#spencer’s 100 character battle
hello and welcome to the FINALE of SPENCER’S 2024 CHARACTER BATTLE!!!!
i don’t want to keep you too much longer so i’ll announce…. the WINNER…. of SPENCER’S 2024 CHARACTER BATTLE…. IS………….
*dramatic pause*
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congratulations wander for winning twice in a row! however…. he didn’t have the most votes overall! he in fact had 329. that title… goes to….
with 421 votes overall!
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congrats to both of them!!
here is the final bracket! i hope everyone had fun rooting for their faves!!!
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spencerwatchestoons · 2 months
i’m thinking about bringing back my super awesome character battle,,, should i
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tenpintsofsundrop · 1 year
Spencer Reid + Migraines
(Chronic pain as a metaphor for emotional baggage or emotional blocks in media)
TLDR; I hate it when media uses pain (especially irl chronic pain conditions) as a metaphor for emotional trauma and allows a character to be healed once they have gotten over their trauma.
So this is a rant I've had building up for a while now, especially because I've seen quite a few people on my dashboard talking about Maeve/the Maeve storyline, and how she was introduced to the show as Spencer's doctor who magically "cured" his headaches with vitamins? Apparently (I don't remember the details because I haven't seen those episodes in so long, but yikes).
I am a chronic pain sufferer and I have been formally diagnosed with chronic migraines. Because of a medication used to treat chronic migraines, I haven't had an attack in more than three years (save for one outlier).
Migraines are an intensely serious medical problem, and it's weird to me that Spencer was clearly having migraine attacks on the show and they didn't address it as it's own medical problem? They just acted like he was having some light headaches and needed to ignore it and get over the problem or "find the root cause" - aka stop being sad and then your brain will get better???
When I was originally watching the Season 6 episodes where Spencer starts struggling with his "headaches", I have never related to something more in my life. Especially because at that point in my life, I was still have 2 or 3 migraine attacks per month, and seeing him wearing sunglasses indoors, aggressively bouncing his leg to try and distract from the pain while sitting in a hospital waiting room, rubbing his eye sockets, flinching at the light - that was and sometimes still is my life.
When the doctors determined that he didn't have epilepsy, didn't have a tumor, etc. I was like "okay, so they're gonna treat him for migraines and acknowledge that migraines are a really detrimental chronic pain condition."
But no. They just have him the whole "idk. You're not dying so the pain must be cause you're like... sad."
And I totally understand Spencer not wanting to take medication because of his past with Dualdid, but there are so many non-narcotic options for pain treatment. Especially because his character is very into science, it would have been interesting to see him exploring alternative (very traditional) medicine like acupuncture or massage, while acknowledging his past drug addiction as a problem and saying that he doesn't want to relapse.
Hell, it would have even been nice for them to acknowledge that his caffeine addiction could have been affecting his headaches and for there to be a little subplot where he was super irritable because his doctor asked him to quit coffee to see if it made his headaches go away. (Because one of the first migraine treatments is quitting caffeine, chocolate, or alcohol - common trigger foods.)
But instead, the show presented his headaches as a physical presentation of his emotional pain. Which is something incredibly common for shows to do - the other example I can think of is Weeds. But in general I fucking hate the idea that chronic pain is just an embodiment of emotional trauma, and once you get over that emotional trauma, you are "cured". (Because it was narratively implied in the show that part of the reason Maeve was able to cure his headaches is because he was in love with her, not because of the weird pills she gave him.)
For once, I would like to see a show acknowledge chronic pain as a problem that is 100% out of the control of a person, and even though it's not life threatening, it still fucking sucks. And while it might be treatable, it is incurable. Like HELLO
Don't treat it like some emotional arc that the person has to get over and not a problem that people have to realistically battle for their whole lives. I HATE the metaphor that pain is just a manifestation of negative emotions and it will go away once you acknowledge your trauma or battle those negative emotions.
I so badly wanted them to acknowledge Spencer as a chronic migraine patient and treat him as such.
But anyway. That's it
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polyamorouspunk · 1 year
what do you consider 'punk' and how did you get into it?
I’m going to preface this by saying this ask is over a month old. At first I just felt like this was too big of a topic to tackle, and then when a new wave of what I’m going to call discourse in the community came up, it just felt like it was going to add fuel to the fire. I ended up making some posts about it anyway, but I guess since I just got asked this again, it’s time to really sit down and answer: what is punk to me.
Punk is a conglomeration of similar ideas, however, some people have different ideas of what is and isn’t punk. I, for example, do not support the vegan movement, but I do know people on here who have patches like “meat is murder” on their battle jackets. That would be an example of a punk ideal that not everyone shares. The basis, the foundation of punk though, as a political ideal, is anti-government and anti-capitalist. There are some things thrown under those umbrellas too. For example, I think you can label being “anti-cop” and under the umbrella of anti-government if you wanted because law enforcement is a government agency.
Punk is a fashion style. Time and time again we have pointed at large fashion brands (I’m looking at you Hot Topic and Spencer’s) and gone “I can’t believe they’re profiting off an aesthetic built on cheap DIY and making it expensive”. When I went a few days ago I found a black beanie with a safety pin and 3 d-rings that was slightly “distressed” as the fashion industry likes to call it. $16. Go get yourself a black beanie, find yourself a safety pin and some d-rings and cut it up yourself, if you’re doing it right it should NOT cost you $16. And if it looks like it’s going to cost you $16 then either you’re shopping in the wrong places or you need to find a 🖐️ discount on that shit *cough* excuse me I’m not sure where that came from. The most recent example of this (this is July 2023) is Hot Topic selling Hobbie Brown merch for the new Into The Spiderverse movie. Selling branded merch of a character who is anti-brand and anti-capitalist. This is not to say that you can’t pick up some stuff from Hot Topic. There’s nothing wrong with taking a liking to something and picking it up and adding to your style. I truly believe that. I also don’t have room to talk since I’ll be honest, dropping $100 a month on band merch is pretty much the only thing keeping me sane these days. Is that very punk of me? No, probably not. However I’m enclaved in this capitalist hellscape working for $9 an hour on pieces people pay $400 for, so if I need to indulge in buying band merch to keep me sane, so be it. It’s my money and I can do what I want with it, and I’ve also been donating money to trans organizations as well. I also like to thrift and DIY. The piece I’m working on now is a patch I got for like $7 from Hot Topic and a bag from the dollar store and I put the patch on the bag and I’m adding some details. A lot of the patches on my vest came from Hot Topic but a lot also are hand-made from me just buying fabric and going ham with fabric paint. DIY or Die should be the core idea. Thrifting should be the core idea. But it’s also not wrong to pick something up you like here or there. Even then, though, focusing on Etsy and stuff should be the preference. And I’ll shop at Hot Topic over Amazon any day. On that note, it’s okay to have other aesthetics as well. You don’t need to dress punk 24/7. You can have other fashion interests and still call yourself punk. There’s no need to limit or restrict yourself in an effort to not feel like a poser.
Punk is a music-based subculture, but punk music has so many subcategories and bleeds into many other music genres. There are people and perfectionists out there who will demand to draw lines between what is and isn’t punk music, but music is all about taking inspiration from other artists and making it your own, putting your own spin on it. You can get away with listening to any alternative music, whether it be emo music, pop punk, goth music, metal music, ska, etc. Taylor Swift is not punk, though. Neither is really any “pop” artist. Don’t get me wrong: I LOVE listening to indie pop music or whatever. I mean even just Imagine Dragons I love Imagine Dragons, but I’m not kidding myself into saying that it makes me punk to listen to Imagine Dragons. My Chemical Romance on the other hand is totally something is some weird subgenre of punk music. Listen to MCR doesn’t “make” you punk but someone doesn’t have the right to call you out for listening to MCR and calling yourself punk in conjunction to it, like Imagine Dragons, for example. Wishing you had the money to spend $2000 on Taylor Swift tickets does NOT make you punk. The MOST I will spend on concert tickets is $200 and I haven’t hit that yet. I think the most on an actual ticket-ticket I spent was $80 for my FOB concert in a few weeks. Once again: I work for my own money. I work while disabled, and whatever I’m not spending on myself goes towards charity and paying the bills. I’ve seen PTV, FIR, and CTE for $25. Local punk shows cost usually between $5-$10, maybe up to $25 depending. Lots of music is even ~free~! Go see some free music even if it isn’t “punk” music! That’s what’s really punk.
