rudeflower · 10 months
Chapter 4/4
"Do you worry at all they made a mistake? I keep picturing them calling me up on the stage just to tell me to get the fuck out,” Spot said.  He didn't realize until a week ago that Spot hadn't actually even been to a graduation ceremony. The alternative high school he graduated from just shook his hand and took away his student ID. David didn't put the pieces together until he caught Spot watching old Pultizer graduation ceremonies on YouTube, scrawling notes on a notepad.  "They don't call you up if it's not to graduate," David said. "But you're going to graduate. They would have told you if you hadn't, you haven't failed a class since sophomore year."
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hippielittlemetalhead · 5 months
Newsies rarepair nation! Which ship?
(2 romantic, 1 platonic ship)
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newsies-banner · 2 years
Spot, what are your thoughts on David? (also sorry if i ask to many questions just say the word and ill stop)
I try not to think about David too much. He talks a lot so if you start thinking about him, suddenly he's stuck there in your head, just talking, and it's hard to stop thinking about him. He's always got something to say, that's for sure. Usually it's pretty smart, too. If I did think about him, I'd probably think he's alright.
(Writing by Long Johns, who gets no thanks for his hard work.)
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above-the-foldd · 3 months
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jack-kellys · 6 months
oh oh also if youd prefer, uksies spavid :) - @pigeonwit
dw i'm doin both
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they do mean so much to me rly
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ethereal-bumble-bee · 6 months
I will begin writing that zombie apocalypse AU soon, just need to work out the plot lol
but quick question before I begin, bc I love when people are involved in my works and deciding things /gen /pos
I’m giving a lot of options bc I want to hear any ones, but put in the tags if there’s a different one you’d like to see
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agentsnickers · 3 months
THOUGHTS and OPINIONS on calling Davey the walking mouth? I personally was a little iffy on it at first but it's grown on my since I realized it's almost always shorten to just Mouth, which is amusing to me. I know none of the newsies nicknames are really meant to be cool or anything but Mouth is on another level. I also like fics where Spot is the one to use it the most frequently, which makes sense cause he's the one who gave Daves the name (Spavid fans? Anyone?). Poor Davey though he is never getting a different nickname, not when spot conlon himself christened you the walking mouth
I think it's fun! I don't use it much bc I do think it is a little clunky, and in the context of the film it's not actually quite a nickname, but it's fun to turn it into one. I do really love that some of the newsies' nicknames are kind of silly or bad - that's how nicknames like that really happen, after all, so someone has to have something mildly embarrassing or ridiculous.
I have a bit of an ongoing running gag wherein my canon era!Spot very rarely calls David Davey, opting instead for an ever-changing list of other variants and nicknames, of which Mouth is naturally one.
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pigeonwit · 6 months
pidge pidge pidge pidge !! how are you??
please consider a newsies star trek au wbwbw please consider jack as a starship captain and also spot the cat and spot the human (they’re best friends) (spot the cat was named after spot and spot pretends not to be pleased by this)
(I’m so eepy and incoherent I’m sorry but I wanted to tell you about the brainworms wbwbw)!! hope you’re doing pleasantly wbwbw
davey. davey my dearest. this is awesome and i love it, especially the human-spot cat-spot thing. i find that adorable. i have spavid fic ideas based around human-spot and cat-spot actually. unfortunately i am a cultureless worm and i know nothing about star trek, other than the pointy eared fruit with the funky eyebrows is very gay and very autistic and very daveyish. im so sorry to fail you here my guy but alas. cultureless worm.
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loving-jack-kelly · 1 year
003 for davey!! i love your interest of him
- @we-are-inevitable ✨
answering for davey for the davey stan i hope I do him justice :P @we-are-inevitable
Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: I love! love!! Davey Jacobs! I love him! I love his role in the story as a foil and motivator for Jack, I love his growth and character development, I love that he's smart and kind and sassy and funny, I love the way he slowly slots into place and finds himself as he joins the newsies. i think he's so fun and interesting, and I love putting him in Situations and seeing what happens because I love the way he bends with whatever comes and always seems to think he way out of trouble.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: we all know I'm a javid supremacist I love the way they balance each other out. I just think that they are opposites and the same in the most perfect ways possible, and they bring out the best in each other because they both see so much more in the other than they're capable of seeing in themselves. i am also one of like. i think I've literally interacted with like six other people. who ships spavid I think that they are also such good complements to each other. spot is so smart and analytical in this calculated, purposeful way while davey moves much more on instinct but fills a very similar role, and I think that's interesting! i think they'd get along and enjoy each other's company.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: davey, crutchie, and race are besties and you can't change my mind. trio of kings who deal with the highest concentration of jack's bullshit on any given day. also spot and davey are best friends who enjoy getting to sit back and say "I told you so" when somebody else's (jack and/or race) schemes go awry.
