#still think this is very Icarus coded
welcometoqueer · 1 year
I think it’d be really funny if they found the sub, rescued and took the teenager out, and then sent it back down with the billionaires still inside and no contact
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solsays · 11 months
Lifers x Crane Wives
I saw someone comment on a life series TikTok or something to try and pair all of the lifers to a crane wives song, without repeating songs. so obviously I spent an hour doing it
Grian—Tongues & Teeth (self explanatory if you’ve EVER heard this song)
Scar—Steady, Steady (this whole song is about how their partner is walking out but they still want to be “wild and free” which is just SO Scar coded)
Tango—Ancient History (he keeps teaming up with Skizz and I feel like this song vibes with that, it also just feels very Tango)
Skizz—Icarus (this man always gives himself up for his teammates I swear, and he fuels them to keep going. It also says “oh brother, brother” which feels like Skizz talking to any of his teammates to me)
Impulse—Allies or Enemies (Impulse has been very iffy on a lot of his alliances throughout the seasons, especially in third life and with the amount of playing all sides that man has done this songs feels right)
Cleo—The Glacier House (this. this is literally just her leaving Fairy Fort. The song is talking to/about her from probably Lizzie’s perspective, but like the last line is 100% as if Cleo was speaking)
Bdubs—Unraveling (Bdubs relies so heavily on his teammates, and when he doesn’t have that stability *cough* Etho *cough* he just kinda doesn’t know what to do so this song fits)
Mumbo—Keep You Safe (this man is by no means an aggressive/reckless player [see: Joel or Martyn] and he feels like he’s just here for the vibes and honestly? Love that for him. This song is about fear not keeping you safe and watching your friends run high risks, which just is very accurate to how Mumbo plays this series. I also feel like he could fit Rockslide when he goes red cause he goes from standstill to “drop dead sprint” in terms of aggression)
Lizzie—Shallow River/New Colors (Lizzie is the only one I put as two because both of these songs are just so fitting. Shallow river—“wasted all for the title, wasted all for the crown” reminds me of Lizzie trying to kill Scott and ending up dying herself instead. I also feel like parts of it could be dead Lizzie talking to Joel, the only person who is really mourning her. New Colors—“don't tell me that I can't, I need this“ and “I give up my air, to breathe” also feel very accurate with how she is trying so hard and just keeps failing )
Jimmy—Canary in a Coal Mine (no further context needed, we all know Timmy)
Scott—Little Soldiers (this is very flower husbands, but also just feels like Scott looking back on the last seasons including Pearl, Jimmy, Martyn, all his reluctant exes. Also this man is the watchers’ like least favorite person ever and this gives that vibe)
Pearl—Ribs (i changed this from New Discovery because Ribs is entirely about somewhat angrily protecting and helping yourself because nobody else would, and it really strikes me as Pearl with the some things having been good (Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss) and some being bad (divorce quartet))
BigB—Not the Ghost (this man is so incredibly odd, he just constantly feels like he is being haunted by the watchers and just going about his life, he is the human personification of gaslight and we love that for him)
Martyn—The Hand That Feeds (he HATES the watchers with every ounce of his being, and with Ren gone I think this guy’s only purpose is just to spite them)
Joel—Sleeping Giants (go listen to it. That’s all there is to it, it just feels very Joel-ish, this lad is absolutely fucking mental)
Ren—Once & for All (this song feels like war and being betrayed, and Ren has been betrayed so much so it just fits. I mean come on “my blood’s forever on your hands” tell me that isn’t 100% something Ren would say)
Gem—Show Your Fangs (Girlboss moment, we love Geminislay. This woman is not someone to be underestimated and this song very clearly says that so it’s very Gem in my head. She doesn’t have enough lore yet to make it angsty but ONE DAY)
Etho—Never Love An Anchor (I can’t explain it, this song just has Etho vibes. I mean “It’s a secret I keep tucked inside my chest” just seems very him, I can’t really tell you why)
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beauty-and-passion · 27 days
Welcome, everyone, to the umpteenth analysis post regarding TBOB.
This time, time to talk about Billford because
it’s always the right time to talk about Billford
TBOB doesn’t just hint that there was something going on: it basically confirms it. And as someone who shipped them for years yes, it feels amazing to see the ship being canonized. Not that it wasn’t already canon before, but you got it.
For all disclaimers and premises, please check the previous posts and the main masterlist.
<- Previous post - Masterlist
Kindred souls
Let’s recap: we have Bill, a being with a huge void inside him, a hole of solitude he isn’t able to fill - because how can you fill the deep desperation of being alone, because you lost everything and it’s your own fault?
He tries with love and friends, but his relationships don’t work, his friendships don’t work.
And then, Sixer comes.
Gifted like me
On TBOB, Bill says Ford’s IQ “was off the charts” and he was “wasting his gifts”.
In THE EARLY YEARS section, Bill says he wasn’t just “smarter than all the dull trapezoids and rhombuses”, but he also had “a gift, a rare mutation”.
In Journal 3, Ford says: “I am strange. I was born strange, I am attracted to the strange and the strange has always been attracted to me.”. Also: “my grades were too high and my social skills were too low”.
On thisisnotawebsitedotcom under the code EVEN HIS LIES ARE LIES, Bill says Ford “was half a genius. The other half seemed to be frozen at the age of 18, still a child, totally dependent on outside praise, terrible at understanding and relating to others.”
They both have a birth defect that makes them special, they are both more clever than the others, they are both strange, they both have terrible social skills.
Add that they’re both alone, rejected, outcasts, searching for a purpose.
Is it so weird Bill was immediately drawn to Ford and immediately considered him a perfect partner? And fine, maybe it wasn’t romantic - at first, at least. But the possible attraction is now A LOT more plausible.
(Potentially) bad like me
In TBOB, Bill says he looked at Ford’s possible futures and “giggled with delight”, because he was “destined for so much more”.
What kind of possible, immensely fucked-up futures Bill could’ve seen, to “giggle with delight”? Well, consider this: Ford isn’t a 100% good person. (Just like every human being and that makes him an even more compelling character, imho.) He has - always had - the potential to become a villain.
Starting from the series: in The Last Mabelcorn, as soon as Dipper (and we) find out he was Bill’s friend in the past, for a second we all got the impression that this guy was evil. Journal 3 confirmed that Ford has such a massive ego, to think that “Icarus didn’t flap hard enough” and that he’s so much better than everyone else. In TBOB, in the missing Journal 3 pages, he says Rudolph the Reindeer should’ve burned his oppressor’s workshop to teach them a lesson. In other words, Ford is not exactly the nicest, most caring guy on the block.
So yes, it’s very possible that Bill peeked into futures in which Ford turned completely evil and joined Bill. The possibility has always been present.
As someone cleverly pointed out here on Tumblr (forgot your name & post, sorry!), probably the only thing that saved Ford was that Bill wasn’t always present. From what we learned, Bill left Ford alone for long periods (maybe because he had to deal with other shit?), to the point Ford grew jealous his Muse was with someone else. Maybe, if Bill stuck closer… who knows? Maybe it would’ve been easier to convince Ford to keep going with the portal. Maybe Bill would’ve convinced him that opening it was a great idea. Maybe he would’ve convinced him that destroying his world (and, consequently, his oppressors) was a good idea too. “A lesson to all!”, as Ford wrote.
Same fascination for the stars
In TBOB we learn that Bill’s mutation allowed him to see the stars. He looked at them and “was ready to be one”.
Ford has always been fascinated by stars. His signature is “per aspera ad astra”, which can be translated as “through hardship, to the stars”.
They are both fascinated by the universe in the same way. They both aim at the stars to reach their dreams.
And that’s even more interesting, if we consider that Bill’s friends have totally different dreams that do not involve the stars in any way:
Pyronica: burn the entire universe
8-Ball: host a podcast
Keyhole: restart his high school band
Teeth is basically a pet so… uh… treats, I suppose?
And we know nothing of Bill’s exes, but I doubt they shared the same fascination, all while being so similar to him like Ford is.
The endless flirting
In the missing pages of Journal 3 there is no homoerotic subtext: the homoeroticism is just laid here, in plain sight, with a flashing light pointing at it, in case you’re too blind to notice it.
