#special interests make brain go brrr
sucre-blue · 2 years
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always a work in progress, but behold zoes epic corner of doodads and whatnots and trinkets :)
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You ever think a thought that feels too big for your brain
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space-wife · 1 year
I'm going to end up binge watching the entirety of Ranma 1/2 again aren't I?
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boilingrain · 1 year
No matter how often I replay Breath of the Wild, my sister is still always shocked when I've made a ton of progress in an incredibly short amount of time.
Bro these are just the powers that autism gives you
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lycemagee · 1 month
Do you have a list of your most interesting Character in Ikemen Villains and your least? Like those where you have questions, you are thinking hard. Those who make your brain like brrr (Not favourite!)
I think atm mine is looking like this?
Alfons (Yes he is my favourite but he is an enigma (or not) and would he sit in front of me I would ask him many questions (and probably wouldn't get any answers)
Victor (Enigma too maybe even worse than Alfons. Like we know nothing. NOTHING. EVEN ROGER DOESN'T KNOW SHIT. HOW SHOULD WE???? And his behaviour is so eccentric but so kind I feel like something is off. Something does not fit right.)
Darius (Just look at his face and tell what's going on inside of him. For real. I cannot grasp his being or maybe I think I can but then I feel like it's wrong. He feels like water)
William (His way of behaving, dealing with gruesome experience with such a calm and carefree attitude like huhh??? Also his people pleasing behaviour like rationally I cannot understand this man AT ALL. He does not make sense for me. He is so caring and so on but also so cold gruesome in his actions sometimes like I don't get. ESPECIALLY WHEN ELBERT TOLD KATE HIS REACTION WHEN ELBERT STOOD ON WILLIAMS SHADOW LIKE HOW??????I wanna break his head open to look inside)
Nica (what's going on behind his cheeky attitude full of sarcasm. When I am listening to him speak I cannot tell what he means seriously and what not. He is even more aggravating than Alfons I feel like.)
Elbert (He is definitely not my cup of tea romance wise but his behaviour and his attitude is really interesting to watch and analyse. Especially in combination with the relationship he has with Alfons I just wanna look inside his head. (I should finally play Liam's route to an end and then begin his route ffs)
Ring (idk what makes me so interested in him. Maybe the contrast to his brother? His Naivity? His innocence? His dumbfounded way? Or even his development from this Naivity to something else...?)
Liam (I mean I am in his route and similar to Elbert, his behaviour is interesting to watch and to question.)
Jude (I hate this man but sadly I am also fascinated by him and want to know more about him? (Just to threaten him and use it against him lmao)
Ellis (I would like to know where his obsession for Happiness comes from and why does it result in such extreme violence? I mean I have some suspicions where it could come from or what his goal is but ye... Really a bizarre creature.)
Harrison (idk why but I don't have a strong interest in his character? I just have some basic questions towards him but nothing special)
Roger (Like one of the most normal ones. I don't really have many questions about him. He is really reasonable)
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amelikos · 29 days
Speculation and general talk about the upcoming episodes (HZ064 and HZ065)!
For information, the title for HZ064 is "Mount Napper, the Creeping Shadow" and the title for HZ065 is "Liko and Amethio". Currently (at the time I am writing these lines), there are no available summaries or staff list for these episodes, so I'll just talk about random stuff that comes to mind that I'm trying to connect to what could happen or what direction I think the writers could take.
For starters, I am a bit giddy over the title for HZ065 because I thought several times "wow, wouldn't it be neat if we had an episode title that was just 'Liko and Amethio' someday" but brushed off the idea ww Only for the writers to go "we'll give you what you want, actually", so thank you for this at whoever who decided to make this happen. I've had a "Liko and Amethio" tag on here for a while and now it actually turns out to be an episode title! And it feels a bit special to just have the names of the characters with nothing else in the title, it really emphasizes the focus on them both or their connection... I don't remember it happening much in the anime! Usually, when we have the names of two characters, it's a "VS" episode (a battle), or they add other words in the title. Anyway, it's neat. AmeLiko brain go brrr etc.
