ooc / out of collar
two frames of the lil animatic im working on for new years
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characters: @ferretoftrouble, @ashortdropandasuddenstop(James), @hom3land3r, and @spooky-and-azazel
(don't mind homelander's tit this is still a rlly rough draft--)
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hom3land3r · 5 months
do you like having artist partners? I think it would be cute to put their drawings on the fridge or something
Well, funnily enough quite a few of the tower residents are artists and have made various odds and ends that have been put up in my penthouse.
James is actually quite artistic. I’ve seen a few of his sketches. Though he’s quite protective of them. Just like his poetry.
@spooky-and-azazel is our main contributor when it comes to art. She captures all of us rather perfectly, if I’m honest.
And then there’s @ferretoftrouble’s chicken scratchings. Though, she is a ferret after all, so can’t expect much else.
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frogshunnedshadows · 5 months
Analysis of a related set of early modern English necromantic divination rituals. Also would be a great band name.
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moonlit-imagines · 5 months
Headcanons for dating Wally West
Wally West x reader
a/n: i was debating whether or not y/n is on the team or not n for this im going for y/n being a regular civilian but now im debating making dating hcs for a hero too 🤭
prompt: anonymous: “But if you're still taking requests (and speaking of fast haha), I would absolutely love if you could do a lil' something about Wally West ♡. I love that track star to bits and we're entering my favorite season ever : spooky season (or autumn for people who aren't chronically online like me). So if you'd be tempted to write some fluff/domestic stuff in autumn with Wally, I would be over the moon! 🦊”
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wally is so annoying (in the best way!!)
you aren’t too used to the whole idea of dating a metahuman, every day is like an adventure
and for a speedster? you’d be surprised how hard it is for him to find the time
but he makes time
*doorbell rings*
“you’re twenty minutes late” -you
“in flash-time that’s early” -wally, holding a half-eaten box of chocolates “i got a little hungry”
on his “days off,” you could usually find the two of you on the couch with a variety of snacks scattered across the coffee table and crumbs peppering the cushions and floor
“the dog will get them” -wally
“hate to break it to you, but i don’t have a dog” -you
“should i get you a dog?” -wally
he was always so goofy
and affectionate, very affectionate!
he loved to give you cheek and forehead kisses, so many so fast
“how many was that?” -you after noticing repeated pressure on your cheeks
“going on a hundred. i’m trying to beat my record!” -wally
it always ended up tickling and you’d laugh until you fell over
“wally!! wally, come on!!” -you
you’d always get bummed whenever he got called for a mission
especially because it always happened in the middle of something (dinner, a movie, study date, etc.)
then when he came home he’d be a wreck and then you’d be a wreck because you’d see him like that
then he’d have to calm you down and you’d have to help him feel better
“you dont have to do that, im fine! i swear!” -wally while you panic and try to take care of him
being invited to the cave!
meeting the team!
“just because youre meeting a half-kryptonian clone, a martian, an atlantean, some girl with a bow and arrow, and batman’s sidekick doesn’t mean you get to think any of them are cooler than me, kapeesh?” -wally
“oh yes, i know you’re the coolest” -you
the team loves you!!!
“wow, wally, thanks for proving your s/o isn’t imaginary” -artemis
“youre welcome” -wally
“do you want to come bake with me?!” -m’gaan
“please say yes, y/n. i’m so hungry. so so hungry” -wally
“let’s do it!” -you
starting to camp out at the cave while wally is on missions
also once some more dangerous people figured out wally’s identity, you got your own access code to the cave. EMERGENCIES ONLY
you used it to surprise wally once and got a stern talking to from batman. never again
you dont really spend too much time with the team, but you get invited to most of their friendly outings!
