#stolas camera roll
sulumuns-dootah · 2 months
WHB demons as drama on Czech/Slovak YouTube
A/N: I am full of random ideas, but this one might take the cake so far :D (Also wtf, did yellow text option disappear from desktop?)
Bimet - A creator whose fanbase are solely children, tells a fan that his merch is not expensive, it's just that the kid doesn't have enough money
Paimon & Eligos - A very dramatic end of relationship between two influencers who had a drama/exposé podcast together (It's still kinda ongoing and boy is it chotic)
Orias - A 23y.o. guy who dated a 13y.o. and his excuse was that he feels like he's mentally still 13, too (or smth like that)
Agares - A politician whose whole thing was that he's part of the young generation™  got exposed for SAing multiple women and a video of him degrading one of them became a meme ("You're totally r*tarded, but totally. And I'm naked, totally...*camera pans down but cuts off before u see the peen*) - Also, don't worry, he's behind bars now
Beelzebub - A guy, who as a kid got super famous for "Going to play with rocks" while cooking reality show was filming some b rolls of the chef. As an adult, the guy got in with a group of creators for children and started giving out their phone numbers for money.
Bephegor- The same creator that insulted his fan, released an action figure of himself, but the quality was really bad and when one streamer got his, the figure was in pieces (the box was very beat up too - he described it as if the courier took out all his agression on it)
Satan - Still staying with the same creator: He filmed himself going wayyy over the speed limit and filmed himself doing it like it's soemthing cool. (Reminder: fanbase full of kids)
Stolas - A guy whose online persona is being a psycho challenged a guy who made reactions to his content to a fight in ring. Psycho dude got disqualified because he kept breaking the rules
Lucifer & Michael - Months after a breakup, a guy releases a diss track on his ex and she responded with one too (hers is better banger imo)
Foras - A girl, secretly managed by her father(?) makes videos about dogs. A video where she borderline drowns her two chihuahuas in a tub went viral and even made it to the news (While fact checking the dog breed I even found her tumblr T-T)
Gamigin - Does anyone remember that Misha kid who sang about Minecraft, League of Legends and Pokémon Go? Yeah, that kid's czech ^^ (Also apparently he still makes music)
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stolitzsings · 9 months
Okay this is gonna a (VERY) long post but it's my attempt to get my thoughts in order about Stolas, Blitz, and what we've seen of their dynamic so far. I can understand why some people would think they made Stolas "too soft" or walked his less admirable character traits back too much, but I think the show's choices for him make a lot of sense in context. Helluva Boss also relies a lot on subtext, and often doesn't feel the need to directly spell things out, which I think makes a lot of sense for a show in which almost every character is dealing with some sort of trauma or issue that severely impacts how they interact with the world. Why did they do this shitty thing? Fuck, they don’t know, so how would the audience possibly find out? Everyone in this show is an unreliable narrator, and I think that's one of its strengths.
So. Blitz and Stolas are both kind of shitty to each other, and that makes them better and more interesting characters.
Let's start with Stolas. While he is clearly my favorite character, I have very little interest in making "excuses" for his behavior, and I think doing so actively takes away from what makes him interesting. Instead, I want to look at what led him to excuse his OWN behavior, and what finally made him realize how he was hurting Blitz.
So, the book. Stolas may have been a little naive about why Blitz was breaking into his room (and easily allowed himself to be convinced that fucking SOMEONE thought he was worth going even a little out of their way for), but once Blitz left with the Grimoire I bet Stolas figured it out pretty quick. I can imagine his response being mostly pain and anger; he finally thought someone wanted him, and it's just another bid for his power. Well, fine, he can play that game too.
Two of the primary relationships Stolas had, with Paimon and with Stella, were all about power. A marriage to maintain the Goetia family's power, and a father whose only solution to his son's sadness and loneliness was to throw money and influence around until something stopped the crying. So it's an easy jump for Stolas to decide to leverage his power to force Blitz back into his life. And again, this isn't about "poor sad boy didn't know relationships could be built on mutual respect," it's "this is why he decided to do this and why it was easy for him to rationalize his behavior."
On the topic of rationalization, Blitz was the one who initiated the relationship, right? And they were both getting something they wanted out of it. Blitz got the book for his little business venture, and Stolas got intimacy and contact with Blitz. That's how he justified it, anyway, while either not seeing or purposefully ignoring the way that being treated like a servant to be summoned or dismissed at will would impact Blitz. And Blitz's go-to response to anyone, even people he really cares about, is to be sarcastic and insulting, so Stolas could easily use that as justification for Blitz's harsh comments. It's just banter or Blitz being Blitz, probably. While never stopping to think about the possibility that Blitz was really uncomfortable or unhappy with their relationship. The closest he comes to acknowledging this is when he's having his little cereal and telenovela pity party, thinking about how Blitz doesn't seem to feel the same way about him, so it's possible he's already beginning to see the cracks in the foundation of their relationship, or realize that there's no amount of time he can make Blitz spend with him that will lead to him returning his feelings.
However, the first time he really understands the damage he's done is after Ozzie's. He realizes he's been treating Blitz as a plaything, something to pick up or put down whenever he wants, and so of course Blitz thinks that's all he is to Stolas. This is made clear when we see him scrolling through his camera roll, and he realizes that Blitz looks annoyed and uncomfortable with him. He understands that his relationship with Blitz is a "comfortable lie" of which he's happily convinced himself.
Immediately after realizing this we see the shift. His characterization is different in season 2 because HE'S different, or at least trying to be. He immediately tries to find a way to free Blitz from their arrangement, and tries to understand and consider his feelings. We see in his text messages that he apologizes to Blitz for his behavior at Ozzie's, and tells him that he can just leave the Grimoire at his place for the next full moon. He says he doesn't want to be a bother.
"Just Look My Way" is the culmination of everything he's been wrestling with. He expresses so much tenderness and affection for Blitz and just wants to keep him close, but "[he] know[s] better now." He has to let Blitz make his own choices, and he desperately hopes that Blitz will see that he's trying. He recognizes that he's been using Blitz as "means to an end," to get the attention and intimacy he wanted from him.
He is also trying to understand Blitz and what he's feeling. He knows that Blitz is wrestling with things Stolas doesn't know about, and wants to help. Stolas sees Blitz's ambition, his drive, and the way that Hell treats him for being an imp, and how that broke him down and made him so guarded. While it's not explicitly stated, the case could be made that Stolas is also recognizing the way in which he has belittled or dismissed Blitz because he's an imp, and how much that would have hurt and only put up more walls between them.
Finally, he recognizes that, by freeing Blitz from their arrangement, Blitz might remain permanently out of his reach, and he resigns himself to that.
To summarize, Stolas has undergone a lot of painful, difficult character growth in a very short amount of time. He has realized that he was selfish, and lied to himself in order to justify his treatment of Blitz, and because of that he may have ruined their relationship forever. His character wasn't changed by the writers, he's just changing as a character. The realization that you've hurt someone you care about can be a very powerful motivator.
Speaking of hurting people you care about, let's talk about Blitz! His emotional timeline is a little harder to pin down. We know Stolas always had a thing for him, but we don't know when Blitz began to return those feelings. You could make the case that it started as early as their first night together, when "I can do this real fast" before he absconded with the Grimoire turned into falling asleep in each other's arms. It's clear he felt something--although it may have just been pity or remorse--at finding out how desperately lonely and touch-starved Stolas had been.
