#specter gauntlet
robo-dino-puppy · 2 months
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horizon forbidden west | aloy 132/?
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hartlesshart · 1 year
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Aloy: HAH HAH! Seyka: OH SHI-
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nerd-artist · 1 year
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gunmaestro · 2 years
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i albatross cujosthings creator of @baccano-gauntlet officially endorse graham specter in round 2 of the polls and officially encourage you to vote for him. btw
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no-title-currently · 1 year
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This here is the Specter Gauntlet, a Zenith weapon obtained through the plot by defeating Zeth, a Quen squad leader. This weapon has two ammunition options, those being Railgun (First two images) and Shard Barrage (Last two images). Sleek design and my excitement for using a Zenith weapon aside, my favorite detail about this weapon is that unlike most weapons where you see a different ammunition being loaded in, with this one you instead see it change modes, drastically changing the appearance. Honestly, I would love to learn more about Zenith technology, it’s so fascinating, and I feel there are too few logs in-game explaining how it works
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system-threat-detected · 11 months
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Horizontober day 29: Beam
Beta would do a good job with the Specter Gauntlet, I think :)
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ajscico · 3 months
Fan Joy July Day 6
Hold in Trust by EstaJay
This fic introduced me to Warriors being the older brother to Time as well as several of the author’s ideas regarding the timeline and Warriors's interactions with the others. Even if I don’t keep all of these headcanons in every fic I write, they’re hard to get away from. It also shows his paranoia because of traitors which is a fun angst point to play with.
This one is the two images from the scene below. Image one is Time’s unsteady guard as he stands on the beach, and his fear that he might have to defend himself against the specter he thinks he’s seeing. He’s hauled the Biggoron sword partially up, he’s haunted, he’s injured and worn… ready to just fall apart. Then image two is of him being held by his big brother, with that last line as the caption.
The old man was covered in blood. His gauntlets were completely stained red and his chest plate was splattered with it.
Time's eyes widened in fear and panic as Warriors landed before him, drawing his sword and entering an unsteady guard. The blade was dripping red.
"Time?" But when the other hero flinched, Warriors quickly switched to their personal sign . ' What happened, lil shit? Where are the others?'
Time immediately dropped his sword. ' Dumbass big bro. ' He signed before falling to his knees.
Warriors rushed to his side and wrapped him in a tight embrace. Time sobbed into the curve of his neck, hugging him just as tightly.
"You're alive." Time whispered. "You're still alive."
Questions could be saved for later. Right now, Warriors had to make sure his little brother felt safe.
This one is another author who I don't know if they've got a Tumblr.
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driver270 · 4 months
*Elton John's "The Bitch Is Back" plays as a ring tone*
Erik Visser: Hold on a minute, I gotta take this. *Answers call* M'yello?
Tilda Van Der Meer: What did you do?
Erik: ...Alright, but you can't be mad at me.
Tilda: What did you do?
Erik: Okay, first... I was minding my own business–
Tilda: *Slams her hands on the table* BULLSHIT!
Erik: I wassssss-uh!
Tilda: And exactly what happened whilst you were "minding your own business?"
Erik: So I was chillaxin' in my room like a baller... then all the sudden, these schmucks kick in my door!
*Cut back to Erik alone in a room being filled with a dozen Tenakth rebels pointing various spears, bows, and blast slings at him*
Erik: One of them yelled out—
Tenakth Rebel Squad Leader: Get on your knees!
Erik: And I responded with—
Flashback Erik: I'm not your mother last night!
Present Erik: ...and they took exception to that.
*The Tenakth rebel squad, while screaming, proceed to throw or shoot their spears, bombs & arrows at him. Creating a cloud of smoke around Erik.*
Erik: Buuuut you know how that song and dance goes.
*Erik jumps out of the smoke cloud and proceeds to shoot or impale the squad in different ways.*
Erik: ...and I killed all but one of them.
Tilda: What happened to the last one?
*The last standing Tenakth rebel tries to load a bomb into their blast sling in a panic, only to drop it at their feet and explode, killing them.*
Erik: Pussed out like a bitch! Silver lining, I can cancel my room service!
*Erik can be heard loudly chewing on the now dead Tenakth rebel squad's food rations over the comm channel*
Erik: You've been really quiet for like, five minutes. Oh, I know why you're angry! It's because I went to NINMAH, isn't it?
Tilda: Erik, put the Asset on the phone.
