#still waiting for class 1a
katszumi · 3 months
“have you seen the abs on that man?” hagakure sat across of you. “sexy on a stick, i swear!” she giggles. she was going on and on about the guy that starred in the superman movie you girls put on last night. henry cavill was his name.
mina agrees with her statement with a nod. “he’s the hottest white man i’ve ever seen before.”
“sure, he was hot, but are we forgetting the misogynist comments he’s made? sexy is one thing, but being controversial is a whole ‘nother thing.” uraraka inserted her input.
“oh, please. i’d cook and clean for him anyday he asks.” mina retorted. both uraraka and yaoyorozu shake their head in shame.
“speaking of controversial.” uraraka murmurs under her breath, you peer over your shoulder, wondering the intent of her statement.
you notice bakugou making his way over to your desk, his eyes planted on you and you only. you shift uncomfortably. why the hell would he be coming to you? did you do something?
once he makes his way to your desk, you look up at him with a half smile.
“hey, bakugou. what’s up?”
his eyes analyze the other girls before looking back down on you.
“my pencil?”
you flutter your lashes at him. “pencil..?” you repeated in a trance of confusion.
he groans. “the fuckin’ pencil i gave you last week. i need it back.”
now it all clicks. you nod, laughing nervously because of your stupidity. you reach in your backpack and grab the black mechanical pencil that you forgot to lend back to bakugou.
your arm extends to the male in front of you, waiting for him to snatch it back.
he gently grasped onto the pencil, his hand brushing against your fingers for a small moment.
“it’s whatever. just rather not be the one to find you after i lent you something.” he shoved the pencil in his pants pockets, leaving his hands in there. “that’s one of the last pencils i have.”
you shoot your eyebrows up in defense, quickly lowering them after. your eyes falling down to your desk for comfort.
“well, hope you take care of that one.” it was a half-joke. a lame one, might you add. you were just unsure on what to say. especially since it seemed like bakugou was lingering around your desk. as if he didn’t want to return to his seat just yet.
“so, what’d you score on your test?”
“ah…it wasn’t the best, but it wasn’t horrible.”
“well?” was he really desperate to know that bad? you knew bakugou was smart, so he probably only wanted to know so it could boost his ego.
you rubbed your arm out of shame. “a seventy-nine.” you stared at his face to recognize any humility or laughter, but there was none.
he shrugged. “should’ve asked for my help if you needed it.”
right. you almost forgot that bakugou offered to help you study and go over notes with him for the next test. it was such an out-of-bakugou thing to do that you nearly didn’t take him serious.
you nodded slowly, processing his information.
“i was planning on making it up, so maybe for that.”
“fine.” his short one-worded response was dull. but what else did you really expect? “next time, don’t steal my pencil.” was his last comment before leaving your presence.
you sat in your thoughts, reeling the conversation back in your mind. what the hell just happened? it was the most simple yet confusing conversation you’ve ever had. was bakugou joking with you or was he seriously irritated with the pencil situation?
regardless, you made a mental note that bakugou was very protective over his mechanical pencils.
once bakugou returned to his seat, he unzipped his backpack, secretly opening his pencil box. within the box were a collection of pencils. there were so many pencils that he could give one to all of class 1a and 1b and still have few left.
aside sat denki who was clearly peeking inside of bakugou’s bag.
“damn, bakubro. you saving up pencils for a potential pencil outage or something?” it’s denki. of course, he never used his inside voice.
“i will literally blow you out this fuckin’ window and across the lot.” bakugou turns his head immediately, a faint pink blush spreading across the apples of his cheek.
bakugou just didn’t want you to know that the pencil was obviously an excuse to talk to you.
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pt 2 of the study sesh
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Shoto Todoroki x Reader | First Kiss ❄️🔥💋 PART 2
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Part 1: Linked Here!
AO3: Linked Here :)
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Ship: Shoto Todoroki x Fem Reader! 💋
Genre: Fluff, Romance, S*xual Tension, Making Out
CW: MDNI!, A18+, kissing, romance, sexual tension, semi-spicy scenes, lemon
Link to My Master List
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Scenes from the afternoon hookup replay in your mind over and over as you sit in the library at a battered old desk in the history section. All you can think about is Shoto’s mouth. And his hands. And his abs!! And his sweet face.
You twiddle your pen in your hand as you try to draft out an essay for class. Unfortunately, every time you try to jot down a few thoughts your mind goes blissfully blank and you remember the tender way he spoke to you.
"How am I going to get anything done now, knowing that you can kiss like this?"
“You’re so beautiful. Your skin is so soft…I never realized how great it would be to touch you.”
“Find me later so we can discuss this.”
You look down at your watch excitedly – 7:55 PM. You eagerly wait for Shoto to appear so the two of you can talk and – with any luck – canoodle amongst the history textbooks. You sit patiently as the time ticks by.
Soon it’s 8:30 PM. You’re not worried, though. Shoto probably assumed you’d want to get some work done first.
9:15 PM rolls around and you start to get worried. You try to distract yourself with school work as doubt creeps into your mind.
10 PM – Shoto still hasn’t showed.
“Shit shit shit.” You check your phone again and again as you wade through the endless wave of homework your teachers have assigned. You keep losing yourself in a math problem or in a passage of your History textbook, only to remember with a jolt that you were expecting to see Shoto and the bastard hasn’t showed.
At 10:30 PM you realize with a sinking feeling that it’s almost past curfew. You pack up your things and prepare to head back to the dorms. There’s a heavy feeling in the pit of your stomach that you can’t shake.
You slide your books into your bag as a anxious thoughts dance through your mind like annoying fruit flies: Does Shoto regret your mid-afternoon hookup? Is he going to pretend it never happened? Did you push him too far? Does he think you’re a slut for stripping off your shirt and basically pressing his face into your naked breasts!? The synapses of your brain jump through dozens of equally horrid and embarrassing scenarios as you march back to your dorm room, blushing furiously with humiliation.
You run through the afternoon’s events in your head for what feels like the hundredth time, trying to find a clue as to why Shoto would have left you waiting alone in the library. Your cheeks burn hotter as you recall the gentle way Shoto had kissed your neck before leaning in to capture your lips in one of his first kisses. "How am I going to get anything done now, knowing that you can kiss like this?" You shiver as you think back to how gentle he was, how each caress felt so loving and intimate.
You shake your head to clear it. Shoto must have a valid excuse for not meeting you in the library as he had promised – no boy could kiss someone that intimately and then instantly cast her aside, right?
Before long, you’re walking through the doors of Class 1A’s dorm building. You shiver with discomfort as you recall how earlier that day you essentially scaled the side of a building for a boy. Does Shoto think you’re an absolute fool with the extremes you went to for a quick make out session? You hope not.
You walk up the stairs and past the common area. You see most of Class 1A studying quietly. Sero, Izuku, Kirishima and Ida sit around one of the kitchen tables reviewing their math homework while some of the girls compare English notes on the couch. To your relief, Shoto isn’t there. Mina waves to you enthusiastically, beckoning you to join her and YaMomo as they review the finer points of Hamlet. You politely decline and make a beeline for your room. You turn the key in the lock and it clicks – within moments, you are blessedly alone.
You toss your heavy book bag to the ground and prepare to wallow in self-pity. It’s 10:56pm and Shoto still hasn’t reached out to you. Your phone is vacant of text messages and your brain is absolutely fried from schoolwork.
You dim your room lights and switch on the favorite fairy lights for some peaceful ambiance. Time for some self-care, bitch! You think resolutely as you swap your uniform for your favorite pair of pajamas. You toss your phone to the floor with abandon and climb into your comfy bed. You breathe in deeply, allowing yourself to revel in the coziness of the dorm room.
You take out your five-minute bullet journal and write a quick list of things you're grateful for: 1. The opportunity to study at UA 2. Your lovely and encouraging friends and classmates 3. Your cozy room and the roof over your head 4. Shoto’s mouth 5. Shoto’s abs 6. Shoto’s goddamn hard AF dick
Um. No.
You snap the journal shut before you get too derailed.
You pull your comforter over your head and sit in silence for a moment. You’ve never been the kind of person to go completely boy-crazy. You always used to make fun of those girls who would go gaga over pretty boys and their texts and their kisses. But as you recall the searing way that Shoto kissed your lips earlier that day, you suddenly understand what all the boy-crazed girly hype was all about. Oh my god. You have a crush. A big sloppy embarrassing crush.
In the silence of your room, you suddenly here a buzzing noise coming from the general direction of your book bag. You struggle to disentangle yourself from your sheets and your journal goes flying. You ignore its crash landing as you slip from your bed and collect your phone from where it lays abandoned on the carpeted floor.
It’s Shoto.
Your heart skips.
Todoroki: Y/N. Are you awake?
You bite your lip, unsure how to respond. Did Shoto just send you his version of “U up?”
Y/N: Yes, I’m still up.
Todoroki: I know it’s late, but can I stop by?
You tense. Oh God – he’s going to come by to tell you that he’s not interested. He’s going to thank you for your time making out and say that you probably should avoid hooking up in the future because it’s a huge distraction. You’re sure that whatever he has to say is going to be negative and leave you feeling embarrassed. Why else would he have skipped out on your rendezvous in the library?
You take a deep breath. You have always been fairly practical with a mind for strategy, two qualities that had really set you apart when you had taken the UA entrance exams. You know that the best course of action here is to rip off the Band-Aid sooner rather than later. Better to know how he feels about your hookup now
Your heart sinks as you type out:
Y/N: Sure, I’ll leave the door unlocked for you. Just come in. Try not to be seen by anyone.
Todoroki: Of course. See you shortly.
Your heart beats double time as you look down at yourself. Your pajama set consists of a silky blue top with matching shorts that don’t leave much to the imagination. You chew on your thumb nervously – should you change into something more appropriate? No – Shoto has seen your boobs. A little bit of leg is not going to kill the half hot half cold hero in training.
You quickly remake your bed and kick your book bag beneath your desk so that the floor is clear. You plop down on your smooth comforter and wait, knotting your hands together as you anticipate Shoto’s arrival.
A few anxious minutes pass, and then you hear gentle footsteps pad down the hallway outside your door. The knob turns quietly, and in a moment Shoto Todoroki steps across your threshold, quietly closing the door behind him. He reaches down to turn the lock with a gentle snap of his wrist.
You take him in – he’s wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a soft white t-shirt. You’ve never seen him dressed so casually before and you assume that these are what he wears as pajamas in the privacy of his own dorm room. His hair is tousled and damp from a recent shower, and the burned side of his face shines where he’s clearly applied some kind of scar cream or moisturizer. His outfit projects a comfy air, but his expression is dark and stormy. Your heartbeat quickens in fear – what could possibly have caused him to be in such a tempestuous mood? Was this about your kissing?
You bite at your lip with worry. But when your eyes lock, his expression softens. In two quick strides, he’s at the bed. He leans in close so that your noses almost touch.
“Hi.” He says softly, before dipping his mouth to meet yours. You blink in surprise as your mouths melt together. His eyes flutter shut as he sinks into the kiss. Pleasure radiates up and down your spine as you kiss him back. He places both his palms on your hips and pulls you closer, letting out a small moan of satisfaction as he slides his tongue into your mouth. How silly you feel for thinking he didn’t want you like this!
After a few moments, you break apart.
“Hey there.” You whisper, bringing your hands up to cup his beautiful jaw. He leans in to kiss you again and you hold him in place. He stops and looks down at you inquisitively.
“I waited for you in the library, you didn’t show.” You say slowly, softly.
“My father decided to take me through some drills in one of the school’s gyms. I only finished a half hour ago.” His expression becomes dull as he speaks. “I’m sorry to leave you waiting. I wanted to see you - but I’m not allowed on my phone during training.”
Relief must have flooded your features, because he tilts his head to the side questioningly. You hold back a giggle – the way his head is tilted makes him look like a sweet dog asking its owner for a treat.
“What’s wrong?”
