#ssed asks
silksongeveryday · 3 months
Drawing Hornet everyday until Silksong comes out - Day 400!!!
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Well then.
Thanks to everyone for all the love and support, genuinely one of the biggest reasons I still continue doing this daily. You all are amazing :)
And thank you for 2.3k!!!
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…I don’t really know what else to say at this point lol???? I’ve been doing this so long these milestones are starting to become less and less exciting. /lh
I’ll be honest I was really banking on Silksong being released in 2023 I genuinely wasn’t expecting to make it more than 250 days tbh. But hey, I guess I was joining the delusional crowd with that one lol. I just really hope Silksong releases this year or at least we get a confirmed release date at all???? All this waiting is starting to feel like kingdom hearts 3 all over again
Well anyway, here’s my 100 day checkup I guess:
Burnout has been wavering in and out I think. I’m not putting in effort like I used to during the day 150-250 period of this blog but hey the fact that I’m still dedicating a brain cell to this at all is impressive to me. Generally speaking I’m not a person who likes to commit themselves to something for more than a year unless I absolutely have to. I could literally take a break from this blog whenever I want but it’s been such a consistent part of my daily routine that I just haven’t lol.
I’ve been debating back and forth with myself on whether or not I want to have a couple people helping out with the blog. On one hand it would be really nice to have a helping hand so I could take more consistent breaks but on the other hand I’ve never been good at communication especially because organizing something like that is wayyyy out of my comfort zone. I run my blog a very specific way and I’m often bad at explaining my process to others without something getting misunderstood.
So I’m thinking up a few other ideas as well. Don’t feel like going into specifics because I’m not certain on them at all but if I feel like one works I’ll talk about it more in the future here or on my main blog.
Life has been really busy lately but after a long time I think I might finally have time to dedicate a full day to drawing multiple doodles so I can mass schedule and take a longer break I think. No promises on that but here’s to hoping.
Oh yeah also today’s specific drawing is inspired by Day 174. Also considered a redraw I guess??
That’s all I can think to say right now, so I guess that’s everything, thanks for reading! Here’s to more doodles! :)
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corvusternion · 2 months
quoth the tiny as shit raven: scream
> wh^t
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virginmiri99 · 7 months
If i was tubbo i'd make content with molly like "My husband's girlfriend takes me clothes shopping"
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theloveinc · 9 months
boys are so infuriating
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ihatebnha · 2 years
do u think if u died in the shower like that ur ghost would be forever nakie ?
I WAS WONDERING THAT TOO!! but for the sake of my own sanity i had to tell myself no, you wouldn't be. peace and love🥰
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I hope you know the font on my palmhusk makes your ½s look like a venn diagram lmaooo
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louisisalarrie · 19 days
Hello love. I like sending you asks because you’re always great at responding. This one is a bit sensitive. Don’t post if not appropriate.
Louis and alcohol. You’ve worked with him and seen him a little more closely than most. Is he a massive drinker (like, every day) or is his alcohol consumption a little exaggerated? I’ve seen other posts referring to him as having a problem, which seems a cruel assumption when people don’t know the guy.
It looks to me like there’s a ton of boozing on tour (lots of stories from other artists who’ve worked with him confirm they all drink a lot when they’re all together) but L never looks as though he goes on stage p*ssed. He tends to have beer on stage with him but never drinks the whole thing (I kind of feel like it’s a bit of a nervous habit, to have a drink there he can grab but not to be necessarily knocking it back show). I mean he definitely looks like he drinks a lot post show but we never hear of him turning up to meet fans drunk or smelling of booze (and there dont seem to be any major boozy stories about him doing something bad because he was drunk - oh apart from breaking his arm!) so I’m on the fence about whether or not he does have unhealthy drinking habits or not. He seems pretty controlled and put together with the occasional post show drunken/stoned selfie!
What are your thoughts?
I guess I just want a healthy Louis.
Hello anon! Apologies for the hold up on this, I wanted to do a good and thorough job at responding because it is a sensitive topic, for sure. I’m not sure how much you dabble in substances, your age, or your experiences with said substances, so what I say may feel like it’s still too much, but yeah, I hope I can provide you with some reassurance. So, lovely anon, welcome to the show!
TW for alcohol and drug use
Drinking and drug use is heavily glorified, over indulged in, and used as a crutch in the entertainment industry, but often times you only hear the worst of it. You’ve got the stories of overdoses, media analysing stars because they look drunk performing on stage, and artists having a bad/shocking image because they partake in alcohol/drugs depending on who their demographic is (zouis weed video, for example).
It’s often used as a coping mechanism, to just take a bit of the edge off. This doesn’t mean that all artists use it to an extreme extent to where they can’t perform/can’t live without it (like it’s portrayed in A Star is Born), and don’t get me wrong, some do, but from what I’ve seen and my pals and colleagues in the music industry have seen, Louis doesn’t overindulge.
I mean, they’d have a drink (or multiple) for the same reasons as we do, to just… chill out the nervous system, or carry on the energy. Dissipate some anxiety before going on stage and while on stage, calming down your body and mind from the adrenaline afterwards, partying and carrying on a bit more heavily if you’re celebrating. I’ve toured, not to the same extent as L or H, but it becomes quite normalised within people from the artist’s direct team, their direct touring crew, to the promoters, to the artist’s personal friends. It’s SO much work putting on these shows and travelling and when everything goes well, it’s a huge relief and time for a beverage or a joint. It’s just kinda… very normalised, which is also really bad, but Louis, from what I’ve seen and heard, is smart with it.
You’re correct in saying he isn’t drunk on stage, he doesn’t smell like substances (only cigarettes but that’s a whole other story), and only has 1 beer on stage.
His rider is pretty standard too. Artists over order so they don’t need runners to go get them stuff causing a delay. And then they take whatever they don’t finish to the hotel with them or whatever. If you were famous you’d wanna milk the free stuff 100%, so yeah, if that is a cause of concern for some fans seeing the leaked LATAM rider, I can assure you that it doesn’t go that far between the amount of people in his band and crew. It’s just… very normalised, but doesn’t happen every night.
Louis also just loves to dabble in the devils lettuce (im super annoyed that I have a story about this that I can’t share but he’s fucking hilarious) and loves a drink. Alcohol is also super normalised and encouraged in the UK, and here in Australia too. So I see a lot of it and it’s just kind of a thing you… do. It’s more so if you don’t drink, people are like ????? Hahaha.
