#spectrum kara
seasaltmemories · 9 months
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Time for me to pull out my fave 3 x 3 meme
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why-i-love-comics · 2 years
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Thunderbolts #2 - "Communication Issues" (2022)
written by Jim Zub art by Sean Izaakse & Java Tartaglia
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malaierba · 1 year
Upcoming a very-much-not-perfect headcanon regarding the matsus and colour theory, inspired by the question: "What if the Matsus were colour coded in Highschool?"
I'll mention why it's probably unlikely later on, but for the sake of pondering this idea I'm thinking it happened a bit before their 2nd year, when they've already shown distress at being treated like a single entity, and wanting to set themselves apart in order to blend in better among their pears
Interesting things I think a mother/teacher would think when color-coding her children, after taking into account the personalities they've already shown so far:
Red for Osomatsu, the leader. Good luck, strong. You'd probably want to continue to encourage that. We're kind of socialized to think that whoever is the red in a set is the leader, and since he's the eldest... Once again, seems like a boring decision, but it'd show how Osomatsu continued to be defined by his birth order.
Blue for Karamatsu. Karamatsu, who was apparently a crybaby in Ososan, and continues to be very obviously sensitive during highschool. If we think of tears as emotions overflowing, and pursuing artistic hobbies as an emotional outlet, wouldn't it make sense to soak that child in blue? Almost as if hoping it'll calm him down, almost as if telling him to chill (This ofc has funny outcomes after graduating, as he literally tries to embody coolness better). He's the second son, it'd do him good to keep a cooler head and cooler heart anyway, to be more of a traditional guy.
Green goes to the kid that as a child had the shortest temper and was the most prone to violence. Green, which we find in Nature, and has calming properties to itself. Nature, which embodies a delicate balance, which follows so-called natural laws that you'd expect everything to adhere to. In interior design they advise to have plants in rooms where emotions run high, and when you're anxious or angry you're often advised to take a walk through nature. You'd hope greener hues help him remain grounded, and funnily enough he ends up (cough performing) actively trying to fit into the laws and dynamics of the environment around him.
Purple goes to the child they apparently was the most serious, comparatively more practical and level-headed (note: I'm taking this from the wiki lol I've not read Osokun). He can be difficult when swayed by others, but in its own don't you just get the feeling that he'd be an easy kid? Since he comes across as more mature, you can give him a darker, more adult tone, that still carries some positive connotations like "royalty, ceremonial color, rare in nature". It's special.
Here between us, I think Ichi would be the most likely amongst his brothers to feel the weight of expectations that were developed on his early personality alone, even moreso than Choromatsu (who adopts the responsible act later on). You change the context, and the purple that was full of promise starts looking more and more like a bruise.
From my understanding, Osokun Jyushi had even less of a personality, though he'd get some visual gags that really stood out, the type that make it laugh and realize oh, he's a kidder. Mama-matsuno probably could see the if not smart and not a leader, he was at least funny, happy, energetic like he was made of thunder, and gave him yellow to preserve that. She'd be on point later in life, but during high school the yellow came to embody more a warning ⚠️ then anything else. (Unrelated but something similar happened to Oso, troublemaker that he's always been).
Finally, Totty, which ngl alongside Kara and Choro is who got me thinking about how you'd try to expose a child to a colour in an attempt to influence traits of their personality. Being the other crybaby of the family, Todomatsu has an even bigger crutch named "older brothers". He was babied too much as the youngest, and now you can tell that he's come to rely too much on them. He's also a bit shorter and softer, so even within the set he stands apart.
Apparently part of the reason why pink became so popular to give to girls was to "encourage them to be more outgoing and assertive, but of course not too much, so watered down red it is". Doesn't sound like too bad a thing you want for your youngest son. Besides, that way Matsuyo will always have a cute child she can dote on (because who'd expect the NEET rate from 6 out of six to be 100%). Took a while, but it worked, Totty really managing to work out his dependency issues to a degree while retaining his right to be cute and get support if needed.