Erik: Really? You want to talk to— OK, bye. Whatever.
*An inaudible conversation between Erik & The Asset can be overheard before the latter begins to talk to Tilda*
"The Asset" Beta: 'Ello?
Tilda: Whatever you do, DO NOT let Erik leave that room under any circumstance!
Beta: Actually, he just left. He said he was, "Goin' for a walk?"
*Erik proceeds to walk outside, with a Specter Gauntlet in each hand, where five full squads of Tenakth rebels are all pointing their weapons at him*
Erik: Hey guys, how's your health plan?
*The Tenakth rebels immediately panic and open fire at Erik*
*Erik kills the Tenakth rebels one by one. Alternating between shooting, impaling, or stabbing them.*
Tilda: Walter, be honest with me: what are we looking at in terms of collateral?
*Erik walks away after the last rebel is killed.*
Walter Londra: Well... the Erik amount.
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horizoncountdown · 4 months
Character Dossier: Aloy (Countdown ‘verse)
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Nora (raised)
Mixed (adopted)
April 4th, 3021 (age c. 19)
ELEUTHIA-9, All-Mother Mountain, The Sacred Lands
Eye Colour:
Hair Colour:
Talanah Khane Padish
Carja Hunter’s Lodge
Carja Royal family
Petra Forgewoman
Aratak’s Werak
Tenakth Marshals
Jurassic Pack (Blue, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Lil’ Beta and Vicki)
Seyka’s family
Khita’s family
Machine Hunter
Outcast (formerly)
Brave (before appointed Seeker)
Anointed of All-Mother
Thrush of Sunhawk Talanah Khane Padish (shared with Milu)
Banuk Werak Chieftain (temporarily)
Alpha Prime of Project Zero Dawn (joint)
Leader of the GAIA Gang
Hekarro’s Champion
Elisabet Sobeck (genetic blueprint)
Rost (Guardian/father)
Beta (Genetic twin)
Seyka (Partner)
Kina (adopted sister)
Khita (adopted aunt)
Aloy of the Nora
Aloy, Despite the Nora (Nickname for herself and used by Talanah)
Aloy Machinehunter (Nickname for herself with Petra)
Flame-Hair (Nickname by Petra)
Little Spark (by Gera)
Little Huntress (by Vanasha)
Anointed of the Nora (by the Nora)
The Saviour of Meridian (by the Carja)
Red (Nickname by Salma and Delah & Boomer)
Troublesome Redundant Copy (by Gerard)
Commander (by Kotallo)
Hekarro’s Champion (by the Tenakth)
Blood Hair (by the Tenakth)
Desert Flame (by Drakka)
Wall-Breaker (by the Sky Clan)
Living Ancestor (by the Quen)
She Who Flies on the Wings of the Ten (by the Tenakth)
Ginger Avenger (by Walter Londra)
Sunwing (Petname by Seyka)
Darling (Petname by Seyka)
Aloy, Daughter of Rost (Quen familial name)
Sis (by Beta)
Arms and Armour:
Nora Thunder Warrior - Main battle armour. Made by Aloy.
Nora Tracker - Main hunting attire/flying attire. Made by Aloy.
Nora Brave - Main casual outfit. Mede by Teb.
Tenakth Tactician and the First face-paint (Hekarro’s colours) - Gift from Hekkaro for stopping Regalla
Utaru Protector (Early Autumn) - When in Utaru territory
Carja Blazon (Blood Dusk) - Gift from Talanah. When in the Sundom
Nora Anointed – For official business with the eastern tribes.
Has but doesn’t wear much;
Oseram Artificer – From Salvage Contracts
Death-Seeker’s Shadow - Won from the Arena
Iriv’s Downfall - Won from the Arena
Carja’s Bane - Won for winning the Gauntlet races
Legacy’s Reach - A gift of thanks from Legacy’s Landfall.
Brawlbreaker - Made by Petra on commission.
The Tie That Binds - Traded for from Fleet’s End.
Champion’s Spear - Token of Gratitude from Sun-King Avad
Specter Gauntlet - Retrieved from Zeth, and upgraded after killing Pirik
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neversetyoufree · 2 years
I've talked to death on this blog about VnC and Vanitas's relation to the meaning of "vanitas," but on the topic of latin phrases, I'm also really intrigued by the name of Jeanne's gauntlet: Carpe Diem.