For the staff list: I expect this episode to be written by either Kureha Matsuzawa (script coordinator) or Dai Sato (main writer). If it's an Amethio episode, I think it'll involve these writers... Last time Dai Sato was on the screenplay for an episode, it was HZ046. Kureha Matsuzawa's most recent episode was HZ057.
In terms of episode numbers etc, I think going forward we can expect a gap of roughly ten episodes between Amethio's appearances? It's been pretty consistent so far. He appeared in the first six episodes of the series, and then there was a gap of 15 episodes before his next appearance which was HZ021 (but he was mentioned a few times by other characters). The show needed to introduce the other Explorers before making him come back (which happened between HZ012 and HZ016, which had Spinel appearing and then the other Explorers were revealed and talked). Chapter 2 had him appear at the beginning, then HZ034 and then a gap of roughly ten episodes and he showed up in the finale. Afterwards, his appearance was in HZ054 and now I expect him to show up in HZ064 (the title mentions a shadow creeping). So yeah, a gap of ten episodes sounds reasonable and can be expected going forward.
Again with episode numbers: so far, we've had "prominent" Liko and Amethio scenes in HZ025 (Liko and Amethio scene with Terapagos, though that one was mostly prominent at the end of HZ024), HZ045 (Liko thanking Amethio for saving her) and now HZ065. Twenty episodes between each of these scenes.
In terms of broadcast dates: September last year also had Amethio appearing after a while. More specifically, the first two episodes of September 2023 featured his return. HZ021 (aired September 8, 2023) being Liko bonding and capturing Mibrim and deciding what kind of trainer she wanted to be (Amethio showed up at the end of that episode), and HZ022 (aired September 15, 2023) had Friede vs Amethio in the Galar Mine and they ended up stuck together there. I think it would be funny if this time, Amethio gets stuck together with Liko one year (in broadcast time) after he got stuck in the Galar Mine with Friede. His dynamics with Friede and Liko are the ones I find most intriguing and compelling for his character (in terms of bonding with the heroes), so... more opportunities for interactions with them, please.
I mentioned here a while ago that I found Liko facing Grusha interesting given that his personality could be reminiscent of Amethio's on some level (the cold type of character), so I find the placement of episodes very interesting because Liko is going to meet Amethio right after she faces Grusha. I wonder if the similarities between them will be highlighted in the narrative itself, but even if they don't, the narrative choice/placement of episodes speak for themselves. Since Liko is going to learn about Grusha's past. This promo for HZ063 (translation here) shows that Liko and the others see Grusha as cold and harsh, but they will find out that he used to be smiling more in the past. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case for Amethio in the past. We haven't really seen him smile so far, but I imagine that he was different when he was younger. Maybe? Maybe Liko will learn a bit more about Amethio as a person in HZ065, and her facing Grusha is planting the seeds for that. I think it would be nice if the current training arc and facing the gym leaders adds more to the Explorers side of things! They've done that a bit Sango and Onyx so far (letting us know more about their views on victory etc back in HZ055), so if Grusha is meant to parallel Amethio, it would be interesting.
This is just speculation, but I wonder if Liko is going to fail her implementation test in HZ063. In that case, either the rematch happens in HZ064 or it happens AFTER her meeting with Amethio. Which would be interesting. At the very least, for me, I find it compelling when characters face obstacles/walls and try to overcome them and Liko having to try again and face Grusha a second time could be good. Amethio has been a "prominent figure", figuratively, in Liko's path as a trainer (facing him being her motivation to grow stronger in HZ007, catching her first Pokemon and deciding what kind of trainer she wanted to be in HZ021 coinciding with his return, being motivated to learn Terastal after seeing Soublades in HZ045 etc). So if she fails her implementation test and meets Amethio in this specific context, I think it would be neat. Something about reaffirming her desire to grow stronger and be more helpful to everyone. And Amethio has faced the frustration of losing/failing before, so. (These are just ramblings at this point.)
