#spn ramblings
ashtraythief · 2 years
Are you a hardcore Sam fan or a hardcore Dean fan? I don’t know if you’ve ever talked about this before! I think for me Sam & Dean are a package deal so it’s hard for me to separate them. I probably lean towards Dean, though, mainly partly because Jensen is the most attractive person alive. What about you?
Huh, I don't know if I have, nonnie, but I'm with you, they're a package deal for me too. The most interesting thing about them is their relationship I think. Because it's beautiful and all-encompassing and codependent and unhealthy and so single-minded. They're so different, but they work and they're both brave and determined which means in the end nothing can stand in their way and that's beautiful. Their relationship also develops and evolves which makes it even better. There's the default togetherness of the past, the rebellious separation, the anewed togetherness, first by need and circumstances and then by choice, there are fights and misunderstandings and temporary separations, but they always come back to each other, become more honest with each other and that's just beautiful. 
Ahem. Sorry, I just love them so much. But. If I had to pick. Give points. Make a ranking, whatever, I am slightly leaning Dean. Because yes, for shallow reasons, I also think Jensen Ackles is the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my life (don't get me wrong, Jared's both hot like burning and insanely cute, a feat not many people can pull off, but Jensen is either proof of alien life or a fae prince in exile on earth, I don't know, but he's not fucking human). From a story telling point, it's easier to get to know Dean and to emphasize with him. Sam keeps a lot of secrets in the beginning because the mytharc revolves around him and Dean kind of wears his heart on his sleeve and is the one being vulnerable. Dean's also a little dorkier, a little nerdier, gets the car and the music, while Sam's humor is more sassy and we don't really learn a lot about his likes and dislikes in the beginning except that he's not as much fun as Dean. Which is not bad, and poor boy is grieving, and Dean can be annoying, but I think there are more Dean girls in fandom and I think this is maybe one of the reasons why. As the show goes on and we learn more about Sam, he of course has the sort of almost villain arc in season 4 (the show says it itself, the blood drinking is a tough pill to swallow esp because you know he's wrong), but the way he worked for his redemption and made the ultimate sacrifice in the end, man, I never loved Sam more than at the end of season five. What he went through, the pain, the loss, learning his entire fucking life was a staged theater by Azazel to manipulate him into saying yes, and after being duped by Ruby, after falling victim to his own hubris and anger, after trying to make amends and overcoming his addiction, he still has to jump into the cage and he does… motherfucking hearteyes for Sam motherfucking Winchester. His strength and determination and the discipline he has most of the time almost elevate him to some kind of super human level. Dean obviously is just as brave, mostly just as strong (he does have his doubt arc in s5 which he overcomes because of Sammy of course), just as determined, but Dean's also a functioning alcoholic (depending on the season), seeks out meaningless sex with women to fill a void, and is just a little bit more of a mess which makes him more human I think, more relatable. Sam's maybe a smidge more admirable, while Dean has the edge on lovable. I'm nitpicking here of course. Both of these characters are larger than life heroes with their only real flaws being their love for each other (though it's really only a flaw for the characters who get sacrificed in Sam and Dean's endless quest to save each other). Yes, Sam can be closed off and Dean can be annoying and overbearing, Sam's a controlling know-it all and Dean's a bundle of daddy issues with I know what's best tendencies, but like. How can you not love them? They both are strong and honorable, they're smart in different ways that work well together, they're brave and compassionate, they risk their lives to save other people, they have fun little quirks and interests, they are witty and have great sense of humor. Different enough to create fun teasing friction but also complimenting each other. What makes these characters so special and what made supernatural work for so long is that they're layered and complex characters with strengths and weaknesses that are written mostly consistently and they're both I think among my most beloved characters in TV. 
I totally understand the Sam girls (being a Sam girl is a valid, sensible life choice) and I love Sam a whole bunch, but Dean's really just a tad more fun imo and prettier 😅 not that it matters that much, I think, because like you said, they're a package deal and what creates the magic of the show is the two of them, together.
