#stay tuned goobers
l0ganberry · 5 months
In all seriousness though..... this with Husk is so gold!!! It would perfectly fit!!!!
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mochiiniko · 7 months
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painted prairie for a landscape drawing assignment! this was really fun to do even if i made things harder for myself by accidentally drawing everything in one layer like an idiot LMAO
i kinda rushed this because of the deadline and i feel like the background with the temple and the eden clouds could be better, and i would fix it now but ehhhhhhhHhh
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ntwhlvndthnks · 1 year
"goof realm" and when they step through the portal they just end up here
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xb3nn3tt · 2 months
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kloudikat · 6 months
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i might draw this lil goober next, who knows when :>
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amerricanartwork · 6 months
Look at that! The little creatures are back! And there's two new ones this time!
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Hey, what brings you guys around here—
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Oh. My. God. This little blue one is so cute!! And those little frill things are so pretty!
What's it carrying, though? Come here so I can get a closer look!
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Whoa! Calm down, purple one! I wasn't gonna hurt your little friend here!
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See, it's alright!
Though I must say, you two are quite the interesting pair! I'd love to get to know you more! Both of you, feel free to stay as long as you'd like!
At long last, a new update to Rain Wool is here! And to hopefully compensate for the very long time it's been since my last addition to this project, I've decided to showcase TWO new figures this time!
First up is everyone's favorite little wet goober, Rivulet! And I must say, this one's been the hardest so far! Like I mentioned in a previous ask, it was quite hard to find a suitable blue color for Riv, in the sense that it both matched the in-game sprite as closely as possible and looked nice with a pink color that fit for the gills (which was also a bit hard to find). Then, on top of that, actually felting all six gills and attaching them to the cheeks was rather tedious. However, the end result was definitely worth it! Rivulet's gotta be my favorite Rain Wool figure so far; it's just so cute, I wanna hug it every time I see it!!
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And next up is the quiet yet deadly messenger, Spearmaster! This one was a bit easier to make than Rivulet, though dark-colored slugcats are always a bit of a challenge for me. Visually, it's the same as Nightcat in the body, with the main difference, of course, being that thick spotted tail. It was a bit of a challenge to gauge just how thick I wanted the tail to be, but once it seemed satisfactory, placing the spots was pretty relaxing, and I like the way they came out in the end!
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And, like my last two figures, I made little props for these guys as well! Again, I tried to make things matching their characters and stories. Using the same mini bamboo skewers with some hot glue and white ink, I made three of Spearmaster's special white spears, while some black and blue wool was used to make a little rarefaction cell for Rivulet.
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That's about it for now, though. I hope you enjoyed seeing these two new figures! I'm pretty excited myself, not just because they both turned out great, but because I now only have two more slugcats to make!
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Stay tuned for more Rain Wool: Downpour! I'll see you next time!
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prettyprettypaci2 · 22 days
Allow Me To Introduce You... 😘
Bedtimes. Screen limits. Diaper dependence.
I'm sure it makes you squirm in your soggy pampers when you think about how far you've fallen grown into this new Little life! Nevertheless, it's hard to go through so many big life changes by yourself ☹️
Sure, you may have a caregiver to talk to, or the occasional babysitter, but they're grown-ups 🙄 How could they understand what it's like to be turned into a submissive, diapered dolly? Your stuffies will always lend an ear, but can you trust them not to tattle on you? 🤫
Do you know who would understand? Someone who would listen to all your wishes and anxieties and complaints? Someone who would share your secret confessions and follow you everywhere you go?
You need an imaginary friend!
These delightful, invisible goobers are pamper-packing cutie pies, just like you! They have personalities, hopes, dreams, favorite foods, favorite diapers...just like you!
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For example, this is Luna (a.k.a. Luny Tunes!) She loves unicorns, sugar cereal, and old commercials. She's still pretty embarrassed that she's in diapers 24/7, but doesn't mind going pants-free around the house. She has a sense of adventure and is a real night owl: I think she stayed up until 9:00 PM once!
Want me to introduce you to your imaginary friend? Send me an inbox request! I'll take a look at your blog and find a diapered pal I think is suited to you! 😘
UPDATE 6/5/2024: Unfortunately, due to losing access to quality image generation, I'm unable to take on new requests for imaginary friends. Thank you all so much for supporting this project! It was loads of fun!
