#stiles definitely would have tumblr
7thleveldown · 27 days
Tumblr for Werewolves
So… If stiles existed you KNOW he would have had a Tumblr. In this essay I will…
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Derek walks over to the dining table to pick up his laptop which Stiles had been researching on. Well, research? He's pretty sure this isn't research.
“Stiles, what the hell is this?” Derek gestures to the open webpage on the laptop.
“It's the internet Derek, I know I've explained this to you before.” The smirk from Stiles is so unbelievably arrogant Derek could slap him. But maybe he could have a little fun with this.
“Yes. I am aware,” he says, completely deadpan, “you took great pains with it. Or caused me pain anyway. But I meant this specifically… This… Does not look like pack research. I don't admittedly know what to does look like, but…” he scowled at Stiles 
“What are you…” Stiles muttered as he came back from the kitchen, looking confused, before barking out a laugh. “Nah, man, that's just Tumblr, I was taking a little break from the research to clear my head.”
Derek put on his best (hopefully) confused and grumpy expression at Stiles’ reponse. “But, what… Is it?” Derek saw Peter appear on the sidelines. His ability to pick up on mischief, whether he was creating it or not, was terrifying.
“Dude! Come on! Tumblr? It's probably older than you are!” Stiles laughed and then seeing Derek's face, he pretended to pout. “Aww, did they not have Tumblr for technologically backward werewolves who only want to scowl? Poor sourwolf, you don't know what you've been missing! The fanfiction alone! The memes! The in-jokes!” Stiles was gesticulating more and more wildly, pacing around the room.
“Oh come on Derek, you-” Derek shot Peter a look and a smirk that made Peter falter just a little as he realised what was going on, but not enough for Stiles to notice. “You must remember Tumblr, Laura was always on there.” Derek sent Peter the slightest nod of thanks, and Peter's eyes lit up in glee.
“Laura had Tumblr? Do you know what her username was? We could find it! I could find it, we could see what she…” Stiles trailed off as he realised what he was saying. “You know, I could try, if you wanted me to?” 
Stiles had stopped pacing, his voice softening and his arms wrapped around himself. This had taken a turn Derek had not expected.
“I guess I might be able to remember… Maybe if you explain it to me, because it just seems so…”
Stiles’ face lit up in response. “Course! I mean, we gotta start with bringing you into the 21st Century sometime, or at least the 19th would help, because the whole Heathcliff lurking in shadows thing is kinda old. We need to get you to understand our references!”
“I know who Heathcliff is, if that's any help?” Derek said, trying to sound a little coward and out of his depth. Stiles could be such an ass sometimes, and Derek would get his own back.
“Of course you do, big guy, of course you do.”
So, Derek sits back and makes Stiles try to explain exactly what Tumblr is, in excruciating detail. And then pretends to still not understand it. Peter has had to leave the room several times so he doesn’t burst out in laughter.
“Derek! Come on! This is not that hard! For the love of….” Stiles flounces around the room, getting redder and redder in the face, and even Derek is beginning to break at this.
“Stiles, what was it you were saying about codes? I think I remember something about that…” Peter asks, distracting Stiles’ attention from Derek for a moment.
“Yes! Yep, codes… It's one of those things so people would say a phrase, and it would identify them to other Tumblr users in the real world, but mean nothing to anyone else… it’s um…”
“Stiles, don’t tell me that great brain of yours has forgotten the code? Wasn’t it about liking something?” Peter was not holding back his smirk.
At that moment, in a moment of weakness, Derek replies “I like your shoelaces.” He screws up his face as he realises what he has just said out loud.
“I fucking KNEW IT!” crows Stiles, spinning on the spot to point the finger at Derek. “I will find you in there, you can’t hide from me, there is no getting away from me now, I will find you.”
Derek sighs. Great. “This isn’t Taken, Stiles. Stop trying to channel Liam Neeson.”
The sound that is emitted from Stiles could best be described as a squark. “But you don’t…. But you….” He flails between Derek and Peter, who is laughing so hard he’s struggling to breathe. Stiles spins himself around so much, he ends up making himself dizzy and ends up on the floor with a thump.
Peter stops laughing long enough to glare at Derek. “Did you HAVE to break him? He’s my entertainment!”
Derek raises an eyebrow.
A slurred "I'm okay" is heard from the floor.
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kitchenisking · 2 months
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April Fic Rec
Hello everyone! happy spring! I just want to say thank you to everyone who enjoys my recs. I was thinking of taking a break from posting the last two months but then I thought 'fuck it'. the response that I got from you guys showed me how much my recs are enjoyed! so to everyone that reblog and likes the recs - I see you! I see your names pop up every months and it brings me such joy! and to all the new follower - it makes me happy that new people are finding my recs and are enjoying these amazing stories written by these amazing authors!
please don't forget to kudos and comment for our authors and ill see you soon😘
Knot My Favorite Smell by KnottheWolf - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2,470, sterek)
Day 1-Scent Marking: Derek just missed his mate, Stiles, so he decides to visit Stiles at college. Only to grow upset when his mate’s room doesn’t smell like him anymore.
Just Stopped Working For Me by dedougal - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 11,447, sterek)
Stiles never expected to meet Derek Hale. He definitely never expected the movie star to slide into his cab and ask for his help.
Clueless by IgnorantofTime - (Rating: G, Words: 1,775, sterek)
Scott comes to the realisation that his best friend is in love with Derek Hale. Now he just needs to make them realise it.
an awful curse by blinkiesays - (Rating: T, Words: 6,253, sterek)
Isaac is asleep in a chair. The angle of his neck makes Derek wince in sympathy.
"Isaac," Derek says.
Isaac snaps awake immediately.
"Where's Stiles?"
"Stiles?" Isaac asks.
Jesus. It's not like they know more than one.
"That’s fate." by EvanesDust - (Rating: G, Words: 2,256, sterek)
…the one where Stiles meets his future husband.
That I Miss You by Noname109 - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1,741, sterek)
The pounding of the water against the tenseness of his muscles makes Stiles let out a long, drawn out groan of pain and pleasure. After a hard day’s work, the proof of it is shown in the coil and rigidity of his shoulders, torso, and legs. 
