#star wars holiday challenge
ladylucksrogue · 10 months
Well, I did it. In a burst of energy I got this thing done. It wouldn't leave me alone. So without further ado, I present my holiday contribution for the Star Wars challenge, my Hallmark AU
Now I am going to go hide and sleep. Enjoy :)
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inquisitor-apologist · 9 months
Honestly I think all the fake Christmas holiday stuff is really boring. Mandalorians don’t need Life Day they need a holiday celebrating how many deadly weapons they have + their kill counts be creative ffs
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clip-the-simp · 1 month
A Logan Holiday
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Ao3 Master list
Pairing: Logan Howlett // Wolverine x mutant!fem!reader
Word count: 2,536
Cw: slight proofreading, fluff, slight angst, winter holidays, language, alcohol, talks of war (?), this really is just kinda fluffy.
Summary: The reader tried to find Logan to celebrate the winter holidays. She finds him isolating himself from the festivities but doesn’t allow him to sulk in peace.
A/N: I got the writing bug and it’s for Logan. 7 year old me should NOT have been so down bad for this man but she was. But I guess that’s what happens when you have raging parental issues. Enjoy this very out of season dribble.
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The air had chilled from the winter that settled in during December. Snow dusted over the grounds of the Xavier Institute as it fell softly from the sky. Most of the children had gone home for the winter break but there were always a few that stuck around the mansion. However, even with many of the school's inhabitants gone, the halls were still lively with the holiday spirit.
Gambit along with Rouge were busy in the kitchen whipping up treats for everyone to enjoy. Their laughs could be heard from the hall as you passed which filled your heart with warmth.
Jubilee tasked herself with the responsibility to run through the mansion halls and decorat to her heart's content. She had nearly ran into you multiple times from not paying attention but it was understandable. Her and Kurt had challenged one another to see who was the better decorator. And from the look of things Jubilee was going to win this one.
Jean and Scott were busy putting up a pine tree in the massive living room. The tree towered over everyone who stood near it but that just gave ample opportunity for decorating. Scott of course took the lower branches while Jean used her abilities to fly to the top. Presents laid under the tree for everyone who stayed for the winter and it brought a smile to your face as you thought about all the love that filled the school.
Leaning against the door frame, you couldn’t help but think about how much you would enjoy spending this time with Logan but he was nowhere to be found. He had run off that morning and you couldn’t track him down. You knew he didn’t like the holidays but you wish he wouldn’t run off like he did. There was a hand suddenly on your shoulder that forced you out of your thoughts. Startled, you jumped around and found Ororo behind you. She looked just as shocked at your reaction as you were.
“Wow now it’s just me.” She reassured you with a smile. Having taken her hand off your shoulder, she returned it to her hot coffee mug that was in her other hand. You let out a sheepish chuckle as you caught yourself.
“Sorry Ororo. Been a little in my head this evening.” You leaned back against the door frame and continued watching as Jean placed the star at the top of the tree. Ororo hummed an understanding note with a nod.
“You’re worried about Logan, aren’t you?” She questioned as she took a slow sip from her drink. You gave her a weak smile at her acknowledgment. Everyone knew you were close to Logan, but no one knew just how close.
It was a one sided kinda love. The two of you had lived through the same worldly events. With every war you had found your way back to him. Although he never had noticed you. Your role was always that of a medic and since Logan never needed medical attention he had never taken notice of you. Sure there were many occasions he would bring a fellow soldier back from the battlefield, bloody and barely holding on to life, but he never stayed long. Through every war you had been there to watch him and his brother fight both on and off the field. When a war would end the two of you would part ways for the time, but war never changed and it always brought you back.
During the Vietnam war however was when you thought you lost him forever. After Logan’s brother Victor had killed a commanding officer they were sent to be executed. You knew it wouldn’t work but there was still a pain in your chest from knowing you wouldn’t see Logan again. That was until many years later when Scott had hauled Logan’s limp body into the institute which caused your heart to seize in your chest. But even with Logan being so close now you didn’t dare confuse that love you still felt for him. Not only because of your cowardice but also due to his lack of memory. There was no chance you would pursue what only you could remember of him.
So you decided to build a new. Scrubbing your memories of the old Logan for ones to make with the one standing today. He was still mostly the same gruff man you knew, but he no longer remembered what all had happened to him. With those thoughts floating though your head you shook them away to bring yourself back to the moment. Ororo looked at you with a soft smile and gentle eyes.
“How did you know?” You asked jokingly as you crossed your arms over your chest. Your smile became more stable as you straightened your posture. “You haven’t seen him have you?”
“Not since this morning. But Charles may have better knowledge of his whereabouts.” She offered before stepping through the large doorway. You watched as she settled herself down on the couch in front of the fireplace. The fire crackled and kept the room warm despite the large windows that covered most of the walls in the room.
Deciding to take Ororo’s suggestion you went to find The Professor. If you remembered correctly he and Hank had settled into the library to play chess while reminiscing on the past. Making your way there you bumped into Kurt who teleported right in front of you causing him to run into your chest.
“Oh, sorry! Gotta run! Can’t have Jubs beat me!” And with that he was gone in a flash. A chuckle left your lips as you made it to the library where you found Charles. The men sat at a table with a chest bored in front of them, but as you entered both raised their heads to look at you.
“Hello professor, I’m sorry to bother you but have you seen Logan?” Your words came out more rushed then had been intended but you were starting to get antsy. He couldn’t have just dropped off the face of the earth. All the vehicles were still in the garage so you know he was here somewhere.
“I haven’t my dear. But we both know how he gets around the holidays.” The Professor informed you with a wariness in his voice. Charles was the only one to know of your history with Logan and understood your care for the man. You let out a sigh as another attempt to find Logan failed.
“I know. But Thank you Professor, I’m sure he’s around here somewhere. See ya.” You bid farewell to the two chess players before walking to your room. It was almost driving you mad trying to find Logan. Deciding to take a break you went to your room to change and grab the gift you had for the Wolverine. You had been walking around the mansion in your sweatpants and a festive long sleeve shirt but decided it was time to take the search outside.
As you finished changing into your jeans and put on a jacket over your long sleeve you looked out the window. When looking outside you’re immediately greeted with the pond, but if you look farther you can see some of the trees that scatter the grounds, limbs bare of leaves. In one of those trees you had spotted a shadowy figure amongst its branches. There was no doubt in your mind who it was. So in a quick fashion. You laced up your shoes, grabbed the gift off your night stand, and ran out the door as you tucked it into a large inner pocket of your jacket.
The air bit at your exposed skin as you stepped out. The snow was still falling steadily to the ground as you found yourself outside. Not wanting to get your shoes to wet you formed a small disk of light particles and jumped on.
