#staring at a pretty girl eating a shit ton of food
glowingreverie · 6 months
the past two days, i've just been watching mukbangs
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riordanness · 1 year
labyrinth - [r.cameron]
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0.8K wordcount
warnings: tiny bit of swearing
requested: no
Movie nights with my friends were rare. There was always some complication interfering with the plans. Topper was grounded. I was working. Rafe couldn’t be bothered. Kelce was hungover.
But when we did all manage to get together, it was amazing. Nothing feels better than eating a crap ton of junk food, surrounded by your best friends as you all make sarcastic comments at the dumb characters on the tv screen.
“Remind me why we’re watching this trash again?” Topper asks from his perch on the big grandmother lounge chair, sipping his bottle of beer as he begrudgingly watches the movie with us.
“It’s not trash,” I protest. It was my turn to choose the movie, and for some reason I’d been really feeling the rom-com vibes lately. Being a girl whose only friends are guys is weird sometimes, but at least they’ll watch rom-coms with me. I mean, most of the time they will. Not without a lot of protesting, though.
“Honestly, y/n,” Kelce says from the floor. “It kinda is basic white girl trash.”
I groan and roll my eyes. “Guys. While You Were Sleeping is a masterpiece of a movie. Besides, I don’t whine and complain for hours when I have to watch y’all’s movie picks, now do I?”
Rafe finally decides to stop feigning extreme interest in the movie and turns to his friends. “Leave her alone.”
Topper makes a face. “Yeah, great job, Rafe. Stand up for your little girlfriend. There’s no way you actually like this shit, right bro?”
“Fuck off,” is Rafe’s only reply.
Topper rolls his eyes but apparently decides to remain where he is, his eyes back on the screen.
I have a small smile on my face, my eyes no longer on the movie screen, but on Rafe beside me on the couch. The room around us is dark except for the tv screen, and his features are blurry and shadowed. Still, I don’t think he’s ever looked more pretty than right now.
His blue eyes reflect the light, and I find myself staring a little, mesmerised by him. The boy I’d grown up with. My best friend. My everything. I feel lightheaded, suddenly, and my eyes don’t want to stay open anymore. My head drops slightly, and I remember nothing else.
- Rafe -
I’m actually kind of enjoying this movie y/n picked out for us to watch. I mean, it’s not my typical movie choice, but it’s not completely horrible.
I feel a weight on my shoulder, and I glance at y/n, who’s apparently fallen asleep on me. I immediately tense a little, staying as still as I can for her. Slowly, slowly, I shift my arm around her, pulling the girl close to me.
“Oi,” I hiss at the other boys. “Y/n’s asleep. Don’t you dare make any noise and wake her up, or I’ll kill you.”
Topper and Kelce exchange little smirks, and I know what they’re thinking. For years, the pair of them have been teasing y/n and I about being a thing, or whatever.
I always pretend to hate the teasing remarks, and the dumb little winks and smiles. But honestly? I wish more than anything that Kelce and Topper were right. I’m kind of in love with this girl, and I want to be able to call her mine.
I want to be able to cuddle up next to her on the couch without a fear of her pushing me away. I want to kiss her all over her adorable face, run my hands through her hair. I want to see her wearing my shirts and hoodies. I want all of her.
I stare down at her sleeping face, admiring her features. She looks peaceful, happy even. I’m filled with a sense of pride and happiness that she trusts me enough to sleep on me. I lean down carefully and kiss her forehead. “I love you, y/n,” I whisper, quiet enough for no one else to hear.
taglist: @drewstarkeysbae
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itsmattchou · 1 year
even if it's a dream, i like it !
pairing: zb1 maknae line x fem!reader warnings: swearing, broke reader, mentions of food, reader being drunk in gyuvins, english isn't my first language!!! genre: fluff, kind of crack if you squint synopsis: zb1 + kdrama cliches notes: had that idea so long ago and finally i have done it!! yay yippee. school has started again n i am not haply about it
SHEN QUANRUI :: rich boy x poor girl
who's seen this coming? everyone. everyone did.
ADDITIONALLY he fits the secret millionaire trope (my dream fr) but that's for another post
you grew up in a poor household, sometimes struggling to afford basic things
so you had a job after school to help your parents with money
your grades weren't all that good either as you barely had time to study
so now, after graduation, your job kind of ✨sucked✨
you work in some korean bbq shop and the salary is pretty much mid🥰
there was a group of people that were regulars at your store; they were most likely working at that firm nearby and went out to eat here because it was most convenient
but there was also a really handsome man among these people, and he seemed kind of interested in you???
but he always wore luxury items and shii n that stuff is intimidating, especially to a broke loser like u r
until he suddenly entered the shop without his colleagues and ordered what he usually ordered
but BAM when he paid he also asked your for your number and also asked you out on a date
BAM you said yes
bro took you out on multiple dates, always trying to woo you with his wealth but you weren't really affected by it (you know that scene in business proposal? "you know what my love and this card have in common?"? yes he pulled that stunt too. INSPIRED by the kdrama of course!)
IT HONESTLY THREW HIM OFF. but it also made you even more interesting to him so💕
you finally convinced him to let you plan a date and let you pay for everything (it took a lot of convincing.) and on that date you managed to learn more about his real personality he usually hid behind all his money
lovelicky > rich ricky every day fr
anyway you started being gf bf eventually!! he was out there spoiling you rotten and you were trying your hardest to keep him humble
KIM GYUVIN :: piggyback ride
for the sake of this headcanon. you two are legal adults OKAY?
SO you two were working in the same company!
he was the fun and loud colleague, while you were mostly keeping to yourself and focusing on work
you weren't all that close at all, more like acquaintances
but he was very nice to be around, so you liked working with him🫶
as you've seen it in kdramas, the whole group of colleagues sometimes goes out to eat or drink!
so now you were in some korean bbq restaurant (the stories connect😱) with them yay
gyuvin was busy telling a story about his pet toad gerald he had at age 7, ricky was busy staring at one of them korean bbq workers, and you were silently deciding on drinking tonight or not
but as you've also seen in kdramas, your higher ups ended up making you drink a shit ton with them for NO FUCKING REASONNN👹
it didn't help that your alcohol tolerance was really low too
so by the end of the night you were pretty much wasted. but hey, at least you were conscious!
gyuvin really liked you and your shy persona! so he was like "yo let me take her home" when your colleagues tried to figure out how to get you home
he knew you lived close by so he just decided to give you a lil piggyback ride to your home
you were way more outgoing when drunk, gyuvin figured
you were chewing his ear off about some drunk nonsense he could barely understand because you kept mumbling
when you arrived in front of your apartment, he made you enter the pin code and brought you in, trying to get you ready for bed (more or less)
you kept blabbering and somehow ended up crying your eyes out because you remembered gyuvins pet toad gerald had died
bro was straight up panicking😭😭
he tried to comfort you and (another cliché) you ended up falling asleep on him, leaving him NO CHOICE other than staying the night🫶🫶 because YOU DID NOT LET GO 👹
PARK GUNWOOK :: "yes, very beautiful."
schoolmates/friends to lovers? yes very much🥰🥰
and to spice it up you can imagine it as academic rivals to friends to lovers
but, this too, is for another post <3
so i'm pretty sure south korea does not have a 4th of july typa thingy
or do they? i have no idea
but let's pretend they do! i mean why shouldn't south korea celebrate america's independence?! 😁
it was the day of that long awaited cool festival yay! and your friendgroup decided to go together
gunwook n you are in said friendgroup ^
so after school all of you met up at the festival ground and started to check out all the tents and what not
the hours went by quickly and the fireworks, the highlight of that festival, were getting closer n closer
but this is a fucking kdrama so naturally your friendgroup got separated because of the big crowd shortly before the fireworks started🥰
leaving you and gunwook alone. obviously
figuring you wouldn't be able to find your friends before it started, you two just searched for a nice spot to watch from
gunwooks mind was just racing because poor boy highkey has a crush on you (and you were oblivious to it👍🏻)
you found a great spot, not all too crowded and the firework show went off
it was really a gorgeous sight. all those different colors in the nightsky and the stars?? pretty
you were watching excitedly, your eyes practically glowing
"wow, look at this gunwook!! isn't it beautiful?", you asked, thinking he was watching the fireworks just like you did
he was watching you instead, a small smile forming on his lips at the endearing sight of you
"yes, very beautiful," he answered, truthfully
HAN YUJIN :: you trip and he catches you
now this one isn't only a kdrama cliché but you get it
off topic but i was reading that book where this happened like 5 times before they officially started dating (in 200 pages) i was screaming because it was so oVERUSED
anyway! now i'm also using this overused thing! yay! 🤩
so idk if you remember but i wrote one reaction that was like "them when you fall asleep on their shoulder". this thing happened prior to that (you n yujin really are a kdrama couple bro)
so your class were on this fun class trip where you were just. walking through a forest.
and the guide was talking about nature and shit, which wasn't very interesting, not gonna lie💀💀
so you were playing around with your friend yujin
who also happened to be your crush WHAAAAAT😱
you two were walking at the very back, not really trying to keep up with the rest of your class
but still making sure not to fall behind too much. losing them would be a big no no🥴
the path, of course, wasn't very even
it's a in a fucking forest after all WHAT DID U EXPECT
so while talking to yujin about something silly that happened to you just a few days ago, you weren't really paying attention to where you were going
and ended up falling over a branch! oh no!
but yujin reacted quickly and caught you before you could hit the ground, one hand grabbing your arm and the other holding your waist
CUE that short n awkward moment of eye contact while you're still in shock
"uhm" "yeah"
he let's you go and you two just continue going your way, pretending that shit never happened for the sake of everything 🥰
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goodboyyyy · 2 years
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By request 😉
You'd always been skinny for your age, but recently you'd been trying to bulk up. There was a cute Asian girl you liked, and even though you'd brought her flowers and taken her on a few dates, you weren't sure if she was interested in you. You knew her family was pretty traditional and preferred she dated Asian guys- her three other sisters were dating huge, ripped Asian dudes- so you thought working out might make up for it. You didn't want to hound or bother her- you weren't a fuckboy like that.
You ran into her older brother one day at the gym.
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You got to talking and he offered to start giving you some pointers and training you. You accepted- his body was awesome, after all. He was kind of an annoying douchebro- all he talked about was lifting, not being a pussy, getting pussy- all kinds of dumb disrespectful stuff. You never understood how guys like this always had girlfriends- but you saw pretty good gains with his help over a few weeks so you kept at it.
One day after you were done he invited you to grab some food. You stopped at a dumplings spot next to the gym. He said he knew the owner so you guys got to eat for free. That was cool. He ordered and asked for extra sauce. It was almost like he'd nodded his head over at you when he asked.
You dug in, exhausted from your workout. The dumplings tasted great, and the sauce was amazing too. The more you ate it, the more you wanted it. You finished it after eating only two or three dumplings and asked for more. He just smirked at you, and bought another two over which you quickly devoured. You had so much energy suddenly, like your body was pulsating with it.
"Dude, do you wanna hit the gym again? Just a few extra reps," you asked.
"I think that sounds like a great idea man."
You walked back in and it was odd- it seemed like everything had shrunk a little. You didn't realize it was because some things about you were slowly changing after your meal- like how you were slowly getting taller, thicker, dumber, and how your features were changing- skin becoming more bronzed- hair thinner and shorter- your mind was on one thing- lifting. You started on the cable machine. The usual weight you did was suddenly very light to you.
"Because that's some pussy lightweight shit," you said with a chuckle.
"Wait- why did I think that?"
Before you could think about it more he nodded at you, increasing the weight. "Just start lifting bro. This is gonna be the best workout of your life Brett."
"Fuck yeah man," you said, getting to work. Something felt different about this workout- like you could feel every muscle pulsing and swelling. You grunted, sweat leaking from your pits. Every pump accelerated the changes. Your features became more Asian as your body became more ripped. Everything got even smaller as you got bigger, taller, broader. Your hair grew longer in some spots, receded in others, turning into a nice fade. Part of you was registering the changes, confused, trying to hold on to your old self- but your mind was changing as quickly as your body, telling you you looked better this way, that this was how you'd always been. Lifting. Eating. Hanging with your bros. Fucking. That was your life. The old you was slowly being erased, replaced by an Asian muscle fuckboy- and you couldn't stop it, you didn't even want to stop it.
"Looking good bro," he said in front of you proudly after your first set, leading you over to the mirror. A ripped Asian guy was staring back at you. You were almost confused, but this was who you were- you'd always been this way. You'd spent hours building this body, bruh. Tons of lat raises and pressed for these capped shoulders, hundreds of bench presses and curls to get these defined, bulging pecs and arms. Memories of all the years in the gym filled you. "That sauce gives a great pump, doesn't it? Let's go do the next set and make this official, Peng."
"Fuck yeah bro," you said dumbly, responding to your new name- wait, new? No, this had always been your name. More memories overwrote everything that had been Brett. You were Peng, the ripped Asian fuckboy. You'd always been Peng. You loved being Peng, you thought as you strode over on your big, powerful legs and grabbed the cables again, lifting the full stack with ease now.
Whoever Brett was, he was weak. Peng was strong- a hulking virile beast. Why would you even want to be Brett? You felt the veins popping in your neck, felt the sense of masculine superiority that came with being the alpha that Peng was. Sweat started leaking out of you again, and what was left of Brett trickled out with it, leaking out of your pits and onto the gym floor. The transformation was complete. You were Peng now, and Peng loved getting some good pussy right after a workout. Sliding your huge Asian cock into a bitch was all you could think of. Your cock and balls had swelled along with you, pumping out ten times the amount of testosterone they had before. You'd be fucking a lot more now.
He led you back over to the mirror, inspecting you. "The best one yet. Now you'll be perfect for my sister. Lets head home, bruh," he said.
You got to his house and his sister didn't even recognize you. She had no idea you used to be Brett= you were just Peng, now. That was all you'd ever been. She played coy at first, but by the end of the night, she was wrapped around your dick, grinding against it dutifully while you lay sprawled out on her bed with your big arms stretched overhead, showing off your biceps and shoulders. You smiled cockily as her moans filled the room and her long, painted nails dug into you. She had been your dream girl- you'd felt lucky that she'd even looked at you before- and now she was bouncing on your cock, begging you to cum in her as she climaxed over and over again.
Damn, it was good to be a man.
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roadkillremi · 1 year
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New Freak Episode 2
Pairing : Eddie Munson x Gothic Metalhead Fem Reader.
Warnings : Bullying, language, mentions of drugs, mentions selling drugs, kissing.
Part 1
You tapped your foot impatiently waiting for English class. No one else in your classes gave a shit to see you as a human. You already got spit balled at and teased. Recently getting called the, "Real Freak" of Hopkins. Apparently taking Eddie's place from him being the freak. Once the bell rung you sped walk out the class. You spotted Eddie going through his locker. You walked towards him tapping his shoulder.
"oh, hey! How's the second day, New kid?"
You laughed a bit "making tons of new friends. Everyone loves me. Might win prom queen Before I get drenched in pigs blood at least." He chuckled a bit, "Carrie reference?".
Eddie shut his locker and looked above your head. You turned around to see a group of brick headed boys. They snickered as they walked by making eye contact with you.
"Finally found someone whose more of a freak than you." One of them directed at Eddie.
You rolled your eyes, "And I finally found someone with a bigger Dick than yours!". He stopped and looked at you over his shoulder. He smiled walking towards you, "wanna test that, sweetheart?"
