#steve x claire
crimescrimson · 4 months
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Claire Redfield & Steve Burnside in Resident Evil: Code Veronica X (2000) & Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles (2009) [Masterpost]: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] | [1] [2]
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skylitcreations · 1 year
Pssst, I'm an older RE fan who's been in and out of the fandom so many times over the years that it's kinda ridiculous tbh, but this blog is a bit newer for me and I'm looking for more people to follow and interact with and would love some chill people who don't bash on other fans. I'm a multishipper (with Leon being my main fandom bicycle) and I've been roleplaying him for over a decade off and on, which has lead me to see the potential of more ships than I would've ever imagined back in the day (I shipped Leshley and Serennedy before the remake was even a thought, believe it or not lol).
I would love to follow people who like:
Steve x Claire (I dunno the current ship name)
Pretty much anything tbh, but Leon and Steve are my main faves, so yeah.
I'm moving atm and struggling to have the time to go looking for people, so just like this post or reply, and I'll check out your blog when I get a moment to chill. I'm hoping once things calm down that I can draw more than just the emotes I made for RE soon to share with you all, too.
Feel free to say hello and/or direct me to more people to follow, if you like! And if you know of any discord servers to join, too, throw them my way! Thanks!
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radiantblog · 1 year
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foursthemagicknumber · 4 months
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kacievvbbbb · 9 days
The character assasination of Lila being more happy to see the family than five. FIVE survived an apocalypse and a deranged bureau for 46 years so he could fight his way back to save his family FIVE. isn't happy to see them after getting lost against his will for 7 years.
Like he thinks the cleanse is over and done with he thinks he's coming back to peace and his family happy and together and Lila is more excited to see them than him? Five who has traversed space and time for his siblings, who has outrun apocalypse after apocalypse after apocalypse for them. and 7 years is enough to destroy all that make him wish for a time without them? I call bullshit.
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This movie makes me wanna kms
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What do you mean the entire plot of the entire franchise got retconned. What do you mean everybody fucking died but it got retconned. What do you mean 3 whole separate fandoms that contained 6 seasons and technically 1 movie just got fucking WIPED. What do you mean all of that was for nothing. What do you mean all of it didnt happen because of some stupid time travel bullshit. What do you mean they did weird teenage alien mpreg. What do you mean by the end of the movie Steve and Eli DONT get together. I call bullshit.
Writers please make a new movie where all of the retconning and weird teenage alien mpreg DONT happen. I would give my entire soul to you (I would also appreciate steve and eli getting together but if they don't its fine I just want them to get a happy ending and not be in an endless loop.)
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megamyceted · 11 months
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CLAIRE REDFIELD & STEVE BURNSIDE resident evil code veronica x, 2000
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foulwitchknight · 3 months
B!Eddie Munson works across the mall from pregnant O!Steve. Eddie works at the Hot Topic while Steve works at Claire’s. They are friends and Steve loves having him around because he’s so sweet. Eddie comes by a lot just to say hi to Steve and ask about his day. He’s always gifting him shirts from the store that he knows Steve will love and buying him lunch at the food court. Robin told Steve that Eddie even requested for his lunch break to be changed so they could spend it together. Eddie will often drive him home at the end of his shift and on his days off he will offer to take Steve to his doctor’s appointments or anywhere he needs to go. Steve secretly thinks it’s because he feels sorry for him when really Eddie is courting him.
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mydearlybeloathed · 1 year
𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐣𝐢𝐦 𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐣𝐫...
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: headcannons pertaining your growing relationship with the trollhunter.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jim lake jr x fem!reader
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When you met Jim, it was a normal day of school.
At least, for you it was.
For Jim, he had just been approached by two giant stone creatures telling him that he’s now their protector, and then he was attacked by an evil troll who totally kicked his ass.
But you couldn’t have known that, so it was just a normal school day.
You’d always known he existed, having gone to school with him since Kindergarten. 
But you’d never been friends, that was for sure. 
A few days before you had signed up to be a history tutor, needing some school approved service hours.
And just your luck, you had a session scheduled with Jim Lake Jr.
He was jittery, that was the first thing you realized. His eyes couldn’t stay focused on one thing for longer than two seconds, always jumping to the window.
