#stop me if you've heard this one before
suzannahnatters · 1 year
jrr tolkien: I write literally every kind of character jrrt: this is Beren, he's a wifeguy jrrt: Tom Bombadil, a total mystery but also a wifeguy jrrt: Treebeard, former wifeguy jrrt: Samwise Gamgee, future wifeguy jrrt:... jrrt: Turin Turambar, wifeguy gone terribly wrong
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bottombaron · 4 months
so like,,,
Guillermo being turned in Nandor’s homeland….
so they can share ancestral soil…
but in s5 we were shown the possibility that Guillermo wouldn't need to carry a separate container for ancestral soil as long as he remains within the (waves hand around indicating whatever arbitrary border line the lore dictates to be 'homeland') of which he was turned because all of it would be considered homesoil (as seen by him sleeping in the motel or in the foot locker without a bag of soil from the gas station with him).
and Nandor (even taking away the fact that he had sorted out the details of Guillermo's turning beforehand as shown in the s5 finale) simply by having lived in the same place for two centuries should know that Guillermo wouldn't need to share homesoil if they were, to say, hypothetically, sleep in the same coffin (as is often the fan theory to why Nandor insisted on turning Guillermo in Al Qolinadar)
so. the question this brings up is thusly: why would it mean anything to Nandor to share homesoil with Guillermo if Guillermo could still sleep with him (in his coffin) without having to deal with a second pot of soil??
my answer: oh yeah, Nandor doesn't want to share homesoil with Guillermo so Guillermo can sleep with him (in his coffin). he wants to share homesoil so Guillermo would have to sleep with him (in his coffin).
they would be forever connected by more than just the romanticism of simply sharing the same soil but the necessity of it. it's Nandor’s solution for keeping Guillermo close to him no matter what.
and i love that for them ❤️
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teffiebell · 10 months
"Ship of Theseus" this, "Ship of Theseus" that, and nobody tells me who are we shipping Theseus with.
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chucklesandrick · 2 years
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ritzzor · 6 months
Wait, hold on, like Durgetash just being gross and kissing like usual when Durge decides to just bite Gortash's lip open. They swipe up the blood with their thumb to use as lipstick. It's their favorite shade.
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prettygirlmkegrqves · 9 months
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the smiths – stop me if you think you’ve heard this one before 🩷🎂🎠🗝
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escapismnotfound · 10 months
There's this gator right. And this smelly ass bat that's also with him. And there's this fox right. And they're all fighting for their life with rhat major player guy
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Sounds like something ive heard before......
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oldtestleper · 2 years
*polyphemus voice* Nobody is at Hates Me Island
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wintergreen729 · 2 years
smash announcer: MC RIDE!
wii remote speaker: t̴̼̆a̶͙͝k̵͚̽̕ẙ̸̭̦̕o̵̱̾͋n̵̢̞̚
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girlantony · 2 years
concept for a book i’ll never write:
starts with the death of achilles, who is reincarnated millennia in the future as a college freshman. so achilles is in this random guy’s body in present day college in the united states and he ends up joining a frat because it’s called “greek life” and he slowly realizes other people are reincarnations too and i don’t know where i’m going with this and that’s why i’ll never write it.
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geezmarty · 1 year
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I miss whatever the hell they had going on
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thewomanwholaughed · 3 months
[ I have been thinking a lot about Joker's Smilex intake and ways she could do them.
The most common way I refer to is that her Estrogen is laced with Smilex so she can keep both her dosages on level. And the second most commonly referred to method is through injection.
But I was thinking: what other fun options are there? And what would certain AU Jokers do?
Joker uses liquid Smilex while gaseous forms are often used to terrorize Gotham. So what if Joker uses a modified inhaler like those used for asthma patients with Smilex cartridges.
The other one I like for a few specific AUs are cigarettes. Smilex laced cigarettes that when recently inhaled let Joker blow green smoke from her mouth. Smilex is already messing with her body anyway, might as well add on bad habits for the fun of it! Per extension and going back to liquid: drinking it. Just straight from a flask, maybe spike it with alcohol.
And finally, and most importantly, one that requires the help of others!
Rectal suppository!
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piningpercussionist · 3 months
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Wow, been a second since I heard that one. That's like... late 60s, right? My dad's played it for me before.
How did the next part go again...?
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🎵 Where did Annie go, when she went to town?
Who are all those creeps that she hangs around? 🎵
And then- I think I remember this a bit better, it stuck with me when I was younger-
🎵 All your children are poor unfortunate victims of lies you believe-
A plague upon your ignorance, that keeps the young from the truth they deserve! 🎵
*Kim grins, briefly, seeming rather pleased with herself, despite the relative scratchiness of her mumbled singing.*
Yeah, pretty sure that's how that goes. It's by... Mothers of Invention, right? Or is there a "The" in front of that?
