#speak your wise and poetic words
evilios · 1 month
🏺 On Fear of Gods.
Specific religion: ancient Greek polytheism.
Unsourced claims that "actual fear of the Gods was frowned upon in ancient times" remind me badly of the "everything before Christianity was good and now we have fear instilled in us by Evil Monotheism" and it bothers me so much so why don't we look at our sources.
I don't think it's wise to look at just poetic sources for votive claims, though poetry does show us another perspective on the feared and respected Gods, so I am using Homeric Hymns (trans. by Apostolos N. Athanassakis, *just my personal preference) as a source. Previous commentators in [ this post ] have already mentioned that many festivals, such as the beloved by many Thargelia, were festivals to appease Gods and shoo away the dangers awaiting old communities.
Let us look at cases of the Gods causing fear in the very people that do respect them:
Awe, reverence, and pale fear seized the mother; and she yielded her seat to the goddess and asked her to sit.
(to Demeter, 190-191)
All night long they propitiated the glorious goddess, quaking with fear, and as soon as dawn appeared they told the truth to Keleos, whose power reached far, as the fair-wreathed goddess Demeter had ordered them.
(to Demeter, 292-295)
Demeter is among feared Goddesses not just because she is amazing and deeply awed (though she is); her wrath brings devastation. Appeasing Demeter out of fear of what happens if you don't is simply a norm of the society her cult thrived in: one reliant on agricultural luck.
When you are here you shall be mistress of everything that lives and moves; your honors among the immortals shall be the greatest, and those who wrong you shall always be punished, if they do not appease your spirit with sacrifices, performing sacred rites and making due offerings.
(to Demeter, 364-369)
Persephone's becoming as the queen of the underworld is marked, with the words put into the mouth of God of the dead himself, by this statement: they will honor you or they will be punished. Aside from being a sweet thing to say to your newly-made-queen wife, it's a reflection of an ancient belief that non-appeased Gods are terrifying.
Through the precious tripods he entered his temple and lighted a flame to guide the ships, enveloping all of Krisa in light; and the wives and fair-girded daughters of the Krisians raised a cry at the radiance of Phoibos, for he instilled in them great fear.
(to Apollo, 443-447)
Apollo is not at all posing danger to these people. In fact, a few lines below, he wonders why they hide away in fear and instills courage in their hearts so they may speak. But he is feared for such is the nature of a God. His voice is "loud", his presence is "mighty". Like other immortals, he overwhelms you with the very presence.
When he saw Aphrodite’s neck and lovely eyes, he was seized with fear and turned his gaze aside.
(to Aphrodite, 181-182)
I should provide context: Anchises feels fear upon realizing that Aphrodite is divine. The very fact alone is enough to instill this primal reaction in him, because she is so much above him.
Now the god became a fearsome, loud-roaring lion in the bow of the ship and then amidships a shaggy bear he caused to appear as a portent. The bear reared with fury and the lion scowled dreadfully on the topmost bench.
(to Dionysus, 44-48)
Dionysus is probably the most obvious God to be afraid of: he turns into terrifying creatures most often, instills frenzy, and causes disruption and desolation if he's displeased frequently. Most people know the account of Pentheus or the story of Minyas' daughters. Dionysus is a notoriously fearful God.
A lot of mythical narratives serve to instill fear of misdemeanor, it is not a thing that only existed in Christianity: the idea of hubris is the idea of not crossing the clear-cut line between mortal and divine. If you do, you are punished as so many were, in myth. Ancient Gods are feared while being respected and beloved, those are not opposites of each other because the divine beings are not human despite sometimes appearing human-like. They are forces of nature, patrons of inter-human relationships, ones who control how things are done. And it just happens so that if things are done wrongly, they let humans know through signs, messengers, or punishment depending on the wrongdoing.
There's cultural background behind religions that cannot be overlooked just because it reminds you of aspects of Christianity and to say that recorded aspect of fear within many religions is an invention of Christian faith is simply disrespectful to these religions.
I'm not going to police your personal religious practice, this is not my business; so please do not make it about that. But there's a difference between having no fear in religion personally and claiming that it's historically a "Christian invention" that did not exist in some magical glorious ancient past.
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khaire-traveler · 9 months
The Nine Muses
This is a very simple post about the Muses in hopes of explaining who they are, what their domains are, and some things they may be able to help with. This post isn't a deep dive by any means - just a simple introduction. Enjoy!
Who are the Muses?
The Muses, or Mousai, are goddesses of inspiration for various creative, scientific, and poetic endeavors. They were believed to also have knowledge of all things that have come to pass, remembering events with clarity that mortals could not hope to have. Their names are Kalliope, Kleio, Ourania, Thaleia, Melpomene, Polymnia, Erato, Euterpe, and Terpsikhore.
In total, there are nine Muses. The god Apollon was often believed to be the leader of the Muses, having a very close connection with them. The goddess Artemis was also paired with them.
Their origin and family varied depending on the source, but the most common notion was that Zeus and Mnemosyne are their parents and that they were born at the foot of Mount Olympus. Some other possible parents are Ouranos and Gaia, Zeus and Plousia, Pieros and Antiope, or even Apollon.
Poets of the past used to invoke the names of the Muses in hopes of gaining inspiration and the ability to gracefully convey their words. When a connection was drawn between them and Apollo, they were also known for their prophetic abilities as well, even being said to teach the art of prophecy.
What are each of their domains?
Kalliope - The eldest of the Muses, she is the goddess of eloquence and epic poetry. She is often considered the mother of Orpheus. She was depicted with a tablet, a scroll, or (later on) a lyre. Her name has been translated to mean "beautiful-voiced".
Kleio - Wise and intelligent, she is named the goddess of history. In art, she was often depicted with an open scroll or chest full of books. Her name was translated as "to make famous".
Ourania - Associated with the stars, she is the goddess of astronomy and astronomical writings. She has been depicted pointing at a celestial globe with a rod, but I wasn't able to find more information on her symbols. Her name means "heavenly one".
Thaleia - A goddess that helps bring joy to the world, she is the goddess of comedy and bucolic poetry. She was also considered to be the mother of the Korybantes (a group of seven demigods). She was often depicted with a comedy mask, a shepherd's staff, or a wreath of ivy. Her name has been translated as "festivity" or "blooming".
Melpomene - Holding a domain more somber than the Muse above, she is the goddess of tragedy. She was named the mother of the Sirens by Apollodorus. She was depicted with a tragedy mask, a sword, a wreath of ivy, or cothurnus boots. Her name likely means "to celebrate with song (and dance)".
Polymnia - With a name meaning "many hymns" or "many praises", it's no surprise that she's the goddess of religious hymns. She was often portrayed in a meditative pose.
Erato - A Muse that needs no introduction, she is the goddess of erotic poetry and mime. She was often portrayed with a lyre. Her name means "lovely" or "beloved".
Euterpe - Likely full of rhymes and reasons, she is the goddess of lyric poetry. She was often depicted with a double flute. Her name likely means "well pleasing" or "giver of much delight".
Terpsikhore - Filled with music, she is the goddess of choral song and dancing. She was often depicted with a lyre and plectrum. Her name has been translated to "delighting in dance".
Kalliope - Speaking presentations, writing essays, script reading, reading/writing informational posts/articles/etc., interpreting poetry, poetry writing/reading, sharing your own poetry, communicating clearly with others, important conversations, coping with conflicts, addressing conflicts, making peace with others.
What are some things they can help with specifically?
***These are merely suggestions.***
Kleio - History exams/tests, studying classics/history, delving into your own history, discovering family history, recalling past events, writing myth retellings or similar, identifying patterns of behavior, releasing the past, learning from the past, finding hope for the future.
Ourania - Studying the stars/space, story-telling, understanding the universe around us, memorizing constellations, finding peace in the night, finding hope in the darkness, creating goals for yourself, "reaching for the stars", holding onto your wishes, finding a sense of direction.
Thaleia - Creating your own joy, finding what makes you happy, performing stand-up comedy, writing any form of comedy, play-writing, healthy positivity, learning to laugh things off, releasing stress/burdens, moving forward, expressing your joy.
Melpomene - Coping with hardships, moving through difficult times, releasing the past, forgiving oneself, coping with past mistakes/regret, healing from difficult events, coping with the "downs" of life, play-writing, telling tragic tales, addressing difficult topics sensitively.
