#still i feel so embarrassed
bixels · 2 months
Learning that fans hated Applejack and called her "boring" is crazyyy to me because I genuinely, unironically believe AJ's the most complex character in the main six.
Backstory-wise, she was born into a family of famers/blue collar workers who helped found the town she lives in. She grew up a habitual liar until she had the bad habit traumatized outta her. She lost both her parents and was orphaned at a young age, having to step up as her baby sister's mother figure. She's the only person in the main gang who's experienced this level of loss and grief (A Royal Problem reveals that AJ dreams about memories of being held by her parents as a baby). She moved to Manhattan to live with her wealthy family members, only to realize she'll never fit in or be accepted, even amongst her own family. The earlier seasons imply she and her family had money problems too (In The Ticket Master, AJ wants to go to the gala to earn money to buy new farm equipment and afford hip surgery for her grandma).
Personality-wise, she's a total people-pleaser/steamroller (with an occasional savior complex) who places her self worth on her independence and usefulness for other people, causing her to become a complete workaholic. In Applebuck Season, AJ stops taking care of herself because of her obsessive responsibilities for others and becomes completely dysfunctional. In Apple Family Reunion, AJ has a tearful breakdown because in she thinks she dishonored her family and tarnished her reputation as a potential leader –– an expectation and anxiety that's directly tied to her deceased parents, as shown in the episode's ending scene. In The Last Roundup, AJ abandons her family and friends out of shame because believes she failed them by not earning 1st place in a rodeo competition. She completely spirals emotionally when she isn't able to fulfill her duties toward others. Her need to be the best manifests in intense pride and competitiveness when others challenge her. And when her pride's broken, she cowers and physically hides herself.
Moreover, it's strongly implied that AJ has a deep-seated anger. The comics explore her ranting outbursts more. EQG also obviously has AJ yelling at and insulting Rarity in a jealous fit just to hurt her feelings (with a line that I could write a whole dissection on). And I'm certain I read in a post somewhere that in a Gameloft event, AJ's negative traits are listed as anger.
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Subtextually, a lot of these flaws and anxieties can be (retroactively) linked to her parents' death, forcing her to grow up too quickly to become the adult/caregiver of the family (especially after her big brother becomes semiverbal). Notice how throughout the series, she's constantly acting as the "mom friend" of the group (despite everything, she manages to be the most emotionally mature of the bunch). Notice how AJ'll switch to a quieter, calmer tone when her friends are panicking and use soothing prompts and questions to talk them through their emotions/problems; something she'd definitely pick up while raising a child. Same with her stoicism and reluctance at crying or releasing emotions (something Pinkie explicitly points out). She also had a childhood relationship with Rara (which, if you were to give a queer reading, could easy be interpreted as her first 'aha' crush), who eventually left her life. (Interestingly enough, AJ also has an angry outburst with Rara for the same exact reasons as with EQG Rarity; jealous, upset that someone else is using and changing her). It's not hard to imagine an AJ with separation anxiety stemming from her mother and childhood friend/crush leaving. I'm also not above reading into AJ's relationship with her little sister (Y'all ever think about how AB never got to know her parents, even though she shares her father's colors and her mother's curly hair?).
AJ's stubbornness is a symptom of growing up too quickly as well. Who else to play with your baby sister when your brother goes nonverbal (not to discount Big Mac's role in raising AB)? Who else to wake up in the middle of the night to care for your crying baby sister when your grandma needs her rest? When you need to be 100% all the time for your family, you tend to become hard-stuck with a sense of moral superiority. You know what's best because you have to be your best because if you're aren't your best, then everything'll inevitably fall apart and it'll be your fault. And if you don't know what's best –– if you've been wrong the whole time –– that means you haven't been your best, which means you've failed the people who rely on you, which means you can't fulfill your role in the family/society, which makes you worthless . We've seen time and time again how this compulsive need to be right for the sake of others becomes self-destructive (Apple Family Reunion, Sound of Silence, all competitions against RD). We've seen in The Last Roundup how, when no longer at her best, AJ would rather remove herself from her community than confront them because she no longer feels of use to them.
But I guess it is kinda weird that AJ has "masculine" traits and isn't interested in men at all. It's totally justified that an aggressively straight, misogynistic male fandom would characterize her as a "boring background character." /s
At the time of writing this, it's 4:46AM.
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babblingeccentric · 11 months
Trying to make up a Kidd Pirates playlist and it obviously has to be Celtic punk but I'm having such a hard time picking the bands because while the pogues are the blueprint the originators my always and forevers they're just too miserable. Like you listen to anything shane macgowan has sung and you know he's going through it. I think flogging molly might be the best because it's more fun and frisky but all the interchangeable knockoff bands are just drinking song drinking song drinking song and they aren't angry enough so they're right out
WAIT how did I forget the dropkick murphys the quintessential celtic punk band orz they're perfect
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aeide-thea · 2 years
on principle opposed to describing art i dislike as 'masturbatory' because even though it's an alluringly contemptuous word to sneer it's impossible to reconcile with my pro-masturbation stance
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darlingod · 9 months
It’s just… it is everything that Cardan thought Jude would notice his “SO OBVIOUS” exile riddle and thinks Jude to not hesitate to come back. Beside his certainty of her cleverness to piece the riddle together, he believed he was that clear about his feelings toward her; he had thought she absolutely ought to know how he feels for her.
Like oh buddy. BUDDY. Your wife had thought of the answer to your little riddle like you thought she would. But guess what? She has detrimental TRUST ISSUES. (Like… Ur super mean and hot, I can’t blame her.) Anyway.. it’s SUPER adorable of him to so wholeheartedly believe she wouldn’t question his trust. It reveals so much about his pov of thier relationship.