Regardless of when his feelings started, we know he was becoming aware of them by "Truth Seekers," and was distinctly unsettled by how they might affect him. He clearly put Stolas on a pedestal, someone out of his reach but alluring, someone he might allow himself to be "chained" by and trapped by his own emotional vulnerability. In fact the idea of Stolas vanishing from his life like the others is represented as clinging, burning feathers that bind and torture him. While there are a lot of possible analyses of his trip sequence, I interpreted that part as, "if he goes too it might be the one that breaks me." It's something so vulnerable and raw that it manifests as physical agony.
Still, in that episode we see him realize that he needs to open up a little, and actually be honest and vulnerable with the people he cares about. He does this immediately with Moxxie, and I would argue that he does this at the end of the episode with Stolas as well. The scene between them is, well, intimate. The way he draws his finger across Stolas's face clearly communicates, "I know what you like, and I want to make you feel good" (and yes, I am completely feral about it). It's flirty, it's affectionate, and it's also the first time we see them kiss. It may be one of the first times he shows affection for Stolas in front of the other IMP employees. And for Blitz? That's a lot. It seems like he's decided to open up a bit with Stolas, as well.
His decision to ask Stolas to Ozzie's could also be part of opening up. I mean, on the one hand, it's definitely "if I show up with a demon prince they have to let me in," but there might also be a bit of "it's a convenient excuse to ask him out without having to feel vulnerable because I can pretend it's just a scheme" mixed in. He even sounds a little rueful when Stolas points out it's their first date, possibly because he's realized he's using Stolas to spy on his employees whereas Stolas seems genuinely excited for a night out together.
Unfortunately for both of them, Blitz decided to open up and was immediately forced back into his shell at Ozzie's. He tries to stick up for M&M, gets humiliated by his former best friend and his ex girlfriend, and then, when Ozzie goads Stolas about their relationship, Stolas literally hides his face behind his menu, which Blitz of course interprets as him being ashamed to be seen with him. Personally, I don't think that was Stolas's thought process. I think it's more likely he was thinking about Via and how he'd blown her life up, or worrying that he WAS just selfish and should have stayed in his marriage. Whatever it was, I think it's a lot more likely to come from Stolas's internalized guilt or shame rather than any embarassment about Blitz.
But Blitz doesn't know that, of course, so he assumes the worst. Of course Stolas is ashamed of him, who wouldn't be? And it all spirals from there. Stolas is fine with fucking him or acknowledging him in some two-bit town in Wrath, but put him among his own kind and he's too embarassed to look at him, let alone defend him. So just when he decides to be vulnerable, he immediately feels betrayed. He's convinced that Stolas doesn't actually care about him.
The scene in the van is heartbreaking on a rewatch. Stolas invites him in, which Blitz assumes is a ploy, and he literally has to hold up a hand and pause for a moment to keep himself together. He even apologizes for not coming in. He's fucking devastated, and he feels like this is just another relationship that's going to crumble into dust. He thinks he's going to die alone. We end the season with him looking back through all the relationships he's ruined and breaking down in tears. Yet again, he's pushing people away before they have the chance to leave him.
As with Stolas, Blitz's camera roll provides invaluable insight into his character. He has pictures of himself with all his loved ones, including Stolas. Either he very rarely takes pictures, or he has a folder for people who are important to him. Either way, it's clear he treasures these pictures, and he puts Stolas's photo in there, too. Crucially, it's a photo taken while Stolas is asleep. He allows himself to express his feelings for Stolas very rarely, often when he's sure Stolas can't see him. We see it in his blush over Stolas's human form in "Seeing Stars," and later in that episode when Stolas tells him he'll "leave [the audience] breathless" and we see that smile spreading over his face. The feelings are there, but showing them openly without three defensive layers of sarcasm and shittiness makes him feel too exposed.
And then here comes "Western Energy." Yeehaw. I think confining Blitz to a hospital waiting room for most of this episode was a smart way to delay gratification for an audience (me) that desperately wanted to see him come charging in action hero style to sweep Stolas off his feet. It's the perfect level of "I really need to get this mundane but very real and important thing done." He's trying to be there for his daughter when she's scared and she needs pretty critical preventative healthcare. He's stuck there, frustrated, yelling at everyone in the waiting room, clearly worried about Stolas but telling himself that Millie and Moxxie could handle it. And they did, eventually, but what might a few extra minutes have done if they didn't drop Blitz and Loona off at the hospital first?
Blitz barely sees Stolas at all in this episode, but what he does see is so impactful. Watching a swarm of doctors in the fucking SLOTH ring running to his van, getting knocked down, and then only seeing Stolas's tail feathers passing over him as he finally understands that something is terribly wrong. It's a beautifully done scene. And then his sheer disbelief when Millie and Moxxie explain what happened.
"He can get hurt?" Stolas was, to him, untouchable and unobtainable. This was the first time he had to reckon with the fact that Stolas could get injured, or even die; that there were more ways to lose him than by just pushing him away. I think it parallels how he'd been thinking about Stolas's emotions, as well. How could anything he said impact a demon prince? Especially one who just viewed him as a plaything? Realizing that Stolas was physically vulnerable made him realize that he was emotionally vulnerable, as well.
The events of "Western Energy" also parallel what we now know of his relationship with Fizz. He couldn't get help for Fizz in time, and it nearly killed him. And because Millie and Moxxie were delayed in getting to Stolas, he almost died as well. This only encouraged him to push Stolas away further. He HAS to convince himself that Stolas doesn't care about him, because that's the only way to get enough distance that it won't hurt as bad if Stolas leaves him or is taken from him.
In summary, Blitz defends himself by walling himself off, hiding his true feelings, and being an asshole to people he cares about. While he tries to open up a little after "Truth Seekers," he assumes the worst of Stolas's behavior at Ozzie's and convinces himself Stolas doesn't care about him at all. His realization that Stolas can be hurt in "Western Energy" only encourages him to push himself further away in order to preempt what he sees as the inevitable moment when he loses Stolas too.
We're coming into season 2 part 2 at a time of transition for both characters. Stolas's mistake was trying so hard to bind Blitz to him, and now he's realizing that he has to let him go. Blitz's mistake was always pushing people away, and he's finally trying to repair some relationships like with his sister and Fizz. These goals, alongside their chronic inability to communicate, could easily clash in spectacular and hearbreaking ways in the coming episodes. Whatever happens, I'm excited to see what the creators have in store.
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chaifootsteps · 1 year
Imagine Blitzo and Stolas running off but they do that thing from that one movie where they leave the camera rolling while their smiles fade and they wonder what the fuck they're gonna do now.
Just staring on ahead as it sinks in how much they fucked up.
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janis-1987 · 2 years
The First Time I Saw You (Fizzmodeus Fluff)
Asmodeus sighs as he arrives at the circus, quickly being swarmed by reporters, cameras flashing all around him as he makes his way to the big top. As he enters the tent he's lead up to his viewing box, he takes his seat, the other 4 princes sit beside him, all muttering to each other about how annoying it was to be pulled away from their duties to watch a performance in which all the performers were imps, they all had their phones out and were trying to keep on top of their duties. As Asmodeus looks out over the crowd, he can see the entire goetia family sitting just below them, and he manages to pick out Stolas with his wife, having just been to their wedding a few weeks before, he was surprised they were still together, he thought they would have already divorced, and that's when his eyes land on another viewing box, and he's shocked to see that Lucifer and his wife actually decided to show up, he knew appearances were important but he still couldn't believe they'd make time for something like this. He shudders slightly as he sees all the children in the crowd, having a strong disliking for them.
Finally, the lights dim and a spot light flicks on, in the ring stands none other than Mammon himself, he smiles up at the crowd, "Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, princes and princesses of hell! I welcome you to my show case, I have gathered the best performers in all of hell for you all to witness tonight, including a fiery new comer jester, Fizzarolli, with his robotic limbs you won't believe the feats he can perform, so without further ado, enjoy the show!" He announces before making his way off stage.
