#stories of validia iys
the-writing-avocado · 2 years
Cursed Caves (My main one)
A fantasy story, set in Mistynn in 2318 and follows the journey of nineteen year old Atrix destalve as she battles her own ghosts, political enemies and an uprising threat. When kids begin to go missing at her old summer camp, will she be able to find them before it is too late?
Writing Characters World Building
Tags: #wip: cursed caves or #atrix destalve
Stories of Validia Iys
Set a bit after cursed caves, it deals with the aftermath of the decisions made and a new generation of people, lead by Tamzin (Taz) a plucky, arrogant individual hellbent on hiding and internalizing her unhappiness. She’s human, but has a familiar, which hasn’t happened before, and now she’s important and the only person not hellbent on shoving her on a pedestal is Atrix.
Tags: #short stories of validia iys or #stories of validia iys
Daughter of Death
I’m taking a gamble even adding this, it may be a continuation on from Stories of Validia Iys. What is it about? Well an angel with black wings currently. And death. and I’m not quite sure what else. I’ll get there eventually. 
Tags: #daughter of death
Writing Colours
A compilation of shorts excerpts and poems dedicated to different colours
Sink or Swim
Based on my life. Following the journey of a girl with dreams, the things she faces along the way, and how she overcomes them. 
Poetry (Please admire my master list of poems)
Random Excerpts (Freestyle writing dedicated to nothing in particular)
Not Writing (Some of my personal favourite not writing things that exist on my blog)
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the-writing-avocado · 3 years
"Oh! But I just want to keep him!" she cried, wrapping her arms around him briefly before springing off to Iziel's side and hanging off his arm with great enthusiasm.
"What? No! I- It's, no, just no!" he shook his head.
She chuckled again, springing back over to him and tipping his chin up with her finger. "Aww, you're so human!" she cooed.
"I'm not human!" He stepped back.
"Really? Could've fooled me!" she sighed, walking over with, slow, effortless steps. "Still, I like you, you're so unbelievably honest, it's so refreshing after being stuck serving him!" she jerked her head back over to Iziel who glared darkly at her, not that is seemed to bother her in the slightest. "Won't you at least consider my proposal? I'd love to spend time with you?" she stopped right in front of him.
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the-writing-avocado · 3 years
Comfort content because I need it
Taz trembled, the knife slipping from her hands, landing next to the body with a clatter.
She had never meant to kill them, anyone, for that matter. It had all been so sudden. She didn't know whether to cry, scream, or press the blood knife through her own breast to try and serve as repentance.
Instead she scrubbed her bloody hands onto her jeans, eyes never leaving the body in front of her.
Noise in the corridor, frantic steps, still she couldn't move. The door opened with a crash and Atrix ran through, pausing at the sight of the body. Her face fell when she saw the despondent look on Taz's face and she stepped forward, turning her away from the body and out the room, down the wall, far away.
Getting home was a silent blur, and Taz's stomach began to roll as her mind acted out all the ways she could be in trouble.
But it never came, as soon as they were back and safe Atrix wrapped her arms around her. Rubbing her back as if she was a child, something she would have griped about in another situation.
"It'll be fine, you're safe now, they can't hurt you, you did nothing wrong."
Something in it woke her up. Whether it was the soothing tone they were spoken in, or the warm embrace, or the sheer lack of anger...
Taz began to cry, her full weight falling onto Atrix as everything caught up to her. Even as they sank to the floor, Atrix held her tightly, murmuring over and over that she was safe.
Nothing coherent could make it to her conscience, and she ended up just having her arms wrapped tightly around Atrix, holding onto warmth and sanity.
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the-writing-avocado · 3 years
"I don't understand!" Selene paced frantically, raking her hands through her hair. "I should- this doesn't happen!" She hissed.
Iziel shrugged, swirling his chalice of wine. "The course of love is strange."
"Shut up you old fool, you've never known love-" She spat the word- "The concept is as foreign to you as it is me."
"I've known love, and despair, and hatred." His eyes narrowed. "Love invokes many emotion, but they all share one familiar trait, no matter what, to feel them is agony in the best way. There is no stronger sensation than one drawn from love, no adoration, no grief, no betrayal-"
"Will you stop going on and on. Your a selfish, heinous, coward, and the fact that I can speak the words makes them true!" She sneered.
