#spaniel towel
pawsitivevibe · 1 year
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Post-bath snuggling is very important.
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wetterroomba · 1 year
Half the people I know think I'm doing too much, the other half keep getting on my ass for not doing enough, I've got a burning pain through the left side of my body, I had one of the most viscerally distressing nightmares I've had in while last night and you know what I get to do later? More things for other people and hopefully I'll have the energy to take care of myself after.
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
Ohh well hello there bestie ✌️ My request for you is…
Will Ransome having to visit London and attend a party where he meets Reader and they share a dance (and maybe more 😏).
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Hearts Aflame
Will Ransome x fem!Reader
Summary: Will gets invited to London for the engagment party of a very good friend. What happens when he meets you again after ten long years?
Warnings: thirst, suggestive smut, mentions of alcohol, age gap, fluff?
Word Count: 3,8k
a/n: It was so much fun to write for Will again. I hope you are going to like this, bestie! 🫡 Thanks for the request! 💖
Tags: @lady-rose-moon @muddyorbsblr @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @jennyggggrrr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @evelyn-kingsley @vanilla-daydreaming @loz-3 @fictive-sl0th @lovingchoices14 @lokidbadguy @icytrickster17 @lulubelle814 @mandywholock1980 @november-rayne @chantsdemarins @simping-for-marvel @lou12346789 @lokiforever @multifandom-worlds @hisredheadedgoddess28 @vbecker10 @jaidenhawke @km-ffluv @crimson25 @cakesandtom @buttercupcookies-blog @salvinaa @javagirl328 @dustychinchilla74 @frzntrx @coldnique
Masterlist °☆• Hiddles Masterlist
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It was a rather cold autumn day in Aldwinter. Dark rain clouds hung all over the sky; ready to let the rain pour, causing Will Ransome - vicar of the cosy, little village to make bigger steps towards his home. He had taken the dog on a walk and was now fleeting from a threatening downpour, looming in the sky. The vicar's chocolate brown Cocker Spaniel had to run, in order to keep up with his master's big steps.
"Come on, Pup, come on. I don't want to get wet - and you neither. I know you."
But unfortunately, the weather didn't show mercy on them. It literally started to rain pitchforks, when the duo was only a few minutes away from their home. Hence, Will was already able to see it in distance. Nevertheless, it didn't help. Just like the running. When they reached the small house, dog and owner were soaked to the skin; clothes and fur literally dripping.
As fast as somehow possible, Will unlocked the door to let himself and Pup in. The moment the wooden door fell into its hinges, the vicar threw his coat on the coat hook to dry and immediately hurried to get a towel, before Pup could- Too late. Will was sprinting down the stairs; towel in hands as he witnessed how the dog shook off the water, causing the droplets to land everywhere. Will sighed in defeat, shook his head and made his way over towards the Cocker Spaniel. "You couldn't wait for another second, could you?" Pup just huffed and looked at him apologetically. "You are a bad boy sometimes, but I love you nonetheless, you fluffy little creature."
After rubbing the Cocker Spaniel's fur completely dry with the towel and also cleaning up the water on the floor, Will went upstairs to the bathroom, in order to get dry himself.
He unbuttoned his wet shirt first, then slid the suspenders off his shoulders, so that he could take off the usually puffy garment as well; leaving his torso bare. After getting rid of his brown trousers as well, he went to rub his long, blonde-brown curls dry, just like his whole body. Once that was done, he slipped in fresh clothes and decided to head back downstairs, where his faithful dog waited for him - with a piece of paper in his mouth?
Will frowned and squatted down; "What do you have here, buddy?" and took it from Pup's mouth. It was a letter - like the vicar recognised. A letter from someone he hadn't heard of in a long time... An old friend from London. Henry Carter. They used to be best friends; even went to school together. Will spent the most of his youth with him. But someday their ways parted, when Henry decided to become a lawyer and Will a man of God.
With a smile and full of anticipation, the vicar sat down on his little sofa and opened the letter.
Greetings, my old friend!
I sincerely hope that you do remember me. After all, it's been quite a few years since the last time we saw each other. Just know that I never forgot you - and with this letter, I would like to invite you to my engagement party. Yes, you read that right, my friend. I found a lovely, wonderful woman, who is very eager to meet you. So, if you have the time, my fiancee and I would be overjoyed to welcome you in London next Saturday.
I hope to see you soon,
Henry Carter
Will's smile widened, as he put the letter back inside the envelope. Oh he'd certainly go to London next weekend.
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A week later, the vicar's feet touched, indeed, London ground again - since years. He didn't want to admit it, but it felt good to leave Aldwinter for a while. Even if it was just two days. It was a break he didn't know he needed.
At the train station, he was already awaited. By a man Will only knew too well - and a strange woman who stood beside him. The man smiled brightly as soon as he recognised the vicar and met him on the way.
"Will?" Henry asked; quite a bit surprised. Will smiled and started to nod as well. "Hello, old friend." A breathless laugh left the lawyer's lips, before he went to hug his school friend; clapping him on the shoulder. William returned the gesture, of course; was just as happy.
"You've changed, Will!" Henry stated, after paying his appearance a closer look. "I did?" "Yes! Look at you! You've grown! You were always tall, but never that... muscly... Even got a beard now! And your hair is way longer than in my memories." Will chuckled at his friend's assessments. "Well, I suppose I have... But you, my friend, you didn't change at all!" That caused the man to chuckle along Will, before they both went silent for a moment.
"It's so great to have you here and see you again. There've been times where I thought I'd probably never see you again, but here you are..." "That thought crossed my mind a few times, too, my friend. I wanted to write you a letter and somehow contact you, but I didn't know where you lived now. Still with your parents? Perhaps not even in London anymore... I didn't know."
Henry placed a hand on Will's shoulder. "You couldn't. I stayed at my parents for another year, but then... Then I met her." The lawyer turned and looked at the woman, who still stood a few meters away from the reunited friends; smiling softly. "Come on, I want you to meet Eva." The men smiled at each other, before they both made their way over to said woman.
"Eva, darling... Let me finally introduce you to Mr. William Ransome." Henry gestured at Will, "Will... This is my beautiful fiancee Eva." then at Eva. Will smiled and stretched out his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Eva." She took his hand and allowed the vicar to bestow a decent kiss on the skin of her hand - a gentleman to the core. "The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Ransome." "Will... Please call me Will."
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The remaining afternoon was spent with Henry and Eva showing Will around in their quite big house, letting the vicar unpack his things and teatime, of course. A lot of conversations were shared. When the wedding is, how the couple met and so on. For Will, it was about getting to know the woman his dear friend married - just like it was for Eva to get to know her future husband's friend.
In the evening, after dinner, Will and Henry decided to go to a local bar, in order to celebrate their reunion. Despite that, they still had quite some catching up to do.
Now they were seated in the bar; both with a glass of beer in hands. "So... Tell me, friend... How is Aldwinter?" Will smiled. "Well... It's a small, cosy village. The people are great. I love to live there and being a vicar. I came to think that this was what Aldwinter needed... A vicar. The people trust me and I appreciate that a lot." Henry nodded and smiled as well, "That's great to hear, honestly." before he took a sip of his beer.
"Do you have a own house or do you live in the church?" "It's 'just' a chapel and too small to live in. I have a own little house. You can come visit sometime. You and Eva of course, if you'd like to." "Sure, why not. We'd love to." Henry paused for a moment; let Will drink some of his beer as well, before he fired the next question at him.
"A little house... And you live there... alone?" Will noticed immediately what Henry was insisting. It wasn't quite subtle. The vicar looked down; fingers nervously tapped against the glass of beer. "Yes, I... I live there alone - with my little dog, Pup."
