#spirit of tasmania
jeanhm · 8 months
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tryingtobegoodwitch · 2 months
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Oh Wise Mountain
I cherish the sacred land I was born on
I feel your ancient roots weaving through my spirit
Thank you for all that is and all that will be
Know Thy Self
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techdriveplay · 4 months
The Rise of Australian Whisky
George Bekarian, Head Mixologist at Cardea & Spirit Specialist for Barrel Lane Whisky Club As the head mixologist at Cardea and spirit specialist for Barrel Lane Whisky Club, I’ve witnessed the evolution of Australian whisky firsthand. It’s a journey that spans centuries, shaped by rich history, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. When we talk about Australian whisky, we can’t…
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ancestorsalive · 2 years
"Foreign sealers arrived on the Tasmanian coastlines in the late 18th century. The ensuing fur trade nearly destroyed the seal populations of Tasmania in a matter of two decades.
At the same time, life became extremely difficult for the female palawa population.
Slavery was still legal in the British Empire, and so the profitability of the sealing industry was underpinned by the servitude of palawa women.
Sporadic raids known as “gin-raiding” by sealers rendered the coastlines a place of constant danger for female palawa."
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Waub’s Bay, Bicheno is named after Wauba Debar
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bernardcaleo · 2 years
Svejk queues up
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olivieblake · 3 months
I need to preface this by sharing that I live on the island of Tasmania (which is tucked away under the main Australian continent, as far from big city/civilisation as you can get, it’s like…. *remote*)
I was out to brunch with a friend and in walks a lovely young lady who sat down with a coffee and pulls out a book, by YOU. As someone who read only your fanfictions on repeat for… the longest time, the amount of SHOOK I was when it clicked that “Olivie Blake” author-extraordinaire of Commonor’s Guide had a book that was IN FULL PRINT.
I dared not share my internal excitement with my breakfast pal because there are some social limits in life, and have since found a way to order your Atlas series. Despite the fanfictions no longer showing up on my bookmarks list on ao3, both of them were a huge part of broadening my view as an adult to the bigger world around me and I’d love to be able to support you as an ongoing literature artist too!
Anywho, I just really wanted to share. Love your work x
firstly I must rush to assure you that all of my fic is very much still available on AO3 and since none of it has anything to do with my published work, it will be there eternally as far as I'm concerned! commoner's guide, princess's guide, other works
secondly what a rare act of fate to be brought together again by the almighty powers of brunch!!! I sound facetious but I mean it, both that brunch has uncanny magical powers and that this is such a funny and unlikely coincidence that brings me great joy. tragic that you were not among kindred brunch spirits at the time but I can confirm this is very exciting TO ME and I'm so happy we were together, sort of, asynchronously but in spirit. thank you so much for this note!!
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rolkstone · 2 months
Hey! I just remembered! Do you like alcoholic characters?
Well... I was wondering... if you can draw Glen Tangier? He's the actor (fictional within the show of course) who plays Airshot (A parody of Hawkeye from Marvel.) a Superhero who is part of a team of heroes named the Vindicators (A parody of the Avengers) and apparently his power consists in "air bending" for what it seems, hence his name.
For what it seems Glen Tangier seems to be in real life a good man who genuinely enjoys visiting ill children in hospital out of kindness and even enjoyed being Lisa's "date" at the school ball, just to raise her and the classmate spirits, despite Bart blackmailed him for being Lisa's date. He's also an amazing dancer and if you wonder he's australian, more specifically from Tasmania, he's even known as "The Tasmanian Adonis", so you can imagine how handsome he's in-universe, specially when he flirted with some nurses. But his massive downside is the fact he's an alcoholic, he struggles all the time to visit ill children and of course he drinks in excess, when he visited Milhouse in the hospital, he drank until he was a mess and then, he fell asleep. I wonder if he has alcoholism for real in other areas?
By the way, if you wonder... Glen Tangier appears in "Bart The Bad Guy". If you wonder.
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very interesting!
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bethanythebogwitch · 8 months
Australian Pokemon: 3 creepy lines
Another of my posts of Fakemon based in a hypothetical region called Goorda based on a mix of Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand (though mostly Australia). This time I designed three evolution lines based on creepy or ghostly concepts. For pervious posts see regional variants, birds, early-game standards, misc 2, misc 1, starter variants, and starters.