And it’s not like he doesn’t love interning under his dad and getting to help out solving crimes and chasing down the bad guys, but at the end of his shift it leaves him gone to the world unless it involves a shower.
He’s so relaxed five minutes into it that he doesn’t even jump when two arms snake around his waist. Stiles just hums contentedly and lets his body go slack.
Things We Know, Unsaid by uraneia - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 6,036, sterek)
Inspired by this Tumblr post, and written for lupinus's birthday.
Stiles accidentally finds a trunk full of Derek's professional dom gear from when he lived in New York. They don't talk about it. Then Stiles turns eighteen, and they do.
If he thought Derek would be angry or embarrassed at Stiles finding a trunk full of quality BDSM gear in his closet, he’d have been wrong. “I used to do it professionally, in New York,” Derek says easily, and Stiles—Stiles doesn’t know how to process that. Because he’s seventeen and has eyes and an unfortunately vivid imagination, and if he lets it go there he’s not going to get any use out of any body part except his dick for several hours.
Cravings, Pack and Angry Sex by Jumping_Jess - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1,953, sterek)
It's a Pavlov response okay?! Pregnant Stiles + Angry Stiles = Horny Derek
Little Red Prince by SterlingAg - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 48,974, sterek)
Running from a group of bandits, Stiles finds himself injured and on the land of none other than the Shifter Derek Hale. But what is a Shifter? Is this Derek a friend or foe? What about the secret Stiles himself is keeping? What will become of the odd pair in this tale set in a fantasy world?
Basketball Shorts and Highlighters by sffan - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1,720, sterek)
The UST between Derek and Stiles finally reaches a tipping point.
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noyzinerd · 1 year
Derek the Doggo
Now, I've read a few Sterek AU fics where Derek has to pretend he's a dog/wolf and gets adopted by Stiles, who is none the wiser. Stiles usually talks to his "pet" in these as if he were talking to a person.
That's nice and all, but can someone PLEASE give me a Stiles that speaks to fully-shifted wolf Derek like a tumblr millennial raised on the internet? Like the single, poorly socialized, unhinged, expending-waaaay-too-much-energy-into-his-"fur-baby" dog-mom I know he'd be?
Like, Stiles holding up a mirror up to Derek and going "It you!"
Or, when Derek lays belly-up, paws to the ceiling, and stretches his toes wide, Stiles says sagely, "Ah, yes.The beans are coming in nicely this year."
Or Stiles putting Derek in a hotdog costume.
Or decorating his entire place with balloons and streamers and ordering an elaborate, dog-safe cake made of peanut butter and Milkbones to celebrate their one-month-iversary since the adoption.
Stiles hiring a professional baby photographer for a photoshoot.
Stiles setting up a Zoom call for Derek with another friend's dog, in which, Derek just sits there, looking awkwardly between Stiles and the other dog like "What exactly am I supposed to do here?", because he's a full grown man expected to have a "conversation" over videochat with a dog like they're supposed to bark back and forth about the weather or park recommendations or something.
Stiles making Derek a Twitter account and constantly posting as him in doggo speak (which he reads out loud, in a voice he imagines Derek would have, as he types). Like "Henlo! I is heckin good boi derk! Big anger! Much grump!" Or "No bork. Only O\m/O". Or "Mmmm hooman shoes omnomnomnom 😋"
And when Derek tears into things or misbehaves in an attempt to upset Stiles, he's just met with a psuedo-stern "Wuh-oh. Looks like Hurricane Derek strikes again. I hereby sentence you to 3 hours of cruel and unusual punishment!" Before being put in a cone of shame.
Bonus points if, after Derek shifts back, it turns out Stiles already knew he was a werewolf (maybe not the whole time, but definitely early on). He just wanted to see how far he could push things until the mysterious werewolf he had adopted finally showed himself and revealed whatever he was planning.
(If there is, by miracles of miracles, already a fic like this, recs would by greatly appreciated!)
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princeescaluswords · 10 months
(contd2) And then in S4 he only trusts/remembers Scott when he's deaged, he's ready to die for him when he thinks it's inevitable, and ofc later there's his whole thing about only coming back *for Scott* and not for the town (or anybody else in it). Idk, I just find it so funny how insistent he is about his motivations and how his admiration and affection for Scott overshadow his connections with literally anybody else and people?? Don't get the memo?? HE MADE SEVERAL WHOLE SPEECHES ABOUT IT!
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Hey, do you remember this scene from The Wolves of War (6x20)? I do. It is the culmination of a story that began in Wolf Moon (1x01). What started as "We're brothers now." ended in "No. Came back for you."
When that scene first aired, an individual made a gifset of the scene. Within the first twenty or so reactions, there was a reply to it. I remember it as much as I remember a splinter dug under my skin: "As a Sterek shipper, I reject this." I'm sure it's still out there somewhere. We could find it no matter how bad Tumblr's search engine is, if we put our minds to it.
Of course, several people responded to the reply with what you might expect, explanations of shock, dismay and outrage that a self-identified member of a group with the motto "Derek Hale Deserves Nice Things" would look at a scene of deep friendship between Derek and Scott and "reject" it. My response, though, was different. My first thought was "How the hell is that relevant to Sterek?"
If you take the concept of the Sterek ship at its basic principles, it's the idea that Derek and Stiles are not only sexually compatible, but uniquely positioned to enhance each other's lives and fulfill each other's emotional needs. I can fully get behind that. I think that there is definitely an aesthetic argument to be made for the pairing; it seems the fandom agrees with me.
My enormous and undying problem is that when you examine the overwhelming Sterek content created, there is an undeniable aspect to it that adds a completely unnecessary complication. For some reason, Scott hate (or at least the idea that Scott is an impediment to Sterek) is a major component of the Sterek fandom. And that just doesn't track. Derek and Scott have conflicts at the beginning, but given the situation that is unavoidable. On the other hand, as you have so carefully pointed out, they grow into a mutually beneficial friendship. How can the fact that Canon Derek and Canon Scott come to mean so much to each other interfere with Sterek? Scott and Stiles's friendship is the beating heart of the show, even as it is Scott's story, so much so that Stiles has to be mentioned repeatedly even when he's not present on the screen. How can the fact that Canon Stiles and Canon Scott love each other so much be seen as an impediment to Sterek?