You smiled sweetly, "No. I'm pretty sure my dick is bigger than yours.". Eddie smiled and softly grabbed your arm, "Let's leave before they get jealous.". You began to walk away. The feeling of your shoulder being yanked back.
"Don't run away, baby. You already begun."
You pushed his arm off of you being slightly to weak. Eddie pulled you behind him, "stop, man. She's a girl" you scoffed at his comment. A teacher poked their head out of the classroom.
"Munson! Trying to start a fight?"
"no, sir." Eddie mumbled. The group of guys just laughed and walked away. You gently took his arm leading him to the classroom.
"thanks, Eds" you smiled up at him. He smiled back, "Can't have my goth girl leaving the school.". He sat in his seat, you stood there for a second before walking over to yours.
His goth girl-
He was just being friendly, it's what he does. Your stomach started feeling all fluttery. You looked over seeing a peak of the bats in his arm. You leaned towards him, "how many tattoos do you have?" You tried to make small talk hoping it'd work. He smiled looking at you, "That's kinda personal don't you think?". You leaned closer to him, "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours.". He grinned and leaned in towards you, "in your dreams, sweetie.". You sat back up, "Loser." .
"Basket Case" he joked. You looked at him one last time before class started. You knew it was to early to like someone. Yet he was in your head, maybe because he was welcoming. It's too early to get caught up in emotions.
You ate the sad glazed carrots on your tray. Eddie talked loudly about his next campaign. The boys cheered excitedly for the next meeting. You didn't quite understand it yet but you tried. You look at him, "This may sound really stupid-".
"No! no! Speak for all thy ears to hear" he joked before focusing.
"what if you did a small campaign based off like a horror movie? Would that work?"
All the guys except Eddie laughed. You kept looking at him trying to tone the laughing out.
"Shut up!" He yelled. It went silent at the table quick, "What do you mean?" He asked. You lightly bit your lip thinking, "What I've heard from you talking about D&D that you the, Dungeon Master-". You were cut off by Jeff choking on his food. You stared at Eddie trying to stay focused, ignoring what he was implying, as Eddie glared at him.
"And you usually do villains and stuff so what if you did like a murderer on the lose campaign! Not now but it's an idea and it can be short."
Eddie grinned, "it's not traditional but it's a starting point. I look into it.". You smiled at Eddie before continuing to eat your food. He smiled back before going back into his speech.
All your other classes went by and here you were sitting on the sidewalk waiting. Eddie was twirling his keys around his finger spotting you sitting there. He smiled trying to sneak up to you from behind.
"don't you dare." You said glancing over your shoulder. He grinned sitting by you, "waiting for your chariot?". You nodded, he studied you for a moment. You gently hugged your knees, gripping a piece of paper in one hand.
"gotta love letter already?" He said referencing the letter. You looked up at him, "Why? Jealous?". He placed his hand over his heart, "ouch.". You rolled your eyes, "It's not a love letter. It's something though." You opened it up for him to see. There was a crappy doodle of a witch being hung. Under it said 'Die Witch Die'. He stayed silent, "Scared I'm witch?" You teased. He took the paper, "witches are hot." He smiled putting the paper in his pocket.
"Witches are known to be old and have warts, Munson."
"Not my witches." He grinned. You smirked, "how do you do it? The freak thing. Doesn't it hurt?". He shrugged, "Embraced it I guess. I mean why conform to the sheep?" He bumped his shoulder into yours playfully. You nodded in agreement, "Is someone supposed to get you?"
"Yeah, but my stepmom has work and my dad is probably busy.." you sighed.
"I can take you home.." he offered, "I can't freak them out if they get here and I'm not here.". You sat up taking your bookbag off your back laying back on the warm pavement. Eddie scratched his head, "I'll wait with you.". You squinted to get a good look at him, "You don't have to, I don't need a big strong man to protect me.". Eddie stopped for a second, big strong man was never something he's gotten called. He smiled, "Maybe I need you to protect me.". You scoffed, "I'll make sure all the ugly witches stay back.".
He laid down beside you closing his eyes. He wasn't like how he always was, talkative. He didn't know what to say to you, scared he'll scare you away.
"Thanks for being my friend.."
He looked over to his side to see you. You were looking at him, your face inches from his.
" You don't have to thank me. You're metal as hell! No one can rock the teased up hair like you!". You laughed softly, "I mean, no one else here even has the balls to dress like you. Yeah sure I'm metal but.. you're absolutely killing it." He kept going. You looked away a bit flustered, "Eddie stop you're way cooler.".
"No way, Sweetheart. I'm just a metalhead, you on the other hand absolute goth goddess."
You went silent. He just looked at you, "Did I say something wrong?". He propped himself up with his arm. You shook your head no, "No, Eddie.". Your hand lead itself to his cheek, you both were still. You wanted to tell him things, things you've never told. Tell him how you feel safe somehow with someone you met yesterday.
"Y/N?" He whispered. You studied his features, his pink lips parted slightly.
He softly touched your wrist, you wanted to lean in but you couldn't move.
"Eddie... I know we ju-"
"HEY FREAK! I thought we had a business meeting?!". Eddie sat up looking over towards the voice. You sighed sitting up, "Business deal?". He looked at you, his face pink "Yeah. I gotta go, I'll call you later Goth girl!".
You watched him walk away, you were so close. You still don't know him well enough yet. There's no point in trying anything.
You laid on your bed in your fresh clean PJ's. You stared at the ceiling waiting for him to call. You wanted to hear his voice, you shut your eyes trying to doze off. The cool air from the ceiling fan sometimes sending chills down your limbs. Everything around you slowly drifted away. Your imagination ran wild of Eddie. His long curls and how soft they are. You always wanted to run your hand through his hair. The way he touched your arm, how you didn't want it to be just your arm. You sighed running your hands down your arms imagining if it was his hands.
The phone began to ring interrupting your daydream, you aggressively grabbed your phone on the nightstand. The cord stretched out enough for you to lay on your bed.
"Hi it's Eddie."
"I was just thinking you forgot about me"
"I could never do that, Sweetheart."
You bit your lip smiling, "So how was the business deal?".
"It went well."
"what do you even sell?"
"Girl Scout Cookies." He bluntly answered. You laughed lightly, "how much for box?". He smiled on the other end, "For you? The cheap price of 3 Dollars.". You laughed softly, it went silent for second.
"Earlier.. why'd you touch my face? I mean I don't mind."
You laid still, "Im not sure.. it felt like I should've..". He was also quiet, "Imma take you to school tomorrow."
"excuse me?" You started playing with the cord of the phone.
"Let me drive you to school. It'll be fun. I'll be there by 7."
"what if I say no?"
"Then you'll hurt my feelings."
"Oh, I wouldn't wanna do that" you teased.
"What's your address?"
You smiled whispering the address into the phone so your stepmom wouldn't hear. She'd have a fit if she knew you gave a metal head your address.
"I'll see you in the morning then-"
"but you just called me.." you didn't mean to come across upset but it was true he just called. He laughed a bit, "Well getting charged per minute on the phone isn't fun-".
"true" you sighed knowing he was right.
"Goodnight, Sweetie."
"Goodnight, Eddie."
You smiled softly to yourself laying back in your bed. Maybe you had a small crush on the metal head. Sure he was 19 but you recently turned 18. You hugged your spare pillow going to sleep dreaming about him.
The next morning you got up earlier, letting your dad know a friend was taking you to school. You wore jeans that were a bit ripped too much with fishnets underneath. A Carrie T-Shirt with the graphic of her drenched in pigs blood.
Once it was 6:55 you see at on the front steps waiting for Eddie. You heard loud music from the distance. A van stopped in front of your house, the driver got out of his side. Eddie appeared opening the passenger door. You smiled walking up to him, "Right on time, Munson.". He nodded closing the door once you climbed in.
His car wasn't the cleanest but it was comfy. There were cassettes laying around and some beer cans. The seats had a soft fuzz on them keeping your back warm. Eddie hopped in and smiled, "Hope you Black Sabbath, Sweetheart.".
"Of course I do, nimrod."
He smiled looking over at you, "someones feisty". You smirked shaking your head, "why'd you want to drive me to school?".
"can't I be gentleman?"
"Mm, seems suspicious.." you teased.
"I wanted to see you, alright?"
"Awh, I'm touched."
He smiled trying to focus on the road a bit, "Still down for D&D tomorrow?".
"Of Course! How about The gig Saturday are you down for that Mr. Lead Guitarist." You grinned. Eddie's face turned a light pink, "of course.". You grinned, "What song are you gonna play?".
"That's a surprise." He smiled, you rolled your eyes. Somehow the drive to school was quicker than expected. Once he parked and you got out the van you started walking towards the school. A firm grip on your hand started dragging you away. You looked up at Eddie who smiled at you leading you towards the forest beide the school.
"Where are you taking me?" You whispered yelled as if no one could see you. He kept walking, "It's a surprise.".
You followed him into the woods to a small picnic table. It was old and a dirty. Leaves scattered the ground crunching as you stepped closer. You forgot you were holding his hand as you observed. The trees hid the glare of the sun letting a warm orange tone shine threw. Eddie grinned at you taking it all in, "gonna sit?". You snapped out of the moment, "Yeah, sorry". You let go of his hand going to sit on the picnic table. He sat in front of you putting hands on the table as if it was a professional meeting.
"So, what if I told you I don't sell girl scout cookies?" He leaned forward.
"Then where could I get my cookies?!" You teased going along. He smiled putting his lunch box on the table. He took a deep breath as if he was nervous.
Little did you know, he was nervous. He somehow cared about how you felt about him selling drugs. Scared you'll freak out and run. He opened the lunch box and turned it towards you. You looked in it, he couldn't tell how you felt by your facial expression.
"That's not a cookie" you joked. You looked up at him, he didn't seem in a joking manner.
"You're not freaked out?-"
"Eddie it's the 80's, you can do what you want." You said lightly. His chest seemed lighter, "why? Is it a big secret?" You questioned. He shook his head no, "I sell them to people here. I was scared it'll scare you away." He wiggles his fingers at you playfully. You smiled leaning towards him, "You don't scare me, Eddie Munson.". He stared at you between your eyes and lips. Noticing what was happening both you began to get flustered.
"Eddie.." you whispered.
You took a deep breath, "would you freak out if I kissed you?" You whispered. Eddie made a sloppy smile, "no..". He leaned in close enough for you to kiss him. You closed your eyes trying to savior it. The smell of his cologne and the woods. The way the wood was poking at your arms. His soft lips against yours, you backed away a bit still close to him. He smiled at you, "I know we just met but.. damn" he whispered. You smiled, "I know this is bad timing but that was my first kiss..". Eddie's eyes widen, "what?!".
You leaned back to your seat looking away. "No one in New York likes a Gothic Metal head.". Eddie tilted his head slightly, "Screw New York!.. Well did I make the first kiss good?". You smiled and nodded, "better than I imagined..". He stood up moving to your side of the table. He sat beside you facing towards you.
"Usually it's not over tables." He smiled, gently touching your chin to move your face towards his.
"This alright?" He whispered, you nodded lightly. He grinned before kissing you again. This time more intimate and passionate. You gently put your hand on his knee. He separated from your lips with a smile. You smiled back, "Eddie, I know it's been 3 days but I think I like you.". He smiled, "Good, cause I think I like you too sweetie.".
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asdfghjklartblog · 1 year
Iron Buttercups Part 1
A kidsopp story :)))
So I finished the first part of it! Yayyy!! Had to do a lot of revising and shit but I think this is pretty great! Hope you enjoy!
Synopsis: So in this story it's kinda like a meet cute, but the person who's in the meet cute looks like and acts like he hates your guts but he actually wants to be in them if you catch my drift. Anyways no smut, mostly cause I don't know how to write it. And I'm not sure how I'd do at writing it. Also love being mean to Zoro, he's so squinchy!!! The interactions between Sanji and Usopp can be read as whatever, I'm thinking more like they're best friends in this story but also who cares! Feel free to think it's a bit Sanji x Usopp too! Also a bit of Frobin in here, love that shit. Also maybe like a really small hint of Lawlu?
The idea of having four crews of the worst generation on one island was a terrible idea, however it couldn't be avoided. Sanji needed to restock on various foodstuffs, Franky also needed to dock to work on some things and see whether everything was in "tip top shape" as Franky said, and even Usopp had things he needed to do on the island. But the thought of seeing Law's crew sounded like a pain in the butt, while running into Hawkin's or Kid's crews sounded more like a fight waiting to happen.
"Usopp I don't like the sound of this either but the next island is about a week away, and unless you and Luffy can consistently catch a ton of fish. Luffy might start thinking about eating one of us."
"I would not!"
"Yes you would Luffy."
"Hihi! Yeah I would!"
"B-But, Nami... Please!!! I'd be fine if it was just Law's crew but-"
"Torao is here?!"
Nami turns to glare at Usopp. Shit. "That settles it! We're docking at the island then! That's alright, right Nami?"
If looks could kill Usopp would probably be dead. Nami gritted out in a sickly sweet tone " Yeah, sure Luffy! I'd love just love to dock at the same exact island that three other dangerous crews are on!"
Luffy stared at Nami with a blank face, not quite getting that she was being sarcastic.
"..... Great?" Said Luffy with a tone that implied he was not sure whether or not to answer, and if said answer was correct.
She sighs, she's been trying to help Luffy understand more social cues as well as when people are being nice versus when people are being rude. Although from the looks of it, the little lessons Nami’s been giving him hasn’t been working.
Nami turns to Usopp to Usopp and smacks the back of his head, then points at him and says. " This is your fault."
And truth be told, yeah it was his fault that Luffy heard about Law being on the island but it wasn’t his fault that they ran out of food. For the most part. Okay maybe he and Luffy one too many midnight snacks. Fine, more like ten too many but who's counting.
Usopp heard a chuckle coming from Robin lying in the lawn chair and reading.
"Well perhaps we'll run into a bit of fun? I heard that long ago this island used to take young prisoners of war to sacrifice to their god." Franky, who was listening in from earlier said. "Oh yeah, you told me about that! You think there might be a cult still following those old practices? You think they might even take my heart? Although I don’t exactly have a heart but I do have-“
Which leads to Franky to start rambling about the specifics of his heart/processor thing. While Robin looks to him with admiration and love. She interrupts him and counters with "You're not exactly a young prisoner of war, Flam. On top of that I do not like sharing what's mine."
Franky sputters in a way that describes the conflicting feelings that Robin's response evoked in him while Robin chuckles at his confusion.
"God they're so fucking sappy, it’s so cute and gross at the same time."
"You're so right Nams, look at them all happy and shit. Absolutely disgusting."
"Girl, don't agree with me. I hate you right now, now we literally have to dock on this shitty island because you couldn't keep your voice down."
"You KNOW he has selective hearing, he would've heard anyways!"
Zoro interjected with "You know he wouldn't have heard anything if you both had shUT THE FUCK UP! NOW-"
As Zoro tried to reply he was immediately kicked out of the argument as he got hit by both Nami and Usopp.
"Anyways, both of you are on dish duty for the rest of the week."
"You can't do that!"
"I DIDNT DO SHIT!!" Nami goes to hit Zoro and Usopp on their heads.
"Too bad, now get ready to leave the ship. You're also both on grocery duty."
The two men groaned as Nami walked away in a huff. Zoro looked at Usopp in the eye and sent him a little glare.