Jude thought Cardan’s (silly) trick was a (vile) trick, when it was simply a: “Im trying to impress/pay you back in kind with our romantic metaphorical sparring and eventually get you out of political drama for a bit,” trick.
I’m fucking laughing wow these delusional ass children I fucking love them.
#IM JUST NOW REALIZING I SPELT THEIR WRONG AND IM SO EMBARRASSED#at least it was the right their😭😭#THEYRE SO REAL LMFAOOOOOO#like they both were so hot ofc they constantly questioned the validity of each others feelings#if the last part didn’t make sense I’ll explain#she knew he had tricked her into exile and when Jude was like ‘can I pardon myself?’ she thought it was another trick to humiliate her#like girl it was to do THE OPPOSITE of humiliation#HE WAS SENDING YOU TO SAFETY UNTIL YOU COULD COME BACK AND FLAUNT UR NEW POSITION#but basically it revealed that he loved like Jude loves#that they have the same heart#(he’s not like the reg folk. he grew up around so many mortals as she did the folk)#but he’s a faerie so he doesn’t take caution to being unpredictable#Jude even knew: the folk could be humanlike but they (the folk) inevitably would do something to remind her that they STILL ARE folk#though she had too easily assumed that the folk acting like the folk meant betrayal#he thought the whole marriage thing had meant she fully trusted him#because he knew how hard it would be for her to give up her power over him#and he thought because that she had given up her ability to command him(comma) that she couldn’t doubt trusting him any longer#queen of nothing#the cruel prince#the wicked king#Jude Duarte#jurdan#cardan greenbriar#tfota#I’ve known them since I was 13 they’re much older in my stubborn pov#also me using the semi colon as if I’m sure that it’s proper grammar LMAOOOOO#confidence is key
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so I know we got that little image of Ari and Momboo- but do we get a confirmation?
I know you’ve spoken about Ari being aroace spec before, so I wasn’t sure whether that affected the ending? basically; do you have a distinct idea of their relationship planned, or are you leaving it sort of open for interpretation?
here's your confirmation: they are absolutely gay <3
momboo and i have talked about it ever since it popped up in the wave of non canon ships and we both think it's cute as hell and are always down for sun and moon lesbians
as for ari being on the ace spectrum, i think she's definitely asexual, but with this development, i'm leaning towards demiromantic/grayromantic for her! so she's still very much on the ace and aro spectrum, she's just also fallen a little head over heels for the very pretty world goddess (as i think we all have, tbh)
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crystallizsch · 27 days
despite twst being a "villain" game
i love it when i see how certain characters speak to certain people. like how people just relate to their struggles/personalities/etc.
there’s riddle coming to terms that not everything has to be perfect, unlearning from what he has been taught growing up that not everything has to be followed to the letter;
ace who is gungho and earnest about what he believes in and has the natural inclination to defend those he grows to genuinely care about;
deuce always striving to improve himself despite setbacks and being aware of his own shortcomings;
leona who acts like he’s given up from being cast aside his entire life and coming to terms to the fact that there are people that do look to him as a leader, as someone who’s worth something;
floyd who unapologetically just does what he wants, choosing to do things that interests him at the moment;
kalim choosing to be happy and kind always, living life everyday to the fullest knowing what he’s gone through;
jamil with the expectations and obligations to essentially "perform" and do things for others more than for himself, especially when he has the potential to shine by himself with his own abilities;
vil rejecting gender norms and restrictions, while still being confident in his own masculinity, and also wanting other people to bring out their best and truest potential even though he may be strict about it;
rook being able to pick out so meticulously the beauty in everything and everyone whenever no one else is able to;
idia with his introverted yet very passionate energy towards things he cares about;
silver with his love and dedication for those he considers his family;
malleus with his loneliness and bringing out his genuine self with someone he's able to consider a friend;
i know some of these sound pretty surface-level but these are the ones that just came to mind at the moment, these are not my full-on thoughts on each of them
my point overall is i just really love seeing when there’s a character that REALLY speaks to someone that doesn’t particularly speak to me because it gives me a whole new perspective on characters i initially didn’t care about or didn’t like and makes me appreciate them more
also it just shows how how these characters are different enough in that sense so that there are characters for everyone to love and relate to 🥺💕
i could gush more about relationship dynamics as well but this is getting long enough hfdsfjsljlks anyways i would love to see others’ own takes and why a particular character(s) relates to them or why they just like them in general 👉👈 i want to spread some good vibes 💖 but anyways idk these are just my thoughts 🤧
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ruporas · 15 days
i was looking thru vash's tag because i do sometimes to look at pretty art, and i came across one of your pieces and scrolled through your vw tag endlessly and then ended up buying your zine. i LOVE how you write vash and wolfwood's dynamic it's so sweet and fun to me. i love them and had to say something and your art is also so beautiful!!
aaa thank you so much for looking at my work !!! i'm glad the way i wrote them can be enjoyable to read, they are so silly to me :'] i really appreciate this, thanks so much for your support and for this msg. heres a little vash
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George Harrison's letter to Bob Dylan, 30th October 1988 (x)
from Bob Dylan: Mixing up the Medicine, with pieces of the Bob Dylan Archive and The Bob Dylan Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma
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queer-here-and-in-fear · 11 months
i fucking love how earnest tumblr culture is. we are the site of wizard roleplayers and heritage blogs and gimmick blogs and stupid fucking puns and catgirls and silly made up holidays and day-of-the-week posts and site lore and every single bit of cynicism or cringe at that is always met with "why are you here then?" "if you want to be miserable, go be miserable out of my way" and i think thats nice. i think its nice we like being happy.