I'm guessing most of y'all have a general idea of what "carpe diem" means (sieze the day), but the original phrase in full is super interesting when applied to Jeanne. It's "carpe diem quam minimum credula postero." Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the next one. Or in other words, make the most of today because you don't know whether you'll have tomorrow.
Originally, Marquis Machina gives the gauntlet this name when he first gives it to Jeanne, and he makes it pretty clear what he means by it. He tells her to "rampage to her heart's content." Bourreaus don't tend to survive very long, so "carpe diem" in this context is him telling her to make the most of her little remaining time. She could die tomorrow, so she ought to go as wild as possible in the meantime, and her super-powerful weapon Carpe Diem is the medium through which she can achieve that wildness.
Of course, she can't actually "seize the day" in any meaningful way while she's a bourreau, because she isn't allowed to have any desires of her own. Killing as much as she can for her masters does not a full life make. However, her arc so far has in large part been about rediscovering the agency and personal desires that she's been denied, and now her biggest motivation/assurance is kind of a curious reversal of the full carpe diem phrase.
The original message is that, because you don't know whether you'll have tomorrow, you ought to live fully. Death is an uncertain quantity on the horizon, and the threat of its arrival is motivation to make the most of yourself before it catches you. And Jeanne has lately been able to live her life more fully because of the specter of death on her horizon! It's just that for her, death is not a threat, but a comfort.
Since her promise from Vanitas, Jeanne has been able to let go a little bit and make more of her life because she knows that she can die. If she loses control, she knows that Vanitas can kill her. Seize the day, trusting that if the seizing goes wrong, you will not have to face self-made horrors in the next one. The thought of looming death motivates her to live more fully not because she wants to fill her life before she dies, but because the knowledge she can be killed makes her less afraid to fill it. Death becomes not a caution but a safety valve.
It's such an interesting twist on the role and philosophy that were originally assigned to her, and it makes me really curious about where her relationship to this idea might go next.
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robo-dino-puppy · 11 months
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horizontober 2023 | 23: magic
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From above, two pods boomed as they ripped the upper stratosphere of Copper-9. Light from the rockets, making the clouds glow hot blue and electrifying the unstable atmosphere. As the pods split the cloud cover in their descent, lightning flickered and cracked, striking one of the pods. The surge in power fried the automatic navigation systems, and the craft hurtled off course towards Camp 98.7. Crashing down, it left a trail of destruction and fire in its wake, setting the forest ablaze and leaving a gouge in the ground that ran for several hundred yards before the craft eventually came to a halt. The pod was unlike anything they had ever seen, complex ivory plating with intricate gold designs weaving throughout, the exposed areas revealing an almost muscular conglomeration of black wires that pulsed blue light towards the center of the craft. Upon the side were several logos, of which one V would recognize as her own parent company logo of JCJenson. The others involved were Faro Automated Solutions Inc, Far Zenith Corp, and Miriam Technologies.... As the two dissasembly drones would draw close, the pod let off a shrill tone and an automated warning. "WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! PROXIMITY SENSORS ACTIVE, SHIP IS STABILIZING, DO NOT APPROACH THE STASIS POD UNTIL INSTRUCTED OR RISK MALFUNCTION. PLEASE ENJOY OUR MESSAGE TO THE VALUED CUSTOMER ABOUT YOUR NEW GALAXTIC PAL WHILE YOU WAIT- Uh, is this thing on? This is testing log number uhhh... I've lost count... of project Gemini modelSD: B1-7A PIN: #LK-101, "Beta" or just B, I dont care... Okay... The pod is cooling down right now, but once it's stable, it should scan the environment and inhabitants around it so it can best modify itself to the environment and fit in, I know it might be odd but it will try to copy someone it sees but dont worry, there is a customization setting in the pod if you wish to change her appearance, not that ot will matter uh... Look, this is our last shot. What with earth gone and everything. I've installed various subfunction protocols into two sister drones. The other should be nearby. This one posseses: Minerva, Hephestus, Apollo, and Hades. The robot will tell you what those do, but uhm... She's designed to learn and adapt just as her sister unit A7-04 is, but specifically, she's much more attuned to it. Her sister unit is designed for combat and initial defense of this ones operations of study, terraforming and revitalizing. Make no mistake, though. B isn't defenseless. She is equipped with a highly advanced natite repair and re assimilation device and can construct weapons on her arms of which she knows two by default, but can learn more. The Specter Gauntlet High Energy plasma multitool cannon and the Specter Reaver blade arm. If there was any error during transport, I'd expect something to function incorrectly, and I can't help you. If the unit is severely damaged, return it to the pod for nanitic revitalization procedures to initiate a full system reboot and restore... I think that's it... good luck."
