#stop obsessively scrolling the blogs of people you hate
laokim · 24 days
the void obsession is anti-neville, anti-law, anti-mental health, anti-well being, anti-manifesting, anti-everything. i hate it. it's all coming from the lack of understanding of the very fundamental foundation of the law. creation is finished. nothing and no one to change but SELF.
but, do you really understand that creation is finished? because if people did, i highly doubt they'd try to get into the void. creation is finished means you don't "create" anything. everything you can ever conceptualize is already created. if creation is finished, that means there is nothing to achieve, nothing to change, nothing to try, and nothing to fix. all you need to do is align yourself with that reality(state). you shift to that reality(state) in imagination/consicousness. that's literally it. here is a great post i highly recommend reading regarding the concept of creation is finished. If you're in your room right now, do you have to build a kitchen in order to be in a kitchen? no. you leave your room and go to the kitchen. because your house is already built. it's the same thing. you don't "change" your 3d. you leave your current state and move to your desired state.
the reason you're trying to get into the void is because you don't like your current life and because there are so many aspects you want to change, you're carrying the burden of changing the 3d on your shoulders, you're viewing the void state as something that will magically change and solve everything. so you're trying to get into the void so you can finally change the 3d. but again, nothing and no one to change but SELF. you're not changing the 3d. I need you to understand this, you're NOT changing the 3d. you're changing your SELF. when you change self, the 3d changes on its own because everything and everyone is SELF pushed out. i have no experience with the void, so i can't give you any advice on how to get into the void except for relaxing and just focusing on being.
but if i were you, I'd let go of the void. what is your obsession with the void helping you in any way? how long have you been obsessed with it? please let go of what does not serve you.
you're lacking. you're feeling lack. you're desiring. I suggest you scroll down my blog and read my other posts and replies to other asks. the very first step is to stop desiring NOT by suppressing your desire, but by fulfilling it all in imagination only. there is only fulfillment or lack, you have to make a choice. will you fulfill your desire in Imagination or will you continue to live in lack in imagination. in imagination, which is your kingdom, where all things exist and fulfillment is totally unconditional?
leave the 3d alone. i mean it when i say manifesting has nothing, i mean NOTHING, to do with the 3d. it's all about you. your inner self. you're not changing your face, you're changing your SELF. you're not changing your body, you're changing your SELF. you're not changing your bank account, you're changing your SELF. you're not changing your family, you're changing your SELF. YOU'RE NOT CHANGING THE 3D YOU'RE CHANGING YOUR INNER SELF (state of consciousness aka self-concept).
if you were my sister, i'd do anything to make you completely give up on the void state and study and apply the law instead. but, i can't do that to you because the choice is up to you. will you continue to do yourself a disservice by obsessing over something that doesn't get you anywhere or will you let it go and study&apply the law which guarantees the fulfillment of your desires?
your 3d doesn't need to be changed. no matter how horrible it looks, there is nothing wrong with your 3d. your 3d is perfect as it is. it's your consciousness. you have to change your consciousness, your SELF.
if you have time to obsess over the void, read neville. read edward art's series. You think manifesting is about changing the 3d. that's why you see manifesting as something that requires hard work, that's why you're obsessing over the void because you think the void will remove the "hard work" you think you should do to manifest. when you realize that all you need to do is literally just fulfill your desire in imagination only, you will no longer be interested in the void. the void obsession started last year. never have i ever once tried to get into the void. because to me, manifesting isn't about changing the 3d. it's all about my imagination/ consciousness.
if you want to take my advice, which i hope you do, unfollow every single void blog you follow. delete void information you wrote down anywhere. unsubscribe to every channel relating to the void. cut off every online friend you made talking about the void. let go of it. and i can guarantee you this much, if you focus on changing yourself in imagination, your results will show up in the 3d SO fast you'll be scared(in a good way).
it's up to you whether you're going to obsess over the void for the next 3 months and get nothing out of it but worse mental health OR spend the next 1 month on studying&applying the law and reap a good harvest, if you do, your results will be satisfactory.
Start tonight. start with at your command and the power of awareness. the law and the promise contains over 50 success story letters neville eceived from people. Read this series, his interpretation of neville's teaching is amazing and he also touches on subjects neville barely did that people may be struggling with. neville and edward art are the only teachers you need imo. debunk everything you know about the void and read what i linked above and apply. You will reap a good harvest.
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eamour · 3 months
Hi i don't know if you'll reply/repost this ask but i really believe what i have to say is needed to help people in the manifestation community i am only sending this to you because you are one of the few active ones with a decent following that can get the word out..
The amount of complications people in this community have brought upon themselves is just infuriating and annoying the amount of creators/blog writers that come up with something new every week are just deceiving and preying on people who want to have a better life if you care i hope you'll post this.
Lies and overcomplications like;
'You shouldn't feel lack' 'don't focus on the 3d' 'know that you have it and go on with your life' 'this is the only way you can manifest' 'don't try to affirm or visualize it won't work its just endlessly affirming' 'feel it know' the amount of 3d and 4d 'live in imagination' is all a bunch of bs what Neville said is not the final! And you all seem to forget that
You can do all that and still get what you want sure! you can manifest this way too but why overcomplicate it?
(Yes there is a possibility that spreading this misinformation may not be necessarily intended to cause harm and might be just a misunderstanding from bloggers as well but it still causes to harm to those who are vulnerable and are just wanting to better their life and learn about manifesting)
None of this matters you are the only one who makes yourself manifest and there are many ways and you can use any way/method the problem on tumblr is people push only one way no you don't need to be fulfilled in imagination or 'know you have it and shut up in order to manifest sure Neville found a good way but its not the only way but the amount of people here who push this as if it's the only way and say if you don't do this you will never manifest are fcking playing with people's time and energy! i'm here to root for how far visualization affirming and robotic affirming goes,just for the average person its just such a quick and easy and 'failproof' way to 'get you desires' you don't need to hate the word 'get it' or something like that you don't have chase after knowledge or understanding to 'finaly manifest', when i went back to watching sammy and just affirming with no care about believe the thoughts no care about things like 3d or 4d no care about fulfilment or doing it to get it or anything like that...I've been carefree i don't worry at all...we are always learning about life and spirituality but you don't need an awakening or some sacred knowledge to manifest
You can read these posts that helped me but please no more,thats it no need to scroll and scroll and search for an answer
You don't need to read it all throughly just get the main idea you're good (most of them are short)
My tips and experience..
All this time after being kinda obsessed with the void state (don't even get why people renamed the i am state by Neville lol) trying all things but just being lazy giving up restarting and going back to the old way of thinking, thinking 'why i fail' but now looking back and realizing i just got distracted and stopped never persisted .... now i realize how easy it is but what tumblr was doing was just discouraging me all along so many people lied or were misguided and said 'don't endlessly affirm just decide' implying if you try affirming you'll do it endlessly and never have what u want.. and so i listened....i used to watch sammy after a few videos last year i joined tumblr for a few 6 months at some point i was just reading things which have already been said and read..so i quit and decided to delete tumblr to just actually apply because reading the same thing over and over is no use...i'm now watching sammy ingram again so this is what i vouch for, affirming and thoughts watching sammy ingram (if just deciding or knowing seems like its not for you sammy ingram is great and in my opinion if i also just know or decide its mine then by affirming aren't i just reminding myself..'knowing' & 'deciding' in a way too?) again sammy joe dispenza is more helpful compared to tumblr over 6 months... i have logged back after a month typing this rn to help people and will delete my acc today even the creators i used to follow haven't posted in weeks and i urge people to leave tumblr after a certain point please live your life.
posting this for everyone who is currently overcomplicating the law and beating themselves up for not "doing it right". ♡
i want to add something: you can believe in all of these things (such as "feeling it real" instead of "affirming to get") and if it works for you, that’s good! that’s quite literally the law. but if it’s the opposite for you, if you think that it’s too much work and you would rather robotically affirm to get your desire, then do that.
i have seen both sides on tumblr and twitter, and they are both successful. it’s up to you what you want to make work for yourself!!
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dollfaceirene · 3 months
Hi i don't know if you'll reply/repost this ask but i really believe what i have to say is needed to help people in the manifestation community i am only sending this to you because you are one of the few active ones with a decent following that can get the word out..
