#spermidine anti aging
mytoptips · 8 months
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didanawisgi · 1 month
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wlesor · 13 days
Wlesor Launches Innovative Health Supplement To Help People Live Longer and Healthier Lives
Wlesor Is A Health Supplement Brand That Empowers People To Be The Best They Can Be!!!
Wlesor is a US-based health supplement brand with a mission: helping people live longer, healthier lives by exploring the frontiers of science. Wlesor is unique because it doesn’t focus on one specific area of health—it investigates all aspects of human health, from the molecular level to the whole person. The company’s founders are scientists and doctors with decades of experience in the field, and they are passionate about using science to help people live healthier lives.
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What makes Wlesor different from other health supplements is its focus on integrative medicine. Integrative medicine takes a holistic approach to health, considering the entire person—body, mind, and spirit—when treating illness. This approach has been shown to be more effective than conventional methods in treating diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
"With the continuous extension of the human life span, the gap between a healthy, high-quality life span and the natural life span is becoming larger and larger," said the spokesperson at Wlesor. "The goal of Wlesor is to explore innovative anti-aging science and cutting-edge technologies to help people stay healthy, slow down the aging process, and live longer while being full of energy to do what they want."
Wlesor has developed various products and supplements that include ingredients such as spermidine, PQQ, coenzyme Q10, apple stem cells, and glutathione—proven to be effective. The unique ingredient PQQ (pyrroloquinoline quinone), branded as PureQQ™, targets the enhancement of NGF (nerve growth factor) production, a neurotrophic factor and neuropeptide primarily involved in the regulation of growth, maintenance, proliferation, and survival of certain neurons.
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Among its wide range of benefits, Wlesor’s PQQ is commonly used for anti-aging prevention and protection of vital organs, including the brain, heart, and liver. Studies have shown that PQQ can improve heart health, reduce inflammation, increase lifespan, prevent cancer, and more.
Wlesor’s team of professionals regularly updates blog posts to stay current with the latest health news. The health supplement brand also provides valuable knowledge and resources through its website and YouTube videos.
About Wlesor
Wlesor is a health supplement brand based in the United States. Its mission is to help people live longer, healthier lives by exploring the frontiers of science. The company conducts clinical trials and partners with universities and other organizations to select premium ingredients and offer superior quality, safe, clean, and effective products. Wlesor provides high-quality, advanced nutrients, including unique crystalline form PQQ products, which are GMP-standard manufactured, use patented ingredients, are third-party tested and validated, come in premium vegetarian capsules, and are safe, clean, legal, and effective.
Media Contact
Company Name: Wlesor
Email: Send Email 
Country: United States 
Website: www.wlesor.com
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Daily Foods I eat
My goal are to have a 10-15% body fat, anti-aging regimen, and be physically fit.
Below are foods/supplements I eat every day to for my goals :P health.
I am increasing my protein intake mostly for weight loss and muscle building, so that's the vibe rn.