Asmodeus rolls his eyes, about to take out his own phone when he sees him.
Fizzarolli appears in the ring and the moment he does, he has the whole audiences attention, he jumps off the high beam and grabs a rope, swinging around the tent before doing a backflip off and landing on his feet with ease. Asmodeus feels his face heat up with blush and he's certain he must look absolutely star struck seeing the little imp.
Fizzarolli smiles at the crowd, Asmodeus can't even focus enough to hear what he's saying, but as another spot light clicks on, and a horse is revealed running full speed at the imp, he can't help but get nervous for him. At the last second, Fizz's limbs stretch and the horse goes under him, he jumps into the air, before landing on the horses back with one arm holding the saddle as he does a handstand. The horse never once slowing down for him, the crowd oohs and ahs at the imps feat as other performers make their way on stage, the acts continue, getting more and more elaborate with stunts that in any other circumstance probably would have broken the performers bones. He can't take his eyes off the imp in the jester hat, and he's laughing along with the audience as he tells his jokes.
"I'm sure a lot of you little kids must be curious about my limbs and if you could get your own," he laughs softly, "well let me tell ya, when your boss says break a leg, they don't mean it literally."
This earns laughter from the crowd and the show continues on.
And all too soon the show ends, the performers taking their final bows as Fizz takes center stage.
"That's our show folks! You've been a great audience and to all the royalty in the crowd, the fun isn't over, Mammon invites you all to stay for the after party! Have a good night!" He calls out as he exits the ring.
Asmodeus is the first out of his seat and quickly makes his way outside, hoping to find the little imp that had stole the show. Only to run into Mammon.
"Ozzie! You made it! Did you enjoy the show?" Mammon asks, clearly pleased after the performance.
"I did, that little imp you have, Fizzarolli, he's a star for sure, your audiences are going to love him." Asmodeus responds, "I'd love to meet him." He blurts out at the last second, without putting much thought into it.
"Well, I'm glad you liked it so much and I couldn't agree more. I managed to swipe him up from a dying circus after an accident." He says, seeming proud of the fact, he then pauses, "Wait, you want to meet him? Ozzie, he's just an imp, all that's special about him is his limbs. But I can't say I blame you, he really steals the show. He'll be at my party and you can tell him how much you enjoyed it, I'm sure he'll love to hear it. Just don't be trying to get in his pants okay?"
Asmodeus laughs, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in him that way." He lies through his teeth, "but after that performance, I'm sure every demon in there is dying to meet him."
"That's what I'm countin on. I want him to be the star of a new business I'm workin on." Mammon replies proudly, "Plus, he could use the encouragement. He's a real pain to deal with with his little ego crisises."
Asmodeus just nods, letting Mammon lead him to the private tent for the party, excited to meet the imp who had already stolen his heart.
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hazbincalifornia · 8 months
You can’t not agree Stella being a snoop wouldn’t be interested in the spying voxtech gadgets
I've been rolling around potential ideas for the 'Stellaluna and the Vees' au I said I'd toy with more once we saw them in action, and this could be an in for that. She orders a drone or a hidden microphone/camera, and it's flagged as coming from a Goetia account- I figure he has something set up to alert him if people of any real importance buy Voxtech gadgets. It's good to keep a bug in them to gather blackmail, to work out some kind of deal where they can get it for free if they promote it, etc.
Anyway, he looks closer and realizes that this wasn't Stolas or Octavia, but the mouthy little half-princess who probably wanted it to spy on a new girlfriend or something. He knows she's a bit of a mess, but also that she's a teenager, and a potentially moldable one at that who could be their in to gain a mole in the Goetian ranks. A quick scroll of her Sinstagram feed shows that she's a fan of Velvette, and it's all too easy to get her to agree to a little meeting- they'll give her the drone for free if she agrees to model something. Considering he's probably dreamed of this, of course, she snaps it up- and they have their in.
(Warning for some undertones of grooming) I figure this is a point of divergence where instead of coming to the Hotel as a teen, she's here as a young adult- instead of becoming a messy bitch to throw up a middle finger, she ends up funneling the blackmail she gathers at parties from people that treat her poorly/she dislikes into the pocket of Vox as he'll give her consistent attention and validation, as well as making her a secondary spokeswoman for a smaller product or two. He coaches her on how to act 'perfect' in a way that will get people liking you- as well as how to manipulate them without them even realizing you're doing it. (And if he adds in a bit of hypnosis to make sure she doesn't double-cross them… well, that's not important.) She'll model for Velvette too considering her proportions allow for some experimentation, and is a bit more wary of Val but can be coaxed into more and more risque photoshoots, especially if it's in Velvette's clothing line.
Obviously, her parents would be concerned once they find out what she's doing, but the first photoshoot was something she was so excited about for a dress she loved, and they figured it would end there. They probably don't find out until months later where she's been sneaking off to, and by then she likes the thrill, watching the way they all bounce off each other and chipping in now and then. She's doing respectable work, she doesn't want to just mooch off the family fortune or business forever! There's a little spark in her ear whispering that they just don't understand, but her love for her family overrides that… mostly.
I think there'd be two endings here. One, she pulls away, realizing that they find her more useful as a tool than as a friend. Potentially she goes to the Hotel purely to piss Vox off because she knows how much he hates Alastor- or she ends up going on a hell of a bender trying to destroy the reputation he helped her build. Two? She ends up wrapped tighter in the web, likely eventually being folded into the brand somehow as their not-so-little jack-of-all-trades star who's known for her uncanny ability to switch between masks to the point it seems unlikely even she knows what the truth is anymore, and weasel out information from people even the security cameras can't catch.
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Can you do Blitzo with a S/O who's jealous of the thing Blitzo has going on with Stolas because they're scared Blitzo will leave them for Stolas.
S/O jealous of Blitzø's relationship with Stolas
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It was that time of the month again.
Blitzø running off to fuck that fucking owl.
Now when youd initially gotten together, you'd understood it was business, and you still do. Really.
It's just when that 'buisness' began seeping into your day to day life, that it really got to you.
You could handle when he called for a job, or to remind him about the full moon, although he always seemed to act like he didnt already know about it.
But when Stolas began constantly sending him lewd texts, or the phone calls during work... and after work, when you were on dates. Acting like he didn't know you were a couple.
But the worst, was the pictures.
That damn fucking owl kept taking pictures of him and Blitzø, and even then, you could ignore that... if he didn't keep tagging you in them.
Or just straight up sending them to you.
So here you were sat alone in your apartment.
Sitting in your lounge room, as you went through your camera roll.
There were a lot of happy memories in there.
The two of you with the I.M.P gang. You and Blitzø pulling funny faces on your first date. That time you accidentally burnt down a movie theatre.
You couldn't help but smile, happy memories flooding your mind.
Then there was a ding on your phone. Your chest filled with dread when you saw it was Voxtigram.
Clicking on it, you found it was Stolas.
It was a pic of Blitzø, book in hand as he climbed through pompous Goetias window. Clearly struggling as he stuck his tongue out in concentration.
And then the caption. "Always coming back for more... must be missing something at home."
And you just could handle it.
You put your phone down, you got up, went to your kitchen and found your old friends.
Jack & Daniels.
This had become more common. You'd gone through more than a dozen bottles in the past year.
Bringing them back to the lounge room, you began pouring yourself drink after drink, Gulping down the burning liquid like it'd fix all your problem.
But hey, it certainly couldn't hurt.
Downing another glass, you wallowed in self pity.
How the fuck could you compete with Stolas.
He was a prince of Hell.
He had money, power, status, the fucking Book Blitzø needed to run his fucking buisness and could give Blitzø anything he could want.
Why do you even bother.