Now wasn't that fun!? I started thinking about that because some of these guys CHANGED TOO MUCH AFTER HIGH SCHOOL AND BETWEEN OSOKUN!
it would've been easy to make them all Osomatsu, who at his core has always been the same, but instead the Ososan Team went on a different direction. The way characters like Karamatsu and Ichimatsu change is incredible between highschool and Ososan, Choromatsu is very different in the movie from Osokun, and Jyushi really had the most puzzling development across eras if you look at it chronologically.
Totty is great to look at too, because you'd think "ah he's still cute" but his development is probably the most straightforward AND positive AND impressive of all the sextuplets. He went from riding Choromatsu like a kangaroo to climbing the Everest and getting employed first, how's that for the baby of the family?
Reasons why I'm aware this theory might just be me trying to get more meaning from the movie but forcing convenient analyses on the sextuplets, that explain their development:
I'm not an expert in colour theory and the meaning of colours in Japanese culture by any means, anything I know I owe to Google (:-/)
I guess colours here kind of work as a stand in of how the Matsuno's social environment started expecting different things from them, taking whatever it could grab to set one twin apart from the other and either trying to encourage it or correct it. I mean, I guess colour symbolism is by definition vague, open to interpretation and dependant on context... It's evocative, not factual.
It's fun to think about it in terms of storytelling, kind of as a way to trace a personal development path for a child and see if it worked well or not. But again it's most likely just me trying to answer things that aren't even questions in the first place. Like, it IS a gag anime after all.
Idk shit about Osokun 😔 or the novels. Idek what it is that idk!
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Art Credit to Rich Bernatovech
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The Captain Marvels
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spectrumpulse · 1 year
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comicwaren · 2 years
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“Endless crazy once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, last-second saves... even coming back from the dead. A one-in-a-million shot a dozen times over.” -- Hawkeye
Cover art for Thunderbolts Vol. 4 #004, “Your Mind Knows What It Really Wants”
Art by Sean Izaakse and Nolan Woodard
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soloavengers · 2 years
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Writer: Jim Zub Artists: Sean Izaakse, Netho Diaz Colorist: Javier Tartaglia Letterer: Cory Petit
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emeraldbabygirl · 1 year
My delusional ass is going to make life size cardboard cut-outs of jonghyun, sulli, hara, dongyoon and moonbin and they are coming to my 24th birthday party which consists of me in a maid dress feeding the life size cardboard cut-outs chocolate cake and pretending they like chocolate cake and having a conversation with all of them where I only speak for myself and pretend to be their translator even tho I don’t speak Korean and cardboards cut-outs are inanimate objects and cannot speak. It will be tea party themed and I’ll make them all little paper hats with origami paper because that’s the only colored paper I own. Tanis will unfortunately be without a maid dress because I didn’t want to spend more money than what I already did.
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gfwooyo · 2 years
gap tag pissing me off there's so many people being overly critical of smth that is not that serious or they're talking shit about sam who is soooo obviously autistic for her autistic traits like goddamn if u don't like the campy gl stop watching it or at the very least stop spreading ur negativity
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biblomaniac · 2 months
Supercorp headcanon:
Lena gives Kara extravagant gifts not because she’s rich and money is no obstacle, but because that the only way she knows how to show that she cares.
Lena grew up and a largely loveless home. Any gifts she received were most likely only for show, or had a practical purpose. When she was young, Lena learned that people wanted her for three things: her body, her name, or her money. Buying expensive gifts for fake friends and temporary dalliances became the only way she could express even the simplest of gratitudes.
When she meets Kara, she keeps up the practice. An office full of flowers for a positive article and a company to keep Kara happy and employed are only the ends of an extreme spectrum. Lena would give Kara just about anything to keep her happy, although Kara doesn’t ask for anything but Lena’s time.
