#stardew spa
infifi3 · 1 month
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toriliashine · 2 months
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I locked in
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stardewremixed · 5 months
Stardew Valley Employment Headcanons
I've been thinking a lot about how many folks in the Valley don't work. In some ways, it feels realistic. A small town that is clearly dying until the Farmer comes along struggles with unemployment rates. It could be related to high taxes (*side-eyes* I'm looking at you, Lewis) and competitive megacorporations (like Joja) undermining the local economy. However, I'd like to do a little headcanon for the residents and their job situation.
Under spoilers, because TL;DR.
Abigail - after graduating with a degree in art history, Abigail starts working out in her mother's fitness group. She starts swimming at the spa. And she starts a workout regiment with Alex. Of course, this leads her to finally join the Adventure Guild full-time, protecting the Valley and exploring the depths of the mines. She still jams from time to time with Sam and Seb. I also like to think she leads a local Scouts troop.
Alex - this man deserves to have an amazing job as a pro gridball player. However, while he waits, he could coach a local kids team at the Community Center. I can also see him work part-time stocking shelves at Pierre's General Store. Maybe he lifeguards at the Ginger Island Beach during the busy season or drives deliveries out to Sandy in the desert for Pierre. Or he could work with Robin. Mmm... this man, chopping wood... fantasies. He still sells ice cream in the summertime maybe on the weekends or at festival days (because come on, Pierre needs a little competition and I love the idea of pineapple ice cream at the luau and stardrop sorbet at the moonlit jelly fest). I also see him doing odd jobs around the valley until he gets more stable work at Pierre's or Robin's. Need someone to fix your leaky roof? Alex is your man! (Because Evelyn mentions George can't do it anymore).
Elliott - I still like the idea of Elliott's secret wealth and he escaped his family to become a writer. However, maybe he regularly submits poems and sonnets via various contests online under a pseudonym, and does a few freelance articles (maybe on small towns, fishing, romance, etc.). This man deserves to publish a masterpiece and make it on a bestseller list, then gets an agent, and of course, publishes a series. He still does readings in the Valley at the library and the Saloon because he always wants to remember his humble roots and the people who cheered him on when he was a nobody in the business.
Emily - She absolutely needs to start a side-business as the town tailor. It's kind-of already in the lore, but I could see her starting up an online business (maybe with the help of Seb) on an Etsy-esque site. Also, I can see her helping out on the farm for a little something extra when she's not working at the Saloon. Maybe tending to the flowers, watering plants when the Farmer is in the Mines or off on the island or in the desert for the day. She mentions she would like to do this, but Gus apparently frowns on a side job. Hmm... well, I can see this girl eventually leaving her job at the Saloon to pursue her sewing passion full-time. She totally hosts a yoga class in the winter at the Community Center.
Harvey - He is already a well-respected town doctor, but the man is so stressed that he is hardly ever in the Clinic (at least not without mods). I propose Harvey hires some extra help, an associate, maybe another nurse, and a receptionist to assist, especially if patients from surrounding towns (like he mentions) start visiting (i.e. expansions). And he teaches first aid classes at the Community Center.
Haley - Like Leah, she needs an art exhibit to showcase her photography. Unlike the other villagers, I don't see her staying in the Valley, eventually pursuing the work of a freelance photographer and traveling the world (like her absentee parents). She does make an annual trip back for the Flower Dance, her favorite festival. I have pursued Haley the least in game so I'm struggling to come up with more ideas here.
Leah - Speaking of Leah, she transforms the Valley into a premier art destination. She can teach art classes at the renovated Community Center. She teams up with Seb and Sam (and drags Elliott along for the ride, and the writing) to produce an avant-garde film about the art all around us in small towns. I also think she grows her own herbs and sells them at Pierre's, festivals, and the Farmer's Markets (as she gives me green witch vibes). Maybe she partners with Caroline (or the Wizard) to create some herbal potions and creams. And of course, she's still at it with woodworking, though these days she works on commission for those types of projects.
Sam - This man deserves to be a rock star. And I think he'd make a great solo artist. However, if his guitarist dreams don't pan out, he has options. In the vanilla game, he starts working with Gunther at the museum after JojaMart closes. It's a strange choice, but... I figure, maybe he minored in anthropology in college. He would absolutely give amazing tours of the museum, full of exuberant commentary, perfect for kids field trip days too. And I think he plays gigs in Zuzu City and at the Saloon regularly, and maybe even out at Sophia's winery (Stardew Valley Expanded).
Maru - Nursing just doesn't really seem to fit this woman of multiple interests. She finally pursues her passion of robotics and goes to work in a proper lab in a nearby City (doesn't have to be Zuzu - my headcanon is Pine-Mesa City or Grampleton from Stardew Valley Expanded). I think she makes regular trips to the Planetarium too. I could see her visiting the Valley on long weekends, and maybe taking the local kids club on a night-time stargazing event in the summer.
