#spoiled girlfriend diary
arikasugar · 2 months
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miracleunique · 1 year
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My love language. 🩷
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boredgirlsclub · 1 year
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The Lickety Split Vacation Dress by Selkie
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itsroxie · 1 year
Whenever I find a sugar baby blog I get so excited then I peep they haven’t posted since 2018 😭 are there any active sugar baby blogs ?
xoxo ❣️
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affluentmelanin · 2 years
1st Lesson 2023
Friends should speak up for you.
As much as you have features that I absolutely adore & respect. One thing I cannot stand is how you don’t feel any need to mediate for your friends, or pull them up if you think that they are in the wrong.
You will happily watch me burn the city around me and not tell me to stop, as long as you’re safe and good. This isn’t new news to me however, with the new year starting I am realising that this isn’t a trait that I like or respect. As a friend there are certain things that you SHOULD concern yourself with if you are to call yourself someone’s friend.
Its crazy because if you were my only friend, having only you as a councillor would be detrimental to my character & development because you don’t advise, you just listen. That’s poor.
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gooddaylovv · 2 years
January '23 Check In
January is about half way over and I just hit my minimum monthly goals ($10k) which is fine since I have my needs covered but would be nice to save a bit more. I know it's usually pretty slow this time of year so I'm trying to stay positive. I haven't even started to lose weight yet, I don't even know where to start. My body is in the worst shape it's ever been.
My civie guy has been super sweet and lovely. I might catch feels lol. He knows what I do and is pretty chill so far. I know most SWers don't do any civie dating but I don't mind, I like a good balance between work and personal life. I'm quite content that he's been pretty accepting but it's still pretty new so this can all go up in flames for all I know lol.
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tamtuliko · 21 days
Tyme, dear, revenger Tyme.
As we are heading to the end, we must talk about Tyme. Now that we saw the real timeline and have a prove how messed and fucked up Great is, we must take a look in Tyme's life.
Look, I'm not saying that Great is a bad person, he is not, he is broken, neglected, lost child who has problems with his emotions, he is rich kid whose family members are assholes and his choice of friends need to be questioned, but again Rich, spoiled kids are sticking together right? Title is rich, spoiled, wicked as well, killed his classmate, locked his girlfriend, and I don't think that it's his first time, as well as Great's. They have done many bad things, but remember what Tyme said: depends on how rich you are, you can get away even with murdering someone, even if it was an accident. So, no, guys, Great is not good or bad, Great is a tragic child.
But I want to talk about Tyme. Let's see what we have:
•dead perents
•grandmother with whom he has strong bond
•Girlfriend - ex, but they've been together pretty long, right? She said Tyme had changed in the last two years.
•friend - s.
My wild guess is that, two years ago, before the real-time line, Tyme found out how his parents were killed, finding the diary his mother wrote. We have seen pictures of him and his mother, alive, innocent, and happy. I think even after his parents' death, he and his grandmother were happy. The old lady did say that she wanted to see Happy Tyme again, that he was happy before. Even if they didn't have money, they still had each other, Tyme was getting his doctor degree, he had a strong relationship with a beautiful girl and had friends. So Tyme was happy, he was not alone. Until he finds the diary and all the hell breaks. I guess he started his search and planned the revenge. With this, he lost interest in other things. His happiness was lost, and his whole life became an idea of revenge.
This is the Tyme me meet. We have not seen happy, carefree, having girlfriend Tyme. We see anger, no emotional strings, cold Tyme, the one who has no interest in his girlfriend, she broke up, and he was standing drinking coffee.
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I mean, look at him ,he gives no fuck.
And then an opportunity, a golden one appears in front of him, kind of God itself send him gift. BTW this is the gift:
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Fucked up son of his enemy. And the whole plan was born in his pretty head. Let's seduce, fuck him, film it and put it out on porn site. Tyme, darling you said you did your search about Great, tf you thought he would care about anything. Here is Tymes first mistake. He doesn't get Great at all. He doesn't know how wicked this kid was. But he learned.
And Tyme went and forgot all human side of himself. Went straight to Great and seduce him (btw his pick-up lines in every timeline are garbage, dude seriously🤣)
So they fucked, and the way it was shown, we can see that even it is for revenge, they both very much enjoy it. If Tyme didn't enjoy it, he wouldn't be caressing Great's body. It's a simple anatomy. If you don't like or feel anything towards someone, you won't get a turn-on. What we saw is that both of them are turned on beyond belief. They fuck (not make love, like Great's timeline). Tyme filmed it and here, he had second thoughts about posting it. We see how he is fighting to himself and the morals he once had. But then he sees the photograph, bright, alive, happy, and he goes with his revenge.