By profligate present #50, Kara has to put her foot down about the amount of gifts the brunette gives.
“What do you mean you don’t want it? I can exchange it for something better.”
“No, Lena. It’s lovely, but I just can’t accept it.”
“I don’t understand. Why don’t you want it? Is it not good enough?”
“Lena,” Kara can hardly explain before Lena is on her phone ordering an upgraded model in three different colors.
“They have red, blue, yellow, green, purple… Y’know what? I’ll get the first three and we can go from there.”
Kara uses a small burst of SuperSpeed to grab the phone from Lena’s hand before she can press ‘order’.
“Lena, there is nothing wrong with it! I can’t accept it because you have given me too many gifts already. I appreciate them, you know I do, but it’s just too much. I don’t need you to buy me gifts to make me spend time with you. I just need you, Lena.”
Lena is stunned for a moment before she drops her head to hide quivering lips. When she looks up, her green eyes are misty. Kara wraps Lena in a hug before any tears can fall. A few minutes later, when Kara thinks Lena has calmed down enough to speak without crying, she pulls away enough to see Lena’s face while they talk.
“Lena, what’s wrong?”
Lena keeps her eyes pointed to the floor, feeling ashamed at her outburst. Kara’s right hand grasps Lena’s chin just enough to tilt her head up.
“Look at me, baby. You don’t have to be embarrassed. Tell me what’s wrong.”
In a voice meeker than Kara has ever heard from the strong, outspoken woman, Lena admits:
“I just… no one has said they wanted me for me. Any relationship I’ve ever had has been transactional. I don’t… I don’t know how to show you I care without giving you things. You mean everythi—a lot, to me Kara.”
Lena almost lets the extent of her feelings slip, but she isn’t so far gone as to get entirely loose lipped. Kara wants so badly to scoop Lena up and just wrap her in comfort, but she doesn’t want to overshadow the initial matter at hand. She decides unfiltered honesty is the first course of action, then the comfort can commence.
“Lena, I LOVE you. I don’t need the gifts, or your money, or anything like that. If you never bought me another present, I would still care as much for you as I do right now,” Kara leans down slowly, pressing her forehead against Lena’s.
Lena gazes up at Kara, eyes watery and searching. Kara never breaks eyes contact, content to hold Lena’s gaze until she finds what she is searching for. It feels like ages have passed when Lena finally replies, and even then, Kara doesn’t think she would’ve been able to hear the CEO if not for her SuperHearing.
“I…I love you, Kara. Not as a friend, but as more. I wanted to show you how much you meant to me, in hopes that you would want more. I was too afraid to say anything; too afraid of you deciding that one day, you couldn’t handle being friends with me anymore. I don’t think I could take it if you rejected me, Kara. I—“
The blonde cuts her off with a kiss. It doesn’t feel earth shattering or like an explosion of fireworks. It feels like coming home. Lena squeals, wrapping her arms around Kara’s neck when the reporter reaches down just far enough to grasp Lena by the back of her legs and lift her enough to comfortably hold Lena against herself.
With beaming smiles, they separate their lips but remain pressed against each other.
Emboldened by their newfound comfort, Kara presses kiss after kiss to Lena’s face. Lena giggles, squirming away as much as she can while held aloft by Kara.
“If I knew all I had to do to get you to kiss me was stop accepting your gifts, I would have put an end to this when you bought me that ridiculously expensive coffeemaker that I never figured out how to use.”
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nitewrighter · 5 months
I think if there's one thing reading older comics is teaching me, is that, yes reading critically is obviously very important, but also, so is a bit of contextual compassion and good faith, being able to take in the changes over the years as a broad spectrum.
