#spiky rubber ball
fulflexrubberproducts · 3 months
Spiky Balls
Our spiky balls are made with synthetic latex-free rubber containing blunt spikes on their surface to help stimulate muscles. These spikes employ an acupressure technique that releases muscle tension and relieve aches and pains in body.
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sauriansolutions · 7 months
FloRid Thoughts...
Riddle has a favorite seat in every class: front row, closest to the teacher. Everyone knows and respects that's Riddle's Spot. No one dares to try to take it from him or mess with it in any way.
Well, except...
One day, Floyd starts leaving stuff on Riddle's desk. Not chewed gum or pencil shavings, or anything like that. Also not folded notes or small, wrapped boxes. Just bafflingly random things.
"Floyd, did you just put a rock on my desk?"
"... Why?"
"It's for you Goldfishie!"
"What am I supposed to do with a rock?"
"Ehh, whatever you want~"
This starts happening almost every day. One day, it's a spiky seed pod from a sweetgum tree that he found on the ground. Another day, it's two juniper berries picked from a bush outside the classroom. Then, a worn rubber eraser, with pencil marks that look like a frowny face.
By this point in his school life, Riddle has decided the best way to deal with Floyd's antics is to ignore them. He accepts each new item with an eyeroll and some form of, "Wow. I've always wanted a pencil that's been sharpened all the way down to the eraser. Thanks so much, Floyd."
"You're welcome lil Goldfish!" Floyd inevitably beams in response, as he goes skipping away to his actual class, or more likely, to goof off somewhere.
Riddle has no idea what to do with these "gifts." He really should throw them out, he thinks. After all, they're just junk. Just some weird prank Floyd has decided to play on him.
Instead, for some reason, Riddle keeps them. He puts them in a shoebox under his bed, where he doesn't have to look at them. (Except when he takes the box out every day to add a new item.) Where he doesn't have to think about them. (Except on nights when he can't sleep, and finds himself wondering.)
Riddle is a top student, but even he can't take every elective class. Which is too bad, because if he'd taken Cultural Studies of the Deep, he'd have known that symbolic gift-giving is a common way of expressing interest in a prospective mate, in many regions of the coral sea.
Maybe it is better that he doesn't know. Because, much as Floyd may love certain traits of his, Riddle might not appreciate the tiny pencil denoting his short status. Or the fact that the eraser looks just like his face when he's mad (it's even pink!)
But he might appreciate the realization that the rock (also pink), is shaped like a rose. That the juniper berries are the exact same blue-gray shade of his eyes, and the sweetgum ball looks like a small, spiky hedgehog.
What Riddle thinks remains to be seen. It probably won't be long before he starts putting the pieces of the puzzle together.
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beybuniki · 6 months
Chat I'm so fucking sorry
You woke up excited. It was your 18th birthday and your mom said you could get your ears pierced! Tossing your (h/c) hair in a messy bun and deciding to wear a Fall Out Boy t-shirt with ripped jeans, you pulled on your Converse as you got ready to head to the mall.
When you went into the mall, your mom let you wander around. You couldn't help looking around in awe- no matter how many times that you came here, it was always one of the best places in [UNNAMED MIDWESTERN CITY]. You went into Hot Topic to look around and she even bought an anime pin for you!!
Since you'd decided to get lunch before you got your ears pierced, you and your mom headed to the food court. You ordered (favorite food) and she got a sandwich, and she went to find a table as you waited for your meal.
While you were waiting in line, you heard a voice behind you ask, "Is this (establishment)?" You turned around and saw what had to be the hottest guy you'd ever seen! He had bright blue-green eyes that stared through your soul, a dreamy botched dye job in his hair, and staples all over the parts of his body that you could see. You privately wished you could see more of it, those staples were sooo hawt!!!
"Um, yes," you said shyly in response, your (e/c) eyes unable to look at his for too long. He nodded broodily and turned to look at the menu, while you had an internal freakout just from talking to such a handsome goth guy.
You got your food soon enough and went to sit down with your mom, instantly telling her about the hot guy you'd seen. She laughed and asked if you had a crush on him, to which you blushed and said NO!! Besides, you only just met him today, and you'd probably never see him again.... right?
After you finished your food, your mom suggested that you get your ears pierced first and then get dessert afterward. You agreed, and the two of you headed to Claire's together.
You were excited as you looked through the earrings in the store, wondering which of them you'd get to wear in the future. There were butterflies and donuts and spiky rubber balls that were so cute!
As your mom led you towards the piercing chair, you felt a little nervous. But when you got there and saw the worker.... it was the goth guy from the food court!
He seemed to recognize you by the way his eyes widened a little bit, and you waved timidly at him before sitting down. "Is this your first time getting pierced?" he asked in that oh-so-sexy forty year smoker voice.
"Yeah, it's my birthday," you replied, and he pulled a piece of candy from a drawer and handed it to you while he told you, "Happy birthday, then."
He loaded the piercing gun with an earring stud and you sat nervously as he marked your ear. When he realized you looked shaky, he offered you his hand and whispered comfortingly, "It'll be okay."
You took his hand, holding it tightly and squeezing your eyes shut as he put the piercing gun up to your ear. It hurt a little, but not as bad as you were expecting. He pierced your other ear before you reluctantly let go of his hand.
"Do you live around here?" he asked as you looked in the mirror to admire your new piercings. You nodded, which he seemed happy about. He found a piece of paper in the cashier desk as your mom put her credit card in and wrote something down on it, giving it to you.
It was.... his number!! You blushed and smiled at him, and he smirked back flirtatiously as you twirled your hair around your finger. Winking at you, he told you, "Call me sometime."
You couldn't believe your luck. You got your ears pierced, got an anime pin, AND got a hot guy's number! Best birthday ever.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year
Do the boys ever interact with Rufus Shinra?
Ah, yes. The incident...
• It started when Zack went to the Turk's floor to pick up Cissnei. She and Aerith had recently become friendly and the puppy was tagging along on their girl's night.
• He goes to her apartment and she says she's finishing up some reports before she retires for the night. Zack's bored and since he can't sit still for much longer, he keeps touching things he's not supposed to and distracting Cissnei from her work.