Opposite him, Henry raised an eyebrow - unbeknownst to Will. "No woman?" His friend shook his head. "N-No." The lawyer copied his gesture. "How is that possible, William? When I think back to our youth - our time in school, almost every lady had laid her eyes upon you. They would've all wanted you. You can't tell me that this has changed." He stated; drinking again.
Will shrugged his shoulders; gaze lifting again. "I really don't know, Henry, I... I just haven't found the right woman yet. But I trust in god to send her my way when the time comes." Henry reached over to clap his friend on the shoulder. "Well, I trust in that too, then. Just know that you are not getting younger. It's time for you settle down, you know..." "I do know, yes..."
Silence spread between the two man; both of them thinking about the exchanged words for a moment. A small laugh left Henry's lips then. "I can't quite believe I reached this milestone before you." Will couldn't help but to chuckle as well. "Me neither, honestly."
The two friends continued to talk about anything and everything, until one specific topic suddenly came up... You.
"Who else did you have invited for the celebration who I might know?" Will asked with a smile. "Other old school friends?" Henry shook his head. "No, I didn't. Apologies. My parents would've loved to come, but they said they're feeling too old for such a party. I accepted their wish to not attend." He paused; took a sip of his beer. "I think the only other person you know is my little sister, Y/N. Do you remember her?"
Will's eyes widened at the mention of your name. Of course, he remembered you! He had seen you often back when he was younger and hanging out with Henry. Will always thought of you as Henry's sweet, little sister - since you had been still a child. Well... A very young woman, to say it right. The vicar quickly calculated in his head. He was about twenty-two that time. Henry was just as old and you... You were fourteen, which means that you were now... twenty-four. A grown woman.
"Yes, yes, of course I remember her. She was still very young back then." Henry nodded with a chuckle. "She was, indeed... But not anymore. She has grown, my friend. She's not that sweet, innocent girl anymore... Y/N's a woman now. You're not going to believe your eyes when you see her again. I bet you won't even recognize her." Will smiled; drank the last sip of his beer. "That is most likely going to happen. After all, it's been ten years..."
Henry should be proven right...
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A sigh left your lips, as you grabbed another glass of champagne, before you hid yourself in one of the corners; exchanging several more fake smiles on your way there.
You were bored. Utterly bored.
It wasn't like you didn't want to be here, at your big brother's engagement party, no, but the problem was that you knew everybody here and had talked at least twice to all the people. Too many familiar faces - and the most of them not your age.
You barely finished to think that thought, when your eyes suddenly spotted a strange man in the crowd. You narrowed your eyes; gaze sticking on him as he got greeted by your brother. He was tall. Way taller than Henry. His hair was long and curly; coloured in blonde-brown. His cheekbones were high and sharp - like you could tell. A soft scruff was covering his cheeks and chin, and you could swear that he had blue eyes. You bit your lip. That guy probably was the most handsome man you had ever seen.
Now you were intrigued. Henry owed you some explanations. From where did he know that tuxedo clad gentleman?
As if Henry heard your thoughts, you could see him making his way over to you - and he seemed to be very excited. You could tell.
"Y/N!" He called out your name in a cheery voice. "Y/N, you have to see someone!" Henry grabbed both your hands; smiling brightly. You lifted an eyebrow, "Is it your mysterious new friend you kept from me?" and nodded towards the man, who was currently talking to Eva.
Henry followed your gaze - and started to laugh. "He's not my mysterious new friend I kept from you. In fact, you know him. Very well might I add." You frowned; were quite a bit confused now. Sure, you thought he looked somehow familiar, but played it off as a coincidence. Now, after your brother's words, though... But from where could you know- "Do you remember my childhood friend Will? William Ransome? Well..."
Your eyes widened the moment those words left your brother's lips and for a short moment, you felt like fainting, as your heart rate sped up. "You are fooling me, brother! This is Will?!" Henry laughed once more; nodding. "I kid you not, sister." He turned around to Will, shouting: "Hey, Will! Would you come over, please?"
Will's head turned with a smile, and before he walked over to join you and your brother, he  politely ended the conversation he had with Eva.
Your heart threatened to burst inside of your chest, as you watched the tall man stepping closer - and when he spoke your name, everything froze in time around you. "Y/N..." His voice sounded exactly like you remembered it. Deep, yet smooth like velvet. Being the gentleman he was, the vicar stretched out his palm for you to take. Wordlessly, you complied; placed your hand in his and letting him brush a soft kiss on your knuckles. Your knees almost buckled.
"It's has been such a long time, I... I don't know what to say! It is a pleasure to see you again." Will's gaze met yours, causing you to get lost in his eyes; drowning helplessly in those oceanic blues. Up close, he was even more handsome. What an attractive man he had become... You definitely needed a moment to recover.
"I find myself being just as stunned, Will. It is great to see you as well. After all, it has been over ten years!"
Henry left you and Will alone to talk then; having other guests to tend to as well. And while you talked about how your life had been in all those past years, Will wasn't able to tear his gaze apart from you...
You've aged - but in the best way possible. Henry had been right. You weren't the young girl anymore he used to know. You had grown into the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
Countless conversations and another glass of champagne later, Will had asked you to dance with him and how could you say no to that? How could you deny him this wish? You gladly accepted; feeling all the old feelings you had harboured for this man in your youth reappear. Everything you thought you had buried deep within you re-emerged; causing your heart to beat faster whenever he looked at you. It was like not even a day had passed since you last saw the vicar. Like the time had just stopped for the both of you. There was a tension between you and Will. A sizzle. A spark; ready to burst into flames at any moment. It was thrilling. Exciting. And yet also a bit intimidating.
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It was already late at night, when you decided to bid your goodbye and leave. Will, being the gentleman he was, offered to accompany you home - something Henry was very grateful for. A young lady walking home alone in the dead of the night through the streets of London? Unacceptable.
In what Henry and probably also Will saw a kind favour, you saw a chance. Perhaps the only chance you'd get before life ripped Will out of your sight once more...
"There we are..." You announced; stopping in front of a tall, slightly decayed brick house. The dim street lamps didn't provide enough light to illuminate the whole street, but enough that you were able to make out the handsome features of the man standing in front of you in his black tuxedo.
"That is the house you are living in?" You nodded with a smile. "Yes, it is." Will shook his head, as a soft chuckle rumbled through his chest. "It's so much bigger than the little cottage I live in." You had to giggle as well. "Well... London isn't Aldwinter, Mr. Ransome - and besides, I don't live alone in here. There are several apartments." Will's cheeks reddened slightly. You could tell. "Right, of course. Apologies." You just smiled at him, before an unpleasant silence spread over the both of you. The tension was still there. Just like the spark; setting almost the night air aflame. You better make a move now or let him walk out of your life once more - perhaps for all times, a voice in your mind whispered; urging you on. Probably it was your heart speaking to you.
You took a step back and leaned against the wooden main door; crossing your arms behind your back.
Will noticed the shift in your demeanour immediately; gaze stuck on your face for a long moment, before he literally forced himself to look away.
"Y/N... Don't..." His words were nothing more than a whisper.
"Whatever do you mean?" You retorted; innocence swinging within your voice.
Will shook his head softly. "Don't look at me like that. Please, don't give me those eyes." You bit your lip; releasing a hand from behind your back to slowly place it on the vicar's chest. "Why?" You breathed; toying with the buttons of his pristine white shirt.
Will swallowed hard. "Be-Because it's wrong. We... We shouldn't do..." Before he could finish his sentence, you had pulled him towards you; his feet following your command. His words died in his throat, when he watched your soft, plump lips inching closer to his - until the contact was inevitable. Your warm lips caught his in a hesitant - almost shy kiss.