The amount of complications people in this community have brought upon themselves is just infuriating and annoying the amount of creators/blog writers that come up with something new every week are just deceiving and preying on people who want to have a better life if you care i hope you'll post this.
Lies and overcomplications like;
'You shouldn't feel lack' 'don't focus on the 3d' 'know that you have it and go on with your life' 'this is the only way you can manifest' 'don't try to affirm or visualize it won't work its just endlessly affirming' 'feel it know' the amount of 3d and 4d 'live in imagination' is all a bunch of bs what Neville said is not the final! And you all seem to forget that
You can do all that and still get what you want sure! you can manifest this way too but why overcomplicate it?
(Yes there is a possibility that spreading this misinformation may not be necessarily intended to cause harm and might be just a misunderstanding from bloggers as well but it still causes to harm to those who are vulnerable and are just wanting to better their life and learn about manifesting)
None of this matters you are the only one who makes yourself manifest and there are many ways and you can use any way/method the problem on tumblr is people push only one way no you don't need to be fulfilled in imagination or 'know you have it and shut up in order to manifest sure Neville found a good way but its not the only way but the amount of people here who push this as if it's the only way and say if you don't do this you will never manifest are fcking playing with people's time and energy! i'm here to root for how far visualization affirming and robotic affirming goes,just for the average person its just such a quick and easy and 'failproof' way to 'get you desires' you don't need to hate the word 'get it' or something like that you don't have chase after knowledge or understanding to 'finaly manifest', when i went back to watching sammy and just affirming with no care about believe the thoughts no care about things like 3d or 4d no care about fulfilment or doing it to get it or anything like that...I've been carefree i don't worry at all...we are always learning about life and spirituality but you don't need an awakening or some sacred knowledge to manifest
You can read these posts that helped me but please no more,thats it no need to scroll and scroll and search for an answer
You don't need to read it all throughly just get the main idea you're good (most of them are short)
My tips and experience..
All this time after being kinda obsessed with the void state (don't even get why people renamed the i am state by Neville lol) trying all things but just being lazy giving up restarting and going back to the old way of thinking, thinking 'why i fail' but now looking back and realizing i just got distracted and stopped never persisted .... now i realize how easy it is but what tumblr was doing was just discouraging me all along so many people lied or were misguided and said 'don't endlessly affirm just decide' implying if you try affirming you'll do it endlessly and never have what u want.. and so i listened....i used to watch sammy after a few videos last year i joined tumblr for a few 6 months at some point i was just reading things which have already been said and read..so i quit and decided to delete tumblr to just actually apply because reading the same thing over and over is no use...i'm now watching sammy ingram again so this is what i vouch for, affirming and thoughts watching sammy ingram (if just deciding or knowing seems like its not for you sammy ingram is great and in my opinion if i also just know or decide its mine then by affirming aren't i just reminding myself..'knowing' & 'deciding' in a way too?) again sammy joe dispenza is more helpful compared to tumblr over 6 months... i have logged back after a month typing this rn to help people and will delete my acc today even the creators i used to follow haven't posted in weeks and i urge people to leave tumblr after a certain point please live your life.
reposting becuz i agree with this 100%. Alot of stuff in the loa community is so overcomplicated and conflicting which just makes stuff seem way more complicated then it actually is
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gloriousrunwayninja · 2 months
Hi i don't know if you'll reply/repost this ask but i really believe what i have to say is needed to help people in the manifestation community i am only sending this to you because you are one of the few active ones with a decent following that can get the word out..
The amount of complications people in this community have brought upon themselves is just infuriating and annoying the amount of creators/blog writers that come up with something new every week are just deceiving and preying on people who want to have a better life if you care i hope you'll post this.
Lies and overcomplications like;
'You shouldn't feel lack' 'don't focus on the 3d' 'know that you have it and go on with your life' 'this is the only way you can manifest' 'don't try to affirm or visualize it won't work its just endlessly affirming' 'you have to live in the end or you won't manifest' 'feel it know' the amount of 3d and 4d 'live in imagination' is all a bunch of bs what Neville said is not the final! And you all seem to forget that
You can do all that and still get what you want sure! you can manifest this way too but why overcomplicate it?
(Yes there is a possibility that spreading this misinformation may not be necessarily intended to cause harm and might be just a misunderstanding from bloggers as well but it still causes to harm to those who are vulnerable and are just wanting to better their life and learn about manifesting)
None of this matters you are the only one who makes yourself manifest and there are many ways and you can use any way/method the problem on tumblr is people push only one way no you don't need to be fulfilled in imagination or 'know you have it and shut up in order to manifest sure Neville found a good way but its not the only way but the amount of people here who push this as if it's the only way and say if you don't do this you will never manifest are fcking playing with people's time and energy! i'm here to root for how far visualization affirming and robotic affirming goes,just for the average person its just such a quick and easy and 'failproof' way to 'get you desires' you don't need to hate the word 'get it' or something like that you don't have chase after knowledge or understanding to 'finaly manifest', when i went back to watching sammy and just affirming with no care about believe the thoughts no care about things like 3d or 4d no care about fulfilment or doing it to get it or anything like that...I've been carefree i don't worry at all...we are always learning about life and spirituality but you don't need an awakening or some sacred knowledge to manifest
You can read these posts that helped me but please no more,thats it no need to scroll and scroll and search for an answer
You don't need to read it all throughly just get the main idea you're good (most of them are short)
My tips and experience..
All this time after being kinda obsessed with the void state (don't even get why people renamed the i am state by Neville lol) trying all things but just being lazy giving up restarting and going back to the old way of thinking, thinking 'why i fail' but now looking back and realizing i just got distracted and stopped never persisted .... now i realize how easy it is but what tumblr was doing was just discouraging me all along so many people lied or were misguided and said 'don't endlessly affirm just decide' implying if you try affirming you'll do it endlessly and never have what u want.. and so i listened....i used to watch sammy after a few videos last year i joined tumblr for a few 6 months at some point i was just reading things which have already been said and read..so i quit and decided to delete tumblr to just actually apply because reading the same thing over and over is no use...i'm now watching sammy ingram again so this is what i vouch for, affirming and thoughts watching sammy ingram (if just deciding or knowing seems like its not for you sammy ingram is great and in my opinion if i also just know or decide its mine then by affirming aren't i just reminding myself..'knowing' & 'deciding' in a way too?) again sammy joe dispenza is more helpful compared to tumblr over 6 months... i have logged back after a month typing this rn to help people and will delete my acc today even the creators i used to follow haven't posted in weeks and i urge people to leave tumblr after a certain point please live your life.
I I agree with you tysmm for this I also left tumblr cuz I just felt so discouraged but now I'm doing much better and found what method work better for me and it's going good
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aydaptic · 5 months
I imagine that being a Gavin fan when the dbh fandom was in its early stages must have been exhausting. I've been scrolling through dbh blogs, just to catch up on what I've missed out on and occasionally I'll come across posts like "if you like Gavin you're [insert stupid insult here]" or "Gavin is the personification of evil and if you even watch a single scene with him in it without feeling hatred, then you're [insert another stupid insult here]"
Following you, I've realised that Gavin is honestly not a bad guy. Yeah, he's not the most positive/friendly guy in the world but that doesn't make him evil. The only time we've seen him in a bad light is when he's interacting with something he does not like ex. androids, hank (both of which he has valid reasons for not liking). When he's not with either of them, he's pretty alright. Even Neil has said that if you met Gavin in a bar or something, he, at the very least, would be polite to you.
I know it's been said before but people can dislike Gavin (everyone is entitled to disliking who they want) but looking back, I believe that the hatred he received was so unnecessary.
If any of those people could have just looked beyond "he hurt my fave/disliking him for moral points", they would have seen that too.
This is why I'm happy that reed900 became so popular. Not only because it showed that there were people who wanted to delve deeper into Gavin's character but it also created a huge headache for everyone who hated him.
As someone who has been a Gav fan since launch day -- May 25th, 2018 -- I can confirm that it was indeed exhausting. I admit I'm biased, though. It was worse for me for reasons I'll get into down below.
There's still a lot of undeserved vitriol towards him posted on the regular, but my having muted 90% of the fandom makes it not nearly as noticeable. Ofc I can't avoid them all bc the amount of shit he gets always slips through the net. His haters are that obsessed with him (...which is not only pathetic but hilarious as well.)