"Don't look at me like that. Look I'll buy you some good sake alright?"
"... I want two bottles," Usopp sighs, signalling that the deal has been made. As he walks away Zoro proceeds to shout. "And it better be good or I'm gonna-!"
"Ughhhh. Yeah, yeah."
With a little smirk Zoro goes back to relaxing. Or maybe he was going to have a quick nap before going. Either way he was resting.
So Usopp decides to walk down to his workshop to double check his inventory and make a checklist of everything he needs to buy. After about an hour or two, right as he was about to go to Franky and ask if he also needed any parts, he hears a knock on his door. Usopp opens it to find Sanji.
Sanji leans against the doorway while lighting a cigarette and asks. "Dish duty and grocery duty huh?"
Usopp replies with a “Man, shut the hell up."as he rolls his eyes.
Which earned a chuckle from Sanji. "I'm gonna go wake the Marimo up now so you better hurry up."
"Wait, I gotta ask Franky a couple of things before I go."
Franky then pops his head from his workshop and proceeds to ask, "What do ya need to ask me?"
Usopp was surprised to see him there, not that it was unusual to see the in his own work room. Usopp just thought he was still with Robin or something. Probably just didn't hear Franky coming down because he was so focused on his supply check.
"Since I'm going shopping I wanted to know if ya wanted me to get you any parts before they sell out of what we need or something."
"Aw, thanks little bro! I need like about 20 of the 35-67-20 seals and 10 of those 45-80-12 seals and  about 100 or maybe even 200 nuts and screws of all the standard sizes and also three bouquets of Tulips, Rhododendrons, Zinnias, Plantain lilies and Day Lilies."
"Yeah, I looked for some flowers that were deer and people safe. So I could give one bouquet to Robin, another for Chopper and the last for Nami to brighten their rooms a little!"
"Aw that's sweet! But don't you think Chopper might eat those? Considering that those flowers are safe for deer? Although he isn't technically a deer but a reindeer."
Franky stood there in silence along with Usopp and Sanji. All of them ponder the question that was just asked. Usopp thinks this might be the longest time Franky has ever stayed quiet. He then starts to walk away as he said to Usopp "So the seals, nuts and screws! Get 'em for me will ya? Thanks little bro!" And proceeded to go to the deck, probably to question Chopper whether he likes to eat flowers or not. Sanji then mumbled something under his breath.
"What was that Sanji?"
"Nothing, just wondering what I should make for dinner, anyways now that that's over with come on."
They walked out over to the deck to find Zoro not there. Or in any of his usual sleeping spots.
"God fucking dammit. He probably thought we left him or some shit."
"That damned moss head, it's like he literally has moss in his head instead of an actual human brain. I'd say I can't believe this, but this is pretty on par for that dumbass."
"Should we split up and look for him before we go shopping?"
"We can't, we need to buy the groceries before the other crews clear the market of everything. If I can't get everything I need, that bitch is gonna pay!"
"Okay so what's the plan? Just buy the groceries?"
"Usopp look, I'm gonna need you to buy everything on this list I made for you," Sanji gives him a list and rips another list in half and gives Usopp one half. "I'll handle half of the Marimo's list and you get that half, now I can count on you to buy all of them?"
Usopp smirked and replied confidently, "Nami ain't the only that can get a good bargain!"
"Hell yeah, Make me proud!
Usopp was arguing with a lady about the rice that Sanji needed him to buy. He heard from another vendor that he gets all his rice from here because her rice was high quality and delicious. The woman was tough, she looked pretty with her hair tied up and wrapped up in a bandana. However her stand looked a bit old and out of order. It could use some renovation to make sure that it would still draw in customers as well as keep to keep the stand itself safe and stable.
"My final offer! 10,000 berries for 40 kilograms of your finest rice!"
"Hah! The lowest I'll go is 16,000 for 30 kilos."
"What if I said please?"
"Hmm, 15,500 for 30."
"And if I said I'd help you repair your food stand?"
"Now you're talking! 12,500 for 30!"
"Deal! Pleasure doing business ma'am!"
"Like wise."
As Usopp shook her hand he felt proud of himself, he could understand Nami in a way. Getting a bargain did feel pretty good. But then he realised his mistake. He couldn't carry all this rice. Well technically he could, but that would take around two or three trips. Not only did that sound exhausting but it was starting to get dark and he still hasn't bought what Franky needs yet. He starts to think hard on what to do until he hears a loud yell from across the street.
He looks over and, oh. Oh no.
"Hey! You're the sniper for the Strawhats aren't ya?"
This was one of the last people he wanted to see, one of exact reasons he did not want to stop at this damn island.
This was NOT a good day for Usopp.
Eustass Kidd. A man said to not have any qualms with killing and pillaging, thought to even enjoy it with a bloody smile on his face. Said to enjoy his feasts filled with booze, food and bodies dead and alive. A man that Usopp, would obviously be scared of.
And although that may be true, it wasn't like a brave warrior of the sea to be afraid of some rival crew. No. A brave warrior would stand his ground, whether he was outnumbered or weaker than his opponent. So a brave warrior he will be. Until Kidd leaves at least.
"Where's that shitty little kid anyways?"
Usopp was still mentally preparing to talk to him! And he couldn't act like his usual self right now! He had to adopt someone else's personality or something!
"Hey! You ignoring me or something you brat?"
As of right now, he could only think of a response similar to whatever Usopp thinks Luffy would say. Which was probably the worst response he could use. But it was better than nothing, so before Kidd became even more irritated he used the "Luffy" response.
"W-Who're you calling a brat! I'm only four years younger than you!"
Shit. As soon as Usopp finished his sentence, there was some kind of glint in Kidd's eye. Which Usopp presumed it to be murderous. "Of all the people to copy, did I really have to pick Luffy?" He thought as Kidd started to walk over towards a overthinking Usopp.
"Oh really? So you're the same age as that stupid captain of yours?"
Fuck, screw this. He's just gonna act like himself. He backs away from Kidd trying to get more space between them, which was useless because Kidd followed his each step.
"If you hurt me, uh. Luffy will come after you!"
He's getting closer he's almost right in front Usopp.
"Who cares about your captain? He ain't here now. What I wanna know is, what you’re gonna do."
He leans over and whispers into Usopp's ear, "What would you do to me, huh?"
He then pulled away and smirked at Usopp. Taking in his flushed face.
"So you want help?"
"W-Whuh? Um. I-"
Kidd sighed and said, "THE BAGS? Do you need help with the bags? You know, the shit you have in your hands?"
"Oh! Uh, no? I mean. No I-, I mean yes I. Haha sorry. Just. Gimme a moment."
Holy fuck? What the fuck was that? What the FUCK was that? That was so fucking hot and terrifying holy shit what.
"Could you, h-help me with the rice? That'd be really helpful and um."
Kidd looks at Usopp, and asks with an aggravated tone, "What?"
"My name is Usopp. Uh, yeah."
Kidd raised an eyebrow and looked him dead straight in the eye. He laughed, and replied with a smile "I know."
This man is going to be the death of him. He didn't think he’d die like this but it doesn’t really matter what kind of death he has does it?
"So where do you need to go?"
"Well I need to go to the parts shop and maybe the junkyard if we have time."
"Sick. So which way?"
"Well a vendor I talked to before said that the parts shop should be further down a couple of streets and that I'd need to take a right turn at the red bar then proceed down that street and then we'd find it."
"Well then hurry up, I ain't got all day you know."
The walk was quiet, and quickly turning into an anxiety churning venture. He didn't understand what was happening. Well, okay. Usopp understood that Kidd just, appeared out of seemingly nowhere and practically invited himself in on this little errand run the moment they met. It's just that, it was like the whole situation just, didn't click in his head for some reason? That must have been a joke or something right? Maybe this was a dream? Or he's actually on the ship! Unconscious from Nami's punch! Maybe-
“God you’re so fucking slow! Do you need me to carry you too?”
“Wh- No! I can walk by myself! I was just thinking a little too hard a-and besides, these bags are a bit heavy so of course I’d be a bit slow. If I didn’t have these bags I bet I’d have gotten to the junkyard already!”
Usopp thought to himself. “What am I saying!? He’s gonna break my body into pieces if I keep going with whatever the hell I’m talking about!”
However even as Usopp thought that, he couldn’t stop talking. “And on top of that, I’m only walking slow like this, cause so you can keep track of me!”
And right as Usopp thinks “STOP THAT! IF YOU KEEP GOING HE MIGHT-“
“You wanna put that to the test, runt?”
Fucking. Goddamit. Maybe, he could get out of this, Usopp thought. He can get out of this right? He’s Usopp! He can get out of anything!
“I’m not sure if you’d want that wouldn’t wanna show you up in front of-“ While Usopp tried to talk his way out Kidd had already decided that they were racing.
“Wait, Kidd you don’t want to-“
“You really don’t want to do thi-“
“Kidd, I. I’m not ready! I gotta do all this stuff to-“
In the last second Usopp resigned to his fate, as he thought well, he might as well die trying. So right as Kidd was about to say zero, Usopp instead yelled.
“ZERO!” And started booking it.
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milkshaketg · 10 months
skewbald belgian named Inksplash. palomino cream or smth.
Florence and Tuscany go the realm. feline hall. human was a bitch who “I turned out fine so they should, too.” maybe I make her too sick to be able to tell anything. black cat companion with purple eyes who can see your death.
someone who comes face to face with their killer who through time loop shenanagins it isn’t in the past it’s the current except they’re alive even though they did kill them and the killer is just like nonchalant or at least appears unbothered
like others are in a time loop and she comes back and is like what
another character just disappears and it isn’t mentioned at all until dead girl returns and is like where are they and everyone else is like who
maybe they come back somehow except not alive
au self inset w Joot in JoJo where I’m a lesbian and therefore an outcast and he and I find solidarity in that and whatnot. I yell at him for how he treats his mom.
Dollarpaw as in sand dollar
SSO Vid Ideas:
dive into SSOblr
Autumn “TroyTheBoy” after their fursona Troy
fear look in her eyes as the sword is about to come down on her, but is saved by someone else last minute. she doesn’t question it. she just runs. she has no idea what happened to that person.
Angela on a throne looking kinda shocked and surprised and anxious and Akuma is at her feet, all seductive n draped over her n shit and just staring at the viewer sure of herself. not smug, though. just confident.
pink haired self insert for FE3H to draw a Ashe, Catherine, fuckin uhh other pretty lady, maybe Sylvain? Felix? anyone tbh. Claude, too. ladies as well ofc.
-traumatized lady, cannot be on the battlefield or she shuts down. mayb a new crest, a special one. bc she’s special :>
-self regenerating from a big battle who lost everyone and everyone was starving then offered herself up to eat and they found out she couldn’t die by mutilation alone, eventually was captured and used as a human shield and then ofc this fucks her up real bad so they erase a ton of memories so now she’s just ditzy lady being studied except gently at the monastery. ig she can’t really work out bc regeneration.
Flayn x Dedue
someone with a pet named Cream Cheese
self insert where I’m broken and Dirk fixes me I’m a cyborg except he’s got complete control now and I become a husk just used by him to accomplish his misguided deeds. robot turns to flesh eventually even the tail n shit.
oh wait fuck he’s gay.
we don’t gotta fuck it can be platonic extremely fantastically toxic codependency
I am a pet.
this again, except I am a lesbian who forms an unhealthy codependent relationship with Sylvain. he’s chasing my friend who I have a massive crush on, so I approach him. he ofc thinks I’m going for him/his crest but is visibly taken aback when I admit I’m in love with my friend and I need him to back off. we chat a bit and become acquainted or whatevs. he does. then after the five years comes back and she’s dead, I’m heartbroken obviously. emphasis on bad disassociation too. and boom, codependence. then he’s basically backed into a corner and forced to marry so he chooses me bc he knows I’m not tryna use him for his crest. I’m literally 90% into girls thank u.
fire emblem + blorbos + desired self inserts
Canary method(if you’re gonna act like a clown I’m gonna treat you like one)
did I fuck up my circadian rhythm in middle school? because this is not a case of bad habits.
no food :(
issues at work bc girl I don’t have peripheral hearing. god I feel so fucking disabled.
Rush retains the same mass no matter her form, in addition to being albino.
(hey, are you alright?)(pans to me full strawberry outfit + strawberry makeup + accessories)(yeah, why?)
goth in beanie: are you okay?
strawberry: yeah, why?(HEAVY pink blush w white freckles + lashes and whatnot)(holding my stuffies)
goth in beanie: alright,,,
caption: inside you there are two wolves
me, blank expression: listening to a cat get graphically and brutally murdered and remembering how violent my favorite books as a kid were
Skyclan’s Destiny or whatever is literally just skyclan getting slowly slaughtered one by one
dark eyes of ebon
Rose looked up at Silva. She honestly looked kind of pathetic, one of her lashes hanging haphazardly and her lipstick was smudged. She had seen better days, certainly.
She looked from Silva’s hand, to her face, then back to her hand, not even seeming to register her face wasn’t all that visible. Without much hesitation she took her hand. She had no reason to even consider refusing the help. This was a safe town, no one knew who or where she was so no one would be coming for her. If she had articulated these thoughts they would have sent a pang of pain through her, but as luck would have it her brain stayed full of fluff for now.
“Thank you, appreciate it.” She allowed herself to be pulled to her feet, flashing a smile at the girl. “Now… do you happen to know where we are? Of course you do, you must if you’re out here. Could you show me to” she looked down at her unsightly appearance. She didn’t even want to know what her face looked like. “I guess going out isn’t an option, now is it? You know the direction to Fen’s stable? If you could be a gem and take me there.”
Mon: 10-3
Tue: off
Wed: 10-2
Thurs: 5-9
Fri: off
Sat: 3-7
Sun: 10-3
0 notes
teabights · 2 years
Plot: uh you are insecure about your spot with Joseph
Pairing: Joseph x Reader
Mentions: Soft & Caring Joe. Molly Windsor (from Makeup), Natalia Dyer, Grace Van Dien, and Maya Hawk (from Stranger Things) (Also fictional Grace x Maya relationship mentioned)
WC: 1,147
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Joseph watches you as you push around the food on your plate. You could feel his cocoa brown eyes burn holes into you. You get from the table.
"You're not going to eat?" He asks.
"I ate." You respond.
"Yeah, like two bites." He comments.
"I just lost my appetite." You shrug your shoulders.
You grab your plate and walk to the kitchen. You find the aluminum foil and cover your plate. You slide it into the fridge. You start to walk out of the kitchen, but Joseph is in the doorway.
"Do you feel okay?" His hand moves to feel your forehead to check your temperature like a good mother.
"Yeah, Joey, I am fine." You say, using the common nickname to help him know it is fine.
"Babe, you can talk to me. You know that." He speaks softly, trying to snake his arms around your waist, but you instantly push them off.
"I know I can talk to you. Can I please go lay down?" You ask.
"Yeah…" He moves himself from the threshold.
You walk yourself to the bedroom. You strip off your clothes from today. You put on one of his shirts for bed. His shirts were bigger on you and softer. You crawl into bed. You let out a slight huff. You grab your phone off the bedside table to play some lo-fi house music. You close your eyes, taking a small breath.
In the morning, you feel around for Joseph before your eyes shoot open. You feel your heart race slightly. Why didn't he come to bed? You hop out of bed and check the living room first. Your eyes lay on your half naked boyfriend, using one of the decorative pillows as an actual pillow and covering up with a small throw blanket. You lean down and shake him slightly.