Your mutation allowed you to manipulate atoms on a subatomic level which you used to your utmost advantage. But you never used them in the ways a villain would, only ever utilizing them for shield defense or healing small injuries on others.
Maneuvering the disk under your feet you made your way over to the tree Logan resided in. It didn’t take long before you were at the base of the tree. Dissolving the light you had used leaving you standing in the snow behind Logen, you stared up at him.
Logan’s face was lit only by the full moon that hung high in the sky, casting a glow over his features. His brows were furrowed while deep in thought as he slumped over the tree limb he was perched on. You couldn’t help admiring him even if he seems upset. Taking a moment to clear your throat you began to speak.
“Mind if I join you?” You heard a grumble from the man as he registered your existence. Taking a moment to unslouch his shoulders he looked down at you .
“I just can’t seem to lose you can I?” Logan gruffed as he watched you summon another disk to lift you up into the tree. His eyes trained on your every move as you plopped down beside him on the sturdy branch.
“You have no idea.” You retorted as you let your legs swing back and forth. He raised his eyebrow at that remark which caused you to pale slightly. “Why don’t you come inside? It’s a lot warmer and you wouldn’t be alone.” You quickly changed the subject back to your mission. A slight growl left Logan’s throat as he slumped back into his previous stance.
“That’s why I’m out here, kid. I want to be alone.” His eyes became fixed on the vast yard that laid before him. The snow was building steadily over the grass as the temperature continued to drop.
“Well that’s too damn bad.” You informed him which only caused his brow to furrow deeper. His leather jacket tightened against his back as he inhaled. Logan knew you weren’t going to just leave him. No matter how mean he got or how unsavory, you stayed. He never understood why and figured he never would.
“But since you’re not going to come in,” you opened up your jacket to pull out the present. He turned his attention back to you and his eyes widened just a fraction. “here. I got you a little something.”
It wasn’t wrapped due to its odd shape but you figured he wouldn’t mind too much. As you handed it over he took a moment to examine it. On an overnight mission in Ireland Logan and yourself had found a local pub. He wasn’t too picky when it came to his whisky but you couldn’t help notice the way he enjoyed this particular brand.
So on the last day of the mission you had wandered back into that same bar and bribed the bartender to sell you an unopened bottle. You were lucky to not have been caught with the liquor on your way back into the institute.
It clicked in Logan’s head instantly as he turned the bottle over in his hands. The Amber liquid sloshed steadily around the glass as he turned it. You watched as he examined it, slowly starting to become self conscious of the gift. His silence wasn’t helping either. The cold had started to bite through your jacket causing you to pull the zipper up your neck. Your gaze fell to the ground below as you started to ramble.
“I saw how you enjoyed it while we were in Ireland so I just thought-“ you were cut off as Logan pulled you into his side. His hand rested on your waist as he brought you closer. The warmth he radiated through his own jacket soothed the chill that had begun to settle into your bones. You looked up at Logan a bit astonished and found he was already looking at you.
“Thank you.” He said simply. There was a genuine appreciation in his tone which caused your face to warm. He was so close which sent your system into overload. Your body grew hot as a spark shot up your spine from the contact.
“No problem.” You replied with a slight shake in your voice. Logan’s grip on your waist disappeared as he shuffled beside you. Too focused on the loss of contact you were startled when his jacket was draped over your shoulders. The smell of his cigars and a lingering scent of pine filled your nose. You couldn’t help tucking yourself further into the warm leather, pulling your arms through the sleeves.
“Thank you. Guess my jacket wasn’t as thick as I thought it was.” You sheepishly admitted. Logan let out a chuckle before placing his arm back around you. His other hand still gripped the bottle of Whisky.
“You should get back inside before you catch a cold.” He warned, his thumb slowly rubbing your side. You let out a chuckle before poking at his shoulder.
“I’m not leaving without you.” A smile bloomed across your face as he let out a sigh. He knew you weren’t lying when you said that. There had been many occasions you had done it before, he both loved and hated that about you. With a grumble he removed his arm from around your waist and jumped down from the tree.
“Come on then.” He said before placing the bottle of whisky in the snow and reached a hand up towards you. A look of skepticism passed over your face as your head tilted to the side.
“Are you going to catch me?” You couldn’t help but ask. There was no doubt in your mind that he wouldn’t. Logan never deliberately hurt you, except for a few times during training. But you had asked him to not hold back, so he didn’t.
“Always.” Logan reassured you with a smile across his face. The branch wasn’t too high up but it would still hurt like a bitch if you landed wrong. So with cautious movement you pushed yourself off and within seconds you were against Logan’s chest. Your arms wrapped around his neck and he held you flush to his body.
You didn’t want to let go. It felt so right being this close to him in his embrace. However you knew that moment had to come to an end. He put you down so your feet were on solid ground before turning to pick up the whisky bottle. Your grip tightened on Logan’s jacket as he began to walk toward the mansion. You summoned one last disk before gliding beside him. Hovering off the ground you were now eye level with Logan.
“I knew you’d come around.” You leaned in to elbow him, he was so easy to tease. Sure Logan had a bad temper and an even worse past, but even with his gruff exterior he was a sweet guy underneath. As much as he didn’t want to admit it. He looked over at you and placed an arm across your shoulders. Hand resting on your shoulder and giving a slight squeeze.
“Shut up.” He grumbled.
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604to647 · 10 months
Safest with You - Series Masterlist
Modern AU with Retired Mob Enforcer!Din Djarin x fem!reader
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Summary: Din Djarin, retired mob enforcer, falls in love, but worries his past could put his future (you) in danger.
A/N: First time writer, please be gentle 🥹 This is a modern AU where Din is a former enforcer for the Fett family, and the world building and relationship development between Din and Reader takes place over many chapters. Some Star Wars names thrown in for fun, but there aren't meant to be any serious parallels to canon. Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy my brain rot for everyone’s favourite tin man 🥰
Series warnings: Chapters with smut denoted with 🚑, chapters with angst denoted with ❤️‍🩹, fluff throughout. Individual instalment warnings are included in each post.
Ch. 1 (The Coffeeshop)
Ch. 2 (The Bookstore)
Ch. 3 (The Drycleaner)
Ch. 4 (The First Date)
Ch. 5 (The Courtship)
Ch. 6 (The Courtship, Din's POV) ❤️‍🩹
Ch. 7 (The Third Date) ❤️‍🩹
Ch. 8 (The Cab) ❤️‍🩹
Ch. 9 (The Dam Breaks) 🚑
Ch. 10 (The Afterglow) 🚑
Ch. 11 (The Poker Game) (a summary)
Ch. 11 Addendum (After The Poker Game) 🚑
Ch. 12 (The Workout) 🚑
Ch. 13 (The Birthday)
Ch. 14 (The Subway) 🚑
Ch. 15 (The BBQ) 🚑
Ch. 16 (The Match-up) 🚑
Ch. 17 (The Preparations) 🚑
Ch. 18 (The Threat) 🚑 ❤️‍🩹 Inspo
Ch. 19 (The Betrayal) 🚑 ❤️‍🩹
Ch. 20 (The Way to Get Over Someone, Part 1)❤️‍🩹
Ch. 21 (The Way to Get Over Someone, Part 2)🚑 ❤️‍🩹 new!
