#starbird did art
bardinthezone · 4 months
Stardew Valley Dash Simulator
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👾 d20--coding . . .
i love programming but sometimes it really just makes you want to bash your head into a wall huh. i'm talking to my computer all day and my computer is just responding with 18 different ways to say "fuck you"
👾 d20--coding . . .
#sounds about right #i'd do the same thing if i was a computer
hahahaha says the girl who eats rocks
🗡wretchedbeastie . . .
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this you?
👾 d20--coding . . .
wh. what. where did you even find that
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🤖gogogadgetastra reblogged . . .
✈️doctor-h-starbird . . .
Not much in the skies this week, sadly. But some exciting stuff nonetheless!
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Piper M 600 SLS! Hello up there!
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TVS-2DTS biplane... dropping... boxes? Supply crates? Not sure if that's safe, I hope whoever that is has the proper permits...
#sky watch weekly
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🗡wretchedbeastie . . .
just got woken up by the farmer knocking on my dad's door at like 6:30am. again.
#the shop is closed on wednesdays #you have to know this by now
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👾 d20--coding reblogged . . .
🛹 radshredder17 Follow . . .
yo joja was bad but at least i never saw morris chug an espresso before sprinting halfway across town and passing out in front of the clinic
#and then they're banging on pierre's door at 7am the next day #like bro are you okay #get some help #or at least some sleep dude #farmer sightings
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🎨leahs_crafts . . .
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Just posted the latest sculptures to my online shop!
Plus a 20% off sale on all pins and stickers. Please stop by, and thank you all again for your continued support!
#sculpture #abstract sculpture #drawing #frogs #fantasy #etsy #abstract art #art #artists on tumblr #my art
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🐔 chickenbastard Follow . . .
My aunt and i have been just scrapping by for years out here and yet that fuckin farmer shows up and creates a goddamn empire off of... blueberries? starfruit? chickens that we sold them? Good for them i guess but it'd be nice if life didn't suck ass sometimes.
☀️farmer-is-here . . .
skill issue
🐔chickenbastard Follow . . .
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🤖gogogadgetastra . . .
Working on a big new project, details to come when it's finished! No spoilers, but let's just say... it's big :)
🤖gogogadgetastra . . .
robot gone
👾 d20--coding . . .
what, like it broke??
🤖gogogadgetastra . . .
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robot gone
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🍂cindersaprancher Follow
I swear I just saw the farmer run past the ranch into the woods from their farm, and then not 5 minutes later they ran past my ranch.. from town? How did they get there??
# I know I didn't miss them passing by at any point #farmer sightings
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🧿mui-wahhhhhh . . .
hi hi hiiiiii~! I'm preparing a spell of "have a lovely day" for you! (∩^o^)⊃━☆
:・゚✧*:・゚✧✯ ~Like~ to charge, ~reblog~ to cast :・゚✧*:・゚✧✯
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☀️farmer-is-here . . .
these mfers don't even know what kind of magic i've got access to. you're wondering how i get around so fast meanwhile i'm out here meeting with a goblin
🗡wretchedbeastie . . .
like. like a whole ass goblin?
☀️farmer-is-here . . .
goblin on deez NUTZ and ASS-WHOLE
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👾 d20--coding reblogged wretchedbeastie . . .
🛹 radshredder17 Follow . . .
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Crushing it in Zuzu City, thanks to everyone who came to our latest set!
# stream Dead End Street out now !!!!!!
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🗡wretchedbeastie . . .
someone new moved into pelican town! apparently they're taking up that old crumbling farm?? so exciting, i can't wait to meet them!
🗡wretchedbeastie . . .
date of posting: spring 1, 2016
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🧿mui-wahhhhhh . . .
got a new amethyst today~!! ~^o^~
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🗡wretchedbeastie . . .
mmmmm a healthy snack
🧿mui-wahhhhhh . . .
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✈️doctor-h-starbird . . .
Not to get too personal on here, but if I have to recusitate the farmer after a botched mining adventure one more time I'm going to be the one needing medical attention. For acute heart failure. My therapist in Zuzu city does not get paid enough for this.
☀️farmer-is-here . . .
is this because i passed out on our anniversary
☀️farmer-is-here . . .
#im so sorry it wont happen again
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🐔 chickenbastard Follow . . .
☀️farmer-is-here . . .
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🐔 chickenbastard Follow . . .
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🟢green--slime-1938ry Follow . . .
i'm in a fuckin cave
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🪷 bardinthezone . . .
and, scene :)
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stars-n-spice · 1 month
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Welcome back!
I'm going to attempt to post something Silly Squad (Bad Batch x Baddies Batch) related - be it headcanons, one shots/fics, or art - every Saturday! Because Silly Squad Saturday has a nice ring to it and it eases into OC Sunday pretty nicely :) 
That and I want to try and motivate myself to do more with these guys because I post about like,, 10% of the collective lore I have about them while the rest of the 90% stays up in my brain. 
This week we've got: Prologues!
Here are the prologues of Jung, Viram, Khea, and Tay'kaa's stories!
Join each of them as they attempt to adapt to an ever-changing galaxy, facing challenges both external and internal as past memories and broken promises haunt them. Join them as they all search for something; be it identity, purpose, a home, or love, in the vast galaxy far far away...
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A forgotten relic of a fallen religion.
Jung can remember the fire. 
The blinding lights of red and gold. Of blue fury. Of an indescribable heat that could only be described as pure and utter hatred; burning hotter than the brightest stars.
He remembers the smell of smoke that followed from that fire. That sickly haze that still haunts him like a ghost and suffocates him in the silence of the night and his mind.
He remembers the weight of his saber in his hands. How the once familiar cool of metal felt heavier than any burden he’d once carried, suddenly foreign during a time he so desperately needed it to protect like it was designed to do. 
But worse than the sight of the flames, the smell of the smoke, and the weight so heavy in his hands were the sounds of screams. 
Continue the story on Ao3 >>
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A medic who helps everyone but herself.
Since Viram could remember, she wanted to help people. 
As the oldest of four, she’d always been in charge and had the responsibilities of looking after her siblings and taking care of them. She cooked, she cleaned, she made sure they did their academy work and stayed out of trouble. With her parents out more often than not, Viram assumed the role of ‘mom’ and ‘dad;’ growing up much faster than those her age. But it was okay, at least to Viram it was, because she understood it was something that had to be done. 
And while some would crumble under the weight of expectations, Viram thrived. There wasn’t anything the Mikkian couldn’t tackle and everything she did–she did it to honor her parents. 
Her father was a well-renowned doctor while her mother was an inspiring teacher, and Viram respected and admired them from the very start. They were the perfect picture of an Inner and Mid Rim family. Well off and respected, her parents were shining lights in their communities that were constantly helping those in need with their skills and talents. Viram so desperately wanted to be like them. 
So, she did what she could to follow in their footsteps. She excelled in school and at home she looked after her siblings when her parents worked late. Some might’ve pitied her and thought she was forced into her duties and dreams by her parents, but Viram didn’t care or listen to them. It was her life, and she wanted it to be just like her parents’: 
Continue the story on Ao3 >>
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A little starbird with no way back home.
Khea wished she couldn’t remember her roots. 
She wished the beskar she wore wasn’t her own, that her tongue didn’t speak foreign words and her mind didn’t know ancient legends and myths. Khea wished that the blood in her veins didn’t burn bright like the fires in the Great Forge and that the last name she carried wasn’t shared with any clan. She wished that everything she ever was and everything that came before her would fade to stardust and leave her with a blank slate.  
Because to be a Nultez was to be a wanderer. To be a Nultez was to be cursed to forever be…
Continue the story on Ao3 >>
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A merciless merc all caught up in strings.
Tay doesn’t remember much from his past–and that was probably a good thing. 
He didn’t know exactly how he ended up in The Cauldron–a colosseum that had always felt so giant and grand to him when it should’ve been seen for what it was; a cage. He couldn’t remember how he–a chagrian with nothing to his name– found his only home to be one of cages and chains. 
However, as he got older, he had his theories. Theories that all boiled down to one obvious claim: his parents–whoever they were–didn’t care about him enough to keep him. Instead, all he was to them was a quick paycheck, sold to slavers who took him away to the colosseum to train and fight until the inevitable day he died a gruesome death in the name of entertainment and credits. 
And maybe he should’ve died a gruesome death the first time he was put into a match once he was old enough, but he was determined to prove something. He was determined to prove he was more than what was assumed of him. To prove to his bastard parents he was more than a paycheck–wherever they were. To prove he deserved every right to exist in the galaxy like the rest of them. 