Something, something about Liko bonding a bit more with Sango at the beginning of the arc (HZ047) and now having an opportunity to bond a bit more with Amethio towards the end of the arc. Sango is always relevant with me. Sango has been one of the closest Explorers to Liko so far, and I do consider her personal connection to Liko relevant to both their characters. This arc in general is showing us a bit more of Sango and Onyx and I think it shows us more their human and casual sides... I do think both of them are the closest to "friendship" with Liko and the others at this point. So I wonder if HZ065 will be an opportunity for the beginning of "friendship" between Liko and Amethio? I don't know. I think so far, Amethio feels more like "someone who can be an ally under the right circumstances" rather than "friend" and his setting as a character is different than, say, Sango and Onyx's so the expectations aren't the same. Like, his interactions with the group are more "formal" while characters like Sango and Onyx can argue about food with Liko and Roy (which is hilarious). Either way, I'm glad that we had Liko having one on one interactions with Sango at the beginning of the arc, and now potentially one on one interactions with Amethio. Liko is getting a bit closer to them.
Speaking of, I wonder if this episode will mostly feature one on one interactions between Liko and Amethio? The only time they got to interact without anyone around was at the beginning of the series... when Amethio was lying to her lmao. In between that, other characters were around usually. Their last interaction was Liko thanking Amethio and him telling her not to misunderstand his intentions in HZ045. I think it would be neat if they got to interact a bit more "privately" so we get a sense of how they are and how they would act in these specific circumstances. Liko grew a lot since the beginning of the series and I wonder how she would handle a potential situation where she is stuck together with an enemy(?) (not confirmed that this is what will happen, btw). Will Amethio call her by name? Or will it not be brought up because they will save him calling her by name for a special occasion? Will Liko get to interact with Amethio's Pokemon? How will Liko's Pokemon react to Amethio?
Also, what is Amethio doing in the snowy mountains? I assume that this is where him and Liko will be. Is he training? Will he help Liko train? Will he antagonize Liko? Will we see him with his usual outfit or will he be wearing something else like a coat? Is he spying on Spinel, still? Is he monitoring Liko and the others? That was mostly Sango, Onyx and Agate's mission. So maybe their meeting will be a coincidence.
HZ065 will be "Liko and Amethio". I think there will be four episodes left in this arc after that. New chapter will begin in October (because that's when seasonal anime start usually), and I still think HZ070 will be the beginning of chapter 4 (it needs to begin on a round number ww). Will he stick around until the end of the arc, or will he disappear for one episode or two and then show up again for the climax? Liko and the others should probably go back to school after they finish their tests, so maybe the climax will take place at school? Or somewhere else? We'll see.
Anyway, I think I covered most of what I think so far. This is exciting. I don't know what to expect!
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ya-boi-haru · 9 months
*makes fanfic reading alluring noises* pspspsps my brain went brrr again...
I'm calling this AU: "The Perfect Family"
Morningstar Kingdom was a beautiful and peaceful place to live, it was almost as if it were designed to be an untouchable safe haven from the war and the royal family were well respected and loved by the people as they ruled with kindness and compassion even after the loss of their Queen.
At open events, the family were seen laughing and mingling with the people, hearing out their concerns and offering their aid where they could.
But they couldn't see behind the closed doors..
How the King - Fable - would be merciless with attacks on the other kingdoms, the extra measures he'd take to keep his kingdom safe, the amount of blood that had spilled because of him alone or the way he treated his children - his youngest specifically- unfairly.
How the eldest - Icarus - took up a special interest interest their chemistry teachings and not always for good reasons. How during events Icarus would pull pranks on their brother - Rae - which was usually at his expense and after events they'd argue and bicker about the others behaviour.
How Rae learned to love reading alone because it was the only times he'd find peaceful moments, how he'd sneak off with his personal bodyguard or flirt with the Royal Libraian. How he learned to be really good with make up to help cover the birth mark on his face or was used to contacts to help them appear monochrome.
Or the fact that Rae thinks their mother isn't gone, but being held somewhere far away and worse, Fable may have had something to do with it.
After another night of therapeutic reading - he needed it after being yelled at all night - Rae decided he was finally going to learn the truth.
His bodyguard - Aax - insisted on coming, joking that what he lacks in height he makes up for in strength and it was his job to protect him
Rae also begged the Libraian - Caspian - to come with, saying he had travelled the lands before and would need his skill set. Though Rae left out the part where he genuinely wanted him to be there with him. He wanted to take what good things he had and leave.
So that's what they did. The three started off on their adventure to learn the truth and maybe even save Isla Morningstar.
Their first stop: SoulFire Kingdom, in the lands of the Nether.