V watched the pod with a calculating gaze, one of her hands turned into a long blade and held out in front of J. They took in the words spoken to her, and their eyes narrowed. She didn't care what this was, they just didn't want it near J.
She remained at the ready, protective urge pulling at her every wire.
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14: Telling
As with Halcyon's entry, may I suggest listening to this as you read?
   Trust us. Let us help you. Those were the unspoken words in Alphinaud and Alisaie’s determined sapphire eyes as they had turned away from Storm to extend hands of friendship to Meteion. And because Storm loved them, and because she trusted them, she stepped back and watched the storm of dark feathers take the last of the Scions. And, once again, lost more family.
   The silence was deafening.
   A bridge shimmered into existence, starting at the edge of the dead café and leading upwards, onwards. It shimmered and shone with brilliant rainbow hues, a bright beacon amidst the dead, dusty desolation. Of course they would make such an eyeblinding display, defying the whole godsdamned universe…or perhaps, showing the universe that there was still light where there should be none.
   Storm began walking. Mechanically. Woodenly. Brokenly. It didn’t matter how she got to Meteion; all that mattered was that she began moving and let momentum take her. Tears clouded her vision, and shimmering specters began drifting towards her. One brushed against her mail-clad arm, whispering in a voice she hadn’t heard in over a decade, a voice that had been silenced as her village had left Ala Mhigo. Child, did you truly think you were alone?
   Keep walking, foolish girl. If you leave your greatest work unfinished, I shall be very cross with you.
   Don’t look back, Skip, another lost voice chided her as a second specter gained shape, cheerfully joining in the walk. The fight is ahead, not behind you!
   Ha! Who would have thought the mousy little Styrmsatza would prance around in fancy white chain!
   Oh, do shut up, Howling Brook. It matches her hair, don’t you see? Yet another voice chimed in. On and on and on, as Storm’s tears fell and her heart somehow broke and healed, the voices and ghosts of those she had loved and lost joined her on this eternal walk. The rainbow bridge hummed beneath her booted feet, and she knew the twins would have been delighted.
   Would have been…
   Her march faltered, and she clutched her chest, choking on her sobs. Her ghosts shifted around her, unable to physically carry her onward, but they all perked up as two unformed specters drifted down the rainbow bridge. As with the others, they gained form as soon as they made contact, their faces shifting into a short, slim Roegadyn man with vibrant green eyes and a gentle smile, and a proud Roegadyn woman with stark white hair.
   The woman reached forward to touch Storm’s face, her fierce eyes softening as she began to sing. The soothing notes of a long-forgotten lullaby filled the dead air, and ghosts of family and friends fell respectfully silent. As the song wound down, the green-eyed man extended his hands towards Storm. You can do this. We can’t fight alongside you this time, but we can walk with you until the end.
   “Need…I need…” she gasped, managing to shuffle a half-step forward. It felt like trying to move through wet cermet.
   We’re giving you what you need, Gran snapped. ‘Tis past time you stopped telling us what you want, and start. Moving. Forward. On with you, child! 
   Storm flinched, then managed the hint of a wobbly smile and whispered, “You always knew how to encourage your ‘prentices.”
   She took a deep breath and forced herself to stand upright. She dragged her gauntleted hands across her face, the armor leaving scratches on her brown skin. One boot moved forward, then the other. Shuffling movements became hesitant steps became a determined stride, her white half-skirt flowing behind her, with those she had loved and lost defiantly filling Ultima Thule with their cheers as Storm Dancer walked onwards, upwards, but never alone.
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thesandsofelsweyr · 1 year
《 CHAPTER 3/? // READ ON AO3 // TAG 》
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My reimagining of how Jason escaped Arkham Asylum and ended up in Venezuela (Arkham Knight: Genesis Part 5 Retelling)
《RATING》 Unrated 《CATEGORY》 Gen 《WORDS》 2,467
《CHARACTERS》 Jason Todd, Slade Wilson, Original Male Character, Joker (mentioned), Bruce Wayne (mentioned), Catherine Todd (mentioned), Willis Todd (mentioned)
《TROPES》 Angst, Whump, Fix-It
《WARNINGS》 Implied/Referenced Torture, Aftermath of Torture, Blood and Injury, Head Injury, Delirium, Hallucinations, Flashbacks, Near Death Experiences, Suicidal Thoughts, Past Child Abuse, Swearing
《SERIES》 Part 6 of My Arkhamverse
This was my first time writing Slade Wilson for public consumption so special thanks to @nonbinaryjaybird and dak for beta-ing this chapter.