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massivebadonker · 27 days
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A break from trying for the artstyle I want😗
Don't really like it but I guess it does the job (prevent burnout😥)
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sideblogdotjpeg · 2 months
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aum. sorry for thinking about baby sol again unfortunately i cannot stop
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accirax · 3 months
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i know you hate anyone who isn't you, but dragging everyone down with you by getting us all executed is a low blow, even by your standards.
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yuseirra · 3 months
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**persona 3 reload spoilers**
P3R adventures- summoning thanatos
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euphor1a · 2 years
Play with me | cyj
↬ pairing: yeonjun x f!reader
↬ characters: yeonjun, reader, soobin, beomgyu and taehyun.
↬ genre: gamer!au, established relationship, smut, hurt-comfort, crack (?)
↬ summary: You just want your ‘gamer’ boyfriend to play with you instead of the stupid game he’s been playing for hours.
↬ rating: 18+ (minors dni)
↬ word count: ~5.8K
↬ warnings: mention of separation anxiety, overthinking, insecurities, explicit sexual content; profanity, dom!yeonjun, sub!reader, praising, size kink, daddy kink, dirty talk, pet names, breast play, cunnilingus, fingering, manhandling, overstimulation (f!receiving), subspace, unprotected penetrative sex, creampie — this is a work of fiction, and it doesn’t represent the featuring txt members in any way!
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˗ˏˋ꒰ 🌺 a/n ꒱ happy yeonjun day everyone <3! since i’ve moved accounts, i’ve received like a few dozen requests to repost this, and i thought, what better day to bring this back than the birthday of the man who’s behind it all 😮‍💨?! enjoy <3
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Time seems to be running really fucking slow today. Or maybe it’s just you feeling bored and lonely.
With a soft sigh, you unlock your phone again. Tiktok has to help you feel better somehow. And it really does, for a few minutes, until you get annoyed for some unknown reason. Letting the device slide down from your hands onto the bed, you follow suit. The moment your head hits the soft pillows, you turn over and groan.
What can you possibly do to pass time? Why is this so hard? 
On any other day, the answer would’ve been Yeonjun, your beloved boyfriend. You would’ve run up to him with a whine and all your problems would immediately be solved. Yes, his warm embrace and kisses are the easiest solution for your everyday struggles. Not to mention how effective it is, too.
Purely tragic that it’s “gaming with my best buddies all day long” for him today, and he has forbidden you to visit him in his game room unless he calls you or it’s an “emergency”. 
You look at the digital clock resting on the bedside table, the time reading nearly two pm. Gosh, it’s been four hours already?! How can a human possibly look at a screen for so long without getting tired? No idea. You barely know anything about gaming, but you do know that Yeonjun is really good at it. His friends call him “aimbot” — and apparently that equals to a pro. 
You wonder what’s so important about today’s game. He loves gaming, so if you’re coming over, you often find him in his gaming room. Although Junnie lets you sit on his lap and cuddle with him while he plays on most days. Which is so unlike the stories you’ve heard from other girls about their boyfriends. They complain that their boyfriends don’t pay attention to them at all. And you’ve found yourself silently thanking your luck because Yeonjun is not like that. He has never let you feel lonely or ignored. And with you and your separation anxiety, it surely is comforting.  
Your boyfriend is, what people would say, ‘a gamer’, and he does twitch streaming too! However, he never streams when you’re over, so you may or may not have made an account and tried joining a few of his streams. Since your knowledge of gaming is close to none, you’ve never really understood what was happening on the screen. But watching him is always a sight. He loves gaming, and you try your best to be supportive about it. After all, he has always done the same for you, no matter what or how bad the situation is. 
Today, though, you feel incredibly neglected. And you don’t like feeling this way. You had hoped to wake up to his kisses and maybe morning sex (not your fault that he hasn’t fucked you in a while). But instead, all you got was a kiss on your cheek and his strict voice telling you to not disturb him. You haven’t seen any traces of Yeonjun since. And yes, you feel hurt. Fourteen months of your relationship with him, and this is the first time that he’s been so distant. You wonder if this is how it’s gonna be from now on. Maybe he was just trying to build a good impression at first, and now that you’re completely consumed by the love you have for him, he’s finally doing what he has always wanted to do. Gaming alone in his room without you being there to interrupt him. Is that what you are to him? An interruption he doesn’t wanna put up with? 
The sudden turn of your thoughts leaves you anxious. In the past year, you’ve grown to be extremely attached to Yeonjun. Maybe dependent too… but that’s a whole nother conversation.
Damn this bullshit. A shower sounds really nice right now. And some lunch too! 
You get out of the bed, stripping out of his baggy t-shirt that is clearly a bit too large for your smaller frame. Shimmying out of your pink cotton panties, you head to the adjoining bathroom. Who knows? Maybe you can get up to some fun in the meantime.
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The shower helps you feel relaxed and fresh for sure, but it also makes the emptiness in your heart grow. You could only think about the times Yeonjun had held you close while standing beneath the calming spray of water, taking care of your body and sometimes having his way with you. And even though you tried to let off some steam by playing with your sensitive parts, it didn’t help. Because it wasn’t him. He’s an attentive and passionate lover, there’s no doubt about that. And maybe that’s why you feel so obsessed.
After entering the bedroom, you brush out your wet hair gently, deciding to let it air dry. While thinking about the possible lunch options, you start to yearn for your boyfriend more. Adding more to it, the mirror reflects your sorrowful face which makes you even sadder. 
