#staying sane
awesomecooperlove · 1 year
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okay so I'm trans and as a result a lot of people try to argue with me about who I am. I understand this can be overwhelming for many people who just cracked their egg so this post is a basic guide on things people say.
I"'M AN ATTACK HELLICOPTERRRR". sometimes people say this out of ignorance of how being trans works. some people say this cause they know how annoying it is but still don't know why. either way, the best way to handle this (IMO) is to put them on the spot and ask so many questions that even they stop laughing.
"WHAT'S IN YOUR PANTS" why ya wanna look huh? if you wanna tell me something there are other ways yk. after you say those 2 magic sentences, they get quite scared. FEAR IS GOOD. FEED OFF OF THEIR FEAR.
if they bring up trump or state just talk about each individual's criminal record. normally they shut up
if it gets into religion, all religions have some version of love thy neighbor that you can use. please be aware that the bible's verses have been manipulated in the past for homophobia and transphobia, most notable in the 1920s
this book is gay does get into depth with this stuff. if you want to make a long term impact, I would recommend getting into social psychology and learning about biases and mere exposure (the topic of another post lol)
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stil-lindigo · 7 months
This is a verified fundraiser for a family of four to evacuate to Cairo. The fund's creator, Amal Abu Shammala, reached out to me personally to share this since she's failed to get her fund on Operation Olive Branch and Let's Talk Palestine's fundraising linktree.
As of right now, she has raised €2,397/ €42,000. You can see the breakdown of what the money will be used for in the fund description.
Please give generously!
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lotus-pear · 4 days
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charm stat at debonair ‼️‼️
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another little barn for us all while we Anticipate <3
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featheredcrowbones · 1 month
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oya ✧
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kabukiaku · 2 months
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i'm here. 🖤
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artur · 2 years
5 Pieces of advice for my 37th birthday
In Deliberate Internet 76, I share 5 pieces of advice for my 37th birthday, and link to other dealers of advice with some good stuff. Also, numbers.
I have set up quite an elaborate note-taking system to pull insights from what I read and distill them into lessons (that I call Talking Points). Unfortunately, this is a work in progress I am utterly failing at since I am too busy enjoying life. I am spending my 37th birthday with my family, RVing around Slovenia and Croatia and catching the last bits of summer. Lake Bled, Slovenia Other…
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galeru · 2 years
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The Art of Staying Sane by Joseph Barth, 1948.
A rather odd, yet enjoyable read. 
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moonlightmagical · 5 months
fantasy high junior year episode 17:
me, rocking back and forth, trying to keep it together while a mountain of information and awe-inspiring world building and 5 year secrets is dumped on my head over the course of 3 hours: figayda meteor shower love letter figayda meteor shower love letter figayda meteor shower love letter figayda meteor showe-
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canisalbus · 1 year
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actual-changeling · 1 year
i have taken apart the kiss several times now for different reasons. today, though, i am reaching a new low. or high, when talking about the level of insanity i am about to present.
the question i will attempt to answer is the following: did they kiss with tongue?
alex, you might ask, why? and to that i respond. i don't know. i wish i did. i tried to get this out of my mind but it did not work so here we are. as always, keep in mind that this is just speculation. i swear i can write intelligent meta too i just need to get this out of my system
i slowed down the parts of the kiss that show us their lips/mouths, so here goes evidence piece A. the left picture is from the very beginning of the kiss, the second one from the middle/early end part.
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now, on the left the kiss seems quite chaste to me, which makes sense, since aziraphale is still in shock and not kissing back yet (if you missed the post on him kissing back, you can find the meta here). on the right, the angle and position of their mouths have changed and look to be slightly more open than before.
this is where i present evidence piece B, both pictures are from the same scene the one on the right is from. if you compare these to the very first one, the difference in how open their mouths are is pretty visible.
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aziraphale is kissing back at this point, and he is kissing back properly. even their jaws look more open than at the beginning of the kiss, and with how long it went on, i think them kissing with tongue is not even too much of an insane conclusion to come to.
lastly, i will show you evidence piece C, which is a small chronological collection of frames after the kiss, right when crowley lets go and aziraphale stumbles back a little. there has been speculation about why he makes the face he does, and i would like to give you my thoughts. not only is he about to cry, his mouth is also open because the kiss ended quite suddenly and he did not expect it.
