#stop talking to me about character ages I only ship adults
ohposhers · 8 months
On Google it says smidge is 4-
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Bashes your head in with several rocks
Go watch the cartoons man she’s an adult
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rubberduckyrye · 5 months
Okay in all seriousness. There's something that I REALLY want to talk about as an open discussion with the fandom, but. This is not going to be a very nice thing to hear/talk about.
It's about how Gonta is treated by the fandom.
As a fan of all the V3 characters now, and as someone who has always been a fan of Gonta, and as someone who has many mental disabilities and two diagnosed neurodivergancies... I'm tired of playing nice about it.
You all need to stop being ableist towards Gonta.
I've mentioned in the past that I don't like shitting on personal interpretations. I don't like saying something is or is not canon because narration is just a big web of text that you try to decipher with your own personal biases, experiences, and thoughts. That's why two literary analysts analyzing the same text with the same literary criticism rules can come to wildly different conclusions--why people develop different headcanons from the same canonical information.
But one of the things that challenged my integrity is just how many people view Gonta as this innocent, naive, ignorant, baby boy who can do no harm/never has a complicated/dirty/violent/sexual thought in his life ever.
This incredibly ableist interpretation of the character bothered me for, well, obvious reasons (See: It's fucking ableist, need I say more?) but I never challenged it as harshly as I am now because to be frank, it's not my place to tell people how to HC a character. It still isn't. But I've pretty much given up on my integrity on the subject and have decided to go all in on discussing why this interpretation of Gonta is just. Really bad.
First of all, not to promote my own analyses here or anything, but I think this analysis I did of Gonta explains a LOT in regards to the ableism the cast gives him in canon. I also think that this subtle ableism is why the fandom is so bad with Gonta's characterization in headcanons and fanfic--because they've seen how the cast treats him, and they think it's normal. They don't see the microaggressions, they don't see the subtle ableism in the cast--they just see this big giant idiot who speaks like Tarzan in the English version (which... I don't actually know why people assume Tarzan (Thinking of Disney's version) is stupid. Like as a boy he had to reinvent the spear with no one to guide him on how to do it. He was able to strategize and outsmart "civilized" men in the final showdown. Still I digress) and don't see the literal genius behind his social awkwardness.
There is also another very important point I'm going to make in addition to this, and it's going to be very uncomfortable to Gonta fans who insist he's nothing but a sweet baby who only has pure thoughts. Especially to the fans who insist he "can't be sexual" or think it's weird to ship him with his peers.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but... Gonta blatantly has sexual desire and gets horny right in canon.
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This is further clarified here:
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It wasn't a matter of Gonta didn't want to touch her because touching someone in their underwear was inappropriate, or being flustered because she was in her underwear which is inappropriate...
It was literally a "weird feeling" that made him unable to approach her or touch her. A "weird feeling" that Miu makes pretty obvious as to what it was--sexual arousal.
He literally was sexually attracted to and felt sexual arousal from looking at Miu in her underwear. He had sexual feelings and thoughts about Miu. Why?
Because Gonta is a young man.
Gonta is a brilliant, talented young man who has normal human thoughts for someone his age--sexual desires, upsetting thoughts, complicated thoughts, ectect. He is not a child, he is not mentally stunted (I've been informed that people have literally said this on Ao3 for the NSFW Gonta fics, please for the love of god stop that)
I think the reason why Gonta fans typically want to keep him as a "pure baby child who can do no wrong" is because treating him like the young adult that he is makes it harder for them to justify Chapter 4. Every time I've seen a Gonta fan that hates Kokichi, it's always followed by the sentiment of "Kokichi manipulated and abused Gonta into killing Miu, so it's all Kokichi's fault." They're afraid of nuance and liking a character with the grey morality of genuinely thinking Mercy Killing the cast is a viable option, because it challenges their own morals about the character they adore.
To those people who read this and are upset: You can and should like Gonta! Gonta is a magnificent character who showcases the subtle way microaggressions can manifest and hurt people, he's a good-hearted person and a literal genius, he cares deeply for his friends and loves everyone with upmost sincerity.
You need to re-evaluate your stance on Gonta if you think he's a stupid, naive fool who Kokichi manipulated. You need to re-evaluate why you think those thoughts, why you think Gonta being shipped with anyone is "Kinda weird" or "has weird consent problems" or "give you the ick." You have to challenge yourself and ask yourself uncomfortable questions in regards to why you treat Gonta like a child when canon has proven otherwise, why you think he cannot have violent or sexual thoughts, why he can't think mercy killing his class is the only way to save them.
This isn't an attack on you--but understand that these specific takes on Gonta? They are ableist in nature. They belittle and dismiss him, they treat him like a child, an idiot who can't think for himself--and you have to come to terms with the fact that Gonta is a far more complex character with complicated thoughts and feelings who is a young adult. Not a child. A young adult.
So again, ask yourself this: Why are you treating this young adult like he's a toddler?
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lokativa · 1 year
People calling Hobie×Miles (punkflower) shippers proshippers as if we didn't ship them for longer than the movie even came out will always be crazy to me.
I've seen lots of people sending threats, or reporting people because they made punkflower, goldenflower (pavxhobie), ghostbyte (gwenxmargo), flowerbyte (margoxmiles), etc, arts or videos. Going to assume that it isn't because most of these ships are POCs ships, there's just literally no point to do that.
First of all, there's no confirmation of hobie's age. If ur basing urself of that one interview, then it was of the CONCEPT of hobie, and even so remember it was only one person who said it. Its heavily implied thats he's a teenager throughout the movie. (Also in the art book, its said that he's slightly older than Miles).
For the thing about him going to the pub and all, minors can and will go in pubs, (not saying that its always legal) are yall living under a rock or just dense on purpose? Teenagers do wtv the fuck they want, even when theyre not allowed to. Youre all going to tell me teenagers respect the rules of not drinking and go to clubs becuz theyre underage? Come off it. Also hobie literally merked his president and u think he'd draw the line at drinking alcohol as a minor? HA.
Aside from that, to be fair to everyone, the directors keeps on changing what they're saying about hobies age, one day they'll say and imply he's a minor and the next second say he's an adult. It's like they all have different idea of this character's age. So, nothing is really comfimed, and his age is really up to interpretation.
