#squealing santa 2k17
wigglywormy · 7 years
fair victory [bakugou/deku, 1.7k]
ahhhh i know i haven’t psoted anything in 10 thousand years, for which im sorry lol, but anyways! this is my squealing santa fic for @heartsywritesthethings !!!
their bnha prompt was ‘bakugou getting wrecked by another classmate’, and since i haven’t written any bakudeku for this blog yet, i went with deku as the ler 8)
merry christmas! i hope to open up prompts again soon so i can start posting more consistently on this blog again xoxo
Bakugou admits that UA has a really damn nice gym, and he intends to get a good use out of it before he graduates in the next few months. As a third year, he doesn’t have as much time to train and exercise like he used to, because his current internship and all of his finals before graduation really keep him occupied.
He finds that working out at night tends to be the only time he gets to utilize the gym, so it becomes a sort of routine for him. Wake up, go to class for half a day, take a bus over to the city to patrol and help Best Jeanist with paperwork (and occasionally - more often than not, now that he’s a third year - go on investigations and actually partake in beating the shit out of some local villains), then he comes back to the dorms, has dinner, maybe hangs out begrudgingly with his friends for a bit, then treks down to the gym below the first floor of the dorms for an intense work out.
It’s an exhausting schedule, but he doesn’t mind it too much.
What he isn’t expecting is for Deku to weasel his way into his routine, almost like he belongs there.
Their patrol routes cross streets, and after the first couple times of nodding amicably, that start actually chatting (because Bakugou’s fucking eighteen now, he has no reason to be a petty bitch to Deku anymore. Some might even say they’re friends now, though Bakugou still cringes at that word.)
Then, Deku starts hanging out with him when Uraraka or Iida were busy. And eventually, he starts following Bakugou to the gym for his nightly workout.
“I’ll spot you!” Deku says as he bounds after Bakugou, gym bag slung over his shoulder. “And then you can spot me? It’s unsafe to lift weights alone, y’know.”
“I haven’t hurt myself yet,” Bakugou grumbles, but holds open the door so Deku and his over sized gym bag can clamber in.
“Yeah, yet,” Deku rolls his eyes, and damn, the kid’s gotten fucking sassy after their second year. Bakugou’s reasonably impressed, to be frank. He blames it on all the time he hangs out with fucking Todoroki.
“Watch your mouth, you shit,” Bakugou snorts, arching his back and doing a few warm up stretches.
“Or what?” Deku shoots back, tossing his bag onto the floor and pulling an arm across his chest as he follows suit in stretching.
“I’ll kick your ass, that’s what,” Bakugou narrows his eyes, and when his gaze locks with Deku’s, he doesn’t spot any fear, not like there used to be. Now he merely sees an inviting glint of… excitement? Of a fucking challenge?
“Bet I could kick your ass now, Kacchan,” Deku says breezily, and he not-so-subtly flexes a bicep. Bakugou’s eyes zap to the defined muscle, and he desperately tries to ignore the way his stomach tightens up at the site. The fuckin’ nerd is right - he has gotten buff as hell the past three years. It’s impressive, and sickeningly attractive, and all sorts of other things that Bakugou does not want to address now, or any time in the future thank you very fucking much.
“Wanna eat those words, you fuck?” Bakugou hisses as a distraction to himself, mostly.
“Alright,” Deku rolls his eyes, walking to the center of the gym area where a large padded mat is laid on the ground. He gets into a fighting stance, and he smiles at Bakugou. “Wanna spar?”
“Do you actually have a deathwish?”
“No quirks,” Deku says, tapping his foot impatiently.
“Fuck,” Bakugou sighs, because he knows this new-and-improved Deku will just provoke him further if he says no. And yeah, sure, the excuse to kick someone’s ass always gets his blood boiling, but being in such close proximity as Deku - after realizing some things last year - isn’t exactly what he wants to do right now.
He sucks it up though, because refusal will cause even more questions than answers, so he sheds his shirt, leaving his tank on, and cracks his neck as he charges without a countdown. What? Deku’s the fucking one who started this, he doesn’t deserve a warning.
Unfortunately, Deku seems to have predicted this, and he quickly grabs one of Bakugou’s forearms and wrenches him forward, attempting to unbalance him with raw force.
Bakugou growls, because these are all moves that he knows for a fact Deku has learned from watching him fight. He manages to get a good shove in, his palm flat against Deku’s broad chest, but the next thing he knows, Deku’s on the ground, sliding behind him and elbowing the back of his knees until he buckles and falls.
“That was a dirty fuckin’ move,” Bakugou manages, impressed, as he rolls away, but Deku grabs his ankle and tugs him back, getting him face down on the mat with his wrists pinned against his lower back behind him.
“Shit,” Bakugou hisses, thrashing and trying to dislodge Deku, who’s now straddling him as he uses his weight to pin Bakugou down. “Get - off.”
“Do you surrender?” Deku says, and Bakugou can hear the smug grin in his voice.
“Fuck no.”
“Kacchan, c’mon,” Deku laughs, tightening his hold on Bakugou’s wrists. He leans down a bit, and Bakugou turns his head so his cheek is squished against the mat, his legs kicking behind him as he tries to escape. “Just give up.”
His palms crackle, and Deku tsk’s. “No quirks, remember? Just admit defeat, and then I’ll let you go!”
Bakugou feels his cheeks burn, trying to ignore the heavy weight of Deku on top of him, holding him down, his strong, scarred hands squeezing bruises into his wrists. He doesn’t respond, opting instead to growl and buck like a wild animal because the rest of his body is heating up now too and this is not good.
He hears Deku sigh, a quiet murmur of, “you asked for this,” before Bakugou feels determined fingers pressing into his ribs, right over his tank top.
Bakugou jerks as if he’s been electrocuted, a strangled noise escaping his lips, and his eyes widen when Deku starts tickling him.
Simultaneously, having Deku’s hands on him is something he’s fantasized about for months now, but not like this, holy shit. Bakugou’s biting his lip so hard it nearly bleeds, and he’s already pinned down, already practically defeated, he’s not going to give Deku the satisfaction of -
Deku slips his hand underneath Bakugou’s tank, fluttering his nails up until he can scratch right below Bakugou’s ribs, and Bakugou shrieks.
“F-Fuckin’ Deku, you sh-shihihit, get the fuck off!”
“You’re still super ticklish, huh?” Deku giggles - giggles at him, like this is funny, that fucker - before drilling his thumb into Bakugou’s ribs, causing the blonde to choke on a laugh, kicking his legs and panting.
“I’m not!”
“You aren’t?” Deku says, the teasy little fuck. “Are you sure?”
He releases Bakugou’s arms, but before Bakugou has half a mind to flip himself over and roll away, Deku grabs his wrists and pins them above his head, stretching Bakugou out taut. He slips his free hand underneath Bakugou’s tank again, this time tickling up his spine until he can scratch his nails along his shoulder blades, and Bakugou hates himself for how hard he giggles, shoving his face into his arm to try and muffle himself.
“Aww, Kacchan,” Deku coos, leaning down so his breath fans across Bakugou’s nape. “Do you give up?”
“F-Fuck you - ah - aha shit!” Bakugou gasps when Deku tickles under his arm, fingers deft and sure as Bakugou writhes underneath him. “Get off!”
Finally, Deku fully releases Bakugou’s wrists in order to bring both hands down to attack Bakugou’s waist, fingers slipping underneath him for a brief moment to pinch his hips and prod into his stomach. Unfortunately for Bakugou, he’s already pretty worn out, and steadily getting even more exhausted because every time he tries not to laugh, Deku just tickles him harder until he’s forced to wheeze out these pathetic giggles that Deku keeps cooing at god fucking damnit.
“Kacchan, you’re so cute,” Deku laughs, and when Bakugou manages to roll onto his side, Deku claws at his belly until Bakugou snorts.