"Joey," You say
"Mmm?" He groans out.
"Why did you sleep out here?" You ask.
"You seemed so…" His eyes open and lets out a small groan as he sits up on the couch. "We need a more comfy couch."
"I seemed what?" Your voice is a bit more agitated than you intended.
"Like you needed space. You barely ate dinner. What's going on with my love?" He pats the spot next to him.
You sit yourself down next to him, reaching for his hand and taking it like your life depended on it. "I don't know… I just felt… insecure. Like why would you pick me over like Molly or Natalia or… Grace. Ya know? Like they're much prettier than me."
"Babe… come on. Sure they're pretty but…" He starts.
"So you think they're pretty." You say.
"Please let me talk." He says and you nod. "They're not you. I have known you for half my life, y/n. I love you, a shit ton. You're my girl. You always have been. There is no way Grace or Natalia, or Molly could change my mind. I am yours, you know that. I am not one to throw away five years for a co-star."
"Co-stars you find cute." You say.
"Did you not hear anything I just said?" He asks
"I heard it." You say.
"I am not going to argue over whether or not I find co-stars cute even though there is nothing there. Natalia is just so sweet to everyone. Molly is so brilliant to work with. Grace is…" He trails off.
"What? She is what?" You ask a bit demanding.
"Dating Maya." He says. "You can't tell anyone though."
"She's dating Maya?" Your eyebrow raises.
"Yes. She has been since the season ended. They bonded. Grace was so excited to tell me." He mumbles
"But you still find her cute." You say.
"And so do you, so can we drop it?" He asks.
You stare at him for a moment before getting up from the couch and walking into the kitchen. You start the espresso maker, making an espresso. You get his favorite cup, placing it on the counter. You get a scoop spoon and the ice cream from the freezer. You scoop some ice cream into the cup you then pour the espresso in. You put a spoon into the cup. You put away the supplies. You walk it to the living room. Joseph did not move from his spot. He is scrolling through his phone.
"Here." You hand him the cup. You lean down and kiss his forehead.
"Thanks…" He says, his eyes not looking up from his phone.
"You're an ass… I am going to shower." You say as you walk to the bathroom.
Joseph glances into the cup, seeing the affogato you made him. He brings it up to take a sip. Perfect as always.
You run the shower and strip off the shirt and your underwear. You pull your hair up into a bun. You step under the stream, letting out a small sigh. After a few minutes, you hear the door open. Your naked boyfriend then evades your shower.
"Thank you for the affogato. I love you." He says as he grabs your loofah. He squeezes your body wash onto it then he starts to clean your arms.
"I love you." You say. "I am sorry for being…"
"I know sweetheart. Let me get you cleaned so we can go snuggle and watch your favorite movies." He says.
"Okay, thanks honey." You whisper.
He presses a little kiss to your lips. He gets you sud up everywhere and you rinse off. He puts the loofah up and gets the face wash.
"Close your eyes." He says.
"Yes sir." You whisper.
Your eyes fall shut and he uses the face wash on your face very gently. He also helps rinse that off of you. He gets out of the shower. He grabs two towels off the rack. He dries himself and puts the towel around his waist. He then turns off the water and holds the towel open for you. You step out of the shower and into the towel. He dries you off, pat drying your face. He takes a moment to tie the towel around you. He opens your moisturizer jar and smears some on your face. He then gently rubs it into your face. It is so lovely for you. You two go to the bedroom. He grabs your underwear (most likely his favorite pair) and a t-shirt of his. He walks back to you, untying the towel, and dressing you. You could get used to this honestly. He takes off his towel and pulls on a pair of boxer briefs. He puts the towel into the hamper. He takes your hand, leading you to the living room. He takes a moment to set up your favorite movie. Once he was back on the couch, you are in his lap, where you spend the rest of the day.
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liuhsng · 3 years
☆彡 01:55 [A.M]
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☆彡 warning/s: cursing, suggestive content?, mentions of pregnancy.
☆彡 note/s: best read while listening to 'filter' by bts' jimin. also take this as a 200 followers special! there's a part 2 of this timestamp which can be read here.
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—the moonlight managed to reach past their bedroom curtains, hitting her skin as it made an elegant glow emit from her, chest slowly heaving up and down due to her gentle breathing.
she looked so at ease and unbothered compared to the male sitting beside their bed who was furiously typing away on his computer along with the stacks of files beside it that seemed to have no end, clad in nothing but a black robe on his obviously built form.
another frustrated sigh came from him, he was supposed to be in bed. spending the night cuddling or maybe even doing something more to the girl that's currently in dreamland.
''i'm done with this shit.'' the black haired male laughed dryly as he ran a hand through his hair, his round-rimmed glasses falling slightly on his nose at the sudden movement. being a ceo of a huge company sure does have its' ups and downs, and this was a very clear example of it.
sunghoon stretched his arms above his head and got of the somehow comfortable feeling that the chair gave but the comfort of their bed was way better in his opinion.
throwing the glasses aside, he observed the female that was still oblivious to his frustrations from work, a small devilish smirk making its way onto his lips as the sharp ends of his canines made themselves visible
the male slowly made his way to the bottom of the bed, eyes trailing over the female on top of the mattress. her soft legs managed to find their way out of the blanket as her hair was sprawled around the pillows complimenting her inhumanely pretty face. also clad in nothing but a silk robe which made the male find the situation even more amusing.
another grin made its way up to his lips as he sat beside the female, running a hand through her hair as its her soft locks felt like silk on his hold. but doing this was not the thing he screwed his ton of work for.
eventually, his hand trailed down to her face, observing her facial features isn't someone that could do so easily. she looked liked a goddess that was perfectly made for him and his tastes. the tips of his fingers trailed even further down to the curves of her breast, silently thanking that the ties of her robes came a little loose due to the females tossing and turning earlier.
''baby, wake up.'' his breathy whispher lightly tickled her ear, his hands were carresing the side of her still flat stomach. but to no avail, all the female did was scrunch her nose up- rather cutely on his opinion as she went back to snoozing away.
''(y/n), you should really start waking up. the food will be here soon, or do you want me to eat you up instead?'' he chuckled, biting her earlobe in the process in a rather teasing manner as his canines made themselves visible once again.
''i'm not in the mood to eat, hoon.'' (y/n) sighed as the wind howled and lifted the curtains up. the moonlight now fully squeezing its way in the room, making the female glow even more than she already was.
she's always been so beautiful in his eyes, sometimes thinking if he married the descendant of aphrodite herself. but maybe because the reason was the growing life inside of her that made her look so ethereal.
''what are you staring at?'' sunghoon looked down only to see (y/n) already looking at him with a small smile on her face.
''just admiring you.'' she was his light in the darkness, and he wouldn't replace her or their soon to come little baby park for anything else in the world.
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© 2021 leeyangie
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marauderundercover · 3 years
This Side of Normal Ch. 8
Marinette was seriously considering murder. She was pretty sure Jason would be able to help her hide the body, he was a lot stronger than her. But murder was seriously on the table. Why has she decided to break that one golden rule, you might ask? Lila Rossi. The bane of her existence. The very reason they were spending two fucking weeks in the crime capital of the world instead of their original destinations. But no, Lila just had to convince Mme. Bustier to take them to Gotham. And then, as if making Marinette plan a million things last minute wasn’t bad enough, Lila decided to talk. Nonstop. Throughout the entire first half of their tour of Wayne Enterprises. The only thing keeping her from strangling the girl right now was the promise of coffee in the cafeteria. She didn’t need food, she needed coffee. And then she’d go right back to plotting murder. Would anyone look in the river for her body? 
“Whatever you’re thinking, I’m sure you shouldn’t do it.” Adrien says, pulling her out of her murder plot. She glares at him. 
“I’m planning a murder, and I don’t appreciate you interrupting me.” She deadpans. 
“Murder’s bad, Mari. We don’t murder people.” Adrien sighs, throwing an arm over her shoulders. 
“Maybe you don’t murder people. I’m thinking about branching out.” She hums, getting in the line for coffee. Adrien huffs and grabs her arm, tugging her behind him. She immediately starts whining, reaching out towards the coffee booth. 
“Mari, you need actual food. You can have coffee after you eat something. I know for a fact you didn’t eat breakfast.” He says, staring her down. She huffs, crossing her arms. 
“You’re not my dad.” She mumbles, turning away from him. 
“Why the hell are you all pouty?” Jason asks, walking up to the two. Marinette smiles briefly, then drops her face back into a scowl. 
“Someone is keeping me from my coffee.” She says. 
“Good job kid!” Jason says, high fiving Adrien. Marinette’s jaw drops at the betrayal. 
“Honestly rude. Guess I’m not gonna ask you to help me anymore.” She says, sighing dramatically. 
“Help with what?” He asks, frowning. 
“Murder. She wants to commit a murder.” Adrien says, rolling his eyes. 
“Who’re we killing?” Jason asks. This time it’s Adrien’s turn to drop his jaw, Marinette laughing loudly. 
“Ha! I told you Jay would help me!” She cheers, shooting Adrien a smug smile. 
“Marinette! Lila needs your help carrying her tray.” Mme. Bustier instructs, walking over to the trio. Marinette immediately frowns, looking over at Lila who was carrying a tray. Just fine. 
“Uh, looks like she’s got it.” She says, nodding towards the liar. 
“Well, she got it okay, but she needs someone to carry it to her table for her.” Mme. Bustier says, frowning. 
“And one of her friends can do it. I’m not getting out of line for my own lunch just to carry Lila’s tray Mme. Bustier.” Marinette argues, crossing her arms. 
“Marinette-” She starts, then stops when she realizes Jason isn’t one of the students. “Very well. But we’re going to talk about this later.” She adds before walking away. Marinette rolls her eyes. 
“Is she the one we’re murdering?” Jason asks, leaning down a little so he could whisper. 
“Nope. The one whose tray I was supposed to carry is the one on my list.” Mari says, nodding towards the girl who was now fake crying. 
“Jesus. How does anyone put up with her?” He asks, face curling in disgust. Marinette shrugs. 
“At first I thought she was Meta. Now I think my classmates are just idiots.” She says simply. Jason snorts. 
“I believe that. I’m gonna go grab you a coffee. As much as I’d love to help you commit a murder, pretty sure the boss would be pissed.” He says, ruffling her hair before walking away. Marinette turns to Adrien and gives him a smug smile. 
“Ha, bitch.” She says, snorting as he starts spluttering. 
“You can’t just say that, Bug!” He whines, before turning to order his food. Marinette snorts. 
“Sure I can.” She says in English, before quickly switching to Mandarin and lowering her voice. “I’m a seventeen year old ex-superhero, I’m allowed to say bitch.” Adrien just snorts, thanking the lady and grabbing his food so that Marinette can order. Once she has her food, she follows Adrien to an almost empty table in the corner farthest away from their classmates. She smiles at the person at the other end of the table, Dick Grayson. He was their tour guide and had dealt with their annoying ass class surprisingly well. She was tempted to make him a certificate if he lasted til the end of the day without losing his sanity. Plopping down in her seat, she starts eating her food slowly, watching Jason across the room at the coffee booth. 
“Mari, he said he would get you coffee. He’s gonna get you coffee.” Adrien says, nudging her side to try and get her to actually eat. 
“You don’t think he’d get me decaf, do you?” She asks, remembering the time he’d brought coffee to one of their late night training sessions. It was decaf then, he claimed that she needed to be able to sleep after training. She argued that she needed to stay awake and do homework and commissions and some lameass decaf coffee was not going to help her do that. She just hoped he would take pity on her and get her actual coffee this time. 
“I think I’d get you decaf,” Adrien starts, dodging her attempt to whack him. “But, I think Jay’s a little nicer than me today. Probably since he hasn’t seen us in awhile.” He muses. Marinette stops trying to attack him, nodding in agreement. He’d be more likely to give her decaf tomorrow than today. So it was still safe to trust her coffee order to him. For now. 
“I’m sorry, did you say Jay?” Mr. Grayson asks, catching her attention. She glances at Adrien who just shrugs. She knew the two had talked earlier, but she really didn’t want to accidentally get Jay in trouble. 
“Uh, yes?” She says, wincing at the awkwardness. 
“You know Jason.” He says, and she nods, frowning. 
“Yeah, we got to know him last year when he was on a business trip in Paris.” She explains, dodging around the whole ‘he trained us as heroes and then found out our identities and helped us take down a supervillain’ part of it. “We ended up getting close and we’ve kept in contact over the last year.” Mari adds, confused as to why Mr. Grayson looks so lost. 
“Really?” He finally asks. 
“Yeah. He’s basically like our big brother.” Adrien adds, obviously sensing that Marinette was getting uncomfortable. 
“Hey Dick, long time no see.” Jason snarks, putting Mari’s coffee in front of her and plopping down in the seat next to Adrien. 
“Jason. So you have two new siblings?” He asks, gesturing to Mari and Adrien. Jason nods. 
“Yup. And they’re loads better than you lot. Pixie Pop here even said I could help her with her first murder.” Jason teases. Marinette’s face instantly heats up, as she turns her glare to Jason. 
“Jason!” She hisses. He’s lucky he’s on the other side of Adrien. 
“Wait, you two are brothers?” Adrien asks, and Marinette blinks. Oh, yeah. Wait, what. 
“You didn’t know?” Dick asks. Adrien looks at Mari who shrugs. She definitely hadn’t known. She’d assumed Dick was one of Jason’s bosses. 
“Yeah, unfortunately this dipshit is my older brother. Adopted, of course.” Jason says. 
“We also have two other brothers and a sister. And some unofficial siblings.” Dick adds, making Mari raise an eyebrow. 
“All adopted?” She asks. Adoption was no joke. It was crazy expensive in the US. 
“All but one. B kinda adopts every dark haired, blue eyed kid with trauma that he meets.” Jason says, smirking at Marinette’s face. 
“I’m feeling attacked right now. Are you attacking me? If anyone has enough trauma to be adopted by a serial adopter, it’s Adrien. Not me.” She says with a pout. 
“Hey!” Adrien objects. Marinette looks pointedly at his arm. 
“Your arm was cut off by your supervillain father who was an emotional terrorist for over three years. That’s a shit ton of trauma.” She says as he pouts. 
“Yeah, but if I get adopted in the US, I’d never see you anymore.” He points out. 
“But you’d see me all the time.” Jason teases. Adrien grins. 
“That’s right! Okay, sorry M, I’m gonna get adopted here.” He says with a wide grin. 
“Traitors, the both of you. Mr. Grayson, how’d you like a new little sister? I’m officially disowning both of these losers.” Marinette says, ignoring the indignant squawks from Adrien. Dick snorts, a wide grin stretching across his face. 
“Sure kid. And call me Dick. Do you happen to know any acrobatics?” He asks with a teasing grin. Mari smirks. 
“As a matter of fact, I do.” She says. Dick freezes before a huge smile makes its way onto his face, his whole body shaking in excitement. 
“Wait, really? You’re serious?” He asks. She nods. “That’s awesome! Sorry Jay, I’m stealing this one.” He says. Jason scowls. 
“I don’t think so. I’ve known Pixie Pop longer, therefore, she’s my sister.” He says. Adrien clears his throat. “Our sister.” Jason amends, nodding to Adrien. 
“But she’s an acrobat! You know I’ve been looking for someone to teach trapeze to!” Dick whines. Mari’s eyes light up and she starts bouncing in her seat. 