Here are just a couple of examples:
A) “I think I’m starting to like you, Sixer!” / “I think I’m starting to like you, Bill.”: I’ve seen love stories starting with much less than this.
B) “Get out of my head” / “You first”: I can see them giggle with delight while saying this to each other. No way they said it in a less-than-flirtatious tone.
C) Ford says he has been contacted by “an interdimensional deity of knowledge… in a top hat”. He immediately noticed the top hat. In light of Bill’s love advice, now I firmly believe this is how Bill seduces people first. Well, congrats, Bill: the top hat worked.
 D) Ford comes back to his roots, by showering his Muse with compliments about how he “enriched my life and all he asks is just a partner and company”. You know, typical behavior of someone who isn’t infatuated at all.
E) The “IF LOST RETURN TO BILL” tattoo. And later on, Bill calls Ford “his property”. The toxic old men yaoi has never been more toxic, more old men and more yaoi.
F) On Ford’s birthday, Bill followed his own love advice and gave Ford rats as a gift.
G) Karaoke night. Just… karaoke night.
No, okay, more on karaoke night because that part is insane: first the “one thing led to another” which if it doesn’t mean “we fucked” it means “we made out like there’s no tomorrow” at least. Then the “I’m gonna, we’re gonna”... what, Ford? You’re gonna WHAT? Marry the triangle? Fuck him? Are we talking about kisses or should I pick up the BDSM scene in the Penthouse Suite- oh sorry, I meant THE LOVE CAGE?
I mean… I don’t even have to imagine something to make this couple work. It’s all written here. And if this wasn’t enough, then why not throw in some Fiddauthor too, in which Fiddleford is so busy making TWO gifts for Ford, to forget to get something for his own family. And he comes back to Ford, instead of at least trying to make up with the woman he married.
And since this STILL WASN’T ENOUGH, why not make a full “Love Triangle With The Triangle ™”, starring Ford jealous that his Muse was “off inspiring some other scientist” or “posing for some tapestry” (what, Ford? Are you afraid someone is drawing him like one his their French girls?), while Bill is jealous that Ford spends his time with “a third-wheel hillbilly”.
I mean… I always felt it was canon. I just didn’t expect canon to be an avalanche running over me.
Honest like never before
If there is something more insane in these pages besides karaoke night, then it’s the “monster conversation”.
First Bill basically hints that he tried to undo the past and get his dimension back (for more details, check THIS post).
Ford replies, “I guess you can never really go home again, can you?”. And considering the use of the impersonal “you” and the construct “going home again”, they both seem to confirm my train of thought - i.e. that Bill tried to get his home back and that “home” isn’t just a physical place, but his parents and, most importantly, the love and affection he lost when he destroyed everything and experienced, for the first time in his life, loneliness.
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I don’t know you, but I doubt Bill shows the last speck of his home dimension to everyone. He may talk about Euclydia as an oppressive place, but actually showing what’s left of it? I don’t know, I think it’s a bit too… personal, you know? I mean, how would you feel, looking at something that reminds you of all the people you killed for a mistake?
This alone should be enough to prove how much Bill is trusting Ford here. He’s not just talking about his place like he did with his Henchmaniacs, he’s showing it too. He’s showing what’s left.
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Remember: to his other Henchmaniacs, Bill said he liberated his home dimension. In the Love Cage, he will repeat the same excuse - while showing Ford that the actual “liberation” means destroying everything.
This alone proves Ford is more than another Henchmaniac, a tool, or whatever other excuse Bill pulls up while talking about him. He told him, for probably the first time in his life, the truth: that his home dimension was destroyed. Not saved, not liberated. Destroyed.
And he could’ve still saved face. Ford thought Rudolph should’ve burned his oppressor’s place, so he could’ve accepted some excuse like “my place was absolute, total, utter shit, so I burned it to give a lesson to all people opposing me”. Bill could’ve taken the merit of ending it.
Instead, Bill said it was a monster. For the first time, we see Bill talking about himself not in positive, grandiose terms, but in a negative term. He sees himself as a monster.
And no, we can be sure he wasn't lying, because that's not the first time Bill "looked more distant than I'd ever seen him":
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And guess what, that distant expression appeared when he talked about his home dimension, how flat it was and how he "liberated" it.
But that’s not all:
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So, not only Bill sees himself as a monster, describes himself to Ford as a monster, but gives him an indirect warning too, by saying that the monster “would eat you alive”.
Hirsch truly wanted us to tear ourselves apart in angst and I respect him for that.
And with that, let’s close this post too. The last one will come soon and it will be about the post-betrayal and how well Bill handled it.
Spoiler: not so well.
-> Next post
(How about a coffee? ☕)
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whosthere54 · 11 days
Prison duo playlist analysis Day 2 - Against the kitchen floor by Will Wood
Oooh this song. It’s coded for reasons- and I’m going to get into them. I’m doing a sort of a line by line because I’m a loser about this song and PrisonDuo.
I’d say this is just an Icarus perspective of their relationship.
(Also- Most of the songs on this playlist are /r coded including this one- if you’re not here for the /r prison duo agenda (which idk how you could exist at this point but honestly I’ve been in enough fandoms to know better-) you probably won’t like this playlist nor my blog/lh 🥰)
Back to the song-
The line that made me really go yeah- that’s very coded- is the “I swear, I’m so fucking sorry. I’m not a good person, I’m barely a person at all- but someday all be perfect, and I’ll make up for it all” version of the chorus. I just- mm. It’s so Icarus coded in my opinion.
“I don’t owe you my heart, and I don’t owe you my body. But you should know that I’m sorry, for being careless with you. Lord knows I owe you more than I’m pretty sure I could give anybody”
Y’know- the first thing I think of is the amount of times they apologized for the prison, and then Centross continuously forgiving and reassuring them about it. Reassuring them that they don’t owe him an apology- that they don’t owe him anything really. If I’m making it solely focused on their relationship I feel as though that carried over as not just specifically about the prison.
“So, I could hold your hand but keep you at arms length. Or hang me from a branch too high to climb and shake. Less rare than scare, less diamond than rough, unlikely to be more than just a coal you fail to crush”
Mmm. Two things- the idea of isolation and how that would relate to them being in a relationship, and moreso the idea of this is what I am- and I’m trying to be more but it’s not working and this is all I can be- can you love me anyway? That the whole song has throughout. Which- it’s very Icarus coded in my opinion. Their whole arc being of “I’m trying to be better but I can’t and if you can’t love me like that then I don’t need to be around you and I don’t need to keep trying to get you to do so” and the “Fable loves me like this so why try to be anything else if one person I care about actually shows they love me in the way that I need to be shown love”
I could talk about this in particular- a lot- but I’m leaving it at that.
“Get together Will, know and do better. It just doesn’t come natural to me to think that you’d want me for me.”
Putting on a show, wearing a mask- making up a personality or alternatively- doing something for someone to make someone like you. Oh Icarus Morningstar and your potions- you little alchemist loser.
“I swear I’m really trying. Oh I’m sorry, I promise I’m doing my best. I just haven’t learned how to be human as you are yet.”
That’s a line for sure. I just haven’t learned how to be human as you are yet is such a banger lyric man.
I think of how Centross was on a road to healing- he had his partners, and was building and was doing breakfast and ahhhh. I cry about that but also Icarus was decidedly not- Icarus was still dealing with ‘quixis’, Icarus was dealing with the whack hurting people- Icarus was barely healed from their wings changing and shattering. Icarus *just got their dad back* icarus is still dealing with the fact that the whack caused the reset and switched fable out for Haley- oh icarus and Haley in this season-
Basically- Icarus is having a time in s3 that’s for sure. They haven’t learned how to exist remotely normally in the way that others in the grove have. They haven’t had the chance to move on- more and more happening to them that just throws everything off that they’re trying to do. They haven’t learned how to heal the same way Centross had been on the road to doing yet.
“I still don’t know who you are, all I know is I’m still lonely.”