You had been reaching for your pencil case, which was in your bag under the table. That was when you noticed his bruised up arms. Frozen in place, you also saw a large gash peeking out from his pant leg, just visible on his ankle.
It wasn’t your place to say anything, you knew. You barely knew Jim! But still… was he is trouble?
The thought distracted you, causing you to hit the back of your head on the underside of the table.
Wincing, you raised your head, spying Jim giving you a concerned look. You found yourself giving him a similar, more extreme stare. 
“So… I think we were on the Ottoman Empire in class, right?”
You didn’t answer. You didn’t think you could, not without asking. It became too much after an awkward second, and you blurted out the question. “Jim, did somebody hurt you?”
The way his face lost its color sent a shiver down your spine.
He laughed a laugh that was clearly forced—strangled even. “What makes you ask that?”
“Jim… Look at you. You’re all scratched up.”
A thick silence follows your tentative declaration.
“Oh yeah,” he chuckled. “I, uhm, I tried to ride my bike down the side of the canal. It didn’t go so well, as you can see.”
It was a good excuse, you thought, but did you believe it? Not for a second. It took you only a few moments before your eyes narrowed and you scooted your chair closer to his. 
Jim thought you looked murderous the longer he was locked in contact with your eyes. 
“Was it Steve Palchuk? ‘Cause if it was we need to say something. This is beyond bullying, Jim.”
What was he supposed to say? Oh, nah, don’t worry, Y/N. I was just beaten to near death by a stone giant last night. No biggy.
She’d walk him to an asylum herself.
Apparently, Jim took too long to respond, which to you was an response enough. You scoffed to yourself, shoving back in your seat with crossed arms. “I cannot believe that bitch. He won’t get away with this.”
Jim just fiddled with his pencil, eyes on his textbook. He didn’t know much about Y/N L/N, but he knew she was a force to be reckoned with. Ever since elementary school she’d taken charge in city clean ups, protested in cities as far as D.C., made speeches that changed the minds of Arcadia’s city council and their school board.
When she was mad about something, everyone knew, and she wouldn’t be placated till there was a change.
Jim had to hide his smirk behind his palm; he could just imagine Steve receiving the flame that the girl beside him would unleash. 
He had to ask, “What’re you gonna do?”
Your answer was instantaneous. “Talk to him, I think. I know him well enough, us being cousins and all.”
That was a shock for sure.
A day later, Jim was walking into school when he heard the tell tale sound of your voice. He turned the corner, stopping short at the sight before him.
You, at least a head shorter than Steve, had the poor guy gripped by the ear and pulled down to your height. Jim didn’t stick around to listen to what you were saying, seeing the fury all over your face and not wanting either of you to spy him loitering there.
But Jim had to admit, the look of terror on Steve’s face was hilarious.
After that, your tutoring sessions became more and more natural over time. The conversation drifted away from history and toward other things like interests and fun stories. 
Not only that, but the time drew on longer till it wasn’t so much a tutoring session as much as it was just two friends hanging out.
It didn’t take long for Jim to realize he enjoyed spending time with you much more than he wanted to.
Much more than he wanted to.
He thinks he realized how much he actually liked you around a few months before everything went to shit.
Jim offered to walk you home when the session dragged on so long that the moon had risen into the sky.
“You don’t live too far from me, I don’t mind.”
It was as they neared your driveway that he caught sight of Blinky from the corner of his eye, shooting fear straight to his heart. 
The many-eyed troll was rustling in the bushes, tailing him and you. You were oblivious, going on about the pranks you had planned for the upcoming April Fools Day. 
Jim wanted to be listening to you, mostly so he could avoid your schemes, but also because he enjoyed the lightheartedness with which you spoke. It was a nice change from the woe he heard whenever he entered Trollmarket. But he couldn’t give you the focus he wanted with Blinky just seven feet form being spotted.
“Welp,” you sighed. “This is where we part.”
Disappointment was on both of your minds as you smiled at each other. 
He managed to hold it together when, after a moment of hesitation, you lurched forward to wrap him in a hug. Surprised, he glanced up over your shoulder to see Blinky giving him four thumbs ups.