and you talk up a storm with the others trying to learn about their lives, which sometimes makes wally a liiiittle jealous
but you want to live vicariously through these interesting people bc ur life is a liiiittle boring
“can you tell me what atlantis is like? what it feels like to be underwater and how your fighting style differs on land?” “what’s your favorite dish to make on mars? do you like communicating this way or the telepathic way more?” “why do you always wear sunglasses, man?” (you know this one dick is like wally’s bestie) -all you
seeing wally less than usual when things start to heat up in his hero life :(
causes some strain and you get so so sad :(
but he always calls you when he can and tries to make up for it
and somewhere down the road when he retires you’re able to spend all your time with him and he makes up for lost time like he promised
ok i’ll stop there. happily ever after.
taglist: @ravenmoore14 // @summersimmerus // @azazel-nyx // @simsrecs // @xoxobabydolls // @ravenstrueluv // @cicatraize // @captainshazamerica // @bad4amficideas // @evilcr0ne // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @elenavampire21 // @jade-178 //
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scoobydoodean · 2 months
hello! I've been reading your content and as someone who considers themselves a both Sam and Dean girl, it feels like a breath of fresh air. I feel like samgirls watering down Sam's bad traits are what makes him less enjoyable, because the brothers are supposed to be foils of each other (or at least I see them that way). Both of them have good and bad traits but Sam's bad traits are most dominant in him and Dean's good traits most dominant in him. I think that Sam is a creative way to make an unreliable narrator and defeats the "good Protagonist fights evil in an evil spooky world". Although Dean will always be my favorite out of the two, Sam's moral greyness is key to the story and by trying to make him a helpless victim than the sick little murder man he is, it's like...they are missing the point of the show. One of the main themes I've seen in the show is that nothing is as it seems, Dean looks like the rugged older brother who's got murder on his mind (especially when you read Kripke's original concept for him) but he's actually sweet and trying to save everyone. Sam looks like the cute younger brother who could do no wrong and is just an awkward nerd, but is capable of murdering people without remorse.
I also wanted to ask what your take would be if Sam was the older brother and Dean was the younger brother. A part of me wants to say that it'll just be the same plot but just switching the roles, but that doesn't sound right.
#sam and human sacrifice heheheh
@ your question—hmm… I suppose it depends on how much you believe nature vs nurture shapes people. I would say a lot about Sam’s character is defined by his status as the younger sibling in a childhood neglect situation and a lot about Dean’s character is defined by his status as an older sibling in a neglect situation. A lot of how Dean feels is shaped by the perception that he has control in situations where he has no control, starting from childhood parentification. A lot of how Sam feels is shaped by the perception that he has no control, originating from childhood where he was dragged from place to place without knowing why for much of his formative years, and was often very isolated and alone (i.e. when John took Dean with him on hunts (11.08), or sent Dean away for pissing him off (14.12)).
On the other hand, I also think the demon blood storyline still happening to Sam and not Dean might potentially have interesting effects on John’s treatment of them, if you believe that Sam being coddled a little more (ex: not being allowed to hunt until he was older) isn’t just a function of Sam being the baby of the family but is also due to a special concern associated with his connection to Azazel. This in turn makes the nurture aspect even more fuzzy.
I agree with you though I don't think it would be exactly the same story just switching roles. I think there are also some nature aspects to this like I think Dean's role in the narrative being To Care About People (#dean the narrative heart) is probably something that transcends his upbringing, though obviously we can connect aspects of his upbringing to that role. And you have the age old question of whether Sam's feelings about purity are truly a function of childhood neglect, or whether his belief that he isn't clean literally comes from the demon blood (though personally I'm team neglect).
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burnt-toast-life · 2 years
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[ID: Fanart of Tartaglia from Genshin Impact. He is wearing a cropped, grey top with a similar design to his original outfit, his red scarf folding over it and fading into a tattered, hydro blue. He’s wearing what appears to be a skirt, also dark grey, as well as grey boots with red soles. He has maroon ram horns on his head that fade into blue, as well as a goat skull that replaces his mask. Two dark black and blue wing-like designs sit out on either side of him, and a pale red square sits behind him in the background with a watermark over it. He is shown smiling, looking toward the camera. /end ID]
Spooky month…. Tartaglia costume based on the demon Azazel weheh
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shallowseeker · 9 months
Anon because this is a touchy subject but I'm the one who hates Mary. Thanks for fielding my ask with such patience. I'm honestly very hopeful I can come around to liking her more.