Several ppl have told me that I was the one who made them see the layers involved when it comes to Gav. Hearing that warms my heart. It makes me feel like I'm doing something useful in this fandom.
As for my personal bias, I've been told multiple times by multiple ppl that I remind them of Gav. It made me realize that's one of the main reasons why I defend the guy. If you don't like Gav, you wouldn't like me, so I -- in the beginning -- took the hatred for him personally. Thus it was extra exhausting to have negativity constantly aimed at me (in theory) as an individual.
I feel the same way he does. I'm pissed at Hank and wouldn't stay quiet knowing that he gets special treatment from Fowler. I dislike Con and would try to stop him in The Interrogation/Last Chance, Connor. I dislike AI. I wouldn't believe androids were alive. I'm terrified of losing my livelihood, etc. I could make a list with dozens of things he and I have in common (even the smallest/unusual things like being unable to wink with one eye bc I can't do that either, lol.)
I share your amusement on his haters having to deal with not only Gav's popularity, but also Reed900. I'd say that's karma.
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axailslink · 1 year
I'm fucking Ironheart
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Riri Williams/ Ironheart x poc FEM reader
Summary: your girlfriend tolerates your absolute obsession with what she calls a glossified power ranger until you walk in on said glossified power ranger mid dressed.
You're scrolling through your blog when Riri walks in and grabs you by the legs pulling you to her. You're quick to get up and plant a soft kiss on her lips "where the hell were you?" She smiles "I had a exam to take what are you doing here?" You shrug "I missed you and your dorm is better than mine. Riri glances at her laptop which is covered in photos of Ironheart and she laughs and shakes her head. "I should have known you were using my laptop again?" You laugh as she picks it up and scrolls through the pictures herself "yeah what do you think about these? I took them when I caught sight of her around Christmas" Riri nods and kisses down your neck "I think you're my favorite little journalist" you can't help the smile that spreads across your face as you lock the door and let your hand slide to her waist. "Oh shit wait wait I told them I'd post tonight" Riri sighs "so you just gone kiss me and-" you nod as you pick her laptop up and scroll through the photos posting the best one. Riri admires how you obsess over Ironheart most people wouldn't be as welcoming to it but Riri doesn't mind it unless she needs to do work.
When you update your blog you close her laptop and turn your attention back to her "sorry now where were we?" Riri smiles as you push the laptop out of the way and she straddles your lap both knees resting by your sides. "I think we were a little somewhere like right here" she pulls off her shirt and you can't help but smile Riri is always forward with what she wants but it still leaves you flustered sometimes. "I feel like we skipped a few chapters but sure this is totally where we were" you laugh and Riri nods "exactly where we were."
You rarely go into Riri's dorm without her knowledge but tonight you just can't help yourself you possess some amazing footage from a fight with Ironheart and you just can't help yourself.
So what are you doing in front of Riri's dorm past curfew? Obviously sneaking in like most people she locks her door but you know how to get in without a key. You carefully use your identification card and open the door locking it back behind you you're sneaking in and pause when you see a five foot nine suit of armor in front of you. "Riri?" You whisper looking at her empty bed "babe" you grab a bat she keeps nestled in the corner and raise it but when Ironheart turns around you're shocked to see Riri in said body of armor. "Hold on I'm not high enough for this tonight. I'm seriously not" you flip the light on and let your eyes glance over her figure "okay that's doing a bit much you can see me."
You blink for a moment and then look at the window. "You be flying in through the window? You're the smartest yet dumbest person I know. I should be shocked but honestly I'm pissed you're tony Stark's fucking successor and you didn't tell me? Actually I would have hated it if you told me. Oh my God you know about my blog and what I say about you on a daily basis not just that but you're like 5'9 in this armor and it's kind of hot. I'm really having a moment because my girlfriend has been keeping secrets from me. I thought you were just slowly distancing yourself and preparing to break up with me but you're not you're just too busy being a fucking superhero or are you a vigilante? I don't know but it's a lot" Riri grabs your shoulders carefully "stop before you send yourself into a panic attack." You shake your head and take deep breaths you hear clanking as you turn towards the wall and grab it for support. Riri stands in front of you out of her suit she grabs you by your face centering your attention on her "hey hey breathe with me in and out slow those breaths down and breathe with me" you do as instructed as she follows with.
When you've finally calmed down your laying on Riri's bed glancing at her suit then her "I'm fucking Ironheart. I'm trying to be more sensible and mature about the situation but truth be told I can't that's all I can think about. I'm fucking Ironheart how do you go about telling one why your girlfriend can't make it to the family dinner? "oh well I'm sorry mom she's a superhero" I need to lay down I must have smoked too many blunts or something because this feels like a fever dream." Riri watches with clear caution carefully caressing your leg. "I like the old suit better" you mumble and she's quick to look at you "what?" You shrug "I mean that one's alright but Riri Williams isn't some dolled up power ranger you're real and raw." Riri smiles seeing as you're finally level headed. "You do know if we break up I have to kill you?" You look her up and down and scoff "you think you're getting rid of me? That's good that's funny as hell actually applaud I applaud you." You claim sarcastically laughing because why would she even say such a thing? Leave? Ever? You've cooked for her family on Thanksgiving you're locked in for life whether she likes it or not because her mom loves you.
A/n: very unedited I didn't even look it over I'm just trying to post something for y'all before I sleep I have to wake up early again.
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formulatrash · 1 year
Idk how many notifications you get normaly, but maybe you've seen that I've scrolled down a few tags on your blog (lucas di grassi and daniel abt 🫣), which brings me to my question: are friendships in motorsports (especially in fe) actually legit? (I don't mean that they hate each other in reality, just that the fans view may be a bit off on the reality of it, idk how to say this really 😂) There's obviously the famous jeandre, or robin and antonio, daniel and mitch, robin and sam, lucas and daniel...
the good news is they are totally legit friendships. Audi wanted to bin Daniel for ages before they found an excuse to do it and Lucas threw a fit every time to keep him because he liked him so much (Daniel was also performing really well so I've never quite understood what Audi had against him) and they legitimately hang out both at tracks and away from them, even now. they're wildly chalk and cheese but somehow formed a really strong bond and honestly care about each other a lot - Lucas once said to me they were the perfect balance because he can be technical while Daniel is a people person and that sounds extremely right, as analysis.
Robin and Antonio are also legit friends and genuinely hang out/are borderline obsessed with each other. this essential early content when Robin and Simona de Silvestro were teammates exposes them fully. it's genuinely extremely hard to get them to stop talking to each other to conduct an interview, in media pen.
I'd say almost all the FE drivers are friends on some level - even some relatively unlikely ones like Lucas and Seb. there's a few that really can't stand each other (Nelson and Lucas, ***** and ******) but mostly they genuinely get on and do hang out with each other during race weekends. the friendships you see more of are the ones that go beyond the track.
but yeah, they're a friendly bunch. there's nothing faked about the actual friendships. the only genuine cover I've ever seen was ******* trying to pretend their drivers didn't absolutely loathe each other on a very petty level in seasons 7 & 8.
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cornflowershade · 11 months
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
Thank you for tagging me @lamonnaie!
