#spider man spider man
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...it's giving... "hello may I speak to you about our lord and saviour Undertaker?"
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blackjackkent · 4 months
Rakha badly wants to get the hell out of Last Light and out in search of Ketheric at Moonrise and turn her bloody thoughts away from Isobel and towards a proper vengeance. The problem, of course, is it's fucking dark out there. Luckily, the Harpers have an idea.
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"You mean to reach Moonrise. And I've orders to help you. The path to the Towers is drenched in blackness so deep even a torch cannot quell it. Yet the cultists have found a way to move freely. Whatever this method, you must claim it. A cultist convoy crosses the land as we speak. I've readied an ambush. Say the word and we fly."
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Rakha has never been so relieved to have a random person demand she do something. The cultists are an indisputable enemy. The need for violence here is practical. Perhaps she can shed enough blood to calm the beast and keep Isobel's throat unslit. "Let's take on that convoy," she says curtly. "You lead, I follow."
It's deeply unpleasant to step outside the protection of the moonshield. The brutal wrongness of the corrupted shadow magic only intensifies her existing headache and stings along her skin like daggers. But she grits her teeth and pushes forward anyway; there's no choice.
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The Harpers stage their ambush from a broken-down building. At first Rakha can't see what distinguishes it from the other equally broken buildings scattered across the ruined landscape - until she hears the soft footsteps on the nearby path, and the low murmur of voices.
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"We bring more to your church every day, my Queen... your followers are legion..."
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For a moment, Rakha forgets all of her misery, all of her inner conflict, all of her preoccupations, in favor of a complete and utter bafflement.
What in all the Hells is *that*?
The creature is enormous, perhaps seven or eight feet tall, with the torso and head of an elf and the lower body of an enormous spider like that they saw below the blighted village of Moonhaven. It speaks in a hoarse whisper, nervous and agitated, and the corrupted Weave swirls around it with each blink of its eight misshapen and asymmetrical eyes.
Alongside it are several companion travelers of varying persuasions - Rakha recognizes goblins... and, most startlingly, a man with the same tusks she herself has - an orc.
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"Your faithful stand ready, Majesty... soon we march... soon the world will bow to you..." the spider creature mumbles.
It is speaking to the Absolute, Rakha guesses. Some sort of prayer. These are, presumably, the cultists the Harpers spoke of. And the secret of their transit is the light the spider creature holds - no ordinary torch but a lamp glowing pale silver.
Immediately all her attention fixates on that light. The purity of its magic stands against the corruption all around it. She must have it. It is beauty and safety. It will get them to Moonrise.
"That is what we came for," she mutters under her breath. The Harper at her elbow nods.
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"Ere! Web-arse!" one of the goblins yelps suddenly, pointing up towards the building. "Something moved up there. Want me to drag it out?"
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Rakha goes perfectly still - not even breathing. They cannot lose their element of surprise - they cannot risk losing that lamp. With every bit of her willpower she waits, she holds back--
Stay hidden, keep watching.
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"They stay in the light!" the spider creature hisses. "They do not go into the dark."
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The goblin laughs. "Didn't figure something as big and ugly as you for a coward," she taunts, drawing her sword and turning in the direction where she saw Rakha's movement.
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She never finishes the action. The creature raises its sword and slashes the blade in a single brutal blow across the goblin's throat. Blood spatters out across the dirt, glinting in the light from the pale lantern.
"NO!" the creature bellows, ignoring please from its compatriots to stay its hand. "THEY WILL NOT GO INTO THE DARK! THEY WILL NOT BECOME SHADOWS! THEY WILL NOT FEED THE CURSE!"
It slashes and slashes again; the goblin, long since dead, bounces a little under the impacts. Eventually the creature calms, and pulls its legs under it in a crouching position; its harsh breathing turns to soft, pleading whimpers.
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"Forgive me, my queen..." it mumbles in agitation. "But I had to. Before the dark got any stronger..."
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Rakha's head whirls. The blood smell is sudden and intense, blanking out other thought. The strain of the day feels suddenly stretched beyond the breaking point.
Kill, says the beast, furious and hungry for slaughter. Kill it. Kill it now.
With no more concern for timing or warning her allies to prepare, she lurches from cover and slams out into the convoy in a wave of flame.
Emerge from the shadows and attack!
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"HERETICS!" the creature screams as the fire surges around it. "BLASPHEMERS IN THE DARK!"
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supernightboy08 · 2 years
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Battle Of The Peters
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My favorite thing about J. Jonah Jameson is that he just hates Spider-Man. He supports mutants and doesn't hate enhanced people. He's not racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic. He just hates Spider-Man. And I'm half convinced that he's faking for the publicity.
He'd probably get pissed if he hears someone hating on Spider-Man for being enhanced.
"Spiderman isn't a menace because he can climb walls! He's a menace because he's climbing walls without a license or safety equipment! He's setting a bad example!"
"I just want you to know that you that your identity as an enhanced person is valid. Your identity as Spiderman is trash."
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saintlaurentproblems · 6 months
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Wait that’s fucking weird lol
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not-spiders · 10 months
here’s to all the weird little girls growing up into even weirder men
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sparebutton · 1 year
(Across the Spider-Verse spoiler)
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animentality · 6 months
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kinoselynn · 8 days
quick spideypoolverine.
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junkfoodcinemas · 7 months
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Spider-Man 3 (2007) dir. Sam Raimi
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For those wondering - Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 #338 (Hobgoblin sprays Spider-man with poison) and #339 (Doc Ock reveals the poison only becomes lethal when combined with cocaine).
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supernightboy08 · 2 years
I Pefer Spectacular Spider-Man Over Freshman Year!
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crystal-bytes · 11 months
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Spider-Man 3 (2007) / The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) / Donald Glover: Weirdo (2012) / Community 2x01 "Anthropology 101" (2010) / Ultimate Fallout #4 (2011) / "Not Going Back" Live Performance (2011) / Ultimate Spider-Man 3x11 "The Spider-Verse: Part Three" (2015) / Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) / Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) / Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023)
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Something REALLY interesting about this scene
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At the beginning of the scene Miles confronts Gwen about the 'small elite strike-team' comment.
Gwen lies and plays it off, saying that most of them are part-time anyway.
IMMEDIATELY after that in the next line dialogue, Hobie confronts Gwen and asks her 'Gwendy, how much have you told him about his place in all this? - Maybe not enough.'
Hobie is expressioning disappointment towards Gwen. He doesn't approve of her lying to Miles, knowing what's gonna happen to him. He doesn't agree with them keeping him in the dark - which is why later in the scene he says
'I haven't gotten a Scooby Doo, mate. But that's what they want.'
He's warning Miles that they're keeping in him the dark, on purpose.
ONCE AGAIN Hobie showing foward thinking and outwardly disapproving of the obviously unfair treatment that Miles is given. He's not angry at Gwen, but he's willing to tell her straight up that she's not doing or telling Miles enough to protect him.
Miles deserved to know Miguel's motives BEFORE meeting him. That's why he pointed it out then.
He's ALWAYS looking out for Miles
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usaigi · 1 year
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I hate the implication that the Spider-Man in our universe is the goddamn popsicle
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