I was wondering if you could write more about Lucifer? I really liked the Lucifer-war meta you wrote. He's a pariah in the fandom, but you seem to like him and Nick?
You're welcome, I think.
About Lucifer, uh, well. I'll be honest with you. I'm not super keyed into Lucifer, so I can't promise that I have any thoughts to share? But I'll keep it in mind as I watch through again. Here's what I like about Lucifer and what I'm less interested in. If any of this syncs up with your interests, feel free to stick around!
First, I meant when I said it's okay not to connect with a character. For example, it's taken me a long time to come around to Charlie Bradbury, and she's a fan favorite! Sometimes, there's no real reason you don't jive with a character. (There's nothing wrong with Charlie. I just happen to find her kind of annoying! And that's okay. That I like Arthur Ketch more than OG Charlie doesn't mean I'm a horrible person, right?)
I find that many of the characters featured in season 8 are kinda boring to me. Many of them I think were meant to be templated and figment-like in terms of their complexity relative to an integrated life. But some of them, like Metatron, I really love! He turns out to be so much more than the "ho-hum wiseman" that he appears to be, and then he basically repeats Cas's mistakes with regard to "punishing" his home and "trying to be God."
Yet, the fandom as a whole absolutely loathes Metatron. But I'm not going to go into their inboxes and harass them to see things my way.
So, Lucifer...
Many Lucifer fans seem to be fans of the early-seasons Lucifer, but I'll be upfront with you and say I prefer the whiny, petulant guy that was peeled back in later seasons--the one who revealed to Anael that all he really wanted was to fit in. Yeah, he's "less edgy, less cool," but I find him way more interesting!
I think there's an echo of Sam and John here re:fitting in. Because while Sam is "rebellious" towards John, he is, according to Henry Winchester, quite like John in terms of his base personality. After Jess died and Sam focused on revenge, Sam seemed strangely glad to have something in common with John, to understand him.
Lucifer too seemed excited and more sympathetic to his dad after Jack arrived. I way prefer that to the idea of a "villainous" guy in a white suit spitting spooky lines about destiny. That Lucifer...feels like Chuck.
I guess my thesis is that Chuck's portrayal of Lucifer is pretty close to Chuck's true self: a kind of cool-headed, all-knowing sadism. But perhaps the real Lucifer is eaten up by pain and volatile emotion.
"He's stealing my best lines," Lucifer laments when he reads the Bible in season 13. There's probably some truth to that. Perhaps, Chuck takes all his worst parts and stamps them onto Lucifer, and he takes Lucifer's best parts and stamps them onto himself?
And John...
I'll also be honest and say I find the fandom's tendency to paint Lucifer and John with all the bad in the entire universe to be sort of...frustrating? It verges on cartoonish. Engaging with their complexity automatically gets a fan painted with the dreaded "abuse apologist" label. I feel like disengaging from Lucifer and John almost...pressures you into trying to explain away TFW's own wrongdoing to hastily differentiate them from Lucifer and John.
Furthermore, I feel like John is raked over the coals for his inability to let go of his hatred of Azazel, but the fandom won't even entertain anything less than the abject destruction of John and Lucifer. In a sense, we can lurch into being quite John-coded when it comes to John and Lucifer!
It's almost like it's a badge of honor to blame them for all the evils in the universe, even the evil that Sam and Dean do on their own. Gabriel had a gorgeous speech on this very issue in season 13's Exodus! (Gabriel at once excused Chuck too much and blamed Lucifer too much, but he had a great observation!) At what point do you stop blaming your father and take responsibility for yourself? Where do we draw the line? How do we heal?
I'm also pretty fascinated by Chuck's tendency to victim-blame Lucifer's descent as "inevitable," while taking no responsibility for his own actions. That Chuck pointed to Lucifer's "jaundiced eye towards humans" as proof of his corruption is...hmm. It's bad.
It's like viewing Demon Dean, MoC Dean, or Amara-thralled Dean as "the real Dean." Just because you have urges or thoughts does not mean that you'd act on them in your right mind! That's the whole point of being an animal with free will!