So growing up in a country where it’s very normal to drink a beer or get pissed, it’s kind of engrained, and then being in an industry where it’s also normalised, it’s 100% natural to lean into it. When I drink on tour, it’s certainly less often than artists, but it’s just a social celebration thing and it’s kind of expected to a degree. In my opinion, and from what I’ve seen of him going on tour, he doesn’t have a problem nor loses any professionalism on or off the stage. He’s very serious about making these shows good and proving himself.
When I was backstage with him at one of these shows, he was in a green room that wasn’t too far from my office. He is so LOUD and hearing his giggle and talking shit was so wild hahaha. I could smell cigarettes, and heard him and his band/crew do a shot before the show, but apart from that I think maybe they had one or two beers in the late arvo together. I don’t clean/service green rooms so I can’t tell you 100% how much they drank, but it was pretty lowkey. I also don’t think he gets stoned before going on stage (I would’ve smelt it). I think it’s purely an after show fun time which also helps him sleep from jet lag/adrenaline etc. like I mentioned earlier.
He eats well, and while not as healthy as H, still filling food and has an appetite (im talking during the day, not the wild amount of munchies he orders post show), so he’s not letting alcohol/nicotine curb his appetite to that point. He did have bottle service at his hotel on a couple of those nights, too. But again, the bigger indulgence seems to be post show. He’s overall still healthy.
From what we’ve seen, it would be very easy to spot if he was going too far. He’s 100% in control and uses it as a small crutch like a lot of us do due to the intense stress of our jobs. Tbh he also just likes a drink and a joint or two and there’s no reason to worry. Hell, I like a drink or a joint or two and im good at my job, know when to stop, and uphold my professionalism to a high standard. There’s truly no reason to worry, he’s just louder about it than the other boys (I’ve heard that Niall gets on it just as much, but we don’t see it).
Now, it may seem like im making excuses for the industry or for Louis or whatever, but truly, it kinda is what it is. There has been a small but significant shift in the industry around drinking and drug use though, and how it affects mental health, which is great. In Australia, we have a resource called “Support Act” which is an organisation that now has a 24/7 wellbeing hotline for artists, industry folks, and crew, and while it has been around since 1997, it is obviously far bigger and more accessible now due to technology etc., and has great resources. The UK similarly has “Music Minds Matter”, and there are multiple around the US. So there is definitely a larger awareness on the toll touring and an industry career can take on you, and I have no doubt that Louis is aware of his limits and has supportive and wonderful people around him.
Wow okay this turned into a whole other thing. Sorry!!! Hahaha. Look, in short, he drinks nowhere near as much as other artists I’ve worked with (8 bottles of top shelf whiskey in one night thanks) and unless we see any cause for concern, im sure he’s okay, 100% in control, and just living his best life as a 32 yr old successful rockstar. Try not to worry!
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scarlet-fantasies · 1 year
hehehe may i please request the hot things that eren does headcanon? 👀🥰 i also really love your writing! they make me smile :))
Hi anon,
Yes, thanks for asking this. And aww, thank you and I'm really glad! I hope this will be just as good. Sorry to keep you waiting tho.
Hot things Eren does as a bf (Hcs)
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sfw & nsfw
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© 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑒𝑡-𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑒𝑠 // 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑙, 𝑟𝑒𝑢𝑠𝑒, 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑠. 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑢𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒. // 2021-𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡.
His aura and appearance
❤️‍🔥So these are things he does that people love and also bad things that can make a guy attractive. The list is ongoing tbh. This is not what I like I’m just adding things that I see and stuff that I know people find attractive about him and etc. ❤️‍🔥Anyways let’s talk about the hot things he does. You’re going to see how obnoxious he is which is part of his charm. Which btw if you want obnoxious bf hcs let me know cause I really want to write about it 😫
❤️‍🔥 This might lean more on the cute side but he does this thing with his eyes that he just looks soft and approachable. ❤️‍🔥He makes you feel like you can tell him things that you wouldn’t tell anyone else so he gives these soft eyes to you.😫💕💕💕 ❤️‍🔥And it’s hella convincing!!! ❤️‍🔥It’s also his voice, it’s usually a soft and low tone and it’s just relaxing. ❤️‍🔥But when it’s in a teasing tone or he wants to be sensual that voice can really make you feel so many things all at once. ❤️‍🔥His attractive voice just kinda lives in your mind rent free and what he says really sticks to you. ❤️‍🔥Like sometimes when he calls you and you don’t check whose calling and answer he answers with his hot voice and you’re like not ready for that. ❤️‍🔥It takes you a second. ❤️‍🔥He has a nice morning voice too 💕👌 ❤️‍🔥And he sleeps shirtless a lot of the time.
❤️‍🔥There will be plenty of examples of this as I go on but let me just talk about this here a little.
❤️‍🔥He can act like jerk to you which makes him attractive. ❤️‍🔥So when he tea$es it can be hot, i feel it’s “gosh he’s such a jerk, but that’s still attractive” that’s the kind of mindset here when he messes with you. ❤️‍🔥Like one thing he does is making you worry bc he knows that you care so leans his chair back all the time and just smirks when you tell him to stop because he could get hurt. ❤️‍🔥“Awww you worried about me?” ❤️‍🔥He just keeps doing it instead while you watch him and hope he doesn’t actually tip back too far.
❤️‍🔥When you are on the phone/texting him at night you tell him that you have to sleep and it will be like 11:00 and he just thinks it’s silly that you need to sleep. ❤️‍🔥“Awww, you have a bedtime?” ❤️‍🔥“No, I get up early so that’s just when I’m usually tired.” ❤️‍🔥“So, you have a bedtime.” He’d laugh.
❤️‍🔥He gets you to be so worried and confused about something and then he says something smooth to get you to blush. ❤️‍🔥For example, he told you once that he wanted a book once and you weren’t able to get him it and you felt so bad bc you were hoping to get him something. So then you babbled on about how you went all over just to get him the book. ❤️‍🔥“And then the library said it had just sold out there last one to someone else. I came too late to get you it.” You’d frown only for him to grin as leaned in and k!ssed you. ❤️‍🔥“You think about what I say that much don’t you?” He’d smile looking at you. ❤️‍🔥“What?” ❤️‍🔥“Y/n, I already bought the last copy they had. That’s why you didn’t find it.” He’d laugh as he ruffled your hair. ❤️‍🔥“But you said that—“ ❤️‍🔥“I said that because I was testing you, silly girl. I wanted to see what you’d do.” He’d smile, k!ssing you on the cheek. ❤️‍🔥He loves to have you babble on about something while you’re nervous just so he can grin while watching you and think ‘she’s cute’ ❤️‍🔥And then he’d just lean in to k!ss you. ❤️‍🔥He likes interrupting you with k!sses when you speak. Even if you’re reading or whatever.