Now that we're past THAT point, the other kind of people talking about his age are people saying "oh but he looks old" "that man is most definitely 30yo" "there's no way he's underage" things of the sort, u get it. And I'm just over here like??? Why is it impossible for you to think that this guy could be a teen? Is it the air? The wrinkles? What makes it seem like for you that there's no way he could be around the other teens' age? And 30??? Cmon. People often assume black people are older than they look, which is a universal experience for all of us. Did none of u ever see a blk teen who doesnt have a baby face? Because thats literally what hobie looks like to me. To others we can seem too "mature" for our age, or just look too "old" to be the age we say we are, so is it really impossible for him to be a teenager? Think about it.
(Speaking of him being black, this discourse turned into some kind of racist thing that honestly was not unexpected at all. Yall come over here shitting on people talking and educating u about a character they relate to cuz hes like them, and the representation is making them go bonkers. I don't know why yall can just sit ur arses and listen for a bit, its not that difficult tbh. And dont get me started on the mischaracterisation of his character. Marking him as "an angry black man"? Really? Be. Fucking. Original.)
Same goes with Margo?? Yeah in the comics she's in college, but cmon now u guys know damn well she's a teenager in atsv😭. Gwen is also much older in the comics but i never see anyone talk about it, so what does that mean???The only reasons I can see that you all don't want Miles & margo to be together is because you're all stuck on the milesxgwen ship. News everyone, other ships exist, not everyone is going to like the same ships as you, so either move on or stop being on the Internet.
Also, the thing about pav being 13 is bonkers, where'd u even get that from? I need to know asap. "Oh, but he has a gf!" Yeah? Well he has two hands. (Idk why u all act as if that has ever stopped anyone)
Everything just seem like a race thing to me tbh.
The movies might be inspired from the comics, but not everything is going to be 100% the same. For exemple: gwen is 2 yrs older than Miles in the comics, but in movies she's only 15 months older, Jess Drew is white in the comics and black in the movie, Miguel O'hara is white passing in the comics, compared to his version in atsv where he has brown skin, lyla's disign is also different.
You get it? Things are going to differ as much as things are going to be the same, because (get ready!!) this is the multiverse! Just as earth-616 is just one universe in all the marvel comics, atsv is another universe.
All in all, im not saying u can't view them as adults, or wtv u want, thats ur interpretation, but don't go around being pissy at people around u cuz they have different point of views.
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dorkynerd23 · 1 year
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Okay. So, this has mostly been going on over on the toxic dumpster fire shithole that's known as Twitter, (including TikTok as well from what I've heard and seen from others pointing it out) but I think this DEFINITELY needs to be said here as well. Although, the fandom isn't as horrible here as it is on Twitter, but you get the idea. Anyways, this situation has gotten even more horrible and awful and the way the fanbase has gotten is just saddening to me and this needs to be discussed and talked about because it's gotten too far and it's just an upsetting situation.
But to any of you out there that harassed and attacked the VA's over on Twitter when it comes to the shipping and if you harassed Michael for saying he's in support and doesn't mind Nuzi, you guys are disgusting and just straight up awful. You guys just suck and you really need to stay off the internet if you're going to the point of harassing people, please get some help and just fucking stop. Please don't attack or harass any of the Voice Actors, Liam or any of the crew who work at Glitch Productions, these are REAL people with actual feelings and boundaries and they don't have the time for this bullshit, none of them deserve to be dragged into these toxic shipping wars and arguments some of you fans keep on getting yourselves into, they have lives and things to do and they don't deserve to be mistreated and harassed like this or at all. The people who are doing this aren't real fans and they don't care about the show or the talented people behind it, they don't care about the passion, love, effort and all the things to appreciate and love about MD as a whole.
These "so-called fans" don't care about the actual show, they just care about the characters ages and the shipping aspects and wonder which characters will get together and who'll be a couple, they just care about shipping. That's all they care about and that's just so damn disheartening and very unfair, Dude. :( As I've mentioned and said before, there's SO MUCH MORE to appreciate and love about Murder Drones, MD as a show has more to offer and things to love about it. There's clearly so much love and passion that goes into the show and Liam has a very fun and unique way of storytelling when it comes to Murder Drones!
SHIPPING ISN'T EVERYTHING, PEOPLE!! STOP MAKING IT A BIG OF A DEAL, BECAUSE IT'S NOT! It doesn't matter whether you're a fan or don't care about Envy, Nuzi, or any of the ship pairings in the show, whether you're a fan or not, it is NEVER OKAY to bully and harass anybody. It's especially NOT okay and doesn't give any of you the right to harass anybody that's working on the show, that is disgusting and unacceptable behavior and any of you who have/do this is disgusting and you should know better, especially when some of you are grown adults doing this mess, please set a better example and just stop. Any of you who are doing this JUST STOP IT, PLEASE. These are real actual people and they have actual feelings and lives and they don't have the time for this, they're just actors on the show and they have nothing to do with this and don't have time for it either. Everything planned out for the show and the ones who know what's gonna happen and can say what is/isn't canon are Liam Vickers himself and Glitch.
I've said this before and I'll say it again because it seriously needs to be said, honestly. Shipping shouldn't even be something you go into for a show, you should watch and go into a show for more than just that, that shouldn't be the only thing to look forward to, there's more to shows than just ships, it's just childish and straight up unfair if you're only watching shows for the romance and wondering who'll get with who in the end, and not appreciating the other great things and aspects about the shows you watch. Shows like Murder Drones have so much more to them, so much more to offer, be loved, adored, enjoyed and appreciated for! 💙
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
Think: Does This Relationship Need To Be Family Dynamic??
Okay so people more articulate than me have made posts about how imediately family-coding and aging down characters and saying "this is the child and this is the DAD" is infantilization, and it's really fucking blatant when you do it to women, and it's really fucking glaring when you do it to disabled women. MCYT has the idea that family dynamic The Superior Dynamic and couldn't possibly be objectionable, but like, it is often straight up disrespectful. We are talking about adults. They are adults. Stop assigning them baby.
I have bitten the bullet and gone GUYS I AM BEGGING YOU and mentioned that Daddy Kink is a thing that is popular out in the world and that immediately fixating on one character as a Daddy and one as a Little is actually the opposite of trying to come up with a non-shipping option. Like I am not judging here if that's what floats yoru boat, but at some point you are putting kink posts in the main tag, even if it's not overtly sexual, and some of these posts I am only calling deniably non-sexual because you HAVE to know what you're doing.