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alfairb · 2 years
And so I drank one, it became four And when I fell on the floor I drank more Nothing's changed I still love you, oh, I still love you Only slightly, only slightly less than I used to, my love
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every-yumichika · 6 months
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bogkeep · 2 years
The Independent Online Artist & The Engagement
may i speak plainly for a moment? nobody owes you the Engagement, and staking all of your value and success as an artist/creator on it is a recipe for misery. eggs in baskets and all that. as a Creator myself, i hope you believe me when i say that i absolutely understand the importance of getting feedback and encouragement for your work. i know what it's like to have no audience. i know how gutting it is to feel like you're chucking paintings into a void. i know the difference a supportive community makes. obviously i cannot speak for every Creator, i can only speak for myself and my own experiences, and to be entirely fair - making art is not my main income, even if i've worked on quite a few commissions over the years. people engaging with my art has been a wonderful well of inspiration AND helpful for me getting some extra cash. we post our work online for a reason! i 100% believe in the power of letting people know you love their stuff. there's many ways to do that: you can leave comments and messages; you can reblog, retweet, and share with your friends; you can like and kudos; you can commission them; you can support them monetarily through patreon/ko-fi/bandcamp and suchlike; you can buy their merchandise; you can spread the word of their work; even create fanwork. i'm certain there are many more ways to support creators you love than just this, too! there's a whole wide world beyond just Likes and Reblogs, and different people show support in different ways. now speaking as a Creator Appreciator, i once again hope you believe me when i say this - i truly love artists and creators. when i was working, a huge chunk of my paycheck would go to commissions, indie artist merchandise, and my patreon bill. i follow a lot of artists and webcomic creators on here and on twitter, and i share their work frequently (for those who don't know, i have a reblog sideblog). i think i can safely say i'm singlehandedly responsible for getting multiple of my followers into certain webcomics by sheer power of fanart and enthusiasm. i LOVE artists. i WANT to support creators of the things i love. i LIKE sharing the small indie projects i'm into. it is something i prioritize in my life because i find fullfilment in it - it is not a moral high ground. i'm only one person, though. throwing 1 (one) dollar monthly at an artist i like through way of patreon is a very achievable course of action. the problem is:
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i like a lot of artists. it's not possible for me to give the same amount of support to every single one, all the time. i just do not have the time, energy, money, or the attention for it. i don't think anyone expects me to, it would be completely unreasonable! especially because - i'm not alone. i'm not the only Creator Appreciator out here! i am not personally responsible to keep every Creator afloat with my own two hands! HOWEVER, it's not reasonable to expect everyone to do what i do, either. as i've said, it's something i prioritize and put a lot of effort into. i know a lot of people put just as much effort, or more! there's people with more time and money than me out there! but i can and want to do it, and not everyone can or wants to do All This. nor should they have to! they're not responsible for keeping creators alive, either. it's not a job. enjoying things shouldn't be a chore. a webcomic creator i used to follow had to shelve the comic they were working on because it wasn't getting enough engagement, and working on it was unsustainable. a heartbreaking decision on the creator's part, for sure, and also very understandable. making webcomics is hard work, and if you're only one person you have to cover a lot of bases and do the work of multiple people, all the while your creation is free to read and enjoy. i've seen a lot of webcomics put to rest over the years for all kinds of reasons and i understand why! the creator of this comic was fairly pragmatic about it, saying That's Just How The Numbers Are, Nothing To Do About That - and at the same time being very frustrated about it. again, very understandable! the creator has every right to be frustrated about the situation. it sucks big time. i did have to unfollow them, though. it was frustrating for me, one of their patreon supporters, to constantly read threads about how lurking kills webcomics or how everyone MUST show their support to creators. it kinda sucked to have all that ire that i know wasn't directed at me all over my feed. it kinda sucked to feel like i wasn't doing enough somehow, even though their twitter followers are statistically more likely to actually be their supporters. or maybe it was directed at me, after all, for not commenting directly on their comic? was it directed at me for not supporting a higher patreon tier? was it directed at me for not telling my friends all about this comic? was it directed at me, because while i did support this comic on patreon, there were fifteen others i didn't? i'm sure the creator was just working through the awful experience of having to make this decision. still hurt, though. not getting enough support for your work is absolutely a pain point. but people demanding my support is a pain point for me, in turn. i mean, fuck, what a mess all of this is, though! being a creator is hard, being an independent creator is even harder, social media is an fickle mistress and we need to make a living!! besides, not every online creator has the same goal, either! you've got artists encompassing the whole spectrum of "Art Is My Livelihood And I Need The Visibility" to "im drawing for Fun and Relaxation :)" on the same websites, meaning that for some people these social media sites are inextricably linked to Work, and the same social media sites are places other people go to escape work? ARE YOU UNDERSTANDING THE ISSUE HERE i think both creators and fans can be quite entitled at times. we're all mere humans swirling around in the internet soup, and we want the Contents and we want the Validation. these are fine things to want, and i do think creators should let people know what the best ways to support them are! but also - do consider how you're cultivating your audience. people are, in general, not out to hurt you or slight you personally. demanding a certain type of engagement is more likely to get you less engagement overall, because people will feel less comfortable engaging on their own terms. lurkers are gonna lurk and prodding them with a broom is more likely to make them scamper away then unlurk. only ever wanting more reblogs will just leave you starving for more reblogs. yes, you can feel hurt by the lack of attention you’re given... but i also think there’s lots of love hiding in the brush. shy love, tired love, silent love, gentle love, waiting-to-pounce-when-it’s-ready love. if you create a welcoming space for it, it may come forth. who’s to say.
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