And here he miscalculated another thing again, Great, who he thought, will never appear in front of him appears and chases after him, like lost puppy/kitten , he is.
See Tyme ignored Great with not answering him, but Great, the brat he is goes after him. I guess that D was good, but he is intrigued. Someone was able to stand up his father. Even his mom, Korn they obey his father, but we've got Tyme who did something crazy and Great is interested. Again, it doesn't make him a good person. So they go on dinner, and here Tyme sees it, understands it: he was wrong about Great. Look at his face:
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The disbelief in his eyes. He is like wtf kid.
Tyme, with all his glory plan, understands the small mistake: Great can't be controlled, can't be used, because he doesn't care. And he understands the tragedy of this child, because he is child, he was brave to come and find Tyme, when he was told to go home if he doesn't want to eat in cheap place, he didn't, he said that he will eat, he cant even eat spicy food and yet, just to be near Tyme, to have more time with him, Great choose to eat it. This is a child who doesn't want to be left alone, who is lonely and doesn't know how to be a normal human being, cause around him there are no people with morals.
And Tyme does what Tyme can do, leaves Great, cause he can't be responsible for Great, he can't deal with Great, for Great it is a game, for Tyme it is revenge and his life on line. Nans life, his grandmother's life. For Great: just a game, where he will enjoy a good fuck and make his dads life miserable, but the same the cure of his loneliness.
So Tyme leaves. Without looking back.
See, Tyme is not a good person, but again, he is not bad either. Tyme is also a very tragic character, a person who couldn't move on. He is supposed to be a doctor, saving life, and must have morals. Yet we have a doctor, with not many emotions, trying to be a doctor for money, and not happy at all. The irony, right? He must be saving life's, instead he is losing one's.
Tyme is tragic because he can't save Nan, and he does blame himself, but all anger he takes out on Great. And yes, Great could've saved Nan, but he is a coward and didn't, but Great saved Tyme. Because he is genuinely interested in Tyme, he is emotionally connected (onesided) with him. So he couldn't stand Tymes' death. We saw that he had no problems with other people dying. He developed feelings, and Tyme might be bad with plans, but I think he knows about Greats one-sided interest in him (not love).
Here is one thing I liked in Tyme, instead of using that one-sided interest, he did one right thing, showed Great his own cowardence. Told him how weak he is. They said awful things to each other. Great telling Tyme to go die, Tyme telling Great that he deserves to go to hell.
See, they are not good at all, but they are not bad either.
The society they live in is garbage. And they are tragic characters who could've saved each other. Instead, they will be the end of each other.
I don't know what can be more tragic than this.
Two souls, trying their hard to live, but....
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Well, they are gonna die, there is no doubt. I just hope they can find their ways to each other, forgive each other. In the end, we are all humans. We can learn on our own mistakes. And try and live our life without regrets. There might be no second chance.
We are still going to see Tymes regrets, his and Greats cardiac arrest is going same time, so they are gonna meet again, they are going to have their own 4 minutes, and one of them will be saved and another will die, or both of them will be dying moving to another life. My brain is on 🔥.
My bet is on Tymes' death. He did see door opening and light. Typical afterlife entrance. But again, this drama is not a typical one, so two more weeks...
They are giving me butterflies 🦋
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theemporium · 1 year
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☞in the morning light (smut)
☞always an angel, never a god
☞the mortifying ordeal of being a 20 year old virgin (masterlist)
���luke bringing home a girl none of his family expected
☞luke wanting to spoil his girl after his first pay check
☞luke comforting reader after a rough phone call
☞luke letting reader get away with using his middle name
☞prince!luke meeting assassin!reader at a ball
☞best friend!reader giving luke a blowjob (smut)
☞luke picking up reader after she sprained her ankle
☞luke picking up hischier!reader from the airport after summer break
☞reader bandaging up a small injury for luke
☞reader giving luke a surprise after a roadie (smut)
☞reader teasing luke at charity event (smutty themes)
☞luke being jealous of your co-worker
☞being enemies with benefits with luke (smutty themes)
☞hunter!reader helping werewolf!luke escape
☞luke teasing reader about the books she reads (smutty themes)
☞luke pining after best friend!reader
☞luke being high on painkillers
☞luke comforting reader during a power outage
☞luke with a black cat girlfriend who isn’t very affectionate
☞best friend!reader finding luke’s childhood diary
☞luke on a high after a good game (smut)
☞drunk luke being a menace
☞luke bumping into his ex at quinn’s wedding
☞luke gets his wisdom teeth out
☞luke bringing reader to devils family skate day
☞luke asking out hischier!reader
☞reader meeting luke’s umich friends
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aricr0cs · 2 months
It all started in 2022 when my girlfriend used pictures of qunari pectorals to shamelessly tempt me into being interested in dragon age. I’ve never been into rpg on console. I like racing games and shooters. Stuff like that. But in my defense…. The Arishok.