Punk is knowing when to be angry and when to be gentle. I think you do need to be angry to be punk. I started calling myself punk because I WAS angry. I was angry at a lot of things. And I needed a healthy outlet for that anger and this blog was born. I needed a place to yell about the things that bothered me, and slowly that became me reblogging posts about people yelling about the things that bothered them, and those things were not having rights, our rights being taken away, anger at murder by cops, etc. supporting that anger. Punk is NOT about a peaceful approach to everything. If you are against the idea of violence in every scenario then you are not punk. If you object to the phrase “punch Nazis” you aren’t punk. And while we’re at it let’s talk about Nazi punks. They exist. You can���t deny that. They are in fact a subculture of the punk subculture. They are punk, I think, in their own way, because they hate the government and stuff, but not for the right reasons. They want to make it worse. They hate the government like people who stormed the capital on January 6th hate the government. For the *wrong* reasons. And in that way they are posers even if they check the metaphorical boxes. Because punk is also about helping the community. It is about a peaceful and loving touch to those around you. It’s about recycling and planting wildflowers and volunteering for marginalized people. It’s about taking that anger in one hand and that want to see a peaceful and loving society in the other and balancing both. You can be angry all you want, and attend protests and yell all you want, but if you aren’t being kind to the people around you then it’s not really for anything. A better world starts with just doing something nice for someone. That’s attainable. That’s in the now. Don’t set your sights so high you’re missing the opportunity to change the world by putting a smile on someone’s face. But yes: you do need to be angry to be punk.
Punk is about individuality and not asking permission. The first way to not be punk? Going on anon and asking a punk blog if it’s okay to call yourself punk for xyz reason. That’s it, you’ve failed the basic test. Real punks do not ask. They do. Punk is about making it your own. It’s about not caring if you’re “doing it wrong” because you’re doing it YOUR way, and if you followed a set of rules on how to do it then that would automatically make it the WRONG way. The hard and fast rules are really just hate the government, hate cops, hate capitalism, hate bigotry, be angry, listen to music that wasn’t meant for family friendly public radio, dress in a way that freaks the right people out, and start doing some activism. That’s how to be punk.
How do you get into punk? You just do. Where I grew up there was a group of older teens who dressed in all black and had dyed hair and swore and lot and sat around and smoked and drank. They intimidated me. I wanted to be like that when I grow up.
I’m so much more than that though. I’m an angry transmasc, someone who rivals in horror and bloodlust as a metaphor for their own violent nature, who scares people enough they lock their doors. But I’m a girl in her 20s who loves buying lemonade at the local boba tea shop and whose favorite animal is butterflies who loves to sit in grass and make friendship bracelets.
So I find things that fit both of my selves and more. I started listening to Fall Out Boy on a suggestion, and from there I found My Chemical Romance, and all these other bands. I started shopping at Hot Topic and wearing all black with band shirts and giant rubber band bracelets. From there I slowly started experimenting by buying some spike bracelets from Hot Topic and started listening to heavier music. I found people on here who had cool battle jackets and I kept an eye out while thrifting and finally found one of my own. I took the patches it came with and started painting over them. My trans patch used to be Obama. Now it’s transgender. Transgender Obama, if you will. I started listening to people online, who told me stories of cops who killed people for no reason. But I thought cops only killed bad people? Well, it turns out that “bad people” is a pretty good metaphor for “people with darker skin”. I started listening to podcasts and I learned horror stories of the US government doing human testing on populations of black people. Can you imagine? They used to do that shit! But… do we really think they just… stopped? Or did they just get better at hiding it…
Getting into punk is about slowly morphing yourself into someone who listens and takes action. It’s okay if you’re like me and you got into punk because you wanted to dress like the scary older kids in your town or you were just really angry so you started a blog called “polyamorous punk” with the work punk in it, or you just really liked My Chemical Romance as a teen. You don’t have to get into punk because you want to fix everything that’s wrong with the world, but that’s how you end up feeling. Over time though as you mature you learn that’s unrealistic. So you do what you can and support the people who are doing what you can’t.
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Prompt Character List......
 Denny Duquette
 Clark Kent
 Lincoln [The 100]
 Nyko [The 100]
 Marcus Kane [The 100]
 Kelly Severide
 Matt Casey
 {Ethan} Hawkins {I think that's his name}
 Jimmy Borelli
 Frank Castle
 Max [The Resident]
 Klaus Mikaelson
 Wade Wilson
 Kol Mikaelson
 Bill Cadogan [The 100]
 Elijah Mikaelson
 Russell Lightbourn [7th] [The 100]
 Finn Mikaelson
 Damon Salvatore
 Matt Murdoch
 Shane Walsh
 Rick Grimes
 Paul {Jesus}
 Lex Luthor
 Negan Smith
 Aegon II {House of The Dragon}
 Robb Stark {Game of Thrones}
 Jon Snow {Game of Thrones}
 Aemond “One Eye” {House of The Dragon}
 Thoros of Myr {GOT
 Steve Rogers
 Bucky Barnes
 Thor Odinson
 Loki Laufeyson
 Pietro Maximoff
 Tony Stark
 Bruce Banner
 Winn Schott
 Jack Reacher
 Andy Barber
 Henry Delarue
 Henry 8th [Other Boleyn Girl-Tudors]
 Charles Brandon [Tudors] [Henry Cavil]
 Richard of Shrewsbury [The White Princess]
 Richard 3rd [The White Queen]
 Cesare Borgia [Borgias-2007]
 Henry [7th] [The White Princess]
 Philip Blake [The Governor]
 Reuben Palchuk
 Glenn Morrison
 Mason Lockwood
 Scott Lang
 Hope Van Dyne
 Joker [Suicide Squad]
 Harley Quinn [Suicide Squad]
 Miles Quaritch [Avatar]
 Nathanial Taylor [Terranova]
 Lucas Taylor [Terranova]
 Eddie Brock
 Eddie Brock with Venom
 Spiderman [Peter Parker] {Tom Holland]
 Hannibal Lecter [Hannibal]
 Frederick Chilton [Hannibal]
 Raoul De Chagny [Phantom of the Opera]
 Mathias Vogel [Tomb Raider 2018]
 Johann Struensee [Royal Affair]
 Ido Dyson [Alita Battle Angel]
 Geralt of Rivia {Henry Cavil} [The Witcher]
 Dusan [Downsized] {Christoph Waltz}
 Multiple Characters [From the Same Show]
 Qaletaqa Walker [Fear the Walking Dead]
 Travis [Fear the Walking Dead]
 Daryl Dixon
 Meryl Dixon
 Alexander Grayson [Dracula] {Jonathan Rhys-Meyers]
 Vlad Dracula [Dracula Untold] {Luke Evans}
 Deckard Shaw
 Owen Shaw
 Dominic Toretto
 Luke Hobbs
 Tormund Giantsbane
 Normand Nordstrom
 Dante Reyes
 Connor Slaughter
 Stephen Strange
 Erik Lehnsherr {Magneto}
 Gambit [Remy LeBeau] {Taylor Kitsch}
Kraven {Aaron Taylor-Johnson]
 Chon [Savages]
 Ben [savages]
 Ben and Chon [Savages]
 Miguel “Lado’ Arroyo [Savages]
 Thorin Oakenshield
 Miguel O'Hara
 Troy Otto
 Hector [Troy]
 Black Adam/Teth Adam
 Superman [Henry Cavil]
 August Walker [Mission Impossible? -6]
 The Collector [Guardians of The Galaxy]
 Yondu [Guardians of The Galaxy]
 Ronan [Guardians of The Galaxy]
 Carol Danvers [Marvels]
 Grant Ward [S.H.I.E.L.D.]
 Jim Shannon [Terra Nova]
 Director Mace [S.H.I.E.L.D.]