Cute, Bakugou thinks deliriously, his body tingling and warm as Deku tortures him. What the fuck -
“Stop!” Bakugou laughs, rolling onto his back and pushing weakly at Deku’s chest. “Fuck - st-stop, Deku you piece of shihihit!”
“That doesn’t sound like a surrender,” Deku whispers, reaching a hand up to scratch under Bakugou’s neck. His hands seem to be darting everywhere, and Bakugou’s brain feels fuzzy, desperate for some sort of mercy but too prideful to speak it. Besides, though the tickling is fucking awful, Deku’s so warm on top of him, and his hands are like honey against his sweaty skin.
Once Deku wedges both of his hands underneath Bakugou’s arms though, Bakugou arches his back so hard it pops, his head thrown back against the mat, and god, he can’t - he can’t take it anymore, fuck.
“Deku - Deku, I’m - ” Bakugou squeezes his eyes shut, giggling wildly. “I’m gonna f-fucking d-die - ”
“You’re so dramatic,” Dekiu laughs, “you’re not gonna die, I promise.”
“Yes I fuckin’ am,” Bakugou wheezes, finally peeking open his eyes, damp with tears as he sees the fond, endeared look on Deku’s face as the sadistic fuck keeps fucking tickling him. “Fine - shit, f-fine, okay, stop, you win, you fu-fuhuhcking win, get off - !”
“Wow,” Deku says, slowing his touches but not stopping completely. He trails his hands down, tracing over Bakugou’s protruding ribs gently until Bakugou squeaks breathlessly. “It only took you nearly passing out to finally admit you lost. So stubborn, Kacchan.”
He sounds… incredibly happy about this fact, and Bakugou finds himself flushing deeper, panting as he catches his breath. Deku’s still on top of him, and Bakugou trembles when those scarred hands trail over his waist. It’s electric and terrifying, how much Bakugou doesn’t really want him to stop.
Fucking…. Shit. Stupid fucking feelings.
“So,” Deku says after letting Bakugou calm down, though his hands are still touching him, almost absentmindedly. “Wanna go again?”
“I’m gonna murder you,” Bakugou wheezes pathetically, but there’s a grin on his face, and when Deku smiles back, Bakugou knows that he’s officially completely fucking whipped. Any other person, and he would’ve blown their hands off for pulling a stunt like this, but Deku just looks at him so earnestly, and Bakugou begrudgingly admits to himself that maybe… maybe it wasn’t all that torturous.
Though, next time, Bakugou’s not above a little bit (or a lot) of revenge. He guarantees that Deku is just as ticklish as he was when they were kids, and Bakugou intends to find out very soon just how true that fact is.
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fanficsandfluff · 7 years
Not Here
This is my Squealing Santa fic for the wonderful @a-fluffer-nutter !! Prompts were kind of vague, but I chose her Thor and Loki pairing since I desperately needed to write about these dorks ever since Ragnarok came out, but I haven’t had the inspiration. Hell, I still don’t, which is why this fic came out so short. I’m ever so sorry if it isn’t great. I tried to crank this out. I hope you like it!
Sort of spoilers for Thor: Ragnarok since this takes place on the ship at the end.
Words: 1,004
I’m here.
No more than six seconds after those words were shared soft, relieved smiles and a bone-crushing hug. Loki felt no older than ten, craving his older brother’s accepting touch after something as trivial as a bad dream. It was the same feeling here. Was he home? 
The hug ended, and Thor went about his business addressing the Asgardians aboard the ship. Loki held the small container Thor threw at him, turning it over in his hand before he went to find solace on the giant ship. He wasn’t feeling all that well. 
The soft thuds his boots made as they stepped along the metallic hallway grounded Loki, listening to the echoes. He inspected different rooms and what they were for before settling on a large storage room, with little to store inside of it. Some broken weapons, the hulls of small ships, and other various nicknacks. Loki sighed and he sat down next to a window revealing the vast expanse of space. 
Was he right in joining his brother? It felt right, but there was always something nagging at him. True happiness. He’d forgotten what that felt like. But he was sure Thor needed some replaced in his life as well. They were safe for now. So what brought about great happiness in their youth? Loki wracked his brain but all he could come up with was what entertained himself. A grin stretched across his pale face. 
Thor went searching for his brother after his informative speech to the Asgardian masses, encouraging them to find rooms for themselves within the ship.
“Loki,” Thor called out, glancing in and out of any open doors. 
He was on his way back to the small room he selected for himself when he saw what looked like a pile of clothing outside the door, “What the...”
He approached and picked up what looked to be a cape, “Now what is a perfectly good cape doing out here,” the God of Thunder wondered to himself. He looked up and down the hallway to see if anyone could have left it there. When that wasn’t correct, he thought maybe it was his but he just forgot. He appreciated capes, having worn one most of his life, and he knew what kind of treatment they should receive. Thor stood there, admiring the material by thumbing it through his fingers. 
Before Thor could take a step inside his room, the cape transformed and it was in a blur of green and black that Thor was tackled and flattened into the room, the door slamming shut behind him. 
Thor groaned and he looked wide-eyed at his grinning brother, “What in Odin’s name was that!?” 
“I figured you’d still fall for it,” Loki was smirking broadly, still pinning Thor below him.
Thor narrowed his eye, “Oh, but I don’t deserve a stabbing anymore, do I? Loki, you’ve gone soft,” he smiled teasingly. 
Loki rolled his eyes and sat on his brother’s waist, “You’ve lost an eye. Stabbing you would have made me feel too guilty.”
“Alright, Loki, you’ve had your fun,” Thor tried lifting Loki off his torso. 
“You know, I expected this to get a bigger laugh than it did,” Loki pouted, not budging. 
“Sorry to disappoint.”
“But I do believe I know how to get that laugh,” the Trickster licked his lips before smiling almost menacingly at his brother. 
Thor knew what to expect when Loki’s nimble fingers made contact with his not-so-heavily armored sides. A childish surge of electricity shot up his back and laughter soon poured from his lips. Deep, booming chuckles and crinkled eye made Thor truly seem like the god he was. It was mesmerizing to perhaps any passer-by, but not to Loki. He knew Thor’s laughter as well as he knew his magic, and he knew just how to produce it. 
A pinch below his bellybutton, and a sharp jab into his ribs, Loki made sure to keep his attack quick and varied. He knew Thor’s thighs to be a weak spot, and a few precise kneads got Thor jerking around like a fish on a hook. 
“Loki! Youhu traitor, stohohop!”
Loki was satisfied only after he got his tall, blonde, muscular big brother to squeal. He hopped off Thor’s waist and sat cross-legged beside him. 
“Indeed, you are a trickster to your core,” Thor panted, sitting upright.
Loki smiled almost sadly, “Your laughter brings me back to a simpler time. I just needed to hear it in this moment to get out of my thoughts.”
Thor’s own smile faltered and he eyed Loki, “And what terrible thoughts are these?”
“Losing sight of you. For real.”
“No pun intended?” Thor grinned with his one viable eye. Loki huffed and he had to chortle. 
“I’m trying to be serious, you imbecile.”
“And I hear you, brother. We will stand side by side from now on, hm? Unless you decide to betray me again and again, which inevitably you will. But I’ve made peace with that notion. It’s who you are, even though I’ve expected change to come. I’ll still keep an eye on you best I can. You have a tendency to flit about from place to place magically.”
Loki smiled at Thor’s overly kind words. The honesty was there, along with the humor about their situation. 
“I will be your brother so long as I continue to fall for your ridiculous tricks.”
Loki chuckled, admitting to himself that he was craving another hug in this instance. 
“In that case, you’ll always be my brother.”
They sat in a pleasant silence. Thor’s eye swept across the room before settling back on his brother. 
