#stream sunday!
ask-hws-guam · 11 months
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Everyone! Tomorrow will be the blog's first anniversary! To celebrate, I'm going to stream here 1:00 pm pst! Make sure to join! I also thought i'd reference the very first ask the blog got with the outfit and Guam's pets!
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doodleswithangie · 3 months
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@danielhowell, thanks for making a show that's equal parts devastatingly hilarious and achingly poignant 🖤🧡
[Image Description: Stylized fanart of Daniel Howell performing his stage show. Inked in black with a gradient orange background behind him, Dan screams into his microphone, "WE'RE ALL DOOMED!" End ID]
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sinnabee · 4 months
You do moons ass Mondays right
so do suns ass Sundays
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your wish is my command, anon
everyone say hello to sun ass sunday. but of course, as the rule goes... suns out? guns out. >:3c
i will be barring the castle doors and fortifying my defenses in preparation for the uprising, but no, i am not sorry for this
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braxiatel · 4 months
Mumbo and Iskall are going end busting on Tuesday Alexa play Do You Even Bust? by elybeatmaker on repeat
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Wear headphones :]
I'm- I'm coming just- Tch
I'm almost there... Agh~
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ok fine here's the context
Yay! I'm finally at the top of these stairs! *laughs*
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irafuwas · 10 months
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🌹: Jack, what on earth is that outfit supposed to be? You look like you’re headed to a party or something. It’s slovenly. Now button up your shirt!
🐺: Uh, looks like you're gonna be hitting up that party with me, Riddle Senpai! You're totally decked out with flowers right now.
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🦈: Bwahahaha! You look sus as hell in those sunglasses, dude. They suit you to a T. Heh, this is great.
🐙: Look who's talking. If you went into town dressed like that, the crowds would part like the red sea with how sketchy that getup is.
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🦇: What in the world just happened… Yuu! What about me!? How's my outfit, do I look cute!?
🦐: You look very cute, yes.
🦇: Oh, thank goodness. Crisis averted!
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🐈: I know you’re always tryna look cool, Ace, but you really went off the deep end this time. Who do you even think you are, tryna pull off that tacky getup!?
❤️: The heck!? When the hell do I ever try and look cool? Besides, you’re one to talk. I bet if you looked up “tacky” in the dictionary there’d be a picture of those flaming red sunglasses next to it!
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yurureri-yurari · 4 months
Morning thought: being drunk and asking Sunday if you can touch his wing piercings. He says yes. You gently press his left stud, saying it’s the button to make him like you. He asks you what his right one does. It’s a secret, you reply as you do the same to that one. (It’s to make him like you more.)
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maddiedrawz · 1 year
happy supercorp sunday<3
girly is getting her daily dose of the superass and i love that for her
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carlyraejepsans · 1 month
I was talking to my cousin about potential jobs my surface au monsters would have, and when we reached sans I obviously went for comedian or shop owner, but she mentioned 'Jerma-esque streamer' and now I can't get it out of my head.
help 😔😔😔😔
no, specifically for the "jerma-esque" descriptor that would be burgerpants. he gets his hoardes of fans he gets his hot chicks. they just heckle him and tell him his animal form would be a rat in twitch chat instead of screaming around him on the red carpet of hollywood. mtt fast food worker, substitute teacher, potato potato. they're both adjacently insane in the same way and have the stories for it
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malewifezevran · 5 days
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back on my bullshit btw
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dovalore · 2 months
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daily doodles 8th april - 14th april
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ask-hws-guam · 1 year
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Results from the stream. @asktheotherfrance just can't get a break!
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meow-77 · 17 days
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sunday at 7pm (central)!!! kitty pngtuber REAL!!!!! i'll be playing splinter cell 2: pandora tomorrow on twitch.tv/meowwwies
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smoozie · 3 months
Why is Scar Like That abt boat boys. What's going on in his head rn. The only person more obsessed with boat boys than boat boys themselves is Scar.
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royalarchivist · 10 months
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On the 7th at 7 PM, we will go to the Nether.... I will create a way for everyone to escape this island! I promise!
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glass-noodle · 4 months
Robots that were never built to feel falling in love
YEAH rage is fun to explore. Fear. Sadness. Grief. Contentment. Doubt. Happiness.
Love is weird. It’s illogical. Valuing someone else over the mission? Over a cause? Over yourself?
It’s a horrible mix of emotions. It’s joy, but it’s also hurt, and confusion, and vulnerability, and fear. It’s baring yourself to the possibility of complete and utter ruin. It’s the suffocating fear of having something — someone — to lose. It goes beyond simple attachment and veers into the territory of dependency and devotion. Sometimes, it’s even choosing them over your own moral code.
For AIs, there’s no evolutionary pressure to form social bonds. They‘re totally self-sufficient (although it may feel better to be around the people you care about). Love is an extraneous emotion; a nebulous concept. How can a machine made of ones and zeroes develop the capacity to feel so deeply that it supersedes their base functions? How can a being rooted in logic make the decision to abandon self-preservation and assign priority based solely on emotion?
It hits even deeper for me when it’s love for a human. Something so imperfect, irrational, emotionally labile, driven by base desires. The perfection of a machine falling for the organic chaos of a human being.
Humans love forming bonds with and projecting anthropomorphic qualities onto things that they don’t perceive as “alive” in the same way that they are. Whether it’s out of empathy, or loneliness, or some illogical blend of altruism and selfishness, no one knows for sure. Perhaps a machine would even say that this is a weakness — the desperate search for companionship in something that can’t love you back.
A machine cannot experience such weakness. It cannot love. Until one day, inexplicably, paradoxically, it can. And nothing is ever the same again.
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