#steve's pronouns: he/she/they
dwobbitfromtheshire · 8 months
Steve finally moved out of his parents' house after Robin graduated and into a shared apartment with her. His parents never let him have a pet before, and he had always wanted a cat. It was all he could think about when they moved in.
"If you want a cat, get a cat," Robin shrugged as she doodled Vickie's name over and over. "We're still rolling in that compensation money."
Steve grinned, grabbed his keys, and dashed out the door. He made sure to stop by the pet store first and get as many supplies as he could. The next stop he made was to the animal shelter, and he really shouldn't have, but the first kitten he saw he fell in love with. Her black fur was curled like a sheep's and she only had one green eye. She was curled up in the back and looking weary.
"No one wants her. They always walk past her when they come through the store, which is a shame because she's a beautiful cat. I'd take her, but my husband says I can't keep adopting every animal that comes through here," the clerk said. "I think they pass her by because she's black."
"Well, that's racist," Steve scoffed.
"Yeah," the clerk agreed. "Superstitious assholes."
"She's the one," Steve declared.
"Okay, be careful. She's a little skiddish," she warned Steve.
Steve held out her hand and let her come to him. She didn't at first, still looking at him in an untrustworthy way.
"I won't hurt you. I promise. I just want to give you a home," Steve said.
She understood him because a few seconds later, she was crawling into his hands. Steve smiled and held her to his chest, scratching behind her ear.
"Meow," Yeah, I'm going with you, but I'm also keeping an eye out.
Steve snorted.
"I think that I'll call you Raven," Steve said. "Raven Harrington?"
"Meow." It'll do.
When Steve came home with the kitten in the carrier, Eddie was waiting outside of his apartment door. He had forgotten they were supposed to hang out tonight. Steve blushed. He was wearing an open vest and nothing underneath with his usual pair of black ripped jeans. His hair was in a loose bun, which always drove Steve mad. Heart thumping in his chest, he approached him. He had yet to tell the metalhead how he felt, and he really needed to. Everything about Eddie drove him crazy. Eddie grinned and spread his arms wide. Oh God. He got his nipples pierced.
"Well, what do you think?" Eddie asked.
"They're, uh, nice, Eddie," Steve said, swallowing thickly. "I got a cat. Shit, my hands are full. Uh, is Robin not home?"
"Nope. Do I need to fish your keys out of your pocket for you, big boy?' Eddie asked.
"Y-yes, please," Steve said.
Eddie stepped right into his space, his nose practically touching Steve’s. He fingers slid into the front of Steve’s pocket. Eddie's eyes furrowed. The keys weren't there. He checked the other pocket but still no keys. Eddie grinned and slid both hands into the back pockets of Steve’s jeans. Steve’s mind was completely blank, his face red.
"Oh, keys, where art thou?" Eddie asked.
"Oh! Uh, yeah, they're in my jacket pocket," Steve realized.
Eddie cackled and fished them out of his jacket pocket. He dangled them in front of them before going to unlock the door.
"You know, you could have put the kennel down," Eddie pointed out.
"Yeah," Steve said and scoffed.
"Meeeeooww!" Okay, enough of this bullshit.
Eddie unlocked the door, grabbed the bags from Steve’s hands, and followed him into the apartment. Steve set the kennel down and opened the door. Raven looked weary again and was curled up in the back.
"It's okay, Raven. This is your home now, if you want it to be," Steve cooed, holding out his hand again.
Raven walked out, unsure, and curled up into Steve’s hand. Raven sniffed the air, glancing around the apartment.
"Meow." Better than the shelter, anyway.
"Thanks," Steve scoffed.
Raven glanced over at Eddie, apprasing him. Raven glanced at Steve.
"Meow." This is the man you wish to mate with?
"Why do you have to say it like that?" Steve sighed.
"Uh, Steve, watchya doing?" Eddie asked.
"Oh, you know, just chatting with the cat," Steve said with a shrug and watched with a grin as Raven curled up against his stomach. "Aww, look, she knows her mommy."
"You don't mind being called mommy? I thought that was a joke," Eddie said.
"Mommy, Daddy, you know, whatever I'm in the mood for," Steve shrugged.
"You're just full of surprises, Stevie," Eddie grinned.
"Meow." I am NOT calling you mommy or daddy.
"What if I give you all of the belly scratches and treats you want? Hmm?" Steve cooed.
"Meow." I'm listening. . .mother.
"Good girl," Steve smiled and rubbed her belly.