“Wait, trapeze? Seriously? Where? Oh my god, that would be so much fun!” She squeals, suddenly actually excited about being in Gotham. 
“We have one at our house, you guys have to come over! I could show you the basics.” Dick suggests, still grinning. Marinette turns to Jason, waiting to see what he’d say. If Dick didn’t know Jason, she’d never consider going over and learning trapeze. But since he’s Jason’s brother…..
“Ugh, fine. But if B ends up trying to adopt both of you, you can’t blame me. I wanted to keep you away from him. You’re the one who got suckered in by the damn trapeze.” Jason gripes, leaning back in his seat. Marinette just grins at him before turning back to Dick to figure out the specifics. Maybe this trip wouldn’t be that bad.
Tag list (open): @toodaloo-kangaroo @laurcad123 @kittenmywaythrulife @lost-in-the-world-of-maribat @queenz-z
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loveyhoneydovey · 3 years
Torres taking care of you after getting your wisdom teeth removed
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Note: I'm actually getting all my 4 wisdom teeth removed in a few months and I have no idea what to expect. So I ended up writing how I'd want it to go 😌 a girl can dream
All my stories are written with a bisexual reader of colour in mind, but anyone else is more than welcome to read them
Joaquín Torres x GN!Reader
Warnings: use of medication, wisdom tooth extraction (is that a warning)
· he’d been through it himself before you two started dating, so he was already prepared
· he knew you would be in lots of discomfort the first few days so he did his best to make the bedroom more comfortable for you, since you’d be spending a while there
· he did his best to ease your anxiety the night before
· “what if I act like an idiot”
· “isn’t that how you always act anyway?”
· the day of the procedure, he was patiently waiting for you. He had no idea how you would react to the anesthesia they gave you, but he brought a camera just in case
· and boy you did not disappoint 💀
· from the moment he saw you, he knew you were probably in another universe in your head right now. He discreetly pulled out his phone and started filming
· as soon as you spotted him, your eyes widened, and you flashed him a smile
· you had one thing in your mind, find out who this man is and see if you can get his number
· “are you my nurse?”
· “no, I’m not actually”
· “oh, do I know you then? If not, then can I get to know you?”
· you winked at him terribly after saying that and it took him everything to try to not laugh at you
· “you could say we’ve known each other for a while now”
· he saw a change in your expression. Your face dropped and your brows furrowed. He noticed you were staring at something, his wedding band
· “you’re married?” you looked like you were on the verge of having a breakdown and he didn’t want to mess with you even more
· “I am, to you actually” he took your hand and showed you the rock on your finger to prove his point
· you spent the new few minutes incomprehensively talking about how lucky and happy you were to have him, and at one point asked if you could touch his butt 💀
· while showing you pics of your wedding, he ends up accidentally showing you a picture of the two of you with Sam and Bucky while you were on a double date
· you end up asking him if you could facetime them and he gives them a head’s up before calling
· you fangirl over them the whole time and they looked like they were seconds away from losing their shit
· they screen record all of it
· on the ride home you kept asking him questions about your relationship and complimenting him which he thought was adorable
· he didn’t doubt himself often, but like anyone else he also had his insecurities. So seeing that you were happy with your choice of marrying him even when you weren’t fully conscious warmed his heart. He was glad he still had that effect on you (because you still have that effect on him too)
· once you got home, he brought you to your bed immediately
· he’d gotten you a ton of applesauce and other soft foods which he helped you eat. The whole time he was feeding you you were looking at him with heart eyes and drooling (although that wasn’t your fault 💀)
· made you drink plenty of water, so you didn’t feel dehydrated
· for a few hours you cuddled with him while he put on Disney movies. It didn’t take you too long to end up falling asleep on him
· while you slept, he watched over you and made sure to have your pain killers ready in case you woke up in discomfort. Whenever he’d try to move though, you’d hold onto him
· when you woke up you had regained full consciousness, which made you groan because now you were feeling all of it
· after giving you your meds and helping you drink a glass of water, Joaquín held you and played with your hair while you laid your head on his chest
· “baby, did I do anything embarrassing?”
· he was glad you hadn’t been looking at him when you asked that, because the look on his face would’ve definitely given him away
· “not at all, you were pretty calm”
· you find out he was lying when you decide to check the group chat and see the video him along with Sam and Bucky took of you
· “you’re all assholes”
· you were glad you had such good people to take care of you
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The Bets
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。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆      。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
GIF isn’t mine
Pairing: Elle Greenaway x Fem! Reader, Jemily
Summary: A little session of betting stupid shit with Morgan, Garcia and Dr. Reid gone wrong. or in which Elle and Y/N join the Mile High Club
Warnings: 18+ Mile High Club. (Which means light smut okay?) Brief Classic CM violence. Jemily cuteness and soft Elle.
Word Count: 2,016 words
Anyone ever wondered what it’d be like if Agent Greenaway worked with Agent Prentiss? I don’t think we were ready for the amount of POWER these two would have if they did work together. The amount of death glares and sass towards assholes and misogynistic men-
also, the lack of Elle fanfics is now considered a crime-
 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆      。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
It all started when you walked into the bullpen, bee lining to your desk, setting down your stuff and immediately hearing Morgan’s chuckles and Garcia’s giggling while they huddled around Reid’s desk.
“Ohhhkay? What is going on? I understand that like, there’s no case yet today but it’s waaaay too early for you guys to be giggling.” You furrowed your brows at them
“Nothing is going on cutie pie. You just made me win a bet. “ Garcia looked smug while Morgan just glared playfully
“How was I supposed to know that they didn’t have fun last night, much less leave a hickey?” He says, referring to you and Elle
Being the only couple who’s been formally approved by Hotch, Strauss and the HR, the both of you were proud of your relationship. Elle often comes in after you because you make her fetch your coffee in the morning, and you often disappear during lunch because you were off on a food run for her.
And don’t even get me started on her glaring at men who had the audacity to flirt with you, then smirking when you turn them down with an emotionless look on your face. She was yours and you were hers, and you both weren’t afraid to announce that.
“Oh we did. Just not last night. It was this morning.” you nonchalantly says, shrugging your shoulders
“Did you know that morning sex is better than evening sex?  Men can experience a daily 25-50% differential in testosterone in the morning, translating to a huge appetite for early sex. For women, however, significant changes in testosterone don’t happen daily, but monthly, with the largest increase happening mid-month during ovulation and that increase is not nearly as dramatic as what men experience...” Reid rants, making you all stare at him, not moving so as to not interrupt him.
“Thank you Reid for that interesting fact, where did you even learn that?” you ask him, you were truly curious as to where the doctor reads his facts when it was apparent that he hated the internet.
“Encyclopedia.” he states, a little giddy from just sharing what he knows.
“Psst. Lovergirl. Here comes your own personal devil.” Derek wiggled his brows, pointing with his eyes to the door, knowing that it’s Elle you just smirked and laughed.
“One, Lovergirl? Really? You couldn’t think of better nicknames?” You started, turning around to get your coffee from Elle, kissing her cheek
“Derek called you the devil.” You whispered to her
“What?” Elle playfully shoves Morgan
“Hey! No snitching!” He whined
Elle just gave him a pointed look before turning around, her desk just in front of Reid’s. She sits down before stealing your coffee. Your lips barely open to complain, but closed immediately when she gave you that same look she gave you earlier today when she was sipping...something else. With wide eyes and tomato red cheeks, you mumbled incoherent words before just walking away, embarrassed. You even forgot that she stole your café made coffee, all you could think of is Elle’s lips on yours, slowly kissing down-
Your cheeks reddened even more when you heard Morgan guffaw. Pouting slightly, you directed your attention to the stack of paperwork piled on your desk. You sorted them out first before actually doing it. A few minutes pass by and you feel a presence behind you, then they block your light, indicating they were tall and buff...
“What do you want Morgan?” You sighed out, closing a case file, moving into another one. Wanting to just finish and come home with your girlfriend and just cuddle.
“Bet you can’t make Elle blush like she did you.” He proudly stated
You looked at him with a ‘I’m so done with you’ face, you could see that he was serious and you just sighed, you might as well entertain yourself.
“You wanna put money on that?” Famous last words.
Morgan put 50 bucks on the line and you just couldn’t resist, you went on with your day as usual, frowning when you sift through tons of paperwork, dragging your feet just to get coffee from that damn awful coffee machine and finally, asking for Hotch’s permission to go out and get lunch which he approved, getting your keys, kissing Elle’s cheek, rushed out and went to that one food chain that both you and your girlfriend loved.
Girlfriend. Such a common word, but you and Elle made it special. All the emotions and feelings compiled in a 10 letter word, all the pain, tears, blood (you got shot protecting her and she slapped you when you woke up just because of that. But that’s also where she first kissed you, so no complaints really), pining, and happiness you guys went through just to get to this point.
Arriving at the BAU office, you hurried up, shifting your weight from one leg to the other as you watch the numbers go up anxiously, the line stretched on and on, making you at least 5 minutes late. Elle gets cranky when she’s hungry, and for your sake and the rest of the team, you hurried your ass up.
When the elevator finally arrived at your floor, you rush to Elle’s desk, who’s now glaring at the computer screen.
“Bubba~ I’m so sorry. Here, I’ll make it up to you” You set down the paper bags on her desk, you made sure to get extra just to make it up to her.
As you set down the paper bags, you discreetly leaned down, placing your lips right beside her ear and nibbled on it a bit, your hair providing the necessary curtain of privacy you needed. You quietly moaned as you briefly whispered a few profanities into her ear before straightening yourself up. Smirking at how red Elle’s ears and cheek are, you looked over to Morgan who was now staring, dumbfounded.
You smiled smugly at him, lifting your hand up and motioning for him to give you his --well, your money. He frowned before slapping the crisp 50 dollar bill on your hands, huffing in annoyance.
“You betted on me?” she gave you that ‘no non-sense bitch face’ thing, and your blood ran cold. You could remember what happened the last time she gave you that look. You weren’t able to sit on a chair properly for weeks.
“Oh- Uhm. Erm. You just eat your food yeah? I have paperwork to finish.” You turned to get away from her, but she tugged your shirt from behind.
She puts her palm out and looks at you expectantly. You pout at her with your pleading eyes but she just raised her eyebrow at you. You groaned and went to give it to her, only to be interrupted by JJ.
“We’ve got a case?” You ask her, discreetly slipping the bill in your back pocket.
“But there’s only 45 minutes, 15 seconds and 3 milliseconds left.” Reid whines
“Sorry Guys. Hotch says we’ll debrief on the jet.” She says, walking off holding the files while Emily lifted both their go-bags to her shoulders, following JJ, making you roll your eyes at their obviousness.
You looked at Elle and she stared back at you, smirking and nodding at each other before hurrying to gather your stuff.
Once everyone settled in, Garcia popped onto the computer screen and she explained the details of your case. There were multiple strings of suicides following a major highway, but there were a couple items missing. Jewelry, electronics etc. You concluded that it’s most likely an organized unsub, who steals and framing the victims as suicide, but in multiple ways. 3 women were hanged, four were shot in the head, 3 shot in the stomach and 7 stabbed, yet there weren’t any blood trails around.
After the debriefing, the team settled down, deciding to take a nap during flight. Reid was curled up in the couch, his book in his hand that’s draping down to the floor, Hotch with his head on the table and Rossi with his head leaning on the window, Lastly, Morgan who was reclining his seat, slept with his earphones on. JJ and Emily are nowhere to be seen so you just assumed that they were cuddling somewhere.
No words were spoken. Both you and Elle just basking in each others presence. Occasionally sharing opinions on what you think of the unsub, and then she just stared at you with a look in her eyes.
“Elle? Bubs?” You ask her, you always were the one for nicknames, you made one up as soon as you met her, and how it slowly changed from scary girl, to pretty girl and now to Bubs and Bubba. It really amazes her.
“Come with me.” She whispered, dragging you to the plane lavatory.  
She locks the door and stares at you. You gulp as the two of you were pressed against each-other in a tight space. She wraps her arms around your neck, pulling you in a passionate kiss, like she was afraid you would suddenly vanish. Sadly, both of you need air, pulling away for just a second before your lips attach to her neck, being careful not to leave marks, You really don’t think Hotch would like the thought of the two of you doing each-other in such a public place with him in a 20 mile radius.
After a few moments filled to the brim with muffled and silent moans, euphoria, smirks, punishments and hair-pulling later, the both of you fixed yourself. When you both looked appropriate enough, Elle opens the door to a JJ who’s also opening the door to the other lavatory right across yours, with a panting Emily sitting on the toilet.
You peeked over Elle’s shoulder and seeing the scene in front of you. Safe to say you were shocked. Really shocked.
“Emily’s a bottom?!” You whisper-shouted in disbelief, making both of them blush and your girlfriend chuckle.
“Guess who owes me a hundred bucks?” She smirks at you
“Noooo. Ellie. Please, I bring you lunch everyday!.” You pleaded as you follow her to where you were previously sitting.
“Uh-huh, No backing out on bets remember?” She pulls you to her side, hugging you from her seat. She rarely shows affection in public like this so you usually ingrain it in your memories, take notes or just plainly cherish it, living in the moment.
“But a hundred?”
“You won fifty from Morgan earlier and I want it back.”
“But I won that fair and square”
“You used me to gain that money Bubs, I don’t like that.” You grumbled but gave her a hundred bucks anyways, smiling slightly when you remember that she’s the one who buys the coffee for the both of you anyways.
“Hey, uhm-”
“Everyone knows.” You and Elle simultaneously replied when JJ and Emily sat in front of you
“Honestly, did the both of you think that we wouldn’t find out? We’re profilers for heaven’s sake!” You deadpanned, playfully glaring at them
“I think we did a pretty good job at hiding actually.” Emily scoffed
You glanced at Elle, barely containing your laughs before returning your sights to the couple in front of you, 
“Em can you help me with something?” “Jayje? Can you come over? Sergio needs a babysitter” “Em can you pick Henry up? Michael needs a haircut” “I played a lot of scrabble with some girl named ‘CheetoBreath’” You mimicked the both of them, pretending to be talking to someone on the phone.
“Okay! Okay! Stop. Stop-” Emily playfully glares as she and JJ both have red cheeks.
You and Elle continued teasing the couple for a few more minutes before moving from topic to topic, ranging from double dates to near death encounters that scared the shit out of your girlfriends.
It’s moments like this that make your gruesome job bearable, the teasing, the laughter, the feeling of family. You could never imagine yourself working with other teams at all. And that, in your opinion, is what makes the BAU indestructible, no matter what the consequences may be. 
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ushiwhore · 4 years
Tendou x Reader , Oneshot!
Warnings: Fake Dating. Curse Words. Unrequited Love. Angst. 
 Word Count: 3,338
Being best friends with your crush and his best friend has its benefits, but it also has its disadvantages. Especially when feelings are at stake. 
Read the second part: click here
It was lunch and you were sitting in the library with Tendou and Ushijima, talking about how their days were going and the practice that would be held later. Everything was going swell up until now. 
“There’s someone in my class that I really like, and it’s driving me crazy because we’ve been talking but it seems like it’s going nowhere.” Tendou huffed as he shoved more rice into his mouth. 
Ushijima and you shared a look of confusion. How come he hadn't brought this person up sooner? Your mind felt hazy as you tried to remember if perhaps he’d talked about them before and you weren't paying attention. 