❤️‍🔥When you two are eating and you have food on the side of your lips he wipes it with his thumb and then licks it off.
❤️‍🔥When he eats a popsicle he eats it in a certain way to make you blush. It’s all purposely done. ❤️‍🔥And he licks his fingers while keeping eye contact. ❤️‍🔥I swear Eren!! ❤️‍🔥Afterwards he just leans into your ear sm!rking and says, “I bet your wet.” ❤️‍🔥“Stop it! You’re gross!” ❤️‍🔥Ok this is more shocking than attractive but he pulls you back by the waistband of your pants if you leave to get something. ❤️‍🔥“Where you going?” He’d sm!rk seeing he got you to blush. ❤️‍🔥He sits relaxed with his legs apart and has you sit on his lap. The worse part is that he points to his crotch to signal you to sit. Like it’s all on purpose ❤️‍🔥“Babe, come sit on me.” ❤️‍🔥When you wear a skirt/dress sometimes he hugs you and then suddenly clutches your ass through your skirt or dress. ❤️‍🔥He likes to lift the hem of it to. Like if you are getting something from a shelf on your tippy toes and he’s behind you he just lifts it up to see. And he knows that if you turn around you’ll just loose your balance. ❤️‍🔥Speaking of which if you walk away to get something in your room or his place and you too are sitting on the floor, Eren puts his leg out when you don’t notice and makes you trip/fall on the floor on purpose to have your skirt ride up. ❤️‍🔥Usually ends up with you accidentally flashing him. “Hey, Y/n, those are cheeky.” ❤️‍🔥“Shut up! You’re the one who tripped me.” You’d say getting up and covering yourself. ❤️‍🔥Other times if you are actually about to fall he does catch you and has the biggest sm!rk on his face bc he knows you were worried about falling. ❤️‍🔥“You’re a really clumsy girl, Y/n.” He’d grin before k!ssing you. ❤️‍🔥Omg he totally grinds against you when he gets the chance or like presses his crotch area on your ass and will playfully thrust his hips when your bent over to get something or whatever.
❤️‍🔥When he’s really horny and can’t wait he’ll walk up to you while your doing something like cleaning, studying, or even just during your free time or whatever and he just asks you if your in the mood. He really says this cause it’s funny to him and bc you are a blushing mess. ❤️‍🔥“Hey Y/n, lets f*ck.” He’d sm!rk knowing he got your draw to drop. ❤️‍🔥You were blushing and had no words tbh. ❤️‍🔥“Aww, you’re embarrassed. Babe, why? I just wanna have s*x.” He’d chuckle still trying to embarrass you. ❤️‍🔥“Because asking for it is weird! Just initiate it instead!” You’d shout, not believing this right now. ❤️‍🔥He’d chuckle, “Relax I was only kidding, I know what you prefer . . .” ❤️‍🔥He’d pause before asking again. “No, but seriously when you’re done can we have sex?” ❤️‍🔥“Eren!” You’d complain, you thought he wasn’t serious but it turns out he was. ❤️‍🔥“What? I’ve been waiting patiently ever since you wore those pants.“ ❤️‍🔥He’d point out your tight pants making you scoff bc he was just so petty. ❤️‍🔥“Plus it’ll help you relax.” He’d add on making your cheeks turn red. ❤️‍🔥“Eren . . .” ❤️‍🔥“C’mon babe you can’t lie and say I don’t relax you. Hmmm? Admit it, you cheeky girl.” He’d tea$e, as he started to poke your sides and tickle you. ❤️‍🔥“Stooop!” You’d laugh but still complain while trying to pry his hands off but they always came back. ❤️‍🔥He mocks you a lot too about how you sound and stuff. Especially when you tell him to stop. And he always wins. ❤️‍🔥Seeing he asks to f*ck you so abruptly it’s not surprising that he touches you abruptly either. Like no really, if you two are sitting on the couch his hands wonder around. And I mean wonder, like his hand will on be your crotch. The rest is history ❤️‍🔥Without warning I know😑 ❤️‍🔥And he won’t stop, you can’t help but react bc he leaves you so hot and bothered by it. ❤️‍🔥He’d have his lips against your ear and as soon as soon as you start to loose yourself, he’d feel accomplished and whisper, “Got you.” He’d sm!rk knowing he made you lose composure around him just like that.
❤️‍🔥Plus he knows you weren’t planning on giving in to him, so hearing you mo@n, whimper and plead told him means he won this time. He does this just to ruin movie night and to get you in the mood. ❤️‍🔥He bites your ear, well he nibbles on it but he does this when you are embarrassed and won’t say anything to him.
❤️‍🔥Cracks his knuckles, some ppl find it attractive so there you go. Plus I think he does it.
When he drives
❤️‍🔥He also drives recklessly on purpose to make you worry. ❤️‍🔥“Eren, we’re going to crash.” ❤️‍🔥“Don’t be baby.” He’d say only to find you clutching on your seat a little. ❤️‍🔥“You’re scared aren’t you?”He'd tea$e further ❤️‍🔥When he is backing up he puts his hand on the back of your seat. ❤️‍🔥And sometimes while he’s driving he steals a k!ssing from you during traffic or at a stoplight. ❤️‍🔥Oh when he has the window rolled down he has his arm out a bit. And you just let think he looks good.
Eye contact
❤️‍🔥If you’re the type of person who can’t keep eye contact because you get shy or whatever he’s going to stare at you when (like the photo above) you keep looking away or when you just don’t look at him while you’re speaking to him or if he’s talking to you.
❤️‍🔥His stare looks cold even tho he’s just kinda growing impatient. Bc he’s tired of the acting cute thing right about now. (Even if you’re not acting and you just feel small rn he’s still going to want you to look at him)
❤️‍🔥“Y/n, look at me.” He sounds a little intimidating from his tone but he only acts the way bc he’s petty and he knows it might make you nervous around him. Which he gets a kick out of.
❤️‍🔥And if you refuse this he’s literally gonna to either turn you to face him by your cheek/lift your chin. Or he’s going to go from side to side to get you to look at him. Whatever it takes.
❤️‍🔥“Y/n~ c’mon. Don’t be shy. I see you everyday. Let me see you’re cute face.”
❤️‍🔥When you link arms with him or grab a hold of his shoulder when walking with him and he just looks over his shoulder at you.
❤️‍🔥He does this all the time usually not even thinking about it and gets your heart fluttering because he always has to look down at you so his hair is in his face a bit.