Unfortunately, it ended way too soon, as you pulled back after a mere few seconds; leaving him aching for more. Will didn't even notice how he was chasing after your lips in a desperate attempt to keep them locked to his. And nevertheless, his mind was still trying to talk sense into him. "... do this." He ended the sentence in which you had interrupted him oh so rudely.
You could hear how hard he swallowed. "We... We shouldn't, Y/N." Will reasoned; gently taking your hand in his bigger one. You watched his palm swallow yours whole, as he moved your hand away from his chest. The moment he dropped your hand caused a cold shiver to run down your spine; followed by an aching pain. You didn't want to loose his touch. Ever again.
You shook your head; hand hovering over his chest once more. "Why, William?" The vicar took a deep breath. "You... You are the little sister of my best friend and-" "And?" "And you are so much younger than I am. You're a precious flower; not meant for me. I... I don't want to ruin you."
"What if I want you to ruin me?"
Your feelings and desire for the older man opposite you spoke faster than your brain was able to react.
Will blinked; clearly couldn't believe your words. "W-What?"
"Will... You were the first boy I fell in love with; ten years back. At first I thought it was foolish and youthful behaviour of my body, but then... Then you'd come around to spend time with my brother and... And I knew it wasn't. I had fallen head over heels for the best friend of Henry. Of course, I was way too shy and young to tell you. It was my secret." Will's eyes had widened; oceanic blues looking at you. Stunned.
"When you left, I buried my feelings for you. I thought they would stay buried, but when I saw you again, today... You already ruined me for every other man to come, Will." Shock and disbelief was written all over the vicar's face. He hadn't expected this to happen. Not at all. He didn't know. How could he?
"I have always wanted you." Those words were again merely above a whisper, but they urged to his ears nevertheless. Again, you let your palm rest on his chest; feeling his heart beat rapidly against his chest. Will gasped at the combination of your words and touch. He still couldn't quite believe it - and the rational part of his brain still tried to appeal to his conscience.
"Y/N, it..." He started to shake his head once more. "It wouldn't have been right. You were not even fifteen! It would've been wrong! For us to love each other and for me to take such a young woman's innocence!" Will inhaled deeply; running a hand through his hair. "By god, I... I was twenty-two! Don't you see how wrong it was?! How wrong it still is?!"
You honestly didn't understand what his problem was. It may have been wrong ten years back, but now?
"That may be right, Will, but..." You let your hand linger on his left pec for a moment, before you let your palm travel lower. And lower. And lower. Will's oceanic blue eyes followed your every move; widening when your hand settled on the zipper of his black trousers. "... you can take it now. I'm not a young girl anymore. I am a grown woman. Please... Don't deny me."
Your words send a shiver down Will's spine. A warm - almost hot shiver. The ends of his nerves sizzled and he could clearly feel the arousal start to grow within the pit of his stomach. Especially when he looked at your lust blown eyes; sparkling underneath the dim light under the street lamp.
Then you undid the zipper - and he felt a throb; something undeniably twitching alive. How... How in the Lord's name was he supposed to resist this temptation?
The answer to this question was found quickly... "Please, Will... Please..." You almost whispered; eyes full of desire, love - and want.
He couldn't.
Shaking hands reached for hips; pulling you swiftly closer. You stumbled against his chest - and before you knew what was happening, you felt Will's lips upon yours. This kiss was anything but innocent. It was fierce, passionate, demanding.
Somehow, you managed to open the main door and together you stumbled inside the house; lips - and hearts intertwined.
The world around the vicar stopped to spin when you sank together in the deepest oceans of pleasure. All he could feel was you.
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doomspaniels · 1 month
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A thefting! A thefting! I had a really nasty migraine last week. The Spaniels were mostly understanding, but Gwyn did bring me five towels. For some reason we were really focusing on terrycloth this week, I guess 😄
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seabeck · 3 months
Has to give Juniper a bath yesterday because she rolled in something gross. Actually only the second bath I’ve ever given her. She’s a self cleaning bog dog. I can’t believe how fast her fur dried though even before toweling her off. Springer spaniels lol.
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Pamper Night (George Russell)
Little Russel has been tiring their mom out and they're not even born yet
Note: english is not my first language, here is some George content that I hope you like 🤍
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm not taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so but know that I'm not certain when I'll be able to tend to them!
Tw: pregnancy
"Text me when you get there okay?", you said after George gave you one last hug, "Of course darling, anything you need call Cara or myself, okay?", he said as he bid goodbye, his car leaving the house so he could join the team for race weekend.
Getting inside with Maya, the cocker spaniel you and George got after four years of dating, she followed you to the kitchen, the constant pregnancy hunger definitely a thing nowadays, "so, baby Russell, tell me, are we feeling some puddding or some savoury pastry?", you spoke outloud, Maya wiggling her tail at the prospect of you letting something fall on the floor before you settled on the pudding, grabbing one of the cocker spaniel's treats and giving it to her before washing your hands and grabbing a spoon, eating the sweet food before heading to the bedroom, needing to get ready for the evenig plans of sitting on your bed and watching a comedy show rerun while you waited to hear from your husband once he arrived safely at his hotel. You got the message 4 hours later, a picture of his face with a goodnight wish, leaving you with a bit smile on your face. Despite missing him dearly when you couldn't be at his races, he was doing his dream job and you couldn't be prouder of him.
You were watching the qualifying laps, the numbers on the TV screen seeming quite good for George, the odds pointing to a start within the first 5 grid places, and given the track and how the car had been performing, it was as incredible result. It wasn't long before Maya needed to go outside ao you got up and opened the door for her, watching her run around for a bit before getting back inside, following you like the little shadow she was. You were in the middle of a shower when you heard your phone ring, washing the rest of the soap suds from your body before getting out, wrapping your hair and body in towells as you made your way into the bedroom, seeing that George had tried to FaceTime you so, placing your phone on top of the chest of drawers, you were putting on your undies while it rang your husband, "Why am I looking at our ceiling, darling?", you heard his chucke through the phone speaker when you noticed the phone had slid down, instead of showing you it was showing him the white ceiling instead, "sorry, I was just having a shower and apparently our furniture is slippery", you giggled, finding a small face towell to create grip so that your phone would stay upright, "Congratulations on P3, my love, we're very proud of you!", you said as you grabbed your body cream, starting to rub it on damp skin like it instructed too while you heard your husband talk about his laps, "we were so sure we would have trouble with the turns but it turns out that the car is doing far better than we expected, which leaves us hopeful for tomorrow's race", he said, a smile etched on his lips when he noticed you bringing your hands to your bump. Your pregnancy was very much wanted between you and George, and he loved it even more when he started noticing the bump grow, an actual visual and touchable sign that you were growing his baby in your tummy, the sight never failed to make him smile and thank his lucky stars, "That's good, you guys deserve it with all the work you've put in", you said, noticing his attention was on your middle section, "Little one has been moving a lot today", you commented as you tapped above your belly button, "yeah? Are they excited for daddy possibly getting a podium tomorrow?", George asked on the other end of the line, "Oh, they know daddy is getting P1 tomorrow".
Texting your husband congratulations after his race win, knowing he still had media duties and meeting to attend, you made your way to the kitchen so you could grab some snacks while you watched the post race interviews on TV, getting a quick text from your husband saying he was boarding the plane and he would be home after dinner time thanks to the race location.