Oh Icarus and loneliness. Also Icarus and not knowing Centross fully. They know him better than others, yeah, but they don’t know him in the way they both want to- the way they were *getting* to before he went and *died*- yet. They understand eachother more than anyone else- they experienced so much together through the resets in a way that technically had them in some of their most vulnerable moments with eachother but they- moreso Icarus- never got to fully move past that. They didn’t get to have that peaceful time of hanging out just to hang out. Centross comes to see them when he heard they were hurt- or when he knows they need to get out of their house but they haven’t pulled him to hang out first yet. They didn’t reach the point of starting to seek him out yet- that point of you could say vulnerability and coming out willingly of that isolation to say “hey- I don’t want to be alone and I want to see u. Wanna hang out?” That they need to reach. (The only time they came close was in looping the beginning where they sat on the ice. But that was reaching to him so they could offer comfort and conversation- and I think those are two different things. Also- place of rebirth if I remember correctly started with them messaging him first but I don’t know if I’m remembering right so let’s just stick with looping the beginning)
“That morbid sort that company can’t cure and the more you reassure the less I trust…”
Hahah. Icarus Morningstar and not believing when people are affectionate to you. Not taking the kindness and reassurance at face value and trying to find a deeper reason for it happening and seeing it as pity that only leads to more isolation.
“But you gave me your heart! I only gave you my body. Honestly thought no one would want it, let alone know it’s gone”
Mm. Centross still trusting them- giving them forgiveness and reassurance and over and over again showing that trust in them because they need it. Actively choosing to hang out with them- to be around them when there are other options of people to be around at the moment. Just- *choosing them* time and time again. Him giving Icarus his trust and love. They haven’t gotten to that level of trust yet- not continuously- not over and over yet. They’ve had moments showing that trust, yes, in Place of Rebirth when drinking with him especially, as well as Avian’s Solace where they let him give them a tattoo- a permanent reminder- and their conversation in front of the wall. Both times ending with him staying the night with them- at-least staying until they fall asleep. But- that’s all I can give them in that department. They just reached that point- and then everything went to shit :)
(Also consequences with the cleaning but that was just them catching up with eachother moreso- even if it’s so ahhh Icarus opening up about an injury and talking about how their feeling? In this economy??/lh But fr- they have dealt with things like that themself until that point and opening up about that is a big step for them. And he knows that.)
“Honestly thought no one would want it, let alone know it’s gone” this makes me feel- feelings. I don’t know what in particular this feels like with Icarus- maybe is simply him knowing they need something, knowing they need to get out of the house, to socialize, to talk, to exist with another person. Just- seeing them and noticing and understanding. “Let alone know it’s gone” let alone know their not taking care of themself- know they’re struggling and need someone else even though he also knows they’d *never* ask for help themself. I’m not sure- that doesn’t feel quite right but it’s all I can think of at the moment.
“I’ve lived more lives than enough, I haven’t died quite as much, but I’m not a real person just the shit you can’t make up”
Now tell me that isn’t just Icarus??? It’s just them- even if you ignore the whole whack part- the resets. Each reset being caused because of one of their deaths. “I’m not a real person just the shit you can’t make up” now I say this is whack and stuff involved- just. They’re not fully themself- y’know?
“Did I really have any of that gravity maybe your quicksand because I really couldn’t tell how deep my footprints went.“
Did I really have that effect on you? Did I really make you love me for me and not for what I’m doing for you? Also- You sucked me in I didn’t realize how close I was to you until just now and I don’t want to ruin what we have.
They don’t know how much other people cared, I think. That’s how I perceive the line of “I really couldn’t tell how deep my footprints went” or something like that.
“I’m catatonic in your arms, crying ‘How did I cause so much harm’”
Oh. Mhm. Yeah. Yep. Oh Icarus and wanting to fix everything they’ve done wrong.
“I’m pounding my head against the kitchen floor, apologizing for my life and ever entering yours.”
:( feelings
“Don’t say ‘I’m sorry but this can’t go on’ I know you’ve got scars of your own but hide my knives before you go I’ll either live or die alone.”
again- wow I feel this is coded.
Please if you’re leaving and I know you will just help the threatening/bad thoughts go away- because if you don’t I won’t be able to live like this anymore. I can’t exist like this without your help- without you to keep me from drowning.
He’s helping keep them “sane”- he was their anchor I think so when he died they go off the rails.
“I’ll either live or die alone” is self explanatory I think. Icarus and isolation again. Maybe I can bring up again the thought of Icarus knowing after everything they do before the finale is fixed they won’t be able to talk to everyone or interact like they did before. I think they know the consequences of their actions- their walking headfirst into it because if they fix this for them they’ll all be so much happier even with that knowing that nobody would want to be around them after what they did no matter if they fixed it or not.
“I swear, I will die trying. I’m still in the process but I’m making progress. I promise, I honestly want to prove improvement is possible”
They want so badly to do better. They do. And they made so so much improvement before Fable messed it up.
“I swear, I’m so fucking sorry. I’m not a good person I’m barely a person at all but one day I’ll be perfect and I’ll make up for it all.”
Woah- their character arc! It’s right there! Their motives!
Self explanatory- “I’m not a good person but I’m going to fix it and it will all be okay when I do” mentality.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
So yeah- that’s me yelling about Icarus Morningstar. Hope you enjoyed I guess? Feel free to add your opinions about this song and stuff I’d love to see that /nf
The image chosen from my prison duo Pinterest board today is-
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My beloveds. Ahhh. Me when. Maybe I have a fic about this with them because mmmm. They need that- I think.
So- I hope you enjoy my incoherent ramblings. That’s what my blog is about isn’t it? /lh
You are so loved! Go take any meds you need to and eat and drink water if you haven’t yet! I hope you have a lovely rest of your scrolling through tumblr /lh <3
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beeshoesometimesdraws · 3 months
If you have any more facts and ideas about Lunar or anyone else
For the love of everything please ramble
I do have some stuff to add on about Lunar (but most of this will be about Eclipse, specifically Icarus au stuff)
To add onto the whole “glowy patterns being used to communicate” thing, one of the things these patterns can be used for is displaying (either threat displays or courtship—in the universe of Icarus au the stars are a species that have rituals/traditions similar to birds or mers/sirens at least my interpretation of them that is-)
Also in this au, Lunar going invisible is less of a thing Monty programmed him with and rather another part of his alien abilities:
He can turn “invisible” by using camouflage to blend in with his surroundings (which he is really good at)
I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before (could be wrong tho), Lunar is 5’5 in the Icarus au (close to average person height but small compared to the rest of their family)
Eclipse is 8ft tall in the Icarus au, one of the tallest of the cast other than Earth and KC
Eclipse himself has several unique features of his own (some he passed down to Lunar and the twins) that come from Moon’s and KC’s code
These features include:
Amazing night vision (characters like Sun and Earth have poorer vision in the dark meanwhile ones with Moon’s code see very well in the dark)
Retractable claws and pads on both his hands and feet (they blend in far more than Lunar’s do, being black instead of colorful like Lunar’s)
Eclipse’s teeth are sharp though they do not retract (his features in general are just sharper in comparison to others) and are similar to canine teeth in structure and shape
Eclipse is very flexible, being able to bend in weird and sometimes even disturbing ways (basing this off how crazily flexible Moon is in the games lol)
Eclipse refuses to admit its existence but he does have a music box hidden somewhere in his chest like Moon does and it has only stayed due to him using Moon’s endoskeleton blueprints as a base for his frames and forgetting to remove it (out of sight, out of mind sort of thing)
KC’s code is what gives Eclipse (+Moon and the others with his code) more predatory features (ex: sharper teeth, claws, better night vision, etc)
Another of these that Moon and Eclipse both possess (though is more prominent in Eclipse now due to New Moon not having as much as that base killcode in him as Eclipse) is a forked tongue
Similar to how a snake’s tongue works, Eclipse can detect smells in the air using his tongue (if he turns his smell feature on that is, which he doesn’t often do, especially since the plex has lots of “gross human smells” according to him)
It’s not as prominent as Moon’s code but Eclipse of course still does carry bits of Sun’s code and thus carries a few of his lighter counterpart’s features as well:
Eclipse runs warmer being a part sun model though the star only amplifies this heat and makes it more obvious with him than it is with Sun himself (it’s not a burning heat—unless he gets super upset then it can turn to that—but more like how it feels to stand close to a small campfire/bonfire)
As shown in the cover thing I made for the Icarus au, Eclipse does have four arms though he doesn’t always have them out (Lunar inherited this from him, as well as the twins)
Eclipse also often wears golden piercings, on his rays as well as his nose + lips
(Note: all the celestial characters in this au are true to the way I draw them and have bunny/goat-like noses and expressive silicone mouths with lips, giving them a more “human” appearance)
Earth stands at 9ft tall, the second tallest of the family
Earth’s character is treated differently in this au, she’s still Earth but I tried to “fix” some of the inconsistencies and weird little things in canon writing and give it my own interpretation of how I think it could’ve gone if she had been written a little better (no hate to the writers, I just have noticed some weird things like how Earth has been so patient with v4 Eclipse and even said she thinks nobody gave him enough of a chance even though she herself was one of those people, barely giving v2 a chance after just one or two interactions)
Earth has lots of nicknames for her brothers/friends in this au because I just headcanon her to be that kind of person, some examples of this being:
Lu, LuLu for Lunar (once he appears and they’ve had time to bond of course)
Sunny, Sunshine for Sun
Moony, Moonpie for Moon
Sol for Solar (again once he appears and they have some time to know each other lol)
She also will have some nicknames for Eclipse, one of them being more prominent than others (she starts using it earlier on in the chapters and starts to be used by the others later in the story)
The nickname is in the title :)
That’s all I have rn- sorry for the lack of art to go with this one (feeling more motivation to write rather than draw rn ^^’ also my brain totally isn’t focused on cowboy/outlaw au stuff what are you taaalkinggg abouuutt 👀💦)
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honeylikesyanderes · 2 days
male ocs dick descriptions (pt. 2)
i was thinking about dick again. but like non-human edition?