• She has enough and tells him to leave the apartment for a bit so she can finish up, suggesting he takes a stroll around the Turk floor.
• Zack's cool with this. He knows exactly what to do. He'll go find Tseng! Tseng's his buddy too, right? So off Zack goes toward the offices, and excitedly knocks on Tseng's door.
• After no answer, he tries the door and finds it unlocked. The office is empty with no Tseng in sight....
• But oh??? What's this??? There's a dog! Er...At least Zack thinks it's a dog. It's wagging its tail at least! And it senses Zack's naturally friendly nature.
• Zack is lovestruck by the dog, who immediately comes up and starts sniffing and licking him. He reads the spiky chain collar. Darkstar! That's her name!
• Enchanted by his new friend, Zack starts to feel sad and confused. Why would Tseng lock away such a cute friend in his office? All alone! With no one to love her!
• He wasn't aware Tseng even had a dog, or better: was a dog person. Poor Tseng. He's so busy he probably doesn't even have time to care for his new pet.
• It doesn't matter. Zack will help! But first, he takes out his phone and snaps a super cute selfie of him and Darkstar. He sends it to the last person he had texted: Genesis.
• Made a new friend! :) I'm going to take her out for a walk! #PupandPup
• Genesis had been working late in his office. He was going to finish all these late mission reports by tonight! Goddess be damned. He was going to prove Sephiroth and Lazard wrong! How dare they claim a lame chocobo had better work ethic than him!?
• He's taking a long sip from his coffee when he hears his phone ding. Ugh, he really shouldn't be entertaining social media nor answering texts. But it's okay, he's been overexerting himself. He deserves a little break.
• Taking another sip of his coffee, he reaches for his phone and—
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• Genesis is scrambling. He's throwing open doors, booking it down the hallway and leaping into the elevator.
• He gets to Angeal's door and starts pounding on the door, kicking, screaming, the whole nine yards. Angeal opens it looking bewildered. A concerned Sephiroth is peeking out from behind him. Both men are still in uniform, thankfully, and look to have been in the middle of some drinks.
• Genesis does a poor job of explaining himself. He's hyperventilating, stomping his foot and pointing down the hallway all while mimicking dying fish noises.
• When Angeal and Sephiroth exchange puzzled looks, Genesis pulls out his phone and shoves the picture of Zack in their faces.
• It takes 0.2 seconds for them to connect the dots and run.
• The three are tripping over themselves, slipping and panicking all as they rush to find Zack. They're just—
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• Meanwhile Zack is enthused! He and Darkstar are having a blast running all over the tower and playing catch with a rubber band ball he'd found in Tseng's office.
• That all changes when a blur of red leather rushes in and tackles him to the ground. Zack is crushed and pinned by Genesis in place. Angeal and Sephiroth have secured Darkstar by her chains. Her tail's wagging, she's excited as she sniffs Sephiroth's hand. More friends, yay!
• Zack: Hey! What gives? Get off me, you weigh like, a thousand pounds!"
• Sephiroth: Why is it licking my hand?
• Zack: Yeah! Tseng! He got a new dog and the poor thing was stuck in his office!
• Angeal: Zack! That's Rufus ShinRa's dog!
• Sephiroth: It is now chewing my glove. What do I do?
• Zack: No way! ShinRa Jr. ? I never pegged him as a dog lover.
• Sephiroth: *pets Darkstar* There, there, who's a good.... monstrous abomination?
• Genesis: Yeah, well, he is! And this is his personal guard dog. Do you know how much trouble we'd all be in if you were seen with it!?
• Sephiroth: *continues to pet* You know, the poor creature looks enhanced. This has Hojo's hand all over it.
• Angeal: Look, let's just get this dog back in Tseng's office before Rufus notices it's missing.
• Angeal, Zack and Genesis turn around and—
• .......................
• Genesis: HEY, UH, SEPHIROTH!?
• Sephiroth: Yes?
• Genesis: WHERE'S THE DOG!?
• Sephiroth, looking pleased, points down the hallway where Darkstar is seen running away at light speed.
• Sephiroth: It's free now.
• Genesis: SON OF A—
• The four of them start sprinting after her. The security cameras around that particular area of the tower capture the wild goose chase. Darkstar runs down stairs, into elevators, and finally slows down just enough for Zack to latch onto one of her chains.
• Zack, refusing to let go, is now eating dirt as he's dragged by Darkstar. And Darkstar is only picking up speed.
• Meanwhile, Cissnei is ready to go, and is waiting for Zack at a booth near the Sky View Hall.
• She watches in wonder as Darkstar bolts past her seat with a long chain trailing behind her. Then in comes a screaming Zack being dragged across the ground. Lastly, Sephiroth, Genesis and Angeal are seen running after him.
• Cissnei sighs, then takes out her phone. She texts Aerith: I'll meet you at Goblin's bar in sector 8. Zack's not coming.
• Aerith: Why not?
• Cissnei: Because he's going to be arrested.
• Meanwhile, Darkstar leads the party all the way down into a conference room on the 30th floor. Horror starts to sink in as the 1st class trio remember the interdepartmental meeting currently happening in there.
• Oh no.
• Darkstar throws open the door and rushes inside. Heads turn at the long conference table as every single director (Scarlet, Heidegger, Reeve, Palmer, Hojo, Lazard and the president) watches as Darkstar makes a beeline for Rufus.
• Darkstar barks happily and tackles Rufus out of his seat. Zack crashes onto the conference table, slides across it, then falls directly onto President ShinRa.
• Tseng is hyperventilating.
• Director Lazard sees the 1st class trio appear in the doorway looking disheveled. Sephiroth's hair is a mess, Angeal is out of breath, and Genesis is coughing up blood.
• Lazard passes out.
• Zack sheepishly gets up. Heidegger and Reeve run to help the president, who is bright red and nonverbal with anger.
• Rufus sits up. He's laughing as Darkstar licks him and demands attention. "Poor thing. Couldn't keep away from me for two seconds, could you?" He notices Zack and nods appreciatively. "Lieutenant Fair. Thanks for fetching her for me."
• While Angeal and Genesis run to go help Director Lazard, Sephiroth stares sadly at Darkstar. And then his eyes pin Hojo in place and that sadness is replaced by pure, unbridled fury.
