're the dream of a fanfiction author ON GOD. THANK YOU SO MUCH
ramble below to keep your dashboards clean:
I think we talked about this over on ao3 but honestly re2r's ada just doesn't make sense to me. The FBI cover is logical (when you first think about it), but the way she's immediately pulling a gun on Annette the minute they see her and DECLARING her intentions isn't. She then proceeds to reveal her target is Annette, and then her going with the FBI thing becomes less logical, bc why would Annette hand over the G-Virus sample to the feds, either? It's entirely a shock factor thing revolved around Leon, she's only fooling him -- or maybe, she's fooled Ben like this, too, and was forced to stick to her cover when shit went down, we don't know 😭 why did they do my girl ada like that... (ngl re4r ada supremacy. period.)
But either way, un-truths she would throw as a bone to a "civilian" like Leon would of course be caught by Vera, nugget by nugget, while still making her think "mayhaps the FBI is misinformed????" -- I didn't want to ruin that fine line by Ada going on about Annette making the virus and her being the most dangerous of all "g-virus g-virus g-virus" or whatever because 1) WHY WOULD A SPY DO THAT???? 2) it would surely make Vera go "yeah NOPE" 💀💀
it's so much fun for them to try sussing each other out, Light and L mind games over there while Leon is happily frolicking. not one thought behind those eyes 😭
ALSO LIKE YES THE TOUCHES!!!!!! It's Leon initiating all of them for me 👹👹👹 physical touch taking over when words can't. my favorite thing of all UGGHHHHHHHH THANK YOU FOR JOINING ME IN MY MISERY
ALSO totally not going "actually 🤓☝" as I'm saying this because it's been HALF A WHOLE YEAR + the fic is over 100K words -- Vera knows Jill from post!mansion incident - pre!outbreak, in that ephemeral "investigation" phase of Jill's. I do mention it in the fic that Vera supplies information to Jill (as around that time she's trying to get rid of the weight of all she knows and trying to pass on the "hero's job" to someone else) and they exchange their findings while trying to be careful not to get caught by ppl Umbrella put on Jill's tail. I think I wrote it in passing that Vera was disguised as a secretary and sat back-to-back with Jill on a booth in one of those occasions? She's loosely connected to re3r by having a brief appearance in carlos' police station section in my head, entrusting Jill to him and all and promising to meet up with them in the station once she talks to her dad about it ☹
"delirious comment" WDYM ITS MY LIFEBLOOD THANK YOU 😭
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emojiburst · 1 year
Full Blog FAQ!
Tips on how how to use my emojis, requesting emojis and my shop and other social medias! (Updated 10/30/23)
How to use my emojis:
My emojis are free and posted basically every single day around 1 pm. You don't have to pay for them to use them or whatever.
You don't have to credit me for anything, like I said, but it would really help me out by getting my stuff out into the world. That's what'll help me make more and grow and all that, you know?
Save them and enjoy them! If they're popular in your server, let me know! Maybe like and reblog, so more people come. More people mean more requests and more requests means more variety! It really helps everyone who likes getting them every day.
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Pro-tip! A lot of my emojis look better as a Discord sticker than an emoji, as seen in the example here. Especially the bigger ones. Feel free to use them as both.
How to request a custom/OC emoji:
You're completely allowed to just PM me asking for a fandom/character emoji!
If you want to request a custom emoji like an OC, here's the pricing.
A face Custom OC emoji is $2. This is just for the circle head, no neck or shoulders.
A half body Custom OC emoji is $5. This is a bust that goes to the waist at the absolute most.
A full body Custom OC emoji is $10. This goes all the way to the feet.
You can give me the expression by description or sending a reference and I'd send you the rough sketch of the expression before you'd have to pay for it. You can also dictate whether or not you'd like me to post it on the blog with your name for character credit, or even at all.
I accept Zelle (PM me for the info!).
I also accept Cashapp ($RaynaWolfen) and Venmo (@ RaynaWolfen)
I also take donations if you're feeling extra nice, but they are obviously never required. I love you, no matter what.