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself Sonia (she/her). 24. I love getting to know people & chatting about shows so lets goooo
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom? I watched Bad Buddy in one week, in late October 2022. I owe it to @airenyah honestly. I think I found their blog through an SPN post and clicked over for that reason. In my scrolling, I happened upon a lovely gifset (wish I could recall who made it) of InkPa. It was the scene where they're outside and Pa says anyone taller than her is fine and hops down off the sidewalk. :) Love that scene. Anyway I reblogged it and in the tags was like WHAT IS THIS I MUST WATCH IT. To which airenyah gave me a whole blessed reply telling me the show name, giving a small synopsis/what to expect from my first thai drama & telling me where I could watch it. I immediately watched the series and adored it. I've seen it twice thus far.
favorite ship(s) PatPran & InkPa :)
favorite character(s): Okay I adore all the main 4 but I'm gonna go with Pran. I love him. There's just something so soft about him and how on earth do his eyes communicate so much?? I think I relate to his messy little overthinking and silently in love brain—very "me the first time i had a queer crush and simply wallowed the whole time bc it was impossible" lol. Also, he's always making the funniest facial expressions which gets me every time. I could go on about everything I like about his character (for instance how clever yet sometimes oblivious he is & how he gets all annoyed lol). Though I do question his sense of interior design and that smiley face obsession.
favorite episode(s) Honestly I'm not certain if I have one?? It's all so good! I do really like their "whoever falls first loses" era though. Wait actually?? My favorite ep might be the early one where Pat thinks he's hitting on the "girl" across the hall and they end up running into each other on the roof. Also both of the beach episodes.
favorite scene(s) *pastes in the entire show* Okay okay I'll try to pick a few:
~ The scene where Pat is staying over and he and Pran are lying in the dark, counting down to say in unison whether they have a crush on Ink. Idk I remember that scene having an emotional impact on me. Pran's face??? Then when Pat asks "would you like me?" and Pran says "I hate you" and then he yanks the blanket away but you saw him crying?? ahhhghrhghgh
~ The scene in the darkroom with Ink and Pa. I remember getting so emotional. Pretty sure Pa's dialogue and acting made me cry. "I do [like you being nice to me]. I like it so much that I thought I was special to you." ARE YOU KIDDING ME ASDFGZ. And then Ink says she is special to her!! And it's so sweet!!
~ OH and how could I forget. This should be at the top of the list. I realllly like the scene where Pran stands up to his mom and they have that emotional fight in their front hall. That whole thing is just. AHHHHHH. AHHH. AHIOFJEIOsdJIO. SIJDGRIOGJRIGJORE
~ And the scene at the stairs where Pat yells how much he loves Pran in front of Pran's whole faculty. :)
(Also any scene where Pat & Pran are being silly. Like their dumb little chopstick fight :p omg or the designing the bus stop at night scene)
one thing you would change about the show if you could Ohhhh I don't know! Maybe I'd throw in a few more InkPa scenes :)
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people? Ahh fun fun fun. Get ready for some fanvid recs! (What else do you expect from me, a fanvidder.)
• Just My Type (Pat x Pran) by samyvids • Physical (Pat x Pran) by coldties • Enchanted (Ink x Pa) by rheaprodz • I really like you (Pat x Pran) by dkyth73 • Rebels (Pat x Pran) by coldties • Dandelions (Pat x Pran) by hylian fanvids
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made? I've made two fanvids for Bad Buddy, as well as one song cover haha. I'll stick to the fanvids here. :)
• All I Need (Ink x Pa) • That dimple is illegal (Pat x Pran)
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol) Physical by Dua Lipa. The fanvid using that song is my all-time favorite BBS edit, so hearing the song reminds me of it.
idk anything else you want us to know? Uhhhhhhhh. I mean I could ramble about BBS and why it means so much to me for a long time haha. Should I do that? I guess I'll do that.
Okay so BBS was the first Thai drama I watched. I was still feeling a lot from the SPN-finale/confession scene era (yes that happened 2 years prior but it's SPN okay iykyk) which had me especially sad about and aware of media censorship etc. etc.
On top of that I was still working up the courage to leave this group chat of childhood friends, some of whom liked to complain about media "making everything gay" etc. (Amazing how you can not know people are homophobic for the entirety of your childhood bc the topic just never comes up lol.) Which was of course upsetting to me for multiple reasons. However the universe decided to do something nice and Heartstopper was released. That series felt really huge to me, but after it was over, I was left with this feeling of like... what else is there to watch? Where else will I ever find a queer ship this canon where they're also the main characters?
That's when I came across BBS and it gave me this realization that OH WAIT we aren't limited to western media and OH LOOK there's so many great shows that I didn't even know about!! And they keep making them! Also it was a queer story where the main obstacle wasn't being gay (Plus, Asian leads!!). And BBS itself is just such a standout show. First of all, I love a good comedy and the series made me laugh so much. It's heartfelt but full of ANTICS [like yes lets have fun! Lets not take everything too seriously!], and Pat & Pran & Ink & Pa are just such wonderful and lovable and real feeling characters—who have this lovely friendship too—and the show is just! Such a fun ride. <3 I recall watching the series and feeling like my world just got a little bit bigger. Anyway Bad Buddy goes all in for everything it does and it's such a joy.
Tagging @airenyah and @distant-screaming and @feralmuskyscentedhoepran if you haven't done this yet and would like to!
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fertilize-my-eggs · 27 days
I feel like antis can be little obsessed fans if you think about it.
If they say they're a normal person wouldn't they just block or scroll away if they see something that they don't like? 🤔
Like I know I have talked about this a few times and it bothers me, I know I sound like a broken record whenever I talk about this but I still remember that one person that has screenshot of my fanfic "lost boy " where I have it up on A03 and I already apologize this last year on my blog and they were like calling me a pedophile and that I have these fantasies about r-word children ( that what they comment towards me.) when they have a proshipper DNI on their pinned and I never interact with them but they reblog and make comments on my post that I was talking about pretty shiggy look because some people do hate shigaraki with a burning passion... Reading their comments makes me extremely uncomfortable.
Like I keep thinking to myself, why do they have screenshots of my fanfic that I deleted it last year only to reblog and started drama like one or two months ago I believe.
Like I apologize for writing problematic dead dove fanfic so many times but others have told me not to apologize to them and I find it so odd coz I put trigger warnings at the very beginning and tags as well but they still complain about it.
Like I get it, if you don't like dead dove content that fine you don't have to follow me or enjoy my post as long as you don't harass me or my followers who enjoy dead dove content.
I still remember months ago of an anonymous sending ask inbox to others about my blog and it still makes me upset because they shouldn't be involved people into this or people shouldn't bring others about me just because I make fanfics as a hobby.
I know I've been a bit ranting lately but I just want to vent and talk about this and how I deal with harassment online.
I get it, I'm not the most perfect person nobody on earth is, we make content, enjoy it, people should learn not to mix the two up and stop taking everything seriously.
I get it fiction affects reality if YOU LET IT HAPPEN, if you can't tell the difference between fiction and reality that is a you problem and should get medical help for that.
I personally treat the reader as a fictional character, something that is not real and makes her like a doll. I get it, I make her into a sweet innocence woman that people love but I can also make her into an unhealthy yandere character that people shouldn't be supporting her because she's has done fucked up things.
And not to mention I've written a lot of fanfic were the anime characters has rape/noncon towards reader and everyone eat it up(including myself)
So people should make more dark theme content for fun, I write it because I've always been creative with dark content as teenager hell I remember I got trouble for writing story where a boy murder a bully at the age 15-16yo just because a teacher ask us to write any story.
I remember I was sent to a room where a counselor asked me if I saw it on the new or asked me any problems at home and I simply told her." I made it up. " Because I always have creative ideas for dark theme content for years.
Did I think of anything of those dark thoughts no, I just enjoy being creative and making it up because to me it's not real and I just like imagine it and writing it as story that easy.
It reminded me of those people who say if you play GTA games MEANS you gotta be violence and destroy the buildings or if you watch horror movies you gotta be a serial killers.
I get it, I watch a video where YouTuber Danielle kirsty is talking about shay groves where this woman is a serial killer and was obsessed with serial killers.
As a person who enjoys true crime and documents, I don't have those types of thoughts or worship them like shay does.
I'm pretty sure, me, proshippers and lolishotacons are against it irl and also I talked about it with my online friends none of us think like that towards children most of us dislike or hate children in general.
I know someone is gonna say what about those anime fans that say." Actually the age of consent is 13yo in Japan ☝🏻🤓" those are red flags to me because you're a pedophile if you're going after CHILDREN!! Like why you talking about consent age for countries while you're GROWN GO AWAY AND STAY FROM CHILDREN!!!! like we simp for fictional characters not irl people that's it. We don't compare them as the same because one is real while the other is a fictional character.
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themorguepoet · 1 year
Dq is bae huh? You watched one movie and act like you are some diehard kinda fan lmao. If SitaRamam didn't push the hindutva agenda but had a Muslim lead and Hindu princess I am sure you would be crying love jihad. You are telugu so ofc you are gonna act like its normal. Yall are the most gullible lot of the dravidian lands. I am glad that madness hasn't reached Kerala atleast. How many malayalam movies of dq have you watched even? I see none on your blog. Selective fangirling is real pathetic lmao. Also if you were gonna lie atleast make it believable. How does an Indian have pakistani teachers lol? You bringing up nfak is like how white people say "I cant be racist, I listen to black singers all the time"
Yes, dulquer salmaan is bae. You can't be more wrong, I have watched too many dq movies to count, I won't waste time listing them all here. I dont post everything I watch. Suit yourself with the assumptions.