Ch. 22 (The Long Road to Forgiveness)
Art new!
Dog walk (@kenobiwanx commission 🙏🏻)
Bedtime (@pinkiemme Ch. 11A commission 🥹) 🚑 new!
One-shots and Drabbles (same AU)
All the one shots and drabbles can be slotted in the above timeline; as the chapters get written, I’ll note where they fit in. For now, consider the below to all be set when Din and Reader are in an established relationship (hence the smut 😂).
Carnival Fright Night 🚑 (set between Ch. 12 & 14)
Lingerie 🚑 (set anytime after Ch. 10) (Link to the Lingerie set)
The Wedding, Part 2 🚑 (insert btwn Ch. 17 & 18) (Moodboard by @hellishjoel - thank you!)
2 More Days (A Textfic) 🚑 - Part 1, Part 2 (set anytime after Ch. 12)
Holiday Remix (A Textfic) (set anytime after Ch. 12)
Let Me Carry It For You (SBowl 🏈 Drabble) (set right after Ch. 11)
The Mando Roll (Valentine’s Day Special) (set anytime after Ch. 10)
Hat Trick (set anytime after Ch. 12) Part 2 (The Playoffs) 🚑
Birthday Bunny 🚑 (HBD P! 🥳)
Gouda Girl (Happy Pedro Hours Challenge)
Alfredo’s the best dog
Favourite nook
Walking the dog
POV: On a date with Din
Naming of Mando’s Gym inspo
Working at Mando’s
Paz Vizsla face cast
Excellent boxing advice
Young boxer Din inspo
Series vibes and this amazing graphic by @gasolinerainbowpuddles (thank you!)
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misshoneyimhome · 8 months
i LIVE for dad willy!! imagine willy taking his little baby to the all star game. getting to take the baby on the ice and hanging around w his teammates. i can’t it’s so cute
Oh darling, I hear you 🤗❤️
Now I might have accidentally mixed up my own timeline, my bad 🙈 but I attempted to incorporate it into this 「Dad!Willy x reader」 (I'm not saying my manifestation worked, but my manifestation worked 🙌🏼) and simply expanded upon the plot - and yes, we're embracing the Star Wars order for this one 😂
But I sincerely hope you enjoy it, love 🤍
Word count; 1.2K
・✶ 。゚
Hey now, you’re All Star 🌟 I William Nylander [Dad!Willy]
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Being pregnant was likely one of the toughest things you've ever experienced, maybe only surpassed by the pain of giving birth. But fortunately, that part tended to fade from memory, thanks to the brain's chemical magic.
Yet, what proved even more challenging was when William hit the road with the Leafs, leaving you alone with your newborn. Thankfully, both your mum and William's mum came to your aid during the team's first week away since your son's birth.
Still, it was tough. You simply wanted William to fully engage with his new role as a parent. That meant waking up in the middle of the night when the baby cried, handling round-the-clock feeding, and changing diapers. Naturally, William wasn't too thrilled about those tasks; they weren't exactly his favourite types of duties.
But whenever he was home in Toronto, though, you made sure he took on his fair share of parenting responsibilities – minus the breastfeeding, which had to do with formula. And surprisingly, William embraced the father role quite adeptly. He was even amazed at how fatherly he felt.
In the last months of your pregnancy, William had a bundle of concerns about the impending chapter in your lives. But fortunately, the other fathers on the team provided ample support, guiding him through the typical worries of first-time fatherhood. And when Eliot finally arrived, William felt well-prepared for his new role.
He proudly took Eliot to the rink to introduce him to his teammates, carrying him around and even skating a few rounds, while you nervously watched from the side-lines. Nothing went wrong; and it was utterly adorable, almost enough to make your ovaries applaud.
And the first hockey games with Eliot were memorable too. Snuggled up in a blanket with oversized headphones on his tiny head, you watched as the Leafs hit the ice.
Then the first offseason came, and it was exhilarating as you both embraced your roles as full-time parents. Travelling back home to visit your parents and heading to Sweden to spend time with William's family were cherished moments. And upon returning to Toronto, you settled back into your routine, with William focused on hockey, and you splitting your time between fellow hockey mums and juggling remote work.
Easier said than done, though. Despite Eliot being a sweet child, being alone with a new born wasn't always a stroll in the park.
So, whenever William had a day off, you made him take over parenting duties so you could catch up on some much-needed sleep. And as he, too, needed the rest after days filled with hockey games and training, eventually, you settled disagreements on who should take the parenting reins with mature rounds of rock, paper, scissors.
The holidays were the next highlight on your calendar – the first Christmas together as a small family of three. And it was absolutely wonderful. Eliot was, of course, spoiled with presents, and you went all out with Christmas decorations. It was a wholesome experience, with most of William's and your family members visiting, some attending hockey matches, while others helped care for Eliot and prepare dinner.
And after the holidays, you returned to the routine of everyday life in January – or as "every day" as life could be as a hockey partner. Just a week into the new year, William's contract extension was in its final stages, and you were beyond excited about the outcome. Naturally, you’d followed him everywhere, knowing that being with both him and your child was essential. But when the contract negotiations concluded, you were beyond thrilled that your family would remain in Toronto for the next eight years.
In your mind, this stability meant Eliot could enjoy a solid childhood without frequent moves. And it was no secret that it held special significance for William, given his own experience of not staying in one place for long during childhood.
To add to the excitement, William was gearing up to participate in this year's NHL All-Star Game events, an extra special occasion as it would be hosted in Toronto. Fans had voted him in, marking his debut as one of the players on the ice. It was an event that everyone looked forward to, though you were also slightly jealous of hearing the other wives were talking about finally having some time off with their husbands. 
Yet, the All-Star Game turned out to be a fantastic event.
The NHL had gone all out in preparations for the All-Star event – red carpets, journalists, countless interviews, and interactions with the Toronto community. William, alongside Auston, Mo, and Mitchy, was in the spotlight. And naturally, your man had to make his entrance with nothing but style.
You could almost sense how many people were admiring him, but as you stood there holding Eliot in your arms, all you felt was pride. Only one person felt prouder than you: William.
At the first opportunity, he scooped up Eliot and proudly showcased him to the cameras. Everyone commented on how stylish the little Willy Styles lookalike appeared, and you couldn't help but beam as William posed with him.