 Barry Allen [Flash TV]
 Arthur Curry
 Peter Quill {Star Lord}
 Owen Grady [Jurassic World]
 Ajax {Francis Freeman} [Deadpool]
 Zapan [Alita Battle Angel]
 Martouf [SG-1]
 Martouf/Lantash [SG-1]
 Ra [Stargate Movie]
 Zipacna [SG-1]
 Ba'al [Stargate-Multi Appearances]
 Carson Beckett [SG-A]
 Varro [SG-U]
 Wade Wilson {Alternate Universe}
 Judge Turpin [Sweeney Todd Demon Barber]
 Severus Snape
 Lucius Malfoy
 Sirius Black
 Xerxes [300]
 Aaron Hotchner [BAU]
 Spencer Reid [BAU]
 Derek Morgan [BAU]
 Luke Alvarez [BAU]
 Emily Prentiss [BAU]
 Jake Riley [Containment]
 Ichabod Crane [Sleepy Hollow] {TV}
 Jack Daniels | Whiskey [Kingsman Golden Circle]
 Sam Winchester [Supernatural]
 Dean Winchester [Supernatural]
 Crowley [Supernatural]
 John Wick [John Wick]
 Joel Miller [Last of Us]
 Ned [Pushing Daisy's]
 Cleon {Empire-All Clones} [Foundation]
 Ethan Sawyer [Those Who Wish Me Dead]
 Rafael Barba [Law and Order SVU]
 Master Chief John-118 [Halo TV 2022]
 Christian Grey [50 Shades of Grey Movie Series]
 Tequila [Kingsman Golden Circle]
 Tom Chandler [Last Ship]
 Mike Slattery [Last Ship]
 Mills [65]
 Guy [Free Guy]
 Erik Green
 Phil Constantino
 Bill Kohler
 Lucifer [Helluva Boss]
 Lucifer [Lucifer]
 Adam [Hazbin Hotel]
 The Ghoul [Fallout]
 Richard B. Riddick [Riddick]
 Kaulder [The Last Witch Hunter]
 Beauregard ‘Bo’ [House of Wax]
 Vincent ‘Vince’ [House of Wax]
 Sebastian Monroe [Revolution]
 Garret [Twilight]
 Emmett [Twilight]
 Carlisle [Twilight]
 Jasper [Twilight]
 Aro [Twilight]
 Caius [Twilight]
 Marcus [Twilight]
 Paul Lahote [Twilight]
 Jared Cameron [Twilight]
 Sam Uley [Twilight]
 Billy Black [Twilight]
 Charlie Swan [Twilight]
 Dimitri Belikov [Vampire Academy]
 Lucien [Underworld]
 Vasiliy Fet [The Strain]
 Gabriel Bolivar [The Strain]
 Cyrus Grissom [Con-Air]
 Sabas [Underworld]
 Braxton [The accountant]
 Griff [Baby Driver]
 Brad Bodnick [Wolf of Wall Street]
 Matt Rayburn [Wind River]
 Kandomere [Bright]
 Ransom Drysdale [Knives Out]
 John Proudstar [Gifted | X- Men] {Thunderbird}
 Warpath {John Proudstar's Brother}
 Kilgrave [Jessica Jones] [David Tenant]
 Johnny Storm [Fantastic 4] [Chris Evans]
 Miami Man [Bad Batch]
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cathygeha · 1 year
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Black River by Matthew Spencer
Rose Riley #1
Riveting read that captured my attention immediately and didn’t let me go till the last page!
What I liked: * Detective Sergeant Rose Riley: committed, driven, competent, strong, determined, believes in her training and her instincts, team player, insomniac, a woman I am curious about and hope to learn more about
* Steve O’Neill: homicide detective, top person in the department, alpha, intense, driven, divorced, great leader, able to take power naps at the drop of a hat, team leader who knows the strengths of the people he works with, would like to know more about him
* Adam Bowman: newspaper reporter, works night shift, alcohol dependent, had a difficult childhood, capable, alone but enjoys being with others, another character I am curious about –  almost liked him best of the characters met in this book
* Dr. Wayne Farquhar: psychiatrist working with the homicide team, knows his business, insightful, not always 100% correct…maybe
* Priya Patel: younger member of the team, bright, motivated, eager, strengths that will be good in the future
* The plot, pacing, setting, and writing
* The police procedural aspects and how the team worked to uncover whether or not the two murder sites were related and who the killer(s) were
* That I felt a part of the story
* The twists and turns and tidbits that were shared
* The part the river played in the story
* That there will be another book in this series
What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about those who commit crimes and murder, the nature vs nurture aspect of serial killers, and also about the loss and pain and grief experienced by those left behind when someone is murdered
Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Yes
Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for the ARC – This is my honest review
4-5 Stars
A long, burning summer in Sydney. A young woman found murdered in the deserted grounds of an elite boarding school. A serial killer preying on victims along the banks of the Parramatta River. A city on edge. Adam Bowman, a battling journalist who grew up as the son of a teacher at Prince Albert College, might be the only person who can uncover the links between the school murder and the 'Blue Moon Killer'. But he will have to go into the darkest places of his childhood to piece together the clues. Detective Sergeant Rose Riley, meanwhile, is part of the taskforce desperately trying to find the killer before he strikes again. Adam Bowman's excavation of his past might turn out to be Rose's biggest trump card or it may bring the whole investigation crashing down, and put her own life in danger.
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Matthew Spencer was a journalist at The Australian for twenty years, with long stints running the Foreign News desk and as Opinion Editor. He has written for newspapers and magazines in Uganda and Kenya and been published in The Australian Financial Review and The Sydney Morning Herald. Matthew has an Honours degree in English Literature from the University of Sydney. Black River is his first novel. He was born in Parramatta. The son of teachers, he lived with his sister Kate on the 320-acre campus of a boys’ boarding school. Long summers on the largely deserted property while exploring the remnant bush with its tributary of the Parramatta River inspired the book. Matthew lives in Sydney with his wife, Ritu Gupta, and their three children.
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geekcavepodcast · 2 years
DC Comics Celebrates The 90s This November
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DC Comics is all about the 90s. The company will celebrate the decade with the return of WildC.A.T.s, a Waller vs. WildStorm mini-series, a WildStorm 30th Anniversary Special, Batman / Spawn: The Classic Collection, and 90s themed variant covers in November.
WildC.A.T.s are getting a new on-going series from writer Matthew Rosenberg and artist Stephen Segovia, which will spin out from Batman: Urban Legends. The HALO Corporation gathers a crew under the leadership of Cole “Grifter” Cash that will have to work together in the shadows to make the world a better place...no matter who they gotta kill. Too bad they are about to cross paths with The Court of Owls.
WildC.A.T.s #1 features a cover by Stephen Segovia, variant covers by Jim Lee, Stanley “Artgerm” Lau, and Ben Oliver, 1:25 connecting variant cover by Jeff Spokes, 1:50 variant cover by Alan Quah, 1:100 variant cover by Dan Hipp, 1:150 pencil variant by Jim Lee, and a ‘90s Cover Month variant by Brett Booth and Sandra Hope. The comic goes on sale on November 8, 2022.
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Waller vs. WildStorm is a four-issue mini-series for DC’s Black Label from writers Spencer Ackerman and Evan Narcisse and artist Eric Battle. During the ‘80s Cold War intelligence agency Checkmate is pulled in two directions. On one side is the public face of the agency Jackson King, aka The Armored Battalion, former leader of Stormwatch. One the other side is Adeline Kane, whom King suspects is engineering horrors. Unknown to King, Kane also has a new ally, young Amanda Waller, who has her own ideas as to how metahumans can serve their country without worrying about all that pesky honor, dignity, and long lives.
Waller vs. WildStorm #1 (of 4) features a main cover by Jorge Fornés, a variant cover by Eric Battle, and a 1:25 variant cover by Mike Perkins. The comic goes on sale on November 15, 2022.
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WildStorm 30th Anniversary Special #1 is a 100 page special issue that pays homage to Jim Lee’s WildStorm Productions. The special will reprint, in periodical form, short stories from WildStorm: A Celebration of 25 Years hardcover as well as now stories featuring WildStorm characters in the DC line, charting their future in the DCU. The special hails from creators Jim Lee, Matthew Rosenberg, Joshua WIlliamson, Brandon Choi, J. Scott Campbell, Brett Booth, Ed Brisson, Bryan Hitch, and more.
WildStorm 30th Anniversary Special #1 features a main cover by Jim Lee, variant covers by Sozomaika, Bryan Hitch, Joshua Middleton, J. Scott Campbell, and Lee Bermejo, a 1:25 Glow in the Dark cover by Jeff Spokes, and a 1:50 Foil variant by Sozomaika. The special goes on sale on November 29, 2022.
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DC is reprinting Doug Moench, Chuck Dixon, Alan Grant, and Klaus Janson’s Batman / Spawn: War Devil #1 and Frank Miller and Todd McFarlane’s Spawn / Batman into a single collection titled Batman / Spawn: The Classic Collection.
Batman / Spawn: The Classic Collection goes on sale on November 15, 2022. In progress cover artwork above by Greg Capullo and Todd McFarlane. In related news, a new Batman / Spawn by McFarlane and Capullo releases on December 16, 2022.
Throughout November DC Comics will release over 15 ‘90s themed variant cover of many of its comics.
