#spoils the horror movie we are currently watching)
againwiththeturtles · 8 months
i miss hanging out with the boys (my gf and her peculiar roommate)
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russellrustles · 2 years
Game Night - c. leclerc
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a/n: just a little something to get back into writing! This is mainly fueled by my current obsession with horror games. Maybe this counts as an early Halloween fic?
warnings: just a light dash of occasional swearing
word count: 2.3k
summary: for some extra entertainment, you decide to make your regular game night a little more spooky, and Charles is determined to prove that he’s not the only one feeling unnerved.
“You ready?” Charles asks, dramatically flopping down next to you on the sofa and throwing the Xbox controller at you. He’s quick to sprawl out across the majority of the sofa, reaching for a blanket that’s thrown over the back of it and snuggling up amongst all the pillows.
“I will be once I have enough room to sit here without falling off,” you reply, and he looks over at you with a confused expression before realising that you’re sitting with your legs tucked against your body right on the edge of the sofa. He gasps quietly and then breaks into a laugh, now aware that his attempts to get comfortable have resulted in you nearly landing on your ass on the floor. 
“My bad - come here,” he apologises, shifting over to the side a little and reaching over to pull you down until you’re lying down next to him, neatly tucked against his body. You give an incoherent little mumble of approval before resting your head on his chest and grabbing the hem of his t-shirt to have something to fiddle with. 
Charles gently picks up your hand and guides it to his cheek instead, quietly saying something along the lines of, “Darling, you’ll wear out all my shirts if you keep picking at the loose strings.”
You respond with a stubborn hmph but settle on running your thumb along his cheekbone. 
He grabs the controller again, pressing a few buttons and turning on the game. The two of you usually prefer more light-hearted, multiplayer games for your game nights, most commonly something like Mario Kart that leaves the two of you hurling jocular obscenities at each other, but after some discussion you had decided that it’s finally time to switch it up a little and play a horror game. 
In preparation for the game, you’ve already turned off every light in the house and shut all the curtains - if you’re going to be scaring yourselves, then you have to go full-out, just for that extra credit.
“So, like, how are we going to do this if it’s single-player?” Charles asks, starting a new game and placing the controller down as the loading screen comes on.
You ponder over the matter for a second, before conceding, “We’ll just swap every now and again.” He gives a small hum of agreement, idly running his fingers through your hair whilst waiting. Sighing contentedly, you embrace the moment of intimacy before his hand leaves your hair and picks up the controller once again despite your weak protests. 
Neither of you have played this particular game before, only having read the description and watched a short trailer for it, and you’ve persistently nagged Charles not to read or watch anything more about it in order not to spoil anything for tonight. 
“Are you sure about this?” he laughs quietly, selecting a new save file and causing another somber loading screen to appear on the TV. You nod confidently, determined not to chicken out tonight and to fully finish the game - whether Charles would stick around for the entire duration of it is another matter. 
He’s not a wimp by any means - for Christ’s sake, his entire job revolves around him doing stuff that requires an insane amount of bravery - but sometimes when it’s just the two of you and he feels like he can show a bit more vulnerability he’s quick to cuddle up to you or tuck himself under a pile of blankets if there’s a particularly bone-chilling scene in a movie. However, you don’t really have the right to mock him for that, seeing as the last time you watched a horror movie together you hadn’t allowed him to turn the bedroom lights off for three nights afterwards. 
Soon enough, the game begins, with the initial setting being some sort of dingy, decrepit corridor. The classic horror game first-person point of view adds to the rising sense of vulnerability as Charles slowly starts to explore what seems to be a rundown house. Silently, you both take in the details of the environment, hyper-vigilant as you pass doors barely held on by their hinges and windows showcasing an outside world far too heavily steeped in darkness to show anything of comfort. 
Charles is the first to break the silence.
“Are those claw marks?” He stops moving down the corridor to closely examine a wooden door. You squint your eyes a little, trying to take a closer look, but in the poor lighting you simply can’t make out much detail and reply with a shrug.
After that, the tension doesn’t fall in the slightest. There have been no jumpscares as of yet, nor any paranormal encounters, but the rising feeling of helplessness and the persistent thought that there’s a chance that you’re being watched makes the trek through the seemingly never-ending maze of rooms and corridors greatly unnerving. 
Eventually, you’re faced with a locked door, and Charles sets off to attempt to solve a puzzle of sorts in order to unlock it. You busy yourself with stroking his shoulder and chest instead of his cheek, unwilling to admit to him that you’re feeling slightly creeped out. 
And maybe it’s just paranoia, but in the corner of the screen, in the darkness of the room…
“Oh my god, that’s a face! Right there!” you yelp, pointing accusingly at the exact spot where you’re certain you’ve just seen a distorted face emerge. 
“Where? Where?” Charles panics, abandoning the puzzle and frantically looking around the room. After a thorough search, he looks down and frowns, “There’s nothing here,”
“But I swear!”
The two of you burst into laughter in an attempt to ward off the skittishness that you’ve been experiencing since you began playing. Seeing this as an opportunity to take a tiny break, you ask Charles to pass over the bowl of popcorn that you’d prepared earlier.
“Why can’t you do it yourself? Just lean over and grab it,” he whines, dramatically throwing his head back in mock distress. 
“You see, that’s exactly what the problem is, Charlie,” you begin to explain in a very serious tone, “if I lean over and put my hand over the gap between the sofa and coffee table, a monster could reach up and grab it and pull me down and-“
He furrows his brows before replying, “So you’d rather have that happen to me?”
After a brief pause, you mumble, “Yeah, pretty much.”
“Wow,” he drawls, rolling his eyes but yielding and handing over the bowl of popcorn, resting it on his stomach as he lays on his back. 
Giggling quietly at your victory (and the guaranteed safety of your hand) you busy yourself with munching on the snack as Charles returns to the puzzle.
He’s quick to solve it, and you give a little cheer and whoop of joy as he now moves through the door. Yet, despite the short-lived moment of triumph, you can’t help but feel that something’s just off.
All of a sudden, the lights in the newly-unlocked section of the corridor start to flicker before turning off completely, only to answer Charles’ hmm of confusion with a blood-curdling jumpscare.
Charles’ limbs go flailing in all directions and you cling onto his chest, ignoring the clattering of the controller on the floor and the popcorn raining down around the room as the pair of you somehow manage to launch it in the air with your sudden movements. 
“Nope, no, fuck this,” he blurts out, picking up the controller, shoving you into an upright sitting position and climbing onto your lap, “It’s your turn to play now - I’ve seen enough.”
You laugh a bit out of sheer shock, slowly wrapping the blanket around you and Charles as he sits sideways across your lap, his face pressed against your neck as he clings onto you. “Are we calling it a day and going to sleep or continuing?” you ask him, running a hand up and down his side in an attempt to comfort him. 
“You’re continuing, I’m sitting here safe under this blanket and watching,” he states firmly. 
“Oh, shush,” you giggle, picking the controller back up and shifting your attention to the game once again.
The jumpscares and tense atmosphere only get worse from that point onwards, leading you to question whether admitting defeat and leaving the game for another day would be a sensible choice. Yet, just to prove a point and boost your own ego, you keep forcing yourself to plough onwards through the plot of the game, doing your best to mask your shaking as feeling cold and your yelps as awkward coughs. 
“You can’t be cold when there’s a blanket and an entire person on top of you,” Charles questions you, raising an eyebrow and smirking. You shrug absentmindedly, pretending to be too focused on solving another puzzle to answer him properly. “Just admit that you’re scared,” he continues.
“I’m not scared,” you mumble, refusing to look him in the eye, “you just need to do a better job of warming me up.”
He immediately bursts into laughter and you cover his mouth with one hand before he gets the chance to make any further comments.
Without a doubt, the final few minutes of the game prove to be more horrific than anything you had witnessed up to this point. You can’t even tell if Charles is watching at this point as the maze of corridors gets unmanageably convoluted during a chase scene. To be completely honest, if you could close your eyes at this moment too then you eagerly would.
But no - you have to be able to brag about finishing the game. It’s a simple matter of earning bragging rights and an ego boost. 
By the time it’s all over you can feel your heart pounding in your chest and Charles tightly holding onto you with both arms. 
 He’s the first to speak, “What the hell?”
“Yeah, what the hell,” you mumble, thoroughly spooked yet unwilling to admit it. 
You both just sit there for a minute or two, staring at the blank black screen and trying to take in the events of the last few hours. By now, judging by the sliver of moonlight creeping in past the drawn curtains, it must be well past midnight.
“I think we should maybe clear up all this popcorn,” you mumble once you’re out of your stupor, giving Charles a gentle kiss on the head before shifting him off your lap. He stands up right after you do, shooing you away from the pieces of popcorn on the floor and taking the bowl from your hand.
“You go up to bed, I’ll sort this all out,” he assures you, gently pushing you in the direction of the bedroom.
“Are you sure?” you ask, feeling rather guilty just leaving him with all this mess. 
He nods in affirmation and you slink off with the intention of having a quick shower before you get into bed, despite the late hour. 