• "You," he hisses, and starts towards Hojo.
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noble-ara · 11 months
Now here me out! My youngest brother(who was 3 at the time of the event) fell out of my apartment window (we live on the third floor which is the highest floor of our apartment.) And landed right in-between some spiky bushes and the metal electrical things (I can't remember what they are called can someone please help me 〒⁠﹏⁠〒 ). The crazy part is that my brother literally walked it off. The doctors literally said that the only damage he took was the scratches on his back and him biting his tongue causing it to bleed, and maybe a bruise on his liver but it was so small that the doctor didn't even count it as an injury! After that I did some research on the human body and found out that the human child is basically a bouncy ball. Their bones are slightly bendable and stretchy so that they have a harder time breaking and can grow properly. That's also the reason why kids have 270 bones while adults have 206(some have 213), because the child skeleton literally absorbs itself so that it can get stronger. Now I did more research on this to find out why and I found out that you can only find this phenomenon in tree dwellers like apes cause when the children start to learn how to climb and leave their parents they tend to fall down. So they evolved to have flexible skeletons with more bones to help them out when they fall.
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pallastrology · 1 year
grounding skills
hello friends, today i thought i'd talk about grounding.
(when i talk about grounding, i'm talking about the self-help technique, not the witchcraft practice, though there are some similarities between them. i will make a post about grounding and centering in witchcraft another time.)
when we are stressed, one of the ways the brain can respond is to enter a state of dissociation. dissociation runs on a spectrum, and at the extreme end, it can be a highly distressing and frightening experience, and if this is something you can relate to, i would recommend reaching out to a licensed mental health professional for support. at the milder end of the spectrum, dissociation can feel like daydreaming, losing track of time, or a feeling of numbness or disconnection. sometimes this state of dissociation can feel safe and comforting, but at other times, it's confusing, frustrating or even frightening. to bring us back, we want to ground ourselves.
grounding is the act of reconnecting to our minds, bodies and the world around us. there are lots of methods to ground, and it takes time to discover what works best for you, but below is a list of techniques and tricks to help ground.
broadly speaking, grounding skills can be grouped into physical / sensory, mental / intellectual, and coregulatory. today, i'm mostly writing about physical and sensory methods of grounding. if you'd like to learn about other techniques, let me know and i can write another post! i hope you find this post helpful :-) - kira xo
sight: name and describe 5 things you can see. imagine you were writing a description of the object for a novel. study the objects, and get to know them. drawing from memory and then comparing is a more fun way to utilise your sight.
smell: smell is one of our strongest senses, so it's brilliant to utilise for grounding. i use citrusy scents to ground myself to the present day. peppermint and coffee are really good for this, too. it could be a certain perfume, or even something like detergent.
sound: here, we could think about putting on a video, audiobook or podcast, listening to a voice message from a friend, listening to music, or practicing being mindful and listening to the sounds around you. what do you hear? birdsong, traffic, a radio playing somewhere?
touch: there are two threads to this method; texture and temperature. i personally have a spiky rubber ball for physiotherapy that works brilliantly for texture, and holding ice cubes or a hot mug of tea (be careful not to burn yourself if you're feeling numb) can be really useful starting points for temperature.
taste: when feeling numb, taste can be useful to bring us back. as with smell, citrus, mint or coffee are all good tastes to try. chilies can be good too, as they can be an intense sensory experience. you could also try tastes that have a positive emotional tie, like a particular tea, or something sweet or comforting.
an anchoring object: for this, i use a rough-cut crystal that fits in the palm of my hand but isn't sharp. it's cool and has lots of texture, and i can grip it as firmly as i need to without causing any harm. for an anchor object, it's a good idea to choose something that reminds you of the present day, or of something comforting. this object can be used when you're feeling disconnected, to help remind you of when and where you are. any additional properties help
moving your body: movement helps to bring us out of a freeze response. you don't have to go for a run or start dancing - though these are both helpful and if you can, great! even subtle movements can help, and they may feel more manageable too. i like to start by stretching gently, and paying attention to where i'm tense or numb. you can shake out tension, drum up some energy with speed-walking, tap along to a comforting song, or just get up and make your bed. it all helps.
muscle relaxation: this is a way to physically ground yourself, and it helps with anxiety too. allow yourself to focus on just one part of your body - say, your jaw. tense it as much as you can, and hold that tension for a few seconds. then, slowly relax your jaw until it's completely loose. now, do this for your facial muscles. and now, your neck and shoulders. you can use this technique as a full-body grounding method, or just where you feel safe to do so.
anchoring yourself: i learned this technique in therapy actually! when you notice you're feeling disconnected and spacey, find a chair with arms. sit straight in the chair with your back gently pressing against the back of the chair. put your arms against the armrests, and gently hold onto them. if it helps, you can alternate gripping and releasing the armrests. now, plant your feet onto the ground, and visualise yourself taking root in the ground as you do. if you're anxious, it can help to practice some breathing techniques while you do this. i've found it to be a very helpful way of bringing yourself back down to earth.
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the-pale-chancellor · 8 months
i literally cant remember if i asked you about saer'llith yet so im just gonna ask/again cuz why not!! wooohoo!! obligatory answer as many/little as you want hehe 🧡🧡
🧼 Soap - Does OC have good hygiene? What is their routine or methods?
💸 Money With Wings - Would OC commit tax evasion?
🎮 Video Game - What would OC's gamertag/username be?
✍🏽 Writing Hand - Your OC is given five seconds to edit/alter/adjust something about themselves (or their story). What do they try to change?
📈 Chart Increasing - What company/nobility/etc. would sponsor OC?
🎨 Artist Palette - If OC was a color (or palette), what color would they be? Would others assign them the same color?
👔 Necktie - Does OC dress Modestly? Skimpy? Classy? etc. Do they have a dynamic, loud, quiet, etc. style?
👑 Crown - What textures are part of OC's clothes? Fluffy? Spiky? Leathery? Puffy? Feathery? What about shiny, silky, lacy, etc.?
🐬 Dolphin - Would OC be a JJBA character?
🎭 Performing Arts - If others wanted to join a cult devoted to OC, what choices would OC (or you) have in the style, theme, design?