Sebastian - Please give this man a proper window in his basement, Robin! Okay, if he doesn't marry the Farmer, Seb moves out anyway and goes to live in the City for a while, to find investors for his indie game studio. In the meantime, he continues to do freelance programming work. And then, one day, he makes a breakthrough game that revolutionizes the industry. After making A LOT of money, he invests in a SAVE-THE-FROGS campaign, hires multiple developers and other staff, and starts working on his next big game. But he still makes time to jam with Sam and Abi from time to time, and of course, take long rides on his motorcycle.
Penny - This poor woman needs some love. Penny pursues her higher education and officially receives her teaching license. She is hired by the local school district so she can do more than just tutor. She can finally afford her own little apartment. She starts a kids club in the Community Center, and creates a summer reading program at the Stardew Library. And I like to think she takes a monthly trip to Zuzu City to shop in a big bookstore for fresh reading material when she has some down time.
Shane - Oh this guy is definitely a mess. If you don't "romance" him in game, he doesn't really turn his life around, and even if he does, it doesn't really point to recovery as it should, imo (without the help of mods). This man hates his job, and yet he feels stuck. I propose the following. After he recovers in therapy, completes rehab, and genuinely quits drinking (forever), and of course, loses his job at Joja (suck it, Morris!), Shane starts working at Marnie's shop and contracts out as a farmhand all around the Valley. Then he can be a proper godfather to Jas, and provide some actual service at the Ranch (when Marnie's off doing who knows what with you know who...)
I have thoughts for the other Villagers in the Valley too, but I'll save those for a different post.
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faestolemythoughts · 1 month
More Stardew hcs 🌸💚
Slight TW, boys smokin the devils lettuce
-Sam has a tendency to fall asleep literally anywhere. Wether it’s on the floor, outside somehow, or most often.. Seb’s bed.
When I say Seb’s bed though, it’s hardly ever in a normal position. He usually falls asleep mid-game, slumping against the wall or hanging halfway off or (Seb’s absolute favorite) sprawled out across the entire already small bed.
Sebastian never notices until it’s too late. He’s always too focused in whatever video game they’re playing, only looking over when Sam stops replying to whatever he’s saying. Every time it happens he wants to be mad, he really does. He just can’t seem to be irritated when Sam looks like that when he sleeps. He’d die before he ever told Sam that he looks pretty when he sleeps.
It’s always a chore to shove Sam (the heaviest sleeper sebs ever fucking seen) aside so he can lay in his own bed.
They’d both be lying if they said they never ended up against each other.. because it’s warm of course.
Let’s just say Abby’s found them like that countless times. She has the pictures to prove it.
-The first time Sam wants to try smoking with Seb (not cigarettes 🍃) Is after a particularly bad day with his family. They’re around 17-18. Senior year. Kent keeps getting on him about college and other bullshit he wants no part in. His mom won’t stop agreeing with him. He’s sick of it. He needs.. well, weed.
Barging into Sebs room eyes immediately on the dark blue glass piece, Seb can tell something’s wrong.
“I need you to give me that.” Sam huffs. Motioning at the bong.
Sebastian almost laughs. He would’ve if it weren’t for the look on Sam’s face that’s really telling him he really does need to unwind.
“You sure? Don’t wanna talk?”
“Just- pack it or whatever it’s called.”
Sebastian hastily does what he’s told. He’s fighting himself and definitely feels like a horrible influence right now. But Sam’s a grown man and can make his own choices, so he hands the bong to Sam, tucking the bowl pack in his pocket.
they make their way up to the top of the hill, veering right of the spa near the train tunnels, knowing damn well they can’t do this anywhere near the house. As they make the 10 minute or so walk, Sam finally starts talking.
“I really wish my mom would be on my side one time.”
Seb motions for Sam to take the bong out of his jacket where it had been conveniently hidden from anyone’s sight.
“Want me to show you how?”
“I fucking know how.”
Eyebrows raised Seb just sets in the bowl piece and tosses Sam the lighter.
Sam definitely doesn’t know how. His first try he doesn’t put his mouth right against the glass, not creating a suction therefore getting no smoke. A very familiar bitch face from Seb is accompanied with a tsk noise and an eye roll.
“Let me show you before you waste all my weed.” Seb reaches a hand out, grabbing the glass while still in Sam’s hands, guiding it closer to his mouth. “Put it all the way against your face so air can’t get in.”
He takes the lighter from Sam’s hands, suddenly acutely aware of the fact that their hands are overlapping. He keeps it there though.
“I’m gonna light it for you, you ready?”
Sam nods, making eye contact, a sliver of nervousness and.. something else Seb can’t quite make out on his face. Sebastian flicks the lighter and Sam seemingly knows to start to breathe in. He lets the glass fill up about half way with smoke, then takes the metal piece out, letting Sam breathe it in.
He thinks the kid is just about going to die with how hard he coughs. He lets himself laugh this time, smacking him on the back telling him the burning will pass.
“Fuck- how do you- do that so often?” Sam manages between coughs.
“You get used to it. Promise. Tell me if you don’t feel right. We can go home.”
“I don’t really.. feel anything. When does it like kick in?” He clears his throat, which now feels a little strange.