But the further away from the living room you get, the more eerily dark your surroundings get…
And for some reason, your corridor has never looked so menacing…
You scold yourself for being so childish - it was just a game, after all, nothing real at all - yet still sprint to the nearest lightswitch and slam your palm down on it. Ignoring Charles’ concerned shout of, “Is everything alright?” you make your way to the ensuite bathroom with renewed confidence. 
By the time you’re snuggled up under the duvet in bed, you’ve made sure to turn on all the bedside table lamps and the fairy lights strung around the room - Charles had spent an entire afternoon putting those up a few months ago, because every time he secured one end, the other end would fall right down.  You’ve managed to create quite a cosy atmosphere in the room, determined to ward off your paranoia and instead replace it with warm relaxation.
The sudden appearance of a figure at the bedroom door makes you gasp and Charles’ raucous laughter fills the room, “You said you weren’t scared, amour?”
“I’m not, you just surprised me!” you deny his assumptions, rolling over onto your side and facing away from him. You can’t possibly give him the satisfaction of you admitting that you’re only faking fearlessness.
“You don’t recognise your own boyfriend? I am very upset,” he sighs, feigning offence. You hear him taking off his hoodie and sweatpants, followed by the gentle click of him turning off the lamps.
“Leave them on,” you whisper, barely audible under the heap of duvet and blankets that you’ve buried yourself under. He ignores you, turning off the fairy lights as well before climbing into bed. Wrapping his arm around your midsection, he pulls your back against his chest. 
“Maybe I was terrified while we were playing the game, but at least I’m not scared of the dark afterwards,” he teases you, paying no attention to your groan of protest. 
“You’re so annoying,” you grumble, only to be met with an amused huff from Charles.
“I love you too,” he whispers, giving you a kiss on the cheek before laying his head down on the pillows. 
Already drifting off, you manage to quietly mutter back a slurred, “Love you.”
After a few seconds of silence in which you presume he’s fallen asleep, Charles whispers, “But, you know, if you wake up and the lights start flickering and there’s some scratches on the door-”
A gentle kick to the shin is enough to cut him off mid-sentence, but it doesn’t stop him from giggling as he holds you tighter. He knows you too well - you wouldn’t be able to hide a secret from him even if your life depended on it.
Maybe next time you’ll just stick to playing Mario Kart.
a/n: please nag me to post more regularly in the future! thank you for reading :)
TAGLIST: (read this post for more info about my taglists)
@seastarapiaries @idkiwantchocolatee​  @ohthemisssery
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chvrrycola · 2 years
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word count: 0.7k
warnings: existencial dilemmas a lil bit ? idk
currently listening to: sunshine by stray kids
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you looked up from the netflix screen as you felt the edge of the sofa beside you sink with the weight of what looked like every blanket on the earth. junkyu was standing over you, checking out the screen to figure out the film you had been so anxious to watch with him. 
you weren't much of a horror movie person generally but you wanted to watch something that would creep him out a bit, partly so he'd want to cuddle closer into your side, but more because even the prospect of junkyu leaping a foot into the air at every jump scare made you giggle.
you had been worried he might catch on to your scheme and try to back out, so you kept your choice from his knowledge, but now that he had seen he looked far less phased than you had been expecting.
he reclined beside you and let his head fall on your shoulder, reaching over to pull some blankets over your laps. you started the movie and looked down at junkyu, already giggling to yourself as your lips pressed against his forehead.
your stomach dropped when the creepy music started though, and it occured to you that you had never factored in your possible aversion to scary movies. you never watched them after all. you had no clue how you'd react.
the first jump scare took you totally by surprise, throwing your phone into the air and screaming. junkyu barely flinched, only looking up to check you weren't too shaken up. as soon as he was convinced he lay his head right back down on your shoulder where it had been and let his gaze soften as he mindlessly watched the tv.
again and again you found yourself shouting and starting whenever anything jumped out of the shadows at you, not quite realising how afraid you had been until junkyu's fingers brushed the tears from your cheek.
'hey... are you alright? why on earth did you pick this movie if you're so terrified of scary stuff?'
you tried to explain your reasoning, still hopping about every few moments until junkyu finally turned off the film and gave you some peace of mind.
'well do you wanna watch something else?'
you didn't want to have totally spoiled his night, and despite your regular jolting he seemed to have been enjoying the film.
'we could watch a documentary?' you suggested, knowing they were a favourite of his.
his excited smile told you your plan b was a success, and he immediately started babbling about some space thing he had heard about and had been dying to watch.
the documentary wasn't exactly a bundle of laughs either. it mostly focused on humanity's many shortcomings and the inevitability of annihilation should we be met by any real large-scale disaster. but junkyu was transfixed, so you watched on, arms around his neck and head on his shoulder, glad he could get something fun out of the evening.
it wasn't very long, but the palava with the film meant you were watching into the small hours of the morning, and it was the most you could do to trudge to bed and wash up before collapsing.
that apparently made one of you though, because after slipping into bed next to you junkyu was eager to get your thoughts on every piece of information the documentary had presented you with.
'do you really think humans would be that useless if an asteroid hit? how long do you think we'd last? a year maybe? no, that's probably too much, it's probably more like a few months.'
it was the most you could do to just smile at him and nod sleepily, eyes already closing as you listened to the rambling.
'i think the flooding must be pretty inevitable though, right? like climate change is basically guaranteeing a rise in sea levels.. do you know how high seoul's elevation is? maybe i should check that out...'
you held onto his shoulder to stop him from rolling over and googling it then and there, thinking the phone light would burn your eyes considering how desperate they were to end their shift for the day.
he stayed laying on his side facing you, only now realising how much of a struggle it had been for you to remain awake as he rattled on. he whispered an apology under his breath and wriggled his arm under your body, pulling you into his chest and aligning your ear with his heart, leaving you to fall asleep against its slow and steady beating.
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deanmonlover · 2 years
Of Flashbacks and Firsts
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to explain the background of this fic, it's starting from the present day and jumping back to when they first met when he was pre michael leading up to post michael. also disclaimer, this is my first fic in a really long time so go easy on me please 😭 I think this might become a series, I know it's not perfect but I just wanted to contribute to the corey fic thirstfest currently taking place lmao let me know if you enjoyed this and I will definitely make more of it!
You looked up at the ticking clock on the wall, a steady reminder that you still had an hour left of your shift before you finally were able to clock out and go home to watch that horrible horror movie marathon that you and your boyfriend, Corey had planned earlier on that week. You had finally convinced him to put in all the cheesy classic movies not that it took so much convincing on your part, he always looked forward to spending time with you no matter what you both were watching or doing. The both of you could be watching paint dry and he'd be the happiest man on the planet. The two of you were inseparable since the day you had met him becoming the calm to his storm that he so very much needed everyday. You were the constant he needed in his life, the moon to his stars as cheesy as it was it was the truth. Corey couldn't imagine a world without you, you were his and his only. You only thought the same of him, nothing could ever change that. And yes he may have been acting a little differently ever since the events on the night of the halloween party but after everything that had happened it was more than understandable. He had seen a lot more than you had that night in more ways than one.
The way you both had first met, it was odd thinking back to it. The Corey Cunnigham had stopped in to buy a drink from the very store you still worked at — it was a chocolate milk to be exact. He was almost like a cryptid, rarely out but when he was everyone stopped and watched him with judgement in their unforgiving eyes. Ruthless remarks were said behind his back and some even to his face. All you could do was smile empethcially at him and shoot daggers at the ones in the store who had something to say.
After you had checked him out, one thing led to another and before you knew it a loud commotion could be heard from outside after he had walked out. "C'mon dude just buy us some. We won't tell, we promise. Be a cool psycho babysitter and get us some beer." One of the teenagers smirked stepping forward to corner Corey, daring him to do something about it.
You had had enough of the people in this town and just wanted some peace and quiet for the boy. Why couldn't they just leave him alone? These thoughts plagued your mind and never left it. Who knew threatening some spoiled ass teenagers lives would be on your to-do list that day. Not you of course but they weren't going to get by with harassing the curly haired boy with the puppy dog eyes who literally had done nothing but come to get a drink.
"Listen up, you guys better buy something or get the hell outta here."
But of course not before one of them had shoved Corey to the ground catching him off guard, the bottle breaking with a loud shatter slicing his hand on the broken bottle of milk he had just bought. You had patched him up to the best of your abilities with bandages inside, not caring who saw you.
"Why help me? I mean they're not going to stop harrasing you now that you've helped me." Corey protested, holding out his rather large calloused palm that rested in your own as you continued to patch him up, making sure to be as gentle as you could wrapping the bandage around the open gash that made you inwardly cringe.
"Mmm, because I don't think someone like you deserves to be pushed around. You haven't done anything to them and besides they're just band geeks on steroids anyways. Not like they can chase me down with their clarinets and beat me up." A soft laugh escaped your lips as you finished up your handiwork before giving his upper arm a gentle squeeze.