Polymnia - Writing devotional poetry/hymns/songs/etc., growing closer with religion/devotion, inspiration for offerings/devotional acts, coping with religious difficulties, finding comfort/joy in religion, connecting with the divine, religious/spiritual writings, connecting with your practice.
Erato - Love letters, confessing your feelings through writings/songs/etc., connecting with sexuality, writing/reading erotic stories, communicating sexual needs, establishing/discovering sexual boundaries, sex positivity (especially through literature), embracing your sexual interests.
Euterpe - Writing poetry, interpreting poetry, communicating one's emotions, romanticizing life, sharing poetry with others, devotional poetry, expressing one's feelings through writing, processing emotions, finding the "right word" for a piece you're writing.
Terpsikhore - Song-writing, learning to dance, expressing yourself through dance/song, connecting with music, processing feelings with musical aid, instrument playing, choral/instrumental performances, writing a musical, musical theater, finding your voice, embracing who you are, expressing yourself.
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pearlprincess02 · 8 months
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scorpio sun, aries moon, virgo rising, libra mercury, libra venus, aquarius mars
scorpio sun: these people are intuitive, mysterious and very passionate. they absorb everything that’s around them and they’re pretty good at reading others. scorpio suns may seem cold at first, but once they trust someone they are very protective and loyal. undeveloped scorpio suns can be overly possessive, jealous and even obsessive with their loved ones. these are quiet individuals… but once you mess with them, you will wish you never did. scorpios are vengeful and once you betray them, they will be your biggest enemies forever. they say what no one dares to say and they also love to talk about taboo topics. they can also have a very black-or-white mentality and they feel things in a very intense way. as I said before, scorpios are quiet and they reveal very little about themselves, since they don’t want to get hurt; it takes time to gain their trust. when these individuals want to achieve something, they will fight so hard until they reach it. scorpio suns are wise, sensual and even intimidating.
aries moon: protective/loyal, authentic/heart on sleeve, attempts to learn from past mistakes, emotional recklessness, allows people who have hurt/angered them to live rent-free in their inner life, seeks justice for past betrayals in present relationships
virgo rising: the "i'm better than you" look; they actually may be annoying sometimes with how they focused on doing things "the right way"; people usually think that their smart; may actually be very smart.
libra mercury: like to think of the pro’s and con’s (essentially think about all the options before making a decision), they can also be indecisive or tend to make a decision and may change it later on, with the venus influence; they can have either beautiful speaking voices or speak in a composed, balanced , almost poetic way, can have an interest in learning topics of art, justice, law, marriage, divorce, business contracts, relationships in general, they are social and charming with their words and the way they think, can be persuasive and be good mediators
libra venus: you can't miss her when she walks into a room, candlelight and wine, charm, beauty, and brains, falls easily, likely has a line of admirers, elegance and grace, now you know why lust and love are seen as magic.
aquarius mars: visionary wizard with enticing charisma, pushing boundaries, special aurora and bedroom moves, erratic and strong-willed, sees the best in you, channeling passion into each other's minds and bodies.
ᵒᵇˢᵉʳᵛᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿˢ ᵃʳᵉⁿ'ᵗ ᵐⁱⁿᵉ
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moodymisty · 1 year
Hi ! I hope you're having a great day/night and I was wondering if I could place a request of maybe Crosshair wanting to have kids with reader (female reader if possible)/having a slight baby fever after seeing her interact with Omega a lot ? Have a good day/night ! ❤️
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Part 2
Author's Note: This took a bit of finagling to try and get a scenario that would work timeline wise, I will admit. But then I just said 'fuck it' AU time. So 'Crosshair doesn't leave the batch' AU it is. l I kept this one SFW just cause that's how I read the request, but if you want the spice, you're always welcome to throw in another request sometime ;3
This one got a little fru fruy and poetic, so if you just want the sauce, I can cook some up
Summary: Crosshair sees how good you are with Omega, and thinks of a future that's rare, but not impossible.
Relationships: Crosshair/Fem!Reader
Warnings: SFW, Mentions of having kids, tokophobia warning (trying take sure this gets hit by peoples blacklist if they don't like this sort of thing I know it's not everyone's cup of tea), Crosshair longing and thinking of his future with you, Treating Omega as a like pseudo-adopted kid give this kid parental figures lol
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Hyperspace might be the perfect time to get things done- but to Crosshair, it's dreadfully boring.
The ship sails through the stars with a monotonous hum, putting anyone of a less overactive mind to sleep a long time ago. Wrecker is snoring away, a forearm over his eyes. Hunter isn't asleep, but he's relaxing, as is Tech. Which means more so that he's tinkering on a personal project, instead of needed repairs. Echo is resting his eyes- Crosshair can tell by the rhythm of his chest he isn't asleep.
You're nowhere to be seen however, though it's obvious where you are, as he looks to his right towards the cockpit.
He can see the top of your head in the co-pilot's seat, as your head is clearly leaned onto your left shoulder. You must've fallen asleep, as you don't move at all in the few seconds he looks. Getting up off the storage crate he was relaxing on, crosshair makes his way closer until he steps between the seats, and looks down on you.
And Omega, as he quickly notices.
She's sitting sideways in your lap, and you have her loosely supported with one arm over her knees and the other behind her back. Her cheek is smushed against your arm, and the both of you are completely asleep.
It's... Endearing. Crosshair hasn't really seen you this relaxed in, well, he can't exactly remember. Life hasn't been easy, since everything. The two of you have seemed to go with the flow perfectly so far, even after everything that's been thrown at everyone so far. Especially you; As while they were all used to the chaos, you weren't.
He slowly lowers himself into the pilot's seat, trying not to make a sound. But just as he finally settles, he notices your head shift. Not long after, you open your eyes. They almost instantly settle on him, looking over his body as he sits ankle over thigh in the seat. You swallow your mouth dry, blurry sight focusing.
"How long was I asleep?" He glances to you out of the corner of his eyes.
"Don't worry about it." He hears you softly exhale. "I wasn't asking because I wanted to get up."
Omega remains asleep even through your quiet talking, establishing that she's clearly a heavier sleeper than you. But even if Crosshair still doesn't speak up again for awhile, watching the stars streak by the viewport. When he glances back over to the two of you, he notices the way you're brushing a piece of Omega's hair out of her face.
The two of you have been stuck like glue since first meeting, and even someone far denser than Crosshair wouldn't have much trouble seeing it. He can't really put a word to how the sight makes him feel. It's not bad, not in the slightest. It makes his chest hurt in a similar way it did when he would watch the cities bustle with life while they were locked away for later use in clone bases.
"You're good with her." He mumbles, jerking his head your way. You shrug your shoulders.
"Hard not to be. She's a good kid."
He doesn't exactly have much of a gauge of what makes a 'good kid'. All he's even spoken to was clone cadets, neck deep in training.
But you look so, natural with her. Omega seems to be so comfortable with you, and maybe in a way, she sees you as a parent. She seems to think that way about Hunter, Echo too; He kind of wonders how she views him.
She almost always views the two of you as a unit, as even in a small ship you and Crosshair are rarely apart. Does she view him the same as you?
He never even thought he'd get the chance to even think about those sorts of things, until he met you. But even then, he never wanted them. Kriff, if it hadn't messed with the early clone tests brains so much, the Kaminoans would've made sure they'd never have the chance. But would he even be able? He went from test tube to battlefield, how can that raise a kid?
But for all of his rough and gruff, he wouldn't mind giving it a shot with you. You'd help him in the spots that need work. He'd help with yours, even if he doesn't think there is any. If Omega is any indicator, you'd be the perfect parent.
How'd he get so stupidly lucky? This all feels like a dream sometimes. He feels like having a child with you would be like rolling the dice yet again and risking losing every good thing he's manage to win. But gods, does he want it.
"Crosshair?" He looks up, and sees you staring at him. Your eyebrows are raised, almost suspicious.
"You good? You look lost." He doesn't respond, instead looking away from a moment. He's trying to think of a way to word his thoughts, but Omega stirs before he has the chance. He probably wouldn't be able to word them in any way that made sense, anyhow.