'NO STOP!' Flashed through your mind, 'That's the alcohol speaking.'
At least a bit.
Downing a another drink, you went to pour another when you heard something jump through the window.
Stumbling to your feet, you looked over to find a half dressed Blitzø struggling to get off the ground.
Falling back onto the couch, you watched as the Imp got to his feet.
Looking around he seemed surprised to see you. "Babe. Your still up?" He asked surprised.
"Your home early." Was your cold reply.
The Imp just nodded, scratching his neck, "Uh Yeah, Miss 'Owl Bitch' got home early. Sooo uh, I made an early exit." He said wearing that stupid cut little grin he wore when he talked about something awkward.
Moving closer he asked "Couldn't sleep?" He asked curiously, clearly trying to form some kind of connection.
With a nod you casually slipped the bottle of Jack onto the floor. "YuP." You popped. "Don't sleep so well this time of the month... Must be the full moon." You said almost sarcastically.
You say almost, because you were to buzzed to tell.
The Imp moved closer, sitting besides you as you downed the rest of your glass. Sitting down besides you, "Your drinking alone?" He asked, puzzled.
Putting down your glass you looked at him, "Why you say it like that?" You asked, your words the slightest bit slurred.
Blitzø looked at you, "Because you don't like drinking alone." He told you matter-of-factly.
"And how would you know that?" You asked, more playfully this time.
Blitzø smiled at you drunken sas, "Because you told me as much. You said it's pointless and boring to get drunk alone." He told you, placing his hand on your knee.
You both sat there for a minute, You drunkenly staring up at the ceiling, not paying much mind to the Imp that consumed a major chunk of your thoughts.
After a few more minutes, Blitzø asked "What's wrong?" A serious tone to his voice.
After another moment, you looked at him. "Why are you with me?" You asked somberly.
Blitzø seemed taken aback. "What do you mean?" He asked, clearly taken off guard.
"I mean" you began, "you could have anyone you want. You dated a pop star for fuck sake! Your... Your sleeping with a Fucking Prince of Hell..." You trailed off, laying your arm across your face. "Why are you with me?" You asked, emotion seeping into your voice
There was a long pause, but Blitzø spoke, "This is about Stolas... isn't it?" He asked.
You just nodded your head, not moving your arm.
Blitzø sighed, hunching forwards, "I know it's sucks babe, it does, but when we started this relationship we both agreed-" you cut him off, turning to him.
"I know what we agreed Blitz..." You huffed, "And I could handle once a month... but it's not just the The full moon with him. Its the constantly calling you off the job. It's the constant dirty texting." You ran a hand down your face.
"...It's the damn pictures" you glowered.
Blitzø turned at that. "Pictures?" He asked perplexed. "What do you mean pictures?"
Looking up at him, "Don't act like he doesn't tag you in every damned picture he posts Blitzø." you asked incredulously.
Blitzø raised his hands, telling you "Yeah, he tags me, But it's all selfies and shit. The ass trying to flirt with me or making a bad pun." He told you.
Looking at you he asked, "What does he send you?"
Glancing at him, you rubbed your eyes. Shaking your head, you leaned over you grabbed your phone.
Opening your phone, you found all the pictures Stolas sent you and handed it to him.
The Imp began scrolling, and as he did so, a slow shift occurred in his demeanour.
The Imp leaned forwards, bringing the phone closer he clenched it in his hands as the ghost of a scowl crossed his lips.
"That asshole..." He seethed, "Going after you, even when he knew we were together." He growled.
This... was new.
Sure Blitzø got angry at Stolas, but he usually held himself back, not wanting to get on the Prince's actual bad side.
But now he was pissed, like actually shaking pissed.
Turning off your phone he turned and asked you "Why didn't you tell me?"
Rubbing your cheek you quietly told him "I thought you knew."
Blitzø sighed, leaning closer he cupped your cheek, turning your head to look at him. "Babe, I knew when we became a couple, the Stolas... 'Situation' would cause some problems." He told you, moving closer. "But I promise you, if I knew about this I woulda put a stop to it, day-fucking-one." He asserted.
Leaning in close, he pressed his forehead to your own, "I love you (Y/N), and nothing Stolas does will ever change that."
You were tearing up now, your lip quivering as you asked him "Really?"
The Imp just gave you that confident little smile before nodding his head.
You locked into a kiss, the Imp pulling you close as he did his very best to prove just how much he loved you.
You quickly became more physical, Blitzø's hands began roaming your body. Your kiss became more heated as you began shedding clothes like they were on fire.
Breaking your kiss, Blitzø gave you that sneaky little smile he always did before getting revenge, "How bout we get some pay back?" He asked through a smug smile as he grabbed your phone.
You just gave a little smile, licking your lips.
Stolas awoke with a rather disappointed sigh. His meeting with Blitzy had been disrupted by his wifes sudden arrival.
Sitting up he reached for his phone, turning it on, he found dozens of notifications.
They were all from Voxtigram and much to his surprise they were from you.
Stolas hadn't been oblivious to the affect he'd had on you, and while he must admit it was a rather underhanded tactic, he was a demon after all, and it's be worth it to have His Blitzy to himself.
Opening his phone he found dozens of pictures of you and Blitzø having sex.
Stolas was shocked. You'd never done anything in retaliation before, you didn't seem the sort.
Though Stolas quickly got his answer when he found the picture sent directly to Him.
The picture being of Blitzø kissing you on the shoulder as he glared at the camera, this one accompanied with a caption. 'Send My S/O Another Picture And I swear I'll never See you Again. Fuck your book!'
After that night you didn't hear much from stolas. The Prince only calling for jobs or when he needed the book or reschedule there Full Moon meetings.
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ren1327 · 2 years
Helluva Boss Prediction: Four Relationships (2/3)
So now we see something I'm excited about: Blitzø being casted in a human show most likely filmed in front of a live studio audience.
Here we have him in hair and make up.
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Then on stage looking surprised or nervous.
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Then he actually killing who I think could be security or...DHORKS agents in civvies. And that's his actual gun he's killing humans with...most likely in front of a rolling camera.
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And most likely live and streaming on social media for the human world and gov to see, leading to a messy fight and escape.
And I think it culminates in the relationships between not only Blitzø and Loona being mended, but perhaps Octavia and Stolas...
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And the tragic official break of Stolas and Blitzø that could actually help in the first steps of them getting back together while we most likely suffer and Stolas is either hurt in Hollywood or the other story with Moxxie and Millie
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peachhoneii · 3 years
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Something serious happened here. We don’t know what. We don’t know when. We don’t know how. We don’t know why. But it happened sometime in the past and has shaped Blitzo into the person he is today.
Before this scene, Blitzo went through his camera roll and you see he’s kept a lot of photos from his past. Stolas. Hiring Moxxie. Loona’s adoption (Awww). Blitzo and Fizz as kids (they go WAY back). And the photo that made him break, he and his sisters.
He’s getting confronted with all of his baggage, insecurity and even his treatment of his former partners. I’m guessing in Part 2, he’s going to face the crux of his problems and even possibly, the source.
Whatever happened with his sisters is engrained in his personality that he pushes people away. This definitely goes into his romantic relationships. Blitzo was very all take and no give as well as seeing romance as transactional, and in his defense, that is how Stolas has conveyed their relationship so far. Deep down inside Blitzo wants more and something genuine. 
I can’t wait for Part II.
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blakeylikestowrite · 3 years
D.H.O.R.K.S and idiots (stolitz fanfic, Part 1/2)
Fandom: Helluva Boss
Pairing(s): stolitz
Word count: 1155
Summary: Blitz manages to get captured by D.H.O.R.K.S again.