First up is Parapteer, the Parasite Pokemon, dark/psychic type. This Pokemon is a parasite that is weak and helpless on its own. It targets Staryu and hollows out their bodies, using them as a new home while disguising itself as a Staryu. It benefits from its host's latent psychic powers, which are added to Parapteer's own. It uses the psychic powers and disguise to sneak into a group of Staryu and plant its larvae on them, beginning the next generation of parasites. Pictured is Parapteer both in its host's body (left) and exposed (right).
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Parapteer is based on Dendrogaster, a genus of parasites found worlwide that grow inside of starfish as weird, branching tentacle creatures. Parapteer exaggerates Dendrogaster to make it more like a body snatcher, killing Staryu and stealing its body as a grotesque puppet master. Honestly, this might be too grotesque for a Pokemon fan work. It would definitely have some ability like Minior where its disguise can be broken, revealing the parasite within. It could be found in the same areas as Staryu, meaning a trainer trying to fish up a Staryu has a chance of getting Parapteer instead. Its name comes from "parasite" and "puppeteer". I got the idea for this fakemon from this post.
Next is Thylament, the Mournful Pokemon, ghost/normal type. Thylament were once living beings, but they were driven to extinction by humans and have lingered on as ghosts. They mourn their deaths and avoid humans, who they fear for causing their extinction. It takes a very skilled trainer to earn the friendship of a Thylament.
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Thylament is based on thylacines, also known as Tasmanian tigers. These wolf-like marsupials were once a dominant predator of Australia before being outcompeted by dingos and having their population reduced to Tasmania. The rest of the population were killed by European colonizers, with the species becoming extinct in 1936. Real thylacines were orangish, but Thylament is greyscale due to its status as a ghost. Its name comes from "thylacine" and "lament".
Thylament evolves to Skulvenge, the Vengeful Pokemon, ghost/dark type. Unlike its morose and mournful pre-evolution, Skulvenge is driven by anger over humanity causing its extinction. They take their anger out on humans, especially those exploring alone. Very few trainers ever successfully tame a Skulvenge and it is said that Skulvenge will only ever accept a trainer who also burns with anger out of a shared desire for vengeance.
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Skulvenge is a mature thylacine who has decided that it's not going to take extinction lying down. The skull on its head and the inversion of its colors mark Skulvenge as being more angry and aggressive than Thylament.
The last Pokemon for today is Davalossam, the Shipwreck Pokemon, ghost/water type. When a ship sinks with crew aboard, the ghost of the crew may fuse with the shipwreck, animating it as a Davalossam. The vengeful sprits of the drowned crew seek to drag others to their fate, driving Davalossam to attack and sink ships. Nobody knows how many Davalossam lurk in the deep seas, but all sailors fear one day encountering one determined to drag them down to the depths.
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Pokemon makes some very disturbing ghost types, so I don't thing a shipwreck in the shape of a shark driven by the vengeful spirits of its downed crew would be too far for an official game. I drew from sailor folklore of ghost ships and similar stories for Davalossam's origin, as well as stories of sea monsters that attacks and sink ships. While not being a grass-type, it probably would know at least Wood Hammer, being made of wood and all. Its name comes from "Davy Jones' Locker" (a euphemism for the bottom of the sea in reference to shipwrecks), "jetsam" (discarded refuse from ships), and "thalassic" (oceanic).
I wanted to include a 4th line based on the legendary creature known as the yara-ma-ya-who, but I am struggling to come up for ideas for how to adapt that to a Pokemon. I'm open to suggestions. Thanks for checking out this post, I hope you liked it.
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theworldsoftolkein · 2 months
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Entish - by Hillary Younger
A majestic being whose roots cascaded down an almost vertical embankment. Like a guardian spirit at Etchell's Falls, Tarkine Wilderness, Tasmania Shot as part of the Tarkine in Motion project, to raise awareness of this wilderness area, and have it protected and given National Park status.
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theturbineman · 6 months
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bikepack · 4 months
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‘The spirit of Tasmania’ pulled into Devonport at 7am, it was a chilly morning as I attempted to navigate my way to the city centre.
I was itching to get on the bike again and start eating up miles.