(sorry for disappearing)
teehee (also part 3?)
18+ mdni please, not proof-read.
uncircumcised, can adjust the length of his dick at will, but usually keeps it between 7-7.5 inches long, not too girthy but still a good amount of girth, has red vertical birthmarks (matching the ones on his face) that run from the beginning of his foreskin all the way to the base,
his tip is slightly on the thinner side, albeit still thick. his dick does not curve. for hair, ren prefers to keep a tuft of white hair present; not only because he's a fox, but also to protect his darling from intense friction that may occur during sex.
his balls are intimidatingly big and heavy. when he cums, he cums in very thick and creamy spurts that are a slight off-white colour. regardless of how many rounds ren goes, he still cums a copious amount. the amount he cums increases during heats.
ren is a grower, however the difference between him flaccid and him erect isnt that much.
the hex code for his shaft is #EBD9A1 and for his tip its #E67B59. the hex code for the lines on his dick is #C13313
about 6.5 inches long, very girthy (almost unbearably so), has a couple of thinner veins but they become more pronounced when he's really turned on.
his tip is very thick but turns deep red when he's hard. if you tease him long enough, it will turn so red that it'll start to look a bit purple. his dick is thick all through, but you swear that when he slides in, that the base feels thicker.
for hair, icarus is keeps it completely shaved, as per angel customs. his balls are above average sized and when he's close to cumming, they start to visibly swell. when he cums, his cum is pure white like snow, but with a slight shiny glow to it. its thick like custard and tastes like honey.
icarus is a shower, however there is an increase in his girth when he's flaccid vs when he's hard. he is circumsised as per angel customs.
the hex code for his shaft is #E2B767 and for his tip is #B94F42
uncircumcised, 7.5 inches, girthy and very thick. avanti's been told that his dick most definitely doesn't match his cute frame.
very veiny all over; he has a thick mushroom tip that leaks a fuck ton of precum even when he's slightly hard. his dick curves upwards (and quite dramatically as well).
for hair, avanti tries to keep it trimmed, but he just ends up forgetting so he'sa bit bushy down there. fortunately, his hair is very soft so its usually no bother. when he does remember to keep things trimmed, you'll see that he has freckles on his pelvic area, and they go all the way up to his v line. his balls are average and taut, he's a bit insecure about it, but he's sensitive enough to forget about his insecurity when you're playing with his balls. when he cums, he cums in about 5 short bursts. the quantity is variable, but usually its a lot. his cum is a very soft yellow colour with a strong (but not unpleasant) smell. when he's in heat, he cums much much more and the smell is much stronger as well.
avanti is a grower and the difference between his flaccid dick and his hard on, is a lot.
bonus: his cum slightly glows in the dark.
the hex code for his shaft is #EFEAC7 and for his tip is DD8BB1
circumcised (he was a christian in his first life), 8 good inches, and very thick. its heavy to hold and looks even heavy in his trousers. if you cant handle dick, you most definitely cant handle drew.
his dick is very veiny, with veins running from the tip all the way doen the shaft. he does have a few veins that start from mid-shaft and run downwards. his tip is mushroom but relativelythe same size as his shaft. his dick does not bend in any direction
for hair, drew is neatly clean shaven always, but its mostly because he's incapable of growing pubic hair due to his grim reaper status. his balls are just like his cock; heavy and massive.
the most standout thing about drew is actually the fact that he has black tendrils that can come out during sex. they're shadowy and whispy, however when he uses them to hold you in place (or even penetrate you in some instances), they materialise into solid bodies. [basically they look shadowy until they touch you, then they become solid]
when he cums, he cums 1 long spurt of thick semi-transparent cum, followed by 2 shorter spurts. his cum is a slight gray colour (think milk mixed with a bit of activated charcoal).
drew is a shower, and a proper one at that.
the hex code for his shaft is #F6F0F0, and for his tip is #F4CCCC
(i dont have enough energy to do atlas, plus there's not enough reader interest in him so)
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stevetonyweekly · 1 year
SteveTony Weekly - May 7th
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 HELLO MY LOVELY FRIENDS I MISSED YOU!!! Last week was a mess BUT I closed on my house Monday (OMG) and now we’re in the home stretch before we move (!!!!!). Quick note: 
I’m going to be moving May 21, so the rec list might be kinda off that weekend, but I’ll pre-plan something! Enjoy and be sure to drop a kudos/comment for your author! 
Mark Zero by enkiduu
Tony wears his lack of soulmark with pride.
lover, we always fall by enkiduu
Dying in a world with reincarnation is easy. Living in one is hard, because history inevitably follows you, and you can't always decide what your legacy is.
You try to change history, but your Icarus only ever chooses the same thing he's always chosen.
(In which Tony is Icarus and Steve is the ocean.)
ignorance is (not) bliss by earliebirb
One of Tony’s hands shoots up to grab his wrist, gripping it tightly. Slowly, Tony opens his eyes.
Steve’s blood freezes in his veins. His heart sinks with dread. 
“Tony?” Steve hopes that this is just some weird bout of sleepwalking, but Tony doesn’t sleepwalk, and from the thoughtful way Tony regards him, Steve knows that Tony is somehow very much awake, which means—
Tony swallows, his eyes wide and alert in a way Steve didn’t think they were capable of being twenty minutes ago. 
“Steve,” he says, the single word carrying too much weight.
the stark-tangled man with a crappy plan by Serinah for AvengersNewB
*At first, it seemed to be an easy job: find the O, secure the O, and hand him over to his guardian and the fiance. Simple. Unfortunately, the omega wasn't onboard. At all.*
Steve has to return a runaway omega to his guardian Mr. Stane.
Where Lies A Home by XtaticPearl
They're in the middle of the most complicated and risky fight of their lives, placing their bets on a distant memory right now, and basically in deep trouble if the plan doesn't work out. Steve knows he should be stressed and somewhere in the corner of his mind, he is a little. Mostly though, he's having fun and strangely, so is Tony.
Yes, Just Like This by gottalovev
Tony wakes up in a hospital on another planet missing his memories of the last eleven years. It's now 2023, and he learns the Avengers saved half the universe. Unfortunately, not everything he forgot is good news.
(An Endgame Alternate Universe AND Civil-War fix-it and get together story, weaved through a space road trip with Steve, Carol and Nebula. Complete but cut in 5 chapters for ease of reading.)
messages from the stars by Thahire
Steve's not expecting to find anything remotely of interest when he steps into Macy’s, of all places, in a last-ditch effort to find a present for Tony.
Somehow, he ends up leaving with an engagement ring.