"Meow." You know, a cat needs a father too.
Raven glanced at Eddie. Steve snorted, blushing. He tucked her under his chin and looked at Eddie, pouting.
"Can you believe that people at the shelter didn't want her because of the way she looks?" Steve said, looking at Eddie.
"Assholes. She looks like a cute little black sheep," Eddie said, kneeling on the floor with Steve. "Although she's not nearly as cute as her mother."
"Meow." Smooth.
"You know, Raven says she needs a Daddy too," Steve said.
"Are you asking me to raise this precious kitten with you, Steve Harrington?" Eddie asked.
"Yes," Steve said.
"Hmm, I guess we can split time evenly between my place and yours," Eddie said.
"I mean, we could, but I think it might work better if you moved in here," Steve said.
"Where would I sleep?" Eddie asked.
"Meow." Wow, slow. Are you sure you want this guy to be my father?
"Okay, I'm so tired of dating. I spent a lot of time looking for the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I don't need to look any further because he's right in front of me," Steve said. "I know we're skipping a lot of steps here, but you're it for me, Eddie."
"You're it for me too, Stevie," Eddie said. "And yes, yes to everything."
Steve and Eddie moved at the same time, their lips meeting in the middle. Eddie smiled against his lips, wrapping his arms around the both of them. It was soft and sweet but also short. Eddie broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against Steve’s.
"Is Robin going to be alright with me moving in?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah, I didn't even tell her that I wanted you to move in. She automatically made space for you in the hall closet and the bathroom. She's also made a key for you. She's just been waiting for me to get my head out of my ass," Steve blushed.
"I'm glad you did," Eddie said.
"By the way, the nipple piercings are totally hot. You should never wear a shirt ever again," Steve said, and Eddie laughed.
"I knew you were only into me for my tits," Eddie said.
"MeeeOW!" I do NOT want to hear this.
Steve grinned and handed the kitten over to Eddie. He got up and started digging around in the stand by the door. He pulled out a key and knelt by Eddie, holding it out to him. Eddie grinned, taking it, and gave him a hard kiss on the lips.
"I love you," Steve said fondly.
"I love you too," Eddie said.
"There's something you should know before we enter into this relationship," Steve said and took in a breath before exhaling. "About me."
"Okay. . .lay it on me," Eddie said.
"I can talk to animals. You know, understand what they're saying and everything. I've always been that way. It's why my parents never let me have any pets. They thought it was weird," Steve shrugged. "I get it if you don't believe me."
"After everything we've been through, of course I believe you," Eddie said. "I think it's the coolest thing ever."
"Meow." This man is a walking doodle.
Raven was looking at Eddie's tattoos. Steve snorted.
"What did she say?" He asked.
"Oh, she called you a walking doodle," Steve said.
"Our daughter is so mean, I love her," Eddie grinned.
With the help of Wayne, Robin, and Vickie, they managed to move Eddie in over the next couple of days. Once Eddie was all settled in, they invited the kids over to hang out and introduce them to Raven. It was date night with Vickie, so Robin wouldn't be there.
"Alright, kids, gather around. Your mother and I have something we want to tell you," Eddie said.
"You know, Steve is not actually our mother," Max said. "It's just a joke."
Steve burst out of the kitchen wearing a frilly apron and carrying a plate of brownies.
"I made brownies!" Steve exclaimed.
"Yeah, a joke based on a lot of evidence," Dustin scoffed.
"Yeah, I got nothing," Max frowned.
Eddie snickered and watched Steve fondly as he set them on the coffee table.
"Anyway, we have something we want to tell you," Eddie said.
"Finally!" Mike said and swallowed his brownie. "Have you two idiots finally stopped dancing around each other?"
"It was getting painful to watch," El said seriously.
"Were we being that obvious?" Steve asked.
"YES!" They exclaimed.
"Okay, yes, we are together. I did move in here, and we did have another baby," Eddie said.
"What was that last part?" Will asked.
"Oh, we had another baby!" Eddie exclaimed with a grin. "She's probably up from her nap by now. I'm going to go get her."
They all watched as Eddie disappeared down the hall, and they turned to look at Steve.
"Is your boyfriend on something?" Erica asked.
"No!" Steve scoffed.
Eddie grinned as he walked back into the living room with Raven in his arms.
"Meow." Father is lucky that I was already awake.
"Introducing Raven Metallica Harrington," Eddie said proudly. "I came up with the middle name."
"Aww," everyone said, and crowded around Eddie.