"Hmm?" She rubs her one eye, looking up at you before turning awkwardly to see Crosshair. He wasn't there when she'd fallen asleep.
"How long was I asleep?" You respond as Crosshair moves to stand. "Not that long. I just woke up too."
Standing right beside your seat he lays an arm on the headrest, leaning downward. He can see all the little imperfections on your face, as you look at up at him and habitually smile. He'll never get over how it seems like the sight of him makes you happier. He feels the same, even if he doesn't show it in the same way.
"Should get out of that seat before you ruin your back." It's true; The way you've been tucked in is horribly uncomfortable, but you aren't going to abandon it right at this moment.
After talking Crosshair leans down just a bit farther, enough to steal a kiss. His lips are nice and warm against yours; Soft, gentle pressure as his nose brushes against your cheek. Afterwards he plops a hand on Omega's head, ruffling her hair before running it down her face and squishing it as she lets out an irritated noise, slapping it away.
He hears the two of you quietly snicker as he walks out of the cockpit, moving to sit on his bunk and take off his boots. The two of you are mumbling about something, and he hears his name mentioned once or twice. He can't help but take another glance and see what the two of you are up to, and while he won't join, he'll enjoy the sound.
Maybe once this is all over, Crosshair can finally enjoy the pitter patter of small feet he always heard the holo-dramas talk about himself.
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beloved-calypso · 2 years
・ ゜ ʚɞ ゜ ゜𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖉𝖔 𝖕𝖊𝖔𝖕𝖑𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖐 𝖔𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖛𝖔𝖎𝖈𝖊?♡ ・ ゜ ʚɞ ゜ ゜‎♡‧₊˚✧ ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა ✧˚₊‧♡
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♡“𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒽𝓊𝓂𝒶𝓃 𝓋𝑜𝒾𝒸𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑜𝓇𝑔𝒶𝓃 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓈𝑜𝓊𝓁.” ~ 𝐻𝑒𝓃𝓇𝓎 𝒲𝒶𝒹𝓈𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓉𝒽 𝐿𝑜𝓃𝑔𝒻𝑒𝓁𝓁𝑜𝓌♡
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All pictures and gifs are not mine but belong to their original artists. ♡
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I. -> II. -> III. -> IIII.
ɪꜰ ᴀɴʏᴏɴᴇ ʜᴀꜱ ꜱᴜɢɢᴇꜱᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ꜰᴏʀ a ᴘɪᴄᴋ-ᴀ-ᴄᴀʀᴅ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴇᴇ, ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴘᴜᴛ ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛꜱ ʙᴇʟᴏᴡ! ᴀʟꜱᴏ, ɪ ᴀᴘᴏʟᴏɢɪᴢᴇ ɪɴ ᴀᴅᴠᴀɴᴄᴇ ɪꜰ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ɢʀᴀᴍᴍᴀʀ ᴏʀ ᴘᴜɴᴄᴛᴜᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴍɪꜱᴛᴀᴋᴇꜱ. ᴇɴɢʟɪꜱʜ ɪꜱ ᴍʏ ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ʟ���ɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ. ɪ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ꜱᴜᴄᴋ ᴀᴛ ɪᴛ.
~ XOXO 💋🎀
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౿૮꒰ྀི pile 1 ๑◞꒱ა
Pile 1, ya'll are slow and thoughtful speakers. You are very mindful about what you say, and you are very aware of the power words can carry, hence why you speak with caution. Your voice may be thin and reedy by how many swords cards are here. It could also be high-pitched but more mature sounding. By the way you talk, people perceive you as an intellectual. Do you like poetry? You have a big, almost poetic vernacular. Your words sound almost melancholic. You speak with a lot of emotion and are very forthcoming with what you feel. You may vent a lot or express your emotions through writing. I feel like you're a great storyteller. You know just how much inflection and drama to put into your voice to draw attention and establish an atmosphere. I also think you use your words to heal. People find your voice very soothing and your words important. They trust that you would speak the truth. You may play therapists with a lot of people. People like to vent to you and sometimes seek your counsel because its likely you've felt what they have at one point.
⊰᯽⊱┈───── ✧
౿૮꒰ྀི pile 2 ๑◞꒱ა
Prominent fire energy here Pile 2. The emperor sticks out most to me. Your voice may be deeper than most, almost carrying masculine qualities (nothing wrong with that, I loooovvvee deep voices. Ya'll are natural seductresses). It could also be that there are a few men in this pile. Your voice is perceived as commanding and powerful. You mean what you say, and you don't usually speak if you have nothing substantial to say. People are likely more to do what you say or take your advice. Unlike pile 1, it's almost hard to read the tone of your voice. It may sometimes be perceived as flat and bored, only because you don't like to be forthcoming with your emotions. People want to confide in you because they find you to be a wise and honest speaker. I think you can easily hurt people if you don't watch your words, and that may contribute to witholding your advice sometimes. You dont sugarcoat, which is a good thing. People think you keep a lot to yourself, but your words are rich in wisdom and meaning.
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౿૮꒰ྀི pile 3 ๑◞꒱ა
Pile 3 I think people perceive your voice as being very soft and feminine. You have a good way of speaking to people. People think you speak with eloquence and proper etiquette. Your voice may be high-pitched, but not childlike. You may be apathetic to other people's attention because you're so focused on what you got going on. It's like people would love to hear you speak and hear what you have to say, but you prefer to keep to yourself. People may daydream about starting a conversation with you. People may assume that you come from an affluent family and you've received a well-rounded education that's made your vocabulary and way with words so prim and proper. You're a good public speaker and sound quite charming. People feel you have a lot of knowledge to share. I think your voice could be especially helpful in your career.
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౿૮꒰ྀི pile 4 ๑◞꒱ა
I think your voice can vary in your mood. It can go from low pitch to high pitch, and people can tell what you're feeling when you speak. I see you going through a personal transition and wanting to change peoples perceptions of you. I think you may have sounded quiet in the past. Maybe you were going through a hard time and were withdrawing from most people, but you want to come back louder and stronger as ever. You're releasing things from the past that may have stifled you and your voice. You'll be saying whats on your mind and saying them with confidence and energy. You want to be more social and outgoing, and I see you succeeding! You're trying to find more balance in your life and going on new adventures. Possibly, you'll be traveling soon. Your voice now sounds young and brims with passion. I think your voice revitalizes people, gives them high energy, and is infectious when you laugh or sing.
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ᴀɴʏ ᴄʀɪᴛɪᴄɪꜱᴍꜱ ᴏʀ ꜰᴇᴇᴅʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴀʀᴇ ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇᴅ. ɪ'ᴍ ᴛᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴀ ɴᴇᴡ ᴅɪʀᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜɪꜱ ʙʟᴏɢ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀᴍ ᴏᴘᴇɴ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ ᴀꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ɪᴍᴘʀᴏᴠᴇ ɪᴛ. ♡
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© lolita-bonita — Please do not plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my work on other social media platforms without my permission. This is the only platform that I post this type of content. If you see my work being posted anywhere else, please kindly report them to me.♡
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✨️ ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: Tarot is not an exact science, nor can it produce information that is factually true. All things posted are alleged and for entertainment purposes only. The future is fluid, and what may happen is based on your choices and actions, not what I and a deck of cards say. You are still the creator of your future. ✨️
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leviathans-watching · 2 years
hey :3 can you do a fic about mc who kept her feelings for solomon secretly for more than one year? and mc was fighting with a lower demon who was saying that she likes one of the brother and then she says that it was solomon not the brother/s but she didn't confess because she was afraid that solomon would reject her because he don't want to lose another lover and like those worries? muahh
solomon overhearing your confession
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includes: solomon x gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .7k | rated t | m.list
a/n: lmao he's so dumb i love him sm. thanks for requesting and i hope you enjoy!! my inbox is open to chat, request, or leave feedback so come say hi <33
warnings: (mildly humerous) depictions of (poorly executed) bullying
please reblog >:0
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“admit it,” a lower-level demon says, pressing her finger into your chest, “you like lucifer!”
“i do not,” you protest hotly.
“fine then,” another says, rolling his eyes, “mammon, then!”
“i don’t like any of the demon brothers,” you argue.
“that’s such a lie!” the leader dismisses. “anyone would like at least one!”