“You know, I believe it’s about that time for my revenge,” Thor smirked and he threw himself forward, landing on an already pleading Loki. And the dark haired son of Odin was thrown into gales of laughter, heels scraping against the cold metal floor. Childhood came flooding back to him once more. He’s here, now. Not there. And maybe it was better.
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thebest-medicine · 7 years
Squealing Santa 2k17: Rivalry
A/N: Ho ho ho hello calmturquoise! I’m so sorry it took so long to post this. I had some internet problems because of holiday travel and generally no time for writing hahaha. Without further ado, your Squealing Santa fic!!!
Summary: A silly argument between siblings escalates into a contest amongst the gang.
[Read on AO3]
“There’s no way.” Sokka sneered.
“Ya-huh!” Katara grinned widely.
“You’re absolutely worse than me!” Sokka insisted.
Aang sprang up as usual, seemingly out of thin air, to investigate the argument. “What?”
“Aang!” Sokka turned to him, intense eyes staring him down.
Aang swallowed hard, preparing to settle a serious argument.
“Who do you think is more ticklish? Katara? Or me?”
“What!” Aang rolled back laughing onto the ground. “That’s what you’re arguing about!?”
“Yes!” Sokka insisted.
“Um……” Aang pondered, sitting upright and bracing himself with a serious expression. “I don’t know.” He said after a deep breath.
“I mean. It’s definitely her. Girls are just more ticklish!” Sokka interjected.
“Yeah right.” Katara butted-in. “We all know Aang is more ticklish than me and he’s a boy!”
Aang laughed sheepishly. “Fair point….but getting off topic!” He grinned at them both. “I know how we can settle this…”
Katara and Sokka stared at each other wide-eyed. “Now wait…”
“But I’m gonna need Toph to help!” Aang sprinted off toward their camp, returning moments later with a confused Toph.
“What is going on here, Twinkle Toes?” She looked uninterested.
Aang leaned toward her and whispered, while Sokka and Katara watched a smile grow on her face. “Ok! Now that sounds entertaining.”
Katara and Sokka backed away from the pair, hands up defensively for a moment. They took one more step when the ground shifted under them, knocking them both onto their backs.
“Aang, I think there’s a better way..” Katara began. The ground curved around her wrists and ankles, holding her in place with her arms out 90 degrees and her legs straight out. Sokka faced the same predicament.
“What? Scared ‘cause you’re gonna lose?” Sokka taunted.
Katara’s expression scrunched up. “Bring it on, loser.” Sibling competitiveness sometimes truly got the better of her.
“Okay, so…who goes first?” Aang asked.
“Should we assign spots? Like rank them?” Toph suggested. “We know Katara’s feet are worse than Sokka’s for sure, but does that mean she’s more ticklish or does he have an even more ticklish spot?”
“Hmm…. I didn’t think of that. This seems more complicated than I thought.”
Aang and Toph stood over the blushing siblings, teasing them as they concocted a fair plan of attack.
“Just get it over with!” Sokka fumed, his nervousness getting the better of him. “I know I’m gonna win so…”
“Alright. Sokka first. Thanks for volunteering!” Aang smirked.
“Work from the feet up or the neck down?” Aang asked.
“Well we know what the result for feet is gonna be, so let’s start there and work our way up. More unexpected results.” Toph suggested.
Aang clasped his hands together, giving off the most sinister aura Katara had ever sensed from him. “So, let’s try tickling each of them for a minute on each of them, and then we will analyze the volume of laughter, the strength of struggling, the begging….” He winked at Sokka.
“Hey! I don’t beg!”
Aang crouched down, slowly pulling off Sokka’s footwear. His feet were already wiggling.
“Hey, hey- wait this is so not fair-” Sokka’s nerves again showed through.
A precise touch from a light finger had him gasp in a breath. He shut his mouth to try to hold out on laughing.
Aang added more fingers, sliding up and down his sole. Sokka was twitching, unable to pull away and unwilling to laugh it out. Aang’s fingers were literally feather-light, and he knew exactly what he was doing. Give him a canvas and he will paint.
Sokka squeaked when Aang suddenly pulled back his toes, wiggling his fingers under them. His wall broke quickly after that. A few titters turning into giggles turning into full on laughter. Sokka laughed openly, cursing himself as he reacted to Aang’s fingers.
Katara jeered at him from her place on the ground. “What? You can’t handle a little tickling?”
“You’re up next, princess.” Toph raised her eyebrows at the waterbender.
Sokka sank into the dirt when Aang finally stopped. He caught his breath slowly.
“Pretty ticklish, held out for a little longer than I expected. Toes are worse than the soles of his feet.” Aang analyzed.
“Katara’s turn!” Sokka called out when he could speak fluently again.
“Now, Aang…” She started.
He whisked her footwear off and started similarly to how he had with Sokka. But this time, the reaction was instant.
Katara squealed the minute someone touched her feet. It had always been that way. Her face was red with laughter a few seconds in, and she was struggling hard.
Toph watched on with amusement.
“What the-” Zuko’s voice appeared behind Toph. “Um, what are you doing?”
“Having a contest to see who is more ticklish.” Aang said matter-of-factly.
“That’s…..new.” Zuko looked more confused than ever. “I heard Katara scream so I was just seeing what all this was about.”
“You can help. If you want.” Aang suggested, not skipping a beat in his skilled torment under Katara’s toes and along her soles.
“Is that begging, I hear?” Toph teased.
“I do think so.” Sokka replied.
After a few moments longer, Aang finished. Katara was wheezing to catch her breath.
“Well, we know Katara lost that one on her feet.” Aang concluded. “Can challenger Sokka keep up the winning streak?” He said in a fake-announcer voice.
Zuko watched with disbelieve, the avatar and gang of expert benders and warriors, playing around and tickling each other. There were certainly tickle fights interspersed in their lives, which Zuko had been dragged into a few times. He was quite flabbergasted the first time someone in the group tickled him actually.
“Zuko?” Aang stood up, clapping his hands together as though finished and proud of his work. “Would you like to have a turn? Knees are next.”
Zuko laughed, a blush rising on his cheeks. “Um…. alright.”
“Sokka first, then Katara.”
“No way! No fair!” Sokka called.
“Oh my god this is so embarrassing.” Katara lamented.
“Great.” Zuko cracked his knuckles. He kneeled down between them, reaching experimentally for Sokka’s knee. He spidered his fingers over the top as Aang had once done to him. The leg jerked in reaction. He started adding more movement and eventually tickled softly behind Sokka’s knee. Sokka was laughing right off the bat. When Zuko started squeezing the top of his knee, Sokka screamed like a girl. “HahahahahaanononononoNOOO!”
Zuko repeated the treatment to Katara, who reacted more to the light behind the knee tickling than the harder squeezes. They concluded about a tie.
Moving onto stomachs, and Toph wanted a go. “Alright, make way, a real expert is gonna show you how it’s done.” She grinned.
Sokka felt himself shrinking as Toph approached. She wasted no time, starting with side squeezes and digging into his soft stomach. Sokka twisted and cackled as her fingers put his pride to shame.
It seemed like the world’s longest minute, as Toph spidered her fingers all around his stomach and dug in near his bellybutton.
Sokka had tears streaming down his face when she stopped.
Katara looked like she’d seen a ghost when Toph turned to her.
Toph squeezed her sides, making Katara do a little wiggle-dance alternating as fingers played along her skin.
Katara struggled noticeably less than Sokka, but still laughed loudly. The favor was thrown her way.
Ribs, and Aang was up. “How about we switch the order for who starts for the last 3 spots? Ribs, armpits, neck.”
Sokka and Katara groaned simultaneously.
Aang took to the ribs, really tickling and working his nimble fingers between each bone. He worked all the way up near the base of the underarm all the way down to the sides. Katara and Sokka both struggled valiantly, but a kill spot on Sokka’s upper ribs made him throw in the towel. Aang laughed as he noted that Sokka was the apparent loser. He zeroed in on the bad spot for the remainder of time.