FOODS + Reasons
300g Greek Yogurt
high protein
Good for digestion
Apparently the probiotic can help with micro/nanoplastic toxicity (this is new research so there needs to be an RCT but it look interesting
2 servings Vegan protein powder
I do 1 serving of the Owyn chocolate sugar free which is the best I've tried, its a bit more expensive than Orgain but honestly its so worth it
And 1 serving of the Myprotein vegan tiramisu flavor and it tastes kinda good
I usually do it with water, but with really good with unsweet soymilk
this gets me 50g of protein
Both are made with pea and pumpkin protein so its a full and digestable protein. I have nothing against soy protein but I already eat lots of TVP and tofu, and too much soy can potentially be bad
Fiber supplement with a mix of things
Flax: hypertension, omega 3, brain health, increasing insulin sensitivity, lignans can help with cancer, literally so important and should be part of everyones diet. Just make sure you crush them
wheat germ: has high amounts of spermidine, which is a longevity molecule increases autophagy (eating of dead cells) which is like the cleaners of your body, so more autophagy = less cognitive disease
psyllium husk: weight manaemenet, satiety, cholesterol,
amla: highest anti-ox food great for fighting against metabolic syndrome
Black cumin: same as amla but anti-obesogenic
wheatgrass powder: Vit A, D, C, K and its a leafy green
Apple: an apple a day keeps the cardiometabolic diseases away
Astaxanthin 12mg
Sunscreen in a pill
The molecule embeds itself in your epidermis helping combat UV and oxidative damage, anti-inflammatory
gives you a very light tan golden hue type shit
it tints your lips slightly red
Also helps with skin care
Polypodium leucotomos 240mg but a 10:1 extraction so like 2400mg/capsule
Helps repair DNA damage from UV
downregulates inflammation in the dermal layer
Can also help with acne
but this is experimental
Vit D 1,000 IU
Everyone should be taking this its good for everything including weight loss, energy, and mental state
like periodt
multivitamin with no Iron
mostly to get my B vitamins and minerals
Iron is actually not good for you cause its very oxidzing and can cause lots of issues but idk how true that is. I get like 500-600% of iron from the tofu TVP and protein powder so I try to avoid it
Again, literally everyone should take this. Mg in use in so many reactions and most Americans are defiencet
Milk Thistle
To combat the too much iron and antioxidant
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age-no-more · 3 months
Anti-Aging Supplements: A Review of NMN and Spermidine
Aging is a natural part of life, but that doesn’t mean we have to accept all the changes that come with it. There are a number of things we can do to stay healthy and youthful as we age, including taking anti-aging supplements.
In this blog post, we will discuss two popular anti-aging supplements: NMN and Spermidine. We will discuss the challenges of aging, the benefits of these supplements, and answer some frequently asked questions.
The Challenges of Aging
As we age, our bodies go through a number of changes. Our cells start to deteriorate, our metabolism slows down, and our hormones change. These changes can lead to a number of health problems, including:
Decreased energy levels
Cognitive decline
Muscle loss
Skin problems
Heart disease
The Benefits of NMN and Spermidine
NMN and Spermidine are two supplements that have been shown to have a number of benefits for aging adults. NMN is a precursor to NAD+, which is a coenzyme that is involved in energy production and DNA repair. Spermidine is a polyamine that has been shown to protect cells from damage.
Studies have shown that NMN and Spermidine can help to:
Increase energy levels
Improve cognitive function
Promote muscle growth
Improve skin health
Protect against heart disease
Extend lifespan
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are the side effects of NMN and Spermidine?
A: NMN and Spermidine are generally safe for most people. However, some people may experience side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Q: How long does it take to see results from taking NMN and Spermidine?
A: Most people start to see results within a few weeks of taking NMN and Spermidine. However, it may take up to six months to see the full benefits.
Q: Where can I buy NMN and Spermidine?
A: NMN and Spermidine are available online and at some health food stores.
NMN and Spermidine are two promising anti-aging supplements that have been shown to have a number of benefits for aging adults. If you are looking for a way to improve your health and longevity, you may want to consider taking these supplements. www.agenomore.co.uk
This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult with your doctor before taking any supplements.
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How not to age
Slowing pathways of ageing
Only about 15-30% of our lifespan appears determined by our genes, which means how we live our lives may determine the bulk of our destiny.
Autophagy is a housekeeping process by which defective cellular components are broken down and scrapped for spare parts. AMPK induces autophagy. The most reliable way to extend lifespan may be long term food reduction. AMPK activation is thought to be one of the mechanisms for this longevity boost. Exercise increases the AMPK activity. To help boost AMPK a) reduce consumption of saturated fat (concentrated in meat, dairy and desserts)b) increase consumption of fibre, c) 2 teaspoons of barberries, d) a dash of black cumin, e) hibiscus and/or lemon verbena tea, f) 2 teaspoons of vinegar
To boost this anti-aging pathway, consider a) 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic activity, b) minimise your intake of fried food, c) consume at least 20mg of spermidine by incorporating foods such as tempeh, mushrooms, peas and wheat germ into your diet, Wheat germ has 2.5mg per tbsp, mushrooms 9.2mg per 100g, tempeh 9.7mg per 100g d) drink three cups of regular or decaffeinated coffee.
Spermidine plays a key role in regulating cell growth. Wheat germ can significantly improve dementia way beyond all available antidimentia treatments so far.