You sigh and pull yourself further onto the bed, patting the spot next to you as an invitation. Shoto climbs up next to you, sinking into the deliciously soft fabric. His eyes widen slightly in surprise.
“This is so comfortable.” He says, pressing his palm into the plush fabric beneath him. You recall his sparse traditional bedroom and realize that he’s never laid on a proper puffy mattress before.
“Hold on – it gets better.” You say pushing him off the bed so you can pull down the covers. You slip beneath the comforter and gesture for him to rejoin you. He climbs in clumsily, unsure how to position himself within the sheets. You prop a pillow beneath his shoulders as he lays down on his side. You toss the comforter over the two of you and lay across from him, feet almost touching beneath the warm layers of bedding.
“Cozy?” You ask as Shoto settles into the bed.
“Yeah.” He says in quiet voice, propping himself up on an elbow. “I always thought beds like this were excessive but…maybe there’s some merit to this.” He eyes a blue Squirtle plush that sits next to you in the bed. “Can I…hold that?”
You grin, biting back a laugh as you reach over to grab the Pokémon plush. “This is Squirtle – he’s one of my favorite plushies.” You hold up the stuffed animal and wiggle it in front of Shoto’s eyes as if it’s dancing. “Squirtle, Squirtle” you say in a low tone, trying to emulate the television character’s voice the best you can.
Shoto gives you a weird look. “I don’t get it. Why are you just repeating its name in a strange voice?”
“Shoto…have you…have never seen Pokémon!?” You almost screech in disbelief, before throwing a hand over your mouth to quiet yourself. You quickly remember that you are in the dorms and the walls aren’t super thick.
“No, I wasn’t allowed to watch television unless it was about Pro hero work.” Shoto says, a tinge of sadness flowing along with his words. “But it looks cute and round and I really just want to hold it and squish it?”
“Yeah, that’s the general reaction to plushies. Dude, we need to get you that whale pillow you liked on Pinterest. You need more cuteness in your life.”
“Well I have you, don’t I?” Shoto smiles softly. “You bring more than enough cute into my life.” He reaches out and grabs the plush from your hands and squishes it a bit. “But this is pretty nice, too.”
Your face grows hot at the compliment. Shoto tucks the Squirtle under his arm and shifts around in the sheets until he finds a comfortable position. He looks adorable and soft as he cradles the bright plush in his strong, muscular hands.
When he finally settles in, he looks up at you enquiringly. “What’s wrong?” He repeats, looping you both back to the conversation form earlier.
“So…” You sigh with embarrassment. “When you didn’t show up and I didn’t hear from you…” You pause and Shoto gives Squirtle a squeeze. “I thought you didn’t want to see me again. Or at least that you didn’t want to make out with me again.”
“Oh.” Shoto wasn’t expecting this. “I thought I made it very clear how…enthusiastically…I enjoyed our time together this afternoon. I didn’t realize I had left any room for you to question my attraction to you.”
“That’s nice to hear…but when you didn’t show at the library or send a text, I assumed the worst. My mind kind of went into full-blown panic mode. I thought maybe once you had time to reflect on our hookup, that you realized you didn’t like it or that you didn’t really like me. To be perfectly honest, I’ve never felt that way before. Usually something like this wouldn’t bother me.” You take a deep, steadying breath. “But I think I really like you and want to be close to you, and the thought that you might not feel the same was tearing me apart for the last couple of hours.”
The words come tumbling from your mouth before you can stop and think them through. Why are you saying all of this!? Why does being around Shoto make you feel so comfortable and open to sharing? It’s so weird – and you’re absolutely sure he’s going to think you’re some kind of over sharing freak for telling him all of this.
Shoto looks at you thoughtfully for a long moment before speaking. “Something I have always admired about you is your ability to be straightforward about what you’re thinking and feeling. Most people aren’t like that, and I have a hard time navigating more subtle situations. Thank you for telling me exactly what you’re thinking – I value it so much.” He runs a hand through his slightly damp hair, moving the bangs out of his bright eyes.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to make you feel like I had abandoned you. I wanted to come to the library so badly. I want to kiss you so badly – it’s all I’ve been thinking about tonight.” His voice is so earnest that you believe him.
“Let me match your honesty with some of my own - my father is extremely strict. Ever since I was born, he’s pushed me to be better. To be stronger. He wants me to surpass him. He wants me to take All Might’s place as the number one hero.”
You gasp at this. Of course you knew that Todoroki was ambitious, but this…
“I don’t have any intentions of becoming harsh and cruel like my father. I’m not even sure if I want to go for the top spot on the hero charts.” He admits, almost bitterly. “That’s the path that my father has laid out for me. He’s obsessed with my training. With my ‘potential.’ But he doesn’t seem to give a fuck about how I feel. Excuse my language.” Shoto looks so sad, so despairing. He hugs the plush close, his chin tucked into his chest as he continues.
“I just want to help people and make them smile – just like All Might. But my old man just doesn’t seem to get that. Today, when he noticed how distracted I was… he didn’t ask if something was wrong. He just pushed me even harder.” Shoto avoids your gaze. “I think he purposefully pushed me to train into the night to keep me from meeting up with you. In his eyes…you’re a huge distraction for his prized creation.”
Suddenly you notice how exhausted Shoto looks – there are pale bags beneath his eyes. You scan his body and see light bruises beginning to form on the exposed skin of his arms. You wonder - just what kind of training has Endeavor been subjecting him to?
You had never guessed that behind Shoto’s calm and collected exterior, there is just a normal teenage boy trying desperately to please his father, while simultaneously trying to defy him. The whole relationship seems complicated and messy and you’re sure what Shoto is telling you is only the tip of a chaotic Todoroki family dynamic iceberg.
“Oh, Shoto.” You say softly. You scoot forward and wrap your arms around him. He freezes, unsure of what to do but nevertheless comforted by the sudden closeness. You reach behind him and card your fingers through his hair. You see goose bumps emerge across his skin, and realize that he likely hasn’t been touched this way before.
“Is it okay to touch you like this?” You whisper.
He breathes out a shaky “yes” as he moves to toss the Squirtle plush to the floor. Once his arms are free, he works to wrap them around you. He rests one strong hand on your back and slings the other around your delicate waist. He draws you close to him and holds you tightly as you continue to run your fingers softly through his two-toned hair.
He’s silent as he buries his head into your shoulder. There’s an emotion that’s radiating off of his body that you can’t quite place – sadness? Frustration? Maybe even relief? After a few moments of running your fingers through his hair and gently up and down his back, he finally starts to relax. The tense muscles in his shoulders loosen, and he seems to come back to himself.
“I’m sorry Y/N.” He whispers, muffled as he turns his face into the crook of your neck. “I’m not great at expressing my emotions. I can try to put it into words…I’m feeling so weighed down right now.”
“Because of your father’s expectations?” You prompt, running a light fingertip down his spine. He shivers a bit in response, but not in an unpleasant way.
“Sometimes I wonder if he sees me as a real person, as a son. Or am I just his big project?” Shoto wonders aloud, his voice a bit strained. You feel his eyelashes flutter against the sensitive skin beneath your jawline.
“Shoto...that sounds like a lot to carry. You’re just a high school student – your father shouldn’t be putting that kind of pressure on you. It’s not normal.” You tuck a lock of red hair behind his porcelain ear. “This situation sounds so complicated. It’s no wonder you feel so conflicted. I’m here any time you need a friendly ear to listen as you work through it.” You continue to caress him softly over his clothes. He begins to lean into your touch hungrily. “But right now – at this moment – you’re safe. In this room, in my arms, you don’t need to hold other people’s expectations of you in your heart. When you’re with me, I want you to feel that you can just be Shoto.”
You still your fingers as you let your words sink in. Shoto is radiating a deep sort of sadness that you wish you could smooth away with your fingertips.
“Thank you.” He says, his voice breaking a tiny bit as he processes your words. After a few beats Shoto exhales deeply, his breath ruffles your hair. “I’m not used to talking about these things. Actually, I’m not really used to talking much at all. Or being touched.” You can feel the blush on his delicate cheeks warm the skin of your neck.
“I can tell.” You say before you can stop yourself. To your surprise, he chuckles.
“I don’t know why it’s so easy to do these things with you – talking, touching…kissing.” He lifts his head off of your shoulder to look you square in the face. “There’s something about you…”
Suddenly, the room feels as if it’s charged with Denki’s electrification quirk as his bright mismatched eyes meet your own.
“I think I’d like to continue exploring this with you.” He says matter-of-factly, moving his legs to intertwine with yours.
“W-what does that mean?” Your breath catches in your throat as he dips forward to kiss down your neck.
“It means…I want to keep doing this. Kissing. Talking. I suppose I want to keep getting to know you like this? Intimately.” He places a soft kiss in the hollow behind your earlobe. “Would you like that as well?”
“Yes.” You breathe, with zero hesitation. He smiles into your neck before running the edges of his teeth lightly across your smooth skin. You let out a soft moan in response.
“Good. Then we’ll figure this out together.” He moves to kiss your cheek soundly before releasing you from his embrace. “But right now it’s well past midnight, and we both need our sleep if we’re going to continue to be top of our class alongside YaMomo and Ida. If we both let our grades slip, it might tip people off.” He moves to get off the bed.
“Hey – wait!” You grab his arm and pull him back under the covers. “I have no problem with you staying here for the night.”
“But wouldn’t that be inappropriate?” Shoto’s face reddens, but he lets himself be drawn back into your gentle embrace.
“Would it be anymore inappropriate than you making out with my tits?” Shoto’s face burns an even brighter red at this question, but he also looks quite pleased with himself (you assume he’s recalling the way he kissed down your breasts earlier that day as he smirks). “Sharing a bed should be perfectly responsible as long as we keep all of our clothes on. You said you want to explore? Well get over here and let’s figure out if you make a good big spoon.”
This earns one of those rare full smiles from Shoto – he practically glows. “Alright.”
He pulls himself close to you. You reach above your head and switch off the string lights that wind their way around your room, and the tiny dorm fills with darkness.
You turn to face the wall and scoot your body back until you feel Shoto’s solid warmth. He reaches around to pull you close until bodies are touching, flush together. You tuck yourself into Shoto’s warm, muscular body and sigh with contentment.
“So do I make a good big spoon?” He questions, tentatively nuzzling his face into your hair and inhaling deeply. “Mmm, your hair smells like lavender.”
“We’ll need plenty of practice to truly ascertain the full range of your spooning abilities.” You say in a faux-academic voice, causing him to snort out a laugh. “But so far you’re doing great.”
You interlock your legs and pull his strong arms around you. You wiggle a bit as you try to find the comfiest spot in the mattress. You unintentionally grind a bit against Shoto and jolt when you feel something hard pressed against the curve of your ass.
“Sorry.” He mutters softly, embarrassed.
“Maybe I’ll take care of that for you tomorrow.” You yawn as you close your eyes and settle in for a good night’s rest. You grin into the darkness as you feel Shoto’s dick get even harder as he mulls over your response, wondering at what you could possibly mean by “take care of that.”
You didn’t realize you were so tired. You’re dimly aware of Shoto’s breathing growing slow as he drifts off into a comfortable sleep. You smile softly to yourself as you slide further into his embrace. This poor, touch-starved boy has been through so many terrible things and your heart aches for him.
Even in sleep he’s tense, his jawline stiff and his muscles almost locked around you. But he’s warm and soft and smells like jasmine and mint tea. You hope that for the next few hours you can provide him with a safe harbor to rest and escape his troubles. You let your eyes flutter close and breathe in deeply, dreaming of Shoto’s sweet face as you fall gently into sleep’s embrace.
