bluebutter-art · 2 years
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spicy art under the cut 😳
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Some Captive Prince sketch dump (and they get progressively messier the way down you go)
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snowflakeanimelover · 2 years
I've come up with an adorable hawks x reader storyyy
Hawks x Pheonix! Reader fluff
Like them playfully arguing about whose wings are better and bigger XD
Omg….Adorable!! <3
Relationship: Hawks/Takami Keigo x Phoenix! Female! Reader
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Warnings: Playful arguing, fluff :), cute, kinda spicy…0-0
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— — — —
Ruffling Your Feathers
“You can’t be serious.” I said seriously, but a smile quickly spread on my face.
Keigo turns around, ruffling his bright red wings even more. He had a playful confused face that hides away his true emotion. “What?”
“Oh come on, it’s clear you're trying to make yourself bigger by fluffing up your feathers.” I scoff. My own bright yellow and orange wings shuffle at the mention of his intention. Although we’ve been together for a long time, it really brings a smile to my face when he still tries to act cool.
“You know it’s not nice to blame someone else for your own doing.” He smiles wide.
“Oh really? Don’t be so jealous! I know it’s hard to live knowing that your girlfriend has better wings than you.” I dramatically flip my hair. 
He laughs aloud in a fake manner. “You? Have better wings than me? Please. Stop embarrassing yourself before you die from it.” His figure is getting closer with each slow step. I also get gradually closer.
“Oh, I see.” My feathers ruffle up from my excitement building up. We got close enough to where I wrap my arms around his shoulders and his own wrap around my waist. “I hate to break it to you, baby, but it’s been admitted in the paper that bright colorful wings are certainly better than dark plain ones.”
I lightly gasp when he tugs me forward, hard, against his body. “Yeah, like I’ll believe that. Wanna see who's better?” He nudges his head towards the bedroom. 
I tuck my bottom lip under my teeth. “Oh, yeah.”
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shoverse · 10 months
hi baby, saw you wanted anons huh? we don't have to tell your little friend about this, i'm really not scared of her. you think i could share some of my fantasies with you?
ooh 🫵🤭
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❛  is  there  a  problem  with  that?  ❜  he  roughly  pulls  her  hair  as  he  leans  down  to  whisper  in  her  ear,  ❛  i  think  you’re  enjoying  this  and  i  have  to  accommodate  what  you  are  enjoying,  correct?    ❜  he  grinds  against  her  through  her  clothes  as  he  thinks  about  yanking  her  head  back  more  and  more  until  her  neck  breaks  but  he  restrains  himself.  ❛  i  only  treat  special  ladies  like  this,  calamity.  ❜  his  other  hand  runs  over  her  ass  before  giving  it  a  light  spank,  frowning  for  a  moment,    ❛  unless  you  want  me  to  stop.  ❜ 
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❛  you  treat  all  your  ladies  like  this?  ❜  @janedoez
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ricochetingtears · 1 year
spotify wrapped: fragile by kygo ↪ jay & adriana / @fyrewalks​
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❛ but i won't let go cause i'm not like him. baby just say the words, let the love begin. ❜
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ministarfruit · 5 months
livin' on a prayer
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kadextra · 11 months
I think it’s undeniable that a major character trait of q!Foolish is how much he desires to be special.
( character analysis time! :D )
q!Foolish constantly chases rare items and special things that nobody else has, and wants them for himself:
The second he saw the flying cloud he said he’d do almost anything to have it. When he saw what the rare sunbird was, he worked hard to finally catch one. He was sooooo attached to his first gun, and was very upset when it got taken from him- even saying that part of his personality was taken along with it
And q!Foolish always wants to obtain a status that’s special, to be friends with special people:
He wanted to be KELP - King Emperor Lord President. He tried for months to be Cucurucho’s best friend, an entity he believes is special and powerful. He got envious of Jaiden seeming to be more preferred by them: “why do you get special treatment from Cucurucho all the time and not me?” and felt one-sidedly betrayed when Cucurucho didn’t reciprocate the friendship. Immediately afterwards he recovered by wanting to become the code entity’s friend, another entity that is special.
When he lost all provisional lives and KELP along with it, he was sad for a moment but again quickly recovered by remembering his friendship with the capybaras, who are more special entities, and decided to be their KOC - King of Capybaras.
q!Foolish is a character who’s constantly chasing after what he views as being special. why? Is it purely for the way it makes him feel, for what he can gain doing it? or is there a deeper reason- is he trying to prove himself or cope with something? maybe it’s part of the character’s backstory we don’t know?
Either way, it’s getting intense now because the Federation has identified this trait in him and knows exactly how to use it.
Cucurucho, who didn’t reciprocate the friendship before is suddenly calling Foolish their friend out of nowhere, just like he’d wanted. And convincing him to work for the Federation because he’s so special and unique, he’s different from everyone else, he’s the only one for this position!