📖 Open Book - Share a moodboard you associate/made for OC!
🛒 Shopping Cart - OC suddenly has a lot of money. What is most likely the cause of this? What do they spend it on?
🎼 Musical Score - Share an OC playlist you associate/made for OC!
🎸 Guitar - Someone hands OC a guitar and tells them to play Wonderwall. What do they do?
👂🏽 Ear - What sounds does OC enjoy? If OC likes ASMR, which types of ASMR?
💋 Kiss Mark - Is OC promiscuous? Do they have a lot of lovers, partners, and/or friends with benefits?
😏 Smirking Face - How freaky is OC? What does OC do that they believe is freaky?
🎓 Graduation Cap - OC is giving a motivational speech. What do they say? Who are they saying it to?
🥰 Smiling Face With Hearts - What do you love about OC? What events, art, work do you love to put OC in?
👩🏽‍⚖️ Woman Judge - Why don't some people like OC? What did they do?
💀 Skull - Is OC cursed? Haunted? Possessed? Fated to tragedy?
🔮 Crystal Ball - OC has witnessed a dark omen. What is the omen, superstition, or message that is witnessed?
🪓 Axe - What tragic/dark events, art, work, do you love (or love to hate) to put OC in?
Nope, I haven't answered it yet mhwhahwhah. Here we go then :>
1. Does OC have good hygiene? What is their routine or methods? -We're in Barovia, what's a hygiene lmao /j -Everyone says that Saer'llith reminds them of a cat so he probably behaves like one in terms of cleaning himself. -Loves a good bath, sinks into the water like his life depends on it. -Would put a rubber duck there. Or Escher. -Never had enough shower products in the Underdark so when in Baldur's Gate, he'd just buy the whole stock. -Would also buy shimmering bath salt, not caring about the fact that he already shimmers in the dark because of his white freckles. A drama queen at his best.
2. Would OC commit tax evasion? -We've already committed it by entering Vallaki tbh. -Would do that again. -Only to irritate Strahd (and Vasili). -"Money? No, I don't have any :D"
3. What would OC's gamertag/username be? -Would either go for something simple or the most dramatic one you can find in the whole Internet. -Others would still call him nothing but Saira (rus for Saury fish). -Would always have the "Don't bother" sign in Discord and other social media. -No one would care and would write them 24/7. -Is somehow good at playing RPGs, would easily beat Dark Souls series or Elden ring but never a simple UNO game. -His own autocorrect hates his name so you get something like Safety'line Deer. (Our master's autocorrect called him Malolitrazhka which is like..a small car that doesn't need much fuel or smth)(We stan the autocorrect)(Has someone already called a drow a small car? I doubt)
4. Your OC is given five seconds to edit/alter/adjust something about themselves (or their story). What do they try to change? -Oof, I bet someone from our campaign is going to read this and thus I won't answer straight away. It's something Strahd will propose to him hehe. -But would also probably change his decision to enter Barovia. he hates it there lmao.
5. If OC was a color (or palette), what color would they be? Would others assign them the same color? -Dusty violet, pale red, white and black are totally his colours. -/insert Lex's joke about everyone being colourful bastards and him being just plain grey/ -Others in Barovia would just think that he's a dusk elf and not a drow and would call him "Oi, black elf!"...Despire him being slightly violet and having like 6 ears.
6. Does OC dress Modestly? Skimpy? Classy? etc. Do they have a dynamic, loud, quiet, etc. style? What textures are part of OC's clothes? Fluffy? Spiky? Leathery? Puffy? Feathery? What about shiny, silky, lacy, etc.? -Eh, it's more of a quiet classy style. He prefers to wear a white puffy-sleeved shirt tucked into black leather corset. Sometimes a coat over the shoulders. -But oh boy if he sees something shiny- Probably has little chains over his boots, chained earring, silver rings on his middle fingers and other trinkets that he collects for exactly zero reason and purpose. -Has a white crescent tattoo on his chest under the clothes. No one knows probably hehe. -Dinner!Saer'llith would have an awfully dramatic shirt with red beads stitched onto it to look like blood. Escher would probably be the one to offer him this.
7. Would OC be a JJBA character? -I had to google what this is. Ah yes, Jojo. -nO? I am bad at anime lmao, I have no idea about the plot whatsoever. -But his stand would totally be Lychdrow Dyrr.
8. If others wanted to join a cult devoted to OC, what choices would OC (or you) have in the style, theme, design? -First - he would hate it. >:D -Second - little crescent piercing over the right brow would totally be a symbol. Or anything moon-related overall, even the earrings. -No, he isn't a Selune enjoyer. In this house we stan Ilmater. -NO SPIDERS.
9. Share a moodboard you associate/made for OC!
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10. Share an OC playlist you associate/made for OC! [ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqbNSCxPt0jzsz_Il_7apeWauF8AeJm8e&si=y3ep2ZyZRyKpUl3P ] [ https://vk.com/music/playlist/439090691_18 ] -The latter one may not be working if you don have a VK account so you just get the same one in youtube :(
11. Someone hands OC a guitar and tells them to play Wonderwall. What do they do? -"What's a guitar? What's a Wonder-..what?? Do you make up new words as we go or something?.." -Totally cannot play any musical instrument or sing..or dance. I doubt the Underdark had any of these, especially where he was imprisoned for like a hundred years. -Escher would make him learn the organ or a lyre. He wouldn't be able to say no. -We stan bard!Escher in this house.
12. What sounds does OC enjoy? If OC likes ASMR, which types of ASMR? -They enjoy running water, wind in the forest, crackling of a fire. Genuinely every sound that he's never heard before while in the Underdark. Everything fascinates him but he doesn't like to show much of these emotions on his face. -But not any voice ASMR, absolutely nope. Not even when someone whispers in his ears.