Anon I can laugh off most of your ignorance but Sita Ramam slander is not tolerated on my blog. Tell me you didn't understand the movie without telling me you didn't understand the movie. No I wouldn't have cried love jihad if the movie with the Muslim lead and the Hindu princess followed the exact same storyline EXACT SAME. In that case I would have loved Fatima and Ali the same as I loved Sita and Ram.
I am not Telugu, funny you would assume that although I can see why. If you scroll through my blog though you will find Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, possibly one Kashmiri post and more. And none of the languages I mentioned are my mother tongues. So keep guessing.
Also, you hating on two entire states and a whole community? The blatant superiority complex and hate towards telugu people radiating in your sentence is so low. To be comfortable in your own skin and not compromise on your way of life isn't madness anon. Decolonise your mind. Kerala is a beautiful state and so is Andhra and Telangana. A lot of Telugu people live in Kerala and many Malyalis live in the telugu heartlands. Both of those linguistic families are a pride for the country so stop with your political divide. I don't even understand why you are bringing such random energy on my blog cuz I have never posted any proper political commentaries on my blog.
I can choose what to fangirl over. If I wanna obsess over dq for a month I will do it. You are probably new. My mutuals know how I post about the one same thing on a stretch for a while and then find something new and keep posting that instead. Selective fangirling isn't pathetic anon, you are.
I did not lie. I don't need to prove anything. Maybe consider that some Indians probably live in neutral countries where they interact with the rest of the world. Hence the pakistani teachers.
Fallacies bestie, all your fallacies are laughable. My point was, I appreciate all things good while taking pride in my own identity. I can post about Krishna and Dulquer salmaan in the same blog.
Your rant was very useless but I wanted to answer it anyways. There's more anons from you but i won't be answering anymore. I will just delete them.
@shut-up-rabert ye lo bhoi, maze le lo
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semiweirdshipper · 3 months
I've been scrolling through your blog (OBSESSED with your characterizations BTW, thank you from the bottom of my heart giving us all this for ZERO DOLLARS!!!) and I'm gonna be honest, I wasn't really a Jeffrey Hawk fan until now. Clowns have always been sort of iffy for me but the way you write him got me tumbling down BAD, I love the way you write him (and all the others but rn I'm focused in on my new fave LMAO)
So. Anyways. I will now return to my endless scrolling, and afterwords you can bet I WILL be looking up your longer series >:)
Thank you so much for your kind words @yes-this-is-doggo! I always used to fear that writing the slashers ooc would cause me to receive hate, but I'm grateful that there are actually lots of people that enjoy my characterizations of them. Especially Jeffrey!
Here I go again doing my Jeffrey Hawk victory dance! I'm so happy that I could help reduce the amount of hate Jeffrey receives. It's like breaking a cycle. Everyone always hated Jeffrey, and I think that's because of how he was always portrayed and written, and that caused an endless cycle of hate. But I wrote him differently, and I'm so happy that I could help break that cycle and make his characterization enjoyable for others.
Thank you again for stopping by! I'm so glad you enjoy my writing and characterizations. I hope you enjoy everything else I have to offer, and may you always have a lovely day ❤️
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youreverydayestj · 1 year
ESTJ Hate: A Rant From an ESTJ’s Perspective
TLDR: ESTJs are not jerks, narcissists, or arrogant assholes. ANY type can be like that, so knock it off and stop bullying them.
As the title says, this blog/ article is going to be a rant about the type community and their attitude toward ESTJs.
And this hate can be applied to other types, like my fellow ESFJs and any sensor in the community.
But today we’ll focus on the most hated MBTI type: ESTJs (aka my type).
I sincerely hope that you’ll read this article with an open mind and please try to understand where I’m coming from despite the… heated tone this article has. 😅 
I get it if you think I’m mistyped, but I’m not gonna prove my type to you. Take it or leave it. (It's not this article's point anyway).
If I’m wrong about my type, then so be it.
But I hope that this article will take the heat off of ESTJs, because whether I’m one or not – they don’t deserve the hate and bullying. (Nobody does).
So if you hate ESTJs so much that you’re just going to barrage me with hate comments, or if you’re not open to learning more about them, then feel free to skip this article (and this whole blog).
But if you *are* open, then proceed unto the forbidden scrolls of wisdom. 📜 *magical gate opening noises*
Why do people hate ESTJs so much?
If you’ve been into MBTI for any amount of time, you know that everyone hates ESTJs. Like… a lot.
(Fun fact: We’re the #1 most hated type in the community 🥳🙌)
And it’s not hard to see why.
Because, according to the infallable internet, we ESTJs are:
Tradition-oriented/ anti-progression
Bullies, jackasses, and know-it-alls who refuse to admit we’re wrong
anti-INFP (according to a YouTube video thumbnail lmao)
Control freaks and micromanagers
Extremely insecure and obsessed with social status
Unrealistic perfectionists whose lives revolve around work, recognition, and climbing up the ladder
Narcissists and insecure as hell
The enemy and ultimate roadblock to change
Stuck in our ways
Mean, cruel, heartless, hot-tempered
Smacking everyone on the head with a rulebook
Obsessed with getting recognition
Stepping on everyone’s toes to get their way no matter what
Stubborn for no reason
Always angry, pissed, and yelling at everyone for no reason
Desperate to be in charge, power-hungry assholes who shouldn’t be in charge
Terrible with people and hated by everyone who has to work with us
Bossy control freaks
The list goes on and on, and so does the endless hate.
*sighs and slides down wall*
If I had a penny for every time someone changed their mind about me as a person after doing a type reveal, I’d be set for the rest of my miserable life. *faint kazoo goes off in the background*
Then again, I can see why people would hate us with these extreme descriptions… even though it’s stupid.
ESTJs have a double whammy in MBTI: We’re both Te users, and SJs.
Let’s face it: Most people wanna be a Ti user, or at least that’s what I’ve seen.
Apparently, Ti means you have a brain and can think for yourself, while Te... is just bossy or domineering.
But, of course, ENTJs and INTJs don’t get any hate because they have Ni, which is supposedly future-oriented and not stuck in tradition. *cough cough, Si can be like this too*
SJs, who have high Si, are stereotyped as… well… traditional.
Si is described as *super* boring at best, and sounds like they don’t have anything interesting going on in their lives.
Apparently, if you’re an SJ, you’re alllll about upholding traditions and that’s it.
Not only do we not change the world, we keep change from happening.
We’re stabilizers, and incapable of having fun, or having deep conversations with people cuz we’re not intuitives.
That’s a giant pile of stereotype-infused crap, by the way. ^
Si is NOT about tradition.
If you wanna understand what Si *actually* is, then watch the following video, and/or read the blog I’m linking below.
Introverted Sensing with Your Chill ISFJ featured on Joyce Meng’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8V5NYzCPjh0&t=347s
Exploring Si from Practical Typing: https://practicaltyping.com/2022/10/20/exploring-introverted-sensing-si/
(I’ll link these at the bottom of this blog too, so feel free to check these out later).
So now begins the rant. Enjoy. *deeply inhales like Leorio*
TLDR: ESTJs can be nice, empathetic, open-minded people. We are NOT pissed off Karens who wanna dictate your life.
ANY type can be a control freak, angry, pissed off, controlling, etc.
If you’re typing someone as an ESTJ because of stereotypes and that list of ESTJ traits the internet came up with, you’re typing people wrong.
Stereotypes are fun for a while, but they get old quick – like your favorite food. Or memes.
Instead, if you wanna learn more about MBTI and typology, you need to learn the cognitive functions and learn the nuances.
(Spoiler alert: There are *lots* of them. This isn’t 16 personalities or dichotomies).
Stereotypes are great for starting out and building a foundation.
But you need to go further if you wanna understand type and people (or yourself, if you’re as self-absorbed as I am).