When he pins you down/against the wall
❤️‍🔥Eren pins you against the wall, for no reason and then decides to ask questions to confuse you or if he just wants to give you a k!ss. And he loves to tower over you honestly. ❤️‍🔥You’d be walking in your house/apartment(whatever u have) and he’d just back you up into a wall real quick, his arms blocking you from either side. ❤️‍🔥This happens if you walked by him without giving him a k!ss. Or if you haven’t been talking too much too him since you’ve been busy/distracted. He also just likes to do it bc you can’t really revert your attention elsewhere plus he thinks you’re always so cute. ❤️‍🔥“Where’s my k!ss?” He’d grin before stealing a k*ss from you.
When he wants you to stay
❤️‍🔥He likes to block your path when your about to leave to get something or if your actually about to leave his place he blocks the door. ❤️‍🔥And it goes on like this for a while and you move from one side to other but Eren is always managing to block you from the door. ❤️‍🔥“Eren, c’mon this is stupid. I have to go home.” You’d giggle whilst still trying to doge him. ❤️‍🔥“Then go home.” He’d sm!rk, moving away to not block you. Of course the minute you step forward he’d just block you again. ❤️‍🔥“Eren! Stop, please I have to go home. It’s getting late and I promised (my parents, family, roommates whoever u live w/) I’d be home early.” ❤️‍🔥(You we’re going to get ride from a friend.) ❤️‍🔥“It’s past 9:00 sweetheart, I’m taking you home.” He grab your hand and drive you home rather than you going home by yourself. ❤️‍🔥“Eren, my curfew is (time later than 9:00). I’m still on time. Plus I’m with you it’s not like I’m out somewhere.” ❤️‍🔥“My house, my rules, baby. Now let’s go.” ❤️‍🔥I swear Eren literally gives you an earlier curfew than your parents do. Not something hot about him ik, but it is a fact. ❤️‍🔥He grabs the keys and you walk behind and he does the whole flipping keys thing with his fingers. ❤️‍🔥Even tho he knows your walking behind him. He put his hand behind him, signaling for you to take it, bc he is just too protective over you. Plus he likes it. ❤️‍🔥When he drops you off at your place you too always k*ss and sometimes he doesn’t want to let you go. 😂 ❤️‍🔥“Eren, I have to go. I’ll call you tonight.” ❤️‍🔥“Just five more minutes.” He’d smile before k*ssing you again.
When he wants your attention
❤️‍🔥When you don’t give him attention bc your doing something he will take off his shirt out of the blue and make sure his pants hang low which lets you see his boxers a bit. ❤️‍🔥And then he usually back hugs you or walks by you flexing/stretching a bit. He winks at you seeing he got you to look at him. ❤️‍🔥“Like what you see?” He’d say with a smug grin. ❤️‍🔥“Uhh—No!” You’d look away swallowing hard as you knew he was going to be an a$$ and teas* you about it. ❤️‍🔥“Yeah right, liar.” He’d chuckle, towering over you and bringing you into his chest. ❤️‍🔥He purposely shows you his boxer line but you get annoyed. Although if it’s not on purpose it changes your perspective. ❤️‍🔥Will point out if you’re staring tho 😂 ❤️‍🔥“Why are you staring, Y/n.” ❤️‍🔥“Nothing.” ❤️‍🔥“Uh huh, you lilttle perv.” He’d sm!rk. ❤️‍🔥“I am not!” You’d blush.
Ties his hair up
❤️‍🔥Keeps the hair tie between his lips before tying his hair up and he looks focused so you sometimes watch him. ❤️‍🔥And When he ties your hair up in a ponytail and you see his veins on his arm an stuff. ❤️‍🔥He likes to pull on your hair a little hard here to catch you off guard. ❤️‍🔥“Ow! Eren, that hurts.” ❤️‍🔥He’d k*ss you’re head and apologize. “Sorry babe. Gosh you have a really small head.” He’d laugh, ruffling your hair.
How he k!sses you
❤️‍🔥He cups your face with his large hands before k*ssing you. So your face is pretty covered by all that. ❤️‍🔥Literally eats your face when ever he k*sses you, he has no mercy.😅😭 ❤️‍🔥Sometimes he catches you off guard and he’ll be like hey look over there and then he just k*sses you. ❤️‍🔥When your reading or on the phone he steals a k*ss from you. ❤️‍🔥Sometimes more than one and it gets you to giggle while your on the phone and trying to push him away. ❤️‍🔥He also does it when your texting he lifts your chin up just to do that. ❤️‍🔥Or when your in the car before driving he leans over to k*ss you. ❤️‍🔥He does like to put the back of his hand on your head when he k*sses you so it pushes you closer to him and you can’t get out of it. ❤️‍🔥Not that you would💕💕
When he’s playful
❤️‍🔥Eren bites your cheek in public in front of his friends instead of k*ssing you. But it’s not like aggressive it’s playful. ❤️‍🔥He does thing where he randomly pulls you into him so he lock you in a hug and keep you there. And he’ll usually whisper things in your ear and puts a lot of k*sses on your neck aggressively. ❤️‍🔥Even after he makes you mad he likes k*ssing your cheek, especially if he’s trying to apologize. ❤️‍🔥He likes to ruffle your hair.
❤️‍🔥If he has a lollipop he will share it with you by sucking on it and then popping it into your mouth as your talking about something just so you’ll blush. ❤️‍🔥Plus he wants you to taste the difference. ❤️‍🔥Many other times if you are eating sweets or ice cream he likes to taste it from your mouth so he steals a k*ss. ❤️‍🔥“Is it good, babe?” ❤️‍🔥“Yeah, you wanna try it?” You’d ask holding out the sweet to him. ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥He’d nod his head before pulling you in for a k*ss instead. ❤️‍🔥Afterwards he actually ate the sweet like nothing happened. ❤️‍🔥If you are laying in bed and he’s at the foot of it he likes to pull you by the ankle and drag you closer to him on the bed. This way he is towering you and gets to see you be surprised. ❤️‍🔥“Eren, what are you doing?” ❤️‍🔥“You’re ignoring me.” He’d look at you stone cold before he made you sit up and then carry you so you couldn’t leave. ❤️‍🔥He tosses you over his shoulder if you don’t listen and bites your thigh.
❤️‍🔥Lifts the back of your shirt out of nowhere so he can unclasp your bra. ❤️‍🔥Towering over you.
❤️‍🔥When he bites you he likes to bite on your shoulder and stuff. ❤️‍🔥Rubs his facial hair on your cheek to annoy you. ❤️‍🔥Pins your arms above you’re head a lot, especially when you refuse a k*ss. ❤️‍🔥Plays with the zipper of your dress. ❤️‍🔥“Eren!”