Still Got It by KandiSheek 
Ever since Tony's close call in their battle against Thanos Steve treats him like he's going to break at the slightest pressure. He won't so much as look at the bionic arm either. So Tony takes matters into his own hands to prove that he can still handle himself just fine.
Soul Searching (The Hop, Skip, Jump Remix) by navaan
Tony lives a peaceful life in Irondale and then Steve Rogers drifts into town. It's the beginning of a romance — and not all is what it seems.
Code Icarus by FestiveFerret
Steve Rogers hates falling, but he hates being caught even more.
Truths, Lies and the Tipping Point by BlackEyedGirl
The news report seems more interested in the argument between the team during the fight than the way they eventually won. And then it gets worse.
Me in You by Captain_Panda
What if J.A.R.V.I.S. was Tony?
That is, what if a lonely genius Velveteen Rabbited his computer program into a real being instead of just his own thoughts talking back at him?
A deep dive into a broken psyche, contemplating Tony's loneliness, J.A.R.V.I.S.'s protectiveness, and the mother of all broken genius families. Mostly because Howard Stark never hugged his son.
Depthless by Captain_Panda
"Depthless: (1) unfathomably deep; (2) shallow and superficial."
Weeks after defrosting Captain America, S.H.I.E.L.D. finds Steve Rogers lying at the bottom of a pool. Assumptions are made. They have no idea what they are dealing with.
Meanwhile, Tony Stark, the man-in-the-spotlight, has demons lurking off-radar that are literally filling his lungs with water.
Ignoring either problem was never an option. This is the story of Steve Rogers and Tony Stark's collision course.
For What It's Worth by Captain_Panda
S.H.I.E.L.D. thaws out Captain America, expecting a combat-ready soldier to greet them.
They get Steve Rogers instead, a broken artist who turns to the violin for salvation.
hold your fire by JenTheSweetie
He watched Tony eat an entire steak and listened to him talk about the work he was doing on the Milano while he downed glass after glass of expensive scotch. Just as Steve was about to suggest they head back to the jet, Tony finished his last glass, put it down firmly, and said, "I want to blow you."
Steve stared at him.
"Let's get a hotel room," Tony said, like that was that, and somehow - and Steve never could explain how, not then and not now and not later - it was.
Say It Now by ishipallthings 
“I’m glad you’re here, Tony,” Steve tells him. It’s not everything he wants to say, but it’s enough.
Steve thinks it might be one of the most important things he’s ever said.
(Steve and Tony have a conversation the night before the time heist. Maybe second chances aren’t impossible after all.)
a hop, skip, and a jump by IronSwordStarShield (SweetFanfics)
“Before I go, I was wondering if I could ask you some questions.”
“About?” they ask they return the stone to its place.
“Timelines. Alternate realities.”
Steve returns the stones to their rightful places in time, gets his dance with Peggy, and then embarks on a whole new search.
Give Me Just A Little More Time by Robin_tCJ 
Spoilers for Avengers: Endgame. A full summary will live in the author’s notes, so you have to click to read it, but the premise is that this is technically canon divergent in the sense that I’m treating it as… a few deleted scenes in the middle, there. It’ll only make sense if you’ve seen the movie, and if you haven’t seen the movie it will definitely spoil you for it. Written in kind of a sketchy, lots-of-really-short-scenes style.
falling like the stars by complicationstoo
When Tony starts at MIT, he's excited to finally be in the same city as his older brother, Bucky, again. Then he meets Bucky's roommate and best friend Steve Rogers and falls faster than he would have ever thought possible.
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fwob · 2 years
CAN I PLEASEE PLZ PLS GET UR FIC RECS DUDE (can i also rec one; poly philtatos (the most loved by far)
anything for you anon <3 sorry for taking . checks watch . two days .
under the cut cuz i have . A Few
PROJECT: ICARUS - aka the fic thats been absolutely rotting my brain for the past week . luffy dies at marineford except actually just kidding hes still alive but hes a marine pacifista / seraphim / human weapon now . oops ! please read it its so good the first 2 chapters are fucking BRUTAL
put your faith in what you most believe in - luffy gets sick . sabo's understandably worried . this ones a top contender for my fav op fic . i think abt this one CONSTANTLY
literally every taizi fic . yes all of them . i have read every single op fic theyve published . they're all bangers . no exceptions . but i will specifically recommend the previous fic , as well as this one , this one , this one , this one , and this one
wish by spirit and if by yes - sabo visits the whitebeards on revolutionary business . also a top contender for my fav op fic . i REALLY love this one the dynamic is SO good
i know you by the state of your hands - time travel shenanigans
breathe - luffy has a nightmare and an ensuing panic attack and law calms him down . they chat . VERY good i really like this one . the sequel is also good its linked on the fic
asl in red - this whole series is insane . it starts as like "shanks adopts ASL !!!" and then it just goes completely off the rails . like god whats going on . its great tho
ache in the rain (and remember the wounds) - luffy sees ghosts !
luffy's law - i dont know whats really going on in this fic but i fuck with it . will be incorporating multiple things from this fic into any modern au i make in the future
whatever you can still betray - ace has GOT to be a marine spy because nothing he says makes any fucking sense . i really love this one its so fun
finally i get to choose what's wrong (and what is right) - listen . 90% of the time i am FIRMLY against genderbending one character and nobody else . but like . im a fan of this one . also makino has a gun
si c'est un âme - your soulmate's first words to you are written on your body . luffy has 9 phrases on his back . i AM in fact a platonic soulmate enjoyer
blood song - post thriller bark zolu ...... ough
on brotherhood - ageswap , luffy is the older brother
code of misconduct - there's a set of written rules on the thousand sunny . VERY silly fic . very fun
hey, let's get lost (along the way) - luffy , ace , nami , and vivi get lost in alabasta . shenanigans ensue
i can't be selfless - garp invites aokiji to dawn island to help convince luffy to be a marine
god's emperor - shanks meets a young god . this was before 1044 actually like damn girl ur ON that shit
how it should have healed - the aftermath of some of luffy's various injuries
seven deadly sins - trafalgar law's new apartment is haunted by exactly seven (7) ghosts
chasing the remnants - sabo accompanies dragon to loguetown
little monsters - usopp and sanji get captured by marines
of dawn and dreams - i could not tell you what this series is about but its mostly shanks and buggy . its good tho
don't bury me with gold - WORLD NOBLE SABO ....... oughhh this one is so good . i think abt it a lot
sun over the horizon - luffy gives his crew some much-needed affection after a battle
take a step in mine - on their way out of marineford , luffy collapses a little bit earlier . it changes some things
spin a yarn - time travel shenanigans . this whole series makes me completely and utterly insane . read it now
over the course of a day - worlds worst roadtrip
greatest gift of all - luffy is 10 years younger than his brothers
two and a half pirates - luffy is 16 years younger than his brothers
unsinkable - the ocean is luffy's mother . ive seen like 3 different fics with this concept but this one is my favourite
three years, give or take - time travel shenanigans , except it's ace this time
hide the knives - after ace joins the whitebeards , shanks drops by for a party
beginning the next dream - time travel shenanigans . there's a reason it's the most kudosed op fic
make a choice (turncoat hero) - garp accidentally becomes a pirate . whoops !
boy with a scar - luffy vanishes after sabo dies and shows up 4 years later with a slave brand . what kind of man would i be if i didnt include boy with a scar . i love this one a lot
in which higuma doesn't get drunk, even though he really, really wants to - time travel shenanigans
sunflowers - genderfluid luffy ....... god i love transgenderism
pain scale - luffy gets injured and nobody realizes for a while , himself included
sibling sympathies - ace and nami have a chat in alabasta
small changes - id summarize this one but tbh i dont super remember what happens in this one i just remember rlly liking it . its a cora lives au i know that . read it anyways
too bright to see - lusan ..............