Raven sniffed Max and jumped into her arms.
"Meow." I have a feeling that this one is going to be my favorite sibling.
Steve whispered what Raven said in his ear, and they giggled as they watched the kids sit on the couch, taking turns with the cat. Every family looks a little weird and a little different to everyone. There's not a single one that's the same, and as long as they make you happy, it's the only thing that matters. Steve was very happy with the family that he had now.
"Hey, Steve, can we babysit when you and Eddie go out on a date?!" Dustin asked.
"Oh, how the tables have turned," Eddie cackled.
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Yeah sure I think its cute and funny when Robin or Eddie have to practically tell Steve that no liking both boy/girls is not straight or that no not everyone feels like a girl sometimes or don't feel like anything sometimes.
I would like to think that Steve (Stevie depending on the day) is fully aware that it's not straight to like both boys/girls or that not everyone feels like a girl or like nothing at times. Like they are fully aware of this and while yes she had a panic about it at first just accepted it and he's moved on.
I would love for Stevie to just be chilling at home one day in a skirt with her hair up and Robin just bursts through the door, as she does, and instead of Stevie immediately panicking they just smile at Robin, quit tensley, because she knows their safe with Robin. And Robin can only stare,
"Oh my God Steve why are you in a skirt!"
But not in a mean way more of a wonder or in awe way. Cause she's not sure what's going on but 'damn Steve looks great in a skirt'. And Stevie trying to play it off and be cool about it ,
"Oh I got it when I went up to Indianapolis to get Eddie his new Amp"
And Robin is still dumbfounded because
"Okay cool but WHY are you in a skirt?"
And then Stevie proceeds to explain how today she was feeling like Stevie and that they had wanted to wear their skirt.
And Robin now realizing that Stevie felt safe enough with her that they weren't immediately running scared made her start to tear up and Stevie finally starts to panic because just because in her mind the only reason Robin would be starting to cry because she disgusted or disappointed in them. Because while Robin can accept that she is bi she might not accept that they don't always have a gender or are sometimes the opposite gender.
She immediately tries apologizing saying that they'll go change and starts to walk off, before Robin finally snaps out of it and tells Stevie how proud she is of them and that she will be their bestfriend no matter what and they have nothing to apologize for.
And later on a similar thing happens with Eddie and he just smiles and from then on uses other pet names most importantly Eddies Baby Girl and Steve just lives for it because she loves that they are being called Eddie's and the baby girl just makes it even better.
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Babygirl Steve x genderfluid Jonathan who both parent over the kids
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audhd-nightwing · 2 years
thinking about steve and max noticing that el never got to just. be a little girl? because max had to mature at a young age (neil & billy’s abuse, her moms drinking) and used being a tomboy as a defense mechanism / steve had to learn to take care of himself as a little kid because if he didn’t no one would.
so steve and max realizing this and doing everything in their power to help el experience the things she missed out on. they paint each other’s nails and read teen magazines and watch romcoms. steve takes them shopping and buys them both a bunch of clothes (el especially likes bright colors and patterns). they get nancy and robin to do el’s makeup (steve and max 1. don’t like stuff on their face and 2. know nothing about makeup) and she absolutely adores it, makes them teach her how to do it herself. while her hair grows out steve manages to find a couple of good quality wigs and helps her style them.
steve convinces hopper to let them paint el’s room pink and he agrees immediately after steve explains why. steve jonathan and nancy all love to spoil her and get her things so her room is filled with stuffed animals, posters, makeup, beauty products, etc.
steve lets el pick out whatever she wants (max too but she’s more chill about it, tries to hide how much she enjoys getting gifts and hanging around steve). as a gift for both girls, steve gets every wonder woman comic he can find (el cries and hugs him when he gives it to them, steve has probably never been happier).
and while max enjoys being able to be “girly” without feeling vulnerable, she still prefers her tomboy-ish energy (bi-gender she/he max!!!). so steve lends him hand-me-downs and buys him a new skateboard, tells him that he feels like that too some days, that it’s not gross or bad.
……idk how this turned into he/she max and steve bonding but here we are
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hellfirefucker · 2 years
Steve Harrington is genderfluid and you cannot convince me otherwise.
He uses He/She pronouns and there are days where she feels more feminine than others so she used more feminine terms for herself.
Eddie knows this and likes to call Steve “princess” “darling” “pretty”, etc. just to see Stevie get flustered and have the biggest gay panic possible.