She convinced me to watch her play. And I did. All of it. She began with dragon age origins. A completionist, She played it all, recording it for me in 30 minute increments which I consumed with growing interest. Every game. The dlc. Every quest. No chest was left unlooted (giggity). I’m sure I saw more in the last two years than yall will ever see here thybyht.
And boy did I consume it. I fell in love with every character. I fell in love with her ocs. I fell more in love with her for giving me this wonderful little piece of her head. It felt like a very special gift. And I gobbled it up.
And naturally, being me, I crafted my own ocs inside my head that were there too. Developed my own ideas of what I would do. My considerations of the actions I would take. The choices I would make. I became very invested.
They dropped the veilguard trailer and it was a new experience for us I think. She has loved this game for so long. I have never played it. But we were both squealing with excitement and buzzing about what we think will happen.
And then the playthrough aired. The one where we see Varric lose his Bianca and here I am having never played and yet my heart still hurt with worry for this little fictional man.
And so the itch began. The desire to make those choices for myself. To see Thedas being shaped because of my actions.
I have been sucked in.
On June 30th 2024, in a discord call with my gf, I downloaded origins and began my first playthrough. There will be some catching up posts of how I felt and the choices I made and then once I’m caught up I’m going to consider this my online da diary lol.
It's a juxtaposition. I know what is going to happen. I know the story. I’m already spoiled. But this is still very much my first playthrough of these games. So if I post old news or theories I apologize ynynyh. But I figured I’d share my joy and idiocy with the world. And I thank you old dragon age veterans for putting up with newbies like me.
Also my girl. Thank you Leah for giving this old gay a new world to become a part of. As always I’m dragging your ass with me uwu.
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arikasugar · 2 months
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 months
Ramble about a wolf 359 character, if you’d like :D
Oh boy oh boy oh boy.
There's so many. There's so many.
I don't want to spoil anything. But I will rant about my boy Douglas Fernand Eiffel, because I relate to him a TON as someone with ADHD and also, he's hilarious and a fantastic character. He's one of the most characters of all time.
He was born on Christmas and hates Christmas, which is a pity for him because his boss (the one that is directly above him, the good one) LOVES Christmas and forces him to celebrate it. He's in his 30's (at the time of the podcast, born December 25th, 1982) but acts like a teenager. He's had jobs as a provisional technical sergeant for the United States Air Force, a private surveillance consultant, and a delivery guy for Pizza Hut. He was fired from all of them. Now he's in space picking up radio signals from aliens while he sends them daily video diaries complaining about all the work he has to do and making silly jokes and pop culture references. He thinks he's talking to himself the whole time despite all the episodes foreshadowing the theme that someone is always listening.
Since I know you're a TMBS fan who reads my fic, I'll add that he's also a blend of Milligan and Garrison in the strangest, and yet best of ways. He was in jail and he deserved it, but he regrets everything he did so much and you feel horrible for him. He got in a fight with his ex-girlfriend after he relapsed and lost custody of his daughter. He'll do anything to avoid doing his job, and yet he is also the crew's moral compass despite ironically being a convicted criminal (he is guilty of his crimes and was bailed out of prison on the condition that he work for Goddard and complete this mission). He tries to smoke cigarettes in space. He loves comic books. He needs ADHD meds. He's an alcoholic. He's a fake music professor. He's a Texas cowboy fighting against the control of the man (his direct supervisor, who is a woman). He's the only man that can save the world (him being born on Christmas is savior foreshadowing, very subtle as you can see). He can't take anything seriously, yet sometimes he's the only one who understands the moral ramifications of certain situations. He's obsessed with Star Wars but hates the prequels and is fine with them being erased from his mind (the podcast came out just before the sequels, and they don't get updates from Earth, so Doug doesn't know about them). It's also very ironic he hates the prequels as a lot of Doug's story follows Anakin's (being a bad dad who permanently disables his child but comes through for his kid in the end, being the foreshadowed "guy who saves everyone").