Impossible, you always listened to him talk about his days with such adoration. Making sure he knew you were listening and that you cared. Always. 
“Eh? Y/N? Ushi? No response? Help me out here please.” Tendou snapped you out of your thoughts, a small pout on his lips, his cheeks no longer stuffed with rice. 
“Uh- What’s this about a love interest?? How come you hadn’t told us sooner? Ushi and I could’ve been like your very own wingman and wingwoman, y’know?” You let out a small chuckle to follow your statement, wanting to seem as casual as possible. As unbothered - with your crush/ best friend having found someone they like - as humanly possible. 
“Well I didn’t want to say anything until I was sure.. Been talking for a whole month! Now I’m kinda hooked.” He admitted. Ushijima wasn’t necessarily sure what to say, but his eyes were glued to you, noticing that something was off.
Now that you thought of it, Tendou HAD been smiling at his phone more often. He was so cheerful, but that was how he usually was. It made you feel so stupid. This whole time, you thought it had been because of you. He was happier whenever you guys hung out because he’d been talking to whoever it is he liked.
“What are you going to do about it?” Ushijima asked, tilting his head curiously. All you could do was simply sit and stare as Tendou began to discuss his big plan. 
“It’s clear that she thinks I’m gonna wait around for her, so I want to show her that I’m wanted elsewhere, y’know? I wanna show her that if she doesn't get on it, somebody else will.” The whole time, there was a wide smile on his lips, his enthusiasm spilling. You and Ushijima were nodding along as he spoke, and once he was done, he looked at you expectantly. 
“... Satori? Don’t look at me like that-” 
“Y/N Pleaseeeee?? Just for a few days, a week, maybe?” 
“What exactly do you want me to do??” 
“Just the usual. Let’s hang out but instead I’ll post about you and we can be flirty whenever she’s around. I just want her to see what could’ve been. Or maybe make her see what she’s missing out. AKA me~” 
Ushijima was looking at you, giving you a look that screamed “This is not a good idea. You’re going to regret this so much.” 
Why? Because he knew about your feelings. You had even ranted to him about Tendou whenever your crush on your best friend got to be too frustrating. As perceptive as everyone knew Tendou to be, it all went to hell when it came to you. He thought he had you all figured out, so your blushing states and the flirty banter just went over his head. You were friend zoned before you even had your chance to confess or anything. Not that you would ever- it wasn't your style. Plus, you didn't want to ruin a perfectly good friendship. 
Despite the look he was giving you, and your common sense screaming at you to not be the biggest fucking idiot on this planet, you agreed to help him out. 
He let out a laugh, clapping his hands happily before wrapping an arm around you. “Well, lover of mine.. how about a date tomorrow?” He raised an eyebrow as he looked at you curiously. 
It was so hard to contain the blush that creeped onto your cheeks, you were burning up just with his gaze and arm on you. A small sigh could be heard escaping from Ushi’s lips. He knew there was tons of texts and calls coming from you in the next couple of days.
A few days later, it was lunch time again. Tendou was sitting beside you with his arm wrapped around your waist as you both ate. Ushijima had to stay back in a class to retake a quiz the teacher thought he could’ve done better on.
“They’re staring y’know?” he hummed softly as he offered you some of his food. You gladly ate it, a small blush on your cheeks again. “Are they now?”
“Mhm. She’s staring too.” 
Fuck. There it was. It’s not like you’d forgotten that this was all to make the girl jealous, but it had been nice to push it to the back of your mind and just enjoy his arms around you. “Ah. That’s good then.” you replied, trying to stop the lump in your throat from forming by focusing on your food.
He leaned in and placed a few kisses on your cheek and jaw. And it brought you flashbacks of last night when he had walked you to your dorm. 
“So, lover of mine, what am I allowed to do and what’s crossing the line?” 
You two had your fingers intertwined as he swung your hands back and forth gently. You were biting at your lip, eyebrows furrowed slightly in concentration. 
“Hugs. Cheek kisses are fine.. hand holding. The basics, I guess? Or what else do couples do?”
“Kiss on the lips.”
“Right- Would.. would that be necessary?” 
“Mmm I don't think so. You’re already doing so much for me, Y/N. I really do appreciate you, our friendship, and everything you’ve done for me.” 
He stopped walking, you were both standing outside your dorm now. Hearing him say all of this would typically make your heart flutter and your stomach do flips. But now.. now it made you feel like shit. Friendship was all you’d ever have with him. He appreciated you as a friend. You looked down at your shoes, them seeming much more interesting than the tall man who stood before you with the softest smile on his lips. 
You felt a small kiss against your cheek before he softly pat your head. “Love ya tons, Y/N. I’ll come pick you up in the morning so we can walk to classes together, yeah?” 
The heat easily returned to your cheeks after the small kiss was placed on your cheek. All you could do was nod, unlocking your front door. Once it was opened, you stepped inside and turned to look at him. 
“Goodnight, Satori.” 
“Goodnight, Y/N.” 
“Well, you two got cozy fast..” 
The deep voice brought you back into reality. You had been snuggling into Tendou’s side as he continued to eat, not really bothered by the silence that had taken over the table as you thought about the night before. 
“Not like we didn’t do this before.” Tendou pointed out. 
“I guess you’ve got a point. But well, I aced my quiz.” 
“Look at you, ace of Shiratorizawa’s Volleyball Club and ace of the math tests.” you smiled at him, reaching out to give him a small pat on his shoulder, slipping out of Tendou’s embrace.
Ushijima smiled softly at that, “Thanks Y/N. Apparently I missed some of the points since my work was right but I bubbled in the wrong ones.” 
“Too focused on volleyball, as always Ushi.” You hummed, offering him one of the snacks you’d bought earlier. 
“Not always. But what were you guys doing anyway?” He asked as he took the snack, throwing another small smile your way to show he appreciated it. 
“We were roleplaying as boyfriend and girlfriend and everybody was staring. Even y’know who.” Tendou said with a smile. 
You playfully cringed at that, “I’m going to break up with you if you say it like that again.” 
“Not yet, Y/N! Wait until the end of the week please.” He hummed before picking up his phone and getting distracted by a notification. 
There it was. The sinking feeling at the pit of your stomach. Wait until the end of the week. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Your gaze met Ushijima’s and he gave you that same look from yesterday.
“She texted me!” he cheered happily. 
I’ve made a mistake. That’s what your eyes screamed as you kept eye contact with Ushijima. 
I know you did, is what his eyes said back. 
You were sitting beside Tendou on a field, enjoying an ice cream cone. He'd already had his photoshoot moment with you. He’d taken pictures of you shyly covering your face with the ice cream cone and uploaded it with captions you two would usually make fun of. You were all over his story too. Photos and videos he had taken of you while you did stupid shit. He’d even saved some onto his memories. 
“We’ve gotten a lot of support.” He said, breaking the silence.
You two had laughed so much it made your tummy hurt. It was like whenever you hung out with him prior to the heartbreaking revelation. But now it was bittersweet since the reason behind these hangouts were to get someone else to like him. 
“Has she hit you up?” You asked, unable to hide the bitter tone that slipped along with your words. He raised an eyebrow at your tone, but nodded. “Yeah. She was pretty straight forward.. asked me if you and I were dating. I told her I might just cuff you.”  
“That’s good then, right? She's clearly interested in a relationship now.” You said, the smile on your lips not reaching your eyes. “Tendou.. is it okay if I head home? I’m feeling a bit tired. It’s been a long week.” 
He had a concerned look on his face but he nodded. “Of course. You should’ve said something earlier, Y/N.” He scolded, helping you stand up and starting to walk with you. 
“Ah, actually, is it okay if I walk back on my own? I have something to do real quick before I head to bed.”
Lie. It was a lie. You just didn't want him around right now. It hurt too much.
“Oh- Sure. I’ll see you at school then? Thanks for tonight. I had fun.”
“Me too. Goodnight Tendou.” You smiled and waved before walking off to your dorm, leaving a confused Tendou standing at the field. 
"You should've never agreed to it.." Ushijima said as he softly rubbed his hand up and down your back. Your hands were clutching onto his sweater, face buried into his chest as you cried your eyes out.
"I-I know.. but I can't ever say no to him.. I'm such a fucking idiot."
"You're not. You're just a very kind person, and sometimes people take advantage of that."
"I'm an idiot, Ushi.. fuck- Why did I agree to it?"
It'd been a whole two weeks since you had started that whole fake dating thing to get Tendou's crush to like him back, and it had taken a huge toll on you.
He could have his arms wrapped around you and be feeding you some snacks, when suddenly he'd pull away and say that she was gone, and there was no need for it anymore.
He'd take you out on dates and walk you home, making sure to notify you that she had texted him some flirty things, or had complimented how he looked on the pictures he had posted.
He would kiss your cheek and make you laugh, before bursting out into giggles with a "You should've seen the look on her face! She so wants me now."
She definitely did want him. She wanted him enough to reach out and ask how serious things were between you two. And if they weren't serious, how would lunch on Saturday sound? Perfect, it's a date.
He'd reached out to you over text, thanking you and praising you for even helping him through this unorthodox procedure, but that it wasn't necessary anymore. They would go on that date, and he'd planned on making it official then.
You sent a simple "Congrats, Satori! Have fun and be safe." And hid your phone away, heading to where you knew you'd be safe.
And that's how you ended up in Ushijima's arms, bawling your eyes out.
"I-I really thought Ushi.. I mean- I knew that we were doing it for horrible reasons.. but I thought maybe he'd see just how good WE would be together. Am I delusional, Ushi?"
"Not at all. I think you would've made a wonderful partner for Satori, or anyone, really."
You let out a small, bitter laugh at that. Clearly your best friend didn't see it like that. You pulled away from the embrace, wiping all the tears away and frowning at the sight of Ushijima's drenched sweatshirt.
"I'm so sorry.." you looked at his sweatshirt, "but thank you.. thank you so much for letting me in. I know it's late. Thanks for dealing with my bullshit."
"Of course, Y/N. You're just as important to me as Tendou, and I hate seeing you upset. I'm sorry he doesn't return your feelings."
You solemnly nodded, feeling sorry for yourself as well. The pain in your chest didn't seem to go away.
"What can we do, Toshi? It just wasn't meant to be. Plus. It's my fault. I knew it was strictly platonic fake dating. I let myself believe I had a chance. But it was clear I didn't."
Ushijima no longer knew how to respond, so he just gave you as much comfort as he could. With back rubs, hugs, and gently playing with your hair. All these actions allowed you to believe you'd be okay.
Even if Tendou Satori did not feel the same.
The date had apparently gone well, seeing as your lunch table was now occupied by Tendou, Ushijima, and the one and only. The one who had stolen your best friend's heart.
You stopped in your step as you saw her seated at the table. It seemed they were doing introductions. You knew you couldn't handle such thing right now, so you turned right around and walked to the library.
This did not go unseen by Ushijima, who excused himself by claiming that he had to print out some assignments for later.
"Have you seen Y/N? Did she come today?" Satori asked before letting the male part ways.
"Yes, she came. But she might be stuck in class or something. Enjoy the rest of your lunch." He politely excused himself before walking to the library where he knew you'd be.
Without a doubt, you were seated towards the back, face buried in your arms. He pulled a chair out and sat beside you. "Y/N."
You looked up, the pout evident on your lips. "Hey Toshi.. you didn't have to come, y'know?"
He nods, "I wanted to." You simply nod, looking down at the table before speaking again.
"She seems nice. She's really pretty. I can see why he was so set on making her his girlfriend."
"She's lovely. Very kind and charming." He admitted, much to your dismay. Of course she'd be perfect. That made it hurt even more. It made it obvious why he'd prefer someone like her over you.
"But you're also pretty, and very nice. He's missing out."
You looked up in shock at his words.
"You really mean that, Wakatoshi?"
The use of his name rather than the nicknames you usually called him was a pleasant and welcome surprise.
"Of course. There's no reason for you to be upset. You're strong, and I know you can get over this."
You couldn't help but notice how unusually talkative Ushijima had been recently. His comfort was on another level. He was saying all the right things. It was healing you, even if you didn't know it just yet.
"I-I'll get over it.." you said with little confidence, before taking a small breath. "I'll get over it."
The second time around there was definitely more faith in your words. You would be okay.
The next day, it wasn’t a surprise to see her at the lunch table again, yet it still caused you to freeze on the spot. As much as you wanted to turn around and run out of there, you couldn’t move. 
He was gently caressing her cheek, giving her a bunch of small, shy kisses while he held her hand. It made your stomach twist and turn, and you were sure you could taste blood. 
Blood. Red. Red hair. Waving. 
Fuck. He’d seen you, and was now ecstatically waving for you to come sit at the table. The girl had turned to see what he was making a fuss over, giving you a curious look. 
You knew you probably looked like shit. Even with Wakatoshi’s kind and supportive words, you’d still bawled your eyes out the entire day. A small sigh escaped your lips as you made your way over to the table. 
“Y/N! I want you to meet someone- or well, my girlfriend, to be more specific.”
Satori’s words had her blushing, but she still bowed politely. 
“Pleasure meeting you. I know we didn't get the chance to meet yesterday, but I’ve heard a lot about you.” 
Did you hear that your boyfriend was using me to get you to date him? Did you hear that I’ve had a crush on your boyfriend for years? 
There was so much anger and pettiness in you, but you tried not to show any of it. “Good things, I hope.” 
She quickly agreed, starting to talk about something they’d done together last night. A date, you gathered, though you kept zoning out as she talked, talked, talked, and talked. She was perfect, really. But right now you wanted nothing more than to just scream for her to Please Shut The Fuck Up. 
Halfway through lunch, you excused yourself, saying you had some things to do, but that you hoped the 3 of them had fun. 
You weren't healing just yet, you were grieving what could’ve been. You were doing and thinking stupid shit. 
As soon as you walked into the bathroom, you turned the sink water on and splashed the cold water onto your face. The fresh feeling allowed you to calm down and truly think this through. 
Anger wouldn’t solve anything. You didn’t have the right to be angry at your best friend because: 1) He didn’t even know about your feelings. 2) He had openly told you that he liked someone else. 3) You willingly put yourself in the situation you’re in now. 
A small sob escaped your lips at the new realizations. You were past denial and anger, you were now in the stage of acceptance. 
Tendou Satori, your best friend and crush, did not love you. You loved him though, no matter what. Your feelings would not interfere with the wonderful friendship you had built with him for so many years.
If you truly loved him, you would support him, and his happiness would be enough, even if you were not the provider of said happiness. You’d be content with just watching from the sidelines and cheering him on. 
You took in a small gasp for air as the bell rang, signaling that lunch was over and it was time to head to class. You rubbed at your eyes, a new feeling settling in your chest as you walked out of the bathroom.
Avoiding gazes, friendships dwindling, it all leads to contentment. 
Sometimes, you have to sacrifice certain things in order for you to achieve your best state. To reach yours, it took avoidance and time, but now you’re beaming.
The state of contentment has finally been reached. 
A/N: Hello! I’m not sure if anyone will read this, but if anybody does: I hope you enjoyed it!! This isn’t too long, or maybe it’s something people scrolled past because holy FUCK it was too long for their preference. Anyway, I love me some Tendou content (: Even if it was quite clearly not fluff. I should write some fluff after this.. Thanks for reading!! 