Chuck's pretty fucked up for that viewpoint. It's his own rationalization for sure.
The other thing I'm fascinated by is that tantalizing nugget that Amara "trusted Lucifer once." Did Lucifer try to get close to her in order to catch her off-guard? "Dear nephew, my how you've changed." I'll always be rotating that line my head.
And I'll continue to ponder why Amara was so willing to make up with Chuck but was not willing to even try with Lucifer. How sad! You'd think if she felt bound to Dean, she'd also feel closer to Lucifer for being connected to her in a similar way. Maybe? And then there's the pesky fact that Amara becomes Lucifer's torturer and is willing to make up with Chuck but throws Lucifer away like garbage... It's hmmm.
If we assume that the MoC corrupted Lucifer, I say there's a good argument for his disinhibition and actions making him feel like he was beyond the point of no return, and so he continued to descend. There's something here that shackled Lucifer's free will just as it shackled Dean's.
And yet his own family is not even willing to extend the slightest bit of kindness, and that is why Lucifer is like that when we see him in Vince. He spends most of his time pleading to Cas, because that turns out to be his most stable family member. Same with Gabriel. (Though they try to kill each other over and over.)
Honestly, I find it difficult to ignore Amara and AU Michael's torture of Lucifer, and how frightened Lucifer was of AU Michael. It's also hard to look away from just how much "having a mission" fills Lucifer with purpose and surface-level loyalty for those around him.
It's hmmmm. Lucifer is simultaneously the worst version of himself AND he's also scapegoated for things that he didn't do and that aren't his fault.
And lastly, I'm always going to be interested in Jack. That Lucifer wanted Jack to give his life meaning is not nothing. It speaks of a life that means nothing. Forgiving Chuck and then getting tossed by Chuck, not to mention having gray-rock stability with Cas as his roommate and then getting ripped away from Cas, was honestly...probably the worst thing that ever happened to Lucifer. It's the thing that made him give himself over wholly to nihilism.
After that, Lucifer became single-mindedly focused on having a kid to plug the whole of his existence. He obsessed over Jack to a point that he was rushing to cross worlds to get to him. And yet, that care never really grew into anything truly parental. He was so willing to slit Jack's throat! He was so jealous of Sam being important to Jack that he tried to make Jack kill Sam.
It's hmmmm.
And Nick.
Nick is a festering sore...and how Lucifer manipulated his personal life in order to Stockholm him was gut-wrenching. Nick lost his entire identity!
I'm sure that "Like" is a strong word, but I think his plight in season 14 is certainly something we're supposed to pay attention to in the context of the Dean-AU Michael possession.
Things I don't care about?
Well, I'm not so much about Lucifer, Rowena, and Sam directly, because I feel like his interactions with them are cartoonishly straightforward: with them, Lucifer is his worst self. There's not much to add.
Lucifer does show some glimmers of being Gabriel-like with respect to Sam, in that he "respects Sam," engages in "torture of the brothers," and tries to "train him to recognize illusions" and "come to certain conclusions via illusions."
It's also sort of interesting to me when the reflection of Lucifer ricochets onto TFW, reminding them of when they were their shadow selves. (Jimmy Novak possession, cannibalism, killing innocents, sacrifice, lying, etc.)
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covenofom · 1 year
From Facebook Satanas Vobiscum
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A long, long time ago, Hebrews claimed to see goat-like spirits inhabiting the wilderness and scaring people, which they called Se'irim. They came to identify a leader of these spirits. They called him Azazel. As time wore on, Azazel's backstory was fleshed out. He became a leader of fallen angels.
Once the full-blown concept of JHVH's enemy, THE Devil, developed, Azazel was naturally identified as one of his earliest names. The early Church Fathers attest to this identification. Indeed, in Judaism itself, Azazel was already being identified with the serpent in Eden by the time of Jesus. So it's not any mystery at all why "Azazil" became the name of Iblis/Shaitan before his fall in Islam: Azazel was a name for Satan that Mohamed would have easily heard from 6th century Jews and Christians.