My premise: it is not, and the prevalence of anti scott hatred in the Sterek fandom has nothing to do with shipping Derek and Stiles, and everything to do with racism.
Take the example above. I could see it, maybe, if Stiles had been living in Beacon Hills and standing in the background, and Derek had specifically proclaimed that he had only come back to Beacon Hills for Scott, then it would be reasonable for a Sterek shipper to have a problem with the scene. But that didn't happen. Stiles was not only no longer in Beacon Hills, he came back to Beacon Hills with Derek. There is nothing in that scene that infringes or diminishes or prevents Sterek. So why the hostility?
There's nothing in canon in any of the relationships involved -- Scott and Stiles, Stiles and Derek, Scott and Derek -- that is hostile to Sterek shipping.
It can't be because Scott said a few mean things to Derek in the early seasons. For every slightly mean thing Scott said, such as "Then they had a reason" in Magic Bullet (1x04), Stiles said two to three, such as "Oh, is that contagious? You know what, you should probably just get out." or when he tells Scott that Derek is beginning to smell like death when Derek is sitting right next to him, or "You know, that really doesn't look like anything some echinacea and a good night of sleep couldn't take care of." all three of which happened in the same episode.
It can't be because Scott resisted accepting Derek's leadership, because for every time Scott rejected Derek's guidance, Stiles undermined Derek's positions openly.
It can't be because Scott took antagonistic actions toward Derek, such as deceiving him about joining his pack to save Jackson's life in Raving (2x08) or valuing Allison's life over Derek's discomfort in Master Plan (2x12), because Stiles literally tries to convince Scott to let the Argents kill Derek to stop Peter in Formality (1x11) and for Allison to shoot Derek "preferably in the head" in Venomous (2x05) because he valued Scott's and Lydia's life over Derek.
It can't be an aversion to queerbaiting, because the show had multiple significant gay relationships. For every scene that made us question Stiles's sexuality, there was a scene which put Scott in a similar situation. Derek never had a scene like that, but even so, all three of them only pursued women romantically.
It can't be because Tyler Posey once said something negative about the ship overwhelming all other fandom activities, because both Tyler Hoechlin and Dylan O'Brien said things inimical to Sterek as well.
So, there's got to be a reason that a major component of Sterek shipping, superfluous to the ship itself, is hostility to Scott McCall and his actor. Some factor that drives some participants in a ship to viciously hate the main character who is canonically not an impediment to their ship and enables the rest of participants in the ship to tacitly support it.
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newsiesficchallenges · 10 months
Would you maybe be willing to go over the process of tagging on ao3? I've never used it before so I can figure out most of it but the entire posting process is new to me
Of course! 
If you don’t mind, I’m just going to cover all of it, because you aren’t the first person to ask this. 
So- tagging! 
In simple terms, tags have the same purpose on AO3 that they do on Tumblr. They’re to inform you of the content, summarize and warn, and to help organize the search system. They can be complicated, and daunting, but can also be largely unique if one so chooses. I’ll explain how in a minute! 
By adding a tag, you are inserting your work into a list, or a system, of other works that fall under the same category. For example: if you are writing a Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski work, and you tag that relationship, the work will show up when you search that relationship. It’s one of AO3’s best features, and a way an author can gain popularity in a fandom. 
Now, starting at the top of your AO3 form, we have the rating. Now, I like to think of your rating as a movie rating. Everyone has a little bit of a different view on these, but for our collective purpose of explanations, let’s use this standard guide. 
The first one is general audiences. This is a PG rated movie. Minimal language, some sexual and adult jokes that might fly over someone’s head, and little to no violence. You would let your 11yo cousin read this fic and not be concerned. 
The next is teen and up audiences. This is your PG-13, TV-14. We’ve got curses going around, but not all of them. Sexual jokes, light sexual content that probably doesn’t go very far. If there’s violence, it’s Marvel movie, see blood but no gore style. 
Mature is where things get interesting. Say whatever you want, have the smut scenes, and shoot outs in the alleyways. Children aren’t allowed into this R-rated movie, but we all know it’s for the 15+ girlies who are reading on their computers in the dark. 
And explicit is anything goes, basically. If you’re reading an explicit fic, and you get surprised by what you see, that’s a you problem. ‘Tis the smuttiest of the smut, the most hardcore violence and angst, and characters run rampant in their actions and words. 
And then we have the warnings! These are what I consider to be the most important, because a lot of these things are triggers. It’s pretty self-explanatory, as you can pick and choose anything that applies. 
Fandoms is also pretty self-explanatory. You use AO3’s list of fandoms, and click whatever fandom you’re writing for. For this exchange, you would type Newsies, and select the options and forms of the show you took inspiration from. 
Categories is more confusing, I think, primarily because one can never decide if you want to click every button that applies, or just the important ones. In my personal experiences, I tend to just click whatever option represents the main ship I’m writing for, and then make sure I tag anything that doesn’t fit that category in the relationships tags. You are definitely free to select everything, though!
Relationships is pretty important, just for information purposes. Most people search AO3 through specific relationships they want to read, and so I make sure to tag everything I can, just for algorithm and accessibility reasons. You can tag the romantic relationships (the ones with the / between the two character names), platonic relationships (the ones with the & between the character names), and everything in between, depending on how you want your fic viewed, and how you want it sorted in the tagging system (by this, I mean if you want it put in the list of ‘x’ (ex. Harley Keener/Peter Parker) works, falling under a specific tag). And if you want viewers to be aware of the different relationships, especially the romantic and platonic ones, always double check that you have selected the right tag (again, for romantic there’s a /, and for platonic there’s a &).
Characters are also important, but I want to stress that you do not need to tag all of the character that appear in your fics. I would simply tag the ones the work focuses around, or that have an impact on the story. It will take you forever to tag everyone if you’re writing a longer story. 
Additional tags is another very confusing thing. A lot of people view them as similar to Tumblr tags, like I said earlier, and this is where you can have some originality, like the Tumblr tags. When I am adding additional tags, I will read the story as I tag it, and make sure I add tags that apply to the important bits. You can keep it professional, with just the tags that will help get you more readers, and trigger warnings; or you can have fun with it, and simply put your thoughts about the work there, as another summary; or you can do a mixture of both. I do a mixture, and will add tags that add the work to popular searches, and add a running commentary/summary as I do so. This part is completely up to you, and you can explore what you want to put by typing random letters or names (things will pop up by either most common or alphabetical order, depending on what you’re typing) into the search bar, just to see what shows. My main suggestion- and pretty steadfast requirement for this exchange- is that you make sure you have a tag for plot points that might be triggering for some. Other than that, the world is your oyster!