But even aside from all of these things, someone brought something up in GC today that I think is worth mentioning. QSMP is an international server drawing from a lot of different cultures, and a focus on a nuclear family dynamic, with everyone being father-son or brother-sister to each other, is a really Western concept of what relationships are important. Kinship ties beyond the nuclear family are an important thing in a lot of cultures, and extended family is a thing (cousins, anyone?), and community ties are a thing (it takes a village?), and people choosing to be part of a sect or group is a thing (they have the ordem right there!), and esprit de corps is a thing (you try and tell me codebreakers don't have a warriors bond) and insisting that everyone is in a strict nuclear family is just an incredibly 1950s america way to view things. It's a narrowing of the possibilities in the relationships. I think we can do better than enforcing our cultural views on what relationshps are at the top of the hiarchy just like, across the board.
So like, okay, maybe you don't want to ship characters. That's awesome. That's fine. Shipping is not mandatory. Instead of always saying "they're brother-sister" because you want to celebrate their relationship, maybe consider sometimes letting them just be epic friends, or close connections where you're the Tia of his children but there's no blood there, or a qpr knot where you have important bonds with people but no formal romantic ties, or take one of the relationship types mentioned above.
Like, I have my woes with family dynamic especially because of the first two points and because I find it tends to strip characters down to archetypes which I'm not into, but also I'm very aware that it can be done in such a way that it respects everyone involved and is great. I am not arguing that family dynamic is inherently problematic. But there are some significant pitfalls with using it, and I'm really asking you to consider the implications of what you're messaging before you start sticking people in a family format.
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cushfuddled · 5 months
I wish I didn't hate Ed and Stede but here we are I guess
I didn't have time to put a section about this in my review (since it would add another ten minutes onto a fifty minute video hhhhh) but I just gotta take a second and vent about how much I dislike Stede and Ed in season two.
When I watched season two for the first time, I assumed I didn't ship Gentlebeard anymore because I'd...I dunno...gotten bored of the ship or whatever. But when I went back to rewatch season one, I was immediately sucked back into the Ed/Stede jet engine. I loved them through the finale, up until around the middle of season two...at which point I became totally disinterested again.
Even going back through season one clips for this review...the chemistry is soooo strong for me. The only time I got that feeling from season two was like, from the mermaid scene and the finger-stacking scene.
And I honestly think my disinterest stems from the fact that I can't stand Ed and Stede as characters anymore. They're dicks in season one, but ANNOYING dicks in season two, and I guess I just...don't ship characters who make me want to tear my hair out.
In season two, Ed behaves like a petulant five year old with a gun. It's so "say sorry to your friend right now!" "I don't wanna! :(" followed by a stint in the time out chair and a mumbled non-apology. For all of season two, Ed behaves like a spoiled brat, and I really can't stand it.
My friend pointed out that Ed is in a position where he needs to reparent himself. His emotional development likely stopped around the time he killed his dad (when he was still a kid). No one modeled healthy behavior and emotional regulation for Ed past the age of...maybe fifteen? So of course he's gonna behave like a kid. It's gonna be a long road for Ed to learn these regulating strategies as an adult, and I guess...hhhhhh.
None of Ed's trauma excuses Ed from torturing and traumatizing his crew. It feels shitty to find a deeply traumatized character's behavior "annoying," but...I mean. I say this as someone who's experienced suicide ideation myself: Ed isn't real, and I'm not Ed's friend, and so I don't really feel obligated to extend patience and understanding to a fictional construct when that construct spends 90% of his screen time behaving like a stuck up, self-obsessed, capricious, whiny, murderous asshole.
Add season-two-Stede to the mix and CHRIST...Stede—like Ed—was always a dick, but the way he encouraged Lucius to divulge his trauma only to react with cartoonish disgust, cower like a cornered animal, and then flee while begging Lucius to be quiet...
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Then Stede decides to veto the crew's decision to ban Ed—their abuser—from the ship ("talk it through as a crew" my ass)...? Oh, and gotta love how Stede-"I've been the cause of death. It changes you"-Bonnet sets a guy on fucking fire and laughs, then kills a bunch of English soldiers with nary a backward glance. Okay. Would've loved some kind of exploration re: that major heel turn, but fine. And then Ed and Stede stand over Izzy's grave—the (mutilated) body of their dear friend and crewmate—and their combined eulogy amounts to "He was tense. Very tense." "Yeah, he was a fucking nightmare. What a guy." How endearing. Season two turned these two bastards (affectionate) into bastards (derogatory) for me and I'm still salty about it. God DAMMIT.
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k1tt3n-t1t · 5 months
This is gonna be a rant about the age discourse regarding Hobie Brown from Across The Spiderverse. I did research for this so please read before arguing with me😭
(Sorry if it seems unorganized or it’s worded weirdly, this is just how I tried putting my thoughts down)
Imma start this off with saying that the oversexualization of characters is a serious problem. It’s a problem with Hobie, whether he is a minor or not. It’s also a problem with Miguel but I haven’t seen many people talk about that(I’m not saying that no one is talking about it, I just haven't seen it personally). No matter what age a character is, they shouldn’t be oversexualized. Now onto the thing I wanted to talk about. The first part is just facts without my opinion and then the 2nd part is my opinion.
So Hobie was confirmed(?) to be a teenager and people are saying that that means that he is a minor. People online are equating "being a teenager" with "being a minor,” which isn’t correct. Teens are between the ages of 13-19. People are forgetting that ages 18 and 19 are also teens, but not minors. Him being confirmed to be a teenager does not confirm him to be a minor.
“In the movie Hobie and Gwen are hinted to have something romantic, so he must be a minor.” Gwen is 16-17, being in a romance with someone who is 18 is entirely possible. Does not prove he is a minor.
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(This is also based off Miles age cause he’s 15 and she’s a bit older than him)
"Hobie has been to pubs(bars) so he must be an adult.”
You can be any age and get into a bar in the UK, and you only have to be 16 to drink(an adult has to buy the alcohol). Does not prove that he is an adult.
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None of these arguments help in figuring out his age. People argue that "you shouldn't be shipping a character that might be an adult with a minor" but you also shouldn't be sexualizing a character that might be a minor. Proving that Hobie is a minor wouldn't stop people from sexualizing him. Proving that he is an adult wouldn't stop people from shipping Punkflower/Punkchai/ Ghostpunk.