(Images via DC Comics - Stephen Segovia’s Main Cover of WildC.A.T.s #1, Cover of Waller vs. WildStorm #1, Jim Lee’s Main Cover of WildStorm 30th Anniversary Special #1, and Greg Capullo and Todd McFarlane’s In-Progress Cover Art for Batman / Spawn: The Classic Collection)
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tootster · 3 years
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My 2 cents on the film Spencer
If you’re looking for a biopic of Princess Diana, this isn’t the film for you. I really enjoyed this film but a lot of people criticized it because it’s centered around one event in Diana’s life rather than portraying her entire life story. Personally, I think it was wise to focus on one event because it doesn’t water down Diana’s character and the trauma she endured. I generally believe people were pissy because this portrayal of Diana was anxious and manic rather than poised and well-kept like the public imagines her as. Although I 100% agree that Diana was poised and elegant, people like to forget about the trauma she endured behind the scenes. She had the pressure of being a royal , was harassed by the paparazzi, dealt with an unfaithful husband, and also struggled with an eating disorder. People tend to forget that strong women still struggle. As I mentioned, the film focuses on the event of the Christmas holiday with the royal family. Immediately as she enters the palace doors, she’s battling her eating disorder. With the pressure to weigh herself, the constant reminders of the meals she has to participate in, and the tight clothing, you can see the pain and anxiety in her eyes. The entire film you feel as though you’re being choked; the tugging of the pearl necklace, the close range camera shots, and the disturbing orchestra music in the background. Anne Boleyn and the pheasant bird symbolize the inevitable for Diana. Anne Boleyn, queen to Henry the 8th, was executed so Henry could be with another woman (just like what Charles wanted). The beautiful pheasant bird trying to flee but is mercilessly killed and discarded. This film portrays the side of Diana that people tend to forget about. Yes, Diana was a powerful woman but she endured so much and had to hide this pain. From someone that’s struggled with mental health and eating disorders, this film is gritty, honest, and beautiful.
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A gush about my Husband: brought to you by me being sad so many people don't seem as passionate as I in seeing how deeply tragic he is because even the writers chucked that lore on the back burner.
Have these pictures/gifs of his human half even though I spam these on my blog, because these are the few I can find that aren't grainy and bleh
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He's such an adorable sweetheart I wanna smooch his cute face after taking his cap and placing it on my own head 😭🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
I made a vent post earlier (won't link it, and I'll try to recount the details at a minimal amount) because this part of Elliot is really ignored from what I find. He's been through so much, I can't help but cry because his pain is pretty dang real despite being a fictional character (He's an Army Captain from WWI - a noted conflict mentioned was the Battle of Flanders, and it's noted because it's the beginning of his end as a human) and it feels stupid to cry bUT MY POOR HEART CAN'T TAKE IT
Captain Elliot Spencer owns my heart, and I willingly allow it from either part of him - I just have so many brain worms of the Human Side of Elliot rn and have for a while-
This man would let me wear his cap and would drape his coat over my shoulders if the weather was too cold for me (I'm very sensitive to temperature and could wake up from my teeth chattering even if the weather is mild, I swear-) because he's too frickin' sweet 😭
READING 👏 STORIES 👏 TOGETHER 👏 WHILE 👏 CUDDLING 👏 CLOSE 👏 BEFORE 👏 BED 👏 (somewhat inspired by the fact that I found the actor has a Youtube channel and he reads short stories and poetry and I now have so many ideas of Elliot reading to me when I have spells of insomnia-)
Also, even if this is odd - I'm pulling his ears frequently. Not in a harmful or rude way, just a gentle lil pinch and light pull to fluster him. I like to imagine he's got a tendency of being bashful 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 his cheeks and ears flush, it's very cute, 100/10 on the Adorable Scale
okay this post is long as hell and it's going on 3am in my location fhsnxhdkdhdjsjddkheh thank you for listening
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Hey there! I’m starting this by saying that you make me so so happy with every tag or question you make me and I’m here to ask you a question as well. You asked me which fic that I have written is my favorite and why, and I loved that question but then I got curious about you as well so please, which is your favorite fic you have written and why? your favorite lines about them as well, and well… everything <3
Okay this is fun!! I had to go through my masterlist, but I decided to choose 2– one fluff & one angst
💗 Here’s the fluff 💗
Take My Hand, And Drag Me Headfirst
So this is based off Fearless by the one and only (I really need to go through my masterlist and count up how many are Taylor inspired). I love this one so much because it’s young Spence. I really like writing from his POV because he’s such a complex & dynamic character. I feel like I really capture the essence of Fearless in this (which I know sounds a little braggy).
So I can’t just choose a quote but I really like how I ended this:
But there was no way Spencer Reid was ever able to predict his first kiss. He could never predict the way it feels when her lips brushed against his so softly that Spencer had to concentrate to feel them. Or how the warmth from her cheeks feels on his hand, that cups all the way from her jaw to her ear. She kisses him with a whole year's worth of passion and pinning bubbling to the surface. It’s not a battle for dominance, but a perfect union of breath meddling together and quiet whimpers needing more.
Y/N breaks the kiss. She blushes, suddenly a little embarrassed at the eager way she kissed Spencer with such passion and desire. Y/N rubs her thumb across Spencer’s bottom lip; it’s red and slightly bitten from her kisses. Her tender touch causes Spencer to break into a fit of giggles. 
“Hmm, aren’t you a little cocky right now, Spencer,” Y/N says, kissing Spencer’s cheek because she can hardly contain herself. 
“Maybe just with you, Y/N. With you, I’m fearless,” 
💔Okay now for Angst💔 (which I mean I really can’t help myself. Spencer is basically a tragic Victorian hero)
This was HARD I’ve written a lot of angst so there’s many to choose from but this is it
Though I Can’t Recall Your, Face I Still Got Love For You
So if you haven’t read this one, this is 100% without a doubt my favorite thing I’ve written. I think that Spencer’s fears about getting his mother’s disease are very canon. I liked how I put the seeds of the photos around the desk to then explain why he’s obsessed with photos— he wants them to remember is family. It’s twisted and tragic— a man who can’t forget anything being destined to one day forget the woman who loves him?? TRAGIC. And it’s based off Seven so that’s even more tragic.
Fave quotes:
She says it so simply, like the “my” doesn’t even exist, like it’s an involuntary muscle being flexed. For Y/N, loving Spencer came as easy and effortless as breathing.
He desperately wants to believe that Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos are somehow tying knots in the places where his string has been cut.
But more than anything, Spencer can’t bear to forget the face of the woman across from him. He can’t bear to one day not recognize the way her hand feels in his. He can’t accept the possibility of Y/N being anything less than the person he knows best in this world. Spencer doesn’t particularly care for the metaphor of the light going out. But his fears are put at bay when Y/N leans over and pecks his cheek. He can feel her grinning against his skin and like some virus contracted through touch, it’s contagious. Y/N breaks apart from Spencer and motions for him to eat some ice cream. They sit, shoulder to shoulder, against the front of Spencer’s desk eating their ice cream.
Thanks for entertaining and humoring me!! This was fun and I probably went overboard with the quotes but I’m a wuss and can’t make a decision for my life
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this bracket has 128 of my current favorite characters in media, whether they be obscure or well-known!
the first round will contain a battle between the four characters in each box. only two in each box will move forward (the highest and second-highest voted)
the second round will contain a battle between two winners of one square and two of another, and only two will move forward
the third round is exactly like the last round, except only one will move forward
the fourth round will contain a battle between one winner and another, and only one will move forward
the fifth round is exactly like the last round, with the winner moving forward to compete for the ultimate win
the sixth round is the final round and will decide who is the winner of Spencer’s Super Awesome Character Battle 2024!!
just like last year, each poll will be up for a week, so there’s plenty of time to vote for your faves!!