“Give it a second.” Seb mumbles.
Upon realizing he hadn’t gotten a hit of his own, Sebastian takes the bong from Sam’s hands, taking a long hit of his own, puffing the smoke. Sam watches as the smoke fades away all around them, feeling different than before.
He watches as Sebastian’s face relaxes, a little jealous that it seems to have a sudden affect on him.
“Can I have another one?” He asks.
“Jesus, Sammy. Thought you’d be a lightweight.” Sebastian hands him the bong again. “One more. After that wait a few minutes.”
Sebastian lights it again for him, making sure he doesn’t get way too much smoke. Sam coughs for another minute again.
Sebastian takes another hit himself, gently setting the glass on a flat piece of earth where he hopes it won’t tip.
They sit in silence for a while after that. Just watching the lights of the valley flicker on as the sunlight starts to fade. He almost thinks Sam might be immune to marijuana until he hears little giggles coming from beside him.
“You ever notice how when Kent gets mad that little vein in his neck really pops out.” Sam laughs.
Sebastian can’t help but laugh out loud. Fuck his neck vein really does pop out. Sam is definitely high.
“You feeling good there buddy?” Seb asks, which just makes them both crack right up again.
“I can’t believe you hid this from me this entire time.” Sam huffs, faking dramatics.
“You could’ve just asked, dipshit.”
“I think I might love weed.”
Sebastian makes the critical mistake of looking over at Sam who looks.. so fucking pretty. His puffy red eyes, his slightly strewn hair and his dopey little smile.
Fuck. This is not good. Weed isn’t supposed to make your best friends lips look so.. interesting.. yeah that’s the right word, interesting. Seb rips his eyes from sam, staring at the grass blade he’s picking at.
“You should bring me up here more. The stars are so much brighter than in town.”
God. This kid might actually be the death of Sebastian.
Sam lays back on the cool grass that’s now a little bit damp, but he doesn’t seem to care. He’ll be itchy later but it’s well worth the feeling he has right now. His legs feel like bubbles and he just wants to laugh. Whatever bullshit he was mad over just seems funny now. And god the stars are so damn bright. What if he could just touch them. They look like they’d feel fuzzy… he feels fuzzy.
He turns his head to the right, starting up at Sebastian who’s resting his head on his propped up knee. For some reason he wants to reach out and touch Sebastian, too. His hair looks like it feels so soft. Seb catches him starting but Sam can’t bring himself to feel embarrassed.
Sam really wishes he could put a word to what this feels like and why really really wants to be closer to him. Maybe it’s just the weed, though. Definitely just the weed.
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klaprisun · 1 month
One Sunny Day
(Stardew Valley) (Haley x Female Farmer)
Chapter 12
The rest of the week was me tending to my farm and working on getting my house looking presentable. For three days, I had woken up to Robin working on the renovations I requested. I finally have a kitchen and bedroom now. My bed's been pushed over to the other room, and I threw my groceries into the fridge, in the cupboards, and on my counter.
A few of my crops were harvestable as well. I got to sell some of those and purchase furniture. There is now a couch and wallpaper to make it feel more cozy and inviting. It's actually pretty spacious now with the renovations complete.
The townsfolk have also really warmed up to me as well. They've sent me plenty of things in the mail to help my career, and also recipes since I now have a kitchen.
I have even tried visiting the mines up in the mountains. It's not fun there. There were so many creepy crawlies that attacked me down there. I didn't think I'd make it out alive. I figured out what the Hat Mouse was talking about as well with the museum. I found things in the rocks I've broken open with my pickaxe that are supposed to go in the museum. I haven't found everything yet, but I found quite a bit.
I haven't seen Haley around town for a bit either. Our paths just haven't crossed like they have been lately. I guess I wouldn't find her going to the mines though. That's probably the last place I'd see her.
When I was up near the mines, I took a little adventure to the train station area and noticed there was some sort of building by it that I hadn't noticed before. That's where I was heading to today since I need a break from all the work I've been doing. There are a lot of places I haven't explored yet and that building is one of them.
The sign above the door of the building says 'Bath' in bold letters with a bunch of writing beneath it. I didn't bother reading, I just walked in. My curiosity got the best of me.
The room I entered felt like a scene from a horror movie. It's dimly lit with two doors directly across from me. Besides a picture of a bathtub between the two doors, there were no other decorations.
I walked up to the two doors to get a closer look. One has a 'W' sign plastered on it while the other has an 'M' one. I tug on the door with the 'W' not expecting it to open, but it does. The force of my tug flings it wide open, nearly knocking me over in the process.
Inside, there is a long row of stalls on the right side, with a small locker area on the left. I toss my bag into one of them and keep walking down a hallway. I pass by a large vanity and shower room, and reach a small change room. There seems to be a set of clothes neatly folded up on one of the stools. Unfortunately, I was unprepared to go swimming and didn't bring a bathing suit. I stripped off my clothes so I could just go in my bra and panties. At the other end of the change room was another door which I assume led to the bath/spa. I push open the door and walk in.