Hands/Clothes/ . . . Body?
❤️‍🔥He has some tattoos on his arms and back. It’s like two or three not too many. And so you like it when he wears tank tops. ❤️‍🔥Oh, he wears tight shirts and you love it, especially if he has a necklace on. ❤️‍🔥He does that thing where he wipes his face with his shirt and so it shows his abs. ❤️‍🔥You like it when he uses his hands since they look nice. So when he ties something or is fixing something with his hands you find it attractive. ❤️‍🔥When he comes back from a shower and he isn’t fully dry and just has the water droplets slide down his body. You can’t help but sneak some glances but look away the minute he’s looking your way. ❤️‍🔥Bro he even cooks shirtless and it’s not fair that you have to wake up to a nice back in the morning all the time. 😭😩 ❤️‍🔥Eren you keep putting y/n through sh*t.
❤️‍🔥When he brings you into a side hug with his hand on your head. Again the feeling of his hands are nice. They make you feel safe too. 💕💕💕
❤️‍🔥His fingers play with your mouth before he k*sses you sometimes.
❤️‍🔥The way he wraps his arm around you casually.
When he gets jealous/mad and protective
❤️‍🔥Okay, when he’s mad he looks attractive so sometimes you try to make him a little upset cause he has this look that you just like to see. ❤️‍🔥He doesn’t understand why you try to make him mad (over something silly). ❤️‍🔥Like sometimes you like making him jealous bc he looks good jealous. Plus he gets protective and it’s fun to see. ❤️‍🔥It gives you the excuse to have his arms around you and pressing into your body. ❤️‍🔥When walking and holding hands you two sometimes get split up bc of crowds so you have to break your hold and then hold hands again, once there’s no one passing between you both. If it keeps happening ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥He’d be upset and out of no you’d shriek because he picked you up bridal style and carried you the whole time you were out with him. ❤️‍🔥Because of this experience, Eren does this a lot now mostly because of your reaction.
❤️‍🔥He does this thing where when he protects you he puts you behind him.
His voice
❤️‍🔥His morning voice is lower than his regular voice so it hits differently. ❤️‍🔥He’s kinda adopted this apathetic behavior now so his voice in general is attractive. 😂 and then the things he says on top of it are just worse because he has like no shame in asking/telling you things. ❤️‍🔥“You’re wearing a thong right?” ❤️‍🔥Or things like, “hey, y/n, nice @ss.”
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seth-burroughs · 2 months
Shinigami n Yuma for the ask game :3
[my eyes go full black] You people sicken me... Yuma is obviously a LITERAL MINOR getting HIT ON by a 1000000000000000+ YEAR OLD GOD with a WEAPON and SCARY LABIRYNTH She won't LEAVE HIM ALONE he is 24/7 tethered to her he CANNOT ESCAPE this is a CANONICALLY ABUSIVE CONTROLLING RELATIONSHIP. I cannot state this enough <- does not state this enough. Even if Yuma was in fact an adult with a job (truly laughable theory invented by the Big Proshitter so they could make obscene fanart of him and Yomi involving c*tboy maid costumes and r*productive organs), it is still very icky as she literally sexually harasses him the whole game like hello???? She suggests to him he STARE AT HER B**BS FOR E*GHT SECONDS???!!? THE SEX MINIGAME??!!?!? SHE NONCONSENSUALLY K*SSED HIM ON THE CHEEK WHEN THEY WEREN'T EVEN MARRIED OR IN A COMMITTED LONGTERM MONOGAMOUS RELATIONSHIP WHICH IS JUST FUCKING DISGUSTING AND LITERALLY A CARDINAL SIN SHE JUST DOOMED HIM TO THE 69TH CIRCLE OF HELL HE WILL NEVER GET TO SEE JESUS OR HIS LOVED ONES IN HEAVEN THIS IS SO FUCKING CRUEL WHAT THE FUCK?!!!?????!!?!!!!???
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So for the ( Hidden in the dark au ) how old is the reader. I know for these things its typically a teen reader, but for some reason in my head all I'm getting is like a young kid. Probably anywhere from 9-12, the idea of the reader being that young really sets all of them off.
I'm imagining a younger teen Reader (so about 14 or 15, maybe 16), but if there was a younger Reader there with them... that would set them off even more. Reader in this au is someone trying to be kind and genuine when the scientists and guards are cruel and sick, so the adults and teens find Reader as a friend or sibling or child rather than an enemy or someone to vent their frustrations on... Reader would be in for it if they happened to get hurt and were left with one of the ferals. They're a lot more feral in this au, leaning more into instincts, but they still can talk and sometimes reason things out... That goes out the window if Reader is hurt in front of them or is left a broken mess near them. They're scared, they're p*ssed, and they are looking over Reader the moment they can snap their chains and restraints off. And the person/s who caused Reader's pain, who shed their blood? Oh, they're dead when they get their claws on them...
(Feel free to ask any other questions about the 🌑Hidden In The Dark💉 AU if you have them!)
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doodlesdreaming · 1 year
Ok now I gotta send this one, because your wedding ask from someone else got me thinking about this one, hehe.
We all know the story of how Thor's hammer got stolen and he had to dress up as Freya in a wedding dress to get his weapon back. Leading to hilarious shenanigans where Thor almost gives himself away, and Loki makes sure to cover his ass constantly. Ending in the giant who stole the hammer getting killed once Thor gets his hammer back.
Which of the three brothers has their weapon stolen, who is made to dress up, and who gets the Loki position in this story? We all know this had to have happened at least once. Fury probably gets Freya's position in this story. Being told some schmuck demon or other wants her as a bride, to which she vehemently declines and nearly beats the crap outta whoever asked. Freya did indeed beat up Loki for a bit just for asking. However this turns out, I'm expecting pure hilarity.
Hands down, it's Chaoseater that gets stolen. And by some headstrong demon, who only wants the best of the best(in their opinion). They're willing to make a trade of course, one treasure for another. A sword in exchange for the last female nephilim in existence, as they're bride.
Fury is all too ready to smite the creature down for purely suggesting the idea of marriage, but to her, and everybody's surprise, Death agrees to the trade and makes preparations with the demon. Naturally, his siblings want answers, and to tear open his head to see if his brain has gone missing. But the eldest leads them away and into a huddle to discuss his plan. Slowly, the faces of the three turn from angry frowns to wicked smirks.