"It makes what you think true Selene, you truly believe you aren't in love, like you truly believe I am nothing more than a cruel monster-"
"That's because I'm not, and you are!"
Iziel sighed, glancing at the little wine in his chalice, perhaps forgoing the chalice and just stealing the bottle away would have been wiser. "You've grown attached to him them, you've not had anyone for company apart from wolves for the past three centuries, as immortal as you are you are not immune to the basic desire for contact and company, and all your toiling with him meant he's been the only person you've truly bothered to dedicate any time to."
Selene paused then, actually considering the words, and Iziel swallowed the drabs of his wine, playing the grimace off as a bi-product of the taste and not her shocking obliviousness. For someone who had spent the past three hundred years raiding his personal library for knowledge she certainly was inept at understanding basic emotional responses.
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the-writing-avocado · 3 years
Stories of Validia Iys
"Your a coward." Taz declared, face set it a frown.
Atrix's hand stilled on the page, and she slowly placed her pen down. "A coward?" she repeated quietly.
Taz nodded. "Yeah, that's why you won't go out and do something yourself! You're afraid of all the new stuff that's cropping up so you're leaving it to me and Alice and everyone else!"
"Tamzin! What are you doing?" Alice hissed.
Atrix chuckled darkly, shaking her head. "No, Tamzing is perfectly right. "I haven't sacrificed anything to this fight, and I don't intend to." she said quietly. Still she hadn't turned, and the only sign that perhaps Taz's words had hit a sore point was the slight twitch of her hand before she drew it beneath her chin and stared objectively at the wall.
"Why not?" Taz pressed. "Don't you want a free world, isn't that why you bothered to reveal that magicians existed?"
Alice squeezed her eyes shut, and walked silently from the room, murmuring an excuse of going to find Will to ask about enchantments.
"I thought you were cool! But hiding is real admirable, this is just another step along the way-"
"And one I will not take myself." Atrix twisted around at last. The look in her eyes was severe enough to make Tamzin physically recoil. "I'm contractually bound to doing what I think is best if it kills me." Atrix started. "Need I remind you, again, that I have never once forced you to do anything!" She took in a shaky breath. "I have already fought one portion of this battle, I've already lost all my family and have witnessed more friends deaths than I still have living! How dare you accuse me of doing nothing! Yes, I'm afraid! I have every right to be. I- I-" Atrix stopped, her face crippling in agony, a hand smothering her mouth. "Go, just go." Her voice was hoarse. "If you don't want to do this, then fine, I'll take up the fight."
Taz's face had gone grey, and she stumbled back. "I- Jus- But-"
"You don't know anything about war Tamzin, I have lead a revolution and spent the better part of five years trying to avoid war. You have no idea what pain I've been through and for your sake I hope you never do. Forgive me." Atrix stood up and left the room quickly.
Taz stayed frozen for minutes. Never had she seen Atrix so unhinged, never had she actually thought it possible. She clenched and unclenched her fists, gnawing agonisingly on her lip. She needed to ask Will about what had happened.
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the-writing-avocado · 4 years
My plan for the Cursed Caves
So I didn't mean to do this, promise, it was by accident...
But basically Cursed Caves is going to be part of, well, whatever the word is for when you stick multiple series into on big interlinking story. Like history... you have the spanish armarda and that is it's own story but that links with mary queen of scots, which links with regicide, which links to the gunpower plot...
Okay, okay, not quite like that.
But my head likes to come up with ideas. And I like exploring Mistynn. So what could possibly be better than linking these together and exploring Mistynn in great depth by writing loads about it, all in chronology.
DON'T mention prequels, I love them and my brain does not need the extra encouragement to come up with one, especially without me EXPRESS permission.
Nah, it is fine, I hope...
I also want to write a story with closure, not that BAM, main antagonist dies and the story finishes and you don't need to discover the repercussions of that, because there will be repercussions. I want actual closure, not just left to hypothesise the good or bad, I want legitimate closure where it's almost a step by step guide to achieve happiness and accomplishment for the character. For me, it is really really important that you watch the protagonists not only win, but see how they continue on from that.
I need it, to know that there is something after everything that happens, that calm does happen after a storm, and that picking up the pieces is possible. So, without further ado, this is what this currently looks like:
Series One:
So this one is my most developed, it has five books: Cursed Caves, 2,3,4 & 5. Unnamed because nothing has clicked yet.