So with an obligatory Maccas stop and some rations from woolies I decided roughly where I planned to bike that day and took off out of Devonport.
I was heading to Launceston, roughly 100km east of Devonport, where I would continue further to the east coast of Tasmania down to Hobart. Whilst not making it the whole way to Launceston, I ticked off 70km which wasn’t bad for the first day and included a good amount of hills. Plus I didn’t want to push my body too hard peddling and wake up in the morning immobile, the muscle memory is there but it’s been a while.
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The first portion of the ride was foggy and cold, following the rolling hills of small farm lanes, but it soon warmed up and I entered some bigger forested hills. I stopped in Frankford for some well needed energy, Mi Goreng noodles and tuna. I chatted with a couple local blokes who advised me on some more bike friendly roads to get to Launceston. I’m finding the roads very tight and a lot of the time I’ll ride in the gravel edges when cars are coming up behind me, or just pull over entirely when big trucks are coming, easy enough to hear them, and they appreciate it too. Trying to remedy the negative cyclist stereotype heh.
The time was about 3:30pm and I found a nice secluded spot of the River Tamar, just below Exeter. I had purchased a tent (more of a luxurious bivvy) and sleeping pad from a outdoor shop a few days ago since the old bivvy I used in America wasnt going to cut it with winter and the dew. I set it up and was mostly happy with it. It’s got some headroom and relatively easy to setup but I only just fit length wise.
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Lots of roadkill, mainly wallabies, but didn’t see much alive wildlife. The highlight of the day was finding a packet of unopened perfectly edible bag of crisps on the roadside. I love scouring the roadside for goodies.
I enjoyed my roadside crisps (because free food tastes the best) then fell asleep.
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Rockruff & Lycanroc (#744, #745)
Rockruff (#744)
Lykanthropos familiaris (Rockruff)
Keen Eye, Vital Spirit, Own Tempo, Steadfast
Rockruffs are a pure rock-type dog Pokémon that average at 1’08 feet tall and weigh 20.3 Ibs. They have in impeccable sense of smell, to the point where they’re known for remembering anything they’ve smelled once.
Habitat: Rockruffs are found in Australia, but like the dingos of our world, were brought there by humanity a long time ago—estimated to be maybe 8,000-9,000 years ago. So, late enough that Tasmania split from the rest of Australia, which is why Rockruffs are not found natively in Tasmania. Unlike the dingos of our real world however, Rockruffs can even be found in the forests of Southeast Australia. But they generally prefer more arid climates.
Life Cycles: Rockruffs have fairly standard lives as a dog Pokémon. They are born between May and August (winter) to litters ranging widely from 1 to 10, but 5 being fairly standard. The pups will stay in their den for the first 3 weeks of their lives, then leave it completely with their parents at around 8 weeks old. These dens are typically under rocks or in abandoned burrows.
Rockruff pups will stay with their parents until around 10 months old, where they will then leave the pack and start their own lives. Rockruffs in particular will form small packs, often sibling packs, for a couple years until they evolve into Lycanroc. While reproduction cannot occur before reaching level 15, they also cannot reproduce until around 2 years of age.
The mating season for Rockruffs and Lycanrocs is between March and June, though individuals in tropical climates can mate at any time of the year, but litters are once per year. Once the mating rituals have completed, eggs will appear in their burrows. The gestation periods for these eggs is 60 to 70 days, and the Rockruff/Lycanroc pair will take turns defending their eggs from egg thieves during that time period.
By and large, the biggest threat to Rockruffs are territorial disputes, giant spider Pokémon, giant snake Pokémon, large bird Pokémon, and stochastic events such as falling from cliffs, wildfires, or mass floodings.  
Behavior: Rockruffs are quite friendly as pups, even making for excellent starter Pokémon for new trainers. Be aware, though, that Rockruffs become increasingly more aggressive as they get older, but to a trainer or its family it will remember the love that is there and continue to be steadfast in its loyalty. The temperament behavior change in Rockruffs can be too much for some trainers to handle, and this leads to many being abandoned by their unfit trainers.
As a show of affection, Rockruffs enjoy rubbing their rocky neck manes against the object of their affection, but this hurts! A lot!