Toph had armpits, another great spot to dig in. And she didn’t waste her time, she worked over Katara, whose arms screamed to come down and nearly broke the rock holding them. She worked over Sokka, who laughed like a girl when you really dug into the center. She took things a little further, after they had finished, she said it seemed like a tie and squatted down between the two of them, wiggling one of her hands into each of their armpits.
Cries of laughter and cheating filled the air. Aang and Zuko watched on in amusement. Katara was declared the winner by a small margin.
Zuko was last, and had the chance to tickle both Sokka and Katara’s necks. Toph added some stone to keep their heads in place so that they couldn’t shrug away from the firebenders deft touch.
Katara’s sensitive neck lost her the final challenge. And as a result, Katara had a worse neck and more ticklish feet, but Sokka was worse on his stomach, ribs, and underarms. They tied at the knees.
Toph released Katara first, declaring her the winner. “Woo!!!” She laughed, “I knew you were more ticklish than a girl!” Sokka stuck his tongue out at her.
“What do I get for winning?” Katara thought aloud.
“How about a chance to show the loser why you won?” Toph grinned.
Sokka immediately started to struggle. “Hey! No way! Not a chance! Toph! Let me up!”
Katara leaned down near her brother. “Come on now, no hard feelings. Let’s all share in this victory.” She called over the rest of the gang.
Sokka was crying the moment 4 sets of hands descended on him to tickle and tease him. He was screaming with laughter, and after a few minutes of victory, Katara felt she should have at least a little mercy on her brother.
Sokka was released soon after and curled up on the ground in a ball.
“That was so funny.” Aang rolled back laughing.
“Definitely…..not the result I expected.” Zuko chuckled.
“Oh yeah? See how you guys would do then.” Sokka snapped.
Katara smirked. “That’s an interesting idea.”
“Not a chance you’re getting me, I’ll lock you all down and tickle your feet until you cry.” Toph insisted.
“Fair enough. We all know you’re only ticklish under your arms.” Sokka replied.
Toph was blushing. “Don’t push it.”
“Wait wait wait. You mean us?” Zuko and Aang looked at each other.
“I wasn’t even a part of this!” Zuko started.
“But you joined in.” Katara reminded him.
“Yeah but…..”
Sokka patted him on the back. “Come on, this might be one time you can actually defeat the avatar.”
Aang and Zuko both glared at him.
Toph flicked her wrist and sent both Zuko and Aang to the ground, restrained in the same manner as Katara and Sokka had been.
“Come on, we were just being nice and helping you settle an argument!” Aang pleaded.
“Yep. And now we’re getting revenge.” Katara laughed.
She and Sokka took turns analyzing the ticklish spots on both Zuko and Aang, Toph jumping in on occasion too.
Aang overwhelmingly lost.
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ticklygiggles · 7 years
Christmas is for lovers | Victuuri
A/N: Hello! First of all I want to thank @ticklishraspberries for taking This responsibility. I respect them a lot because they took time of their life to do this. Have yourself a merry little Christmas, dear. So this is my Squealing Santa Fic for @totalcattastrophe I saw in your prompts that you reeeally wanted some Star Wars fics, however I, sadly, am not part of that fandom, so I convert them into Yuri!!! On Ice fandom. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it for ya!
I wish you a very warm and cozy and merry Christmas around your loved ones and I hope this New Year comes with amazing moments and opportunities that may fill your life with happiness.
Merry Christmas!
Summary: It’s their first Christmas together and they find out the Katsuki-Nikiforov household is full of one thing: love… and also two not expected guests.
Words: 1925 (sorry, too long. Under the cut!)
Christmas Eve found Yuuri and Victor laying in the soft couch of Victor’s apartment. Their bellies full of the bowls of Katsudon Yuuri just had made to celebrate the occasion. The light was off and the lights on the tree were twinkling and reflecting on the window and on Victor’s face.
And boy wasn’t he beautiful? Yuuri soon enough forgot the Christmas movie they were playing on the t.v., just to look at his lover, who was laying on the opposite end of the couch. His clear skin seamed to glow under the lights, his blue eyes looking shiner and more beautiful then ever as he watched t.v. in concentration.
Yuuri then looked at the tree, the presents under it and then at the night table in the middle of the living room when their empty bowls were. It was a new experience for the both of them.
He always spent Christmas Eve with his family, having a little special dinner and then going to sleep because of the cold and, by the morning, opening up the few presents they got for each other.
Victor, meanwhile, was not used to celebrate Christmas, at least not like this. It was new, but Yuuri really wanted them to spend this holidays together. “In Japan Christmas is for lovers, Victor”, he had said back at the begging of December when he was trying to convince Victor to have a little celebration, he didn’t need a lot of convincing, though. Victor was happy to complain if that made Yuuri happy.
Yuuri wasn’t used to big things himself, so they said they’d have Katsudon and Peroshki for dinner and then have a Christmas movie marathon. Not something out of the ordinary, just both of them enjoying each other company with those beautiful Christmas lights.
Yuuri felt like he didn’t need anything more.
“Why are you staring at me, Yuuri?”, Victor says as a smirk spreads on his lips, his eyes still glued to the t.v., Yuuri tries to act cool even when he was caught.
“The movie got a bit boring”, he says and Victor hums.
“It did, you’re right. And my feet are really cold”, Victor says, finally looking at Yuuri.
“They’re always cold, though, your hands too”, Yuuri says and he giggles when Victor whines in exasperation.
“They are! Is it because I have a warm heart?”, Yuuri laughs this time and receives a light punch on the thigh. “Don’t laugh! Instead, warm my feet up, Yuuri, please?”
“Why don’t you go and put on some socks, Vitya?”
Victor whines, sinking deeper into the couch and under the cover. “They’re too far away!”, he mumbles, pouting a little. “Can’t you go for them?”, Yuuri chuckles, his head turning back to the boring movie.
“I don’t think so, Victor”, he simply says. “My feet are warm and so are my hands, and you know they always are ice-cube-cold. So I rather stay here”, he nods, his back relaxing in the back of the couch.
“Then warm me up with your warm hands!”, Victor whines and Yuuri shakes his head, making him whine harder. “You are not a good boyfriend”
“I am a good boyfriend, you are the mean one”, Victor pouts but Yuuri is not looking at him and that makes him pout more.
He can hear Victor sulking at the other side and his blue eyes burning holes on the side of his head, but he doesn’t say a thing. He was really warm to actually go and look for socks when Victor can use his own legs.
He’s not surprised, though, when he feels Victor’s feet worming in between the couch and Yuuri’s bum. The cold slipping through the thin fabric of Yuuri’s pajama pants, but he remains quiet, trying to supress the smile that’s forming on his lips.
Victor managed to put his feet where he wanted, and he even sighed happily as he relaxed on the couch again. Yuuri sighed too, getting used to the cold on his butt and wishing for this movie to end.
Just a few minutes passed and Yuuri felt like doozing off, almost falling asleep when he suddenly feels ice pressed against his side. He screeches and looks over a very giggly Victor.
“Victor!”, he gasps, jumping away and shivering as Victor presses his feet into the curve of his waist. “You’re frigging cold! Put them out!”, he tries to push the intruder feet away, but his movements only helps Victor to slide them higher, until they reach Yuuri’s ribcage, making him squeak and squirm. “Victor!”
“Yuuri!”, Victor mocks. “Please! They’re cold!”, Yuuri shivers again, and he, deep inside, really wanted to help Victor to warm up, but not like this! It’s too cold!
Yuuri whines and moves around until he gets Victor’s feet out of his shirt and into his hands. Victor pouts. “You’re really a mean boyfriend”
Yuuri sighs and looks down on Victor’s feet, then up at him. He swears he saw Victor’s fear in his eyes as soon as a smirk started to stretch the corners of Yuuri’s mouth. The grip on his ankles tightening. 