The bath area was unexpectedly, insanely large. Gentle music plays over speakers scattered around the room and steam from the heat of the bath floods the air, giving it a relaxing vibe. There are a few chairs facing the bath area at the front of the room for lounging if taking a dip isn't what you are in the mood for. The side deck of the bath leads all the way around the water area, so I start pacing around, examining the water before getting in. I came to a narrowed area of the bath and walked around the corner that leads to another large water lounging area. It's not as big as the first area though, but still pretty big.
A mess of blonde hair tied up in a claw clip sticks out of the water, along with a pair of bare shoulders with frilly straps wrapping over them. There appears to be a bottle of wine behind her on the bath deck. She hasn't noticed me walking in yet.
"Hey Haley," I call out, making my voice echo against the walls of the bath. Haley screams and flails around to look at me.
"What are you doing here?! You scared me!" she slurs. She is definitely drunk.
"I saw this place when I came in on the train and decided to finally check it out." I responded. I still haven't gotten in the bath yet. Haley doesn't seem to mind because she is aggressively checking me out. The farm work has really toned my body some and I have slight abs now.
"You have such a good looking body..." Haley completely disregarded what I had just said. She is now leaning her head down on her hands on the ledge of the deck, staring up at me with admiration. She holds her hand up to me for me to take. Obediently, I bend over to take her hand and walk down the steps next to her that lead into the water. She doesn't let go of my hand and drags me over to her bottle of wine. "Want some?"
Handing the bottle over without me even answering, I take it out of her hands and open it. There was only about a drop left. I look over to her and raise my eyebrow.
"Oops. It was full when I got here..." she giggles.
I put the bottle back on the ledge and prop my elbows up behind me on the same ledge. I watch Haley dance over to me and put her arms around my neck.
"You know... Alex and I would come here to... you know..." she puts her hands up in front of my face and motions a finger into a hole made by her other fingers, "... you're lucky you didn't catch us doing that."
I made a disgusted face. I hope they clean the water of this place. "I'm sure glad I didn't walk in on that. That is not a sight I'd want to see," I awkwardly say.
"What? You don't want to see all this?" she boldly undoes her bikini and slips her top off. I quickly avert my gaze to the wall.
"Haley, put your top back on. You are drunk," I demand politely, "you will be extremely embarrassed tomorrow by the decisions you are making right now."
"I doubt it," she takes my face in her hands and turns my head so I am looking into her eyes. Her cheeks are rosy from the heat of the bath as well as from the alcohol flowing through her. I try really hard to keep my eyes on hers and not look down. "You need to relaaaaxx, that's what this place is for. It's not like you haven't seen boobs before."
"Yeah but-" I begin. Haley puts her finger to my lips before I can finish my sentence.
"Relax. Turn around," she spins me around before I could protest or question her. She takes my shoulders into her hands and starts massaging. Instantly feeling relaxed, I hunch over and lean on the bath deck.
Her soft hands move all over my back and neck. She has traced every prominent muscle on my back, as well as played connect the dots with my freckles. Not only do I have severe goosebumps all over, I have nearly fallen asleep once or twice.
"You really do have such a nice body," she says again as she traces my shoulder blade.
"Are you jealous?" I mumble while giving her a sleepy flex of my bicep. The flex always makes her giggle and blush. Without even seeing her, I can picture her reaction.
"In a way..." her hands travel down my arms causing more goosebumps to arise.
"Just work on a farm. You'll get this body no problem," I sit up and smack my bicep a couple times. "Might take some time since you are so dainty and perfect, but you'd get there."
"So if I work on a farm...I'd get your body?" She questions me with a hint of sing song in her voice.
"I mean yeah that's what I just said," I tease, "you'll be all muscly and ripped in no time. Not sure why you'd want to be-"
"That's not what I meant."
That causes me to whip around with a face of shock. Haley is giving me a little smirk and looking at my lips. Since I am facing her now, she traces along my collarbone.
"I- um-" I'm at a loss for words. Her hand has traveled to just above my chest. When sober Haley finds out what happened, she'd freak. "Listen, I'm not rejecting you, but you are drunk. You won't remember anything you are saying to me and you'll regret everything you even said." I respond softly, taking her by the shoulders and backing her up.
I think Haley has realized what she has said. Her face drops and she kind of stares off into the distance with tears welling up in her eyes. "I- I- didn't... mean that. I'm sorry." She grabs her bikini top, throws it back on, grabs the wine bottle and leaves.
I sink down so the water is just over my shoulders, and put my head in my hands. I remain that way for the rest of the day.
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eemamminy-art · 4 months
this is perhaps just me but it's bugging me there's no bathrooms in stardew.. I know the spa opens up after a bit but then, were people just not bathing while it was closed?? But also Haley after her 8 heart event is like "I'm going home to shower"… girl where 🤨 I am overthinking this!!!
Like does my guy have his own bathroom in his farmhouse or does he have a cheap little outhouse and he just goes to the spa every day to bathe? I mean there's potential there since his bf is always working out there in winter HOWEVER…….