Again I'm not much of a writer and I hope this made sense, maybe I'll make another post of this later? Still fleshing it iut tbh But yee, hop you like!
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applexxpop · 1 year
Welcome home ship thoughts
Home is not included
Wally Darling
Wally x Barnaby 9/10- LOVE IT. can see then being platonic or romantic. Loving the size difference and honestly they just look cute together. Wally definitely gives Barnaby bones and treats and Barnaby gives Wally new paint tubes
Wally x Howdy 10/10- I LOVE THIS SHIP, the fact Howdy has 4 arms to squish Wally with is just 😩 also again, the size difference, it makes my brain go brrr. Wally steals Apples and Howdy calls him greedy but let’s him have whatever
Wally x Julie 0/10- Don’t like it. I just can’t see it? Idk I see Julie as a big sister to him
Wally x Eddie 8/10- love this ship, just a southern man that forgets everything with a straight forward autistic man makes my brain go silly. Also when Eddie delivers mail he definitely kisses Wally’s cheek or something and says “special delivery!” And Wally does his little monotone laugh “Ha Ha Ha” and gives the mailman a kiss back
Wally x Frank 7/10- it’s been growing on me honestly, Wally definitely captures ‘butterflies’ for Frank to study but Frank doesn’t have to heart to tell me it’s a moth.
Wally x Sally 0/10- honest can’t see it, I find it platonic or them just being little gremlins together
Wally x Poppy 0/10- she’s a mother to him 💀 Poor girl ruffles her feathers at anything Wally does that causes Danger to himself, which happens often to none but still, she worries for him
Barnaby B. Beagle
Barnaby x Howdy 9/10- Barnaby’s thing said he comes into Howdy’s bodega everyday to get a hotdog, so imagine he comes in everyday and they develop feelings for each other slowly as the days, weeks, and months go by
Barnaby x Julie 0/10- just no, to me Barnaby is her big brother
Barnaby x Eddie 2/10- never thought about until now. Can’t see it ever happening, mailman and a dog? Yea, no. But Barnaby chasing after Eddie is kinda cute
Barnaby x Frank 2/10- again, never thought about it until now, honestly they just seem like the two neighbors that are friends with everyone but they don’t talk that often to each other
Barnaby x Sally 0/10- again little sister big brother
Barnaby x Poppy 0/10- she reminds him of his mama
Howdy Pillar
Howdy x Julie 0/10- I just- I don’t know something about Julie screams little sister to them to me
Howdy x Eddie 9/10- very cute, the only two business owners in Welcome Home in a relationship? I’m my opinion, that’s cute. I can see Eddie delivering packages and stuff to Howdy and Eddie give him a big ol smooch and happily says “special delivery!” And Howdy smiles and says “I wonder who it’s from!” And Eddie goes “Me!” And they both laugh! Also they spend the early morning together, Eddie got all his mail ready to be delivered so he sits and eats breakfast with Howdy before he starts getting his bodega ready for the day.
Howdy x Frank 8/10- Also very cute! A 4ft grumpy man that’s special interest is butterflies with a 8ft tall caterpillar? Yes, please. I imagine Frank calls or visits Howdy’s bodega to ask if he’s had lunch yet or if he ate breakfast he packed for him, and of course Howdy ate the Breakfast but he’s been so busy he hasn’t eaten lunch so they eat lunch together.
Howdy x Sally 0/10- seriously what’s up with me thinking they are little sisters to everyone??
Howdy x Poppy 0/10- I think he sees Poppy almost as a mother as well; she calls him darling and brings him cookies, or when he works late at the bodega and falls asleep, she just happens to visit and sees, placing a blanket over him or waking him up so he can rest in his proper bed.