Cellular senescence
To prevent cellular senescence, avert DNA damage by following the recommendations in the oxidation chapter and to clear such cells of their SASP there are natural senolytic compounds in foods (quercetin, fisetin and piperlongumine). While it is not yet clear whether sufficien levels can be reached by eating foods rich in these compounds, the foods are healthful in their own right. To slow this aging pathway, consider a) consuming quercetin-rich foods, beverages and seasonings such as onions, apples, kale, tea and salt free capers, b) eating strawberries, c) seaoning meals with pippali.
Exercise frequency and intensity are associated with a deceleration of aging. In 2018 an aging analysis was published of the CALERIE study, the first major randomised trial of calorie restriction in humans. The control group continued to age at a rate of about one year per year but in that time the dietary restriction group only aged by about one month. And they achieved this with only a 12% calorie restriction. Aging rates were slowed independent of weight loss.
The lifestyle factor most closely associating with slowing aging, even more than exercise, is a marker of fruit and vegetable intake, blood levels of carotenoid phytonutrients like beta-carotene. The food most consistently linked to accelerating aging is meat.
To help boost this anti-aging pathway, restrict calories by 12% which would be cutting about 250 calories out of a 2000 calorie diet, and b) meeting the 400μg recommended daily allowance of folate, which could be achieved with about a cup of cooked lentils or edamame, a cup and a half of cooked spinach or asparagus, or two and a half cups of broccoli.
Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are one of the main factors contributing to the aging process. As AGEs accumulate in our bones, joints and muscles, they may contribute to osteoporosis, arthritis and muscle asting, the weaking, shrinking and loss of muscle mass with age. AGEs are implicated in age related memory decline, impaired wound healing, skin aging, cataracts and Alzheimer's disease.
Eating an AGE less diet by emphasising lower AGE foods such as fruits and vegetables, cooking high protein foods using relatively low heat and high humidity methods such as boiling or steaming rather than broiling or frying, favouring raw nuts and seeds over roasted or toasted, choosing lower glycemic load foods. Steel cut oats are a low glycemic index food but instant oats are high.
The higher the IGF-1 in your bloodstream, the higher your risk for developing some cancers such as breast, colorectal and prostate.
Chronic inflammation is systemic, persistent and non-specific and appears to perpetuate disease. A marker is C-reactive protein. Immunity deteriorates with age in a process known as immunosenescence. There is also more inflammation. The progressive increase in pro-inflammatory status is a major feature of the aging process and is referred to as "inflammaging". Applying skin lotion twice daily may be a simple way to dampen systemic inflammation. Some causes of inflammation are the buildup of dietary advanced glycation end products, senescent cells spewing SASP and age related decline in autophagy machinery. Two years of modest caloric restriction cut inflammation markers such as CRP by 40%, which could have been due to a boost in autophagy that cleared out inflammatory cellular debris or simply as a consequence of their weight loss. Fatty tissue plays an active role in secreting inflammatory chemicals. Dietary cholesterol may contribute to inflammation. As we age, there is an increate in visceral fat which may contribute to inflammaging.
Dietary Inflammatory Index: generally components of animal products and processed foods like saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol were found to be pro-inflammatory, while constituents of whole plant foods such as fiber and phytonutrients came up strongly anti-inflammatory. Eating a more inflammatory diet has been associated with 75% increased odds of having cancer and 67% increased risk of dying from it.
Suppression of mTOR may be a central mediator of the lifespan-extending effects of dietary restriction. Caloric restriction has been heralded as a fountain of youth but negative side effects may include dangerously low blood pressure, infertility, slower healing of wounds, menstrual irregularities, sensitivity to cold and loss of strength, bone and libido. You're also walking around starving all the time. However the benefits of eating less may not be coming from restricting calories but from restricting protein. Methionine and the three branch-chain amino acids (BCAA) isoleucine, leucine and valine are particularly important to restrict, and they are particularly concentrated in animal proteins. A compound called DIM, formed when the cruciferous vegetable compound indole-3-carbinol hits our stomach acid, has been shown to suppress mTOR activation. Sulforaphane, another product of consuming cruciferous vegetables, also suppresses mTOR. Also coffee and green tea. To slow this aging pathway, strive to stick to the recommended daily intake of protein, 0.8g per healthy kg of body weight which translates to about 45g a day for the average-height woman.