Part 3
🔥 Link to My Master List 🔥
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frickingnerd · 2 months
bakugou catching his crush making out with kirishima
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pairing: katsuki bakugou x gn!reader x eijirou kirishima
tags: angst, feelings of betrayal (bakugou), implied kirishima & reader relationship, bakugou waited too long to confess, reader is katsuki's first friend & true love, hurt!bakugou
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it wasn't supposed to be like this!
katsuki had been crushing on you for almost a year now. since the start of ua, since that at USJ, where he got split up with you and kirishima. since then he had been in love with you
you were fighting so hard to protect him and kirishima, even when you were far weaker than them. and he admired that! you were stubborn in the best way possible. and katsuki wanted nothing more than to protect you!
you were katsuki's first real friend. you were the one who introduced him to kirishima and then later on denki, sero and mina. you were the one helping him make friends in class 1A
without you, he would probably still be bitter and alone. but now he had so many friends. he was inseparable from kirishima, who had quickly become his best friend
and yet kirishima was the one who betrayed him. the one whose arms you were wrapped in right now and whose lips were on yours.
katsuki stood in the door, still holding onto the knob of your dorm room's door. and he couldn't believe his eyes. the girl he loved and his best friend were kissing!
not just a small peck on the lips. you were so close, your bodies pressed against each other as you smiled into the kiss. there was no way this was your first kiss! how long has this been going on? were you and kirishima…?
no! no, he couldn't even think of that without getting angry. it wasn't supposed to be like this! he wanted to confess to you today. he had even asked kirishima for advice about talking to the girl he likes. it was his idea to bring her flowers!
and now here he stood, one hand holding the flowers behind his back, one hand on the door knob and his eyes laying on you and him. his best friend and the girl he loved. and it dawned on him that he had waited too long to confess to you. someone else had done it before him. he had wasted his chance…
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dira333 · 3 months
Good things come to those who wait - Kirishima x Reader
I don't know why but this was really hard for me to write. I hope you still enjoy it - @crimsonredlotus
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"You good?" Mina's waving a hand in front of his eyes, back and forth, back and forth. "Never saw you zone out like that before, not even when they announced Crimson Riot becoming a playable character in the Hero Nights Multiplayer Game."
"I just saw the most beautiful girl in the world," he stammers, eyes still locked on the door you disappeared through. "Like... Oh, no, that was superficial, wasn't it? Like, I swear she's probably super smart and incredibly talented, but I just- I noticed- I swear I don't care about looks that much!"
"Relax," Mina slings an arm around his shoulder, "You're still manly. Now, describe her to me. I need the deets."
"Did you see that?" Yukie asks, giggling. "The redhead couldn't believe his eyes when he saw you. I swear, there were hearts dancing around his head."
"You're exaggerating," you tell her off, though your heart still beats a little faster. He'd been cute, really cute, with his red hair and flushed face, wide grin, and open posture. Like sunshine poured into a human being, but that might just be your imagination. You didn't know him, after all.
"Okay, so she's one of the business class students," Mina recalls, "She's getting good grades, and the teachers like her a lot. I think I've heard Ectoplasm call her by her first name and he's really picky with that."
"Sounds kinda boring," Bakugo declares as Kirishima presses both hands to his mouth to hide his glee. "See!" He preens, "I knew she was special. I bet she has an awesome quirk too." He falters immediately. "Oh, but that means she won't be interested in me."
"No, no, we don't think like that here," Mina bonks him on the head with her fist. "You've got great qualities, not to mention a solid body to show off. And you're a nice person, unlike some other people here." She glares at Bakugo who only snorts.
"So now that we know her name and her class, how are you planning to go over it," Sero asks, leaning in, "Business Class isn't all that interested in Hero Class. They think we're stuck up."
"I can't just go over there and ask her out!" Kirishima wails, "That would be totally unmanly. What if she feels pressured to say yes? I could never live with that."
"I'm going to infiltrate their friend group and get the intel," Mina promises. "Jirou, you're with me."
You blink in surprise when two girls slide into the seats across from you and Yukie.
"Do we... know you?" You ask, a little concerned by the bright smile on the pink-skinned girl's face. The other one looks like she might not be here on her own accord.
"Oh, we're from the Hero Class. We just wanted to get to know you people a bit better. How are you? What are your names? What are you learning in Class?"
"Which Hero Class?" You ask.
"1A of course, the best one!"
"Ah, so you've got Aizawa-Sensei as homeroom teacher?"
"The man, the mystery, you name it. I'm Mina, by the way." She offers you her hand and you shake it, albeit a bit reluctantly.
"Say, do you have any cute boys in your Class?" Mina leans in, "Because we might have some cute boys in our Class but they're just not my style, if you know what I mean."
You share a look with Yukie. She smiles. "Oh, yes, we do have some hotties. Look," she pulls out her phone to showcase the class photo you had to take a week ago. "This one's already taken though," she points out. And he eats his snot as a way to power his quirk. I'm not one to Quirkshame, but that's kinda disgusting."
"Oh, talking about Quirks," Mina flashes yet another smile. "Mine is Acid and Jirou's here is Earphone Jack. What are yours?"
Your smile tightens. "I'm Quirkless," you point out, waiting for the usual reaction. Mina's smile falters for a millisecond.
"Oh, I'm... sorry, I guess? I don't know if you feel bad about it, but I don't really think you need a Quirk to succeed-"
"Unless you want to be a hero," you point out calmly, grabbing your plate. "I need to get back to Class."
"No, wait," Mina's standing now, "I need to know if you think Kirishima is cute."
"Mina!" Jirou hisses. "That's not subtle at all."
"Maybe, but I'm not going without an answer." Mina stomps her foot and you throw her a look.
"I don't know who this Kirishima is, but I don't care for boys who cannot ask me questions themselves. And if you feel threatened by my existence, don't bother. I don't care about the Hero Class anyway."
"You really are a good liar," Yukie exclaims once you're out of earshot of the girls, "I might have even believed that myself had I not known you're crushing a teensy bit for that redhead from the Hero Department."
"Let's just hope he's not in Mina's Class," you tell her, looking back. To your surprise, Jirou's looking directly at you.
"Dad?" You ask after Dinner, sliding into the small space between him and the front door, "Can I ask you a Question?"
"Sure can, Bean," he pats your head before taking a seat on the stairs. "What's the matter?"
"Mina Ashido came to see me at Lunch today."
"Mina?" He looks surprised. "What did she want?"
"I'm not sure, she was all over the place asking questions. But she mentioned someone from her Class... Kirishima, I think?"
"Ah yes, they're friends. What about him?"
"What does he look like?"
Your Stepdad blinks. "Why do you wanna know?"
"For reasons I cannot disclose."
He laughs softly. "Alright, alright. Red hair, shark teeth. Does that answer your question? You don't look too happy about that answer."
"Is he nice?"
He ponders that question for a moment. "He's not the smartest and his Quirk is better for Defense, which clearly troubles him, but he's pretty social and gets along with everyone in Class. Why do you ask?"
Now... how to answer that? If you say he has a crush on you, will that fall back on him? Your Dad is his teacher after all. And if you say you have a crush on him, won't your Dad just end up embarrassing you? You want to do nothing but forget it, but your Middle School Crush is still fresh in your mind, or rather, how your Father tried to threaten him into going on a Date with you.
"Never mind," you lie, "I was just curious. Have a safe Patrol, okay?"
"Okay," he leans down to press a kiss to your temple, "Don't stay up too late, okay?"
"Aye Aye, Eraserhead."
- - -
"Hey, ehm..." You turn at the call of your name, surprised to see Kirishima. You thought the Hero Classes would only come back to school next week.
"Hey," you give him a small smile. He deserves it, after all you've heard. "Glad to see you're alive and well."
"About that, yeah, I-" He stops, takes a deep breath, "I heard from Eri that you're... that you're Aizawa-Sensei's daughter."
You tense a little, but you nod. "Stepdaughter, to be exact. He does collect us like Pokemon, it seems."
Kirishima laughs softly at that. "How is he? Last I heard he got released from the Hospital."
"He's adapting," you shrug, unsure what to say. "Mom keeps making him a ton of food, so we're all gaining weight. He keeps forgetting to put his new foot on, so I often stumble over it. It's... eh..." you halt, take a breath, "It's good to have him back."
"I can imagine. I hope he... I don't wanna assume, but-"
"He's coming back as a teacher," you nod, "He'd never leave a class behind. Least of all you. He's very fond of you guys."
"Ah," Kirishima rubs the back of his head, "We're not that special. Annoying, yes. But not special."
You smile. It's easier now, talking to him, without the pretense and the Chaos of who likes who, of High School Rumours and all the Gossip.
"Kirishima? Would you... like to get something to drink?"
"What?" Midoriya blinks. "I missed all of that? I wasn't in the hospital for that long."
"Longer," Bakugo harrumphs before stuffing his face again. You'd been a little scared of him before, but Kirishima had vouched for him, calling him a softie with the prickliest attitude.
"Ah, Sorry, sorry." Midoriya grins, reddening. "So glad to be back though. How's Eri, by the way."
"Great," you smile, pressed into Kirishima's side. You haven't been official for long, but he's the touchiest person you know. "She's found a few friends in school that she keeps bringing home. One of them, Kota, is a huge fan of me for reasons I still haven't found out."
"Ah," Kirishima grins, "That's because you're Quirkless. He thinks you're like Midoriya."
"Like..." You blink at the green-haired boy who defeated All For One mere months ago. "Why?"
Midoriya laughs, cheeks now as red as Kirishima's hair. "Long Story."
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reiyaus · 24 days
 to be young and in love ( MHA )
warning cursing death mentions death mention lowercase not proofread spoilers genre gn!reader romance fluff pre and est. relationship
crush and confession scenarios with the 1A duo! ( MIDORIYA, BAKUGO )
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you met on the first day of school, he sat behind you so all you could really hear during class were his murmurs and (extremely) loud pencils clacking onto the paper.
the two of you only started talking properly as friends during the start of the quirk apprehension test. your blunt compliments about how far he threw the ball put him in a flustered state― where you had to shake him in order to bring him back into the real world.
a moment that you thought was quite cute just made him want to dig a hole and cry inside.
as your friendships with uraraka and iida started to bloom, you and midoriya got even closer. if not, closer than the others.
your classmates started noticing how midoriya wasn't as shy around you anymore, and how you both leaned on each other for support during training sessions.
your shoulders would be squished together, his hands hovering above your back just in case you somehow fell, your fingers tapping on his arm while he writes down on his notebook― practically everything screamed 'I LIKE YOU!'.
did izuku actually like you? yes. very much. infact, he's liked you since the day you complimented him (but that's mostly from the fact you were one of the first girls to talk to him), and he's grown to like you even more throughout the year.
he'd stalk research about your quirk and give you pointers on how you could improve. silently dying inside after you call him a 'great friend'
the confession would probably be sudden.
it was the two of you alone in the field, practicing with your quirks with one another when you perfected the move you'd been working on for months. you were both ecstatic (probably him more than you), and it just slipped out.
"you're so amazing, y/n! your quirk, your brain, everything about you is so perfect-!" he pauses. his head snaps in your direction to see your reaction. you, bearing an amused smile with lightly blushed cheeks, were slightly shocked by his extreme train of compliments.
midoriya, in return, froze in place― internally beating himself up while he reddens up by the second. his thoughts are scrambled and he desperately prayed this was all just a nightmare.
"thanks?" your voice snaps him out of his stupor. "you don't have to over compliment me, midoriya."
"w-wha-? no! i wasn't overcomplimenting you, i swear!" midoriya shakes his head in retaliation. "you're strong, everyone likes you, and even heroes think you're cool! you're also always complimenting and helping me so i guess that's why i really like you and why you're still so cool but-" he rambles on, letting the embarrassment take control once again.
he's so caught up in his trance that all sorts of words come spiraling out his mouth. words that you can't bring yourself to believe.
you blink. "wait― stop for a minute. you like me?" midoriya goes silent, turning his head away from you. your feet make their way to his figure, head turning to try and meet his gaze. you let out a breathy laugh.