“So, you want me to warm you up, Victor?”, Yuuri asks and he places Victor’s feet on his lap. 
“Eh… I’m not sure anymore”, he confesses and Yuuri can feel him trying to escape. “Yuuri…”
“It’s alright, I don’t want to be a mean boyfriend after all”, he winks and places his fingertips on the ball of one of Victor’s feet, he receives a little jump from his lover. It was a good signal, because, actually, he was risking his own life with this plan. Was Victor Nikiforov ticklish?
“Fuck- Yuhuhuuri!”, Yuuri jumped and immediately let go of Victor, gasping and covering his mouth with one of his hands, his eyes wide open as he clutched his shirt right above his heart. “Y- Yuuri I-
“You’re ticklish?”, Yuuri squaked and he doesn’t know how or when but he found himself on top of Victor withing seconds, straddling his hips and trying to wrestle his arms down. 
“Ack! Yuuri!”, Victor squeaks, flailing his arms to prevent Yuuri from holding him. “I am not! Stop trying to- no. No. No! Nohohoho!”, Yuuri finally managed to trap one of Victor’s hand under his knee and pin the other up above his head. 
His free hand quickly found its way inside Victor’s shirt, his fingertips gracing over his tummy until they were clawing on the soft gives of his lower belly. Victor let out a loud giggle as his body squirmed and his legs kicked behind Yuuri. 
“Oh my God”; Yuuri whispers, his fingers moving around, keeping Victor in cute giggle fits. “Victor is ticklish and I didn’t know”, Victor let out a loud shriek when Yuuri moved down a little and starts to squeeze his hipbone, making him arch his back just a little. 
“I am not!”, Victor laughs out, his face turning slightly pink and Yuuri wonders if it’s due to the constant laughing or because he’s embarrassed. He bet for the first one, it was very difficult to make Victor flustered, and a little tickling wouldn’t do such thing, right? “Ack! No, not up thehehere!”
Yuuri did feel his cheeks flushing with embarrassement, though. He had never seen Victor laughing this much ever. So carefree and a bit desperate as he tries to escape the playful assault. He seems happy though, his smile is not his business smile, is the smile he reserves for Yuuri only, the smile that illuminates the whole room. 
And it seemed even more brighter with those Christmas lights reflecting on his skin, he looked so beautiful, it was almost painful to look at and Yuuri felt this extreme sensation of happiness spreading on his chest, as Victor keeps laughing and laughing and laughing. 
“Why didn’t you tell me before?”, Victor can barely speak as Yuuri’s fingers skillfully moved up towards his ribs and tickled each bone with precision, rubbing the nerves that make Victor want to crawl out of his skin. “Were you scared of me tickling you, Victor?”, Victor let out a shriek and a bark of laughter when Yuuri lingered in the spot right above the ribs and underneath his armpit of his exposed side, “Were you scared of me getting you back from all the time you tortured me?”
“Don’t tease mehehe!”, Victor squeaked out. “Have mer- Nahaha!”, his whole body convulsed and he almost threw Yuuri off of him when he felt fingertips touching his underarm. “Not there, Yuuri! Not thehere for god’s sahahahake!”
“Ah! You’re the most ticklish here?”, Yuuri softly wiggled his fingers on Victor’s underarm, relishing the laughter that it produced. “Oh my, so ticklish here, Vicchan?”, Victor nodded and Yuuri fought the need too ‘aw’ at him. 
He giggled instead, and feeling brave enough, he dared to finally dig in four fingers, sending Victor into hysterics, his face red as an apple and a tear rolling down the side of his face. Yuuri laughed along when Victor let out a snort. 
“Hahahave mercy!”, he begged between his hysterical laughter, Yuuri still very busy torturing the exposed underarm.
“Say you’re-
Yuuri looks up when he hears the door opening and he blushes when he finds Yuri and Otabek by the door.
“Are you killing him? We could hear you from outside the complex”
“Good night”, Otabek said as Yuri kicked the door closed and his shoes off. Yuuri noticed how he could barely move due to the few presents on his hands, Otabek looked the same as he carefully stepped out of his shoes. 
“Uh, hello”; Yuuri says, not knowing what is happening as he keeps tickling Victor out if his mind, changing techniques and now exposing the warm skin by pulling down the sleeve and pinching the sensitive spot until Victor was jerking and howling with laughter. “Do you have a key, Yurio?”, Yuuri asks casually, multitasking as he saw Yuri letting the presents on his arms fall down to the floor close to the tree, Otabek put everything carefully and turned on the light. 
“Yuuri!”, Victor gasped before he was lost in silent laughter. Yuuri giggled and quickly stopped, letting go of Victor’s hands but still seated on his hips.
“I do have a key! I asked Victor for a copy so I can come and watch t.v here, it’s bigger than mine!”, he flops down on the other couch with Otabek at his side. “What are you guys doing? Stop being gross! We shouldn’t have come!”, Yuuri chuckles and looks down at Victor.
“You okay, Vic?”, Victor nods, smiling widely at Yuuri and he can’t stop himself as he leans down and steals a quick kiss from Victor’s lips. “What are you guys doing here?”
“What do you mean? It’s 12:00 am, it’s your fucking birthday, dumbass!”
Yuuri gasps and jumps off Victor. “It’s your birthday!”
Victor smiles. “It looks like it”
“Merry Christmas?”, Otabek says and Yuuri lets out another gasp.
“It’s Christmas!��
When Victor stood up, Yuuri jumped into his arms, hugging his soul out. “Happy birthday, Vitya”, he whispers, kissing his earlobe. 
“Merry Christmas, Yuuri”, he whispers back. “You were right, by the way, Christmas is for lovers”, Yuuri hums, leaning more into him. “And lovers do get revenge too”, Yuuri giggles, not minding the threat that much. 
“You guys are gross!”, Yuri says and he squeaks when Victor and Yuuri jump on them both.
“Merry Christmas!”
“… Merry Christmas”, Otabek sounds a little shy, but Yuuri feels him returning the hug.
“… and Happy Birthday, Victor”, Yuri mumbles, still, a little smile forms on his lips.
It definitely was a new experince, but surely, everyone in that room wanted it to repeat the next year. 
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calmturquoise · 7 years
Having Fun
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and what have you! @ticklishraspberries, thanks so much for organizing Squealing Santa 2k17 - you’re the best! This is my fic for @tickletastic, who requested ticklish!Jonathan, sooo I went for some Jonathan/Steve/Nancy and tickle fights. Hope you enjoy!
Words: 1300
Jonathan raised an eyebrow when Steve arrived at Nancy’s house, dropping his bags down on the floor and stomping over to collapse on her bed. “You look…”
“Like shit,” Nancy supplied when Jonathan failed to finish his sentence. Jonathan snorted, and Steve groaned into Nancy’s pillow. “You better not be getting sweat and dirt all over my bed.”
“I took a shower before I got here. Baseball practice sucked,” he said, voice muffled by the pillow since he was entirely unwilling to sit up, or move, ever again. “And I didn’t get much sleep last night either, thanks to your dumb brothers and their dragon games.”
Despite not looking at either of them, he could practically feel Nancy’s eye roll and Jonathan’s smile. “Well, you’re the idiot that decided to play with them,” Jonathan said, and, well. Steve couldn’t argue with that. It really hadn’t been that bad, even if Max kept making fun of his D&D illiteracy, Mike and Jane didn’t stop making googly eyes at each other, and Dustin had spent nearly the entire time excitedly whispering all the rules and intricacies of gameplay into Steve’s ear. They were a bunch of shits, but for middle schoolers they weren’t the worst to hang out with.
Or Steve was just a loser. It really could be either.