George parked the car on the garage, having noticed the dim lighting from the living room window when he entered the property, grabbing his bags and leaving them at the entrance where he was greeted by an enthusiastic Maya, "Hello Maya, how was your weekend? Did you have fun without me?", he said as he layed on her back, asking for some more belly scratches, George giving them to her before he thought it was odd that you had yet to join them. Your waddling wasn't that slow when he left and it suddenly didn't get slower over four days. Urging Maya to follow him into the living room, he was greeted with a picture worthy moment as you were lying on your side, one arm by your side on the sofa while the other cradled your Mercedes team t-shirt cladded bump, a sudden movement you made making it rise from your thigh and revealing you were wearing one of George's boxers. Taking a picture so he could have the memory forever, George approached you on the sofa, stroking your bump when he felt you start to wake up from your nap, "Hi, you could have gone to bed, you didn't need to wait for me", he said softly, allowing you to get used to the stimuli around you, "you're home", you squealed opening your arms so he could cuddle you on the sofa. Carefully scooting around you, George managed to lay your back on his chest, his hand continuing his previous ministrations on your bump and thighs as you told him about what you and Maya had been up to during the weekend, "and after you said you were boarding I swear I only got up for some food while I watched the interviews, but I was so tired I must have fallen asleep", you blushed, pregnancy really making your fall asleep anywhere and anytime of the day.
Holding his arms so he could help you get up, George laced his fingers in yours so you could both head upstairs to your shared bedroom, his voice soothing as he announced he was giving a pamper night routine, "Do you want to change out of those?", he asked gently, grabbing your pyjamas while he watched the same view he had seen on his phone few days before, "Come here, daddy missed his loves", he said as you layed down on the bed, George's hand easing the pain on your hips and back before rubbing oil on your bump, kissing every each of skin he could, "you're incredible, my love. I'll never be able to thank you for allowing me to experience this with you", he muttered, "Well, if you keep doing these pamper nights I think you're up to a good start!".
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request where Benny Weir and the female adopt adopt a pet
new puppy
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Benny Weir x fem! reader
summary: Benny and reader adopt a new puppy together
a/n: I don’t know exactly if you wanted a fem reader but based in “the female” I’m rolling with it anyways thanks for requesting enjoy.
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You and Benny had moved in together a couple months ago and had decide you wanted to adopt a pet
The two didn’t know what kind of animal you wanted to adopt but when you were walking around the animal shelter and you saw this little charles spaniel puppy Benny fell in love . Immediately.
Before you knew it you were signing the adoption papers and driving home with the little puppy in your lap.
The little puppy, you had named Mable saw her new home and immediately started running around everywhere her tail quickly wagging back and forth.
The two of you watched with smiles on your face as you set down all the new things you’d bought for her that was probably worth 200$ all together.
Mable sprawled out on her little bed the deep red color almost swallowing her whole.
As the sky got dark and it felt as though you and Benny had sat and simply watch her sleep.
You realized you should probably give her a bath so you gently scooped her up your arms and walked to the bathroom.
Because she was only a year and a half old she wasn’t exactly the best at bathing.
She jumped around everywhere shaking every couple minutes getting water and soap everywhere. Effectively drenching you and Benny in water and puppy shampoo.
When she was finally clean (after about an hour’s worth of effort) you pulled her out of the bath wrapping her in a towel drying as quick as you could hoping she wouldn’t jump out of your arms.
You and Benny fell on the couch exhausted you look over at Benny and jokingly say “is it to late to take her back”
Benny let out an extravagant gasps his mouth falling open “what no, I love her she’s my baby”
You playfully rolled your eyes before you both started laughing interrupted the small puppy’s peaceful sleeping.
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a/n: I hope you enjoyed☺️‼️
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after-hours-art · 3 months
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Pairing: Levi x f!reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: x
- You're the dumbest person I know. I swear to God - Levi murmured, seeing you, clearly in pain, next to your dog on the couch.
- Hm? - you looked at him with a question.
- Are you hurt? - He asked walking closer to you. He knew, he just wanted you to admit it.
- No? - you tried to act strong. As you always do, ignoring any pain.
- You wouldn't mind if I'd touch your legs then? - He asked and before you got a chance to answer he squatted next to you and touched your tibial bone, gently traced his fingers up and down earning a hiss of discomfort from you when he put a little pressure on it.
- Levi, please - you looked at him, silently begging him to stop.
- Are you fine standing up or do you want me to pick you up?
- Wait, why? Levi, please, I'm tired.
- You are also hurt and I want to help you. Listen, stay here, put your legs on the coffer table.
- Levi? - you opened your eyes wider. Levi Ackerman that you knew would sooner propose to you here and now than let you put your dirty socks on coffee table.
- Do what I say. It'll take pressure off your legs. I'll be right back - he left the living room. You followed his order. He came back a few minutes later.
- Okay, this will be a little cold - he warned, placing a wet, cold paper towel on your tibial bones. - I'm so sorry - he whispered, seeing your face in pain when he added a little pressure on your leg.
- Thank you, Levi. For taking care of me.
- Oh, shut up - he sat next to you, kissed the side of your head, and gently pushed your head on his shoulder. He took your hand and locked your finger with his, his thumb gently rubbing the top of your hand
- It's just not the first time I see you hurt after running. So, I did some small research online. Cold compreses should help tissue in regeneration.
- Tissue regeneration? Oh, okay. Medical stuff...
- Yeah. Please don't run anymore. - he said, looking worried at your legs. - I don't want you to be hurt.
- I'm fine. It's just-
- You're not fine, Love. I know that you hate doctors with all your heart, but you should go see one. I don't know if what I guess was the right thing, it might be something worse.
- I- - you start but Levi cuts you off.
- You don't do doctors. I know. Just be careful then, before I'll make you see one. I don't like seeing you in pain when you walk. - he frowned as he felt your fingers squeezing his hand. You were hurt, and it was killing him. He had this... weird feeling ever since he was young that he can't let anyone near him get hurt. Your dog, young cocker spaniel, wandered to join you after his quick post walk nap. Cookie got on the couch and rested his head on your lap.
You only nodded and pet your dog's head.
- Seems like Daddy will take you for a run tomorrow, little one. - you smiled to sleepy pet.
- Yeah. Only because Mommy can't take care of herself - Levi reached to also pet your dog.
- Did we just called ourselves parents of Cookie? - you giggled.
- We treat him like a child, a little. - Levi winked at the spaniel. - Yeah, he has good parents.
- I wonder if we'll be together forever... - you wondered. - End up having kids, that small house in the countryside you told me one evening that you'd like to live in... - you smiled at the idea.
Levi said nothing, just squeezed your hand. The necklace he kept hidden in his part of closet suddenly started burning his thoughts.
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lavender-laney · 2 years
"Do you like cinnamon?" Prompt
“Do you like cinnamon?” Parker called from the kitchen, shouting to be heard over the music playing through her phone’s waterlogged speakers. 
“I don’t know why you’re talking to me,” June yelled from the other room. “You know I can’t hear you!”
Parker heaved a deep sigh, reaching over to turn down her music. She slid the mixing bowl away from the counter’s edge, turning her attention to the cocker spaniel sitting patiently at her feet.
“Leave it alone,” she told the dog, who simply blinked at her, tongue lolling. Parker squinted, wagging her finger at him as she left the room. Holding the edge of the doorway, she leaned into the living room.
“Damn!” She whistled. “Looking good! You know they were probably just expecting a couple of plastic pumpkins from HomeGoods and maybe a candle, right?”
“Maybe when they thought it was you decorating,” June said, arranging dried flowers on the fireplace mantle. “I seek to exceed expectations, thank you.”
Parker rolled her eyes, though her lips twitched in amusement.
“Do you like cinnamon?” She asked again. “I need to know if I should put any in the apple turnovers.”
June turned away from the mantle, frowning.
“What kind of apple turnovers would they be without cinnamon?” She asked genuinely.
“They would be cinnamon-less apple turnovers,” Parker replied drily. “Yes or no question, Junie.”