i'll keep the king (i'll keep him safe) - EXCEPTIONALLY good luffy whump . very good
of scissors and combs - luffy gets a haircut
and heres four gear fifth fics that i like. id summarize them all but i dont really want to so like . just trust me on this one . read em
also thanks for the rec !! ive been meaning to read that one for weeks thanks for giving me an excuse to finally do it . here's the link for anyone who hasn't read it which you should because it's VERY good
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xwiedzmax · 6 months
more fable tlt au thoughts
andd im back with more thoughts about my fable smp the lightning thief au. one thought that i really enjoy is Rakai as Mr D (Dionysus), simply cuz they have matching vibes in some weird way. the Oracle is Haley, i think everyone can agree on that. other thoughts for Clarisse and Ares are Ocie and Casus, which is funky cuz Ocie does feel like she could do stuff Clarisse would do, but Casus as Ares feels less fitting? its important to me to decide who is Talia simply because of The Tree On The Hill (song from the musical for all the book readers/show watchers). and since Athena is Grover, i just like the angst possibilities of Jamie being Talia and Athena failing to protect them, Jamie sacrificing themself to save others. and theres also something about Jamie being turned into a tree by Delta...turning into a pine tree. something about their last name being Pine. (yes, i am gonna ignore that Zeus turned Talia into a tree-) speaking of pine, i think Momboo fits Katie just because they both do be very nature coded. also i cant remember if i mentioned this earlier but Fable is Athena, Netherum is Pan, but i still dont know who would be Hades. my brain just came up with this on the spot but theres something about Perix being Medusa. it can either go 1 way and ignore the canon, which would make Enderian curse Perix, thats why shes mad at her, but on the other hand theres no reason for her to not like Icarus specifically. but the other way is that Fable cursed her and turned him into a monster, and theres something about Fable tricking her in canon. which also gives a really funky thing about Perix and Enderian sneaking into Fables temple to go on a date- and a funky thing about Perix and Enderian dating. and this also gives sorta a reason for Perix hating Icarus also this is the most random thing ever but Wolf as Chiron? the vibes kinda fit? none of the relationships are canon at all but thats fineee- this is mainly just because the vibes of these 2 fit well i guess. i do also have thoughts about Arisanna as Luke. cuz in Lukes good kid reprise (part of last day of summer, songs from the musical) the lyrics are literally "ive been here since i was a kid, i did everything they ever asked yeah i did and for what? you know this world will never be ours as long as our parents rule over the stars". this fits so well for Ari. she has been listening to Soraza all her life, and finally when she reaches the point of getting sick of it, she gives up on trying to impress her mom, decides that it doesnt matter because the gods just dont care. i have many thoughts about this but this post is already so long- sooo hope yall enjoyed my rambling and if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know
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trigun-archive · 1 year
Omg, I just realized something that’s not gonna add much to the narrative or if anyone has noticed it.
Here we go.
So basically in episode 12, Vash did his girlboss move of flinging himself and Nai over the ledge.
And as they’re falling, I noticed something:
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To me, this reminds of the Yin Yang symbol:
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Then I remember that one post where someone mentioned where Vash in episode 12 wore the colors of ‘evil’ (black and purple).
Knives wore the colors of ‘good’ (white and blue).
They’re polar opposites of one another.
And that got me thinking more in depth with their relation with Yin Yang.
Obviously everyone is familiar with two sides of the same coin. It’s the same idea with Yin Yang, they’re polar opposites but they complement each other.
As part of the Naruto fandom (*groans*, I know I know). But hear me out, lots of symbolism that is related to Naruto and Sasuke is their relation to the sun and moon respectively.
Naruto is the sun. The Yang per say, because he is bright, aggressive and masculine. His respective color is orange.
While Sasuke is the moon. The Yin, because he is with the shadows, silent and feminine. His respective color is purple.
If you read the Naruto manga, then you would see how much Kishimoto bashes your head in with their respective symbolism, it’s in the cover art, the parallelism in the panels. It even showed up as their respective symbols on their hands after the ceremony for the final battle.
Back to TriStamp.
I believe they put Knives as Yang. He is aggressive and very in your face with his conquests of taking back the Plants. He is very muscular, and it’s shown through his tight bodysuit.
Then they would put Vash as Yin. He is way less aggressive with his morals than his previous counterparts. Obviously he still has them, but he is less forthcoming. His entire character design has changed, as everyone says with his non-binary haircut.
But in certain scenes, he still has those broad shoulders and managed to lift a fucking ion cannon enough to break his prosthetic arm. So, my babygirl is still fucking strong, hmph.
It’s even mentioned that the director of TriStamp has said Vash is both the female and male lead.
Same thing with Sasuke, some Studio Perriot staff has stated that he is the heroine of the story.
Obviously Naruto and Sasuke’s relationship heavily implies they’re in love with each other and soulmate coded to the max.
(Ha, get it? Trigun MAXimum??)
(. . ., I’ll see myself out).
But they did a different relationship of Yin Yang:
Knives wanted desperately Vash to be the ‘perfect’ version that he envisioned. Taking away Vash’s bodily autonomy.
Vash just wanted to have ‘love and peace’ in the world. He didn’t want to fight Knvies, but he would defend his loved ones.
Until during episode 12, when he was ready to go in guns blazing to take down Knives.
With the color palette of black and purple against Knives’s white and blue.
Purple is the combination of red and blue. Vash’s red jacket and part of Knives’s color palette.
But also in the end, when Vash wanted to shoot that cube up in the sky.
He still wanted to save his brother, even though Knives was rejecting it by reaching to the absolute power of the cube and what it would bring him and Plant kind.
An Icarus-esque trope per say.
But yeah, anyways, this was just a jumble of thoughts I had to immediately write this down.
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doodles-with-noodles · 4 months
*There is a hum of bees in the air. There is a hum of bees in the ground. There is a hum of bees in the sky. Bees are best measured in hums. (1 hum = 20 bees).*
I made that up.
What's the angstiest moment you've written?
How did Cian and Vera find out the other likes them too?
I've also been wondering about that one question... what would happen if you asked a Kilmoore to carry your groceries? What if you asked really nicely (Like an old grandma you know?)
Ok but would a Kilmoore carry someones vetgetables, like, at gunpoint or would the family's pride not allow it.
What character(s) would go to pride?
wait who's Dagny??
Could you still take Cecil in a fight?
Most interested in classical literature.
Who makes the worst memes?
Trans characters
Thinks they could win in a fight against a canada goose
*The bees are here. The bees are there. The bees spelled out questions for you and are now dancing freestyle.*
(I am all of the bees btw. Do not ask me what this means, do not send help. I'm far passst that 🐝)
Are you like, fucking Castiel incarnate or what. This has to stop dude
Mathildis and Treeves argument or Cecil’s jump to Icarus 1.
They probably had some really heartfelt moment in a really dangerous situation because that’s just how romance works for them (only reveal feelings under the threat of death)
They would carry it for an old grandma because they’ve been raised (partially) right. The only other instance I can think about is if you were a friend and couldn’t carry it yourself. Other than that, if you have a good head on your shoulders you definitely wouldn’t ask them (Morris maybe, he’s the nicest)
They wouldn’t die for not carrying fucking groceries. They’re all about surviving- it would be humiliating tho. But Cian would probably find his way out of the situation without having to do it (that fucker is unhinged)
The Icarus crew and the museum archives team! For all the others, pride does not exist in their world yet.
Dagny is one of Mathildis friends and a fellow student.
Yeah. Cecil only survived confrontation with Crawford because Crawford was slowly falling apart and he was high on adrenaline. But he took more hits than he gave. Also at that point in time he had a little less than ideal weight, has been in space for almost a year in very low to no gravity and was on the verge of a breakdown. I’d kick his ass.
Charlie. Books are holy to her.
Anthony. I swear to god he I the unfunniest fucker alive
That question already came up once, but I’ll gladly answer it again: Charlie is explicitly mentioned to be trans, and most of my characters are very trans coded. I’d say Cecil too since he’s a little too much like me. I dunno.
Lachlan. He was on their grandpa’s farm once when he was like 11 and now thinks he is the conqueror of geese. (Cian would think so too hadn’t he been bitten by a goose when he was posted in Frannes once. He bled and he knows he can’t win)
But no like honestly. You can’t just show up like that at my front door and make unscientific claims. How about a simple and nice „hello I’ve missed you“ for once? Huh?
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benetnvsch · 10 months
Hi I'm making a kunikidazai playlist, do you have any kunikidazai song recommendations?