“You have no one to blame for this but yourself,” Nancy said cheerfully. “But, because I’m an amazing girlfriend, I’ll make us some hot chocolate.”
“You’re the best,” Steve said. He felt the bed dip as Jonathan sat down next to him.
“Pick out a movie for when I get back,” Nancy said, before she left the bedroom and her footsteps faded as she walked down to the kitchen.
Steve turned his head to the side to look at the small collection of VHS tapes on Nancy’s bookshelf. “What do you want to watch?” he asked.
“Whatever,” Jonathan replied.
“Same.” Steve sighed and returned to his attempt to sink into Nancy’s bed. He heard Jonathan stifle a laugh.
“Want a back rub?” he offered.
“Yes,” Steve said instantly. “Oh my god yes, that sounds amazing.” At that, Jonathan did laugh, though Steve couldn’t find it in him to mind, especially when Jonathan’s hands started massaging out the knots in his shoulders and back, making Steve feel more relaxed than he had all day.
“How did you get this tense?” Jonathan wondered aloud as his fingers dug into Steve’s muscles.
“Hell if I know,” Steve said, still facedown on Nancy’s pillows. “Life is stressful.” And wasn’t that an understatement. Steve couldn’t remember the last time he hadn’t been at least a bit stressed since… well, since way too long. Who would’ve figured living in Hawkins would be so exciting.
Lost in his thoughts and the comfy, hazy feeling settling over him thanks to the massage, Steve didn’t realize how close Jonathan’s fingers had gotten to his armpits until they squeezed in just the right spot to make Steve wiggle a bit.
Jonathan’s hands froze for a moment before repeating the motion. Steve couldn’t help his resulting twitch.
It wasn’t a second later that Jonathan’s fingers wormed their way under Steve’s arms and began to tickle him mercilessly. Much as he tried to resist, Steve couldn’t help the burst of laughter that fell from his lips.
It was definitely karma, or something. To be honest, Steve couldn’t say he was too surprised, not when he’d figured it was only a matter of time before Nancy or Jonathan found out he was ticklish. The thing was, Steve wasn’t nearly as ticklish as Jonathan, who was sensitive just about everywhere, nor was he very ticklish in obvious places like Nancy with her ribs or feet. However, he was definitely still ticklish and Jonathan was probably owed a bit of payback for the number of times Steve had tickled him.
But that didn’t mean Steve wasn’t going to fight back. Or at least try to, because he actually wasn’t in a great position to resist being tickled. “This isn’t fahahair!” he protested, trying to simultaneously keep his arms clamped to his sides, and reach behind his back to somehow push Jonathan away. The move was only successful in allowing Jonathan to fully stick both his hands under Steve’s arms and tickle him more.
“Why not?” Jonathan teased, wiggling his fingers. “I’m just helping you relax.”
“You cahahall this hehelping?” Steve exclaimed. He considered trying to roll over onto his back - it would make it easier to potentially tickle Jonathan, but it could also give him better access to Steve’s armpits, and with Jonathan pinning him down Steve wasn’t sure he could even manage it without sending them both off the bed. The decision was made for him when Jonathan’s fingers drilled into the sides of Steve’s ribs, right below his armpits, and then he wasn’t even sure he could move.
He heard the door open somewhere behind them, and Nancy’s snort as she took in their position. “Nahahancy, help me!” Steve immediately asked, not at all above begging when it came to certain tickle spots.
“I don’t know,” his girlfriend replied, sounding amused. “Are you sure you need help?”
“Of course not, he’s having fun,” Jonathan said. “You could come help me instead.”
“So many choices,” Nancy mused as she walked over to join them on the bed. “Well, it’s hardly fair that Steve should have all the fun.” To Steve’s mild surprise, he heard Jonathan’s laughter and felt the other boy’s fingers leave his back. Finally able to roll over, he turned around to see Nancy digging her fingers into Jonathan’s sides.
“You said you wehehere going to hehehelp me!” Jonathan protested. He briefly attempted to push Nancy’s hands away but seemed to realize it was futile after Steve joined in, and resorted to covering his face with his arms instead.
“I am helping,” Nancy said. “You were helping Steve have fun, and now we’re both helping you.” She looked over at Steve and gave him a wink, and Steve couldn’t help but respond with a grin. For all he might protest, they both knew Jonathan loved being tickled, which meant that ganging up on him really was fun for all three of them.
“Besides, you’re way more fun to tickle,” Steve added. “After all, you’re ticklish everywhere.” Leaving Nancy to tickle Jonathan’s sides, Steve’s hands roamed across his stomach and up to his ribs, eliciting a jolt and loud burst of laughter. “What, can’t handle a little tickling?” Steve teased.
“Lihihike you’re any behehetter!” Jonathan protested.
“Ooh, he’s got you there, Steve,” Nancy laughed. “Although,” she said, turning her attention back to Jonathan, “you are definitely much more ticklish than either of us.” She pushed up Jonathan’s shirt and wriggled her fingers over his stomach, then poked a finger into his navel and began swirling it around.
“Nohoho, Nahahancy!” Jonathan protested. It seemed like he had given up on struggling altogether, and was enduring their tickling with his hands clamped over his face, almost succeeding in hiding his flushed cheeks. Steve couldn’t get over how adorable it was, especially when he poked his fingers under Jonathan’s arms and got a snort of laughter in return.
“Guess you’re ticklish here too,” he teased.
“Plehehehease, it tihihickles too much!” Jonathan laughed, flinching at a sudden flurry of tickles from Nancy upon his stomach. His hands over his face weren’t enough to hide his wide smile, and Steve grinned.
“But we haven’t even gotten all of your worst spots yet!”
Steve looked to Nancy, who said, “Yeah, think of everywhere we’ve missed. Where should we try next?”
“Feet,” Nancy said, at the same time that Steve suggested, “Knees?” They paused and looked at each other.
“Both sounds good.”
“You’re the wohohorst!” Jonathan exclaimed, laughing uncontrollably as Steve and Nancy simultaneously launched tickle attacks on his knees and bare feet, respectively. Steve was sure that Jonathan would find a way to get him back again eventually - and Nancy, for that matter. But they could enjoy tickling their boyfriend while it lasted.
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sugarfics · 7 years
Playful Profanity
hi @kityalea-ticklish !! i’m your secret santa for squealing santa this year! i’m so so sorry that this is a little late! i struggled with trying to come up with something good, but i hope you enjoy this. happy holidays! xoxo
warning: contains profanity, because Bucky and Steve were in the army and they like to taunt each other.
Bruce, Tony, Natasha, and Clint were relaxing in the living room on the communal floor of the Avengers tower, each of them doing their own activities. Natasha and Bruce had been reading, Tony was working on blueprints, and Clint was watching whatever shitty reality TV was on. The calm atmosphere didn’t last for long, as none other than Captain America burst through the door full speed and vaulted over the couch.
Immediately, all four avengers in the room sprung to their feet, guns and bows were pulled out from god knows where, and aimed towards the door. Then they heard another set of footsteps bounding down the hallway, accompanied by a shout.
"I'm gonna kill you, Rogers!!"
Steve ran into the next room over, trying to hide. Natasha, Clint, Bruce, and Tony all dropped their weapons; false alarm. It was just Bucky, The Winter Soldier, chasing Steve. Again.
Bucky burst through the doorway, and Clint pointed in the direction Steve had run in. Bucky gave him a quick salute and bolted away. Moments later, a loud shriek followed by protests told them that he had found Steve. Bucky came through the door backwards, dragging Steve by the arms. Steve was kicking and thrashing, trying to get away. Bucky dropped his best friend on the living room floor and pinned him down.
“Steve would you like to tell our friends here what you said to me a few minutes ago?” Bucky inquired.
“What was it you called me? A “sour old timer”?”
Steve threw his head back and laughed hearing the phrase again.