13. Is OC promiscuous? Do they have a lot of lovers, partners, and/or friends with benefits? -He's demiromantic asexual that leans more into aromantic spectrum. -He absolutely doesn't have any lovers or partners and it is difficult for him to form a relationship with anyone in general. -Though ever since he escaped Menzoberranzan one of his true wishes was to find his "Home". And that word alone does not mean a single place. He was looking for a person, someone he can finally be safe with. -And oh boy how painful it was for him to understand that his heart beats twice not only for some god forsaken human, but for a vampire who threatened them and the whole Vallaki at some point. -He still has hard time understanding himself honestly. -Bonus points!: [baldur's gate AU] where Escher actually died during the last battle with Strahd and the Emperor chose Escher's appearance to come into Saer'llith's dreams. The latter one hated it with all his heart but wished for nothing but to have another dream where he can see his Home.
14. What do you love about OC? What events, art, work do you love to put OC in? -I honestly created him randomly at some point of time. I just desperately wanted to play as a drow (and let me say that I've never played dnd before the CoS campaign we're having now). So 30 minutes in Wikipedia, House Agrach Dyrr and you have a Lychheir Wild Magic Sorcerer. -Love skribbling him on a piece of paper. Especially his 6 ears. No one can draw them properly lmao. Just imagine an axolotl and here you go. Why does he have 6? No one knows..apart from the Abbot apparently, do not ask. -He technically has a predcessor OC from another fandom that I never got to roleplay as so they were left as a rough idea. Their name was Xie Hentian (a scorpio who hates the skies, this is a translation of his current name atp), a MDZS character, Jin Guangshan's blind concubine (not by their choice), later a merciful demon who seeks for a Home. You get the idea. -But apart from this information you won't see Saer'llith in any other fandom other than DnD.
15. Why don't some people like OC? What did they do? -The fact that they're a drow is enough for like half of the Faerun population honestly. -That's why he hates this half of the population back. -In the Underdark the other drow were afraid of him (and hated him altogether) solely because of his lych powers as a sorcerer. -Yeah, you heard that right. His existence was enough for them to hate him. -mrdr
16 Is OC cursed? Haunted? Possessed? Fated to tragedy? -Again to the Lychdrow we go. If you google who that is, you'll probably know how powerful this guy was and that he's like...dead. The very day he died, a part of his soul merged with Saer'llith's, giving him his powers. -After that he literally has to supress this dark part of his soul, otherwise it can escape and make him its puppet. -If entering Barovia counts as a curse cuz we're playing Curse of Strahd then yes, he's cursed twice lmao
17. What tragic/dark events, art, work, do you love (or love to hate) to put OC in? -Again, that one Baldur's gate AU is the thing that makes me a mess. Especially when we consider the fact that I also befriended Astarion and killed Cazador. Like. If Saer'llith had a nickel every time he got stuck with a vampire and kill their master, he would have two nickels. That isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice. -He would also refuse to tell his companions about any of his time in Barovia. -At some point he would make a fake grave near Daggerfort and write Escher's name on it. Once a year he would come there, sit silently for all night and go back to the camp in the morning. Astarion wanted to ask a few times but never had enough strength to do it. -Also ever since his return from Barovia, he would never take his blindfold off. No, he doesn't need it at all, he's used to the sunlight already, but he wears it as a sign that he'll never open up to anyone anymore. Escher was his only Home.
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vanillachaiwhiskey · 10 months
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realized i could make moodboards with pride flag colors so here's one with the mlm flag :)
[id: a green, white, and blue moodboard featuring the following: a light green rope bone dog toy; a green puppy plush with green diamond patterned fabric for the belly and ears; a light green rubber chew toy with two spheres at either end of a cylinder and bumps for texture; a set of white puppy ears and tail, with pink bows on them; a white dog toy tug rope with a white tennis ball in the middle; a set of blue dog bone chew toys, one dark blue and one with the wavy blue and teal pattern seen on some paper cups from the 90s; a spiky light blue dog ball with a pawprint on it; a set of blue textured dog toys with a bone and a donut-shaped toy. end id.]
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karma-lynn101 · 7 months
"Where Would I Be Without You?"
Summary: Losing a seemingly unwinnable battle in the vestige realm against the blended forms of AFO and Shigaraki, Izuku feels hopeless.
....Not if Kacchan has anything to say about.
Word count: 1,408
Izuku stands in the void, somewhere between the realms of All for One and One for All. Twinkling stars that line the sky of One for All have been snuffed out by All for One’s incessant need to consume. 
There’s no one left. All the vestiges have sacrificed themselves to stop an unstoppable force. Shigaraki’s hatred has bled through both realms. It’s hard to focus, especially when All for One’s vestige is leering at him. Taunting him. Telling Izuku that he’s failed and to give up. 
And he feels…. hopeless. 
Of course, he can’t show that. This isn’t a training exercise that he can afford to fail. There’s more on the line than a trip to summer camp, or bragging rights in the hallway between the two hero classes. Failure means letting his predecessors’ sacrifices go in vain. Failure means allowing Shigaraki’s decay to spread. 
It means he’s personally responsible for all the chaos and calamity that happens next. 
The death.
The destruction. 
Izuku swallows past the lump in his throat. His mouth feels dry, staring down the monstrosity that is neither half-Shigaraki, half-All for One, but an uneven mix of both. It’s hard to discern which parts are Shigaraki and which parts are All for One. 
“Midoriya!” Shigaraki’s gravelly voice shouts across the battlefield. There’s no malice in his voice. It trembles a little, muffled through the layers of flesh and hands covering his mouth. He sounds hurt. He sounds scared.
Me too, Izuku thinks to himself. Me too. 
But he can’t be scared. Heroes don’t get scared. Being scared means failure. And his mind is already going over what that means (again). 
“It’s fine…” Izuku starts the famous catchphrase, but it dies in his throat. Pieces of a broken city float behind the merged-being. All he can smell is burning rubber, melted plastic, and sulfur. 
“What are you going to do!?” All for One barks out. “You are nothing without One for All. That power was the only thing that made you special.” He seems to take great pleasure in telling Izuku this. Sipping on each and every syllable. “What are you, except a useless, worthless Deku?”
His eyes burn. “I’m going to stop you! I’m going to save-”
“Save who?” All for One asks, lowering his voice. But he might as well be standing right next to Izuku, hovering over his shoulder. “You can’t save anyone. You couldn’t even save the quirk that All Might wrongly gave to you.”
Izuku steadies himself. He tries to find a hidden anger within. That same boiling rage that he took out on Shigaraki not ten minutes prior. It has to be somewhere, tucked away. But the harder he tries to grab onto it, the more he finds himself breaking apart at the seams. 