Corey's face flushed instantly beneath his rimmed glasses at the feeling of your hand resting on him. He hadn't ever been this close to a girl well...ever. Everyone was terrified of him, "the psycho babysitter" as he was dubbed. But not you for some odd reason. You felt like you could understand him a whole other level just by gazing into those big brown eyes. They held so much within them, so many unsaid things that a book could be written about what they had seen.
"You uh–you know who I am already, don't you." He said matter of factly, peering up at you from the corner of his eye. Your heart sunk a little hearing the way he said it. Yes, you did indeed know who he was and what happened that fateful night. However, unlike the other people in Haddonfield you didn't blame him for the accident because it was just that — an accident. It wasn't as if he had done it on purpose, the boy sitting here in front of you couldn't hurt a fly much less a kid.
Giving him a small nod, you give his upper arm a squeeze. "I do know who you are or at least I know your name. What I don't know is how one girl might go about getting to know a certain chocolate milk addict." A surprised look crossed his face as he slowly looked up at you, a small shy grin accompanying it.
"O-Oh you mean me?" In his mind there was no way you wanted to get to know him better. No one even so much as wanted to be seen within five feet of him but yet here you were sitting practically on his lap wanting to know everything about him. He really felt like he could pass out at this point but he mustered up the ability to pull out his phone out of his jacket pocket, handing it over to you for you to put in your number.
"There now you can call me whenever you need rescuing." You teased lightly, unable to stop smiling at him. That dorky side grin pulling at the corners of his mouth as he tucked his phone back away in his pocket. The pull between you both was something that was unexplainable, a fire that had been ignited and couldn't be put out had begun to develop between you both and there was no stopping it once it was started.
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withlovegvf · 1 year
sixth sense | Sam Kizska
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sam x fem!reader
summary: You find out that Sam hasn't seen one of your favorite horror movies and you introduce him to it.
WARNING ⚠️ : if you've never seen sixth sense i will be spoiling it. (also do yourself a favor and watch this movie bc it's one of my favorites)
yns pov
"Baby you have to stop sleeping on my boobs. I think you bruised one last time" Sammy scoffs snuggling his head back into its rightful place. "I am completely welcome here if i so please. Besides what if this movie is super scary and I need a safety zone? I think your breasticals are the perfect place to take shelter" I laugh and shove him off of my boobs. I get up and head to the kitchen to prepare the snacks for our movie night. I found out yesterday when we were talking about our favorite movies with the boys that sammy had never seen my favorite horror movie Sixth Sense. It was time to change that.
"okay are we feeling salty or sweet today?" I have both handles of the fridge door open looking around for whatever snack i was craving as Sam rests his head in the crook of my neck looking into the fridge with me. "I think pickles and kettle corn sound good. Ooh and I can make some spicy peach tajín margaritas!" I look back at him, first confused by the randomness of the snack choice then pleased with what he had suggested. "I like your style baby. A little weird but tasty nonetheless."
"Okay you start popping the corn and i'll prepare the margaritas." I nod. I head the pantry and grab three bags of corn to pop that we will put in a big bowl and share. As the final bag is done popping, Sam is straining the tequila mixture into two glasses with a tajín rim. I take both dill and sweet pickles out of the fridge and put them each in their separate bowls. "I know we ate like two hours ago and this is just a movie snack but we absolutely killed this." Sam holds his hand up for a high five which i go to give him but instead he slicks his hand down his hair in a 1950s, Danny from grease, kind of way.
I giggle and hit his chest lightly. "You are such a dork! Come on let's go get comfy and start the movie. You're gonna love it" We head to the couch as i carry the snack tray and Sammy carries our drinks. I set the tray down on the ottoman as we get cuddled up into our blankets and pillows before plopping the tray onto our lap.
"Okay are you ready to start this shit? Once you've seen it, you'll never be able to watch it for the first time ever again." Sam sips his margarita and gives me side eye while he does it. "Why do you say that like i'm gonna regret watching it when you say it's one of your favorite movies!?" I giggle and take a sip of my own margarita. "Okay then enough chitchat. Let's begin."
Sammy made it through the beginning of the movie with minimal fear until the first paranormal scene. "Why is this kid so calm?! I would be so far up my mom's ass it's not even funny." Sammy has finished his drink already so he's comfortably snuggled into my chest with his arms around me while I lay down. he shoves a few pickles into his mouth but his eyes never leave the screen. I giggle at his reaction and just keep watching.
Then we get to the part. "Yn what's happening...what the fuck is going on....what.. um.... huh.... i'm so confus- holy shit wait....Yn are you fucking serious...no fucking way..." I can't help but let out a huge belly laugh to the shocked, hung open mouth he has for the next ten minutes as he watches the end of the movie.
When it's over i silently turn off the tv and turn to sam. He is still kinda frozen in thought so I rub his shoulder to remind him of his current existence. "Baby are you okay?" "I can't believe it. He was dead the whole time. And looking back it was so obvious. How did I not notice!?!" I run my fingers through his hair with a smile.
"No worries babe no one ever notices, the movie is like known for its shocking ending." I look at the time and it's past midnight. "Okay baby let's go to bed. You have a press thing bright and early you don't wanna be extra late for." I pet through his hair some more as sam thinks
"What if i'm dead and you are just like my little boy i'm counseling until boom...I find you freezing in our bed crying on my one year deathaversary" I giggle as i pull him off the couch and into a bone crushing hug.
"Oh baby that's not happening right now...At least I don't think" I pretend to get a chill and shiver in his arms. Sam pulls away from our embrace abruptly with scared puppy dog eyes and tells me to knock it off.
"Okay silly time for bed. Move it!" We brush our teeth, do our skincare routine and snuggle up into bed entangling our limbs together.
"okay it would be an absolute game changer if the matrix was real though" I put my hand over his mouth as a signal to shut up before i drift away from sam to dream dreams that most likely have him in them.
Just a cute lil something about sammy. Also yes i think most of my sammy content will have this weird sense of humor i feel like he has...okay see ya next time friends!
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imjustabeanie · 6 months
uhh i may have to organize this or else im gonna ramble lol-
can i have a matchup for hazbin hotel and helluva boss pls :>
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: demisexual/demiromantic
Star sign (if that helps-): Leo
Personality type: INFP
I use emoticons a lot as you'll see :>
Favorite colors: Purple and black especially since they work so well together
Very much a night owl :)
Personality: I'm a kind of a fun and laid back person but I do like do cause chaos every now and then. I tend to hyperfixate a lot on random things that i tend to find. At first im very quiet but can get more chaotic as time goes on. I can tend to get hot headed at times or be somewhat irrational every now and then and it takes time for me to calm down. Other times im very hyper. Also i have a slight caffeine addiction so that might be why :D
Moral alignment: true nuetral
Aesthetic: Dark academia-ish along with some glitch core because i just really like the look of both
Hobbies: I play the violin, read, write, draw, and i love listening to music a lot. Probably one of my favorite things to do honestly. I also love chilling and watching tv and binge watching stuff. I also have a habit of just analyzing shit for the fun of it because why not. I also really like learning about greek mythology and i like a few musicals. I also watch horror quite a bit and mysteries because I just think that they're fun. I'm also learning spanish as of currently-
Pet peeves: people who cant take a hint... like at all, or they take the hint and just dont care. it annoys the shit out of me. also really stuck up people who think theyre better than everyone else, like we get it youre a child who never grew up. move on. mouth noises are also just the most annoying thing ever.
Appearance: tan skin with dark brown eyes and hair. i wear glasses sometimes but dont usually because theyre not fit properly and i keep trying to get them fir but it never works so ive just given up-. honestly i mostly wear softer clothing such as sweatpants, leggings, or sweaters/sweatshirts. but sometimes i wear jeans and actually style myself although i usually just keep it casual.
Hi! Thank you for your patience I am sorry for being so slow to answer to this trade. I was very sick last week.
Without further wait...your Helluva match is...Stolas!
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Stolas was a pretty obvious choice for you to be honest. Your interests and aesthetics click and just like you he’s chill but then pulls out the most chaotic actions out of nowhere.
You two met at night at one of those libraries you only see on pinterest. He honestly just came in cuz he was bored and wished to seek a recent human astronomy book. He found you peacefully reading a mythology book in the corner and was gonna leave you alone till he couldn’t help himself but comment on it. You were so laidback and easy going that you two had a nice conversation where he taught you a few things about mythology (given his age and position he does have an interest in those subjects). It was nice and you two decided to do it every month, then every two weeks and you see where it is going. Stolas just likes coming to you to cool off with no repercussions. It’s what made him fall for you. He confessed after inviting you to watch the stars or a movie he thinks you’d like (high chance you already watched it before but shhh). He confess and also tell you real quick about his marriage situation in case you want out.
Stolas is a caring and passionate lover. His love language is mostly affection and quality time but I believe he’ll wait till you’re ready if you catch my drift. He LOVES spoiling you with numerous gifts and dates. He’d be pretty upset (pouty) if he’s not your go to contact when you need help. He wants to be someone you can rely on, a safe space for you just like you are for him. His gifts range from cinema/concert tickets and your favorite snacks (he doesn’t consider any food as a gift) to actual mythological pieces and priceless violons. Sometimes they even come from his personal collection.
