#spins so fast
publicabsent · 9 months
@inbreeze. / continued.
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the freckled avox pulls a face at lucy gray's joking question, her comprehension of things like jokes being lackluster at best. she couldn't really understand most of the situation the other describes -- the idea of anyone, even one with ill intentions, putting forth so much effort for her is eerie. even before, when she lived in the capitol, when she had a voice to use should she want to, she was othered. a bizarre creature, looking too district to be normal & too normal to be exotic. her mother's harshest punishment & deepest shame. 'i think attempted murder counts,' the brunette signs.
'everyone likes to tell me their stories. they aren't always that interesting, you know.' it's true; sure, everyone here has their special tragedies, but so rarely do they involve so many twists & turns. the brunette is nearly embarrassed to admit how interested she is.
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hayden-christensen · 1 year
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HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN + the 'Obi-Ani' lightsaber spin
Hayden came up with a move when we did the second film that was like your move, like signature […] for me it always felt like your move because he was really good at it. — Ewan McGregor
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obsob · 8 months
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oooooooooough i love you i love you i love you!!!! hand in loving hand !!!!!!
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fisherpon · 23 days
got @punkitt-is-here's newest product and I'm quite pleased with how well it works with my air conditioner
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nicomoru · 1 year
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microwaveango · 1 year
hey. it's 3am. sigma in the microwave, ok?
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afreakingmilkshake · 6 months
so. i was trying to animate meta spinning and i only have 4 key frames but this is so funny
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i was chuckling to myself all night like a dumbass
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camzverse · 4 months
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i like these two a lot. btw
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spacemilkbag · 1 year
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their individual reactions are just so breathtaking like holy fuck
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tunastime · 17 days
for the comfort prompts, draping a blanket over a sleeping body ^-^ maybe with 2 of our sweetest boys.... xisuma and doc ^-^ OR also maybe with ranchers ^-^
draping a blanket over their sleeping body (923 words) (x)
Xisuma scrubs his eyes. 
There comes a point in every shift that his body starts to give out. A point where, no matter the length of the shift, or how much he'd eaten, or slept, or drank tea, Xisuma felt his body slip away from him and the dull ache of sleep start to root and take hold behind his eyes. It's at this point where respite usually comes, in the form of Cleo or Doc walking through the door. And eventually it will be Cleo, he knows, because Doc's shift neatly aligned with his tonight. So much so he was able to actually get dinner at the same time as him, and Doc was able to kick him under the table over a cup of coffee. The jerk. 
Regardless, he could expect Cleo to wander in when she wished. Joints starting to protest weakly under the stretches he contorts his spine into, Xisuma gathers his belongings, and starts the trek down the levels toward his room.
It's a quiet walk—one he's learned to catalogue his thoughts to, to enjoy as much as the daily chatter of a morning shift beginning, or an afternoon shift ending. This early morning closure means that he'll have the good part of the day to sleep before he's on for another 48 hours. It also means that, for just a few of those hours, he might get to sleep next to his partner, after a few too many nights of just-barely's and near-misses. Xisuma sighs. For a moment, he lingers in the hall, peeking out at the rest of the station through a long, double-paned window, spanning the length of the propelled walkway. As he steps on, leans against the barrier, he watches stars flick idly past him alongside the sprawl of Prometheus. At its heart, where he was headed down to now, were the quarters. And his, along with a select few, got their own atrium view.  
The rest of the walk is similarly quiet, Xisuma's feet working on autopilot as his mind wanders from task to task, correspondence, to shipping requests, to diplomatic communique. He frowns, chewing the inside of his cheek as he waits a beat for the elevator. There had been a recent communique from the Coalition. It wasn't uncommon, but it hadn't happened in, what, two or three years now? Certainly enough time to have forgotten the last time he saw any of the crew on an official basis and certainly long enough to forget just what that little check-up meant. He holds back a particularly violent shiver. It's nothing this time—has to be. Prometheus hadn't done anything new or interesting in months, let alone enough to warrant an investigation. If the Interspace Investigation Coalition needed something from Xisuma, Admiral Void, it was going to take a very special visit and a lot of convincing. Not words on a screen.