He pants, throat tight and heart racing.
Suddenly, he’s no longer Deku, the hero student, but deku, the boy who can’t do anything right. 
Izuku trembles, hands balling and unballing into fists. “Stop!” He cries out, but All for One only digs his heels in. His mocking laughter pokes and prods at Izuku’s psyche. “S-stop.” He feels the telltale wetness running down his face. 
I can’t. I can’t. I can’t. I-
His head perks up. That voice!
“Why are you letting that geezer boss you around?”
Automatically a single word falls from his mouth. “Kacchan?” He goes to turn his head, but a gloved hand on his shoulder stops him. Izuku stares at it, not comprehending anything else.
Kacchan’s hand moves from his shoulder to his chin, gently moving Izuku’s focus to his face. Selfishly, Izuku drinks in every little detail. The barely-there scar just above his eye he got from a biking accident when they were kids. The small beauty mark, usually hidden by spiky hair, on his earlobe. Izuku soaks it all in, because this has to be a hallucination. His brain is granting him one last nice thing before he dies. 
His eyes finally meet Kacchan’s fiery red. Izuku always thought it was a nice color. Red on orange. He’s stared into these eyes so many times before; he could draw them from memory in perfect detail a thousand times over, and still never grow weary of looking into them.  
But there’s something different about them now, as he looks into those eyes. Something that confuses Izuku. 
“Izuku,” Kacchan says again, voice turning a little sterner. But it lacks any of the venom that it held before. “Izuku, I need you here.”
Izuku continues to stare into his eyes, trying to figure out what’s different about them. His brain feels sluggish, unable to process anything else. In the background, he can vaguely make out All for One monologuing about one thing or another. 
“Izuku, please.”
And that, that shakes something loose inside of him. Izuku can’t remember Kacchan resorting to begging to anyone, least of all him. Deku. The boy whose accomplishments start and end with One for All. 
Kacchan never begs or pleads for anything.
He stares into those fiery eyes, and those fiery eyes stare back. Something occurs to Izuku then. Two puzzle pieces clicking into place. 
“Kacchan,” he breathes.
That look in his eyes. It’s tender. It’s sweet. It's a fondness unlike any other. It’s….
Kacchan's smile grows. “There you are.” There’s a note of worry in his voice, like he’s scared that Izuku might have been gone forever. He leans forward, hand still holding Izuku’s chin sweetly. He says only four words. “Do your best, Izuku.”
Kacchan’s hand falls away from his face, and Izuku has to fight the urge to chase it. He fades, as if he had never been there at all. A ghost of a memory. 
Izuku places a hand over his cheek, longing for the warm, gentle touch to return. 
“Well, that was certainly entertaining!” All for One bellows. 
Izuku narrows his eyes. He stares down All for One with contempt. There isn’t much he can do. The odds are stacked against him. Shigaraki’s anger is almost palpable, All for One is in control, and Izuku hasn’t a single quirk in his arsenal. It would be insane to still expect to win, but-just like his mentor-he’s as insane as they come. 
He analyzes the distance between himself and All for One. The quirks that All for One still has dominion over (spikes, a strength booster, and a few that Izuku can’t place). And the chance that Shigaraki will help him fight back (ten percent. He’s crying out for help, but Izuku can’t rely on getting support). 
Izuku digs within himself for a second time. Not for boiling resentments that he can use for energy to continue fighting. He finds what he needs, holding on to it. 
“I’ll give you one chance to free Shigaraki and leave.” Even if All for One deserves to get punched on sight, it would be remiss of Izuku not to extend the same basic courtesy every other villain gets. Given, he wouldn’t usually extend them to a villain holding someone else captive, but this isn’t a normal day (for any of them). 
When All for One speaks again, it’s with the same condescending tone. So sure of himself, even after facing not one but two humiliating defeats. “Why would I leave, Izuku Midoriya? I have everything I want. All I need to do is squash you, like I squashed all those other insignificant insects.”
Izuku subtly lowers down, bracing himself. “Is that why you killed your brother?”
“I did not kill my brother!” All for One yells. “Kudou killed my brother!” He divulges into a fit of sorts, cursing the second user of One for All. And for a second, his eyes are off Izuku. 
Seeing a way in, Izuku rushes forward.
Kacchan said I should do my best, so that’s what I’m going to do!
In the split second it takes for All for One to calm down and realize Izuku’s barreling towards him, it’s already too late. 
Izuku pulls from the embers of One for All, summoning all his remaining strength into knocking the supervillain back. 
An explosion louder and more powerful than anything Izuku has seen before erupts. He’s sent flying through the expansion of desolate void. Time slows to a crawl. The burning city crumbles into nothing, raining down ash. 
Shigaraki screams. 
Right before his vision dims to black, head pounding and ears ringing, Izuku has only one thought. 
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visuallanguagerobertl · 9 months
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Spinning mechanism of pens .
Creating indexical marks on paper .I made a drawing machine using flat sided highlighter pens, masking taped onto an egg tray, The pen lid clips are a good way to keep the pens stable and all keep the same length . i also used a small box inside to hold everything in place.
The drawing machine worked best when spinning making contact with the paper. It makes a good swirling moving pattern with unpredictability . The index marks show contact and direction of movement . It fills the space well, this would be a good supporting image background to develop.
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Wet Paint is being transferred form this spiky rubber toy as the board was tilted the ball rolled through the paint showing indexical marks after travelling through he paint .
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Wet Paint is being transferred form this spiky rubber toy as the board was tilted the ball rolled through the paint showing indexical marks after travelling through he paint .
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fulflexrubberproducts · 8 months
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plabonbhuiyaa · 1 year
From Foam to Spiky: Which Massage Ball is Right for You? 
When choosing a massage ball, it's important to choose a massage ball that feels comfortable and effective for your body. From foam to spiky, each type of massage ball has its own unique benefits and drawbacks. To make sure you choose the right one for your needs, here are some tips to keep in mind when choosing a massage ball for daily use: 
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Start with a softer ball: If you're new to using massage balls, start with a softer ball like a foam ball to get used to the sensation. You can gradually work your way up to firmer balls as you become more comfortable. 