"midoriya. come one, look at me. you can't just say that and expect me to ignore it," you shake his shoulders lightly, yet he still refuses to look at you. "you know, people usually don't give silent treatment after confessing."
an incoherent sound comes out his mouth, groaning at your teasing. sure, he was planning on confessing one day, but not like this. his confident vision of him bringing you flowers and expressing words of affection crumbled in front of his own eyes. instead, you're teasing him for his not-ideal way of confessing.
you, on the other hand, knew of his fondness for you way long ago. but hearing it come from his mouth was different. it felt intimate in a way. it felt genuine. who doesn't like that?
your hands squeeze his shoulders from behind, giggling at his flustered state. "if it makes you feel better, i also like you. and i think you're cool too."
he was in class 1-A, you were a student from a different department, class 1-H.
during a fight with the LOV, his grenadier bracers were damaged from the recklessness of his actions– so, as a student of the support department, it was your job to help the future heroes of the nation be 100% with their gears.
even if that means enduring the brash attitude of katsuki bakugo.
refusing the urge to bark back while you continue on adjusting his bracers, his voice complaining in the background about how 'he can fix them himself'.
no matter how he hard he tried to talk-down your revisions, he knew how much better you made his gear. how you made it just like he wanted. of course, he didn't say that out loud.
now, skipping to the aftermath of a practice with pro-heroes disguised as typical villains- his bracers broke. again. another reason to be pissed off.
however this time, instead of directing him to class 1-H, Aizawa sent him to the main support department where the actual tech support engineers worked. people he didn't know at all.
so what did he do? he went to your class instead.
simply because he doesn't trust the others enough to ensure they wont fuck up his gear (totally).
and he continued this routine whenever his costume or bracers got messed up.
pretending like he's walking to the engineer lab when he's really on his way to yours.
instead of a highly-professional labratory of engineers with 20 years of experience, he preferred your little cubicle with coffee-spilled papers and a little light bulb to shine over it all.
for multiple weeks to months, bakugo didn't even realize how frequent his visits were starting to be. almost everyday after class, he'd find himself consulting with you for something as small as a scratch on his gear- just to see your face, how it lit up while u explain to him your new gadget, lips curved up and body relaxed.
"it even has a cord here so i can connect my laptop into it! soon enough, all the resources i downloaded yesterday can be programmed into this little card- right here,"
you turn to urge him forward, but pause when you make eye contact with him. nearly 3 feet apart yet the sudden intimacy made you feel like your bodies were pressed together, cramped up in a small closet. when you werent.
"...bakugo?" he looked up at the repeating calls of his name, finding you staring up in concern. “you good? you’ve been spaced out for so long i almost thought you died standing. hah.” katsuki playfully nudges you after your attempt to joke.
“nothing can kill me,” he shifts in position. “better be the same for you…”
you tilt your head at the last sentence. the turn of his head made his voice come out as muffled, blocking your eyes from fully hearing what he said. “can you repeat that?”
katsuki rolls his eyes. “i didn’t say anything. just focus on fixing my gear, you damn nerd.”
“okay- okay! just give me a minute,” you laugh. it takes a while to clear up your desk for his grenade, but way faster with his help.
‘help’ that he claimed was just because you were too slow.
but you knew better. you’re sure you were moving way faster than he was. and definetely more efficient. you also knew that nothing can kill him, while he’ll never let anything kill you.
ps. the red blush on his face gave it away.
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serxinns · 4 months
Hi! If you do see this I am wondering if you can do baker x Yandere mha (like Class 1A) or aged up reader (baker still) x Pro hero’s
But as in Mafia Au :3
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Ooooo mafia drama I like your style
There is a city that is labeled as the mafia's playground yes the town was pretty well known for its famous buildings and activities and spots with beautiful views but everyone is terrified of the mafia, so bad that pro-heroes are useless against them heck they're even terrified themselves of going into that town knowing they're Mafia's main targets
but that didn't scare you into moving and opening your new bakery there! Your parents ofc were worried but you reassured them that you were fine and you'd protect yourself! Plus a dangerous city won't push you away from your dream job!
A month after settling in your house and giving out sweet treats to customers you were slowly but surely getting a bit popular around the city your bakery would be always crowded during the day, especially in the afternoons but strangely at night you understand at 1st since its night and some people have curfews and work it was the behavior that most customers would look panicky desperately trying to rush you to finish their order and once you did they quickly grabbed their order and leave
One day a group of people maybe about 5-6 showed up one night all dressed like they were at some fancy bar or some party there was an angry blonde, a goofy redhead, a bubbly pink-skinned girl, a calm and beatiful purple hair girl, another blonde dude with a blacklighting strike on his head next to him was a short black haired male with a playful grin, they were all chatting and joking around with each (well mostly the blonde and the black hair) but you didn't mind it one bit not noticing what kind of people you were talking to
"Hello Welcome, what would you ladies and gentlemen like?" They all stopped and looked at you your adorable smiling face and doughy eyes with adorable soft hair and a cute little baker outfit with a Cute apron to top it all together the gang was memorized by this untill one of them cleared their throat "yea sweet thing I'll have a taiyaki with a side of your number on it~" he said with a wink you mentally rolled your eyes and wrote down the order, the other blonde pushed him out the way to tell his order "I'll have some cinnamon apple pie with extra cinnamon" "I'll have some dango please!" "Cupcakes for me please.." After the gang shouted out their order you happily went headed to the kitchen
The gang watched how you happily hummed to yourself putting all the ingredients in the bowl pouring in the pans and putting them in the oven "It might take a while if you all don't mind?" "Nope not at all!" The pink haired girl said withna bright smile matching yours it wasn't like they wanted to go they want to know more about you "so whats a little baker like you doing in this here city?" The red head said with a toothy grin "Oh I always wanted to run a bakery on my own ever since I was a child-"
The more you talked about your experiences and fun adventures of being a Baker the more obsessive and possessive they became the mafa gang just wanted to protect you and your bakery a person like you shouldn't be running a bakery alone in this dangerous city you just screamed to be protected that's when they decided they're gonna protect you and your bakery! No matter what! During the time you found out who they were the guy who was trying to flirt with you was Denki the redhead, Kirishima or Eljijou, the gruff Aah blonde was Bakugo the bubbly pink skin was Mina the black-haired man was Sero, and cool purple head was jirou
"Here's your order" you happily handed them their sweets the package design for the sweets was even more cute with bows and Sanrio characters with a cute little bow on top! "So cute.." they all thought as they grabbed their orders "Goodbye have a good night!" "Wait you're not gonna go home as well street this time is dangerous" you gasped "Oh I am your last customer!" "And your dumbass is gonna walk all alone defenseless?" Bakugo eyeing you "I'll be fine I'll fight 'em off!" You confidently said as they all waved goodbye at younas you did the same "Such nice people!" You said obliviously
"We're totally following them back home for their safety right?"
"Right" the rest of the gang said
And from this day forward your mafia friends would come over every night trying to try and meet you they rarely ever come here for the sweets but you didn't mind they were your friends it was nice to talk to people without them scaring out their minds and rushing you makes you feel like this city isn't dangerous!
Until one day another group of people went into your store and it wasn't your friends they were dressed up like your friends all tator up and well dressed but they were different people one green headed boy with freckles, a brown haired girl, a man with glasses that look very stern, a man wit no expression with red and white hair, a girl with a ponytail, and a green haired girl with her tongue sticking out, "Oh this might be their friends? Or do they alao go to the same area bakugo and his gang " You thought curiously
"Hello welcome to the cafe how can I help you!" You smiled once again everyone stopped what they were doing to look at you, you were just so precious just so cute! Why is a little darling like you working in a dangerous city like this? The brown hair spoke up excited to meet you "Hello! You must be y/n!?" The brown hair girl said as she smiled, you were a bit shocked wondering how she knew your name but shook it off as they probably heard it from somewhere else "Yes I am nice to meet you!" The girl later introduced herself as Ochako, the glasses dude Iida, the green-haired, Deku the pony girl Momo, and the green frog Tsuyu but she prefers Tsu and that's how you all became friends!
Izuku and you would ramble on and on about who your favorite heroes are,Ochako and you have a passion for baking, tsuyu talking about retirement facts, and Iida being a gentleman as he is offering to help with the dangerous stuff! momo offered to buy more supplies for you which you told her she didn't have to but she insists
After you bid goodbye to your friends you bid them goodbye and happily walk to your home!
"We're gonna follow them are we right?"
Out goes the bakusquad and gang along with Takoyami and Sato who you didn't meet yet but will soon
"Kacchan! What a lovely suprise! What do you think ur doing here"
"We should be asking you the same thing Midoriya back off theyre already ours"
"Oh please like yall can take any good care of them"
"I might as well you watch that mouth four eyes our darling we saw them 1st and we get them 1st
"And what makes you think you decided that?"
The members kept bickering among each other untill Izuku calm quiet them down
"It seems like we can't decide a solution so why don't we just share them !"
The other members looked at each other and then at their group bakugo didn't want to do it at 1st but after some very hard convincing he was in (for now) and that's how it settled they all Decided they were gonna protect you
"No matter the cost~"
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ciciyup · 2 months
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Monoma Neito X Stoic And Serious Fem! Reader headcanons.
Summary: In addition to your introvertivity, you are a quite serious and stoic person. How did Monoma act to reach you?
Second part
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Monoma wasn't the biggest supporter when it came to class 1A everyone knew that, the boy was quite arrogant and sarcastic when it came to that class, anyone could be the target in his eyes to attack, however, Monoma has a very complex personality and certainly, although most of the time he spends his time with the 'noisy and annoying boy' button on, it depends a lot on the person he's interacting with to know how to act.
At first, when the first year at U.A. began, Monoma didn't take you very seriously, occasionally throwing some sarcastic glances and words when he was in your class, yes, because you were in class 1A and he was in class 1B so normally the words that were directed at you were complaints about your class.
It was very surprising to Monoma to see how you were with your peculiar personality and to see how you acted with your classmates, since most of them were open, maybe some not as extroverted as the others, but at the end of the day they also socialized in their own way, but you, directly, did not make an effort to talk to anyone there or make friends, you only focused on your own thing.
It was not only that, it was your incredible indifference to everything related to the people around you, the way when one of your classmates approached you with the intention of socializing and you directed short words to them and then went back to your own thing. The way when you spoke there was no trace of expression on your face, no happiness, no surprise, no anger. It was this... Quite curious for Monoma.
He found out that you weren't just like that with your classmates, but with everyone in general, at the sports festival you acted alone, with a team by your side when necessary, but practically alone for everything else, in classes you almost never talked and if you did the conversation lasted less than five minutes, at lunch you sat alone while all the other tables were full. The most surprising thing for Neito wasn't that, it was discovering that you were comfortable that way and enjoyed spending time like that. You liked being in your own closed and narrow bubble and you had a good time.
It wasn't him who approached you, it was actually Kendo who started a chat with you when the two classes 1A and 1B joined together for a school project. You didn't seem very enthusiastic about the conversation, but incredibly you kept a conversation with someone for more than ten minutes and that was a lot.
You started going to class 1B more often sometimes because Kendo invited you and other times you went alone because she was waiting for you there, you seemed more comfortable in her class, although your personality was always there to emphasize that there was still not enough trust.
Monoma, with his typical eccentric attitude, used to complain the first few times when having someone from class 1A in his class, showing himself exaggeratedly annoyed when Kendo encouraged him to talk to me telling him that you were not as dry as you seemed to be... Once he could meet you.
You two were reluctant at first, you because you already knew the boy's attitude and him for exactly the same reason, not to mention that you were from the class he hated. Surprisingly, you get along very well as time goes by, starting with small and short talks that at first ended in disagreements on both sides, but then slightly friendlier talks leaving the indifferences aside and encouraging both of you, then turning into talks. a little more personal about their own lives and goals.
You came to smile with him and Monoma came to do exactly the same, they began to consider each other friends even though they never said it to each other, their actions seemed to speak louder than words. Over the years you had formed a solid friendship and you managed to have your own group of friends, although small, you felt more than satisfied with the people around you and considered your friends. From time to time Monoma and you would join together to train and improve your gifts, from time to time you would also join with the group of friends you had in common from class 1B and go out to some places to have fun and have a good time.