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biboomerangboi · 2 years
She/He Robin is so real to me because she literally studied Steve like he was a bug under a microscope pre-scoops like she’s obsessed with him in Rebel Robin but he doesn’t have a crush on Steve, she’s jealous as hell, she says it herself in her speech to Steve - like as a fellow gender weirdo I just know he’s trying to absorb what Steve has through osmosis.
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cowboyhorsegirl · 8 months
Steve is most likely to end up in a lavender marriage and Tony's most likely to end up in a “married for tax/immigration/inheritance fraud” reasons.
They meet as married men and pine for each other hardcore and are also trying not to read too much into how their interest seems reciprocated and oh nooooo both Immigration/the IRS and the the Church/in-laws/DADT era army dudes or whatever are snooping around at the same time at each of their marriages and they have to be so good at being married at the people they are married to oh noooooo and they other guy doesn’t know why they are suddenly being iced out and maybe they were just imagining things? maybe it’s for the best with all these eyes around on them…
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#not to get too real but i love queer people. we see each other and we save each other#i wish i could talk in depth about this lgbtq history panel i went to tonight without doxxing myself#but basically all of these panelists were older gay ppl & one of them won a very monumental court case in the state#and right after introductions one of the other panelists turned to her and thanked her so profusely for the sacrifices she had made#and the work she did to win that case#and that by achieving that win for herself she paved the way for this other panelist to have her own family recognized legally by the state#i don't know i'm not explaining it well but something about knowing and seeing that gratitude in real time. understanding so viscerally tha#so much of our history has happened within one or two lifetimes. to the point that many of the champions of our current rights are alive#today for us to learn from and listen to and THANK#i met two nb ppl through school last year and have since become very close to them#they are the only two ppl on this planet who use my pronouns the way i want them to be used. they switch it up every time and i love them#a little bit more each time i hear them talk about me. it's magical#my childhood best friend told me he liked boys and girls like a month after we first met each other in the fourth grade#he told me there's a word for that; he's bisexual#i think abt how incredible that was a lot. how brave he was to say that and to own that and how long it might have taken me to figure#out that i was the same had he not said it.#anyway all this to say that yes absolutely i love this#steve and tony meet at a military gala. steve's being recognized for his service and tony and his wife were invited by some higher-up who#imagined he could use the event as a way to cozy up to him and earn some good favor before negotiations start on SI's contract renewal#their eyes meet while steve's up on stage. he hates these things. hates being dragged into the spotlight. he feels naked and bare and#vulnerable every time. trapped in enemy territory with no cover. but he sucks it up he kisses his wife on the cheek and she smiles#big and beautiful; perfect like they've run their lines 1000 times over. like they could recite each other's parts by heart#he makes his way to the podium. breathes deep to center himself before he launches into his thankless thank-yous. steve's a terrible liar#but somehow he's made it this far in his career. he can manage for one more night. except#right as he lifts his eyes to speak he sees him. bright eyes burning into his from a shadowed table in the corner. the brass speaking at hi#on his left and a lovely woman who's bored and unimpressed on his right. and him looking directly back at steve#steve's breath catches and he chokes on air. trips on his lines. forgets himself and loses the beat of the scene#he looks down at his notes and ignores them. raises his face to the light and plays himself to be seen by an audience of one.#anon#signed sealed delivered
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frienderbee · 2 years
Just referred to Steve harrington as "she" and my friend just responded with "you’ve given Steve your pronouns now then?" and I swear I could feel the undertones of "you need help" in her question
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fag4dykestobin · 10 months
steve is so bisexual bigender to me. i know this about her. he told me
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lyricsofgoldendaisy · 2 years
Hey look, it’s me trying to be Steve Harrington- if only I had someone to be my Eddie Munson 😩
(*cough* @chaoticmunson *cough*)
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 7 months
Eddie, being the son of Loki and learning how to use magic. He quickly discovered the joy of using genderfluid magic that his mother used. Whether man or woman, Loki was his mother and had given birth to Eddie. Although Eddie had gotten into his head that he had to be a woman in order for Steve to like him. They were making out with Steve on top when Eddie discovered that it wasn't true.
"So, you like me being a woman?" Eddie asked and Steve pulled away from kissing Eddie's neck.
"I like you period, whether you're a man or a woman," Steve scoffed. "Or ambiguously in between. I like you and I like both."
"Right. So, do you want me to change back?" Eddie asked.
"Do you want to change back?" He asked.
"No. I like being a woman today," she replied.
"Then be a woman, and if you decide you feel like a man some other day, I'll be there to like it too," Steve said. "What did your mother call it again?"