“i thought you didn’t want me to like them,” you say, confused. “otherwise, why would you be threatening me?”
“we obviously need you to admit which one you like so we can warn you off of him,” a third demon says.
“this is so dumb. i already told all of you, i don’t like any of them! there’s actually someone else i hold close.”
“now you’re just making excuses. if that’s really true, then who do you like?”
you hesitate. it’s not as if you’re lying–you really do like solomon–you’ve just never admitted it to anyone and can’t believe the first time you do will be under duress.
“see, you’re not saying anything,” the second one speaks up again, “that means you’ve got to be lying!”
“what is with you weirdos! i like solomon, okay!”
“solomon? you mean like that shady sorcerer?”
“figures,” the third demon says nastily, “two humans, meant for one another.”
“why do you like him?” the leader asks. “how can i believe you without evidence?”
you groan. this is so freaking cliche. “he might be shady, but he’s really smart, okay? and he’s got a good sense of humor and strong morals. they may not be good morals but he knows what he believes in and stands up for it. he also is like, super attractive.” you go on but for the sake of brevity, it will get left up to imagination.
“wow, you must really like him,” the leader demon finally says, face crinkled. “why haven’t you confessed?”
“well, he’s never given an indication that he likes me back,” you say, wondering how you’re life has gotten to this point, “and i don’t do well with rejection in general.”
“i believe in you,” the second crony says passionately. “i’m sure he likes you back! you just have to take the first step!”
“i thought you guys were threatening me,” you say, confused.
“well, we were,” the leader says like you’re stupid, stepping back. “but we don’t actually dislike you. just threats to our chances with the brothers.”
wisely, you hold back the fact that you don’t think they have very much of a chance at all. “so you’re encouraging me now?”
“obviously. it’s kind of pitiful how down bad you are, you know,” the third says. “you seriously need to just jump in with both feet and be brave.”
after a few more inspiring words, they leave you, even more confused and honestly just ready to go back to the house of lamentation. but before you can, a voice speaks up, and seriously, this is way too cliche.
“now, that was interesting,” solomon says, and you turn to him with a scowl.
“how long have you been standing there? and you didn’t help me?”
“well, i got there and was going to help, but then you started waxing poetic about my cheekbones and i figured you had it in control.”
“kill me now.”
“ah, ah, ah, none of that,” he says, clicking his tongue. “at least not before you tell me if you meant everything you said. because if you did,” he continues before you can protest, “that would very good news for me indeed.”
you don’t dare to believe what he’s implying. “maybe,” you say instead. “what would you do if i had?”
his face splits into a handsome smile. “well, take you out on a date, of course,” he says like it’s obvious. “one where you can tell me more about how you like my charming wit and dashing aura.”
“oh god,” you say with feeling. “what have i gotten myself into?”
“the start of something beautiful,” solomon replies grandiosely, taking your hand, and for once, you actually think he might be being serious.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 4 months
Permit me a bit of gushing, even though I've said most of this before, in a variety of places. But what is a tumblr blog even for, if not for subjecting you all to this? Anyway, I am just so, so enamoured with Dame Aylin, the way she is written, the way she speaks and acts, and every single trope that makes an appearance with her.
I adore what she's doing to people's vocabularies! Love seeing 'panoply' come up in the context of her armour. 'Libation' is another great fun one popping up, in actual religious ritual contexts, in Shadowheart-getting-drunk-in-camp-again contexts, and sometimes Isobel's, uhm. Yeah. And hey, she has single-handedly brought 'succor' to unprecedented levels of popularity!
Also, I cannot tell you how fun it is to write her! The levels of sheer intensity! The contrasting genuine sweetness and moments of vulnerability! What a gift it is to let loose with some really apeshit vows of bloody vengeance or stuff about cleaving foul villains in twain to rot unburied in dishonour without end, then go into gloriously inspirational and actually quite insightful supportive words reserved for loyal and respected allies, and after that waxing poetic about fair Isobel and her wise countenance and the honeyed indulgence of her lips and the luminous moonlit halo that rests easy upon her blessèd brow-- I love her so much, she is invited into my brain forever, she sparks such pure unadulterated joy. Just this evening I was picking at a fic doc and didn't get much done, but I filled in a bit of banter
"A snivelling coward as always, Balthazar. Were there no spines to be found in any of the tombs you plundered?"
and then sat and had a little giggle with myself.
Anyway. I could happily post bits and pieces of Aylin lines all day (this is only slightly a joke post), there's just so many excellent ones, and ones I feel people often miss, which is a shame. But here, for now, to cap off these rambles, have this bit from the Shadowfell prison that just goes so hard and that I am particularly personally fond of for some reason. The phrasing is just... chef's kiss.
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Know I will feel every wound, and still I will hurt less than you, who so utterly yourself defile.
On a more humorous note, I am also a big fan of when she calls you a chicken.
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Run your coop all you like, chicken. You cannot fly without my wings.
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valentine-cafe · 2 months
. ˚◞♡ 𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒏 — 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒚𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒍 𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍◞ ₊˚
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⊹ ۪ ࣪ ᥫ᭡ “the rain falls quietly up above many surfaces, but here, we have the crystals to give us their magic dust, floating like stars. . . yet none of it will ever compare to your beauty, aein” ꒱
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. ˚◞꒰verse꒱ verseless ( dwells within the abyss )
. ˚◞꒰face claim refs꒱ ( x ) ( x ) ( x )
. ˚◞꒰species꒱ half abyssal angel / half dragon ( does not identify with his dragon heritage it makes him uncomfortable )
. ˚◞꒰ethnicity꒱ korean/chinese
. ˚◞꒰age꒱ millennia old
. ˚◞꒰gender꒱ male
. ˚◞꒰mbti꒱ infj
. ˚◞꒰aliases꒱ the angel who cried stars, the void , eyes of the abyss, void daddy ( zhào jìngyí 9948e ).
. ˚◞꒰appearance꒱
𖹭. long long, jet black hair with stars shimmering by his ends
𖹭. pale skin with golden veins that flow into a gentle amethyst ombre, shimmering just like the crystal itself
𖹭. stands at the height of 7’9” ft ( 236.22 cm ) with an athletic, lean and toned build.
𖹭. has six pairs of void black wings, with golden tips by the end of his feathers
𖹭. long, dark and flower robes. usually wears hanfu or hanbok, but at times also dresses to the usual abyssal fashion. which is composed of long, dark mesh robes, that show the gentle outline of the body and are dorned with lots of crystals and jewellery
𖹭. a combination of masculine and a few feminine features, that give him an ethereal look from all lighting and angles
𖹭. has gold and black draconic scales running down his forearms and the surface of his hands, along with a few on his cheeks
𖹭. soft, golden brown eyes, with a piercing gold slit in the middle of them, that only dilates when he senses danger
𖹭. keeps his hands clean from rings most of the time due to work, but he has his wedding ring on, composed of abyssal crystals and onyx. while his nails are painted gold and are long. they cannot be cut too far, due to draconic ancestry ( aka, it will hurt )
𖹭. only really wears eyeliner, but at times, he enjoys prettying himself up with lots of gold and bronze colors, especially for formal events
𖹭. he has standard lobe piercings and upper lope piercings on both ears.
𖹭. has several eyes concealed by magic. ( all around his body )
. ˚◞꒰personality꒱
𖹭. very calm and serene, and is quite reserved
𖹭. the quiet kind, rarely speaks due to the fact he gets intimidated by the consequences of words that may come out.
𖹭. extremely caring with those he holds dear and wouldn’t hesitate to smite someone if they were hurt
𖹭. a gentle soul who can quickly turn stern and disciplined should the matter arise for such
𖹭. a strategic warrior and commander, he knows what he is doing. don’t interfere unless there’s a good reason
𖹭. deceptive and secretive, more than some would imagine
𖹭. kindhearted and very empathetic — he understands many burdens that people go through and work tooth and nail to help them
𖹭. extremely intelligent and wise, sharp at mind and good at pointing out ulterior motives of others
𖹭. despite all of these attributes, this man can also be quite the trickster. loves sending people into a shy flustered state and then leaving them confused
𖹭. he has a tendency to fall in love with what most people consider scary or dark. finding beauty in it and sharing it to those willing to see.