He used one arm to hug you back, and the other to flip the troll off. 
Being the Trollhunter was dangerous for not only Jim and everyone involved. And as the two of you started to hang out without the pretense of you being his tutor, he swore to himself that you would never find out his secret.
But as you grew closer, it became increasingly difficult to hide anything from you. 
You always found his new injuries and scrapes and even once somehow detected his bruised ribs. After a while, you became suspicious, no longer assuming your cousin was behind it. 
You didn’t want to assume anything severe, but you had to worry about his home life. 
You knew his mother—you’d met Dr. Lake when you ended up sitting together to watch Jim in Romeo and Juliet—and you didn’t get the feeling she would ever get… physical with him. The very thought made you shudder.
If not that, then what was it? Jim didn’t seem the street fighter type. It caused you more worry than you’d like to admit.
Over the past few months of knowing Jim Lake Jr., you think you’d be comfortable calling him your best friend. You two spent nearly everyday talking, whether it was between class or on the phone every once in a while. 
And it was obvious to everyone except to you that there was chemistry.
It caused Toby some anguish to say the least. 
Speaking of which, you’d grown closer with Jim’s best friend too, something you hadn’t expected.
Toby was a good friend to you, always taking time out of his day to ask about yours, questioning your every “It was fine” and demanding to know what was so “fine” about it. In return, he offered his own tales of misery, getting a laugh out of you nearly every time. 
You didn’t notice how he physically grimaced whenever you brushed off his attempts at finding out what you thought about ol’ Jimbo.
Moving on from all of that, to you, things were going great! Your grades could be better, but you had better friends than you’d ever had before. Added to your ranks was Claire Nuñez, and over time… well, you had to admit that you were suspicious.
Jim’s crush on Claire had been ever so obvious ever since the fourth grade, but that wasn’t it (Or rather, you hoped that wasn’t it). 
No matter how much you told yourself you were paranoid, you thought the three of them were hiding something. 
It hurt to say the least. You were friends… right? Did friends keep secrets?
This was what you thought as you sat alone during lunch, contemplating the way Jim, Toby, and Claire made some poor excuse about having to go to a chess club meeting.
You knew they weren’t a part of the chess club. You were president of the chess club. How did they not know that? Were they that bad at lying? Or did they not care if you knew how much they actually hated you?
You were overthinking. They didn’t hate you. Jim certainly didn’t, you think. He was so kind and caring and thoughtful… your cheeks burned red at the thoughts running across your mind… you shook your head, reasoning that there must be an explanation that didn’t involve thier secret vendetta against you.
You just had to find out what it was.
But as they abandoned you more and more for their secret escapades, and as they ditched you to work on group projects alone, and they generally lied time and time again… you grew tired of the confusion.
Your cousin was starting to warm up to you, something about his brutish personality shifting over the course of that school year. He noticed first how you sat alone at lunch, and then he looked around at his table full of kids… and realized he too was alone—in a mental sense, that is.
So he picked up his tray and bag and trudged over to your table in the corner of the lunchroom. 
The look of shock on your face didn’t fade away till he was sitting there across from you, and you deduced that he probably wasn’t here to tease you.
The conversation was slow at first, even dull, just small talk, but then he caught sight of the comic book tucked under your lunch tray. 
He hesitated, knowing his friends at the other table had made fun of him for liking those sort of things… but you had never done that before. Steve could trust you... probably.
So he asks you about it, and you go into a long winded explanation of it, only for him to interrupt with, “I know what it is… I’ve got the entire set back home.”
You blinked, shocked, and you thought that maybe your cousin Steve wasn’t so terrible after all.
Your friends wanted to ditch you? Fine. You’d make yourself useful and stop being their deadweight. It was somewhat freeing, no matter how much it pained you to sweep past Jim’s sweet smile and ready sandwich (made just how you like it). But it was for the best. You couldn’t stand the way they treated you.
It was only a month after you severed ties with them that you realized how much they’d impacted you.
You no longer found Nougat Nummies that Toby had put in your backpack. You could no longer ask Claire for help with studying. You couldn’t waltz into Jim’s house like you owned the place, hop up onto his counter, and spiel on and on about whatever was on your mind while Jim cooked food around the kitchen.