Even during interviews, Eliot sat contentedly in William's lap. Luckily, he was a well-behaved child, sitting still while William answered questions.
Then the main event began.
After the drafting ceremony, you quickly found matching jerseys for you and Eliot to support the blue team. The then the All-Star challenges began. William of course excelled in almost all the disciplines, and the blue team even secured a victory in the end.
Yet, the most amazing part of the weekend wasn't just witnessing William's stellar performance on the ice. It was the company of other partners, combined with the electric energy from the fans in the arena – an experience beyond imagination if you hadn't been there. You had the chance to mingle with other players on a friendly level, given that it wasn't part of the regular season. And meeting unexpected celebrities added to the overall fantastic atmosphere.
Then came the moment that melted your heart all over again.
William skated back onto the ice, this time holding Eliot in front of everyone – the fans, fellow hockey players, and cameras. And he exuded nothing but pride. William was thrilled to showcase his first-born son, a moment he hadn't expected to experience so soon in his life.
It was incredible how Eliot could sleep through almost all of it – a clear testament to who his father was, something you couldn't help but find incredibly amusing.
And after the time in the spotlight, you caught up with two of William's sisters, Michelle and Stephanie as they, too, were thrilled about Eliot, playing the role of the young and energised aunts. Which allowed you and William to have a brief moment to yourselves.
"Have I ever mentioned how much I love you?" William smiled, finally able to hold you closely with no cameras around and no baby in between you.
"Not nearly enough," you chuckled before pulling him in for a heartfelt kiss.
The kiss deepened a sweet and intimate moment that spoke volumes without the need for words. You both relished in the tranquillity, grateful for this stolen moment of connection amidst the whirlwind of events. As you pulled away, there was a shared understanding that, amid the exciting and busy life you led, these quiet moments together were the ones you cherished the most. With a lingering smile, you and William rejoined the company of family and friends, appreciating the joyous atmosphere surrounding you.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 4 months
a list of some summer movies/series 🌞
hi hi hi!! it's just me, your friendly neighbourhood little organisation freak of a goblin here to give you yet again a list of some seasonal movies and series. this time, say it with me folks, summer! as always, just close your eyes and point somewhere on this little list, or even put the numbers in a generator and go with whatever the result is ♡
autumn | winter | spring
🐚 ‧₊˚ ⋅ movies ⋅˚₊‧
roman holiday (1953)
jaws (1975)
friday the 13th (1980)
Indiana jones (1981-)
dirty dancing (1987)
the princess bride (1987)
paris is burning (1990)
point break (1991)
jurassic park (1993-)
before sunrise (1995)
a goofy movie (1995)
clueless (1995)
birdcage (1996)
boogie nights (1997)
i know what you did last summer (1997)
my best friend's wedding (1997)
parent trap (1998)
bilboard dad (1998)
tarzan (1999)
the talented mr. ripley (1999)
10 things I hate about you (1999)
the mummy (1999)
cast away (2000)
almost famous (2000)
our lips are sealed (2000)
charlie’s angels (2000 + 2003)
holiday in the sun (2001)
the wedding planner (2001)
the fast and furious franchise (2001-)
princess diaries (2001-2004)
lilo and stitch (2002)
blue crush (2002)
crossroads (2002)
how to lose a guy in 10 days (2003)
under the tuscan sun (2003)
the lizzie mcguire movie (2003)
pirates of the caribbean franchise (2003-2017)
sisterhood of the traveling pants (2005-2008)
monster in law (2005)
aquamarine (2006)
she’s the man (2006)
the cheetah girls 2 (2006)
high school musical 2 (2007)
camp rock (2008)
vicky cristina barcelona (2008)
fool's gold (2008)
mamma mia (2008 + 2018)
adventureland (2009)
bride wars (2009)
hannah montana the movie (2009)
the last song (2010)
letters to juliet (2010)
eat pray love (2010)
one day (2011+2024)
a little bit of heaven (2011)
soul surfer (2011)
the impossible (2012)
magic mike (2012+2025+2023)
the big wedding (2013)
lovelace (2013)
endless love (2014)
chef (2014)
the longest ride (2015)
mad max: fury road (2015)
the shallows (2016)
it (2017)
girls trip (2017)
baywatch (2017)
jumanji: welcome to the jungle (2017)
gifted (2017)
call me by your name (2017)
crazy rich asians (2018)
adrift (2018)
ibiza (2018)
every day (2018)
bad times at the el royale (2018)
tomb raider (2018)
the red sea diving resort (2019)
midsommar (2019)
we summon the darkness (2019)
spider-man: far from home (2019)
the devil all the time (2020)
palm springs (2020)
the last letter from your lover (2021)
raya and the last dragon (2021)
luca (2021)
uncharted (2022)
glass onion (2022)
do revenge (2022)
the lost city (2022)
the gray man (2022)
death on the nile (2022)
barbie (2023)
bottoms (2023)
anyone but you (2023)
la passion de dodin bouffant (2023)
road house (2024)
the challengers (2024)
players (2024)
twisters (2024)
🍦 ‧₊˚ ⋅ series ⋅˚₊‧
the o.c. (2003-2007)
america's next top model (2003-2018)
project runway (2004-)
h2o: just add water (2006-2010)
gossip girl (2007-2012)
private practice (2007-2013)
rupaul’s drag race (2009-)
the walking dead (2010-2022)
new girl (2011-2018)
the fosters (2013-2018)
black-ish (2014-2022)
jane the virgin (2014-2019)
grace and frankie (2015-2022)
critical role (2015-)
stranger things (2016-)
the durrells (2016-2019)
big little lies (2017-2019)
she's gotta have it (2017-2019)
the bold type (2017-2021)
queer eye (2018-)
station 19 (2018-2024)
euphoria (2019-)
roswell, new mexico (2019-2022)
valeria (2020-2023)
911: lone star (2020-)
outer banks (2020-)
bridgerton (2020-)
sex/life (2021-2023)
the white lotus (2021-2025)
daisy jones and the six (2023)
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ay0nha · 1 year
Some Unholy War | Theseus Scamander (II)
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SUMMARY: You could feel the warmth of your frustration start in your chest, only to spread across your skin as goosebumps.  The windchill was harsh, but you appreciated the way Theseus noticed—always so attentive. His desires were written on his face; in any other circumstance, his jacket would become yours.
PAIRING: Theseus Scamander x f!reader  
WARNINGS: canon-typical things, smoking, angst, morally gray reader, mutual pining, semi enemies-to- lovers, always a protective Theseus, SLOW burn, etc.  