But this is the beginning, the quest to deciding how to get freedom. This is a lot about revenge and the fight is between two sides of one community. With a massive focus on mental health because yeah, I feel like waking every ignorant person up, it also means a ton of research because I am not someone who is affected by poor mental health or trauma and I want to represent it in a way that is accurate, but can also be understood by people who don't have to fight mental battles everyday.
This book focuses centrally on Atrix destalve, she isn't the fastest or the best, in fact she is pretty second in everything but writing (like she can write and speak to inspire) but she is in a position where she has a lot of power so yeah.
A bit of backstory that is absolutely necessary for everything in this. Centuries before these books start, humans came to Mistynn because Earth was no longer habitable, they brought a lot of sickness, and magicians were almost eradicated. Of the ones that survived the initial onslaught, a large potion wanted them gone, they want revenge, and to get them away, so of course they attack and that doesn’t end well due to dwindling numbers so they humans stay and remaining magicians are force to blend in with human culture and lock away their history and language out of genuine fear of being massacred. 
Just to point it out, humans did not intend to come across as murderous, they were desperate for a safe space to live and came peacefully and only actually attacked in defence after the magicians attacked. 
Also with the arrival of humans and their machines and what not, angels and demons disappeared, which is very bizarre... and also important later. 
So backstory over, this series is about how Atrix is forced by family obligation and her own sense of duty and overwhelming fear of failure to use her political power to combat a new revolution amongst magicians that threatens to wage war on humanity; the reason this is bad? Well war generally is bad, no knows the ‘good old days’ really, and why throw them off when they have delved so far into science that combining it with magic would be revolutionary. 
Short Stories of Validia Iys:
So this is after that happens and a revolution does happen, but it’s a safer one, where they basically say to the humans ‘yo, we exist and you gonna accept us and our traditions and well accept yours and then we step forward in a combination of cultures and it’s gonna be awesome!’ humanities also at a bit of a stalemate so this is important. But despite Atrix’s best efforts it will be really challenging and there is friction on both sides about all this, because as we know humans don’t like change very much, they are naturally afraid of it, and magicians are very much the same
Books (Sort of): Taz and Alice; The werewolf one; there one with the prince; jasper the cat; The one with keiran; the one with validia (and all of them)
Despite the name of the series, pretty sure Taz will end up being the key. Just due to her nature and stuff. However Validia is important. So in this one, they discover a way for humans to do magic, and also that humans can be chosen by creatures to inherit gifts (sort of); however something happens, idk what or how, but werewolves find a sleeping angel, and that brings its own plot twist (potenitally gay if my aroace brain doesn’t chicken out on trying to write main characters that aren’t aroace) but basically a group of people humans and magicians all meet and form a group, Atrix is there to be the ‘responsible adult’ (she is doing her best but she has a civilization to oversee too) and it ends with  a successful, hey we can work together and all be friends, and Atrix semi-adopts these kids and nominates one of them to be the ambassedor between humans and magicians.
Daughter of Death:
Finally, my most messy plan, if you dare call it that, at all, earth is uninhabited and has been for almost three centuries. But two planets.... come ON.Lets go galaxy travelling and have full on confrontations with Fate. The omnipotence behind the mayhem. And some other stuff, I haven’t really decided yet. But it expands from they angel. So they angel is previously thought to be the last one, at least that is what everyone else thinks, but not she isn’t there is a bit more to it than that. 
But angel has a theory that the demons and angels would have left, they could do that, she knows, she is immortal and this is her chance to shine. The group from Stories of Validia Iys go through space, taking old navigation charts to try and find earth. Of course something is going to go wrong, the will also have a highly skilled space pilot with them to help navigate. They be valuable too. HEHEHEHE not even I know why, except for the fact that they are the only one who can fly the plane. 
Books: Metaphysical enigmas and concepts that are badly formed in my head
But as the title suggests, death becomes a real living thing and suddenly the whole science of magic is going to change at some point. They will at some point discover where angels and demons yeeted off to, (Humans are 100 percent a failed experiment coming back to haunt them) something spacey as hell, more confrontations with all powerful enigmas of no shape or form and death is on their side for once then death says bye and goes back to the real of spirits to check on damage control. And then they get to earth and it is horrifying and angel gets really really angry because BOOM, we find out stuff about her we didn’t know before and she abandons them because she cannot handle this damage and is like if humans did this I want nothing to do with them. Then suddenly egnimatic evil is back, and without angel they are useless, a friendly demon tries to halp but isn’t enough, so now they are two down. 