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holding-out-for-hea · 2 years
I think about supernatural randomly all the damn time, and today I’m fixating on this point…
Jared was the best Lucifer, and when he wasn’t Lucifer the only way Lucifer packed any punch was when Jared was acting besides him.
Jared made a Lucifer formidable, scary, and a true villain. When he played off of Lucifer as Sam he made you feel like Lucifer was a true and present threat. He made you feel like the untold damage was so deep and troubling you didn’t want to even contemplate it.
Lucifer, without Sam or Jared, was a whole lotta nothing. I’ll never understand Pellegrino’s choices with that one. I get smarmy, witty comical characters- but why in God’s name would you make the ultimate antagonist on a horror show freaking Jerry Lewis?? Cringe.
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spn2006 · 9 months
the fact that eric kripke isn't even christian really adds something to the way christianity is depicted on supernatural. because its really not about being christian at all, but about living in america, a country dominated by christianity, and having to decide for yourself how to handle that. faith is huge in supernatural, and the mythology of the show is very bible-centric, but notably, christ is never there. even sam, who starts out revering the angels, who once said he prays every night, doesn't actually call himself a christian or imply that he believes in jesus--the show is steeped in christianity and biblical lore and yet neither sam nor dean are christians. in fact, over and over again the church itself is depicted as a haunted house that sam and dean will only ever enter as strangers, as outsiders. priests, preachers, faith healers, chapels, crypts, etc. are all just iconography that create an intense sense of unease that sam and dean respond to instantly. as a jew, its very relatable. an essential part of living in america when you're not christian is that exact sense of unease, of knowing that the culture of your country has ensured that you'll get knocked over by christianity no matter where you go, that you'll see hundreds of people truly believing they're good people while doing awful things in the name of their god, and you have no choice but to confront that. kripke gets it
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dj-crack · 1 year
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There is nothing more terrifying than seeing supernatural trending and thinking “oh shit what earth changing event happened this time”
only to find out that nothing happened. This is just the supernatural website. It does that sometimes.
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saturnneedsspace · 2 months
One of my favorite Destiel moments is definitely when Dean stares dreamily into the distance and calls Cas a "weird, dorky, little guy."
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shyshitter · 1 year
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matxhstixkers · 4 months
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day three: for the first time i feel
:) hope it looks okay
(dm me if you want the high resolution one :>)
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scarecrowmax · 6 months
In the good supernatural in my head we got at least one salt and burn where Dean lights the corpse up by tossing in a partially finished cigarette
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cassandrablah · 5 months
every fucking time I'm enjoying a new or old fandom, I'll get a death threat in my mailbox only its not a death threat it's Misha Collins saying something gay about Dean and Castiel and the mailbox is my Tumblr
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simplenefelibata · 7 months
as much as i love sam knowing about destiel before dean does, there's something about "i mean yeah my brother and his angel best friend are really weird about each other, live together, co-parent a kid, nearly kill themselves every time the other is gone, stand too close and stare at the other's mouth while they talk, but i mean to each their own i guess??" that's so special to me
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ashtraythief · 2 years
I always wondered if Bobby liked Dean more because while Sam always had Dean looking after him, protecting him, caring for him, etc, Dean had nobody else looking out for him when John was on hunts, and he was a child too, which maybe made him extra sympathetic towards him.
But anyway, it’s really interesting to me to think about which of them was John’s favorite. Dean says Sam was the favorite, and Sam says Dean was. It could be argued either way. From one point of view, Sam was John's favourite because of how much he tried to protect him, through Dean. Sam was shielded from a lot more growing up whereas Dean really had to step up and be a guardian. But you can also say that Dean was his favorite son as he obeyed John's every order and was by definition a perfect son. I think he probably liked Dean better, since they didn’t fight nearly as much as Sam and him, but I think he was a broken men that loved both his sons with everything he had. I haven’t watched the later seasons, so I could be wrong. But their relationship with John always fascinated me. I’ve always wondered, if John lived, would he have killed Sam like he told Dean to do? Honestly, when Sam started drinking demon blood, I think he might have. Putting family first no matter what feels like more of a Sam/Dean thing than a Winchester thing. Not sure if John would have been down for that. Could be wrong, what do you think?