Fast forward towards the actual wedding ritual(we are talking about demons here). Fury comes in, wearing a rather revealing get-up with her face covered by a veil, and Strife and War walking beside her. The demon in question, looking very proud with Chaoseater in hand, surrounded by an army of their followers, is more than eager to be one with their new bride. The demon priest recites the ritual rights, blah blah blah, now they may kiss the bride.
The demon takes her by the hand and lifts her veil, only to be staring at a white bone mask that somehow looks incredibly p*ssed off. The last thing he hears, was his "bride," whispering, "Til death do us part," as they are gutted by twin scythes. War, taking back Chaoseater from the corpse, jumps into a fray of angry demons along with Strife, and slay everything in sight. The priest, Fury in disguise, laughs at the sight as she turns to her brother in admiration,
"You were right, Death. This turned out to be very entertaining indeed."
"The entertainment has only just begun, Fury. Shall we then?" Death, still in the dress, offers his arm to walk Fury down the aisle and into the heat of battle, "Let us make sure Hell itself learns to not trifle with the Horsemen."
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silksongeveryday · 3 months
sorry if ive been using the askbox a lil much, just thought id drop them off here, theyre a lil derpy but i tried to make them as small as i could
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also a mostly unoutlined one
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omg I haven’t actually opened my inbox in a bit this is so cute!!!
and don’t be sorry, I love seeing people’s doodles and sharing their art in my inbox!!
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“24-Hour Bug”
Jonathan Byers x Reader
Day 11 of the Stranger Things Summer Write-a-Thon!!!
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(Gif not mine)
Requested? No
Summary: Date plans change when (Y/n)’s too sick to get out of bed, but when her cancellation phone call leaves much to be desired, Jonathan goes over to her place, upset with her for flaking out on him. That is, until he realizes she’s got a fever and the sniffles…
Warnings: starred out swear words, sickness, Jonathan being stupid
Pairing: Jonathan Byers x Fem!Reader
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Jonathan was a tad annoyed; he wasn’t going to lie. He’d put a lot of thought into this date. And for (Y/n) to cancel so suddenly, and with little to no explanation? He figured he had the right to be p*ssed. More so, he figured he had the right to let her know just how much…
“(Y/n)! I’m coming in!”
For some, Jonathan showing up randomly to a girl’s house in the middle of the day uninvited would be frowned upon. But, as her boyfriend of two years, he’d been given a key a while ago, and what was it for if not barging into her bedroom after a concerning cancellation call.
“I wanted to talk about…” He trailed off, suddenly realizing why she’d sounded so weird on the phone, and feeling immensely guilty for the outlandish conclusions he’d jumped to.
“Jonathan?” (Y/n) mumbled sleepily from under dozens of blankets, her nightstand covered in tissues and various medicine bottles. In short, she looked awful. The boy crossed the room quickly, worry overtaking his face, as he dropped to his knees at her bedside, a hand coming up to carefully flick some hair from her face.
“Hey, baby… how you feeling?” He asked, flipping his hand over to feel her forehead for a fever, his frown deepening at the realization that her skin was, in fact, considerably hot. Her eyebrows were scrunched up in confusion when he removed his hand.
“Did I forget to call you?” She asked, clearly extremely out of it. Jonathan frowned at the thought.
“No. No, you did. I was just worried.” He assured, sitting down next to her on the bed, cautious to avoid jostling the sick girl too much. He was a little more than worried, but figured it would be better to bother her with his irrational fear of her leaving him when she wasn’t half asleep and burning up. Jonathan’s fingers grazed her cheek lovingly, as he spoke up again. “Do you know what it is?” He asked, hoping it wasn’t something too bad. (Y/n) just shrugged her shoulders, as best she could from under the mountain of blankets.
“Some 24-hour bug. Keith was sick at work yesterday. I think I got it from him.” She explained tiredly, before reaching towards her nightstand for the tissue box. Jonathan grabbed it for her and placed it lightly on her lap.
“What a douche.” He said with a playfully angry expression, that earned a soft giggle from his girlfriend, before she sneezed loudly into a Kleenex. Jonathan frowned a little, rubbing her shoulder comfortingly.
“You should go. I don’t wanna get you sick.” She began, but he just waved off her worries.
“I’ll be fine. Besides, you need someone to stay here and take care of you.” He ruffled her hair, as he got to his feet. But (Y/n)‘s frown deepened.
“Jonathan-“ She tried to argue, but the boy wasn’t having it. He’d spent the whole morning thinking up terrible reasons as to why she’d cancelled their plans, when, in reality, she was here, feeling sick and miserable. The least he could do to make up for being a crappy boyfriend for the first half of the day, was by being a great one for the last. Besides, technically speaking, his plans for the day were to spend it with (Y/n), which is exactly what he would be doing… more or less.
“Shh, don’t even worry about it. You eaten anything yet today?” He asked, as he took off his jacket and tossed it on her desk chair, a clear indication that he wouldn’t be going anywhere anytime soon.
“No…” She mumbled through another tissue. Jonathan kneeled next to her once again, running his thumb across her blanket-covered knee in a soothing back and forth motion.
“How about I go make you some chicken noodle soup and then, after we’ve got some food in you, we can cuddle and take a nap, what do you say?” He asked, (Y/n)’s little smile not going unnoticed by the boy, as she finally nodded her head slowly.
“That sounds nice…” She said, causing Jonathan to grin down at her, before giving her knee a final squeeze and getting to his feet.
“Okay. I’ll be right back.” He promised, making it all the way out her bedroom before turning back around to poke his head around the door frame.
“Hey, Baby… I love you.” He watched her grin widen at his words and felt his heart flutter when she responded.
“I love you too.”
True to her word, when the 24-hours were up, (Y/n) (Y/l/n) was good as new, her bug having been exactly what she’d thought it was, and, while miserable, short living.
Jonathan Byers, however, spent the 24-hours after her recovery sneezing and with a massive headache of his own…
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
How about a shinobu x she her pillar reader with the prompt "you won't touch my girlfriend again if you know what's good for you"
Where shinobu is getting bullied from another pillar about her height and they poke her making the reader p*ssed off
Not In Their Right Mind
Shinobu Kochou x She/Her Reader
A/N: Oooo this one was tricky. I think Shinobu is pretty well liked by all the Pillars and they wouldn’t dare be cruel enough to bully her about her height. Even if they did, I think Shinobu would dish back whatever they were serving ten fold. If she was hurt, I don’t think she’d let them see and lick her wounds in private. Anyway, I decided if they were a little drunk they’d say things or act in ways they wouldn’t normally to get over my mental block. Hope you still like it! Warning: Involuntary alcohol consumption. Word Count: 1,784
“What the hell is going on over there?”
