#spoilies in the next tags ->
peachducy · 5 months
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daily-isat · 8 months
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day 3! line up of the Main Guys…. colors version uder the cut ^_<
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mira being purple and pink is very special to me, ok. isa being tones of pink is very dear to me, ok… and odile and bonnie having opposite palettes is important to me, ok……?
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marchsage · 6 months
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world's most well-adjusted daughter
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I love your mcs! Next question: do you have anything written for their stories you want to share like a sneak peak,,, if not then wanna spoil a big emotional moment they have? I like spoilers
(i got a little excited answering this ask i'm so sorry in advance)
also sorry in advance for the many, many tws and cws i did NOT realise how dark my writing was???
YES what if i just start posting random scenes for you guys. what if i did that. okay i would love to post the entire first chapter but it turns out i didn't finish that sooooo have spoily spoiler instead... unfortunately it does not hit as hard without the context of the rest of the story, so i'll give a bit of contextualization first
morgan (they/them) has spent almost their entire life with only like... two friends, and one of then had been their sister, jill (she/her). jill is in the same year, so morgan, jill, and their mutual best friend mateo (he/him) have pretty much grown up together. during grades 1-5 (ages 5ish to 11ish for all my non-north american friends) morgan makes a friend named joel (he/him). they're close for a bit, but then in fifth grade some stuff changes and eventually they're not even on speaking terms anymore. coincidentally, jayden moved to the school and befriended joel around the same time. consequently, morgan blames him for "stealing" joel.
around 9th grade morgan realises that mateo is lowkey abusing/grooming and isolating them from all of their peers, so they cut ties with him. their sister does not, which they are understandably resentful over.
(also side tangents but i'm gonna put tws in the foreword of my books... i think everyone should do that tbh. it would make consuming content a lot more accesible imo. this has nothing to do with the ask i just thought of that while i was tagging)
anyway, up until this scene, morgan was under the impression that jayden had gang-raped someone with his entire friend group. this turns out to be something mateo made up about jayden to get morgan to stay away from him.
don't lie about rape kids. i absolutely should not have to be the one to tell you that. but i will. because apparently some people just fuck around and do it anyway (not to get personally upset online but like i said... an unfortunate amount of these events were real things that happened to or around me as a child.)
okay here's the actual scene 💀:
“I don’t understand what I did to you!” I shouted. I could feel tears pricking at my eyes and the only thought it my head was God, this is so fucking embarrassing. “And- and I keep trying to make it better, but you won’t let me! And that would be fine if I at least knew what I was being fucking shunned for-”
“How could you possibly not know?” they demanded angrily. “Everyone knew! Mateo told me-!”
And then they stopped. Their eyes glazed over. Tears gathered at the corners of their eyes, and they started laughing.
“Ha. Haha. Hahaha.”
It started slow at first, but then they just kept laughing until they were in full-out hysterics, laughing and crying. Their knees buckled, and suddenly they were sitting on the ground, right in the goddamn snowbank. I hated them for a minute, because I was supposed to be angry, but all I could feel in that moment was concern.
“What?” I demanded, legitimately scared. “What did Mateo tell you I did?”
They had both hands over their mouth, either to keep from sobbing or to stop laughing. I think they were scaring themself as much as they were scaring me. Then, they said something I’ll never forget.
“It doesn’t matter. Not a word he ever said was true.”
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seahdalune · 10 months
(i've only watched up to episode 2. no spoily)
the new Scott Pilgrim is like.... whaaaa-?! like, defos not what i thought it would be.
i honestly don't know what to expect, because the death (?) of Scott AND overthrow of Gideon was a, eh-?! moment to me. it threw me off so hard, like a bus trying to avoid a deer! especially with Gideon's overthrow combined. that was a wholeass butterfly effect! all because Crash and the Boys decided not to show up! is the overthrow the reason i kept seeing Gideon Graves woobified gifs+pfps before i had to mute the tag on twitter?
i wonder if Envy and Scott's relationship is different in the series too. i mean, everyone is like "omg we love Envy!!!", EVEN his closer friend group! (i have no idea if Wallace reacted positively because either he wasn't shown or i blinked and missed him) like, you know when she called Scott and then he went through some kind of state and then everyone was like "oh god, her". eh, wait, so was that reaction because of Envy or was it because of Scott's reaction to Envy- I MAY NEED TO RE-READ THE COMICS, DAMMIT.
i was sortaaaa hoping that the "light" would come up in the animated series because i didn't quite get it when i read the comics? they obvs couldn't do that with the movie because it was live action and time but the animated series is like, the pictures but they move woah. maybe it'll come up, maybe it won't idk.
i hope Knives gets better treatment in the series. she doesn't need to appear that much, all i want is that she won't get a makeout session with the adults. onscreen. (cuz whatever point was supposed to be had with Knives was done kinda shittily if i'm gonna be honest. girl you are not going to grow up normal)
right i kinda didn't say anything about Ramona because so far she hasn't really diverged from the source material so i don't have any ideas to what she might bring. i think she might act soon, maybe next episode, dream and cliffhanger and all.
the OP is a banger. love the opening jingle.
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dragon-pawz · 3 years
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I have many other things I should be doing but I just finished TWEWY’s main story and had to start drawing this little bitch
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drmazel · 4 years
Sigh my entire dash got into a81 right as I started eskew huh
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lethalwizard · 6 years
so i finally finished bioshock 1 and im so glad it wasnt spoiled for me because FUCK! i havent had a good unspoiled story like that in ages!!