“It’s not like I’m wrong, old man.” He returned, a smirk on his face.
“That’s it. Now you’re asking for it.” Bucky playfully snarled. Pinning Steve down with his human arm, he snaked the fingers of his metal hand underneath Steve’s shirt, ghosting them over his bare skin.
Steve yelped and started squirming, stubborn laughter stumbling out of his mouth.
“Cohohold!!! Buhucky! Thahat’s not whahat I meheant!” He protested.
Bucky put more pressure behind his touch, knowing exactly where to poke and prod to make his best friend fall apart. Steve's protests were lost in a sea of hysterical laughter as Bucky dug his metal fingers into Steve's stomach.
“BUHUHCKEHEHEHE!!!!!” Steve shrieked. His head was thrown back on to the floor, his smile wide and his laughter filling the room to the brim.
“Have something to say to me now, bastard?” Bucky tried to taunt him, but he couldn’t keep the stupid grin off of his face while listening to Steve’s ridiculous laughter.
“FUHUHUCK YOHOHOU!!!” Steve yelled through his laughter, defiant as ever.
Bucky shook his head with a laugh. “Ohoho, now you’re really gonna get it you son of a bitch!”
The other avengers watched on in amusement. These playful disputes were not uncommon between the two soldiers. Most people would think that Steve Rogers would be a calm, reserved man, when in fact he was quite the troublemaker and loved nothing more than messing with Bucky. They were army boys after all.
After a few more minutes of empty threats behind hurled between them and Steve laughing so hard there were tears in his eyes, Natasha called over to them from her spot on the couch.
“Don’t kill him, Buck.”
Bucky took that as his cue to give Steve a breather, and he stood up off of him. Steve laid on the floor, breathless and red in the face. Bucky offered him a hand and helped him stand up. He playfully ruffled Steve’s hair with a smile and turned to go sit on the couch with the rest of the Avengers. Steve has a devilish smile on his face, and smacked Bucky on the back of the head. Laughing, Steve bolted out the door with Bucky yelling and not far behind him.
“I swear there is never a day of peace in this house.” Natasha sighed, and returned to her book, ignoring the crash down the hallway.
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pawsfullofmischief · 7 years
Squealing Santa 2017🎄✒: Yooran :P
(( @missy3307 happy holidays :D hope you enjoy it. // @ticklishraspberries thanks for running squealing santa this year 💕))
Saeran let out a soft sigh of happiness as he pulled the smaller sized boy closer to him, wrapping an arm around his waist and burying his face in the boy's still damp blonde hair that smelt faintly of shampoo. They were so close that he was certain that his partner could feel his rapidly increasing heartbeat. Just a few years ago he would never even have imagined that he would get the chance to develop such a relationship with someone and he definitely would not have even considered interacting with anyone in the RFA, and now he was holding the most precious boy in the association in his arms.
"Your roots are growing in," Saeran murmured to Yoosung. "Are you gonna dye it again?"
Yoosung buried his face into Saeran's sweater, causing his reply to be muffled by the article of clothing.
"You know I can't understand what you're saying, right?" Saeran chuckled, amusement colouring his tone. He closed his eyes and rested his chin on top of Yoosung's head. The hand that rested on Yoosung's waist played with the hem of his hoodie for a while before absentmindedly starting to trace patterns on his side. The moment Yoosung felt the hand shift upwards to rest on his side, he started, purple eyes widening.
Saeran opened his eyes and raised an eyebrow at Yoosung, who was avoiding Saeran's questioning gaze and biting his lip in an attempt to suppress the giggles that threatened to spill from his mouth.
"I...er. Sorry. Just...ticklish." Yoosung admitted, his cheeks flushing. Saeran just stared back at him blankly. "What? You're not?"
"I have...no idea what you're talking about." Saeran replied, still staring blankly at the blonde boy.
"You've never been tickled before?"
"I...don't know what that is?"
Suddenly Saeran found himself lying flat on the bed with Yoosung sitting on his thighs, his arms pinned to his sides. He was shocked, it definitely wasn't a position he usually found himself in, Yoosung hardly ever dominated any situation.
"Yoosung, what the actual fu-"
Saeran let out a loud yelp as the blonde poked him experimentally in the side. Mischief lit Yoosung's gaze as he flashed the boy pinned beneath him a cheeky grin.
"So you ARE ticklish..."
Humming, Yoosung reached out to scratch inbetween each of Saeran's ribs. He couldn't wipe the smirk off his face as Saeran squirmed underneath him, swearing and yelling at him to stop in betweeen fits of hysterical giggles. Saeran's face was flushed almost as red as his hair both from embarrassment and the tickling. He was trying to glare at the blonde perched on his legs, but it wasn't very effective when he was laughing his head off.
Tracing a path from the top of Saeran's ribs to his waist, Yoosung's hands ghosted over his hips for a second before he drilled all ten of his digits into his hips. "So. Are you ticklish...here?"
A jolt of electricity shot up Saeran's spine, and his hips immediately thrusted upwards in sensitivity, his giggles quickly escalating into full blown laughter.
"Hmm, guess I found a sweet spot."
Before Yoosung could continue tickling Saeran, they were interrupted by a series loud knocks. Turning to face the door of the bedroom, Yoosung's eyes met the amused gaze of Saeyoung Choi, who was standing in the doorway. Peering over his shoulder was a giggling MC. Yoosung immediately scrambled off Saeran, his cheeks flushing red with embarrassment while Saeran slowly pushed himself upright into a seating position.
"Yoosung, if you're gonna fuck my brother, there are condoms in the drawer over there," Saeyoung smirked, nodding towards the bedside cabinet. "And can the both of you keep it down? Me and MC can hear you from the other side of the house."
After calling out "be safe you two!" over his shoulder, both Saeyoung and MC left, closing the the door behind them. For a moment, the room was quiet.
"You're ticklish too, aren't you?"
"I...n-no wahahahait, Sahahahaeran!"
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ticklishraspberries · 7 years
Tumblr media
Hey guys! So, this year I decided to take over Squealing Santa for my dear friend @calmturquoise who did it the last two years. I’m a little nervous about running this but hopefully everything will run smoothly!! I’ve essentially just copy & pasted the rules from the previous posts, so…yeah!
In order to get a tickle fic, you must be willing to write a tickle fic for someone else.
Fics should be 250 words or more (if that sounds like a lot, don’t worry, it’s only about a page double-spaced).
Fics should be based on prompts given by the person you are writing for.
When you sign up, include 1-5 loose prompts - can be as simple as a fandom, a pairing, a character, a scenario, or a combination of those things.
Once sign-ups end, I’ll send out assignments and you’ll have until (ideally, I know things are starting later this year) the end of December to finish your fic and send it to the person you’re writing for. In turn, your writer will post a fic for you by the end of December! No one will know who is writing whose prompts until the fics are posted, because surprises are fun!
Here is what I will need from you:
An ask, submission, or message telling me what fandoms/pairings you’re willing to write for.
An ask, submission, or message listing 1-5 prompts (can be specific or vague, whatever you want) for me to give to the person assigned to write for you.
Make sure you have your askbox or messages open, because I’ll need to communicate with you at some point to let you know who you are writing for!
IF YOU ARE ANON: you must include a tumblr url or email I can contact you at. I promise I won’t give it out to anyone, I just will need a way to contact you over the course of the exchange!
SIGNING UP: To make it so everyone receives their assignments at a somewhat reasonable time, you will have until Tuesday, December 5th to sign up. After that, sign-ups will be closed! That should be plenty of time for anyone who wants to participate to let me know.
Also: when you sign up I will send you a confirmation ask/email/whatever, so if you don’t receive that, contact me! (I want to make sure no one gets left out due to tumblr eating asks or something similarly dumb.)
SO, sign up if you’re interested! I’ve done it I think three years now & I promise it’s super fun!!!