And then the angel comes and helps and gets rid of the evil and the angels and demons come back and are willing to helpe earth again. THe evil is a manifastation of the seven deadly sins ( well six because I don’t really know if I consider lust a sin) but that means I need to do stuff with the horsemen of the apocalypse and seven heavinly virtures which complicates things. But yeah, they have successfully done this and now they can begin to rebuild earth and woooooooo. 
And that is where I am leaving it. I DON’T want to build a civilization and this story could just end up never ending so yeah...
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the-writing-avocado · 4 years
Short stories of Validia Iys
The blood; the sharp fangs and teeth tearing at my skin… I remember it so clearly, even now: Three. Years. Later. What happened then, it was worse than any story I have ever read; any tale I have ever been told; more horrifying than any horror movie ever made. I never imagined - never tried to - that I would be reacquainted with this monster. I hoped - prayed in fact - that it would be that ‘once-off-event-of-sheer-terror’. Apparently not. Perhaps it was coincidence; I highly doubt it though. The folklore of the island tells that if you see it once, it's pure chance, if you see it twice, you're marked for death. I never paid particularly close attention to the locals’ ghost stories. I wish I had though, because this one might ring true. I am trapped, by the walls of a building and by my own rational fear. It keeps my frozen in place, like the old greying statues in graveyards, or the Greek’s permanently white ones. I am more partial to the graveyard, considering I am almost face-to-face with what will amount to my death. The scar running across my back is aching again. It hasn’t done that in a while, but when I first got it, it always spoke to me. ‘Danger lurks around every corner’ It had always said. Now it spoke scornfully, ‘You were careless,’ it said, “now you’re going to die!’ White hot pain lanced along the distorted flesh and against my will I cried out. Not in pain, oh no. It was just hauntingly familiar to the cold claws and teeth of beasts, likeable to the cold, sharp metal of a knife. The creature watched me and its eyes appeared to flicker momentarily, with something unbearably human, unnervingly familiar. Then it was gone! In its place, the burning flames of hell danced victoriously. I knew why, it knew why, do you know why? Oh, it seems I have forgotten to tell you my name-for that I apologize. If it wasn’t for the current circumstances, I would laugh; here I am telling you my life story and you don’t even know my name. It’s Keiran, just Keiran. I live nowhere, and with no one; I used to live with my big sister, but it’s been a long decade since I last saw her. I had parents too once, long ago, eleven years if you want to be precise. They are six feet under. Six feet under because of a car crash. Six feet under because of a car crash that my sister and I fled from.   Forgive me for being so brief, I was seven at the time and everything was a blur. Although, I do recall spending countless nights crying myself to sleep next to her. Then she left. On the year anniversary of our parents' deaths she was gone! Some locals reckon she went mad, others suspect suicied. Me? I have given up trying to figure out what to believe. Those days are long behind me now, I’m more-or-less familiar with the ropes of day-to-day life. I haven’t cried since I last encountered the creature. How could I? It taught me what it meant to really be afraid; what it really meant for your life to flash in front of your eyes. I feel the same now, my body, my mind, everything, feels so numb, yet so alive! It is strangely addicting, like coffee. I debate trying to run past the creature, but that idea is quickly flattened, I wouldn’t make it five meters before meeting certain death - not that I won’t anyways. I press myself against the back wall. I feel far too calm for someone who is about to meet their death. But maybe that is just it. People always say when death comes it is a great comfort. Some sick twisted, euphoria that accompanies acceptance tugs at my lips and they curve into a smile. I open my eyes. The creature stands before me, its eyes never leave me as it stalks closer. A fang-filled smile spreads across its face, far too toothy to really be considered that. I barely feel it pull me into an embrace. But somewhere, in the distant reaches of my mind, I register it; from afar I am certain we look like friends reuniting, but up close its fangs are at my throat! I feel cold. Horribly, horribly cold. Then nothing at all. The constant beat of my heart that has kept me company when nothing and no one else has, finally abandoned me to the throes of death. With it blackness consumes my vision. The last thing to cross my mind before that too is taken from me is the fire in that creature's eyes. Hot, glowing, embers.