Free radicals are unstable, violently reactive molecules with an unpaired electron. The unpaired electron steals electrons away from any molecule in their path. The resultant cellular damage causes aging. Mitochondria are the major source of cellular free radical formation. You can reduce mitochondrial free radical production rate through exercising and by lowering intake of the amino acid methionine. Methionine restriction is thought to account for about 50% of the lifespan extension attributed to full dietary restriction. Legumes have a comparably low methionine content. This is consistent with legume consumption being the most important dietary predictor of survival in older people around the world. Antioxidants can't seem to slow the rate of aging but they may be able to prevent age-related diseases linked to oxidative damage to the 99% of our DNA outside the mitochondria. Oxidative stress has been implicated in hair graying, the development of cataracts, arthritis, frailty and neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, kidney and pulmonary diseases, cognitive decline, age-related macular degeneration and muscle loss. Every meal is an opportunity to tip the balance in a pro-oxidant or antioxidant direction. Eating a single meal deficient in antioxidant-rich foods can leave us in a pro-oxidant state for hours. You can also experience increased oxidative stress due to illness, secondhand smoke, air pollution and sleep deprivation. Antioxidant levels can plummet within 2 hours of a stressful event and take up to 3 days to get back to normal. So healthier eating is especially important when we anticipate we'll be stressed, sick or tired. Kiwis, cooked carrots and green tea are particularly good at facilitating DNA repair. Red wine can improve blood antioxidant capacity. Nrf2 levels and signaling tend to decrease with age. 30 mins of cycling can boost them but the most potent natural Nrf2 inducer is sulfurophane (in cruciferous vegetables). B12 deficiency is associated with increased oxidative stress. To slow oxidation, consider daily exercising, restrict methionine intake by choosing plant based protein sources and reducing overall protein intake to recommended levels, activate Nrf2 defenses by eating green/ cruciferous vegetables and drinking green tea, eating berries and other naturally vibrantly coloured foods, using herbs and spices, avoiding added salt, sugar and saturated fat- and cholesterol-rich foods.
Telomeres are one of the aging pathways that have crept into the public consciousness. Increasing telomere length to slow or even prevent aging is a popular idea, though the science is controversial. Telomere elongation is possible through activation of the telomerase enzyme, but there is a constant battle between the forces hacking away at our telomeres such as aging, oxidative stress and inflammation and the lifestyle decisions that can help build them back up. To help boost this anti-aging pathway, on a daily basis consider: a) following the recommendations in the inflammation and oxidation chapters, b) eating a high-fibre diet centered around whole plant foods, drink tea and coffee, eat cruciferous vegetables, supplement with 800 to 1000 IU of vitamin D3 a day if your vitamind D blood level is under 20 ng/mL.
BMI of 20 to 22 is the optimal weight for longevity (53-58kg for 5ft4).
Sleep deprivation is no joke. The magnitude of impairment from a week of five-hour nights is similar to that reported in people who smoke, have diabetes or have coronary artery disease. There are some alarming contaminants in melatonin supplements. Pistachios are not just the most melatonin-rich nut, they are simply off-the-charts as the most melatonin-rich food ever recorded. To get a physiological dose of melatonin, all you have to eat is two pistachios.
Between 40 and 70 food intake drops by about a quarter due to a declining appetite. We also start losing our taste buds and sweet and salty tastes are often the first to slip, which can lead to diets particularly excessive in sugar and salt.
Preserving function
Inflammation and oxidative stress may play a role in osteoporosis. The intake of pro-inflammatory foods and an elevation of inflammatory markers in the blood such as C-reactive protein are both associated with osteoporotic fractures. A higher intake of fruits and vegetables is associated with lower fracture risk. The consumption of vitamin-C rich foods is associated with lower risk of bone loss, osteoporosis and hip fracture. Soy foods have been significantly associated with lower risk of fracture.
Nutritionally, soy milk is the best choice for replacing dairy milk in the human diet.