Stolas lives for your chaotic moments! He highly encourages them which results in weekly trouble for both of you (you’re always safe dw but he did get you two banned from a few places). When your hot headed side comes out he’s here to calm you down or get angrier on your behalf. There is no in between cuz your couple is pretty much in sinc. It means you either calm the other down or join them.
Despite his extraverted self, Stolas enjoys some home time. Especially with you. He actually purchases a house in the human world and spends most of his time there now. He wants (begs) you to move in with him. This house has a huge library, two studies, a music room and a very much needed coffee corner. Yeah with those machines you see on tiktok with all the material. Stolas isn’t a morning person at all so he needs his daily coffee and only accepts premium quality. He invested in a home cinema and loves binge watching with you. Those are all things he didn’t get to do often so discovering them with you is a priceless experience in his eyes. Horror doesn’t bother him at all and he can show you much better horror tbh. Stolas also likes analyzing things with you (he listens and chimes in) and actually keeps up with your fixations really well. His favorite thing to do at home is to stay glued to your side.
Stolas often drags you to dance with him in the music room. He is attentive to your tastes and shows you his favorite pieces too! In general he is an attentive lover who adapts to your needs without being overbearing. If you accept his flaws your relation will be…stellar.
Your hazbin match is...Husk!
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I did hesitate between a few characters (mainly Vaggie) but in the end Husk won. He’s chill but knows how to have fun. And he’s loyal.
You were at the hotel when you got to know Husk. He was being his usual snarky self but after a few nights (and talks) he slowly became friendlier. He even cracked jokes with you! Music definitely got the two of you to bond. You became someone he felt at ease with. The moment Husk considered sharing some of his problems with you he knew he fell, and fell hard. He started being more attentive to your needs and lost in your voice during your conversations. Everyone knew he was in love so one night they somehow managed to leave the two alone for the night. That’s when he confessed, knowing he couldn’t hold it in any longer.
As mentioned beforehand, Husk is a very attentive boyfriend. His love language is mostly acts of service and some quality time. He makes you your favorite drinks and will even learn the ways of a coffee barista for you. He’s proud of the way he makes you smile and feel loved as well as being your shoulder to vent to. Husk knows he has a way with words and people to make them feel at ease, he’d say it’s a positive trait of his that’s why he wants you to be included in it. Plus he gives good advices for someone with so many bad decisions. Husk likes going on weekly dates with you (besides dinner together every night that he cooks) to watch new movies. He’s mostly a domestic guy so going out in public is something he’d only do for you.
Husk calm demeanor is really helpful when you start getting irrational. He always help you keep a head on your shoulders and is the rational voice. Doesn’t mean he won’t encourage you to go ape shit when someone deserves it. While he prefers the calm, Husk still enjoys your occasional chaotic moments. He knows you try to lessen them for him but isn’t fully opposed to them as long as you’re safe. Low chance he’ll join you but some nagging will work. People are surprised that he’s with someone way more energetic than him but he just shoots some lovey dovey comment and they shut it. Angel is probably your biggest cheerleader in the relationship, he gives a lot of (sometimes helpful) advices to Husk.
While your hobbies differ greatly, I can see Husk appreciating them a lot. Especially your artistic side that he fully encouraged. He’s always there when you practice, even when you get frustrated or have an art block. Husk will become your hype man and do his best to motivate you. He probably got the binge watching habit from you much to Alastor dismay and he actually gets into soap operas….it’s funny to watch. Husk likes listening to you analyze or talk about greek mythology. He’s not great at that but tries to participate (he likes listening to your voice).
Husk will lessen his drinking habits with you. He wants to be the best version of himself for you just like you are for him. He’s really trying and it’s commendable. His gambling is another issue and he needs another fixation for him to stop. I guess with you it could become watching tv as it takes up a lot of his time (not saying that in a negative way but you see what I mean). Aesthetically talking, you two also fit together if we judge by clothing type and your personal aesthetic. Overall he might not be the best guy but he’s willing to change for his love.
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leftistfeminista · 4 months
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Karin Eitel (or "the cosmetics of torture, on Channel 7 and for all viewers")
The face of a woman in a photograph sometimes has a vaporous atmosphere that poetizes the discovery of her presence retained and immobile on the paper. On the other hand, the face of a woman filmed on television represents a neurotic movement, a trembling image disturbed by the epileptic blinking that continually retouches the cosmetics of her appearance on the screen. And perhaps, that feeling of being in front of an electrified face could be the argument to remember Karin Eitel, to see again, with the same chill, her face shivering on the Channel 7 screen, on the familiar news program for everyone. viewer. Her young face bristled in the luminous glass of the video. Her face was chosen as a lesson, absolutely doped by the drugs that the CNI injected into her so that she could publicly read her letter of repentance. A lying paper, written by them, where Karin denied her past in the Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front. Confusingly intoxicated by barbiturates, she was denying the floggings and abuses in the secret prisons of the dictatorship. Those horror barracks on London or Burgundy streets. Those houses with high ceilings where the echo of screams replaced the vision blocked by the blindfold. Old houses in traditional neighborhoods, spread throughout a Santiago intemperate by the bark-metraca of the scare night, the blow night, the crime night, the metallic night of plowing fear in those thorny streets of the eighties.
Karin's appearance on the National Channel that afternoon was intended to deny the complaints about the violation of human rights in dictatorial Chile, which is why the pathetic scene of her televised confession was staged. That's why Karin was reading, and in her narcotized voice, she told a fake movie that the entire country knew by heart. In her calm tone, imposed by the thugs who were behind the cameras, she revealed the beating, the blind fist, the spear in the groin, the fall and the scratch on her face covered with Angel Face powder. In that voice foreign to the televised character, she raised a chorus of nevers and nevers stung by the needles of the current, the electric sting twitching her eyes, leaving them as open as a stiff doll stitched with syringes. Like a doll without will, she was forced to remain with her eyes fixed, wearing whore's makeup. (As she was angry, they threw the blue and black on her eyelids). Her eyes had just opened to the outside of her, after so many days imprisoned in the shadows, after that long night with her eyes unclosed, open to guess the blow openly. Her eyes were tremendously wild at that nothingness, at that flannel, at that rag of the bandage as a mourning curtain also open to the black forest of vexation. And after so much darkness and searching and denunciation, Karin's eyes were expressionless, wide open for the Chilean television, for the Chilean family having tea at that time of the news.
Perhaps, there are few who have in memory this image of high-rated cruelty in the recent past. There are few of us who, from that day on, learned to watch Chilean television with our eyes closed, as if we were tirelessly listening to Karin's statement repenting with lashes of her red militancy, her copihua and spoiled militancy that trembled coagulated in the rouge of her mouth, in the clown scribble they put on her mouth, in the heart scab drawn on her lips by the makeup of fear. her mouth twisted by the never, but that never, anesthetized, exhausted by the times she had to repeat it before filming, that never forced by the blow up her sleeve and off camera, that never fainted by the bottomless daze of the volts, the one never supported by the glass of water they gave her to remain standing, the one never bitten until the tongue was salted with the opaque taste of blood, the one never distributed to the country in the composite image, defaced and dressed as a good girl to deny rage, to fake cosmetically the purplish dark circles and bruises earned in the dark alley of the unforgettable CNI
Perhaps, remembering Karin in the televised calendar of the eighties allows us to now visualize her life ravaged by these events, knowing that she was the only student at the Catholic University who could not return to her career as a translator. As if the punishment were repeated eternally, in an endless movie for the victims of tricolor ridicule. It is possible that the little news I have about Karin, plus the video of Lotty Rosenfeld, the only artist who took on the case to denounce it in her work, does not allow me the serene objectivity to narrate this event, in fact, the reconciled torpor of these days, it alters my pen and I continue to see Karin trembling in the water of the screen, submerged further and further below the story, increasingly clouded by oblivion, slowly moving her mouth in the never-repentant ordeal of her guerrilla flower.
An artistic reproduction inspired by Pedro Lemebel's above article
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kingofscoops · 14 days
Hi sweetie! For the for the 🎬 ask box game:
2 7 8 10 11 19 30 31 34 38 39 42
hii, this got long quick so i'm hiding under the cut hehe.
2. What movie do you wish you could unwatch?
Yes, there's probably more than one but the one that comes to mind the most is The Haunting of Redding Hospital, i like my horror movies and i thought this was gonna be an interesting one, but it was just so ridiculously boring i was annoyed at myself for buying it. (also i just looked at the reviews for it online and some people gave it 5 stars and i'm just thinking we're we even watching the same movie?! because it was garbage, pure utter predictable garbage)
7. Name a movie you’re emotionally attached to?
You've probably heard me talk about it several times by now, but it's The Goonies, was introduced to it by my late aunt when I was a kid and i've just loved it ever since.
8. What’s your comfort film?
Howl's Moving Castle, actually you know what make that just studio ghibli in general.