My unpopular opinion about this character: acting like his most important role is "mom friend" is so stupid and misses the point of his character and character development. is he kind and caring and loyal? yes, but he's also a kid just like the rest of them who has had to step up into a parental role in his family out of duty, he's not doing it for fun or because it comes naturally to him. he's just a kid and he likes getting to be a kid with his friends who are also kids.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: davey solo song when???? truth about the moon davey on stage when????
Favorite friendship for this character: him and all the boys tbh! i love that you get to see him become more and more comfortable with the rest of the newsies as the show goes on, he deserves to have friends that he has no obligations towards, just friendship!
My crossover ship: hmm. you know what? davey and milo thatch from atlantis would be about the same age and I think they'd be great for each other actually
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byesecond · 1 year
I thought it was forever. This is the end?
Unfortunately, I won't be drawing anything for the Steam Powered Giraffe fandom anytime soon. I got here on 03/24/2020 when YouTube recommended the Diamonds video to me, and then I saw that I had one song saved.
Somewhere since last summer, I almost didn’t draw for half a year, and a few months after returning to daily drawing, YouTube again recommended crash to me (I hope I can at least draw him beautifully not on a sad or vulgar drawing). Therefore, my thoughts are now always occupied not with the Spavid pairing, but with others.
But I think I'll draw something more for this fandom. At least I still haven't been able to properly draw a drawing for the song Fabricated blue (and apparently I'll never wait for it in any album), a sketch of a cool pose from November 2021 lies (I tried to draw, but gave up. it turned out too badly) and I also don't like the way I drew the Spavid kiss.
Therefore, I hope that we will meet again on this page with you! My second acc, in which I post all the other drawings:
Thank you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
К сожалению в ближайшее время я не буду рисовать ничего по фандому Steam Powered Giraffe. Я попала сюда 24.03.2020, когда Ютуб порекомендовал мне видео Diamonds, а потом я увидела что у меня сохранена одна песня. Где-то с прошлого лета я почти не рисовала полгода, и спустя несколько месяцев после возвращения к ежедневному рисованию Ютуб снова порекомендовал мне краша (надеюсь я хотя бы его смогу красиво нарисовать не на грустном или пошлом рисунке). Поэтому мои мысли теперь всегда заняты не пейрингом Spavid, а другим. Но думаю, что я еще что-нибудь нарисую по данному фандому. Как минимум я до сих пор не смогла нормально нарисовать рисунок к песне Fabricated blue (и видимо я никогда не дождусь ее в каком-нибудь альбоме), скетч крутой позы с ноября 2021 лежит (я попыталась нарисовать, но бросила. слишком плохо получалось) а также мне не нравится как я нарисовала поцелуй Spavid. Поэтому надеюсь что мы еще встретимся на этой странице с вами! Мой второй акк, в котором я выкладываю все остальные рисунки: https://byesecond2.tumblr.com Спасибо!
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we-are-inevitable · 2 years
idk if ive ever talked about this ship on here but there's something so special about jaspavey.....
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rudeflower · 9 months
tagged by @itookyoudown what an honor
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason.