The capacity of our blood vessels to repair themselves is dependent on endothelial progenitor cells that emerge from stem cells in our bone marrow to patch up any holes in our endothelium, the innermost lining in our blood vessels that keeps our blood flowing smoothly. Reduce trans fat (mostly in meat and dairy), saturated fat (animal products and junk foods. also coconut oil palm oil) and dietary cholesterol (animal products, particularly eggs). Increase berries, onions, green tea. Eat plant based.
Immune system
Vaccination is less effective for the elderly. For example, while flu shots can build up sufficient antibody protection in 50-70% of younger individuals, that proportion falls to as few as 10-30% of older adults who are among those who need the protection the most. Also, the immune cells of elderly produce significantly more pro-inflammatory signals. This suggests the worst of both worlds - a decline in the part of the immune system that fights specific infections and an aggravation of nonspecific overreactions that can lead to inflammation. Immunosenescence is the decline in immune defense with aging. Exercise helps to improve efficacy of flu and pneumonia vaccines. Sleep improves the ability to clear viruses more quickly so you're less likely to become symptomatic. Those who eat more fruits and vegetables have a lower risk of getting an upper respiratory tract infection like the common cold. Those eating five or more servings of fruits and vegetables had an 82% greater protective antibody response to a flu vaccine than those who didn't. Disappointing trial results for echinacea. Kiwifruits, broccoli significantly shorten flu duration. Maybe seaweed and soy milk. Mushrooms, particularly shiitake. Nutritional yeast. Green tea. Fibre.
Athletic injuries to the knees are a well established risk factor for osteoarthritis later in life. At the same time, physical inactivity can put your knees at risk, not only because weakened muscles make for less stable joints but because cartilage also has a "use it or lose it" characteristic. Exercise is consistently effective for pain relief if you have osteoarthritis.
Dietary factors associated with accelerated progression: higher saturated fat intake, dietary cholesterol, pro-inflammatory omega-6 fat, pro-inflammatory diets.
Reduced acceleration: anti-inflammatory diet, fibre, green tea, strawberries. Ginger, turmeric (1/2 tsp daily). No evidence for glucosamine, chondroitin or collagen.
Muscle mass starts to decline after 30 and accelerates after 50 at a loss of 1-2% every year. Not just because people become less active with age. Frailty is comprised of weakness, unintentional weight loss, exhaustion, slow walking speed and low physical activity. The heritability of muscle mass and strength is around 50%. Use it or lose it applies to muscle. Eating high on the Dietary Inflammatory Index has been associated with frailty. The recommended dietary allowance of protein is 0.8g of protein per ideal kg of body weight per day. Extra protein or essential amino acid supplementation appears to have little or no effect on muscle mass, strength or performance when taken alone or added to an exercise regimen. Whey protein stimulates the greatest response in terms of short term muscle protein synthesis but there is no correlation between this and long term changes in muscle mass. Higher fruit and vegetable intake linked to lower frailty. Creatine is effective if combined with exercise.
The three main constituents that make up the bulk of our skin are collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin. As we age, the synthesis of collagen and elastin decreases by about 1% a year as does skin thickness. Intrinsic aged skin loses elasticity and develops fine wrinkles but is generally otherwise smooth and unblemished but extrinsic skin becomes leathery, bumpy, blotchy and mottled with coarse wrinkles and furrows. Between 80-90% of facial aging of those with light skin is due to sun exposure.
Fibre for varicose veins. Minimise sun exposure and use sunscreen to prevent skin cancer. Sunscreen to prevent skin aging, retinol to reverse aging. Nicotinamide for wrinkles. Vitamin C for oxidative stress but shelf stable versions aren't effective so buy L-ascorbic acid and mix 3g into 30g water and use a few drops on face daily. Collagen supplements haven't been shown to be effective. Stimulate collagen synthesis by ensuring a daily vitamin C intake of at least 95mg (an orange or a cup of broccoli have 70mg). Foods which may be defensive against wrinkles are antioxidant rich foods, anti-inflammatory foods, anti-glycation foods, fibre rich foods and foods shown to block collagen- and elastin- destroying enzymes such as garlic, turmeric and ginger.