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Cleverly appealing to his desires by using Mr Mustard’s disappearance as motivation, that’s his favorite capybara and he wants to be the King of Capybaras after all. Then finally, handing him a shiny gold badge that nobody else on the island has.
It’s emotional and psychological manipulation tactics that the Federation has shown they’re great at, and q!Foolish is being affected by it.
What’s gonna happen when he’s pulled so deep into the Federation’s web he can no longer see the red blinking sign of ESCAPE?
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in-hav3n · 5 months
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I'm so delulu for this man. I mean, look at him!!
Btw someone suggested that I should write something with 2019 James and I'm currently working on something for you all <3 🤭
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caulifleurr · 1 year
Left Behind for the Holidays Pt. 2
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You're finally home again. While off-duty, you get to relax for a while. That might be difficult knowing you've towed the Lieutenant with you for the holidays.
Warning: Nsfw-ish at the end!
Masterlist here!
"Settle in, Lieutenant. I'll prepare the spare room for you." You say, turning the circuit breaker on then putting your bag down on the couch. You walk to the spare room, turning needed light switches on as you go. The space heaters hum into life, fighting off the chilly air. Your apartment is a two-bed one-bath unit, complete with a living space, small kitchen and dining area. Again, not fancy at all, just some fundamental pieces to furnish the place. It's simple, but cozy.
"Why's it... So clean?" Ghost asks, confused after running a finger on the nearest drawer and finding it mostly dustless.
"Oh, I get it cleaned every few months. Some dudes just come in and tidy the place up. I notified them that I'll be home today, so they cleaned up beforehand." You reply from the spare room.
"You don't get robbed?" He asks from the living room, his question a bit too real. Classic Ghost behavior, frank as always.
"I don't have much valuables, and besides, the cleaning company does their job well. They don't pry and they're run by a retired military man. That's exactly why they're perfect for the job of keeping the homes of soldiers in active duty spick and span." You reply, feeling proud of your foresight. You finish putting out a fresh blanket, two pillows, and a towel for the lieutenant, then stand in the doorway.
"Clever girl." He says lowly, when you reappear. The hairs on the back of your neck stand up and you clear your throat.
"All yours, Sir." You say, gesturing to the room. He walks to the spare room, stopping in front of you.
"Appreciate it, Sprout. By the way, we're off duty, Ghost is fine." He says with crinkled eyes, before walking in and closing the door behind him. You feel the blood rushing up to your face, and feel grateful that he's not there to see it.
"I'll go get some groceries. Key's on the counter if you wanna step out." You say to his closed door, and you hear footsteps getting closer. He opens the door slightly, and leans on it. He has shed his jacket but holding it, only having his thermal dark grey long-sleeved shirt underneath. It clings to his body, highlighting the muscles along his form.
"Don't want me to come with?" He asks, raising a brow.
"You're probably tired from driving, just relax and freshen up if you want." You reply, looking up at him, to avoid staring at his biceps.
"I'm a hardened soldier, Sprout. I can handle a five-hour drive and grocery shopping on the same day." Ghost chuckles as he puts his jacket back on, his tone playful.
"Alright, then. There's a store just two blocks from here. Maybe we could also get some food on the way back, because I'm not cooking tonight, I'm beat." You say, checking your pockets for your wallet. His eyes silently follow your hands, patting along your jeans, on your behind. You start for the door, but turn abruptly.
"Almost forgot." You say sheepishly, plugging the fridge on. You grab the door key on the counter on the way out, with the man you brought closely following. You lock the door after him and you both go out into the snowy evening.
"Hmm, what else." You think out loud, scanning the shelves in the store. Ghost stands nearby, silent like some bodyguard. You spot a box of pasta on the top shelf and reach out for it, only to be interrupted by him reaching it first and dropping it onto your basket. The action makes you feel his body heat, as he gets so close to you for a second. You just stare blankly at the pasta box in your basket, not wanting to betray anything with your face.
"Is that enough? Shouldn't it feed two?" He pipes up, and you realize he's right. You've only ever shopped for one, and your habits took over. He sees the realization hit your face, so he just chuckles and offers to get more of what's in your basket. He comes back with another basket of identical items and some of his own.
God, I'm so lucky, I get to be domestic with him for a bit.
Pretty soon after, you finish picking out the things you need. You offer some bills to the cashier, but he adds his own money to contribute. You whip your head up at him, ready to decline his generosity.
"No, no. I'm consuming this too, might as well chip in." He says with finality, before you can even open your mouth. He takes your extra bill from the cashier and hands it back to you. Your fingertips brush his for a millisecond, and you feel him tense up again like earlier. You blink, pretending you didn't notice.