You both supported each other, even if you were from the class that Monoma didn't like, when you won he made sure to let you know that you had done a good job, being a little nicer to you and starting to stop bothering you as much as he did before. You tried hard to open up a little more and show him that you cared, that you weren't indifferent when he told you something personal that he would confide in only a few people. You were important to him and he was important to you and, although you didn't often tell each other this, you both knew it.
Being close to the penultimate year at the academy he started to have feelings for you, he wouldn’t admit it out loud but maybe he was finding it difficult not to look at you for an indefinite amount of time until you noticed and then Monoma would look away in shame, maybe he was finding it difficult not to worry about you when you were on dangerous missions with your classmates, he wanted you to be safe. Knew it, him knew it, he was starting to see you as more than just a good friend. Those feelings he was starting to feel when he thought of you and that racing heart when he saw you wasn’t just emotion. He just wished you felt the same way about him.
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cloudyzeusy · 11 months
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He's not gay? ||
pairing: katsuki bakugou X top reader
warnings: afab, creampie
"Let's go around in a circle and say your sexuality." Mina exclaimed excitedly.
Everyone went around till the last people were me and Katsuki left. "I'm bi." I said nonchalantly.
We all turned to Katsuki and he huffed. "I'm straight."
"Your straight?" I questioned.
"Tch yeah what about it." He scoffed glaring at me.
"I just don't believe you." The rest of class 1A looked between us confused at what was going on
"Well extra don't care what you think." He said gritting his teeth he stormed away to his dorm i made a mental note to go after him.
I stayed with the others and we played games and watched a movie before we all decided it was time to go. But I didn't go back to my dorm I went too Katsuki's I'm surprised to see his door was opened I went in and I saw him in just shorts and a hoodie lying on his bed.
"(name) what are you doing here." He said surprised and wary of me
"You said you were straight right?" I grinned ignoring his question.
"So you are saying i didn't see you on grindr nor did i see that secret stash of lingerie and skirts you've got." He had no response to that and just fidgeted in his spot.
He watched me carefully as moved closer to him nervous about what i would do next. I sat on his bed and grabbed him putting him on my lap I lifted up his shirt feeling his bare skin underneath
"Wait (name) what are you doing." He said apphrensively trying to stop my wandering hands with his smaller on
"If you don't like this then tell me no and I'll stop right now." He stayed quiet so I took that as the confirmation i needed and tweaked his nipples making him moan out loud in suprise. His ears reddened at the embarrassment at his noise.
"If you are straight you have no problem letting me fuck you right here and after if you are still straight... I'll leave you alone forever." I smirked.
"Fine it won't matter because I'm straight." He said confidently but i knew he wouldnt feel the same tomorrow.
"Bet just a heads up don't be suprised when you can't walk tomorrow."
I then turned him over so he was lying on his back facing me i took off his hoodie and his shorts i could tell he felt humiliated as he was naked and I was fully dressed. I was shocked at what laid underneath his clothes this whole time.
"Kats you have a pussy!."
He flushed red "If you have a problem with that leave ." He said getting up.
I pushed him back down and reaffirmed him "No I was just shocked it doesn't matter to me, now wheres the lube." He pointed to his draw and I got out the lube
I squirted some of my fingers I'm inserted one i let him get used to it before inserting two more and began finger fucking him. I could tell he was starting to get close so I removed them he whined at that. Making me smirk "I thought you said you were straight yet you are acting like a hungry slut." I could tell he was about to say something so I shushed him and unzipped my trousers.
He looked on in shock as he saw what laid beneath. "(name)! theres no way thats going to fit!." He stuttered gaze stuck on my cock.
I slowly jerked myself off while waiting for him to calm down when i saw he was ready i slowly entered myself into him. He cursed from the sudden pain i sheathed myself in and waited till he felt comfortable grinding in making him more wet.
"Y-you can move now." That was all I needed as I began thrusting into him. His wet pussy felt too good and sucked me in as I tried to leave.
"uh ah~ ah" He moaned as I used his body like a ragdoll my cock constantly pushing against his prostate.
"p-please its too much." He tried pushing me away as he tried to run.
I moved his hands away grabbing his waist as a better handle for fucking him. "Imagine your friends could see you now drooling and whining for cock in you."
"no augh~."
"no what? come on slut you too fucked out to talk." He tightened up around me making me groan.
I felt myself getting closer to my release as my thrusts became more sloppier. "Where do you want me to cum huh? You want me to fill you up pl-plug you up so while you walk around UA you are reminded of you belong to?"
"please~ please I need it it feels sho good." He whined pleading me I laughed all along he needed someone dick him down. Then he would act normal.
I obliged with his begs filling him up as he wished he shook as he collapsed cumming all over me. I slowly left him making a wet plap! sound he looked like a fucked out mess and I was proud. I took a picture with my mind burning the image there forever.
I won't ever look at him the same that was for sure. I tidied him up and I was about to leave him there when he whispered "please.. stay."
I groaned I was about to leave but he looked so cute. Whatever I'll leave in the morning.
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butterfly-writer · 3 months
hey there! i'd like to request a story about a male/gn vigilante reader (teen), and they eventually get caught by the pro heroes. from there, they are basically forced into UA, class 1-A (reader has been a vigilante for a few years back and has quite the skills to become a hero, and reader does relatively well academically). everything from there will be up to you!
this is actually my first time requesting, so im not exactly sure if this will go through, I've read the guide and everything. no pressure, I hope you have a great year, bye!!
Little Rebel
CLASS 1A x Male!Vigilante!Reader Summary: Y/N, also known as his vigilante name, V/N, was sadly caught by Eraserhead. His punishment, due to him still being a minor, was to attend U.A as a student for his rehabilitation, with Eraserhead as his supervisor.
★☽A/N: I see! It’s your first request! Not to worry, your request is perfect and it aligns with my guide! I really appreciate that you read my guide first! I hope this is a nice first time!
Contents: FLUFF
Quirk: Similar to Inumaki from JJK, the user has the ability to make anything happen according to what he says. But unlike Inumaki, the user is able to control when he uses his Quirk.
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── ࣪˖  ࣪ ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ──
“Y/N L/N, is it?” A massive mutant dog read. He looked away from the papers and down at a young boy, frowning as he sat crossed on his chair from across the room. He scoffed and turned his head. “Considering you’re still a minor, your punishment won’t be severe. According to your records, your Quirk is quite controlled and your academics are actually quite impressive for a drop out…” The mutant read off the papers for the boy, who didn’t care at all.
“Very well, I decided your punishment.” Y/N couldn’t help but scoff and smirked. He dealt with worse when he started at the age of 13. What could possibly be so bad about this “punishment” ?
“You will be joining U.A as a full-time student.”
── ࣪˖  ࣪ ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ──
From that day forward, he became a student at U.A. He didn’t expect himself to be in the hero course, especially Class 1A. He had only heard rumors about them, about how they were attacked by villains during their trip to the USJ and a few mentions of some 1A students on internships.
To be honest, he was a bit nervous. He dealt with people, but not in a friendly way. He was scared, slightly, at the thought of being in the same class as some hero in training students.
── ࣪˖  ࣪ ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ──
During his first meeting, he was still pissed by the punishment, especially the fact that Eraserhead, the one who “captured” him, was his supervisor. He stood outside of the class, his waist tied to a part of Eraser’s scarf to prevent him from running away.
After waiting for a while, he heard his name getting called out, but he didn’t respond. There is no way in hell I’m standing in front of a bunch of hero trainees! He thought to himself.
He didn’t have much of a choice, as he was pulled by the waist by the scarf into the classroom, his whole figure on display to 20 students. They all looked at him with curiosity, except a blonde boy.
“Are you saying a damn weak villain is going to study with us?! Fuck no!”
“That’s enough, Bakugou.” Aizawa groaned. Bakugou was ready to say something, an insult, but was stopped by one word.
“Shut up.”
His mouth suddenly closed up. He clawed at his own mouth, trying to get it open, panicking and angry at the situation. Y/N had to cover up his snicker with a cough. “How pathetic,” he commented with a smirk. Another struggle of words came from the blonde who was ready to throw a bunch of insults but couldn’t due to his forced closed mouth.
Y/N’s snickers couldn’t be stopped. His snickers were clearly heard by the blonde. He suddenly stood up and walked over to the H/C with heavy stomps. Before he could get his hands on him, he was stopped by Aizawa’s scarf.
His growls were like an angry dog, a chihuahua. He eventually got back to his chair and sat with a grumpy look on his face.
“As I was saying, Y/N L/N is going to be your classmate for this remaining semester. Please treat him with respect.”
── ࣪˖  ࣪ ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ──
Now, how does this work out for Y/N?
I’m going to be honest, readers, it did not go well in the beginning!
Y/N, during times he wasn’t supervised thoroughly, would tease Bakugou into attacking him. He thought that if a hero trainee would harm him, he could act his way out of his rehab. Unfortunately, it did not work. Aizawa, being the smart hero he is, figured out his little act, and did not let him off the hook. (Lectured him for hours).
With time, he eventually got to know the students well. They were some he greatly disliked, (A certain purple grape boy..), some who he respected, and those he enjoyed spending time with.
It’s mostly believed that he respected Yaomomo, Tenya Iida, and Todoroki for their smart brains and analytical thinking. He mostly spends time with Jirou, Tokoyami, and Ojirou, who seems to be fine with him and didn’t care that he was only in U.A for rehab.
He would listen to music with Jirou, read poems with Tokoyami, and combat training with Ojirou. He truly enjoys his time with those three.
As for his academics and “hero training,” he has been doing well, almost excellently, with his academics, usually marking A’s and B’s and the occasional C’s, but his grades were much better than some students in Class 1A.
In terms of his “hero training,” he already has some experience of his own which helped him greatly when it comes to situations where he had to fight against other students. He was actually much more advanced than his “peers.” He was smarter, faster, and powerful in terms of Quirk use and combat.
Although he hoped for the principal to realize that he doesn’t need this rehabilitation, he knew the stubborn smiling “mouse” wouldn’t agree to his suggestions. Not to mention, he was a bit afraid of the rat… Something in his eyes just— creeps him out.
A lot of the students respect him greatly! Like Tenya Iida, Yaomomo, and Midoriya, who recognize his great skills and quick thinking! Of course, Katsuki Bakugou was the only one who seemed bothered by the vigilante. You could feel the anger radiating off him! Honestly, it’s hilarious to see his grumpy face whenever Y/N walks by him. After the amount of teasing Y/N did, it was without a doubt that Katsuki Bakugou hated him with all his guts! (But secretly respects Y/N, hehe)
Overall, I can say that Y/N L/N is having a nice time at U.A in Class 1A.