That’s it! Hope that helps! If you have any more questions, let me know! 
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loveandmanythings · 2 months
Looking for lost tumblr fic
This is a long shot but I figure I would at least ask to see if anyone on here could help me out!
So I read this fic a long time ago probably around 2017 or 2018 on here. I’m not sure if it was a sterek or a destiel fic. But anywho, I remember reading it on here and it had multiple parts to it and also there was a picture on it that was kind of dark and had forest like trees in it I think. 🧐
The gist of the story from what I remembered was that there was a character(I’m thinking it was stiles) that was kidnapped and kept in the compound/building in a cell that was out in the middle of nowhere and the other character found this person because they were mates and he could sense them and saves them. When they leave, they blow the place up or set it on fire. Also the rescued character saves the other people (supernatural creatures I think) that was held captive too.
Another possible tip that may have been in this fic is that in the cell next to him was a person that was thought to be gone but was held captive there for a long time. I’m thinking it was either Allison or Cora or someone from supernatural show.
I know this sounds so vague and all over the place. I’m trying to rack my brain to remember all the details. I did remember seeing it out wayback machine awhile back and thought I had saved it but I can’t find it so it may have been deleted or something. If I remember any more details I will definitely put it in the comments. If anyone remembers this or could help me out, I would be super grateful!!!
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rosyjuly · 8 months
@kritischetheologie tagged me for the 20 questions for writers game, thank you c!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
76,628. it's kinda insane that i wrote 51k under just six months last year.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently only writing for f1, but i've published works for star wars, peaky blinders, the old guard and batman. on another account that has been liquidated many years ago i had footy rpf and teen wolf fics.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
carry each other (hal jordan/bruce wayne), worked the blade (seb/mick), to the finnish line (seb/charles/kimi), spoils of war (seb/mick) and a favour returned (seb/lewis).
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i do, unless it only says "please write more of this", because i don't have anything polite to reply. but i love getting replies from authors too, so only fair to return the favor. there are definitely times when i just re-read a bunch of comments and they can really help to lift my mood or feel better about my writing.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
lmao that would be the prince au break up sex fic, someday to say out loud. making george ask alex to tell him he loves him even if it isn't true and ensuring that he can't and won't believe him... partly why it's hard for me to go back to writing prince au is because it was very easy for me to project my unmedicated depression onto george, and (thank god) i'm not in that place anymore.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
mmhh my star wars fic maybe? i'm not overly fond of happy endings, the best i deal out is a hopeful but kinda open ending. out of my f1 fic it's a favour returned, i guess -- there's some talk about longer term commitment and trying and failing to say that they like like each other, or consolation prize, where mick admits twice that he's been thinking about seb.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not in the classical sense i guess or not that i've seen.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
boy do i. i mostly write smut and use it as a catalyst to nudge a relationship to another level. i don't really get the what kind? question. what kinds are there? wholegrain?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
haven't written one yet, but i've been toying with the idea of an f1 and the expendables crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
if i had a nickel for every time someone pulled entire lines from a fic of mine and barely paraphrased them, i would have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
on my old ao3 account, yes! i haven't been approached on the new one and i don't think i'd give permission now.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
prince au aka the myth of devotion with gabby @prettydangrotten. sorry to be sappy on main but galex truly one of the best things on the internet that's happened to me just for the friends i've made because of them :)))
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
all time? propably stiles/derek or eames/arthur from inception. also it was sterek that first got me to tumblr, back in like 2012 or something.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
ugh right now it feels like i'll never finish anything again. but i have a long star wars wip that's like 75% done but i haven't touched for three years. there's a roc sebmick fic i started and i actually know how it should go from start to finish, but i've been struggling with writing this year, so, i don't know.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i've been told the internal struggle/tension that narrator is facing is pretty tight and i do agree :) i also think the porn i write is nicely physical and pretty hot.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
longfic. like. i wish i could do it -- i had a 54k wip on my old ao3 account -- but i don't have the energy or the commitment. this is also why i struggle with WTB and SOW -- i want to write more to both but i feel like they are snappy and valuable as they are and i'm worried i'll ruin that if i add more.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
english isn't my first langauge so all dialogue is in another language in fic for me. i'm not super fond of adding another language on top pf that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
teen wolf!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
spoils of war or prince au. prince au has probably the most of me and gabby is incredible and one of the best writers and kindest persons i know and i feel incredibly fortunate to have created something with her. spoils of war was a challenge on a lot of fronts but i'm proud of the storyline and it has some of the best lines i have ever written i think. and it got @antimonyandthyme and me very close :))
aaaand i'm gonna tag @prettydangrotten @des-iderate @grideon @antimonyandthyme and @husbono.
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mataglap · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering something, what's ur opinion on child x adult ships? Or someone writing nsfw of underaged characters?
I am also wondering something: would you approach random people on the street to ask them this question, or is this dubious pleasure only reserved for random people on tumblr?
I don't have a generalized opinion on a topic specified as broadly as "child x adult ships". are we talking Sterek in TW season 1, where Stiles was 17, which is underage in some countries, and Derek was... 22 I think?, or are we talking ships with an actual child/adult dynamic? the latter I am too old to consider anything other than gross. the former I have no problems with.
I have no opinions on people "writing nsfw of underaged characters" for the same reason: the question is too generalized. give me a specific example and I *may* have an opinion. how old are the characters? how old is the writer? what exactly are they writing? are they processing trauma? are they young and exploring their sexuality? etc, etc.
if you're asking this question in some weird-ass attempt to validate my virtue, you're better off blocking me, because my worldview definitely isn't as black and white as you'd like. if you're underage, why are you even on my blog? and if you simply make a habit of going around and asking strangers this question, I am begging you to see a therapist.
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dimpledpran · 1 year
8 Shows to Get to Know Me
I was tagged by the lovely @talays-portkey and @i-got-the-feels​ !