If you enjoy the read please kudos, comment, and reblog 🧡
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《 ALSO ON AO3 》 (comments & kudos there are very much appreciated!)
Jason stops dead in his tracks, paralyzed by the terror that cuts through him like the Clown’s scalpel. That wasn’t the voice of another ghost. That was real. He’d been so lost in his delusions that he hadn’t heard the makeshift trap door creak open or the heavy bootsteps descending the unfinished concrete staircase, approaching him. Panic grips his chest with a gauntleted fist, squeezing all the air from his lungs. Two bright beams of light pierce the darkness, illuminating him like a deer in headlights. 
“No…” His pitiful whimper catches in his throat. Any courage he’d regained from facing certain death had been sucked out of him the instant he heard that voice. How could he have been so careless? This is why I was left here to rot. This is why I was replaced. He should’ve known the Clown would never let him creep through these halls unprotected. He’d never let his prized plaything slip from his grip. His master will make him suffer for this.
He throws up a trembling arm over his face to shield his stinging eyes from the flashlights that are blinding him. His heart is galloping in his chest, racing toward that trap door that is now blocked by the pair of shadowy figures. He tightens his grip on the wall to keep himself from falling to his knees and begging these flesh-and-blood specters for mercy.
The faulty emergency floodlight flickers on again, the shadows rescind, and two living, breathing men emerge from the murk. They’re dressed in GCPD tactical gear, with helmets on and masks pulled up over their faces, hiding everything but their eyes. The larger of the two has a black patch over his right eye.
Jason licks his ragged lips with a parched tongue. He needs to explain; he has to make them understand. “This-this isn’t what it looks like,” he pleads desperately as nervous fingers pluck at his orange jumpsuit. Cold sweat drips down the sides of his face. “I wasn’t trying to escape, I swear. I-I was just thirsty. Please, it’s been days…”
The smaller of the pair pulls down his mask, revealing the round face of a kid not much older than he is; a face he doesn’t recognize. The kid’s thin lips skin back in disgust at the sight of Jason. “That’s the Batman’s partner?” he scoffs with a hint of an accent, looking Jason up and down with dark eyes. He slings his rifle over his shoulder, clearly unimpressed by the filthy, starved ex-sidekick who can barely stand. “Didn’t we just see him with another kid?”
Jason’s heart sinks and he has to choke back a sob. He’s here. He’s here and he’s close and he still didn’t come for me. He still doesn’t care. Warm tears pool in his eyes, but that other part of him refuses to let them fall. “You knew that already, dipshit. It’s past ‘time to face facts’ and man up. You’re steps away from freedom. You know the count. You counted plenty of times. Get the hell out of here.”
The taller man with the broad shoulders and the eye patch steps up to Jason, his one blue eye appraising him. Jason drops his own paler blue eyes to the floor like he’d been trained to do. “Looks like the Bat’s got a spare. Helluva retirement.”
Jason’s blood goes cold: they know who I am. Then his mind catches. That was an old fear, one instilled in him by Batman. Who the fuck cares anymore? He’s a nobody now. Just another plaything left to rot in the Clown’s funhouse. He idly wonders if these goons had dropped by to torture him on Joker’s invitation and he didn’t remember them. There are lots of stretches he doesn’t remember. Probably for the best. 
“Sorry kid, it’s nothing personal,” Cyclops drawls, and Jason hears the sound of a gun pulling free from its holster. “But don’t worry, I’ll make it quick. I wanna get back to all the shows I DVR’d, and my compadre here wants to get laid. Now, down on your knees like a good boy so we can get this over with.”
Jason glances up, and his brow wrinkles in confusion. “You’re here to… kill me?” he asks, incredulous. His brain’s still mush, and the ringing in his ears and the pounding headache aren’t helping him make sense of what’s happening here. 
“Yep,” Cyclops replies as he motions impatiently at Jason with his gun—a wordless reminder that he wants Jason down on his knees. “Your friend the Clown pays really well.”