𖹭. is quite poetic and enjoys letting a few confusing riddles roll off of his tongue every now and then and see who gets them right.
𖹭. has a bit of a dark side to himself he doesn’t like showing either, sometimes getting consumed by greed when he sees something he likes and wants.
. ˚◞꒰with a lover꒱
𖹭. teasing, he loves getting a rise out of you and seeing your face go all shades of red. and he especially likes when you cling onto him after.
𖹭. is touch startved and often searches for your hand or your back to hold onto. with gentle and delicate touches, that display so much love for you and all that you are, caressing your body or face — whatever he can get to.
𖹭. really enjoys taking you around the prime city of the abyss, telling you of it’s history. and if you are not a history enthusiast, he will take you to all of the best view spots and restaurants that he knows. sometimes dragging you to cafés to taste the unique pastries of the domain.
𖹭. one of his love languages are words of affection. when he speaks to you, it is with such love that is from way beyond the bounds of his heart, but instead his soul. each and every word are meant to comfort and ease you.
𖹭. loves to take you out for flights, holding you tight and close as he flies the both of you across the realm. though, always careful and avoidant of the more dangerous and dark areas he knows you shouldn’t be.
𖹭. has a thing for doing your makeup. he likes experimenting new looks or looks he finds interesting on you. don’t like makeup? he’ll do it on himself so you can give him your own input! anything to have you close is good for him. he loves talking with you, especially when he feels his spouts of wanting to interact verbally
𖹭. likes waking you up in the morning and whisking you off to eat breakfast with him. soft kisses and tired but fond glances shared back and forth. his feathers tickling your face and hands as he beckons you to brush them.
𖹭. really enjoys when you preen his wings. and sometimes teasingly gives them a little flap so you jolt back a bit and fuss at him.
𖹭. massages you all the time, he wants to assure your muscles are all eased up and not tense. any knots or tender areas are a big no no. he wants your body to feel good just as much as he wants you to feel good mentally and emotionally.
𖹭. a bigger flirt than he seems. he doesn’t mind carelessly pushing you up against a random wall or piece of furniture, whispering sweet nothings and some of the purest filth into your ears. it all adds to his shamelessness, if people watch, let them.
𖹭. will immediately take you away from any place or event that makes you feel overstimulated and overwhelmed, so that you do not end up spiralling down a path that makes you tired and exhausted. and when you feel ready, the two of you can go back together.
. ˚◞꒰strengths꒱
𖹭. draconic eyesight: has advanced eyesight that extends into night vision
𖹭. advanced strength: enhanced strength both in his stature and wings
𖹭. enhanced agility: advanced agility and reflexes
𖹭. enhanced senses: advanced senses, apart from his eyesight that might dwindle a bit in light areas
𖹭. advanced flight: has six pairs of wings which enhance his flight greatly. he is very fast
𖹭. shadow magic/darkness manipulation: as an abyss angel he is able to manipulate darkness and mould it into a form of magic
𖹭. light magic: the ability to cast spells, rituals and other light magic aspects
𖹭. advanced combat abilities: has an advanced knowledge of combat and is able to execute it exceptionally. his experience as one of the oldest angels plays a part in this as well
𖹭. tactical mind: able to come up with strategies very quickly
𖹭. dragon morphing: the ability to morph into a dragon form
𖹭. healing factor: the ability to heal from injuries and wounds
𖹭. divine banishment: able to banish malicious beings back to their place of origin
. ˚◞꒰weaknesses꒱
𖹭. iron: an allergy to iron, depending on the concentration
𖹭. black magic: as both a water dragon and an angel, black magic tends to affect him quite badly
𖹭. heat: too much heat drains water dragons and makes them weak. this can be dire in states of dehydration
𖹭. light areas: his vision gets hazed because he is adapted to the darkness of the abyss
. ˚◞꒰relationships꒱
𖹭. rinfier mith’andrel: husband, king.
𖹭. rishen aryielus: SON
. ˚◞꒰story꒱
silently, and with sharp eyes piercing through the thickest darkness of the abyss. the reknowned eyes of the realm itself overlooks the wastelands and cavern rubble that surrounds the walls outside the city of the king. his stoic expression remaining and wings all extended out with their eyes looking to all corners with him.
many dangerous things lurk within the home of this realm. and it is his duty to assure none get through the city or out.
and though longing to pass through the streets of the city on his way home, he enjoys his work. he loves the feeling of the vapor of this damned domain rushing through his dark wings.
it isn’t a feeling he will ever be able to get rid of, it’s only a matter of time before he can feel it all over again, is it not?
. ˚◞꒰extra꒱
𖹭. has the ability to shift his gender and appearance like most angels
𖹭. he is one of the first abyssal angels and thus holds quite the high rank
𖹭. he is omnilingual
𖹭. has a familiar woodpecker named jazz
𖹭. knows all sign languages
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sukugo · 11 months
So as a fellow sukugo shrine sweeper, I feel like I have to share this with you first:
That's it. It was over. They all watched as Gojo fell to the rubble beneath his feet. Shallow, raspy breaths and the gurgling of blood would only be poetic in a moment such as this.
"You fought well, my sorcerer." Sukuna's words weren't a verbal sneer. He stated it as fact, therefore it was so. He walked to the highest pile of former buildings and sat down. "I will give you a choice, Satoru Gojo. You die here and now, or you can crawl to me. After all, it would be a shame to lose you. You've taught me something that no one else could."
Everything was shaking. It was too much but nothing at all. Gojo could only cling to the voice in front of him, to the eyes of the god before him. Crawl, Sukuna had said. What did he have to lose? The world was fucked either way, and he had caused so much destruction.
The refuge in his audacity had run out.
The refuge ahead was still here. Just a few steps away.
Stumbling was something he didn't think was possible when crawling. He never had to worry about it before.
A clawed hand raked through his blood crusted hair. If he wasn't using the king of curses as a bedrock for his sanity, he might have been startled.
"There we are, Satoru. I'm glad you made the right decision. Come here, and I will tell you what you taught me." He pulled Gojo between his legs and the sorcerer laid his head on the other's leg. He felt Sukuna healing his wounds right under his fingertips, and gasped as it overflowed into his bones.
Not quite healing, but more a brand. A mark of victory, pouring into his cracked cup of a body. He felt Sukuna filling every empty space, not just his mind, but his physical form as well.
He didn't know when his eyes had closed, but Malevolent Shrine was kinda hard to miss.
"Why so quiet all of a sudden?"
"It's not empty anymore. It's quiet." Was it always this dark?
"Your six eyes caused that void. I removed the problem. Made you whole. You were born rare, but also broken. Empty. I suspected that was what was wrong with you, but... you don't have to worry about that now."
"Explains why everything is so fucking dark."
A barking laugh came from above him.
"A small price for me filling your void."
"Careful now, I'm already on my knees." Gojo wise cracked. "But what did I teach you?"
"Love." That's... not what he was expecting. " You and I are very similar. That is the reason why our fight was as fulfilling as it was destructive. We fill and heal the void that makes us restless... but only you can give that to me. Just as I will be the only one for you."
The curse lifted him up onto his lap, and Gojo gently examined his remains of his eyes. Gone.
"When they regenerate, they will be no different than normal eyes, little sorcerer."
"I would prefer if my love could see me." Gojo parted his lips to speak, but an insistent press of lips took the words from him.
When they parted, Gojo could only formulate one solid question:
"What would I see, Sukuna?"
The god holding him, his grin unseen, leaned back into his throne.
"That I alone...
...am the exalted one."
Sorry if this is really long or seem ooc, I was vibing to Neoni and things happened. I hope you enjoy though!!
sorry i just. i need a fucking moment. IAUGHKDGAJFHKJLJASDLAJFKADKASÑ IM SCREAMING
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tarnishedxknight · 11 days
FFXII Week ~ Day 3 Prompt: "Even caged birds need wings."
{out of dalmasca} Disclaimer: This post may include canon-divergent interpretations of canon characters, info about OCs featured on this blog, and AUs that may not align with the canon plot/characters of FFXII and/or may contain triggering material.