And then, from there, Azazel becomes a positive figure of sorts in the fringes of Sufism, seen as being loyal to God in refusing to bow before Adam, because he had previously been commanded to bow before God alone. And along come the Yezidis, and they do the Sufis one better, and straight reinstate Azazel as not only the highest Angel, but they worship him as essentially one of the Persons of the Godhead.
What's extra neat about Azazel's mythological evolution from vague, spooky, goat spirit into the winged Logos and Demiurge (in the positive sense) of all creation . . . . . . is it's actually mirrored in the mythological evolution of Pan.
Pan started as a minor rustic deity who led goat-spirits called Satyrs, which, importantly, is the word Greek speaking Jews in the ancient world used to translate their own term for goat-spirits, "se'irim." They recognized the identity.
And to make a long story short, once we get to the final death-throes of paganism in the Hellenic world, we come to figures like Damascius, "the last of the Athenian Neoplatonists," who identified Pan with Phanes-Protogonus, the "First-Born," the winged, serpent-crowned entity that functions essentially like . . . . . the Logos part of the Godhead.
It's important to note that these two situations of a spooky-minor-goat-god-of-the-wilderness slowly evolving into a shining, winged Demiurge-figure both happened independently of each other. And that makes it all the more interesting that the explicit "Satan is Pan" symbolism happened big-time in pop-culture at a later date. Although it took a long time for the IMAGE of Satan to be fully exchanged with Pan's in art, it's not REALLY something that is wholly shallow nor inappropriate.
As much as it seems to fly in the face of conventional occulture understandings of history, it's arguable that Satan began as a Hebrew Pan-type figure of sorts. Perhaps it could even be suggested that these parallel stories, instead of being merely curious developments of a myth, are in reality an example of "progressive revelation."
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drraphaelmd · 3 months
“   I really do hate thinking. ” from Azazel
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That was...concerning, especially from Azazel. The man was literally known for being a thinker, and also for being a bit 'spooky' but Raphael adored him.
"Why? Is something troubling you?"
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hom3land3r · 3 months
You kinda scare the hell outta me sometimes, but drawing you a bunch basically got me adopted(???) and I’m not complaining. You’re kind to me and the rest of the fam in your own way and I appreciate it. 💜💀
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Spooky Month/Introducing a New Character
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Happy Spooky Month, y'all! Btw, introducing Azazel ("Unholy" Yash). Decided to get creative with my Halloween costume. =)
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vivavoxxy · 9 months
Spooky Angel Spooking Old Man
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An art trade I did with @shadowbuni
We finally see Elias break his stoney, emotionless expression and show genuine terror at Azazel the Angel of Death looming over him and being a cheeky little devil.
Azazel © Shadowbuni
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gh0stmist · 7 months
i love making ocs like, her name is azazel or charon or something edgy like that and she’s just this sweet old grandma type who likes to grow flowers and bake
but also there’s this guy who’s an edgy eggy assassin with a dark past and spooky gorey secrets, and his name is just mr. sandwiches
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xstarxgazerx · 2 years
Halloween questionnaire!
1. Childhood fear?
Roaches 🤢
2. Favorite childhood Halloween costume?
Zombie Cheerleader [ Don’t judge me ]
3. Favorite scary Halloween movie?
IT [ The original one ]
4. Favorite nonscary Halloween movie?
Hocus Pocus
5. Creepiest experience?
Séance with Dustin and Val when we were kids
6. Magic spell of choice?
Healing, 100%
7. Favorite Halloween candy?
8. Nonfavorite Halloween candy?
Swedish Fish
9. Favorite adult Halloween costume?
This year? A Dalmatian 
10. Least likely Halloween costume?
“Sexy Cop”
11. Place likeliest to haunt if you were a ghost?
Home, aka @rykeranders​
12. Are you a good witch or a bad witch?
A balanced witch [ don’t wrong my people 😂 ]