First fic I ever published: My first fic ever was on ff.net, it was in the Veronica Mars fandom and I think I THINK it was about Logan and Veronica morosely deciding they were too messed up to have children, published with angst by a world-weary 17-year-old
Last fic I published: two voices in the stands Ted Lasso Jamie parent scoped character study. Honestly super low effort on this one, I wrote and published it in the same sitting. Might delete? Not very proud of it
A fic that I wrote for a fandom/ship only once: Y2K for My So-Called Life. I love MSCL so much, and it really didn't need to be ficced but I kind of wanted to contribute to the fandom (154 hits and counting) in some way
A fic I wish more people read: rare books, collection of for Justified, wherein young marshal Raylan catches seventeen-year-old Tim on the run after killing his father, and they reunite years later. It's a really cool fic, my most morally grey foray AND the only sex scene I've written AND YET? So few hits?? I don't know why, it's totally in tone with the Justified fandom more than my other fic idk idk
The fic I agonized over most: the dogged pen to dogged page for Boy Meets World. Which tries to pry together Shanw Hunter going from complete goofball to literary genius in canon overnight. And I think I do it, but it required a ton of rewatching and research, and finagling to make it work to the point that I haven't finished it yet. It ended up being way more effort than I budgeted for.
A fic that sprung fully formed from my mind without any effort: Paper Boys for Newsies. A Spavid imagining of the boys as newspaper delivery boys in 1994 rather than newsies in 1899. It's in my opinion the best thing I've written and it just HAPPENED. I didn't plot, I didn't write a million drafts, I just did it and I love it.
A fic I am proud of, for any reason: One's Own Recognizance which I put a huge amount of effort into, and even had a beta which I never had before. It's a proper grown up novel, the only novel length fic of mine without YA vibes (Maybe Wild Geese counts to). I'm proud as hell of it
Tagging @blacktwigrunning @welfycat @radioactivepigeons @queenitsy
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David: Can you keep a secret?
Spot: Do you know anything about my life?
David: No I do not. Good point.
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stim-sies · 3 years
📰 Stimboard of my own fic, Black and White 📰
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historynerd2 · 3 years
Unusual Ships
Hey, can someone please recommend some Jaspavey (Jack Kelly/Spot Conlon/David Jacobs), Racetrack Higgins/Spot Conlon/Jack Kelly/David Jacob (I forgot the name of the ship), Spavid (Spot Conlon/David Jacobs), or Spack (Spot Conlon/Jack Kelly) stories. Thank you!
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With or Without You
A/N: listen, I think the Newsies let Jack back in and forgave him way too easily. He should’ve worked for it, just because I love the angst of it all. So, I wanted to combine the Jack/Davey confrontation from the 92 movie and the betrayal from the broadway, because I love them both but needed more from both of them. I’ll make the angst myself >:)
It’s not entirely true to film, honestly I’ve kind forgotten how the broadway betrayal went at this point, but it’s a ~re-imagining~ so that’s fine.
   With his back to the roaring crowd, Davey has half a mind to run away. This isn’t his fight—he’s not a real newsie. He only just joined them a week ago, maybe less or maybe more. He hasn’t been keeping track. The thrill of the strike and the rush of Jack’s friendship has made the days blur together and blend until it’s nothing but strike, sleep, strike, sleep. 
   But Davey knows, despite his greatest fear of it, that the newsies are his boys now. Leading them away from this madness is his job and nobody else’s. But it’s hard to think about consoling them, about hugging the small ones and helping Race keep Albert from running rampant through the streets, when Jack Kelly stands opposite him with the saddest eyes.
   Jack Kelly, with a stack of money clutched tight to his chest. Jack Kelly, with his feet cemented to the ground and his eyes stuck on Davey’s. Jack Kelly, the one who betrayed them.
   Behind him, he knows Spot and Race are by his side, eager to see what happens. Though, he imagines Race doesn’t want to deal with this in any way. Probably wants to dream it away, to wake up with a harsh slap and be told that Jack’s only joking. He wouldn’t sell them out like that.
   “Jack,” Davey says, and his voice feels so frail even to his own ears. But his words still the crowd, a hush of anticipation and fear crawling up everyone’s neck. 
   What happens when you pit the two leaders of the strike against each other?
   Jack looks away, ashamed but stubborn. “Davey, I—”
   “Shut up.” Davey’s never sounded so harsh before. “Suddenly you’re a...what? You’re a sell out now, Jack?”
   Taking a step forward, Jack says, “Davey, you don’t get it. We can’t--this strike won’t work. Pulitzer’ll only keep pushin’ the price of papes no matter what we do.”
   Davey doesn’t mean to, doesn’t want to get any closer to the traitor, but he takes a step forward of his own, arms spread to protect Race and Spot and Les behind him. 
