#sprout replies
plant-cell-park · 2 years
He isn't even called Jesse anymore argh
and also anon sorry for your loss of jesse
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total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
Total Drama Psycho Noah AU, somehow Harold knows about Noah's true colors... He tries to tell some people the truth, but nobody will believe him... At the start of the TD Island Special Finale, he purposefully tells Noah boring facts, to annoy Noah into showing his true insane colors... But all Harold is doing, is making Noah want to escape... Boredom is Psycho Noah's kryptonite! 😂
One of Harold's many Mad Skills is his ability to detect the threats around him; like a spidey sense, but for lanky, kind-of-pathetic nerds.
But! Everyone just kind of brushes off Harold's warnings as him being overly paranoid. You know, since he has that whole "bullied by Duncan (and the rest of the Bass guys)" thing going on, everyone assumes that he's finding danger where there isn't any because he's trying to keep himself alert to any more bullying attempts.
Plus, during Island (and Action), Noah presents himself as one of- if not the most harmless person in their cast. He winces at being pelted by mashmallows, of all things. That dude isn't a threat to anyone.
So, being the honourable guy he is, Harold resolves to keeping Noah in check during their shared time on The Playa!
From what he's seen of Izzy, being bored/understimulated really does seem to be her kryptonite. Noah’s got the same vibes as her, so surely the same must be true for him! (And, surprisingly, Harold is right in this assumption.)
So he has to keep Noah occupied and entertained enough to prevent him from harming anyone else; in Harold's mind, what's more entertaining than Fun Facts? He follows Noah around info-dumping on subjects that Harold might have an interest in, but Noah certainly doesn't, which ironically has the opposite effect to what he intended.
Noah's not too concerned with keeping up the act around Harold- after all, they're off the show now, and no one would believe Harold's claims about Noah's true nature anyway- but finds that, after trying to intimidate Harold away with a patented Crazy Stare™️, that the other is too invested in info-dumping to actually pay attention to Noah himself.
So you end up with a Harold under the impression that he's doing something heroic by keeping a potential hazard mollified, and a Noah who's having the time of his life pulling whacky stunts in front of an oblivious Harold to see what finally grabs his attention.
Leading to the scene in the Playa episode where Noah's sarcastically miming out different suicide methods in front of an unaware Harold. Though, in this AU, he's probably miming out different murder methods he could use to kill Harold instead- which the rest of the cast would brush off as sarcastic and/or understandable (wouldn't you also be tempted to kill the guy following you around reciting Beaver Facts?).
The wider audience are just watching a guileless Harold metaphorically poke a sleeping bear with a stick.
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randomnameless · 10 months
Faerghus is based on Russia and Adrestia on Rome right? I can't tell why they made the agarthan language Russian. Is it some kinda big brain move to connect them like Ancient Greece and Rome are connected, or was that just a coincidence?
On another note, some nabatean names (among other things) are inspired by Celtic/Irish mythology so their language can even be old Irish.
In the end it depends on who you attribute Ancient Greece to. It could be the original of both of their cultures and they split off and did their own thing? Idk, we just don't know enough...
I don't remember where I saw that post (maybe the dev interview from 2020?) but Faerghus's real life inspirations was a mix match between various "northern" "european" countries, idk, Fr-england-ssia or something like this.
While Adrestia has a coliseum and used to rule over "the world" a long time ago, Enbarr's current architecture is closer to the eastern part of the roman empire (that'd later be called the byzantine empire!) who... used way more greek than latin! IIRC in that same interview the devs said Adrestia was inspired by Germany and Italy? Italian inspirations (historical at least) are evident with the coliseum and Enbarr's palace (it has a crapton of mosaics in Nopes!) while the German ones can be spot through names of Adrestian characters and particles, and how squads are called.
I think the first historical nonsense that pissed me was about someone trying to fit ancient greece/rome in the Nabatean/Agarthan conflict - but reading too much about languages and irl parallels, while fun to honeypot, is ultimately a sterile debate when Japan has been known to use several languages/names in various video games because they sounded cool/exotic enough (Jugdral's Sigurd and Deirdre and Chulainn come to mind, but then Granvalle's knight squads made me learn the name of some colors in german!) - even if Agarthan units being named after ancient sages, and their titans - i mean giant robots - having an arte called "titanomachy" is pretty revealing on the aesthetic the devs wanted to give them, which is also all kinds of interesting when you take into account that Rhea is the only one of Sothis's kids who is named in this fashion - from her name we could guess she's an Agarthan, but no, Sothis named her youngest kid the Agarthan way?