Green tea as a mouthwash, with or without added amla? Sugar consumption is considered to be the one and only cause of cavities. Superior dental health among vegetarians may be due to eating fewer pro-inflammatory foods or more anti-inflammatory components like high fibre diets. But vegetarians do have an increased risk of dental enamel erosion due to the consumption of more acidic fruits and vegetables such as citrus and tomatoes. The solution is to rinse out your mouth with water after consuming sour foods or beverages and waiting 30-60 minutes after consumption to allow your teeth to first remineralise. Flossing before brushing is much better for plaque removal than after. Nitrates may play an important antimicrobial role in saliva which alleviates gum inflammation.
Prevent cataracts with spring greens, spinach and goji berries.
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charava-de · 8 months
Gain Power from Spermidinene with Charava's Aging Supplements!
Hey there, age-defying enthusiasts! Are you ready to embark on a journey to defy time and embrace a healthier, more youthful you? Look no further, because Charava is here to introduce you to the secret weapon against aging—the incredible SPERMIDINE supplement!
Spermidine: The Anti-Aging Marvel
Let's talk about spermidine, the superhero in the world of anti-aging. Imagine it as a tiny warrior fighting against the common effects of aging. This powerful molecule works wonders by triggering a process called autophagy. What does that mean for you? It means saying goodbye to those old, worn-out cells and welcoming in fresh, vibrant ones. Spermidine is like a magic wand, helping your body rejuvenate itself naturally.
Why Choose Spermidine Supplements:
Charava understands the importance of embracing the aging process gracefully. That's why we bring you top-notch SPERMIDINE supplements that are more than just a bottle of pills; they are your passport to a healthier, more vibrant life. Our supplements are carefully crafted with high-quality ingredients to ensure you get the best results.
Where to Buy Spermidine Supplements
Ready to take the plunge into the world of anti-aging with Charava's SPERMIDINE supplements? Buying spermidine supplements has never been easier! Simply visit our website and explore our range of products designed to cater to your unique needs. With just a click, you can kickstart your journey to a youthful you.
Charava - Your Trusted Spermidine Supplement Supplier
Why choose Charava as your spermidine supplement supplier? It's simple – we prioritize quality and customer satisfaction above all. Our products are backed by a commitment to excellence, ensuring that you receive supplements that stand out in the market. When you choose Charava, you're choosing a reliable partner on your path to aging gracefully.
In a world that's constantly changing, one thing remains constant – the desire to feel young and vibrant. With Charava's SPERMIDINE supplements, you're not just investing in a product; you're investing in your well-being. Join us in the fight against aging, and let Charava be your guide to a healthier, more youthful life. Ready to experience the transformative power of Charava's SPERMIDINE supplements? Visit our website now and choose from our range of high-quality products. Embrace the journey to a more youthful you with Charava, your leading global retailer of longevity supplements.
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humming-herbs · 9 months
Top Ingredients In Berberine Supplements | Hummingherbs | Buy Now
Unleash The Power Of Spermidine With Our premium Supplement! Packed With Top-Quality Ingredients, Our berberine Supplements Are Carefully Formulated To Help You Achieve Optimal Health And Well-being. Experience The Remarkable Benefits Of Spermidine, A Natural Compound Known For Its Anti-Aging Properties And Support For Cellular Function. Boost Your Vitality, Improve Cognitive Function, And Promote A Healthy Heart With Our Scientifically-Backed formula. Don't Settle For Anything Less Than The Best - Choose Our Spermidine Supplement And Take Control Of Your Health Today!