1. Ghost Whisperer (2005-2010) I think this was the first show that i actually tried to watch as it was airing. I still remember waiting for 10pm every Friday, whether everyone else was awake or not. I think I watched all the way from Season 1-4, until it stopped airing on our local channel. 
2. Glee (2009-2015)  Honestly this was my introduction to the English music scene. I did not grow up listening to English songs, so my initial playlist was basically Disney Channel artists and Glee covers. As a music lover, I just enjoyed listening to their takes of the songs. I think I stopped watching somewhere during Season 3, and only did the Cory tribute episode after that.
3. Teen Wolf (2011-2017)  This was the first show that I started reading fanfics for. Well I started reading before I watched it, but Sterek stole my heart. I was very into the series, to the point that I watched Season 3B in one night because I had to find out what happened. Dumb me thought it was a good idea to start a new season at 8pm at night. I stayed up through the night, and texted my friend at 6am to yell about the whole thing. And they replied that it is too early to be awake to scream about it. “What do you mean wake up and watch it. I haven’t slept yet” So yeah. Stiles is my baby, and I will protect him with my life.
4. The Untamed (2019)  My friend recommended this to a few of us during covid lockdown, and I am very glad she did. It really opened me up to a whole new world. This show had such a grip on me. To the point that I started a new side blog for it, and learnt how to make edits for it. I got to know so many incredible people through the network cos of this show. It was such a brilliant show! The plot is so intricate! It has angst and heartache and amazing costumes and stunning sets and a cast who honestly killed it. Definitely a show that I would recommend to everyone. 
5. Bad Buddy (2021-2022)  Obviously I can’t go without talking about BB here. Have you seen my blog URL? Till BB, I never watched a show as it was airing. I usually wait for it to end and then binge, or start watching it just in time for the finale. But I kept seeing gifs on tumblr and it made me want to check it out. And boy am I glad I did it. It was such a fun experience to watch it live and scream on a weekly basis. For some reason the hold that this show has on me seems to be lifelong? I have no complaints though. I am still enjoying all the BB brainrot. Pran is my baby. I have never related to a character as much as I relate to him. He is so precious to me. And this show just blends angst with humour and a touch of reality so well. I am making it my personal mission to read through every Patpran fic on AO3. This show made me want to try writing. I cannot explain how much this show means to me. A definite must-watch as well!
6. Arivaan (2019-2020)  So my sister told me that this is my kind of show and made me watch it. I started it while she was halfway through, and finished it way before her. It was right up my alley. The whole premise is about trying to identify a serial killer who has been murdering women, and leaves an origami paper crane behind. There is a police officer who manages to find these clues and tries to identify him, but the killer disappears and due to personal issues he end up leaving the force. Years later the killer is back and he somehow gets roped into it again, but his partner is now leading the case, and is finding out things that he doesn’t really want to. And I really enjoyed the way it was taken, and the I am really hoping that there will be a Season 2 for this. 
7. Paava Kadhaigal (2020)  Honestly no show has made me as mad as this has, and that is totally the point. (Although I am totally gonna be ignoring the second episode. That does not exist to me) It is an anthrological series, with 4 3 episodes touching on different hard topics/issues prevalent in society. The way it was taken , the music, THE CAST, EVERYTHING WAS BRILLIANT!! I had to pause it and just scream on twitter to release all the frustration that this brought up. Which means it really did its job well. I have not watched this series  since the first time, but trust me when I say I remember every detail because it has such a lasting impact. Especially the first and the last. I was bawling.  NOTE: This can be very highly triggering, so please do check out the synopsis before you watch it. Or feel free to hit me up with any questions, or just scream about it if you do check it out. 
8. 3 Will Be Free (2019)  Insane plot with amazing characters with so much depth. Loved that each character was so complex. There is no character that is purely good or bad, like it was so real, and you feel for them all equally. This really set a standard that no other show has reached so far. I need another series like this. And of course anyone who put Tay Tawan in funky suits gets a plus from me. Also more female characters need to have guns!!
Honorary Mentions: Mindhunter: This would have been number 8, if it wasnt cancelled!! The casting directors for this deserve all the bonuses for how creepily identical the actors look to the actual serial killers! It was so interesting to try and get into the head of the serial killers and understand why they did what they did. LOVED IT!!! Until We Meet Again: This used to be my favourite BL series until Bad Buddy took over. I loved Fluke’s effortless acting. He is brilliant. And I love the whole concept of reincarnation and finding you soulmate. And this did it so well with the angst and touch of humour and romance. And of course TeamWin stole my heart. 
Theory Of Love: Honestly, wasn’t that much of a fan the first time I watched it. But the redemption arc is so goood, that I felt so much for Khai the second time I watched it. That train station scene just lives in my head. So for rewatch factor, this deserves a honorary mention.
The Good Place, Word Of Honor, We Best Love, Stranger Things, RE:Mind
Tagging: @highwarlockkareena , @eohachu , @markpakin , @fangrui , @fuujiikaze , @gege @seawherethesunsets @gaiamochi (no pressure)
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aurevell · 1 year
2022 Fic Year in Review
For the first time ever, I tracked my word count in a spreadsheet, which means I get to see the overall patterns in my writing now that the year is over. This includes fun with charts and graphs, as you can see below:
Total words written: 182,526
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Worst writing month(s): February-April
I wrote literally 0 words from February 6 to June 1. Ongoing knee pain made 2022 a rough year. The chart above shows my fun little "wow fuck my knees actually" break for physical therapy woes.
Best writing month(s): June-July
Once I committed to AU-gust, I outlined in May and started churning out words in June and July. My June wordcount alone was 53,804, and I at some point wrote 7,522 words in a single day, a harrowing feat I have since blocked from memory.
Total fics published: 37
This includes The Striking Complication, a longfic I finished in early 2022. It also includes 30 fics (~2k-5k each) for AU-gust and several continuations for them, plus two fics for my long-haired Steter collection. In October, I wrote a Stetopher Week sickfic, a werecat Stiles AU and a Sterek horror fic I’ve been wanting to finish forever.
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My longest work was The Third Sacrifice at just over 21,000 words. 
My shortest work was We’ll Have Words Tomorrow at 1,145 words.
My most popular work by kudos and hits was When It Counts, because I’m apparently not the only one who’s a sucker for tongue-tied!Peter Hale.