Anyways, I thought about it for funsies in the original language post (rather, tags) to be something like aramaic, with an alphabet that would be so different from modern day Fodlan's alphabet that randoms who never thought those symbols might be letters would just, ignore it - but it's basically headcanon land.
If nabatean language came from Sothis, is it like "the blue sea star's language", or are they even communicating in "Nabatean" through words, can this language be vocalised by humans, is it like entish, or was it kept secret and only used between Nabateans like Tolkien's khuzdul?
Or, about Agarthans - maybe they used a certain language before being wiped out and shared it with those lizards and some other random humans, Sothis confined them underground, Enbarrians kept on using the Agarthan language and through centuries of usage it eventually branched to become the Enbarr language - and pissed to speak something even similar to the language of those beasts, Agarthans evolved their original language to the one we can now spot in Shambala?
#anon#replies#idk if it makes sense#usually i wouldn't think too much abotu comparing a fictional coutnry to its rl inspiration#even if some parallels sting like#uh Almyra#and Adrestia's leader suddenly sprouting a dubious rhetoric about people sekritly controling the world and hoarding gold#imagine Chilon being so pissed because he wrote the Illiad back then#and then some beast in what is now Enbarr found it and plays it in a random odeon like#no that's his!!!#Rhea being named 'Rhea' when ancient greek names are agarthans in nature is fascinating#like maybe Sothis wanted to break peace with them and picking her latest kid's name like this was supposed to be a sign of pacification?#i don't think we are supposed to see links between who is connected or not#i saw a stupid post early in 2020 basically saying nabateans were liek rome and stole tech from the greek agarthans#but dude#the tech Agartha had came from Sothis and the Nabateans word of god said so#if anyone has screenshots of Zanado hit me plz#I'd like to check the background#from what I rememeber we can spot ruins of aqueducts ?#I thought about aramaic bcs of Sothis and Seiros's religions#but maybe nabatean was something like akkadian?#damn now i'm imagining young!Cichol reading a bedtime story to even younger!Rhea and siblings#like the epic of one of their sibling and his human partner heavily inspired by the epic of gilgamesh#Enbarr being way more inspired aesthically by the eastern roman empire rather than the western one we keep on seeing everywhere was a choic#I still dig it though#FE16#nabatean stuff#sort of since we talk about their languages and it spiralled in me ranting about i don't even know what lol
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burgeaux · 10 months
ok now that I'm in elpis I'll probably just post/react and shut off my phone immediately after more than ever to avoid spoilers and allusions and such
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ronkeyroo · 2 years
Anon opinion: you seem really sweet! I've been following your tumblr for a little while and I love your art so much. I'm sorry you're going through some stuff rn but we're all rooting for you. Makes me sad when I see you're struggling but I love it when you're back ❤️
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Anon... ;; Goodness, reading this put such a warm glow on my heart, despite how much it ached for making the folks who care for me so tenderly worry all those times...Thank you, thank you so much for thinking of me and my art so fondly, for caring enough to leave such a tender message as well as rooting for me through my struggles ;;
Every fiber of my being yearns for the moment I wont have to go through all of those hardships anymore, but it makes me courageous , and helps keep me motivated knowing i've got such wonderful folk rooting for me in the sidelines ♥
Im happy to be back, even though im still sluggish, and i hope that bit by bit ill be able to re-connect with everyone again!
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abovetherainandroses · 9 months
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@moony-2001 omg thank you for the interest! 🥺 if you’d like a charm, you’re welcome to fill out this interest check (where you can also sign up for email updates!)
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wlw-cryptid · 1 year
aaeeuuueyeue I hate the way my period messes with my head
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literalite · 2 years
ive never heard of bahn xeo before so thank you SO much for alerting me to the existence of it, it looks heavenly, my ndn family is gonna go crazy for it
cook some mung beans to kind of like a weird dry paste. it should look like this
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we actually like burn it a lil bit so it tastes very faintly smoky but thats just us
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then u get this stuff above which u can find in some asian supermarkets. theres a bunch of other products with similar packaging so pay attention to the words
put it in a big bowl put a bottle of beer in with it, 200mls of coconut milk, and then the rest water (basically you have to make liquid content amount to 1L, you can do just water but this is just how we do it). the beer is to make it crunchy the coconut milk is for taste. do NOT use coconut cream
chop up some spring onion throw it in there too. should look pretty watery make sure there arent like powder lumps in it
in a big frying with some oil, fry up some pork or whatever meat u want, small peeled prawns, some chopped mushrooms and onion.
once theyre like kiiinda mostly done get a small bowl, put some of the cooked mung bean in, put some of the pancake mixture in with it and give it a mix. then pour it over the top of the currently frying filling. tilt your pan around to fill it up so it gets in the cracks and whatnot. u want it pretty thin so it stays crunchy
when the bottom is cooked fold it in half and cook it until the liquid stops being watery and it looks like this. my family also likes putting bean sprouts in it before folding it in half
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once ur done it should look like this! we like eating it with like assorted viet leafy veges and lettuce and slightly diluted nước mắm with dried garlic in it
u can probably find a better recipe online tbh LMAOO happy cooking!