(there is a text transcript under the “keep reading” as the text is very small, i apologize for that)
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victoria chase (hot in cleveland) vs brock (unikitty) vs chococat (sanrio) vs bozz (the state)
hello kitty (sanrio) vs applejack (mlp) vs bumper allen (pitch perfect) vs kenneth (craig of the creek)
derpy (mlp) vs peggy (papa louie) vs aidan russell (rainbow high) vs rick (the state)
pizza steve (uncle grandpa) vs princess celestia (mlp) vs christine (the state) vs ernie (sesame street)
ariel (the little mermaid) vs starlight glimmer (mlp) vs louie (the state) vs gonzo (the muppets)
levon (the state) vs marley rose (glee) vs choo choo (jellystone) vs bert (sesame street)
rock (rock paper scissors) vs princess luna (mlp) vs deuce gorgon (monster high g3) vs violet wolf (great wolf pack)
octavius (night at the museum film version) vs lee ping (detentionaire) vs cavendish (milo murphy’s law) vs damien (total drama reboot)
purple m&m (the m&ms) vs cheese sandwich (mlp) vs bowie (total drama reboot) vs vince noir (the mighty boosh)
scooter (papa louie) vs glep (smiling friends) vs barry (craig of the creek) vs bridgette (total drama)
holly de’vious (rainbow high) vs wander (wander over yonder) vs octavius (night at the museum animated film) vs secret keeper (craig of the creek)
pepé (the muppets) vs frankie stein (monster high g3) vs hunter (sean saves the world) vs thacher (hailey’s on it)
allan (smiling friends) vs trixie lulamoon (mlp) vs delilah fields (rainbow high) vs naboo (the mighty boosh)
pekkle (sanrio) vs jedediah (night at the museum film) vs princess cadance (mlp) vs poppy rowan (rainbow high)
U*SA*HA*NA (sanrio) vs eva (total drama) vs yolanda (the muppets) vs emperor awesome (wander over yonder)
holger (detentionaire) vs moana (moana) vs noah (total drama) vs lightning mcqueen (cars)
sarah (yolo) vs cam (detentionaire) vs dracula (monster high g3) vs scissors (rock paper scissors)
pim (smiling friends) vs dakota (milo murphy’s law) vs sabrina st. cloud (rainbow high) vs melanie moretti (hot in cleveland)
rachel (yolo) vs commander peepers (wander over yonder) vs mark (craig of the creek) vs uma van hoose (rainbow high)
pinkie pie (mlp) vs omar (craig of the creek) vs biffy (detentionaire) vs margot de perla (rainbow high)
sean harrison (sean saves the world) vs cooper (trolls) vs orange m&m (the m&ms) vs ahkmenrah (night at the museum)
liz (sean saves the world) vs juke (the amazing world of gumball) vs gwen (the state) vs octavia (mlp)
pencil (rock paper scissors) vs amiria (papa louie) vs natasha zima (rainbow high) vs toralei stripe (monster high g3)
steve (the state) vs jedediah (night at the museum animated film) vs clawdeen wolf (monster high g3) vs abed nadir (community)
howard moon (the mighty boosh) vs raj (total drama reboot) vs troy (the state) vs scarlett (papa louie)
sylvia (wander over yonder) vs rizzo (the muppets) vs max thompson (sean saves the world) vs richmond (the it crowd)
gwimbly (smiling friends) vs wanda (the state) vs ghoulia yelps (monster high g1) vs brandy (detentionaire)
sheryl meyer (rainbow high) vs dj pon 3 (mlp) vs wayne (total drama reboot) vs top cat (jellystone)
emma (total drama reboot) vs joy scroggs (hot in cleveland) vs master frown (unikitty) vs david (craig of the creek)
milo murphy (milo murphy’s law) vs paper (rock paper scissors) vs charlie (smiling friends) vs frida kahlo (clone high)
bob moore (hot in cleveland) vs barry (the state) vs tow mater (cars) vs laurel de’vious (rainbow high)
felix unger (the odd couple 2015) vs liezel (papa louie) vs rainbow dash (mlp) vs sugar (glee)
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spencerwatchestoons · 8 months
should i do another super awesome 100+ character battle? 👀
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isitsapphic · 4 years
All of these shows/movies have sapphic characters in them
Attempting to provide the most comprehensive list of TV shows and movies with sapphic characters. TV shows are followed by a list of wlw characters. Some films have been cited with their original title as well as the English translation. Please message me or submit a post with any missing shows or films. 
-Aimee & Jaguar
-All About E
-All American (Coop, Patience)
-Almost Adults
-Ana Y Vitoria
-Anatomy of a Love Seen
-Antonia’s Line
-Anyone But Me (unsure which characters)
-Atomic Blonde
-Atypical (Casey, Izzie)
-Battle of the Sexes
-La Belle Saison/ Summertime
-Below her Mouth
-Better Than Chocolate
-Birds of Prey
-The Bisexual (unsure which characters)
-Black Lightning (Anissa, Grace)
-Blue Gate Crossing
-Blue is the Warmest Color
-The Bold Type (Kat, Adina)
-Broad City (Ilana)
-Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Rosa)
-Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Tara, Willow, Kennedy)
-Bumblefuck USA
-But i'm a Cheerleader
-Cable Girls (Carlotta)
-Carmilla (Carmilla, Laura)
-Charmed reboot (Mel, Nico, Jada)
-Chasing Life (Brenna)
-Ci Qing/Spider Lilies
-The Danish Girl
-Dear White People (Kelsey, Brooke)
-Degrassi: Next Class (Rasha, Zoe)
-Desert Hearts
-Drifting Flowers
-Duck Butter
-The Duke of Burgundy
-Elena Undone
-Elisa and Marcela 
-Entre Nous/Between Us
-Everything Sucks (Kate, Emaline)
-Faking It (Amy)
-Farewell, My Queen
-The Favourite
-Fear of Water
-Feel Good (Mae, George)
-The Feels
-Les Filles Du Botaniste/ The Chinese Botanist’s Daughter
-The Firefly
-First Girl I Loved
-The Fosters (Stef, Lena, Monty)
-Four-Faced Liar
-Fremde Haut/Unveiled
-Friends (Carol, Susan)
-Fucking Amal/Show Me Love
-Gentrified (Ana, Yessika)
-The Girl King
-Girltrash: All Night Long
-Glee (Brittany, Santana, Dani)
-Glow (Yolanda, Arthie)
-Gentleman Jack (Anne, Ann)
-Gray Matters
-Grey’s Anatomy (Callie, Arizona, Carina, Penny, Amelia, Erica)
-Go Fish 
-Godless (Mary Agnes)
-Good Trouble (Alice)
-The Good Wife (Kalinda)
-Gotham (Barbara, Tabitha, Renee)
-Gypsy (Jean, Sidney)
-The Half of It
-The Handmaid’s Tale (Moira, Emily)
-The Handmaiden 
-Hart of Dixie (Crickett)
-The Haunting of Bly Manor (Jamie, Dani)
-The Haunting of Hill House (Theodora, Trish)
-Heart Beats Loud
-Heavenly Creatures
-High Art
-High Fidelity (Robyn)
-The Hours
-How to Get Away With Murder (Annalise, Eve)
-The Hunger 
-I Am Not Okay With This (Sydney)
-I Can’t Think Straight
-If These Walls Could Talk 2
-Imagine Me & You
-The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love
-The Intervention
-Intimates (Ji sor)
-Itty Bitty Titty Committee
-It’s In the Water 
-Jane the Virgin (Rose, Luisa, Petra, Jane Ramos)
-Jennifer’s Body
-Jenny’s Wedding
-Jessica Jones (Jeri)
-Joven y Alocada/Young and Wild
-Karmen Gei
-The Kids are Alright
-Killing Eve (Eve, Villanelle)
-The Killing of Sister George
-Kissing Jessica Stein
-Kyss Mig/ Kiss Me
-The L Word (basically all of them)
-Legends of Tomorrow (Sara, Ava)
-Lez Bomb
-Life Partners
-Light as a Feather (Alex)
-Lip Service (basically all of them)
-Liz in September
-Lost and Delirious
-Lost Girl (Lauren, Bo)
-Love My Life
-Loving Anabelle
-Madam Secretary (Kat)
-Madchen in Uniform
-Madre Solo Hay Dos (Mariana, Ana)
-Margarita with a Straw
-Marvel’s Runaways (Karolina, Nico)
-Master of None (Denise)
-Mein Freund aus Faro/ My Friend from Faro
-A Mi Madre Le Gustan Las Mujeres/ My Mother Likes Women
-The Miseducation of Cameron Post
-Mulholland Drive
-My Summer of Love
-El Nino Pez/ The Fish Child
-One Day at a Time (Syd, Elena)
-Orange is the New Black (a lot of them)
-The Originals (Freya, Keelin)
-Orphan Black (Cosima, Delphine, Kenzie)
-A Perfect Ending
-The Perfection
-Person of Interest (Root, Shaw)
-Personal Best
-Pitch Perfect Trilogy
-The Politician (Skye)
-Portrait of a Lady on Fire
-Portrait of a Serial Monogamist 
-Princess Cyd
-Pretty Little Liars (Emily, Maya, Paige, Alison)
-Professor Marston and the Wonder Women
-Puccini for Beginners
-Queen Sugar (Nova)
-Queer as Folk (unsure which characters)
-Reaching for the Moon
-Red Doors
-Riverdale (Cheryl, Toni)
-Rookie Blue (Gail, Holly)
-Room in Rome
-Rosewood (Pippy, TMI)
-Rough Night
-The Runaways
-Russian Doll (Lizzy)
-Sancharram/ The Journey
-Santa Clarita Diet (Lisa, Anne)
-Saving Face 
-Saving Hope (Maggie, Sydney)
-The Secret Diaries of Ms Anne Lister
-A Secret Love
-Sense 8 (Amanita, Nomi)
-Set it Off
-Sex Education (unsure which characters)
-She’s Gotta Have It (Nola)
-Shrill (Fran)
-Signature Move
-The Sinner (Heather)
-Skins (Naomi, Emily)
-South of Nowhere (Ashley, Spencer)
-The Spy Who Dumped Me
-Stranger Inside
-Stranger Things (Robin)
-Stud Life
-The Summer of Sangalie
-Supergirl (Alex, Maggie, Kelly)
-Tales of the City (unsure which characters)
-Trinkets (unsure which characters)
-Tru Love
-The Truth about Jane
-V for Vendetta
-Vida (unsure which characters)
-Viola di Mare/The Sea Purple
-Vita and Virginia
-The Walking Dead (Tara)
-Water Lillies
-The Watermelon Woman
-Wentworth (Bea, Allie, Frankie, Bridget)
-When Night is Falling
-With Every Heartbeat
-Workin’ Moms (Frankie, Giselle)
-The World to Come
-Wynona Earp (Waverly, Nicole, Shae)
-Yes or No
-You and Me Forever
-You, Me, Her (Izzy, Emma)
-Younger (Maggie, Lauren)
-The 100 (Clarke, Lexa, Niylah)
-911 (Hen, Karen, Eva)
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ssjthug · 3 years
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This campaign is funding the first two issues of Joystick Angels!