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This is a quote that plays on the metaphor of "cages" that was introduced earlier by Basch. "Cages" can mean many things in FFXII: literal, physical iron cages such as prison cells; the social cages one can be placed in when one is judge harshly by the court of public opinion; and finally, the mental cages we place ourselves in with our guilt, grief, and regret. Basch hits upon all of them during first his conversation with Vossler and then continuing shortly after with Vaan. His words not only carry meaning for his intentions and interactions with others, but they also reveal things about himself.
Vossler, who does not believe Basch's innocence in Raminas' death (and who, in my own headcanons, is deflecting away from his own secret involvement in the assassination), is letting Basch know that he is being cautious with him and that the general public still thinks negatively of him:
Vossler: "I must treat you as I would Ondore, as I would any abettor of the Empire." Basch: "Then what will you do? Hold me here in chains?" Vossler: *tosses a sword to Basch* Basch: "Some things never change. Do they?" Vossler: "Listen to me, Basch. Your cage may have no bars, but it is a cage. The eyes of the Resistance watch unblinking." Basch: "Let them watch. I know something of cages."
Vossler is saying... I don't trust you, so you're on probation with me. You are being watched and judged, you can't just do what you want now that you're out of Nalbina. In the court of public opinion, you're still guilty. And Basch, in turn, is saying... So let it happen, let me be guilty to you and to others, I've already been imprisoned and suffered physically, I am suffering in my own mind, what is more judgement to me at this point?
Basch just escaped a literal cage in Nalbina Dungeon, but also he blames himself for not being able to protect Raminas or Reks or to be there for Ashe, so he judges himself as well. In his mind, he's guilty to an extent, just as he's guilty of abandoning his family years earlier. A mental cage of guilty is a thing with him. He's created a cage for himself for years, and more recently for this. He's had two years of imprisonment to think about what happened and blame himself. After that... no other pain hurts more, and no other cage is as confining. Regardless, he must press on, as he has an improtant duty to Ashelia.
Shortly after that conversation, Basch continues with Vaan, and here is where the quote of the day occurs:
Basch: "Our paths keep crossing, yours and mine. It's more than coincidence." Vaan: "It's annoying." Basch: "I'm sorry. Allow me one last annoyance: a favor to ask. I want you to take me to Balthier. Even caged birds need wings."
Continuing the metaphor from his earlier words to Vossler, and with all the previous context, Basch is saying: Everyone needs hope, even those in their own various forms of prisons. Even "caged," whether by his own guilt, grief, and regret, or by Vossler, Vaan, or others who say they believe him guilty of killing Raminas, Basch still needs hope, as do all people. He still needs a potential way out of it, a way to move forward, to break free. In this case, it could also be means to literally fly with the acquisition of an airship, hence the reference to birds and wings.
I love all of this, both for what it means and for the fact that Basch is so poetic when he speaks, heh. He doesn't speak all that much in the game, really, but when he does, it's meaningful, wise, and emotional. He doesn't speak for the sake of shooting the breeze with people, nor does he do so simply to hear himself talk. When Basch speaks, there is meaning to be had in his words, even if you may not fully understand them until a later time.
And this set of quotes really plays to something that is huge with Basch: hope. Basch has seen, done, lived, and heard about enough to make anyone cynical, bitter, apathetic, pessimistic, etc., and yet the man is filled with so much hope. Maybe not for himself, but for those he loves and enables to do great things, for Dalmasca, and for all of Ivalice. He doesn't choose the easiest way through the war, but he chooses the most hopeful, the one that, if he and those he's helping can pull it off, would have the most beneficial outcome.
He doesn't see staggering odds and slim chances as reasons to back down, to stop working, to retreat, or to give up. He sees them as reasons to push harder and believe that it's possible. And, of course, to help keep everyone else's hopes up around him as well. If they fail, they fail. But if they don't... wouldn't that be beautiful? And that's why, no matter how many cages Basch is either put in or places himself in, he will always still be looking to spread his wings, because that's where hope lies.
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silurisanguine · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
thankyou @poetic-poltergeist for the tag!! <3 (starting a new thread as the other was getting looooong.)
okay let's see
1) How many works do you have on AO3
23 currently!
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
245,631 and counting...... (as i new chapter of a fic should be going up any day now)
3) What fandoms do you write for?
Starfield, Deus Ex, Vampyr, Dishonored, Thief and one for Destiny2 at the moment.
4) Top five fics by kudos?
Savages, Paradigm Shift, To See Beyond Forever, Starry Starry Night and Take me Away from All this Death. (would love to see some of my Starfield fics get in here by next year! ).
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always do, comments fuel me! Seriously the serotonin boost from getting a comment is often exactly what i need to keep writing.
6) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Shattered Reflections i'd say. (but chapter wise, it's my new one Chasing Your Star...)
7) What’s the fic you write with the happiest ending?
That will be.... [redacted].
8) Do you get hate on fics?
First fic i published on Ao3 got a unsolicited crit. One point was valid but the other i thought was unwarranted...and in fact incorrect anyway. But other than that, i've had nothing but positive comments.
9) Do you write smut?
haha.....oh ...OH YES. But always with plot and in context of story.
10) Do you write crossovers?
Yes i have one crossover right now - Emerging Shadow (Dishonored/Thief), but i plan another -( deux ex/ Assassin's Creed).
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Probably by AI.....
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, i dont believe so.
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, i'm too much of a control freak for story telling, though i do work with others to work out plot points sometimes.
14) What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Named ships? Emsider and McReid. (also Sam Coe& Spacefarer).
15) What’s the WIP you hope to finish but doubt you ever will?
Im not jinxing anything. I WILL finish all my fics. It just might take a while...But i doubt i will write any more for the Destiny fandom.
16) What are your writing strengths?
Story telling and scene setting I'd like to think.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
Expanded grammar and finishing stories.
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I try to find someone who speaks the language natively to help me with any foreign dialogue i might add.
19) First fandom you wrote for?
Xena, Warrior Princess. Back in my Live Journal days.
20) Favourite fic you’ve ever written? I have to admit i have a soft spot for Obsidian Dreams and Take me Away from All this Death. But i am absolutely loving writing Chasing Your Star Until I Find Home. I tag - @lakritzwolf @eridanidreams @bearlytolerant @atonalginger @fangbangerghoul @booburry @toxiclizardwrites @aro-pancake @aislingdmdt @onewhoturns @lisa-and-shadow @thatsgoodsquishy0 @despicablediet @themortalscout
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The Tortured Poets Department: The Anthology first listen 🎧🪻✨
More than 15 years later wow it still feels so magical to listen to a brand new album. The joy, the excitement, the nervousness. I mark chapters of my life with her albums, they always seem to arrive with perfect timing. Is it fate or delusion? Probably the later, obviously she has no idea who I am. Idk it feels nice to delude myself now and again that we’re all journeying through this time together in some connectedness (is that a word?). It feels sort of nostalgic in some ways, from being just a child to now an adult, it’s like Sesame Street that grows up with you. Not a great analogy but what I mean to say is it holds a special place to me.
This album, this anthology feels much like we’ve been handed her diary, filled with sticky notes bound together, it’s so raw but so expertly crafted, messy feelings but the penmanship is exquisite. From her debut album, it’s always been poetry. She transports you to her world. What a journey, what a joy, what a gift.
I like to capture my first thoughts of each song in my silly chicken scratching written notes. Most of it makes no sense. It feels like a nice silly tradition and it’s fun to look back on. So here goes:
- It’s giving moody 1989??? Excuse me miss?!!! Ohhh she knows. Preach bye time to cry
The tortured poets department
- Ooooh we’re in an 80s dreamscape. Yes yes yes. Who’s gonna love you but me? A fluffy dreamland Patty smith? Insert wait I understood the reference meme. Ooooh it’s lovely. I am sad
My boy only breaks his favourite toys
- excuse me?? I’m shattered byyyyyeee. I’ll tell you that he runs because he loves me?? You should’ve see him when he first saw me? Once I fix me he’s gonna miss me??? Ladies and gents welcome to afternoon tea on the menu SCALDING hot queen’s special. Maybe I’m a crumpled up paper on the floor. Maybe I am no more.
Down Bad
- well damn she’s said the quiet parts out loud again. Oh smokes time to dissapear into this galaxy smoky cloud of night. One of us. One of us. One of us.