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bugsinshoes · 3 months
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whoa what's this? first ever tumblr post ?? (i literally have no idea how this website works so please bear with me :'] )
aaanyways ! here are some whiteboard doodles i've done ! i WILL be posting more of these goobers alongside oc stuff so stay tuned !!!
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chycoin · 27 days
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Late birthday drawing for the goober that got me through my darkest days during MS & HS and last year from artblock and other stuff.
Worst way to say happy birthday to someone with a grandpa joke and don’t expect you guys to laugh. Besides, this came up to me in the middle of night yesterday. So yeah, probably was sleep drunk when this came up to my head.
It doesn’t look that great but is good enough 🫠👍
Anyways, have a goodnight guys and spect something by sunday (hopefully if I don’t lose motivation by the minute I’m almost done)
Update: Postponed because some stuff came up, so just stay tuned ;w;
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cassiesdevblog · 10 months
~Shmovement~ in Grey Area
Hello goober goblins! Grey Area comes out ~September 15th~ and I wanna make some posts going over my involvement with the project 👁️👁️
I joined the project back in March because, while playing early builds, there were a million things, big and small, that I wanted to be able to polish up to really make the game shine, and my top priority was Hailey's movement
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Grey Area is a game where beginners will mostly play inside a small range of velocities, but, thanks to @bisthefairy, there are ways to build and maintain greater speeds, so Hailey's movement has to be tuned for both small-scale, precision platforming and large-scale, broader movements. Plus, as most of the level design was already finished when I joined, all my changes had to work with, rather than against, the established design
General momentum adjustments
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When I first joined, there were a few ways that slow and fast play would clash with one another. For instance, Hailey had low air friction. This was nice at higher speeds, because you should be able to briefly release the d-pad to shave off a little speed without getting rid of all of it, but it didn't mesh with tighter sections where you'd be asked to land precisely on small platforms
Luckily, since the smaller range of speeds Hailey usually stays within is well defined, I was able to just dramatically increase her air friction while not pressing a direction, only while inside that range.
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Unfortunately, this led to a small problem: There are lots of spots in the game where you're meant to bonk off a wall and land on a platform. Where you could previously do this without having to hold a direction, you now had to hold back a little or Hailey wouldn't make it. To fix this, I just made her use the old friction during a bonk. That may seem unintuitive, but the bonk is all about Hailey bouncing back off a wall, so it feels natural for her to travel further. In practice, the discrepancy doesn't feel like a discrepancy.
Dive momentum changes
Hailey's main mechanic is her dive: a burst movement option that lets you speed straight forward. You can cancel out of the move at any point, cutting off all your momentum. However, when I first joined, Hailey would keep a small amount of the dive's momentum after a cancel. The intent was to let you keep the flow going even after a cancel, but it led to lots of overshooting in a game with low margins for error. I preserved the original way if the player is holding in the direction of the dive, so you can still keep your flow going, but if you're not pressing a direction, Hailey will instead cancel all the momentum and drop straight down
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Release cancel (aka, half the reason I joined the project)
These subtle changes have made Hailey much more reliable to control. It feels much easier to translate your intent onto the screen regardless of how fast you're going (September 15th btw)
Speaking of intent, I've had a big impact on this game's controls! The first time I ever played, the dive could only be canceled by releasing B and then pressing it again. I felt this was really cumbersome and I barely felt in control, so I wanted to cancel by just releasing B
This was controversial though, as everyone else preferred the original way, so I instead suggested being able to cancel by pressing back on the d-pad, as it felt instinctual to hold against the direction of momentum to cancel it. I also suggested being able to press down to cancel, since a player might think of it as dropping Hailey down. Fortunately, both were implemented and the game became a bit more comfortable for me, but I couldn't get the idea of releasing B to cancel out of my head
Later, when I finally got my hands on the project, release cancel was the first thing I added, and it felt just as right and perfect and natural as I imagined it would. I figured, if I just made the other devs play with it, they might see the merits of it and change their minds. Tragically it didn't change any minds, but I was ultimately able to persuade Alayna to make it an option in the options menu. When you play the game, especially if you don't like how cancelling is controlled, please please please try changing "Press to dive" to "Hold to dive" in the options menu and join the church of release cancel. We have plenty of room :')
Other controls
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I've made a bunch of other small changes to the controls too! Generally, I like every button on the controller to do something, so I mirrored a lot of functions to previously unused buttons. Hopefully this makes the game feel more responsive and playful, as well as a little more accessible! I also made it so Hailey sits down when you press down :) It's one of only a few graphics I drew for the game! (did I mention September 15th btw)
The Bounce 👁️👁️
I've saved my biggest (and most iterated upon) change for last >:3
When Hailey dives at smaller enemies, she'll bounce off as if she goomba stomped them, which cancels her dive and allows her to dive again. I added this because I thought the sick tricks and possibility for advanced play were too sweet to pass up. Not to mention it just seemed like fun. Plus, it would add exciting counterplay to some previously unexciting enemies. It's a simple mechanic, but it underwent a lot of changes!