Genre(s): Angst and Fluff
Blitz woke up in a familiar dark room, tied to a chair. He looked around to find one of those D.H.O.R.K.S agents staring at him. He rolled his eyes. Did it have to be that guy? Don't get him wrong, they were all annoying as fuck but this one really took the cake.
"Déjà-vu much? Where's the other dumbass?", Blitz asked.
"So we meet again, demon.", Agent One said.
"Yeah yeah, get to the fucking point.", the imp snarled.
How was he supposed to know the one time he'd use Stolas' dumb book for his own purposes, he'd manage to get himself captured again? Some bastard from here snuck up on him from behind and he had been too distracted by the graceful horses in front of him.
At least he was alone this time. He may give him a lot of shit but he wouldn't want to drag Moxx into this bullshit again.
"You never answered any of our questions last time and maybe we just had the wrong approach.", the agent said.
He put on some kind of gas mask and signaled a thumbs up in the direction of the camera. Then the room filled with that awful smelling green gas again.
"God fucking damn it.", Blitz muttered.
"So, what are you?", Agent One asked, grinning triumphantly behind the mask.
"Really fucking pissed off is what I am.", the demon responded.
That seemed to throw the human off for a second, before he tried again: "What species are you?".
"I'm an imp."
"Why are you killing humans?", came another question.
"Sinners down there pay us to kill off people they don't like. And it's fun.", Blitz replied with a laid-back grin, showing off his sharp teeth. The human looked slightly horrified by his answer. What a wimp.
"How do you get access to a portal here? Does that demon that saved you last time open it for you?", he continued.
"No, I just fuck him for a magic book. Or I used to anyway. We haven't talked much lately cause we went on a date that went to shit and now things are awkward.", the imp said, a sad expression replacing his grin, "He has better things to do than opening portals for us. Or dealing with my bullshit, I guess."
In that moment a portal opened in front of them. Stolas stepped out, looking pissed. And Agent One looked like he just pissed his pants. The Ars Goetia shoved him against the wall without so much as touching him.
"Stolas? What the hell are you doing here?", Blitz asked, staring at the tall owl with wide eyes.
Stolas' expression slightly softened when he faced the imp. "Getting you out of here again."
He crouched down and started to untie him. Blitz stared at his beautiful face, closer to his than it had been in a while. And as the owl's hands unintentionally brushed against his arms, there was a single thought on his mind being pushed towards his tongue by the gas because it couldn't be more true.
"I missed you.", he said with a softness he didn't know his voice could portray. Fuck. Shit. Go back.
Stolas' movements halted and he looked at him in surprise. Then that surprise shifted into fondness and he replied: "I missed you too.", before finally pulling the rope that had been restricting his movement from his body.
Maybe it was the gas or maybe it was all of his repressed emotions about Stolas coming together, possibly a little bit of both, but Blitz couldn't help throwing his arms around him and planting his face in the prince's chest fluff.
"I missed you so much, you dumb bird. Ever since Ozzie's things have been weird between us and we haven't been talking and I miss your stupid horny calls in the morning, I miss waking up next to you, I miss getting to see your beautiful face. And I can't even say I wish things would go back to the way they were because I don't. I wish we could be more than that and please shut me up. I don't want to tell you all this. It's the fucking gas.", his voice came out muffled by Stolas' chest feathers.
"I see.", Stolas said after a long moment of silence, "Let's talk about this once we're back home, okay?"
He steadied Blitz's hold on him with a hand on his back while the imp wrapped his legs around his waist, face still buried in his chest feathers. Agent one was still struggling against an invisible force that was keeping him pushed against the wall.
Stolas took notice of the cameras and walked into the control room. Agent Two hurried to the other side of the room, silently pleading with him to not hurt her. He hit the button to stop the truth gas from coming and quickly deleted all of the camera files.
Then he walked back to where Agent Two was and narrowed all four of his eyes at him.
"If you ever lay a hand on this imp again, I will not hesitate to end you and the other one's sorry little lives. Is that clear?", he threatened.
The human nodded hastily and once Stolas let him off the wall again, he ran away. The prince opened a portal back to his bedroom and walked through, closing it behind them.
"Blitz?", he asked.
Blitz didn't respond and Stolas put him down on the bed where he fell backwards, before startling awake from the fall.
"Ugh, that fucking gas...", he grumbled.
He sat up, eyes scrunched together and holding his head. He had a bitch of a headache.
"Are you alright?", Stolas asked.
Only now realizing where he was and that Stolas was with him, his head snapped up to look at the owl.
"Oh. Yeah. Just a headache. I was out cold for a bit though. This happened the first time they drugged us with this shit too. Had a shitty nightmare drug trip."
"Would you like to talk about that? Or what you said to me earlier?"
Blitz looked away. "I- I don't- It's been a long day and-", he stammered.
"If you wish to rest first, that's alright. You can stay here or go back to your home. Whatever you want.", the prince reassured him.
"Um... Actually, it's over a month late but... Could I take you up on that offer to cuddle?", the imp asked.
"Of course.", Stolas answered without hesitation.
He crawled onto the bed and Blitz lied down next to him, letting himself be pulled closer and restinh his head against Stolas' fluffy chest. Stolas had one arm around him and gently carressed his face with his free hand.
"Get some rest, Blitzy.", he whispered and Blitz who had been getting more tired by the second allowed himself to drift off to sleep peacefully.
Chapter Two ->
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Where's the obligatory actor au where IMP is just a fun TV drama in hell. Where's the outtakes and pranks and them just having fun
Millie and Moxxie being an actual married couple hired together because their chemistry is amazing
Loona being a teen actor who plays Blitzø’s adopted daughter who later on after finding out she has no parents and the two of them actually getting on very well he actually legally adopts
Blitzø and Fizz still being childhood friends who are super close and get along well and when both hired for the show thought it'd be funny if their characters were at odds with each other, only for the writers to throw angst in and give their characters a very similar history to Blitzø and Fizz the actors. The irony, also, that Fizz is hired for secondary/supporting role of a super famous guy who insults Blitzø, hired for the main role and (technically) titular character, for not being successful lol
Verosika playing the obligatory "out of his league" "he fucked up" famous ex. Being a real popstar irl, too, who would absolutely 100% fuck Blitzø if he asked.
Asmodeous being one of the producers of the show and managing to get Stolas to agree to star in it, with some cameos and support roles from his wife and daughter. Stella totally going all out in her role as a snooty murderous lady who, in reality, would probably just shrug at her husband sleeping with Blitzø, like "bitch we're in hell, I have the status and the name so what do I care"
The humans are either cgi or demons in human disguises lol
Blitzø, Moxxie and Millie are actually really good at fighting and killing, the show just exaggerates it. Fizz really does have the fun prosthetics. Barbie and Blitzø really are twins, which is why she was chosen for the role. Tilla is actually their sister who plays the role of mom. The imps' scars are all real and not makeup, with the exception of Fizz whose scars don't cover his entire face.
So. Many. Outtakes. Fizz kept slipping up and using Blitzø’s real name, and then the writers ran with it. Moxxie's coffee order took five takes. Trip scene Moxxie laughed a couple times because Blitzø changed the lines. All the laughter. Fizz and Blitzø momentarily forgetting the camera is rolling and being Pals(tm).
Just. Actor aus are great ok-
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fangirl-creates · 3 years
Curtain Call - Chapter 1: Showtime
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Blitz found himself lost again. The room he opened his eyes in was small—thick red and white vertical lines were painted on the wall, and a hardwood floor that was so dirty that the dust coated the bottom of his shoes. He looked around for a door of some kind, but the room had no exit. A light bulb dangled from the black painted ceiling, being the only source of light he had.