My favorite fics were:
When It Counts (Steter) - Surprise, surprise. Can’t overstate how hard I cackled while writing this.
It May Simply Lie in Wait (Sterek) - Haunted houses are my favorite, and I basically wrote this just for me.
a small span of quiet (Steter) - A super fun miscommunication fic, and I adore established Steter.
The Endgame (Steter) - My favorite of the AU-gust sci-fi fics. I wish I had sequel ideas, because I want to know what comes next.
The Third Sacrifice (Sterek) - Horror, my beloved. This was a very self-indulgent romp through some monster-infested woods.
Stuff I Want to Work on in 2023
My dreaded nogitsune fic. I posted it as a ficlet for AU-gust, but I want to do a full version even though it's fighting tooth and nail. Waiting to see if it'll cooperate or get buried in my fic graveyard.
A mob AU sequel, which I told myself at the start of 2022 I would definitely work on, and yet here we are.
A second (smaller) AU-gust??? I am really considering it. They say the mind forgets trauma, and I’ve already mostly forgotten the seven layers of hell this year’s event put me through. If I did the 2023 challenge, I'd probably tweak the rules for myself.
In Conclusion
Tried some new fandom events. Met some AMAZING tumblr mutuals, followers, and commenters who made me feel much more connected to the fandom. Wrote some fun stuff I never would have imagined without help and inspiration. 2022 was a fun year for writing, and I can't wait for what 2023 brings 🥳
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jewul · 1 year
my definitive teen wolf world tour rewatch ship tier list awooo let’s go!!
sciles: they are boy best friends 4 LIFE. no further explanation required
thiam: admittedly I was not around for when this became a thing but from whispers on the street i can see the vision. liam dunbar is kinda the mitch marner of teen wolf and fanon thiam has mitch marner/matt martin energy. also as a teenager I remember being violently repulsed by theo but upon rewatch I am allured by his sociopathic ken doll tendencies
stalia: singlehandedly ranks this high because of the sheer combined force of dylan obrien’s and shelley hennig’s charisma DESPITE the fact that they lost their virginity to each other in the basement of a mental institution (so riverdale-coded when you think about it!!). when I was blogging about teen wolf at 15 my tumblr username was babygirlmalia. i wouldn’t leave without you. no i would never leave without you…
scira: this is one is fueled purely by my love for kira and my desire for her to have nice things :3 kira/malia exists as a footnote here because of the brimming potential they exhibited in that one scene. if kira had chemistry with anyone else on the show they’d be up here too
scisaac: LET’S GET ISAAC A BOYFRIEND COME ON WE CAN DO IT!! isaac you and your gay little scarf are everything to me. daniel sharman struggling to do an american accent i love you. sorry stiles but this one is also boy best friends 4 life… mixed in with some healthy tussling. bi4bi4life
sterek: entire civilizations have been reduced to ash over the union of these two characters. but where would we be without them? that’s what I thought
stydia: I can appreciate the dedication to the Longest Slow Burn ever, but this is a lavender marriage. they are dyke4gay, e.g. lydia: (does some sociopathic shit) -line break- stiles: honestly, work
scalia: I wasn’t around for when this came to fruition either but gut instinct says this is UNLAWFUL!! an egregious breach of the bro code!! I am willing to amend this placement if presented with significant evidence that they acknowledged how weird this is when it happens but for now I cannot accept these two together. WHAT ABOUT STILES?? will someone PLEASE think of stiles!!!
derek/braeden: Everyone Is Beautiful and No One Is Horny. to be fair we can apply this to most teen wolf ships but these two together especially make me feel like I’m watching a calvin klein ad. also why does braeden have to sleep in a victoria secret lingerie set. i know that underwire is killing you girl </3
lydia/parrish: despite him being a cop I am actually a parrish enjoyer. I just think he’s helpful and nice. with that said please can we give him an adult love interest. thank you
peter x anyone. i want to see him in a relationship less than I want to see derek’s house burn down again (is this contentious?? sound awf in the comments)
im sorry hayden and liam you did nothing wrong but you are a FLOP. extremely forgettable to me. and for that I am truly sorry
honourable mention goes to liam and mason’s bestie shenanigans. If liam actively participated in more of mason’s gay scheming they’d be up there with the best of them
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softranswolves · 1 year
In the Teen Wolf fandom, it seems like peeps only love the big-names, the ones who regularly return to post content versus people who joined in the last few years.
As someone who has been here a while, what's your take on this? Should new people stop trying? Because that's what I'm feeling.
Hey friend!
I just wanna say, before I really get to my answer, I'm kind of touched that you see me having been around for a while!! I'm definitely not what I'd consider a big-name and I know my blog is mostly just my little corner full of stuff I curate with my own creations or reblogs of other people's but you see me 😊 I'm also for sure not tapped into the fandom itself like some folks I follow. I just doot my snoot in my little archive of teen wolf shenanigans and try to maintain friendships with anyone who wants to interact with me (via asks, messages, or tags, good golly I wanna hug anyone who interacts in tags lol and I for sure recognize when ppl come back).
I typed a way longer response that you may not have wanted, all to just say I would hate to see new people stop trying!! I adore that teen wolf is still pulling people despite it being off air and potentially not getting more movies (whether or not that's what most people want). I think fandoms need fresh air continually too. No two people will experience the show or content 100% the same way and have every single response be the same. Just with the two cakes mindset of creation, there are multiple cakes for how we all digest the show and they're all delicious. I carved out my own little corner here because I wanted organization for myself, and I create largely for myself. Any interaction I get, I fucking adore, I cannot impress that enough lol. I just never really expect it bc I know I do my own thing here with stuff like Multiamory May moodboards. Rarepairs and polyamory and trans headcanons just aren't everyone's cup of tea and I stopped trying to be recognized for what I "target" when I know my quality isn't 100% and I'm just vibing to my own weirdness instead of being super put together about it. I've definitely flickered in and out of the fandom when it comes to engagement too - like how last year (or year before? idk, time is confusing) I was running regular events but currently I just don't have the energy/passion in the same way.