You stop by at a small diner to get some food to go, just some hot sandwiches, as per his request. He's carrying paper bags full of groceries in both of his arms, while you hold on to a plastic bag with your dinner in it. Light snowfall dusts both of you, like powdered sugar on fresh beignets.
You both get back to the apartment complex, and you turn your key in your door after shaking off the snow that hadn't melted already on your clothes. Ghost walks in to place the groceries on the kitchen counter, and yawns. You take your scarf off and hang it behind your door.
"Go eat without me, I need a hot shower first." He says, taking his jacket off and going in the spare room to retrieve his toiletries and the towel you lent him. He walks off to the bathroom, and you hear water running.
Fuck, I can't believe he's showering in my bathroom.
You sit at the dining table, take a sandwich out of the bag, and munch on it. Thoughts race in your head, so it took you quite longer than expected in finishing your meal. You tidy up, stocking your fridge and cupboards with the groceries you got. The fresh produce you left on the sink to wash in the morning.
After a while, you hear the bathroom door click open and hear footsteps going into the spare room.
"Water pressure okay?" You ask, still busy at the sink. You hear a muffled "yeah" and you hum in reply. You finish up just as you hear his door click again, and you slowly move your eyes up to acknowledge him.
"Sandwich's on the table. I'm gonna go for a shower too-"
Your foot gets caught on a rut on the hardwood floor, stumbling a bit. You didn't fall face-flat though, as a strong hand clasps around your arm, steadying you.
"Easy." Ghost says, his voice soft. He lets go after you've regained your balance.
"Shit, I'm sorry."
"Don't mention it." He says, and you look up at him.
Holy shit.
His blonde hair is damp, he's wearing a white t-shirt and black sweatpants. You notice his sleeve tattoo, covering his entire left forearm. His hands are bare, the first time you've seen them, and his slender fingers look really elegant in the dim kitchen light. Of course, his black face mask is still there. You smell his shampoo, and you feel like you could get lost in the scent.
"What?" He asks, ripping you away from dreamland. You gulp and look away quickly, but your face has started to betray you.
"Like what you see, Sprout?" He adds, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Didn't mean to stare, Sir. I just... I've never seen you like this." You reply in a small voice.
"Again, we're off duty, Ghost is fine. Might as well relax a bit, as you've invited me to spend the holidays with you." He says, crossing his arms over his chest and putting his weight on one foot.
Your face feels hot and you back away slightly, embarrassed. Ghost chuckles, his brown eyes glinting. You clear your throat and stand straight. You mutter a "thanks" and shuffle off to get a towel and your toiletries for a shower. You quickly get your towel and the shower stuff from your bag, as he sits at the dining table, back facing you, eating his sandwich.
You get in the shower and sigh, a bit relieved. That relief quickly turns into the cold realization of being where Ghost has showered only a few minutes ago.
The glass enclosing the shower and tub is still fogged up from the steam. You look at the bottles on the caddy, still beading with water. You sigh and place your own toiletries right next to them, slinging the towel on the rack right after. You undress and carefully put your clothes in the laundry basket, thankful that it has a lid.
Everything still smells like his shampoo.
You sigh again, turning the shower on and letting the warm water hit your face.
Fuck, that feels good.
You open one eye, slowly forming a thought. Said thought catches you off-guard, and you feel blood rushing up to your face. Swallowing hard, you slowly reach down between your legs, only to find you're quite soaked, but not due to the shower. You're feeling aroused, being enveloped in Ghost's scent.
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bihters · 6 months
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celaenaeiln · 2 years
Random throwback but Dick and Tim have super strong Percy and Nico vibes
Percy and Dick being the legendary paragons of Justice while looking hot, kicking butt, and sassing beings who really shouldn’t be sassed.
Nico and Tim being the powerful knows-more-than-everyone else-what’s-going-on beings, kicking butt, and being absolutely done with the world while still managing to out-sarcasm everyone in existence.
Their dynamic is almost identical too because Percy saved Nico and in turn Nico worshipped the ground Percy walked on before he eventually grew older and simply loved him as an older brother. Totally not at all like how Tim saw Dick perform, fell obsessed with him, before he grew up and saw him as his loving older brother.
Dick and Percy almost look indistinguishable while Tim and Nico have a lot of physical similarities. Even their personalities, mannerisms, and the friendships they have with others have parallels especially with Percy dating Annabeth and Dick dating Barbara. Not to mention Nico with sun child Will and Tim canonically dating Bernard and (not so canonically) with Kon.
And who could forget the terrifying, overwhelming, protective rage Dick and Percy unleash when someone hurts their friends and family. The identical range of emotions in the scenes when Dick strangled the Joker to death because he thought he killed Tim and when Percy almost kills primordial goddess Akhyls for hurting Annabeth in Tartarus. The desperate, incomparable perseverance Nico and Tim show for their family. How Nico broke rules and stopped at nothing to get Bianca back and how Tim broke free to track his way across America to prove Bruce wasn’t dead.