Rockruffs hunt in packs and are very persistent predators, capable of outlasting prey much larger than themselves and wearing them down through running. To train themselves for combat and hunting, Rockruffs will run around a lot, or as humans like to call it “they have the zoomies.” This is an excellent behavior for anyone who wants an energetic Pokémon!
Diet: Rockruffs are carnivores that can eat more omnivorous diets, like rice, pizza, carrots, potato chips (you know, things we feed our dogs and probably shouldn’t) but really, you should be feeding your Rockruff a proper carnivorous diet, or at least suitable Pokémon food. In the wild they eat moderately sized animals like wallabies,  Komalas, and invasive Bunnelbies, Numels, and Mudbrays.
Conservation: Threatened (in the wild), Least Concern (Captivity)
Climate change, habitat loss, and the killing of Rockruffs and Lycanrocs (to prevent livestock deaths) are the biggest reasons that wild populations are declining. This actively includes the massive wildfires that have been decimating Australia over the past several years.
Relationship with Humans: Rockruffs are a common starter Pokémon in Australia. Though they have been introduced into predominately white (read: settler) communities of Aotearoa (New Zealand) and other parts of Tasmania, conservationists require these Rockruffs and Lycanrocs to be spayed/neutered. Unfortunately, this does not stop bad trainers from releasing their Rockruffs/Lycanrocs into the wild, where they do untold amounts of ecological damage on the local ecosystem. Conservationists and local rangers have to work hard to keep feral Rockruffs and Lycanrocs out of the wild and relocate them to more suitable habitats.
Like the dingos of our world, Rockruffs and Lycanrocs are culturally significant to many of the indigenous cultures of Australia.
Classification: The genus Lykanthropos is a believed to share a common ancestor with other dog Pokémon, but it’s uncertain where this connection falls on the family tree. The evolutionary relationship between the different dog clades continues to elude scientists.
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Lycanroc (#745)
Lykanthropos lykanthropos dieslapis (Lycanroc- Midday form)
Lykanthropos lykanthropos vesperalapis (Lycanroc- Dusk form)
Lykanthropos lykanthropos noxlapis (Lycanroc- Night form)
Keen Eye, Sand Rush, Steadfast (Midday)
Tough Claws (Dusk)
Keen Eye, Vital Spirit, No Guard (Night)
General Information: Lycanrocs are a pure rock type species with three separate forms depending on the time of day (or, more specifically the amount of sunlight it receives) when it evolves. These three forms, its Midday, Dusk, and Night forms, all weigh the same average of 55.1 pounds, but while the Midday and Dusk forms average at 2’7 feet tall, the Night forms stands on its hind legs like a werewolf and reaches 3’7 feet in height. Importantly, only Rockruffs with Own Tempo as its ability can evolve into Dusk form Lycanroc.
Habitat: Lycanrocs are found in the same environments as Rockruffs, which is all of Australia natively.
Life Cycles: Lycanrocs have the same life cycles as Rockruffs.
Behavior: Once they evolve from a Rockruff, Lycanrocs become independent hunters… well, depending on the form. See, Night form Lycanrocs are nocturnal predators that hunt alone, Midday Lycanrocs also hunt alone and do not form packs as a measure of avoiding conflict, but Dusk form Lycanrocs will form packs with each other. Now, Dusk form Lycanrocs are the rarest of the three forms, but they’re able to find each other during the twilight hours and cooperate. Because of their cooperation, they’re able to take down prey that is significantly larger than themselves, such as Kanghaskhan. This puts them in a different ecological niche from their Midday and Night counterparts, who also have separate niches by being diurnal and nocturnal respectively.
Midday Lycanrocs are even tempered and prefer to avoid conflicts. Nighttime Lycanrocs are voracious and hard-headed who like to tackle their problems head-on, who only respect those they like. Dusk Lycanrocs are largely even tempered, but in combat or in a hunt they become quite vicious, and this dynamic shift in personality often makes them the more temperamental for trainers to work with. However, Dusk Lycanrocs can pack bond, and this is hugely important for household and trainer dynamics. In general, the only time Midday and Nighttime Lycanrocs pair up is for mating and raising Rockruffs… which can last an entire year. It’s not uncommon for some to skip mating cycles so that they have a year alone to themselves before raising another litter, especially in situations where resources are plentiful and pup survival is high.