With a sigh, you apply moisturizer on your warm skin before putting on a sheer white shirt from his closet. It smells like him. A small smile tugs on your lips at that. 
Yeonjun really likes to see his clothes on you, specifically his shirts or hoodies. He has always adored the way his clothes consume your frame almost entirely. “Aww, look at my babydoll, she looks so pretty and tiny in my clothes… makes me wanna ruin her so bad.” His words come back to you in a flash. 
You rub your thighs together unconsciously, feeling flustered. That was a pleasant morning after your first night with him. He had showered you with affection, practically worshiping your body. Warmth floods your inside as you briefly remember your first time with him, too. Gosh, you were so shy… and somehow, he actually enjoyed it. He enjoyed corrupting you. 
The vivid memory of that night plays in front of your eyes.
“You’re doing so well for daddy, just like that,” Yeonjun watches you with fire glinting in his eyes, his cock sliding in and out of your cunt at a steady pace. He hasn’t been able to fit his length entirely inside you yet, but you’ve already come thrice now, crying a little from overstimulation. “You’re such a pretty little thing, what am I gonna do with you, hm? Daddy is so scared of hurting you, baby,” he mutters huskily. 
“Da–daddy… I can take it.” you huff with a pout, clenching around him helplessly. A groan reverberates in his throat in response. 
“Is that so? Do you really want me to go all the way in?” Yeonjun chuckles at your eagerness. You nod desperately, the urge to be a good girl for him being sky high.
With a grunt, he gently pushes the last few inches of his cock to bury himself in your pussy entirely. You cry out, the burning pain increasing before it slowly dies down. Your boyfriend of five months shushes you, gently sucking on your neck in an attempt to soothe the pain he has caused. It feels too good to be true. You feel complete in a way you never thought you’d be.
Soon enough, Yeonjun increases his movements and brings both of your legs to rest on his shoulders. The new angle has you screaming his name, your tits bouncing with each of his hard thrusts. 
“Daddy’s gonna have so much fun with you, my little angel.” 
You physically shake yourself out of your own imagination, whining. The material of your baby blue panties has grown damp, sticking to your core. Fuck lunch, the only thing you want in your mouth right now is Yeonjun’s dick. You’ve sucked him off while he’s gaming before, and it’s always a treat to see him struggling to keep it together. 
Feet tapping lightly against the wooden flooring, you walk over to the wall size mirror. Your hair hasn’t dried completely yet, and the messy locks give you a naturally seductive look. Teeth dragging over your lower lip, you unbutton a few buttons of the white shirt to show off your legs and cleavage as you had previously decided to go braless. Yeonjun can’t possibly think straight if he sees you like this, right?  
After doing a little twirl, you take a deep breath. This boldness you’re planning to show might have consequences… considering the fact that technically you’re disobeying him. Whatever, you’re gonna go to him anyway. Your pussy is aching with need and fuck, you being deprived of his attention for so long is not helping at all.
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You walk outside of the bedroom, thoughtfully looking at the staircase that leads to his gaming room on the upper floor. Your stomach is in knots. What if he gets angry? You don’t like making him angry.
A shudder rocks your body. Think positive thoughts, your mind tells you. Maybe you can just go and take a peek inside? That won’t hurt anybody… 
Even when you climb up the stairs confidently, your heart does backflips in your chest. The closer you get to his game room, the harder you struggle to keep yourself together. It’s okay, everything will be okay, you just need to open the door a little bit and peek inside.
With shaky hands, you turn the door handle, the door opening up a bit. Yeonjun is right there, his eyes jumping from one screen to another, controlling his character masterfully. You cringe when you hear a scream coming from the other side of his headset.
Yeonjun has his eyebrows furrowed, a groan escaping him. “Soobin, tone it down, will you? I’m not here to lose my eardrums.”
“Sorry, but I’m allergic to dumbness.” The person in question replies.
As the sound of shooting begins again, you start losing hope. He’s way too immersed in the game to actually notice you… 
“What is the emergency?” Your boyfriend’s heavy voice snaps you back to reality. You look up to realize that his eyes are still focused on the screen, and you doubt if he’s talking to you. “Can you not hear me, baby?” He presses a few random keys on his keyboard before getting back on his controller.
“Yo! Who’s there?” A voice cuts in before you can say something.
“My girlfriend. Can you please focus on saving yourself instead of meddling with other’s business, Gyu?” 
“I’m trying, okay? You’re so rude.” 
With a sigh, he presses another key on his keyboard before addressing you. “Why aren’t you answering, baby? What is the emergency?” 
You swallow nervously. “Ah… I– um, I just wanted to see you… I miss you!” His jaw contracts, and you immediately regret your decision.
“So that is your emergency? Did I stutter this morning, babygirl? Which part of my request did you not understand? I told you to not come here unless you have an emergency.” He jabs his fingers into the buttons of his controller, growling. “Is this a joke to you?” 
Tears gather in your eyes to your dismay, and you whisper brokenly, “Am I a joke to you?” 
“Do not talk back to me.” 
You let out a sob as his harsh voice reaches you, leaving the door slightly ajar to run away. You hear him say, “AFK, I’m sorry.” And the next thing you know is that his hands are gripping onto yours to halt you. You squirm, trying to get away, but he’s too strong. “If you try to move around, you’ll fall down the fucking stairs.” Yeonjun hisses. You stop immediately after the realization, still shaking gently from your snivels. 
Once he has guided you back to safety, you try to get away again. Unfortunately, that only causes his grip on you to tighten. Your head hits his chest, and you whimper in pain, giving up against him. “Is throwing a tantrum really necessary, baby? I told you beforehand, yet you’re doing this.” 