   “I put my family on the line for this strike,” says Davey with a tone of tired heat, like the thought of a fight is worse than the real one. “For you. I believed in you Jack. And--and look where that got me. Look where that got all of us.”
   He doesn’t have to look at the crowd of newsies to let them know he’s talking about them. Everyone single one of them put their lives on the line to follow behind Jack and his speeches, his dreams, his revolutionary acts, only for this to be the outcome.
   Without him, this strike wouldn’t be in place. Nothing would have come from this--not a single movement, not a single change. And they’ve been making such good progress. One step forward is better than none. Davey thought Jack knew that.
   Davey continues, feeling as his cheeks flare with growing anger. “You knew this strike wouldn’t be easy. I told you it would be hard, that it might not seem like we’re winning but...dammit, Jack, we were winning! We’ve got Brooklyn behind us, that’s all we needed to make the difference. And you blew it.”
   Jack reaches out a hand, fingers shaking as he hesitates to touch Davey. He fears they may both explode if they make contact. 
   “Davey,” Jack whispers, collapsing in on himself. Standing beneath the theater lights, surrounded by all the boys he has lived and loved with, some he even raised himself, and feeling their shame and disappointment makes him want to vomit. “Please.”
   Davey bats Jack’s hand away, eyes hardening even as tears begin to pool on his lashes. “You know what, Jack? We don’t need you.”
   Turning his head to face the crowd, silent and still, awaiting orders or watching for the first sign of a fight. But who, in the end, will they protect? Davey, their newfound friend, or Jack, their backstabbing brother? 
   Davey fights off the tears. He has to look strong now if he wants to lead the newsies to victory. With or without Jack, they will win this strike. No one will be lost for nothing, Davey can promise that.
   “We don’t need you,” Davey repeats. His voice is louder this time, stronger, much more like steel. “This strike continues without you, Jack. And we’ll win it without you. You may have started this, but I’ll end it. Me, Race, Spot--it’s our strike now. We don’t need sellouts.”
   Turning on his heel, Davey makes to join the others again. He aches to hug Les, to promise him it’ll be alright. He wants to sit down with Race and just...grieve. He wants to make sure Spot is still going to stand by his side after what happened tonight. He needs to make sure everyone else is alright, is going to be alright, and that people can all cope. 
   A hand on his shoulder makes his freeze. It’s Jack--nobody else would touch him right here, right now. Davey can see Race step forward, shielding Les with his body. He can see Spot squaring his shoulders, ready to go at a moments notice.
   But this is Davey’s time, and he isn’t aware he’s doing it until it happens.
   Davey spins and punches Jack in the face. His old friend hunches, hand on his cheek, forced back more from surprise than anything. Nobody was expecting that. 
   Davey holds his fist to his chest, ignoring the throbbing pain in his knuckles. His punches aren’t any good, his form is shit and he knows it, but damn did it feel good to punch Jack. It felt as good as it did bad.
   Around him, the theater erupts into chaos. 
   Race rushes forward with Spot at his side, pulling Davey back while propelling themselves forward. They get to Jack first, pushing him away from center stage. No punches are thrown, though it’s obvious Spot is holding himself back. In truth, nobody wants to hurt Jack as much as they may feel the need to. Violence to push an outsider out is their defense, but...can Jack be considered and outsider?
   Davey watches, numb, as Jack disappears from view in a mob of angry newsies. Les stands by his side, fingers clutching at Davey’s pant leg. It wasn’t supposed to go like this, and they both know it.
   “I’m sorry, Les,” Davey says, eyes still trained on the back of the mob. 
   Les shakes his head, voice trembling as he says, “I didn’t think he’d do it.”
   Neither did I, he wants to say, but the more Davey thinks about it, the more it makes sense. Something about it feels right. Being betrayed like this, by the man who’s too stubborn and too scared push through with a dream. By the man who used to sit with Davey on the fire escape and tell him of all their plans to take down Pulitzer once and for all. 
   When Race and Spot return empty handed but surrounded by their gaggle of loyal boys, Davey knows it’s his turn to become the leader, whether he likes it or not.
   “This strike isn’t over,” he calls out to them. “With or without Jack, we’ll win this. I promise.”
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