You might’ve missed that last one more than the other memories.
You might’ve missed Jim more than the others.
And you might’ve liked him a bit too much too.
On Jim’s side, he knew why you’d grown distant. It pained him to keep such a big secret from you, especially when he could see it was hurting you, but what else could he do? Tell you he’s the Trollhunter?
No. Jim would never do that to you. If you knew, then they would find you. You’d wind up hurt. It was bad enough he’d dragged Claire into all this, but you? Jim couldn’t stand the thought of you getting hurt. 
He didn’t think about how much not having you in his life would hurt.
Maybe a month goes by, and the two of you get back to a steady rhythm without the other. Unbeknownst to you, your old friends were preparing for war.
How could you know? How could you have prepared? Simple. You couldn’t have.
So that’s why, the night of the school dance, instead of going to that stupid party just to stand alone in the corner, you decided you would be getting your answers.
What spurred this sudden quest? You didn’t know. But you needed to know what you did wrong. What had you done to drive Jim away?
So that’s how you ended up on his doorstep at just the wrong moment. 
Before you knocked on the door, you heard crashing and shouting from inside. 
Your heart raced. Were you right about Jim being hurt at home. You decided to raise your voice. “Jim?! Jim, are you in there!”
Inside, Jim heard your yells, and a pang of fear swelled up in him. 
He stood in armor of glowing silver beside his high school principal, who looked nothing like the lanky man everyone knew him as, yet appeared as a green skinned creature with jagged wings. A changeling.
And across from him was an ancient entity, with eyes blank and voidish, and a smirk that sent shivers down the boys spine. Angor Rot.
The fight had gone still at the sound of your pounding fist against the door. Jim didn’t like the sadistic gleam in Angor’s dark eyes. 
“Jim! Open this door! Are you all right?!”
No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
This couldn’t be happening. He’d tried so hard to keep safe, to keep you away from all of this!
He should’ve known better; you weren’t so easily shoved off, and you never knew when to quit.
Angor swept to greet you with Jim hot on his tail, swinging his sword wildly.
He was too late. 
A long story short, you were way in over your head with this one. 
Being the hostage of a centuries old… thing was so not on your bucket list. Yet, here you were, shaking as Angor Rot held a dagger to your neck. His entire being stenched of age, and you had to hold in your gagging lest it push you forth into the blade.
You didn’t know what to do. You didn’t knwo what was happening. But you knew Jim was there. He was right there, wearing his armor from Romeo and Juliet and wielding the same prop sword that didn’t look so prop-like now. 
He was right there, and he was looking at you, and you were looking at him, and you were both terrified.
“Jim,” you whispered, scared that even the slight word would force your skin forth and the knife would slit her neck. “Jim, what’s going on?”
Angor chuckled darkly as he peered down at you. “Ah, that’s right. You have no idea what your friend has been doing in the shadows.”
Your gaze was directed at Jim, your jaw shaky and your eyes wide with confusion. “What–?”
“So, Trollhunter,” Angor seethed. “Shall we risk your flower’s life today?”
You hadn’t been killed, fortunately. It all happened so fast, and all you really remembered was Jim fighting that thing, the changeling happening to be your principal, Dr. Lake in mortal danger, and an underground city of stone creatures.
The same underground city you now sat in, the boy of the hour right beside you. Neither of you had said a word since everything calmed down. It was driving you mad.
You raised your eyes to see Dr. Lake standing nearby, safe now that the battle with Angor was over. Then you swiveled to face Jim, your face screwed up. 
“Jim… who are you?”
He didn’t have much of a choice. You’d seen all you’d seen, hurt and fought alongside him despite never lifting a weapon against anyone in all your life. You deserved the truth.
“I’m the Trollhunter.”
It took nearly an hour for him to explain everything, and when it was all said and done, your jaw was hanging open. You now sat on the step below him, looking up at the boy you now knew was so terribly brave. Everything he’d gone through… it nearly made you forgive him.
You’d known Jim Lake Jr. as one thing for months and months, and now it seemed he was something entirely different. 