You sniffle, “Le–let go of– of me. You play yo–your stupid game, I– I’ll go back to my p–place!” 
“Stop being such an inconsiderate brat! What has gotten into you, huh?” 
More tears escape your eyes, and you dare to turn around this time. Yeonjun’s expression visibly softens when he notices your tear-streaked cheeks and puffed out lower lip. “Oh baby…” He reaches to wipe them away, but you put a hand before your face before he can touch you. He sighs. “I just don’t understand why you are doing this…” 
With the back of your hands, you dry your face partially and pout at him. “You left me all alo–alone! I’ve been sad all d–day an–and you don’t e–even care! It’s li–like I don’t exist!” Your breathing is uneven, tears continuing to run down your cheeks. “I mi–missed you so much and– and I just wanted t–to be with you… but you–” you choke out a cry, “You were so mean to me! You– you– gaming is more im–important than me to you.” Hiding your face in your hands, you snivel, feeling utterly stupid for breaking down like this.
“Oh no, babygirl, I’m so sorry for hurting your feelings.” Yeonjun pulls you in his arms, rocking you side to side. “You do know that gaming is my side hustle, right? And today is very important… I– but still, I’m sorry for making you feel like that. It’s not like that, I promise. Please don’t cry anymore, my angel baby, you know that I love you so much, don’t you?” He cradles your face in his hands, touching your foreheads together.
“A-all men do is lie!” You protest, sniffling. His face falls, arms pulling you in his chest.
“I love you; I love you; I love you. You might be my whiny little crybaby, but you mean the world to me. Do you understand?”
You huff, leaning into his embrace. He’s quick to realize the subtle change in your mood. After a bit more, he stops rocking you, offering, “Do you want to cuddle with me when I play? Is that what you want, hm?” You nod after a few moments, a smile playing on his lips. How are you so adorable? It’s been more than a year and he still finds each of your antics very much endearing.
Yeonjun picks you up, heading straight to his game room. He’s been away for quite a long time, and he wonders what has happened. Taking a seat on his gaming chair, he gently places you on top of him. Each of your knees rest by the side of his legs, your hands curling around his chest as you snuggle up to him. He helps you get comfortable, his hot breath fanning over the shell of your ear. “Where are all your clothes, baby?” His voice sends a shiver down your spine. You suddenly remember the real intention behind you coming up to visit him, your wet panties still sticking to your skin.  
“It’s… it’s more comfortable like this, that’s why.” You mutter shyly, hoping that he won’t be able to catch your lie. 
Yeonjun nods, seeming to understand what you mean. “It’s okay baby, I know how uncomfortable bras are. And knowing that you prefer my clothes over yours for some unknown reason, I get it. I’m gonna turn on the mic and go back to playing now, try to keep silent, yeah?”
He pecks your lips, wearing the headset and then you hear the sound of him clicking some keys on his keyboard behind you. Sighing, you nuzzle his chest. Maybe you shouldn’t disrupt him so soon. 
The headset hums to life, several voices cutting in together. “Bro, I thought you ‘d’ worded for real.” Soobin grunts. 
Another voice intervenes, “Is everything okay with your gf?” 
Yeonjun sighs, “So you guys joined another one… I’m gonna assume that we lost the previous battle?” 
“Yeah well… What else did you expect? Tyun was already out, and Beomgyu was barely surviving. Me and you were left but you decided to vanish into thin air because your girlfriend was disturbing you. God, I hate women so much! They never fucking understand! Anyways, what the hell happened between you two? She was fighting with you about gaming, wasn’t she?! Did you break-up with her? Because I would have.”
Your hands turn into fists, grabbing a handful of your boyfriend’s hoodie. Yeonjun immediately feels your distress, kissing the top of your head to comfort you before he replies. “Soobin, I get it. You’re single and you don’t know how relationships work. Refrain from babbling like a child, please. She’s here and she heard everything. Apologize at this moment.” 
Someone guffaws at that, and a different voice chimes in. “Hey, Yeonjun didn’t tell me your name but I’m sorry on Soobin’s behalf… the secondhand embarrassment I feel right now is unexplainable, lord. I’m Taehyun, by the way.”     
You look up at Yeonjun for permission, and he nods. His eyes are focused on the screen, and he seems already invested in the new game. “Uhm… hi, Taehyun.” You try to not sound too awkward. 
“Hey, as I said, don’t— Beomgyu! Watch behind you— yeah good— So what I was telling you, don’t mind Soobin.” Taehyun says back.
“Where is your apology, Soobin? I’m waiting.” Yeonjun skillfully handles his controller, a series of shooting noises ringing through the room. You look up at his headset confusedly, are the sounds supposed to be heard like this too? 
“Yeah… um, well, I’m sorry, Yeonjun’s girlfriend. I’m really sorry! Women are cool! And I’m sure you are lovely!! I take back everything I had previously said, please forgive me. Ooh a double pump, nice one, Yeonjun! Err, and… I— please don’t do anything, I don’t wanna die a virgin…” Soobin sounds scared, and you resist the urge to giggle. Others, however, burst into laughter, including Yeonjun. 
A deep voice, which probably belongs to the guy named Beomgyu, manages to speak between fits of his laughter. “Oh my god, did you think your words through or did you just blurt out whatever? I can’t, this is too funny! Wait, hol’ up, oh my god! I need meds immediately.” 
Yeonjun shakes his head with another laugh. “Soobin, I assure you that you’re safe, she can’t even hurt a fly. And about you being a virgin… you gotta take care of it yourself, man!” 