Diet: Meat. Lycanrocs will hunt moderately sized prey like Diggersby to megafauna like Kangkaskhan. Overall, while Rockruffs eat small to medium sized prey (if they work together) Lycanrocs eat medium to mega-sized prey (if they work together).
Conservation: Threatened (in the wild), Least Concern (Captivity)
Relationship with Humans: Lycanrocs have had a long-shared history with humanity for tens of thousands of years, and it’s believed that werewolf legends derived from ancestral Lycanroc populations when they still thrived on the mainland of Eurasia. Scientists are unsure what caused Eurasian Lycanrocs to die off entirely, but many believe it may have been a combination of factors including humans, climate change, and being outcompeted by other Pokémon. These infringements simply do not exist to the same extent in Australia, where they have been living peacefully for thousands of years now alongside humanity.
Classification: Lycanroc’s three forms each have a subspecies modifier, but the base species Lykanthropos lykanthropos is what defines the genus. Dusk form Lycanrocs are ultimately more likely to mate with other Dusk form Lycanrocs, and this seems to be a case of internal speciation at work via different social patterns, though the effects are quite early in the process and interbreeding remains frequent.
Hey guess what, if you like my stuff, this is my website where you can find other Pokémon I've written on and more information about the game that I’m slowly making! Check it out! I write books sometimes too.
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ylvapublishing · 2 years
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It’s cover reveal time! A Curious Visit by Jess Lea will come out April 2023.
Lesbian fiction’s funniest odd couple is back, investigating tall tales, extinct creatures, and a crumbling house filled with secrets, in this offbeat Australian romantic mystery.
Partners in love, life, and earnest museum appreciation, Margaret Gale and Bess Campbell desperately need a break. Strict, meticulous ice queen Margaret has been fired for frightening her auction house customers, while free-spirited Bess hates her office job.
While holidaying in Tasmania, they receive a call for help that leads them to a creepy, old house in the wilderness. There, they meet a mysterious woman from Margaret’s past, who warns she’s being stalked and something terrible is coming.What’s going on? What secrets lie within Crossroads House? And why on earth are there hidden cameras around the grounds, recording everything that happens?
Unexplained incidents turn sinister, endangering Bess and Margaret—and their trust in one another. But they don’t give up easily…
This sweet, eccentric sequel to A Curious Woman can easily be read as a standalone story
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 6.21
Alzheimer’s Awareness Day
Atheist Solidarity Day
Baby Boomer Recognition Day
Banjo Lesson Day
Bill Murray Day
Create a New National Day Day
Day of the Martyrs (Togo)
Father’s Day (Egypt, Jordan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Syria, UAE)
Ferris Wheel Day
Flag Day (Greenland)
Flag Burning Day
Global MND / ALS Awareness Day
Go Skateboarding Day
Het Meetjesland Day (Belgium)
International Climate Change Day
International Flower Day
International Anirida Day
International Music Day (f.k.a. World Music Day)
International T-Shirt Day
International Yoga Day (UN)
LP Day
Martyrs' Day (Togo)
Migraine Solidarity Day
Naked Hiking Day
National Aboriginal Day (a.k.a. First Nations Day or Indigenous Peoples Day; Canada)
National Arizona Day
National ASK Day
National Create a New National Holiday Day
National Day of the Gong
National Dog Party Day
National eGiving Day
National Heroes’ Day (Bermuda)
National Jimmy Day
National Professional Medical Coder Day
National River Tubing Day
National Seashell Day
National Selfie Day
National Wedding Day
National Yard Games Day
Obscenity Day
Onion Day (French Republic)
Reaping Machine Day
Reserves Day (UK)
Shades for Migraine Day
Short Story Day (Africa)
Show Your Stripes Day
Stock Up On Antiperspirant Day
Suffolk Day (UK)
SYNGAP1 International Awareness Day
T-Shirt Day
Turner Syndrome Awareness Day (UK)
Ulloortuneq (Greenland)
World Day Against ELA (Spain)
World Giraffe Day
World Handshake Day
World Hydrography Day
World Kamasutra Day (India)
World Motorcycle Day
World Music Day (Paris, France)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Gin and Tonic Season begins
Johnnie Walker Day
Lambrusco Day
National Cookie Dough Day
National Smoothie Day
Peaches and Cream Day
Red Apple Day (Australia)
3rd Wednesday in June
National Healthcare Estates & Facilities Day (UK) [3rd Wednesday]
Independence Days
Greenland (Assumed Self-Rule; 2009)
New Hampshire Statehood Day (#9; 1788)
Principality of Aigues-Mortes (Declared; 2011) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Aaron of Brittany (Christian; Saint)
Alban of Mainz (Christian; Saint)
Aloysius Gonzaga (Christian; Saint)
Day of the Crab (Pagan)
Engelmund of Velsen (Christian; Saint)
Eusebius of Samosata (Christian; Saint)
St. Henry (Positivist; Saint)
Henry Ossawa Tanner (Artology)
Leufredus (a.k.a. Keufroi; Christian; Saint)
Martin of Tongres (Christian; Saint)
Meen (a.k.a. Mevenus or Melanus; Christian; Saint)
Onesimos Nesib (Lutheran)
Ralph (Christian; Saint)
Sam Kinison Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Skateboarding Day (Pastafarian)
Solstice [1st Day of Summer in Northern Hemisphere] (a.k.a. ... 