I dunno like I love "more alien" designs for Kryptonians as much as the next guy, but I just had a comment on my AO3 that's like, "Kryptonians aren't even mammals, they shouldn't have sexual dimorphism like this" and I've just kind of been rolling with the idea that Kryptonians are Essentially People But With Cool Yellow Sun-Activated Software for months now and I'm just kind of stuck like... "Do you even enjoy Superman comics??? Like you're reading comics and you're literally getting pissed that Kara has tits like--"
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eqt-95 · 11 months
a new kind of romance, pt 3
part 1 | s'mores s'mores part 2 | purple purple
👗 zippers
“Yep?” Kara called over her shoulder, one hand placing the kettle in its cradle and the other fiddling with the top button of her shirt. It was late. Far too late to still be dressed in formal wear but that didn’t stop Kara from accepting Lena’s post-gala offer of tea, blankets, and a documentary. 
Plus Lena promised snacks.
“Can you come here?”
And, really, Kara should have known.
Because Lena’s voice was coming from the bedroom.
Strike that. Because Lena’s voice was coming from the closet of the bedroom. 
So, really, she should have been prepared to turn the corner and come face-to-face with the exposed patch of alabaster skin where a plum evening gown had been sitting snugly over shoulders and back moments before.
And Kara had never before loved the spectrum of purples as much as she did seeing it hang off Lena in that moment (and that included the burgundy-clad legs she’d felt wrapped around her a few short days earlier). She loved it so much her mouth fell ajar, eyes expanded to the size of small planets, and heart jumped straight into her throat.
“I think it’s stuck. Would you-?”
And because Kara’s brain was having a brown out, it took Lena yanking at the half-drawn zipper for Kara to register the very simple request.
Because it was, fundamentally, a very - very - simple request.
Because of course Kara could unstick a tiny little zipper. She was Supergirl, after all. And Supergirl could definitely - definitely - handle this itty bitty tiny late-night conundrum. 
Except Kara’s nod came out strained and legs stumbled all leaden-like and when she tried to swallow it felt like a desert and then she wondered if maybe they should have a cup of tea first because if she was parched then Lena might definitely be thirsty but Lena was looking at her reflection in the mirror with an expression that might as well have been kryptonite because only that could explain the tremble of her own fingers trying desperately to maneuver their grip onto the world’s tiniest pull tab without intentionally - accidentally - brushing the porcelain skin that Kara so desperately - respectfully - wanted to touch and maybe that’s why the sharp whistle from the kettle made her jump and fingers pull, and the tear that followed sent Kara blushing and rambling apologies in broken english and kryptonese because wow now there was like, just so much skin.
“Well, that’s definitely one solution,” Lena laughed, her rosy cheeks a pale challenge to the flush red that engulfed Kara.
“Oh, oh zhao, uh, uhm, R-Rao I mean, oh I’m so sorry-” Kara rambled, stumbling backwards and running into a rack of Lena’s business suits which, timely as they were, all came tumbling down on top of Kara. “Oh golly-”
“It’s really no problem,” Lena laughed, taking the whole catastrophe in stride because of course she would and of course Kara would make it a mess and turn blubbering and foolish and-
“But it was so nice,” Kara continued from beneath an avalanche of clothes. “and you looked so nice and pretty and now-”
“Darling, watch out for the-
“-now it’s all, oh, oh shoot,” because another rod of clothes caved to Kara’s desperate floundering and efforts to avert her gaze from glimpsing - gawking - at the porcelain surface that surely - surely - belonged captured in marble and displayed for all galaxies to see.
And then there was Lena’s hand gripping Kara’s arm and guiding her out of the mountain of pretty clothes Lena wore while a mountain of apologies sat on Kara’s tongue. 
“And your dress,” Kara said again, face the shade of embarrassment and eyes staring firmly at the fixture hanging from Lena’s ceiling. Were those real crystals?
“What about my dress.” A statement, not a question. A challenge, not an accusation.
“It’s… it’s ruined,” Kara continued, hand gesturing blindly toward the tattered fabric she couldn’t see because boundaries. 
“Well, that’s the thing about dresses,” Lena continued, hands climbing to adjust Kara’s collar.