“Hmph. I’m only afraid of her incase she asks you to unalive me or something, or maybe set my house on fire…” Soobin murmurs not so subtly. Everyone goes silent for a moment, and you’re certain that Yeonjun might just make his friend’s worries come true.
“It’s alright, hope you find someone who can be your first time!” You speak up, earning another round of laughter from the guys. 
“Aw, no, she’s a softie!” Taehyun comments and Beomgyu agrees. On the other hand, Soobin stutters out a ‘thank you’. 
“Of course, she’s a softie, she’s my angel baby.” Yeonjun says proudly. “Nice crack, Tyun!” He adds soon after.
“Holy fuck! Yeonjun you are so whipped! I can’t believe that you call her ‘angel baby…” Beomgyu teases. Feeling flustered, you hide your face in your boyfriend’s chest.
“I guess I am… but she’s an angel baby either way. So pure and so baby.” Yeonjun tuts, enjoying the pleasant warmth radiating from your body as you bury your face in the soft material of his hoodie. 
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The conversation has shifted back to strictly game related stuff for a while now. And you hate to say this, but you’re feeling impatient. Being this close to him, you can feel and listen to his heartbeat. And his cologne, intoxicating as usual, leaves your mind in a haze. You feel so incredibly sensitive, pressed up against his firm body. And your core pulsates with desire. 
Desperate for some friction, you start rubbing yourself against him subtly. Your mouth finds its way to his neck, sucking on the skin in a hungry manner. Yeonjun stiffens up immediately. You feel his tense arms closing around you, but he refrains from making any sounds. Unhappy with his reaction, you grind your hips against his, letting out a whine, “Daddy…” 
“Whoa, whoa, what—” Yeonjun mutes his mic and the speaker before Beomgyu can finish his sentence. However, he still focuses on the game, a growl escaping him. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” 
You’re basically rutting against him at this point, whimpers and whines falling off of your lips. “Want daddy…” you tease his earlobe with your teeth before whispering. It’s clear that he’s being affected, his semi-hardness now pressing into your clothed pussy. 
“Not now, please, baby, don’t do this now.” His voice cracks at the end. But you only whine, slowly dragging your core against him. Yeonjun growls, putting his controller away to grip on your waist. “Why are you being such a brat today?” 
You silently guide his right hand to your panties. He swears under his breath, feeling the moist warmth of the cloth. Needy for his touch, you grind against his calloused and large palm. Biting his lip, he uses his left hand to bring you closer by your neck. Your nipples, hard and sensitive under the sheer cover of his white shirt, brush against his chest in the process. A moan escapes you, his other hand massaging your clothed pussy. 
“You think that I can’t see through your naughty little tricks, dollface? I knew you were cockhungry the moment you opened the damn door.” Yeonjun presses a hard kiss on your lips, slipping his hand past the waistband of your ruined underwear. A groan slips past his lips.
“Daddy, please… I just want you to play with me.” You rest your head on his shoulder. Two of his fingers glide across your drenched slit, avoiding where you need him the most. He retracts his hand from your neck, undoing the few buttons that were helping the shirt cover you. You arch your back as the cold air comes in contact with your hot skin. 
“You’ve made such a mess, baby. What were you doing when you were alone downstairs?” Yeonjun finally lets his thumb press onto your clit. You gasp in pleasure, hands winding around his neck.
“I– I was lonely and– and I was thinking about you… aah– I thought about our first time. And–” You struggle to form coherent sentences. His thumb continues to stimulate your clitoris, his mouth on the nape of your neck. 
“Mhm, go on,” he mutters before resuming his ministrations on your sweet spot.  
“I was needy… I’m so sorry, oh god, I touched myself, but it was not enough.” 
Yeonjun trails hot, open-mouthed kisses up your neck and jaw. For a moment you think that he’s gonna kiss you, but his lips stop moving before it can reach yours.
“Did I hear that correctly? Angel baby played with her pussy while thinking about me fucking her dumb on our first night?” He smirks, feeling around your entrance with his middle finger.
You whine out of embarrassment. “It’s– not my fault!” 
“I’m not blaming you, babygirl. It’s just so cute that you’re a whiny, wet mess for me. Can’t go without daddy’s cock stuffed in your little pussy, can you? I couldn’t even play the game. You would’ve started crying if I kept on playing.” Yeonjun removes his hand from your core, getting rid of the only piece of clothing left on your body. He cups your pussy with his right hand.
“Play with me instead… I’m better…” you trail off nervously at the end. Knowing you like the back of his hand; your boyfriend jumps to reassure you. 
“You are baby! That’s why I ditched the game for you. Daddy will never choose gaming over his pretty babydoll.” 
“Really?” You give him the large, doe eyes, his heart melting. Gosh, he loves you.  
“Really, really.” 
You lean down to kiss him, your lips finally meeting for the first time today. Yeonjun hums in approval, cupping your face to take control. His mouth sucks onto your lower lip, and you moan. Taking the advantage of the situation, he slips his tongue inside your mouth. He smiles in the kiss when he feels you pressing yourself on him eagerly. Before you can comprehend anything, he picks you up and changes your positions, never breaking the kiss. You’re pressed into the comfy chair as he hovers over you. Wandering hands find your perky breasts, kneading them roughly. Breathless, you pull away from the kiss, crying from both pleasure and pain, the lines blurred because of the euphoria surging through your veins. 
“Daddy… fuck! Please, I need you…”
“Shhh, let daddy take care of your little body.” He moves to your breasts, immediately attacking one of your nipples with his mouth. Yeonjun alternates between licking and sucking, his hand tweaking the other nipple between his fingers. A vibrating sound comes from somewhere in the room, but both of you choose to ignore it in the heat of the moment. Your body seems to be on fire under his touch. 