So he fought. He fought and he won. And the cheers and praise that came once he’d won his debut match? They were addicting. 
Continue the story on Ao3 >>
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Taglist: @stardume, @perilmax, @tbnrpotato
If you enjoyed what you read and would like to be notified when the chapters are officially published - feel free to join the tag list! Just let me know in this post, dms, or fill out this form!
If you're new to the squad; check out these links to learn more about them: 💫 Silly Squad Masterlist 💫 Baddies Batch Masterlist 
Thank you so much for reading!! 🩵💫 Reblogs are greatly appreciated!!!!
Banners and dividers all made by me :P
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jewelsrulz · 3 months
@virtie333 I'll give this a go.
Do you make your bed? Most of the time...no.
Favourite number? Don't have one.
What's your job? Don't have one at the moment. I've worked in retail and hated it. Stayed home to raise my kids. I've been having trouble finding work since we moved because I'm not willing to work every single weekend. That's time to spend with my husband who works long hours during the week.
If you could go back to school, would you? I did! I went to university at the ripe old age of 53, graduated four years later with a bachelor of fine art.
Can you parallel park? Yes, but I'm very out of practice. I don't come across the need to parallel park very often.
Do you think aliens are real? I do believe that there is life out there in the big wide universe but it won't look like us. It will have developed to survive in the conditions present on the individual planet.
Can you drive a manual car? I have in the past but I haven't for decades so I'd probably screw up the shifting.
What's your guilty pleasure? I don't have any guilty pleasures. I enjoy whatever I enjoy and refuse to feel any guilt about it. If others have an issue with what I enjoy that's their problem, not mine. Feeling guilty comes from conforming to other's expectations about how we should live.
Tattoos? Don't have any but I have considered getting one...or two. @phoenix-rising-starbird-one has some tattoos I admire and I'd probably have to get permission from her tattoo artist to be able to get them done on me.
Favourite colour? Purple...any shade or hue.
Favourite type of music? Totally depends on my mood, I don't have one overall favourite style. Sometimes I want the instrumental guitar of Jesse Cook but other times I want the German industrial metal of Rammstein.
Do you like puzzles? Yes....doesn't matter whether it's word puzzles or jigsaw.
Any phobias? Heights and falling from them. Don't want anyone touching me if I'm high up. That irrational part of my brain is convinced they'll push me. Also...clowns and flying.
Favourite childhood sport? Wasn't sporty at all in school, was always picked last for teams, unless it was floor hockey. Then I was picked first. I played goal and my nickname was Billy Smith...you came in my crease and I slashed your ankles.
Do you talk to yourself? All the damn time!!!!
Tagging @phoenix-rising-starbird-one @waywaychuck @badwolfandtimelords and anyone else who'd like to give it a go.
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eiffel-cat-tower · 2 years
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A flower.
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aceofstars16 · 7 years
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Inktober Day 31! I didn’t actually get to carve a starbird pumpkin like I was hoping but I guess this is the next best thing? xD
Art c) @aceofstars16/ @aces-creative-corner
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b1ue-harvest · 3 years
Could you do headcanons for Sabine helping you customize your armor please?
Colored Armor
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Author’s Note: YES omg I love this idea so much (I wrote it more like a short one shot I hope that's ok!) And thank you for sending in a request 🥰
"Whatcha doin?" Sabine asked, leaning over your shoulder.
"I had a thought for a new painting on my armor," you answered as you held up your shoulder plate. Dark blue paint was swirled in an intricate pattern across the shiny surface.
"I like it so far," she said. "Have you thought about adding something else? Like a symbol or something?"
You rolled your eyes playfully at her. "Only you would play art critic."
She raised her hands in fain offense. "It's just a suggestion."
"I was thinking maybe your starbird symbol. I want a piece of you in my armor, to keep you close because you know. I love you." Your cheeks turned pink at the confession and you turned your head to avoid her gaze. She hugged you from behind and placed a kiss on your temple. "That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me."
You shrugged. "It's the truth. I was also wondering if you could draw the outline for me. You'll do a much better job than I will." She nodded and outstretched her hand for the piece. You handed it over along with a pencil. Sabine sat down on your lap at an angle so you could see her face and began sketching. Her features were scrunched up with focus, only making her more adorable. You couldn't believe that this beautiful creature chose to be with you out of all the other beings in the galaxy.
She looked up at you staring and smiling at her. "What?"
You shook your head. "Nothing," you said as she turned back to finish. She held it up for you to see. "What do you think?"
"Perfect. Couldn't have done it better myself."
Sabine raised an eyebrow. "I thought that's why you asked me to do it. Cause you said I would do it better."
"Is that how it's gonna be?" you questioned before reaching for her middle to tickle her. Her joyous laughter filled the room, angelic music to your ears. She tried to pry your hands off of her, pleading for you to stop. You eventually did, her legs now straddling you. Her eyes looked almost gold in the pale light of your shared room and her colored hair was messy because of all the movement. She broke the distance between the two of you, her lips crashing into yours. Her hands entangled in your hair as you were trying to deepen the kiss, only wanting her closer.
You were so lost in the moment you hadn't noticed the sound of the door opening. Sabine and her keen hearing, however, did and she broke away to see who was intruding.
"Ezra!" she shouted. "Get out!"
Ezra's hands flew up to block his view. "Sorry! Sorry! I was just gonna ask you a question, but clearly now's not a good time." He walked out backwards, looking at the ground while closing the door.
Sabine sighed heavily and clearly looked annoyed. You actually thought it was funny and tried to stifle a chuckle, to no avail.
"How could you possibly think that was funny?" she huffed.
"I don't know, I just do." You grabbed her chin lightly to make her look at you. "Now," you said, "Where were we?"
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vercopaanir · 5 years
The Lovely Moons Masterlist
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The Mandalorian: The Lovely Moons Series
Chapter 1: Keep Up | Podfic
Chapter 2: Go to Sleep | Podfic
Chapter 3: Teach Me to Fly
Chapter 4: I Trust You
Chapter 5: Who You Are
Chapter 6: He Would Never
Chapter 7: Business or Pleasure
Chapter 8: Safe & Sound
Chapter 9: Don’t Go Far 
Chapter 10: I Had No Words
Chapter 11: I’ll Be Gone
Chapter 12: Starbirds
Chapter 13: Bad Men
Chapter 14: I’m Here Now
Chapter 15: Fallen Kings
Chapter 16: Of the Mudhorn
Chapter 17: Somewhere Safe
Chapter 18: When We are Together
Chapter 19: In For a Credit
Chapter 20: It’s Pretty
Chapter 21: Because We Were Lost
Chapter 22: Foolish and Cruel
Chapter 23: You Did Well
Chapter 24: Are You Blushing?
Chapter 25: Why He Loves You
Chapter 26: One Day
Chapter 27: Keeping Warm
Chapter 28: Blood Running Cold
Chapter 29: Center of Gravity
Chapter 30: Just a Little Thing
Chapter 31: Double the Bet
Chapter 32: Me and Mine
Chapter 33: Nothing For You
Chapter 34: Coming Soon
I’ll Handle This
Do I Make Myself Clear?
That’s Mine
Submitted Fan Art for The Lovely Moons!
The child gives his father flowers (Chapter 4).
Din watches Cyare and the child (Chapter 9).
The child draws pictures (Chapter 12).
Din and the child.
Din, Corde, and Venka (Chapter 21).
Cyare by sparrettart.