Jason gapes at the gun and then back at the man holding the gun. “He-he wants me dead?” he asks dumbly. That doesn’t sound right. If the Clown really wanted him dead, he wouldn’t send an assassin to put a bullet in the back of his head, to give him a clean, quick death. No, when the time’s right, Joker will use his own hands and savor every single agonizing second. He’ll peel the skin from my bones, saw off my arms and legs, cut open my stomach, then rip out my guts while I watch. He’ll make me beg and beg and beg for death, and I’ll suffer until my last breath. A wave of nausea rolls through him, and he bites down on his tongue to silence a whimper.
“Uh-huh. Gave me a generous down payment to get rid of the secret prisoner he’d stashed down here. That’d be you.”
Cyclops’ words hit him like a punch to the gut. “Oh,” he says in a tiny voice. His head droops between his sagging shoulders. In the end, even Joker didn’t want him. How does someone fail at suffering? How useless am I? A stifled sob escapes his tight throat before he can swallow it down. He never thought the Clown could hurt him more than he had with all of his toys. No one in the world wanted him now. No one in the world would ever want him. Why the hell am I still alive? He still doesn’t understand what he did to deserve any of this. He fucked up, sure. Fucked up a lot. But he’d tried his best to be good for his mom, for Bruce, even for Willis… even for Joker. Yet, in the end, every one of them abandoned him. “...thrown you away like an unwanted puppy.” Sorrow and despair wring out his heart, and like the weak little coward he is, he breaks down and bawls. He welcomes the bullet this man has waiting for him. He’s ready for the sad story of his life to finally end. He doesn’t even feel like breathing anymore, so he just slumps against the wall and lets his broken body slide to the floor; a useless heap of meat.
“Wait, is he crying?” The kid aims a kick at his sore ribs, and he moans as he doubles over. “At least die like a man.”
“That kid’s got a point, you worthless waste of space,” Robin sneers, disgusted.
Cyclops kneels in front of him, and he can’t help but shrink back; a learned response from over a year of non-stop abuse. He keeps his eyes trained on the black and white floor tiles. “So it’s true, then? You were Batman’s partner?”
Being reminded of the man he thought had loved him, the man who’d replaced him without so much as a second thought, hurts like another kick in the ribs, and a broken sob shakes his cadaverous body. Then that sob’s sucked back in when a heavy hand seizes his jaw, thick fingers digging painfully into his thin flesh. His face is yanked up, and his eyes go wide as his body stiffens. “Answer me,” Cyclops demands cooly, a cold flame burning behind his one blue eye.
“Yes sir,” Jason hears himself reply out of habit and cringes. His training runs deep. Like Pavlov’s dog, but with crowbars and cattle prods in place of the bell. His tongue flicks at one of the empty holes in his gums—one of the punishments for his bad manners—before his eyes fall back to the floor. 
Cyclops releases his jaw. “I’ll be damned,” he laughs as he straightens. “I remember this little punk,” he gestures at Jason with his gun. “Always running at the mouth, never knew when to shut the hell up. The Clown must’ve taught him some manners. Oh, how the mighty have fallen, eh?” He holsters his gun. “Guess it’s your lucky day, Boy Wonder,” he says, grabbing Jason up by his scrawny bicep, as if he weighs no more than a doll. “I’m in the mood to gamble so you get to live a little while longer.”
The man’s words slowly sink into his sluggish brain, then the stomach-churning realization takes hold: these men are taking him away from here, away from his home, away from his master. Jason tries to twist away, but Cyclops’ broad fist is locked around his upper arm, tight as a vise. “I-I can’t leave here,” he squeaks as terror mounts inside him with each hobbled step. “He’ll think I escaped!”
“He? Who’s he?” the kid asks. “The lunatic who locked you up down here?”
“You-you don’t understand,” he stammers on, “what he’ll do to me when he finds me.” Or would he? Does he even still care enough to punish him one last time? The Clown’s threat echoes in his ear, prickling the little hairs on the nape of his neck as if the creep’s looming over him: “I’ll have more than teeth and fingernails to add to your little scrapbook.” Jason can’t risk it. He can’t face that agony again. That humiliation… that mutilation… 
The floodlight flickers off and on again: a portent, a promise of pain. Goosebumps erupt all over his wan flesh. “Not my problem,” Cyclops says dryly as he drags him along toward the stairwell. Towards the exit. Towards freedom. The stairwell doorway yawns open, a dark maw waiting to swallow him; to chew him up then spit him out, like every other time he tried to reach that salvation beyond.