Ps i love your kunikida and dazai dogies!
aaaah wait this is so fun ?? Huge to Me that ur coming to me for knkdz song recs ahh im flattered *stares at u with my big ol eyes*
unfortunately, I have like... No Taste in Songs and all the songs I like which I think 'fit them' are for very specific reasons that Probably Only exist to me but shhh- it'll try my best to share them in a way that makes sense and u can give them a listen if u want or just ignore them ahah :'')
Anyway - here's some songs that have made me think of kunikidazai when listening to but they get more and more obscure/inaccurate (might just be me taking an opportunity to talk about songs I like... whoops)!!
Adding a break cuz it's long ahah
1. Worst Case Scenario- The Hoosiers
This song to me is such a one to the other song, can be either knkd or dz addressing it to the other - both kind of criticizing each other's lives and how they behave but genuinely wishing the other to be better
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2. Icarus - Bastille
Similar to the last one, feels like it could easily be a one to the other song but where they're more just aggressively concerned for each other's lives (Dazai w/Kunikida and his ideals and Kunikida with Dazai and his suicidal tendencies and both of them with their self-sacrificing tendencies (knkd and the helicopter and dz in the elevator))
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3. Remains- Bastille/Rag n'Bone Man, Skunk Anansie
Another Bastille song,, this one is closer to an actual love song KDJFHKFJh but uhh,, it's a nice lil tune about always loving each other, even after death- even if not getting along always and that kind of just makes me think of knkdz (55 minutes knkdz specifically bc they do die (for a bit) together there)
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(Also poet by Bastille is the Kunikida song ever if ur interested in just knkd)
4. Stranger- Covey
had to sneak a covey song in somewhere ahah- feel like this one would be more of a Dazai POV one just Not Feeling good enough for Kunikida's partnership (work, platonic, romantic or otherwise) esp when his past was still kept secret from him
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5. New Face- James
This one's strange but here me out... It's Dazai's entrance Exam Kunikida POV coded to me- Been wanting to make an edit with this to the entrance exam stage play for forever
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extra lyric,, that is vaguely also kunisaki to me ehehe
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6. Cornflower Blue - Flower Face
This whole Song is SO Knkdz to me,, romance but in some strange morbid-is way with foreboding dark undertones and the constant threat of losing the other ahah
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7. Garamond - Arm's Length
Garamond feels like another realistic KNKDZ song where it's... Not The Best Relationship but they're trying and are both dedicated to each other but it's still somewhat destructive/self sacrificing so idk??
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8. Chateau Lobby #4 (in C for Two Virgins) - Father John Misty
This might be one of my favorite romantic songs of all time and so I just had to find a way to connect it to KNKDZ ahah- but? I like to view it as maybe?? them both trying to find a Normal relationship in another and just experiencing actual like,, healthy romance,, but this I feel?? would kinda be not accurate to canon and represent perhaps more of an idealized version of knkdz </3
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but yeah, these two lyrics specifically remind me of them,, the first one would be from kunikida's pov as has always made me think of his plan of waiting till a certain age to date/get married/etc. and the idea that falling in love with Dazai would change how he views that and the second would be from Dazai's pov when they actually get together
Anyway - you probably didn't ask for such a long response and I'm sorry for rambling I just really like music ahah kdhj-
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Hey. Hey you guys want a really long post about C!Sherbert and Icarus. Regardless of if thats actually their real name. I just have too many thoughts for my tiny body. So. Um. Yeah.
Okay, before we get to the general myth of Icarus and that whole shtick and why I'm acreaming about it, smaller stuff first.
C!Sherbert and Wings. And birds. And all the like. Season 2 they were kinda bird, and Season 3 they have full as wing ears and normal wings. Like. You don't get more. Like. Physically Icarus coded than whole ass wings. And the eytra they have had both times when they've been birb have been crafted?? By hand. With wood and phantom membrane? Like. Damn. (Season 1 and Wings and Birb is complicated because they aren't quite birb? But also wings? I'm not sure how s1 fits into the wing birb thing-)
Okay. Now onto incoherent screaming-
So, the story of Icarus goes as follows. He and Daedalus build some wings out of wax and feathers, Daedalus warns Icarus not to go to low for then the feathers will be wet and ruined and unable to fly; not to go too high, for them the wax will melt and feathers (and Icarus) will fall to the sea. They must fly just right in the sweetspot. Obviously, you know how this story ends. Icarus doesn't obey his father's warnings, flying far too close to the sun, before promptly plummeting, the wax melted the feathers in the air and Icarus dead in the sea.
So. Yeah.
Okay, so, I'm just gonna go in order and talk about things and thoughts and they might not be coherent.
Middle!! So, Being in the middle is where you want to be. Just high enough that your wings aren't getting soaked and weighed down and then you're sinking, and not to high that your wings are melting and burning and then you're falling. This is where you wanna be!! So, relating this back to C!Sherbert, Quixis. Sherbert doesn't spend every waking moment worried about them, but they do spend some. They care about trying to figure quixis out, but they're not pushing themself when they don't need/want to. They're worried about them, sure, but not so worried that no one is helping. People are helping figure Quixis out, and Sherb is letting them; not pushing anybody away for fear of them changing or getting hurt. Very middle ground. C!Sherbert still enjoys day-to-day life, but there is definitely a worry about quixis. (That's not super overwhelming.)
And now, We've arrived at flying to close to the sun. Which. Is pretty obvious what happens here. Now that whole thing is due to hubris (which. Google defines as 'excessive pride or self confidence') pluse a few other things, but google says mostly hubris. and so now I relate this back to Sherbert. Quixis. In my mind, Sherbert's flying to close to the sun is gonna be when they start thinking they can solve quixis by themself. They start thinking they're gonna get people hurt if they get involved, and they just start pushing people away. They think they can solve it by themself, and that's eventually just gonna culminate in quixis getting worse, and that in turn, is gonna end up with C!Sherbert in their bunker thing.
And. Um. Anyway. If that happens, I'm legally allowed to say I called it. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk-
(Feel free to add to this and bring more things up. I like rambling about this, and I like seeing others thoughts ^^)
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whosthere54 · 4 months
Song stream notes time
Aesthetic of C!sherb is up until 2 birds
Just kind of vibes for C!sherb (up until maybe brass goggles)
Songs with themes of loneliness potions bleeding - almost magic but more interdimensional stuffs (the beloved)
Brothers starts at 2 birds :)
(family jewels isla coded wait hold on just a minute there)
(When the day met the night Rae and Caspian as well as the fable isla marriage to —> Isla/Enderian to —> alone.)
S1 starts at Fine
Corruption I think starts mainly at Laplace’s Angel
WhisperDuo is secret and Hawk in the night
When the world caves in as the finale
Start of s2 as new life
Next section starts at Brutus and it’s the prison
Ends prison arc in Rock in gods shoe
S2 —>3 break starts as is there anybody here (Icarus in the worldport)
S3 starts with Maybe man
Chasing you - The emptiness of not knowing what to do after Haley’s been brought back, it having been their main goal before (very Ic + Haley coded song)
The garden - getting sick of quixis changes. I cannot get the changes to stop, I don’t know what to do, nothing is helping. (whenever talking about crows is talking about chat)
New eyes - Stream where sherb goes to Ulysses and finding out there eyes not their own and then the raft :)
(Two samples I think it’s called?)
Birds - “I just want to sit here and feed my birds” energy
Look who’s inside again - father isolation
Let me make you proud - self explanatory Icarus wanting to make him proud and earn their fathers love
The fruits - Part of them isn’t them so they can’t be what their father wants them to be
Down the river - Athena and Icarus making potions and they argue about corruption a lil but I care “the dust never settles when you’re around” WHACK
Hero - them spiraling about Centross’s death before fable starts talking I’ll sob
When Centross saves them. Me when. I’ll cry about it.
Can’t catch me now - oh it’s me hallucinating wait he’s actually there rarararara they aren’t coping well but violets watching them
Paid in exposure - Coworkers
Natural - also coworkers
Burning pile - CMV
Try to change - Icarus spiraling by themself - I can only do what I’m told I can only repeat history
Lima bean man - killing momboo :d
Shots - why do I kill everything I love?