And honestly? It’s way more interesting that way. :P
If you wanna understand Extraverted Thinking in INTJs, ENTJs, ISTJs, and ESTJs, read these two articles.
My favorite article: https://practicaltyping.com/2021/12/06/6-te-stereotypes/
The Dual Nature of Te: https://practicaltyping.com/2020/12/07/the-dual-nature-of-te/
If you’re struggling to find your type, then these could help. Keep an open mind about it, since Te is HEAVILY misunderstood.
Either way, you’ll learn something new and you won’t regret it. :) 
So while we’re here, let’s talk about some ESTJ stereotypes and bust them.
Feel free to grab some Ruffles while you’re at it, cuz this is gonna be a long one.
Why are ESTJs so mean?
We’re not. Or at least not on purpose.
Everyone has a different idea of what being nice and being mean are. But if we’re talking extremes, I’m gonna assume you’re imagining us screaming our heads off and making you cry at work.
In that case, that’s not an ESTJ.  Anyone can be mean, including feelers. Anyone can lose their temper and lash out.
That’s something outside of type.
If you wanna figure out someone’s MBTI type, you need to find out *why* they’re doing what they’re doing. I cannot stress enough that MBTI is about the WHY and HOW, **NOT** the “what.”
Are they frustrated because they were thwarted and missed a deadline?
Were they having an off day? (Happens to everyone)
Are they healthy or unhealthy?
Are they secure or insecure? What are they insecure or worried about, WHY, and HOW are they dealing with it?
How do they see themselves? What’s their biggest problem and why?
Etc. Etc. Etc.
You need to ask yourself (and them, if you can) questions like those ^ if you wanna type someone so you can get a well-rounded view of them.
In other words: If you wanna get better at finding people’s MBTI type or your own, you need a well-rounded view of them.
And even then, you may not get it right even if you’ve spent a long time observing this person or talking to them. Frustrating, I know.
Typing people is hard because people are complicated and nuanced. I’ll probably write an article about typing people and all that jazz later on.
Anyway, this is turning into a ramble.
The point is: Being a jerk does NOT make someone an ESTJ. And being nice doesn’t mean they can’t be one.
Being a narcissistic, controlling, arrogant know-it-all doesn’t make anyone an xSTJ. Period.
2. Why are ESTJs hated?
Simple: Stereotypes. ESTJs are often described in the worst light humanly possible while other types get a pass or praise for doing the same things we do. *end credits start rolling*
All jokes aside, most people don’t understand what high Te and high Si look like in real life.
They just assume that Te doms are bossy workaholics who love making people cry, and that SJs are stuck in their ways and refuse to change. (This is incorrect).
Combine the two, and you get STJs: the types no one wants to be. (Spoiler alert: NTJs and STJs are FAR more similar than you think).
Sure, every stereotype may have some truth to it, but ESTJs get FAR more hate than any type I’ve seen.
Spend a day on type databases, discord groups, etc. and you’ll know exactly what I mean.
“ESTJs are bossy, mean, controlling, traditional, and stuck in the past. They have no lives or meaning outside of work as a manager, and they hate INFPs. They’re efficient, but that’s the only good thing about them.”
Every blog ever
*rolls eyes* ^ This is just… *sighs*
It’s genuinely ridiculous how much hate an ESTJ gets compared to their glorified intuitive counterpart.
One letter makes a world of a difference. (People do be simping for ENTJs 😩💦). And no, I'm not jealous.
Don’t get me wrong – There are plenty of solid blogs about us out there.
Unfortunately, most people don’t find them or read them, since first impressions mean *a lot.*
Like the list way up there said, ESTJs are described in the worst light possible.
We have way more cons than pros, and the pros we *do* have make us look like workaholics, or at the very best, as managers with no lives or hobbies outside of work. -_-
Don’t get me wrong – we can absolutely become workaholics. I, myself, find most of my fulfillment in work. (Yeah, I’m not helping my case, am I? 😐)
But guess what? ANYONE can become a workaholic. ANYONE can be mean. ANYONE can be a nightmare boss or co-worker to work with.
Instead of assuming that every mean person is an ESTJ, try to figure out WHY they’re that way… or if they even think they’re that way.
Thinkers tend to be direct… assuming they’re not struggling with trauma, low self-esteem, etc. (Which any type can, including ESTJs).
No, I'm not excusing asshole behavior. I'm trying to say that thinkers generally don't see their direct nature as a problem.
But chances are, if you were honest about how they were, they'll stop. Or at least the healthy ones will adapt.
I’d offer another list of scenarios, but that’ll turn into a ramble. And I think you get the idea. 🙃
Side tangent aside, believe it or not: We have lives outside of work, and not every single one of us are career-oriented people or workaholics. :wow:
Lazy ESTJs exist. But chances are, they’re probably mistyped as a different type, since Te doms aren’t described in a realistic light.
And even when they are, they’re pigeon-holed as workaholics. (Which is stereotypical thinking at best).
And even if we were: There’s nothing wrong with that. If you like work, regardless of your MBTI type, go work.
Don’t let anyone bully or pressure you into doing or not doing something.
3. Why are ESTJs so judgmental?
Because we’re human. *flips hair*
Everyone judges everything regardless of their type, whether you like it or not.
I guess the question here is: Why are we so loud and obnoxiously vocal about it? Well, we may not be.
Being vocal about something means you need to be confident in it. That confidence may be true confidence, or just arrogance to mask insecurity.
And believe it or not – ESTJs can go either way.
In other words, this is NOT a type thing! Everyone judges everything, since we all have two judging functions.
And even then, despite being Te doms, we may not choose to share or vocalize our opinions on things if we struggle with low self-esteem, self-doubt, or anxiety.
We can often shut down and choose a passive or cooperative way of doing things.
It just depends on our mood, how confident we're feeling, etc. Te can be used in a supportive way.
It’s almost like we’re humans, and not a stereotype that can only default to one reaction towards insecurity...
Finally, we’re “judgmental” because the internet just wants to paint us in a bad light whenever possible and lift INFPs up. And it pisses me off. (No, I don't hate INFPs).
When an INFP chooses to stand up for what they believe in, they’re praised and glorified as an underdog who’s trying to change the world.
But when an ESTJ does the same or similar thing, they’re shat on for being stubborn, arrogant, angry, and narrow-minded know-it-alls who can’t stand change.
Do you see the HYPOCRISY there?
And no – I don’t hate INFPs. In fact, I have INFP friends I like spending time with. (Yeah. Believe it or not, ESTJs and INFPs **can** get along. It’s about MATURITY, common interests, etc. NOT TYPE).
Why are ESTJs obsessed with social status, looking good, and protecting their reputation?
Because we’re human, and that’s what EVERYONE does to an extent.
I don’t care what your type is. Everyone cares about how they’re seen to some extent.
Sure, you got some apathetic people who have given up on life and decided to F it, but everyone has insecurities and everyone either cares or used to care.
Welcome to being human.
As for being obsessed with social status and image, this could happen for a variety of reasons, but the biggest one is that they're insecure. (Duh).
The important thing to consider here is WHAT they’re insecure about and WHY they’re insecure.
Sure, a Te dom can be obsessed with status and image, but guess what? So can FPs and Ti/Fe users.
However, I will acknowledge that this particular insecurity with how you’re seen and status tends to point to an imbalance between your introverted judging (Ji) and extraverted judging (Je) function.
In other words, you’re more likely to be an EJ or IP if you struggled with this your whole life.
Again, the key words here are “more likely.” Any type can be insecure and image-focused.
Nutshell: An insecure ESTJ can become obsessed with how other people see them, but insecurity and obsessing over how people see you is NOT an ESTJ thing. Any type can do this.
Are ESTJs narcissists?
No. They can be, but being a narcissist isn’t the same as being an ESTJ.
ANY type can be stubborn, gaslight, refuse to change their mind, and display narcissistic behaviors.
Any type can:
Be arrogant
think they’re always right
Manipulate people
beobsessed with their image
Be cruel, humiliate people, become abusive
Be a pain to be around/ toxic
And no – narcissism is not more common in ESTJs. Every type has an equal shot of becoming this way.
If you’re using the ESTJ label, or any MBTI type to justify or explain your or someone else’s toxic behavior, then you need to look somewhere else because being a toxic and difficult person has NOTHING to do with your actual type.