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the-writing-avocado · 4 years
Short Stories of Validia Iys
((This is my story, everything in it belongs to me, please don’t use it without my permission))
That was the first conscious thought that drifted across her mind when she woke up. She was very, very cold. The second thing that registered was the darkness. It wasn’t pitch black, but the only light source was a single beam shining down onto the floor from a crack in the ceiling. Well, what she could only assume was the ceiling, it was too dark to tell. For minutes she did nothing but stare at the light from where she lay.
Drip. Drip. Drip. 
She startled at the sound, then sighed, it was only water dripping. She watched as a puddle began to form on the ground; slowly, she became aware of her burning throat. She swallowed, attempted to, it didn’t quite work. 
  Drip. Drip. Drip.
She had to get to the water. Carefully she tried to sit up, no matter what she willed, she couldn’t. She could move her head, fingers, and her toes, that was it. Her chest tightened and she tried to jerk herself up. Once. Twice. Three times. 
She fell and crumpled to the floor. Her wasted muscles burned and she dragged herself around until she managed to prop herself against the cold table she had been lying on. She sat panting, feeling thirstier than ever, and even more hopeless. Her fingers dug into the floor into the ridges carved into the stone and she paused. She peered into the dark trying to identify the grooves. How she wished it wasn’t so dark...
A blinding light shone from her hand, she screamed, choked, and began coughing violently. She scrunched her eyes and pleaded for the light to dim. When she dared to open them again she could see. The prison stole her breath away, it was ice. She was surrounded by massive towering walls of solid, cold, blue ice. Symbols were carved everywhere, the walls, the floor, they went for as far as she could see. 
And she knew them all. How, she did not know, but she recognized every single one of them. She shook her head slowly. This couldn’t be right. There was no way... 
The Symbols alluded to eternal imprisonment. She shouldn’t have been able to wake up! The ice should never have been able to melt! Yet, the shaft in the ceiling and the much more constant stream of water was undoubtable!  She sagged. She couldn’t remember why she was in the prison to begin with, she couldn’t remember anything. Hundreds of questions swam around her head in quick succession, among them: why had she been trapped in ice for eternity,  who had let her out, and, who was she?
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the-writing-avocado · 4 years
Short Stories of Validia Iys
Alice hummed as she ran her fingers up and down her daughter’s back. The action brought back some of her earliest memories from before her parents had died and she had been kidnapped. Every night her mother would run her hands across her back and hum a sweet lullaby to send her to sleep. Whilst she could no longer remember the words, her heart beat to the melody, and as long as her heart kept beating, she would never forget it.
Alice paused, listening to the even breaths of the child lying on her lap, a small smile ghosted round her lips as an indescribable warmth captured her heart. She shifted, lying down and cradling her protectively. Alice shut her eyes, allowing the distant memories of her own mother to dance behind her eyelids and send her to sleep.
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the-writing-avocado · 4 years
Short Stories of Validia Iys
Joseph struggled to sleep that night, the unfamiliarity of the forest and the worries plaguing him prevented him from even drifting off. Even though Elya had done an incredible job healing his shoulder it still ached and he wishes he wasn’t trapped within the embrace of the werewolf that had caused all the harm. Elya insisted that Alexi hadn’t  intentionally hurt him and he tried to accept that, but it wasn’t what scared him the most, he worried for his sister and mother at home, he knew they would be worried sick and he feared even more that if he returned home tomorrow to see them that they would be repulsed by the fact that he was now a werewolf. 
It was even a bit much for him to digest, but next time the moon was full, he would be out in the forest, running wildly, scuffling in the dirt, hunting. He shivered and forced the lump in his throat to disappear. He wouldn’t cry, he didn’t want to, he had cried enough tonight. The mass of fur behind him stiffened and he yelped. Alexi lifted her head and nudged him. Joseph complied timidly and settled down as best he could. She paused for a second and sniffed, he tensed again as she judged him. Then she nodded.
Pack. She seemed to say. You’re part of my pack now.
He didn’t know if he was comforted by that or not. He supposed, if he were to be a werewolf it was better to be part of a pack that all alone. With that thought in mind, he managed to find a bit more peace in the giant wolf next to him, just enough to get him to sleep.
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the-writing-avocado · 4 years
Short Stories of Validia Iys
It began as a small pain in the centre of her chest. Like a pin prink. Taz frowned, rubbing the spot tenderly, tensing as it spread outwards.