(Y/n) had just returned from the bathroom and somehow in the five minutes she was gone, the small restaurant had gone into chaos.
They had finally gotten Himejima to agree to celebrating his birthday with a proper party and it was in that moment (Y/n) understood why the Stone Hashira had been reluctant to agree.
How was everyone so drunk?
“Hey!” (Y/n) loudly clapped her hands, trying to gain the attention of her fellow Hashira, but she was no match for Kyoujirou’s boisterous laughter.
Shaking her head, she made her way to one of the more sober looking tables.
“Himejima-san, Kanroji-san, what is going on?”
“Umm, remember when we were asking Tengen if he spiked the cocktail of fruit juices he brought?” Mitsuri grimaced when Obanai groaned from where his head rested against the table and she rubbed his back.
“Apparently he did and quite a bit too, even I feel a little tipsy.”
“Oh gods, Muichiro-kun—“
“Oh don’t worry, he didn’t have any. Shinazugawa-san smashed the bottle against the floor before it even got to him.” Mitsuri assured.
(Y/n) looked over to the young boy, he was seemingly numb to the chaos around him which was probably for the best. Not really different from how he normally was.
“It was nice to have everyone come today, but I think it’s time for everyone to go home before we disrupt the peace further.” Gyomei was stone faced, sober as could be, which probably made all the yelling and cackling and crashing all the worse for him. Poor guy looked like he just wanted to go home and pet some cats.
“Right, we’ll take care of it Himejima-san, don’t worry about a thing.”
Giyuu, who had apparently been under the table the whole time, whined and attempted to scoot out from beneath it. (Y/n) stooped down to help him.
“Shut up, Tomioka.” Obanai groused, face still planted upon the table.
“Kanroji,” (Y/n) gestured to the whole table, “could you help these guys get to the train station and makes sure they get home okay? I’ll take care of the other half.”
(Y/n) turned, already dreading to face the boisterous group of remaining Hashira, one of which was her own girlfriend who could not hold liquor by any stretch of the word.
“Hey, guys. Time to pack it in, let’s go.” (Y/n) yelled, very much not in the mood for any drunk nonsense.
“Bah! The night is still young. Loosen up, (L/n)!” Tengen yelled back, earning another booming laugh from Kyoujirou and a scowl from Sanemi.
“Hey! What do you think of my new accessory? Do I own this look or do I own this look?” Tengen spun so his back was to (Y/n), displaying a familiar butterfly hairclip attached to the top of his ponytail.
(Y/n) finally let her eyes land on Shinobu to see what she thought about what was going on and her heart bled for her.
Shinobu was sitting on the floor, hair down, chin on her knees. She was flushed from the alcohol or perhaps from how upset she looked, (Y/n) wasn’t entirely sure. She looked up at her with big, sad eyes and that was all (Y/n) needed to step in.
“Give it back. Now.” She said sternly and held out her hand.
Tengen pretended to think about it but backed away with a mischievous grin.
“Uzui!” (Y/n) warned.
“Give Kochou her damn hairclip, Uzui.” Sanemi grumbled.
“Oh she can have it,” he snickered, removing the butterfly from his hair to hold it above Shinobu’s head, “If she can take it from me.”
“Are you serious? Stop fooling around!” (Y/n) griped. She made a move to snatch the clip from Tengen, but a heavy arm wrapped around her shoulders.
“This is humorous!” Kyoujirou’s laugh made (Y/n) fear her eardrum had been burst.
“Rengoku-san, get off of me!”
(Y/n) struggled against the man’s dead weight, while Shinobu rose up to her full height, swaying as she attempted to stand straight.
Tengen and Kyoujirou laughed, watching Shinobu hop on her tiptoes in an attempt to retrieve her hairclip from Tengen’s taunting hold.
“Come on little grasshopper, jump higher. Ooo, not even close, shrimp.” Tengen snickered, holding the hairclip just out of Shinobu’s reach.
“Uzui, you are being a total ass!” (Y/n) shouted.
This was less than ideal. (Y/n) could see Shinobu was growing steadily more distressed. If everyone had stayed sober, none of this would be happening right now.
“(Y/n)…” Shinobu turned to face (Y/n), the most pitiful look on her face, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes, “make him stop.”
(Y/n) knew they were all varied levels of intoxicated and not in the right frame of mind, but seeing Shinobu look like that, and knowing how insecure she had been about her height despite how well she hid it… She was done trying to be the voice of reason.
“Rengoku, off.” She spoke with icy calm.
Somewhere in Kyoujirou’s buzz, the tone struck him and his booming laughter at Uzui’s antics died out and he slowly disengaged from (Y/n) and moved to stand behind Sanemi. Though he still smiled, his wide, owlish eyes seemed to hold a level of fear in them as he watched (Y/n) stomp over to Shinobu and Tengen.
“So tiny,” Tengen began to dig at Shinobu again, ignoring (Y/n)’s approach, he began poking the top of Shinobu’s head, “heh heh, tiny, tiny, ti—“
“You will not touch my girlfriend again if you know what’s good for you!” (Y/n) seethed, gripping Tengen’s offending hand and twisting it in a painful hold.
“He-hey! That kinda hurts, (L/n)!” Tengen hissed between his teeth and tried to bend his body at an angle to relieve the pain.
“Give her the clip and apologize, or I’ll break your wrist.”
“Still too polite,” Sanemi scoffed, “break his wrist then make the demands and threaten with more pain if he doesn’t do it.” He proposed without missing a beat.
“You better just do as she says, Uzui-san!” Kyoujirou advised.
“Okay, okay! I’m sorry Kochou, here, look, you can have it back, see? I’m really sorry!” Tengen’s voice raised in pitch as (Y/n) threatened to twist his wrist further.
Shinobu gingerly took her butterfly from Tengen’s hand and held it to her chest, relieved to have it back.
“Do you think he learned his lesson, my butterfly?” (Y/n) asked Shinobu sweetly, keeping Tengen in her bruising grip. She surveyed Shinobu for an answer while Tengen yelled,
“Hey! I did what you asked, let go!”
“Butterfly?” (Y/n) prompted again, ignoring Tengen’s pleas.
“‘M okay now, you can let him go. I just wanna go home.” She answered in a quiet voice, resting her face against (Y/n)’s side.
“Okay, sweetheart.”
(Y/n) suddenly yanked Tengen’s hand hard and fast, sending him to the ground in a heap.