If you really want to be seen more, esp if you make your own posts/content, utilize tags, even if you're hella lazy with it like me. I try to always use #twedit no matter what, in addition to #twfemslash and #twrarepair when applicable. Those go on the radar of people who fill the queues of some "big" blogs that do a bunch of reblogging just to have continual content out there. I also feel like I got a foot in via a couple of my discord servers, mainly Teen Wolf Legacy, and making a couple too (one for Scott shipping, one for teen wolf femslash; others i know of included pecific Derek-positive ones, a Stiles shipping one). That absolutely increased my reach, because I could share my stuff with people who specifically wanted to get pinged for, say Allison/Stiles content as an example. Idk that my following blew up or anything, I'm still a relatively small teen wolf blog. But it did make it easier to grow into my niche here. It also made me realize how big the fandom is. Some might only watch for or engage with a particular ship or character, while others like me do so for pretty much anyone.
This was still lengthy, I'm sorry. You caught me after work when my brain is like solely focused on decompression via fixation and tumblr is often a source for that. Please don't be discouraged from trying, and if you feel comfortable coming directly to me I could possibly point you in the direction of some other teen wolf blogs with similar interests! Big-names are hella daunting and it still blows my mind some of the ones I always sort of looked up to also just have some nerd behind them that I can talk to (even if I feel like im annoying them lmao). Feel free to talk with me more either on or off anon too, I'm pretty much always here to some extent. I love new people so fucking much, I'm just not engaged enough to always see you 💜💜💜💜
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hotgirlstiles · 1 year
stiles would definitely have those 2014 tumblr hipster glasses and its making my tummy hurt oh my fod like hes sooo so cute guys im crying.. the image of derek pushing stiles’ glasses up for him when theyre falling down…..
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
Well, Then I Had a Reason
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It's time to burn some stately family homes down, my friends!
There's no reason for me not to. Not when I'm told I'm being overly sensitive when the first thing I see when I go into the Scott McCall tag -- not the Teen Wolf tag but the character tag -- is someone named "sterekislife" cackling about how the movie is going to be a shitshow. These people have known for six months that Dylan O'Brien and thus Stiles isn't going to be in the movie, but here they are, none-the-less, coming to pick fights about something that if they really are only here for Sterek they should care less about. If I'm going to be criticized for harassment because I feel like defending my favorite fictional character, then there's no reason to hold back in the face of what has to be the textbook definition of trolling.
Kate, hand me that gasoline.
There's a person (and you can find out who it is by digging through my blog because I'm told that criticizing a person by name is bad form but vague-blogging is also bad form and I give up) who told me that they never liked Scott since Scott said that single terribly mean and insensitive thing to Derek, the line which inspired the title of this post. You know he said it in that same episode where Stiles told a dying Derek that he smelled and that he would prefer Derek go die in the street rather than in his beloved Jeep. But why would I possibly call that a double standard?
The episode is Magic Bullet (1x04)
You should not confuse this with Pack Mentality (1x03) the episode directly before this one when an evil killer alpha (not yet revealed to be Derek's Uncle Peter, to whom Derek will betray Scott in six episodes) tried to force Scott via mind control to help him kill his old bus driver. An alpha who Scott didn't know about because Derek withheld that information as he was using Scott as bait to draw that same alpha out. Yet fandom can't see that Scott might want to defend the Argents by thinking they might have a reason to attack werewolves.
I'm talking about Magic Bullet, the episode where Derek Hale, who two episodes before had threatened to kill Scott if he even tried to do something which might expose werewolves to the world, does something which might expose werewolves to the world when he steps in front of Stiles's Jeep, eyes flashing blue, and demands Scott's help in front of Beacon Hills High School's entire student body. Because it's not hypocrisy when a Hale decides to endanger the werewolf secret.
I'm talking about Magic Bullet, the episode where Scott risks his relationship with Allison and his life in a house full of werewolf hunters to help the man who not only lied to him, stalked him, and threatened to expose his secret to the world, but in the previous episode not only punched him and clawed him but also warned him that he would kill people unless Derek trained him, though "it's not going to come for free."
I'm talking about Magic Bullet, the episode where Scott succeeds at retrieving the bullet that Derek needs from the house in time, succeeds at controlling the shift enough to transform only his thumb and forefinger to get the bullet out of the grate (As an aside -- the anti-Scott fandom love to harp on about Scott's supposed control issues yet completely miss that scene and what that scene is supposed to tell the audience.) and thus save Derek's arm, only for Derek to shout and growl and threaten without a single ounce of gratitude or honesty.
But hey, Scott said a cruel thing that episode, so that's why it's okay to ignore everything else he does for Derek. It's also that's why it's not only absolutely okay not to like him but to also fill his Tumblr tag with insults and write 30,000 stories where people take his own story away from him and give it to white men who are definitely not cruel, whether it be Derek "But You Know You Can't Beat Me!" Hale or Stiles "Oh You'll Heal" Stilinski.
It's wrong, and I'm done. If I don't get to enjoy the fandom before, during and after this movie, (which is all I want to do) then the gloves come off. I will defend a fictional character, and I'll do it with every rhetorical technique and logical, evidenced argument I can muster. None of this just letting people piss on a character of color for their fetishistic white mlm obsession. Block me, ignore me, leave the Scott McCall and Teen Wolf tags (please), but if I don't get to have fun, I'm going to do my best to make sure that you don't either.
Rant Over.
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kitchenisking · 2 years
100 Fics for A 100 Followers😍 (51-60)
Mauve by bleep0bleep  - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 7380, sterek)
It’s been ten years since he’s seen Derek Hale, but Stiles would recognize that ass anywhere.
Beltane by DevilDoll - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 8254, sterek)
"Watching Stiles heal someone has always been a little uncomfortable for Derek, like he's seeing something intimate and private that shouldn't have an audience. That's nothing compared to how it feels." This is an AU in which Stiles has magical healing powers.
stop, drop, and roll by thepsychicclam - (Rating: Mature, Words: 12237, sterek)
Stiles knows he's in trouble when he invites the Beacon Hills Fire Department into his third grade classroom and he can't stop staring at a certain scruffy fireman. But after the third graders take a field trip to the fire station and participate in the fire department's holiday canned food drive, Stiles can't ignore his crush any longer.
Start Over Tonight by GotTheSilver - (Rating: Mature, Words: 5520, sterek)
Post Season 3a.