Cyar’ika by florabraun21
Cyare, Din, and the Child (Chapter 9) by motleymoose
Din and Cyare in the pasture (Chapter 30) by everydoodleday
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gffa · 5 years
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“Did you know that four of [the Rebellion’s] guiding principles are near-quotations of Jedi apocrypha?” WHAT A FASCINATING MOMENT, especially given that this is in the time of the Empire, so “apocrypha” would be about right for what was available on the Jedi (if you could even find evidence of their existence), but also it reminds of the artbook for The Last Jedi where there were designs that showed the Rebellion starbird symbol was inspired by the Jedi:
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Towards the end of December 2014, production designer Rick Heinrichs reached out to Pablo Hidalgo and Leeland Chee, creative executives in the Lucasfilm Story Group, to ask for ancient symbols related to the Jedi that had appeared elsewhere in the Star Wars canon.  The six-page PDF that Hidalgo and Chee shared would inform the shape of the library tree; the Jedi text covers and individual designs; the temple’s celestial carving; and the reflecting pool mosaic.  Heinrichs ponders, “Is it okay to use the rebel icon symbol if you do it obliquely, hopefully not hitting it on the head too hard?  It’s hard to know exactly how subtle you can be with this stuff. It’s an unfolding universe, and we want the audience to recognize it and be comfortable in it–for it to feel familiar–but also to create something new that they haven’t seen before.  Hopefully it’s not taking them into Battlestar Galactica or Star Trek or something like that.  We were constantly checking ourselves on that, and checking with you, Pablo, and Leland occasionally.  Some of the designs were really scraping against the iconic imagery of the Jedi, that sect and everything–deep lore territory, where angels fear to tred.  But we had to go there.  I think what we’ve ended up with does feel very organic to the series. That’s our hope, anyway.”  (Rick Heinrichs)
That the Rebellion apparently also adopted some of the principles of the Jedi, guiding principles, is really interesting and it makes me think of that one scene in Rebels, early on:
Bail Organa:  “The simplest gesture of kindness can fill a galaxy with hope.” Kanan Jarrus:  “Isn’t that a Jedi saying?”  [Star Wars Rebels, “Droids in Distress”] Or it makes me think of Ahsoka, who left that path for herself, but would have passed on what she knew of the Jedi and their guiding principles. That, whenever I think of how awful the literal and cultural genocide of the Jedi was, how even when the Force brings out new Jedi who follow the light, that there’s still all that art and history and knowledge and culture that was lost, I think about these moments, too. That the Jedi’s legacy is one of hope, that they inspired so many people to keep going, to keep doing better, to create more hope for others.  The Jedi have always been teachers, at their core that is who they strove to be.  And they taught the galaxy, even when sometimes those lessons seem to be turned away from, the Jedi’s true legacy endures.  Hope.
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blackkudos · 4 years
Allen Allensworth
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Allen Allensworth (7 April 1842 – 14 September 1914), born into slavery in Kentucky, escaped during the American Civil War and became a Union soldier; later he became a Baptist minister and educator, and was appointed as a chaplain in the United States Army. He was the first African American to reach the rank of lieutenant colonel. He planted numerous churches, and in 1908 founded Allensworth, California, the only town in the state to be founded, financed and governed by African Americans.
During the American Civil War, he escaped by joining the 44th Illinois Volunteers and later served two years in the navy. After being ordained as a minister, he worked as a teacher, studied theology and led several churches. In 1880 and 1884, he served as the only black delegate from Kentucky in the Republican National Conventions. In 1886, he gained an appointment as a military chaplain to a unit of Buffalo Soldiers in the West and served in the US Army for 20 years, retiring in 1906.
In addition to his work in developing churches, he was notable for founding the township of Allensworth, California in 1908; it was intended as an all-black community. Although environmental conditions inhibited its success as a farming community and the residents abandoned it after a few generations, much of the former town has been preserved as the Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park. It marks the founders' dream and the thriving community that developed for some time.
Early life and education
Born into slavery in Louisville, Kentucky in 1842, Allensworth was the youngest of thirteen children of Phyllis (c. 1782 - 1878) and Levi Allensworth. Over the years, their family was scattered: his sister Lila escaped with her intended husband to Canada by the Underground Railroad; and the older boys William, George, Frank, Levi and Major were sold downriver to plantations in the Deep South, which continued to buy enslaved workers from the Upper South to develop the cotton industry. Mary Jane was his only sibling who grew up in Kentucky and married there; she purchased her freedom in 1849, gaining stability.
His mother was held by A.P. and Bett Starbird. The mistress assigned Allen as a young slave to her son Thomas. When the Starbird boy started school, Allen began to learn from him, although it was illegal. After his father died when Allen was young, his mother chose to be sold as a cook to a neighbor, the attorney Nat Wolfe. When the Starbirds found Allen was learning to read, they separated him from their son and placed him with another family, the Talbots. Mrs. Talbot, a Quaker, was kind to Allen and continued to teach him to read and write; she also took him to a Sunday school for slave children. When Bett Starbird discovered this, she took Allen back. In 1854 she made arrangements with her husband's partner John Smith to send the boy to his brother Pat's plantation down the Mississippi River in Henderson, Kentucky, to put an end to his learning. On the steamboat, the boy was placed in the care of a slave steward rather than being chained with other slaves below deck. They were being transported for sale to downriver markets.
Hebe Smith, Allen's new mistress, assigned him to be a houseboy; she prohibited him from continuing his studies, and whipped him for trying to do so. Also working in the household was a white orphan boy Eddie; the two boys became friends and helped each other. Suffering on the farm from a cruel overseer, in 1855 at age 13, Allen planned to escape to Canada. He spent two weeks hiding at a neighboring farm before returning to the Smiths for punishment. Later he ran away again. The Smiths and Starbirds agreed to sell him on the auction block in Henderson.
Allensworth was sold again in Memphis, Tennessee and shipped to New Orleans. There he was bought by Fred Scruggs, who taught him to work as an exercise boy and jockey in Jefferson, Louisiana. Unlike others, his new master was pleased to learn that the boy could read; he assigned him to race his best horse.
Civil War and freedom
In early 1861 the Civil War loomed, but horse racing continued. Scruggs took Allen and his horses upriver for the fall meet in Louisville. Allensworth hoped to see his mother Phyllis again, as he had learned that her last master, a Rev. Bayliss, had freed her after she cared for his dying wife. He found that she had recently gone to New Orleans with a Union man to look for her sons. (She found Major in prison.) Waiting for her return, Allensworth was reunited with his sister Mary Jane, who had married and had a son. She had purchased her freedom in 1849. When Phyllis Starbird returned to Louisville, she and Allen were reunited.
While working nearby on a farm where Scruggs' deputy had placed him, Allensworth met soldiers from the 44th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment, a Union unit encamped near Louisville. When he told them of wanting freedom, they invited him to join the Hospital Corps. In disguise, he marched with the unit past his old master through Louisville and off to war. After serving as a civilian nursing aide for some time, he was invited to accompany Dr. A. J. Gordon, one of the surgeons, to his home in Georgetown, Ohio. There Allensworth dined with Gordon's family, was given a room of his own, and felt he first walked as a free man. With the war continuing, in 1863 Allensworth enlisted in the US Navy, where he earned his first pay as a free man. He was soon promoted to Captain's steward and clerk, and served on the gunboats Queen City and Tawah for two years.
Postwar years
Allensworth first returned to Kentucky to work and study. In 1868 he joined his brother William in St. Louis, where they operated two restaurants. Within a short time, they received a favorable offer and sold them out; Allensworth returned to Louisville. He worked while putting himself through the Ely Normal School, one of several new schools in the South established by the American Missionary Association. During Reconstruction, Allensworth taught at schools for freedmen and their children operated by the Freedmen's Bureau. Inspired by his own teaching, he began attending courses at the Nashville Institute, later known as the Roger Williams University, but did not graduate. The school later gave him an honorary Master of Arts.
Allensworth became involved with the Baptist Church in Louisville and attended the Fifth Street Baptist Church led by Henry Adams. He was ordained in 1871 by the Baptists as a preacher. In the 1870s, Allensworth went to Tennessee to study theology. During this time he also served as a preacher in Franklin, Tennessee, south of Nashville.
In 1875, Allensworth started working as a teacher in Georgetown, Kentucky. He also served as the financial agent of the General Association of the Colored Baptists in Kentucky. They had joined together to support the founding of a religious school for black teachers and preachers. Allensworth was among the founders of The State University, helped guarantee the salary of the president in the early years, and served on the Board of Trustees.
He returned to Louisville when called to be pastor of the Harney Street Baptist Church, which he reorganized, attracting many new members. They renamed it Centennial Baptist Church; it was selected as a model by the American Baptist Home Mission Society of America. Within a few years, Allensworth had increased the congregation nearly fivefold, and it built a new church.
Marriage and family
In 1877 he married Josephine Leavell (1855–1938), also born in Kentucky; they had met while studying at Roger Williams University in Nashville, Tennessee. She was an accomplished pianist, organist and music teacher. They had two daughters together, Eva and Nella.
The year of his marriage, Allensworth invited his mother to live with him and Josephine. They had several months together before she died in 1878 at the age of 96.
Post-Reconstruction era
Allensworth was called to the State Street Church in Bowling Green, Kentucky. He also gave public lectures. That fall, he went to Boston to give a series of lectures, after studying public speaking in Philadelphia.
On his return, he met people from the American Baptist Publication Society in Philadelphia, who appointed him as Sunday School Missionary for the state of Kentucky. He had always worked to build up the Sunday Schools at his churches, and this gave him the chance to continue to work on education around the state. The Colored Baptist State Sunday School Convention of Kentucky appointed him to the position of State Sunday School Superintendent.