Icy dread sinks its teeth into him, sending a chill skittering down his spine. This has to be another game. He loves his fucking games. And it wouldn’t be the first time Joker recruited others to play with his toy. He thinks I’ll go with them, he warns himself, remembering Dr. Haywood. The ‘J’ on his cheek tingles. He wants to hurt me again, like he did before I became his partner. He wants to punish me. He wants to… he wants…
His terror takes control. A burst of adrenaline surges through his veins, and he wrenches his skinny arm out of Cyclops’ iron grip. Then he bolts: half-sprinting, half-limping back towards the safety of his cell. His shattered ankle screams in agony, but he’s so crazed by fear that he’s barely fazed. Besides, that excruciating pain lancing up his leg is a mere bee sting compared to what the Clown will do to him for failing this test. He’ll break my other ankle. He’ll break every bone in my body before he… he… Jason clenches his jaw full of broken teeth, wide eyes fixed on the hallway, and his cell beyond. His heavy breathing is torturous beneath his splintered ribs, but he doesn’t dare stop. He’ll curl up in his corner and await whatever punishment he has to endure for leaving his cage. He’ll show his master that he’s loyal. He’ll prove he can be a good partner…
A deafening boom thunders through the narrow corridor, drowning out all other sounds, then searing pain explodes in his shoulder as the bullet tears through that abused tissue. He cries out as his knees buckle and he collapses. Blood’s bubbling up through his jumpsuit. He wraps his shaking hand around the wound, pressing down on it to try and staunch the bleeding. Hot blood seeps through the cracks between his fingers. He tries to push himself back up on his feet so he can keep fleeing, but his knees give way and he falls flat on his face with a grunt. Undeterred, he pulls himself down the hallway, clawing at the tile with his free hand, slithering over the dirty floor, leaving a trail of blood beneath him like a gigantic slug.
He hears a deep chuckle as the two men leisurely stroll up to him. Then a strong hand is under his arm, hauling him to his feet, ending his comically feeble escape attempt as soon as it began.
“Look, kid,” Cyclops explains in his ear as he steadies him. “You’ve got two options: the easy way or the hard way. You can start walking, or I’ll put the next one in your knee and drag your ass out of here. Either way, you’re coming with us.”
“What? You’re bringing him with us? I thought you had a deal with this Clown guy.”
“This kid’s got some valuable secrets. The kind of secrets that your kind of people will pay a helluva lot more for than 2 million bucks. And by the looks of him, the Clown’s already loosened his tongue for us. Never had much faith in that pasty-faced psycho anyway.”
“Crazy Yanqui,” the kid spits. “The Dons won’t give you a dime for this rat bitch. C’mon. Finish the job, and let’s get the hell outta here. I’m freezing my nuts off in this city.”
Cyclops ignores his sidekick, and shoves Jason forward, nearly sending him sprawling. He stumbles ahead, jarring his ankle again. This time the pain is blinding and he yelps. He sucks in a gasp through gritted teeth as he regains his balance. 
He weakly shuffles ahead as he grips his bleeding shoulder, panting as he goes. Every other hobbled step earns him a rough prod from Cyclops. Without the fog of fear clouding his addled mind, it’s obvious once again that he’s on death’s doorstep. He glances up again at the dark stairwell only steps away and he can’t help but giggle. “That’s more like it, you pathetic fuck.” His giggle balloons into laughter, and soon he’s cackling as hysterically as the Clown. He can’t help it. It’s so fucking funny. These men are dragging him out of this pit. His suffering is finally at an end, but he’s not gonna make it past the trap door he tried to reach so many times before because he’s about to drop dead. His side starts to ache from his boisterous laughter.
“He’s lost his mind,” the kid comments, but it’s only a soft echo in his blood-starved brain. Jason takes another step, then the ground tilts up to meet his face.
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ancestorlegacy · 4 months
Black knife assassins, they're very cool, and you can get their armor!
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First of all, the chest plate is lovely, love that one a lot. I also like the spectral cape and the general design of the boots and gauntlets. One thing I really dig is the subtle blue tint throughout the whole set, I really like that. The cloth around the waist going down on the back is something I also really like, the lack of a helmet is really what's keeping it back though, but this isn't as much of a problem for the enemies as there's just a black void there (I don't know exactly what it is, but I seem to generally not like when you can see someones face in armor or similar things, and really like when it's just blackness there, don't know why)
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I'll give this one an 8.5/10
They really give Specter knight from Shovel knight vibes, which I appreciate a lot. That's a 9/10!