── ࣪˖  ࣪ ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ──
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Nejiere,mina, and toru(seperate) with an !MS/O that is very shy and cowardly but has the same fighting prowess as bakugou or deku (kindkobeni from chainsaw man)
Nejire, Mina, and Tooru with a Shy Boyfriend who's surprisingly Strong in Combat
Nejire hado
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•Nejire found your shy attitude adorable, it was like looking at a younger Tamaki~
•She knew her underclassmen were going to be cute but you were definitely next level cute
•One thing lead to another and you'd somehow ended up dating this bubbly airhead
•She absolutely loved being around you, you were just so interesting to her
•She especially loved it when you got all flustered
•It was honestly the cutest thing she'd ever seen
•Then she saw how you performed in Hero class
•She was a little worried that maybe you'd freeze up or be too afraid to be effective…. She was dead wrong
•When she first saw you fight that was probably the first time Nejire was left speechless
•She did think you were similar to Tamaki but she didn't think it'd be this similar
•You blew most of the other students outta the water, the only ones being capable of keeping up being the class heavy hitters like Midoriya, Bakugou and Todoroki
•When class was finished she straight up glomped you
•She couldn't help it you were just so amazing out there and now she couldn't help but have so many questions for you now
Mina Ashido
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•When Mina first met you she was a little worried you were just so shy and withdrawn
•It was worrying but at the same time it was kinda cute
•It certainly helped that you weren't to bad to look at either
•Still she couldn't really help but wonder what you were doing in the hero course
•Especially given how shy you were and it didn't help that you panicked pretty easily
•It made her wonder how you made into the U.A hero course in all honesty
•Still she couldn't help but be interested in you and soon enough that interest turned into a crush
•And mina beingins didn't even hesitate to ask you out, she not know for waiting around and pondering after all
•She didn't care if you were in Class B at all, she pay much attention to the weird rivalry the class had with 1A
•It was a little after you'd started dating that the joint Hero class battle was held
•It was there that she'd see a completely different side of you
•It was absolutely amazing you're quirk was not only powerful just a Electricity quirk like kaminari’s but you clearly knew how to use it and were efficient as hell with it
•After your battle had ended she couldn't help but jump up and down squealing about how cool you were out there and how she never knew her boyfriend was so powerful
•You of course ended up being incredibly flustered by this praise but enjoyed it nonetheless
•Mina gave you a bright smile while saying she couldn't wait to see more sides of her amazing boyfriend
Tooru Hagakure
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•When Tooru was first introduced to the new transfer student that was going to be joining her class she didn't really know what to think
•You were just so Shy and well kinda cowardly, it was a shock that you were in the hero course honestly
•Hell it was amazing you were able to transfer in a actually considering it was super hard to do that with U.A high
•She was in charge of looking after you until you'd gotten familiar with school
•That pretty much lead to you kinda clinging to her even after you'd gotten familiar with the school and classes
•Though she found herself not really minding, and that kinda turned into her spending more and more time with you even outside of school
•It eventually lead to you two dating and it was surprisingly you who actually confessed to her first
•She accepted your confession energetically and hugged you soon after
•She found you blushing reaction incredibly cute, however soon she'd see another side of you
•It was when they were holding another combat exercise in class and you ended up having to fight against Todoroki and Midoriya with Bakugou as your partner
•This seemed to spell disaster since you're personality would class with bakugou’s which lead to be thinking you'd drag him down leading to an obvious loss for you team
•Tooru was worried as well but she wanted to have faith in you
•Which was rewarded pretty quickly, you didn't drag Bakugou down at all in fact at times he actually needed to keep up with you. That obvious loss actually ended in a landslide victory for your team
•Tooru couldn't help but be shocked at what you could do,it was just so unexpected from some as shy as you but at the same time she couldn't help but Incredibly proud of you
•When she next got to talk to you she even told you as such even giving you a kiss on the cheek afterwards, leading to an adorable flustered reaction from you
•She was glad to know that despite being a different person on the battlefield you were still her adorable and shy boyfriend
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What's up bro! I was just wondering weather you could make a little oneshot-headcanon about a male student in aizawas class who's younger brother (age 4-5) is quite dangerous due to his quirk but he's never done anything and he's been declined from multiple daycares and his parents are super stressed but Aizawa ends up taking the male reader younger brother to U.A's daycare and everyone in the dorms loves him bc he's so cute.
Thanks man, have a good day!!!!!
A/N: of course bro, this request is so cute so buckle up for some fluffy, maybe ooc aizawa and a cute younger brother.
This can be read as a trans or cis dude but if trans js imagine you got top surgery at a young age (not that young tho!). It's not mentioned anyways
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Your parents were stressed. Like stressed stressed.
Your younger brother with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes was boping around in your living room.
His name was Kuragari and he could destroy all of reality in one clap of his hand
But it's never happened before, but most people stay away from the cute ball of happiness.
When he was a child (2-3), everyone would stay away from him but he had you
Y/n L/n, a (personality trait) boy who was in class 1a, UA. Aspiring hero, and the best brother anyone could ask for.
Anyways back to the point.
Your parents were stressed, Kuragari's power was getting in the way of his daycare applications.
He was dangerous and so nobody came near him bc of "the sake of the other children"
And your parents both worked and you went to school so it was a hell of a time trying to do something for him
He'd usually get a baby sitter but he'd cry a couple of hours in, begging for you and his parents.
Which made either you, your mother or father come home from work early and have to settle him down
But that when the offer of you life came true.
"Y/n" you hear a faint voice call for you.
"Y/n!" The same voice but louder said again.
"Y/N!" The person said and you shot up straight away, the redness in your eyes and the bags under them were a huge sign of no sleep.
You looked around, you were in your classroom but nobody was in there, just your homeroom teacher calling out for you.
"Yes sir! I'm up, I'm up." You exclaimed into the empty room, your brother had woken up crying at exactly 2:27 am yesterday night and your parents wouldn't wake up so you had to deal with Kuragari by yourself and that lasted duntil 4:16 am when he decided to sleep. And you knew you had to wake up at 7 tomorrow so only 3 hours of sleep didn't toll well on your body.
"It's break, why are you still sleeping?" Aizawa questioned, though not making any visable facial expressions.
"I-uh, I just didn't get enough sleep. I'm okay" You said, blinking in drowsiness
Aizawa raised an eyebrow and said "Are you sure? Is there something I need to know?"
"Nah, not really. It's just my younger brother Kuragari. He's been declined by so many daycares' bescuse his quirk is too dangerous for the daycare but hes never actually used it before." You explain and Aizawa listens intently.
"He can break reality in one clap of his hands but he's so cute, he's 5 this year and me, my mother and my father have been extremely stressed about this issue because nobody can baby sit him for more then five hours before he starts to throw a fit and cry. And we have to take care of him at night and its very tiring."
Aizawa listened to your story all the way through and at the end he said, "How about we take him and we can take care of him? It's up to your parents though." Your eyes glimmered at the idea and you told him you'd ask them this evening.
That evening~~~~
"Mum, Dad. I've got news! Sensei Aizawa said he's take in Kuragari into the U.A daycare! Only if you want." You exclaimed when you got into the house and ran straight into your living room.
"Wait what?" Your father said, a hint of surprisment in his voice. "Really?" You mother said, a huge smile growing on her face.
"Yes!" You shouted with picking up your little brother and he immediately started laughing and clapping his hands together in excitement even though he had no idea what you were talking about.
A few hours later
"So what do we need to do to get Kuragari in there?" Your mother said while feeding him some food.
"Nothing, we just have to bring him in tomorrow and they take him in, look after him and there is another sweet girl called Eri in there. She's so sweet and I think they would get along together."
"Are you sure about this, honey?" Your father said to your mother
"It's a opportunity we must take. For the sake of our sleep" Your mother yawned.
Your father nodded on agreement.
"Alright then, but it's your responsibility to dress and wash him in the morning because we have work tomorrow. Fair?" Your father asked while taking a sip of his coffee.
"Fair" you agreed while picking up Kuragari and placing him on the couch and turning on some baby shows.
The next morning~~~~~~
You looked at a snoozing Kuragari at 6:50 am. You knew he was gonna throw a fit about waking this early but he had to get up.
You picked up the snoozing boy and cradled him in your hands, gently rubbing your finger over his forehead to wake him.
He started to fidget in your hands and kick his legs about. That's when he opened his ayes and started wailing.
"Shh, shh it's okay. I need you to wake up for me." You say as you kissed his head and put him in his baby chair.
You made his baby breakfast and ate your own, he was still glaring at you for waking him up early.
After that, you ran a bath for the two of you while he played with some of his toys.
"Kuragari." You exclaimed and he came crawling over to the bathroom with a toy car in his hand.
You undressed him and put him in the bath and you also got in. He flapped around with his bath toys in the bath, accidentally hitting you with some bubbles.
"You silly child" you sighed before taking him out and dressing him in some new clothes.
"Alright lil bro, I'm gonna carry you to school today. So climb on my back." You said while taking your keys and unlocking your front door.
You crouched down do he could climb on your back and he crawled up your back and seated himself right on your shoulders.
Off you two go to school~~~
Surprisingly you were the only two there in your class. Mean class did start at 8:20 and you two got there at 7:59 so it was pretty early.
You went to sit at your desk and then you took your brother off your head and placed him on your desk, then placed your own head on the desk, hoping for some of your own sleep.
Your promised it would 5 minutes but 5 minutes turned into 15.
Your self-consciousness was telling you to get awake and that's when you shot up awake, immediately in search for you younger brother.
"Kuragari" you said, your eyes darted across the room but all you could see were your fellow classmates crowded around something..or someone.
"Where's my brother?" You said in panic and the whole class looked at you in surprise.
"You mean this bundle of joy" Denki said as he held your smiling and laughing brother in his hands.
Your face immediately relaxed, you hadn't lost him.
"I'm so sorry guys-" you started but Mina interrupted.
"There no need to be sorry he's so cute!" She said while the rest if the class agreed with him. You went to join the classmates of yours and when he saw you he did his signature grabby hands and you picked him up.
"Bakugo saw you sleeping when he came in then me spotted your brother on his desk. He carefully just put him back on your desk and sat down."
Bakugo tsked at his desk but didn't deny it.
"What's he even doing here anyways?" Sero says as he laughs with Kuragari.
"Oh it's a long story, so-" then a door slammed open and Aizawa walked in.
"What is going here?" He questioned and everyone moved out the way of Kuragari and Aizawa had one look at the child and back at you and he knew you two were siblings.
Kuragari on the other hand started to cry at the old grizzled man and immediately started to grab onto Deku's shirt.
"Sorry man, he's a bit grumpy. I'll take him out." You say to deku and he waves it off completely fine.
When you walk out of the room, Aizawa walked out as well.
"Sorry sensei, he's just-"
"Yeah yeah, I know. Let's just get him in the daycare and we can start lessons" Aizawa said and the two of you walked to the daycare in silence.
You dropped him off to the daycare in silence where he met Eri and they got along together.
The two of you walked back together to class in silence before Aizawa said. "He looks like you".
"Really?" You say, surprised at the comment.
"Yeah, I bet he's a hard one to deal with."
"Oh he is" you say, enjoying the small talk.
"I can see where he gets it from" he says and you accidentally let out a chuckle.
You knew you had a good teacher.
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Deku refusing to pass out because Tomura needs to be healed and he's afraid no one will heal him but kill him while he's knocked out.
Deku still using blackwhip to keep his body in one piece as he guards Tomura's body, shaking from the strain, still refusing to leave his side.
Deku who cannot explain all he saw in their shared memories yet because he's still processing all the grief and hatred and trauma, he's still struggling to understand the man before him. He is the same man who ruined his life and got people he loved killed, the same that had made him suffer again and again. He is the kid he needed to save, the kid no one else cared about. He's all of those things and more and Deku is way too tired right now to do anything except promise they'll have another chance. A tomorrow.
Ochako who hugs Toga to her own body, covered in both their blood. Ochako screaming to get her a transfusion because Toga used almost all her own blood to keep Ochako alive. Ochako who won't let Toga out of her sight after all they went through, because she doesn't want Toga to wake up alone and confused.
Ochako who can't tell anyone how it felt to float in the sky with Toga while they exchanged a part of themselves, how it feels to have Toga's blood on her veins keeping her alive, how it feels to wake up to her own face lying next to her knowing now how much Toga admires her.
Ochako who cleans Toga's face as much as she can and thinks of braiding Toga's hair after taking a nap (she says). Toga is really pretty, even more when she smiles genuinely and she's not trying to murder everyone around her.
Shouto who panics as soon as he wakes up, afraid of it all being a dream. He's dazed from sleep and he doesn't call Dabi either of his names when he asks for him. No, he says " where is my brother? " and Natsuo next to him knows who he's asking form immediately. Their brother is back home.
Shouto who becomes insufferable until they take him to see Dabi, who sits next to him and looks at him, really looks at him for the first time maybe in his whole life. Finally, all his family in one room. No one being isolated, no one being rejected, no one crying tears of anger or fear or frustration. Even when they are all tired and hurt, Shouto has never felt happier. He really really wanted to bring Touya home. He wanted to give him a chance to heal.