10. Most recent movie you saw in theaters?
Errrrrm... it's been a hot minute, i think it was Avengers Endgame, i keep meaning to go see more but i never remember what's on or coming out lol
11. A genre you just can’t stand.
i'd say probably romance, that's not me saying i've never watched anything from genre, there's probably movies in that genre i've watched and do enjoy, but romance can't be the sole genre for me it's gotta be woven in with something else or be like a minor side note in said movie. that and i just don't understand the appeal of some of them?
19. Name a movie so bad it’s good.
ThanksKilling, yeah from the outset it's a shitty produced thanksgiving themed horror, but if you're not taking the shitty production seriously then it's fucking hilarious, just don't watch the sequal ThanksKilling 3, it's kinda boring in comparison and i almost fell asleep watching it, no actually thinking about it i think i did genuinely half fall asleep while watching it lol - for reference i watched both of these as a lets watch with achievement hunter so it probably seemed funnier at the time lol.
30. Are you looking forward to any upcoming releases?
Well, since i finally watched Beetlejuice for the first time this this year, i'm currently looking forward to Beetlejuice Beetlejuice and it's pretty much the only thing i know currently soon releasing that i would actually consider watching.
31. Do you remember the first movie you saw in theaters?
I can't remember if it was the first first movie i ever saw in theaters but the earliest i can remember is A Bug's Life.
34. Which film is the most visually beautiful?
There's loads but it's hard to narrow down, so i am again just gonna answer, majority of the studio ghibli movies lol
38. In your opinion what is the most overrated movie?
There's not many i would considered overrated tbh? but there is something i don't plan on watching but i kept seeing ads for that i would maybe consider overrated? so yeah i kept seeing ads for This Ends With Us on constant repeat over on YT a while back, and while i understand the reason why the story has and is being told, both in movie and book form, i don't understand why anyone would want to go see a movie masking itself as a romantic movie when it's main plot point is about a women in an abusive relationship?
39. In your opinion what is the most underrated movie?
I haven't seen it in forever but I'm gonna go with Creep, and no not the 2014 movie of the same name people are probably thinking of that's about a videographer recording the wishes of a dying man? (idk i haven't watched it but may do in the future). No i'm talking about the 2004 movie called Creep, i'll try not to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it and may wish to watch but it revolves around a women getting trapped in the London Underground after missing her train home but she soon discovers she's not alone yada yada yada. I'll say it's underrated because, to me at least, it literally gets overshadowed by the movie of the same name and i never see this version ever get talked about, and it got me thinking of another horror/comedy called Severance (again not to be confused by the tv show of the same name) which i also haven't seen in forever. Put basically i think the British horror genre in general might be the one that's being made underrated lol.
42. Show me a pic of your favorite movie poster.
I don't have any movie posters up anymore unfortunately, but then i also have no space to put them, i do have an avengers infinity war/endgame canvas my parents got me for xmas one year, i know they knew i liked marvel but i'm not entirely sure the thought that process through as my rooms walls are more or less all covered by shelves or furniture of some sort, i guess it's the thought that counted huh? but anyway, here's a pic of fluff investigating the giant thing that i can't actually have in my room due to space lol
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(it's currently in the corner of my parents room lol)
🍿🎬 Send me a movie ask 🎬🍿
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mcalhenwrites · 9 months
I've started picking at a new world with new characters. Due to moving twice in about two weeks (once from Kansas to [omitted], then from sewage shithole apartment to normal apartment), things have been hectic and I haven't been able to talk about anything. I have posted two short practice stories about Hervey and Algernon (with Ray in one of them). Both of them involve spanking punishments between littles and their caregivers. Horror Movie Night Excerpt: “Daddy, please. I don’t want a…” Such a stupid word, “spanking”. I can’t ever say it out loud. Thinking it is enough to make me queasy.
He grasps my hips in his fingers and glances up at me with soft, caring eyes. “If you didn’t want one, why did break my rules, knowing I’d give you one when I found out? And I always find out, sweet pea.”
“It’s a stupid rule.”
“No, it’s a rule put in place so you sleep well, because horror movies give you nightmares and make you skittish for days—sometimes weeks! I know you haven’t forgotten that. You’re not allowed to watch them unless I’ve checked the content and we view them together. Maybe if you were better at distinguishing fiction from reality, this wouldn’t be such a problem and we wouldn’t need a rule about what you consume.” Summoning Circle Excerpt:
“Am I going to have to start spanking you two just to get answers?”
Ray is the one who breaks down and swivels around, eyes full of tears as he rushes through his answer. “It wasn’t a summoning! It was communication.” He sounds so proud of his use of a big word. “Hervey said we could talk to nice ghosts if we used pretty-scented candles.”
“That is not how that works, kiddo.”
“It isn’t?” Ray glances over at Hervey, who slips down further onto the couch.
“No, it isn’t. The candles aren’t important—the spirits within the vicinity are, and you can’t guarantee they’ll all be nice.”
I hate having to admit that ghosts are real. This fascination Hervey has with them could put him in serious danger if he makes contact with a vicious spirit.
One of the biggest rules I grew up with was never to mess around with the supernatural, because it could mean accidentally bringing unruly spirits into a home. There are other ways it can backfire as well. Some people are forced to move because their current residence is filled with malicious ghosts. ~*~ I'm still working out a lot of the details. I have some pairs and even a polycule, but I'm still developing characters and the world. The gist is that Hervey - along with quite a few people who identify as littles - have a fascination with the supernatural. I won't spoil why, just that it's kind of important. Not all littles are like this, but... Yeah. There is a reason. One that no one quite understands yet. Ray does tend to go along with whatever Hervey does, though, because his own fascination is overriden by his fear. :') Doris is their designated driver for checking out creepy places. She's a trans girl in a polycule with two mommies, and she's "older" in that she can drive and work a lot better than Hervey (who has a part-time job) and Ray (who can't work at all). I consider them more "middles" than "littles" in cases like Doris and Hervey, but still... that's just because their related ages are a little older. This universe has a lot of littles and caregivers who tend to congregate in their own communities. ...Which means I get to write a lot of public spankings hahahaha I love fiction >:)
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w1770w · 1 year
Get to Know Me
Tagged by @twin-nebula !!
A scent you love:
Black Pepper. Yes it still makes me sneeze. It's So worth it though.
What’s something you’re looking forward to this week?
I'll be going to the local Farmer's Market this weekend to meet up with some friends, and I'm really looking excited for it!
What’s a book you’re currently reading?
The Stormlight Archive, I'm......RIGHT at the start of Oathbringer. I REALLY need to start actively trying to put time into it again....
What’s a game you’re currently playing?
I play FF14 weekly, but I've also more recently (the last few months) gotten into TomeNET, and I've been REALLY enjoying it. I didn't expect to get SO sucked in, especially since it's so old, but the gameflow really meshes well with my brain, and I've been REALLY loving going through the game world, especially since so many places are recognizable!
What’s the most recent movie you watched?
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (The original) I'm watching through some horror classics with some friends....we all agreed it didn't hold up that great, though.
Are you watching anything on TV or listening to any shows?
I'm going through season 2 of Good Omens very, VERY slowly! I'm very spoiled on it, but I'm watching through it with someone who's going in completely blind, and seeing her reactions is super amusing.
Favorite season?
ABSOLUTELY AUTUMN. It gets cool, there's less rain, it's still bright out mostly but isn't as harsh, I REALLY love fall. Also Halloween.
What’s something you’ve learned recently?
I started looking into more about how different metals are handled/absorbed by the body, partially due to looking into aluminum pans and partially because I was looking into the LD50 of zinc, and then I kind of spiraled from there. It's pretty cool, I think!
I'm tagging: Anyone that wasn't to do this! But especially @epiglottalaxolotl and @toolassistedrat because I want to introduce them to the traditional tumblr joy of fun little tag-post games :>
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tlbodine · 2 years
Two Lesser-Known 1970s Religious Horrors
Our random dice roll gave us "1970s religious horror" this week, which would have been an extremely simple request to fill...if we weren't trying to watch something new.
There are so many wonderful options for 1970s religious horrors, including:
The Omen
The Exorcist
The Wickerman
Alice, Sweet Alice
Don't Torture a Duckling
But we did not watch any of those this week. We picked two movies more or less at random through a combination of Googling and narrowing down what we could find streaming. Which is how we landed at...
The Sentinel (1977) is directed by Michael Winner, based on a novel by Jeffrey Konvitz. The story is about a model whose new brownstone apartment is filled with a great deal of quirky denizens who are, um, not what they appear to be.
OK, I'll just go ahead and spoil it because this movie is very not-great: They're all dead. Everybody in the movie is in hell. The apartment is a hell mouth and now she has to become the new keeper of the gateway as punishment(?) for her suicide attempt (?)
When you type it out, this sounds like it will be cool. It is not. It is a plodding, boring mess that doesn't make much logical sense. It is, however, home to some delightful cameo appearances from baby versions of not-then-famous actors like Christopher Walken and Jeff Goldblum, which is a treat. But overall the experience of watching this film is like watching Rosemary's Baby, but incompetent.
We watched a movie a while back from China called Rigor Mortis that is very similar to this film except substantially better in every way imaginable. Go watch that one instead.