Prodigal ^^ spiraling and I’m really his son
Solitary confinement - I LOVE THIS SONG FIRST OF ALL
No longer you - (EPIC THE BELOVED) Up to interpretation????
Monster - Penelope Centross - Telemachus (idk spelling) momboo
No children - singing about fable - Rae coming with Vanda
Mr author - Icarus to quixis other half Sherbert to rina
The bad guy + in my blood - OH MY GOD I WAS SO WRONG (the lyrics in in my blood I yell I rarara)
Daniel in the den - Fable is dead we did it we can move on!
Ruin - female voice is Icarus male voice is Midas (ME WHEN THIS SONG AND THE AMAZING DEVIL) getting ready to jump and die (mainly talking to quixis or the things)
“Nothing quite prepares you for when they don’t come back-“ AGH I LOVE THAT SONG ITS SO THEM AND I CARE SO MUCH ABOUT ICARUS AND MIDAS
Icarus and Apollo - ME WHEN ICARUS AND MIDAS
Show yourself - ASCENTION and Midas welcoming them
Who you are - Midas welcoming Icarus
Still feel - If fable had a bow this is the song when bowing I love it
epilogue things then Icarus
Then the next section is specifically Icarixus times
Today today being years of time passing in the worldport I yell
Last section (after today today) is group songs :)
The cave below hero
Ahhhh I love that playlist sm I had THOGUGHTS I was yelling in chat
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hopeymchope · 1 year
I am once again asking for an all-new new top-down Zelda adventure.
I am as psyched as anybody for Tears of the Kingdom, so I hope everyone who is playing is having an awesome time today! Happy release day!
....I didn't pre-order it, mind you — because I'm intimidated by it. I'm scared that once I start playing it, I won't be able to STOP playing it for months. So I'm going to hold off until at least after I complete next month's Master Detective Archives: Rain Code. Personal priorities, I guess.
With that said: I want to talk about how nothing feels quite like exploring one of the top-down Zelda games. There's something so very gratifying about those titles that can't be replicated. Finding every single nook and cranny and object. The dungeons regularly reach heights that're so much more elaborate and complicated than they ever managed to be in 3D. You think the water temple in Ocarina of Time was hard? Talk to me after you finish the water temple in Oracle of Ages. It gets legitimately MIND-BENDING.
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If you haven't been here, you are not ready.
Those 6.5 titles — The original TLoZ included, but I'm primarily thinking about A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons, The Minish Cap, and to a lesser extent, A Link Between Worlds — have a charm that I've just never seen successfully replicated. YES, I know we get "Zeldalikes" such as Ittle Dew, Hazelnut Bastille, Reverie, and Mina the Hollower, but let's be real here — "-like" games never quite scratch the itch, do they? We're pining for those characters, those worlds, that EXACT feel. We're not pining to play "voxel guy from 3D Dot Game Heroes." We're pining to play a game as fucking Link and hear those classic music cues You feel me?
(And no, the top-down DS games absolutely did not scratch that itch. Sadly, neither did Cadence of Hyrule, because I deeply and brutally SUCK at Crypt of the Necrodancer. At least Cadence looked neat... feh.)
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This DID help, at least. It wasn't 'new', but... it really felt goddamn good. Link's Awakening is an ALL-TIMER.
I would pay Nintendo a ton of money to just... take the Link's Awakening remake engine and make a new friggin' 2D top-down Zelda. I'd pay like $200 for that goddamn game, and I know that sounds insane, but I am HUNGRY. Or, frankly? I'd pay just as much for a version in a retro pixel style. That'd make it take far less resources and effort, right? You could make something with a comparatively far smaller staff, a relatively cheap and shorter development... and yes, I realize most people wouldn't pay as much as I would. Especially not for something retro-styled. But so what? If it's a digital-only title that's relatively cheap, I can still guarantee it makes its development cost back EASY without them ever having to manufacture a physical copy. Because it's THE LEGEND OF ZELDA for god's sake!
(I honestly don't know why Nintendo has never embraced the retro pixel art that is so popular with other companies, because those companies are usually aping THEIR damn games. Seems like something IDEAL for their download-only titles, don't you think? A retro-styled Zelda... or Metroid... or even a retro Mario... or something more obscure that people still love, like another Kid Icarus. You could do any of it, you guys. ANY of it. The money's just waiting for you. You wouldn't even BELIEVE how much.)
Since I know someone is going to ask: Yes, "A Link Between Worlds" is the .5 in the "6.5 titles" I referenced earlier, because its two overworlds are almost entirely identical to a world we've already explored in detail in a previous 2D Zelda game. Like, they're WAY more similar than even the land-based overworlds of BotW vs TotK. The changes are downright miniscule. Giving them a ".5" credit for that seems apt, if not a little generous.
Which basically means I haven't had a delicious full-on brand-new 2D Zelda game since *checks notes* 2005!!!!
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And while Minish Cap is easier than the Oracles, I still think it's a banger.
And let's not forget that the two Oracles, The Minish Cap, and even the recent Link's Awakening remake were all outsourced. That means that it would be entirely reasonable for Nintendo to just outsource for a new one. Hire an outside company.
Or, y'know, whatever. You could just... keep remastering the 3D games over and over and only ever make the new fancy VERY DIFFERENT things that take five years and never ever make anything like you used to ever again.
But I really hope that's not all there is to look forward to.
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i am deeply intrigued by the superior obitine so. 2 for pre-relationship, 5 + 14 for general and 8 for love for obikaisa
AND IT IS THE SUPERIOR OBITINE YOU SHALL RECEIVE (ship questions redux - still open btw im just dying of school rn)
PRE-RELATIONSHIP 2. What was their first impression of each other? Khakaisa was wondering who the fuck is this fucking idiot. What the fuck is his problem. Why is he staring at her like that. Does he want to get punched? She may be the duke's daughter but her mother taught her how to absolutely beat down some ass, Jedi powers or not. She had her own shiny energy sword and she bets it'll cut that weird Jedi blade in half. (He's really cute when he gets flushed, after noticing that Khakaisa was watching him too. He never backs down from a challenge. He might be worth it.
And on the other side of that paragraph of emotions, Obi-Wan was mostly worried about the fact that he's reaaaaally breaking the Jedi Code here because he's definitely falling for the duke's daughter. And no matter how many hours he spends reciting it to get his mind off of her.. welp. He's down bad. Respectfully.
GENERAL 5. What is their height difference? Age difference? Do either matter to them? Height difference, I'll say it's really funny when they first met. Obi was probably like, 5'6. Still working on his growth spurt. A little pipsqueak. Khakaisa was already 5'10. Age difference, they're the same age - Khakaisa has maybe a month on him. They don't care about either, especially because their TCW reunion had Obi-Wan at roughly 6' I think? And Khakaisa made it to maybe 6'1. They're about the same height.
14. What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise? "Sunlight" - Hozier || This one works good for their over-arching relationship!
All the tales the same Told before and told again A soul that's born in cold and rain Knows sunlight, sunlight, sunlight And at last can grant a name To a buried and a burning flame As love and its decisive pain Oh, my sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
but also. this one.
Each day, you'd rise with me Know that I would gladly be The Icarus to your certainty Oh, my sunlight, sunlight, sunlight Strap the wing to me Death trap clad happily With wax melted, I'd meet the sea Under sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
"STRATOSPHERE" - Starset || YOU ALREADY KNOW I HAD TO BRING STARSET INTO THIS but this entire song.. Obi-Wan's point of view of Khakaisa, and I just. Need I say more than this? The whole song exactly but THIS PART RIGHT HERE.
I climbed to where the sky fades 'Til I'm a castaway 'Til I asphyxiate I caught your eyes, bird of prey And I can't cauterize The open wound you made Stratosphere Floating in your stare Take me far from here Are you even there? I miss the way you felt to breathe And it fills me with despair, oh Stratosphere You fill my lungs and take away the air
LOVE 8. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection? They're very much physical with their love, every chance they could get they would be stuck together like velcro. Words are one thing, but actions are quite another. Holding hands, pressing shoulders together; they agree that beskar is as close to skin as skin can be, so to let Obi-Wan rest on her chestplate or her pauldrons is much like their skin-to-skin contact quota.
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