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Consider your pain tolerance: Massage balls come in different levels of firmness, from soft to very firm. If you prefer a more gentle massage, choose a softer ball. If you need a more intense massage, choose a firmer ball. 
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Think about your massage goals: Different massage balls are better suited for different massage goals. If you're looking to release fitness muscle knots and tension, a spiky ball or a lacrosse ball may be more effective. If you're looking for a more gentle massage or relaxation, a softer ball like a foam ball may be better. 
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Consider the size and shape: Massage balls come in different sizes and shapes, so it's important to choose one that feels comfortable in your hand and can easily target the areas you want to massage. 
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Look for textured surfaces: Massage balls with textured surfaces can provide a deeper massage and help stimulate blood flow. 
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Think about the material: Massage balls can be made from different materials, such as rubber, silicone, or plastic. Choose a material that feels comfortable to the touch and is easy to grip. 
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Read reviews: Before making a purchase, read reviews from other customers to see if the massage ball you're considering is effective and comfortable for their needs. 
Some people prefer a firmer ball for deeper pressure, while others prefer a softer ball for a more gentle touch. If you have a specific area of the body that needs attention, like a tight muscle or trigger point, you may want to choose a firmer ball that can provide deeper pressure. However, if you have sensitive areas or prefer a more gentle massage, a softer ball may be a better choice. It's important to listen to your body and choose a massage ball that feels comfortable and effective for your needs. Remember, massage balls can be a great tool for relieving muscle tension and improving overall wellbeing, so don't be afraid to experiment and find the right one for you. 
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demoisellebeauty · 2 years
((why the FUCK is my landlord doing laundry at 10:30 at night??? He and his family know my bedroom shares a wall with the laundry room and so I have to listen to the loud ass clanking of those rubber spiky dryer balls rattling in there while I'm trying to sleep))
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gogoakechi · 5 years
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bro i cant eat i cant sleep i cant speak im only thinking about. Her
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
good dad all along! endeavor snippet
for backstory, i’m writing a fic where endeavor had a Sudden Realization™ about two years before even meeting rei about what would happen if he went down the “what if i tried eugenics to create someone i can live vicariously through when they beat all might” road, and thus, a fic where endeavor is basically maes hughes, rei is where the todoroki kids get their snark from, touya is a pediatrician, fuyumi and natuso effectively stay the same but Not At All, and shouto is actually a support student was born. (also any and all constructive criticism is welcomed, for all that i love fanfic, i have Not been writing fic for that long tbh) 
this scene is where shouto, hatsume, and an unnamed oc deliver A Vibe Check™
“alright class,” aizawa sighed, “unfortunately, some of your costumes weren’t put into place yet, so /all of us/ will go down to the support department /quietly./” and he proceeded to march out the door. he waited a few moments for the kids to scramble out of the room before marching them down to the steel doors of class 1-H.
aizawa was about to open the door when powerloader opened it and shut it behind himself with an odd swiftness. “you can’t come in. the first years are being weird.”
aizawa blinked, while his class behind him began to whisper and chatter. “ … what do you mean weird.”
powerloader sighed, and put a hand on aizawa’s shoulder. “they’re doing a …. what did todoroki call it…. vibe? check?”
“A VIBE CHECK?????” kaminari screeched, his eyes going huge. the rest of the class began to either laugh or ask powerloader to “let us see, please sensei!!”
“they’re just gonna keep asking, maijima,” aizawa said, glancing at the door. powerloader let out an explosive sigh, and then opened the door.
“don’t say i didn’t warn you.”
the very first thing anyone noticed was the very thrown together courtroom like aesthetic that the classroom had. a swarm of children were grouped together as if to make a jury. multiple desks were stacked upon each other, as well as chairs to create height for who obviously were the judges. each judge looked… frankly ridiculous.
one student was wearing a very puffy feather boa that clashed with her pink locs around her neck and a traffic cone on her head. she seemed to be holding a different headset that was in a steampunk style from what anyone could tell. another had what looked like a deflated spiky rubber ball as a hat and present mic-style sunglasses. the student in the middle, the one with red and white hair split down the middle, had seven snapbacks stacked upon his head, and three sets of sunglasses, and just an ungodly amount of fake mardi gras beads around his neck.
there even appeared to be a court reporter, using a /very/ makeshift typewriter to take notes with.
and lastly, the student in the middle of the classroom. he looked like an average third year, with brown hair, a third eye on his forehead, and sharp teeth jutting out from his lips.
the judge in the middle banged the desk with an exaggeratedly large toy hammer. the hammer squeaked upon contact. “you have been summoned to the house of VIBES for your VIBE CHECK.” he drew down the pair of sunglasses that were in the middle that actually covered his eyes. “state your name for the dancery.”
“uh…. nakamura? nakamura takashi?”
“what year are you in, nakamura?” the judge to the right (the one with present mic glasses) asked.
“third, what is happening right now–”
“and is it TRUE, nakamura, that you helped design some of class 1-a’s hero costumes?” the feather boa judge snapped.
nakamura jolted his head back slightly, as if he was confused. “uh, /yeah./ why?”
“two of them being yaoyorozu momo and hagakura tooru, correct?”
“yeah, what’s the problem?”
to the shock of nakamura, the adults, and some of the kids (the more internet savvy kids seemed to immediately start wheezing), the feather boa judge let out an unholy SHRIEK.
“HE DOESN’T EVEN SEE THE PROBLEM!,” the present mic judge wailed. the judge in the middle leaned forward, then immediately leaned back when the desks let out an ominous creak.
“you don’t see the problem in giving a fifteen year old girl just… strips of PLEATHER, not even real leather, PLEATHER???? as a costume????? and that’s not even accounting for hagakure’s costume which is just SHOES AND GLOVES. YOU DON’T SEE THE PROBLEM WITH THAT.”
“uh…. no?”
“NOT A VIBE.” present mic judge yelled out. the jury began to repeat the phrase “not a vibe” like the seagulls from finding nemo chanting “mine.” it was very unsettling. shouta slowly took a step back and wondered how he could hide twenty children behind him.