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adhdeancas · 4 years
for trans man!dean, him mcfuckin dipping to totally transition how he wants then posting up at a family reunion as his badass self with Sam proud of him? also cas comes as his plus one/emotional support/husband idk
mcfuckin love how you worded this. here you go, more trans dean for everyone. minor trigger warnings for a little bit of dysphoria and a little bit of transphobia
Dean didn’t tell anyone when he went away. He just left. Wasn’t anybody’s business, and it’s not like anybody cared enough to keep up with him. 
Sam was too busy with school and work, Dad was too busy being a drunk asshole, and, well, there weren’t many other people who gave a shit in Dean’s life. 
The only person he told was Bobby, and that’s because Bobby would’ve hunted his ass down just to kick it if he just stopped showing up at the garage. 
Sam texted every few months, sure, but Dean always got by with vague answers. He didn’t tell Sam that he was having top surgery, or going on hormones, or shacking up with a hot former-priest in Canada. Nah, not important. After all, he’d told Sam he was a dude years ago. So he shouldn’t be too surprised. Right? 
Except then he has to go to this stupid Winchester Family Reunion.
“Dean, it’s going to be okay. They love you,” Cas placated him for the thousandth time. He came over and fixed Dean’s tie, which Dean resolutely batted away. He was the one used to fixing Cas’s tie. He glared at his boyfriend. 
“You don’t know them.” He said quickly. He stomped over and flopped down face first on the gross motel comforter they’d rented out halfway to Bobby’s. (Dean wanted to just power through, but Cas insisted on making a road trip out of it. He hadn’t been on many.) He let out a muffled moan out of frustration.
Cas rolled his eyes. “Well, that’s why we’re starting with Bobby. Baby steps, right?”
Dean sat back up and cringed at his boyfriend. “Yeah, baby steps for me and giant leaps for Bobby.” Cas smiled and sat on the edge of the bed. He looked like a freaking doctor visiting a patient, and it was so cute Dean wanted to end the conversation and pin him to the mattress instead. 
“Bobby knows you’re trans, right?” he asked patiently
“Then it shouldn’t be that big of a surprise to him that you look a little different. I mean, it’s been two years.” Dean grinned at him. Cas had a way of making everything seem so manageable. 
“Sure, just a little bit different. Two boobs lighter and a beard heavier.” He gave Cas a shit eating grin and looped a leg over him, sitting back on his heels. 
Cas pursed his lips, running a hand over Dean’s stubble. “I don’t know, would we call this a beard?”
Dean growled at him and leaned in for a kiss. “Hey, asshole, aren’t there better things you could do with your mouth than talk?” Cas laughed and kissed him back. 
“You make a good point.”
They left the motel room a little dirtier than they found it.
Dean spent a full minute pacing back and forth behind an old clunker before he ran up to the front door and knocked. Cas eased up from where he’d been leaning against the Impala and joined his boyfriend where he was now awkwardly drumming against his thigh. “Do I look okay? Do I look-uh-” he faltered, not sure how he wanted to look. Did he want to look like a guy? Or enough like a chick to look like his old self, so Bobby would let him in? 
“You look great.” Cas reached for his hand but Dean stole it away so he could turn around when he heard the door opening. 
“...hello?” Bobby asked gruffly. Dean grinned and put his hands on his hips, then down at his sides when he realized he didn’t want to emphasize how wide his hips were. 
“Hi, uh, Bobby. It’s… it’s Dean?”
Bobby did a double-take, and then Dean shifted uncomfortably. He knew he was looking for what Dean used to look like in how he looked now. He cleared his throat. Bobby blinked at him. “Well, shit, Dean. You- uh- you been working out, kid?”
Bobby pulled Dean into a bone-crushing hug, laughing. Dean pulled away with just a grin just as big. “Lil’ bit.” He said, blushing. “Oh, uh,” he stepped back and grabbed Cas’s hand, pulling him forward. “This is Cas. He’s- he’s my boyfriend.” Dean was absurdly more nervous to admit he liked guys (again) than he was for Bobby to see him post-op. Would Bobby still believe he was a guy if he was queer too? 
“Shit, a boyfriend? What, you got a mortgage too, you hiding a kid under that jacket?” Bobby huffed and stalked into his house. Cas seemed a little taken aback by his gruffness, but Dean just grinned and squeezed his hand. This was a good sign. They followed him into the kitchen, where Bobby was making coffee and muttering, “What, go away for a couple years and come back a man?” 
Dean beamed. 
Dean took a deep breath, and Cas squeezed his hand. He pressed a kiss to Dean’s cheek. “You’ve got this, babe.” Dean nodded shakily. He could do this. 
Surprisingly, he could do this. From the second he walked in the door, Dean took no shit. Most people didn’t give him more than a glance; they didn’t recognize either of the new men. Dean looked for Sam’s messy mop of hair and made a beeline as soon as he recognized it. Easy, when Sam towered over practically everyone. 
“Sammy!” Dean poked his brother in the back. “How the hell are you?”
Sam turned around, his furrowed brows loosening into a look of pure surprise when he recognized his brother. Which of course he did. “Dean!” He hugged Dean, pulling away so he could look at him. “Holy shit, you- you got top surgery?”
Dean grinned. “You know what top surgery is?”
Sam looked offended. “I research.” Dean laughed and lifted up his shirt quickly to show his scars. 
“Pretty cool, right?” Cas laughed at that and Sam turned his attention to the dark haired man standing behind his brother. “Oh yeah, I brought moral support.” He dragged Cas forward with a hand on the small of his back, and Cas thrust out his hand. “He’s a grad student too. I’m sure you nerds have a ton to gab about.” 
Sam rolled his eyes and shook Cas’s hand. “Hey, man, nice to meet you. What’re you studying?”
Dean zoned out almost immediately, keeping a hand on Cas out of comfort. All around the room, his family didn’t recognize him. Usually he’d have people coming up to him, Aunts screeching “Deanna!” and talking about his weight or his outfit or his hair, he’d have uncles throwing him over their shoulders and talking about last time they’d seen him when he was a little girl. Now? Nothing. Clean slate. It felt like freedom. He was him, in front of his family. For once. Then Dad walked up to him. 
“Sammy, who you got there? Thought you weren’t bringing a plus one.” John asked gruffly, suspiciously. Sam rolled his eyes. 
“It’s Sam. And I told you, Jess couldn’t come, she’s got too much on her plate right now.” He reminded his dad quickly that he was dating a woman right now, fuck you very much. 
“Yeah, sorry Dad, that’s my date.” Dean grinned and looped an arm low on Cas’s waist. He felt Cas look at him and he swore he heard him sniff. Motherfucker was checking for alcohol on his breath. He laughed and turned to give him a quick kiss, which surprised him even more. Confidence was a helluva thing. 
John was frozen in place. One of his eyes was twitching like he was overloaded with information. Which, Dean guessed, he was. 
“Dad, Cas, Cas, John,” Dean said, still grinning. Sam let out a snort from his other side. Cas extended his hand coolly. John stared at him as he returned the favor, turning Cas’s knuckles white with the force of his grip. “Oh and I’m Dean, by the way, in case you didn’t get the email.”
Dean extended his hand for his own handshake, and John took it equally slowly. “So you’re just going to show up like this, no warning or-”
“Yup.” Dean said happily. “Now I was promised burgers. Where are the fucking burgers?”
“What have you done to yourself?”
“Upgraded.” Dean shrugged and fixed his jacket. 
“And you’re…” He looked at Cas.
“Into men.” Dean nodded. “And women. No offense, Cas, but women are just prettier.” Cas nodded sagely, and Dean offered Sam a fist to fistbump. Sam did it with a smirk. “Guess you got two queer sons, daddio.”
John made no move. “Burgers?”
“Over there.” Sam answered this time, pointing. Dean looked. 
“Oh over by Grandpa Henry? Sweet. Thanks, Sammy. Wanna join?” He looped an arm around Sam’s shoulders before he could answer and dragged his two best guys toward the food. 
“Dean, hey, I’m- I’m really proud of you.” Sam stopped him and put a hand on his chest, and Dean felt a warm feeling both due to his words and the fact that Sam could pat him on the chest now without it being weird. “I know you’ve had a rough time- I mean, with everybody, with caring what they think- I’m just really proud of you.” 
Dean swallowed a lump in his throat. “Thanks, Sammy. That’s all I need.”
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todourouki · 4 years
congrats on 1k+!! can i request for sfw #14 (domestic life w/ them 🥺) with aizawa, todoroki, bakugou, and shinsou? thank you sm!! i love your works :>
AHHH! thank you so much for this, it means a lot! and ugh this is so cuteeee!
Want to celebrate prompt night with me? Click Here.
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SFW PROMPT #14: What would living with them be like?
including aizawa, todoroki, bakugou, & shinsou
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living with aizawa would be so nice
he’s not a high-maintenance guy
he’s more of a “as long as nothing looks like a piece of shit, we’re good”
matching sleeping bags
the man adores his sleep, i’m sure we all see that
so there’s soft blankets spread over every single couch/lounge-chair incase the two of you decide to nap
every day off, you guys have a tradition on waking up the latest time you possibly could, cooking breakfast together and eating it in bed with a show the two of you are currently binge watching on the tv
aizawa isn’t a bathroom hogger honestly he probably doesn’t even look in the mirror as much as he should
he’s pretty tidy when it comes to leaving his shit where it’s supposed to be
mostly because if he loses it, he knows he’ll be too lazy to look for it and he probably doesn’t have time
the furniture is all monochromatic
i don’t see him as a guy having brightly covered couches in his living room
everything is neutral, black, or white
minimalistic king
due to pure exhaustion all the time, color is out of the question, it reminds him of his students and he hates it but secretly loves it so all of his plates are multicolored
honestly living with aizawa sounds amazing
“Shouta,” you groan, eyes snapped harshly shut die to the light tracing into the room from the now open shades, “close the freaking things.”
Aizawa mumbles right after you, leg kicking the shade he once accidentally lifted with his foot back to where it once was. With the harsh tugs done by his feet, the light in the room finally fleeted away and allowed the comfortable dimness takeover once again.
The Pro-Hero’s arms gripped onto you tighter, nose nuzzled into your neck and bringing your body the kind of warmth necessary within the cold room. “S’go back to sleep, kitten.”
You mustered a smile, eyes still closed and hands running through the silky black hair resting underneath your neck. Mornings with Shouta were always the same— waking up once because of his leg obnoxiously releasing the shades, and both of you falling asleep once again in each other’s embrace.
You felt Aizawa begin to rub your back, fingers twinkling against your bare back soothing you beyond explanation. Within minutes, you felt yourself losing conscience, and you finally drifted back to sleep with the man you loved cradling you with unconscious admiration.
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living with todoroki is exactly what you’d think it would be
i don’t mean to say it
but ima say it
this rich bitch has a ton of antique and expensive furniture lying around
mostly because he loves using his dad’s money
you and todoroki are a weird match
because you both love the exact same things
so all the furniture in your home
whether the living room be one color and bedroom be another
it all weirdly goes together because you’re both so good and coordinating shit
like your couch could be fucking orange
and the blue throw-pillows and decorations you cover your living room with just make sense
just like the two of you
living with todoroki means you figure out just how funny he actually is
also just how dense the boy could be
like he’s so sweet but also a little ✨dumb✨
he doesn’t know how to use the laundry machine and he never will don’t change my mind about this
todoroki loved cold soba we all know that
so there is a specific cabinet underneath the sink filled with all the ingredients for making it
that cabinet has to be restocked a lot
usually on days off, shouto would like to sleep in but he knows he just can’t
so if you like to sleep in, he already went out for a run, took a shower, and made you breakfast by the time you wake up
if you like to wake up early/with him, you find yourself either joining his workout or making him a hearty breakfast by the time he gets back
living with todoroki is really sweet bye i’m gonna go cry
“I just don’t understand why I’d have to press so many obnoxious buttons to get it to wash clothes,” he began, his stoic voice staring harshly at the machine infront of him as you stared at him in disbelief, “it isn’t my fault.”
“Shou, you froze the entire machine..” You repeated, a deadpanned expression on your face as you tried your hardest not to laugh.
You knew your boyfriend wasn’t the best at figuring things like this out, he hated to admit it but his family had done a lot for him back home. And sure, he wasn’t a little boy anymore and should probably know how to work a laundry machine, but he was convinced it acted up with him and him only.
“It was giving me a hard time, I didn’t even realize I froze it until I realized the clothes weren’t spinning anymore..” The frown on his face was one you couldn’t help but smile at, the grin taking over your face as you chortled a laugh.
With your empty hand, you gave the boy a kiss on the forehead, his calculating expression trying to decipher the reason certain clothes needed a certain temperature of water. Moments like this made you realize just why you loved Todoroki so much.
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is a handful
that’s clear to everyone
but living with him, oddly enough, is not
you both have a specific cleaning day
every single sunday morning
and that same night included the two of you watching a movie and having loud in-depth character analysis debate every single time
you both have special cooking days (he has more but it’s ok bc he won’t say it but he absolutely loves cooking for you)
bakugou has been through a lot, my baby
so consistency is something he depends on
he nearly breathes for it
routine is everything in your household, being something you grew accustomed to as well even if it’s not what you’re used to
every day you’d wait for him to get back home on the plush couch in the living room
so that way you’re the first thing he sees when he gets home, as well as a platter of his favorite food for the night and his fav tv show on the tv
he feels like he’s walking into heaven every single day
and depending on your schedules, you get the same thing when you get home if he beats you to it
a show/anime you’re trying to finish, the food you’ve begged him to make, and your loving boyfriend/husband lounged against the couch waiting for your arrival
you both wake up early— sorry, even if you don’t want to
bakugou doesn’t give a single fuck, he will wake you up and force you to either workout with him or start your day with him
on his days off though, you both sleep in until the afternoon
there’s literally no inbetween with your schedules
you’re both either up and ready to go by 8am or finally getting up to brush your teeth at 3pm
“How many times do I have to tell you— the real villain was not Sharpay, but Gabriella!” Your voice boomed, staring at your boyfriend who looked at you as if you had four heads.
“Babe, with all due respect, you’re a fucking idiot!” He retaliated just as aggressive and firm as you. “How can you say that when she’s such a bitch?!”
The credits of the movie you just watched played in the background, popcorn kernels pushing into the skin you had sprawled against your boyfriend. The pink reflected across your shirtless boyfriend, his ears beginning to redden due to the volume of his voice.
“Gabriella walked into that high school and literally stole everything Sharpay worked for,” you retorted, the straw you were drinking from entering your lips as you took a quick sip of the soda, “that’s being a bitch!”
He opened his mouth, signaling you to throw one of the Swedish Fish candies into his mouth and you did. With a laugh, you continued to throw food into one another’s mouth over and over throughout the argument.
“Maybe you resonate with Sharpay so much because you’re both bitches.” He snickered, dodging a pillow that fleeted your side of the couch and into his side by your right hand.
A gasp slipped your lips, narrowing your eyes at his tall figure and shoving a candy down your throat after his words, “maybe that’s why you love me, cause you’re a bitch too.”