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limerental · 3 years
I'm at the point where I am now filtering all Witcher tags to avoid spoilers because even the show's teasers and screencaps feel too spoily for me so if you want me for Witcher stuff, I'm not here 4 the next week (I will likely immediately forget this)
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wishful-soda · 2 years
im back to share my full thoughts!!! which are as follows!!!
I am obsessed with the max charles reveal scene!!! Ofc charles is a natural at this somehow and max being a big brother type was actually rly sweet.
Daniel has two parts for me in this chapter: frantic overthinker, and jealous chaos monster. Both were written PERFECTLY.
The way he was so damn worried she was ending things when he didn’t see her all day. MY GOD SO SOFT. also this part showed me just how much every single person is aware that daniel is in love/obsessed with her except for she in daniel. Like he asked to borrow michaels phone and opened the phone keypad and michael instantly knew he wanted to call her 😭😭😭
Also. Once he came to believe she and charles were dating he just could not see reason i’m OBSESSED. the way he just wanted to speak to her alone i cry. he was SO jealous and it was so hot. and the fact that her pleading eyes was the only thing that could take him from angry to wanting to ~do things~ to her and his jealousy made him do the MOST UNHINGED under the table action of all time like…. the power she has over him
I’ve been laughing all day since i read it at the thought that daniel genuinely thinks at this moment she and charles are dating and he still went for her under the table and still MADE CHARLES AWARE??? that’s extreme jealousy right there baby. i love it.
I may or may not have stared off into the distance on the tube today just thinking about that under the table scene sksk whoops
Anyways! you are the biggest genius on tumblr and i applaud you! SOTD is unmatched! thank you for entertaining my word dump here!
PS this is v spoily if you want to wait to publish i would understand 😂
TAGGED FOR SPOILERS YALL. go about your day if you haven’t read chapter 13 yet 😂
Girl. I am DYING at “jealous chaos monster” because omfg it’s just so fitting.
Yes, Michael is totally aware of it and has been for a long fucking time and he’s just waiting for the mans to realize it because he knows he’s stubborn and will push back if he tries to push him 😂
I absolutely wanted him to have that desperation of “please let’s talk” and then when he was denied he had to scramble. He really said “alright if we can’t go the discussion route, we’re going to go the ‘remind you what it is I can do’ route” he had to have her in a way Charles didn’t in that moment 😏
YES THE COCKY SONUVA BITCH HAD TO MAKE CHARLES AWARE HE JUST FINGER FUCKED HIS GIRLFRIEND WHILE SHE SAT RIGHT NEXT TO HIM. the arrogance, I stg, it’s part of why we love him so much but also why do we love him so much
Also it’s the highest compliment I could ever ask for to hear my writing fuels daydreams because honestly that’s where my writing comes from, me constantly daydreaming 😅
Stop your compliments are so sweet, omfg you stop it or I’ll squeeze you 😭 thank you so so much for all your love and support, I’ve said this before but I always look forward to hearing your thoughts ❤️❤️❤️ ILY BBY
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peachducy · 6 months
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Do I detect a subtle rivalry between the two professors?
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nadjasnandor · 3 years
Oh we're saying nice and true things about you today? Well I appreciate how diligent you are at tagging! I don't usually get to see eps till the next day so I like not having to worry about the spoilies :)
Ahhh.🥺💕 Thank you, I'm glad my tagging is useful after all! I wasn't always so good at it, I must admit, but this makes me glad I got over myself . 💕
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causticsunshine · 3 years
♡ sunday snippet ♡
tagged by the lovely @hershelsue thank you greta 💘 (your mermaid series snippet made me so excited for the next part!!)
now from me....okay i know i need to work on part two of ATSCO because i know more people might read it if i have more posted and smut part of that deal but hear me out. part three owns my heart, my soul, is my reason for being and has been since i came up with this idea months ago. so. have some future spoilies—
Harry is cautious as he cups his hands, tangling his fingers together, and brings them down to where his belly flattens into his pubic bone. Gifted with a vibrant imagination, he feels a phantom weight resting on his palms. A weight that will twinge his back, swell his ankles, further throw off his shaky balance.
He can draw Louis’ hands up to join his, holding off the heaviness falling lower and lower with each week. Rubbing soft circles wherever he can reach. Will get down on his knees, too, with his hands still cupped in a form of alternate prayer as he lays kisses to consecrated, fertile ground.
But Louis’ knock on the door shatters the fantasy. All that’s left is an false memory and his own palms sitting flat under his navel.
“You decent?”
“Me? Never.”
and i'll be tagging @polaroidlouis @inlockets @dyingstars-x @thedevilinmybrain and uhm anyone that would like to!!
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puppianqueen · 3 years
deltarune chapter 2 spoilies
this is the last normal art in the scrimblo tag i will give you, prepare for what comes next gamers (tickl art tickdtl art its fuckging tickl art)
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this was just made to be like a simple color ref or whatever for later
instead of listening to anything from the deltarune ost im listening to Vela Nova from sonic rush and honestly it works
(ok so i might be reading his design wrong but ehhh i’ll worry about that later)
also he’s not tall im not drawing him tall he automatically has to be shorter than any protagonist in the same room as him
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etherianinenine · 4 years
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No spoilies! 
Just a reminder with Season 5 dropping tomorrow that anything I post for the next week or so won’t have major plot spoilers. Anything which contains images from S5 that don’t give too much away will be tagged #spop s5 so you can filter them out. Don’t forget to be considerate of those who might not have seen the final series with reblogs and replies too.
Are we even feeling remotely ready?
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james-baeder · 4 years
Next week I'll tag them as tbl spoilies
I wanna stay out of the tag
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