I did see there were mods to add a bathroom to the farmhouse but that doesn't satisfy my gooey brain, because I'm like, okay where is the mod to add bathrooms to all the NPC houses?? 😂 what is wrong with me lmao
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moonbiscuitsims · 30 days
My Stardew Valley project: Lots Layout plan in TS4
(This is not/will not be a save or a download as I use way too much CC for that, just a personal project and plan of lots I found suitable; I don't know how long this will take me or if I'll ever complete it but having a plan helps me so much to not get stuck later)
I'm sharing this in case it is handy to anyone wanting to do a Stardew Valley save in The sims 4 from scratch (lots off gallery are limiting with their sizes and needing specific lots, so I'm starting from zero unless a lot fits) without ugly set dressings or stupid backgrounds that don't make sense, and trying to group together the lots properly like they are laid out in the game so you can see them in the distance, or at least put them on an isolated lot with a clear surroundings if they have to be separated. It isn't perfect and is subjective and pack dependant but I spent a while today just laying out in my blank save (I use the srslysims blank save for this) where I wanna build what and who lives in each lot, so I'm sharing it in case it saves someone time or is useful Some lots are for a few sims living together to do two or more builds on one lot. This could possibly work with For Rent, but I don't dare try it lol. Others are just living alone. Others are just community. The main worlds I'm using are:
- Henford on Bagley:
The finwich area for the main Pelican town area ➡ 1= 1 Willow Lane (Sam Vincent Kent Jodi) + 2 Willow Lane (Hayley and Emily) these are here because of the river and the bridge leading "down to the beach" just everything is perfect for me. 2= Mayor's Manor, 1 River Road (Alex, George, Evelyn), 2 River Road (Pam and Penny trailer) this one is a little cramped and will have to be one next to the other but it can work. That way all these people live in the village centre. 3= Stardrop Saloon, maybe a little square if it fits, but probably not. 4= Harvey's clinic, Pierre's store. 5= Blacksmith and Library (+the little ice cream stand or market stall) 6= Joja Mart and/or Cinema (I'm doing both) 7= Bookseller with cute hot air balloon (this is random I wanted to do it, but it is usually just an empty area) 8= The farm 9= 24 Mountain road (Maru Seb Robin and Demetrius) 10= Quarry (set as generic) 11= Linus's tent 12= Adventurer's Guild and Mines (marlon gil and dwarf)
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Willow Creek (Community Center)
It is on the big lot in willow creek, no surroundings or buildings, so It was perfect, and gives enough space to build the community center plus the childrens park and the natural area around it and it's by a river.
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- Moonwood Mill as Cindersap Forest
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I know it's a bit grungy and has industrial deco but I don't mind these buildings as they fit with the nature imo. It had the perfect amount of lots for what I needed, plus a river. 1= Wizards Tower 2= Travelling Merchant 3= Marnie's Ranch + Leah's Cottage 4= Krobus/Sewer (this is the main reason I chose this world and I know there isn't a beach but the sewer pipe with trash aesthetic and the large lot in the forest was enough for me) 5= Mouse Hat shop /Abandoned house
Granite Falls for Secret Forest:
I'm doing this one (using Zerbu's all worlds are residential) in Granite Falls in the National Park lot, I just liked how big it is, how tall the surrounding trees are, and that it has a little waterfall area.
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Glimmerbrook as the rest of "Mountains" area (Railroad and Spa). I choose that lot of the railroad cause i can add a tunnel for the train with tool and it looks like its coming out the cliff
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Sulani as the Docks (with Elliots shack and Willy's shop) the build i've placed is from the gallery and is a water lot with the Night market (I really liked this and didn't want it separately) so I had to place it here. I do not actually like Sulani for this though, it is far too tropical and its on an island but I am forgiving it for the sake of having the beach lot. I wish Brindleton Bay had a beach lot near the docks would have been much better. You could change this and put it anywhere if you build your own beach as a pool but I hate doing that... In Sulani I'll also build all the Ginger Island stuff, but I still haven't played through that properly so I can't say what is going where yet.
Forgotten Hollow (witch's swamp/hut)
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Forgotten Hollow as the witch's swamp /witch's hut area (again this is random but I wanna include it and make the witch for fun)
Oasis Springs as The Calico Desert
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This large lot is perfect. It has a road, not too much going on around it except rocks and desert, and I'm gonna put everything here (Sandy's shop, Mr Qi's casino, and the desert trader outside). I will not be building the bus stop anywhere cause it is unnecessary. I forgot to mention but also the skull cavern might fit here or I'll do it on some other lot maybe OTHER INFO
Mods I'm gonna use to help the lots work as intended: I'm gonna play with littlemssams live in business mod to achieve the character being able to live on what should be a community lot and for it to still be functional, as well as chingyu's welcoming lot trait to avoid sims not being able to do what they want on these lots without being "innappropriate". For each of the lots and worlds I selected I spent time entering each and deciding which areas most closely resembled the areas from the game. For example if it had a lake or river nearby, or if the lot was big enough to build each thing. This could change but I think I'm happy with it. I might have to change some of this or make tiny builds to fit the multi build lots. Every single thing is super unfinished and empty, this is just my layout plan.