Shouto who can't wait to ask Touya if he likes cold soba. Shouto who sits there and catalogues the damage and wonders how he survived so many years alone in the streets. Shouto who memorizes the scars and burns, who counts the staples, who looks at his own hair and then Dabi's. How can he explain the mental image he got of hugging the child version of his big brother while they were fighting? How can he even begin to explain why he believes so much in the criminal who hurt his friends and killed thousands and wanted to end their family? Who to explain his family, at all?
Class 1A taking turns watching over the villains to offer some reassurance to their friends. Most of them are unable to understand what's going on in their heads, some are wisely unwilling to ignore all the damage those villains caused them. In the end though, they trust Deku, Ochako and Shouto and if they want the villain trio alive and well, they will guard them up with their lives so that the heroes can rest.
Bakugo who should be dead by all means, but who wakes up and forces his way up to Deku and Tomura and sits there, telling Deku to accept the medical treatment. He killed AFO, he's not going to allow Tomura to escape or get hurt. Deku can rest, he can trust him. They'll be there when he wakes up. Even after all Tomura did to Bakugo, he owns Deku and he trusts Deku and he'd do that for him a million times if necessary.
Iida who sits next to Dabi to monitor him, because Shouto must stay in bed and stop making the trip up to his brother's hospital room. Iida who lived it with Tensei once, so he goes and tells all the news (or the lack of them) to Shouto. Iida who tells his friends that everything will be alright, that they'll figure it out, Iida who reassures Shouto and tries to distract him by talking where and when and how he'll take Touya to eat cold soba.
Tsuyu who might not be a big fan of Toga, but her friend is barely conscious and for whatever reason she refuses to let Toga's side. Tsuyu who promises to take good care of Toga, who carries her on her back for a while, who remembers all the terrible things and can't understand the fondness in her friend's face when she looks at the villain, but she respects it anyway. No matter what, Ochako can be sure they'll take care of it. She doesn't have to fear anymore. She can go to sleep.
The villains who wake up warm and safe for the first time in many many years. When was the last time they woke up with someone watching over them? They were convinced they'd be murdered in their sleep and yet... They're getting treatment. Clean clothing. They're bathed. When was the last time someone cared to give them medicine to lessen their pain? Although their first instinct is to run, when the person watching over them realizes they're awake, it's immediately pandemonium. They are screaming for Deku, Ochako and Shouto and there are people running and so many voices.
Deku, Ochako and the Todorokis who rush to their side. Never again will they have to face the world all alone. Deku reminds Tomura that he has been saved, he waited for 15 years, but it's finally over. Ochako tells Toga how pretty she is and yes, they are friends and there are still consequences, but she will be there, they'll be there for them. Touya wakes up to his family and isn't that funny? The last time he woke up in a hospital, he thought he was dead. He had to run away soon after burning it to the ground, but now there they are, gathered around him, crying, relieved, a bit scared and a lot concerned. They are looking at him, really looking at him. It breaks him. He had given up on that particular dream the day he burned.
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frickingnerd · 5 months
enemies to lovers with villain deku & a reader who's an one for all user
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pairing: izuku midoriya / deku x gn!reader
tags: reader has one for all, izuku hates the reader, violence, kidnapping, mentions of torture, stalking, yandere vibes
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you were so similar to izuku!
both of you were born quirkless and had acquired a quirk from someone else
he had gotten his from all for one, while you got your quirk from all might
izuku had looked up to all might his entire life, wishing he could be like him one day!
but he had given up on that dream, when he realized how cruel the world really was
and now here you were, having the same origins as him, yet you were lucky enough to get the quirk izuku had wished for his entire life!
you were trained by the man izuku had strived to be like as a child!
it wasn't fair! it should've been him and not you! you didn't know all might as well as he did! you hadn't been as big of a fan as he was!
there was this burning hatred in izuku. the kind of hate you can only feel for someone you once used to love more than anything else in the world
the same hate he felt for all might for not giving this quirk to him, he also felt for you. you were the one who took this from him! you stole his dream!
izuku swore that he would make you pay for this!
whenever the league was attacking class 1A, izuku threw the original plan aside and went to find you
he had learned so much about you. about your friends. your family. he knew you better than all of them combined!
and he knew what he needed to do to make you suffer!
during the usj attack, izuku was targeting you and your friends
the closer they were to you, the more he would hurt them. he'd break their legs, watching as they struggled to get up and defend themselves against him, without even standing a chance
he was standing in a pile of injured people, waiting for you to see him! he wanted you to know that he was the one who did this!
when you finally spotted him, the fighting started. but he wasn't too impressed by your quirk
really, this was supposed to be all might's quirk? you were breaking your arms just by touching him! he didn't even need to do anything!
during the summer camp, izuku finally managed to get his hands on you again, this time even taking you with him
he held you captive, cuffed to a chair as he had a little chat with you
it was there when he revealed to you who he was and how well he really knew you
that he despised you for stealing a quirk that should've belonged to him! and that he planned to make you suffer, just like you had made him suffer!
yet to his surprise, you smiled at him, instead of bursting into tears
you told him that you didn't believe he was really all that evil and for a moment, izuku felt like he was looking at another version of himself. one that continued to stay good. one that could've been a hero…
he should've hated you, but by that point, he was infatuated with you
he still wanted your quirk. and he still wanted to see you break!
but now a part of him was hoping that you would endure his torture just a little longer, so he could keep you close to him
you were a great hero. but seeing someone as pure and good as you break down and join his cause? now that's what he wanted to see~!
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darlink-xoxo · 1 year
in which, a boy thinks he's in need of medical attention
but he's really just in love..
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GIF isnt mine
just shoto being blissfully unaware of how whipped he is 💕
read pt2 here
Warnings: Oblivious Shoto, Shoto in Denial, Puppy Love 🫶.. spelling mistakes
❥ · ゚₊ he blinked when a hand waved itself in front of his face. glancing at his surroundings, shoto's brows lightly scrunched together as he tried to remember where he was. oh right, he was in the middle of eating lunch in the cafeteria. turning to look at who waved in his face, he was greeted by his friends looking at him with smug faces.
".. hello?"
"sorry to interrupt you todoroki, but you were spaced out for a few minutes now." izuku spoke with a small smile.
ochako leaned over towards tsu and whispered something, before both started giggling with fox grins. shoto blinked, confusion clear on his face, he looked towards tenya who cleared his throat.
the engine quirk user pointed behind him to a table over with a sly smile on his face. shoto's head tilted as he looked over, his breath seemed to leave him as his eyes landed on a particular someone..
their name was y/n, one of the top students of class 1b. his surroundings left his mind once more, his vision turned tunneled, and it narrowed in on them. just how much time had passed? he couldn't say.
it was like they managed to stop his world from spinning, they kept him grounded, while also making him throw away any rationality he might've had. he felt lightheaded, did he have heartburn? or was he drunk..
wait shoto doesnt even drink
you were happily chatting with your classmates kinoko and tokage. although, it was more like kinoko was listening, while you and the dark green haired girl chatted away. you both knew that kinoko was the shy type, so you didnt forget to include her in your conversations.
as you sipped your drink, you glanced to your side to see tokage whisper something to the mushroom quirk user. it was then that kinoko covered her mouth to hide her giggles, her shoulders shaking with laughter and tokage let out loud laughs.
you flashed them a confused smile as you asked them what was up. they did nothing but laugh harder, before eventually calming down and pointing forward at the next table a couple feet away in front of you guys.
you tilted your head as you turned to face the direction where they pointed at, before being stunned when you made eye contact with a certain ice and fire user. although he seemed to snap out of whatever spell he was under, his face held a similar look of shock as yours.
you quickly glanced around you in case he was looking at someone else instead, when you found no one else you sent a confused wave in his direction. smiling at him before going back to eating your lunch
shoto responded with a wave of his own, although still stuck in a daze, he felt the corners of his lips quirk up. did.. did his quirk suddenly activate? last he remembered y/n didnt have the ability to activate someone else's quirk.. so why did he feel so warm..?
izuku lightly laughed at his love dazed classmate. how could one of class 1a's top students, be so unaware of how spell bound he looked?
"hey.. midoriya.."
"oh! yeah todoroki?"
"am.. am i sick? i feel warm all over, and i think i'm experiencing a heart attack."
the green haired male blanked as shoto was finally able to turn away from his attention capturer, "midoriya.. am i dying??"
.. eh?
"i'm serious, my mind is going blank, i think i'm experiencing cardiac arrest. i couldn't even breathe, and i zone out every time i look at them. i cant even speak.. it's like i've been brainwashed."
"pff," izuku was fighting for his life to keep his laughter in, but ultimately he failed when he heard how the rest of the table burst with laughter. ochako and tsu clutched at each other as they wheezed with giggles, while tenya repeatedly slapped at the table.
"wh- but i mean it! i'm not even sure recovery girl will be able to help with my situation!"
"guys i think i might be allergic to y/n 😨"
you looked over at 1a's table, your eyes narrowing in on a dual quirk user. you sighed happily, finding the escapade that you were watching from afar to be funny.
kinoko nudged tokage's shoulder, and both girls turned to look at you before lightly giggling behind their hands, taking a breath to recollect themselves, kinoko reached over and prepared to wave her hand in your face.
"sorry to interrupt you y/n, but you've been zoned out for a while now." they laughed.
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todorokis-girl · 4 months
I Never Knew You Were Alive - Soulmate AU (II)
Touya x f!reader
I do apologize, I have a certain love for the mundane, and I like to expand on boring things before I get to the "meat" of the story. This one has nothing but mundane.
If anyone has any suggestions, I am open to hearing them. I have a rough plot, but like I said, I get side tracked with exploring random things, my pacing can be kind of slow. I do filler chapters when I feel like writing but I haven't finished the main chapter yet.
Also, if you want to get tagged in the next one, please let me know.
No actual dabi in this one
Chapter I: So it starts Chapter II: A late arrival Chapter III: belive of be doomed Chapter IV: What are we doing? Chapter V: Last minute encounter Chapter VI: Deciding to fall in love with you
Previous chapter
Next chapter
Chapter II: A late Arrival
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As the sun rose over the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and gold, a new day dawned at The Hero Academy. Excitement buzzed through the corridors, echoing the eager chatter of students and the hushed whispers of anticipation, at what this new semester would bring them.
Amidst the throng of pupils eagerly making their way to class, one figure stood out—a newcomer, her footsteps quickened by nerves and determination. Unbeknownst to the students, she was already late, the weight of unfamiliar hallways slowing her progress as she navigated the maze of the school seemingly for the first time, even though she had been there before, as a student herself. With each passing minute, her heart raced, a slow, calming breath exhaled though her nostrils, the anxiety of tardiness threatening to overshadow the promise of a fresh start; and as she finally stepped through the classroom door, a momentary pause hung in the air, hinting at the unexpected journey that lay ahead. 
She was unlucky Aizawa had told her to simply step into the classroom the moment she arrived, he had start of the semester paperwork to get done, he could leave them alone for a couple of minutes to wait for her. New people scared her, and children made her anxious. Why did she think she could do this job again? Keigo had a point telling her to reject the job. 
She placed her things quickly behind the podium, and grabbed a piece of white chalk from a box of them that already lived there. She was gonna do the classic cliche of writing her name on the board; but what was she to do, she was anxious and still terrified to attempt to look at the students. Taking a second to adjust to the admosphre, and get their attention withought looking at them seemed the most apropriate. 
She hadn't meant to be late, she woke up this morning at the UA dorms like she was supposed to, with plenty of time to spare, she was even having a lovely talk with her new co-worker about how to approach the students of class 1A; but there had been a sudden emergency at the agency and Endeavor was already split with work. As talented and powerful as he is, he can't be in two opposing places at once; and she was still the second to call there. 