With his leadership positions and public speaking, Allensworth became increasingly interested in politics. In 1880 and 1884, he was selected as Kentucky's only black delegate to the Republican National Conventions.
Military career as chaplain
In 1886, when he was 44, Allensworth gained support by both southern and northern politicians for appointment as a chaplain in the US Army; his appointment was confirmed by the Senate, as necessary at the time, and approved by the president. He was one of the few black chaplains in the US Army and was assigned to the 24th Infantry Regiment, known as the Buffalo Soldiers. His family accompanied him on assignments in the West, ranging from Fort Bayard, New Mexico Territory to Fort Supply, Indian Territory, and Fort Harrison, near Helena, Montana. His wife played organ in the fort chapels.
At Fort Bayard, Allensworth wrote Outline of Course of Study, and the Rules Governing Post Schools of Ft. Bayard, N.M.. The Army adapted these for use as the standard manual on the education of enlisted personnel.
By the time of his retirement in 1906, Allensworth had been promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel, the first African American to gain that rank.
Allensworth, California
After the army, Allensworth and his family settled in Los Angeles. He was inspired by the idea of establishing a self-sufficient, all-black California community where African Americans could live free of the racial discrimination that pervaded post-Reconstruction America. His dream was to build a community where black people might live and create "sentiment favorable to intellectual and industrial liberty."
In 1908, he founded Allensworth in Tulare county, about thirty miles north of Bakersfield, in the heart of the San Joaquin Valley. The black settlers of Allensworth built homes, laid out streets, and put up public buildings. They established a church, and organized an orchestra, a glee club, and a brass band.
The Allensworth colony became a member of the county school district and the regional library system and a voting precinct. Residents elected the first African-American Justice of the Peace in post-Mexican California. In 1914, the California Eagle reported that the Allensworth community consisted of 900 acres (360 ha) of deeded land worth more than US$112,500.
Allensworth soon developed as a town, not just a colony. Among the social and educational organizations that flourished during its golden age were the Campfire Girls, the Owl Club, the Girls' Glee Club, and the Children's Savings Association, for the town's younger residents, while adults participated in the Sewing Circle, the Whist Club, the Debating Society, and the Theater Club. Col. Allensworth was an admirer of the African-American educator Booker T. Washington, who was the founding president and longtime leader of the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. Allensworth dreamed that his new community could be self-sufficient and become known as the "Tuskegee of the West".
The Girls' Glee Club was modeled after the Jubilee Singers of Fisk University, who had toured internationally. They were the community's pride and joy. All the streets in the town were named after notable African Americans and/or white abolitionists, such as Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, poet Paul Lawrence Dunbar, and Harriet Beecher Stowe, abolitionist and author of Uncle Tom's Cabin.
The dry and dusty soil made farming difficult. The drinking water became contaminated by arsenic as the water level fell.
The year 1914 also brought a number of setbacks to the town. First, much of the town's economic base was lost when the Santa Fe Railroad moved its rail stop from Allensworth to Alpaugh. In September, during a trip to Monrovia, California, Colonel Allensworth was crossing the street when he was struck and killed by a motorcycle. The town refuses to die. The downtown area is now preserved as Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park where thousands of visitors come from all over California to take part in the special events held at the park during the year. The area outside the state park is also still inhabited.
Allensworth is the only California community to be founded, financed and governed by African Americans. The founders were dedicated to improving the economic and social status of African Americans. Uncontrollable circumstances, including a drop in the area's water table, resulted in the town's decline.
Legacy and honors
The state has preserved the site and is gradually restoring its buildings. The most important building is the school house, which the community prized as representing the future of its children. In use until 1972, it is furnished as it would have been on a school day in 1915. The park arranges special events to celebrate the former community's history, and the park's visitor center features a film about the site. An annual re-dedication ceremony reaffirms the vision of the original pioneers.
Col. Allensworth's residence is preserved and furnished in the 1912-period style. It contains items from his life in the military service and the ministry. A small display of farm equipment is a reminder of the Allensworth economic base.
A public monument, designed by Ron Husband, has been funded by the City of Monrovia, California.
Allen Allensworth died at the age of 72, on September 14, 1914. He was killed by a motorcyclist in Monrovia, California.
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How does Bail Organa deal with being dad to an angry baby quarter-eldritch-abomination?
“Well,” Breha began, and then stopped. She was sitting very straight and regal in her chair, the way she only did when her mind was a hundred parsecs away and moving at lightspeed.
Bail had always been amused by that, how his wife looked more attentive and composed when not paying attention to what was going on around her. But she’d told him all about her parade of different tutors, etiquette and comportment and a hundred things a merchant’s son had no need of knowing. He supposed a lifetime of preparing to be Queen of Alderaan gave one all hells of muscle memory.
“Yes,” Bail sighed. He crossed the room to the sideboard, where someone had very considerately refilled the decanter. “Drink?”
“Yes,” Breha said absently. “Something with a great deal of alcohol in it, I think.”
Bail snorted. She was clearly not as distracted as he assumed.
Evening had fallen over the Capital, painting everything in blue shadows. This early in the year, everything was snow and ice, even the broad main streets. A convenient enough excuse, when the Datu’s son—tripped and…slid accidentally into a wall, bloodying his nose, ears, mouth. And when the Princesa of Aldera, Leia Organa, bared her teeth at the Datu’s son’s and snarled, You are a cruel and heartless boy—
Well. The cold had been convenient for that too. You know these long winter months, Bail had said, forcing warmth into his voice, because the Datu was looking to him in confusion and thinly-veiled horror, clutching at his son even as blood streamed down the boy’s face. Everyone goes a little stir-crazy.
Bail sat down across from Breha, setting down her glass of cognac. She reached for it, but he couldn’t be sure whether she knew it—her eyes were faraway, and her spine was very straight. Bail was used to this, being the third or fourth thing on her mind; he didn’t mind being patient, waiting for her to circle back to them, their daughter.
“When you—” Breha fell silent, running her finger lightly along the rim of the glass. Bail sipped his liquor, composing a list of necessary munitions for the Rebellion in his head, waiting for her to continue. 
“When you told me that it was safer not to openly discuss our daughter’s origins, I assumed that was because Padmé had somehow made an enemy of the Emperor. A miscalculation that perhaps also led to her death. But that is not the only reason, is it?”
Bail sighed, setting his glass down. “No.”
“The Jedi, the handsome one I met at the—”
“Ah,” Breha said. Her eyes were still far off, unfocused. “I see. And the edict that was issued, calling for the death of all affiliated with the Jedi Order?”
“Yes. It also remains in effect for any…future Jedi that might arise.”
Bail straightened up when Breha’s gaze flickered, and met his. He smiled bitterly, tipping his glass to her as thought calling a toast. “You see my conundrum,” he said, not bothering to keep the irony from his voice.
“You said Obi-Wan escaped the destruction of the temple,” Breha said slowly. “He could—instruct her, teach her to contain it. At least enough so we don’t have further incidents like today’s.”
“We would be putting ourselves and all of Alderaan at risk. The Emperor’s enforcer, Darth Vader, is said to have a special hatred for him—I think they fought on another in the wars.”
Breha nodded, and Bail watched as she lifted the glass to her mouth, swallowed. She was a lovely creature, his wife, with a fearsome sort of mind; he liked to  watch her as it ticked over unerringly as any other piece of machinery. 
“Do you have a way to contact him more discreetly?” she finally asked. 
“Not—at the moment, but I know where he is. I’m sure I can come up with something. Why do you ask?”
Breha smiled triumphantly. There was a glint in her eye. “If you and I are going to raise a Jedi, husband, we’re going to need some guidance on the subject.”
“Oh, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Obi-Wan said, gazing in thinly-veiled horror at Bail. Bail had no idea why Obi-Wan had chosen Tatooine—other than the fact that it was possibly the furthest from the center of the galaxy you could get without going off the edge of a regulation star map. Bail supposed it was beautiful, in a sere, barren sort of way, though he personally didn’t enjoy the implicit promise of death that seemed to linger like a miasma over the sand. Bail had slept badly the night before, listening to some unknown thing screaming in the dark. 
Then again, if Kenobi truly was trying to stay off the Empire’s radar and away from Darth Vader’s wrath, no one would ever think to look here.
Bail squinted into late-afternoon sunlight. Officially, he was travelling through the Outer Rim as part of an outreach initiative by the Senate. Unofficially, he knew that most of his fellow senators believed he was visiting a mistress—more than one of them had congratulated him on slipping the grip of his formidable royal wife. (When Bail told Breha this, she’d mostly been flattered by the implication that if Bail wanted a mistress, he’d have to stash them all the way in the Outer Rim to avoid her.)