He wasn’t a scared kid who needed you to defend him to your ex-jerk of a cousin. He was strong and held himself with a certain dignity and humility that you envied. Yeah, he was awkward and foolish at times—foolish like when he ditched you just to keep you safe, which you supposed was understandable given that night’s events—but you liked him anyway.
You really liked him, despite all the pain and confusion and this fast turn of events. 
He hadn’t changed, you realized as you just stared up at him whilst he awaited what you would say. 
He was Jim, the boy you could have called your best friend had anyone asked, and the boy you had slowly harbored a crush on.
It was this thought process that made you lock eyes with him. You didn’t like secrets, and you hated lying. You sucked in a breath and put everything out in the open for him to see. 
“I like you, Jim.” The words were harder than you thought. “You don’t have to like me too, I just needed to say it. I want to be your friend no matter what, and I guess I can understand why you’d keep this from me. I just… I need you to know you can trust me.”
There. There it was. A confession, an offer, a pledge. It was everything you needed to say. 
And as you forced yourself to keep looking at Jim, you saw his eyes flutter and his jaw hang a bit. You felt slightly nauseous as your words came back to your memory. Had you said something you shouldn’t have?
“You like me?”
It was your time to blink blankly. That was all he got from that? You cracked a grin, not knowing where this was going. “Yeah. I really like you.”
He couldn’t believe it. He thought surely you would hate him, or at the very least never want to see his face again. But you liked him? Even after all that? After all the lies?
You liked him back?
Jim smiled, hand reaching for yours, itching to grab your hand, only for him to pull back at the awkward last second.
You tilted your head, wondering just what you were getting yourself into as you took his hand and gripped it tight.
Trollmarket was in shambles all around. Jim’s mother’s memory was wiped. His principal was a changeling. Enrique was in the Darklands. But you were there, and you were on his side.
Still, he had secrets to keep. Secrets from you, Toby, Claire, Blinky. Everyone. 
So as he dropped your hand with a subtle drop to his smile, he thought back to all that had happened, all that had been lost, and all that could be lost in the future.
“I like you too,” said Jim. You didn’t notice how his eyes filled with pain as he excused himself to deal with some Trollhunter business. 
You didn’t realize that might’ve been the last time you saw him as he turned away and walked off in a hurry.
How could you have known? You were new to this. You had no clue about the bridge or Enrique or Jim’s promise to Claire.
So when you saw Claire and Toby run by with panicked expressions, you were quick to rush after them. You had no clue what was going on, but you’d always been quick on the uptake.
Jim was going someplace he should not be going alone. He was leaving them all behind to go there. He was going to the Darklands.
You had just gotten him back, and now, he was ditching you again. 
Sure, it was meant to be heroic, but you just wanted your best friend to stick around for a little while.
Weeks go by, and you assist in Claire and Toby’s search for a way to save Jim. Eventually you help to free him, somehow managing to survive a short traipse through the Darklands.
It was safe to say you weren’t letting Jim get too out of sight for a time after that, and he wasn’t going to complain.
He never kept anything from you again, admitting it was torture to keep lying to you and keep you at a distance.
Jim often felt so out of touch with the rest of the world, being stuck in the middle of human and troll lives, and it was easy for him to disassociate and just brush everyone off. It was days like those that Jim was glad he had you.
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
You’d only sigh, catching the way he kept zoning out, getting lost in his own head. In your opinion, he’d been through too much to be only sixteen. So you took his hand or drew him in for a hug or just slung an arm around him--any of the like would do.
Instantly, his nerves would calm and his attention drawn back to the present. 
“You don’t have to be fine, you know.”
He hadn’t known that, not really. Not until he met you.
Those all around you two would notice a distinct change in Jim’s demeanor, so subtle yet so clear. He was somehow softer, which Toby hadn’t thought possible, and the light in his eyes began to spark up again.
His mother was especially grateful, loving the life you brought back into Jim. Blinky adored your very nature. Draal tolerated your eagerness to train with him. Vendel mused your every demanding question.
It wasn’t long before Jim got nervous; you were now one more person he couldn’t stand losing.
But you never let his thoughts run too wild, somehow always one step ahead of his overthinking, ready to put out every doubt and every fear.
“Hey, listen. You’re stuck with me, Lake. Nothing, especially not Bular or Gunmar or any other creep, is ever going to keep me from getting back to you.”