Now for my opinion:
I headcanon him  to be 18. He’s still a teenager, but older than the others. Because he’s hinted to have something(?) with Gwen I don't think he’s 19, but it was mentioned(either in an interview or in the art book, I can’t remember) that he was a bit older than the other spiders. 18 makes the most sense to me cause of that. I honestly don’t think you should be shipping or sexualizing characters without confirmed ages, but you can’t really stop people so I don’t try to.
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autumnmobile12 · 1 month
When people say, 'You can't ship that! Those characters have never met!'
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Those characters have never met.
I found a tiktok the other day where a bunch of people in the comments were going on about how stupid it was that people were shipping X with Y because those characters never met in canon or only shared one interaction in canon and how '...the fandom is unfortunately like that.'
So here's the thing:
My sister and I used to play a game where we would come up with ships based on names pulled from a hat and judging what random pairings came out of it. Didn't matter the fandom, didn't matter the characters. (Except age gaps that were too wide for comfort and underage-adult ships.) The crazier the better, and we came up with some pretty weird but wholesome ones. My sister also has an entire fic of one-shots featuring Soul Eater rare-pairs that are so rare, they are unicorns in that fandom.
Crossover ships (platonic or romantic or otherwise) are my jam.
One of my favorite ships is a crossover ship. Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!!) and Adult!Mai Taniyama (Ghost Hunt) sure as hell have never met, I’m pretty certain I’m the only one here, but I didn't let that stop me.
I've shipped Seras (Hellsing) and Lenore (Castlevania Netflix). No particular reason, I just like it.
The cast of D. Gray Man is so diverse and insane that you can put any two characters together and you'll get either an interesting ship, an interesting conversation, or at the very least, a very entertaining argument.
The My Hero Academia fandom likes to write fanfiction where Mirko and Hawks are besties. Those characters never talk in canon. They share maybe one or two scenes together and they don't directly interact. It's just vibes.
And 'just vibes' is pretty much the entire essence behind some ships.
The Castlevania Netflix fandom loves Trephacard so much that I once saw a post here on Tumblr where someone admitted they legitimately forgot it wasn't a canon ship. Alucard and Trevor interact quite a bit, sure, but the point still stands. It's fanon, people love it, deal with it.
The Harry Potter Drapple ship was a thing. (Or maybe it's still a thing, I don't know, I'm not in the Harry Potter fandom.) So don't tell me I can't ship X with Y because they've never met in canon when there is a literal person x inanimate object ship floating around the internet.
I. Don't. Care that X and Y never met. Maybe they have some niche thing in common was worth exploring. Maybe they have similar personalities. Maybe they're total opposites and that was the appeal. Maybe I just woke up and felt like it. The whole point of fanfiction is that does not have to be canon-compliant. Did you expect a word for word document of the source material?
X and Y have certainly never met. But what if they did? Is that not what fanfiction is for?
We're here to have fun, express ourselves, and maybe work through personal issues we got going on in private.
Personally, after coming from some smaller fandoms that primarily work with only one or two ships and nobody mixes it up, I like the variety of a multi-ship fandom. Or no ships at all. It’s nice to also avoid the drama when you don't feel like reading the shipping material.
At the end of the day, don't go shaming/harassing people for shipping what they like, whether it's a mainstream ship or a rare-pair that's so rare it's got an audience of one. If it's a ship you don't like or find problematic, just don't read it. Go find something you do like. (Trust me, there's a part of the Black Butler fandom I stay far away from.)
Let people like what they like, let people be weird, let people build their ships from scratch if they want.
Tag everything properly.
Have fun.
Or Reepicheep will pay you a visit.
And to anyone who says, 'You can't ship that, those characters have never met.'
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yuyuconfessions · 1 year
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"I've noticed that younger fans seem to have trouble connecting the dots that a lot of adults on this website were kids younger or close to the age of Yusuke when this series was originally airing back in the 90s in Japan and the 2000s in the west.
Although these fictional characters' stories ended for them at 18 it doesn't mean that Yusuke and the gang stop being important, interesting, or compelling to us. It also doesn't mean that we have to stop loving these fictional characters and their stories after we turn 19.
If you as a minor 14-17 or someone aged 18 - 25 thay feels comfortable shipping these characters, viewing art of them, and reading fic about them ESPECIALLY NSFW art/fic; but your skin crawls that people older than you are creating that content, then you need to sit down with yourself and ask yourself if fandoms that are literally older than your existence are places that you are ready to be socializing in.
Fandoms that are older than your existence will have fans that are MUCH older than you and they are making content and having interactive conversations.
Yu Yu Hakusho is not an Adult Only fandom but it is a fandom that is Mostly Adults.
I fell in love with this show when I was a pre teen. I'm in my mid 30s. The show's target audience is teenagers. But here is the thing: it's target audience was teenagers back in the 90s and 2000s and that's still most of its audience today because Togashi told a fun and resonant story that tends to stick with its audience.
If you can't handle shipping content or adult conversations (conversations about mature topics and themes not necessarily 18+/NSFW but these are definitely present also) about Yu Yu Hakusho then you should try to avoid adult spaces when searching for discussion or content and stick to spaces specifically for minors.
A space specifically for minors would have a ban against all 18+/NSFW content that is strictly enforced. It would not have an 18+/NSFW section at all.
Tumblr and most of the discord servers for YYH that I've seen are adult spaces. Because there is an expectation that while minors are allowed on the websites they must be over a certain age with parental permission because adult conversations happen here where minors could see them.
All of this to say: Unplug from the adult spaces if you feel uncomfortable with adult themes and content or 18+/NSFW content.
Talk to friends irl about Yu Yu Hakusho or find a minor focused space online to talk about it. Come back to the adult spaces in a few years.
This applies to the 18 - 25 crowd also. If you can't handle seeing someone ship these characters or if someone ships them in a way that you don't agree with and it's so upsetting to you that it's causing you a great deal of anger or distress then you need to consider if you really want to be in the Greater Online Yu Yu Hakusho Fandom at this particular point in your life. Or if maybe you want to filter tags on tumblr and drop sites that you can't filter to make your fandom experience more smooth.
If Yu Yu Hakusho has lasted 30 years then it'll last another 3 or 5 years while you get adjusted and engage with Yu Yu Hakusho in minor focused or safely filtered fandom spaces. Trust me. Yu Yu Hakusho will be somewhere on the greater internet when you're older and you've gotten better at self regulating your intake of content online and your response to seeing content online that you don't like.
Yusuke, Kazuma, Kurama, Hiei, Keiko, Botan, Shizuru, Yukina, Genkai and the rest will be here when you get back. That's the great thing about resonant media. It sticks around because people connect to it.
