#statistically significant
performing-personhood · 7 months
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This is technically stolen from a t-shirt company ad but jesus christ its great fucking advice actually
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ninhaoma-ya · 6 months
Statistically significant just got an update.
This chapter, introducing PENGUIN and SHACHI! All credit for Penguin's name goes to @codedredalert :)
Read it wherever you find your fanfics:
If you want a notification, let me know and I’ll add you to the tag list!
@rhaelaria-the-piratequeen @chromatic-lamina @in-starlit-nights @traffy-kun @gravitymikanheart
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2grinninggirls · 2 years
hi friends I need you to know i read standard deviation way back in 2013 when I was 15 and malleable. now i am 25 and taking electrical engineering courses, in an accelerated masters program, finally learning statistics for the first time and every. single. time. we discuss the concept of standard deviation my permanently altered brain thinks "yeah yeah the statistical significance of drunk mario kart with your graduate instructor yeah we all know it" anyway i also reread it on a nearly yearly basis if i had to wager
So I need you to know that this ask resulted in a good 15 minutes of texting back and forth, squealing. It's just so unreal to think that all this time later*, people are still reading and finding joy in our fic.
Thank you so much for reaching out and sending this ask 💖💖💖
* Standard Deviation is 10 years old!!! We began posting on November 14, 2012!!!
Happy Anniversary, SD 🎉🎉🎉
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el-ffej · 2 years
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tanadrin · 11 months
"the lunatic fringe on my opponents' side fundamentally taints their entire movement, which is therefore obviously morally bankrupt and should be ignored. the lunatic fringe on my side is an unrepresentative minority and anybody paying attention to them is a fool/bigot/liar." <- depressingly common pattern. you can't have it both ways!
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alexaloraetheris · 28 days
My recent blunder has made me wonder (heh),
If it's nuance, click the closest match and elaborate in the tags.
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decompose1 · 11 months
"you have thousands of tiny mites and other bugs living on/inside you" being used as a gross scary fact has always been so funny to me like yeah that's how life works. do you think i want my body to be a sterile inhospitable wasteland? as long as the critters hitching a ride don't give me problems i just don't care. party it up in there. i'd rather be a nurse log than totally useless to nature
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multigenderswag · 5 months
Multigender Survey Results Dec 2023: Genders (part 2)
Gender number and labels 
Participants were asked “What multigender-related labels do you use in addition to multigender?” (multiple selection). The options provided were: androgyne, bigender, genderfluid, omnigender, pangender, polygender, trigender, and none, as well as a write in option.
Participants were asked “How many genders do you identify as?” (single selection). The options provided were: 2, 3, 4, 5, more than five but not all, all, it changes, and I don’t know/I choose not to count them, as well as a write in option.
Multigender-related labels:
Androgyne: 139 (18.7%)
Most common number of genders: don’t know/choose not to count (58, 41.7%)
Bigender: 342 (46.0%)
Most common number of genders: two (125, 36.5%)
Genderfluid: 372 (50.1%)
Most common number of genders: don’t know/choose not to count (155, 41.7%)
Omnigender: 30 (4.0%)
Most common number of genders: it changes (12, 40.0%)
Pangender: 64 (8.6%)
Most common number of genders: don’t know/choose not to count (22, 34.4%)
Polygender: 63 (8.5%)
Most common number of genders: don’t know/choose not to count (26, 41.3%)
Trigender: 28 (3.8%)
Most common number of genders: it changes (9, 32.1%)
None: 122 (16.4%)
Most common number of genders: don’t know/choose not to count (74, 60.7%)
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Number of genders:
Two: 137 (18.4%)
Most common multigender-related label: Bigender (125, 91.2%)
Three: 28 (3.8%)
Most common multigender-related label: Genderfluid (16, 57.1%)
Four: 10 (1.3%)
Most common multigender-related label: Genderfluid (5, 50.0%)
Five: 3 (0.4%)
Most common multigender-related label: Genderfluid (3, 100%)
More than five, but not all: 30 (4.0%)
Most common multigender-related label: Genderfluid (14, 46.7%)
All: 24 (3.2%)
Most common multigender-related label: Pangender (16, 66.7%)
It changes: 165 (22.2%)
Most common multigender-related label: Genderfluid (128, 77.6%)
I don’t know/I choose not to count them: 311 (41.9%)
Most common multigender-related label: Genderfluid (155, 49.8%)
Other: 35 (4.7%)
Most common multigender related label: Bigender (14, 40.0%)
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Participants were asked “Is your gender fluid?” (single selection). The options provided were: 
Yes, and I only ever experience one at a time: 35 (4.7%)
Yes, and I experience more than one at a time, either always or sometimes: 455 (61.2%)
Questioning: 102 (13.7%)
No: 151 (20.3%)
490 (65.9%) had some sort of fluid gender, whether they experienced one or multiple at a time. 