When he’s satisfied with his work, he pulls away and blows cool air on your wet areola. You shudder from the feeling. Yeonjun focuses on the neglected nipple now, determined to leave you in a dazed state. 
“*Nngh*– more!” Your cry echoes through the room. He presses butterfly kisses down your stomach as he gets down on his knees. You clench your thighs from anticipation. A smirk plays on his lips. Oh, he fucking adores you.
Face to face with your cute pussy, he groans. Starting from the puffy and wet lips to your eager hole and swollen nub — he is seeing heaven. You look at him with hooded eyes. “Fuck, baby, you have no idea what you are doing to me.” 
“Daddy… please…” You move your legs impatiently, pouting. Yeonjun shakes his head with a laugh. But he decides to indulge in your little desire anyway. Flattening his tongue against your slit, he drags it upwards. The motion coaxes a mewl from you. 
“Always so responsive.” He pushes your legs further apart, burying his face between them. For several seconds he just lazily licks all over your wetness. But then, he wraps his lips around your nether ones, suckling onto them soundly. Your hands immediately find his head, fingers threading through his dark hair strands. Yeonjun laps you up this time, his growl sending vibrations through your core.
The sounds you make are music to his ears. He presses his nose on your clit, inhaling your scent deeply before his tongue dives inside your waiting pussy. You pull onto his hair, writhing against his face. He’s so good, too good at this, your mind unable to think properly. The wet muscle repetitively enters you, eager to gather your nectar. It feels like you’re high, stomach tightening with each second.
“You taste so amazing, baby, you are so good for me.” Yeonjun moans, plucking his tongue out of your wet heat. You shiver and whine, wordlessly begging him for a release. He places both of your legs on his shoulder and bends you in a weird angle. Your body immediately complies. 
“Ooh– oh, daddy!” you whimper, his mouth on your clit and two fingers inside your cunt. Your inner walls stretch immediately to give him space. He watches you with care, experimentally moving his fingers to gauge your reactions. “Mmm, yes…” you mewl softly, squeezing his fingers. Yeonjun picks up his pace eventually, wet, obscene sounds filling in the room. Your eyes are closed as you suddenly come undone, body going limp. He continues to finger you throughout the orgasm, overstimulation soon blinding your senses.
“No– daddy, no more…” your thighs shake uncontrollably. You are unable to move but you try thrashing your legs, tears gathering in your eyes. Your nerve endings are over aware of every little thing happening to you at the moment. Yeonjun pulls away from your clit with a loud popping sound, his fingers coated with your slick all over. 
“Shh, you’re doing so well for daddy, sweetheart. I just want to make sure that you’re well prepared for my cock.” He adds a third finger after that, pumping you mercilessly. Hypersensitive and body out of your control, you come once again, body shaking from the intensity of it. Yeonjun grunts, stopping his movements. “Open your mouth for me, angel.” You do as instructed. He retrieves his fingers from your weeping hole, pushing them inside your mouth gently. “Taste yourself,” he orders, your tongue gliding along his digits and sucking on them. Once you’re done, he replaces his fingers with his mouth, kissing you senseless. You tug on his hoodie, desperate to feel his bare skin against yours.
“Do you want that off, baby?” He rests his forehead against yours, his hands stroking your sides. You nod eagerly. Yeonjun, as keen as you, pulls off the offending material in one single tug, your eyes immediately drinking in his fit physique. Firm chest and defined abs… paired up with that face and his packing netherlands — he surely is a walking wet dream. Your hands reach out to him and he chuckles, pulling down his sweatpants before coming closer to you. “Is my baby happy now?” 
You cling to his body, and to your surprise he picks you up in his arms once again. You only realize why once he presses you up against the nearby wall. Your legs wrap around his waist automatically. “Daddy,” you gasp, the cold surface pressing on your back spreading goosebumps over your skin. Yeonjun nuzzles your neck affectionately. “I want you in me, please,” you give him puppy dog eyes.
“Anything you want, love.” He pulls down his boxers with his left hand, his rock-hard member springing out of its confines and slapping against his toned tummy. Your body is cradled in his other hand. With a hiss, he strokes himself a few times, looking into your eyes with lust. “You know what to do, babygirl.”
“Please fuck me, daddy! I– I need your cock in me… my pussy is aching and I can’t— ah!” The rest of your sentence dies down in your throat when you feel the bulbous head of his cock penetrating you. 
“Christ! Ease up baby, you feel so tight. Fuck, oh my god.” Yeonjun rasps, resting his head in the crook of your neck. Your back arches slightly, welcoming more of his thick and long cock inside you. As usual, it takes you both a few minutes to adjust, until his throbbing cock buried all the way inside you.
“You feel so good, baby, pussy taking me so well.” He mutters as he starts moving slowly. His moves are slow and calculated, building up pace with each roll of his hips. You moan and whimper, already on cloud nine from the pleasure.
Yeonjun holds you close, his cock now slamming into your cunt. He manages to hit all those right spots inside you, often brushing against your cervix. You moan and scream, babbling incoherent words about how good he’s making you feel. On the other hand, his constant grunts and praises tell you that the feeling’s mutual. With the pleasure building up quickly all over again, you feel the coil inside your lower belly snapping. “Oh, oh, daddy— I’m gonna come— ugh, ‘m—”
“Shh, shh, it’s okay, I got you, angel.” His words are completely opposite of the crude things he’s doing to you right now. You shudder, unable to move in any other way. Your orgasm suddenly floods you with ecstasy, making you cry out as you feel like you’re weightless. Your gummy walls clench around his cock helplessly, making it harder for him to move inside you. But Yeonjun is no quitter. He increases his pace, rutting into you roughly. 