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Firstly, it used to work on almost every enemy, but it didn't feel right against bigger monsters. We ended up deciding that Hailey should only be able to do this against enemies around her size, so in practice, this mainly comes up with the Golch enemy. When I first played, I found the Golch really annoying, as the best and safest strategy to deal with it was to just stand and wait for it to fly toward you so you could jump on it. Now, you can dive right at it and pull off sweet tricks instead! This has ended up making room for tons of cool skips and it feels great >:3
I even redesigned the Golch's flight path so that it will usually be flying at your exact elevation (it moves faster vertically than it does horizontally to accomplish this) so you can more consistently dive straight into it
I also made it so that bouncing off an enemy clamps your speed within a relatively small range, as otherwise you would carry the momentum of the dive and easily fly off into a pit
Now, in my mind, this all worked perfectly, but then disaster struck
@zombielesbean, who uses press cancel, would try to press B to cancel right before running into an enemy in order to avoid it, but would press a few frames too late and instead the input would happen after Hailey had bounced off the enemy, so she'd dive again and accidentally fly off into a pit. We tried a million different avenues to resolve this, but all of them were significant downgrades to the mechanic
Fortunately, Alayna found that the issue was only happening because of the enemy placements in one or two spots, and after adjusting them, it was no longer an issue, so fortunately the best version of the mechanic got in >:3
So yeah!!
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Those are a few of the ways I've cleaned up and improved Hailey's movement since I joined! I've gotten my grubby paws all over every bit of this game in a similar way. Cleaning things up, tuning numbers, adding effects, making things more clear, overhauling things, enhancing the flavor
A huge takeaway from this project for me has been that polish is a full time job!! Every little bit of polish seems small on its own, but when you add them all up they can make the difference between a decent game and a total banger. It just takes a huge amount of time to accrue all those tiny things. I think that's why they say you should triple all your time estimates on gamedev...!!
Fortunately, I have a good eye and a strong passion for all those little things, so I feel like an extremely valuable asset on this project, even though my hand is largely invisible and it takes long-winded posts like this to even explain what I've done
As Bis puts it, "Cass did for Grey Area before release what Sonic modders do for Sonic games after release"
~September 15th you vibrant fools~
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l0ganberry · 4 months
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So this is what they mean by "Trust the process".......
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bertolts · 2 years
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A commission made for the lovely @redbelles and her amazing fanfic the second hand unwinds (time after time). This is from a future scene - so stay tuned to see just how these goobers get to this point.
Read the fic here 💕
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pinktrashgoblin · 5 months
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Goobers, even.
Some lil chibi drawings I made for the ABP Project! Everyone’s working real hard on it, so go give ‘em your love on the Twitter! I don’t own these designs, just the art lol
For those who don’t know, A Broken Paradise (no affiliation with BM! Lol) is a WIP JSAB animated series that I’m an artist for! Go check it out, lots of love is being put into it ^^
Btw, I’m working on chapter 11 right now! But I *may* also wanna do another collab soon, so stay tuned!
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raidenfanclub · 7 months
Part 2 of Collection of Alphinaud being a goober, Stormblood edition (featuring the cooler alphinaud, Alisaie)
This is like my Alphinaud scrapbook he's so stupid I love him
seriously why is he stupid
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I love them so much, they're my little buddies
Part 3 Shadowbringers collection coming eventually I promise,,, i just have to update outta free trial, and get shb, and play it, so coming soon guys stay tuned for more alphinaud scrapbook
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also this artwork with alphinaud is so funny to me like buddy looks so outta place- bro thinks he's one of the gang except GET OUTTA THERE ALPHI, THAT BLONDE ASS BITCH TO THE RIGHT WILL KILL YOU
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powertaco · 1 year
Touch and how in tune Whiterose are with each other
I’d originally thought to do a how I felt about V9 post, but since I didn’t like it as much as others, and the noodles I’m cooking don’t take that long I restricted it to talk about something I really like that is still on display with Whiterose.