“Yes, I like cinnamon,” June said, pulling a spiderweb garland from her pile of Halloween decor. “I worked in a cafe for three years, I think liking cinnamon is a requirement.”
“Did you dry your hair after we came inside?” Parker questioned, noticing June’s hair was still plastered to her forehead and neck.
“Oh,” she replied, distracted by detangling the garland. “No, guess not. I had decorations to start on.”
Parker left the room without a word, returning with a towel to toss at her partner. As she made her way back to her apple turnovers, the sound of June’s giggling followed her.
“Can Pie have some apple?” She called, already crouching down to the dog with a handful of apple pieces.
“I guess it would be pretty ironic if you couldn’t have apples, huh?” Parker asked the dog as he crunched on the treat. “Y’know, because of your name.”
Parker stood up, washing her hands at the sink. She reached over to turn up her music again.
The twang of autumnal folk music echoed throughout the home as Parker poured cinnamon into the mixing bowl.
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brookston · 4 months
Holidays 5.25
Africa Day
African Freedom Day (Zambia)
African Languages Day
African Liberation Day (Rastafari)
Amateur Radio Military Appreciation Day
Bojangles Day
Chuquisaca (Bolivia)
Common Arens
Cookie Monster Day
Day of Youth (Yugoslavia)
EMS Save-A-Life Day
Flitting Day (Scotland)
Geek Pride Day
George Floyd Remembrance Day
Global Change Leadership Day
GDPR Day (a.k.a. General Data Protection Regulation Day; EU)
Global Planking Day
Global Surgery Day
The Glorious 25 Day (a.k.a. Glorious Revolution, Glorious 25th of May; Discworld)
Grand Prix de Monaco begins (Monaco)
Gypsy Day
Heroes’ Day (Lesotho)
Integrity Day (Scientology)
International Heritage Breeds Day
International Missing Children’s Day (UN)
International Planking Day
International Plastic Free Day
International Skin Pigmentation Day
Julia Pierpont Day (West Virginia)
Kids Ocean Day (California)
Languedoc Day
Last Bell (Russia, post-Soviet countries) [5/25 or Friday before, if falls on a weekend]
Lemon Balm Day (French Republic)
Liberation Day (Lebanon)
Local Radio Day (UK)
Maddie May Day
May Revolution Day (Argentina)
National Adoption Day (Brazil)
National Ahmad “Captain Poodaman” Butler Day
National Bath Bomb Day
National Cody Day
National Don't Utter a Word Day
National Enzo Day
National George Day
National Hometown Area Local Day
National Missing Children's Day (US)
National Sing Out Day
National Stop the Bleed Day
National Tap Dance Day
National VTuber Day
Peruvian Clown Day (Peru)
Poetry Day (Florida)
Ramsey Lewis Day
Saint Cool Day
Self-Reliance Day
Senior Health & Fitness Day
South Liberation Day (Lebanon)
Star Wars Day
Stinky Pee Day
Tap Dance Day
Towel Day (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)
World Fish Migration Day
World Tarot Day
World Thyroid Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Brown Bag It Day [also Last Wednesday]
National Italian Beer Day
National Wine Day (US)
Independence & Related Days
Empire of New Prussia (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
First Government Day (Argentina; Sudan)
Jordan (from UK, 1946)
Kingdom of Africa (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Kingdom of Sycamore (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Lunataria (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Neo-Dumnonii Kingdom (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Pilatia (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
4th & Last Saturday in May
Amateur Radio Military Appreciation Day [9 Days before 1st Monday in June]
Defeat Depression Day (Canada) [Last Saturday]
Dillo Day [Last Saturday; Northwestern University]
Drone Day [Last Saturday]
Elmer Day (UK) [Last Saturday]
International Blacksmith’s Day [4th Saturday]
International Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Day [Last Saturday]
International Jazz Day [Saturday before Memorial Day/9 Days before 1st Monday in June]
Julia Pierpont Day (West Virginia) [Saturday before Memorial Day]
National Learn to Swim Day [Saturday before Memorial Day]
Pride in Armed Forces Day (UK) [4th Saturday]
World Enneagram Day [Last Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 25 (3rd Full Week)
Week of Solidarity with the Peoples of Non-Governing Territories (thru 5.31)
Festivals Beginning May 25, 2024
Alabama Jubilee Hot Air Balloon Classic (Decatur, Alabama) [thru 5.26]
Atlanta Caribbean Carnival (Atlanta, Georgia)
Bavarianfest (Helen, Georgia)
BBQ, Blues & Brews on the Bay (North Bend, Oregon) [thru 5.26]
Brew at the Zoo (Baltimore, Maryland) [thru 5.26]
Caribbean Festival (Mt. Airy, Maryland) [thru 5.26]
Carnaval San Francisco (San Francisco, California)
Chuck Wagon Festival (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) [thru 5.26]
The Creekside Beer Festival (Boulder, Colorado) [thru 5.26]
FlavorFest at Mount Hope (Mount Hope, Pennsylvania (thru 5.26]
Great Alaska Craft Beer & Homebrew Festival (Haines, Alaska)
Happy Valley Strawberry Festival (Anderson, California) [thru 5.26]
Hood Canal Fjord Fest (Brinnon, Washington) [thru 5.26]
Horseshoe Crab & Shorebird Festival (Milton, Delaware)
Jersey Shore Food Truck Festival (Monmouth Park, Oceanport, New Jersey) [thru 5.27]
Koroneburg Old World Renaissance Festival (Corona, California) [6.23]
New Mexico Wine Fest: Las Cruces (Las Cruces, New Mexico) [thru 5.27]
Rib King NYC (Brooklyn, New York)
Roaring Camp Cook-Off (Felton, California) [thru 5.26]
Rockport Wine Festival (Rockport, Texas)
Rotary Art, Wine & Wheels (Mariposa, California)
Star Valley Strawberry Festival (Borden, Indiana)
Strawberry Festival (Beaver Dam, Kentucky) [thru 5.27]
Taste of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, Ohio) [thru 5.27]
Wine, Beer & Spirits Fest (Sierra Vista, Arizona) [5.26
Feast Days
Aldhelm (Christian; Saint)
St. Ambrose (Positivist; Saint)
Apollo Day (Everyday Wicca)
Barry Windsor-Smith (Artology)
Bede the Venerable (Christian; Saint)
Boniface IV, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Canius (Christian; Saint)
The Cat (Muppetism)
Celebration of the Tao (The Mother of the World; Taoism)
Cookie Monster (Muppetism)
Dionysius of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Dumhade, Abbot of Iona (Christian; Saint)
Dúnchad mac Cinn Fáelad (Christian; Saint)
Edward Bulwer-Lytton (Writerism)
Gennadius (Christian; Saint)
Gerard of Lunel (Christian; Saint)
Gregory VII, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Leo (a.k.a. Lye; Christian; Saint)
Madeleine Sophie Barat (Christian; Saint)
Mary Magdalene of Pazzi (Christian; Saint)
Maximus (Mauxe) of Évreux (Christian; Saint)