Eddie Dear
Eddie x Julie 0/10- they gossip about Frank but in a good way, also they play dress up and have tea party’s
Eddie x Frank 1000/10- Literally husbands. I could go on for fucking ever about these two but if I do this will be longer then I want so I’m just going to say I REALLY REALLY love them <3
Eddie x Sally 0/10- helps bandage her knees cause she’s always rehearsing dramatic scenes for her plays, can’t tell me otherwise
Eddie x Poppy 0/10- she’s a mama to everyone
Frank Frankly
Frank x Julie 0/10- no 💀 they are best friends
Frank x Sally 0/10- just no, they are both gay(in my opinion)
Frank x Poppy 0/10- No, once again SHE IS MAMA. Also they tell eachother their deepest darkest secrets 🤫
Poppy Partridge
Poppy x Julie 0/10- just can’t see it
Poppy x Sally ?/10- ….im thinking about it
Julie Joyful
Julie x Sally 10/10- Girlfriends for real. Sally let’s Julie reluctantly change the scripts in her plays because it makes her happy and Sally loves seeing her sunshine happy🥰
Eddie x Frank x Howdy 10000/10- oh my 😍 Imagine them cuddling, and Frank is In the middle while Eddie spoons them from behind, and Howdy's arms are over both of them, one arm under the pillow, one under Frank. the other two laying over Frank holding Eddie’s waist . One of Frank's arms curled around Eddie’s arm with their other hand clinging to Howdy’s night shirt.
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@malvo-ish Starbula bingo for you! :D
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Unsurprisingly, I LOVE THEM. The ship that brought me out of a looooong writing retirement because I love them that much xD
Long ramble/essay below!
I actually started shipping them in the months leading up to Vol. 3's release as a crackship, thinking about how cute it would be if Nebula developed a crush on him, but also angsty because she is once again going after the love/approval of someone who prefers her sister over her. So when I saw the opening of Vol. 3 for the first time, I straight-up had an out-of-body experience for a second because it was exactly what I wanted but thought would never happen xD Like, I thought we'd get a couple of friendly interactions between them at best! And then the shippy moments just kept happening! (The sound I made in my quiet-ass movie theater when the "it sounds more like her" scene happened will haunt me for the rest of my life xD)
But yeah, I love everything about their dynamic in the movie. The old married couple bickering, the way they can communicate without words, how they take care of each other. And I genuinely feel like they could be really good for each other once they take the time to get over their respective issues on their own. Both of them are learning to love themselves, doing things that will help them grow and become better versions of themselves, and at some point down the line, I like to think that Nebula will know better how to deal with her feelings for him, and Peter will become open to loving someone new.
Their relationship is just, a combination of so many things that make my head go brrr. Like, just the idea alone of Nebula falling in love with someone is really interesting and something I didn't think would ever be explored, and it shows how far she's come since GOTG1. I usually don't care about romance in the MCU but in this case, it's a great direction for Nebula's arc if you ask me. Also, the DRAMA. Because I find a lot of the appeal of Starbula comes from both characters' relationship to Gamora. They both loved her and she loved both of them, so they probably connected over their shared grief, and once romantic feelings emerged between them, they'd retreat from it at first.
Like, this is all headcanon now but Nebula might see it as betraying Gamora if she were to act on her feelings, not that she even knows how to do that. And Peter would have a shit-tonne of trouble moving on from Gamora. And I think both of them would have this lingering fear that their feelings weren't genuine. Nebula might think her crush is a result of her still feeling like she has to compete with Gamora and prove someone will choose her over her sister. And Peter might assume his feelings for Nebula are just him projecting his love for Gamora onto someone connected to her. I know these are very real criticisms of Starbula but like... if they could get over these things, I think that would be the ultimate sign that they're getting over their issues related to loving and being loved; kind of a perfect conclusion to their healing arcs?