Conclusion: I hope this helps someone or if not and you even read this far that you like my idea :) If I forgot something or someone or said a name wrong, sorry, though I haven't fully finished the game yet. Basically I tend to get super overwhelmed and annoyed if there are stupid buildings or things that don't match, and am unable to just randomly plop any build anywhere like many players do due to obsessing over it not looking right around the build...maybe I'm a perfectionist or wish it was a blank world, but this is my next best thing. At least this was easier than my Cyberpunk save with way more foresty/countrysidish options 😅
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mhin-t · 1 year
4 the Obey Me cast :>
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comfort after a long day - obey me (the brothers)
i hope doing just the brothers is okay. i tried doing the others but my brain went kaput lol. might revisit this later and do a part 2 with the rest
let's be honest, everyone would worry about you after a long day, so be prepared for lots and lots of comfort
lucifer would ensure you get enough to eat and drink to keep you hydrated. he might even consider getting your favorite takeout for dinner
mammon would try his hardest to keep you from standing up too much, mostly by cuddling and holding you in his arms. he'd growl at anyone who got too close but would make sure not to raise his voice at all so he didn't disturb you
leviathan would offer to unwind by playing something chill together, like stardew valley or minecraft or something of the like. he'd also recommend some music he likes to listen to while relaxing
satan would read something to you, and make his voice sound extra silky. if he manages to pry you away from mammon for a bit, he'd let you lay your head down in his lap
asmodeus would give you the whole spa experience. a mani-pedi, a massage, a nice scrub and face mask, he'd go the full nine yards for you
beelzebub would, of course, offer you some food, but also a really big hug while giving you lots of comforting words. he's seen how hard you've worked and wants you to make sure that you know how proud everyone is of you
belphegor would take you away from everyone else at the end of the day and cuddle with you in the attic. he'd stay awake just long enough to make sure you fell asleep, then get more comfortable and follow you into dreamland
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sairiiya · 2 years
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Stardew Valley Inktober
Day 4: Spa
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watagashiiiii · 9 months
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🧠 stardew valley
mod list ② 🧠
🎮Gameplay Mechanics
🧠Better Beehouses
🧠Farm Type Manager (FTM)
🧠Tractor Mod
🧠Winter Grass
🧠Skull Cavern Elevator
🧠Automatic Gates
🧠Asters Beam and Kitchen Mod for Farm Building Interiors
🧠Less Ugly Spouse Rooms
🧠Increased Fish Tank Capacity
🧠Cozy Farmhouse Kitchen
🧠IdaIda's Wallpapers and Floors (CP and AT)
🧠Coop and Barn Facelift (Content Patcher)
🧠DustBeauty's Rustic Country Walls and Floors for Alternative Textures
🧠Make Your Bed
🧠Clean Bathhouse Spa- Recolour
🧠K10_FTW's Woods Wainscotting Walls and Floors for Alternative Textures
🧠Expanded Big Shed
🧠Oasis Greenhouse
🧠Wooly Plushies for Alternative Textures
🧠Ilyeana's Bearcrows for Alternative Textures (Scarecrows)
🧠Wildflour's Specialty Ales and Meads
🧠The Strawberry Way and Celeste
🧠Floral Essences by Wickedy
🧠Hatmann's Strange Weapon Collection
🧠Axolotl Scarecrows
🧠Custom Resource Clumps
🧠Shell Collection - JA
🧠Animal Statues for Alternative Textxures (AT)
🧠Natural Terrarium Project - Critter Additions
🧠Tractor Remodel for Alternative Textures
🧠IdaIda's Craftables (for CP and AT)
🧠Bug Net
🧠Fish Breeding Tanks
🧠Hisame's New Recipes
🧠Witchy decorations (Json assets)
🧠PPJA - Artisan Valley
🧠Wickedy's Theater Concessions Vending Machine
🧠Doll Maker
🧠Project Populate JsonAssets Content Pack Collection
🧠Character Scarecrows for Alternative Textures (AT)
🧠Fippsie's Alternative Lamp Posts
🧠Seasonal Path and Flooring
🐮Livestock and Animals
🧠BFAV Axolotls
🧠Better Ranching
🧠Prospurrity (BFAV Cats)
🧠BFAV Shops by Asunai
🧠Ancient Animals (BFAV)
🧠Farmable Pam for BFAV
🧠Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety (BFAV)
🧠Otters Coop Animals -Alternative Textures-
🧠Otters Barn Animals -Alternative Textures-
🧠Boarding House and Bus Stop Extension
🧠Mermaid Island
🧠Lnh's Community Center Expanded
🧠Lnh's Natural Cellar
🧠Lnh's More Greenhouse
🧠Walk to the Desert - Redux
🧠Stardew Aquarium
🧠Starblue Valley World Recolor 1.5 Update (The Dirty Fix)
🧠Lnh's Farm Cave
🧠Integrated Minecarts
🧠Giant Crop Fertilizer
🧠Tap Giant Crops
🧠Non Destructive NPCs
🧠Natural Terrarium Project - Custom Flying Critters
🧠Mermaid Paths and Flooring
🧠Realistic Wildflower Grass for More Grass
🧠Alex's Frozen Treats
🧠PPJA Icon Pack for Better Artisan Goods Icons
🧠Stardew Foliage Redone - Foliage Only
🧠(Content Patcher mod) Pam Scarecrow
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moxflop · 2 months
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Behold \(^o^)/ my farmer! I've been getting back into Stardew Valley again lately since newest update came out and I've been loving the meadowlands farm map, it's perfect for my rancher needs -w-👌
Here's the profile templete here and the portrait maker I used from here if you want to use it ^-^
My ramblings about Kiko is just below the read more!