A/N: If you saw this originally posted...no you didn’t...I didn’t love the flashback I wrote, so I wrote a different one (which is semi-inspired by this post/idea because I love it, such accuracy @star-writes4​). Thank You @kalllistos for your patience with me <3 I have such a cute idea for the next chapter, so stay tuned hehehe...Let me know if you want to be tagged. Enjoy.
— Years prior —
“You can join me inside, you know…” You spoke to your shadow, lighter illuminating your face in the dark alley. On your exhale, you continued your invitation, “...You’ll catch a cold out here.”
After a few heartbeats of hesitation and avoiding the growing puddles, Theseus came into the dingy reflection of the neon sign. “Not convinced my kind is welcomed…”
“Like that’s ever stopped you…” Your tinted lips perked. Theseus' apparel was enough to give away his position. Always so poised. “There are some people I’m sure you’re dying to meet...”
“I’m out of my jurisdiction here.” His hands remained in his pockets, a nervous tick that seemed to run in his family. It was a deceiving behavior, as it came across as a part of his confident stature. “...and overdue for a holiday.”
“Of course.”
Theseus’ hair perked at the humidity. The gel struggled to keep the curls at bay while rain pelted the architecture. The heavy pattern created a cool draft through the outside entryways and a whistling that challenged the music emanating from within the small club.
“Don’t look so stiff, Theseus.” You teased, but he had yet to seem very receptive. “You can be anyone you want here.”
He hummed with genuine nature that briefly peeked out. “And who are you tonight?”
Your eyes were always sharp, cutting through him easily. When you were kids, it was enough to scare him off, but Theseus became fortified. Yet, you knew how he worked just as well. He had a knack for easing you into a conversation riddled with hidden questions and desires. It was as if he softened the blow for something that he knew would end poorly.  Your frown began.
“I haven’t decided yet.” Unwavering in your response, you flicked the remnants of your cigarette into the street. Theseus swallowed his scoff at the action, but it only fueled your conviction. “Add it to my list of grievances.”
His gaze was determined, dancing around something obvious. The stack of papers on his desk most likely doubled in his absence. When he saw your name, he was ready to pass it off like any of the others. It hadn’t caught his attention until it ruminated in his mind so long that he spent hours digging through files to confirm that it really was you.
He reminisced about the old school days, expecting clues to reemerge to explain your behavior. Yet, all he could remember was how you were a few years younger—your nose always pointed to the sky in hopes of finding something more interesting than what was before you. The faded memories merged together the longer Theseus dwelled on them.
“You want to know what I think?” He prodded, waiting for your hum of encouragement.  You wore a dress made for dancing, and your lips were painted a sinfully alluring shade of red. Theseus almost succumbed to the distraction. “You’re someone out of their depth.”
There it is, you thought. The pleasantries would only last for so long until Theseus tallied your faults. You knew it was part of a greater protective character, but you’d evolved, and he favored ignoring your independence.
“Oh, Theseus…” You tutted with a sore smile, arms locked together with defensiveness. “...and here I thought you missed me.”
“What have you gotten yourself into?” He moved closer to you, trying to soothe your frown. Holding back from reaching out, Theseus persisted, “If you have a time-turner—
“We’re not in school anymore.” The argument felt juvenile, but you spat your words quickly, unwilling to meet your sentence. “I can handle myself.”
The situation was ironic due to how time ruled the very encounter. It was only a matter of time until Theseus latched onto the rumor that brought him here. And there was only so much time left before his warning would become a threat. The possession of such an item had added weight to your shoulders. It was a new sensation, and the buzz of adrenaline that came with it was irredeemable. It only worsened when you learned it came easily to you. It was a genuine skill.
You could feel the warmth of your frustration start in your chest, only to spread across your skin as goosebumps.  The windchill was harsh, but you appreciated the way Theseus noticed—always so attentive. His desires were written on his face; in any other circumstance, his jacket would become yours. But you cut him off before he could offer, clipping the argument with the truth.
“It is nice to see you, Theseus.” Just not like this, you omitted. “How’s Newt?”
“Still finding himself in all sorts of…well—you know how Newt…” His hands returned to his pockets as he shuffled slightly. “...those creatures…His creatures are doing well, I suppose…it’s always a fine way of passing time…”
Theseus wasn’t one to ramble nor participate seriously in small talk. Yet, with you mitigating the conversation, it was hard to ease back into what he had come for. Your change in topic wasn’t a distraction at all, just another dig at Theseus’ character.
“You should learn to take people more seriously.” You bit at your own defense veiled by his brother’s prospects. “Maybe then, you’d get what you want.”
The forgotten rain began to pick up. A soft spray that snuck past the protection of the awning begged for you to find warmth inside. You refused to curl into yourself. Instead, you pushed yourself off the brick wall to brush everything into the past.
“Enjoy your holiday, Theseus.”
“Look—” Stopped by your arm, Theseus paused with thought. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”
“I know what I’m doing.” You were softer this time, but your furrowed brow still exposed your upset. But it relaxed as Theseus's hand trailed your arm to find your hand.
“I don’t doubt that.” He spoke earnestly.
Quietness followed the slight embrace that you broke after a small squeeze. The contact allowed Theseus to speak freely, but you wouldn’t listen to more. You knew what he would say, and that was enough.
“Let me buy you a drink.” You blamed the barflies stumbling out the door beside you for your sentimentality. Theseus gave you a tentative look you knew you could break. “Just the one…And if you’re lucky, I’ll tell you what I know.” It was a promise. “I’m feeling charitably inclined tonight.”
The tips of Theseus’ fingers continued to tingle despite their loneliness.  His pockets felt cold. “And why’s that?”
“I’ve met someone.”
— Present Day —
You hadn’t believed in love, and you were ready to carry that grudge—until him.
Avery Sinclair.
It wasn’t proper love, proving your skepticism in the emotion correctly. But it was the closest you’ve ever been, would ever be. He charmed you with his intelligence but decidedly made pearl dust a main ingredient in your relationship. It ensured your vision was so muddled you were willing to sacrifice yourself for him. Avery determined your demise before you could even pick up a scent.
The auror, he had told you. Rid us of him.
To this day, the memory was disillusioned by your coerced fidelity. The memory was more of an overlapping feeling. It was like your body wasn’t your own, stepping into an event without an invitation. You could still feel the heat of the fire you started and the desperation of your scream when you were pushed to your knees. Even then, you failed to remember things coherently.
Yet, when your vision finally cleared, only Aurors surrounded you. Theseus fronted the brigade with a grimace that reflected his disdain. You hadn’t known the expression was a mix of pity and guilt due to the fact that his name would be inherently tied to your public conviction. You just felt like you could finally breathe without a struggle.