You can love them as long as you want to. They'll always be there. They're not going anywhere."
This mod would just like to add
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No one shipping Yusuke x Keiko is sexualizing or exploiting minors; yes, even if the person shipping is 35 years old. These are cartoons, fictional, 2d drawings. If you want to play cute with "but they're 14!" No. Yusuke was created in 1992. He is 31.
If any of the above makes you, a minor, uncomfortable, then get out of adult spaces. Back in myyy day (que groans), any show I liked and looked at online had adult content, like Inuyasha or Naruto, even Teen Titans. I'd be 12 and see suddenly complete porn of Raven, and as a teen, I'd just exit out of it. Now, kids see things online, things they shouldn't see because the internet is NOT safe for kids without parental oversight, and their response is to... yell at the people making the content... for other adults.
If you wouldn't walk into Spencers and yell at the employees there for the vibrators, don't yell at adults drawing porn of Yukina and Hiei fucking. Exit out, or ask your mommy and daddy to put restrictions on what sites you can access. The internet is NOT your babysitter.
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Kataang is a ship that dared to be different. Not sure why people think Kataang is a sexist ship when Katara and Aang both protect and support each other and neither is the damsel and the hero in the relationship.
And yet people think ZK is better than the average M/F ship when the reason why ZK is so damn popular is because of annoying overdone hetero-normalic tropes. To the point where people think Zuko taking a hit for Katara is romantic coded (and apparently me and my peers are """delusional""" for not seeing it as romantic coded) and that ZK fanfics are such romantic fantasies of Zuko saving Katara and Katara being such a meek little girlfriend for the badass chad fanon!Zuko. (As if the ZK fanbase is aware that Zuko and Katara are both pure yang energy and they have to make Katara meek to make the ZK ship work.)
I mean yes I am annoyed Z/tara is as popular as it is but Kataang is canon and ZK is dipping in popularity and it feels like the bulk of the ZK fanbase is just annoying ass middle aged women who get pissy at a kids show for not being the adult show they want...
Just food for thought...Especially considering ZK shippers act immature trying to 1-up people by saying their ship is popular (I mean, are they unaware Zukka topped Z/tara?) And again, popular doesn't automatically mean good...Especially since Z/tara is only popular because it hits all those hetero-normalic beats that people adore so much.
Guys, come on, let's be serious here. I LOVE kataang, with all my heart, BUT best friends to lovers is as cliche as enemies to lovers, main guy dates main girl is as cliche as hero falls in love with the villain who changes side. To quote my best friend @dragomer "A knife is cliche. It's still what you use to cut shit with."
The problem with Zutara fans is not the they prefer the more "traditional" romance, or that it's cliche, or that it's smutty, or that they sometimes make it a toxic dynamic, or that it's not a "progressive" ship. The problem is they feel entitled to push their preference as the only correct one - it's the same issue that made the fandom for Zukka, an actual non hetero ship, so hated by everyone else. No one likes the people that think only they are allowed to have fun with fanon. No one likes the people that expects them to disregard canon for the sake of their prefered fanon.
And speaking as a bisexual woman: we gotta stop with this nonsense of labeling straight ships "non-hetero normalic" for basic shit (and the reverse of it, the "hetero-normalic gay ship" that is literally just the age old homophobic question of "But which one of you is the woman?" with woke language attached to it). It doesn't matter if Kataang is "heteronormative" or not, because:
1 - All that matters in fiction is if something is WELL WRITTEN AND ENTERTAINING, not if it's progressive or more on the traditional side, if it's cliche or "subverting expectations".
2 - What media you find entertaining has nothing to do with your politic views and real-life sexual preferences. Liking one of H.P. Lovecraft's stories doesn't make you a racist, disliking Freddie Mercury doesn't mean you're homophobic (though it does mean you have shit taste in music), liking the most traditional straight romance ever doesn't mean you're straight yourself.
3 - In the case of Avatar in particular, lets be fucking real: no way two straight writers back in 2005, while working on a kids show in a network that had a long history of banning episodes of shows that tried to hint or full on talk about homosexuality, were thinking "How do we make this straight ship less 'hetero-normalic'?" They were just writting whatever felt right for the characters and story - that's why Avatar, while flawed and a product of it's time, aged WAY better than many shows of the time that had "be progressive" as the goal, it avoided forced narrative choices that were only made to beat the audience over the head with the moral lesson of the day.
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fandomsoda · 9 months
I have just learned that someone very important in the Xvials community has been forced to stop posting about the ship due to the harassment they are receiving.
Needless to say, I am absolutely livid about this, not only for losing someone important in a small community of mine, but absolutely disgusted that people would harass someone over a ship that DOESN’T HAVE ANYTHING FUCKING WRONG WITH IT.
Harassment is already wrong obviously I shouldn’t have to say that, but it’s ten times worse when the reason behind it isn’t even fucking valid. Even if it were, harassment doesn’t work and only causes people to either double down or become emotionally unstable and puts them in danger. Harassment is never the answer in these times.
So here’s everyone’s (un)friendly reminder that Xvials is not problematic, Xvials is not pro/ship, a lot of people just have very weird views of how the multiverse works and haven’t refreshed themselves on X-Tale in a while and let their hatred of XGaster get out of hand. It’s totally fine not to like it, but don’t lie about it.
I’m gonna quickfire debunk the primary claims I’ve been seeing surrounding Xvials, btw for those out of the know, Xvials is XGaster x Ink, sometimes romantic but usually queerplatonic or some other abstract case. Let’s get started-
argument #1: “Ink’s adoptive dads are Gasters, so him being with a Gaster is pseudo-incest!”
Alright this alone to me is just ridiculous because like, actually think about that for a second, this is implying that every single Gaster in the whole multiverse is somehow related to Ink and that he can’t have unique relationships with them and I hope that everyone can recognize that the concept alone is absurd.
argument #2: “It’s abusive! They’re just using each other! XGaster actually hates Ink!”
Did we watch the same show? Because I don’t think we did, since in X-Tale their bond is repeatedly displayed and in Underverse it’s reinforced, with tons of extra things Jakei has posted emphasizing their bond. May I remind everyone of “come back”, this teaser Jakei showed depicting XGaster being actively afraid of losing Ink? Keep in mind how Ink is shown in a bright, important light here? He’s clearly afraid of losing him, they’re genuine friends, it’s not just for his own motives, and XGaster never treats Ink poorly, other than leaving him in the dark about things that I doubt he’s intentionally hiding from him, simply not thinking Ink would need/want to know. Like I said: totally fine if it’s not your thing or you don’t like it, but don’t fucking lie.
argument #3: “They’re both aroace!”