HOW and WHY you do what you do can point to your type. Not the behavior itself.
So slapping a label onto someone who’s like that and calling them an ESTJ is lazy vibe typing at the very best.
So what should you do in that situation? I don’t know. (Yeah, real helpful, I know).
But calling them an ESTJ and shitting on them isn’t going to help you *or* them.
People get stressed out, lash out, and snap. It’s part of being human.
But if they’re a narcissist, and you want advice on how to deal with narcissists, you’ll have to look somewhere else.
Why are ESTJs so bossy?
It depends on how you define ‘bossy.’
Like I mentioned earlier, every neutral trait an ESTJ may have immediately gets put in the worst possible light, and it’s stupid. (Yeah, I’m a little worked up and frustrated at this).
Sure, narcissistic, know-it-all ESTJs exist, but guess what?
ANY TYPE can be narcissistic, arrogant, and a know-it-all who refuses to consider alternative options.
Here’s a possible answer though: Te users tend to sound FAR more set in stone than we actually are.
Therefore, we can *sound* bossy even though we don't mean to.
Chances are, we’re open to feedback and we WILL change our minds if you give us a good reason.
Tertiary Ne *does* make us more open to sudden changes than our IJ counterparts. 🙃
Hell, we’ll gladly put you in charge if we think you know what you’re doing.
(Which is honestly not that hard. I’ve changed my mind about a lot of things, and I like using my Te to SUPPORT people and systems, not necessarily lead).
Why are ESTJs so insensitive and disrespectful?
We’re not. Or at least we don’t mean to be.
Again, it depends on what you consider insensitive, disrespectful, mean, etc.
Cuz here’s the thing: Most ESTJs don’t see themselves that way because they think they’re just saying it as it is.
Unless they had a traumatic past, struggle with low self-esteem, or something that made them soften their Te (which is pretty common) – they’re probably just being direct.
But I can promise you this: A HEALTHY ESTJ WILL change when you give them feedback.
Unhealthy ones may get stuck up, but being stubborn, arrogant, or defiant against feedback are NOT signs you or the person you can’t stand is an ESTJ.
ESTJs have inferior Fi, which can make them incredibly empathetic if they’ve experienced what you did.
People don’t often realize it, but inferior Fi (assuming we haven’t suppressed it) influences us WAY more than most people realize. (And it’s not surprising, since we never talk about it lol).
An ESTJ with decently developed Fi, or someone who was raised to be empathetic, sympathetic, nice, etc. will NOT look like the description. (That’s a good thing, by the way).
I suspect that many conflict-avoidant or even people-pleasing ESTJs get mistyped as other types because of this, including me.
I mistyped as every type except ESTP and INFJ before finding my type because I couldn’t relate to the description at all.
But this article, along with other minor things, changed my mind on possibly being a high Te user: https://practicaltyping.com/2021/12/06/6-te-stereotypes/ 
Why do ESTJs think they know everything, make you feel stupid, and crap?
I’ll admit that Te can sound a lot more certain and set in stone than it actually is, so this has a little credit to it.
But, in a nutshell, condescending behavior is NOT a sign that someone is an ESTJ.
This know-it-all, condescending, narcissistic image that everyone has of us makes me roll my eyes and it gets tiring.
We’ll probably barrage you with questions if what you’re saying doesn’t match up with what we think or know is true.
But guess what? Every type can do this. It’s called thinking for yourself, which is a good thing.
I’ll admit we can sound arrogant to certain types, and it can feel like we’re insisting we’re right, but we’re just trying to see if you know what you’re talking about.
After all – Te *is* about competence and authority.
TLDR: Any type can do this. It’s not an ESTJ thing.
Why are ESTJs so angry, have a hot temper, and get mad so easily?
I can’t speak for every ESTJ, but I usually get this way when someone gets in my way. If I want something, I (usually) go get it.
So when someone or something thwarts me, it pisses me off.
And if you’re being honest with yourself, you could probably relate to that to *some* extent.
In other words: Having a short temper is NOT an ESTJ thing.
It depends on WHY you or the person you hate has a short temper.
But honestly?
When I am thwarted, my pissed off-ness comes off as frustration most of the time, not necessarily fire-breathing rage. (And even if it did, there ain’t nothin’ wrong with that :P)
Why do ESTJs never change their mind?
Another wonderful stereotype. *rolls eyes*
We can get stubborn about getting something done a certain way because people don’t do it up to a standard. This is generally a GOOD thing.
Standards exist for a reason. Standards create consistency, AND THIS IS A GOOD THING.
Especially in fields where safety is critical, like construction, engineering, or any field that involves maintaining consistency.
We can also get stubborn about our opinions and think we’re right… but so can any type.
I find it funny how ESTJs get shat on for not changing our minds while other types (like INFPs) get praised for having a backbone.
The hypocrisy is stupid at best and makes me wanna roll my eyes at people who think of ESTJs as the devil and INFPs as these wonderful angelic creatures who we torment for fun at work.
On a serious note, healthy ESTJs are open to possibilities and change because of tertiary Ne.
We got a playful contemplative side that can make us mistype as NFPs or any other type.
If you don’t see that side in us, it’s probably because we’re not in the mood, you don’t know us well enough, or cuz we don’t like you.
And ESTJs will absolutely change their mind if they find your reasoning is better, or your process is more efficient.
Funny how people say we’re stubborn and refuse to change our minds while accusing us of being mindless sheep who follow the crowd… *insert gigantic eye roll and facepalm*
Bonus question: Why do people hate ESTJs so much?
Because it’s the internet, and the internet loves pity parties and shitting on a type together.
Stereotyping ESTJs into these angry, narcissistic, arrogant know-it-alls is much easier (and meme-able) than understanding Te, Si, and all that jazz.
And if I’m being honest, I used to care. And if I’m being *really* honest, I still do care.
That’s why I’m writing this stupid article so I can hope that at least *one* person can change their minds about us, or at least consider it.
Anyway, that’ll be all for this article. I know it was super repetitive, but I wanted to be thorough and make a point.
(Point is: Stop bullying ESTJs).
Now, if you have any questions or comments, comment down below or shoot me a dm here on Tumblr!
I’m mostly running this blog for fun to throw my thoughts out, so I won't be super active. I'll throw out more articles and blogs in the future if I'm feelin' it :P
Referenced Articles You Should Check Out:
If you wanna learn more about Extraverted Thinking, read this: https://practicaltyping.com/2021/12/06/6-te-stereotypes/
Why Te users can be nice in the right context: https://practicaltyping.com/2020/12/07/the-dual-nature-of-te/ 
Video featuring Your Chill ISFJ onJoyce Meng’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8V5NYzCPjh0&t=347s 
Si from Practical Typing: https://practicaltyping.com/2022/10/20/exploring-introverted-sensing-si/ 
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thelonesomequeen · 4 months
That IG is disgusting and I’m not surprised PR’s follow it and think it’s funny. I hope it gets reported.
It really does show that they are no better than the very person they claim they are not obsessed with.
I hope these 2 ladies never got to see how they have been used by a hate account for fun.
The sad part is I literally just posted THIS in a response to an ask yesterday. You don’t even have to scroll very far down the blog to see it :
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But I agree with you. The post is disgusting. And above all else it’s a sad attempt at bullying. Not only towards us specifically, but towards the ladies in the photos with Chris. I truly hope they don’t come across those posts where they’re being body shamed. And all for what? Meeting a celebrity and because people in this fandom don’t like us specifically? Congratulations on shaming other people over their appearance like this is some middle school drama. I hope you’re really proud of yourselves and your levels of immaturity.
For as many people out there in this fandom that want to drag Chris, Alba, her friends, us, and other blogs, they need to genuinely stop and take a hard look at their actions. Maybe log off for a few days and do some reflecting. Because they’ve been going far beyond anything anyone else has done. And it just gets cheered for and applauded because this fandom is now full of people with a herd mentality that can’t think or speak for themselves. They have to be told what to celebrate or what to outrage over. This fandom is now full of people who absolutely refuse to stand up for others when bulking is taking place, when lines have been crossed, and when things go way too far and long as that blog or person is feeding them the lies they want to hear. It’s sad to see that it’s sunk this low. And all of because what? A few people out there who refuse to accept the reality that Chris got married? It’s sad and pathetic. Do better. 🦎
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whyismangososour · 1 year
I’m gonna just let out this one last rant real quick before I just block JKR from my tags forever and hopefully never have to speak about this again. Because I’ve been holding in these feelings ever since I made this blog last year and it’s all just coming out in a fit of reblog rage after destroying my mental health for so long. Plus I know I’m just speaking into the void. I just- I need to get these feelings out.