Was one (1) year away from graduating from college with a history degree, but then dropped out and got a job in joja corp before quitting to take over grandpa's farm. The whole time frame has just been Kiko negatively spiraling and feeling lost without a purpose. He loves history, but college really was not doing wonders for his mental health and not sure where to go from after the degree
However, after moving to Pelican Town this led to being close with Gunther and developing a more fleshed out friendship as the two geek over the random artifacts Kiko brings to the museum talking about History
Kind of helps penny in regards of teaching about history to Jas and Vincent besides about farming and being a rancher while they're both good friends and after marriage.
Kiko challenges Penny in a way that isn't too shocking for penny. He does what he thinks is right and stands by his friends, but at first him and penny where just shy with each other, mainly on penny's end. Kiko tries to be a good friend first, as he understands her situation with Pam and wants the best for her period.
When not on Castaways Farm Kiko mainly likes to be fishing with willy, playing on the arcade cabinet's at the saloon, the mines (derogatory and reluctance), the spa (beloved), or in the secret woods
With friendship with Harvey it was dork to nerd gravitation or well dork to geek gravitation. They just clicked with each other and fell into a groove from how well they get along. Kiko considers Harvey as one of their best friends in Pelican Town
Absolutely loves Evelyn and does call her granny like she insisted when Kiko first moved in. Kiko has definitely worked his way to eventually getting her cookie recipe. As for George, Kiko also worked his way into his heart and their friendship as Kiko felt determined to get to being friends taking Evelyn and Alex's advice on what George like in his first season in Pelican Town
Actually loves all their farm animals <3 honestly loves being a rancher than a farmer
Was actually feeling a bit isolated and very shy in the first season he moved in. Didn't do great for mental health, but once got over it started coming out of his shell and was feeling more comfortable in himself and for once not feeling lost about himself and his future
Foraging and eating random shit is honestly just how they grew up in Zuzu City due to money being tight growing up, so the first year was not good with how his spending habits while learning the ropes of being a farmer fluctuates to good spending habits and buying too many seeds or buying a thing and underestimated how much money it left him with
I think I'll show the seasonal fits I had in mind for Kiko in the next post this already feels long due to my ramblings ^-^;
But if you want to ask about him don't be shy! There's stuff I didn't want to word vomit onto
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formerlyz · 1 year
Random Stardew Valley Headcanons
I can’t sleep for like the third night in a row so please enjoy some very random Stardew Valley HC’s.
Warnings: None.
*some canon divergence*
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Shane will walk Emily home from her shift pretty much every night because he thinks Clint is a creep (he’s right)
Elliot and Leah are gay/lesbian best friend GOALS. Leah helped Elliot edit his book and he even named one of the characters after her.
Elliot and Haley are friends and have spa nights together where they do face masks and have wine
Penny has a standing invitation to come over for dinner whenever she wants at Maru’s house
Jodi LOVES Penny and really wants her and Sam to date, but they’re 100% platonic and Sam has told her that a million times.
Sam and Alex don’t get along. Idk why I just really don’t think they would.
Maybe Alex picked on Sebastian when they were like, little little kids and Sam never got over it.
Sam lived in Zuzu city for a year for college but moved back when his dad got deployed because he didn’t want Vincent to get lonely.
Sam, Abby, Sebastian and Emily were all theater kids.
Sam and Shane are friends from being stuck in the hellhole that is jojamart and Sam always calls Shane his “work husband”. Shane pretends it annoys him but he secretly loves it.
Abigail knows about all the magical stuff in the valley like the Junimos and Krobus but doesn’t want everyone else to think she’s crazy
She’s not the Wizard’s daughter but she met him as a kid and thinks he’s the coolest person ever. Like he’s her role model. He acts like more of a father to her than Pierre does.
Sam and Abigail are constantly pestering Sebastian to quit smoking
The Pelicans have the same sound as All Time Low idk why but this is a HC I feel very strongly about.
Sebastian is actually an amazing singer but would rather die than sing in front of people.
Harvey wanted to be a pilot but his eyesight is way too bad.
Gunther, Rasmodious, Marlon, Willy and Linus are all friends.