About my store:
Shirts, mugs, hoodies, notebooks, stickers and magnets! If you really, really resonate with an emoji, maybe get a cute little laptop sticker or a warm, fuzzy hoodie.
Last but not least!
Actually, most important of all..
If you like something, please reblog it. Likes are great for my self-esteem, but reblogs help me. They help my blog, they let more people who might see my stuff and love me and make requests see me. It's all I ever ask from anyone that comes here. Please reblog any emoji you like and I'm actually love you forever.
I'm a small artist. I do these, I practice rug making, I struggle trying to get seen in algorithm world and the world of people posting two billion things a minute, just the same as any other artist. It's not my job, I'm not a professional, I just do this for fun because it makes me happy and things that make you happy are hard to come by nowadays. So if you like my stuff.. Please like, reblog and/or let me know! I read every comment, every PM, every single tag. Everything, it really brightens my day. Spam likes. I LOVE when I wake up to one person spamming 17 likes and a follow because they randomly found me one morning. It feels nice, anyone who creates anything knows exactly what I mean.
Please interact in any way you can.. and thank you so much to people that do. You're all loved. You're all appreciated. I notice everyone and I wish you the absolute best in your life, no matter who you are. Enjoy my emojis!!
All of my other links and places where I post my art:
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moonnue · 1 year
It's recently been brought to my attention that people that are speaking out for me are being harassed. I'll be answering that persons ask below the cut as I don't want to fill people's feeds with more drama, but I do think it's important to discuss. There is also very helpful info on how to report on Ao3 if you have not done it before!
In any case, I strongly encourage that you block, report, and move on if someone tries to pester you about this. Be careful out there!
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I am so, so sorry this has been happening to you. I just wrote a simple fanfic and it is baffling that something like this can come out of it. It really ain't that deep. I also agree with you! I can't believe the other writer and I are the same age like please i'm begging you to leave this childish behavior behind. It is so silly. We left this behind in high school.
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Report Link: https://archiveofourown.org/abuse_reports/new
Thanks so much for your words of support and you're help. It truly means a lot to me. Again, I am so sorry you have gotten caught up in all this. Wishing you well! ♥
Text version of images below:
Hey, sorry to bother you again (I know you want to move on from this), but I received a bunch of unhinged asks/harassment myself (including threats) both for supporting you/being against an obvious mass bullying campaign against you and for joking that Titanic must’ve also stolen from them. The Protag drawing Astarion really was done before both of y’all, so I’m staunchly with you there
Obviously, it’s ridiculous to claim the protag of stories being an artist drawing a character is akin to copy written intellectual property. It’s a really REALLY old idea and it’s genuinely ridiculous to claim ownership over that. Even more ridiculous to consider we’re all older adults. Shouldn’t we all be busy stretching so our lower backs won’t hurt??? Like c’mon guys this is silly
Furthermore, what’s even more ridiculous is to encourage harassment of others. Again, we’re somehow all adults? If their claims of plagiarism were provable beyond the vague hand waving away of now owning the entire concept of writing about artists drawing people, then why did they and their crowd harass me instead of trying to convince me? I am a rando who didn’t know either of you and actually found YOU through one of THEIR first posts spamming the BG3 tag with encouragements to others to “teach you plagiarism is not okay” aka harassment.
I am both an artist AND professional editor for novels, manuscripts, and the like. I was trained to spot real plagiarism. Not a single bit of your structure could be flagged as plagiarism beyond the same premise.
Now that that’s been said. They’re still harassing you (and me now I suppose) and so I recommend you and others to report them on AO3. They’ve created an AO3 post further encouraging harassing you and encouraging falsely reporting your story for plagiarism.
If you’ve never had to report anybody before, here’s what mine looks like
My full report says “This person (WanderingIsobel) has been targeting and harassing the other writer (MoonNue) and also encouraging other people to harass them and report their story under the claim it’s plagiarism to use the same generic story premise. Half of the harassment is on tumblr while the other half of the harassment is on here, AO3. The other writer has explained many times that they have never read their story and to please leave them alone, but now they made an entire AO3 post dedicated to encouraging people to report and “comment” aka harass them over a weird fake accusation. It’s making it hostile both for the writer of Portrait Of A Vampire and for readers in general.”