Acophony (G’BroagFran of Anti-Music; Church of the SubGenius)
Alban Hefin (a.k.a. Litha or Midsummer; Celtic, Pagan) [4 of 8 Festivals of the Natural Year]
Aimless Wandering Day
Anne and Samantha Day
Aymara New Year (Año Nuevo Aymara; Bolivia)
Cuckoo Warning Day (it will be a wet summer if the cuckoo is heard today)
Daylight Appreciation Day
Day of Private Reflection
Day of the Martyrs (Togo)
Feast of the Great Spirit (Native American)
Fête de la Musique
Finally Summer Day/Finally Winter Day
Hump Day (Tasmania)
Indigenous New Year (We Tripantu; Año Nuevo Indígena; Chile)
International Day of the Celebration of the Solstice
Into Raymi (Incan Sun God Festival; Sacsayhuamán Andes Mountain Natives)
Jaanipäev (Estonia)
Jāņi (Latvia)
Juhannus Day (Finland)
Kupala (fertility rite)
Kupala Night (Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Russia)
Litha (Wiccan/Pagan; northern hemisphere)
Midnight Sun Festival (Nome, Alaska)
Midsomarsblog (Norse celebration of fishing, trading & raiding)
Midsummer Baal (Celtic)
National Celluma Light Therapy Day
National Daylight Appreciation Day
National Day of Greenland
National Energy Shopping Day
Polar Bear Swim (Nome, Alaska)
Saint Jonas' Festival (Lithuania)
Solsticio de Invierno (Bolivia)
Sommar Börjar (Sweden)
Tall Girl Appreciation Day
33-1/3 Day
Tiregān (Iran)
Wadjet (Ancient Egypt)
We Tripantu (winter solstice festival in the southern hemisphere; Chile)
Wianki (Poland)
Willkakuti (Andean-Amazonic New Year; Aymara)
World Humanist Day
World Peace and Prayer Day
Yule (Wiccan/Pagan; southern hemisphere)
Sub-Human Cannonball (Muppetism)
World Humanist Day (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 29 of 60)
Ain’t She Sweet (WB LT Cartoon; 1952)
Alpocalypse, by Weird Al Yankovic (Album; 2011)
Anna (Film; 2019)
The Bling Ring (Film; 2013)
The Blue Umbrella (Pixar Cartoon; 2013)
Bon Ives, by Bon Iver (Album; 2011)
Chinatown (Film; 1974)
Cocoon (Film; 1985)
Creepin on ah Come Up, by Bone Thugs-N-Harmony (EP; 1994)
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, by Richard Wagner (Opera; 1868)
Donald and the Wheel (Disney Cartoon; 1961)
Don’t Go Breaking My Heart, by Elton John and Kiki Dee (Song; 1976)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Animated Disney Film; 1996)
Impact is Imminent, by Exodus (Album; 1990)
Lifeforce (Film; 1985)
Lilo & Stitch (Animated Disney Film; 2002)
The Litterbug (Disney Cartoon; 1961)
Minority Report (Film; 2002)
Mr. Tambourine Man, by The Byrds (Album; 1965)
Monsters University (Animated Pixar Film; 2013)
Moves Like Jagger, by Maroon 5 (Song; 2011)
The Parent Trap (Film; 1961)
The Promise of Joy, by Allen Drury (Novel; 1975)
Return to Oz (Film; 1985)
The Rocketeer (Film; 1991)
Smoking: The Choice is Yours (Disney Educational Cartoon; 1981)
Sweet Child o’ Mine, by Guns n’ Roses (Song; 1988)
The Te of Piglet, by Benjamin Hoff (Spiritual Book; 1993)
Toy Story 4 (Animated Pixar Film; 2019)
A Walk on the Wild Side, by Nelson Algren (Novel; 1956)
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Film; 1966)
World War Z (Film; 2013)
Today’s Name Days
Adalbert, Florentina (Austria)
Margareta, Naum (Croatia)
Květa (Czech Republic)
Sylverius (Denmark)
Kaari, Karlotte, Karola, Karoliine, Karolin, Lota (Estonia)
Into (Finland)
Silvère (France)
Adalbert, Florentina, Margot (Germany)
Methodios (Greece)
Rafael (Hungary)
Ettore, Silverio (Italy)
Imula, Maira, Rasa, Rasma (Latvia)
Silverijus, Žadvainas, Žintautė (Lithuania)
Salve, Sølve, Sølvi (Norway)
Bogna, Bogumiła, Bożena, Florentyna, Franciszek, Michał, Rafaela, Rafał, Sylwery (Poland)