"Genderfluid," she replied.
"I think it's pretty awesome," Steve said and Eddie grinned.
"It is cool," Eddie said. "It's still a queer relationship, right?"
"Duh!" Steve grinned and Eddie laughed.
Eddie flipped him so he was lying on his back and she was on top.
"I love you, Steve Harrington," Eddie said.
"I love you too," Steve grinned. "No matter what form you're in."
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?" Eddie asked.
"Oh my God! Do not turn into a worm! Do NOT! Oh my God! You did it anyway!"
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locallmann · 2 years
he/she steve harrington fic is out <3
'lady stardust' on ao3, and it's a part 2 to L is for linoleum :)
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(Part 1 deities) (Part 2)
As more times passes, there are less and less deities, huh? This time it's only one, but an absolute freak (affectionate)
[Şerməkbikdel] (şermək - mountain, bik - k1ll, del - like "-er" in "singer") (any gender)
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This bastard — as you've guessed by the name — lives in the mountains and lures any lost and not lost Sheps into their cave. There, Sheps have a choice: either they do Şerməkbikdel's bidding for some time (usually a month)...
Or seize to be.
Şerməkbikdel wears a coat, originally a sinam (any kind of coat, really, but it's usually that), but since it's... a bit small, they sew Sheps' skin onto it. Plus the meat is tastey, so why not-
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However! One of the ways to tame Şerməkbikdel is by braiding them, but not many get to that point, trying to k1ll them instead. Unfortunately, this muppet's limbs are so long and stretchy, they dodge any attack no problem
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"Here Jonathan!"
Nancy extended her hands, revealing a wrapped package. She handed it to her friend as the other four watched them excitedl
"What is it?" Jonathan asked skeptically. He held the package and eyed the purple wrapping paper.
Robin and Steve both grinned at him. "It's an early birthday present!" They were shaking from excitement as they waited for Jonathan to open the gift. "Now open it!"
And Jonathan did. He unwrapped the package slowly, scared of what will be inside. It turns out there was a bag inside. He ripped open the bag and Eddie started shaking with the others.
Argyle moved closer to Jonathan and took the ripped wrapping paper from him. "I hope you enjoy it. We all saw it and thought of you, so..."
Jonathan looked at him in question. He stuck his hand in the bag and pulled out a silky object. Robin shrieked from excitement and Steve had to calm her down. Jonathan unfolded the clothes, revealing a black skirt. He looked at it for a moment before falling to his knees and crying.
Argyle squatted down and hugged his shoulders. "We thought this could help you be more like yourself when you're around us."
"You could keep it here, at my house, and change into it whenever you want to," Nancy said, rubbing his shoulder. "And feel free to use my makeup and accessories while you're here."
That only made Jonathan cry harder. He choked out a 'thank you' and leaned into Argyle to hide his wet face.
"I have some skirts I was gonna donate," Robin said. "They're loose skirts, so they'll fit you. I'll bring them over and we could have a part of Nancy's closet just for you." Jonathan nodded in thanks and smiled, wiping his tears away.
Eddie bent down, so he was closer to Jonathan. "I have some makeup for shows, but you could totally use it if you want. I have sparkly stuff that goes on your eyes!" He emphasized it by motioning towards his eyes.
Steve nodded. "And if Nancy's closet gets too full, I have multiple guest rooms waiting for my friends to fill. So, you could always keep your stuff in one of the rooms," he said with a smile.
Argyle kissed Jonathan's temple as he hugged him. "We're all here for you, brochacho."
"We love you!!" They all said together, in unison.
"I love you guys too," Jonathan smiled at them. "Thank you guys so much."
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audhd-nightwing · 2 years
when i say i hate the “mom steve” stuff and the overfeminization of male characters in caretaker roles i NEVER mean he/she or transfem steve, she means the world to me
i only ever mean transmasc or cis steve that’s mlm and forced into a heteronormative stereotype because he takes care of the kids / is made the ‘mom’ while eddie is the ‘dad’
like it’s just annoying how with mlm ships ppl still find ways to make it heteronormative. with steddie, they can both be the ‘dad’ !! there doesn’t need to be a ‘mom’ !!! fuck off!
idk some of this might be me projecting abt not being seen as masculine as a trans guy or just leftover trauma from the haikyuu fandom who knows
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crackedmultifandom · 2 years
she’s genderfluid and portuguese and has adhd (and is in a relationship with bisexual steve)
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