He hasn’t been sleeping. Ever since they did the ritual, he hasn’t had one full night of sleep and when it’s really bad, he finds himself parked outside Derek’s abandoned loft.
mine by jesuisgrace - (Rating: Mature, Words: 1280, sterek)
Stiles' night out is interrupted by a jealous alpha. He doesn’t mind too much.
Don’t You Want Me, Alpha? by wyrmwolf - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 6567, sterek)
In which Derek looses his chill, Stiles is a little shit, nude photos are sent, and there’s sex. Just not in that order. Actually, definitely in that order.
You Belong with Me by halcyon1993 - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 19308, sterek)
Derek is tired of watching Stiles being treated like crap by his so-called friends. When both the Hale Pack and the McCall Pack end up in the same nightclub, Derek decides it’s finally time to convince Stiles that he’d be better off with him as his alpha.
A Tangled Refuge by wanderingeyre - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 49554, sterek)
The Hale House has been rebuilt for the past five years and for all five of those years, it’s been a sanctuary for supernaturals that needed a place to stay, a halfway point, a place to recuperate, or a place to be safe from whatever was on their tail. Word traveled quickly in the small world of the supernatural and now they rarely had to seek out people who needed help. Most came to them.
"Weaponized" - Deleted Scene by alisvolatpropiis - (Rating: Not Rated, Words: 2625, sterek)
Stiles isn’t exactly sure how long he’s been sitting on the floor of his bedroom in the dark leaning against his bed, halfway undressed, throat raw, staring vacantly at the chaotic mess of red string, scribbled notes, and photos on his investigation board, not really seeing any of it.
A long time, he thinks, he knows, but he still can’t get himself to move, to finish changing into his pajamas, to crawl up into the bed and go to sleep, even though he’s exhausted.
Getting exposed to a supernaturally-jacked up distemper virus and nearly losing more of your friends will do that to you.
Looking down the barrel of a gun and into the eyes of a madman who’s about to kill you because you’re the only thing between him and your friends will, apparently, make you collapse onto the floor, borrowed t-shirt twisted around your wrists, practically catatonic.
My Uncle Will Go On by cloudsarefluffy - (Rating: T, Words: 7666, sterek)
On Tumblr, livingparadise asked: I just have this idea about Sterek having a kid and Peter turning good because he adores the baby, would you please write?!
Things had been calm for a while, and that’s all Stiles needed to be worried.
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mirrorthoughts · 2 years
Steterweek day #3 - Tue, 26th July
Another day, another @steterweek post! :D
And another unedited and unbetaed WIP 😂
I used both the prompt and the picture again (though the picture doesn't yet appear) :3 Have fun!
(Also on AO3/Part 2 on Tumblr)
Peter noticed the cat for the first time during a grocery run.
He had just left the store and was sorting his groceries into his car, when he felt someone watching him. He paused, a pack of peas in his hand, and carefully looked around. Then he took a deep breath to scent the air. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. And just as he packed the peas away, dismissing the feeling as paranoia, he saw her.
She sat not far from the car in between some bushes, her black fur hiding her naturally in the shadows. She looked just like a normal cat licking herself clean but now and again she paused in her ministrations, glancing over to him, before returning to cleaning herself.
Peter frowned and breathed in again, this time focused on what he could smell of the cat and her surroundings. But he was still left with nothing. Or more exactly nothing strange. He smelled the cat, the bushes, a whiff of something familiar, but nothing he’d see as a threat. He stared at the cat for another moment, then he shook his head with an exasperated sigh and climbed into his car.
When he drove away, he looked at his rearview mirror to watch the cat but she was gone.
The strange case of the cat was soon forgotten when a group of high vampires visited Beacon Hills. High as in „whatever they’ve taken it’s shredded their last remaining brain cells“ not as in „Vampires of a higher class“. Peter wasn’t sure if he wouldn’t have preferred a higher Vampire, nevermind that higher vampires were more powerful than their lower class counterparts. At least they would’ve only had maybe one or two to concern themselves with - higher vampires didn’t play well with each other. Instead they had a small horde of brainless bloodthirsty beasts to annihilate.
So sad that annihilation of a threat didn’t make it on McCalls todo-list at all. It definitely was number one on Peter’s and if he read the pinched look on Stiles‘s face correctly his favorite little mage would once again help him with the clean-up.
A movement at the window made him pause. He rose from the sofa and walked over to the window but whatever had been there was gone already.
“Did you see something?” Peter looked to the side where Stiles had come to a stop next to him, a curious expression on his face. Peter shook his head. „Probably a leaf." He looked out the window again and frowned when he saw a black cat on the sidewalk below, looking up to them.
"As long as it's not one of the vampires." Stiles turned away, reaching for one of the books on the living room table. "C'mon, help me find a spell or something to get rid of them… You know as well as I do that Scott's attempts at talking to them will fail."
Peter threw a short glance over the shoulder to Stiles. When he looked back out the window, the cat was gone.
The third time he saw the cat, he was in his apartment in the kitchen, cooking for himself. He flinched to the side, cursing, when something suddenly pressed against his calf. The cat was sitting at his feet, looking up at him with her wide yellow eyes, meowing innocently.
“How the fuck did you get in here?” he murmured, narrowing his eyes. Of course the cat didn’t answer. Instead she jumped onto the counter and nosed at the chicken wings Peter was preparing. “Oh, no you don’t!” he growled, lifting the cat from the counter.
As soon as he’d touched the cat she started purring and rubbed her head against his arm. Peter frowned. He hadn’t expected the cat to be so comfortable with him. He was a wolf after all and other animals often felt threatened by him. But not this cat who pressed against his chest as soon as he pulled her in closer to hold her in a way that was comfortable for both of them. “You still can’t have my wings. Though I do have some chicken leftovers you can indulge in.”
It was different to have company for his dinner, even if it was only a cat. He watched her the whole time while he ate his own food, until she had emptied the bowl of chicken strips and jumped up next to him onto the sofa to cuddle into his side. Peter shook his head and started petting her, while eating until he’d finished his own plate and put it aside, reaching instead for a book. As he opened the book, her purring stopped. And when he looked down to where she’d been just a second ago, she was gone again.
He didn’t search the apartment. He was pretty sure he wouldn’t find her.
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