Actually, Bail was sitting beside Obi-Wan Kenobi outside a wattled hut, watching the sun set over the mesas and graciously pretending to drink the awful tea Obi-Wan had made for him. 
“Why not?”
Obi-Wan blinked. “The art of being a Jedi is complex and ancient—there are arcane secrets—it’s just not advisable,” he spluttered.
Bail huffed. “That is hardly a convincing argument.”
“Neither you nor Breha are Force-sensitive; you won’t even be able to tell if she’s doing it correctly. This is like a fish blithely announcing he plans to teach a starbird how to fly!”
“Well, give me the introductory level. Or whichever level involves teaching young Jedi not to assault people with the Force.”
Obi-Wan froze, his hand spasming around his own mug of tea. “Leia hurt someone?” he breathed, his face going shadowed and haunted. Bail frowned.
“Another boy; she was angry, and she choked him, bloodied his nose. The incident was embarrassing and—suspicious, if we’re trying to keep her existence a secret, but minor. We’re just worried, you needn’t look like someone has died.”
Obi-Wan shut his eyes as though pained, and a shudder ran through his whole body until he was almost doubled-over. “Obi-Wan?” Bail asked. “Are you—”
“You have a datapad?” Obi-Wan mumbled. Bail blinked.
“Take notes.” Obi-Wan didn’t wait, and Bail scrambled to dig through his pack and grab the datapad and stylus before he got too far. “The first lesson any Jedi must learn—”
The first five lessons were a nightmare. 
“That was my great-grandmother’s favorite dining table,” Breha said mournfully as she and Bail watched the charred hunks of wood carried from the room. “It was a gift from one of the Queens of Naboo, in honor of the jubilee celebration of her reign.”
“We can ask Queen Raina for another one,” Bail offered. The guards bowed, and shut the doors behind them, such that it was just Bail and Breha alone in the study.
He could hear Leia’s sobbing from the next room. They hadn’t meant to scare her, or yell as much as they had, but it had been terrifying, a little girl with fire all around her and a look of unnatural peace on her face. Bail sighed. “This isn’t working.”
“Oh, I don’t know. Our daughter managed to somehow summon lightning from her hands, that seems like some sort of progress.”
Bail snorted. “In the wrong direction, I think. She’s supposed to learn restraint, not….I’m afraid she’s sliding further away, she’s losing control. Obi-Wan told me that many of the Sith were Jedi, once.”
“We cannot keep running to him,” Breha said with a sigh, leaning against the doorframe in a rare show of weariness. Bail realized with a start that there were lines, bracketing around her mouth, that had not been there only a few years before. “The Security Council has begun discussing a military installation on Alderaan, I will need to use every weapon in my arsenal to keep those—stormtroopers,��� she ground out icily, “from our world. If there is even a hint—”
“What about Jedha?” Bail said, and Breha blinked. Then her expression transformed into something thoughtful, considering.
“I thought the temple there was destroyed.”
“It was. But the worshipers still come. And the Jedi Order was only one of the sects that revered the Force, at this point we may be safer to look outside the Core for aid.”
“Someone discreet,” Breha said, finally.
“Of course.”
“Someone—patient. And not afraid. I will not allow our daughter to grow up with her teacher fearing what she can do.”
“Of course not.”
Bail crossed the room to her, and with an indulgent smile, Breha allowed herself to be crowded against the wall, fitted herself into his arms; her hands finding the small of his back with familiar ease. Bail had been away too long; her hair smelled different, something floral that made his nose itch. “Do you ever wish I had brought you a simpler daughter?” he murmured, and he could feel her laugh.
“There are no easy children,” Breha murmured. “I would rather simply love ours. Now bring her someone who will teach her how not to burn the galaxy down around her.”
Privately, Bail doubted there existed anyone who would make Leia Organa less incendiary—but at least they could make it less literal.
(“Everyone says of all the Guardians of the Whills, you are the most learned, and faithful. You remember the old ways,” Bail said.
“I sympathize with your plight,” Chirrut Îmwe said, setting his own teacup down. Malbus, standing in the doorway and casting a long shadow, grunted; a smile flickered across Chirrut’s mouth in response. “But as long as there are pilgrims to the Holy City, we must stay, and defend her.”
Bail exhaled, and thought of shining Aldera, in the mountains, where the air was thin and cold and bright. Where his daughter could make the air burn, and his wife ruled the world. “I understand,” he said. “Thank you for your time.”)
Later—much later, when neither Jedha or Alderaan could be defended any more, and Obi-Wan was nothing more than another nexus of brightness in the Force—Leia was watching her brother.
“I remember this,” she said suddenly.
“What?” Luke asked, cracking open an eye. “Do you mean remember, or—remember, like our mother?”
“We have to come up with a better term for that,” Leia sighed. “And no, I actually remember this,” she added. “One of my tutors, Mistress Draight. We used to do breathing exercises and control exercises, and…I always just thought it was mindfulness. I had a lot of tutors,” she said with a shrug.
“You had Jedi lessons?” Luke asked, opening his eyes fully and uncurling from his cross-legged meditation pose.
“I didn’t think they were Jedi lessons. No one ever said the word ‘Jedi’ and we never moved anything with the Force, or discussed lightsabers. It was just supposed to be calming. A way of establishing control.”
“Huh,” Luke said. “Did it help?”
“I—think so? My mother used to joke about the time I set my great great-grandmother’s table on fire, but I always assumed it was because my sleeve caught on the candle,“ she mused.
Luke laughed, hooking his hand in the loose fabric of her dress and pulling her forward until his legs were tangled hers. “Okay,” he said, touching his forehead to hers. “Show me what you got.”
Leia grinned.
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anthonycalascione · 3 years
Ever go to an event where all the cars were the same color?
When cars and trucks are being produced, there is an early stage known as the “body in white.” The phrase applies to completed body shells as they head into the paint shop for color to be applied. 
Perhaps taking the concept of “body in white” a giant step further, 
Guglielmo Miani, who heads Italian fashion brand Larusmiani, thought it would be great fun to stage a road rally, but only for cars wearing white paint, and thus the inaugural Fuori Concorso was held in the California desert early in 2020, with a second was later in the year on the Italian island of Sardinia.
It’s not unusual for red cars to dominate at Ferrari events, or black cars at a Model T club gathering, but what would you think about staging a car show or driving event exclusively for cars of a certain color? 
Or here’s an alternative: A car show where cars are parked neither at random nor by marque or model or model year, but by color? 
British Motor Show launches robot competition
These robots are made from car parts
Did you miss World Recycling Day? It was held recently and the British Motor Show used the occasion to launch a Car Robot Competition as part of its “Crazee Creations” category. 
So how does it work? 
“The Car Robot Competition will see showgoers able to create their own battle-style robots using old car parts, ahead of the show, to fight head-to-head in an arena, which will form a central part of the Show’s Crazee Car Corner, where you will find the weird and the wonderful, from monster trucks to modified cars,” motor show organizers announced.
“Participants are invited to design their very own robot, static or mobile, using recycled car parts. The robots will then be judged for style and creativity before a winner is announced… Teams are invited from schools, colleges, companies, or just groups of friends and individuals.”
The show’s Crazee Car Corner will feature a display of “modified cars, mental motorbikes, oddball caravans, upcycled automotive art and extreme machines. If you like the unusual, you’ll love the Crazee area.”
“The British Motor Show is about cars of all ages, shapes and sizes – it’s a celebration of cars in all their forms and the Crazee Corner is where those are taken to the extreme” said Andy Entwistle, the motor show’s chief executive. “That makes it the perfect place for visitors to create their own car robot creations and let their automotive imaginations run wild – and there’ll be some cool prizes on offer, too.”
The show is scheduled for August 19-22. For more information, visit the show website.
Beaulieu’s ‘Simply’ shows launch May 23
The 2014 Volkswagen XL1 was a diesel-electric 2-seat hybrid vehicle. Only 250 of the $130,000 vehicles were scheduled to be produced
British home computer producer Clive Sinclair also produced 1-person electric-powered tricycles called the Sinclair C5 but sold only 5,000 of them
The British National Motor Museum at Beaulieu opens its series of “Simply” car shows on May 23 with Simply Electric, a showplace for electric and hybrid cars and motorcycles and bicycles.
Organizers are particularly interested in any vintage electric vehicles and in classics that have been converted to electric powertrains.
The event will be the first of 15 such one-marque or one-type of vehicle shows scheduled to be staged this year at the British museum.
For more information and a full schedule, visit the museum website.
