soup-of-the-daisies · 3 months
staghunter (orion/harry) enthusiast here who hates every single fic for them because the meta sucks or is plotless in general but I didn't know how to elaborate on it until I saw your post on how their dynamic, at it's best, would probably be literally just prongsfoot and it busted my third eye wide open. best friends who are soooo incredibly intimate physically and emotionally that you could call them lovers but really, even that label is inadequate. they would wear each other every day if they could type of friendship. faces so close they make other people uncomfortable, but also the energy in the room would feel weird if they weren't on each other's laps 24/7.
anyway, my two cents— for prongsfoot, i do agree that james as an only child would be more possessive, marking sirius liberally through action such as biting, sitting close, etc., the clingiest limpet in any universe... girl!james would absolutely be the girl best friend who would get so much hate from sirius' partners bc she acts like that. lesbian prongsfoot who need to provide heirs for their family would definitely put their husbands through it (if they could invent magical IVF to cut the middleman entirely they would)
while for staghunter it would definitely be orion, since harry has had the experience/memory of ron & hermione's friendship... he'd be a bit more repressed with his emotions as a posh bloke in post-ww2 britain, so he'd mark his territory thru official documentation. photos, paintings, a building donated in their honor, a name change, blood pacts published in the paper, soul bonds duly registered, another bonding ritual that may be slightly illegal but visible to anyone in the know, and so on. I like to think that orion would be a product of their time regardless of gender so skinship isn't as big, but then they don't need to be, as harry gets and appreciates the big grand gestures
(in any universe though, slash, genderbent, or otherwise, if harry and ron are alive together in any timeline they'd be the codependent ones im so serious that matters to me)
Hello anon. I love you.
I agree with you on all points. There’s a reason why I’m incredibly fond of Prongsfoot, Ronarry, and Harmione: codependent best friends to lovers where nothing really has to change, they just kiss (more), and in the case of Ronarry and Harmione Harry becomes a bit more physically affectionate… yeah. I also love it when Harry’s James-genes pop out in Ronarry and Harmione and he does ridiculous things to prove his love and adoration (I’ve seen one fic where that happened, for Harmione), because Harry would, you know? He’d give them the moon if he could.
And yes, Orion would be the James in the Staghunter (I actually associate that one more with Orion/James, but I can’t think of another one on the fly so I’ll go with Staghunter for Orion/Harry here), but then more of a product of his time and childhood. It’s the mutual kind of adoration you also see in Prongsfoot. Fancy robes, jewellery, but also ‘official’ means like (as you said) documentation, announcements, blood-pacts… they’re in each other’s pockets at school, absolutely obsessed with one another.
I like the way the Orion&Harry bromance is characterised in wear me like a locket around your throat, though Orion is a bit too… sweet? I suppose? For my tastes. He’s quite the bean in that one, even though he does get a lot of depth (and the fic hints at as to why he became a horrible father), but the codependency and mutual love between him and Harry is so lovely. It’s other/better half to the max. I have my favourites (for het Staghunter, Future’s Past is a good one; it’s AU enough for the characterisations to be believable) and there are ones that feel Too Much and Wrong, but that’s what you get with a rarepair I think. I also need good/fun Tom Riddle characterisation if he’s present, so that also makes me pickier.
So yeah ♥️♥️ Thank you sm for your ask, I love talking about them. They’re not popular enough I swear (even in the bromance way), despite the fics often being quite popular.
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staghunting · 3 months
The actual "staghunter" Orion Black/Harry Potter side of this blog is incredibly niche because I am basically writing and ranting about my own personal headcanon of an AU of an AU of an AU, which means it's basically original fiction at this point. However, I can't in good conscience write an original story when the dynamic is based on characters from the Harry Potter franchise (as someone who clocked AtIas S/ix not knowing the author was a dram!one BNF), so dump and rant here it is.
However, posting a briefer here— the staghunter dynamic punnett square!