Harry Potter was both the first fandom I was ever in and the first time I fell in love with storytelling. It’s also one of those special pieces of art that kept me alive when I was in the thick of my depression, being bullied relentlessly, and didn’t realize I was queer (with both my sexuality and gender). While I don’t want to spend money on Joanne anymore, she’s not going to fucking stop me from engaging with this story. I have my hand me down copies of the books my parents gave me when I was seven. I have my old merch I got as a gift when I was 12. I have my daydreams and my fanart and A Very Potter Musical and Wizard Rock. I’m not going to buy her dumb wizard game or watch her stupid HBO show. But I’m not going to let Joanne take away this thing I love without a fight. Without Harry Potter, I wouldn’t even be here alive, let alone on Tumblr. And I know I’m not the only one.
To bully people relentlessly for holding onto and reclaiming whatever parts of this story they can that, often, was there for them when no one else was, not only is lacking any nuance and critical thinking, but also is incredibly cruel and is clearly a projection onto others. Plus it’s so clearly driving a complete wedge between people, both in the LGBTQ+ community and those who are just allies. I know I’ve never felt more isolated than I have since Joanne started her tirade and brought on people’s clumsy boycotts.
And listen, I get it. I get it if you’re one of the victims of this systemic abuse Joanne’s caused and you just want to lash out. You want to do anything to stop her. So, you immediately block and shut down anyone who so much as mentions their Hogwarts house in their bio. Because, to you, supporting this story is supporting bigotry which is supporting these hate crimes and legislation. I get it. You don’t have to engage with people who still enjoy Harry Potter. But the depressing fact is that yelling at them to overcorrect and boycott everything that Joanne has touched, not only doesn’t get rid of the problem, but it actively makes it worse. When you are telling people to stop engaging at all with Harry Potter, you are basically telling them that what Joanne is doing is their fault. It’s basically a guilt trip and it’s only going to drive them away from the right advocacy or force them into it unwillingly (and if you’re forcing someone into advocacy then that isn’t real advocacy).
And the thing is, Joanne knows this. That’s why she claims so adamantly that people who enjoy her work are supporting her. She knows it’s driving a wedge between us and therefore distracting us from the actual, visceral harm she is contributing towards. She actively encourages it because it’s taking some of the blame away from her for a change. Meanwhile, there are god knows how many trans people actively dying everyday and fighting over a slightly outdated children’s book series from the 2000s isn’t going to change that.
It doesn’t mean you have to enjoy it or engage with it at all. Really, that’s up to personal choice. But what it does mean is that each of us has the responsibility to be there for each other no matter what. And it also means we have the responsibility to stay as educated as much as possible. This doesn’t mean erasing the books from our cultural history (another thing that makes it worse). Nor does it mean obsessively doom scrolling about every hate crime committed against the queer community. No, it means befriending different people, talking to those with different experiences, donating money when you can, reading up on trans and queer history, and goddamn it, maybe it even means writing queer Harry Potter fanfiction. Just as long as you don’t forget who the real enemy is because it’s not each other. It’s the people in power that Joanne forgot she clumsily advocated against in her dumb books. The type of person she has now turned into. Don’t you ever forget it.
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insaniquariumfish · 9 months
Damn you are fucking obsessed lmao. Maybe you wouldn't be so miserable if you weren't thinking abt trans people all the time. Get a hobby
You're the one who can't stop yourself from scrolling through the posts of someone you despise, and something tells me I'm not the only person whom you've hate scrolled for and that this is probably a habit for you. I don't go onto trans people's blogs and read their posts and try to troll them, because doing that would be actually obsessive.
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written1nthest4rs · 1 year
Just reblogged the only 4 posts I ever made regarding the situation with em1grate and m1llionaires. I didn't know their new blogs until about 8 hours ago. I legit thought they were gone and leaving me alone but it seems that isn't the case. For the last day or so they've been accusing me of stalking them, and talking shit about them when I haven't. You can scroll back on my blog. I have nothing to hide. It's the #the puppeteer // mun tag if you didn't know. And I've been informed that ever since that incident they've been watching my blog, vaguing about me every single day, and even sent screenshots. Now, keep in mind. I originally found out m1llionaires had me blocked bc they were interacting with a mutual. I was curious who they were so I clicked their name. Found I was blocked. I went ok and carried on with my life.
Flash forward a week later, I find out that m1llionaires was h0rrorwood, who got all butthurt cuz I said not to follow me if you don't like my faceclaims. And I never told her bf to block her. I wanted him to say something to her cuz she vagued about me right after I made my post about the fcs issue.
I was gonna leave it there but it kept going (you can scroll my posts from earlier today. They're every single screenshot I had about it.) So I blocked him too and moved on. Now I'll admit I was a bit petty. I posted lyrics to Slaughterhouse, and Massacre The New American Dream, as well as reblogged several pics of palaye supporting LGBT, including trans people. But I eventually stopped and moved on with my life.
Flash forward to a few days ago, and the whole thing with nevermoreunihq starts up. Now, I'm not racist or ableist. I'm gonna say this rn before anybody jumps to conclusions. I do not wish to change my characters or rp characters who do not share the struggles I do, out of respect for the people who do. I don't feel confident enough that I'll get it right and I don't wish to offend anybody. This stranger things blog, inactive from August, chimes in only reading half the post, calls me racist and ableist. Not willing to listen. (These screenshots are also below.) I go into their dms and try to clear the air like an adult. They still are unwilling to listen so I blocked them. Then saw they got an ask from an anon and wouldn't you know. It was the same people with the FC drama. My post about nevermoreunihq, and my response to their post was deleted from here but it still exists on that stranger things blog brokenmvses. Go ahead take a look. As well as the Anon.
After that happened I decide to take a break. It wasn't good for my mental health. I was already dealing with a lot at the time of this happening. Then I get a DM from m1llionaires. (Screenshot is also below from the last day)
I shrug it off, screenshotted it and blocked them. Then I find out just who m1llionaires is. And oh boy. I find out from my sources that m1llionaires had been accusing me of stalking them for the past week, despite me not knowing their URLS until earlier today, and I checked both blogs to see what I could see what had been said. Now at this point, I'd made the new blog and sent dms out to a bunch of people with the new url so we could continue to interact. I found out that someone had ratted out my new blog to my stalkers. They sent me Anon hate but I didn't respond to it. I merely blocked it, hid the blog completely, and changed the URL.
Now here's what's going through my head. One person must've said something or was actively looking for my new blog. If it was the latter, you got too much time on your hands and you're clearly obsessed. If it was the former, somebody ratted me out. Now I told one person I didn't fully trust. And get this, they're mutuals with m1llionaires. So of course my first thought was "seriously? After I defended you after you attempted suicide? I did nothing to you." So I block them on both blogs. Then I got screenshots of a portion of a callout from em1grate.
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The only thing that's true here is that I told people not to follow me if they didn't like my fcs. I wasn't sent the full callout bc it's apparently very long and I can't view the account cuz it's password protected.
And at this point I'd had my pinned post up for a WHILE. Then I get sent this.
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I was never attacking you. I was proving a point. You're just trying to incite hate towards me by playing the victim. IDC if the original post wasn't about me. You vagued about me after I blocked you and told people not to follow me if they don't like my fcs. It's in my rules now because it has to be said now that if you don't like somebody don't follow them.
You need a life. I got better things to worry about in my own life than to worry what goes on in yours. I never actively sought you out. I didn't post about you at all until today. I never looked for you. And now you've brought this on yourself.
Now, as a conclusion. These two are stalkers. They've been stalking my blog since they made their new ones and have been vaguing about me nonstop since when I nearly forgot about them. Consider this a callout, will you? This is how you do a true callout. I am sick of being pushed around by you when I did nothing to you. I'm sick of being bullied. If you see this post, report m1llionaires and em1grate.
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