A NEW comic series written by T.J. and Spencer Sterling, Illustrated by Nats "Shun" Ledesma, colored by Loris Ravina and lettered by Deron Bennett of Andworld Design. This will be a full color, 54-page comic book with some very cool Variant Covers!
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The purpose of this campaign and our mission is to help put this entertaining and unique comic series Joystick Angels into the hands of people all over the world and continue to celebrate positive and uplifting black stories in comics.
It is also our prime mission to bring many more of our creative projects to life with the help of the Kickstarter community and more.
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Issue one of JOYSTICK ANGELS is 100% drawn and colored. Lettering is taking place as this campaign is running. Here are some samples of the amazing work by artist Nats "Shun" Ledesma and colorist Loris Ravina.
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Damien Fox aka FOX
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He is the brash and cocky 16 year old leader of the Angels fighter pilot team. At the age of five Fox’s parents were killed in the first galactic war against the Eukarya Empire. Raised by the officials at Libor, Fox made it his life's mission to become a space pilot like his parents before him and fight the evil of the Eukarya. Fox has a serious chip on his shoulder which eventually gets him into trouble but his keen eye and almost prodigy-like understanding of space jets makes him a major asset to the movement.
Lexi Winbush aka DEUCE
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a 16yr old animal humanoid hybrid creature which they call The Naku. She along with many of her kind spent most of her life in a lab and was created for the sole purpose of assisting Libor space squadrons in extra-planetary exploration by testing out living conditions. This is something that she is not happy with which has caused many issues in her life. The only person that really accepted her for as she was and treated her like a person was Fox. When Fox formed the Angels team she joined as his second in command. Her animalistic side also makes very formidable in battle.
Andrew Marx aka DRAGONETT
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He is a flamboyant 16 year old black kid who is a lover of music and dance as well as all 80-90’s. He also happens to be the fastest fighter pilot in all of Libor. Just like Fox, Dragonetti’s parents were killed in the first galactic war against the Eukarya. Growing up on the Libor Space Station Dragonetti stayed getting into trouble and eventually met Fox and was swayed by his passion and devotion towards retribution. He eventually joined him and partnered with Fox to create the Joystick Angels team where he serves as Battle officer and strategist.
Aisha Garcia aka LEGZ
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a 14 year old AfroLatina Queer girl who serves the Angels team as lead engineer and tech wiz kid. Legz spends most of her time building robotic sentries, writing AI code and servicing the Angels ships in preparation for battle or space flight. She also has a very hot temper which gets her into trouble. So much trouble that she met Fox in a stockade after they both got caught stealing. From that point on they formed a bond and eventually years later when Fox formed the Angels she joined her friend as one of his right hands.
Cassandra Middleton aka TANK
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She is a strong and snappy young 15 year old black girl who doubles as espionage agent for the Libor government as well as a member of the Angels team. Besides being one of the best pilots in the galaxy she also is assigned to interplanetary travel and intel collection. She serves the Angels as lead strategist and data analyst. Tank only grew up with her mother as her father died in the first galactic war against the Eukarya. Her love of life is only eclipsed by her love for all things fashion and retro. She is assigned to join the Angels and provide multi level support.
Tj Sterling - Founder, Co-creator and Writer Joystick Angels
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TJ Sterling is the owner/operator of RAE Comics. He is also the cowriter for the Joystick Angels comic series and the lead writer and artist for the ongoing comic series Okemus. He has also the writer for the Tisena, Okemus Dark History and APG series, all coming soon.
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Nats "Shun" Ledesma - Illustrator Joystick Angels
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Jonathan L. Ledesma, but in the Art Realm, also known as Shun-008. His work usually falls in the areas of Concept Design,  environments to creatures, armors and weapons... and characters. He learned to through a friend of his who taught him the basics. From there, he started developing his own style upon seeing different art styles from artists in comics. Artists like... Dale Keown, Joe Madureira, Clayton Crain and other artists from the 90's.
Had the opportunity to work as a Layout Artist on some of the leading animation studios here in the Philippines. Companies like Toon City, Filcartoons, Philippine Animation Studio Inc., and Sketzaholiks.
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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BBB Week 37 Roundup!
HOLY PRODUCTIVITY, BATMAN!  I can tell the end of the round is nigh, because the fills are FLOODING in!
Our LAST DISCORD PARTY OF ROUND TWO is starting in 5 hours.  It’ll be a shorter one, 24 hours, 
but plenty of time for lots of fun!  The announcement for that, and some additional end-of-bingo info, can be found here.
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Title: I’ll Be Home For Christmas Collaborator: BookDragon13 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B3 - Missing You Ship: Bucky/Reader Rating: Gen Major Tags: lonely Bucky, drabble Summary: Bucky misses you while on a Christmas mission Word Count: 100
Title: Ask For Much - Chapter 14: Blindsided Collaborator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy Link: Tumblr Square Filled: C2 - Blind Date Ship: Stucky, Bucky & Riley Rating: Teen Major Tags: hurt/comfort, angst, friendship, blind date, attraction Summary: Bucky follows through on Nat and Sam’s plan. To his surprise, he enjoys him, but he still misses Steve. Or Steve. Is. Pissed. Word Count: 992
Title: Journey of the Winter Soldier Collaborator: Starjargon Link: AO3 Square Filled: U1 - Love at First Sight Ship: Bucky & his son Rating: Teen Major Tags: Implied murder and ambiguous morals Summary: The Winter Soldier just wants to get his son to safety, but being human again comes at a cost. Fortunately, there are still kind strangers in the world who understand the need a father has to care for his son. Word Count: 1050
Title: compliance Collaborator: abitnotgoodiebag Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Y4 - Knives Ship: Bucky/Brock Rating: Teen Major Tags: brainwashed!non-con, blood, hydra trash party, art Summary: Rumlow likes knives, The Asset likes what it’s told to like.
Title: Fathers and Sons Collaborator: starjargon  Link: DeviantArt Square Filled: K3 - Delinquent Ship: Bucky & Son Rating: Gen Major Tags: Violence, moodboard  Summary: The Winter Soldier runs away and re-learns to be Bucky with his son. He only hopes Eliot grows up to be nothing like him. Eventually he is re-captured and turned back into the Winter Soldier, and Eliot has become a mercenary before teaming up with a band of thieves.