Idk I love that these two make me think like this xD I haven't spent this much brain power on something in many years, hence why I can't stop writing about them (I've got like seven WIPS now help). I adore them both and they deserve happiness and love, and I want them to love each other. And it'd be great if a future movie or special explored that, but if not I'm more than happy to rotate them around in my head and draw my own conclusions. That's the beauty of how open-ended GOTG3 is. <3
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
Ohh, if your receiving matchups, then may I have one for the papas? I'm a 5'1 nonbinary person with medium-long hair, black has sort of faded to a dark brown but my hair is half black half magenta red but like top black bottom magenta red. I am the embodiment of raccoon and golden retriever at once. I'm usually a follower and not a leader, and I love affection/attention but honestly I'm usually too shy or anxious to straight up ask for it. I like video games, and the genre varies a bit. Horror, RPG, gacha, ect. Even Minecraft and Animal Crossing. I have autism and ADHD as well as anxiety and depression. Struggle with social cues because of it but once I've gotten attached to someone I just wanna be happy, spend time, cuddle. I'm on the heavier side so even if I am short I'd likely be hard to carry. I am ambiverted as in sometimes I feel quite social, other points I am social but I need my "hand held" (figuratively and sometimes literally) through social situations, and other times I don't even wanna leave home to interact with people. I struggle with insomnia but with melatonin and uhhh 🍃 I can manage sleep. I do sleep better in my loves arms though I've noticed. I can literally listen to anything but country or gospel. My main music focus though is Ghost, some Mother Mother, indie songs, and video game soundtracks as well the playlists inspired by your special interests and what songs make my brain go brrr on those. Being gay is unbashedly a personality trait of mine, but my favorite colors are fall colors, dark green, and black/grey. I prefer darker colors in general. 8/10 Summary, I am feraly emotionally and neurodivergent and when I love I love strongly.
(if you aren't taking those requests at all, then I apologize I just saw someone else receive one and got excited!)
Your match is...Copia
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You followed him into the faith. You were naturally drawn to him, he is such a charismatic leader that you couldn’t help yourself.
But then you both found yourselves spending more and more time together. Missing each other when you were apart. It became so much more.
You don't even need to ask for love and affection from him. He adores you so. He’ll often wrap his arms around you and kiss you.
You get less shy asking with him, it's Copia, you don't need to be anxious around him.
You both love days when you have nothing on. You can cuddle on the couch together and play video games.
He'll know instinctively if you are struggling with a social situation, he'll take your hand in his and give it a reassuring squeeze. He won't let go until you are okay again.
If you don't want to go at all to something he'll be totally okay with that. He's more than happy to just chill at home with you.
He notices you have problems sleeping. He'll do whatever he can to help.
He'll hold you in his arms stroking your hair until you fall asleep. If you can't sleep even then, he'll stay up and keep you company.
You are a perfect match, he loves you very very strongly too :)
This post is a part of Match-up Event. The Event ended on July 15th.
Written by Nyx
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doberbutts · 1 year
doesnt that working dog knowitall also openly support BYBs and mills? like i couldve sworn-
Hey folks, I didn't post this for a while because I wasn't sure how to respond to it, and I didn't want the person in question to get any more hate than they already were going to get due to having a Big Disagreement in public, but;
Please don't do this. Up until that argument, I'd been operating under the assumption that that person and I were on friendly terms since we always had been in the past. I don't like to shittalk strangers but I dislike shittalking my friends even less. This sort of ask is really quite mean-spirited and I'm just not about that. People can disagree without being mean.
I think it is fairly obvious to most of my long-time followers that I am very strict about what breeders I do and do not support, and what I will tolerate from a breeder I would consider to be "good". I also thought it was fairly obvious that I consider those to be fairly high standards most people aren't going to hold someone to when looking to get a dog. It's a special interest thing. I care a lot because I can't *not* care a lot. It is my understanding that most people don't care that much because their brains don't go "brrr" every time they think about dog politics.
I would not be friends- or friendly- with someone who I think truly supports unethical, irresponsible practice. Someone may have a less rigid idea of what makes or breaks a decent breeder than I do, but if I really don't like their practices or the practices they're supporting, I probably am not going to be friends with them for long if ever at all.
People are allowed to disagree and it not be a huge moral blowup. It is hurtful when you come at a friend- or even someone I'd been friends with prior- in this manner, and it helps no one and it doesn't add anything to the discussion except stir up drama. This is what I mean when I say I'd rather be compassionate than mean. Calling someone names and adding to the rumor mill is mean. I don't care if I'm in disagreement with that person. You shouldn't be mean.
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blorbologist · 2 years
do you think canon Percy is neurodivergent / on the spectrum? I personally hc him as such but what is your opinion on this subject? what are things that stand out to you?
Hi anon!