So long London
- literally standing by the river in the rain. May as well cry my damn eyes out . Darn it blondie. Poetic destruction. Crying my eyes out by the water like I’m in made in Chelsea. Darn.
But daddy I love him
- a folklore ode? Little house on the prairie Princess revolution. Serve it up serve it up I’m ready to be stuffed like a winter pig. A grown up love story. It’s ridiculous and maybe wise eyes know too well it’s chockablock of red flags but darn I’m a cheesin’ this is so cute.
Fresh out the slammer
- oh it’s like August but dark. August dark afternoon blistering hot and the storm is about to come.
Florida!!! Ft Florence and the machine
-ExXUSE MEEEEEEEeE?????!?!!?teee heee heee heeee. Your home’s really only a town you’re a guest in??? Sorry can’t speak my jaw has shattered. Pls pls. Palm tree pls.
Guilty as sin?
- A false God dreamy haze confessional? With sprinkle of Gold Rush??? I am a melted.
Who’s afraid of little old me?
- The who’s who of who’s that is poised for the attack? But my bare hands paved their path, you don’t get to tell me what’s sad? - I AM CHOKED. Silenced mute. Ohhhh miss blondie is on BUSINESS. TELL THEM SWEETIE. Oh my heart 💔
I can fix him (No really I can).
- Oooh moody blues preaching with generous dash of delusion? Ah yes my routine favourite beverage. I am drinking this up like air. Drunk on false hope? One of us. One of us. One of us.
- You Holy Ghost you told me I’m the love of your life. Oh no I’m crying again. Back to crumpled paper rocking back and forth on the floor in a ball it is. It’s so pretty yet, shattering. Devastating. I wish I could unrecall how we almost had it all. Dancing phantoms on the terrace, are they second hand embarrassed that I can’t get out of bed ‘cause something counterfit is dead? Yep that’ll do it.
I can do it with a broken heart?
- Oh damn. Honey nooooo. Oh myyyy. Oh I’m in this picture and I don’t like it. It’s so artfully done, so upbeat and Poppy yet so hauntingly sad. Yes that’s the point but it’s sooo well done. Oh sweetie. I can’t stop laughing it’s not funny, it’s just you too pumpkin. I wanna hug her and tell her it’ll be fine. Ok ok.
The smallest man who ever lived
- Oh I’m speechless. And I don’t even want you back, I just want to know, if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal. The bridge? Excuse me while I sink to the bottom of the darkest ocean.
The alchemy
- Oooh it’s so cute and dreamy. I’m beaming you can hear her smile when she sings.
Clara bow
- Oooh it’s the lucky one grown up. The bridge is a masterpiece. It’s hell on earth to be heavenly, thems the breaks it don’t come gently. She knows she’s a star, The never ending cyclical wheel of stardom, even the shiniest, ends with a new star born in its shadow.
The black dog
- Oh No no no I Am 1 billion percent destroyed. Byeeeee
- Oooh blondie is on the prowl and what can I do but bop like the well stuffed clown I am. Insert meme of cat bopping their head.
The albatross
- Banjo? Haunting country cautionary tale? - scathing review of one’s reputation, worst traits but underneath it all is just vulnerability. Caged for ‘monstrosity’ but being so vulnerable and just wanting to be freed loved. The ‘monster’ trying to protect the one they love from the things that will come for them too? Do they even realise it? Do they care? Wow it’s poetically beautiful.
Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus
- Oh it’s sad. If you wanna break my cold cold heart, just say I loved you the way that you were? Oh myyy. Replaying old moments, looking for clues wondering if it can all have a new ending? Wow.
How did it end?
- Wow the invasiveness of empathy of the innate curiosity of wanting to know, so you can something comforting, learn from it but you forget how it can be the worst part, having to offer up a ‘post mortem’ to all when you’ve barely even processed its ended yourself. The cyclical nature of it happening every time like it’s just a formal process we’ve come to accept even though it haunts us all. Ironically as we listen to this. Wow so beautifully done.
So high school
- I wanna find you in a crowd just to hide from you, and in a blink of a crinkling eye, I’m sinking, our fingers entertwined. Awww the sort of bubblegum silly feels you roll your eyes but you have the biggest smile on your face. It’s soo cute. You know how to call, I know Aristotle.
I hate it here
- Oooooh tell me something awful like you’re a poet trapped inside the body of a finance guy. One of us. One of us.
ThanK you aIMee
- Oh my goodness it’s grown up mean but she made it out. It’s so sad but I’m beaming. I say that’s my baby and I’m proud. Andrea? Oh thank you next. Not the kid. I’m cackling.
I look in people’s windows
- Oh it’s haunted death by a thousand cuts glimmering of desperate false hope. It’s lovely.
The prophecy
- Oh. Damn yep that’ll do it. Right in the ticker. Damn. It feels very much like am I doomed to always be the one before the one? Wow. Just yeah.
- I don’t know why but this makes think of safe and sound. Like the woman that was there when everything burned around them. She’s telling her side. Everyone’s there to watch you burn, screaming your guilt but silent when they’re wrong? If that ain’t the truth miss. Oh wow. Shes beautifully captured such a dark chapter.
- Oh wow it’s beautiful. It’s like post cardigan and she’s all grown up. 'Cause love's never lost when perspective is earned. But the woman who sits by the window has turned out the light. Oh wow it’s wow.
The Bolter
- Oh we must stop meeting like this but it always ends with a town car speeding. Wowowow. It feels like the time she fell through the ice, then came out alive. Oh my a BEAUTY.
- Oh it’s so pretty. It’s like never grow up, safe and sound and seven swirled together. Wow. It’s like she’s talking to her child but then also herself in the past and present, like from an older perspective? Ohhh it’s beautiful. Why does this make me think of coraline’s real mother watching her sleep? I wanna cry.
The manuscript
- Wow god it’s beautiful. Another time travel song. You keep revisiting past in your mind and you gain perspective and then you realise you aren’t that version of you that lived it anymore. You can feel it still, not as deeply perhaps but you’re disconnected from thinking the way you did at that time or after. Is sobering and haunting. The healing. Wow wow wow.
@taylorswift thank you my love 💕
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firsttarotreader · 1 year
Wew! it's hard to come up with a brand new request for a reading when you've scrolled through the 'readings' tag and saw so much creative questions! anyway, let me try: I've noticed P is very good at complimenting with writting words, he seems very expressive and poetic with his writting but what about speaking? to be more clear with my question, is he the type that compliments his romantic partner verbally? like, calling them beautiful, sexy, etc, face to face? is he loving with words or just physical acts?
Hiya! Let’s do a semi-naughty and light one this time. When I asked your question, the Major Arcana were The Devil, Strength and The Hierophant.
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Lol. 🤭🤭 So The Devil points to him loving to compliment a partner or person he is interested in by calling them “hot”, “sexy” and anything that’s related to their body and physical attractiveness. The man is gonna be horny and he’s very physical so… 🤭 Strength is interesting because it shows him also using the compliments to “conquer” them, to win them over, to “dominate” them in a way, so the “sexy” and “just passed out” kind of thing will not be uncommon. The Hierophant means he might also like to compliment them for their wisdom and their knowledge and how smart and wise and competent they are.
The Minor Arcana were the 9 of Swords reversed, 5 of Wands and 7 of Cups. Honestly, this 9 of Swords reversed with The Devil makes me think he will become “obsessed” with the person and be all over them and anxious to express how much they drive him crazy (in a good, naughty way lol). 5 of Wands with Strength is curious because he might get in a “competition” mode with the person but in this combination it will be a healthy one, he will want to compliment them more than they compliment him, lol, all in the name of the conquest and seduction and dominance. 😂 Then 7 of Cups with The Hierophant shows us he might be the kind that will rave about the other person, that will daydream about them and idealize them and that will be translated into compliments, about how incredible they are to him, SO smart and so wise and so good in everything they do.
So yeah, he will compliment them, and it will have a horny and passionate component to it. 🤭🤭🤭🤭
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astralnymphh · 8 months
i like the way you think is kinda unique yk :) it's wonderfully nice to talk to you, it's like everything you say comes from the bottom of your heart. well im not too good with this poetic things im more into the gruesome, blood, scary.