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nootropicblend · 10 months
MoleQlar review
Unlock vitality with MoleQlar's precision-crafted, anti-aging supplements! NMN & Longevity Supplements quality check! 💪✨
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jhavelikes · 1 year
permidine is the most abundant polyamine in the body [1], and is essential for tissue regeneration, cell growth and cell proliferation. Spermidine is also critical to the processes involved in controlling apoptosis, learning and memory, and binds to and stabilizes RNA and DNA, modulates enzyme functions, preserves and enhances mitochondrial metabolic function and respiration, and has anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidant functions[2,3,4,5,10]. Spermidine is also a natural inducer of autophagy [6], a cytoprotective self-digestive process that assists in removing and recycling damaged and potentially harmful cytoplasmic material that otherwise would accumulate during aging[7,10]. Spermidine is naturally found in foods such as green peas, chickpeas, cauliflower, broccoli, mushroom and mango in amounts ranging from 25 to 90 mg/kg. Amounts in cheddar cheese, soybean and wheat germ range from 200 to 250 mg/kg [8,9]. The majority of spermidine in standard diets comes from whole grains, apples, pears, salad, vegetable sprouts and potatoes[10]. PlantPills Whole-Food Spermidine has by far the highest spermidine content of any whole food, independently verified to contain over 900 mg/kg (over 0.9mg per gram).
Whole-Food Spermidine | PlantPills.co.uk
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qocsuing · 2 years
Best NMN Supplements To Buy In 2023
If you've landed on this article, the chance is you're well-informed about NMN and its reported anti-aging properties. You may have come across David Sinclair who is the Harvard professor that has championed NMN as the frontrunner in longevity supplement research.Get more news about High Purity Nmn Powder Supplier,you can vist our website!
Although a lot more research needs to be done to prove its efficacy, there's a ton of excitement because NMN has been shown to slow down the biological hallmarks of aging in animal studies. And there are a few trials ongoing to see if a similar response is seen in humans.
NMN is the precursor to NAD, which our cells use to power metabolic activity. In other words, NAD is essential for our cells to generate energy and thrive.
By middle age, our NAD levels have plummeted to half that of our youth. And this decline has been linked to various age-related diseases. The hope is that NMN, being the direct precursor to NAD, can boost levels and extend longevity. 5 best NMN supplements NMN is not the only anti-aging ingredient there is. Although NMN is thought to be one of the most promising, there are several others such as Resveratrol, Quercetin, Fisetin, and Spermidine to mention a few.
Taking all of these ingredients individually would be very expensive and you may not want to take so many pills every day.
That's why many top NMN supplements will mix in other longevity ingredients to cover all angles. OMRE has produced a supplement that doesn't cut any corners. Starting with a high dose of NMN and Resveratrol, both at 500mg and at 98% purity. They've also included BioPerine® which is a purified form of black pepper extract that acts as a bioavailability enhancer. In other words, it increases the absorption of Resveratrol.
Aside from this, they also avoid using magnesium stearate or silicon dioxide which are commonly used flow agents. Instead, they use rice flour (Nu-FLOW®). The capsules are also plant-based and vegan-friendly. Renue Lipo NMN is one of the best liposomal forms of NMN. This means that the NMN is encapsulated in a lipid sphere which should, in theory, improve the absorption of NMN.
At the time of writing, there aren't any studies that have conclusively proven that liposomal NMN is absorbed better than standard NMN powder. But generally speaking, some supplements are absorbed better when encapsulated in liposomes.
Renee produces a high-quality supplement, also using rice flour with no artificial additives.
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didanawisgi · 1 year
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aidevi · 2 years
Welcome the new member AIDEVI NMN21000  #aidevi  #aidevinmn#nmnsupplement This NMN is more powerful for human body absorbtion NMN from AIDEVI Longevity: https://aidevi.cc/.../aidevi-nmn21000-gift-set-nmn...Use coupon code "U9R7HTPETPUV" to SAVE 10%Other products from AIDEVI. Use coupon code "U9R7HTPETPUV" to SAVE 10%.
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longevityboxcuk · 2 years
Spermidine: what it is, and what are the benefits
Spermidine is an "elixir" of youth and health, a safe, effective and all-natural anti-ageing product. You may not have heard of it yet because its use as a supplement is very recent, but it is found in many foods and is a powerful antioxidant, active on the mind and body. It cleanses our body from the inside and helps cell renewal, helps the brain stay active for a long time, and supports the immune system and metabolism. So let's see what it is and why you shouldn't miss it.
What is spermidine?
Spermidine is a biogenic polyamine, i.e. a substance that is produced by the body and is present in all organisms and in all cells of the body. Its name (perhaps not exactly inviting) is due to the fact that it was isolated for the first time in human sperm. It is linked to cell growth: when metabolism accelerates, spermidine increases, while it decreases when it slows down, and with age, it naturally tends to decrease.