“The… the thing-?” Kara asked, eyes breaking from her safe spot to meet Lena’s gaze.
“They’re meant to be taken off,” Lena winked and smirked and said with a voice that was far too husky and far too effective at turning Kara’s brain to mush.
And, really, Kara should have known. 
Because whatever brown out occurred moments earlier had nothing on the full black out that followed.
- - - - - - part 4 | frosting
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Okay, so, Character Talk Time
I have no idea if this is a popular opinion or not, but I reallllly hate the fact that Alice is an Android
Okay, let me present my case:
As far as we know, Androids have been said that they “Never get tired, or sad” (don’t cry?) they don’t need to eat, and shouldn’t really get cold/feel temperatures. Sure, their bio components will suffer, but they don’t feel pain. Extreme temperatures trigger pain (like burning yourself = too hot)
But, Alice does all of this.
She gets tired, she gets sad, she likely eats (I know both times we see her with food, she doesn’t want it, but with Kara, we can steal snacks from that one convenience store. Is that just to keep up the appearance that she’s a human girl?) and she gets cold.
Also, she gets a Fever.
“But Nexus! Luther explains this! He says that’s just how Kara has been seeing it!” I hear you say.
Well, Rose is the one who identifies Alice’s fever, not Kara. Rose is human. She can’t“see it her own way”. She doesn’t have that ability.
So, if someone wanted to design an Android Child, why would they make it have the ability to develop a fever from the cold, or get cold, or get sad and cry?
Isnt that just more work for the parents who are likely getting an Android Child because it’s meant to be less stressful?
I’m just saying, the fact that that is the plot twist that the game was working towards for Kara is extremely disappointing.
Also, another reason on why I feel like it was a bad idea:
Connor is meant to let us see the Negatives of the Androids Uprising. He’s what connects Humans to Androids. He’s on one far side of the spectrum.
Meanwhile Markus is to let us see the Human Side of Androids, and the Positives of the Androids Uprising. He gives us Deviant Insight. He’s what connects the Androids together. He’s on the opposite side of the spectrum from Connor.
So to balance it all out, I feel like Kara and Alice should have been the middle. They should have represented how Humans and Androids can live and work together peacefully. How they can love each other and care for each other without it being bad. That’s what I believed they were doing from the beginning, but for that to be wrong, really sucks.
Anyway, I hope this is a popular opinion, because I really do think it should have gone that way.
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taoofshigeru · 3 months
MAWS s2 Mid-season Thoughts (And a Prediction)
Sure as Dr. Byrna Brilyant's binary is non, this Jimmy Olsen Money Meter is going to hit zero.
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But it's not going to stay at zero. Firstly, because the show has a ultimately optimistic worldview. Secondly, it'd be a heck of a lot funnier to see it jump to 8, 9, 10 digits.
There's thematic parallels to how Clark's foil this season is Kara and the two Kryptonians plus Lois are dealing with dads on varying degrees of the imperfect-to-bad spectrum.
Jimmy doesn't really have a piece of that conflict. Instead, he's pretty heavily tied to Lex's rise, encouraging him without realizing he was talking to a future supervillain. I think the way Jimmy engages with Lex in a public debate he was unprepared for in episode 4 is a pretty good parallel for the way Clark fights Kara at a pretty big situational disadvantage in episode 5.
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Two dudes caught flat-footed
And it's generally been Jimmy's role (Lois' too!) to fight back against the various flavors of bad PR Superman gets, a struggle that's less "super" but no less important to Clark's well-being, or to the greater themes of the show.
Anyways, I think Jimmy zeroes out, then makes his money back in a way that involves bankrupting Lexcorp. Because that would be hilarious.
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spectrumpulse · 1 year
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comicwaren · 2 years
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From Thunderbolts Vol. 4 #002, “Communication Issues”
Art by Sean Izaakse and Java Tartaglia
Written by Jim Zub
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