True, however that makes it even more likely for them to have a unique bond and understanding of each other than with others, definitely not romantic but as I said before, Xvials isn’t primarily romantic and all romantic depictions are fully recognized as fanon, if they appear at all. Also when I talk about them having a special and unique bond, that’s addressed in a canon comic, remember this from back in June? A lot of the time, the two being aroace is actually a very important component of Xvials portrayals. Especially in my case, since the way I think of them is very much hazy and queerplatonic, like all my ships with Ink.
argument #4 (this is going to sound satirical but I’m not even kidding, I saw someone say this): “It’s pseudo-pedophilic because Ink is very short and acts younger while XGaster is tall and acts mature!”
I… am at a loss for words. Take a look at that, think about what you just said, and go touch grass. Obviously, Ink and XGaster are both full grown adults with somewhat ethereal ages, no one here is a child, and labeling Ink as child-like comes off as very ableist for a number of reasons. Ink can definitely be childish, any character can, but that doesn’t make them “child coded”.
ok, that was a lot, but I just needed to get that off my chest, I… yeah. I think y’all get it. Good day.
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dorkynerd23 · 1 year
I found this over on Twitter, apparently Michael Kovach (The Voice Of N)(Murder Drones) was on stream the other day recently and said that Uzi is clearly NOT A MINOR and Is an adult.
Honestly, The fact that the voice actors have to be dragged into these shipping wars and arguments from some fans in this fandom just annoys and frustrates me honestly. Can some of you antis and toxic shippers just stop fighting and doing this, the VA's shouldn't have to be dragged into these shipping wars some of you bring yourselves in, honestly some of these fans just make the fandom look worse and toxic..I know that's all fandoms and none are perfect and MD isn't the worst fandom I've seen and been in (it's mostly toxic over on Twitter, though) but my goodness, some of these toxic fans, especially the envy shippers (not saying all are bad and Nuzi shippers can be toxic too, I'm just talking about the majority of them) are just insane and take shipping wayyy too far!! Also, I've stated this before and I wanna say it here as well, shipping isn't everything and it's especially not worth getting into arguments, bullying + harassing people for, shipping isn't that important and people should stop making it a big deal. Now, there's no harm in it (just as long as it isn't problematic and such) as I participate in shipping myself! But, sometimes it goes way too far and gets extreme to the point it makes a fandom look horrible and toxic as hell and makes most fans look bad even though that's not the case, but all fandoms have bad apples sadly.
Let me clarify and say that, neither Envy or Nuzi are canon and and none of us are sure which one the show will be leaning towards and who'll be together at the end. Sure, the show is 100% leaning towards Nuzi as of now in canon, but anything can go afterall and we'll all just have to wait and see what happens. Also, we all have to remember, this is Liam's show, not ours and it's his choice for what he decides and wants to do with the characters and who should end up with who. These are HIS characters and his story and he can do whatever he wants, we can't change the canon and in the end only Liam can choose what he wants to do and what he thinks works for the story of MD.
So again, please stop saying that Nuzi is problematic and p*oship because IT'S NOT. There's nothing troubling and uncomfortable about the pairing, it's harmless just like all the other pairings for the show. Hell, N literally said that Uzi, him and V WERE KIDS!! They're around the same age!
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Some of you toxic shippers really need to stop doing this, stop turning stuff around + saying certain headcanons to fit your favorite ship and putting others down to fullfill your egos. It's fine to not like a ship, but if you're going to the point of attacking and harassing other fans because they don't like your favorite pairing, then that's an issue and is totally uncalled for. Just let people like what they want and if you don't like any ship in the show and just don't like shipping in general then just scroll away and just don't interact with those people, simple as that!
And one more thing I've gotta add real quick, I know it's not everyone, but the amount of shipping wars and fighting I've seen go on in the MD community from fans is just saddening and ridiculous, and it just seems that some of these fans are only coming for the show for the shipping and romance of the show, even though that's not even part of the series, MD isn't even about romance. It seems that some of these fans don't actually care about the show and what's going on, they just care about the shipping aspects and that's just unfair to me. Murder Drones have so much more to offer, so much more to give, there's so much more to appreciate and focus on in the show than just ships.
Shipping shouldn't even be something you go into for a show, you should watch and go into a show for more than just that, that shouldn't be the only thing to look forward to. Shows like Murder Drones have so much more to them and so much more to offer and be loved, enjoyed and appreciated for! ♥️
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nvrcmplt · 28 days
SHIPPING INFO. answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
Being mostly OC based, to be faaaaaaaaaaaair - It's not something fixed in place but I can say with my whole ass that my ships with @intcritus and @avaere are most likely OTPs. Due to the length of time of knowing these two and just how deep our claws go into each other it's almost hard not to think about my muses that I ship with them / without them being mentioned, Muse-wise for sure. Like a part of my muses is made with them in mind, or they've made their corresponding muse unbelievably integral to my muses life and creation as a whole so it's like, yin and yang honestly. A few others are on that road too; eg; @asinusxdomi and @bonesofchaos
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Everything to be fair, ain't no limitations when we're consenting adults, imo. Obviously nothing agreed on will happen and nothing plotted out for darker themes will be just like forced on people cause that's just shitty but also I know what I'm getting into when I go for those types of ship wants.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
I personally don't feel comfortable in reading about muses having any thoughts about children muses in that way and that's a hard no for me personally. I couldn't write it even to test the waters like I have with a few dark topics, ( dub con / non con etc ) It's just up there with those kinda of topics that I can't personally say 'yeah I'm comfortable with writing this for an experiment', not for me, so yeah long story short, no.
It's just common sense to not ship adults with children muses / characters, it's a big no thank you.
The youngest I could possibly ok in terms of just passing, is the 18-19 with someone in their 20 - 23 space - tops but even so, it still makes me wrinkle my nose a bit.
I think anything younger isn't something I'm looking for to read or write. Younger writers of that age can do what they want but like I'm 31, 32 next year, I ain't got that young-mind leeway anymore mentality and I cringe at the idea of making younger muses like below 25 to ship.
Are you selective when shipping?