Mercurius (Ancient Roman Festival of Trade & Gain)
Ralph Waldo Emerson (Writerism)
Raymond Carver (Writerism)
Robert Ludlum (Writerism)
Sara-Kali’s Day (Pagan)
Stalin Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Stan Sakai (Artology)
Towel Day (Pastafarian)
Urban I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Urbanas Diena (Ancient Latvia)
Venerand (Christian; Saint)
William Boyer (Artology)
W.P. Kinsella (Writerism)
Zenobius of Florence (Christian; Saint)
Hebrew Calendar Holidays [Begins at Sundown Day Before]
Lag B'Omer (Hebrew harvest time)  [17-18 Iyar]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 10 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [10 of 24]
Alien (Film; 1979)
Back to the Future (Film; 1985)
Back to the Future Part III (Film; 1990)
Barefoot in the Park (Film; 1967)
Barnyard Babies (Happy Harmonies Cartoon; 1935)
Beyond the Great Snow Mountains, by Louis L’Amour (Novel; 1999)
The Cookie Carnival (Disney Silly Symphonies Cartoon; 1935)
Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier (Film; 1955)
The Day Lincoln Was Shot, by Jim Bishop (Historical Book; 1955)
Farming Fools (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1936)
Feud with a Dude (WB MM Cartoon; 1968)
A Gander at Mother Goose (WB MM Cartoon; 1940)
The Gastronomical Me, by M.F.K. Fisher (Food Essays; 1943)
Hair-Raising Hare (WB MM Cartoon; 1946)
Harry of Monmouth, by A.M. Maugham (Novel; 1956)
He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother, recorded by The Hollies (Song; 1969)
H.M.S. Pinafore, by Gilbert & Sullivan (Comic Opera; 1878)
Jesus of Montreal (Film; 1990)
Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me, by The Cure (Album; 1987)
The Little Sister, by Raymond Chandler (Novel; 1949)
Men in Black 3 (Film; 2012)
Mickey’s Revue (Disney Cartoon; 1932)
Midnight Cowboy (Film; 1969)
Moonrise Kingdom (Film; 2012)
Nadja, by André Breton (Novel; 1928)
Paprika (Anime Film; 2007)
Pearl Harbor (Film; 2001)
Piker’s Peak (WB LT Cartoon; 1957)
The Pink Blueprint (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1966)
Pink, Plunk, Plink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1966)
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (Film; 2007)
Safety, by Coldplay (EP: 1998)
Samstag aus Licht, by Karl Stockhausen (Opera; 1984)
The Selfish Gene, by Richard Dawkins (Science Book; 1976)
Smoky Joe (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1945)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (Film; 2018)
Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope (Film; 1977)
Star Wars, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (Film; 1983)
Three Little Pigs (Silly Symphonies Cartoon; 1933)
Tubular Bells, by Mike Oldfield (Album; 1973)
Under My Kin, by Avril Lavigne (Album; 2004)
War Machine (Film; 2017)
Today’s Name Days
Beda, Gregor, Magdalene (Austria)
Spas, Spaska (Bulgaria)
Beda, Grgur, Urban (Croatia)
Viola (Czech Republic)
Urbanus (Denmark)
Urban, Urbo, Urve, Urves (Estonia)
Urpo (Finland)
Sophie (France)
Beda, Magdalene, Miriam, Urban (Germany)
Nefeli (Greece)
Orbán (Hungary)
Basileo, Beda, Erminio, Gregorio (Italy)
Anitra, Anšlavs, Ciemvaldis, Gunita (Latvia)
Almantas, Danutė, Urbonas (Lithuania)
Ragna, Ragnar (Norway)
Epifan, Grzegorz, Imisława, Maria Magdalena, Urban (Poland)
Ioan (România)
Urban (Slovakia)
Beda, Gregorio, Magdalena, María (Spain)
Urban (Sweden)
Celeste, Celestine (Ukraine)
Madalyn, Madeleine, Madeline, Madelyn, Madilyn, Marlee, Marleen, Marlena, Marlene, Marley (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 146 of 2024; 220 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 21 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 14 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 18 (Ji-Chou)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 17 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 17 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 26 Magenta; Fryday [26 of 30]
Julian: 12 May 2024
Moon: 94%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 5 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Ambrose]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 68 of 92)
Week: 3rd Full Week of May
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 5 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Odal (Home, Possession) [Half-Month 11 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 6.8)
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pawsitivevibe · 8 months
Some pictures from grooming yesterday
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You use a pinned towel or towel robe to "set" the top coat, to help it dry flat. I dried the furnishings while it set. I need to make a tighter robe with more coverage for him. Most people do just pin a regular towel at the neck, chest, and under the tail. But I think the robe is easier than dealing with safety pins lol. This is Bree's robe, but it fits him well. A lot of Bree's stuff fits him well, which is convenient! He's inherited a few jackets and sweaters she rarely wore.
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His furnishings haven't been touched yet except brushing. But look at that fullness! They're finally starting to get some volume and length. Needs some stripping and trimming though.
Also I think I got the pee stains out 🙈 Turns out boy dogs just pee on themselves constantly. I've never had a boy before so it's certainly been an experience.
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You can kinda see that his mostly untouched clean coat looks really nice! Just good substance to work with. The jacket is pretty tight. The furnishings are getting less sparse.
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The ears and head still need some trimming. I might clipper his face, though I'm not too good with the clipper yet so I'm nervous. But I clippered the tops and insides of his ears and now they hang nicely. I took a little too much off his throat I think, and it looks a little too bald, but it should fill in quickly. I stripped a lot of volume off the top of his head so you can see his (correct) head shape better. See how the head dips in at the back of the skull? I love the head fluff but it was getting way too thick lol.
I won't be good at grooming him for a long while yet. The spaniel cut is somewhat tricky to perfect because it's all about clean lines, showing off the muscle but giving a smooth appearance, and also making everything look natural even though it really isn't lol. I think I can probably at least keep on top of maintenance grooming and keep him in a semi "show cut", but when it's close to a show I'll ask his breeder to touch him up.