He wasn’t sure how to express just how much you meant to him, so he settled for a watery grin. “Back at you.”
I love you was just a breath away from being spoken into reality, but neither you nor Jim were eager to shove it out there. The fact was there whether it was spoken or not, and the both fo you were well aware of its presence.
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sofiafantasies · 1 year
Arcadia Tales, Krel Tarron x alien!reader
Krel: So nobody on your planet uses math?
You: Nope. Never heard of it.
Krel: Ok.
You: Say, what is math anyway?
Krel: Well...
*Hours later*
You: Ok, so let me get this straight...
You, showing him the notebook full of math problems: You guys spend all day just writing this weird freaky symbols?
You: Are you an occult!?
Krel: No! It's for science. Math is the language of the universe.
You: Well, apparently the universe had a stroke because this is nonsense.
Krel: How did your kind achieve space travel without performing the necessary calculations?
You: It's a rocket! You blow some stuff up and it shoots you into space. It's not that hard!
You look to the side and your eyes widen.
You: Oh, my Crystal! You even write it on the walls! Like a psycho.
Krel: Well, that's a white board. Humans use it to teach children-
You: You do this infront of kids!?
The hole gang in the background eating popcorn, watching all of this unfold.
Toby, Caire, Jim, Douxie, and Steve laughing.
Nomura, Striker, Barbara, and Blinky not understanding and confused.
Aaarrgh just chuckled once in a while.
Archie on Douxies shoulder.
Aja amused and reaching for the pop-ed-corn. She still needs to learn how to pronounce things.
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crimescrimson · 10 months
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Red's Favourite Gaming Pairings Of All Time [8/?]: Claire Redfield and Steve Burnside from Resident Evil: Code Veronica X (2000) & Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles (2009)
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rerarepairmonth · 7 months
Resident Evil Rarepair Month - May 2024
Hello and welcome to the Resident Evil Rarepair Month event!
This event is a month long, spanning the entirety of the month of May 2024, and will be devoted to any and all forms of content celebrating the Rarepair ships of Resident Evil!
Content can include but not limited to fanfiction, fanart, moodboards, edits, music videos and playlists.
Week 1 - Sick Fic/Caretaking + Weapons/Sparring + Vacations - May 1st to May 6th
Week 2 - Trapped Together + Role Reversal + Infection Scare - May 7th to May 12th
Week 3 - Sharing Food + First Dates + International Travel - May 13th to May 18th
Week 4 - Handcuffs/Restraints + Coffee Shops + Family - May 19th to May 24th
Week 5 - Animals + College AU + Self Destruct Systems + Free Space - May 25th to May 31st
The rules for entries are as follows:
-Must be 18+ to participate, as we will be accepting NSFW entries (make sure to tag appropriately for content warnings)
-A rarepair must have 250 or less fics on ao3 to be considered acceptable.
-For this event we are excluding any Canon Character x Reader submissions.
-We will, however, accept Canon Character x OC submissions.
-All content is acceptable, please be courteous of other people's submissions and do not leave hate or discourse in the comments and tags. This is a celebration of rarepairs and encouraging more content for rarepairs in the fandom. If you don't like something someone made, just keep scrolling.
-When submitting your content, make sure to tag us @rerarepairmonth
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foursthemagicknumber · 4 months
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lyndibs · 1 year
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I wrote this and shared it on Twitter a week ago and have been meaning to share it here as well.
Can you spot the differences?
EDIT: I haven't been on Tumblr in a while. I am pleasantly surprised that this post blew up!
Way to make a girl feel special! Thank you everyone!
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ettellessa · 2 years
I decided somebody had to fix Rise of the Titans so I did it myself.
I cut out all the bad things: no pregnant Steve, no bad ending.
Feel free to watch, save, reupload and share. Enjoy, huzzah.
Fixed It (G-drive)
Fixed it (mega)
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natsskydivingcrew · 2 years
Steve: bUT it isn't illegal!
Bucky: no
Bucky: it isnt
Bucky, gesturing to the 17 miniature cows in their apartment: There's just so many?
Steve: But it isn't illegal!
Bucky: ...Maybe it should be
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