His best friend is his angry boss (direct supervisor) who goes from being constantly annoyed by him to thinking of him as her best. His other best friend is a robot who sees and hears everything he does and helps host his fake radio show. He does a reverse Milligan where he remembers his long-lost daughter and then he forgets her forever. His enemies are a Russian scientist who also has a bad relationship with his family, a whiskey-loving fellow alcoholic, and a creepy businessman who also can't take things seriously and has a "work wife" with the same voice as Doug's robot AI best friend, so even Doug's enemies are all weird reflections of different aspects of himself.
I hope this was enough. Sorry it's not as organized or coherent as Sophie's, but I hope you like it!
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boredgirlsclub · 2 years
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dear diary
little life update:
i had an impromptu galentines with the girls! i love my friend group i’ve made this year💗 we did it on super bowl sunday! talked the whole time and only shut up for the half time show (as it should be)
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2. 14. 23
valentines was amazing. we showed eachother a lot of love 🫶🏽 and i got gifts! which really fulfills my gift giving love language 🥹
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flowers (roses), chocolates, and a new teddy of course. then fulfilling my pink pilates princess dream by getting me a baby pink water bottle (cold and heat insulation for 24 hours and all that good stuff) and a new pink yoga mat (one side has a pattern and the other is just all pink😌)
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(a couple recent pics of us i love)
love my baby, he knows me so well. i’m so thankful for him.
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itsroxie · 2 years
Heads-up 👀
If you are on this side of tumblr 👀 your favorite bloggers are getting married and posting less. Soon they’ll delete their blog and all their knowledge information will be gone. Read what you can, learn from them NOW! And stop sending them rude messages 🤐
To all the girlies that came a lil late to the “club”, binge read while you can 🤍 if it’s too late just live your life you’ll figure it out. Trust me ❄️
xoxo Mrs.Degree ❣️
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gravity-reject · 1 year
Could I request relationship headcannons for sugar belle with a gn s/o
AWE SUGARBELLE, MY SWEET GIRL! Sorry I didn't get to your request sooner, I just noticed it! I hope you like these headcanons anyway!🧁
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-BEST GIRLFRIEND/WIFE EVER! She is literally the sweetest mare ever for her partner!
-My girl knows her self-worth, and she 100% knows yours as well, and she will definitely stand up for her partner if she feels you aren't being treated kindly or with respect. "Hey! You can't talk to them like that, who do you think you are!"
-Her love languages are acts of service and gift giving! (Gift giving being mostly her baked goods...what can she say? She loves spoiling you with her baking) With acts of service, she likes very meaningful acts of service, like helping you with chores in her spare time! And she loves it when you help with her baking (as long as you aren't a disaster in her kitchen lol) and always let's you have first taste!
-As previously stated above, she really appreciates your honest opinion on her baking! (Because it's always good, I mean CMON!) And will always ask, "How's that one, Sugar? Is it your favorite? I tried a new technique this time with the oven"
-If you have an allergy, like celiac disease or a diary allergy, she WILL make you a substitute! And you know that stereotype that gluten-free cookies aren't as good? Well, NOT HERS they will be sooo good and just for you! :)
-She also is a believer in personal space. She likes time to herself where she can bake or just relax, and she wants her partner to go do whatever their talent or hobby is! She will always be waiting for you with a new baked good when you get home.
- She doesn't like long, overcomplicated pet names... she likes short and sweet ones! Mostly baking or food based obviously (Sugar, Honey, SweetPea, ect)
-When it comes to cuddles, she honestly strikes me as the type of mare to fall asleep, cuddling her partner and then waking up on the other side of the bed sprawled out lol. Besides sleeping, she likes laying her head on your shoulder/next to yours, or when laying down she lays her head on the back of your neck, almost completely on top of you "You comfortable s/o?"
-Sugar Belle as I've mentioned is so sweet, whether or not she would like to admit it she is a crier...she just thinks you're so sweet and kind and you take such good care of her and she can't believe you did this for her and- oh boy here come the waterworks...Tears mostly just well up in her eyes when you do something particularly nice for her.