- 🍮
i love speaking with old english words, scrambling grammar and sentence setups, using the most gruesome and sickly metaphors for the utmost delicate and archaic happenings in life. i have soooooo many thoughts and yet none of them come out. it's hard to do poetic word vomit sometimes, especially when the words that linger don't match the nature of what you're writing. why am i so wise today bru
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waltwhitmansbeard · 2 years
my fair lady: chapter eight
click here for the other chapters, if you're nasty. thanks once again to @romeoandjulietyouwish and her medieval au for the inspo!
The ballroom of the Emerald Citadel is a thing of grandeur. Vaulted ceilings stretch up toward the heavens, and the periodic marble pillars have been expertly carved to resemble massive, sprawling elm trees. The center of the chamber is currently empty, as the formal dancing portion of the evening has yet to begin, but a quartet of musicians sits off to one side, weaving an intricate, melodious tapestry of traditional Ashari, Draconian, and Syngornian songs. Long tables frame the room, with one at the head for the leaders of the three gathered nations.
Vax scopes the room, eyes alighting on each individual face, from his position a few feet behind Keyleth at the head table. Her introduction with the Ashari delegation went well enough; she shone like a gem on her father's arm, and anyone who didn't know her as well as Vax does would have been fooled by her polite smile and graceful movement.
Vax, for his part, is doing a far less convincing job of keeping his emotions in check. Within two minutes of taking his post behind Keyleth, while the Draconian delegation was being heralded in, Lord Percival had sidled up to hiss at him, "Relax your face. You look as though you're about to set the room ablaze."
Any given minute, he feels as though he might.
After some brief speeches in which Sovereign Korrin and King Kruvanis thank each other and their Syngornian hosts and wax poetic about the end of a long and arduous war, the celebrations formally begin, to culminate at the end of the night with the signing of the treaty. The High Warden steps up to announce the introduction of dancing, to be kicked off by the newly betrothed royals, Prince Tiberius Stormwind of Draconia and Princess Keyleth of the Ashari.
Vax locks his eyes on the dragonborn prince as he extends a hand toward Keyleth, bowing before her. Prince Tiberius doesn't seem to notice the way her hand trembles as it slips into his—or maybe he does, and he imagines the tremor is one of attraction and not one of fear. The dance is lively, with lots of spinning and turning, and the prince wisely keeps his hands in respectable places. Keyleth has never been the most sure-footed, and her nerves certainly aren't helping; she spends much of the dance watching her feet to ensure she doesn't trip.
The dance ends to polite applause, and Vax lets out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. The prince and princess genuflect to each other, and then the dance floor is flooded for the quadrille. Keyleth uses the activity to duck away and retreat to the head table. As she passes him, she catches Vax's eye, her face falling for the briefest moment so only he can see her true misery.
Keyleth is going to scream. Halfway through dinner, which is a sampling of Ashari and Draconian cuisine, Prince Tiberius hasn't let her get a single word in edgewise. He's filled her in on his entire life story, prattling on about how droll his life at court has been and pontificating on his academic and arcane exploits. Keyleth pushes her food around her plate, no appetite to speak of, and makes vague noises of feigned interest to hide the fact that she hasn't listened to a word in half an hour. He seems satisfied by this level of contribution to the conversation and blusters on.
Finally, she is rescued by Percy, who interrupts the prince mid-sentence to ask his oldest friend for a dance. As they spin around the dance floor, Keyleth mutters, "Thank you for extracting me from that...well, I can't exactly call it a conversation, as I don't believe he's ever heard the sound of my voice." She sighs. "Vax warned me about how...trying he is, but nothing could have prepared me for that."
"I'm so sorry, Keyleth," he whispers back. "I can't imagine what this feels like."
Her eyes prickle, but she blinks the threatening tears away. "This is what a royal should expect, is it not? My future has never been my own. I can learn to live with him." She knows she has never sounded less convincing in her life.
Percy's face colors with pity. "You shouldn't have to. It is an injustice, to determine the fate of a nation but not your own life."
She wants to argue with him, to defend her father and the way her court is run, but after this trying day, she is simply too tired to lie to herself. Her eyes slide closed and she lets Percy lead her through the dance, happy to have this short respite from the responsibilities of her station. If Percy sees the wayward tear escape from beneath her eyelids, he gallantly says nothing.
The song is winding to a close when the melody is cut short by a cacophonous shattering of glass. All of the tall, intricately patterned windows lining the walls explode inward, sending a maelstrom of glass shards over the gathered guests. The chamber erupts in shrieks of horror as a legion of masked, black-clad figures swing inside on ropes. They land and immediately begin a violent assault on the party, firing crossbows and throwing daggers and brandishing blades with stunning speed.
Keyleth freezes in shock, but Percy doesn't hesitate. He reaches back into his jacket and retrieves from the hidden holster on his back the six-barreled weapon Keyleth spent years watching him craft by hand. He turns to her and commands, "Get to Vax, now!" before charging off to fight.
Heart thrumming and mouth dry, Keyleth whips around to look toward the head table, behind which Vax had been standing dutifully all night. Before she can take a step, however, a pair of thick arms wraps around her torso, yanking her back off her feet. She yelps, the sound swallowed by the screams of others and the clashing of metal and the booms of Percy's weapon. A hand clamps down over her mouth. She tries to shout through, heart racing unbearably fast now, but it's no use. She is hauled off of her feet and carried by some unseen assailant through the fracas, out of the ballroom, and far from any hope of help.
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pennywaltzy · 1 year
For your 25th -- Sherlolly, black, 22
This was a long prompt that got picked (“I think you need to taste this for me,” Queen Molly said. She shoved the exquisite cake in her guard’s direction. Sherlock blinked. “Um.” “What, you’d rather your queen be poisoned?” "Of course not." He hesitantly took a mouthful, only to practically melt in satisfaction. “Oh my god.” It was amazing. He caught himself. “I - er - I think it’s fine.” “You should try a sip of the wine too,” Molly said. “Just to be safe. Sit, sit.” It took him slightly too long to realize it was a date.) that I used parts of verbatim. I also used a 30 Day Writing Challenge prompt (Use the words: crown, dance, smile) for this, even though I changed "dance" to "dancing."
The Royal Taste-Tester - Queen Molly has a task for Sir Sherlock.
“I think you need to taste this for me,” Queen Molly said. She was holding up a plate of cake. Not a huge slice, but enough that two people could get a decent amount out of the slice. Of course, Sir Sherlock had little experience with being the Queen’s personal guard, so he assumed it was simply a demand of hers, one of her whims that he was told about.
Sherlock blinked. “Um.” He wasn’t sure how to deal with the lovely queen. She put him off his senses. Not only was she lovely, she was smart as a whip and able to keep most of the kingdom happy. When he was guarding her he couldn’t help but stare at her in some sort of awe. And when he had to speak to her, he always tried his best not to foul it up.
As was just evidenced, he wasn’t always successful.
“What, you’d rather your queen be poisoned?” she asked him, a small smile crossing her lips. If he didn’t know better, he’d say it was a teasing smile, to go with the slightly teasing tone of the question.
"Of course not." She took up a fork and took a generous helping of the cake onto the fork, waving it in his direction, her eyes looking as though they were dancing in the dim light of her private chambers. He took a bite off the fork and nearly moaned. It was an amazing cake, light and fluffy with a blackberry filling and some hint of vanilla in both the cake and the frosting. “Oh my god. That was amazing.”
“It’s truly good?” Queen Molly asked, her smile growing and the glint in her eye matching the glint of light off her crown.
“I - er - I think it’s fine.” He was already making a fool of himself; no need to make it worse by waxing poetic about cake.
“You should try a sip of the wine too,” Molly said. “Just to be safe. After all, who knows who would want me dead?” It was just the two of them, and she patted the place to her left. “Sit, sit.”
“Isn’t that the place your consort would sit?” he asked. She gave him a Look with a capital L, and he sat. She was the queen, after all. Wouldn’t do to upset her.
When Queen Molly and formerly Sir Sherlock, now Prince Consort Sherlock, got married, he had a bit of the cake before pressing it into her face as she did the same, Laughingly, they took bits of blackberry filling and vanilla icing and smeared them on each other. It was the second best cake he’d ever had; the best had been the cake on their first date. A date it had taken him until the second course to realize it was, in fact, a date.
His wise, lovely Queen had gotten her way once again.
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