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park3307-fics · 7 years
Gossip Hour
This fic is for the lovely @teamrocketgrunt001​ for 2k17 Squealing Santa! I hope you like the fic!
   “Tell me!”
   Tamaki never seemed to want to leave Hikaru alone! This time, Tamaki found out that Hikaru was crushing. Hard. Luckily for Hikaru, though, Tamaki did not know who he was crushing on. If Tamaki knew, Hikaru knew his life would be over either due to embarrassment, teasing, or just plain annoyance.
   ‘Listen...I have my ways of making you talk...you know what that is don’t you?” That snapped Hikaru back to reality.Tamaki was threatening to tickle him to learn who his secret crush is! Hikaru started backing away and slowly nodding his head. This couldn’t be happening! “Then I suggest you tell me who your crush is. Or run.” Hikaru went wide-eyed and started running around the abandoned music room, dodging Tamaki’s attempts to tackle him. This is a nightmare! Unfortunately for Hikaru, he got a little too distracted with his thoughts to slow down enough to allow Tamaki to tackle him. This was not going to turn out well.
   Hikaru swallowed the lump in his throat and managed to muster all the courage he had to exclaim, “I know that you’re going to try and tickle me! Just get it over with because I’m not telling!”
Tamaki gave off a smirk that send chills throughout Hikaru’s body. This called for one thing: hope he’d make it out alive. “Well, if you insist!” With that, Tamaki dug his fingers into Hikaru’s sides, eliciting a small string of laughter from the twin.
   “Whahahait! Ihihi tahahake ihit bahahahack!” SHIT! Hikaru didn’t think Tamaki was so hell-bent on figuring out that his crush is Haruhi! He was losing this battle. Even faster since Tamaki moved on to pinching his hips while blowing raspberries into his tummy!
   Soon after, Tamaki reached Hikaru’s knees. The ultimate death spot. As soon as Tamaki started to lower his hands to Hikaru’s kneecaps, Hikaru suddenly burst out, “IHIHI LIHIHIKE HAHARUHUHIHI!” Well, that came as a surprise to Tamaki. Tamaki stopped everything and simply got up and moved into the corner to sulk. Hikaru liked his Little Girl, he wish he could forget.
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fanficsandfluff · 7 years
I’ve been reading all these squealing Santa fics and I’m getting so festive!! I can’t wait for mine and I know I’m gonna love it and ugh I just love this activity in our community 😁😁
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thebest-medicine · 7 years
hi hello this is your secret santa telling i that i’m thinking long and hard about your fix and i think i have an idea, i hope u love it!
Yay I’m so excited! It’s awesome to hear from you! I’m hype
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achilleean · 7 years
Adequate Excuses
A/N: It's my first time participating in Squealing Santa, and I got to write for our community queen, @nhasablog​! I picked the prompt, "Ari/Dante where one of them is casually touching the other without knowing it tickles and driving them crazy." I hope you enjoy, and Merry Christmas to you N and anyone else who may be reading this!
WC: 875
 Normally, Ari would have laying on his back in the truck bed looking up at the stars like Dante was. But he had seen the stars plenty of times. Instead, he was on his front, head on Dante’s chest and right arm slung across Dante’s torso so he could weave his fingers into Dante’s hair. The chill that seemed to accompany every night in the desert made him want to retrieve his sweatshirt—well, Dante’s since Dante had “accidentally” donned the wrong one— from inside the truck, but that would mean disturbing Legs, who was asleep on his other side, and more importantly, abandoning Dante’s touch, Dante’s warmth, Dante. 
“Isn’t it weird how all of these stars are actually as powerful as our sun, but we can’t tell because they’re so far away?” The vibrations against Ari’s cheek as Dante spoke were comforting somehow.
“Some of them could be dwarf stars.”
“You know what I mean.”
“Yes, it’s weird,” he conceded. Ari couldn’t help but sigh as Dante’s fingers started to trace gentle patterns on the plane of his back, then he whined at the quiet huff of laughter that the sigh earned.
“What?” Dante teased.
“Nothing. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
But it didn’t stop Ari from snuggling a little closer.
He’d been up late the night before, and the combination of the tiredness already pulling at his eyelids and the soothing rhythm of Dante’s ministrations lulled him to almost-sleep. Before his thoughts could slip away entirely though, something else did: a finger, having strayed a bit too close to his side. It had only been for an instant, but even so, it had been enough to tickle like hell. He managed to stop himself from flinching away, and it was gone as soon as it arrived. But then, it was back again just as quickly, and god this time it was lingering, skating in figure-eights that started on his side and looped around to the crests of his ribs.
Ari was determined not to move. He told himself it was because he didn’t want to lose the contact and affection. Or disturb Legs. Or expose himself to the cold. Or make his hip dig into the nearby ridge in the metal of the truck bed. And he wasn’t going to say anything of course, because how much more embarrassing could it get?
But it was impossible to think about anything except that cursed spot. One moment, Dante would be stroking by Ari’s shoulder blade, sending pleasant tingles up and down Ari’s spine, and the next he would be back to ever-so-gently torturing Ari without even knowing it. Despite using all of his concentration to fight it, Ari’s body betrayed him and twitched away from the sensation once… twice… thrice.
Dante’s hand stilled. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, why?” Silently, Ari thanked the darkness for concealing his developing blush.
“You keep fidgeting.”
“I’m just trying to get comfortable.” Technically, it wasn’t a lie.
And Dante resumed.
God, Ari was going to die right here in this truck bed.
“Ari, seriously.” The hand had stopped again in response to a particularly strong twitch. Ari silently cursed his body for betraying him yet again.
“I’m fine.”
“No you’re not.”
Ari groaned, burying his face into Dante’s chest. “Is there anything I could say to get you to drop it?”
“Probably not.” Dante was doing that thing where his tone was matter-of-fact but clearly he was actually concerned. Damn it.
To tell or not to tell, that was the question. No, he had to, he was worrying his boyfriend. Ari ignored the whimpering of his dignity and steeled himself. “It’s just… what you’re doing by my side kinda… tickles a bit.”
“Oh.” Even with just a single syllable, it was easy to hear the smile shaping Dante’s response. And with that, Dante resumed stroking the safe middle of Ari’s back, making the latter’s tension melt away. But unfortunately, not for long.
Ari couldn’t contain a gasp and jolt when the fingers returned to that spot on his side. “Dante.”
“I said that tickles.”
The innocent tone Dante went for was tinged with the glee he was trying to hide. “I heard you. What I didn’t hear was you telling me to stop.” Fingertips skated over Ari’s ribs again and earned another jolt.
“You suck,” Ari whined. He didn’t tell Dante to stop though. Because… because he didn’t want to ruin Dante’s fun, and at this point it was still tolerable. Yeah, that sounded like a good enough reason.
Then, there was a very deliberate tickle against his side, coaxing him into a laugh as his body automatically curled up. “Hehey!” But it didn’t stop, and when he moved away more consciously, Dante’s hand just followed him.
“This is cute.”
“Dante!” Ari couldn’t get out anything more, because with that he fell into a fit of laughter, his every thought overridden by the sensation. Had he been able to think, he probably would have been trying to come up with a new excuse for not telling Dante to stop, but thanks to his current predicament, he could not.
And had he been able to think about that, he would have been just a bit glad.
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ticklishraspberries · 7 years
i’m almost done sorting out the assignments for squealing santa, you’ll hopefully receive them by tonight or tomorrow! 
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ticklishraspberries · 7 years
Squealing Santa 2k17!!!
Assignments should be out by tonight so stay tuned for that!
I’ll be honest; I was up til 2am trying to figure out the assignments and I’m still finishing up but I finally sorted everything out and I am so relieved! I love organizing things, I just get so stressed during the process, but once all the messages are sent out, I’ll be satisfied I think.
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