“Did you hear me?” Theseus prompted you again, pulling you out of a shared past. He noted your gaze drifting, a thousand-yard stare replacing a genuine exchange. “Listen carefully; we only have so much time until—
“This is what your promotion got you.” You observed the spacious office you’d been in. Your tone asked if it was worth it. Your value was reflected in the fine leather seats, the expensive wood desk, and the plaque that named Theseus’ higher position.
Those who transported you expected catastrophe, but you entrusted your silence. You were calculated enough to know when to hold your tongue, but once in the atrium of the Ministry, you could no longer sit so stoically.
Theseus went to say your name, imploring you to focus, but you only challenged him. He held your stare just as strongly, “You underestimate the scale of this.”
“As if that matters...” You frowned only to follow with deeply rooted sarcasm, “...in a system that is so fair and competent.”
Your words were your only defense against something so factual. Although you were in danger, it had yet to actualize and frighten you as it had Theseus. To him, you were ready to give up, engage entirely with the peril Sinclair would unleash. Your indifference only confirmed his sentiments.
Theseus began to pace. With each step, he attempted to restrain his insults. How you looked at him only provoked a wave of pent-up anger, “You have always been so cruel…”
“If I'm cruel, then what does that make you, Theseus?” You were ready for the conversation; your thoughts honed and practiced. “If I'm cruel, then you must be something much worse.”
“I'm trying to help you.” His voice was low, afraid those whispering about your presence—capture—would overhear his admission. In time, you’d learn that his words were genuine, that he was risking more than you realized.
“No.” You spoke definitively, head shaking with refutation. “What you do is selfish. You help with a suffocating hand—
“You don’t get to make this my fault. You chose him.” The silence to follow echoed his regret. You eyed his uncharacteristic agitation as he tried to rectify his mistake.
“Theseus!” A voice boomed, entering the office. Torquil Travers. “There you are, now—This is her?” With a passing look of disgust, he let out another booming statement. “Have you located Sinclair?”
“Yes, sir.” Theseus’ bluntness evaporated the previous argument. Yet, his eyebrow twitched. The micro expression revealed too much. His body contradicted his words.
You rolled your eyes at the formality. After all these years, Theseus still couldn’t shake the nickname that followed him during his younger years—Schoolboy hero.
Suck up, you thought.
“Ensure this gets done.” Travers’ attitude indicated he felt the time in Theseus’ office was already wasted. “Quietly.”
Theseus held a tight-lipped smile. “Of course, sir.”
Time, too, was his concern, and it became obvious the longer Travers remained in his office. You wanted answers of your own, but you could be patient as there were more pressing desires.
“These come off.” You said evenly, gaining the attention of those in the room. Yet, Travers looked around as if your voice was foreign and your presence was no more than a nuisance.
His posture straightened with arrogance, prompting Theseus, “Handle that.”
That. Your position was clarified. You were no longer a person, no longer a witch. You were—that. Theseus felt ill, agreeing once again to his boss’ request before he left. Theseus intentionally kept his back to you, trying to form the words that explained what he had to do—what he was assigned to do. Handling that meant telling you the cuffs were to stay on.
Emotion flooded your chest; you missed your isolation. Solitude made things simpler. Though now there was no choice. You were to be bait; you were meant to lure Sinclair in. It was Theseus’ idea, only as a form of protection and to bide time for him to figure out something more promising.
With a hand tucked in his waistband and the other rubbing across his jaw in thought, Theseus stared ahead at his desk. He seemed at a loss and could only resort to honesty. “I want you to trust me.”
You did. You had. You relied on him in the past. At one point, you would have considered him the only one that had the privilege. You thought he had understood that. Your relationship had naturally ebbed and flowed. It was required when you were such opposites, but mutual respect helped it remain.
Theseus promised he wouldn’t follow you that night, but that was the same night he was no longer a man of his word. For your own good, his own remark nauseated him. It had felt so right at the moment, a moment of long-coming justice, but it was not only a trap for you but for him.
He would never fall for it again. With a weak rasp of the knuckles to his desk, Theseus’ mind settled.  His side was chosen.
Coming close, he crouched down to your seated level. You remained still, his motions far too interesting to pull away. He began trailing your arms until he reached the metal at your wrists. “...You’re not safe with them on.”
You'd grown so accustomed to the weight of the bracelets on your wrists. They weighed you down in every way you could imagine. You learned to move with them smartly, using your magic so strategically that it felt like a chore rather than an extension of yourself. And now, seeing your wrists empty, you fought off a misplaced nostalgia.
You had never meant to become the villain. You just didn't know what else to do.
Theseus watched as your eyes welled with emotion, knowing you’d never let actual tears form. He thought to move forward and bring any sort of comfort to the situation, but you moved quicker than the thought was formed.
His breath was lost, the world around him dissolving into a deep color. Your hand gripped his collar, but it felt like he was being pressed hard from all directions. The journey was nauseating and familiar. The surroundings no longer reflected the Ministry, the marble flooring was replaced by puddles, and the air was no longer crisp but heavy with humidity.
Your laugh bubbled, starting slowly with the feeling of surprise that evolved into pure joy. You refused to be tracked by your magic, so you typically abstained. The feeling of magic again was like a feeling of renewal—an electricity that scratched a phantom itch.
You glanced at a flushed Theseus, “...Remember this place?”
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greyias · 9 months
SWTOR-Tumblr Annual Holiday Party
SWTOR Holiday Party - Star Forge Server
Saturday, December 30th -  4:00 PM ET / 3:00 PM CT  / 1:00 PM PT / 9:00 PM GMT
Countdown // Translate to your timezone
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Come on out this Saturday for some cross-faction fun! For the fifth(!) year in a row, we’ll be throwing snowballs at each other on scenic, but chilly, Ilum. Grab your snowballs/snowball cannons/tinsel bombs for a little holiday get-together!
We’ll be meeting up on Ilum on the Eastern Ice Shelf at the twin frozen lakes, which is south of the Imperial Base Camp, and east of the Republic Way Station.
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Type /cjoin TumblrChat to shout at people long distance, or you can whisper me on the name “Greyias” if you need some help finding where we’re at. (Whispers will only work on Pubside unfortunately, only because of cross-faction restrictions)
Need to grab some snowballs? Head over to the Master of Ceremonies on your respective faction’s fleet and purchase the snowball item.
Come on out, we’d love to see you!
And now, look under the cut for some of our really silly, 100% optional, party traditions we sometimes indulge in:
Ugly Life Day swtor Sweater Challenge
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A lot of the lowbie chest pieces on the starter planets (like the Nerfherder tunic), also dye really well. Truly the potential in-game are practically endless.
White Bantha Gift Exchange
Find or bring some random in-game object to exchange with some unwitting bystander another partygoer! The more useless, unique, or hilarious the item, the better!
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Use the in-game trade function to exchange the “gift” to someone live! Alternately you can mail it to your recipient of choice, the but it can sometimes take up to an hour for it to be delivered.