2 Jet Z Hot Wheels car set for Carlisle Imports show
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2Jet Z won the national Hot Wheels competition held at the 2018 SEMA Show in Las Vegas | Larry Edsall photo
2 Jet Z, a home-built creation that became a Hot Wheels toy, will be among the vehicles featured May 14-15 at the annual Carlisle Import & Performance Nationals at the Carlisle Fairgrounds in Pennsylvania.
Built by Luis Rodriguez and powered by 630-horsepower version of the 2JZ engine from the Toyota Supra, the car looks like a fighter-jet cockpit on wheels. In 2018, the car was selected as a grand national champion of such full-scale Hot Wheels cars and was shrunk to 1:64 scale to become a real Hot Wheels die-cast toy.
In addition to 2 Jet Z, Rodriguez will show his newest creation, Scorp*lon, a car inspired by one of Syd Mead’s vehicles in the movie Thon.
The Import & Performance showcase also will feature a Volvo celebration, 20 years of the Honda K-Series, 30 years of the Toyota 2JZ engine and 50 years of Opel Manta.
Forest Grove concours postponed
The 48th annual Forest Grove Concours d’Elegance has been postponed until July 17, 2022, the organizing committee has announced. The event is held on the campus of Pacific University, which has become a coronavirus vaccination site.
2021 car show and concours calendar
The following are dates currently set (but subject to change) for a variety of concours d’elegance, car shows and driving tours scheduled during 2021:
10 – Meadowbrook Park, Prairie Village, Kansas; 16-18, Goodguys at Scottsdale, Arizona; 19-22, AACA Southeastern Division Chain of Lakes Tour, Florida; 21-25 – Spring Carlisle, Pennsylvania; 23-25 – Goodguys North Carolina Nationals, Raleigh; Derbuy GT tour, Belgium; 24 — Carolina Cruise, Kannapolis to Concord, North Carolina; 25 – Simply Aston Martin, Beaulieu, UK; 30-May 1, Darryl Starbird’s National Rod & Custom Show, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
1 – Big Displacement Showcase, Seal Cove, Maine; McPherson College CARS Club, Kansas; 1-2 – Keels & Wheels, Seabrook, Texas; 9 – Mother’s Day, KC Auto Museum, Olathe; Simply Vauxhall, Beaulieu, UK; 14-15 – Carlisle Import & Performance Nationals, Pennsylvania; 15 – Vintage Travel Trailer Rally, Hickory Corners, Michigan; 15-16, Goodwood Members’ Meeting, UK: 16 – Simply Audi, Beaulieu, UK; 20-23 – Amelia Island Concours d’Elegance, Amelia Island, Florida; AACA Founders Tour, Davis, West Virginia; 21-23 – Goodguys Salt Lake Nationals, Utah; 23 – Simply Electric, Beaulieu, UK; 28-30 – Goodguys Nashville Nationals, Tennessee
2 – GM on Display, Macungie, Pennsylvania; 2-6, Retromobile, Paris, France, AACA Eastern Divisional Tour, Cambridge, Maryland; 4-6 – Carlisle Ford Nationals, Pennsylvania; Street Machine Nationals, DuQuoin, Illinois; Goodguys All Star Get-Together, Fort Worth, Texas; 5-6, Friends of Steve McQueen, Chino Hills, California; 6, Albuquerque Lowrider Super Show, New Mexico, Simply Porsche, Beaulieu, UK; 8-10 – London Concours, UK; 12 – Drop Top Showcase, Seal Cove, Maine; Oddballs & Obscurities, KC Auto Museum, Olathe; 12-13 – Cincinnati concours, Ohio; E-type 60 years, Shelsley Walsh, UK; 13 – Mini Cooper Day, Beaulieu, UK; 17-19, AACA Eastern Spring Nationals, Saratoga, New York; Simply VW, Beaulieu, UK; 18-19 – Micro-Mini Car World, Hickory Corners, Michigan; 19 – All Air-Cooled Gathering, Hickory Corners, Michigan; 20 – Father’s Day, KC Auto Museum, Olathe; Blackhawk Museum, Danville, California; Hot Rod & Custom cars, Beaulieu, UK; 25-26 – Carlisle GM Nationals, Pennsylvania; 25-26 – Congress of Motorcars, Hickory Corners, Michigan; 26 – Miles through Time, Clarkesville, Georgia; 27 – Oldsmobiles & Orphans, Hickory Corners, Michigan; Simply Jaguar, Beaulieu, UK
Have an event to add? Email details to [email protected].
The post Ever go to an event where all the cars were the same color? appeared first on ClassicCars.com Journal.
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3dprintshed · 4 years
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Any Star Wars fans out there? 😊 Definitely one of the more interesting custom requests I've had, and great fun to work on: a bronze planter with engraving based on a detailed tattoo of the Rebel Alliance's starbird symbol. I actually did this one a little while ago, but I've been so busy I've only just got round to sharing it with you! . #starwars #rebelalliance #starbird #customgift #madetoorder #handmade #smallbusiness #artist #designer #art #inspiration #homedecor #interiordesign #home #interior #decor #design #homedesign #homesweethome #decoration #interiors #homedecoration #love #personalized #customized #customizedgifts #customisedgifts #plantlover #plantpot (at Bristol, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFhLrBmDrxC/?igshid=cc8znj9laurw
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theboywhocan11 · 7 years
Rey Kenobi - A Da Vinci Code Theory Analysis
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Okay, yes...this is going to sound like a conspiracy theory and why is the “Da Vinci Code” being thrown in with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Rey Kenobi (Theory). But, please hear me out...
Disclaimer: The following post covers a fringe theory. A fringe theory is defined as a theory that is not based entirely within the Official Star Wars Canon lore. The purpose of this fringe theory is to go over a what-if scenario in regards to the subject of interest at hand. This post is not to advocate for any certain perspective, but instead it is to educate an alternative point of view in regards to characters and/or events in the Star Wars Lore (both Canon and Legends). The focus of this theory would be using the Dan Brown’s Novel “The Da Vinci Code” and various related material in this fringe theory analysis.
(1) First things first, what is the “Da Vinci Code”?
Da Vinci code refers to a list of hidden clues found in Leonardo Da Vinci’s work all of which seems to point to the idea that Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene got married and had descendants.
(2) What’s going on with the Da Vinci Code in Dan Brown’s book, “The Da Vinci Code?”
The novel “The Da Vinci Code” “explores an alternative religious history, whose central plot point is that the Merovingian kings of France were descended from the bloodline of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, ideas derived from Clive Prince's The Templar Revelation (1997) and books by Margaret Starbird. The book also refers to The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail (1982) though Dan Brown has stated that it was not used as research material.”
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Da_Vinci_Code
In other words, in Dan Brown's “The Da Vinci Code,” the descendants of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene formed the Merovingian Knights and these Knights protect this knowledge from various opponents who were against the idea that Jesus and Mary had children. 
Furthermore, “The existence of the bloodline was the secret that was contained in the documents discovered by the Crusaders after they conquered Jerusalem in 1099 (see Kingdom of Jerusalem). The Priory of Sion and the Knights Templar were organized to keep the secret.”
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Da_Vinci_Code
In the novel, “The Da Vinci Code,” The Priory of Sion knew of the latest descendant of Jesus and Mary and thus kept the identity of the descendant a secret.
(3) How does this particular “Da Vinci Code” theory mean and/or tied to the sequel trilogy and the Rey Kenobi Theory?
(To read more - go below the cut)
The relatives of Kenobi/Kryze family (predominately the Kryze) family helped form some Mandalorian organization (like Knights Mandalore or Mandalorian Knights or even another iteration of the “Mandalorian Protectors” who were mentioned in Star Wars Rebels) who were assigned to protect the bloodline of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Satine Kryze. 
It can be speculated that either this Mandalorian Knights group also formed the Knights of Ren either by Force via Snoke or by choice in order to stay alive when the First Order went after this particular group who were harboring a powerful child. A child who is a blend of Jedi and Mandalorian heritage.
Like in the Dan Brown novel that explores the idea that the Merovingian Knights are the descendants of Jesus/Mary - this particular group of “Mandalorian Knights/Protectors” may have blood ties to this Kenobi/Kryze bloodline.
(4) The possibility of another group knowing about the secret Kenobi/Kryze bloodline besides some Mandalorians???
Further note: As mentioned in the “Da Vinci Code” novel, “The Priory of Sion and the Knights Templar were organized to keep the secret.” 