Beyond the Door (1974), directed by Ovidio G. Assonitis and Roberto Piazzoli, is an Italian-American co-production that has shlocky Italian horror fingerprints all over it. It's charming in a lot of ways, but not especially good.
The story: A man makes a pact with the devil to have his life spared if he can manage to successfully bring the Antichrist into the world. Slight complication is that the Antichrist is currently in the womb of his now-happily-married ex-girlfriend.
Interestingly, this movie got sued by The Exorcist for plagiarism, and they settled the suit, which I think is kind of surprising because while it definitely does rip off The Exorcist in places, it's also shamelessly ripping off Rosemary's Baby and The Omen and in a way that feels more like recycling tropes. Then again, the primacy of 1974 means probably these weren't tropes at that point. Still interesting to me.
This movie is...hm. It's very 1970s, and very Italian. It feels very well-worn. You have seen everything in this movie before, in better movies. But then there are some elements, like the devil's voice-over and the unintentional(?) homoeroticism that are intriguing. And then some, like the bizarrely edgy dialogue of the 10-year-old daughter, that are brow-raising. And then the ending is...uh. hm.
There's a different way to do this movie that would have been really interesting, but it's not this movie.
Both of these films were so dull that I had to go look up the titles again for this post because I immediately forgot them after watching.
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too-many-rooks · 2 years
Tag people you want to get to know better
Thanks @strangesoulmates for tagging me!
Three ships (As I’m writing this out I’m realising they all have pretty similar themes, I guess I have somewhat consistent taste, this is all just reminders of humanity, enemies to lovers, trying to kill each other and excuses to cover my blorbos in blood.)
1.) Alex/Yassen
Can I be controversial and admit this one took a lot of convincing? Originally I was expecting the fandom to be more into ‘unlikely parental figure’ Yassen (which is a trope I’m an absolute sucker for.) but any way these two characters interact is interesting to me, and I’ve definitely come round to it from a perspective of this is only ‘healthy’ because it’s them and no one else can really understand them like the other can, and if it’s not ‘healthy’ it’s all dubious and quite fun. Big sucker for the (sort of one sided?) enemies to lovers, borderline obsession, as character foils of each other, with Yassen kind of representing Alex’s future and the dichotomy of like... sunshine puppy and murder kitty vibes. Then there’s the loyalty to each other before their ‘side’, different worlds and different morals but a unique understanding of each other.
(Also worth mentioning that I like Yassen with basically any Rider - I don’t see John/Yassen as anything but unhealthy hero worship/daddy issues/manipulation but that itself is still interesting, and I’m a huge sucker for Ian/Yassen, either as like an old married couple or people who have a few brief, but very intense encounters throughout their lives. I feel like there’s been a bit of a ‘Yiannaissance’ recently that I’m really enjoying. Do we have an official ship name? Yian? Iassen? Neither seem great.)
2.) Jonathon Reid/Geoffrey McCullum.
Peak different sides, enemies to lovers, vampire hunter and powerful newborn vampire in 1918 London in the grip of a pandemic, great gothic industrial vibe. I played this game obsessively during lockdown. (Can’t imagine why.) Themes of duty and purpose and humanity and horror, the game sort of rushes you into a forced romance with one of the female characters but the chemistry between these two is insane they are kind of obsessed with each other and the fight that happens when one of them tries to kill the other is just TEEMING with homoeroticism.
3.) Villanelle/Eve Polastri
First two seasons of Killing Eve are some of the best television ever created. The theatricality of the murders, and the comedy contrasted with some just devastating moments, the OUTFITS. That ending really took the wind out of my sails with this one and kind of spoiled it for me but what was there with the themes of mutual obsession, both trying to kill each other, Villanelle drawing out this dark side of Eve that has always been there, Eve drawing out this humanity that also been in Villanelle, just the whole vibe of being the only people in the world who could possibly understand the other properly and hating that so much you try and kill each other before realising they can’t be apart.
First Ship - I think the first one I really went insane for was Morrigan/Warden from DA:O. Morrigan helped me realise I was a lesbian I was so in love with her. Still am tbh.
Last song - ‘King’ by Florence + the Machine, I went to her concert this week and she ran right past me it was amazing.
Last Movie - finally got round to watching Everything Everywhere All at Once, so incredible!
Currently reading - chapter 3 of ‘The Viking Diaspora’ by Judith Jesch for my seminar tomorrow. (I really want to read more novels this year!)
Currently watching - His Dark Materials, interspersed with weird niche YouTube video essays, and mildly embarrassing amounts of Bluey.
Currently consuming: last thing I ate was some cinnamon raisin bread with one of the fancy jams I got in the jam advent calendar I bought myself. Now I need to figure out where I can find pineapple and yuzu jam bc I want to eat it forever.
Currently craving: supermarket bakery chocolate chip cookies, and some sweet and spicy fried chicken.
Tagging @countessrivers and whoever else fancies!
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Bleach Coyote Starrk X Silmarillion Curufin
Ok so I should be studying for exams and that didn't work out the whole day so let's put the most cringe worthy thing that has been in my head for a long ass time. Btw I'm a huge fan of crossovers but I'm also very picky towards them so yeah this is probably weird as fuck but here goes nothing lol. This is just a way to get my two current blorbos to interact 😄
So Curvo dies and instead of going to Mandos he goes to Hueco Mundo and becomes an Arrancar.
I kinda have this whole AU just so that a. Coyote Starrk and Curvo can be friends or ship them and b. so Curvo can eat Gothmog and haunt Finrod.
I'm always on the Finrod had no right to go for the silmaril and demand his kingdom to go on a suicide charge for a couple who could have just eloped side.
So Curvo gets killed by Gwindor. How it happens is that after Luthien gets taken to Nargothrond, she manages to tell Celebrimbor that Beren has been captured along with Finrod. Celebrimbor, who is friends with Finduilas tells her this and she cries to Gwindor about it.
Gwindor confronts Curufin about it accusingly. Curufin actually really likes and cares about Finrod, (but not more than his brothers and his Oath, so he's still bitter about the betrayal from his perspective, knowing that going for the silmarils is dooming his his family), but he answers Gwindor extra cruelly. Taunting him and going, " Why don't you ask the rest of Nargothrond to save him? Oh wait, they won't go on a foolish suicide mission with no chance of success. " Finduilas who's also there cries for Finrod's death sentence and Gwindor snaps. He kills Curufin, completely cutting his head of.
Then what he did dawns on him and he and Finduilas hide the body while feeling super guilty, cause kinslaying is still kinslaying no matter how much you hate the guy.
Keep reading for the Bleach part😆
Now we get to the Bleach part! This is where the fun Shonen stuff begins!
Honestly the concept of hollows, when read with the Silmarillion mood still there, is such a horror tragedy. In Tolkien language they're basically kinslaying cannibalizing wraiths. Like even Morgoth doesn't make monsters that tragic.
Like re watching the first Bleach episodes and it's like holy shit those hollows were so creepy, then so sad and tragic cause they were your family, they just wanna stay with you after death then they can't help but hunger for you. A silm character AU of going through the plot of Orihime's brother's episode, oh the angst! That's like the worst kind of kinslaying! Loving your family so much you wanna eat them so they'll never leave you!
So yeah rotating hollow Curvo in my mind😃
But I want this story to have two perspectives with wildly different genres of a fun action packed Shonen kicking enemy ass and a horror tragedy movie of being haunted by your dead kin.
And since Curvo is my fave I'm spoiling him. He gets cool Arrancar powers and kicks ass and gets revenge for Feanor and Maedhros like an overpowered isekai protagonist.
But everyone around him especially Finrod and including his brothers are in a horror movie and for once it's not even Morgoth's fault.
I like Finrod, but whenever fics and metas have him as an angel and bash Curvo and Celegorm I get super annoyed, so he gets maximum horror here 🤣
Gonna type part 2 cause this post feels too long.
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lorz-ix · 11 months
Time for another "I was bored this summer so I binged an entire horror series" post
As with the Saw one, I'll keep my thoughts on each entry as brief as possible, since these tend to take a while to write. Also trying to avoid spoiling stuff as much as I can, since that would ruin the point of making recommendations.
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The Purge (2013)
When discussing this series, this is pretty much the only one people broadly tolerate. The premise is very easy to understand: the very conservative US government has instituted a "yearly national holiday" during which all crime, with a few extreme exceptions, is made legal for 12 hours. The subtext isn't subtle at all, it's obvious that the government is using this event as a scapegoat to avoid addressing broader social issues. Violent crime is supposedly kept under control because people "relieve their violent feelings" once a year, they don't have to care about poor people and welfare since they're massacred during every purge, as the primary targets of the violence.
It's a very clear satire of how conservatives turn a blind eye to these issues in real life, how they justify violence when it benefits them and the gun lobby, how they're classist as hell, how this classism manifests as racism since it disproportionately affects minorities. You might think the messaging isn't that smart, but I think it's neat, and it's used as pretty cool background for a decent thriller here.