“Rengoku-san, carry him.” (Y/n) ordered while she walked over to the restaurant owner to pay him way more then the dinner was worth for putting up with them all. Shinobu stuck right by her, one hand holding her hairclip to her chest, the other grasping the back of (Y/n)’s haori so as to not get separated in the small space.
“On it!”
“Shinazugawa-san, there are only a couple more trains running tonight, come with us.” (Y/n) called to the scar covered man.
Sanemi clicked his tongue in annoyance, but complied. It seemed alcohol made him at least a bit more reasonable.
They managed to catch a train just before it departed, for which (Y/n) was thankful. She did not feel like waiting an hour for the last call. She made sure Tengen, Sanemi and Kyoujirou got off at the right stops and finally allowed herself to relax until they would make it to the station closest to the Butterfly Estate.
Shinobu pulled her legs up into their booth seat and curled up against (Y/n) with a drawn-out yawn. (Y/n) shimmied out of her haori and draped it over Shinobu, smiling softly when she snuggled closer.
“Thank you for helping me.” Shinobu mumbled, her eyes growing heavy.
“Anytime, Butterfly, anytime.” (Y/n) whispered back, kissing the top of Shinobu’s head.
(Y/n) ran her fingers through Shinobu’s loose hair and watched the dark trees pass by in a blur through the window.
When the train clunked and screeched to a halt, Shinobu was dead asleep. Not wanting to wake her, (Y/n) picked her up and carried her home.
Quickly and stealthily, (Y/n) got Shinobu to her room and tucked her in. She darted back out to retrieve a glass of water and something for a headache should Shinobu require it and left it on her desk.
Too exhausted to return to her own estate, (Y/n) pulled out a futon and joined Shinobu, falling asleep before her head even hit the pillow.
The next morning, (Y/n) sat across from Shinobu at breakfast. The Insect Hashira didn’t seem to recall anything after the first hour of the party and (Y/n) explained that Tengen had spiked the fruit juice cocktail he brought, but left it at that. She didn’t want Shinobu to remember how hard of a time Uzui gave her if she could help it. Still Shinobu looked pensive and irritated as she drank her tea.
“Something wrong?” (Y/n) asked cautiously.
“Obviously I’m furious at Uzui-san for spiking the drinks, but I can’t help but think there was something else…” she took another sip of tea and hummed thoughtfully,
“I think the next time I see Uzui-san I will beat him within an inch of his life.”
“I’ll be right there cheering you on from the sidelines.”
“So supportive, I love that about you.”
Shinobu leaned over the table, kissing (Y/n) quickly before sitting back down. The Hashira stared at each other lovingly, and continued to enjoy their quiet morning together.
“Tengen-sama, you’re making a mess!” Hinatsuru complained as more drawers were pulled open and unceremoniously emptied.
“What are you doing?“ Makio questioned for the eighth time since Tengen shot out of bed like a bullet, growing more annoyed every time Tengen passed them while swearing under his breath.
“Wahh! Tengen-sama?! Where are you going?!” Suma cried, watching her husband pack four bags with frantic movements.
“I’m a dead man, my sweet, beautiful wives, a dead man!”
While Shinobu’s memory was foggy, Tengen’s surely wasn’t and he was not going to take any chances.
“We’re on the lamb starting today! Everybody get in the bathroom, there should be several hair dye kits in the cupboard, pick your poison— shit! Poison! No one eat anything without having a muscle mouse test it first!”
“Tegen-sama?!” Suma, Makio and Hina yelled in unison.
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01rocketboy01 · 2 years
Hey Rocket! I don’t know how many requests you’ve gotten in and I technically did send a request 10 seconds ago but I felt like asking one more (take your time DONT feel pressured to write so much in a day lol) but I wanted to also request headcannons of Remus lupin with an animagus reader (any animal will do lol) Once again thank you so much and can’t wait to see more from you!
I’d love to write this for you! This idea is literally the best to it’s so cute so thank you for this. These are also really in no particular order so sorry if this makes no sense
Also literally send me all the requests you want, I enjoy the inspiration (and sometimes the challenge!)
Warnings: Remus self-hatred (mild), implied panic attacks/depression
These headcannons are based on the idea that the reader is a cat animagus, because....I like cats.
You find out Remus is a werewolf very quickly, I mean it’s not that hard to put two and two together
You do finally tell him you know and he freaks out, thinking you’re going to think of him differently
You don’t, you literally still love him so much
You do tell him your an animagus though, and would like to help him through transformations
You learned from James and Sirius the fact that animagus forms keeps werewolves from attacking (they swear you to secrecy about their identities)
But after some convincing you start helping him through transformations with the rest of the marauderers (this leads to you becoming one of them, no doubt getting your own nickname based on your animal form)
Before Remus knew you were an animagus, when he would be upset or crying sometimes a random cat would show up and start rubbing around his legs and nubbing his face (you were a little embarrassed ssed when he put two and two together, but he thought it was sweet)
Sometimes, when he was feeling especially self hating, you’d show up and start trying to comfort him the best you could
I don’t know if I’m making sense but it’s wholesome
You have absolutely used your animal form to sneak into the kitchens and steal chocolate for Remus
When he becomes a Prefect, if he sees you in your animal form after hours he pretends like it’s not his partner that’s prowling in the shadows
Sometimes you follow him during his rounds just to keep him company in the late night patrols
Rumors start going around that Remus has a pet cat, because you’re always following him around
He finds you taking naps in the sunlight, and thinks it’s absolutely adorable it usually leads to sunny cuddles
That’s all I really have as far as animagus reader goes, but I have a lot of other ideas that are not specifically related to an animagus reader, so let me know if anyone wants more!
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mangoposts · 1 month
so M (my friend) and D haven’t talked in a couple weeks. M sent D a tiktok that said “even though we’re not friends anymore i’ll always be proud of you” or something of that sort. so D texted M on either snap or imessage saying she’s going over her house on the weekend to talk because she wants to be friends again. i don’t know what made her think that they can just be friends after all of the things she said, but okay. M said they could talk, but that she wasn’t letting D come over. her weeks without talking to D really made a difference and she said she was at peace finally. M doesn’t even like showing her face on ft sometimes because D would make her insecure by taking awful ft photos of M and would post them on her story…anyway a couple days later D posted her bf on her story and M ssed it (which was immature and unnecessary). D texted her on snap asking why she ssed her story, M did the question bitmoji reaction thing, and D said “forget meeting and being friends again” and blocked her. it’s not like M wanted to meet up with her deranged ass anyway
IS SHE OKAY LIKE WHAT😭😭😭😭😭 She needs to block her back and stop fw her that girl is MENTAL
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