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my shit handwriting aside, these characters basically are Harry Potter and Orion Black:
as they are in book canon (any info about them gleaned from things outside of that, including official film and stories penned by the terf themselves, will be called extra-canon from here on)
the same canon characters if they were born a girl
(the above both residing on the premise that harry time travels to hogwarts in the 1940s)
itruns!Orion, which is basically the philandering patriarch version of him written by the amazing metalomagnetic in her Sirius/Voldemort story It Runs In the Blood. It is my favorite version of Orion in fics so far since metalo is a very good writer and the character depth is deep as it is heartbreaking
ephesus!Harry which is my version of Harry (in a story I haven't published) where her and Hermione's consciousness are reincarnated/sent back in time in order to stave off or prevent the heat death and total obliteration of magic in the 21st century through committing acts of extreme magical environmental conservation and interspecies liberation from wizards in the 40s. and both of them are considered dangerous terrorists by the ICW
Harry born as a normal Muggle in the 1940s
Orion born as their generation's family Squib
Prescient!Harry, by which she is a pureblood witch born to Fleamont and Euphemia but due to some ~family curse/inheritance~ she remembers all her past lives and possible futures a la Alia Atreides
And then Metamorphmagus!Orion, heir to an ancient and noble wizarding family that FUCKIN HATES non-wizards
I like the idea across some fans that the Potter and Black families are tied in some crazy intergenerational curse somehow, like one is doomed at the hands of the other and the other is also their saviour type of stuff, and it is only when they choose each other that their houses are saved from eternal doom (like sirius&james bffs forever, or charlus & dorea's marriage, or narcissa sparing harry's life)
There's soooo much potential for a romeo + juliet vibe here because the point of R&J is that they are houses both alike in dignity - they are on equal footing, no fucked up power dynamics affecting them badly (although those are fun to explore taken in an extreme way. like yes ex-convict sirius would marry his goddaughter in a heartbeat in order to keep the power-hungry vultures off of marrying either of them and getting a child with either of their genes, family name, fortune, and magical inheritance before harry dies. hell, a marriage would mean he could make harry his heir! winwin! is it a bonus that she looks exactly like her dad- his soulmate and other half- but with her mom's eyes? sure!)
anyway as an explanation. harry in any universe would absolutely ruin orion in any universe— it's the type of ruination that varies.
(and the fact that orion has no canonical traits except for "rich, magical blood supremacist father" is a perfect little sandbox for anything)
anyway, explanations for each square under the cut!
canon Harry:
W/ canon orion - friends to lovers. harry is in different emotional states for each book so it would depend when he'd teleport but even if you picked the angriest, most done version of him to drop off in the universe it would work. I love tomarry- platonic, romantic, antagonistic and fucked up in any universe- and putting the honeybadger version of Harry with one horcrux head boy tom riddle is sooooo nice it would be entertaining for all involved. especially when you go into canon that voldemort and walburga would be head boy by the time orion would be in 5th year. Personally would love to see Tom fume that Harry made friends with Orion & other Slytherins effortlessly by being his angry, vicious self while he had to be polite and lose his cockney accent and be this composed guy who would never get the respect of the real purebloods even after his Slytherin heritage was revealed
with girl orion- friends to lovers. orion would have loads more baggage being the heir-that-could-never-be since she was born a girl, and she would totally rebel in a beatrice horseman (née sugarman) way. except that harry would do right by her and actually respect her so not as tragic as that
ItRuns!Orion for me is a straight, straight dude who longs for affection. Harry is kind in canon, but they don't have a shared history- why the fuck would he give affection to an asshole like him. now would orion have a sexuality crisis over the hot new transfer who doesn't give a shit about his name and treats him like everyone else? yes. would harry ever answer or indulge that question? no. not pre-sixth year harry anyway. however, harry who is still grieving for his recently dead godfather would totally fuck the guy who looks like him. repeatedly and with aftercare. orion is ruined either way. it would be the most intense, soul-shattering, life-changing emotional and sexual relationship of orion black's life and he will never bring it up or share it to anyone ever.
squib orion would resent canon harry so much. but oh, stranger things have risen from such a large pool of emotion
metamorphmagus orion, specifically one actively hiding his creatureness from his family, would definitely be harry's ride or die. canon harry has a weird relationship with his celebrity and last name because both are the reasons for his being an outcast. he would be in the best place to teach orion to deal with and possibly learn to love that part of himself
I'll explain the other ones in a different post since I have work and school to get to but yeah! Fun!