Now, what if the Knights of Ren also knew about this bloodline and under the leadership of Kylo Ren and were to going to keep the Kenobi/Kryze bloodline a secret as well. But, how so you may ask. Well, if Kylo Ren was having visions of a Rey (but not yet confirmed Kenobi), he, as leader of the Knights of Ren, wants to keep Rey (after finding about her and knowing she's powerful based on her heritage) so Kylo and Rey can become the..."Renperor and Renpress" of the Galaxy in their image. This would happened after overthrowing Snoke. A Skywalker and a Kenobi ruling the galaxy together - like Husband and Wife.  
Side Note: The possible direct descendant of Kenobi/Kryze bloodline is Korkie Kryze.
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(4) Other Notes: 
If anyone is familiar with the history of Constantine and the Byzantine Empire that later adopted the Christian Belief system that Constantine saw a symbol in the clouds. That symbol he saw was: Chi Ro.
XP or this symbol
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Now, take a closer look at this X (chi) P (rho) symbol. It sounds like it has "K" and "R" sound as in. Also, as you guessed it: Kylo Ren (K R)
(Kira) Rey (K R)
Kylo Ren's namesake is Ben as in Ben Kenobi. But, his dark side name is Kylo Ren with its initials K R for X (chi) P (rho).
In speaking of Khristos (Christ), Obi-Wan Kenobi has been seen within Star Wars Fandom as "Space Jebus."  Or, the “Space Jebus” who fell in love with a Mandalorian woman whos surname, Kryze, sounds similar to "Christ."
Source: https://www.howtopronounce.com/kryze/
Source: https://www.howtopronounce.com/christ/
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(Above) Here is the picture posted on various Tumblr blogs abotu Obi-Wan Kenobi being confused as Space Jebus.
Make it really more odd, the actor (Ewan McGreggor) who plays Obi-wan Kenobi also played Jesus Christ in a film called “Last Days in the Desert”.
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Moving on...in the Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code, Leonardo Da Vinci’s “Last Supper” painting has an “M” shaped outline over Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, indicating marriage between Jesus Christ and Mary.
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In Star Wars, this “M” can be tied to the fact that “Space Jebus” Obi-Wan Kenobi had an intimate relationship with the “M” andalorian Duchess, Satine Kryze. “M” for marriage...”M” for Obi-Wan Kenobi marrying his love for “M” for “Mandalore’s” Duchess Satine Kryze.
Furthermore: there is a connection between the Merovingian Knights and certain sub-groups of the Knights Templar Order who are aware of this Holy Bloodline of Jesus/Mary Magdalene.  
Now, make this even more striking. In one Da Vinci Code Documentary, there is a symbol for the Knights Templar. That symbol is the hooked X.
“According to [Scott] Wolter, the symbol that he associates with the Holy Bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.”
Source: http://www.jasoncolavito.com/blog/scott-wolter-apparently-solves-mystery-of-hooked-x-but-not-the-way-he-thinks-he-did
If look at the TFA poster upside down, you can see a similar symbolism right there.
First, see below.
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(Above) Here is the Hooked X symbol used by the Knights Templar.
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(Above) Here is the TFA poster lifted upside down.
As you can see the two images above, there is a hooked X, indicating in the Star Wars Universe context...of a holy (FORCE) bloodline of the Kenobi/Kryze down to Rey (Kenobi) and any of her relatives still out there.
Here’s a image comparison below:
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Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code Story: The Jesus/Mary Descendant and her brother
(1) In the Da Vinci Code book by Dan Brown, the female descendant of Jesus/Mary has a sibling.
“It is revealed that Neveu and her brother are descendants of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. The Priory of Sion hid her identity to protect her from possible threats to her life.“
Link:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Da_Vinci_Code
Based on this above quote, there could be a group of people trying to keep the Kenobi/Kryze bloodline a secret and may even know about Rey and any of her siblings (if Rey had any) to the point in keeping Rey and her siblings’ identities a secret.
(2) In many of the Star Wars Canon stories about a significant female character also happens to have a brother.
(a.) Star Wars Rebels: Sabine Wren and her brother Tristan Wren
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(Above) Sabine Wren, her mother (Ursa Wren), her brother (Tristan Wren)
(b.) Jyn Erso in the original draft of Rogue One (film) was supposed to have  Jedi Mother and a brother.
“In early versions of the script, Jyn was given a mother who was in hiding from the Empire and a young brother she had to protect.”
Link: http://www.slashfilm.com/early-rogue-one-scripts/
(c.) So, what's to say...that Rey might have a brother/sister that may be part of the dark side forces serving Snoke and/or the Knights of Ren.
The reason for saying so is that Lucasfilm has a tendency to reuse old concepts and re-adapt them into later stories.
For instance, in the Force Unleashed Games, there was a concept art for a spinning-double-bladed lightsaber. That was not used. Instead, it was used by the Sith Inquisitors in Star Wars Rebels.
Now, some would say that the whole 'Significant-female-character-having-a-brother' is already used. Why use it again?
Some would answer that in Legends, Rey is partially based on Jaina Solo, the older twin sister of Jacen Solo who turned to the dark side as Darth Caedus.
What if Rey is the sister of a dark side sibling and it so happens that Rey was the weaker child who was left to die on Jakku (assuming various Dark Rey theories are true)?
Issues with this "Fringe" Theory:
(2) There is NOTHING in Official Star Wars Lore indicating about some sort of Da Vinci code clues about some holy bloodline that is Kenobi/Kryze bloodline. and making such a bloodline the MOST HOLIEST OF THEM ALL. If the Kenobi/Kryze bloodline is so "HOLY", then would it out-shadow the significance of the Chosen One that was Anakin Skywalker?
Also, yes...there are various clues, such as Rey and Obi-Wan shared same force sounds, the Obi-Wan Theme in Rey’s Theme, and other hidden references indicating a connection between Rey and Obi-Wan Kenobi. However, there is NO other clues like what’s being presented in the “Da Vinci Code”, such as the Hooked X symbobl.
(3) That hooked X symbolism in the TFA poster is just a coincidence. There is no other "hooked X" symbol anywhere in the official Star Wars lore. Ever.
Also, even though Kylo Ren’s costume is similar to a Knights Templar group called the "Hospitaller Knights," such similarity does not warrant the Hooked X symbol in the TFA poster as proof about Rey Kenobi. 
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“The Hospitaller uniform was black with a white cross, though some of the lower-ranking soldiers had red uniforms, too. Templars and Teutonic Knights (other crusading orders) wore white uniforms with a red and black cross respectively, but otherwise similar in shape. The long, flowing tabbards worn over armour are definitely associated with the various orders of crusader knights, and the crossguard shape of the lightsaber brings the association home.
Here, Kylo seems to be wearing a combination of a longer surcoat and a shorter tabbard, both of them very Mediaeval in design“
Source: https://a-shipper-despite-herself.tumblr.com/post/136412523874/kylo-ren-and-the-holy-war
(4) There have been many criticisms against Dan Brown's take on the Da Vinci code that such criticisms warrants not to take this particular “Kenobi Code” Theory seriously.
In conclusion:  
Are various iterations of the Rey Kenobi Theory a credible theory? Yes, they are. Is Dan Brown Da Vinci Code the key to unlocking the Rey Kenobi (Kenobi Code) theory as definite proof that Rey is a Kenobi? Maybe...but that’s up to debate. More information would be needed from various sources to confirm that Rey is definitely a Kenobi besides using the “Da Vinci Code” as proof and/or using it to prove that Obi-Wan Kenobi and Satine Kryze indeed had a secret a child.
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eyeloch · 7 years
Fire Art
as inspired by a chat I had with @izzyovercoffee​, who more people should follow.
Under the watch of the stars, Krownest was alight with joy.  It was a festival in the lands belonging to Clan Wren, and even the Duchess’ family were out celebrating - relaxing a little with the burdens of duty lessened for a night.
Of these four, the younger child was by far the happiest - this was the first of these celebrations she could remember, and her eyes had been wide for hours trying to take as much in as possible.  Sabine Wren had pleaded with her older sibling to get her all kinds of sweets she didn’t normally so much as taste, giggled when she’d managed to outshoot him in a target practice game and delighted in getting to play with her in entire close family all together (and many of her friends besides - everyone who was anyone in the clan came to these festivities, when the time came for them to be held).
But as the last of the day dipped away below the peaks, a hush gradually fell over what seemed like the whole planet, and the fire performance began.
Twin flames were lit at opposite ends of the stage, each held by a performer.  One twisted themselves and danced through many different props - the flame sometimes being whirled around their head on a chain, or rolled across their body on a pole.  And with every switch - from knife to hoop, or baton to fan - the colours changed too! 
The other slowly walked to the centre of the stage with slow, pondering steps.  This icon of stagnation was opposed by the other, being forced to duck and retreat time and again from their goal thanks to the ever-changing fires.  The green fire of duty became the red of honoring the past in an instant, ever fighting against Arasuum, keeping them from getting too close to the centre stage.