- For jealousy, I'm convinced she would be passive aggressive...like she would TRY to be nice, but she would have that tone of voice that proves otherwise, yknow? Now, if she's built up enough, she might just say something... she wouldn't explode or nothing obviously but she would walk up to them and say "Hey (Insert Name), I see the way you're looking at and acting around my partner s/o, and I would like you to stop" if she said this early on she would say it in her typical sweet voice but if it was later, after she's been built up she would have such an attitude when saying it.
- When you are upset SHE gets upset she's very emotionally connected to you and if you start crying she will inevitably also tear up, she will usher you to sit down and get comfortable while she quickly whips you up something sweet, after she will ask you what happened. God forbid somepony did this.
-She would like a family one day... she would like to focus on her bakery for now, but later in life, she would love some foals or fillys:)
-This is to the point, but her favorite form of physical affection is Bunny kisses... She loves rubbing noses with you!
- "I love you honeybunch, Dont you ever forget it" *Bunny Kiss*
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sugaroto · 1 year
Ok you know what's kinda funny about "Jackson's Diary", or rather "plot twist-y"?
So, ok, imma be honest, when I started the comic I thought it was bl or lgbt or something. Be it the art or the description or the fact that everything I read is gay, I thought this was some kind of enemies to lovers/as magic stuff is going on around the school or something
I really thought the 2 mains were gonna end up together
And I wasn't the only one who thought that cause a lot of the comments were talking about it
But no. Soon you realize they're all very straight, exer is still in love with his ex girlfriend and Jackson kinda gets in a love triangle with exer's ex and the girl exer bullied last year. Also it's set in like- the 80s? Soo. They probably don't know what gay is. (Or they ignore it yknow)
"Wasn't David bi in the canvas version?" said the comments "Yeah he was I think he liked Exer"
So then I'm trying to figure out if he's bi, and some chapters later he's literally making heart eyes around exer but like, in the background
And he's not that important at the time so I'm like oh ok great he's the comedic relief stereotypical gay character?
And exer is like... straight and in love with David's twin sister so nothing will happen right?
Jokes on me
Like 100 chapters later and this is Exer's reaction to David saying they're friends
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The gay panic
Had me fooled there honestly
Also ok, I know my post is focused around the gay romance here, but like the comic is really interesting I do recommend it
Jackson goes to a new school and he is the only one who can see some kind of "green magic" messing around with his daily life
Shit happens, he makes friends, he gets into love triangles as I mentioned before (not for that long, thankfully) he gets into fights and makes new friends again
The characters are all very interesting, I was gonna say nice, but then realized half of them are assholes, currently it seems like they're trying to be better people tho
And even though it's set in the 80s it seems most of the main characters were accepting of the lgbt ones (well ok so far 2 people know about it so yknow, ) the only assholes were some bullies literally called Rick and Marty who used gay as a slur or something like 50 chapters ago
Well, and I can't really say anything much without spoiling more, I've already talked enough about their sexualities I'm not telling you what's happening with the green stuff
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masked-and-doomed · 11 months
Hello, I'm Kat/Kats (or Yomotsu), welcome!! I am so normal about my boyfriends.
Please feel free to ask me about my OC, UG!! Hell, even cooler if you do it in a roleplay kinda way.
Other places you can find me:
@katsdoodles - art blog/archive.
Discord: thatonekats
👆 just in case. Tumblr explodes. Talk to me if you wanna ig (I am not good at conversing. So. Keep that in mind.)
Ao3: ThatOneKat2
👆 Might as well have it here. I've been more in a writing mood this year.
Twitter: @ThatOneKats
I have a twitter now I fucking guess. A bit of bonus content there (a little bit more of unhinged thoughts) but you're not missing much if you don't go there.
Suspected BPD, have been diagnosed autistic. I will feel things very intensely either forever or feel nothing about it in the next hour max. You may see vent posts. Every now and then. Check the tagging system to block em out.
I am deeply in love and sickly affectionate for my 4 darlings. They're my boyfriends, girlfriends, besties- our relationship? Is uhh whatever man. It's love. It's love. (Also not the best fathers but hey I take what I can get)
First two being Yomotsu Hirasaka (pfp), and Takao Hiyama. They are my most intense hyperfixation of 2 years.! They are from Mirai Nikki/Future Diary. An anime/manga which I don't really like.