Hmm yes to Bobby I think, that could be a good reason. Also I think Bobby struggled with Sam going darkside for a bit, so I think that also might have impacted their relationship. There were moments during s5 I think where Bobby didn't trust Sam to stay clean.
Yeah the John question is difficult. I kinda agree with all of what you said. You can make the case either way.
As for would John have killed Sam. I think he might have. And I think he knew that about himself which is why he chose to deal his life for Dean's in 2.01. (he also loved Dean and probably felt some guilt and regret there too, but) Like he still gave Dean the order to kill Sam, had to account for that, but John knew that if there was anyone who could keep Sam from going darkside, it would be Dean. It certainly wouldn't be John, with a dead Dean no less. So I think John sacrificed himself to give Sam a better shot at staying good. He made the deal to save Dean's life, but it was also kind of for Sam. A two for one special if you will that Azazel never realized what it was because you can say about John Winchester and his A+ parenting whatever you want, the man was still an excellent, shrewd hunter. It's interesting to think about whether John really believed that Dean would be able to kill Sam. Yes, Dean was a good soldier, but his number one directive was always watch out for Sammy. And that clashing, Dean's purpose and John's last order, John must have known he'd come up short? I mean the show leaves no doubt about it. Over and over Dean is faced with Sam going or seemingly going darkside and he never once manages to kill him. He always tries to find another way. So did John give Dean that cryptic advice to set his boys on the right path? To make Dean go on high alert, drive home the seriousness of the situation so that Dean would stop Sam from ever going down the evil road? Or did he really think Dean would be able to kill Sam eventually? Because like, even in the s15 Sam as Boykin AU, Dean waits so long until its too late and faced with Sam he hesitates enough to get himself killed. I am intrigued what people think about John's expectations here. That to me is the most baffling question 😅
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spn2006 · 4 months
i love that irl misha collins’ take on fake french mistake world misha collins was just to make him faggier and whimpier. thats so beautiful
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casdeans-pie · 3 months
So it's like this: Dean gets out of bed one night to go have a pee at 3am and he's actually still half asleep when he shuffles back into the room (because there are no more monsters to hunt and he doesn't have to be alert like a feral cat anymore) but when he gets to the doorway there's a lamp on and Cas is sitting up in their bed. The lamplight is warm and inviting and the bedsheet has slipped off of Cas's bare chest and his frowny concentrating face is lit up by his phone, and Dean knows He Just Knows that Cas is playing that weird little farming mobile game that he's addicted to where he's constantly worried about harvesting his crops and feeding his cows. And it just hits Dean full in the chest that it's 3am and there are no more monsters and this is their bed and their room and their lamp and Cas is here playing his silly mobile games with the same expression he gave to reading ancient texts waiting for Dean to come back from his mid-night pee.
He gets to have this. He loves him.
Dean doesn't even realise he's crying until the image of Cas gets too blurry with tears to see anymore and he misses him and he has to roughly rub his eyes to clear them and when he looks back Cas has put the phone down and he's holding his arms open.
Dean launches himself into them.
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raevenswritingdesk · 4 months
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saturnneedsspace · 1 month
Dean misremembering the purgatory portal scene is altering my brain chemistry in so many ways. What do you mean Dean remembered it as him not being able to save Cas because he wasn't strong enough, but in reality Cas let go??? We know he remembers some things perfectly like when Cas went into the lake because he had nightmares about that, but how many other things does he misremember? Does he remember Mary dying? Does he remember all his fights with Cas? Does he remember all the times Sam died? This was such a missed opportunity to do more. They could've made Dean even more traumatized by having him misremember something for so long, and then him having to learn it was completely different and having a whole crisis about it.
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