He was afraid to pull the string and turn it off. He didn’t know what was waiting in this room for him to do that, that once the darkness took over he’d never see the light again. He nearly had a heart attack when the light started flickering, now watching it with fear in his eyes to make sure it didn’t go out. But even with his eyes glued to it, it continued to make him nervous by flickering more. Until finally-
It went out, Blitz now completely engulfed in darkness. He stood perfectly still, his heart beating rapidly as claustrophobia started to kick in. His breathing was heavy, finding himself curling up into a ball on the dusty floor. It was a defense mechanism, but he felt somewhat safe when he did this.
He heard muffled noises coming from outside the room. Talking. Cheering? He couldn’t make it out.
Footsteps made him stand.
Had someone found him? How would they even get inside? But…what if they were the ones who trapped him in here? What if they were coming to hurt him further?
He backed up against a wall, suddenly feeling it push against his back. His spines felt crushed under it, but he held back the urge to react. For even the slightest sound could let the enemy know he was there—if they didn’t think so already.
The footsteps got louder, the wall pushing Blitz further towards the front of the room.
His back and tail went numb, his feet slipping on the floor as he struggled to fight the wall.
A light nearly blinded him, his arm instinctively going to shield his eyes. But then-
“Blitzo? You ready to go on?”
He opened his eyes and looked in front of him. The front wall had been opened like it was just a curtain, a figure standing in front of it. She was a female imp, dressed like some sort of staff member.
The back wall was gone, the room being reduced to nothing more than a red and white changing tent.
“Well?” She looked at him with a slightly annoyed expression. “The audience is getting impatient.”
Blitz looked down at himself—he was..wearing his old performance outfit? When did he-?
“AHEM.” She cleared her throat rather loudly in front of him, making him look at her.
He didn’t know what to say, but she would most likely get more upset if he continued to stay silent.
“U-Uhm..yeah I’m ready..?” He answered half-heartedly, still confused.
“Finally!” She rolled her eyes. “Now get going.” Her tail swished angrily as she walked away, mumbling something about how she ‘didn’t get paid enough for this bullshit’.
Blitz stepped out of the tent rather quickly, not wanting to get trapped again. The tent seemed to disappear once he did so, leaving him out in the open—a dirt floored, tent hallway.
There were more lightbulbs this time, lining the floor as a guide for him. They blinked in a motion that lured him closer. Cautiously, he walked into the hallway, hearing the sounds from earlier getting louder the closer he got.
He could hear the cheering clear as day now. Something about it made him nervous, like he was about to step into dangerous waters—one wrong move and you could drown.
A loud ‘Whoa’ from the audience made him jump. He could hear people stomping their feet in rhythm to something, more ‘Whoas’ along with the beat.
He felt something grab his arm. He turned to look at it, only to be met with a face he hadn’t seen in years.
What was she doing here?!
She smiled at him, letting go of his arm as she gave him a friendly, light punch in the shoulder. “Ready, Bro?”
“I—I..” He couldn’t speak, his face going pale as he struggled to find the words. None of this made any sense.
She laughed, taking his hand as she led him towards the end of the hallway—another curtain light up ahead.
“Let’s make this one they won’t forget, kay?”
His body stiffened. He didn’t know where she was taking him. He didn’t want to know. “Barbie I-”
Another ‘whoa’ from outside, followed by a familiar voice singing to an audience of thousands. Blitz couldn’t make out who it was, but something about the voice drew him in.
“Ladies and gents this is the moment you’ve waited for..”
Another ‘whoa’. Blitz felt his feet moving closer to the light, Barbie still smiling.
“Been searching in the dark, your sweat soaking through the floor..”
One final ‘whoa’.
“And buried in your bones, there’s an ache that you can’t ignore.”
He stepped closer in tune to the beat. Was it father away?
“Taking your breath,”
“Stealing your mind,”
“And all that was real is left behind—!”
He was finally out of the hallway, he and Barbie now inside the main tent. Demon’s eyes were on them like glue, some sort of figure in the middle of the tent. They stood with a bright spotlight on them.
“Don’t fight it, it’s coming for you, running at ya.”
Blitz gulped.
“It’s only this moment, don’t care what comes after.”
He felt Barbie grab his hand again, pulling toward the center.
“Your fever dream, can’t you see it getting closer?”
Lights flashed within the crowd. Cameras probably, he thought.
“Just surrender cause you feel the feeling taking over—!”
The stomping and cheering got louder.
“It’s fire, it’s freedom, it’s flooding open! It’s a preacher in the pulpit and you’ll find devotion—!”
The figure’s eyes were a fiery orange, teeth glowing along with their intimidating grin.
“There’s something breaking at the brick of every wall it’s holding—”
Blitz was suddenly pulled to the center even faster, he and Barbie now on opposite sides of the figure.
“—I’ll let you know…”
In that moment Blitz could see the face of the figure. Once it registered in his mind, blood went cold.
The music paused for a second, leaving the audience in suspense.
The figure’s face—a lion with burned and matted fur, a mane made of flames—leaned over to him, his lips close to Blitz’s ears as he whispered.
“Don’t let me down, Blitzy.”
For some reason, Blitz nodded in response, despite the fear coursing through his veins.
The lion demon turned back to the audience with a big smile, the song resuming.
“So tell me, do you wanna go—?”
The whole circus lit up.
“Where it’s covered in all the colored lights,”
Barbie ran over to him, grabbing his hand once more as she pulled him to another area of the tent.
“Where the runaways are running the night,”
He found himself placed alongside other demons who performed—more faces being recognized the longer he stood there.
“Impossible comes true, it’s taking over you!”
The lion pointed a staff at the audience as they shouted to him on cue.
He grinned at them.
“We light it up, we won’t come down!”
Like puppets on a string.
“Watching it come true, it’s taking over you!”
The ‘whoas’ returned. Blitz suddenly found himself holding onto a large silver ring, standing on a platform so high, everyone below him looked like ants.
He saw Barbie on a platform across from him, holding onto a different silver ring.
He knew what this was.
“Colossal we come, these renegades in the ring,”
“Where the lost get found in the crown of the circus king!”
Barbie took a few steps back, getting a running start.
“Don’t fight it, it’s coming for you, running at ya!”
Blitz felt his legs doing the same.
“It’s only this moment, don’t care what comes after! It’s blinding outside and I think that you know,”
They both jumped off at the same time.
“Just surrender ‘cause you’re calling and you wanna go—!”
Like instinct they both let go and grabbed onto the opposing ring, doing a spin in unison before landing on the opposite platform.
“Where it’s covered in all the colored lights,”
“Where the runaways are running the night,”
“Impossible comes true, intoxicating you—!”
They put their hands together the fourth time, spinning around as their tails and legs held onto the rings.
“We light it up, we won’t come down!”
“Watching it come true!”
Barbie let go of his hands, both of them now spinning on opposite ends of the tent.
Blitz felt the wind on his face, gliding past the audience and that captivating ringmaster below. That…horrifyingly captivating ringmaster. His voice echoed in Blitz’s ears, throughout the tent.
“It’s everything you ever want,”
Blitz felt like he had the hang of this.
“It’s everything you ever need,”
He closed his eyes.
“And it’s here right in front of you,”
He dangled upside down, his arms spread out.
“This is where you wanna be.”
His tail and legs held on tight.
“It’s everything you ever want,”
Don’t let go.
“It’s everything you ever need,”
Don’t let go..!
“And it’s here right in front of you,”
He heard something snap.
He opened his eyes.
“This is where you wanna beeeee—!”
The music got louder.
The floor got closer.
He panicked.
He was running out of time.
Maybe someone would catch him.
Maybe Barbie would-
The song did not continue…one final voice was heard before it faded to black.
“Looks like you let me down...”