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fiendishfyre · 6 months
orion/james, how would you see that happening?
(I think Sirius would use James becoming his step father as an excuse to call him daddy in public)
It's honestly a crack ship. It's basically j*gulus but with Daddy instead. Hahahaha. Oh my gosh is that a hot take. Ignore me.
One fic I'm writing is James getting drunk and accidentally making a mirror booty call to Orion. Hahahaha. For a long fic, them getting together is arduous. Taking so many things into account. And painful, sadly Sirius will feel a degree of pain and worry for James. He'd think James deserves better. (Whether that better is Sirius himself or someone else, that depends on how angsty I'd write the fic.)
But let's skip to everything is chill and good. So yeah Sirius would so call him daddy in public to screw with him. James will always end up red as a tomato. He's tempted to say he calls Orion daddy too but he doesn't want to end his friendship (and risk his own life) so he doesn't. 😂
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15 questions for 15 friends! got tagged by @staghunters.
Are you named after anyone?
First name just because my mom liked it, middle name after my uncle, being-weird-about-gender name after my great-grandmother.
When was the last time you cried?
Earlier today. Money headaches.
Do you have kids?
I have a godson who just turned four. Some day I hope to have kids of my own as well!
What sports do you play/have played?
As a kid, baseball and very briefly soccer. I tried to get into fencing in college but my knees were already too fucked-up by then.
Do you use sarcasm?
Yes, more than I would like.
What's the first thing you notice about a person?
I am not proud of this at all, but it registers pretty immediately whether or not I think they're physically attractive.
What's your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
I've never understood people who have firm preferences for "tone" in this way. Doesn't it depend on the story?
Where were you born?
Western Massachusetts born and bred, although I spent my childhood first in Vermont and later in New Jersey.
Any talents?
This is too vague to answer, but, like @staghunters, I too am pretty good at carrying maps and routes in my head.
Do you have any pets?
Two cats!
How tall are you?
Favorite subject at school?
English and woodshop. I've often said that if my interests had developed in a slightly different direction around the age of fourteen or fifteen I probably would have gone a very different life path and being doing some sort of skilled craftsmanship now.
Dream job?
Something in the gallery/library/archive/museum field, partly but not entirely remote, without too many early mornings.
Tagging @eucatastrophicblues @clarascuro @wedding-shemp @marzipanandminutiae @itsallwearecalledtodo
@mayasaura @carys-the-ninth @thatlowdoorinthewall @abigail-pent @maryblackwood
@sapphicscience @lilaccatholic @roseupfromthdead @sagebrushed @itsmybarricade, but don't feel obliged to answer if you don't want to!
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the-lonelyshepherd · 4 months
7 15 21 !!
omg hiii tysm for the ask :)
7. which character did you begin to hate not bc of canon but bc of how fandom acts around them
omg a controversial one 🤭🤭 wait they all are that’s the point. whatever.
ummm okay i don’t HATE any yj character tbhhhh. but like if i were to do smtn off of this …. probably jeff. i didn’t like him and then i was like okay he’s kinda funny im just gonna ignore him. but evryonesssss like omg my little pookie man wife. like NOOOO. NO.
so now i like him less again.
15. that thing you see in fanart all the time
MAKING THEM ALL LOOK THE SAME OR COMPLELTRY CHANGING THEIR FEATURES,,,, esp with poc characters. not gonna name names but,,,,like it’s an artstyle for some but if your artstyle can’t handle like a variety of faces or like. even basic things like nose shape. then just,,,, don’t do it. or learn and then do it. please🙏
yj has such a variety of faces so it’s been so fun to learn to draw from and AGH. just seeing them all look the same breaks my heart,,,,
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
OOO TOUGH ONE. a lot ?? 😭😭😭 but hard to pick specifically what. okay ummm we’re going controversial right. i say this as a lottienat shipper. lottienat is lwk overhyped. not that it SHOULDNT be hyped just its literallt half the content 🙏🙏🙏 there’s more to the show than them guys,,,,, there really is. and im lwk guilty of this too so no hate but 😭 im trying to get out of it.