I do as well! Full disclaimer: I am autistic, my brother is autistic and has ADHD, and our father is probably on the spectrum as well but in vehement denial. However, I got Very Good at masking, to the point I rarely unmask and spend all my energy dealing with Social Bullshit, while my brother is... idk, super charismatic in social settings, somehow, but a nightmare with Tasks and Sensory Hell. So I usually project autism onto characters given my lived experience, but can 100% see how he has ADHD vibes as well! I think neurodivergent rep is very important, and it's great that we can see ourselves in these characters <3
I will repeat this a lot, but Percy has also undergone a fuckton of trauma. A lot of his traits that remind me of myself could be due to PTSD. His panic attacks, for instance, are things I'd slot more with PTSD, personally. You can read his character different ways (I read him as having both), and that's good on you. However, I am autistic and I like projecting My Me onto the blorbo so that's what you get.
A couple of things stand out to me:
The whole Feywild thing reminds me of a special interest. Less so in the campaign, but given how they play it up in TLOVM I really suspect it's the case. Clockmaking also seems like the sort of very specific, detailed work that'd make my brain go brrr if it was my thing, so? Is that anything?
A lot of how he is described (by himself or by Tal) pre-Briarwoods could align with a little introvert noble with no social skills and a whole fuckton of arrogance, but it also aligns nicely with an autistic kid.
Just. how many times Cass has to imply 'percy I can't handle Whitestone alone' before he gets the memo. is insane. it's either 'his autistic ass isn't getting what she's trying to say' or 'percy stop being a dick and help your sister out you KNOW what she's asking'. either way works for me! But I'd like to hope he's not intentionally shoving responsibility on his little sister and use that as an excuse.
We don't know if he had issues being touched prior to being tortured ("We didn't touch in my family"), and the trauma of what Ripley did to him could 110% account for that! But I like to slot it away into my 'on the spectrum' vibes box.
Layers. Layers. Layers! Again, another potential covariate with the fact he's a poncy noble, and has a vested interest in hiding his scars, but I am Particular about what touches my skin at a given time. I like long sleeves and pants and gloves because then it's always the same sensory things on me and not changing.
Just how slow he is to court Vex. Because maybe he's reading the social cues wrong, and he has to be Obvious about his interest too, and becomes a fancy bird giving gifts because that's the best way he can think of supporting her and expressing interest while figuring out whatever the fuck this Attraction thing is.
Perhaps just a Tal thing (I see it with Ashton too, or I did when going over the Laudna n Ashton convo with a fine toothed comb the other day), but how much he fidgets when talking. Constantly moving.
His entire friendship with Keyleth is very autism vibes. Could purely be coming form her, or shared, who knows! (I am a huge supporter of autistic Keyleth, here n there I'll sneak in a line about her stimming <3)
Might just be a Me thing, but how he turns to Vex when he's feeling big emotions and doesn't trust himself to handle them. What the fuck are these, I think this impulse to lash out at Scanlan is probably bad, dear please keep me from doing anything stupid.
Also it's very funny for me to do the 'me and the bad bitch I pulled being autistic' meme with him and Vex ngkntrjnhrt
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solreefs · 2 years
what’s your special interest that you don’t know shit about. for example italian history makes my brain go brrr but I retain little to no actual information lmao.
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theglockwizard · 10 months
Finally had the time to sit down and watch Doctor Who's third special.
So, I was really excited about the Toymaker's comeback because while I haven't seen the Classic Who's episodes with him, it did look like a fun villain to have and oh boy did NPH deliver! He's been a joy to watch. But I will say this special is a let down from Wild Blue Yonder for me, possibly even from The Star Beast.
It needed to be LONGER. There is so much good ideas thrown around but none are like, discussed enough to actually matter ?? Like The Giggle is a fun concept, the idea of a laugh being subliminally implanted in humans brains to make them feel scorned at and lash out in retaliation, but it's not actually explored at all! Like Mel even says it's just a simple arpeggio I think, which would raise the question would any other similar enough jingle produce the same reaction? Who knows because big laser goes brrr and that's it.
The Toymaker's domain, the toy shop bigger on the inside that answers to no rhyme or logic if not games filled with horrors definetely could've carried one full episodes(even more!), but it is instead quickly dispatched, because we have to go back to show the totally not UNIT spinoff setup.