The coffee was sweet, with an adequate amount of creamer, it tasted... perfect nutty with a creamy texture "This is delicious," My eyes brighten intensely making direct eye contact with Aizawa, Sh was truly not expecting it to be so good "thank you for the coffee" I'm never going to a coffee shop again. 
He ignored her and started talking about his students, giving careful insight into the ones he considered harder to handle "Bakugou can be a little rough, he might sound aggressive, but he's truly just a dedicated person" She nodded signaling that she was listening, but never forgetting her coffee. 
As calming as the morning might seem from an outside perspective, she wasn't feeling calm at all, and she didn't know why. She woke up with waves of anxiety washing over her, and as the hours passed, anxiety turned to determination and slowly... a weird mixture between happiness, satisfaction and sadness. Where it al came from she didn't really know. What she did know is that she was thankful Eraserhead had taken time out of his morning to help her out not just with advice, but with company, allowing her to control the conflicting shift of emotions. Even if she didn’t really know where they came from. 
She was about to open her mouth, to ask a question about the best way to structure lessons for them, to add to the previous insight she was given, but she was stopped by the loud ring of her phone, the ringtone she had for any calls coming from the agency. 
She quickly picked up the phone, excusing herself from her co-worker "This better be important, Heatstroke" She took one sip of her coffee as she heard the intense response, "Endeavor is busy in a meeting with the commissioner, emergency fire at a building, too hot for any of us to walk into....it's the bluefire quirk" immediately putting the mug down (regretfully), she hung the phone and got ready to leave
Before she could she quickly turned to Aizawa, before leaving "I might be a little late... any chance you'll keep the students entertained until I get back?" A hopeful expression covering her face. 
"Just walk in, they won't burn the classroom down, or I'll make them suffer; a couple of minutes won't hurt" I laughed running out the door, his reply calmingly amusing and grateful my hero suit was my uniform. 
She took one final deep breath when her name was finally written on the board, time to turn around... 
She cleared her throat attempting to get the attention of the members of the class, not noticing that she already had it "Good morning students, sorry for the wait," she greeted them with her usual bright smile, hero work had it's perks outside of using your quirk freely; it provided professional level acting experience "I'm the temperature hero, Thermiforst, and I will be your teacher for the new class 'Alternative Strategies' it's a pleasure to meet you all" 
"You did good, the students seem to like you" She looked up from her paperwork to make eye contact with Aizawa, making her relax just a little bit. She had been overthinking all day about the impression she had made of the students of both class A and B. 
"Thank you, it was all thanks to you really, "controlled curiosity"? Was not expecting that to work" He sat down a cup of lavender tea (the smell was quickly feeling her nostrils, she didn't even need to get close to the cup to identify the type) next to the paperwork she was working on, following it up with a plump and juicy looking peach. She smiled and looked up at him carefully, with a soft smile, she felt so welcomed "Thank you". He simply waved her off over his shoulders as he walked away to his own desk. 
Going back to your old school always sounds like such a lame thing to do. Sort of like reminding yourself of all the times graduated students would come back to the school to visit to seem cool, and it just ended up seeming stupid; it's different when you're coming back to teach, but it still gives a bad feeling at first. 
Also, the whole thing with Hawks the week before had undeniably rattled her, at first she was just mad that he was implying that she couldn't take care of herself as well as the students, but now, with fresh eyes and a new perspective of the situation... she was just worried. Hawks was over protective of her, so was everyone else around her, but this was unusual, he'd never question her heroism, or her ability to take care of herself. He knew more than he was saying, and if she knew anything about Keigo and his background, the hero comission was one-thousand percent behind all of this, and that scared her; it appeared he was in a lot more danger than she could possibly be. 
The league of villains. She could see how the comission could care about them, currently they are a danger to not just society but the hero community, and there was no chance, the hero comission was simply going to let that go... 
Kaigo... what the hell did you get yourself into... 
Her thoughts running so high she once again started to feel a slight bothersome in her soulmate mark, it always demanded attention when she seemed to be running high on emotions. She always thought, it was simply her body asking for her soulmate for comfort, but she didn't have the ability to do that; and she hated the constant reminder. 
She got snapped out of her thoughts and her eyes went to her phone freshly lit up screen. A fresh message from Keigo. Speak of the devil.
'How was the first day with the brats?' She looked over at the time realizing that she was due to clock out, and started packing up her things before she took the time to answer the message. Quietly thanking him for reminding her she did't have to sit there indefinitely. 
She placed the straps over her shoulder, the weight of the one strap she used causing her to lean slightly to the side. She took the clip off and dropped it on her desk, if she forgot to take it off, she would have nothing to hold her hair up with it. 
She finally took her phone to finally reply to her messages; as she did she remembered the blue flames from earlier in the morning, and how for some reason they had caused a sense of familiarity and a deep longing. 
She was used to walking on fires, and extremely cold temperatures; nothing to worry about. What she was worried about what the fire felt like, on her skin, it felt like she could stand there for hours and feel at peace. She felt comfort. She'd have to look into it later. 
'It was really fun, don't call them brats, they're really sweet kids' 
'yeah yeah, whatever. I'll see you this weekend for coffee as usual, right?' 
'of course loser, stay alive till then, ok?' 
'Sure, See you Tomorrow at the usual place" 
'see you tomorrow’ 
Weeks later
In the hushed confines of the darkened living room, a rhythmic tapping sound reverberated as the back of laptop was lifted the back of her laptop, her fingers clutching the sleek device with a hint of tension. Her gaze remained fixed, unwavering, on the solitary blue radiance emanating from the unassuming coffee machine stationed on the kitchen counter. Yet, amidst the ambient glow, her vision faltered, blurred by the shimmer of tears that veiled her eyes, from her perspective, casting twin reflections of the light. As they spilled over, tracing a silent journey down her cheek, the world seemed to blur into a poignant symphony of emotion. 
She had a feeling that something was off, her soulmate's name on the inside of her arm burned, it burned so much it made her resolve falter. She went into the blue flames enveloping the building, with the intention of finding survivors, she was the only one who could walk into them; and Endeavor had been in the middle of a reunion with the commissioner when everything started.
The feeling of the fire on her skin felt... calming, almost comforting, and it shook her to her core but she ignored it and pushed herself to walk to save people. Through out the entire event, the more she stood in the flame, the more her soulmate mark screamed. Once the job was done, and the reports are written she gave herself the time to look over the person behind the fire. 
Dabi, member of the League of Villains, quirk? Bluefire. Similar to Endeavor's.. but hotter, much hotter, so much hotter it seems, that it slowly burns away his own body from the inside out. No one knows where he came from, who he is or even what his name is; all we know is that he's... Dabi. 
The current knowledge was making her overthink, what she was thinking was insane, absolutely fucking crazy. yet, if it was true... it wouldn't be hard to believe. Sure, Endeavor helped her out, basically raised her and allowed her to use the family name after her own parents ditched her... but she wasn't delusional. Enji Todoroki wasn't a saint, and she knew it. The state of the family was definitely a tall tell sign of that. 
You're crazy, years without a soulmate has made you delusional. 
But, the feelings, the soulmate marks, the quirk similarities with Endeavor, the seeming obsession with Shouto and Endeavor.... 
She had to find him, he was out there and she had to find him. She was going to ask him, and she'd let him go, just this once... for his troubles, just in case she was wrong. She needed to tell him, even if she had no response from him. Because if she was right, he already knew who she was, and that killed her. 
She quickly snapped herself out of her trance, and looked around the even darker room, random scattered lights all around from multiple appliances; she took a deep breath to snap herself out of the heartbreak she had caused herself and opened her laptop again; quickly accessing Endeavors agency database and into her profile, placing a pin on the villain and setting notifications to be sent to her phone. 
With the process over, she looked around her inmediate area, attempting to find her phone. She hadn't had any confirmation in the next few weeks, but she was sure of who could give her the information she wanted, and he was going to help her. 
She scrolled through her phone's contacts looking for his name, once she spotted it, she quickly proceeded to click on his name and placing the phone in her ear. 
"Hey Birdie, it's kind of late for a call, you ok?" His voice was gentle, you could hear the clear worry. 
She looked up to the clearly visible time in her microwave '3:00 am', she swallowed guiltily, she hadn't even noticed; but she wasn't gonna wait anymore. 
"Hey Keigo, I need something from you" 
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serxinns · 3 months
platonic yandere class 1a (+teachers if u feel like writing them) with an idol reader. to be a bit more specific, the reader is kinda like a jpop idol and they're also a hero, but they fight very brutally like someone in mortal Kombat would.
and the class is like very concerned cuz reader is pretty young and they shouldn't do all this hard idol work (I imagine that they found out they're an idol before they found out they were also a vigilante). Plus it would be kinda funny if the reader's fans were kinda weird and liked how they dealt with villains and ask to take pictures with them while they're all bloody n stuff cuz they think they look "cooler" or whatever.
also i feel like the reader would still be very happy-go-lucky as they absolutely decimate someone's face in mere seconds :3
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A bunch of fans were crowding around UA waiting for you all because they heard a rumor that the famous jpop y/n l/n was the new student of UA it got all over the news headlines and social media everyone all over the Japan talking about it wherever you go when your In disguised even the Ua students themselves thinking what class you were going to be in
As you skipped through the halls a bunch of fans were crowding around you want to get your autograph you tried pushing them away but the crowd was too think You kept being shoved from one person to another trying to get a hold of you until a very loud whip cackle made the crowd quiet and immediately looks towards sensei midnight looking pissed than ever "alright people back around l/n San they got class to attend to lets go"
They all groaned as they soon backed away slowly heading to class but midnight wasn't satisfied just yet "Or unless you want extra training if you're saving that much energy~" thats when the students panicked and quickly went to their assigned classrooms, you ran up to midnight in a tight hug "thank you Sensei!" you smiled as Nemuri giggled and patted your head "your welcome desert now run along to your next class you don't wanna be late?"
You quickly ran into the halls hurrying up to not get late the the 6:59 hit 7 you knocked down your classroom door making it on time "I'm here!" You panted slowly trying to catch your breath everyone in the classroom, stood silently noticing your presence they all looked at you in silence for about a min until one girl with the pink hair screamed "its (idol name)!!!" The students were about to trample you down untill Aizawa glared at them with red glowing eyes demanding them to sit
Once seated Aizawa cleared his throat "Class this is our new student y/n l/n do you have any questions for her" a bunch of hands went up spouting all types of questions and that was how each of your bond started
They treated you like you were their siblings each of them wanted to spend time with you heck even the teachers!
The girls would invite you to a sleepover every other week or have a spa date with their idol spoiling you at the chance they get
Momo and iida were like your older siblings always helping you out the best way they could helping you with your grades and ofc spoiling you
Shoto and Bakugo would always compete with each other over for your praise and try out one another whether be fighting, playing games anything they'll do anything to win your attention
Tsuyu and Tokoyami were your calm besties pretending that they were normal even tho they wanted you just as bad Tokoyami and you would watch mystery movies together and Tsuyu would occasionally join the two of you and try guessing dark shadow would joined as well making it interesting while tokoyami watched happily
Izuku would rant all about his favorite heroes to you while you rant about your interests and put them together and thentwo of you would be ranting for hours and hours at the time
At training, it's WW2 fighting over who gets to train with you 1st and Aizawa had to stop them and decided that you were gonna train with him while the rest of the class groaned while he restrained himself from, smirking knowing he won
One day a villain was attacking and everyone's priorities were fixated on getting you safe but before they turned to look to see if you were you took off launching yourself towards the villain and beating them mercilessly the class watched as You were taking down the villain with mixed emotions, mostly admiration, some shocked, most concerned, and the bakusquad hyping you up
At the end of the day when the monsters got taken down you were met with a bunch of fans who wanted to get your autograph and a selfie with you but you were worried since you were covered in blood but the fans surprise thought it was badass, so your fans started taking a lot of photos with your while your class watched in jealous but that's fine
(They were gonna plan getting your merch anyway)
Sorry if it was rushed 🥲
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