Taz coughed suddenly, a foreign metallic taste swirled around on her tongue and something warm and sticky coated her hand. Blood. Taz stared wide eyes, hand shaking somewhat. She tumbled from her bed, stumbling towards the bathroom, doing her utmost to endure the delirium that accompanied her recent blood loss. Her body protested and she collapsed into the frame of the bathroom door, heaving and hacking up a lung. Feebly she crawled the rest of the way to the toilet bloody handprints smearing along the door and floor.
Tamzin vomited, a mixture of bile and blood, the putrid taste burning her throat. Her skin was coated in a shiny layer of sweat and paper white, the little colour she had managed to regain during her sleep once had once again vanished. Lashed damp and cheeks tear tracked. Blood painted her lips red, her hair clung to her neck, strangling. A gasp sounded from the doorway and Taz flinched away, she didn't need Alice to see her like this. Slowly she looked up, dilated, blood shot eyes staring helplessly at Alice before her world grew dark once more.
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the-writing-avocado · 4 years
Short Stories of Validia Iys:
Christmas Dinner with Everyone
Jasper lounged on the floor, watching the overcrowded kitchen, tail flicking back and forth. His eyes cut to Taz by the sink, Alice dabbed a damp cloth along the fresh cuts on her forearm and rubbed some healing salve, sealing them instantly. Taz turned, waving her healed arm in his face and Alice swared her with the cloth. His ear twitched, she deserved those cut for trying to force him fo wear a Christmas hat!
Once again Japser wishedfor Atrix to be there, she would have controlled the chaos, but no, she just had to leave to go have dinner with Will and Zara and leave Taz and Alice in charge! Alice? Sure, she was fine, she was better than fine, she was lovely! But Tamzin, well Jasper could, and would, happily do without her and quite frankly so could everyone but Alice.
Keiran opened the oven, putting mitted hands inside and withdrawing with a perfectly roasted duck. It smelled mouthwateringly delicious and Jasper noted that he wasn't the only predator to appreciate the delectable aroma, Jacob and Alexi had both stopped their converation and were eying the duck with a dangerous gleam. Jasper shifted from his spot and leapt onto the counter besides them, pawing the werewolves gently and dragging their attentions away from the duck and towards the table. It had yet to be set.
Alexi took charge, barking - no pun intended - out orders like the leader she was. Jacob got the knives; Elya lit the candles and got the Christmas Crackers; Taz and Alice rolled out the tablecloth; Selene took care of the plates; Robin had the forks; and Alexi got the napkins. The entrance from the kitchen to the dining room was clogged as everyone bustled around and Jasper was glad he had moved. He slunk over to Iziel and Marco, who, like him, simply observed as everyone else ran back and forth, now taking through plates of food. By no fault of their own though.
Iziel was simply too ill to do much more than just 'be' at the moment and Marco, well, he was a wolf. A snarling, feral, bloodthirsty beast would be the only was anyone could possibly describe Marco's alter ego. He was an absolute angel, Jasper's favourite place to nap, and his favourite company.
The kitchen had quietend down, and Keiran was the only one left, attending to the food. Upon Selene's final rentrance into the kitchen Jasper leapt off the counter and raced Marco to the Dining room. The smug sod purred at his pathetic victory and Marco padded up to him, smiling wolfishly, literally, and landing heavily next to him. Iziel limped across room, hunched over and leaning heavily against Selene, to the chair closest to the door. The small walk from there kitchen had caused him to pale considerably, he looked almost grey when he sat down, but he smiled and joked with Alice and Selene went across from him. The atmosphere remained amiable and a ruckus, victorious roar went up when Keiran came through with the Duck, laying it in the middle of the feast. He came away with titbits, specially for Jasper and Marco, and he placed them on separate plate and brought them over to Jasper.
"Merry Christmas Jasper, Marco! Enjoy the duck or so help you!" He petted the both, laughing. Jasper rolled his eyes and butted Keiran'a hand I thanks. He ate his food quickly. Atrix wasn't here. He wasn't going to be here either whilst food in this quantity was present. If he wasn't human to throw food, he would certainly not be in the room where a food fight was going to inevitably take place.
Taz watched Jasper dart up the stairs. She didn't like him, sure, but he was at least smart enough to know to get out the room. She it's to send a lump of food flying at someone, but refrained whilst everyone ate. Patience was virtue, and people would be more accepting on a full stomach. She smiled, catching Alice's eye. Alice sent her a knowing look and shook her head, nodding subtly at Iziel.