By the time the thought passes through his mind, Xisuma is already at his front door. He shakes away the feeling crawling up the base of his spine and taps his keycard, door sliding open at his behest. 
"Doc?" he calls, as he enters. "I'm home."
The front entry is still warmly lit as he toes off his shoes and organizes his coat and bag at the front door. The living room is dark, aside from the faint glow of blue light, as are the desks they share and the kitchenette. Xisuma hums, frown deepening. He makes his way into the living room as he starts unclasping his overcoat, hands fiddling with the zipper behind him.
There, sprawled haphazardly on their small sofa, is Doc. One of his legs bends under the other, his ankle propped on the arm of the couch, socked foot hanging just over the edge. His pajamas are ruffled from moving, rucked up over one side of his ribs where his arm stretches to cover his eyes from the dim, ambient light. Xisuma stifles a snort that then catches the back of his throat. He looks comfortable. To an extent. Enough to fall asleep, at least, and enough to stay that way, even as Xisuma had called out to him and noisily shuffled in. 
X crosses his arms. He has but two options: one which requires him to deal with a sleep-disoriented, disgruntled Doc M now. The other: listening to him complain about tight muscles as he slipped into bed later that morning, seeking out the shape of Xisuma he missed. On one hand, X would get his partner's warmth and weight and grumbled words sooner. On the other... he looks so dang peaceful he'd almost feel bad disturbing him. Xisuma smiles to himself—the image alone of Doc crawling into bed next to him and letting X curl tiredly around him seems wildly comforting. A little selfish, but, really, who could blame him? 
Quietly, Xisuma shuffles over. He lifts the blanket from the back of the couch, ruffling it lightly in his hands as he sets it over Doc's sleeping form the best he can. Shrouded by the multicolored fabric, Doc seems to shrink, just a bit. Clearly cozy and comfortable, his face remains soft, sleep smoothing out the lines of stress on his face. X tucks the blanket carefully around his partner, careful not to jostle him awake as he leans down to press a kiss to his forehead. Upon drawing back, Doc doesn't seem to stir, and Xisuma hums his thanks to no one. He steps back, satisfied with his work, and shuffles off to bed.
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zaacoy · 2 years
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happy freenoodles friday! The silly husbands again because they are soft :3
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milkweedman · 1 month
Making some yarn for cat toys. This is some very lanolin-y and rough jacob that I think is perfect for my lanolin obsessed cat.
Roughly carded it (too much lanolin to card neatly, but who cares in this case). Spun into a thin singles on Geryon, my wheel. Then made a 2 ply bracelet with that and turned the ply bracelet into a 4 ply bracelet.
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This is my favorite way to make 4 ply yarn now. One singles can be easily turned into 4 plies ready to spin this way. It isn't difficult to control, it only needs the one spindle/bobbin and your hand, and because it's not plied in between winding the bracelets it's not a cable ply, just a laid 4 ply.
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Anyway, gonna give it a little wash just to bloom the yarn and then make cat toys and stuff them with catnip.
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24 yards total of bulky weight. Should be just enough ?
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doccywhomst · 9 months
just realized that, for the first time…. ever, since i started watching this show at twelve years old, i’m genuinely, fully excited for the next doctor and my grieving period for the previous doctor isn’t impacting my optimism/joy at all - the peaceful transfer from fourteen to fifteen was brilliant bc it totally flung open my dark curtains !!! i remember taking a while to warm up to new doctors and how that instantly dampened my opinion of their first seasons, and i’m free of that weight now!!!!! dunno if anyone else is prone to post-regen grief, but i’ve never felt better going into a new era of the show :)))
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spaceratprodigy · 1 year
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Feeling GREAT today babes 👍
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cubffections · 3 months
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" i have returned to you, my star " " rose ! i've missed you ! "
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khytal · 2 years
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spongebob s6ep120a 2:33-2:40
(w/o glasses:)
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