“ignoring the fact that you could have easily asked EITHER ONE of those students for some form of dna, like hair, so you could make a costume in a similar style to toogata mirio-senpai, what happens if hagakure-san gets hurt because SHE DOESN’T HAVE A COSTUME?” feather boa judge snapped, her pupils dilating then shrinking like a camera lens refocusing. “that would absolutely NOT be a vibe!”
“NOT A VIBE,” present mic judge shouted.
here, hagakure actually squeaked, as if she hadn’t realized that could easily happen.
snapback judge pressed a finger to his cheek. “i had a thought.”
“share this thought among the dancery.” feather boa waved a hand.
“yes, share.”
the jury of students started chanting “share” loudly. the middle judge raised a hand for them to be silent.
“aizawa-sensei.” aizawa thanked whatever deity there was out there that he didn’t jump in the slightest at being referred to. “your quirk is erasure, yes?”
“but it doesn’t work on mutant quirks, yes?”
“that’s correct, yes.”
“and there is a known factor that causes some quirks to be, for lack of a better word, dupilcated, yes? with some changes, of course.”
“that is correct.”
the judge in the middle let out a hum. “do you know if your quirk is one, aizawa-sensei?”
nakamura jolted then, immediately seeing the judge’s point. aizawa’s eyes widened.
“i… don’t know,” aizawa said slowly, eyes not on his class but the jury of students that began to chatter.
“so. let us assume it is then. and let us assume that it could also affect mutant quirks. and let us assume that hagakure-san’s quirk IS a mutant quirk. what happens if a person with this quirk and far less morality than aizawa-sensei activated upon hagakure-san? not only would her element of surprise be ruined, she would also be completely defenseless. AND NAKED. IN PUBLIC. which is NOT A VIBE WITHOUT CONSENT.” snapback judge shouted, and smacked the desk with the giant hammer.
“NOT A VIBE!” feather boa shouted.
“n-no i didn’t mean it like that! it was just a joke!” nakamura tried to defend himself.
“jokes are supposed to make you laugh, not make a fifteen year old girl WALK AROUND NAKED, YOU WEIRDO,” present mic judge snapped, pushing up the shades with a oil stained finger.
“and continuing the topic of Poor Costume Design Choices,” feather boa held up a very large picture of a mannequin wearing yaoyorozu’s costume, “what the fuck is this??? you expected a minor to wear this?? where’s the protection?? where’s the kevlar?? WHERE’S THE TIDDIE SUPPORT????” feather boa wiggled the picture for emphasis. “WHERE IS IT NAKAMURA. TELL ME.”
“she said she wanted to have a costume that let her have easy skin access, you can’t blame me!” nakamura blustered.
“ah yes. because you, a third year support fashion student with all the tools, equipment, and knowledge to give all of our heroics students the perfect costumes that most suit their quirk, could not figure out a way to make sure she didn’t have to breast boobily everywhere she goes. i understand your shame,” the middle judge deadpanned. (at the words “breast boobily” bakugou audibly wheezed.) “but NOT taking the time to actually do your JOB is NOT A VIBE.”
“these costumes are not the only costumes you blundered upon, but they are by far some of the worst for the girls. not to mention uuuhhh,” present mic judge made grabby hands at the jury of students, and one broke away from the group to give the judge a folder. “thank you yuuri-kun, ah here we are, bakugou katsuki-san’s costume–” “HEY,” bakugou barked, “–the gauntlets are just… too heckin’ big. also, why are they functional, he’s been here two days. he doesn’t know bomb safety. kirishima eijirou-san’s costume, while it does look cool, does not provide proper protection around the torso in case of quirk exhaustion, plus shirts are important for maintaining body heat, and there are DEFINITELY ways to work around his hardening quirk to ensure no tearing of fabric. and literally anyone with a skin tight costume. chafing is a thing that exists, especially around the joints.” present mic judge looked up from the folder. “we’re not supplying any of these poor bastards with baby powder just because you like the aesthetic more than the functionality my dude.”
“what about the diaper guy?” snapback judge asked, taking the folder that present mic judge passed over. (in the back, mineta silently begged whatever deities were listening that he wasn’t diaper guy. somewhere deep down, he knew he was going to be disappointed.)
“no, nakamura didn’t design that one, takahashi did, i think,” feather boa corrected, “we’re doing his vibe check later.”
“we better, that costume is a disgrace, but that’s besides the point!” present mic judge clapped their hands together. “nakamura has proven to the dancery that he would rather not do the proper work to protect our young future heros! and that is NOT A VIBE.”
“NOT A VIBE.” the middle judge declared.
“hey, i do my work! i put in the effort!” nakamura yelled, obviously offended.
“then where is it? where is the effort? you’re going into the work force next year and you expect the top professional hero fashion designers to see these costumes you’ve made in your official portfolio and call them GOOD?” feather boa demanded, then very loudly and obnoxiously retched.
“you call giving a girl just gloves and shoes effort?? lies are NOT a vibe in the dancery!” snapback judge pointed at nakamura with the giant hammer.
“shut up! you’re just a bunch of freshmen, you don’t know what the public wants or needs!” nakamura snapped.
“if you think the public needs our establishment to sexualize children in order to get ratings then that says more about YOU than it does US,” feather boa sniffed.
“NAKAMURA TAKASHI,” snapback judge boomed, “you have brought HATERATION, and HOLLERATION into the dancery. and thus have FAILED the vibe check.”
the jury of students hissed in unison.
snapback judge smacked the desk with the hammer, evoking another squeak. “bonk him. bonk him good.”
one of the students in the jury rushed forward, and gently grasped the hammer. she then turned, took the hammer in both hands, and WHACKED nakamura in the head as hard as she could. the squeak was overpowered by the third year squawking out “OW!” and clutching his head. another student quickly ran forward, and placed a very large cone hat that simply read “DUMBASS” on nakamura’s head, making sure to snap the elastic string against his chin.
“take him to horny jail,” present mic judge stated, waving a hand away. three of the jurors ran forward and bodily picked up nakamura, one placing his hands underneat his armpits, and the other two grabbing a leg for themselves, and began to shuffle over to a corner of the room. the corner was very obviously modeled after a children’s play area, baby gate and all, with a banner reading “DUMB HORNY BABY JAIL” taped to the gate.
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