Nah - I try to be to limit my needs to just swarm the dash with my shit but I ain't got much of a tick list or wall to climb over when it comes to wanting to ship w/ me. Like I make tags in a blink if I see us interacting a lot outside of just one or two asks a month thing. Like if I feel the vibe of actual interest towards my muses, then yeah I'm gunna return that interest if I get that spark and want to explore that dynamic ship in whatever way we're going.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
I will send you a BJ ask if you ask for it. So, whenever and whereever. I don't use readmores, so if someone finds sucking fingers too sexual, it'll just be there in the open. If we're going mating press on a Tuesday morning, so be it.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
/points at my mutuals./ These bitches suffer with me.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
Talk to me? Lol, not hard. Forceship if you want, I'm game if we've got something going.
How often do you like to ship?
All day every day - you can't stop me and my mind.
Are you multiship?
Yes yes, I can singleship but that's only for 11+ year friends on here.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
Yeah, I ain't gunna lie. I just love having ships and tags and a continuous plot going with folks and sometimes you gotta bag the muse to keep it going. Even if it doesn't end up a lovey-dovey or we plot a break up, I'm all for it.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
Me and my mutual muses. I am the favourite ship, thank you.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Love me and my muses with all your heart and send them your muses first born, ofc. But mostly just communicate with me, I ain't gunna be able to guess through jokes / vague tags or the occasional meme, like full on talk to me, spam my inbox with proper interaction between muses, if you don't feel the same is being returned, talk to me in DMs or Discord. I can't read minds.
tagged by : @avaere tagging: All of y'all.
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weirdestcornelius · 3 months
I hate how CC is presented to be a happier AU of SCH when the kids aren't very happy. One example nobody talks about is Marco, he's obviously stressed about having to deal with his giant family everyday. A child being parentified at a young age can be very traumatizing, especially with so many siblings you have to take care of. I've been parentified by my parents and that resulted in very bad anxiety, depression, and family stress. I know Marco isn't the only one struggling in the family, but his situation is the least talked about. But maybe I'm so fixated on his situation because I relate to him so much ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- 🦝
I agree with you so much. The CC family is so royally fucked up it's insane.
Marco's trauma is completely ignored even though it's been stated that he feels like his childhood was robbed from him. I can relate to him on so many levels and it makes me angry when it's swept under the rug; especially because that's the exact thing that usually happens to these issues in real life. People tend to say "it's not REAL trauma, you don't have a right to be angry at your parents for needing help". Marco feels like he can't be mad at his parents. I want to see an arc where he just stops fucking caring and goes off on his parents for what they did to him. It would be refreshing to see a character be angry without it being a gateway into another ship.
I feel like Ally is also an example of how bad the main four are as parents; kit gets angry at and yells at her siblings, has temper tantrums, and NOBODY does ANYTHING about it. Anger issues are fine, but honestly Ally is a grownup in the comic and I thought kit was a teen with the way kit acts. It's been stated that Ally has autism but honestly? That's still not an excuse to act like that. It would make sense if she was younger, but kit is GROWN. So obviously the parents haven't tried to do anything to try and correct this behavior if Ally is a grown adult and still gets set off at small comments from her siblings who are still KIDS.
The same goes for Eve. Eve constantly makes fun of Sly for literally everything. Eve makes fun of fen to the point that squeak reminds me of bullies I've had before, which is why I literally can't STAND her as a character. I know people may attack me for this saying "But Eve is Kc's self insert!!!! You can't say you hate squeak!!!" but I really don't care. I don't HAVE to like a character that is constantly bullying the one character I can instantly see myself in. The most fucked up part of this is that the main four don't CARE. They tell Eve not to be so mean, but they do literally nothing about it in the long run.
I've been emotionally abused by people before and I can tell you that this is what it looks like, especially in large families. We're supposed to see the main four and think "Awww, they're parents now! That's so sweet!" which would be the case if they actually took care of their own kids. Emotional abuse and neglect runs absolutely rampant in the CC household but we're supposed to see it as the "comfort au". This isn't comforting.
At this point I really only read CC to see Marco, Sly, Cream and Levi. I'm also hoping we'll eventually find out what happened to Cuddles cause if I'm being honest the whole cover-up is one of the only things interesting to me in CC.
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diamondcitydarlin · 5 months
man the replies on that last post I reblogged are just evidence pieces of how the term 'p*dophilia' has just become a dogwhistle/buzzword some people like to use on anyone either 1) not also joining into/endorsing their violent hivemind cult of bullying people on the internet 2) anyone telling them to stop. I don't think they realize this is a play right out of the conservative playbook (that has often been used against queer people no less): call anyone disagreeing with your fascist policies a predator or p*do to immediately shut down them and their arguments.
Literally, that post said: "Stop bullying people for fictional situations they may create or enjoy"
Like...what?? That post said nothing about specific fictional situations with minors!! Why are y'all always jumping to that conclusion?? Does that not seem a bit WEIRDER to you, that you're ALWAYS thinking about that?? That you're ALWAYS assuming this is what people are talking about??? I don't wanna say 'PROJECTION' so I won't, but honestly it makes them look all the more suspicious to me if I'm honest, esp as someone who was a victim of that as a child. Just saying.
It gets even more hilarious/weird when you've seen these people in action in fandom and know by 'p*dophilia' they usually mean either a) a fictional age gap relationship with two consenting adults or b) a ship that involves two adult characters, one of whom they ship with someone else and want to invalidate the pairing or sometimes c) a character that is an adult that they've hc'd as 'minor coded' whatever the fuck that means, so now everyone has to share that view and behave accordingly.
But idk man, it's just so fucking weird when people on here say, 'Leave people alone to enjoy their own fictional situations' and then these kinda people immediately jump to assuming they're talking about fictional p*dophilic situations, which I'd say 99.9% of the time is not even what they're talking about. They're PROBABLY talking about the thousands of other ships and situations that are not remotely the p-word but have been characterized as such to invalidate the pairing bc of ship wars or whatever.
It's just weird. It's so fucking weird and annoying, and at the end of the day it's only a justification for harassing and bullying and gatekeeping people out of places and it has been used time and time again by hateful people (again: queer used to be considered synonymous with the p-word when homophobia was even more rampant than it is today, and even TODAY gay people are still being accused of it just for existing)
Like i dOnT whO nEEds 2 HeAr ThiS but bullying people on the internet for fandom stuff is not going to save the children of the world from being preyed upon. If that is really one's goal, to HELP children, there are so many things offline in the real goddamn world that one can involved with to help. But sure, you just keep going on bullying, harassing and doxxing and watering down an important distinction on the internet. I'm sure that's gonna save so many children.