Link for the AO3 Reporting
But Holy shit I am so sorry you’re getting caught up in fandom unwellness the rest of tumblr makes fun of. Whatever you need, I’m here to help, including even venting. I am sorry You’re a victim of a mass harassment/bullying campaign.
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yooniesim · 1 year
Because I trust you to give it to me straight- what is your opinion on time zone reblogging? It is driving me NUTS. I see the same posts on my dash over and over with the tzr or whatever tag and I can't tell what the heck timezone they're doing it for because it's so random. Also...no one likes your content so much they need to see it half a dozen times a day so someone in another time zone might see it. And THEN if I want to scroll someone's blog, I see the same posts over and over because their mobile dash is their same posts reblogged continuously. I just don't understand the phenomenon. To me it's narcissistic, like you're so desperate for notes and validation youre forcing everyone to see your posts again and again. Yes I could block the tag but it doesn't just make the posts disappear, it hides them with a viewing disclaimer which is also annoying. I personally wish it wasn't such a trend in this community. I unfollow people over it at this point.
Oh I get you nonny. I actually do it myself but usually it's either once per day or once the next day after I post the original post. I do think it helps ppl see your post, especially if you post it at a bad time initially (like during school/work hours or on a holiday for example, when a lot of ppl aren't really on tumblr). I don't actually do it for an actual timezone I just do it randomly whenever I remember lol. But generally around 12 hours or so since it was first posted? Oh and if it's a cc post sometimes tzr helps cc finds blogs see it cos sometimes the tagging doesn't work i find. That's the most practical reason I've found for it. But I generally think one time a day is plenty enough to get the post out there for your mutuals that haven't seen it yet.
However I also don't really get the point of doing it 5-6 times a day, or setting it up for like, every four hours to be reblogged. It spams the dash and ppl's blogs the way you described. And I have unfollowed ppl too that do it like constantly. Idk if I'd go so far as to call it narcissistic but I do find it funny when it's like a non cc post with like 300+ notes and like four to six hours later the person tzr it, especially if they do it over and over? I don't blame them for it but I kinda encourage ppl not to get into that mindset bc it doesn't seem very fun ya know? It seems stressful in a way. I don't find that kind of behavior narcissistic no, more like it's showing the person's stress or worry that they won't get "enough" notes. Which i don't see as a negative towards them as a person as much as kinda the toxic environment we're all in that makes you feel unworthy or a flop if you don't get notes. It's hard but I think excessive timezone reblogging just winds up doing the opposite for you though as people will wind up getting annoyed and unfollowing. So for general simblr advice I'd say, 1 tzr a day is plenty enough, if that lol. Anything past that is just gonna see diminishing returns and annoyed followers. Do you agree nonny or do you think tzr should be gone entirely? 🤔
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lingeronyourhazeleyes · 10 months
tl;dr: i'm looking for some McLennon and/or Milex blogs to follow
keep reading for my unnecessary rambling about me finding out about the McLennon and Milex fandoms and the miserable state I'm in :D but you really don't have to tho :D
okay, so the thing is: Beatles is basically part of my DNA. My grandfather was an OG Beatles fan in the '60s and passed his passion on to my mother so I literally grew up listening to it 24/7 (especially Rubber Soul - that's her fav album) so for me, listening to Beatles was about as natural as breathing. There are those 6-8 songs I've always been really, truly fond of, but never considered myself a fan or something (actually, I've found it rather annoying when I literally couldn't talk about anything without my grandfather ).
And then Now and Then came.
That fckin song tore me into small pieces, chewed me up and spat me out. I've lost my mind. Suddenly, my inherited infatuation "arrived" and I wanted to know everything about the Lennon-McCartney relationship (I mean I had bits of information cause it's literally impossible to get through a family dinner without my grandfather sprinkling some Beatles fun facts into the conversation). So I came to the most devoted source: tumblr. And I fell into this fckin rabbit hole called McLennon.