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Of participants who used the genderfluid label…
28 answered “Yes, and I only ever experience one at a time” (7.5% of participants who used the genderfluid label)
323 answered “Yes, and I experience more than one at a time, either always or sometimes” (86.8% of participants who used the genderfluid label)
19 answered “Questioning” (5.1% of participants who used the genderfluid label)
2 answered “No” (0.5% of participants who used the genderfluid label 
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Of participants who used the bigender label…
8 answered “Yes, and I only ever experience one at a time” (2.3% of participants who used the bigender label)
201 answered “Yes, and I experience more than one at a time, either always or sometimes” (58.8% of participants who used the bigender label)
44 answered “Questioning” (12.9% of participants who used the bigender label)
89 answered “No” (26.0% of participants who used the bigender label)
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Participants who used the bigender label were significantly less likely than participants overall to answer “Yes, and I only ever experience one at a time” (p < 0.05) and significantly more likely than participants overall to answer “No” (p < 0.01). 
Nonbinary Identity
Participants were asked “Do you identify as nonbinary?” (single selection). The options provided were:
Yes, nonbinary is one of the genders that I identify with: 82 (11.0%)
77 participants who selected this option also used the nonbinary label (93.9% of participants who selected this option)
Yes, nonbinary describes my gender identity overall: 130 (17.5%)
121 participants who selected this option also used the nonbinary label (93.1% of participants who selected this option)
Yes, nonbinary is both my overall gender identity and a specific gender I identify with: 115 (15.5%)
113 participants who selected this option also used the nonbinary label (98.3% of participants who selected this option)
Somewhat, the nonbinary label is technically accurate but it's not what I prefer: 213 (28.7%)
88 participants who selected this option also used the nonbinary label (41.3% of participants who selected this option)
Somewhat, it changes or depends on context: 70 (9.4%)
51 participants who selected this option also used the nonbinary label (72.9% of participants who selected this option)
No, but I don't mind being referred to as such: 44 (5.9%)
6 participants who selected this option also used the nonbinary label (13.6% of participants who selected this option)
No, and being referred to as such is misgendering: 78 (10.5%)
2 participants who selected this option also used the nonbinary label (2.6% of participants who selected this option)
Other (write-in): 11 (1.5%)
6 participants who selected this option also used the nonbinary label (54.5% of participants who selected this option)
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Of participants who used the nonbinary label…
77 answered “Yes, nonbinary is one of the genders that I identify with” (16.6% of participants who used the nonbinary label)
121 answered “Yes, nonbinary describes my gender identity overall” (26.1% of participants who used the nonbinary label)
113 answered “Yes, nonbinary is both my overall gender identity and a specific gender I identify with” (24.4% of participants who used the nonbinary label)
88 answered “Somewhat, the nonbinary label is technically accurate but it's not what I prefer” (19.0% of participants who used the nonbinary label)
51 answered “Somewhat, it changes or depends on context” (11.0% of participants who used the nonbinary label)
6 answered “No, but I don't mind being referred to as such” (1.3% of participants who used the nonbinary label)
2 answered “No, and being referred to as such is misgendering” (0.4% of participants who used the nonbinary label)
6 answered “other” (1.3% of participants who used the nonbinary label)
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thatbuddie · 5 months
from now on i'm gonna need everyone to start treating fandom posts like academic papers.
if you write "people are saying X" or "i've seen posts about Y" i'm gonna need you to cite those for me in APA style. "the show is presenting that A character is doing Z things for Q reason" you argue? okay then give me 5 peer-reviewed citations now.
you don't give statistics or research facts without actual proof, babes. i'm gonna keep believing you're making shit up until you can show me your reference page.
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erikkarlsson · 7 months
not watching the nhl until they finally take mark stone to the big farm upstate like the sick elderly dog he apparently is
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pearl-kite · 1 day
When I came back from living abroad for three years, no one here used turn signals in our sad little roundabouts to indicate which exit they were going for, but it felt helpful to do anyway. Maybe people would trust me enough to enter a little sooner if I was trying to show them I was going to get out before I reached them. Idk.