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his mouth opens a bit more and he pushes his tongue slightly forward, but it was already open. now, i don't know about you guys, but i don't think it's common to open your mouth and stick your tongue out after a kiss, with your eyes still closed.
that is the kinda thing you do when you are kissing someone with tongue and are not expecting them to suddenly pull back.
listen. i slowed these clips down. i zoomed in. i watched them over and over and i cannot find another explanation for why his mouth would be open, especially because he then closes it once he opens his eyes and realizes crowley has let go.
so in conclusion: yes. yes they did kiss with tongue. and i really need the therapy appointment i have scheduled for next week because this feels like an entirely new mental illness.
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sendpseuds · 1 month
Prompt: Anakin plays Fuck, Marry, Kill with the Clones or someone else when his Master comes in.
“Fuck, marry, kill: Ventress, Dooku, Greivous.”
“Oh screw you,” Rex groans, his head falling back, eyes squeezed shut like he can erase the question from his mind if he tries hard enough, “That’s horrible.”
“That is the point of the game, Captain.”
Anakin and the handful of clones around the table chuckle mischievously at the horrified look of obvious annoyance on Rex’s face, prodding him with playful elbows and a teasing stream of “Come on, who’s it gonna be? You have to answer!”
Laughter flows easily tonight, still a few days travel away from their next engagement, enjoying the calm comfort of companionship and Waxer’s homebrew [well, Anakin is not entirely certain it could reasonably be described as enjoyable but it certainly is potent.]
“Kill Greivous,” Rex says with an almost sober certainty, “That spider freak gives me the creeps.”
There’s a general hum of agreement around the table before Rex continues.
“I guess marry Dooku? Hope the old man croaks immediately after the wedding?”
“So you’re fucking the witch?”
“Guess so,” Rex shrugs as a few other clones mutter that they wouldn’t exactly mind taking the sith assassin for a ride.
“Your turn, General” someone announces, a chorus of “Ooooo”s sounding from all around him.
“Alright,” Anakin replies coolly, folding his arms over his chest and sitting back in his chair, “Hit me with it.”
Rex hums consideringly, drawing out the prompting question of “Fuck, marry, kill,” like he’s trying to come up with the most horrifying combination possible and Anakin only narrows his gaze.
“Master Yoda—“
“You bastard,” Anakin scoffs before the grand master’s entire name has even leaves his captain's mouth.
“Master Jocasta Nu—“
“I could have you demoted, you know.”
The word seems to stretch on forever as Rex’s eyes dart around the room, trying to decide on the final name in his torturous trilogy. Then his eyes brows shoot up, his eyes widening over Anakin’s shoulder.
“General Kenobi!”
Anakin’s heart lurches, a hot twisting in his gut at the mere suggestion that he could ever kill Obi-Wan. Then at the thought of fucking him. Marrying him.
“Okay, hold on, I need some clarification,” Anakin blurts out, the brew in his blood loosening his lips, “If you marry someone, you can fuck them whenever you want, right?”
Rex doesn’t seem to understand the question, or maybe he’s had one glass too many, his eyes glazed and face gone a bit ashen.
“Like, it doesn’t have to be a sexless marriage, does it?”
“Uh, sir— General Kenobi is—“
“Amazing? Yeah, I know. He’d be the perfect husband but if I had to wake up every morning to that man in my bed and couldn’t fuck him—“
Behind him, someone clears their throat and suddenly Anakin realizes not a single clone is looking at him.
“Well, I’m glad to hear you wouldn’t kill me.”
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stargirl230 · 1 month
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Bond Forger appreciation post - aka my finished piece for the Starlight Anya Zine (2022)!
The endpage doodles were a collab between me and my little sister :)
(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)
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bathylychnops · 3 months
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jett if hehad a fursona he wouldbe a wolf because hes a former wolfgirl
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Prompt 138
Danny squints up at the blurry form cradling him, brain trying to catch up with his situation. He can feel the pulse of his siblings’ cores nearby, gently pulsing contentedly despite the chaos of his last memories. His limbs feel too small and pudgy, too-small fingers gripping onto something as his vision started to clear. 
There was a man, holding him? Cradling his too-small form like he was an infant- was he an infant? He was pretty sure he wasn’t supposed to be, he had been older but now he wasn’t. He squinted up at the stranger, green eyes meeting green. Huh. They kind of looked like he could be their dad or something. 
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