The next beloved is Pocketcat! He is from Fear and Hunger. He's. A silly :) There's so much intrigue of him aaaghhh ough he is so sad.
Last one !! Faust. From Guilty Gear. He's a. He's somebody. Got him on Valentine's Day. He makes me a different kind of ill. Alas, this doctor cannot cure me.
They're 💙 just like me fr. I love them. URL is them btw. Masked men, doomed.
(comfortable with sharing and gushing together with everyone. I don't mind if you send or @ me in stuff that has Faust shipped with someone, (I like appreciating art of Faust in any form :] ) just know I'm uncomfy with all (canon x canon) Faust ships except Happy Chaos, meaning that I won't talk about them (eg., fau.slayer) together.)
I am. Also obsessed with my lambs as well. (The Conclave, consisting of Axus, Libraria, Baldias, and Chronus) They mean a lot to me. I wish to give them happiness they didn't have the time nor place for. You will see me reblog lambs and tag it as them. Feel free to send me lamb pictures, effectively beaming Conclave to me.
NOTE! I do sometimes post about needing my darlings to kill themselves, or wish great harm upon them. I will not always have positive things to say about them. I am a hater as much as I am a lover. (Not the "I want him dead" (lovingly) (though I do have sadism and would enjoy killing them for the fun of it), I have genuine hatred towards them all (Libraria the least) and I loathe their existence.
(if I had to guess, this is the bpd doing its thing)
Yayaya tagging system time!
#ah rambling - general yapping tag
#[MN/funger] rambling - ramblings of MN or funger
#[MN/funger] bangers - memes/shitposts of that fandom
#oc time - posts about the little OCs I have (currently empty. DW about it)
#unnamed girlie - posts about my self insert. (UG for short)
#UG spoilers - in case you wanna go through the UG tag but not be spoiled about the endings and such.
#guy in my head - headcanon posts
#doodle tag - stuff not high effort enough to put into my art blog goes here
#reblog moment - reblogs! So you can filter them out
#lovesick - yandere / obsessive behaviour
#gatito - kitty tag.
#belalang beloveds - grasshopper tag. Belalang is grasshopper in Malay :)
#art save - images I wanna draw (typically memes I wanna draw with my guys)
#art reference material - reblogs of posts with helpful art stuff
#general reference material - reblogs of posts with whatever that isn't art. Not really 'general' perse but I don't have another word
#epic meowtual art - art by the meowtuals!
#ask game - reblogs of ask game posts
#ask game answer - answers to asks abt the ask game
#hello asker - ask tag
#tag game - reblog of posts that are meant to have you tag other ppl to continue the chain
#negative. And #/negative are used for vent posts. Make those sometimes.
#hxrny aroace on main - (mind the x) epic posts where I feel feelings for some characters (carnally)
#fanfic shit idfk - posts related to fanfics I'm reading (or something like that)
#girl what you on?? - posts where I'm in some sort of delirium, talking to my beloveds. And being ill about them.
#shit I send to fictional guy - posts I'd send to fictional characters. Will prob have their name tagged too.
#unnamed oc core - wow it's just like him fr. Many things will be tagged this btw. They are not okay. (Same person as UG jsyk)
#pocketkitty - for posts I don't want in the pocket.cat tag or reblogging posts that are like pocket.cat. (only applies to him everyone else gets tagged with their name in posts that are like them)
#robot nephew - similar to pocketkitty just that it's. Mr robo.t K.y
#silly doctor man - I fell into gui.lty g.ear and now I'm in love with this bozo. When I don't want it to be in the main tag. Yes like pocketkitty and robo bo.
#mister omelette - guy that asks which came first the chicken or the egg. Answers himself, it's omelette.
#mask quartet - fucking stupid masked bitches trying to save humanity gone wrong
Liveblog tags:
Guilty gear: #pride in my gears: sign, #pride in my gears: rev, #pride in my gears: overture, #pride in my gears: strive
Tag me in stuff you think I like!! I don't mind! Or like tag games.
There's also a *cough cough* side blog. For degenerate thoughts of mine. If you want it just give a DM ig.
Pictures i want here
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(This applies mostly to Faust. Sorry not sorry Faust. I will give you the worst horrors.)
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(This is me any time someone mentions Conclave. I wish I could say I was exaggerating. I'll just say that Conclave has spiked my libido and I've been the fastest to draw suggestive art of them and write smut of them than of any other character I've fallen in love with. I need them carnally. And I tell you, it is a need.)
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