Title: Ask For Much - Chapter 15: Was It Worth It? Collaborator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B2 - Misunderstandings Ship: Stucky, Bucky & Riley Rating: Teen Major Tags: hurt/comfort, angst, misunderstandings, declarations of love, low self-esteem Summary: Steve finally lets it go, and Bucky finds the lightbulbs over his head. Or Everything changes. Word Count: 1062
Title: I Guess We Never Stood a Chance Collaborator: Starjargon Link: AO3 Square Filled: C4 - Arranged Marriage Ship: Bucky/OFC Rating: Teen Major Tags: Major Character Death, dark thematic elements Summary: The Winter Soldier is assigned to take part in a New Agenda to breed more Enhanced Soldiers. Things don't go as planned. Word Count: 399
Title: Ask For Much - Chapter 16: Downright Idiotic Collaborator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B1 - “It wasn’t worth it.” Ship: Stucky Rating: Mature Major Tags: hurt/comfort, angst, idiots in love, declarations of love, communication Summary: Bucky on a mission. Steve doesn’t stand a chance. Or Bucky and Steve finally communicate. Word Count: 1220
Title: The Groomsman Collaborator: feignedsobriquet Link: Tumblr Square Filled: C5 - Historical Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: art Summary: fanart for 27dragons and tisfan’s The Groomsman
Title: My Dreams Aren’t As Empty (As My Conscience Seems to Be) Collaborator: Link: AO3 Square Filled: U2 - Keeping Secrets. (Replacing Soulmates thanks to October party token) Ship: WinterIron Rating: Mature Major Tags: Canon divergence, young!Tony, Winter Soldier!Bucky, lying, tech geekery Summary: By revealing the technology of his prosthetic arm, Jacob continues his mission to interest Tony Stark in the potential of partnering with his superiors. However, it seems that’s not all Tony (or Jacob are interested in. Word Count:1431
Title: The Weather Outside is Frightful Collaborator: somesortofitalianroast Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y4 - Intimacy without Sex Ship: Stucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: au - coffee shop, au - soulmates, fluff, snow, fluff Summary: It’s snowing in New York, but the fire is delightful. Or, Steve and Bucky hang a Moravian Star and snuggle. Word Count: 1404
Title: You Me and Steve Collaborator: jamesbuckystark Link: Tumblr Square Filled: U1 - Red String of Fate Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: au - soulmates Summary: Tony wants to have more private time with Bucky, but Steve just never leaves! Word Count: 924
Title: A Christmas Kiss Collaborator: BookDragon13 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Y1 - cop/detective/FBI au Ship: BuckyNat Rating: Gen Major Tags: none Summary: Bucky tries to summon the courage to talk to Natasha at an NYPD holiday party Word Count: 328
Title: Targets Acquired - Mission Failed Collaborator: alwaysabrighterdarkness Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B3 - Stark Tower Ship: Bucky & Tony Rating: Teen Major Tags: WinterSoldier targeting Tony&Pepper, explosives set at the Tower Summary: The Asset has been given 24 hours. The target is the newly minted Iron Man and Stark Industries. They cannot be allowed to continue as they are and Insight is not yet ready. But Stark knows he’s there, has hidden Potts and Hogan. The Soldier flees.  Stark follows ready for a fight that never comes.
Title: That’s Just Me, Thinking of You Collaborator: Starjargon Link: AO3 Square Filled: C3 - Free Space Ship: Bucky & Eliot Spencer Rating: Gen Major Tags: Psych and Leverage crossover, amnesia, mind control, kid fic Summary: James has a baby to look after, but he barely remembers himself, and he has no idea what to do. Fortunately, he has new friends willing to help him with that. Word Count: 882
Title: Art: Recharging Getaway Collaborator: LiquidLightz Link: AO3 Square Filled: C3 - Free Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: art Summary: My NASBB artwork for the fic “Coming up Easy”. A modern au where Bucky is a writer and Steve a DIYer with a penchant for art... “Bucky Barnes suffers from writer’s block. When he stumbles upon gorgeous DIYer Steve Rogers on YouTube and Steve turns out to be a fan of Bucky’s books, a friendship blossoms. Bucky even spends the summer with Steve in New England, where he can finally pine- er, write in peace.“ Steve paints Bucky relaxing with Alpine in his cottage, without his knowledge, and surprises him with the painting just before he has to leave. This is my rendition of Steve’s painting 🙃 🎨
Title: Ask For Much - Chapter 17: Got Your Nose Collaborator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y3 - Nose Kisses Ship: Stucky Rating: Mature Major Tags: hurt/comfort, angst, morning after sex, idiots in love, relationship Summary: Bucky and Steve wake up together. Nose kisses are their favorite. Or Two boys in love. Word Count: 1236
Title: Fri on the Wall Collaborator: LBibliophile Link: AO3 Square Filled: C5 - Dialogue-only Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Mutual pining, Supportive Friday, 5+1 Things, Drabble sequence, Dialogue-only Summary: Friday watches her idiot, pining boys. Or, five times Friday tried to support their relationship, and one time she decided to take more drastic measures. Word Count: 600
Title: idiotic brothers Collaborator: jurassicworjd Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y5 - “Get Off My Lawn!” Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Teen Major Tags: swearing Summary: Bucky is trying to have an intimate moment with Clint when they’re suddenly interrupted. Bucky is not impressed with what they find. Word Count: 2332
Title: BBB December 2020 Round Robin Collaborators: Poliz, Faustess, Turtles, Winnie, Menatiera, Ginger, Phoenix Link: AO3 Squares Filled: Poliz - B5: bodysharing Faustess - U2: Bed sharing Turtles - B5: Reluctant Teamwork Winnie - B2: comics Menatiera - Y5: Wrong number Ginger - U1: Mission Gone Wrong Phoenix - B5: galaxy Ship: Bucky & Sam Rating: Gen Major Tags: body-sharing, terrible magic, team bonding Summary: When they find themselves stranded on an alien planet, Strange’s solution is to use Bucky and Sam’s connection to Steve to send an SOS back to Earth. What could possibly go wrong? Word Count: 2831
Title: Mr. Miyagi Would Say... Collaborator: starjargon Link: AO3 Square Filled: C2 - Cartoons Ship: Bucky & Eliot Spencer Rating: Gen Major Tags: Psych and Leverage crossover, fluff, kid fic Summary: The boys are playing spies, superheroes, and guns. They're doing it wrong- Bucky would know. Word Count: 808
Title: The Future I See With You Is My Reward Collaborator: Politzania Link: AO3 Square Filled: B4 - Bucky/Tony Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: A/B/O ‘verse, vague reference to mpreg Summary: After a close call during a battle, Tony and Bucky cuddle on their couch and talk about the possibility of retiring and starting a family. Word Count: 636
Title: Strip Shooting Collaborator: hddnone Link: AO3 Square Filled: K2 - Role Reversal Ship: WinterIronHawk Rating: Explicit Major Tags: oral sex, humor, crack Summary: Bucky and Clint are up to their usual crazy tricks on the shooting range, switching weapons and competing against each other. Tony wouldn’t be paying it any attention except JARVIS is upset about their lack of proper footwear. But the conditions of the sharpshooters’ bets means they start losing all the rest of their clothes as well - until it comes down to Tony to raise the stakes and declare a winner. Word Count: 3207
Title: Ask For Much - Chapter 18: Quickly Collaborator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy Link: Tumblr Square Filled: C5 - Kink: Rushed Sex Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: hurt/comfort, angst, morning sex, quickies, friendship Summary: Natasha has an annoying way of showing up without much warning. That means Steve and Bucky only have time for a quickie. Or Bucky has a boyfriend! Word Count: 1008
Title: Go On and Find What You’ve Been Missing Collaborator: Starjargon Link: AO3 Square Filled: K5 - Accidental Feelings Ship: Bucky & Eliot Spencer Rating: Gen Major Tags: Psych and Leverage crossover, kid fic, Red Room, dysfunctional family Summary: Bucky will always protect his son. No matter who he needs to protect him from. Word Count: 1062
Title: Reengaged - Part One: Bucky Collaborator: ABrighterDarkness Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - Never the Fall that Kills You Ship: past Stucky, WinterIron, pre-Stuckony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Reference to Torture, Angst Summary: Bucky Barnes knew a thing or two about pain. It was something that he was intimately familiar with. He knew hundreds of different ways to inflict it. Just as he undoubtedly knew what all manner of pain felt like. But he had forgotten, or possibly never known, this particular brand of pain. Word Count:987
Title: Reengaged - Part Two: Tony Collaborator: ABrighterDarkness Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y4 - Role Reversal Ship: past Stucky, WinterIron, pre-Stuckony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Reference to Torture, Angst Summary: He wondered how Steve would take it, if Tony were to tell him that he didn’t mind.  That he wouldn’t be jealous or hurt or angry. That, if anything, Tony would welcome it. Would Steve believe him? Or would he proceed to offer more of the same promises?  Promises that Tony was nearly positive he didn’t want to see kept. Word Count: 1635
Title: Sticking Around... Chapter One: Bucky Collaborator: pherryt Link: AO3 Square Filled: U1 - Kidfic Ship: Pre-Winterhawk Rating: Gen Major Tags: kidfic, high school AU, foster care Summary: It’s been a few weeks now, and Bucky’s not sure how much closer Clint is to settling in then when he first arrived at Phil’s. Word Count: 7704