13. Favorite scary creature/monster of the night ever?
14. Would you rather meet a vampire or meet a werewolf?
15. Would you rather trick or treat in your neighborhood or a different neighborhood?
Mine 🖤
16. Would you rather visit a cemetery or visit a pet cemetery at midnight?
17. Would you rather visit a haunted house or a haunted graveyard?
18. Would you rather walk through a graveyard at midnight or spend a night in a spooky abandoned old house?
19. Scariest movie villain of all time?
Azazel from Fallen
20. If you were stuck in a room with one horror movie villain, who would you pick?
21. Which cookie cutter shape is your favorite?
Either the Bat or the Ghost
22. Do you eat pumpkin seeds?
I have, but I don’t seek them out
23. Are you scared of spiders?
Cautious, but not scared
24. If a witch knocked on your door, would you let her in, close the door, or yell for Mom or Dad?
Definitely NOT let her in, but I wouldn’t be overly rude either. 
25. Do you believe in ghosts?
I want to, but don’t want to, too
26. If you found a witch's broom just lying about, where is the first place you would fly to?
To show my Nana
27. Would you rather dunk for apples or carve a jack-lantern?
I am a master dunker, but the adult in me is saying I should answer jack-o-lantern
28. Would you rather get a surprise visit from Frankenstein's monster or a surprise visit from The Headless Horseman?
Dr. Frankenstein’s creation please
29. Would you rather be dressed up as Superman / Wonder Woman or as Batman / Catwoman?
Catwoman 😍 that leather suit
30. Would you rather go to a real haunted house or watch a horror movie marathon?
Horror movie marathon
31. Would you rather have a creative costume or a scary costume?
A creatively SCARRRRYYYYYY costume
32. Would you rather be absolutely terrified of the dark or be afraid of the thing underneath your bed?
The thing under my bed because Ryker wouldn’t let it be there for long 😂
33. Would you rather get attacked by a giant spider or a spooky skeleton?
Skeleton please
34. Would you rather be scared or make someone else scared?
I think life needs a good mix
35. Do you ever see figures in your peripheral vision?
All. The. Time.
36. Do you believe in multiple dimensions or worlds?
Yes to both
37. Ever made a potion of any sort?
When I was younger, even managed to get Val to drink some of them 😂
38. You're home alone but hear footsteps in your house, what do you do?
Call Ryker
39. If you got trapped in one scary movie, which would you choose?
Friday the 13th
40. In a zombie apocalypse what is your weapon of choice?
Compound Bow.
Part 2:
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kidcataldo · 4 months
show idea that came to me while daydreaming, which is probably something only I would be interested in watching (bc it came out my brain):
Queer Kids of Galveston County
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It’s about a queer family just living their best quirky lives in Galveston with little care of the rest of the world around them.
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The Jester
redneck-type, 14/15 yrs old
real name: Jedidiah Wertheimer
known as “The Jester” because of his jester gimmick: white face, red lipstick, black diamonds over his eyes, and often colorful clothing
rarely seen outside of Jester persona
joins cults for free food, goes through religious phase (surprise, it’s satanism!), etc. Each episode centers around one of his schemes
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he pickpockets ungrateful tourists and robs corporate owned businesses, but only to help the less fortunate. Most workers look the other way, pretend not to see when he steals a few cans of food or a package of tampons because they know it’s going to a better place.
he’s on a first name basis with most cops and not in a respectful, blue lives matter kind of way.
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Azazel Wertheimer
older sister of Jedidiah, 17/18 yrs old
“straight man” of the group
works on the boardwalk in concessions
responsible, hard worker
tries super hard to blend in with society despite family’s mischief
the most “ordinary” among her family
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Midori Takahashi
newest and youngest member of the family, 12 yrs old
often The Jester’s right hand (wom)man, at his side during his many schemes
dresses “male” because she believes American fashion is to look ambiguous. This belief is based entirely on Strawberry’s own appearance
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guardian of Azazel, Jedidiah and Midori
drag queen who performs at local club
rarely seen out of Strawberry persona
laissez-faire attitude when it comes to life
is seen in dressing gowns and headscarfs when not performing
home is open to anyone: stray animals, homeless people, anybody is welcome and treated as family in their house
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Uncle Uncle
no one is sure where he came from or even who he really is—he just started sleeping in their house—but he’s family now regardless
mute, never speaks
running gag where he’s actually one of the world’s most wanted criminals in hiding and he’s constantly fighting off assassins/secret agents while the family remains oblivious
His wheelchair has gadgets and gizmos to get him, and sometimes the family, out of sticky situations
And they all live happily together in a rundown but beautiful beach house by the ocean. They’re like a less spooky and less rich version of the Addams family.