How Dick and Percy are always smiling, joking, and downplaying themselves due to insecurities when they accomplished feats no one else could even dream of attempting. How everyone in the room always turns to Tim and Nico for information and guidance because they always know something that the others can’t see.
Percy’s absolute goodness to the point it’s crippling? Mmmn. Now why does that sound familiar? Nico’s inability to communicate devolving into misunderstandings of him? Gods, Tim. Again?
With Trials of Apollo pushing Percy’s DILF agenda and Dick’s middle aged harem, it’s actually insane how alike they are. I mean Dick as a son of Poseidon and Tim as a son of Hades fits so damn well. Even more when you realize both Tim and Nico have parental abandonment issues and Dick and Percy are both daddy’s favorites.
A fic abt this would be absolutely wild where Dick is Percy and Tim is Nico or vice versa - maybe reincarnated brothers?
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zacwuv · 5 months
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Link x Great Fairy Tera part 1/3 ✨
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ladyinthebluebox · 1 month
ahuuu. yhhh. so what if Mirabelle's durge persona was fixated on roses? what then?
heard about it? another partriar has been found disemboweled in their upper city residence. corpse was filled with so many red roses petals that they were spilling out of it… no one found their proper fleshy insides yet. oh and all of their precious jewels were gone too. it's all too macabre to be the work of a thief and with no signs of the killer at the murder scene nobody can make heads or tails of it.
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flaming fist keeps finding dead beggars in rose bushes all around the city. their bodies unnaturally twisted in the thorny branches and pierced in too many places to count. hands of those responsible for taking the bodies off the streets don't look any better when they are done untangling them from the brambles.
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are you going to the recital of that bard everyone is talking about recently? mouth writes that some boring old people protested because of it this week, arguing that her haunting, sometimes obscene songs have a bad influence on the youth of baldur's gate. i just think they are inspired by the current events. quite exciting don't you think? just remember to bring a red rose with you. they say that if there will be enough roses thrown her way, she might perform something special...
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solaireverie · 7 months
i have to wake up at 6h30 tmrw for school but i raise you: carlando mafia au (goddamn i'm attached to my mafia aus) where they go on vacation at the same time and are forced to share a villa but they don't know each others identities
cue ✨ tension ✨ and ✨ romance ✨ and ✨ drama ✨
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✨ imagine ✨
thought i'd join into the fun. Lem's Kakashi imagine / Taryn's Gai imagine
You wipe the sweat off your brows as you stir the sauce on the stove. Cooking is not your speciality, but you know that you have more time than your partner, so you try your hardest.
You sigh through the heat. Something is not quite working right, you can smell the burn before you see it. 
“Fuck.” You normally don’t swear, but you are frustrated. It just doesn’t want to work out like you imagine it. 
Before you can hear him, Yamato has already stepped behind you, his arms wrapping around your hips to draw you closer. “Don’t worry,” he says softly into your ear.
He is better at cooking than you, has lived alone for years, and so he only needs two movements of the hand to save your dish. 
“I was trying to do it for you,” you pout. 
Yamato presses his nose into the side of your neck. “And you did. It smells amazing. Thank you.”
You don*t have to look to know that there are little flowers sprouting from his head and shoulders, and though you don’t have the mokuton yourself, you too feel like you are blooming as long as he is with you.
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aheavenscorner · 1 year
Wip Wednesday
Some spicy spicy Hero Zelda... courtesy of @pastelsandpining for the idea for this absolute menace
Falling for His Majesty had been easy. Acting upon it would have been terribly stupid. Zelda was never known for being particularly wise.
[● ● ●]
Seven months. That was how long it took her body to completely give out. Her head hit the pillow, as it did with alarmingly little frequency. However, she opened her eyes not to the blinding sun of Ordon, but to a glowing eye floating in the void. Zelda groaned. If the devil was here to haunt her for her mistakes, she might as well try to reason with it. “What the hell do you want with me?” The demon figure blinked. Clearly, it was not expecting that sort of reaction. Slowly, it emerged from the shadows, eerily tall, clad in armor and mildly annoyed. As far as she knew, the devil didn’t wear armor, so that was a win. “For seven months I have been trying to reach you, hero of Twilight. I am surprised at your endurance and, quite frankly, your stubbornness.” Zelda crossed her arms. “Has it occurred to you that I want nothing to do with what you want to tell me and maybe, just maybe, that’s why I’m being stubborn?” “Of course it has. However, you have little choice.” “Don’t care.” The ghost sighed deeply. “Will you listen to me now or would you rather your body completely gives out and you have no choice but to be trapped in the realm of the dead?"
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