The game being catch is a fun idea but boring and atrocious to watch (I loved (sarcastic) how the Doctors were doing stunts and stuff while NPH just raised a hand multiple times and that was it). It also takes no advantage of there being actually two Doctors - rock paper scissods would've worked better honestly? First thing that comes to mind, and the fact that the Toymaker is stopped because he dropped it when he could've just jumped and caught it is dumb. And I know that it's because the game bounds him to keep it fair, but his adversaries could've done the same albeit by regenerating after going splat.
And now. Now. The big elephant in the room. Bigeneration. I don't know what to think, because the show doesn't really explain it. My current guess is that it's a myth and the fact that The Toymaker is there plus salt at the edge of the universe made it seemingly real by pulling Fifteen from Fourteen future: he is stated to be older, which would not be the case if this was a split regeneration, and is in a better place mentally because he, as Fourteen, stopped and rested and stuff. But that's my headcanon, because there's no confirmation and RTD has been obviously not very keen to confirm or disprove either option, I assume to keep each door open until one definetely needs to be closed.
But as for now? I don't like it. I was ok with Fourteen especially because he's not Ten (despite having similarities) and because he would be here for three specials only, but this Has Been Certainly A Choice to make huh. First of all, reusual of plotlines much? Tennant having a copy "to gift" to a previous companion? But also, The Doctor's regeneration has always been a baton pass of sorts and that felt missing. Also the way Fifteen is the one going off with the copy TARDIS while Fourteen kept the OG... Don't like it nuh huh. Plus I hope the show goes either off current day Earth a lot or solves the Fourteen's plotline because the moment an invasion comes you will have to answer to why isn't Fourteen helping?
But anyway, I am choosing to trust because this three Specials have effectively revived my interest in Doctor Who, and I think RTD knows how not undermine the entire thing. I hope.
And let's be honest even if I didn't trust, I would still be watching because Ncuti's Doctor HAD ME HOOKED.
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divescustos · 10 months
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Riot’s newest music video make my brain go brrr
Additional headcanons👇
I tried to think of what irl idols they would sound like, but i only have one for Ace in my mind, maybe one for sabo, and i… i mean… luffy is…. Yeah.
I think Ace would sound like Chanyeol, here’s a song from him that i feel fits his vibe
For Sabo, i was thinking mayyybeee Lee Know (Stray Kids)? But i really dont know. Idk some clear and soft voice that is in the higher range? Maybe? Eeeeeeehhhhh, yall are gonna have to help me out with him and luffy. Though i think we have our work cut out for us with the latter.
i found an English voice that i think suits him! Kenton Chen
The three started posting songs and music videos online, and they slowly gained popularity until they gained the fanbase they have in present day. I dont think they would be part of any company, mostly because i don’t think they could keep employment? If they were?
Even though theyre not part of a company, they have a lot of connections with people in the industry because theyre great guys :) and theyre fun to be around :) and so get invited to a lot of shit, like award shows and talk shows.
They are fun to have on, but it is a bold move if you want these guys on your talk show. They frequently get off topic and they’ll find a way to make answering your questions a sport or competition. Theyre like the Eric Andre show reversed.
Their songs’ topics vary on who’s writing the song. And you can usually tell really easily who wrote what. Ace’s music tends to be more laid back with clever wordplay and lots of bass. Sabo’s has a regular pop sound to it, but the lyrics are very poetic. Luffy’s are all party beats, but the melodies always has very interesting and unique twists in it. To keep the songs in an album at least a little consistent, they do try to find a theme to base them around.
The choreography they have also looks very different between the 3 of them, they all have a unique style of dancing. Relay dance videos with them are always very fun cuz you get to see them doing eachother’s choreography :) thats kinda the appeal of all relay dances, but i feel like it would be more special with them since their usual styles are so different.
They probably don’t practice as much as they should. It’s very common that they forget something in their performances and they make something up on the fly to make up for it. There’s a bunch of compilations made of their ad-libs and improvised dance movements they came up with during concerts. But whatever, right? They’re their own bosses, get of their backs, ya hear??
i like the thought that a lot of the poses they do in photoshoots, they come up with, themselves :)
On the side, they like to livestream. They frequently stream them attempting to cook things and their fanbase enjoys watching them find new and unique ways of setting their kitchen on fire. And then they enjoy watching them argue on what food to order takeout from shortly after.
Thanks for reading, thats all i have for now :)
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