Metodie (România)
Maria, Valeria (Russia)
Valéria (Slovakia)
Florentina, Silverio (Spain)
Flora, Linda (Sweden)
Earl, Earline, Errol, Fatima, Ofelia, Omar, Omarion, Ophelia (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 173 of 2024; 193 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 25 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 10 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Wu-Wu), Day 4 (Geng-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 2 Tammuz 5783
Islamic: 2 Dhu al-Hijjah 1444
J Cal: 22 Sol; Oneday [22 of 30]
Julian: 8 June 2023
Moon: 11%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 4 Charlemagne (7th Month) [St. Henry]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 1 of 94)
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 1 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Cancer (The Crab) begins [Zodiac Sign 4; thru 7.22]
Summer [Season 3 of 4; thru 9.23]
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Experience the Wilderness: Ultimate Trek Tours in Tasmania
With so many top-notch trek tours Tasmania available, the wild scenery and diverse topography provide hikers an incredible trekking playground. Some of the most well-known trekking routes in the world, such as the Tasmania South Coast track, the Overland Track Tasmania adventure, and the Kokoda trek, are located in Australia.
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Australia is also home to old rainforests and breathtaking coastline cliffs, creating some truly breathtaking scenery like hiking South West Cape Track which allows one to enjoy hiking fully.
An online journey through some of Australia's most well-known treks:
Black Cat Trek PNG: The trail is considered very tough by most experienced trekkers and such individuals truly love the trip since they find it to be a very enjoyable journey. This excursion is not as well-known as others may be because of its difficulties and the possibility of encountering bogs, river crossings, cliffs, ledges, and other such experiences along the way.
Kokoda Trek: If you want to experience traveling through dense jungles, steep mountain passes, and remote villages, the classic Kokoda track trip is one of the best. One may go through time and follow the history of WW2 by following this path, which depicts Australia's involvement in the Second World War against Imperial Japanese Forces. On this trip, people just bring a daypack; to help the local economy, porters help carry the entire bag.
Tasmania South Coast Track: Popular with hikers from all over the world, the South Coast Track offers access to the pristine wilderness of Tasmania's wild southwest coast. This trail goes past windswept beaches, old rainforests, and stunning coastal cliffs, providing hikers with an amazing wilderness experience. This trek demands substantial experience before starting because it crosses several terrains.
Overland Track Tasmania: Trekking over various landscapes from Cradle Mountain to Lake St. Clair provides amazing alpine vistas, tranquil lakes, and spectacular peaks. It's a must-do experience for those who enjoy the outdoors. Venture on a fabled expedition deep into Tasmania's outback.
Get your adventurous spirit together and go on a once-in-a-lifetime experience with the greatest trekking tours if you've been waiting to go on an adventure with hiking boots. Make an appointment with the leading Australian organisations offering trekking experiences, and enjoy your journey.
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