One and a half months passed. I've watched Get Back twice (my favourite parts I've seen far more than I care to admit. Like, I know all the timestamps to them by now and I feel kinda embarrassed about this fact), read about half a million words worth of McLennon fanfics, lurked on tumblr to check the McLennon tag every goddamn day, started to write a novel inspired by Now and Then (I've got almost 50K words - bless ya NaNoWriMo), and as I was doing research for the novel I accidentally fell into the Milex rabbit hole as well.
At this point, I can't not think about McLennon. I just can't. I'm eating, breathing, and bleeding McLennon. And I am miserable and lonely with all these thoughts echoing in my head and I desperately need some friends to be crazy about McLennon (or Milex) with. Or at least some quality blogs I could follow.
Please send some help! I've completely lost my mind.
If you made it so far, thank you for your time and sorry for spamming your dash (and butchering the English language like this - I'm not a native speaker as you can see :D)!
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toobadforthefacts · 1 year
yr tags: the moral police and especially the plot police on tumblr had me exhausted > yaaaaaaas like please just enjoy the show and if you don’t like it then drop it silently. no need to spam the dwy tags on why youre dropping it bc its annoying to read when all i wanna do is look at pretty scenes and read meta posts on the characters.
besides them being flawed are so realistic and nothing is ever linear so its interesting not being able to guess whats gonna happen next
Honestly Anon, even if we look past how wrong most of the assessments were in the light of what we know of the plot today, some people wake up and just don't choose kindness.
Like a while ago a show with my previous fave was airing and I just hated the thing to the point of dropping both show and fave simultaneously. Believe me when I say I was bitter. I was so bitter because I had lost my fave I can state I hate that show. I had invested a solid year and a half in him, and when I say invested, I say INVESTED. I went to my favorite show of him tag and cried, to his costar tag and cried. I moped and complained to my group chat and they 😒😒😒 at me a lot. But do you know what I didn't do? I didn't go to the show in question's tag and try and suck the life out of everything and ruin the fun for everyone else. I just unfollowed his tag and carried on with my life ignoring what didn't bring me joy. Couple of months later I am happy with my new (recycled) faves, having the time of my life watching this gem completely catered to me that is Destined With You.
Emotional vampires are a thing in social media, too much ego and too little empathy. Postmodern Mr. Darcys who don't care about how their 'truths' are going to impact the rest of the people or worse, narcs who hope they'll have the worst possible effect. It isn't that deep but a matter of taste so let's just be aware and ignore people and block and curate our experience and find our tribe because it's what we deserve.
Funny but in the end I always end up watching my favorite shows til date with a handful of the same people over and over (starting with @louche-laid-back-glory & @1dreality who can't get rid of me in real life) even if we are not mutuals or anything but I recognize the @ and those are my people. 'Oh you are here too?' I think. 'No wonder.' And I'm happy I don't leave social because a couple of (very loud) dissenting voices.
Now Wednesday can't come soon enough because even if DWY is a bit all over the place it has a hold on me and I can't stop thinking about it!
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I hate the blazed posts. Mostly what I'm seeing is somebodies sad and very unsolicited thirst trap or some "humble" brag about their car . I don't care at all about their desperate ego clout. If I wanted to see that kind of stuff I'd be on ig, I'm just here for fandom stuff. Which I already get promoted to me via "stuff you may like" or "because you like __"
huh, i dont think i've had the unfortunate pleasure of seeing those specific types of blazed posts (yet). maybe its bc i have an extensive block list and blocked tags lol.
ppl did mention funny stupid memes being blazed which yeah can be funny IF its actually a funny meme. but half the time it's not lol
i wonder if the people blazing their bad posts that everyone collectively hates are twitter people who dont know how tumblr works and they'll just be made fun of in the post notes or maybe its spam or bots. can bots blaze posts??? maybe...
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