Fucking ridiculous.
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chatterbox-73 · 2 years
A New Years Kiss 2023.
Day 1 - Happy New Year, Dear. (Repost)
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Sohma Hatsuharu x Fem!reader.
This story is a smut story for the New Year, I’ll be writing more characters x reader one shots for the New Year and if you want to see a character please let me know...
I’m aware others may have different New Years celebrations and traditions, however I typically stay home with my niece and nephews… partly because I like looking after them, but mostly because I don’t drink or like going out into big/over crowded places… so I just sit and watched the New Years specials on TV and our suburb’s firework display.
You must be 18 years or older to read this...
A/N: Sohma Hatsuharu is aged up, this one shot it set after the curse is broken… p.s I ship Rin and Hatsuharu so much.
Summary: You and Hatsuharu celebrate the new year’s with a hot bath and a steamy exchange.
Word count: 1.1k
CW: NSFW and adult content, bath/bathroom sex, unprotected sex, established relationship, against the wall, slight fingering, implied aftercare and slightly angst (just reader being kinda jealous and insecure).
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“It’s a lot colder then usual” you smiled as you leaned further into Hatsuharu warm body, he hummed and tightened his grip on you, “I can’t believe the year of the tiger is soon to be over…” you looked up at him and cupped his face, “you should give Momiji a call to wish him a happy new year, after all its going to be the year of the rabbit… and besides that he was kind enough to call last New Year’s Eve to wish us a happy new year” you smiled and brushed a thumb over his lips. “I guess you’re right” Hatsuharu kissed the tip of your thumb before lifting you off his lap, however just as he was about to stand, he stopped and instead leaned into you and rested his face against your chest, “it’s too cold without you” he whispered as he snuggled his face between your breasts, you chuckled and ran your hands through his hair. “Don’t leave me, okay” Hatsuharu sighed, you hummed and kissed the top of his head, “Haru, you know Momiji isn’t the only person you have to call… she’s also excepting a call and I promised her, you would” you sighed sadly as you referred to Hatsuharu’s Ex, Sohma Isuzu.
Hatsuharu pulled back and gave to a tight lip smile, “you’re too nice for your own good” he held your face, “if me talking to Rin bothers you that much, stop setting up phone calls” Hatsuharu hummed and you shook your head, “look, I might be possessive and easily jealous, but I’m also extremely prideful and won’t let others know how much their actions affect me.” Your hands rested on his chest, before you leant in and kissed him, you looked at him with a soft smile. “I’m going to run a bath, join me when you’re done on the phone” you stood and held out your hands to Haru, he took them and stood as well, “okay, I’ll be quick” he walked past you to grab his phone.
You set the water temperature before sitting on the wooden stool next to the overly large tub, after scrubbing off your body and rinsing off any soap, you stepped into the tub and felt the hot water slightly sting your skin, this was because you had made the water hotter then usual, Hatsuharu was going to take a little time before coming to bathe and you still wanted it to be hot for him when he got there. You sat in the water with your legs pressed to your chest as you hug them and rested your head on your knees, your chin and lips were submerged and you anxiously sat there blowing bubbles just like a young child would as you waited for your boyfriend to join you.
“How cute… the water looks nice” Hatsuharu smiled while he stripped himself of all his clothes and jewellery, placing his clothes in a basket and his jewellery in a little tray on top of the towel cupboard. Hatsuharu walked over to the stool and started scrubbing himself, before rinsing all the soap off, while doing all this you watched his every movement intensely, “do you enjoy admiring my body that much, you’d stare so intently?” Haru questions with a smile as he stepped into the hot water and hummed, “it’s still hot” he smiled as he sat across from you and leaned back on the tub with his arms resting on the edge. Hatsuharu smiled at you and you could only blush and turn around facing the other way, you heard Haru chuckle and felt the water ripple as his hands rested on his shoulders, “why are you acting so shy?” He hummed and pressed his face against your ear, “let’s kiss… I want you to be with me” Haru whispered in your ear, you looked back at the white and black haired man. Hatsuharu had a slight smirk on his face as he leant in and lightly kissed your lips, before he sat back into his original spot, you turned your whole body towards him and leant into him before rested your hands on his chest as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You giggled as he pinched your hips and you lifted your butt, before wiggling it, “teasing me, huh?” Hatsuharu hummed before lightly smacked a hand down onto your ass and rubbed over the spot he smacked. Hatsuharu brought his hand down to your aching cunt, your moan echoed against the bathroom walls as his rough finger rubbed soft circles onto your clit, before he trailed his finger up to your wet entrance, Haru slipped his finger into you and immediately found your g-spot before he began to gently rub it with his finger tip. You moan louder and gripped Hatsuharu’s shoulders as you pushed yourself back onto his finger, “let me give you more” he sighed before pulling his finger out you and before you got the chance to whine, Haru pulled you onto his stiffness. You both threw your heads back and moaned as Hatsuharu slowly bounced you on his member, “Haru more… I want it all” you moan loud and dug your nails into his shoulders, he groaned as he stood and lifted you up, before pressing your back against the cold bathroom wall.
Hatsuharu thrusted into you and grunted as you scratched down his back, while you squeezed around him as you began to lose yourself in the pleasure and edged closer to your climax. Hatsuharu’s hands gripped tightly on your ass and rested his head in the crook of your neck as his hips faulted, before you both came with a loud moan.
Hatsuharu stilled himself inside you before he sat back down into the bath water and you rested your cheek on his shoulder, “Haru… hold me close and never let me go…” you hummed as you gripped onto his chest and kissed his neck. Hatsuharu wrapped his arm around you tightly and cupped your cheek before kissing you deeply, “I’ll never let you go… so don’t ever push me away…” he whispered against your lips, “I won’t” you whispered back before closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep.
When you wake again, you were lying naked in your bed with Hatsuharu’s arms wrapping you in a warm embrace, you both lies facing the large window in your bedroom, “the fireworks will start soon, just keep watching” Haru hummed and you watched the window, until suddenly the sky fulled with bright colours and light, you laughed and giggled as Haru kissed your neck.
“Happy new year, dear.”
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Day 2: New Year’s Sugar. - Gojo Satoru
New Years Kiss Masterlist (Coming soon)
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