The only catch with this activity that I can tell is that you have to be on the same faction in order to trade with or mail another player. Because apparently rival factions must be at war, or something lame like that. Like the name of the game is Star Wars or something. 
Again, both of these are 100% optional (so is the snowball fight for that matter), you can just come and hang out with us if that’s all you want to do! The goal is for us to have fun and hang out with each other in-game as a community, so as long as you have fun, that’s all that matters! ♥
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hathorneheiress · 11 months
Just some Hawthorne head cannons. + Avery.
Nash mastered guitar one year for his birthday challenge.
Grayson loves taking long, hot baths with TONS of bubbles!!
Jameson's favorite holiday is April Fools
Avery hates to sing in front of people, but she actually has a good singing voice.
Nash was afraid of holding Grayson for the first time after he was born, but when he found out babies don't break when holding them, he would then hold Gray for hours.
Xander built his first robot when he was four.
Pillow fights were a weekly occurrence for the boys.
Avery and her mom would buy candy (When they had the money) and then binge watch a series while binging on candy.
When Jameson found that out, he surprised her with a mountain of candy and they binged watched Rom Coms all night.
Xander would climb trees when he was younger, but then would need help getting down because he was too afraid.
Grayson allows Tiramisu to sleep right on top of him at night, which loves so much.
Nash tries not to get jealous that Tiramisu spends more time with Grayson then with him. No. Honestly, he loves that his distant brother has a friend to talk to.
They all feed her at the table!
Jameson loves snuggles.
Xander binge watches Star wars every three months. He makes Max watch it with him too.
Grayson owns a 1970s style silver convertible.
Occasionally Nash and Xander will to all the fast food places they can go in one day. They have to buy at least one thing.
Grayson thinks it's ridiculous what they do and teases them when they get stomach aches later.
Jameson leaves roses for Avery in her bedroom when she's stressed out.
Nash does the same with Libby, but he does it all the time. He will even hand pick them himself!
Grayson and Avery have sword lessons every week.
Xander had Grayson teach him photography. Though he isn't as good as his brother.
Libby and Xander have baking lessons every few weeks.
Tuesday nights is board game night.
They all have to sing karaoke when it is karaoke night. Including Avery and Grayson.
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foundress0fnothing · 5 months
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I write (slowly) for a lot of ships. Stars next to completed fics. All links are for AO3!
Darling, I Would Do It Again (Feysand)***
Looking to rebuild her self-esteem after a messy breakup, Feyre takes Mor up on her suggestion to visit a lingerie store.
what lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why (Elucien)***
Elain and Lucien make a bargain. When it's time to call it in, however, neither of them remembers what it is—or that they made one at all.
whistles far and wee (Feysand)***
When Tamlin refuses to pay him, the Piper decides to collect his payment himself. That payment? Tamlin’s intended. Lured into the depths of the Court of Nightmares, Feyre soon learns what is expected of the Piper’s possessions. A pied piper feysand two-shot.
A Mind of Winter (Gwynriel)***
Stuck together in a cabin on Solstice after a training exercise gone wrong, Azriel decides to help Gwyn celebrate the holiday even when they're away from their friends and family in Velaris. As they cobble together a Solstice celebration, marking what traditions they can and creating their own, what else might the spies discover on the shortest night of the year?
more thicker than forget (Azris)
Azriel Moreno and Eris Vanserra are both young literary scholars working to make a name for themselves in academia. After a disastrous conference, a lost job opportunity, and a messy one night stand, the two part and move on with their lives, only to find themselves forced to work together on a project years later.
Both Forever and Rather Die (Elucien)***
Elain runs a sex cult. She’s looking for something new. Lucien is new.
Firm and Fragrant Still the Brambleberries (Nessian)***
When Nesta became a nurse at the start of the war, she could not have predicted a patient as challenging as Lieutenant Cassian Davies, nor he a nurse as captivating as her. As the same war that brought them together threatens to tear them apart, Nesta and Cassian must navigate the complexities of love and duty to find the way back to each other. A WWI historical AU.
Sweet Secret (Feysand) (on hiatus)
Feyre and Rhys make a bargain. One pledges love and provision, the other love and secrecy. But what happens when the demands of a human court threaten their promises? Is love enough? What does one owe to another after a promise is broken? Based on Marie de France's 12th-century Breton Lai, Lanval
ACOTAR Writing Circle 2 Fics (all completed)
Meet Me in the Woods Tonight (Azris): Part 2 by @fieldofdaisiies and Part 3 by @vulpes-fennec
Forced to partner together during their company's annual team building event in the Illyrian forest, Azriel Moreno and Eris Vanserra find themselves an unlikely duo. When Eris suggests straying off the marked paths through the forest to beat the other competitors, Azriel reluctantly agrees. Eris was an eagle scout after all---what's the worst that could happen?
Double Blind (Gwynriel) Part 1 by @hlizr50 and Part 3 by @shadowisles-writes
Gwyn and Azriel have both been set up on blind dates by their friends. When they confide in each other, each one desperately hopes that the other might object. But neither of them are willing to stand between the person they care about and their potential happiness. Luckily their friends aren't nearly as blind as the Valkyrie and the Spymaster.
When It Rains (Gwynriel) Part 1 by headcanonheadcase and Part 2 by @sunshinebingo
Gwyn and her friends just arrived at their favorite camping spot. Although everyone is eager for a little rest and relaxation, Feyre advises that they 'work first, play later' and get the site set up before they all head down to the lake. Cassian is working on putting Gwyn's tent up when he accidentally pokes a hole in the side with one of the poles. Gwyn insists that it will be fine, but with rain in the forecast, will she be able to keep dry? Or will she need to seek alternate shelter?
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mcflymemes · 4 months
the idea of you
the spongebob squarepants movie
everything everywhere all at once
past lives
lilo and stitch
gone girl
nocturnal animals
the emperor's new groove
the truman show
star wars: the empire strikes back
you've got mail
the incredibles
love actually
the hunger games
shrek 2
night at the museum
north by northwest
body heat
strangers on a train
the exorcist
practical magic
back to the future
the parent trap
tick, tick... boom!