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Holidays 5.25
Africa Day
African Freedom Day (Zambia)
African Languages Day
African Liberation Day (Rastafari)
Amateur Radio Military Appreciation Day
Bojangles Day
Chuquisaca (Bolivia)
Common Arens
Cookie Monster Day
Day of Youth (Yugoslavia)
EMS Save-A-Life Day
Flitting Day (Scotland)
Geek Pride Day
George Floyd Remembrance Day
Global Change Leadership Day
GDPR Day (a.k.a. General Data Protection Regulation Day; EU)
Global Planking Day
Global Surgery Day
The Glorious 25 Day (a.k.a. Glorious Revolution, Glorious 25th of May; Discworld)
Grand Prix de Monaco begins (Monaco)
Gypsy Day
Heroes’ Day (Lesotho)
Integrity Day (Scientology)
International Heritage Breeds Day
International Missing Children’s Day (UN)
International Planking Day
International Plastic Free Day
International Skin Pigmentation Day
Julia Pierpont Day (West Virginia)
Kids Ocean Day (California)
Languedoc Day
Last Bell (Russia, post-Soviet countries) [5/25 or Friday before, if falls on a weekend]
Lemon Balm Day (French Republic)
Liberation Day (Lebanon)
Local Radio Day (UK)
Maddie May Day
May Revolution Day (Argentina)
National Adoption Day (Brazil)
National Ahmad “Captain Poodaman” Butler Day
National Bath Bomb Day
National Cody Day
National Don't Utter a Word Day
National Enzo Day
National George Day
National Hometown Area Local Day
National Missing Children's Day (US)
National Sing Out Day
National Stop the Bleed Day
National Tap Dance Day
National VTuber Day
Peruvian Clown Day (Peru)
Poetry Day (Florida)
Ramsey Lewis Day
Saint Cool Day
Self-Reliance Day
Senior Health & Fitness Day
South Liberation Day (Lebanon)
Star Wars Day
Stinky Pee Day
Tap Dance Day
Towel Day (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)
World Fish Migration Day
World Tarot Day
World Thyroid Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Brown Bag It Day [also Last Wednesday]
National Italian Beer Day
National Wine Day (US)
Independence & Related Days
Empire of New Prussia (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
First Government Day (Argentina; Sudan)
Jordan (from UK, 1946)
Kingdom of Africa (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Kingdom of Sycamore (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Lunataria (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Neo-Dumnonii Kingdom (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Pilatia (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
4th & Last Saturday in May
Amateur Radio Military Appreciation Day [9 Days before 1st Monday in June]
Defeat Depression Day (Canada) [Last Saturday]
Dillo Day [Last Saturday; Northwestern University]
Drone Day [Last Saturday]
Elmer Day (UK) [Last Saturday]
International Blacksmith’s Day [4th Saturday]
International Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Day [Last Saturday]
International Jazz Day [Saturday before Memorial Day/9 Days before 1st Monday in June]
Julia Pierpont Day (West Virginia) [Saturday before Memorial Day]
National Learn to Swim Day [Saturday before Memorial Day]
Pride in Armed Forces Day (UK) [4th Saturday]
World Enneagram Day [Last Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 25 (3rd Full Week)
Week of Solidarity with the Peoples of Non-Governing Territories (thru 5.31)
Festivals Beginning May 25, 2024
Alabama Jubilee Hot Air Balloon Classic (Decatur, Alabama) [thru 5.26]
Atlanta Caribbean Carnival (Atlanta, Georgia)
Bavarianfest (Helen, Georgia)
BBQ, Blues & Brews on the Bay (North Bend, Oregon) [thru 5.26]
Brew at the Zoo (Baltimore, Maryland) [thru 5.26]
Caribbean Festival (Mt. Airy, Maryland) [thru 5.26]
Carnaval San Francisco (San Francisco, California)
Chuck Wagon Festival (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) [thru 5.26]
The Creekside Beer Festival (Boulder, Colorado) [thru 5.26]
FlavorFest at Mount Hope (Mount Hope, Pennsylvania (thru 5.26]
Great Alaska Craft Beer & Homebrew Festival (Haines, Alaska)
Happy Valley Strawberry Festival (Anderson, California) [thru 5.26]
Hood Canal Fjord Fest (Brinnon, Washington) [thru 5.26]
Horseshoe Crab & Shorebird Festival (Milton, Delaware)
Jersey Shore Food Truck Festival (Monmouth Park, Oceanport, New Jersey) [thru 5.27]
Koroneburg Old World Renaissance Festival (Corona, California) [6.23]
New Mexico Wine Fest: Las Cruces (Las Cruces, New Mexico) [thru 5.27]
Rib King NYC (Brooklyn, New York)
Roaring Camp Cook-Off (Felton, California) [thru 5.26]
Rockport Wine Festival (Rockport, Texas)
Rotary Art, Wine & Wheels (Mariposa, California)
Star Valley Strawberry Festival (Borden, Indiana)
Strawberry Festival (Beaver Dam, Kentucky) [thru 5.27]
Taste of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, Ohio) [thru 5.27]
Wine, Beer & Spirits Fest (Sierra Vista, Arizona) [5.26
Feast Days
Aldhelm (Christian; Saint)
St. Ambrose (Positivist; Saint)
Apollo Day (Everyday Wicca)
Barry Windsor-Smith (Artology)
Bede the Venerable (Christian; Saint)
Boniface IV, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Canius (Christian; Saint)
The Cat (Muppetism)
Celebration of the Tao (The Mother of the World; Taoism)
Cookie Monster (Muppetism)
Dionysius of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Dumhade, Abbot of Iona (Christian; Saint)
Dúnchad mac Cinn Fáelad (Christian; Saint)
Edward Bulwer-Lytton (Writerism)
Gennadius (Christian; Saint)
Gerard of Lunel (Christian; Saint)
Gregory VII, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Leo (a.k.a. Lye; Christian; Saint)
Madeleine Sophie Barat (Christian; Saint)
Mary Magdalene of Pazzi (Christian; Saint)
Maximus (Mauxe) of Évreux (Christian; Saint)
Mercurius (Ancient Roman Festival of Trade & Gain)
Ralph Waldo Emerson (Writerism)
Raymond Carver (Writerism)
Robert Ludlum (Writerism)
Sara-Kali’s Day (Pagan)
Stalin Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Stan Sakai (Artology)
Towel Day (Pastafarian)
Urban I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Urbanas Diena (Ancient Latvia)
Venerand (Christian; Saint)
William Boyer (Artology)
W.P. Kinsella (Writerism)
Zenobius of Florence (Christian; Saint)
Hebrew Calendar Holidays [Begins at Sundown Day Before]
Lag B'Omer (Hebrew harvest time)  [17-18 Iyar]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 10 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [10 of 24]
Alien (Film; 1979)
Back to the Future (Film; 1985)
Back to the Future Part III (Film; 1990)
Barefoot in the Park (Film; 1967)
Barnyard Babies (Happy Harmonies Cartoon; 1935)
Beyond the Great Snow Mountains, by Louis L’Amour (Novel; 1999)
The Cookie Carnival (Disney Silly Symphonies Cartoon; 1935)
Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier (Film; 1955)
The Day Lincoln Was Shot, by Jim Bishop (Historical Book; 1955)
Farming Fools (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1936)
Feud with a Dude (WB MM Cartoon; 1968)
A Gander at Mother Goose (WB MM Cartoon; 1940)
The Gastronomical Me, by M.F.K. Fisher (Food Essays; 1943)
Hair-Raising Hare (WB MM Cartoon; 1946)
Harry of Monmouth, by A.M. Maugham (Novel; 1956)
He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother, recorded by The Hollies (Song; 1969)
H.M.S. Pinafore, by Gilbert & Sullivan (Comic Opera; 1878)
Jesus of Montreal (Film; 1990)
Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me, by The Cure (Album; 1987)
The Little Sister, by Raymond Chandler (Novel; 1949)
Men in Black 3 (Film; 2012)
Mickey’s Revue (Disney Cartoon; 1932)
Midnight Cowboy (Film; 1969)
Moonrise Kingdom (Film; 2012)
Nadja, by André Breton (Novel; 1928)
Paprika (Anime Film; 2007)
Pearl Harbor (Film; 2001)
Piker’s Peak (WB LT Cartoon; 1957)
The Pink Blueprint (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1966)
Pink, Plunk, Plink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1966)
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (Film; 2007)
Safety, by Coldplay (EP: 1998)
Samstag aus Licht, by Karl Stockhausen (Opera; 1984)
The Selfish Gene, by Richard Dawkins (Science Book; 1976)
Smoky Joe (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1945)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (Film; 2018)
Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope (Film; 1977)
Star Wars, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (Film; 1983)
Three Little Pigs (Silly Symphonies Cartoon; 1933)
Tubular Bells, by Mike Oldfield (Album; 1973)
Under My Kin, by Avril Lavigne (Album; 2004)
War Machine (Film; 2017)
Today’s Name Days
Beda, Gregor, Magdalene (Austria)
Spas, Spaska (Bulgaria)
Beda, Grgur, Urban (Croatia)
Viola (Czech Republic)
Urbanus (Denmark)
Urban, Urbo, Urve, Urves (Estonia)
Urpo (Finland)
Sophie (France)
Beda, Magdalene, Miriam, Urban (Germany)
Nefeli (Greece)
Orbán (Hungary)
Basileo, Beda, Erminio, Gregorio (Italy)
Anitra, Anšlavs, Ciemvaldis, Gunita (Latvia)
Almantas, Danutė, Urbonas (Lithuania)
Ragna, Ragnar (Norway)
Epifan, Grzegorz, Imisława, Maria Magdalena, Urban (Poland)
Ioan (România)
Urban (Slovakia)
Beda, Gregorio, Magdalena, María (Spain)
Urban (Sweden)
Celeste, Celestine (Ukraine)
Madalyn, Madeleine, Madeline, Madelyn, Madilyn, Marlee, Marleen, Marlena, Marlene, Marley (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 146 of 2024; 220 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 21 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 14 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 18 (Ji-Chou)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 17 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 17 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 26 Magenta; Fryday [26 of 30]
Julian: 12 May 2024
Moon: 94%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 5 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Ambrose]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 68 of 92)
Week: 3rd Full Week of May
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 5 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Odal (Home, Possession) [Half-Month 11 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 6.8)
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cosmicanamnesis · 11 months
Technofae excerpt: Chapter 5 - The Homestead
Highway gave way to residential streets gave way eventually to the unpaved road that led to her mother’s gravel driveway. Not everyone on the Homestead opted to live off the beaten path, but Donna sure did. Kept her from having to see people she didn’t like, she always said. She drove up the long driveway as her childhood home slowly came into view. She slowed down, watching for chickens pecking at the dirt and parked next to what she assumed was her brother’s car. Despite having been out in the Homestead for over a week, it still didn’t have a scratch or speck of dirt on it. She scowled at it as she got out of her own car and kicked some dirt at Artie’s tires. 