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liliiepads · 8 months
Sims 4 Stardew Valley Challenge!
Hello! Ive never made a sims challenge before but I had an idea to make stardew in the sims using the collection system but i went overboard and made a a whole document with rules and bundles and extra goals for myself so i thought, why not share it with the world!
1. No aging for all sims
2. You must play with the same sim
3. You can age up your children if you wish
4. You must complete all the Community Centre Bundles(Collections)
Just like in Stardew to add an extra room you have to pay! Of course since your sim has needs you will already need a functional kitchen and bathroom from the start, but for expansions...
Seperate Bedroom - 1,000 Simoleons
Basement (If you have horse ranch you can use this as a "juice" cellar) - 5,000
Nursery/Child's Bedroom + Bigger Kitchen, Living and bedroom space if you wish - 10,000 Simoleons
You can make these upgrades at anytime and they dont have to be one after the other.
Now for your farm, if you have cottage living (which is highly recommended since, farming, duh!)you can purchase the barns, ccoop all at the ingame prices!
For a stable and a horse - 10,000 Simoleons
For an extra building, shed, extra living space, whatever you need - 15,000 Simoleons
To explain how giving away this money works you could use cheats or mods to get rid of it, such as ui cheats mod to modify your money or just money x whatever the amount you'd be set to. use some of it to build/buy the thing and any extra you didnt use cheat/mod away!
Community Centre Bundles
You own the Community Centre as a retail lot and have each room display your collections as you complete them!
Crafts Room
Feathers Collection
Mysims Trophy Collection
Simmies Collection
Gardening Collection
Insect Collection
Magic Bean Collection
-After completing this add a greenhouse to your farm!
Fish Tank
Fish Collection
Frog Collection
Seashell Collection
Boiler Room
Metal Collection
Crystals Collection
Geode Collectiom
Bulletin Board
Message in a Bottle Collection
Village Fair Ribbons Collection
Postcards Collection
City Posters Collection
Snow Globe Collection
Make 2,500 Simoleons by selling Food, Gourmet Food and Baked Goods
Make 5,000 Simoleons by selling Magical Artifacts
Make 10,000 by selling Ancient Omniscan Artifacts
Make 25,000 by selling Omniscan Treasures
-After completing this feel free to make Sandy as a sim who lives in any desert world!
If you want you may add all the characters/buildings in the game to your world for a more authentically Stardew Valley eexperience, it's not necessary but highly reccomended!
if you want, after completing your community centre you may add a fun community lot to your world (Movie Theatre highly reccomended!) or if you're interested, buy a Restaurant, Spa or Retail Lot you can make sell anything! but first you must complete...
The Missing Bundle!
by completing the Void Critter Collection
Another quest for collections you can do after completing the community centre is
Ginger Island!
Rent a house in a Tropical World and complete the Werewolf Relic Collection!
If the Tropical World you chose is Sulani clean up the beaches and get the Island back to its full potential!
If you somehow complete all these goals finish the rest of the collections left and marvel in your victory! 100% Completion Achieved!
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callmeapostate · 7 months
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The one where I build 2 Willow Lane from Stardew Valley.
⭐Available in gallery!
2 Willow Lane
🆔Gallery ID: callmeapostate 
🏠2 bed, 2 bath 
📐Lot Dimensions: 30x20 
🛠️No CC! 
✅Play tested! 
🛋️Use bb.moveobjects before placing! 
Packs used: 
🤍EP: Growing Together, High School Years, Cottage Living, Snowy Escape, Eco Lifestyle, Discover University, Island Living, Get Famous, Seasons, Cats & Dogs, City Living, Get Together, and Get to Work.
💙GP: Werewolves, My Wedding Stories, Dream Home Decorator, Jungle Adventure, Parenthood Vampires, Dine Out, Spa Day, and Outdoor Retreat.
💚SP: Paranormal Stuff Pack, Nifty Knitting, Tiny Living Stuff Pack, Moschino Stuff, Laundry Day Stuff, Fitness Stuff, Vintage Glamour Stuff, Romantic Garden Stuff, Movie Hangout Stuff, and Cool Kitchen Stuff.
💜KITS: Basement Treasures Kit, Greenhouse Haven Kit, Bathroom Clutter Kit, Everyday Clutter Kit, Pastel Pop Kit, Decor to the Max Kit, Blooming Rooms Kit, and Courtyard Oasis Kit.
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prosperplayssims · 28 days
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Recreating the Stardew Valley bachelorettes because my life is consumed by this game. You can download them HERE or grab their CC below! I tried to stick to base game content but ended up using a lot from Discover University and the occasional workout fit or nail set from Spa Day.
(1) Prive Skin (2) Ringo Skin (3) Kijiko Lashes (4) Abigail's Hair (5) Abigail's Necklace (6) Emily's Hair (7) Emily's Dress (8) Haley's Outfit (9) Leah's Hair (10) Maru's Hair (11) Maru's Glasses (12) Penny's Hair
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magic-begins-here · 2 months
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Stardew Valley - Spa decor 🪷
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