no country for old men
barbie as the princess and the pauper
ella enchanted
roman holiday
his girl friday
barbie as rapunzel
barbie of swan lake
singin' in the rain
ocean's eleven
ocean's twelve
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steddieunderdogfics · 6 months
You Could Use a Good Kiss by Lostnadmiration
Rating: Mature
words, 1/1 chapters
Archive Warning: No Warnings
Tags: Halloween, Getting Together, First Kiss, Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Hellfire Club, Drinking Games, Underage Drinking, choose your own Vecna was vanquished adventure, Everybody Lives, i just wanted a Halloween episode where everyone could get into shenanigans without mortal peril, copious star wars references, nerds being nerds, The steve eddie and Dustin bond, the Alf costume in eddie munsons closet, steve as han solo, references to eddie selling drugs, no drugs consumed, Making Out, Star Wars Puns, Fluff, Fluff and Humor, romcom vibes, halloween party, Tina’s annual Halloween Bash, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington Friendship, Wingman Steve, Eddie Munson Lives, background buckingham
“You didn’t lock the door?” Steve glares daggers at Eddie. Eddie’s eyes rove over the door, around the frame from top to bottom thoughtfully, dart over to Dustin, then finally land back to Steve. “Guess not.” Eddie’s lips twist as he fails to fight back a wry grin. It’s nearly impossible to think right now with his mind swimming in liquor, but Dustin slowly fits the puzzle pieces together. The hands, the closeness, bruised lips, the breathlessness, the blushing caught out faces. Dustin reels, hears a sound leave his mouth that’s a mix of shock and outrage. “It’s not what it looks like—” Steve starts, but Dustin interrupts his feeble attempt to cover up their tryst. “Really? ‘Cause it looks like y’r playing tonsil hockey with my DUNGEON MASTER!” Dustin can feel himself shouting, feel his words slurring together ever so slightly, sluggish on their way out of his mouth.
Thanks for the rec!
This rec is a part of Challenge Monday. The challenge this week was fics about non-major holidays.
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks or the submission box!
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thistlecatfics · 5 months
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Dog Star in the Sun (200 words, wolfstar, G)
Two years after the war, Remus and Sirius go on holiday. It feels good.
Written on vacation as a challenge to write fluff <3
Read on ao3 or below the cut
The Azkaban chill never fully left him, but, with the sun shining on the Menorca beach, Sirius pretends otherwise. Tomorrow, Remus will rub the aloe-mugwort salve on his body to undo the damage, but today the hot Mediterranean sun burns the prison out of Sirius’s bones. 
A child’s happy yelp down the beach interrupts the steady alterations of rumbling waves and the hiss of water pulling away from sand, called by the moon away from the shore. The scent of cigar smoke intermixes with salt spray and sunscreen. 
Here, the Black surname means nothing except to mark him as another British tourist, skinny and pale, though one who has even less sense of the conversion of pounds to pesetas and the introducing euro than most. Sirius is on the younger side of forty, but his weary bones could pass for a handsome fifty.
His moon-scarred lover lies asleep next to him, a paperback covering his face, ribs rising and falling. 
Remus stretches; his sandy toe brushes Sirius’s burnt calf with every breath, an insistent scratch against sensitive skin. It would be painful if it didn’t feel like love. 
Shoulders loosened. An exhale in the new millennium. Sirius lets himself rest.
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aethon-recs · 9 months
HP Rec Fest, Day 29 ❄️
@hprecfest daily prompts running through Dec 31. Goal is to find lesser-known or underrated Tomarrymort works, even by well-known authors, to feature here.
Day 29: A Post-Canon Fic
The Other Path by @vdoshu (T, 23k, complete)
Summary: They won the war. Voldemort was gone. The remaining Death Eaters had been captured. They finally had peace. No one ever said peace was so dull. Why I rec it for this prompt: A post-war fic about Harry who finds himself needing a challenge — some kind of reason to feel alive after the war ends — and how he ends up seeking that out in another dimension where Voldemort is still around. A very fun read that shows how very much Harry and Voldemort need the other, even when everything else in their worlds is seemingly going their way.
Running list of recs:
Day 1: Favorite under 5k | Such a Noble Villain Day 2: Comfort Fic | In Somno Veritas | Ouroboros Day 3: Podfic | a taste so good (i'd die for it) Day 4: Fic with Art | A Soulmate Like You Day 5: A Non-AO3 Fic | The Anti-Midas Day 6: Unreliable Narrator Fic | Anabiosis Day 7: A Canon-Compliant Fic | In Your Soul is Sealed a Pleasure Day 8: A Canon-Divergence Fic | Thirst Day 9: A Rare Pair Fic | dust in your pocket | A Breed Apart Day 10: A Fest Fic | In Your Image Day 11: A Dark Fic | As Portioned from a Whole Day 12: A WIP Rec | Lover's Spit | Revolution of Configured Stars Day 13: A Fic >100k Words | One Year In Every Ten | if we were lovers Day 14: A Favorite Series | The Immortal Duties of Lord Voldemort Day 15: The Most Recent Bookmark | Creatures of the Dark we are Day 16: A Fic that Made You Laugh | Make a Wish | Do You Want Fries with That? Day 17: A Fic that Made You Cry | We Still Have Time Day 18: A Fairy Tale-Inspired Fic | Until Midnight Comes  Day 19: Fic with the Hottest Smut | Prison Blues Day 20: A Fic Rated 'G' | Fingers Crossed Day 21: A Thought-Provoking Fic | on the other side Day 22: An Unfinished Fic | In Death, Standby Day 23: A Soulmate Fic | the demiurge, the leontoeides Day 24: A Holiday Fic | A Sky Full of Stars Day 25: A Fic Rated 'T' | Accidents happen Day 26: A Fic with a Memorable Ending | i’ve missed you, my boy Day 27: A Muggle AU Fic | found Day 28: An Underrated Fic | your love is like rhinestones (falling from the sky) Day 29: A Post-Canon Fic | The Other Path
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underacalicosky · 9 months
I’m so happy to share my contribution to the Star Wars Holiday Reverse Hallmark AU Challenge organized by @yourfavoritefridge! ❤️
I humbly offer Lonely Rivers Flow and some Obikin smut for your holiday reading pleasure!
Is it obviously a reverse hallmark trope? Questionable. But is Anakin a pottery instructor with a grandma sweater that Chris Pine would envy? You bet. And does Obi-Wan fall for those eyelashes and curls? You know it.
Find the rest of the amazing fics in the Reverse Hallmark AU Collection here on AO3!
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amadwinter · 9 months
Coming in at the last second for the Reverse Hallmark AU Challenge!
Rating: M
Length: ~9k
Warnings: None
Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Inspired by Hallmark Christmas Movies, Romantic Comedy, Love Triangles, from a certain point of view, Rivals to Lovers, Getting Together
Soccer star Anakin Skywalker has always been too busy for love, but when he comes home to Tatooine, Utah for Christmas, he changes his mind after meeting Padmé—a journalist on holiday and the one person for miles around who has no idea who he is. But then along comes Obi-Wan Kenobi, his former teammate in the middle of a cross-country motorcycle trip, to ruin everything. Or maybe not. Or, Anakin hits Obi-Wan with his truck. Obi-Wan hits on Anakin. Everyone has a Merry Christmas.
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