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living with shinsou >>>> breathing
shinsou is a gamer idc
there’s a playstation in both your room and your living room for game nights
you guys had a game night
every single friday you guys would sit in nothing but (shinsou’s) t-shirt, and underwear and play nothing but video games all day
you usually end up falling asleep when the sun begins to come up, always taking saturday’s off no matter what for the occasion
you both are clean
being too lazy just like aizawa to have to find it if it’s misplaced
the bedroom look the best bc shinsou gets tired of monochromatic things and you hate living in a boring setting
so the two of you’s aesthetic shines through the room
if you cook, then please know food us up to you
if you can’t cook
money is spent 90% of the time on take out
because shinsou can’t cook for shit i don’t care
sometimes people wonder how it is you both manage to go to work and have a coherent sleeping schedule
and the reason is
aside from shinsou’s clinical insomnia )-:
that the two of you are absolute dumbasses
you spend all day doing homework if one of you is in college
or doing the work that needs to be done if you have just a job
and after that?
it’s just cuddling, gaming, struggling to cook, ordering take out, and eventual sleeping when you both realize you’re both past a point of ni return
most of the time though, you both manage to sleep
it’s more surprising for shinsou though bc he could never sleep properly if he’s alone
the two of you live together in GTA
also, I canon that Shinsou loves watching The Office so you guys binge watch the fuck out of that
living with shinsou is living with a bestfriend that is a civilized adult at certain times that you can cuddle and make out with
a girl can only dream <3
The sound of the console played through the room, your focused face watching the screen in front of you intently. The feeling of the bed moving along side every tap of the controller in your boyfriend’s hands trembled your limbs, your eyes being too locked on the screen to even maintain a balance.
“Go to the left, the left!” You pointed out, your legs sprawled across your boyfriend’s chest as he rested his body horizontally underneath yours.
“I know..” His voice was enough to show you he was focused, his eyes barely blinking as he followed your command and moved the character closer towards the left.
As gun shots erupted through the room, all you could see were flashes of red across the screen and players who had been attacked in Shinsou’s frenzy dead against the floor.
Exhilaration ran through your veins as finally killed the last person, the feeling of his body tending under you making you smile in happiness. You had both been trying to beat this level for weeks and you finally did it, exciting you to no limit.
The phrase “victory” strobed against the screen, making the two of you cheer in happiness at the time being well spent. He landed a big fat kiss on your cheek, pulling you in by the string in your hoodie and pressing you against him.
“Let’s beat some more ass in this next round, huh doll?”
“I’ll believe it when I see it, pretty boy.”
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final part of valentine’s day fic is here!! this is maximum fluff, i hope u enjoy:’)
Mickey sauntered into the Gallagher house, rubbing his hands together to warm them as he quickly slammed the front door shut to block out the bitter cold. He shuffled his coat off his shoulders, trying to go through the same mental checklist he’d been that had been running through his mind all week. Okay. 7 o’clock. He was right on time— now he just needed to shower, and put on a clean fucking shirt before he tried to get Ian to come with him…
Mickey turned the corner into the living room— and was met with Ian standing there, leaning against the back of the couch with his hands behind his back. The lights in the living room were dim, and the house was surprisingly silent for a Saturday evening; if Mickey didn’t know any better, it seemed like someone had coordinated having all the Gallaghers out of the house at the same time this evening.
His eyes flickered to meet Ian’s, who was watching him carefully and steadily from across the room, his gaze soft but piercing.
Mickey’s heart instantly started to thud, and he wasn’t really sure why— maybe it was the intensity of Ian’s gaze, or maybe it was the fact that all of a sudden, all his scheming from the past week had finally caught up with him. What if what he was planning for tonight was too much, what if Ian fucking hated it? Mickey tried to swallow down the anxiety gnawing at his insides, willing his heartbeat to settle back down to an even tempo. Be cool.
“Hey. Where is everybody?” Mickey asked, feigning nonchalance as he pulled off his shoes.
Ian gave a sheepish smile. “Might’ve suggested that they find other places to be tonight.”
Mickey smirked. Fucking sap. “Oh yeah?”
Ian’s gentle, closed-lip smile grew a little wider, and then he pulled a bouquet from behind his back, his gaze still hesitant but piercing, a laser beam burning a hole into Mickey’s chest.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Mick,” he breathed.
At first, something deep inside Mickey made him want to squirm out of his skin, made him immediately feel the need to open his mouth to make some quick retort how gay and sappy it was to even think about getting Mickey a goddamn bouquet of flowers for Valentine’s Day, like he was some fucking girl— but before that sentence traveled from his brain to his mouth, Mickey noticed what type of flowers they were and the words got caught in his throat. These weren’t just some cheap fucking flowers Ian got him to try to fulfill a convention, or because he thought that that was what he was supposed to do— these were blue stargazer lilies, the flowers that Mickey had picked out for their wedding before everything went to shit, and all of Mickey’s towering expectations for the day had been forced to crash down and crumble to the wayside. These were flowers for Mickey— these were Ian showing that he listened, that he remembered, that he cared how important this shit had been to him. These weren’t flowers for anyone else.
Mickey realized he was standing frozen in the middle of the living room with his mouth gaping open for a millisecond too long. He quickly snapped it shut, and put his hand up to his brow like he always did when he was trying to keep his shit together. Ian just kept staring him down, his eyes gleaming as they caught the low light.
“Got these fuckers special ordered on some sketchy website yesterday,” Ian admitted in a low, throaty voice as he held the lilies out in front of him, rustling the cellophane and paper they were wrapped in. “I was pretty desperate. Cost a shit ton.”
Mickey cleared his throat. “For someone who didn’t care about all the wedding bullshit, you’ve got a good fucking memory.”
Ian smirked. “Yeah, well, listening is what marriage is all about, right?” He suddenly slouched slightly, like a weight had appeared on his shoulders. “Listen, Mick— I know you don’t really care about Valentine’s Day or whatever, but the other day with Franny just got me thinking about how I wanted to do something for you, just to say I’m sorry for how tough shit has been lately. M’sorry if you think it’s too… I don’t know, too fucking gay or whatever.”
Mickey smirked. Fucking Gallagher. He immediately took a long step towards Ian, bridging the gap between them, invading his personal space and tangling their fingers together. Ian’s eyes widened, his lips almost imperceptibly parting in surprise. Their faces were millimeters apart; Mickey could feel the warmth radiating off of Ian’s skin, the space between their lips hanging heavy with tension.
“Thank you for the goddamn flowers,” Mickey murmured, holding Ian’s heavy-lidded gaze.
“Welcome,” Ian exhaled, his breath tingling on Mickey’s lips.
And then Ian’s hands were digging into Mickey’s hipbones, and wrapping around his lower back to pull him in closer, and their lips were meeting with a searing tenderness that almost made Mickey’s chest ache. Their lips crashed together again and again— not like they were building towards anything, or scrambling to get their clothes off and rush into the bedroom like usual— but like everything was wrapped up in this kiss, like everything was pouring out in every press of their lips and every tug of Ian’s teeth at Mickey’s bottom lip. It was a kiss Mickey could lose himself in, with Ian’s hands cradling his neck and pulling on the back of his waist, holding him upright. And he almost would have— if he didn’t suddenly remember all the shit he had planned tonight.
Ian kept his eyes on Mickey as he pulled away, his pupils blown out and his hands still pinning Mickey into place.
“What d’you want to do now?” Ian asked in a low voice.
Mickey tried to hold back the grin threatening to burst across his face. “Well, I’ve got some fucking tricks up my sleeve too, Gallagher, so why don’t you go change into something nice and follow me?”
“Mickey, where the fuck are we going? It’s freezing, we should’ve asked Debbie to just drive us instead of taking the L.”
Mickey was briskly walking a couple of paces ahead of Ian like a man on a mission. He turned to Ian and flashed a mysterious smile over his shoulder— without slowing down, much to Ian’s irritation. “Quit your fucking whining. We’re almost there.”
Ian rolled his eyes, but jogged to catch up with Mickey and intertwined their gloved hands. “Better be,” he mumbled in a voice that was supposed to be annoyed but he knew came out overly fond.
Mickey just smirked, squeezing Ian’s hand and leaning into the touch.
Ian didn’t know what the fuck they were doing on this side of town— he and Mickey had never really been over here together, except during that whole shitshow with Byron and the engagement. Mickey definitely had something up his sleeve, but this was… definitely not where Ian had expected Mickey to drag him off to.
And weirder than that, Mickey seemed nervous— like, genuinely sweaty-palms nervous, which was not a state Mickey was in very often. Whatever the fuck Mickey had planned for them, Ian knew it was a big fucking deal for him; hell, Mickey even acknowledging that today was Valentine’s Day for Ian’s sake felt like a big deal in his book.
Finally, they turned the corner and Mickey’s pace slowed. They had reached a block of the city known for having a lot of fancy high-end restaurants, but tonight the street was dim— even though it was Valentine’s Day, indoor dining was still banned and all the restaurants on the block were closed, their dark front windows looming and reflecting the streetlights.
All the restaurants on the block, that was, except one— and it was the place that Mickey was towing Ian towards, to under a classy, warmly-lit sign reading “Sizzler’s Dining.”
Ian felt something rise in his throat, flushed heat flooding his face.
“Holy shit, I just realized something. We’ve never actually been on a real date.”
“I’m serious— like, a date where you sit down, and you go to a nice restaurant, and you put on a nice shirt and you, like, eat with utensils.”
“You wanna do that?”
“Yeah, why not?”
“What, like at Sizzler’s?”
In an instant, that cool autumn night came flowing back to him— his scrawny, bloodied body hanging off of Mickey’s solid presence beside him, the fuzzy sensation of alcohol warming him from the inside out, making him feel normal for the first time in weeks before everything had split open and gotten messy again. Those were the days when things felt the darkest they had ever been, when all he and Mickey had to cling to was each other— until eventually even that got ripped away too, when Ian was shoved into the backseat of an unfamiliar car with tinted windows, and they settled for the fact that they would never get to have this.
They’d never had the chance to go on a real date, a date like Ian talked about that night, between then and now— Ian had been locked up, and then Mickey had been, and they’d barely gotten married or been together for long before COVID had hit and everything shut down. Sure, they’d gone to the mall food court a couple of times between Mickey getting released and all the shit with Paula and the engagement and the wedding—but never like this, never here.
For years the ground had been shifting beneath them, threatening to open up and swallow them whole— but now, they’d finally made it somewhere solid.
The glowing sign cast shadows onto Mickey’s face—Mickey, who was biting his lips and casting his eyes downward in trepidation, like he was waiting for Ian to say something, to pull something out of him.
“Mickey, are you fucking kidding me?”
Ian cupped his hand under Mickey’s chin before Mickey got the chance to respond, shifting his gaze up from the concrete.
“You said I had a good memory, but I was nothing compared to this. Fucking Sizzler’s?”
Mickey finally smirked, meeting Ian’s eyes with relief. “Why don’t we go inside.”
Ian shook his head with disbelief, smiling a crooked smile and playfully shoving his upper arm. “You’re softer than I am, Milkovich.” Mickey just rolled his eyes and reached out to grab Ian’s hand.
Ian fully expected them to go inside the door and grab some sort of take-out, then head back home to eat and spend the rest of the night in bed— but what Ian couldn’t have imagined, what absolutely no amount of knowing Mickey Milkovich could have prepared him for, was what met Ian’s eyes when they entered the restaurant. The entirety of the main room had been cleared— all the tables and chairs were pushed to the side, except for one single table in the middle of the room covered with a red tablecloth. The lighting was dim, jazz music was playing low, and there were candles flickering around the room; just like the hotel room they’d stayed in for their honeymoon, with the heart-shaped bed and the satin sheets, the whole thing was extravagant and kitschy and tacky beyond belief.
It was fucking cheesy and over-the-top and ridiculous, like a set straight out of a rom-com; and in spite of it all, Ian felt something welling in his chest. Mickey wanted to give me a normal Valentine’s Day.
Mickey walked towards the table, gesturing to the table halfheartedly.
“S’what you wanted, right? Romantic dinner and a box of chocolates and some sappy fucking note?”
“Mick…” Ian breathed out. He didn’t have the right words to describe what was welling in his lungs, in his throat, on his tongue. He couldn’t imagine how much coordination this must have taken— Mickey had rented the entire fucking restaurant, had made someone set all of this up— and had done it all when Ian didn’t have a goddamn clue. He hoped that his awestruck silence communicated to Mickey what words couldn’t.
His eyes flickered to the table—there were two place settings laid out, along with two wine glasses and way too many utensils than Ian knew what to do with. On the place setting opposite where Mickey was standing there was a tacky, red heart-shaped chocolate box that almost blended in with the tablecloth—and on top of that, a sealed white envelope.
Mickey noticed Ian’s eyes lingering. “You, uh. You can open it if you want. I fucking tried my best, but it’s not much.”
Ian reached deep into his pocket, pulling out a heavy cream-colored envelope.
“I got you a note too.” He took in a breath, trying to gather his thoughts. “I figured… I don’t know, you were so into the wedding and all that traditional bullshit, and I saw something online that said your first year together you’re supposed to get each other something paper. So, I, uh, I wrote you this.”
He held the envelope out in front of him—Mickey reached and took it from his hands like it was something delicate. They stood there for a moment.
“Wanna read them on three?”
Mickey smirked, breaking heaviness hanging in the air. “What is it with you and countdowns, Gallagher?”
Ian rolled his eyes, then pulled the chair out from the table and sat down, lifting the envelope from where it was nestled.
“One… two… three.”
Ian peeled the seal of the envelope, ripping it open. Inside was a plain white piece of paper, folded in half and clearly worn, like it had been creased and crumpled repeatedly. He unfolded it to a page of chunky handwriting, the ink smudged and blotched in places where Mickey had run his hand over the paper.
i’m bad with words, and you fucking know that, but you wanted a valentine’s card or some shit so. here it is. not sure what i’m supposed to write, either.
i always thought i was fucked for life, ever since i was a kid. but for some reason, i couldn’t shake your ginger ass off and it turns out that you were the best thing to happen to me. which you already know, but in case i don’t say it enough- you fucking saved me, gallagher. you’re everything i’ve got, and the happiest fucking days of my life have been spent near your crazy ass. so here’s to lots more years of doing crazy shit together, and making the south side our bitch for the rest of our lives.
i love you. for better or worse, in sickness and in health, im yours.
Ian swallowed down whatever he was feeling, and turned his gaze upwards to where Mickey was seated across from him, reading his note that was scribbled on a simple card he’d found at the dollar store:
Dear Mr. Gallavich,
Happy Valentine’s Day. If you’re reading this, this means that I’ve either forced you to, or you’re half as much of a soft motherfucker as I am. There’s nothing that I can put down in paper here that I haven’t said already- that I’ve been in love with you since the first time I saw you, that I always want to be where you are (and I always have). I guess the best way to put it is that no matter how much shit we’ve both been through, for some reason I still trust the universe, because the universe gave me you- whatever it throws at me, it gave me the thing that I needed the most to get through it. You’re everything, Mick- you’re the center of it all, and I feel so lucky every day that we made it here.  
So happy fucking Valentine’s day. I love you.
Ian rose from his seat—he knew his eyes were shiny, but he really didn’t care—and crossed to where Mickey was sitting, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. Mickey stood too, wordlessly wrapping his arms to fold around Ian’s middle. They stood there, in the flickering candlelight, that yes, was nauseatingly corny, but also cast a soft glow across the space, letting Ian sink into the feeling of holding Mickey pressed tightly against him.
“Mick, we both gave each other the stuff we wanted, but never got,” Ian whispered into Mickey’s hair.
Ian felt Mickey’s lips curve into a smile against his collarbone. “Yeah, I guess we fucking did.”
part 1 of this fic here, part 2 here!
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