“NO! SHIT!” He screamed.
His eyes opened in a cold sweat, falling off the bed he was in. The blankets wrapped around his legs, stopping his head from hitting the floor.
He took a minute to check his surroundings.
He was in Stolas’ room. In bed.
The circus was gone.
Barbie was gone.
It was all a dream.
He untangled himself from the bed sheets, struggling to get up as he proceeded to climb back onto the bed.
Since when did his dreams become so…vivid? So real? And why did it have to be there? With Barbie and…and..
He flinched at that nickname, but soon relieved to find out it was only Stolas beside him. He turned to see the Owl Prince sit up, looking at him with concerned eyes.
“Is everything alright..? I heard you shouting.”
He didn’t know how to explain it. Or even if he wanted to.
No, he couldn’t.
His tail swished. “Yeah I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” Stolas cupped his face gently, surprised when Blitz leaned into it. “Perhaps I could make you some tea or—?”
“No…no I don’t need it.” He took one of Stolas’ hands, closing his eyes as though if he let go of it, he’d fall again.
“Can we just..” He looked up at him, his eyes looking hurt by something. Something Stolas didn’t know. “…go back to sleep? Please?”
The ‘please’ made Stolas even more worried, sensing something was amiss. Regardless, he let Blitz hold his hand as they laid back down together.
Blitz let out a shaky breath, his eyes starting to close. He was still afraid he’d go back to that dreamscape, but maybe his mind would let him rest this time. It was all he wanted. It was what he needed.
“And Stolas?”
“C-Can you…” He bit his lip. “..wake me up if I start to..?”
Stolas put a finger to his lips. “Of course I will. Now get some rest, Blitzy.”
Blitz hid the blush on his face, sinking into the oversized pillow. “Thanks.”
Once his eyes closed, Stolas made it his task to stay up the rest of the night. Owls were naturally nocturnal, anyway.
But even so, he couldn’t help but wonder what had gone on in the imp’s head. What sort of nightmare could have been so bad, that even Blitz would be shaken up by it..?
Whatever it was, he hoped it wouldn’t happen again.
(First chapter of Curtain Call! More coming soon!
Also here’s the song used in the chapter:
https://youtu.be/NyVYXRD1Ans )
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Stella with owl demon S/O (The finale)
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(This is the last chapter in the secret lover mini-series. If your just finding it, go back and read the full series. Its a fairly long story.) Hope you enjoy~
Years of meticulous planning. Manipulation, blackmail and manoeuvring. And all for this one day.
It had almost been a year since Stolas cheated on Stella, almost a year since You and Stella had become a less than secret couple. And today you were going official.
It had been simple getting information on Stolas.
A few cameras here, a tapped phone line there, not to mention half the staff was on your pay roll. They gave you all the information you could need, you taking any information, no matter how minor.
Honestly, Stella coming to you was a pleasant surprise. You did have this grand plan in place, a plan to split the family at its seams.
And in an instant, Stolas' incompetence had saved you months of work. And so Stolas' arrogance, shall be his undoing.
Over the last year, youd had dozens of visits. Spending months carefully prodding the couple, if you could still call them that. You pushed the wedge between them deeper and deeper, all for today.
You strolled into the palace like it were your second home, a small wicker basket hanging from his arm.
Navigating the halls, you found yourself in the palace kitchen, or at least the one the family had used the most.
Grabbing a set of glasses, you turned to find Octavia sitting at the table. 'Octavia, dear, how are you.' You asked, sounding as overjoyed as you felt.
She looked up at you with dead eyes, 'How do I look.' She asked sarcasticly. And honestly, the girl looked like she hadn't slept in a week.
Sitting down you gave her a sympathetic look. 'Fight?' You asked simply.
She just nodded, taking a sip of coffee.
You sighed, placing your hand on hers. 'What about the white noise machine I got you, that help any?' You asked hopefully.
Octavia sighed 'It helped a little, but they both managed to yell over it.' She told you, rubbing her face.
You sighed again, reaching into your pocket. You pulled out a fist sized stone. 'Here' you told her, handing her the stone.
Octavia stared at the stone for several moments, before looking up to you, blinking heavily a few times, 'Uhhhh... thanks?' She said, clearly confused.
You let out a chuckle, resting your head on your hand. 'Your welcome.'
The girl stared at the stone, before looking back at you 'what is it?' She asked simply.
You laughed again, 'Well it was going to be a birthday present, but it would seem you need it more now.'
Picking up the stone you gently tapped its top, a complex Web of symbols growing across it. Tapping it once more the symbols disappeared.
Octavia looked much more interested now, as you explained it to her. 'This bad boy, is what you'd call a noise sponge. When activated, it basically sucks all the noise out of a room.'
Octavia stood up, 'Really?' She asked seemingly excited. With a smile you told her 'See for yourself' you told her before tapping the top of the stone.
Octavias mouth moved, but no noise seemed to leave. She spoke again and again, each time seemingly getting louder and louder, before taking a deep breath.
Her mouth stretched and her body moved as though she were screaming, but there was no sound whatsoever.
Tapping the stone, sound noticably re-entered the room.
Octavia panted, before giggling like... well a school girl. Picking up the stone, you handed it to her.
Octavia stared at the stone, getting up, you followed her. 'Now remember this. That's not a toy. Its a powerful artefact, so don't use it longer than needed, and no sound can be heard when activated, be careful where you use it.'
Octavia just nodded her head, her eyes never leaving the stone. 'Thanks (y/n)' she told you giving a big hug.
'No problem kiddo.' You told her patting her back and planting an affectionate kiss atop her head.
Leaving the room you reflected on your growing friendship with Octavia.
She truly was an amazing young woman, a spitting image of her mother, if a bit cynical. She had a deep fascination for the occult, something you were more than happy to help her explore.
The two of you had actually become pretty close, having talked and met up dozens of times. You acted as a confidant, and a suspected, only friend for the girl.
You didn't like manipulating the girl, but it was quite easy to sour her relationship with her father, you really only had to bring focus to his selfish nature.
Of course, that didn't mean she was running to Stella's side, but her trust in stolas was cracked.
So with some pep in your step, you made your way to Stella's study, giving polite and playful little bows to the palace staff.
Youd worked hard to become beloved by the staff, acting as sort the "good noble" that looked out for them. At least for the ones not ready on your payroll.
You found her study. Giving your outfit a once over you knocked on the door. Stella snapped back, telling you to go away.
You released a bitter-sweet laugh, you opened the door, 'Are you fucking d-' Stella yelled before cutting yourself off.
'Hello darling.' You said calmly. In an instant she got to her feet, rushing over and wrapping you in a hug.
You pulled her into a kiss, locking the two into a passionate embrace. Breaking the kiss, you asked her tenderly 'How are you doing, my love?'
You'd gotten very good at telling when Stella was upset and when she was trying to hide it, and now she was certainly upset.
'How am I doing? Oh you know, I've had to deal with my slut of a husband and that... fucking Imp! For months now.' She growled, taking several heavy breaths before turning back to you. 'Other then that, I'm fine.'
You gave her a sympathetic smile, before remembering why you were here. 'Well, then I have just the thing.' You told her, giving the basket a little shake.
You pulled her towards the door, Stella resisting. 'Lets go play' you tell her playfully.
'No, I can't' she tells you, resisting your pull 'I have to much work to do.' She said clearly upset at the reality of royal responsibility.
Pulling her close, you looked her in the eyes before firmly telling her 'Do you trust me?' You asked her sternly.
That seemed to surprise her, before she just nodded her head. 'Then we should do this... trust me'
Stella conceded, letting you lead her out of the palace.
Walking out the back of the palace, you passed the field she had once burnt to ash, now regrown into a healthy and lush lawn.