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laurasanchez36 · 7 months
MSA X DP: The Ultimate Enemy Chapter 15: Fight with Three Dark Ghosts used Ghost Wail to Three Dark Ghosts
Dark Danny: You don't get it, do you? "I'm still here." I still exist. That means "you" still turn into "me."
Dark Sophie: You just don't get it, do you? "We'm still here", we still exist! That means "you three" still turn into "us" forever
Midnight Dan: You don't get it, do you? "We're totally still here." we're totally still exist. That means "you three" still turn into "us."
They punches Danny, Sophie and Dan into a lightpost. The backpack falls off and tips over, revealing the Ghost Gauntlets
Dark Danny: I don't have to waste you
Dark Sophie: We don't need to waste you three
Midnight Dan: We don't want to waste three of you
We see the Nasty Sauce indicator needle go into the red, then the Fentons, Kingsmens Family, Lancer, Danny's friends, Sophie's friends and Dan's friends bound to the tank, which is beginning to crack and shudder, but Me/Laura, Sarah/You and others are survived from getting captured
Dark Danny VO, Dark Sophie VO and Midnight Dan VO: We just have to run out the clock until your entire lifes falls apart
Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan dives at Danny, Sophie and Dan, who grabs the backpack and sinks into the ground. Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan knocks over the lightpost and spins around, looking for him. Behind them, Danny rises out of the street, wearing the Ghost Gauntlets
Danny, Sophie and Dan: Maybe if you'd remembered more about your family, you'd have remembered the Specter Deflectors!
They pulls it out, flying at Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan and snapping the belts around their waists. Immediately the older Danny, the older Sophie and the older Dan and screams as he is electrocuted by the anti-ghost device.
Danny, Sophie and Dan: Or the Ghost Gauntlets!
They hauls back and sends Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan crashing through an oil truck with a punch. Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan looks around for a second nervously and then the whole thing goes up in a blue blast. In the air, Danny, Sophie and Dan shields his face. As the explosion subsides to blue flame, he lands and begins to walk away. Behind them, a furious Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan emerges from the flame. They rips off the Specter Deflectors, grabs Danny, Sophie and Dan by the arms with a still-burning hand, and throws them to the ground
Dark Danny: Your time is up, Danny. [copying himself into four, the copies speaking together] It's been up for 10 years
Dark Sophie: Your time's up, Sophie. [copying herself into four, the copies speaking together] It's been up for 10 years
Midnight Dan: Your time was up, Dan. [copying himself into four, the copies speaking together] It's been up for 10 years
They all punch them at once, and we get a quick beat-him-up montage. Danny, Sophie and Dan falls smoking to the ground and Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan's copies reunite.
Dark Danny: What makes you think you can change my past?
Dark Sophie: What's makes you think you can change my past?
Midnight Dan: What is makes you think you can change my past?
Danny: [getting to all fours and glaring up] Because I promised my family!
Sophie and Dan: [getting to all fours and glaring up] Us too!
Dark Danny: [laughing] Oh, you are such a child! You "promised"?
Dark Sophie: [laughing] Oh, you are such a little girl! You "promised"?
Midnight Dan [laughing] Oh, you are such a kid! You "promised"?
Danny, Sophie and Dan: Yes! We PROMISED!!!
They stands and the word turns to a Ghostly Wail, sending Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan flying and digging up a divot in the street
Dark Danny: That power, ugh, it's not possible! We don't get that power until ten years from now!
Dark Sophie: The power, ugh, how it's not possible! We don't get that power until ten years from once!
Midnight Dan: That power, ugh, that's not possible! We don't get that power until ten years from once and now!
Danny: [landing] I guess the future isn't as set in stone as you think it is.
Sophie: [landing] I agree with Danny, the future isn't as set in stone as you thinking it is.
They does another Ghostly Wail practically in Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan's faces, sending them flying again; it breaks out windows and blows them through a doorway, then demolishes the building on top of them. Completely exhausted, Danny, Sophie and Dan drops to their knees in human form. A fist rises from the rubble pile, and Danny, Sophie and Dan looks up and gasps. Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan bursts from the wreckage, bruised up, flames dying, and uniform ripped.
For @sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
All her msa ocs and new msa ocs belongs to @sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
All my msa ocs and new msa ocs belongs to Me
All Danny Phantom characters belongs to Nickelodeon Danny Phantom
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