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The Purge: Anarchy (2014)
Extremely simple. Do you think you would enjoy some worldbuilding after watching the previous movie? Do you care about the plot of the movie itself, "lore" aside, being super generic? Do you want the political messaging to get even more explicit? Then you might enjoy this.
I really mean it, it's a very nothing movie unless you're the kind of fan who cares about questions being answered rather than following an interesting story.
A nugget of worldbuilding I really like though? The government knows most people don't want to go out there and kill each other or commit crimes for fun, so they manufacture violent incidents to make it look like the purge works. Really makes you think...
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The Purge: Election Year (2016)
Hmmmmmm I wonder if the year this came out and that subtitle are related...
A slightly more interesting affair than Anarchy, they at least have some strong stakes in this story. We mainly follow an opposition candidate to the presidency who's rising in popularity and wants to get rid of the purge. We understand that the holiday, despite everything, is very unpopular, but the current government will enlist the help of neo-nazis to get rid of the opposition. The satire is reaching new levels of unsubtlety and I honestly kinda love it.
What I don't love is the implication that winning an election is all it takes to get rid of the problem, along with other milquetoast soy latte liberal takes. Black liberation groups are generally painted in a positive light in the series, but it feels somewhat dishonest when the savior is a white girlboss. Truly a very 2016 movie.
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The First Purge (2018)
That first teaser poster was somehow even more 2016 than the previous flick, holy Jesus Christ this is very funny.
I feel pretty much the same as I did with Anarchy. Generic flick, focuses a lot on disadvantaged, african american communities, makes very similar points to the ones we saw before. If again, the "lore" is your thing, this prequel might be of interest, otherwise you can skip it.
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The Forever Purge (2021)
Shit, finally something interesting, I thought. This story starts off in a previously unseen setting, a southern town. We get to see the prejudiced relationships between mexican immigrants and wealthy white americans. The premise said "the purgers want to keep the massacre going after it's over", so I thought it meant "banning the purge didn't work", which is the point I wanted to see. But no, we learn very early on that the original party simply won the elections and re-instated the holiday, which is a way more underwhelming way of getting there. The purgers simply don't want the holiday to be over after 12 hours, and somehow things devolve into an uncontrollable nation-wide riot.
Is it more interesting and a bit scarier than most previous entries? Yeah, a bit. Does it bring new possibilities to the table? Yes, sure. Are the added analogies for immigration in this franchise's universe kinda neat? I guess. Does that make for a good movie? Not really. It's, once again, rather generic and forgettable once the actual conflict fully explodes. I really do like these for what they try to say and how explicitly they do so. I wish more movies had these levels of ridiculous, yet more or less adequate political satire.
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The Purge (TV series, season 1, 2018)
10 episodes, lads. They're 1 hour long each. Watching this thing would take you longer than all of the movies combined, and let me tell ya, it's not worth it.
Starts off promising enough, it shows us more insight into the religious cults that grew around the purge for example, and that's properly disturbing, but after a while the story stops being intriguing. You quickly realize you're watching another generic bunch of characters go through a mostly forgettable series of perils. Yet again, an interesting world did not make for an interesting story in the slightest. These things aren't even that awful, they're just painfully bland.
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The Purge (TV series, season 2, 2019)
Just like S1, it's 10 episodes and they're all one hour long. But thank god, finally this time they had a set of ideas that felt worth watching.
For the first and only time, the story focuses on what happens after the purge is over. How people get traumatized by the violent events. How pro-purge nutjobs eat up and spread propaganda all year round. What happens if shocking acts of violence do happen outside of those 12 hours? What happens if someone tries to kill you during the purge and they fail? How do you cope with the idea that someone wants you dead and no one would do a thing about it because it would have been legal and normal to kill you?
I think that focus on trauma and how the purge affects the psychology of every single person makes for some actually compelling characters for once. Finally, we get a story where we're not completely sure of what will happen next. It's probably not that great in the grand scheme of things, but god dammit, they finally made something remotely worthwhile with this franchise.
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cinematicpro-in · 1 year
10 Movies to Watch While You Wait For Killers of the Flower Moon
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While we tremble with fear because of all the changes in release date schedules that we have seen taking place recently, Martin Scorsese's latest Killers of the Flowers Moon stands solidly for an October 2023 release in theaters. Surely an Oscar contender, we don't see Apple Studios making a last-minute change, but Hollywood's current strike seems to have shifted the industry's mechanics enough to make it pull out a few surprises when we least expect them. MOVIEWEB VIDEO OF THE DAY SCROLL TO CONTINUE WITH CONTENT Killers of the Flower Moon has been Scorsese's project since before The Irishman was produced. A few changes in production schedules put it in development hell, but then we saw that glorious image featuring stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Lily Gladstone. Suddenly, the project was real. Based on the 2017 book of the same name by David Grann, it tells the story of a murder investigation in the Osage Nation during the 1920s, during a period of turmoil related to oil extraction on tribal land. As we wait for ticket sales to start, let's check out a few similar films to Killers of the Flower Moon to get in the mood for what will surely turn into a modern Scorsese classic.
10 There Will Be Blood
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Paramount Vantage / Miramax Films Paul Thomas Anderson's drama epic There Will Be Blood tells the story of a visionary man with twisted morals but a peculiar drive to admit guilt and get something out of that. Daniel Plainview could be evil in the eyes of some, but to others, he was just an ambitious man. Plainview is a prospector in the early 1900s who finds oil in a California wasteland. This is the beginning of his quest to become the most powerful tycoon with a thirst for power that only gets stronger as he encounters his nemesis. Plainview’s greedy stance will face obstacles, and he does something about it. The score and cinematography are haunting.
9 The Power of the Dog
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Netflix Jane Campion’s The Power of the Dog is a great film that people shouldn’t have forgotten about so quickly. Categorized as a revisionist Western, it tells the story of a sibling rivalry rooted in unrevealed secrets, and one that results in horrible consequences when personalities are unbridled. The Burbank brothers are wealthy ranchers. Phil is the talent and George… is not. George is more of an intellectual man who falls in love with Rose, something that Phil doesn’t exactly celebrate. This leads to a terrible outcome involving Rose’s teenage son which we won’t spoil if you were among the ones who decided to scroll past one of Netflix’s hidden gems.
8 No Country for Old Men
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Miramax Films / Paramount Pictures In No Country for Old Men, greed is manifested through very distinct characters whose agendas dehumanize them beyond the rules of a grounded genre. It’s a Western film with far too many hints of comedy (Llewelyn Moss is an idiot), and horror (Chigurh is a horrific monster). Related: The Real Story Behind Killers of the Flower Moon, Explained It tells the story of a Vietnam vet who finds a huge money stash and decides not to report it. It’s how the hunt begins, both for the man and the money, by two very different characters. This winner of an Academy Award for Best Picture was directed by the Coens.
7 Wind River
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The Weinstein Company / STXinternational Much like in Killers of the Flower Moon, a horrible crime sets the story arc in Wind River. In Taylor Sheridan’s underrated crime thriller, a wildlife officer helps solve a murder mystery that takes place in a territory where modern civilization and Native American tradition have collided for centuries, and it shows. The Western noir features Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen playing the leads but has exceptional secondary performances by Gil Birmingham and Jon Bernthal. The third act is an impressive exercise in tension that will most likely stay with you for days.
6 Hell or High Water
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Lionsgate Tanner and Toby are two brothers who resort to heists to save their ranch. The problem is two officers are trailing on them and will most likely catch them soon. Hell or High Water could be a regular cat-and-mouse action film set in modern times, but Taylor Sheridan's Oscar-nominated script runs on a different kind of fuel than what you’d expect from the crime genre. Boasting incredible performances by Chris Pine, Ben Foster, Jeff Bridges and Gil Birmingham, Hell or High Water depicts a bleak descent with an inevitable outcome where desperation makes men attempt the impossible. A clever film for modern clever audiences.
5 The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
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Warner Bros. Pictures In The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, admiration slowly turns to absolute hatred in a compelling and natural journey only made possible with stellar performances by Casey Affleck and Brad Pitt, who play Robert Ford and Jesse James, respectively. Well, Roger Deakins’ cinematography helps as well. The crime Western recounts the events that led to Robert Ford’s willing decision to kill outlaw Jesse James after joining his gang and developing resentment when he discovers Jesse is just looking to take care of himself. Robert uses the circumstances to play the hero and deliver the body of the notorious criminal to authorities.
4 The Hateful Eight
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The Weinstein Company Quentin Tarantino’s epic crime Western The Hateful Eight is the impressive result of years of building up a passion for the genre for a guy who definitely knows how to show his love for cinema. Everything about the film is big, grandiose, and ambitious. It’s one of the last displays of Western epics in Hollywood. It tells the story of a bounty hunter who seeks refuge in a lodge during a destructive snowstorm. He’s got a fugitive with him. And he arrives at a dangerous place where other questionable characters are sheltering. It’s everyone for themselves in Tarantino’s exercise of hate within hate. There’s a reason why this one was meant to be seen in a theater, so do it whenever you get the chance.