Completely spent from your back-to-back orgasms, you mutter a string of incoherent words. “You have to give me another one, sweetheart, I know you can.” Yeonjun sounds desperate, his movements matching the urgency of his voice.
“No– no, daddy! I– can’t!” you sob, nails digging into his shoulder. He growls like a wounded animal, sandwiching you between him and the wall. It doesn’t take your overstimulated body long to convulse in pleasure once again, a scream tearing itself from your throat. Yeonjun hisses, your walls clamping down onto his cock, and a hot liquid squirting over his abdomen. His brain malfunctions for a moment before he realizes. 
“Fuck it, babygirl.” With a few more thrusts, he reaches his high, emptying his load inside you. Thick ropes of his cum fill you in, some of it running down your thighs. Although you feel like you’ve ascended, you whine appreciatively. You’ve always loved the feeling of getting creampied. And that is the last thing you are able to register.
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Yeonjun waits for his recovery from the orgasm, your body entirely limp in his arms. He carries you both to the nearby bathroom once he has regained a bit of his energy. With utmost care, he cleans you up first, holding you close so that you are safe. He freshens up himself after he is done with you, carrying you back to the bedroom downstairs and tucking you in. You hum, immediately curling up under the blanket. He smiles, pressing a fond kiss on your forehead. “Rest well, baby. You were so amazing today. I love you.”
You smile sleepily, melting his heart for the umpteenth time. With a sigh, Yeonjun goes back up to his game room to retrieve his clothes. After dressing up, he grabs his phone and is immediately shocked to see notifications for a lot of texts in the group chat he is in with Soobin, Beomgyu and Taehyun. He taps on the notification nonchalantly, blood draining from his face soon after the chat opens.
[Beomgyu, 3:17 pm] Uh? Turn your mic off? @Yeonjun??? 
[Soobin, 3:19 pm] I don’t think he’ll answer...
[Beomgyu, 3:28 pm] Holy shiz, they are really going at it 🥵
[Taehyun, 3:31 pm] Let’s just… try to be respectful and ignore, yeah? Can’t believe that I’m listening to her screaming daddy within like 45 minutes of saying hi…
[Beomgyu, 3:31 pm] Right… smh it’s so awkward… 
[Soobin, 3:35 pm] How are y’all ignoring this? I just wanna know??
[Soobin, 3:35 pm] Junnie’s dirty talk game is on another level… wow 😳
[Beomgyu, 3:36 pm] LOL you sus dude 🧐
[Taehyun, 3:42 pm] Okay yeah, I’m quitting the game. I neither need a boner nor free porno asmr right now.
[Beomgyu, 3:43 pm] Me too omg :/ 
[Soobin, 4:10 pm] Wow… I’m… I don’t know what to say. Have they considered an onlyfans or whatsoever? I’d pay for this shit ngl 💀
[Beomgyu, 4:13 pm] ??? WTF BRO ARE YOU STILL THERE
[Soobin, 4:29 pm] Yeah… they’re done ig 
[Beomgyu, 4:31 pm] … 
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˗ˏˋ꒰ 💌 end notes ꒱
thank you so much for reading, love! sorry for any mistakes left in there, i did edit this to change up some things (if you’ve read this before, i’m sure you can tell)! also, i know nothing about gaming xD; if you spot any mistakes let me know so that i can fix it! aaaand i hope this was enjoyable hehe 💗
reblogs and comments are deeply appreciated! it helps a lot to keep writers like me motivated🌷✨; and you can also send feedback through asks if you’d prefer that <33
until next time!
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I've always felt that it'd be Killua who initiates the first hug we see between him and Gon
#i have my reasons for this#i feel like i'm in the minority though... i know gon is honest and much more emotionally expressive#but he's not actually more tactile than killua#i... i actually do think that it's killua who initiates much of the contact between them (fistbumps and poking and hand on shoulder)#if i'm not mistaken anyways#and he's very tactile with alluka and nanika (carrying + hugs + handholding)#granted that's his sister(s) but still. killua is far from touch averse - his getting embarrassed is a cute trait to be sure#but i do think he'll get a bit better at accepting that kind of thing once he's had some time with alluka and nanika#a lot of that does come after all from his feelings of unworthiness - and now that his sisters need open affection after so long being alon#he's going to have to gain at least some comfort with giving and receiving love#gon and mito go for hugs either at the same time or mito initiates. gon hugs leorio in the scene right after he's revived#but idk idk i just feel like he won't be the first to initiate a hug with killua especially since i suspect he still feels quite guilty#i think it would show growth on both their parts. not to mention it'd be very sweet to have gon a bit blindsided + happily surprised#as he's the one typically honest and forthright with appreciation and compliments while killua is. not. lmao#i think he should receive a nice hug from his best friend. and then i think they would both know it's gonna be ok. :')#storyrambles#hunter x hunter#hxh#killua zoldyck#gon freecss#this is so sappy. what's wrong with me. this is what they do to me.
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sneez · 1 year
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victor kain chronic pain nation rise up (credit to @transdankovsky for this idea :-D)
/ id: two digital drawings. the first image shows victor kain and daniil dankovsky sitting together; daniil is taking victor’s pulse. inside a speech bubble above victor’s head is a screenshot of a question from the duolingo russian course, in which the sentence ‘я – хороший пациент, у меня всегда всë болит’ is translated as ‘i am a good patient, i always have pain everywhere’. the second image shows daniil looking politely horrified. end id. /
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