#it might not be
clonehub · 2 years
Ive never been a big fan of "Rex hates fox for killing fives" narratives because i feel like they'd require Rex to have believed fives was right to some degree, and they'd require Rex knowing fives was deliberately not in his right mind and so technically unfit to be dealt with like someone who was. But the point is that Rex ultimately didn't believe Fives, or at least he wasn't willing/able to fully investigate it at the time when he should have. Either way, that gap in knowledge is key to characterizing that entire scene, and Rex holding that deep resentment for Fox, almost to the point of arguing "why did you kill him?" I think misunderstands Rex as a character.
Like fives had just trapped two commanding officers and then reached for his blaster when explicitly told not to. Rex would definitely feel pain at the situation, but I don't know how much he would hold it against fox specifically. Fox doesn't know fives like Rex does. Rex and Anakin may have still felt relatively safe despite being ray shielded, but Fox walked in and saw what I just described.
Also/although I do think it's important to note that this isn't the first time Fives was faced with execution. The first time it happened, Rex stood by and almost let it go through -- it was Fives himself who had to put it to a stop, and then Rex moved.
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melonpalooza · 7 months
Okay but here me out, Rise Donnie steals the dragon mascot
Is this like in general... or for TLRDA?
He is like 19 in TLRDA. is he petty enough to break into a high school just to do this
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inkwell-god · 8 months
Ten, that answer is ten. Remembered that next time
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parachutingkitten · 2 years
The wording of the description is "how she survived" not how she's alive. Implying she never died, and has been just hangin around... since.
Also implying her redemption has been retconned so... that's fun.
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Hey. Hey you guys want a really long post about C!Sherbert and Icarus. Regardless of if thats actually their real name. I just have too many thoughts for my tiny body. So. Um. Yeah.
Okay, before we get to the general myth of Icarus and that whole shtick and why I'm acreaming about it, smaller stuff first.
C!Sherbert and Wings. And birds. And all the like. Season 2 they were kinda bird, and Season 3 they have full as wing ears and normal wings. Like. You don't get more. Like. Physically Icarus coded than whole ass wings. And the eytra they have had both times when they've been birb have been crafted?? By hand. With wood and phantom membrane? Like. Damn. (Season 1 and Wings and Birb is complicated because they aren't quite birb? But also wings? I'm not sure how s1 fits into the wing birb thing-)
Okay. Now onto incoherent screaming-
So, the story of Icarus goes as follows. He and Daedalus build some wings out of wax and feathers, Daedalus warns Icarus not to go to low for then the feathers will be wet and ruined and unable to fly; not to go too high, for them the wax will melt and feathers (and Icarus) will fall to the sea. They must fly just right in the sweetspot. Obviously, you know how this story ends. Icarus doesn't obey his father's warnings, flying far too close to the sun, before promptly plummeting, the wax melted the feathers in the air and Icarus dead in the sea.
So. Yeah.
Okay, so, I'm just gonna go in order and talk about things and thoughts and they might not be coherent.
Middle!! So, Being in the middle is where you want to be. Just high enough that your wings aren't getting soaked and weighed down and then you're sinking, and not to high that your wings are melting and burning and then you're falling. This is where you wanna be!! So, relating this back to C!Sherbert, Quixis. Sherbert doesn't spend every waking moment worried about them, but they do spend some. They care about trying to figure quixis out, but they're not pushing themself when they don't need/want to. They're worried about them, sure, but not so worried that no one is helping. People are helping figure Quixis out, and Sherb is letting them; not pushing anybody away for fear of them changing or getting hurt. Very middle ground. C!Sherbert still enjoys day-to-day life, but there is definitely a worry about quixis. (That's not super overwhelming.)
And now, We've arrived at flying to close to the sun. Which. Is pretty obvious what happens here. Now that whole thing is due to hubris (which. Google defines as 'excessive pride or self confidence') pluse a few other things, but google says mostly hubris. and so now I relate this back to Sherbert. Quixis. In my mind, Sherbert's flying to close to the sun is gonna be when they start thinking they can solve quixis by themself. They start thinking they're gonna get people hurt if they get involved, and they just start pushing people away. They think they can solve it by themself, and that's eventually just gonna culminate in quixis getting worse, and that in turn, is gonna end up with C!Sherbert in their bunker thing.
And. Um. Anyway. If that happens, I'm legally allowed to say I called it. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk-
(Feel free to add to this and bring more things up. I like rambling about this, and I like seeing others thoughts ^^)
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hello tavros! how are you going? id also like to offer you some flowers from my garden :D -shittyJadeDaily
@shittyjadedaily i HOPE YOURE DOING OKAY, TOO }:)
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volatilechemicalz · 8 months
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Haha what .
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phoenixkaptain · 9 months
I’m going to make a long, convoluted video about the Teen Titans and the changes between the comics and the tv show, with comics only up to the end of the show.
I’m going to go through the references Robin makes to all three Robins he was based on, I’m going to point out design changes (Aqualad, my boy, no longer curly haired), talents, abilities, powers, weird storylines, the characters they left out of the show.
It’s going to take me five years to complete and honestly, I might want to just make a separate video on Robin altogether so that I don’t get so caught up in my Robin hype that his section is an hour.
I’m curious as to what they changed and what they kept the same. Did they make references to real comic fights? Did they keep backstories relatively the same as they are in the comics? How are the villains changed? They certainly made the villains less… assassin-y. I’m also curious as to Nightwing’s presentation compared to his comic iteration.
There are over 400 issues. There are so many Titans. There are so. Many. One-off villains. There are so many costume changes and storylines and weird quirks. I want to explore it. But, if I explored it in a text post on Tumblr, it would be so long. Too long. Even for me.
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we-r-loonies · 2 years
im writing an arranged marriage au and im kinda excited to share
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avatarvyakara · 1 year
Doing something a little different this time…
Mutuals: a game! Give me a story title. Any story title at all, conjured from your heads on the spur of the moment. As an exercise, I should like to try to create a plot from it, as proper practice. I offer the same courtesy to any who should reblog this post, should it be wished.
I look forward to hearing from you.
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originalmoony · 1 year
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is this wolfstar or what
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neverinadream · 2 years
would happily liked to be fucked in front of some massive ass windows in some penthouse apartment just for the risk of being caught
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in the hour or so it took me to draw this op turned reblogs off
EDIT: reblogs are STAYING OFF. op was right and correct and i have never regretted making a post as much as this one. if you want to reblog my art you can reblog something else from my blog. or commission me, lord knows i deserve financial compensation for the nightmare this post has put me through
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sirompp · 5 months
hi. i made some images.
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feel free to take them and use for whatever you may need them for. no credit required
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FINALLY some good fucking feature ideas from the tumblr devs. tamagotchi renaissance now
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thinkingabout-girls · 2 months
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