3 The Revenant
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20th Century Fox Aside from featuring Leonardo DiCaprio as the leading star, Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu’s Western epic The Revenant shares something else with Scorsese’s Killers of the Flower Moon. Native American values, traditions, and culture are at the core of a crime-based tale of redemption and justice. Related: Martin Scorsese's Most Underrated Films The Revenant is a revenge story about Hugh Glass, an explorer who gets betrayed while on a journey through the Dakotas in the 1800s. His company abandons him and when he survives a vicious bear attack, Glass decides to go after those who abandoned him, resorting to isolation and loneliness to explore a more spiritual aspect of his drive to wreak havoc.
2 Memories of Murder
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CJ Entertainment Memories of Murder by Bong Joon-ho is a riveting film that hasn’t aged one bit since it was released in 2003. The story’s pretty simple: it tells the story of two detectives trying to solve a serial killer’s murder spree in South Korea when the term wasn’t exactly common. It’s thrilling and chilling at the same time because of its raw portrayal of a society traumatized by real political turmoil, and one man’s sick view of the situation to fulfill his darkest desires. The ending will leave you in absolute shock.
1 Insomnia
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Warner Bros. Pictures / Summit Entertainment Christopher Nolan’s underrated crime thriller Insomnia is the story of a couple of detectives from Los Angeles who travel to Alaska to investigate a murder. The problem is they’re not exactly good guys and the killer witnesses them committing a crime, and he won’t keep his mouth shut without retribution. Nolan’s film is a remake of a Norwegian film of the same name, but it’s better to stick with Nolan’s version because performances are much, much better. It features Robin Williams in one of his prominent non-comedy performances. Killers of the Flower Moon will be released in theaters on October 20, 2023. Read the full article
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asktoobzee · 1 year
How to Watch Scream VI… and is it Worth Watching?
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After landing in theaters on March 10, the latest installment of Wes Craven’s Scream movie franchise is now on streaming. We gave Scream VI a full 2 hours of our time to tell you where you can watch it and — perhaps more importantly — if it’s worth your time.
Spoiler Alert:
Before you read further, we assume you’ve seen all or most Screams 1 through 5. If you haven’t, just be warned that there are some (major) spoilers regarding the earlier movies. But don’t worry, there are NOT any major spoilers about Scream VI.
Do you need to watch Scream 5 before watching Scream VI?
You don’t absolutely need to watch Scream (as the 5th movie is officially titled) before watching Scream VI, because you could probably still enjoy it enough as a slasher. However, we strongly recommend watching it, because there are a lot of callbacks to it throughout the movie. (So much so, that you’ll have a fairly good idea about what happened in “Scream 5” just from watching “Scream 6”.)
Another reason to watch it first is that the movie’s main characters (and their backstories) are introduced in the previous film. And one of the franchise’s regular characters is also killed off.
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Who is in Scream VI?
Three characters appeared in all of the first 5 films: Sidney, Gale, and Dewey. They were like the Holy Trinity of Ghostface Slayers. However, only one of them returns for Scream VI.
Neve Campbell chose not to reprise her role, making this the first Scream movie without Sidney Prescott. But we figure she’ll be back one day – maybe for Scream X. Dewey, due to his heroism and an unfortunately timed text message, was mortally unable to return. 
Therefore, Courtney Cox became the only person to appear on the screen in all six Scream movies. (Roger L. Jackson has voiced Ghostface in all six films.)
Also returning, are the “Core 4” characters from the last movie: sisters Sam and Tara and twins Chad and Mindy. A couple of others return as well, but if you haven’t seen the movie poster, we won’t spoil the surprise.
Other notable actors include Dermot Mulroney, Josh Segarra, and Henry Czerny. And in a stroke of genius casting, there’s also Samara Weaving, who starred as the titular character in the horror black comedy The Babysitter and its sequel, The Babysitter: Killer Queen. We’ll give you one guess as to her role in the latest Scream movie.
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Is Scream VI worth watching?
Paying homage to its roots while updating to reflect the current zeitgeist (as all Screams do), the movie starts with a pretty blonde answering the phone. But instead of a babysitter in a kitchen, she’s a college prof in a bar – trying to connect with her Tinder Flirtr date. And anyone who’s seen a Scream movie knows where this hookup is heading.
After an opening scene that adds some new twists, we discover that similar to Scream 2, our heroines have moved away to college. And this time they’re in NYC, à la Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan – but this movie’s actually good.
There’s still the film buff who explains sequels and prequels and requels, laying out the rules of the “franchise”, where films are only made to boost an IP and even the main characters are expendable. 
No one is safe. Legacy characters? Cannon fodder at this point. Usually brought back only to be killed off in some cheap bid for nostalgia.
It just needs to be bigger, badder, and the opposite of last time. And that certainly comes true here. The gore factor is cranked up a notch, so if Scream 3 (the tamest in the series) is your favorite in the franchise, this may not be for you. It’s not Hostel, but it’s a bloody far cry from Scary Movie.
Let’s be blunt. If you enjoyed Scream “5”, the answer is undoubtedly yes. If you like slashers, the answer is also yes. And if you’re even asking this question, the answer is most likely still yes.
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Where to stream Scream VI
For now, you can only stream Scream VI on Paramount+.
It is not available to rent yet, but you can buy it for around $20 at the usual places: Apple TV, Amazon, Google Play, YouTube, Redbox, Vudu, and more. 
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Where to watch all Scream movies online
Scream (1996)
Director Wes Craven and screenwriter Kevin Williamson essentially revived the horror movie genre in 1996 with Scream. It openly mocked the genre’s clichés, but embraced them just as hard, injecting life into a tired and dying genre that had become a straight-to-video boneyard.
After hauling in $173 million at the box office on a $15 million budget, the movie has since found a place on many Best of lists, including Bravo’s 100 Scariest Movie Moments and Empire’s 500 Greatest Movies of All Time.
You can stream the original Scream on:
It’s also available for rent for around $4 on plenty of platforms, like Apple TV, Amazon, Redbox, Vudu, and more.
Scream 2 (1997)
Sidney, Gale, and Dewey are back just a year later! And the first Stab movie is already in theaters. Also back – of course – is the next iteration of Ghostface, who follows Sidney to college in Ohio. 
Faced with production problems and plot leaks, Scream 2 still did nearly as well at the box office, taking in just $680k less than the first one. It’s the highest-rated sequel in the series on Rotten Tomatoes, and many consider it the best film in the franchise.
The impressive cast is like a Who’s Who? of the 90s, with Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jamie Kennedy, Heather Graham, Joshua Jackson, Omar Epps, Tori Spelling, and Rebecca Gayheart. Liev Schreiber also returns, along with Timothy Olyphant and Jada Pinkett Smith, a quarter-century before The Slap Heard Around the World.
You can stream Scream 2 on:
Hoopla (with ads)
Pluto TV (with ads)
It’s also available for rent for around $3 to $4 on platforms like the Microsoft Store, Apple TV, Amazon, Redbox, Vudu, and more.
Scream 3 (2000)
Three years after the events of the previous film, Scream 3 has Sidney living far away from Woodsboro, hoping to never see Ghostface again. But of course, she gets called back into action. As do Gale and Dewy. But this time they’re in Hollywood, where they’re filming Stab 3, the latest installment of the meta film series that’s a constant throughout the real-life franchise.
Hot on the heels of the Columbine Massacre, this installment leans more heavily on comedic elements than violence and horror, an approach that Scream VI definitely did not take. This makes Scream 3, in our opinion, the weakest film in the series.
You can stream Scream 3 on:
Hoopla (with ads)
Pluto TV (with ads)
It’s also available for rent for around $3 to $4 on platforms like the Microsoft Store, Apple TV, Amazon, Redbox, Vudu, and more.
Scream 4 (2011)
Officially stylized as SCRE4M, the 4th in the series was better than the previous film, but it still felt like the cow was running out of milk. The 3 mainstay characters – Sidney, Gale, and Dewey – are back, and it’s the 15th anniversary of the Woodsboro murders. 
On tour to promote her self-help book, Sidney swings through Woodsboro for a reunion with old friends. And there’s no way Ghostface is going to miss it!
You can stream Scream 4 on:
It’s also available for rent for around $4 on plenty of platforms, like Apple TV, Amazon, Redbox, Vudu, and more.
Scream (2022)
With another 11-year gap between Scream movies, the 5th installment indicated it was rebooting the franchise by titling itself simply Scream. However, it wasn’t a complete scorched-earth reboot as Sidney, Gale, and Dewey were all present and accounted for. But it did introduce new, younger heroines for Sidney to pass the torch to.
You can stream Scream exclusively on:
It’s also available for rent for around $3 to $4 on platforms like the Microsoft Store, Apple TV, Amazon, Flix Fling, Redbox, Vudu, and more.
Scream VI (2023)
We’ve already given the rundown on what Scream VI is about and where you can stream it, but we’re adding it here for those of you who prefer to jump to the end.
You can stream Scream VI exclusively on:
It is not available to rent yet, but you can buy it for around $20 at the usual places: Apple TV, Amazon, Google Play, YouTube, Redbox, Vudu, and more.
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