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ingwion · 7 months
brussels sprouts enjoyers 🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝
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albeckett · 2 years
hi dear followers how are you all doing today
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plant-cell-park · 1 month
You were all a comet shooting past the stars
And all I wanted to wish for was you
'Cause my nights were empty without all your light
I'm sure the sky felt that way too
Lone Comet — Dein0mite
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wishingstarinajar · 2 years
How would rewind react if someone gave him a chocolate covered Brussel sprout >:3
Ugh, even my own stomach turned upon reading that. No thanks xD
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randomnameless · 2 years
You said it in the tags but you hit the nail on the head. When FE villains spouted racist, colonialism and imperialism BS in the past, you acknowledge they're villains and you don't have emotional attachments to them. That's the true problem with Egg: because the narrative paints a love story with the self insert and an imperialist dictator, yet refuses to ever engage with Egg or challenge her BS, prejudice, ignorance, the narrative allows her to go unchallenged and spout complete nonsense.
That's why I ultimately think even AM, as the story of Dimitri learning to accept and let go of his hatred, ultimately falls, even if at the end he offers his hand to Supreme Leader.
The game cannot allow anyone to challenge Supreme Leader, or call her out on the most horrible aspects of her character, it's all about "she started a war" and not "she's using Jackie, the baker who lived in the next house, as a regular part of her forces as he was turned in a demonic beast".
Basically, everything that happened in WC is swept under the rug, so even during that "parley" it's goes from "war bad" to "ideals" to "sandwiches" to "actually you're strong".
The means Supreme Leader used (and is still using)? Swept under the rug with the grace of a beluga roller skating - no references to her own people used as guinea pigs, her preventive assassination attempt or Supreme Leader's very own disregard for human life, nope.
Nabateans? Who cares. We only learn about them, and/or care in Tru Piss, and only because Supreme Leader think they're inhuman creatures who cannot live with humans since their ears are pointy.
If Dimitri argued during this phoney parley about his father's death, the Duscur genocide and even what Supreme Leader is thinking about Flayn who sekritly controls the world and has ugly pointy ears - if Supreme Leader gave her usual "no u" witty one liner and Dimitri just gave up on reasoning with her, then why not, he accepts he cannot get along with her on anything, but he will still try to find a way to - as he doesn't erase her at the end of AM.
But no, those things are never alluded to.
So since Elincia doesn't exist in this game to shut her up with her "You care nothing for the people, [Supreme Leader]. You cloak your desire to rule with pretty speeches, but it is petty avarice nonetheless!" we end up with a half baked product, where Rhea, in her S-support, wonders if she should live with people she cares about because she has an alternate form, and the avatar not even telling her that "nope, it doesn't matter if your ears are pointy or not".
Where Sonya's sisters will never be acknowledged, no one can mourn on screen the "disappearance" of Baldo and Waldi, nor try to find a cure to heal them, no. Duscur and the consequences? Off-screen (only to be more or less solved in AG!).
That's why I was legit surprised when FEH, the gacha game, challenged Supreme Leader through her FBs, with Lissa first and Mila second.
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temeraire · 1 year
DID YOU SEE there's going to be a comet that has not passed by earth since the age of neanderthals, possibly visible to the naked eye until the 2nd feb in the northern hemisphere, and after 2nd feb in the southern. first time in 50,000 years . AND she's green.🌱
YES ITS SO COOL!!!!! i hope the weather wont be too shit so i can actualy see it but hough.
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getallemeralds · 2 years
oh heck its past midnight where im at so definitely not your birthday anymore and i missed it but happy birthday!
OH NO IT IS ABSOLUTELY MY BIRTHDAY i said that at midnight eastern ahsjdfmdjnd. 8/21!
thank yoouuuuu i hope you're doing well!!
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abovetherainandroses · 9 months
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@dancealonetoheartbreak WAH thank you for your interest!!! these will be for sale online in some form before the tour—I plan on posting a formal interest check to gauge how many people are interested, what kind of merch people want, etc! :’) so thank you for your feedback it really means a lot
- 🌱
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