It is a real natural booster that activates the renewal of the cells themselves through a process called autophagy, the one with which the body gets rid of the waste or damaged cellular components. A sort of "cleansing" that the body implements to improve its efficiency. The accumulation of dead cells is connected to various diseases and, in general, to the ageing of the organism: for this reason, spermadine can be useful within a longevity strategy.
The benefits of spermidine
The most recent research has highlighted several healthy properties that act on the organism as a whole.
Natural anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing
Spermidine is a natural anti-inflammatory. In particular, it seems to be effective against silent inflammation or inflammation, the one that accentuates with age and which, even if it remains low-level and undetected, still causes a lot of damage to the body. Spermidine works by unlocking cell regeneration and slowing down the ageing of tissues, including skin and hair!
Best friend
Spermidine regulates the level of blood fats, triglycerides and cholesterol. This is why it is a heart-friendly substance: it prevents cardiovascular disease, stroke and heart attack. Several studies have also linked spermidine to a lower risk of colon cancer: a diet rich in foods containing a lot of it (including various vegetables) is the healthiest for defending the intestine.
Strong immune defences
Spermidine improves the body's natural defences. In particular, it would be able to slow down immunosenescence, i.e. the process by which the body's response against bacteria and viruses is less effective with age, stimulating the production of antibodies.
Spermidine as a supplement
Spermidine can now also be taken in the form of a supplement. The most effective spermidine supplement is those containing extracts of raw, whole wheat germ obtained naturally through water without chemical agents. Alongside spermidine, other metabolic, stimulating and protective boosters are used, such as vitamin B1, astaxanthin or zinc.
The use of spermidine as a supplement can fill the deficiencies of an imperfect diet and enter into an all-around longevity strategy, promoting healthy ageing and meeting the needs of this substance which increase with age. Furthermore, these supplements also have positive and beneficial effects on skin, hair and a sense of well-being.
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apicdmo · 2 years
Where To Buy Spermidine Powder And Other Spermidine Products? Many foods contain spermidine. These include grapefruit, mature cheese, mushrooms, soy products, legumes, corn, and whole grain. Chickpeas, peas, green peppers, broccoli, oranges, green tea, and rice bran contain it too. Note that much of the Mediterranean diet contains spermidine rich foods. But it is struggle to get enough spermidine in our diet. So, taking spermidine powder or supplements will be good choice to get enough spermidine. APICDMO is a professional manufacturer and supplier of Spermidine in China, offering raw ingredients fur bulk sale: ① Spermidine powder CAS: 124-20-9 ② Spermidine trihydrochloride powder CAS: 334-50-9 ③ Wheat Germ Extrac powder(1%) CAS: 124-20-9 We also accept the custimized service for pharmaceutical intermediates in our lab.If you want to buy spermidine powder in large quantities, please send an inquiry to us directly. Documents like COA or other related documents will be sent upon your inquiry email.
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newcellfend · 2 years
Cellfend is interested in anti-aging and always resending scientific innovations. It learned about autophagy (cellular recycling) as well as figured out how to induce it beyond the advantages of prolonged fasting organic compounds known as polyamines (spermidine is a principal polyamine) are main autophagy induces. So it looked into food supplements that contain polyamines and found that wheat germ is a very high source. Further research showed that with the help of right manufacturing facilities it could create a potent extract of wheat germ for increasing its beneficial aspects and by fermented it then additional compounds are created (known as benzoquinones) that help in improving our health.
 This company is proud to create a high quality product (99%+ purity) in GMP and ISO-9001 certified facilities, that undergoes rigorous third party lab testing.
To paraphrase Jonathan Swift, "everyone wishes to live long, but no one wants to be old".
A Note About Our Capsules- Our capsules are made of glutinous rice starch, which is gluten free. The name “glutinous” is misleading, as it’s actually gluten free.The name simply comes from the consistency of the rice variety when cooked.
Our capsules are also vegan (many non-vegan capsules contain gelatin, which is an animal byproduct).
We don't use any fillers, as we want to keep our product as natural and pure as possible.
Our product is 100% natural.
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