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And why Galveston County? It’s what I know. And I wanted them near the beach. Also, Texas, despite its reputation, actually has a lot of queerness and it’s fun to show that these identities exist here
Side characters, maybe:
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Dakota Tran & Jesus Mendoza
friends (and possible love interests) of Azazel
Dakota works at the store The Jester is banned from. Distracts her boss so he can sneak in and steal stuff
Jesus works with Azazel on the boardwalk
they’re the other “queer” kids
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The Williamsons
Bill and Jill and their three kids Will, Phil and Little Gil are the neighbors of the Queer family
though kind, the majority of the Queer family find their way of life, their ordinary lives unsettling
church-going type
they represent what society sees as a “perfect” family
Azazel likes them and often mimics their behavior, and attempts to have her family do the same
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liopleurodean · 5 months
Season 12, Episode 12: Stuck In The Middle (With You)
Boy, do I have a story for you
She's flirting with Cas 😂
I care. That sucks
This is a strange conversation
Not a good time frame
Man, it's so weird to be interacting with regular hunters
"shy, but devastatingly handsome" Dean. Please. Think about what you are saying
"fine" sure
Aw, not Wally!!!
Ha! I doubt it
That's so sad
What was that? Like an extra title card or something
This is interesting
Poor Wally 😂
Ramble on!
This is Dramatic
OHH it was directed by Gabriel. That makes sense
He gets the easy job
So I guess they had bad intel
Oh no
That's spooky
Sooo, not a demon? Or at least, not a normal one
That's not good
Shoot him!
Yellow eyes...
I guess it makes sense that there would be more of them
Here we go
Really? Must've been living under a rock
Is that a freaking spear???
That works
A barn, huh?
What was on that thing?
YED, that's what happened
Just like Azazel
This is an interesting way to tell the story
Not physically
Mary. What did you do?
He's right, Mary
Trust is an interesting word
I feel so bad for Wally right now
What is she doing?
Okay, here's what I don't get: the Colt that killed Azazel was supposed to be basically the same as Ruby's demon knife, so why didn't it work on this guy?
She calls them Hobbits...
What the heck???
Great question
You think???
Not gonna happen, Cas
Crowley! Oh thank goodness
Well that's foreboding
What's going on here?
Thanks, Cas
Azazel was a prince of Hell
They are so screwed
Mr. Crowley
Oh boy
Oh my gosh. That's THEE lance???
The thing that Mary was after
Because he was the Prince, and Lucifer died. This explains how Crowley got it
He's so confused 😂
It's horrifying that the others are still around somewhere
Crowley through and through
It's a lance
If you're an angel, it goes the long way
They need the Colt. Or even the Lance
Oh, Dean...
They're gonna summon an angel
Dude. Enochian brass knuckles
Oh, Crowley...
Don't underestimate the Winchesters
Crowley needs to get out of there
Really bad
No way, Cas
CAS 😭😭😭😭😭
You're in no shape for that, Cas
They don't like that
I'm sure
Maybe you should
Oh really? Then why do you know?
That's not good
Dang it, Mary
At least, the boys do
That was dramatic
Nice. Michael Sword versus Michael's Lance
Cas is Not Okay
Your future ends in black goo...
That could work
Thanks, Crowley!
No thanks to you, Mary
Of course there's one last thing
Dude. Not cool
Now's the time, Mary
Dude. Seriously?
Oh my gosh. It's the stupid Colt
Speechless. Literally speechless. This is so stupid, I can't even-
Pssh. Nice
...is that Lucifer?
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