Title: Sticking Around... Chapter Three: Bucky Collaborator: pherryt Link: AO3 Square Filled: U5 - Boardgames Ship: Pre-Winterhawk Rating: Gen Major Tags: kidfic, high school AU, foster care Summary: It’s been a few weeks now, and Bucky’s not sure how much closer Clint is to settling in then when he first arrived at Phil’s.  Word Count: 7704
Title: we remember them all with equal affection Collaborator: seibelsays Link: AO3 Square Filled: B2 - It Wasn’t Worth It Ship: Bucky/Darcy Rating: Gen Major Tags: Referenced character death Summary: Becca Barnes always tended the family graves. With the weather so cold this year, the responsibility falls to Bucky. He has complicated feelings about it. Word Count: 2038
Title: The Basements Collaborator: riotfalling Link: AO3 Square Filled: U1 - Board Games Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: witch!Tony, vampire!Bucky, an adorable cottage Summary: Tony is willing to do just about anything to get out of his father’s house, and babysitting a magical cottage seems almost too easy. Even if he’s not sure exactly what’s in the basement. Word Count: 1229
Title: Father to Father Collaborator: Starjargon Link: AO3 Square Filled: K4 - Entry Ship: Bucky & Eliot Spencer Rating: Gen Major Tags: Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Protective Bucky Barnes, Protective Nathan Ford, Families of Choice, Family, Hurt/Comfort, Promises, Friendship, Bucky Barnes Feels, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Nathan Ford has feels, Nathan Ford hearts His Team Summary: Nate Ford has a stranger in his apartment. Only, there's something eerily familiar about him. Word Count: 406
Title: The Strength That Now You Show Collaborator: Starjargon Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y5 - Expendable Ship: Stucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant, Fix-It of Sorts, Conversations, Best Friends, Friends are Friends Forever, Bittersweet Ending, Hopeful Ending, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Steve Rogers Needs a Hug, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Steve Needs Bucky to Tell Him It'll Be Okay, Before he Can Tell Bucky It'll Be Okay, end of the line Summary: Bucky and Steve have a conversation before Steve takes the stones back. Word Count: 663
Title: Take A Deep Breath (Baby, let me in) Collaborator: MagicaDraconia16 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y1 - Winter Ship: WinterIron Rating: Mature Major Tags: Angst, humor, fluff, canon divergence, time travel, dimension travel, WWII (and related non-graphic violence), Extremis Tony Stark, first meetings, falling in love, kissing, period typical attitudes, pre-WS Bucky Barnes Summary: Take two villains playing ping-pong with the Cosmic Cube that apparently has some kind of hiccups, add in a dash of mis-directed repulsor fire, shake well, and what do you get? A Tony Stark stuck in both a time and a dimension not his own, that's what. He has to admit, though - he much prefers this version of Bucky Barnes, compared to Captain America's pipsqueak sidekick. Word Count: 7529
Title: Ask For Much - Chapter 19: It’s a Beautiful Life Collaborator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy Link: Tumblr Square Filled: U4 - Precision Ship: Stucky Rating: Mature Major Tags: hurt/comfort, angst, cooking, friendship, happiness Summary: Sam and Nat are happy for them. Or Bucky has a perfect day. Word Count: 913
Title: The Midnight Fox - Chapter One Collaborator: Minka Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y4 – Bodyguard Ship: Stucky Rating: Mature Major Tags: royalty, bodyguard AU, PTSD Summary: Time for you all to meet the man of the hour. Or well, both men of the hour, because, in a crazy twist of fate and un-Minka-ness, our two fav guys meet in chapter fucking one! This is a first! Word Count: 10,782
Title: Proof of Guilt Collaborator: Purple_ducky00 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y2 – Innocent Until Proven Guilty Ship: WinterIron Rating: Mature Major Tags: Public foreplay Summary: Tony aims to figure out if Bucky should be punished for drinking his coffee Word Count: 413
Title: Good Old-Fashioned Dancing Collaborator: Purple_ducky00 Link: AO3 Square Filled: C2 – Dancing Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: dancing Summary: Tony and Bucky are downgraded to paperwork after a bad fight. How else should they spend the day but dancing? Word Count: 648
Title: Sing me a song about you Collaborator: riotwritesthings Link: Tumblr Square Filled: C5 - kink: non-penetrative Ship: WinterIron Rating: Mature Major Tags: musician Bucky, grad student Tony, a meet-cute and a back alley handjob Summary: Bucky doesn’t usually notice much about the crowd while he’s on stage, instead just losing himself in the music. Tonight is different though. Word Count: 915
Title: Good Changes Collaborator: Purple_ducky00 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y5 – Height Difference Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: no powers AU, Howling Commandos Summary: Steve loves his found family, but Bucky has a boyfriend who's changing the status quo. Can Steve work through that? Word Count: 764
Title: Winter Solstice Collaborator: BookDragon13 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Y4 - kink: alpha/beta/omega Ship: Bucky/reader Rating: Teen Major Tags: implied smut, A/B/O dynamics Summary: Bucky gets his rut over the Winter Solstice Word Count: 281
Title: Ask For Much - Chapter 20: Rock On  Collaborator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K4 - Pet Rock Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: hurt/comfort, angst, friends to lovers, happily ever after, happy ending Summary: Bucky Barnes doesn’t ask for much, but maybe he should. Or Bucky Barnes finds his happy ending. Word Count: 496
Title: Soulmates? - Chapter 2 Collaborator: writing-what-writing Link: Tumblr Square Filled: U5 - Dream Sharing Ship: Bucky/Darcy Rating: Gen Major Tags: Light angst, mentions of Howard Stark being a bad dad   Summary: Bucky and Darcy get to know each other and unknowingly share a dream. Bucky figures something out Word Count: 1675
Title: The Valley of Lights Collaborator: writing-what-writing Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B2 - mutual appreciation society Ship: Bucky/reader Rating: Gen Major Tags: none  Summary: You and Bucky go see Christmas lights Word Count: 322
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themosleyreview · 5 years
The Mosley Review: Onward
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If there is a lesson to be learned, is that you can never doubt Pixar in delivering an original story that will warm your heart and deliver a message that hits you like a wrecking ball. I wasn't impressed with the trailers and I had low expectations, but I couldn't resist an alternate take on a world of fantasy that becomes modern. From beginning to end there was magic in the visuals and literal magic throughout the film and its story. There are many times that I’ve wanted to go on a quest across the plains on an epic and magical adventure and this film delivered it. It was a modern take on fantasy creatures becoming more civilized and more like our world. The brilliance of making the days of wonder a past era and yet still kept alive in the form of Dungeons & Dragons type story books and board games was awesome. Pixar has taken us on many adventures of the heart, the mind and even the experiences of getting older. They have taken us on many emotional rollercoasters in stories about sacrifice and loss, but I haven't seen them do anything like this. It was imaginative, clever, sometimes predictable, but always fun. This story hit home because of its subject of losing a parent and wishing to spend at least one more day with them. I have had that very same wish every since I lost my father and I miss him every day. As you can guess, I was in a puddle of tears once the credits rolled and I guarantee you will be too.
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The casting in this film was beyond perfection. Tom Holland as the young teenage elf Ian Lightfoot was outstanding and charming. He was appropriately awkward, cautious and he had a heart of gold. Chris Pratt plays his brother Barley Lightfoot and he was a delight. He represented the romanticism of the days of wonder and he kept the spirit of adventure alive. He had an awesome van ripped right off of an 80's epic metal cover and I loved it. The two of them together were a 100% a perfect duo and their chemistry was just off the charts. Julia Louis-Dreyfus was excellent as their mother Laurel and just as engaging and supportive. Octavia Spencer was awesome as Corey the manitcore. She gets some epic moments in the film and especially a very satisfying moment in her tavern where we've all had the same feeling. Mel Rodriguez was hilarious and excellent as the centaur police officer Colt Bronco. He had a number of great moments, but the best one comes toward the end of the film.
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The score by Mychael and Jeff Danna was truly something special. It was epic yet grounded, heartfelt and something that can be played along with any D&D campaign. Their score truly illustrates the imagination and drives home the love between the brothers as they go on an epic quest. There is even some great epic and tasty rock compositions that I'm definitely gonna enjoy for a long time. The character and world designs in the film were gorgeous and I loved the cityscapes and battles in the film. The use of magic in the film was smart, fun and hilarious in many awesome scenes. Like I said before, Pixar knows how to bring home a story that will touch your heart an soul. I loved this film and it was truly a cathartic experience. If you've ever lost a loved one, just know that its gonna be okay and you're never alone. Hang on to all of the best memories and moments you have shared. They will always be with you.
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