Taking her into the clearing, you layed out the blanket you'd brought in the basket.
Sitting down, you pulled out the bottle of wine. Pulling the cork, you poured you both a glass. Sitting there you both fell silent, a weight hanging over your head.
You turned to her, looking deep into her eyes, you told her calmly. 'Stella, theres nothing in this world I love more then you...' taking your hand, you placed a kiss atop it.
'I'm sorry... I'm sorry I was never good enough for you...' you told her, emotion growing in your voice.
She looked deeply concerned, asking you 'what do you mean?'
You shook your head. 'The truth is. All I've ever wanted was to be with you...' you looked at your hands, 'I had such plans to Get you back, to prove I deserved you. But stolas seems to have ruined everything... You deserve better and I'm going to give it to you.' You looked up at her, 'I love you Stella.'
Looking at Stella, she looked distraught, teary eyed as she pulled you close. 'I love you too (Y/N).' There was a long pause before she whispered in your ear, 'I wish I had been with you... all those years ago'
Her words put everything together, a wave of determination flowing through you. With your purpose secured, you pulled her into a passionate kiss.
The two of you became more physical, your hands roaming her body. Stella's arms wrapped around your neck. You becaming more passionate, Stella matching your energy at every step.
It was as you undid the back of her dress that you heard it... he was here.
Giving her another kiss you asked her, 'Do you trust me?' Your breathing still raged.
It took a moment, but Stella responded 'Yes, Yes I trust you...' With that you kiss her again, carefully readjusting her dress.
It took another moment, but you heard him. 'Well, well, what do we have here?' The voice was cold, clearly unhappy.
Breaking the kiss, you looked up to find a very angry looking Stolas staring down at you.
You carefully pushed Stella off, giving her a more innocent kiss on her cheek. 'Go play somewhere.' You whispered, standing up.
You turned to face Stolas. The prince was absolutely livid, tapping his fingers on his forearm.
'Stolas! My what a pleasant surprise. What can I do for you?' That was a lie. You specifically picked this spot, at this time because you knew he would see the two of you.
All according to plan.
Stolas spat back, 'Don't talk to me like that you bastard. Trying to fuck my wife. In my own home, do you have no shame.'
You couldn't help but begin laughing. You gripped your legs, laughing so hard it was hard to breath.
Straightening up you looked at Stolas, allowing years of venom to show. 'Shame?' You asked incredulously, 'Your asking me if I have shame?' You chuckled again. 'Pot meet kettle.' You spat at him
Dusted yourself off. 'Shame...?' You spat, through gritted teeth. 'Youre asking me if I have shame? You speak of your lust before your child. Plastering the hellnet with your lust for that satan-damned Imp, Fucking that Hellspawn in the bed, you shared with your Wife. You know nothing of shame, you harlot!' You finished almost screaming.
Stolas grit his teeth, his hands dropping to his side. The weather began to shift.
The once clear sky quickly being replaced with a ocean of grey clouds.
'You think you can take my wife?' He asked seriously. Your smile grew, taking a few steps towards him, smugness growing across your face. 'Think? My good man... I already have.' you tell him simply.
With a flick of his claw Stolas manifested his Grimoire.
In a flash you reached into your coat, pulling out a silver lock and throwing it at the Grimoire.
Almost immediately on impact, dozens of silver vines shot out, wrapping around the book.
Stolas, initially shocked tried to open the book, the lock on its cover not budging against his grip.
He looked up at you, pissed and clearly expecting 'That little item,' you began 'ensures that your little book won't affect the outcome of our little fight, Stolas.'
You smirk at him 'Now' you began 'you'll just have to fight me like a man.'
Stolas seemed both concerned and enraged by this, throwing the book to the side. 'You think I'm scared of you?'
He reached for his cloak, dramatically throwing it to the side.
You just chuckled, cracking your knuckles, the demonic Prince charged, swinging at you.
You easily dodged.
'My, how impressive!' you said, mockingly.
Stolas swung again, and again, missing each time. 'Come on I don't have all day!' You called at him smugly.
Stolas went for a violent haymaker, missing again. This time you retaliated with a hard punch to his nose, hearing a crack apon your fist meeting his face.
He stumbled back, blood dripped from his nose as you taunted him further.
'You know I had such an elaberate plan, Stolas.' You told him, taking out a shiny set of knuckle dusters from back pocket. 'I had every step perfectly worked out, all to turn your family against you.'
Stolas, became enraged, blindly charging at you. You easily dodgeing him, giving him a violent crack to his face.
'And then you, you fool... you did most of the job for me... half my plan, unneeded because you were a selfish, arrogant fool.'
Stolas made it to his feet, his left eye already swelling. He widened his eyes, likely intending to turn you to stone, but before he could, you reached into your pocket and threw a handful of dust at him.
The silver dust shone as it flew through the air, his reaction was instant. Falling to his knees clutching his face.
You chuckled, leaning on your knees for a second, 'When Judas betrayed jesus.' You began.
'He received 30 pieces of silver, as such its toxic to demons. And now it's your payment for all suffering you've put your family through.' You told him, blankly, no emotion in your voice.
'Years, Stolas. I've been preparing for this fight for years. I've played this moments out hundreds, thousands of times. Nothing you can do I havent prepared for.' You wiped your lip, standing up straight. 'Your going to lose.'
You were taunting him now, relishing seeing him suffer.
Reaching down, you grabbed his hair, pulling him up. It was as you were about to taunt him again that you were suddenly punched in the face.
Stumbling back, you found stolas getting to his feet. Wiping his eyes he glared at you, 'You think I'm some push over? I'm a prince! I am a Goetia, I'm not gonna be taken down by some retched lowborne.' He screeched, raising his fists.
You just smiled back, wiping your cheek 'Finally... a real fight.'
The fight was a brutal, Stolas, despite his lanky figure and privileged upbringing, could pack one hell of a punch.
But you were prepared for this.
For every hit Stolas landed, you hit him twice. Every use of magic was thwarted with an item or counter spell. You were almost perfectly matched.
You stood across from each other, fists bloody, clothes filthy and torn, bruised and battered.
Still a smile adorned your face. Chuckling, you began 'you've put up one hell of a fight, Stolas.' You said as though remembering something. 'But even if you beat me, I still win!' You told him smugly.
Stolas cocked his brow, 'what are you going on about.' You smiled again, before reaching into your jacket before you pulling out a long white feather.
'Stella, your uh, "wife"...'you ran the feathered across your nose, taking in her lingering scent. 'We've been fucking for the past year now.' You chuckled again 'we fucked everywhere, her study... your bed, and man... can she scream.'
That set him off, he charged you, releasing a desperate a d furious, battle cry, swinging like a mad man.
You dodged the swing, and with one final uppercut the demon Prince stumbled back. He looked at you shocked, before smacking into the ground.
You couldn't help but laugh. The piece of shit fell like a sack of rocks.
Turning around you found a very concerned Stella. With a smile you walked towards her, stumbling over your battered legs.
Stella ran to your side, helping you keep up right.
You chuckled, pulling her in for a kiss. 'I have something for you.' You told her, your voice course and worn.
Reaching into your coat, you pulled out a small black case.
Breaking her grip, you stepped back and fell to your knee.
Taking several deep breaths you began, 'Stella. You are my light in the darkness, the love of my life. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you.'
Opening the case, you showed the sparkling diamond ring. 'Stella, my love. Will you marry me.'
Stella looked shocked, tears coming to her eyes as she covered her mouth.
It took a moment, but she nodded her head, 'Yes... yes I'll marry you.' She said, her voice thick with emotion.
You just smiled.
Everything was perfect.
Just as you planned.
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