As soon as her car door shut, her mother’s dogs went wild in the house barking at the door. Morgan could help but laugh and braced herself for impact as she opened the screen door to knock.
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” she heard her mother say inside. “Get back, you damn mutts. Stay!” Another moment of dog wrangling passed before Donna cracked the door open, her face breaking into a wide smile at the sight of her daughter.
“Hi, Mama,” Morgan said, just loud enough to be heard over the dogs. One of them, a not exceptionally bright Dachshund named Wolfie weaseled his way past Donna’s legs and out the small crack in the door.
“Oh, God damn it,” Donna spat. She sighed and opened the door all the way, letting the whole pack run full force at Morgan on the small porch. Two blue heelers, a Brittany spaniel, and a large old German shepherd ran out to meet her, barking and jumping with excitement. “Fine, fine, don’t listen to me at all, I see how it is,” Donna scolded them.
“It’s alright, Mama, they just missed me,” Morgan laughed as she dropped her bag and sat down on the porch. Wolfie the Dachshund climbed right into her lap and started licking her face. 
“Who is it, honey?” another woman’s voice called from inside.
“It’s Fable!” Donna answered.
“Mama, stop it,” Morgan halfheartedly complained. “Morgan in front of the kid, please.”
“Ooh, yes ma’am, sorry ma’am,” Donna teased. “Come on, get up, you’re letting the cold in.”
“Ooh, yes ma’am, sorry ma’am,” Morgan copied her mother in an even more sarcastic tone as she got up and stepped into the house, careful not to step on any paws. Donna made a face and pretended to flick Morgan on the forehead.
“Mind your manners,” Donna joked. 
“It’s good to see you, kid!” the other woman laughed, coming out of the kitchen with a towel and a bowl that she was drying. “Feel like you never come out here anymore.”
“Hi, Nellie,” Morgan crossed the room to her stepmother and gave her a sideways hug around the shoulders. “I'd come out more if y’all didn’t live so deep in the middle of nowhere.”
“God, it’s like you don’t even love me,” Nellie joked. “Can you believe this?”
“She takes after her mother,” Donna shrugged. 
“Oh, you shut your mouth, missie,” Nellie threatened. Morgan laughed, dogs still winding around her feet, vying for attention. She dropped to her knees in front of the German shepherd.
“It’s alright, I could never stay away from you, Lucy,” she said, forcefully petting the dog’s face with both hands. Lucy seemed to be enjoying it.
“Alright, I’ll bite,” Donna said. “What are you doing all the way out here, Fable?”
“Believe it or not, I’m here to see Artie,” Morgan explained, slowly getting back up with assistance from her cane.
“I don’t believe it, in fact,” Donna said, looking genuinely surprised. Morgan sighed.
“What has he told you? About… The kid,” Morgan asked quietly.
“A little. They might be in some kind of trouble, it’ll blow over,” Donna shrugged.
“It’s worse than that, Mama,” Morgan said, shaking her head. “Not might. They are in trouble, and it won’t blow over. I don’t think he really understands what’s going on.”
“Oh, but you do?” Donna asked skeptically, crossing her arms. 
“Better than he does, I’m sure. This isn’t the kind of thing that running and hiding is going to fix.”
“How do you know?” Nellie asked, coming to sit on the arm of the couch at her wife’s side.
“Mama… That kid’s about to die.”
“We’re all gonna die, honey,” Donna said. Morgan rolled her eyes.
“It’s hard to explain. They’re part of some kind of… Science experiment. It’s this group, Tau, they bred all these kids…” Morgan’s sentence trailed off as she swung her bag onto an armchair and began rifling through it.
“Honey, you know I love you, but are you sure you know more about this than Artie does?”
Morgan held out the folder to her mother. “Take it. Artie gave this to me, Mama, I’m not exaggerating.”
“She means she took it and wouldn’t give it back,” Artie said, coming into the room. “Thought I heard you come in.” Morgan stuck her tongue out at him.
“Children, play nice,” Donna said, reading the original anonymous letter.
“I will if she does,” Artie scoffed.
“I will if he does!” Morgan countered indignantly.
“Everybody shut up, I can’t listen and see at the same time,” Donna said firmly, putting the argument to bed.
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lys-9-10 · 2 years
KageHina Fanfic: Ch 5
I drag my feet up the stairs and practically stumble into the washroom. I’m exhausted. Hinata and I practiced for hours on end. For whatever reason, he just wasn’t leaving... And I sure as hell wasn’t going to. 
I turn on the tap and splash water on my sweat-drenched face. It’s only as I’m drying off with a towel that I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I’m sporting an idiotically happy smile. I wipe it off promptly and replace it with a scowl. 
How can I be so happy that I just wasted my entire day playing Hinata’s cocker spaniel? What kind of masochist am I that I adore reveling in my doomed romantic feelings? Just can’t get enough of this unrequited love shit? 
I turn the tap back on full blast and stick my head under. Why did I make such an effort to make peace with Hinata anyway? Just for the privilege of driving myself to exhaustion practising with him in the off-season, and then watching while he ogles Kiyoko and posters of bikini-clad girls like the rest of the team? 
God, I hate that club room poster... 
I shut the tap off and rest my head against the cool metal of the faucet. 
I don’t know how many times I’ve told myself to let it go. Treat Hinata like any other team-mate, I told myself. Play with him to the best of your ability while on the court, then drop him from your life once you’re off the court. For God’s sake, stop chasing him around and ravenously devouring any time you can spend with him. 
But no matter how often I give myself this sensible advice, I always ignore it. 
It may be the case that nothing brings me more agony than spending time with Hinata... But nothing brings me more happiness either. I freaking love seeing his dorky smile as he hits a perfect spike. I love seeing him grit his teeth and sprint forward at full speed, whether the ball’s coming his way or not. I love seeing him close his eyes and wait for me to send him that set he so desperately wants... 
My mind carries me back to our first practice game against Nekoma. Hinata dashed into my peripheral vision and time seemed to slow down as I took him in. He was so amped. It was just like the first day I met him. There was nothing he wanted more in that moment than the ball in front of his hand... 
And so I sent him the ball. 
I gave him what he wanted. 
Attraction had been bubbling in me for a while at that point. But it was at that specific moment during the practice game that I realized: I would do anything to give Hinata what he wanted. To give him everything he wanted. The truth of the matter is... he doesn’t want me.
But if I can give him what he does want… Or if I can at least be there while he gets it… I guess I can live with that truth.  ___
Read more on on AO3 and wattpad :)
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Much punk, very edge
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crisislille-blog · 7 years
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watch out, it's dark dan aka @danielhowell
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