Four years later, I think it's fair for me to take credit for people slowly starting to use turn signals in our sad little roundabouts, especially when I see them use their left turn signal to show they're going most of the way around not just a quick first exit on the right run.
Yep, that's all me, baby
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ninhaoma-ya · 1 year
Statistically significant just got an update.
There’s a new chapter out – Paris is still enchanting as we open up chapter 16.
Read it wherever you find your fanfics:
If you want a notification, let me know and I’ll add you to the tag list!
@rhaelaria-the-piratequeen @chromatic-lamina @in-starlit-nights @traffy-kun @gravitymikanheart
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chamerionwrites · 9 months
My half meta-crack, half deadly-serious opinion is that Cassian Andor’s two tall sandy-haired shady bastard spymasters should meet in fic and fight it out.
Problem is I can’t decide if that meeting would go down like this
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Or like this
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honestlyvan · 1 year
Let me be absolutely clear -- the problems with Tumblr will keep getting worse if the disabled minority and the trans people and the people frothing at the mouth at the opportunity to yell at a transphobe, keep @’ing staff and the developers on this site, tell them to kys, because in the meanwhile the transphobes and racists and white supremacists will keep using the actual tools Tumblr provides for blocking and reporting, further poisoning the datasets used for moderation, and encouraging the idea that using the official tools does nothing to basically ensure the only statistically meaningful data available to Automattic is poisoned, poisoned all the way down, poisoned beyond usability.
Hatespeech and bias needs to be reported for it to be considered statstically significant to act on from a developer point of view. Suicide baiting and spamming any of the official means of communication will get you eliminated as a spammer, even if you’re peppering legitimate criticism within your ventpost about how you hate the new thing. You are playing the TE/RFs game.
#van stuff#the biggest reason we don't have an easily accessible 'report hatespeech' button is a) because people misused the old one#and b) because it's not satistically significant enough to be the first thing people want to report#this is like. COMMON fucking knowledge that moderation on Tumblr is 99% automated and extremely cheesable#and you now who are cheesing it? TRANSPHOBES!!!#Like this is not even a 'the developers won't care' kind of thing#this is a 'THE DEVELOPERS NEED HARD DATA TO JUSTIFY MAKING CHANGES'#if the ARE actively malicious then the data contradicting everything they're saying will FORCE changes#and if they mean what they say when they say they value the site for its vibrant culture#then giving them hard data to share with unconvinced people signing off on them having the budget to change things will ONLY help#the whole 'let's yell at staff every time anything happens' is a shibboleth#You're all being fucking exhausting#I want to quit Tumblr because if the userbase is gonna be like this!!!#If ALL I SEE for DAYS ON END is 'staff this' 'staff that'#that's JUST GIVING ME WORSE ANXIETY ABOUT THIS SITE GOING DOWN#'this change is bad for disabled users' YOUR NEEDLESS CONSTANT HOSTILITY AND PANIC RAISING IS ALSO BAD FOR ME A DISABLED USER#WHY DO I HAVE TO BE THE COLLATERAL DAMAGE???#'Oh staff could make so much money if they only listened to feedback' you fuckers DON'T LEAVE FEEDBACK THOUGH#you just @ Staff and think that that's statistically meaningful data they can use#Fuck's sake#And that's not counting all the times staff *did* implement changes we wanted for years... AND YOU ALL STILL COMPLAINED#WE MODDED TAG VIEWING IN FOR YEARS AND NOW WHEN IT'S OFFICIAL YOU FUCKERS DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO TURN IT OFF#Fucking EXHAUSTING the lot of you
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supercantaloupe · 2 months
i got a survey to fill out about my experience of antisemitism on my university campus and while i'm cool with sharing my opinion for data purposes (the results are all anonymized anyway) i wish there had been a field somewhere to clarify that my university has a vanishingly small jewish population (could probably be counted in the low teens, if even that high, in the entire university), absolutely zero jewish life on campus like hillel or chabad or even an interfaith club, and is, in terms of social/political climate, very out of the ordinary when it comes to the majority of american schools
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worldsokayestdragon · 2 months
Do you think if Kuzco wasn't a llama for most of the movie people would wait hang on let me check something
okay yeah the numbers are reasonable for me to make this post
anyway do you think if he wasn't a llama the whole time people would ship him and Pacha?
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