Don't involve him
Taz nodded briefly and broke away, focusing on her food. Watching the chatter ensue, she joined in with Elya and Robin and laughed along as they folded their napkins into increasingly more complex creatures.
Not even ten minutes later a glob of mashed potatoe landed on Jacob. He stopped speaking immediately, glancing around the table. Tamzin. He scowled, of course it was her. He dug a serving spoon into a bowl of peas, eyes never leaving the harbinger of chaos. Slowly he raised to spoon. The smile widened on her face. Jacob pelted it.
The annual food fight, once again, had begun.
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the-writing-avocado · 3 years
20 first lines
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20 stories just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag others!
I was tagged by @zmlorenz
I do not have 20 Wips let alone 20 first lines, but this is contemplatively exciting, and after agonising for ages I'm going to give it a go...
Cursed Caves
Will never planned to get in a fight and Atrix never intended to get involved, alas it has happened. Now, Will was to be acutely aware of everything he would say and do for at least the next five minutes following being kicked out the bar.
Cursed People
Well, either you liked seeing Atrix suffer, or you couldn't get enough of my endearing charm and wit, as it is most likely the former I'm going to have to tell you now... you're in for a treat.
Cursed gift
Fireworks seemed like a good idea at the time, but now, Atrix wasn't so sure.
Cursed twins
Will wasn't quite sure what to think. He couldn't breath, couldn't blink, it was no wonder his brain couldn't form a conscious thought. To think yesterday he would have said he had never been happier, well good things never last do they?
Cursed life
You'll never be anything like your father.
The voices never really disappeared, she had figured out at this point that they were entirely superficial. That, she thought, was the hardest part.
On to the unnamed ones
Taz and Alice - the chosen one, the human one
Mozart on in the background, no fucking homework, oh an magic existed too apparently. A perfect day, well, except for the fact that now Alice owed Tamzin fifty fucking pounds and she was broke!
Selene, Iziel, Marco - the Fae, the ancient magician, the wolf
Selene had been watching him for ages, it was boring in the castle with Iziel still stuck in a coma, why, if Marco hadn't been such a loyal friend, Iziel would most certainly have been dead by now.
Keiran and Robin - the siblings
The first time have been funny almost, the second, Keiran had barley made it out alive, and now? Well, they do say third time's the charm. He just wished he'd had time to write a well-thought out 'Fuck you' to school before his death, at least blood on the wall would be dramatic...
Jacob, Alexi and Eyla - The magician, the werewolf, the ancient magician
"Jacob, I swear if you don't go find your sister right now, I will make you regret being born first!"
"You already do mum! Love you, see you later!" he slammed the door, unable to supress the grin working its way onto his face.
Jasper - the cat
Cat's look at you like they are glaring at you, right? Well that's because ninety percent of the time those cats are just people that have annoyed fate one too many times. Take Jasper here, he's been stuck in the body of a feline for six lives now, three more reincarnations to go before he gets to be human again!
Validia Iys - the one from old
Taz was sick, coughing up black feathers, not even Selene of Eyla had a solution. Well a magically induced coma was an option, but Iziel point black refused to let her go through that.
An assassin’s career is never long. Surprisingly, not because they were caught, and consequently killed.
Well that's it for me I think. This was super fun actually! I tag, with no pressure because this is HUGE, but I really want people to be able to have the opportunity to do this @47crayons @writingamongther0ses @aligned-stars-writing @opes-magnas @wannabeauthorzofija @a-berry-existential-crisis @loopyhoopywrites @dutifullyloudmilkshake @baguettethebooklover and anyone else brave enough to take up the challenge
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the-writing-avocado · 3 years
if you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself (or your book/oc) and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not!
Fact about myself: I can do ten press-ups which I am really proud of 
Fact about my book (Cursed Caves): an antagonist, will at a much later date grow to be a useful ally *cough* in Stories of Validia Iys *Cough* 
Fact about OC (Prudence Reumolveno): Kinda wanna change his name to something more native to where I was born, because names have meanings and he has always in my head kind of looked like nelson Mandela
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the-writing-avocado · 3 years
Stories of Validia Iys
The Ice Cave
Christmas dinner with everyone
Keiran's death
The Poisoning
Something I can't speak much about
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