At the centre, Sabine suddenly saw, lay a tiny flame.  As she watched she saw it grow bigger, flickering in all manner of colours.  As it grew, she began to understand - such that she almost wasn’t surprised when the flame roared up suddenly!  The fire spread up the back of the stage, forming a starbird of violet and orange for all to see.  The meaning was clear - for this starbird was the one that would form Mandalore, so some stories went.
There were other acts, and other festivals, but few stuck with Sabine for as long as this one did.  It might have been the atmosphere, the sheer joy (untainted by familiarity) or perhaps because this was the first time she saw how temporary art could be.
...between this, the fire eating, and the act with a flaming sword representing Tarre Viszla, it perhaps should not have come as a surprise when Ursa had to drag Sabine away from trying this art form without supervision....
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aceofstars16 · 7 years
Light in the Dark
I totally didn’t stay up till two writing Sabezra angst...I don’t know what you are talking about....haha *flops*
So, I kind of wanted to write, and then I just got a spark of inspiration and well, this is the result. It’s a sequel to “Distant”, which is from @meldy-arts’ future AU. It’s not really what that one person requested...but it was really fun to write. All the feels, and I kind of accidentally threw in a funny reference to this post as well....xD
Anyways, this was fun to write even if I did stay up a little too late writing it haha *rolls away listening to “Runnin’ Home to You” because it came on and I decided to use a lyric from it because reasons*
Fic below the cut (hope y’all like it!)
The nightmares didn’t stop now that Ezra was back on the Starbird. In fact, they seemed to be worse. Waking up in a cold sweat, feeling scared, confused, and completely out of control was one thing. But it was a whole other thing when he was so close to his family – to the ones he was scared of hurting the most.
It helped sleeping on the couch – he couldn’t bear the thought of losing control in his sleep, of hurting Sabine. But it was still terrifying. Every time he woke up like that, he ran out of the ship. To get away from them, to keep them safe and hopefully clear his head. Every time he did, he wanted to just keep running, to live on his own again – to protect them from himself. Then he would remember Mira. Her heartbroken sobs. Blaming herself for his absence. And that stopped him in his tracks. He couldn’t leave her, not again. Not even if it terrified him beyond measure.
But some nights it was almost unbearable. Only staying awake and getting away for a few hours helped, and that took a toll on his body, slowly wearing it down. Until the breaking point.
Another nightmare, just as bad as ever, maybe even worse. They seemed to be getting worse. Sabine dead at his hand, Mira watching, tears spilling down her cheeks as she stared at him in horror. The worst part – in his dream there was no remorse, not guilt, only a terrible anger that fueled each step. He lifted his saber, ready to strike again. Then he woke - a strangled cry caught in his throat.
His hands shook. His heart pounded terrifyingly fast. His nerves were shot. The anguish in his mind overwhelmed him. Every part of him screamed: run. But his body didn’t comply.
One step and he fell. The exhaustion of the last few weeks catching up to him, weighing him down beyond movement. There was no escaping, no freedom from the fear. He couldn’t get away. Couldn’t protect his family from himself.
The pain choked him, pressed down on him from all sides until a tortured sob escaped his mouth and tears spilled down his face. He had to get away, had to protect them. But he wasn’t strong enough. He couldn’t fight his emotions, couldn’t keep it up anymore. He had failed.
Then a quiet voice broke through the pain. Through the terrified state of his mind, he couldn’t make out who it was. But he did know that if someone was there, he could hurt them. He tried to speak, tried to warn them to leave, but his voice was lost.
A hand rested gently on his shoulder and Ezra jumped slightly. No, they had to get away, had to stay away from him. He tried to squirm back, but his body didn’t comply.
The voice again, not faded like before, it was strong, authoritative. And familiar. Sabine.
“No,” Ezra choked out. She couldn’t be here, shouldn’t be here. He had to get her away, to keep her safe, but his mouth couldn’t form any more words.
“Ezra, look at me,” Sabine said, her voice still firm but a little softer than before, and he couldn’t stop himself from obeying the command. “Breathe.”
It was a simple instruction, or it should have been. Ezra knew he was breathing, but now that he focused on it, he realized how quick and tight it was. He tried to ease it – because if he did, then Sabine could go, she could be safe. If this would get her to leave then he would do it. So, he tried, even as hiccups interrupted every breath, even as his chest felt constricted.
Sabine breathed slowly as well, telling him when to inhale and when to exhale. Without her guidance, he didn’t know if he would’ve been able to do it. But after a few minutes, the tightness eased, the hiccups calmed. And he could breathe a little easier.
“There.” Sabine smiled softly at him and reached up to brush aside his hair, only to pull her hand back as he flinched at the touch. He could breathe again, but the memory of the dream was all the real, as was the reality of how much danger she was in.
“You have to go.” Ezra was relieved that he could speak again, even if his voice still felt weak, tired.
“I’m not going anywhere, Ezra,” she said, worry creasing her brow as she moved her hand from his shoulder to his hand.
“Bean, you have to, you’re in danger-”
“No.” Her voice cut over his. “I am not. And even if I was, I can take care of myself. You know I can.”
“I…I know but not from…from…this.” Ezra glanced down at his hand – which was still shaking. He would never be able to trust himself again, not after what happened.
Then Sabine’s free hand grabbed his and the shaking stopped.
“You’ve been fighting this alone for far too long, Ezra. And I can’t let you do that anymore. No one can do it all on their own. Not even you.” Her thumbs rubbed slow circles on his hands, a comforting gesture he normally used on her.
“But, if I hurt you-”
“Then I’ll smack the sith right out of you,” Sabine said, so straight faced most people might’ve missed the joke, but not Ezra, he knew her too well. “But I know you won’t Ezra, because I know you.”
Ezra closed his eyes. He didn’t want her to stay. He wanted to keep her safe, to protect her. But he was also so tired…
“Please, Ezra. I miss you. I miss us.”
The sadness in her voice broke Ezra. First Mira. Now Sabine. The people he wanted to protect where the ones he had hurt the most. Opening his eyes, he looked up at Sabine – saw the worry in her eyes. But aside from that he also saw love. Even after all he had done, she still loved him. It was a love he didn’t deserve, but maybe love wasn’t something to be earned to begin with.
“Okay.” Just one word, but it was one of the hardest words Ezra had to say. He was putting her in danger, he was allowing her to step into the mess of his life, of his mind. But despite the worry, relief also flickered to life in his chest.
“Good,” Sabine said, then reached up to brush his hair to the side – this time he didn’t flinch. “Now come on, let’s both get some sleep.”
Despite the slight relief of his mental burden, Ezra’s body was still worn out beyond reason. Sabine not only had to help him to his feet, but also had to support him all the way to their room.
It was terrifying being in the room again, lying down next to Sabine. She was so close. Right next to him – a bomb that could go off at any minute. But she was used to handling explosives. And as her arms wrapped around him and held him close, Ezra felt the smallest semblance of security, of peace. Things he hadn’t felt in ages. Things he had missed so much. Embracing them, he closed his eyes. And for the first time in what felt like forever, nightmares didn’t touch him.
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blondennerdy · 7 years
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So I have this headcanon that while Ezra might not be able to wear a padawan braid behind his ear like Caleb Dume did before him, he still has one. Its a bracelet that he wears underneath his clothes and gloves. (The bracelet was actually Zeb’s idea. Kanan spent the first few weeks of Ezra’s apprenticeship wondering how he could give Ezra a padawan braid without painting a greater target on his back. Later Zeb lets it slip that Honor Guard trainees would wear armlets to show their status.) Ezra’s braid is not made of hair but random bits they had around the Ghost, one strand is a old bit of Chopper’s wire, a bit of an old blanket belonging to Hera, the clasps belonged to a project Sabine was working on etc... The red and black beads are ones that Kanan found along his travels. I messed up the official coloring but I meant for the beads to show Ezra’s mastering of saber work (Red though canon says Yellow) and undercover work (Black) since there is no greater practice of undercover and secrecy then running from the Empire. The starbird is where the Jedi order symbol is traditionally but since that’s not the best idea for an undercover Jedi, Sabine carved the symbol of the rebellion instead. Ezra does have the Jedi symbol on the green band at the top of his braid, it’s his linage bead. I made up the linage bead but I like to think it get handed down from master to padawan for generations so this one originally belonged to Mace Windu, then Depa Billaba, the Caleb Dume, and now its in Ezra’s braid. 
Opps... I just wrote a mini essay....Sorry
Summer of Art 2017
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