wait while we’re at it. underhyped is the adult timeline there’s like NO adult content and i’ve seen people (again not naming names but GRRR) say that they HAVENT EVEN WATCHED THE ADULT TIMELINE. THATS HALF THE SHOW. HELLO. and an integral part too,,, like it’s all about how trauma shapes these characters. yall always ask to see how the characters end up like 20 years later in shows and when they give it to you? you SKIP it???? grow up 🫶🤭
tysm for the ask game posting this feels dangerous 🫡🫡🫡
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blastburnt · 7 months
8, 13 and 25 (>:3) for the art asks!
art asks waow
8. What is your favourite piece that you have done?
eeee it's hard for me to pick with digital pieces, but traditionally it's my baby the minotaur from 2022! i've never been able to paint anything as clean since. a teacher wanted to buy it off me but i loved it too much to let it go :P
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13. Are you looking to pursue a career in art?
mmmm a very uncertain yes? mostly because my brain is stuck in thinking of 'art career = commission artist' only - which i honestly think i would only enjoy as a side gig - even though i know there are a lot more roles in the industry. that's something for me to explore at uni i guess!!
25. Draw a picture!
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>:3 indeed....
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lesbianlotties · 3 months
ohohoho did that say vampire au???
it did!! 🦇🫶
unfortunately that was a very ambitious fic that i just had to put on pause before seriously starting to write it 😭 but hey s3 is closer every day so maybe that'll be the motivation i need!!
however i did have a nice little outline (a huge mess of badly described scenes? vibes? context?) so i can tell you something about it!
so the beginning, everything happened because actually dead cabin guy was just a dying vampire, and he bites lottie on the first night they reach the cabin. they bury him, believe he's so dead, that lottie was just confused, but oops! he's hunting them now! but also, that is kinda just happening in the background while the main focus is on the girls being gay gay vampires <3
ask me about my wips!
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deankarolina · 5 months
6, 14, 26, 28! BEEE MOVEY
Movies! 6.Releaseed before 1970 oh personally love Nosferatu (1922) but let me rec Carnival of Souls (1962) to you, an absolutely stunning film and uses spaces so well I think you'd vibe with it and could def connect it to some things (YJ) 14.Sci-FI Ohh let me give you Electric Dragon 80.000 V (2001) It's short at only 55 minutes but so fun 26.More than 2 and a Half hours long Gotta be Drive My Car (2021) am such a big fan of Ryusuke Hamaguchi and Drive my car is spectacular with such a amazing soundtrack 28.Part of a Series/Franchise A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors!!! I have such a love for this movie, and I really really wanna show it to you, it's got such heart and the makeup/sfx are done by Screaming Mad George like!!!!!
movie rec ask game
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rootsmachine · 9 months
orchid, chamomile, taro!
:) thank u
orchid - what's a song you consider to be perfect?
fast car by tracy chapman
chamomile - what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
i am a practical gift kind of person .. i love to receive practical things i want but would never spend the $$ on. for example my dad gave me a nice chef's knife for christmas, and my partner gave me a reusable yogurt/granola cup
taro - if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
OTHER than my lumpy ceramics, i recently moved and haven't been able to shut up about my apartment to ANYONE so . most people are subjected to me waxing poetic about my apt
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numinousnic · 1 year
AAAA i saw Caligari in the cinema with live music last year!!
it really is an experience. hope you have fun!
tyyy!! Caligari is one of my favorite silent films as it is, so I'm confident that I'll have a BLAST watching it in a theater
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genericfilmquote · 1 year
I love how every yellowjackets fan knows exactly what article this without from just the headline 😂 I sent it to someone else and they were immediately like 'saw this forbes is bullshit'! But honestly it was a dumb article, in my opinion season 2 has more than stepped up to the mark! The addition of Simone Kessell alone has been well worth it, really not seeing this supposed dip in quality 🤷‍♀️
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staghunting · 3 months
[Starting out a microfic challenge for this ship based on the orion black/harry potter punnett square I put up here]
"decathlon" - box 4 - retired harry pretending to be a muggle and canon orion
Orion was torn between tearing the Quidditch gear off the Muggle woman perched atop a motorbike, or staying in and finish his nightcap.