Rewatching V9 I like to see Weiss’s growth where she’s more willing to reach out to people, even people she found annoying like Jaune, but while Weiss is more free with her affection (likely aping her partner Ruby and seeing how she does it and connects with others), I’ve noticed that Weiss is still very selective in who she let’s give her affection.
Discounting group hugs cause you know, Weiss only really lets Ruby assist or touch her physically.
Here is Weiss with Neptune, a person most all of us will agree she at least had a crush on or liked for a little while.
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She looks kinda pleased to be there. Lil happy goober on their kinda date
This is Weiss looking at Ruby who is just standing there and showing back up as herself...
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Yes Weiss might put a hand on Jaune to comfort him but in return does he touch her?
 No, because he and everyone who knows her even remotely well knows she doesn’t like to be touched. One of the first things Ruby does when she wakes up in Haven is move Jaune’s hands off Weiss because she knows she doesn’t like to be touched even saving her life and yet...
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Without fail. Without a second though Ruby is allowed, Ruby who is so very in tune with what Weiss will or won’t allow is allowed to and does touch Weiss. She can go hold Weiss and there’s no issue with it. Only Ruby is allowed this and Weiss let’s her.
Even back in Volume 1 we had ‘don’t touch me!’ while hugging her closer.
Also lol at this:
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Ruby was just dodging and standing on missles and she suddenly needs to be hugging Weiss to stay seated? I see you Ruby.
At any rate I did another rewatch and even without ship bias I can’t see any endgame ship for the two that isn’t each other.
Side note anyone remember when the writers and what not were talking about having to hold back on Bee interactions cause they weren’t ‘official’ yet? And Whiterose? Just saying...
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 3 months
Undead Unluck Week, Day 1: Favorite Negator
Hello, Undead Unluck fandom!! 😆 If I'm gonna be honest, I pretty much love every Negator that we've met so far (except for Ruin), but there are some that are my absolute favorites...!! 😁 Of course I love Andy and Fuuko, and Anno Un is MY BOY / THE GOAT; but if there's one Negator that I'd pick above the rest, it would have to be...:
Shen Xiang (Untruth)
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(I originally wanted to put my fanart of Shen here, but I'm still working on it...! 😅 Hopefully I'll finish it before the week is over!! 😁)
I remember when I first saw Shen in chapter 2, I was like: "Who is this goofball?" 🤔
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And as I continued to read, I was like: "I kinda like this goofball...!!" 😄 I mean, look how goofy this man gets!!:
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I also love fact that one minute, Shen looks like his normal adorable baby face on a bodybuilder's body in a fight, and then he'll look like THIS: 😵
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Speaking of Shen and fighting, one of things that we learn about Shen is that his dream is to be the strongest in all of creation...:
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I'm usually not a huge fan of characters who only care about constantly getting stronger because almost every time, if they lose a fight, they'll get upset about it and start to think that they are weak, so they train nonstop to become "stronger..." Though Shen does seem to have that similar mentality to "keep getting stronger", this was the moment that he felt different from a lot of those other characters in my opinion:
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He was smiling after he lost the fight and called the Union to come help in fighting / stopping Victor...!! 👀 I know that not every character that craves strength is a sore loser, but almost all of them have TOO MUCH PRIDE to let others help them in a fight!! 😤 So the fact that Shen had the Union come help was honestly really refreshing to me and it made me like him even more...!! 😄
One of Shen's standout moments has to be during the Summer Arc, where get to see his backstory and learn about why he wants to be the strongest in all of creation in the first place...!
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I'm not gonna get into too much as to why I love this arc SOOO MUCH (that'll be for another day 😉), but if it wasn't obvious, it's because Shen is the main focus of it!! 😍
One of the last things that I wanna talk about Shen is his relationship with Mui...!! 🤗 (Though, I'm probably gonna keep short so that I can bring it up another day...!! 😉)
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I just love how adorable their relationship is, especially whenever he calls her "Mui, my dear", IT'S JUST TOO CUTE!! 💗😍💗
Anyway, I think that all that I wanted to say about my boy Shen!! 😄 Sorry if this was a little bit too ramble-y, but I just love Shen a lot (and it doesn't help that I have a big stupid crush on this goober as well! 💗😌💗)
I'm gonna do my best to try and participate in all of UU Week 2024, so stay tuned!! 😊
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