It wasn't his problem, he supposed, except that his house wards, custom-made and strong, were monitored severely by the Wizengamot for extra-magical ability outside of its boundaries, and all wix clothing emitted some beacon of magic from their maker's mark.
He'd be tagged. He can get out of it, but what a bothersome waste of time that would be.
It's not as if he can Apparate to the woman and Obliviate her, easy as it may be, distracted as she was with fishing through her lurid orange pockets.
Orion grimaced. Perhaps one could be forgiven for pawning off Chudley Cannons merch. But not for wearing them on the street.
As he was about to reach for the house wards to call all sorts of curses upon the woman, she triumphantly brandished a cigarette, stuck it in her mouth, and lit up the fag-end. The cupped flame illuminated a soft face surrounded by raven hair.
The Black family were starseers, born with unnaturally sharp eyes, and even from across the street Orion could make out long lashes, brown skin, and a vein-like scar slashed across her features.
The woman took a deep drag and an exhale, eyes searching for something and then-
Is she looking at Grimmauld Place?
Her gaze caught on Orion's. She gasped as he did, almost dropping her fag.
Orion didn't know what was more unsettling- that a Muggle saw through the Fidelius, Muggle-repelling charm; that her eyes were a bright shade of cat's eye green; or that they somehow recognized each other, though he was sure he had never seen her before.
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hattersarts · 2 years
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commissions for @trans-atomica @staghunters @/CracksWynonna on twitter, @parasite-3go, and @voidhamlet.
thank you all so much <3
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@staghunters asked me to post six albums I've been listening to a lot lately!
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Tagging @mayasaura @wedding-shemp @clarascuro @lilaccatholic @marzipanandminutiae @invisiblemelonmoose @mysticalsadgirl @carys-the-ninth @liesmyth @sagebrushed!
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the-lonelyshepherd · 2 months
4 and 22!
hiiii naina :))
4. what is your favorite book?
currently it’s The Beach by alex garland :) horrible fucked up weed smoking backpackers in paradise (?) it was awesome i just read it. it was written in the 90s so there’s some. questionable stuff. and i’ve heard the movie is bad but the book is fire so whatever
22. what is your most prized possession?
oh…. idk i don’t reallyyy have one. maybe my dads old guitar. or my dog does my dog count. she’s great
tysm for the ask :))
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blastburnt · 1 year
I kinda wanna give a go at making my own chili oil sometime. Got a good recipe to start with, or that's your fave?
okay so i don't think i've actually followed a recipe before, just loosely took guidance from various ones, this recipe being one of them. i'm always just praying that my ancestors are looking out for me, which works out for the most part. there's a specific balance i keep chasing so i'm always tweaking it, but what i roughly work with is:
rapeseed oil, enough to cover everything and then some
4-7 cloves of garlic, roughly chopped
2-3 star anise
1-2 bay leaves
1 cinnamon stick
really small knob of ginger
1/2 onion, sliced
1 tsp sugar
2-3 tsp MSG <- you can replace with salt instead
1 tbsp gochugaru / korean chili powder
1 tbsp sichuan peppercorns
1 tbsp black peppercorns
some chili flakes
20-40g whole dried chilis <- you can cut them into smaller pieces, but i tend to leave them as they are
throw everything together* into a small pot of oil and let it heat up gradually, then simmer on a medium low for at least 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. watch the chilies especially, that they don't get too dark - fish them out first if you need to. discard the cinnamon, bay leaves and star anise. people usually say to store it in an airtight container, but i'm lazy and just keep it in a bowl. tastes better after a day.
sometimes i add roasted peanuts and toasted sesame. i think i've tried adding five-spice? basically, it's fun to play around with ratios and whatnot - i've got all those peppercorns and extra chili flakes because i like having more kick to it, so reduce/increase whatever yknow?
*most recipes will have you keep the dried chilis separate for you to pour the hot oil over it, which i believe is to reduce the risk of burning them? but i prefer to let them cook with everything else - just have to keep an eye on it! somehow, i haven't had to worry about the other aromatics burning as much as the chilies...
**i tend to add the gochugaru + chili flakes in the last 10 mins so they're less likely to burn
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